
06 june 2019

this is a blog by feels and hosted by tilde.town, a friendly intentional digital community, where I am a member, and you can be too1

to learn more, watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRKiTV64N4A&t=1130 that ~vilmibm gave at PyCon 2017.

tilde.town was inspired by tilde.club, which Paul Ford describes in the article: https://medium.com/message/tilde-club-i-had-a-couple-drinks-and-woke-up-with-1-000-nerds-a8904f0a2ebf

Members of tilde.town are encouraged to log into the server and edit files in their ~/public_html/ directory “by hand,” with the text editors available on the server, like many of us used to do when the Internet was young. I don’t go quite this old-school.

i think i don't more things to write more.

02 june 2019

i didn't change my ttbp settings to make this public on net untill today. now i can post a blog about me!

i'm a male and i'm struggling live in somewhere to host my server(dead) with my friends.

i'm studying to be a undecided on goal. in the meantime, i'm trying to learn every single program languages, and host a private shell server (gave up).

i have a personal website that i upload my stuff on it. It's on ummm uhhhhhh but i think it's not safe to place a personal website on it.

for some reason, i can't sleep

things that i like:

i love the internet i think i wish to write more over here sometime soon.

I'm a grammar nazi, this is so stupid.