Share your favorite songs as your "song of the day".
Owner: ~caff
Git Repo:
SOTDbot is rather simple. You feed it songs, and it stores them for others to view. It's also broadcasted on the Fediverse via Tiny.Tilde.Website.
SOTDbot can be found hanging out in #tildetown, #bots, #sotd, and #music. Commands can also be sent via /query sotdbot
Building on top of it is encouraged, and others have already have, like ~severak's town radio since everything's stored in an SQLite database.
- !sotd Will list all SOTDs set in the past 48 hours when run with no arguments. (Note: Will not output all SOTDs in #tildetown to try and avoid pollution.)
- !sotd <user> Will list the user's last set SOTD, regardless of time.
- !sotd <link> <?title> This will update your SOTD. SOTDbot attempts to automatically get title info from the link, but if it's from an unsupported site, or is unable to parse metadata, it may prompt you to re-run the command and specify a title yourself.
- !sotdhelp Displays some basic help for using SOTDbot.
- !allmysotd <?page> This will list all your SOTDs, 10 at a time. Due to the verbose nature of this command, it may only be run in a private message with SOTDbot.
- !supdate <link> <?title> An alias for !sotd <link> <?title>.
- !sotdtest <link> This will test how SOTDbot's automatic metadata parsing will see a link. Mainly used for debugging purposes.
- !sotdstats This displays some statistics about SOTDbot, including how many total songs, and the most active SOTD users.
- !sotdsearch <searchterm> This will search in the song title, and the link for the entered search term, limited to 5 results. (Note: Will not print results in #tildetown since it can get noisy.)
last compiled: 2025-03-02 12:22:05.079853