Compositions by ~joe

Concerto Grosso No. 2 "Morning Errands"

"Carrot piece" for ~vilmibm, for an experimental text opera project

"A piece for my mother", from A Book of Miniatures

In the summer of 2009 I wrote music for a film directed by my friend Andrew Fields, partly based on memories of his late father, who spent the summers on the beach in Florida. After a romantic summer with my fiancé Cameron, I wrote a piece at the piano in about two hours, after having seen Cameron come out of the ocean during a late-night moonlit swim, just as high tide was coming in. The ensuing piece has been one of my most popular pieces. Sérgio Godínez plays it live from its début recording (he makes two mistakes in reading the piece). 

"Moonlight Tide"

"Coda" from Bluebeard, an operatic fantasy

"Marcel at Balbec" from A Book of Miniatures