fun lil websites

There's a certain joy to stumbling around on the internet, not looking for anything in particular, and seeing some of the wonderfully creative and unique things that people make. I love following link after link and exploring organically. My favorites are the handmade personal websites that actually have personality! Sure, professional portfolios and "personal branding" have their place, but that's not what I'm looking for here. (This page at captures how I feel pretty well, and also links to more cool pages!)

This page is my attempt to contribute to the lovely tangled web of the internet, and specifically the low-res, handmade tilde-style kind of web. I've listed some of my favorite sites that will hopefully spark your own cool exploration of the internet. I want this page to be like a nice letter from a friend: "hey, these are some cool things that I like, and I think you might like them too".

Websites I Like

For more cool internet places to explore, searching for "gemini protocol" and "beaker browser" will get some interesting results!.


Cool ways to explore the web

Useful Websites for Making Websites

aka pages I reference a lot and wanted to share here so they don't just stay hidden in the dark cave of my bookmarks folder forever