Bob his bib refs

last update on 03 September 2024

[1] Thomas C. Leonard. Illiberal Reformers. Princeton University Press, fourth edition, 2017.
Keywords: eugenics, progressivism, Gilded Age
[2] Walter Lippmann. Public opinion. Routledge, second edition, 1998.
[3] Wilfred Trotter. Instincts of the herd in peace and war. T. Fisher Unwin Ltd, first edition, February 1916.
[4] Michal Kosinski, David Stillwell, and Thore Graepel. Private traits and attributes are predictable from digital records of human behavior. PNAS, 110(15), April 2013.
Keywords: social neworks; computational social science; machine learning; big data; data mining; psychological assessment
[5] Rand Fishkin. An anonymous source shared thousands of leaked google search api documents with me; everyone in seo should see them., May 2024. [ http ]
Keywords: google search; leak
[6] Edward Bernays. Crystallizing public opinion. Ig Publishing, 2011.
Keywords: propaganda
[7] Edward Bernays. Propaganda. Ig Publishing, first edition, 2005.
Keywords: propaganda
[8] Nick Fischer. The committee on public information and the birth of us state propaganda. Australasian Journal of American Studies, 35(1), July 2016.
Keywords: propaganda
[9] Amnesty International. Uk: Europe's top court rules uk mass surveillance regime violated human rights., 05 2021. [ http ]
Keywords: GCHQ
[10] Gustave Le Bon. The crowd. Dover publications, Mineola, New York, 2015.
[11] Max Horkheimer. Critical Theory. Continuum Publishing, 2002.
[12] C. Wright Mills. The power elite. Oxford University Press, first edition, 1959.
Keywords: sociology; philosophy
[13] David M Estlund. Democratic authority: a philosophical framework. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1 edition, 2009.
Democracy is not naturally plausible. Why turn such important matters over to masses of people who have no expertise? Many theories of democracy answer by appealing to the intrinsic value of democratic procedure, leaving aside whether it makes good decisions. In Democratic Authority, David Estlund offers a groundbreaking alternative based on the idea that democratic authority and legitimacy must depend partly on democracy's tendency to make good decisions. Just as with verdicts in jury trials, Estlund argues, the authority and legitimacy of a political decision does not depend on the particular decision being good or correct. But the "epistemic value" of the procedure--the degree to which it can generally be accepted as tending toward a good decision--is nevertheless crucial. Yet if good decisions were all that mattered, one might wonder why those who know best shouldn't simply rule.
Keywords: American Government ; Authority ; Democracy ; History & Theory ; Judicial Branch ; Philosophy ; POLITICAL SCIENCE
[14] Thomas Christiano. The authority of democracy. The journal of political philosophy, 12(3):266--290, 2004.
A justification for maintaining the legitimacy of democratic decision making is offered. A dualistic account of democracy based upon two principles -- democracy promotes the equal advancement of all interests & social justice must be visible within democracy -- is proposed. After relating the formal & substantive arguments for conceptualizing social justice in such a manner, it is asserted that democratic decision making is fully capable of providing for the equitable advancement of competing interests in a publicly transparent way. It is subsequently argued that the legitimacy of democratic decision making is contingent upon the fairness of the substance of democratic laws or the justness of democratic processes. Moreover, it is stressed that democratic authority must take public perspectives into account to further legitimize democratic decision making. A hypothetical scenario in which the national legislature supports discriminatory enfranchisement laws is then used to determine the conditions under restraints should be placed upon democratic authority. It is concluded that a democracy's loss of its intrinsic sense of justice signals the de-legitimatization of democratic authority. J. W. Parker
Keywords: Authority ; Decision Making ; Democracy ; Equality ; Ethics ; Government & Law ; Legitimacy ; Political Science ; Political theory ; Public Opinion ; Social Justice ; Social Sciences ; Social Sciences - Other Topics
[15] Ruth Gavison. Privacy and the limits of law. The Yale law journal, 89(3), 1980.
This article identifies the concept of privacy and legal system committed to such a value.
Keywords: Analysis ; CIVIL RIGHTS, CIVIL LIBERTIES, CONTEMPORARY CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENTS ; Human relations ; Information legislation ; Intimacy ; Invasion of privacy ; Jurisprudence ; LAW AND LEGAL SYSTEMS ; Mental health ; Plaintiffs ; PRIVACY ; PRIVACY AND ITS INVASION ; Privacy rights ; Privacy, Right of ; Reductionism ; Right to privacy ; Torts ; US POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS, PROCESSES & BEHAVIOR
[16] Vikram R. Bhargava and Manuel Velasquez. Ethics of the attention economy. Business ethics quarterly, 31(3), 2021.
Social media companies commonly design their platforms in a way that renders them addictive. Some governments have declared internet addiction a major public health concern, and the World Health Organization has characterized excessive internet use as a growing problem. Our article shows why scholars, policy makers, and the managers of social media companies should treat social media addiction as a serious moral problem. While the benefits of social media are not negligible, we argue that social media addiction raises unique ethical concerns not raised by other, more familiar addictive products, such as alcohol and cigarettes. In particular, we argue that addicting users to social media is impermissible because it unjustifiably harms users in a way that is both demeaning and objectionably exploitative. Importantly, the attention-economy business model of social media companies strongly incentivizes them to perpetrate this wrongdoing.
Keywords: Addictions ; Addictive behaviors ; Attention ; Business models ; Cigarettes ; Design ; Ethics ; Heroin ; Internet ; Moral dilemmas ; Physiology ; Policy making ; Public health ; Social media ; Social networks
[17] Holger Pötzsch. Archives and identity in the context of social media and algorithmic analytics: Towards an understanding of iarchive and predictive retention. New media & society, 20(9):3304--3322, 2018.
This article reconceptualizes the archive in the context of digital media ecologies. Drawing upon archival theory and critical approaches to the political economy of the Internet, I account for new dynamics and implications afforded by digital archives. Operating at both a user-controlled explicit and a state- and corporate-owned implicit level, the digital archive at once facilitates empowerment and enables unprecedented forms of management and control. Connecting the politics and economy of digital media with issues of identity formation and curation on social networking sites, I coin the terms iArchive and predictive retention to highlight how recent technological advances both provide new means for self-expression, mobilization and resistance and afford an almost ubiquitous tracking, profiling and, indeed, moulding of emergent subjectivities.
[18] Rainer Forst. Noumenal power. The Journal of Political Philosophy, 23(2), 2015. [ DOI ]
[19] Claire Benn and Seth Lazar. What's wrong with automated influence. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 2021. [ DOI ]
Keywords: artificial intelligence; surveillance; privacy; exploitation; manipulation; legitimacy; power
[20] Andrew Roberts. Privacy in the republic. Routledge, 1 edition, 2023. [ DOI ]
[21] Belastingdienst/toeslagen, 2018.
[22] Philip Pettit. On the people's terms. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Keywords: Political philosophy
[23] Mordecai Kurz. The market power of technology. Columbia University Press, 2023.
[24] Carissa Véliz. Privacy is power. Melville House Publishing, 2021.
Keywords: privacy; power; technology
[25] Steven Lukes. Power: a radical view. Palgrave Macmillan in assoc. with the British Sociological Association, Basingstoke, 2nd [exp.] edition, 2005.
Keywords: Power
[26] John Haugeland. Mind design II: philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, rev. and enl. ed. edition, 1997.
Keywords: artificial intelligence ; cognitive psychology ; cognitive sciences/general ; philosophy/general
[27] Paul. Dourish and Genevieve. Bell. Divining a digital future : mess and mythology in ubiquitous computing. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 2011.
Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the authors' collaboration, this book takes seriously the need to understand ubicomp not only technically but also culturally, socially politically and economically.
Keywords: Ubiquitous computing
[28] Noah Lemos. An introduction to the theory of knowledge. Cambridge University Press, 2 edition, 2021.
[29] John Oberdiek. Lost in moral space: On the infringing/violating distinction and its place in the theory of rights. Law and philosophy, 23(4):325--346, 2004.
Keywords: Abortion ; Analysis ; Beliefs, opinions and attitudes ; Debate ; Ethics ; Human rights ; Law ; Libertarianism ; Morality ; Normativity ; Philosophy ; Philosophy of law ; Private property ; Property damage ; Property ownership ; Property rights ; Rights ; Social aspects ; Tort law
[30] John Locke and Peter Laslett. Two treatises of government. Cambridge texts in the history of political thought. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc, [rev. and abridged] student ed. / ed. with an introd. and notes by peter laslett. edition, 1988.
Keywords: Filmer, Robert, 1590-1653
[31] Ronald Myles Dworkin. Taking rights seriously. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1977.
Keywords: Law -- Philosophy
[32] H. L. A. Hart. Are there any natural rights? The Philosophical review, 64(2):175--191, 1955.
There is of course no simple identification to be made between moral and legal rights, but there is an intimate connection between the two, and this itself is one feature which distinguishes a moral right from other fundamental moral concepts. The words droit, diritto, and Recht, used by continental jurists, have no simple English translation and seem to English jurists to hover uncertainly between law and morals, but they do in fact mark off an area of morality which has special characteristics. In contrast with special rights, which constitute a justification peculiar to the holder of the right for interfering with another's freedom, are general rights, which are asserted defensively, when some unjustified interference is anticipated or threatened, in order to point out that the interference is unjustified. The assertion of general rights directly invokes the principle that all men equally have the right to be free; the assertion of a special right invokes it indirectly.
Keywords: Assertion ; Coercion ; Correlatives ; Equal rights ; Ethical codes ; Freedom of choice ; Fundamental rights ; Humans ; Intellectual freedom ; International human rights law ; Law and economics ; Morality ; Natural (music) ; Obedience ; Obligation ; Political science ; Promises ; Rights of Nature ; Simple (philosophy)
[33] Hillel Steiner. Directed duties and inalienable rights. Ethics, 123(2):230--244, 2013.
This essay advances and defends two claims: (a) that rights cannot be inalienable and (b) that even if they could be, this would not be morally justifiable.
Keywords: Analysis ; Correlatives ; Disabilities ; Disabled persons ; Employment ; Ethics ; Human rights ; Immunity ; Law ; Moral principles ; Morality ; Morals ; Natural rights ; Normativity ; Political science ; Rights ; Social justice ; Social norms ; Social theory ; Waivers ; Workdays
[34] Vittorio Bufacchi. The truth about rights. Journal of human rights, 7(4):311--326, 2008.
Arguably the biggest challenge facing theories of rights today comes from moral sceptics of all persuasions who are constantly singing the praises of anti-foundationalism, and in so-doing undermining the validity of human rights. This article has two principle aims: to show how different theories of rights tend to presuppose related theories of truth and to argue how Pragmatism, as a theory of truth and a theory of rights, can provide human rights with the foundations it desperately needs. Parts I and II will show how the two major schools of thought on the nature of rights, the Interest (or Benefit) Theory of Rights, and the Choice (or Will) Theory of Rights, correlate with two dominant theories of truth: the Correspondence and the Coherence Theory of Truth. Part III will explore the Pragmatist conception of truth and how it correlated with a Pragmatist Theory of Rights. Finally, Part IV will argue that in terms of human rights, the choice we face is not between foundationalism and anti-foundationalism. There is a third-way that deserves closer analysis called "quasi-foundationalism."
Keywords: Coherence theory of truth ; Conceptualization ; Epistemology ; Ethics ; Face (sociological concept) ; Foundationalism ; Fundamental rights ; Human Rights ; Law ; Morality ; Persuasion ; Philosophical thought ; Pragmatic theory of truth ; Pragmatism ; Schools ; Skepticism ; Social theory ; Sociology ; Truth
[35] Alan Gewirth. Are there any absolute rights? The Philosophical Quarterly (1950-), 31(122):1--16, 1981. [ http ]
[36] Istvan Hont. Jealousy of trade. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005.
Keywords: Competition, International -- History
[37] Matthew H. Kramer, Simmonds N.E., and Steiner Hillel. A Debate Over Rights: Philosophical Enquiries. Oxford University Press, 03 2000. [ DOI | http ]
This book engages in essay form in a lively debate over the fundamental characteristics of legal rights. Each chapter considers whether rights essentially protect individuals' interests --- as is contended by the Interest Theory of rights --- or whether they instead essentially enable individuals to make choices, as the Will Theory of rights maintains. The book addresses many questions, such as the following: What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a legal right? What is the connection between the existence and the enforcement of a legal right (i.e., between legal rights and legal remedies)? Does the identification of legal rights inevitably involve ethical judgments? To what extent can rights be in conflict? The answers to these and related questions can illuminatingly clarify, though not finally resolve, some of the present-day controversies over abortion, euthanasia, and animal rights.
[38] Grégoire C. N. Webber. Constituting rights by limitation, pages 116--146. Cambridge University Press, 2009. [ DOI ]
[39] S. Pressfield. The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle. Orion, 2003. [ http ]
[40] Joseph Campbell. De held met de duizend gezichten. Contact, 2 edition, 1990.
[41] John Mullarkey. Refractions of Reality: Philosophy and the Moving Image. Palgrave Macmillan, December 2008. [ DOI | http ]
[42] Tim Crane. Is there a perceptual relation?: 2006. In Aspects of Psychologism, pages 196--. Harvard University Press, 2014.
P. F. Strawson argued that `mature sensible experience (in general) presents itself as... animmediateconsciousness of the existence of things outside us' (1979: 97). He began his defence of this very natural idea by asking how someone might typically give a description of their current visual experience, and offered this example of such a description: `I see the red light of the setting sun filtering through the black and thickly clustered branches of the elms; I see the dappled deer grazing in groups on the vivid green grass ...' (1979: 97). In other words, in describing experience, we tend
Keywords: Argument from illusion ; Behavioral sciences ; Cognitive psychology ; Concept of mind ; Disjunctivism ; Hallucination ; Intentionalism ; Intentionality ; Mental objects ; Mental world ; Metaphysics ; Perception ; Perception theory ; Perceptual experiences ; Perceptual reality ; Philosophy ; Philosophy of mind ; Psychology ; Qualia ; Sensory perception ; Thought
[43] Jessica Brown. Semantic externalism and self‐knowledge. In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mind. Oxford University Press, 01 2009. [ DOI ]
The distinctive claim made by semantic externalism is that a subject's thought contents are partly individuated by her environment, and do not supervene on her `inner states', such as her brain states. One of the main objections to this position is the claim that it is incompatible with self-knowledge. A subject's knowledge of her own thoughts seems quite different from her knowledge of what others think. A subject uses behavioural evidence to know what others think. However, typically, a subject can know what she herself thinks without inferring this from her own behaviour, and even prior to manifesting any behaviour which could constitute grounds for such an inference.
[44] Jan-Werner Mueller. Liberalism's forever crisis., 01 2024.
Across Western democracies, one finds many who casually dismiss liberalism as a self-justifying ideology for economic “winners” or colonialism. But with conservatives openly fantasizing about imposing their moral orthodoxy on the whole society, liberalism's critics should be careful what they wish for
[45] Laura Tyson and John Zysman. The new industrial policy and its critics., 2023 11.
For many years, industrial policy was considered taboo in the United States and many other advanced economies, owing to assumptions that it is inherently protectionist and market-distorting. But context matters, and in today's world, state interventions to address market failures are exactly what is needed.
Keywords: industrial policy,united states,inflation,china,semiconductors,laura tyson,john zysman
[46] Hilary Putnam. The meaning of 'meaning'. In Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, volume 2. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Keywords: Philosophy of language ; Social & political philosophy
[47] Lynne Rudder Baker. The reality of ordinary things, pages 25--48. Cambridge Studies in Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 2007. [ DOI ]
[48] Olivier Assayas. Clouds of sils maria, 2014.
[49] S Coppola. Lost in translation, 2003.
[50] Lea Cantor. Zhuangzi on `happy fish' and the limits of human knowledge. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 28(2):216--230, 2020. [ DOI | arXiv | http ]
[51] Wenyu Xie. Approaching the dao: From lao zi to zhuang zi. Journal of Chinese philosophy, 27(4):469--488, 2000.
Keywords: 499-200 B.C. Warring States period ; China ; Chinese literature ; Chuang-tzu ; Dao de jing ; Historical studies (History of philosophy. History of ideas) ; Lao-tzu ; Laozi(ca. 570-ca. 490 B.C.) ; Literary works ; Non-western thinking ; Philosophers ; Philosophy ; Philosophy of religion ; prose ; Religious texts ; tao ; Taoism ; Writing ; Zhuangzi ; Zhuangzi(ca. 369-ca. 286 B.C.)
[52] Daniel Fried. What's in a dao?: Ontology and semiotics in laozi and zhuangzi. Dao : a journal of comparative philosophy, 11(4):419--436, 2012.
The present essay examines the conflicting ontological assumptions that one can find behind the word dao in the texts of the Laozi and Zhuangzi and argues that the relative indifference to these texts toward whether or not dao has an ontic reality should not be considered a flaw of early Daoism. Rather, the historical process by which the term dao collects various possible ontological implications can be thought of as a philosophical stance in its own right. That is, if the terms which one is obliged to use in discussing the immaterial necessarily hide, at least as much as they explain, the nature of Being, then it is a reasonable response to decline to ground one's ethics in an ontology, and that while the resulting philosophy may not qualify as a fully-adumbrated system, this does not diminish its potential usefulness.
Keywords: 499-200 B.C. Warring States period ; 799-500 B.C. Spring and Autumn period ; Arts & Humanities ; Asian Studies ; Chinese ; Chinese literature ; dao ; Dao de jing ; Education ; Essays ; Ethics ; Language ; Laozi(ca. 570-ca. 490 B.C.) ; Libraries ; Logic ; Non-Western Philosophy ; Ontology ; Philosophy ; Philosophy of Religion ; prose ; Realism ; Religious Studies ; Semiotics ; Taoism ; Zhuangzi ; Zhuangzi(ca. 369-ca. 286 B.C.)
[53] P. J. Invanhoe and Bryan W. van Norden. Readings in classical Chinese philosophy. second edition, 2005.
This new edition offers expanded selections from the works of Kongzi (Confucius), Mengzi (Mencius), Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu), and Xunzi (Hsun Tzu); two new works, the dialogues Robber Zhi and White Horse ; a concise general introduction; brief introductions to, and selective bibliographies for, each work; and four appendices that shed light on important figures, periods, texts, and terms in Chinese thought.
Keywords: 08.10 non-western philosophy.; B126; B126 .R43 2005eb; Philosophy Chinese -- To 221 B.C; To 221 B.C
[54] Paul J. D'Ambrosio. Confucianism and daoism: On the relationship between the analects, laozi, and zhuangzi, part i. Philosophy Compass, 15(9):e12702, 2020. [ DOI | arXiv | http ]
Abstract The Lunyu 論語 (Analects of Confucius), Daodejing 道德經 (Classic of the Way and Virtuosity) or Laozi 老子 (Book of Master Lao), and the Zhuangzi 莊子 (Book of Master Zhuang) have been broadly classified as representative of Confucianism (Lunyu) and Daoism (Laozi and Zhuangzi). This loose grouping, and the similarities and differences associated with these “schools” include some of the most telling and simultaneously misleading generalizations about Chinese philosophy or thought in general. These articles seek to provide an overview of the relationship between Confucianism and Daoism. The first article begins before with a generalized topics based comparison of the Lunyu, Laozi and Zhuangzi. The latter two texts include their own significant differences, but I will, wherever possible, look for generalities that fit both. The major themes considered in this first part are (1) the perspectives on names (ming 名) and actualities (shi 實), (2) cultivation, learning, and what is considered natural (ziran 自然), and finally (3) conceptions of the person.
[55] Paul J. D'Ambrosio. Confucianism and daoism: On the relationship between the analects, laozi, and zhuangzi, part ii. Philosophy Compass, 15(9):e12701, 2020. [ DOI | arXiv | http ]
Abstract This article is a continuation of Part I, which looked at the relationship between Confucianism and Daoism by first introducing general approaches, before moving on to (1) perspectives on names and actualities; (2) cultivation, learning, the natural; and (3) conceptions of the person. Continuing with the theme-based comparison of Confucianism and Daoism by looking specifically at the Lunyu 論語 (Analects of Confucius), Daodejing 道德經 (Classic of the Way and Virtuosity) or Laozi 老子 (Book of Master Lao), and the Zhuangzi 莊子 (Book of Master Zhuang), this article looks at (1) politics, nonaction (wuwei 無為), and virtuosity (de 德); (2) morality, virtues, and human nature (xing 性); and finally (3) Dao 道, or “the way.” It references Part I, and while it can be read independently, it is best taken as a continuation of Part I. The conclusion included herein summarizes both Part II and Part I.
[56] A.C. Graham. Disputers of the Tao: Philosophical Argument in Ancient China. Open Court, 2015. [ http ]
[57] A Hamilton. The mediascape of modern southeast asia. Screen, 33(1):81--92, 1992.
Keywords: Arts & Humanities ; dramatic arts ; Film Radio & Television ; Southeast Asia ; television ; videotape
[58] Gerald Sim. Postcolonial hangups in Southeast Asian cinema : poetics of space, sound, and stability. Critical Asian cinemas. Amsterdam University Press, 2020.
Postcolonial Hangups in Southeast Asian Cinema explores a geopolitically situated set of cultures negotiating unique relationships to colonial history. These particular Singaporean, Malaysian, and Indonesian identities are discussed through a variety of commercial films, art cinema, and experimental work. It discovers instances of postcoloniality that manifest stylistically through Singapore's preoccupations with space, the importance of sound to Malay culture, and the Indonesian investment in genre.
Keywords: PN1993.5.A755; PN1993.5.A755 .S56 2020; Motion pictures -- Southeast Asia -- History and criticism; Postcolonialism film theory Singapore Malaysia Indonesia
[59] Rick Altman. Film/genre. Bloomsbury Publishing, 1999.
Film/Genre revises our notions of film genre and connects the roles played by industry critics and audiences in making and re-making genre. Altman reveals the conflicting stakes for which the genre game has been played and recognises that the term 'genre' has different meanings for different groups, basing his new genre theory on the uneasy competitive yet complimentary relationship among genre users and discussing a huge range of films from The Great Train Robbery to Star Wars and from The Jazz Singer to The Player.
Keywords: PN1995; PN1995 .A383 1999; Film genres
[60] Benjamin Wormald. Religious composition by country, 2010-2050, Apr 2015. [ http ]
[61] Thomas Sobchack. Genre film: A classical experience. Literature/Film Quarterly, 3(3), Summer 1975. Last updated - 2013-02-23. [ http ]
Keywords: Performing Arts
[62] Kathryn VanArendonk. Mike white accepts the criticism., Aug 2021. [ .html ]
[63] John A. Lent. Southeast asian independent cinema: Independent of what? In Southeast Asian Independent Cinema, page 13. Hong Kong University Press, HKU, 2012.
To discuss Southeast Asian Independent Cinema is to encounter problems of definition, first, in trying to delineate the region itself, and second, in setting the parameters of independent film. Southeast Asia is a diverse mixture of many languages, cultures, and beliefs pulled together for political convenience; it is a colonial, and later, Cold War construct of Western origins. The region and in turn, its film, are not entities unto themselves; they are inseparable from their Indian, Malay, Chinese, and other roots. Similarly, a sole definition of independent cinema is not justified, with filmmakers and cinema scholars using the term in
Keywords: Anthropology ; Applied anthropology ; Applied sciences ; Arts ; Asian studies ; Behavioral sciences ; Business ; Business structures ; Censorship ; Communications ; Cultural anthropology ; Cultural customs ; Cultural industries ; Cultural studies ; Economic disciplines ; Economics ; Education ; Educational institutions ; Engineering ; Entertainment industries ; Ethnography ; Ethnology ; Film studies ; Finance ; Financial economics ; Formal education ; Funding ; Gasoline ; Holidays ; Industrial engineering ; Industrial refining ; Industrial sectors ; Industry ; Lent ; Manufacturing ; Manufacturing engineering ; Manufacturing processes ; Motion picture industry ; Movies ; Oil refining ; Petroleum distillates ; Petroleum products ; Political censorship ; Religious holidays ; Schools ; Social sciences ; South Asian studies ; Southeast Asian culture ; Southeast Asian studies ; Universities ; Visual arts
[64] Mark Alfino. Another look at the derrida-searle debate. Philosophy & rhetoric, 24(2):143--152, 1991.
A review of Limited Inc (Derrida, Jacques, Evanston, Ill: Northwestern U Press, 1988) collects some of the papers forming the Derrida-Searle debate of the 1970s. Although the debate was, & continues to be, hostile, important issues regarding speech act theory are raised. Derrida supports the original insight behind speech act theory but argues that it has been wrongly developed by John Austin & John Searle. Derrida argues that Austin is incorrect in characterizing communicative action as the determination of a context by a set of conventions & intentions. Derrida argues that a structure of absenceëxists in every meaningful use of language, & that language is characterized by ïterability.The views of Derrida & Searle on the relation between intention & iterability are contrasted, & some other issues raised by the debate are noted. 2 References. B. Annesser Murray
Keywords: Limited Inc abc... ; 1900-1999 ; Arts & Humanities ; Austin J. L ; Debate ; Deconstructionism ; Derrida Jacques ; Discussion Notes ; French literature ; How to Do Things with Words ; Intentionality ; Language ; Literary theory ; Literature ; Phenomena ; Philosophy ; pragmatics ; Presuppositions ; prose ; review article ; Searle John R ; Speech act theory ; Speech acts ; Words
[65] Raoul Moati, Timothy Attanucci, and Maureen Chun. Derrida, Searle: deconstruction and ordinary language. Columbia university Press, New York, 2014.
Raoul Moati intervenes in the critical debate that divided two prominent philosophers in the mid-twentieth century. In the 1950s, the British philosopher J. L. Austin advanced a theory of speech acts, or the performative,that Jacques Derrida and John R. Searle interpreted in fundamentally different ways. Their disagreement centered on the issue of intentionality, which Derrida understood phenomenologically and Searle read pragmatically. The controversy had profound implications for the development of contemporary philosophy, which, Moati argues, can profit greatly by returning to this classic debate. In this book, Moati systematically replays the historical encounter between Austin, Derrida, and Searle and the disruption that caused the lasting break between Anglo-American language philosophy and continental traditions of phenomenology and its deconstruction. The key issue, Moati argues, is not whether ïntentionality,ä concept derived from Husserl's phenomenology, can or cannot be linked to Austin's speech-acts as defined in his groundbreaking How to Do Things with Words, but rather the emphasis Searle placed on the performativity and determined pragmatic values of Austin's speech-acts, whereas Derrida insisted on the trace of writing behind every act of speech and the iterability of signs in different contexts.
Keywords: 20th century ; Deconstruction ; Derrida Jacques ; Intentionality (Philosophy) ; Language and languages ; Ordinary-language philosophy ; Performative (Philosophy) ; Philosophy ; Searle John R ; Speech acts (Linguistics)
[66] R Hull. Styling nietzsche - a note on the genealogy of derridean deconstruction. Man and World, 27(3):325--333, 1994.
Keywords: Arts & Humanities ; Philosophical logics. Philosophy of language ; Philosophy
[67] J. L. (John Langshaw) Austin. How to do things with words. The William James lectures How to do things with words. Clarendon, Oxford, second edition, 1975.
This work sets out Austin's conclusions in the field to which he directed his main efforts for at least the last ten years of his life. Starting from an exhaustive examination of his already well-known distinction between performative utterances and statements, Austin here finally abandons that distinction, replacing it with a more general theory of 'illocutionary forces' of utterances which has important bearings on a wide variety of philosophical problems.
Keywords: P106.A9 1975; Language and languages -- Philosophy; Speech acts (Linguistics)
[68] Peter Bornedal. Deconstructive vs pragmatic: A critique of the derrida-searle debate. The European legacy, toward new paradigms, 25(1):62--81, 2020.
This article presents a critical account of the debate between Derrida and Searle in which I defend Austin's and Searle's pragmatic analysis of speech against Derrida's complex deconstructionist approach. I first formalize Derrida's argument, reducing it to its main tenets that can be positively identified and critically reviewed. On the basis of this formalization I argue that the apparent incompatibility between Derrida's and Searle's approach to language becomes clear once we formalize, according to their type and content, the three concepts of ïntentionthat are confusedly referred to under one and the same label in the debate. This formalization reduces and clarifies the obscurity associated with the Derrida-Searle debate, and helps demonstrating the shortcomings of Derrida's position.
Keywords: Austin ; Deconstruction ; Derrida ; Derrida Jacques ; Intention ; Pragmatism ; Searle ; Speech ; Speech-Act theory
[69] Theodor Adorno. Critical models : interventions and catchwords. European perspectives 850132967. Columbia University Press, New York, [NY etc.], [new ed.] edition, 2005.
Keywords: 08.25 contemporary western philosophy (20th and 21th century); HN16
[70] Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno. Dialectiek van de verlichting. Boom, Amsterdam, fourth edition, 2022.
Keywords: Philosophy of culture.; 08.42 philosophy of culture.
[71] José Ortega y Gasset. De opstand van de massamens. Lemniscaat, Rotterdam, second edition, 2015.
[72] Peter Sloterdijk. De verschrikkelijke kinderen van de nieuwe tijd. Boom, Amsterdam, 2014.
[73] Harry Frankfurt. Freedom of the will and the concept of a person. The Journal of philosophy, 68(1), 1971.
Keywords: Addiction ; Analytic Philosophy ; Animals ; Contemporary Philosophy ; Desire ; Free will ; Humans ; Legal entities ; Moral responsibility ; Rationality ; Verbs ; Volition
[74] Robert Kane. Responsibility, luck, and chance: Reflections on free will and indeterminism. The Journal of philosophy, 96(5), 1999.
The problem of free will and determinism is discussed, with a focus on defending libertarian freedom without appeal to extracausal factors. Topics include the luck principle, indeterminism, the relationship between indeterminism and responsibility, possible worlds and the luck principle, parallel processing, control and explanation.
Keywords: Accidents ; Arts & Humanities ; Assassinations ; Beliefs opinions and attitudes ; Businesspeople ; Chance ; Dennett Daniel C ; Determinism ; Free will ; Free will and determinism ; Freedom of choice ; Incompatibilism ; Indeterminism ; Modal realism ; Philosophy ; Philosophy of action ; Responsibility ; Temptation ; Theory of values and moral philosophy. Philosophy of action
[75] Harry Frankfurt. Identification and wholeheartedness. In Perspectives on Moral Responsibility. Cornell University Press, 2018.
The phrase “the mind-body problem” is so crisp, and its role in philosophical discourse is so well established, that to oppose its use would simply be foolish. Nonetheless, the usageisrather anachronistic. The familiar problem to which the phrase refers concerns the relationship between a creature's body and the fact that the creature is conscious. A more appropriate name would be, accordingly, “the consciousness--body problem.” For it is no longer plausible to equate the realm of conscious phenomena---as Descartes did---with the realm of mind. This is not only because psychoanalysis has made the notion of unconscious
[76] Ryan Philip Gardener. Screaming silently : Haan, contemporary south korean cinema, and emotional realism, 2020.
Through this thesis I examine how popular contemporary South Korean cinema addresses, appeals to, and is shaped by Korea's social, historical, and cultural context, specifically by drawing on the cultural concept of haan - a national sentiment that draws on notions of accumulated suffering and resentment in the Korean context. Rather than viewing haan as an essential component of South Korean cinema - as has often been the critical tendency - I seek to understand the function of haan within that cinema. My first chapter establishes a framework for examining haan, by understanding cinematic evocation of haan in relation to emotional realism - a mode of address that communicates the emotion of reality, if not its factual or aesthetic reality. Seen in respect to emotional realism, I argue, haan communicates Korean social and historical realism through emotional address. My second chapter charts Korean cinema's portrayal of the 1980 Gwangju Democratic Uprising and argues how, despite the film-to-film differences in representation, haan is a constant in how Korean cinema emotionally frames the events of Gwangju, and thus mediates them within South Korean cultural memory. My third chapter focuses on a recent wave of films set during Korea's 1910 to 1945 colonisation by Japan, drawing on consistencies in how haan is evoked during these films' thematic elaboration of various issues relating to national identity. My fourth chapter, focusses on how haan manifests in South Korea's blockbuster cinema, arguing that haan is frequently structured into cinematic spectacle, often through the creation of emotional spectacle. Through this structure, and predominantly through textual analysis, my thesis discusses how haan's cinematic evocation appeals to the national by drawing on sentiments of deep cultural resonance within the Korean context. Such appeal, when afforded precedence in the textual assemblage of a film, I argue, is of great significance to some of South Korean cinema's most culturally important and domestically successful films.
Keywords: Cultural heritage ; Realism
[77] Anthony Carew. Quiet rage. Metro (Melbourne), (200):86--93, 2019.
In Burning, we hear a presidential speech playing on the television owned by Jong-su (Yoo Ah-in), an aspiring writer who's been forced - by his father's legal troubles - to return to his downtrodden hometown and work the family farm. While he has particular filmmaking fondnesses - meting out classic melodrama over slow-moving works of realism, karaoke, incongruously jaunty music, rivers and trains as symbolic images of the movement of time, characters riding in cars and on buses, depictions of people with disabilities - Lee is still a novelist at heart, his micro stories suggesting macro ideas. Peppermint Candy is an even more explicit study of an evolving Korea: set at various points throughout recent history, its story mirrors the politico-economic cycles of the nation itself. Describing train travel as having altered 'mankind's perception of time', he went on to say: 'Film is, of course, a medium that deals with time, and in that sense, the fact that one of the first films ever made is [the Lumiere Brothers'] Arrival of a Train [1896] is very symbolic.'14 Peppermint Candy opens in Spring 1999 with a sad, drunk salaryman, Yong-ho (Sol Kyung-gu), stumbling along a rubbish-strewn riverbank; there, a party of people have gathered to sing karaoke.
[78] Michael C Reiff. Burning. Film & History, 49(2):54--57, 2019.
Lee Chang-dong's film is reviewed.
Keywords: Burning (Motion picture : 2018) ; Criticism and interpretation ; Drama ; Lee Chang-Dong (Yi Chang-dong) (1954- ) ; Man-woman relationships ; Motion picture directors & producers ; Motion pictures ; Movie reviews ; Murakami Haruki (1949- ) ; Murders & murder attempts ; Mysteries ; Violence ; Yi Ch'ang-dong
[79] Björn Boman. The multifold intertextuality in lee chang dong's burning. Social sciences & humanities open, 3(1):100--119, 2021.
The study focuses on how the South Korean drama/mystery film Burning (2018) intertextually draws from William Faulkner's short story `Barn burning' and Haruki Murakami's short story `Barn burning' and related sociohistorical contexts. Burning does quite impressionistically and freely draw from these two short stories as well as adding new features, while simultaneously removing much of the core of Faulkner's work and some of Murakami's counterpart. By means of intertextual borrowing and re-contextualization, it has used the global discursive field and consequently hybridized and localized elements and themes from American-Western and Japanese works and discourses to perhaps make them better suited for the South Korean context. Burning has included and excluded various elements from both short stories but emphasized class and gender issues. These two major elements reflect upon the structural inequalities in the contemporary South Korean society.
Keywords: Burning ; General Literature Studies ; Haruki Murakami ; Humaniora och konst ; Humanities and the Arts ; Intertextuality ; Languages and Literature ; Litteraturvetenskap ; South Korea ; Språk och litteratur ; William Faulkner
[80] Steve Choe. Sovereign violence : ethics and South Korean cinema in the new millennium. Film culture in transition. Amsterdam University Press, 2016.
South Korea is home to one of the most vibrant film industries in the world today, producing movies for a strong domestic market that are also drawing the attention of audiences worldwide. This book presents a comprehensive analysis of some of the most well-known and incendiary South Korean films of the millennial decade from nine major directors. Building his analysis on contemporary film theory and philosophy, as well as interviews and other primary sources, Steve Choe makes a case that these often violent films pose urgent ethical dilemmas central to life in the age of neoliberal globalization.
Keywords: PN1993.5.K6; PN1993.5.K6 C484 2016; Motion pictures -- Social aspects -- Korea (South); Violence in motion pictures
[81] John Marenbon. Medieval philosophy. Routledge, 2007.
[82] John McGinnis and David C. Reisman. Classical Arabic philosophy : an anthology of sources. Hackett Pub. Co., Indianapolis, 2007.
This volume introduces the major classical Arabic philosophers through substantial selections from the key works (many of which appear in translation for the first time here) in each of the fields--including logic, philosophy of science, natural philosophy, metaphysics, ethics, and politics--to which they made significant contributions.
Keywords: B741; B741 .C52 2007; Islamic philosophy; Geschichte
[83] Muhammad b. Muhammad al Ġazali. The incoherence of the philosophers = Tahafut al-falasifa : a parallel English-Arabic text. Islamic translation series 197020224. Brigham Young University Press, Provo, Utah, second edition, 2000.
Keywords: 08.22 medieval philosophy.; Didactical prose (texts); B753.G33; B753.G33 T3313 2000; Philosophy -- Early works to 1800; Methodology -- Early works to 1800; Faith and reason -- Early works to 1800 -- Islam; Islam -- Doctrines; Islam -- Doctrines -- Ouvrages avant 1800
[84] Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky. Manufacturing Consent. Pantheon Books, 2 edition, 2002.
[85] Daniel H. Frank and Oliver Leaman, editors. History of Jewish philosophy. Routledge history of world philosophies ; v. 2. Routledge, London ; New York, 1997.
Jewish philosophy is often presented as an addendum to Jewish religion rather than as a rich and varied tradition in its own right, but the History of Jewish Philosophy explores the entire scope and variety of Jewish philosophy from philosophical interpretations of the Bible right up to contemporary Jewish feminist and postmodernist thought. The links between Jewish philosophy and its wider cultural context are stressed, building up a comprehensive and historically sensitive view of Jewish philosophy and its place in the development of philosophy as a whole. Includes:· Det
Keywords: B154; B154 .H57 1997; Jewish philosophy -- History; Judaism -- History
[86] H. L. A. (Herbert Lionel Adolphus) Hart. The concept of law. Clarendon law series. Oxford University Press, third edition, 2012.
Fifty years on from its original publication, HLA Hart's The Concept of Law is widely recognized as the most important work of legal philosophy published in the twentieth century. It is a classic book in the field of legal scholarship and remains the starting point for most students coming to the subject for the first time. Known as Hart's most famous work, The Concept of Law emerged from a set of lectures that Hart began to deliver in 1952 in which he developed a sophisticated view of legal positivism. Hart revolutionized the methods of jurisprudence and the philosophy of law in the English-speaking world by bringing the tools of analytic, and especially linguistic, philosophy to bear on the central problems of legal theory. In this third edition, Leslie Green provides a new introduction that sets the book in the context of subsequent developments in social and political philosophy, clarifying misunderstandings of Hart's project and highlighting central tensions and problems in the work. The Concept of Law remains a must-read for anyone interested in the great thinkers of the 20th century.
Keywords: 86.04 philosophy of law.; K237; K237 .H3 2012eb; Jurisprudence -- Methodology; Law -- Philosophy
[87] Fazlur Rahman. Islamic methodology in history. Publications of the Central Institute of Islamic Research, Pakistan ; publ. no. 2 117027499. Central inst. of Islamic research, Karachi, 1965.
Keywords: Islam.; Theology.; Methodology.; 11.80 Islam: general.; History (form); KBP440.3; KBP440.3 .R34 1965; Islam
[88] Masooda Bano. The Revival of Islamic Rationalism: Logic, Metaphysics and Mysticism in Modern Muslim Societies. Cambridge University Press, 2020. [ DOI ]
[89] George Boas. Rationalism in Greek Philosophy. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019.
Originally published in 1961. Greek philosophers were concerned with the distinction between appearance and reality, and all the differences in their philosophic systems were ultimately predicated on their different views of this distinction. The history of Greek rationalism is, then, a study of the changing basis of Greek philosophy. George Boas provides a historical account of rationalism in classical philosophy. He focuses on four central topics: the distinction between appearance and reality, the method used to establish the distinction, the appraisal of life made by the philosophers studied, and their ethical theories.
Keywords: Ancient philosophy ; bic Book Industry Communication ; H Humanities ; HP Philosophy ; HPC History of Western philosophy ; HPCA Western philosophy: Ancient ; to c 500
[90] Richard Taylor. Ibn rushd/averroes and ïslamicrationalism. Medieval encounters : Jewish, Christian, and Muslim culture in confluence and dialogue, 15(2-4):225--235, 2009.
Keywords: 400-1499 Medieval period ; Arabic language literature ; Aristotle(384-322 B.C.) ; Christian theology ; CREATION ; DEMONSTRATION ; DOUBLE TRUTH ; Fasl al-maqal ; GOD ; Ibn Rushd ; METAPHYSICS ; PHILOSOPHERS ; prose ; RATIONALISM ; REASON ; REFLECTION ; RELIGION ; RENAISSANCE ; Spanish literature ; Tafsir ma ba'd al-tabi'ah ; THEOLOGIANS
[91] Robert Kane. The significance of free will. Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford, 1998.
Kane offers a provocative and original account of the issues surrounding free will and moral responsibility. He presents a version of the 'incompatibilist' or 'libertarian' view of free will, defending the classic view of free will as 'the power of agents to be the ultimate creators and sustainers of their own ends and purposes'.
Keywords: BJ1461; BJ1461 .K38 1998; Free will and determinism; Responsibility
[92] Karim Townsend. On mike white's primitivist posthumanisms: Animality, coloniality, and racial affect in the white lotus. Quarterly review of film and video, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 2023.
[93] Kathryn Reklis. The ultrarich and their total depravity. The Christian century (1902), 138(26), 2021.
By choosing a small, Hawaiian island, he can probe the longer colonial histories tangled up in this racialized division of labor: local dancers perform än authentic indigenous dancefor the guests over dinner, the resort is built on land acquired unfairly from local residents, and it has so decimated the local economy that Lani feels grateful to work through her contractions. Kathryn Reklis teaches theology at Fordham University The camera repeatedly pans out to show us the expansive ocean and mountain ranges that surround the hotel, a wild luxury of beauty. [...]after six episodes, it was a necessary reminder that there are alternative visions of human life, in which purpose and power are not tied to wealth, even if it is harder for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to find such a vision.
Keywords: Pain ; Television program reviews ; Television programs ; Wealth
[94] Judy Berman. Vacation, all they never wanted. Time, 198(3/4), 2021.
Berman reviews the television show, The White Lotus, on HBO.
Keywords: Television programs
[95] Jack Halberstam. Gender trouble in paradise. Representations (Berkeley, Calif.), 158(1), 2022.
IN A 2021 HBO SERIES, The two teenagers, Olivia (played by Sydney Sweeney) and Paula (Brittany O'Grady), spend huge amounts of time sitting casually by a large swimming pool not sunning simply but (gasp!) reading. Their choice of scholarly material clearly comments on the themes of the show. Judith Butler's classic book Gender Trouble makes a quick and unheralded appearance. Gender Trouble shows up when Paula pulls it out of her bag while rooting around for her medication. Butler is more famous than Susan Sontag, more ethical and generous than Jacques Derrida, and more likeable and funnier than Slavoj Zizek. Butler is, in short, a superstar, a phallic authority, a celebrity. And as such, their books can be thrown into the crockpot of an HBO show angling for intellectual credibility and can signify accordingly! What does Gender Trouble signify in The White Lotus? Not much in relation to the cringe-worthy plot of wealthy do-nothings taking time away from their busy lives of leisure to lie in the sun, receive massages from native people, and congratulate themselves on living well. But the book means a lot within the intertextual web established by the visual tagging of the teens' readerly aspirations. There, in conversation with Césaire and Fanon in particular, and operating at the level of the show's unconscious (as referenced by Freud and Lacan), Gender Trouble is a little bomb landing in the middle of the family romance of colonial occupation, lighting up the violent entanglements of intimacy, the natural, the exotic, and the financial and troubling all of them. Gender Trouble in The White Lotus is not a simple feminist refusal of the roles assigned to men and women across the genre of vacations gone wrong; rather, the book indexes other forms of instability that lurk beneath the surface of all luxury tourism where white violence has cleared the way for white relaxation.
Keywords: Butler Judith ; Gender studies ; Philosophy ; Television programs ; Tourism ; Violence ; White people
[96] Hannah Arendt. Freedom and politics: a lecture. Chicago review, 14(1), 1960.
Keywords: Ancient philosophy ; English Literature ; ESSAYS ; Freedom ; Freedom of speech ; Freedom to read ; General Literary Studies ; Intellectual freedom ; Political freedom ; Political ideologies ; Political philosophy ; Religious freedom ; Social contract
[97] F. A Hayek. Freedom and coercion. In Liberty Reader. Routledge, United States, first edition, 2006.
In the sense 'freedom' refers solely to a relation of men to other men, and the only infringement on it is coercion by men. Freedom presupposes that the individual has some assured private sphere, that there is some set of circumstances in his environment with which others cannot interfere. The transition from the concept of individual liberty to that of liberty as power has been facilitated by the philosophical tradition that uses the word 'restraint' where reader have used 'coercion' in defining liberty. Coercion occurs when one man's actions are made to serve another man's will, not for his own but for the other's purpose. The freedom of the free may have differed widely, but only in the degree of an independence which the slave did not possess at all. The conception of liberty can be made more precise only after people have examined the related concept of coercion.
Keywords: PHILOSOPHY ; Sociology
[98] Shoshana Zuboff. The age of surveillance capitalism : the fight for a human future at the new frontier of power. Profile Books Ltd, first edition, 2019.
Shoshana Zuboff, named the true prophet of the information ageby the Financial Times, has always been ahead of her time. Her seminal book In the Age of the Smart Machine foresaw the consequences of a then-unfolding era of computer technology. Now, three decades later she asks why the once-celebrated miracle of digital is turning into a nightmare. Zuboff tackles the social, political, business, personal, and technological meaning of surveillance capitalismäs an unprecedented new market form. It is not simply about tracking us and selling ads, it is the business model for an ominous new marketplace that aims at nothing less than predicting and modifying our everyday behavior--where we go, what we do, what we say, how we feel, who we're with. The consequences of surveillance capitalism for us as individuals and as a society vividly come to life in The Age of Surveillance Capitalism's pathbreaking analysis of power. The threat has shifted from a totalitarian big brotherstate to a universal global architecture of automatic sensors and smart capabilities: A big otherthat imposes a fundamentally new form of power and unprecedented concentrations of knowledge in private companies--free from democratic oversight and control
Keywords: 05.20 communication and society.; Consumer behavior; Information technology; HF5415.32; HF5415.32 .Z83 2019 -- Data processing; Consumer profiling -- Data processing -- Social aspects; Nonfiction
[99] Phillip W. Magness and Michael Makovi. The mainstreaming of marx: Measuring the effect of the russian revolution on karl marx's influence. Journal of political economy, 131(6):1507--1545, 2023. [ DOI | arXiv | http ]
Karl Marx's high academic stature outside of economics diverges sharply from his peripheral influence within the discipline, particularly after nineteenth-century developments rendered the labor theory of value obsolete. We hypothesize that the 1917 Russian Revolution is responsible for elevating Marx into the academic mainstream. Using the synthetic control method, we construct a counterfactual for Marx's citation patterns in Google Ngram data. This allows us to predict how often Marx would have been cited if the Russian Revolution had not happened. We find a significant treatment effect, meaning that Marx's academic stature today owes a substantial debt to political happenstance.
[100] Jan-Maarten van Sonsbeek, Frits Bos, Jos Ebregt, and Eugene Verkade. De nederlandse economie in historisch perspectief, 2023. [ arXiv | http ]
Deze historische analyse laat de ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse economie zien in een handzaam overzicht van kerncijfers, trends en verklarende factoren. Dit helpt te begrijpen waarom Nederland het land is geworden dat het nu is, hoe we ons huidige welvaartsniveau bereikt hebben, welke factoren daaraan ten grondslag liggen, maar ook wat dat ons gekost heeft.
[101] Michel Korzec. De kitsch van het holisme. Veen, 1986.
Een twistschrift over de eenheid van het verhevene, het ware, het goede, het schone en de toepassing derzelve op het wezenlijke in mensch, maatschappij en het heel-al inzonderheid de zeer aanmerkelijke ontaarding daarvan bij Capra en daarvan afgetrokken verhandelingen over wiskonstige en andere wetenschappen alsmede onderrichtingen over dood en eeuwigheid profluerend uit de drukking des dampkrings, de oerstraling, de aantrekkingskracht, de magnetische, elektromagnetische en andere verschijnselen die in hun uitgestrektheid alle zouden wijzen op de ijdelheid van alle huidige konsten en wetenschappen daarnevens de toename van algemeen kwaad, rampspoed en besmettelijke ziekten tutti quanti aantonend de onontkoombaarheid van de herschepping van de Aarde in haar oorspronkelijke Natuur inachtnemend de Wijsheid der Oude Chineezen en met dat al een trouwhartige waarschuwing behelzend tegen dit uit 's wereldsonstandvastigheid voortkomend gemoed en het aanprijzen derzulken als een filosofie en liefdesethos voor vrouwen.
[102] Rabindranath Tagore. De koning van de donkere kamer. Wereldbibliotheek, 1971.
[103] Etty Hillesum and J.G. Gaarlandt. Het verstoorde leven. Uitgeverij Balans, forty-first edition, 2022.
[104] Carl G Hempel. The logical analysis of psychology. In Selected philosophical essays, pages 165--180. 2000.
One of the most important and most discussed problems of contemporary philosophy is that of determining how psychology should be characterized in the theory of science. This problem, overflowing the limits of epistemological analysis and leading to heated controversy in metaphysics itself, is brought to a focus by this familiar disjunction: “Is psychology a natural science, or is it one of the sciences of mind and culture (Geisteswissenchaften)?”The present article attempts to sketch the general lines of a new analysis of psychology, one which makes use of rigorous logical tools and which has made possible decisive advances toward the solution of the above problem. This analysis was successfully undertaken by the Vienna Circle (Wiener Kreis), the members of which (M. Schlick, R. Carnap, Phillipp Frank, o. Neurath, F. Waismann, H. Feigl, etc.) have, during the past ten years, developed an extremely fruitful method for the epistemological examination and critique of the various sciences, based in part on the work of L. Wittgenstein. We shall limit ourselves essentially to the examination of psychology as carried out by Carnap and Neurath.The method characteristic of the studies of the Vienna Circle can be briefly defined as a logical analysis of the language of science. This method became possible only with the development of an extremely subtle logical apparatus which makes use, in particular, of all the formal procedures of modern logistics.
[105] Gerardus en Novalis van der Leeuw. Uren met Novalis. second edition, 1943.

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