
11 june 2019

Just as I was starting to get interested in starting a blog, I noticed that this option existed. So, I guess I don't really have to pay the $10 or so that's the norm for running a blog. Blogs seem so cool from an outsider's perpsective, they always seem like something so deeply rooted in the culture of the early to mid 2000s internet, with a lot of people that went on to become youtubers or influencers starting with blogging. Blogs just seem so cool but so hard to get into. I guess I probably shouldn't be talking about blogging itself on a blog but whatever, whatever. Just wanted to preface why I'm starting this blog for the time being.

So, first things first, I graduated from high school yesterday. It was momentous I'm sure but the stress and hype of it all kinda just passed me by. I didn't feel much more than boredom for the entire ceremony and all the practice and whatnot preceding it was just as uninteresting. This is just one of those things that I was going to have to do eventually, and it's not like there was ever any doubt that I was gonna pass high school on my first shot anyway. Even with the bar set as low as it was coming into my senior year I knew that I was leaving with a diploma whether anyone expected it or not. So, yknow, whatever I guess. I guess this means I'm almost an adult now. In a few weeks I'll be a legal adult as well and that'll open a whole other can of worms. It feels weird to finally be "done" with school though, like all the weight that's been sitting on me for the past couple years is suddenly gone. I haven't felt this relaxed in some years now, with the most recent time in my memory being 2016. That's probably why I remember it so fondly, with all the time I spent playing red faction and watching garbage youtube channels day in and day out. At this point I wonder if this is gonna be another year like that, where aside from the potential of getting a job I actually get to relax without any overhead stress.

Other than that there really isn't much I have to say. I guess for a first blog post this isn't much but I hope this becomes something more. Maybe one day I'll find a consistent theme or something but until then I'll just leave this as it is. Thanks for reading if you happen upon this