
28 may 2023

There is an emptiness in circularity
There is a feeling of purity to both
But emptiness and hunger are almost the same thing
And a serpent may not eat itself for sustenance

ι've been trying to approximate a function (in order to render a fractal in a specific way), but the disk (in the complex plane) where the approximation converges turns out to be exactly the area ι care about; this is fortunate from a purely theorical point of view, but practically bad because the convergence is extremely slow on the edge of the disk, which is in some ways the most important bit.
ι'm considering switching to a padé approximation rather than a simple power series, but ι'm not certain that will help.

09 september 2020

I'm feeling stuck Creatively and in other ways I'm tired Why do we have to live like this

25 may 2020

We want to scream but we don't have the possiblity or the energy We're confused and tired

23 april 2020

We're trying to make a weird language It's not going great, mostly because we can't write it very well on flat surfaces We need to understand its limitations, but we're kinda shaping those as we go and when we can't do something we're not sure if it's because it's impossible or because we just haven't figured that part out yet.

02 february 2020

we are very tired and we keep procrastinating everything but podcasts are good and friends are good we have a therapy session in two days and we're scared we're going to disappoint our psychologist bc we weren't able to keep up with her suggestions :(

31 january 2020

We've been reading some feels and wow we're all depressed here

12 january 2020

we feel so lonely

07 january 2020

This place is nice We like the atmosphere Don't have much more to say though, we're mostly trying out "feels"