
08 november 2016

Feels, huh?

I feel like I took a step towards being more professional in my "real" blog by pushing it to Medium. However I continue to blog like I always have, which is little to none at all. And when I do blog, it's like this, with the blogging being largely about blogging itself. So thank you ttbp for bringing me back to my roots.

I have an idea for a web thing that would be like a combination of a webring but using Soundcloud. So the idea is that if you publish the webring on your site, you get to choose a song yourself that gets embedded on other people's sites.

Right now the main thing preventing me from creating this thing is that I can't think of a good name that conveys the premise without sounding bland or cliche.

Here's some that are currently kicking around:

Email me on tilde town or travis@travisbriggs.com to let me know what you think. Or find me in tilde town IRC.
