
Miniblog: A command-line static blog system in Common Lisp
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miniblog.lisp (26197B)

      1 (in-package :miniblog)
      3 ;;; The following are basic configuration elements. Most have sensible defaults.
      4 (defvar *blog-title* "Miniblog")
      5 (defvar *blog-header* nil) ; Raw filename of an HTML chunk to throw at the top
      6                            ; of the body, eg "<h2>My Blog</h2>"
      7 (defvar *blog-links* nil) ; A list of cons cells of the format (text . url)
      8                           ; Populates the left-hand menu.
      9 (defvar *blog-stylesheet* nil) ; Optional external CSS stylesheet.
     10 (defvar *blog-timezone* *default-timezone*) ; Timezone in local-time form, eg
     11                                             ; (local-time:find-timezone-by-location-name "US/Pacific")
     12 (defvar *public-html*) ; HTML root in pathname form, defaults to "~/public_html"
     13                        ; If it's set to a string in .miniblogrc, will be
     14                        ; translated with uiop:parse-native-namestring
     15 (defvar *root-uri*) ; Absolute or relative root uri, defaults to "~username"
     16 (defvar *db-config*) ; Database configuration, defaults to sqlite3 ~/.miniblog.db
     17 (defvar *generator*) ; Function to generate post pages, see content.lisp
     18 (defvar *page-generator*) ; Function to generate hierarchical pages, see content.lisp
     19 (defvar *rss-generator*) ; Function to generate RSS feed, see content.lisp
     21 ;;; The following are all used to populate RSS channel elements.
     22 ;;; *BLOG-DESCRIPTION* and *BLOG-LINK* are the minimum required for an
     23 ;;; RSS feed to be generated. See
     24 (defvar *blog-description* "Powered by Common Lisp")
     25 (defvar *blog-link* nil)
     26 (defvar *blog-image-url* nil)
     27 (defvar *blog-language* nil)
     28 (defvar *blog-category* nil)
     29 (defvar *blog-copyright* nil)
     30 (defvar *blog-managing-editor* nil)
     31 (defvar *blog-webmaster* nil)
     33 ;;; The following are configurations for social media cards et al; currently
     34 ;;; simple Twitter summary cards are supported. *TWITTER-CARD* can be a simple
     35 ;;; truthy value in which case a basic card is generated or it can be a plist
     36 ;;; with keys defining the card metadata. Currently supported keys:
     37 ;;;
     38 ;;; :IMAGE - URL to the image to populate the twitter:image tag 
     39 (defvar *twitter-card* nil)
     41 (defparameter +command-line-spec+
     42   '((("add" #\a) :type boolean :optional t :documentation "Add new post")
     43     (("edit" #\e) :type integer :optional t :documentation "Edit a post by ID")
     44     (("get" #\g) :type integer :optional t :documentation "Get a post by ID")
     45     (("delete" #\d) :type integer :optional t :documentation "Delete a post by ID")
     46     (("list" #\l) :type boolean :optional t :documentation "List posts")
     47     (("start" #\s) :type integer :optional t
     48                    :documentation "When listing posts, first post to list (default 0)")
     49     ((#\n) :type integer :optional t
     50            :documentation "When listing posts, max number of posts to list (default all)")
     51     (("page" #\p) :type boolean :optional t :documentation "This parameter specifies operations to be done on pages, rather than posts. EG saying -a -p means you intend to add a new page rather than a new post. Page IDs are in a separate namespace from post IDs.")
     52     (("draft" #\f) :type boolean :optional t :documentation "When specified for adding or editing a post, this will set the post as a draft. If the post is already published and this is specified, the post will be unpublished back to the drafts.")
     53     (("move" #\m) :type integer :optional t :documentation "Move a page from its current path to a new one.")
     54     (("uri" #\u) :type string :optional t :documentation "When adding a new page, this specifies the path to the new page in relative URI format. For instance, \"-a -p -u foo/bar\" would specify that the new page should be created with the name bar as a child of page foo. This is only valid if root page foo actually exists. This is also used in conjunction with -m to specify the target path for the page being moved, with the same restriction. A leading / will be ignored so \"-u /foo/bar/baz\" and \"-u foo/bar/baz\" mean the same thing.")
     55     (("children-to-root" #\c) :type boolean :optional t :documentation "When deleting a page, normally child pages of the page being deleted will be moved to the parent page of the deleted page. If -c is specified, the pages will instead be moved to the root.")
     56     (("regen-all" #\r) :type boolean :optional t
     57                        :documentation "When adding or editing, regenerate all pages instead of just those miniblog thinks have changed. Can also be invoked standalone to regenerate the HTML directly.")
     58     (("help" #\h) :type boolean :optional t :documentation "This help information")))
     60 (defun main (args)
     61   (handle-command-line
     62     +command-line-spec+
     63     'miniblog
     64     :command-line args
     65     :name "miniblog"))
     67 (defun entry-point ()
     68   (main *command-line-arguments*))
     70 (defun get-username ()
     71   (uiop:getenv "USER"))
     73 (defun make-generators ()
     74   (setf *generator*
     75         (miniblog.content:make-generator :title *blog-title*
     76                                          :root-uri *root-uri*
     77                                          :header *blog-header*
     78                                          :links *blog-links*
     79                                          :stylesheet *blog-stylesheet*))
     80   (setf *page-generator*
     81         (miniblog.content:make-page-generator :title *blog-title*
     82                                               :root-uri *root-uri*
     83                                               :header *blog-header*
     84                                               :links *blog-links*
     85                                               :stylesheet *blog-stylesheet*))
     86   (setf *rss-generator*
     87         (miniblog.content:make-rss-generator :title *blog-title*
     88                                              :link *blog-link*
     89                                              :description *blog-description*
     90                                              :image-url *blog-image-url*
     91                                              :language *blog-language*
     92                                              :copyright *blog-copyright*
     93                                              :managing-editor *blog-managing-editor*
     94                                              :webmaster *blog-webmaster*
     95                                              :category *blog-category*)))
     97 (defun get-index-file-for-path (path)
     98   (merge-pathnames
     99     (make-pathname :name "index" :type "html")
    100     path))
    102 (defun get-index-file ()
    103   (get-index-file-for-path *public-html*))
    105 (defun get-page-path (path-list)
    106   (merge-pathnames
    107     (make-pathname :directory (append '(:relative "page") path-list))
    108     *public-html*))
    110 (defun get-rss-file ()
    111   (merge-pathnames
    112     (make-pathname :name "rss" :type "xml")
    113     *public-html*))
    115 (defun get-monthly-path (year month)
    116   (merge-pathnames
    117     (make-pathname :directory
    118                    (list :relative (write-to-string year)
    119                          (format nil "~2,'0d" month)))
    120     *public-html*))
    122 (defun cleanup-path (filepath)
    123   (format t "Cleaning ~S...~%" filepath)
    124   (cond
    125     ((and (string= (pathname-name filepath) "index")
    126           (string= (pathname-type filepath) "html"))
    127      (delete-file filepath))
    128     ((fad:directory-pathname-p filepath)
    129      (handler-case (uiop:delete-empty-directory filepath)
    130        (file-error (e)
    131          (declare (ignore e))
    132          (format t "~cDirectory ~a not empty...~%" #\tab filepath))))
    133     (t (format t "~cUnrecognized file ~a, ignoring...~%" #\tab filepath))))
    135 (defun flush-path (path)
    136   (fad:walk-directory path #'cleanup-path
    137                       :directories :depth-first
    138                       :if-does-not-exist :ignore
    139                       :follow-symlinks nil))
    141 (defun flush-page-path (path-list)
    142   (flush-path (get-page-path path-list)))
    144 (defun flush-monthly-path (year month)
    145   (flush-path (get-monthly-path year month)))
    147 (defun get-path-and-description-for-entry (entry)
    148   (let* ((year (nth 0 entry))
    149          (month (nth 1 entry)))
    150     (cond
    151       ((eql year :index) (values (get-index-file) "index"))
    152       ((eql year :page) (values (get-index-file-for-path (get-page-path month))
    153                                 (str:join "/" month)))
    154       ((eql year :rss) (values (get-rss-file) "RSS feed"))
    155       (t (values
    156            (get-index-file-for-path (get-monthly-path year month))
    157            (format nil "archive for ~d/~2,'0d" year month))))))
    159 (defun regenerate-file (entry)
    160   (multiple-value-bind (path description)
    161     (get-path-and-description-for-entry entry)
    162     (format t "Regenerating ~a...~%" description)
    163     (ensure-directories-exist path)
    164     (let ((year (nth 0 entry))
    165           (content (nth 3 entry)))
    166       (if (and (eql year :rss) (null content))
    167         (format t "Can't generate valid RSS feed, skipping...~%")
    168         (with-open-file (output path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
    169           (princ content output)
    170           (fresh-line output))))))
    172 (defun regenerate-index-and-given-month (entries year month)
    173   (let ((rss-content (miniblog.content:gen-rss-feed entries
    174                                                     :generator *rss-generator*))
    175         (pages (
    176     (regenerate-file (list :rss nil nil rss-content))
    177     (regenerate-file (list :index nil nil
    178                            (miniblog.content:gen-index entries pages
    179                                                        :enable-rss rss-content
    180                                                        :twitter-card *twitter-card*
    181                                                        :generator *generator*)))
    182     (regenerate-file (car (miniblog.content:gen-month entries year month pages
    183                                                       :enable-rss rss-content
    184                                                       :twitter-card *twitter-card*
    185                                                       :generator *generator*)))))
    187 (defun regenerate-page-and-parent-and-children (parent-path page-id pages)
    188   (let* ((entries (
    189          (subtree-root (miniblog.content:get-page-by-path parent-path pages))
    190          (archive-date-list (miniblog.content:get-archive-date-list entries))
    191          (rss-content (miniblog.content:gen-rss-feed entries
    192                                                      :generator *rss-generator*)))
    193     (regenerate-file (list :page parent-path nil
    194                            (miniblog.content:gen-page subtree-root
    195                                                       parent-path
    196                                                       pages
    197                                                       :enable-rss rss-content
    198                                                       :twitter-card *twitter-card*
    199                                                       :generator *page-generator*
    200                                                       :archive-date-list archive-date-list)))
    201     (loop for page in (getf subtree-root :children)
    202           do (let ((path (append parent-path (list (getf page :name)))))
    203                (regenerate-file (list :page path nil
    204                                       (miniblog.content:gen-page
    205                                         page path pages
    206                                         :enable-rss rss-content
    207                                         :twitter-card *twitter-card*
    208                                         :generator *page-generator*
    209                                         :archive-date-list archive-date-list)))))
    210     (let ((this-page (find-if #'(lambda (entry) (= page-id (getf entry :id))) (getf subtree-root :children))))
    211       (mapcar #'regenerate-file (miniblog.content:gen-all-pages this-page
    212                                                                 :prefix parent-path
    213                                                                 :all-pages pages
    214                                                                 :enable-rss rss-content
    215                                                                 :twitter-card *twitter-card*
    216                                                                 :generator *page-generator*
    217                                                                 :archive-date-list archive-date-list)))))
    219 (defun regenerate-all ()
    220   (let ((all (miniblog.content:gen-all (
    221                                        (
    222                                        :generator *generator*
    223                                        :page-generator *page-generator*
    224                                        :rss-generator *rss-generator*
    225                                        :twitter-card *twitter-card*)))
    226     (mapcar #'regenerate-file all)))
    228 (defun entries-in-month (year month)
    229   "Determine number of entries in a given month and year"
    230   (let ((entries-in-month ( :year year :month month)))
    231     (length entries-in-month)))
    233 (defun new-month-p (year month)
    234   "Determine if there is only one entry in a given month and year"
    235   (eql (entries-in-month year month) 1))
    237 (defgeneric add-entry (entry-type draft uri regen)
    238   (:documentation "Add a new entry of type ENTRY-TYPE. URI specifies the logical location of the new entry which is only valid for certain entry types."))
    240 (defmethod add-entry ((entry-type (eql :post)) draft uri regen)
    241   (declare (ignore uri))
    242   (if-let ((text (miniblog.edit:edit-text)))
    243     (let* ((post (miniblog.edit:get-title-and-content text))
    244            (title (nth 0 post))
    245            (content (nth 1 post))
    246            (new-entry (
    247                         (or title "Untitled")
    248                         content
    249                         :draftp draft
    250                         :rendered-content (miniblog.format:markdown content)
    251                         :username (get-username)))
    252            (year-month (miniblog.content:year-month-of-entry new-entry))
    253            (year (car year-month))
    254            (month (cdr year-month)))
    255       (if (or regen (new-month-p year month))
    256         (regenerate-all)
    257         (regenerate-index-and-given-month ( year month)))
    258     (format t "Abandoning post...~%")))
    260 (defmethod add-entry ((entry-type (eql :page)) draft uri regen)
    261   (or (when-let* ((uri-components (str:split "/" uri))
    262                   (name (car (last uri-components))))
    263         (let* ((parent-path (butlast uri-components))
    264                (parent-id (if parent-path
    265                               (miniblog.content:get-page-id-by-path parent-path 
    266                                                                     (
    267                               0)))
    268           (if-let ((text (miniblog.edit:edit-text)))
    269             (let* ((post (miniblog.edit:get-title-and-content text))
    270                    (title (nth 0 post))
    271                    (content (nth 1 post))
    272                    (new-entry (
    273                                 name
    274                                 (or title "Untitled")
    275                                 content
    276                                 :draftp draft
    277                                 :rendered-content (miniblog.format:markdown content)
    278                                 :parent parent-id
    279                                 :username (get-username))))
    280               (if (or regen (= (length uri-components) 1))
    281                 (regenerate-all)
    282                 (regenerate-page-and-parent-and-children parent-path
    283                                                          (getf new-entry :id)
    284                                                          (
    285             (format t "Abandoning page...~%")))
    286         t)
    287       (format t "Invalid page name ~a~%" uri)))
    289 (defun date-format (datetime)
    290   (miniblog.format:long-date-format datetime))
    292 (defgeneric get-entry (entry-type id)
    293   (:documentation "Get an entry of type ENTRY-TYPE with id ID"))
    295 (defmethod get-entry ((entry-type (eql :post)) id)
    296   ( entry id
    297     (format t "ID: ~d~@[~* (DRAFT)~]~%" (getf entry :id) (getf entry :draftp))
    298     (format t "Created: ~A by ~A~%"
    299             (date-format (getf entry :created-at)) (getf entry :created-by))
    300     (format t "Last updated: ~A by ~A~%"
    301             (date-format (getf entry :last-updated-at)) (getf entry :last-updated-by))
    302     (format t "Title: ~A~%" (getf entry :title))
    303     (format t "Content:~%~A~%" (getf entry :content))))
    305 (defmethod get-entry ((entry-type (eql :page)) id)
    306   ( page id
    307     (format t "ID: ~d~@[~* (DRAFT)~]~%" (getf page :id) (getf page :draftp))
    308     (format t "Path: page/~a~%" (str:join "/" (miniblog.content:get-path-to-page
    309                                                 id
    310                                                 (cadr (multiple-value-list (
    311     (format t "Created: ~A by ~A~%"
    312             (date-format (getf page :created-at)) (getf page :created-by))
    313     (format t "Last updated: ~A by ~A~%"
    314             (date-format (getf page :last-updated-at)) (getf page :last-updated-by))
    315     (format t "Title: ~A~%" (getf page :title))
    316     (format t "Content:~%~A~%" (getf page :content))))
    318 (defun make-template (title content)
    319   (with-output-to-string (out)
    320     (princ (or title "Untitled post") out)
    321     (terpri out)
    322     (terpri out)
    323     (princ content out)))
    325 (defgeneric edit-entry (entry-type id draftp regen)
    326   (:documentation "Edit an entry of type ENTRY-TYPE with id ID"))
    328 (defmethod edit-entry ((entry-type (eql :post)) id draftp regen)
    329   ( entry id
    330     (if-let ((text (miniblog.edit:edit-text
    331                      :template (make-template (getf entry :title) (getf entry :content)))))
    332       (let* ((was-draft-p (getf entry :draftp))
    333              (post (miniblog.edit:get-title-and-content text))
    334              (title (nth 0 post))
    335              (content (nth 1 post)))
    336         (
    337           id title content
    338           :rendered-content (miniblog.format:markdown content)
    339           :username (get-username)
    340           :draftp draftp
    341           :reset-timestamp-p (and was-draft-p (not draftp)))
    342         (let* ((created-at (getf entry :created-at))
    343                (year (timestamp-year created-at))
    344                (month (timestamp-month created-at)))
    345           (if (and (not regen) (eql draftp was-draft-p))
    346             (regenerate-index-and-given-month ( year month)
    347             (regenerate-all))))
    348       (format t "No change, abandoning...~%"))))
    350 (defmethod edit-entry ((entry-type (eql :page)) id draftp regen)
    351   ( entry id
    352     (if-let ((text (miniblog.edit:edit-text
    353                      :template (make-template (getf entry :title) (getf entry :content)))))
    354       (let* ((was-draft-p (getf entry :draftp))
    355              (page (miniblog.edit:get-title-and-content text))
    356              (title (nth 0 page))
    357              (content (nth 1 page))
    358              (new-entry (
    359                           id (getf entry :name) title content
    360                           :rendered-content (miniblog.format:markdown content)
    361                           :username (get-username)
    362                           :draftp draftp
    363                           :reset-timestamp-p (and was-draft-p (not draftp)))))
    364         (if (and (not regen) (eql draftp was-draft-p))
    365             (let* ((pages-tuple (multiple-value-list (
    366                    (page-table (cadr pages-tuple))
    367                    (parent-id (getf new-entry :parent))
    368                    (root (gethash 0 page-table))
    369                    (path (miniblog.content:get-path-to-page parent-id page-table)))
    370               (regenerate-page-and-parent-and-children path id root))
    371           (regenerate-all)))
    372       (format t "No change, abandoning...~%"))))
    375 (defun removed-month-p (year month)
    376   "Determine if there are 0 entries in the given month and year" 
    377   (eql (entries-in-month year month) 0))
    379 (defgeneric delete-entry (entry-type id children-to-root regen)
    380   (:documentation "Delete entry of type ENTRY-TYPE with id ID. CHILDREN-TO-ROOT specifies how child entries will be rerooted; only applies to hierarchical entry types."))
    382 (defmethod delete-entry ((entry-type (eql :post)) id children-to-root regen)
    383   (declare (ignore children-to-root))
    384   ( entry id
    385     (format t "Deleting post ID ~d...~%" id)
    386     ( id)
    387     (let* ((created-at (getf entry :created-at))
    388            (year (timestamp-year created-at))
    389            (month (timestamp-month created-at)))
    390       (flush-monthly-path year month)
    391       (if (or regen (removed-month-p year month))
    392         (regenerate-all)
    393         (regenerate-index-and-given-month ( year month)))))
    395 (defmethod delete-entry ((entry-type (eql :page)) id children-to-root regen)
    396   ( page id
    397     (format t "Delete page ID ~d...~%" id)
    398     (let* ((pages-tuple (multiple-value-list (
    399            (page-table (cadr pages-tuple))
    400            (path (miniblog.content:get-path-to-page id page-table)))
    401       ( id :children (if children-to-root
    402                                                   :children-to-root
    403                                                   :children-to-parent))
    404       (flush-page-path path)
    405       (if (or children-to-root (< (length path) 3))
    406           (regenerate-all)
    407           (let* ((parent-id (getf page :parent))
    408                  (pages-tuple (multiple-value-list (
    409                  (page-table (cadr pages-tuple))
    410                  (parent (gethash parent-id page-table))
    411                  (parent-of-parent-id (getf parent :parent))
    412                  (root (gethash 0 page-table))
    413                  (path (miniblog.content:get-path-to-page parent-of-parent-id page-table)))
    414             (regenerate-page-and-parent-and-children path parent-id root))))))
    416 (defgeneric move-entry (entry-type id uri regen)
    417   (:documentation "Move entry ID of type ENTRY-TYPE to location specified in URI. Only applies to hierarchical entry types."))
    419 (defmethod move-entry ((entry-type (eql :post)) id uri regen)
    420   (declare (ignore id uri regen))
    421   (format t "Posts can't be moved!~%"))
    423 (defmethod move-entry ((entry-type (eql :page)) id uri regen)
    424   (declare (ignore regen))
    425   (or (when-let* ((uri-components (str:split "/" uri))
    426                   (name (car (last uri-components)))
    427                   (parent-path (butlast uri-components))
    428                   (parent-id (miniblog.content:get-page-id-by-path
    429                                parent-path 
    430                                (
    432         ( id parent-id)
    433         ;; FIXME: Regeneration logic for moving pages is complex so
    434         ;; we're punting for now but we should avoid doing a full
    435         ;; regen unless we have to. The basic logic should look
    436         ;; something like:
    437         ;; IF regen is true OR old path is top-level OR new path top-level
    438         ;; THEN
    439         ;;   regenerate-all
    440         ;; ELSE
    441         ;;   regenerate old parent tree
    442         ;;   regenerate new parent tree
    443         (regenerate-all)
    444         t)
    445       (format t "Invalid path ~a~%" uri)))
    447 (defgeneric list-entries (entry-type start n)
    448   (:documentation "List entries of type ENTRY-TYPE, possibly restricted to entries START through N. For hierarchical entry types, only START is consumed, specifying which entry to start listing from in the tree."))
    450 (defmethod list-entries ((entry-type (eql :post)) start n)
    451   (let* ((entries ( :include-drafts-p t))
    452          (first (or start 0))
    453          (last (if n
    454                  (+ first n)
    455                  (length entries))))
    456     (dolist (entry (subseq entries first last))
    457       (format t "~d ~@[~*(DRAFT) ~]- \"~a\" ~a~%" (getf entry :id) (getf entry :draftp) (getf entry :title) (getf entry :created-by)))))
    459 (defmethod list-entries ((entry-type (eql :page)) start n)
    460   (declare (ignore n))
    461   (labels ((traverse (node depth)
    462              (destructuring-bind (&key id name title children created-by draftp &allow-other-keys)
    463                node
    464                (if (not (or (null id) (= id 0)))
    465                    (format t "~v{~a~:*~}~a (ID ~d) ~@[~*(DRAFT) ~]- \"~a\" ~a~%" depth '("  ") name id draftp title created-by))
    466                (loop for entry in children
    467                      do (traverse entry (1+ depth))))))
    468     (let ((pages ( :root-id start :include-drafts-p t)))
    469       (traverse pages 0))))
    471 (defun init-tz ()
    472   (reread-timezone-repository))
    474 (defun get-db-filename ()
    475   (namestring (merge-pathnames
    476                 (user-homedir-pathname)
    477                 (make-pathname :name ".miniblog" :type "db"))))
    479 (defun set-config-and-defaults ()
    480   (setf *root-uri* (format nil "/~~~a/" (get-username)))
    481   (setf *public-html*
    482         (merge-pathnames
    483           (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "public_html"))
    484           (user-homedir-pathname)))
    485   (setf *db-config* (list :sqlite3 :database-name (get-db-filename)))
    486   (with-open-file (config
    487                     (merge-pathnames
    488                       (make-pathname :name ".miniblogrc")
    489                       (user-homedir-pathname))
    490                     :direction :input :if-does-not-exist nil)
    491     (if config
    492       (load config)))
    493   (if (stringp *public-html*)
    494     (setf *public-html* (uiop:parse-native-namestring (uiop:native-namestring *public-html*)))))
    496 (defun initialize ()
    497   (init-tz)
    498   (set-config-and-defaults)
    499   (make-generators))
    501 (defun miniblog (&key add get edit delete list (start 0) n page draft move uri children-to-root regen-all help)
    502   (declare (ignore help))
    503   (initialize)
    504   (apply #'miniblog.db:init *db-config*)
    505   (let ((*default-timezone* *blog-timezone*)
    506         (entry-type (if page :page :post)))
    507     (cond (add (add-entry entry-type draft uri regen-all))
    508           (get (get-entry entry-type get))
    509           (edit (edit-entry entry-type edit draft regen-all))
    510           (delete (delete-entry entry-type delete children-to-root regen-all))
    511           (list (list-entries entry-type start n))
    512           (move (move-entry entry-type move uri regen-all))
    513           (regen-all (regenerate-all))
    514           (t (show-option-help +command-line-spec+)))))