1  2  3  4 

1  _  _  _  _

2  _  _  _  _

3  _  _  _  _

4  _  _  _  _

1)  money or goods contributed to the poor
2)  the hebrew patriarch who saved himself and his family and the animals by building an ark in which they survived 40 days and 40 nights of rain; the story of ____ and the flood is told in the book of genesis
3)  edible starchy tuberous root of ____ plants
4)  expel (gases or odors)

1)  (poker) the initial contribution that each player makes to the pot
2)  a rich soil consisting of a mixture of sand and clay and decaying organic materials
3)  a member of a rural finnish people living in eastern russia
4)  the act of firing a projectile

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