
Miniblog: A command-line static blog system in Common Lisp
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db.lisp (13635B)

      1 (in-package :miniblog.db)
      3 (defclass blog-entries ()
      4   ((username :col-type (:varchar 64)
      5              :accessor entry-username)
      6    (last-updated-by :col-type (:varchar 64)
      7                     :accessor entry-last-updated-by)
      8    (parent :col-type (or :bigint :null)
      9            :accessor entry-parent)
     10    (title :col-type (:varchar 200)
     11           :accessor entry-title)
     12    (content :col-type (:varchar 16384)
     13             :accessor entry-content)
     14    (rendered-content :col-type (or (:varchar 32768) :null)
     15                      :accessor entry-rendered-content)
     16    (draftp :col-type :boolean
     17            :accessor entry-draftp))
     18   (:metaclass mito:dao-table-class))
     20 (defclass blog-pages ()
     21   ((username :col-type (:varchar 64)
     22              :accessor page-username)
     23    (last-updated-by :col-type (:varchar 64)
     24                     :accessor page-last-updated-by)
     25    (name :col-type (:varchar 64)
     26          :accessor page-name)
     27    (parent :col-type :bigint
     28            :accessor page-parent)
     29    (title :col-type (:varchar 200)
     30           :accessor page-title)
     31    (content :col-type (:varchar 16384)
     32             :accessor page-content)
     33    (rendered-content :col-type (or (:varchar 32768) :null)
     34                      :accessor page-rendered-content)
     35    (draftp :col-type :boolean
     36            :accessor page-draftp))
     37   (:metaclass mito:dao-table-class)
     38   (:unique-keys (parent name)))
     40 (defun init-tables ()
     41   "Initialize the DB schema. Verifies that tables exist and does necessary migrations."
     42   (ensure-table-exists 'blog-entries)
     43   (ensure-table-exists 'blog-pages)
     44   (when (migration-expressions 'blog-entries)
     45     (migrate-table 'blog-entries))
     46   (when (migration-expressions 'blog-pages)
     47     (migrate-table 'blog-pages)))
     49 (defun init (&rest params)
     50   "Initialize the DB DAO. Consumes parameters identical to
     51    mito:connect-toplevel or sxql:connect"
     52   (apply #'connect-toplevel params)
     53   (init-tables))
     55 (defun as-sql-bool (bool)
     56   (if bool
     57       t
     58       'nil))
     60 (defun add-entry (title content &key rendered-content (username "nobody") parent (transform #'identity) draftp)
     61   "Add a new blog entry to the database"
     62   (funcall transform (create-dao 'blog-entries
     63                                  :parent parent
     64                                  :title title
     65                                  :content content
     66                                  :rendered-content rendered-content
     67                                  :username username
     68                                  :last-updated-by username
     69                                  :draftp (as-sql-bool draftp))))
     71 (defun get-raw-entry (id)
     72   (find-dao 'blog-entries :id id))
     74 (defun get-entry (id &key (transform #'identity))
     75   "Get entry by id, or nil if the requested id isn't found"
     76   (let ((entry (get-raw-entry id)))
     77     (if entry
     78       (funcall transform entry))))
     80 (defun get-entries (&key year month max-entries (transform #'identity) drafts)
     81   "Get entries from the database, optionally limited to a date
     82    range or count"
     83   (labels
     84     ((curr-year ()
     85        (nth 5 (multiple-value-list (get-decoded-time))))
     87      (start-range (year month)
     88        (format nil "~d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d"
     89                (or year (curr-year))
     90                (or month 1)
     91                1))
     93      (end-range (year month)
     94        (let* ((working-year (or year (curr-year)))
     95               (working-month (or month 12))
     96               (end-year
     97                 (if (eql working-month 12)
     98                   (+ working-year 1)
     99                   working-year))
    100               (end-month
    101                 (if (eql working-month 12)
    102                   1
    103                   (+ working-month 1))))
    104          (format nil "~d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d" end-year end-month 1)))
    106      (where-clause (year month)
    107        (let ((date-clauses (when (or year month)
    108                              `((:>= :created_at ,(start-range year month))
    109                                (:< :created_at ,(end-range year month)))))
    110              (drafts-clause (typecase drafts
    111                               ((eql :drafts-only) '((:= :draftp "true")))
    112                               (null '((:= :draftp "false"))))))
    113          (if (or date-clauses drafts-clause)
    114              (where `(:and ,@date-clauses ,@drafts-clause
    115                            ,@(when (not (eql drafts :drafts-only))
    116                                '((:or (:is-null :parent) (:= :parent 0))))))))))
    117     (let ((entries
    118             (select-dao 'blog-entries
    119                         (where-clause year month)
    120                         (order-by (:desc :created_at))
    121                         (if max-entries
    122                             (limit max-entries)))))
    123       (get-subtree-for-entry
    124        (loop for entry in entries
    125              collect (mito.dao.mixin:object-id entry))
    126        :transform transform))))
    128 (defun get-subtree-for-entry (ids &key transform)
    129   "Fetches all posts dependent on post(s) IDS via recursive CTE. Since we use handhacked SQL here there may be compatibility issues for databases with weak support for recursive CTEs; this has been verified as functional at least in mysql, sqlite and postgres"
    130   (labels ((convert-to-dao (record)
    131              (apply #'mito.dao.mixin:make-dao-instance (cons 'blog-entries record))))
    132     (let* ((ids (etypecase ids
    133                   (number (list ids))
    134                   (cons ids)))
    135            (subentries
    136              (mapcar #'convert-to-dao
    137                      (retrieve-by-sql
    138                       ; Construct the query by adding (LENGTH IDS) placeholders in the where clause
    139                       (format nil "with recursive posttree (id,username,last_updated_by,title,content,created_at,updated_at,rendered_content,draftp,parent) as (select,e.username,e.last_updated_by,e.title,e.content,e.created_at,e.updated_at,e.rendered_content,e.draftp,e.parent from blog_entries as e where in (~{?~*~^,~}) union all select,e.username,e.last_updated_by,e.title,e.content,e.created_at,e.updated_at,e.rendered_content,e.draftp,e.parent from blog_entries as e inner join posttree as d on e.parent = select id,username,last_updated_by,title,content,created_at,updated_at,rendered_content,draftp,parent from posttree order by created_at" ids)
    140                       :binds ids))))
    141       (if transform
    142           (mapcar transform subentries)
    143           subentries))))
    145 (defun update-entry (id title content &key rendered-content parent (username "nobody") created-by (transform #'identity) draftp reset-timestamp-p)
    146   "Update entry by id. Returns the updated entry or nil if the id doesn't exist."
    147   (let ((entry (get-raw-entry id)))
    148     (if entry
    149         (funcall transform
    150                  (progn (setf (entry-title entry) title)
    151                         (setf (entry-content entry) content)
    152                         (setf (entry-rendered-content entry) rendered-content)
    153                         (setf (entry-parent entry) parent)
    154                         (setf (entry-last-updated-by entry) username)
    155                         (when created-by
    156                             (setf (entry-username entry) created-by))
    157                         (setf (entry-draftp entry) (as-sql-bool draftp))
    158                         (when reset-timestamp-p
    159                           (setf (mito.dao.mixin:object-created-at entry) (local-time:now))) ; FIXME: This is a horrible abuse of Mito
    160                         (save-dao entry)
    161                         entry)))))
    163 (defun update-entry-rendered-content (id rendered-content &key (username "nobody") (transform #'identity))
    164   "Updated just the rendered content for an entry by ID. Returns the updated entry or NIL if ID doesn't exist."
    165     (let ((entry (get-raw-entry id)))
    166       (if entry
    167           (funcall transform
    168                    (progn (setf (entry-rendered-content entry) rendered-content)
    169                           (setf (entry-last-updated-by entry) username)
    170                           (save-dao entry)
    171                           entry)))))
    173 (defun delete-entry (id)
    174   "Delete the specified entry from the database. No-op if the id is invalid."
    175   (let ((entry (get-raw-entry id)))
    176     (if entry
    177       (delete-dao entry))))
    179 (defun add-page (name title content &key (parent 0) rendered-content (username "nobody") (transform #'identity) draftp)
    180   "Add a new page to the database"
    181   (funcall transform (create-dao 'blog-pages
    182                                  :name name
    183                                  :parent parent
    184                                  :title title
    185                                  :content content
    186                                  :rendered-content rendered-content
    187                                  :draftp (as-sql-bool draftp)
    188                                  :username username
    189                                  :last-updated-by username)))
    191 (defun get-raw-page (id)
    192   (find-dao 'blog-pages :id id))
    194 (defun get-page (id &key (transform #'identity))
    195   "Get page by id, or NIL if the requested id isn't found"
    196   (let ((entry (get-raw-page id)))
    197     (if entry
    198       (funcall transform entry))))
    200 (defun build-tree-table (dao-list transform)
    201   (let ((entry-table (make-hash-table)))
    202     (labels ((build-tree (raw-entry)
    203                (let ((id (mito.dao.mixin:object-id raw-entry))
    204                      (parent-id (page-parent raw-entry))
    205                      (entry (funcall transform raw-entry)))
    206                  (setf (getf entry :children)
    207                        (getf (gethash id entry-table) :children))
    208                  (setf (gethash id entry-table) entry)
    209                  (setf (getf (gethash parent-id entry-table) :children)
    210                        (cons entry
    211                              (getf (gethash parent-id entry-table) :children))))))
    212       (mapcar #'build-tree dao-list)
    213       entry-table)))
    215 (defun get-pages (&key (root-id 0) (transform #'identity) drafts)
    216   "Get all pages in a tree, or optionally a subtree starting from a given id. Returns the subtree as the first return value and the (unconditionally) full hashtable as the second."
    217   (let* ((entry-table (build-tree-table
    218                        (typecase drafts
    219                          ((eql :drafts-only) (select-dao 'blog-pages
    220                                                          (where (:= :draftp "true"))))
    221                          (null (select-dao 'blog-pages
    222                                            (where (:= :draftp "false"))))
    223                          (t (select-dao 'blog-pages)))
    224                        transform)))
    225     (values (gethash root-id entry-table) entry-table)))
    227 (defun update-page (id name title content &key rendered-content (username "nobody") (transform #'identity) draftp reset-timestamp-p)
    228   "Update page by id. Returns the updated page or nil if the id doesn't exist."
    229   (let ((entry (get-raw-page id)))
    230     (if entry
    231       (funcall transform
    232                (progn (setf (page-name entry) name)
    233                       (setf (page-title entry) title)
    234                       (setf (page-content entry) content)
    235                       (setf (page-rendered-content entry) rendered-content)
    236                       (setf (page-last-updated-by entry) username)
    237                       (when reset-timestamp-p
    238                         (setf (mito.dao.mixin:object-created-at entry) (local-time:now))) ; FIXME: This is a horrible abuse of Mito
    239                       (setf (page-draftp entry) (as-sql-bool draftp))
    240                       (save-dao entry)
    241                       entry)))))
    243 (defun update-page-rendered-content (id rendered-content &key (username "nobody") (transform #'identity))
    244   "Updated just the rendered content for a page by ID. Returns the updated page or NIL if ID doesn't exist."
    245     (let ((entry (get-raw-page id)))
    246       (if entry
    247           (funcall transform
    248                    (progn (setf (page-rendered-content entry) rendered-content)
    249                           (setf (page-last-updated-by entry) username)
    250                           (save-dao entry)
    251                           entry)))))
    253 (defun move-page-dao (entry parent)
    254   (setf (page-parent entry) parent)
    255   (save-dao entry)
    256   entry)
    258 (defun move-page (id parent &key (transform #'identity))
    259   "Move a page under a new parent page (or to the root if parent is 0 or NIL)"
    260   (let ((entry (get-raw-page id)))
    261     (if entry
    262       (funcall transform (move-page-dao entry (or parent 0))))))
    264 (defun prune-subtree (entry-table root &optional skip-top)
    265   (if (not skip-top)
    266     (delete-dao (getf root :dao)))
    267   (mapcar #'(lambda (child) (prune-subtree entry-table child))
    268           (getf root :children)))
    270 (defun delete-page (id &key (children :move-to-parent))
    271   "Delete a page. The parameter CHILDREN can be any of :MOVE-TO-PARENT (the default) in which all immediate children will be attached to the deleted page's parent, :MOVE-TO-ROOT in which all immediate children will be made top-level pages, or :DELETE in which case the entire subtree will be pruned."
    272   (let* ((entry-table (build-tree-table (select-dao 'blog-pages)
    273                                         (lambda (entry) (list :dao entry))))
    274          (entry (gethash id entry-table))
    275          (entry-dao (getf entry :dao))
    276          (entry-parent (if entry-dao (page-parent entry-dao)))
    277          (entry-children (getf entry :children)))
    278     (if entry-dao
    279       (progn
    280         (delete-dao entry-dao)
    281         (ecase children
    282           (:move-to-parent (mapcar #'(lambda (child)
    283                                        (move-page-dao (getf child :dao) entry-parent))
    284                                    entry-children))
    285           (:move-to-root (mapcar #'(lambda (child)
    286                                      (move-page-dao (getf child :dao) 0))
    287                                  entry-children))
    288           (:delete (prune-subtree entry-table entry t)))))))