owner: ~endorphant | source
A personal bot friend.
- Automatic tilde mining; when activated, asks for a !tilde at intervals of at least 60 minutes, and defeats the tildebot arithmetic captcha by performing some text processing.
- Channel haunting; summons the ghost of a user by loading lines from the #tildetown IRC log, then repeating them chronologically at a randomish interval. When it runs out of lines, the ghost dissipates.
- Internet time; reports the current beat to the nearest thousandth.
- !beat gives the current beal meridian time
- !tildeboard gives the top five !tilde scores, according to the tildebot records
- !leaderboard does the same, without triggering the tildebot
- !exhume {username} {yyyy-mm-dd} loads lines from username on given date (logs start 2014-12-29)
- !silphscope reveals current ghost
- !banish instantly ends haunting
Responds to the following when directly addressed ("cndorphbot: {message}")
- <3
- tildeboard
- botsnack
- time/mark/sync (old debugging commands, left in for flavor)
- report (calls !tildescore)
- beg (asks for a !tilde)
last compiled: 2025-01-05 14:58:47.996247