bash-4.2:~/posts$ less markdown_is_cool.html

Markdown is cool

I really love markdown. It's an incredible thing.

First of all, it is very handy : having a way to format documents where the source code is still readable is awesome.

But what is really handy with markdown is the tools around it. You have heaps of static site generators, heaps of tools to convert markdown into other formats (including the incredible pandoc).

If you use an extended version of markdown, there is really all you need : LaTeX, code blocks... And if you need more, you can always use html !

In terms of editing, it is quite relaxing to just type in what makes your formatting. You never press a button or a shortcut. Only simple characters : #, *, -...

To show my love for markdown, I decided that the markdown syntax will be displayed in this website. This is why you have # before titles, or * around italic...