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bool, n.
A boolean variable, which can be either true or false.
bool, v.
To relax or hang out, especially with someone.

hi i'm bool. dunno what i'm doing but i'm trying to have fun doing it
i have an approximate knowledge of many things, including cybersecurity, modded minecraft, fandom history, and being queer
current project: a website that counts and analyzes malicious domains that have the .zip TLD. there's a lot of talk about how .zip domains can be horrifying tools for phishing and malware distribution, but how many are actually being used in the wild?
currently i'm just trying to collect the .zip domains from feeds, then i'll worry about making it a website. my ass is not a software developer, let alone a webdev, so this is a process lol

a member of the updated tilde.town ~ring
random ~user | random ~box | next ~user
inspo for header text from ~curiouser
header text gif from NASA