
Today I moved my website to tilde.town! I thought this may be a good
opportunity to explain the "back-end" of my site.

Basically, I have a index.html file I made by hand. All my blog-posts are
stored in ~/public_html/posts/ as plain-text documents, only using html tags
for formatting.

In ~/public_html/ I have a wonderful little script which iterates over all my
blog-entries in ~/public_html/posts/ and cat(1)'s a header file, the post, and
a footer file together and spits them out. This way I don't have to think about
setting up a html head and body and all of that stuff for every blog-entry.
I find this to be way better than using huge bloated solutions like Jekyll
because if I want a feature, it's trivial to add it to the script.

Long live the UNIX philosophy!

built with sh(1) and cat(1)