
I have finished CLARENCE! soon i will have these pages htmlified as well, with the help of GEORGE, an ssg. Yes, if you haven't guessed this is an IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE reference.

about clarence

CLARENCE is a command-line text filter a la tr or sed or what have you. It can also be run with a file on the command line and an output file specified. You should specify the output format you want -- one of 'gemtext' or 'html'.

later i would like to expand the offering to allow for custom writers. but in good time....


the main challenges in this project were figuring out how to model things. i went back and forth on internal text representation a few times, til i realized using netsted structs is the best idea.

the other one was tonight, figuring out that to reliably have a way to specify an output format on the command line, i'd need to have a register of known output formats... so i implemented that. not so hard really

and then the command-line kinda fell out of it after that. i do wish i could figure out a way to avoid duplicating author/version/license info between the system and the top-level app. i'll have another think on that one.

what's next?

i'm going to work on GEORGE, clarence's companion that takes a folder full of gemtext files and turns it into a folder full of html files. I also should write some of the shell utilities i was thinking of writing...

comments? complaints?

email me <> or hit me up on ~town ;)