Sanqui blogs!

Sanqui blogs

Week one I guess

And I'm at it again.

I don't intend on publishing this one, because I don't think I can write anything worthwhile. So let's get this over with.

Whirlwind explanation time. Last year's 100 days of pixel art: moderate success. I wanted to try something like that again, but limiting myself to pixel art felt like a waste. So now I do art, music, and maybe blog posts every Sunday. I don't know how I feel about blog posts yet. I got a ton of ideas, but fact is, blog posts are even worse when rushed than art is.

So what I'm trying to say is, either I make a solid blog post next week, or I drop the blogging part. I won't be breaking the streak either way since I'm gonna draw a random Pokémon. Easy.

Weekly Roundup

I guess weekly roundup is a feature that should be present in these blog posts. So here's what I did this week.

I'm sorry this is terrible. Told ya I won't be publishing this. 2016-09-25

Got any comments? Please email me and I'll post them here!