____                                                            p==q  ___                           \O                          +=================================+                                         /\   /\                      A,A                                                                                                                                                ||        
       |____|         ------------   ______________________________   ==|  |==| |========================    |\  hello! this is unsafe  | I'd just like to interject for  |       | x |                            //\\_//\\     ____       .- ' @  \,                          ___     ___    \___       =aaaaaaa ~tickletickle aaaaaaaaaa=                                         =============  ||        
        |  |  ===     |  ------  |  |    ____     ____     ____    |  |  ___  _______   |shaymim's|   \     / \                         | a moment. What you refer to as  |       |   |                            \_     _/    /   /      C   _,   ,/,                        (OvO)   (0v0)   (OvO)      $   _____                _____   $  ----------------------------  =========|           |==========  
     ___|  |__| |_____| |   O  | |  |   /    \   /    \   /    \   |  | |\ /| |     |   |maid cafe|    \  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | tildetrain is in fact           |   #============================#        / O O \    /^^^]        ''  /\,'   '-.....---.,         __(|   |)_(|   |)_(|   |)____ $  |  |  |              |  |  |  $ |=  ---   ---    ---   ---  =|   |    ----          ----     |   
    |  |              | |__/V\_| |  |   |  o |   | __ |   | \o |   |  | | x | |     |   |train car|     | +  they said I couldn't     + | GNU/tildetrain, or as I've      |   #     ____                   #        \_ w _/    [   ]           /  |     ~roan~     \,      |   \---/   \---/   \---/    | $  |--+--|              |--+--|  $ |  |   | |   |  |   | |   |  |   |   |    |        |    |    |   
   [[  |                         |  |   | +| |   | oo |   |  I |   |  | |/_\| |    -|                _  | +  make hexagons roll.      + | recently taken to calling it,   |   #    |    |  TILDE RAILWAYS  #         /   \_    [   /          /   \               */ S,    |   -                        | $  |__|__|              |__|__|  $ |  |   | |   |  |   | |   |  |   |    ----          ----     |   
    |  | ------------ |   ~town  |  |   \____/   \____/   \____/   |  |       |     |   o-~-~-~-~-o |x| | +           they were right + | GNU plus tildetrain...          |   #    | hi |                  #         \     \_  /  /       .,~'   / \  |'-.....|  /\   S,   |         `  =    -   ~owls  | $                                $ |   ---   ---    ---   ---   |   |    tilde.town railways    |   
    |__|______________|__________|+=[    __  __         __  __     ]=+===================================++___+++++___+++++___+++++___++|   __   __             __   __   |+==+    +~~~~+  ~anna was here  +==+Keller [ [ /  \/ _/       +      / / \ \       / /\ \   S,.+| '___   ___`     ___   ___  |+$     __                 __      $+|=                          =|+==|                           |== 
 //// / _\__/__\__/__\      /  \  +  \__/..\/..\_______/..\/..\___/  +  /   \                    /   \   +/   \   /   \   /   \   /   \+|--/  \=/  \--[karim]--/  \=/  \--|+  #============================#  +Fuchs _[ [ \  /_/         +      \ \  \ \      \ \ \ \     +|=/   \_/   \_==_/   \_/   \=|+\aaaa/  \aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/  \aaaaa/+ - /  \-/  \------/  \-/  \ - +== - /  \-/  \-----/  \-/  \ - == 
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