~.town / ~cel


static-approach.md: static-approach.html

[title]: # (Static site approach)

## An approach to static site generation

* Use a Makefile to coordinate page generation
* Generate pages using shell scripts
* Embed content in shell scripts using heredocs
* Use pipes and command line utilities to transform content
* Track changes using git
* Auto rebuild

### Examples

* [this tilde](/~cel/)

### Scripts used on this site

* [Makefile](Makefile.html)
* [template.html.sh](template.sh.html)
* [gitfeed](https://git.scuttlebot.io/%25ZjRT0TkelkSiVuEeH9JxnI6T0wDnP0V91lCaG8CHXM8%3D.sha256)

### Potential downsides

* complexity
* mixing presentation and content

### See also

* [~rklett's discussion](/~rklett/) of static site generators
* [~datagrok](/~datagrok/)'s [m4-bakery](https://web.archive.org/web/20160711154600/http://datagrok.github.io/m4-bakery/)