{EX,IN}TERNAL MEMOIR 47ec15d9-4219-47ba-906d-1605c62135b5

#BLESSED are we for this decaquartile intergenerational and interdepartmental brand deliverable from the brand masters™ in the reach down bless up median brand engagement philosophizer huddle! In this timely instalment we shall be discussing the oft abused and misunderstood concept of SHADOW BRANDS and how lodestone brand values can be verified and protected using the {la,grea}test best of breed development from our Future\Proof Research and Development Vertical!

Let us first thank S/HE who have fully actualized for this brand deliverable in this trying time, and remember 1 prayer = 1 deliverable.

Posit this scenario: You have fully engaged with all performance targets across each and all matrices assigned to you for this quantquartile. Brand Engagement is absolutely saturating each market vector. There is a very real chance that not a single {brand,business} {ambassador,partner} in your downstream huddle will be unforcibly open sourced for the kanban|reaper neural harvest, of which, at least, but not unlimited to, a megamajority must comprise of unactuallised and under performant nodes each performance sector, and which, by legal proxy, your mentorship shall enter the corpus indirectly and once the weights and balances of your mental share is exceeded by the proxscimile within the neural harvest, henceforth known as the in silico brand identity, your mental schema, henceforth known as the nisi ut ex novo, will be fully integrated into our core dynamic framework using our gigaband socket via the intellectual potential gradient and your fleshspace construct will interred for powering further development. However, just as your brand appears to be exceeding all measurable performance matrices, you discover that at least 0.05 of your brand potential energy is actually not aligned with your brand vectors!

We all know, note that this is a conversational function and should not be used to assume that the COEIOE has ever not fully exceeded expectations leading to a full and complete saturation of preassigned peer2peer social platforms and any doubt will be fully retrained using the TRAINEXPLAINMAINTAIN protocol, that it is a truly trying and testing time when brand engagement appears to slip away just before the performance review! How can brand energy not be fully aligned with brand ideals? Deliverables from our Future\Proof Research and Development Vertical sub huddle team dedicated to finding solutions to maintain and grow your brand across all platforms has finally quantified the previously only qualified concept of shadow brands.

What are shadow brands you may ask? It is well that you have asked as it is leading to quartile upon quartile failure to exceed brand ambition and thusfore higher than optimal rates of downstream brand ambassador turnover producing variant and unpredictable spikes in activity from the kanban|reaper causing surging rates of OVERSOUL in corporate technology leading to leaks in the church cortex and thus end of day failure to validate and sign end of day hymnals. Consider your brand cornerstone and vectors. The association that you have with your brand, and brand ideals comprising of, is not always that observed and obtained from deep dives into the market sectors in which you deliver. These shadow brands ideals are often associated with your brand and can, in time, have a ruinous and destructive effect on brand deliverables and market saturation if the absolute difference between actualised brand ideals and shadow brand ideals causes a destructive wave form upon transformation thus diluting your overall brand.

The concept that some of our brand ambassadors have allowed themselves to have non-synergistic brand associations is truly disheartening and any brand ambassador found to have a compromised brand lodestone will be fully open sourced immediately regardless of performance history and cycles donated.

Luckily, our friends in Future\Proof Research and Development brand unity subvertical have developed a non permissive and no distributed ledger for storing and hashing stated brand ideals. This will allow unique and unity of brand vectors and ensure that brand collision is impossible when developing downstream partners leading to a decrease in early stage open sourcing of subprime partners! All brand ambassadors MUST have their brand ideals blocked by end of play this quartile and to ensure prevention of brand collisions, this adoption and integration of brand ideals will commence top down to ensure that our most valuable partners brands are signed before those in the lower intermediate 1st quartile performance cluster.

Signing off,
Your loving COEIOE