return TTBP

21 march 2019

Huh, it's been a few days. What happened that caused me to quit updating my feels?

Maybe I just forgot yesterday. That can happen sometimes. I'm pretty forgetful.

The past couple of days have been really beautiful if still a little chilly. The moon has been so full it casts shadows. My favorite time that happened was one time on my birthday, all my friends came over and we stayed out all night playing yard games like Ghost in the Graveyard (renamed Tooth Fairy in Cloudland because I was scared, and I wasn't young -- I was like 14) and talking about who knows what, cutting up, kid stuff.

I finished Cain. I liked it a lot. I wrote a little something about liking it but I'm not sure if that's all I should say or if I should say more. I think it's okay if I only say that I liked it. It's my website. I can do what I want.