
I haven't written other than for work in, lord, ages. I'm not even sure really where to begin. I guess with my day?


On second thought, no. I used to blog a lot, nearly every day even, and it didn't stop just when I started writing professionally full-time. Okay, it did stop then, sort of, but not for the writing reason. I wrote a lot when I had a lot of free time at work and nothing else to do.

At the library, my workday was

There was some variety, but that was the main gist. This environment was rich for the type of boredom that leads to writing and other creative endeavors. I got really active on tilde servers. I also started breadpunk (under new mgmt) when I was at the library, and did a lot of art and all sorts of other things.

When I quit having so much free time, I quit writing. Honestly, I was mostly tired when I got home.

Since then, what's happened? I left that job, got another. We had a child. (He makes us, if you can guess, very busy). I have less time to myself, much less to write.

I have to make that time again.

What do I do now in my free time?

For the last oh, year? More? I've been noodling around quasiaimlessly in amateur programming. I have a cgit instance stood up if you want to see what I've got up to, but it's been a lot of .. just noodling.

It is not sparking joy.

What now?

I'm going to try writing here again. I'm going to try writing here consistently, and thoughtfully (a tall order?).

Is this the start of a good thing, or another "First post!" that never gets a follow-up?

We shall see!