Pizza Dough

I get asked for my pizza dough recipe all the time. So much that I have it written down online in multiple locations. Here is another one of them.


| Ingredient   | 1x      | 4x     | 6x      |
| Bread flour  | 300 g   | 1200 g | 1800 g  |
| Yeast        | 2 1/4 t | 3 T    | 4 1/2 T |
| Sugar        | 1 1/2 t | 2 T    | 3 T     |
| Salt         | 3/4 t   | 1 T    | 1 1/2 T |
| Olive oil[1] | 2 T     | 8 T    | 12 T    |
| Water        | 175 mL  | 700 mL | 1050 mL |


Making pizza with the dough

Honestly for this part I do kinda what you see on TV or wherever. Let the dough thaw for a while til it's workable. Plop it on the counter. Pull it into a smallish disc. Pick it up and put it on your knuckles, and gently stretch it into a wider and wider disc. You could throw it in the air, but I've never been able to successfully.

I use parchment paper under the dough so it doesn't stick to the thing I slide it onto the pizza stone with but you could just put the dough in a pan. Put sauce on, cheese, toppings.

Bake at 450 or so (I've done more but not really less) for like, 14 minutes. I am a big believer in experimentation and trusting that you know what a pizza is supposed to look like. Just look at it and smell it and use your brains :)

Then, you know, eat it.


8 T is 1/2 c. 12 T is 3/4 c.

Making a dough ball is one of the more technical bits of pizza dough making. What you want to do is ...

Honestly, seeing it is going to be better than me explaining it. Try this video: Making a dough ball

There are literally dozens of these on YouTube, so go nuts.