
Created by ~dozens

NAME : Graveyard
DESC : A spooky graveyard. There is some loose earth next to an old tombstone beneath a large tree.
ID : tree
NAME : tree
DESC : A large pale tree stands out against the dark sky. Its bare branches sway gently in the breeze. You are startled to see an enormous pair of yellow eyes looking down at you!
ID : eyes
NAME : large yellow eyes
DESC : They belong to a large owl!
GRAB : false
HIDDEN : true
ID : owl
NAME : owl
DESC : A large owl with large yellow eyes watches your every move from its perch up in the tree.
GRAB : false
HIDDEN : true
ID : tombstone
NAME : tombstone
DESC : A neglected tombstone. There is a large crack and it slumps to the side. There is some faded writing on it.
ECHO "Remember friends as you pass by"
ECHO "As you are now so once was I"
ECHO "As I am you soon shall be"
ECHO "So be prepared to follow me"
ID : earth
NAME : loose earth
DESC : This grave has been recently disturbed.
ECHO You find a femur bone! Why don't you grab it?
ID : bone
NAME : bone
DESC : The thigh bone of somebody long gone.
GRAB : true
HIDDEN : true
ECHO You hurl the bone at the tree which spooks the owl. It drops a small emerald as it flies away a short distance and settles on another branch and glares at you.
DROP bone
ECHO You don't have that
ID : emerald
NAME : emerald key
DESC : A small key. It's handle is a small emerald orb.
HIDDEN : true
GRAB : true