
Miniblog: A command-line static blog system in Common Lisp
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db.lisp (11340B)

      1 (in-package :miniblog.db)
      3 (defclass blog-entries ()
      4   ((username :col-type (:varchar 64)
      5              :accessor entry-username)
      6    (last-updated-by :col-type (:varchar 64)
      7                     :accessor entry-last-updated-by)
      8    (title :col-type (:varchar 200)
      9           :accessor entry-title)
     10    (content :col-type (:varchar 16384)
     11             :accessor entry-content)
     12    (rendered-content :col-type (or (:varchar 32768) :null)
     13                      :accessor entry-rendered-content)
     14    (draftp :col-type :boolean
     15            :accessor entry-draftp))
     16   (:metaclass mito:dao-table-class))
     18 (defclass blog-pages ()
     19   ((username :col-type (:varchar 64)
     20              :accessor page-username)
     21    (last-updated-by :col-type (:varchar 64)
     22                     :accessor page-last-updated-by)
     23    (name :col-type (:varchar 64)
     24          :accessor page-name)
     25    (parent :col-type :bigint
     26            :accessor page-parent)
     27    (title :col-type (:varchar 200)
     28           :accessor page-title)
     29    (content :col-type (:varchar 16384)
     30             :accessor page-content)
     31    (rendered-content :col-type (or (:varchar 32768) :null)
     32                      :accessor page-rendered-content)
     33    (draftp :col-type :boolean
     34            :accessor page-draftp))
     35   (:metaclass mito:dao-table-class)
     36   (:unique-keys (parent name)))
     38 (defun init-tables ()
     39   "Initialize the DB schema. Currently just does the mito
     40    yakshaving to create the BLOG-ENTRIES table."
     41   (ensure-table-exists 'blog-entries)
     42   (ensure-table-exists 'blog-pages))
     44 (defun init (&rest params)
     45   "Initialize the DB DAO. Consumes parameters identical to
     46    mito:connect-toplevel or sxql:connect"
     47   (apply #'connect-toplevel params)
     48   (init-tables))
     50 (defun as-sql-bool (bool)
     51   (if bool
     52       t
     53       'nil))
     55 (defun add-entry (title content &key rendered-content (username "nobody") (transform #'identity) draftp)
     56   "Add a new blog entry to the database"
     57   (funcall transform (create-dao 'blog-entries
     58                                  :title title
     59                                  :content content
     60                                  :rendered-content rendered-content
     61                                  :username username
     62                                  :last-updated-by username
     63                                  :draftp (as-sql-bool draftp))))
     65 (defun get-raw-entry (id)
     66   (find-dao 'blog-entries :id id))
     68 (defun get-entry (id &key (transform #'identity))
     69   "Get entry by id, or nil if the requested id isn't found"
     70   (let ((entry (get-raw-entry id)))
     71     (if entry
     72       (funcall transform entry))))
     74 (defun get-entries (&key year month max-entries (transform #'identity) drafts)
     75   "Get entries from the database, optionally limited to a date
     76    range or count"
     77   (labels
     78     ((curr-year ()
     79        (nth 5 (multiple-value-list (get-decoded-time))))
     81      (start-range (year month)
     82        (format nil "~d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d"
     83                (or year (curr-year))
     84                (or month 1)
     85                1))
     87      (end-range (year month)
     88        (let* ((working-year (or year (curr-year)))
     89               (working-month (or month 12))
     90               (end-year
     91                 (if (eql working-month 12)
     92                   (+ working-year 1)
     93                   working-year))
     94               (end-month
     95                 (if (eql working-month 12)
     96                   1
     97                   (+ working-month 1))))
     98          (format nil "~d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d" end-year end-month 1)))
    100      (where-clause (year month)
    101        (let ((date-clauses (when (or year month)
    102                              `((:>= :created_at ,(start-range year month))
    103                                (:< :created_at ,(end-range year month)))))
    104              (drafts-clause (typecase drafts
    105                               ((eql :drafts-only) '((:= :draftp "true")))
    106                               (null '((:= :draftp "false"))))))
    107          (if (or date-clauses drafts-clause)
    108              (where `(:and ,@date-clauses ,@drafts-clause))))))
    110     (mapcar transform
    111             (select-dao 'blog-entries
    112                         (where-clause year month)
    113                         (order-by (:desc :created_at))
    114                         (if max-entries
    115                           (limit max-entries))))))
    117 (defun update-entry (id title content &key rendered-content (username "nobody") (transform #'identity) draftp reset-timestamp-p)
    118   "Update entry by id. Returns the updated entry or nil if the id doesn't exist."
    119   (let ((entry (get-raw-entry id)))
    120     (if entry
    121       (funcall transform
    122                (progn (setf (entry-title entry) title)
    123                       (setf (entry-content entry) content)
    124                       (setf (entry-rendered-content entry) rendered-content)
    125                       (setf (entry-last-updated-by entry) username)
    126                       (setf (entry-draftp entry) (as-sql-bool draftp))
    127                       (when reset-timestamp-p
    128                         (setf (mito.dao.mixin:object-created-at entry) (local-time:now))) ; FIXME: This is a horrible abuse of Mito
    129                       (save-dao entry)
    130                       entry)))))
    132 (defun update-entry-rendered-content (id rendered-content &key (username "nobody") (transform #'identity))
    133   "Updated just the rendered content for an entry by ID. Returns the updated entry or NIL if ID doesn't exist."
    134     (let ((entry (get-raw-entry id)))
    135       (if entry
    136           (funcall transform
    137                    (progn (setf (entry-rendered-content entry) rendered-content)
    138                           (setf (entry-last-updated-by entry) username)
    139                           (save-dao entry)
    140                           entry)))))
    142 (defun delete-entry (id)
    143   "Delete the specified entry from the database. No-op if the id is invalid."
    144   (let ((entry (get-raw-entry id)))
    145     (if entry
    146       (delete-dao entry))))
    148 (defun add-page (name title content &key (parent 0) rendered-content (username "nobody") (transform #'identity) draftp)
    149   "Add a new page to the database"
    150   (funcall transform (create-dao 'blog-pages
    151                                  :name name
    152                                  :parent parent
    153                                  :title title
    154                                  :content content
    155                                  :rendered-content rendered-content
    156                                  :draftp (as-sql-bool draftp)
    157                                  :username username
    158                                  :last-updated-by username)))
    160 (defun get-raw-page (id)
    161   (find-dao 'blog-pages :id id))
    163 (defun get-page (id &key (transform #'identity))
    164   "Get page by id, or NIL if the requested id isn't found"
    165   (let ((entry (get-raw-page id)))
    166     (if entry
    167       (funcall transform entry))))
    169 (defun build-tree-table (dao-list transform)
    170   (let ((entry-table (make-hash-table)))
    171     (labels ((build-tree (raw-entry)
    172                (let ((id (mito.dao.mixin:object-id raw-entry))
    173                      (parent-id (page-parent raw-entry))
    174                      (entry (funcall transform raw-entry)))
    175                  (setf (getf entry :children)
    176                        (getf (gethash id entry-table) :children))
    177                  (setf (gethash id entry-table) entry)
    178                  (setf (getf (gethash parent-id entry-table) :children)
    179                        (cons entry
    180                              (getf (gethash parent-id entry-table) :children))))))
    181       (mapcar #'build-tree dao-list)
    182       entry-table)))
    184 (defun get-pages (&key (root-id 0) (transform #'identity) drafts)
    185   "Get all pages in a tree, or optionally a subtree starting from a given id. Returns the subtree as the first return value and the (unconditionally) full hashtable as the second."
    186   (let* ((entry-table (build-tree-table
    187                        (typecase drafts
    188                          ((eql :drafts-only) (select-dao 'blog-pages
    189                                                          (where (:= :draftp "true"))))
    190                          (null (select-dao 'blog-pages
    191                                            (where (:= :draftp "false"))))
    192                          (t (select-dao 'blog-pages)))
    193                        transform)))
    194     (values (gethash root-id entry-table) entry-table)))
    196 (defun update-page (id name title content &key rendered-content (username "nobody") (transform #'identity) draftp reset-timestamp-p)
    197   "Update page by id. Returns the updated page or nil if the id doesn't exist."
    198   (let ((entry (get-raw-page id)))
    199     (if entry
    200       (funcall transform
    201                (progn (setf (page-name entry) name)
    202                       (setf (page-title entry) title)
    203                       (setf (page-content entry) content)
    204                       (setf (page-rendered-content entry) rendered-content)
    205                       (setf (page-last-updated-by entry) username)
    206                       (when reset-timestamp-p
    207                         (setf (mito.dao.mixin:object-created-at entry) (local-time:now))) ; FIXME: This is a horrible abuse of Mito
    208                       (setf (page-draftp entry) (as-sql-bool draftp))
    209                       (save-dao entry)
    210                       entry)))))
    212 (defun update-page-rendered-content (id rendered-content &key (username "nobody") (transform #'identity))
    213   "Updated just the rendered content for a page by ID. Returns the updated page or NIL if ID doesn't exist."
    214     (let ((entry (get-raw-page id)))
    215       (if entry
    216           (funcall transform
    217                    (progn (setf (page-rendered-content entry) rendered-content)
    218                           (setf (page-last-updated-by entry) username)
    219                           (save-dao entry)
    220                           entry)))))
    222 (defun move-page-dao (entry parent)
    223   (setf (page-parent entry) parent)
    224   (save-dao entry)
    225   entry)
    227 (defun move-page (id parent &key (transform #'identity))
    228   "Move a page under a new parent page (or to the root if parent is 0 or NIL)"
    229   (let ((entry (get-raw-page id)))
    230     (if entry
    231       (funcall transform (move-page-dao entry (or parent 0))))))
    233 (defun prune-subtree (entry-table root &optional skip-top)
    234   (if (not skip-top)
    235     (delete-dao (getf root :dao)))
    236   (mapcar #'(lambda (child) (prune-subtree entry-table child))
    237           (getf root :children)))
    239 (defun delete-page (id &key (children :move-to-parent))
    240   "Delete a page. The parameter CHILDREN can be any of :MOVE-TO-PARENT (the default) in which all immediate children will be attached to the deleted page's parent, :MOVE-TO-ROOT in which all immediate children will be made top-level pages, or :DELETE in which case the entire subtree will be pruned."
    241   (let* ((entry-table (build-tree-table (select-dao 'blog-pages)
    242                                         (lambda (entry) (list :dao entry))))
    243          (entry (gethash id entry-table))
    244          (entry-dao (getf entry :dao))
    245          (entry-parent (if entry-dao (page-parent entry-dao)))
    246          (entry-children (getf entry :children)))
    247     (if entry-dao
    248       (progn
    249         (delete-dao entry-dao)
    250         (ecase children
    251           (:move-to-parent (mapcar #'(lambda (child)
    252                                        (move-page-dao (getf child :dao) entry-parent))
    253                                    entry-children))
    254           (:move-to-root (mapcar #'(lambda (child)
    255                                      (move-page-dao (getf child :dao) 0))
    256                                  entry-children))
    257           (:delete (prune-subtree entry-table entry t)))))))