sitting in a denny's in la

mar 11, 2017

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‘hit me with the graham’s lamb, please’

we talked to the waitress before downing our mugs of brown bean juice. the place was tucked in next to a cozy 4 lane highway, just the sort of scene which makes you appreciate this beautiful world that God has made for us. Well, until you realize that it is not God or god or even the LORD himself, but man which designed and constructed what we consider to be our world. Every intersection, object, structure - there was an intent, not from a divine being, but from a human sharing 99+% of the DNA as you and I. What is to say that they are superior at framing the world than you and me? Why should our world (and I speak primarily of urban cores here) continue this way, bereft of central social hubs; places we don’t have to worry about being crushed under the wheels of a teen trying to impress bae by snap chatting with the speedometer, or that teen’s senile grandmother who still demands to drive every once in a while. Driving is a violent act, and converting major roads into pedestrian-only pathways could facilitate more activity and healthy lifestyles. F*** car advertisers who push the myth of car necessity for every citizen - my identity is not tied up in your hunk of metal, and my autonomy is not defined by the roads my government paves for them. Improving public transit, and segregating these murder machines from the fleshy bodies of pedestrians is paramount to the health and increased vibrancy of urban centers.

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