1  2  3  4 

1  _  _  _  _

2  _  _  _  _

3  _  _  _  _

4  _  _  _  _

1)  a cooperative unit (especially in sports)
2)  socially incorrect in behavior
3)  an examination conducted by spoken communication
4)  (law) any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be brought

1)  a slow pace of running
2)  the basic monetary unit of most members of the ____pean union (introduced in 1999); in 2002 twelve ____pean nations (germany, france, belgium, luxembourg, the netherlands, italy, spain, portugal, ireland, greece, austria, finland) adopted the ____ as their basic unit of money and abandoned their traditional currencies
3)  the sixth month of the civil year; the twelfth month of the ecclesiastic year in the jewish calendar (in february and march)
4)  the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid

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