- Is your rock wet? It’s raining outside!
- Is your rock shaking? It’s an earthquake!
- Is your rock flying around? It’s a tornado!
- Is your rock hot and dry to the touch? It’s sunny out!
- Is your rock chilly? It’s overcast and cloudy!
- Is your rock covered in snow? It’s a blizzard!
- Is your rock covered in locusts? It’s a plague!
- Is it too dark to find your rock? It’s nighttime!
- Is your rock underwater? It’s a flood!
- Is your rock under a bunch of leaves? It’s autumn!
- Is your rock being carried away by a bunch of toad goblins? Let
- Is your rock a flowing liquid? That’s lava!
- Is your rock suddenly underneath a whole bunch of other rocks? It’s
an avalanche!
- Is your rock land resting on top of a wicked witch? You’re not in
Kansas any more!
- Is your rock off-white, silken, and sticky? Be careful, it’s full of
- Is your rock covered in blood? Blood! BLOOD! BLOOOOOD!