
Miniblog: A command-line static blog system in Common Lisp
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content.lisp (14384B)

      1 (in-package :miniblog.content)
      3 (let* ((this-file #.(or *compile-file-truename* *load-truename*))
      4        (src-dir (pathname-directory this-file))
      5        (templates-dir (append (butlast src-dir) '("templates"))))
      6   (add-template-directory (make-pathname :directory templates-dir))
      7   (defvar *posts-template* (compile-template* "posts.dtl"))
      8   (defvar *page-template* (compile-template* "page.dtl"))
      9   (defvar *rss-template* (compile-template* "rss.dtl")))
     11 (defun augment-with-rendered-content (entry-obj)
     12   (if (not (getf entry-obj :rendered-content))
     13       (let ((content (getf entry-obj :content))
     14             (augmented-entry (copy-list entry-obj)))
     15         (setf (getf augmented-entry :rendered-content) (miniblog.format:markdown content))
     16         ( (getf augmented-entry :id) (getf augmented-entry :rendered-content))
     17         augmented-entry)
     18       entry-obj))
     20 (defun augment-posts-with-rendered-content (posts)
     21   (loop for post in posts
     22         do (setf (getf post :children)
     23                  (augment-posts-with-rendered-content (getf post :children)))
     24         collect (augment-with-rendered-content post)))
     26 (defun render-posts (posts pages &key stream title root-uri header links
     27                                    stylesheet year month archive-date-list
     28                                    enable-rss twitter-card collapse-posts-p)
     29   (let ((posts (augment-posts-with-rendered-content posts)))
     30     (render-template* *posts-template* stream
     31                       :posts posts
     32                       :pages pages
     33                       :title title
     34                       :root-uri root-uri
     35                       :header header
     36                       :links links
     37                       :stylesheet stylesheet
     38                       :year year
     39                       :month month
     40                       :archive-date-list archive-date-list
     41                       :enable-rss enable-rss
     42                       :twitter-card twitter-card
     43                       :collapse-posts-p collapse-posts-p)))
     45 (defun render-page (page path pages &key stream title root-uri header links
     46                                       stylesheet year month
     47                                       archive-date-list enable-rss
     48                                       twitter-card)
     49   (let ((page (augment-with-rendered-content page)))
     50     (render-template* *page-template* stream
     51                       :page page
     52                       :path path
     53                       :pages pages
     54                       :title title
     55                       :root-uri root-uri
     56                       :header header
     57                       :links links
     58                       :stylesheet stylesheet
     59                       :year year
     60                       :month month
     61                       :archive-date-list archive-date-list
     62                       :enable-rss enable-rss
     63                       :twitter-card twitter-card)))
     65 (defun render-rss (posts &key stream title link description image-url language
     66                               copyright managing-editor webmaster category)
     67   (render-template* *rss-template* stream
     68                     :posts posts
     69                     :title title
     70                     :link link
     71                     :description description
     72                     :image-url image-url
     73                     :language language
     74                     :copyright copyright
     75                     :managing-editor managing-editor
     76                     :webmaster webmaster
     77                     :category category
     78                     :build-date (miniblog.format:rfc-822-format (now))
     79                     :collapse-posts-p t))
     81 (defun make-generator (&key title root-uri header links stylesheet)
     82   (lambda (posts pages &key year month archive-date-list enable-rss twitter-card collapse-posts-p)
     83     (render-posts posts pages
     84                   :title title
     85                   :root-uri root-uri
     86                   :header header
     87                   :links links
     88                   :stylesheet stylesheet
     89                   :year year
     90                   :month month
     91                   :archive-date-list archive-date-list
     92                   :enable-rss enable-rss
     93                   :twitter-card twitter-card
     94                   :collapse-posts-p collapse-posts-p)))
     96 (defun make-page-generator (&key title root-uri header links stylesheet)
     97   (lambda (page path pages &key archive-date-list enable-rss twitter-card)
     98     (render-page page path pages
     99                  :title title
    100                  :root-uri root-uri
    101                  :header header
    102                  :links links
    103                  :stylesheet stylesheet
    104                  :enable-rss enable-rss
    105                  :twitter-card twitter-card
    106                  :archive-date-list archive-date-list)))
    108 (defun make-rss-generator (&key title link description image-url language
    109                                 copyright managing-editor webmaster category)
    110   (if (and title link description)
    111     (lambda (posts)
    112       (render-rss posts
    113                   :title title
    114                   :link link
    115                   :description description
    116                   :image-url image-url
    117                   :language language
    118                   :copyright copyright
    119                   :managing-editor managing-editor
    120                   :webmaster webmaster
    121                   :category category))
    122     (lambda (posts)
    123       (declare (ignore posts)))))
    125 (defun get-page-by-path (path pages)
    126   (labels ((get-page-name (name page-list)
    127              (find-if #'(lambda (page) (string= name (getf page :name)))
    128                       page-list)))
    129     (car (last (loop for path-elem in path
    130                      for curr-page = pages then next-page
    131                      for page-list = (getf curr-page :children)
    132                      for next-page = (get-page-name path-elem page-list)
    133                      when (null next-page) return nil
    134                      collect next-page)))))
    136 (defun get-page-id-by-path (path pages)
    137   (getf (get-page-by-path path pages) :id))
    139 (defun get-path-to-page (id pages-table)
    140   (reverse (loop for next-id = id then (getf page :parent)
    141                  until (zerop next-id)
    142                  for page = (gethash next-id pages-table)
    143                  when (null page) return nil
    144                  collect (getf page :name))))
    146 (defun year-month-of-entry (entry)
    147   (if (not entry)
    148     (error "Entry cannot be nil")
    149     (let* ((entry-created-at (getf entry :created-at))
    150            (entry-year (timestamp-year entry-created-at))
    151            (entry-month (timestamp-month entry-created-at)))
    152       (cons entry-year entry-month))))
    154 (defun year-month-of-latest-entry (entries)
    155   (if (not entries)
    156     (error "List of entries cannot be empty")
    157     (year-month-of-entry (car entries))))
    159 (defun monthcdr (entries year month)
    160   (if (not entries)
    161     nil
    162     (let*
    163       ((year-month (year-month-of-latest-entry entries))
    164        (entry-year (car year-month))
    165        (entry-month (cdr year-month)))
    166        (cond
    167          ((< entry-year year) entries)
    168          ((and (= entry-year year) (<= entry-month month)) entries)
    169          (t (monthcdr (cdr entries) year month))))))
    171 (defun collect-entries-for-month (entries year month)
    172   (if (not entries)
    173     (cons nil entries)
    174     (let* ((year-month (year-month-of-latest-entry entries))
    175            (entry-year (car year-month))
    176            (entry-month (cdr year-month)))
    177       (if (or (/= entry-year year) (/= entry-month month))
    178         (cons nil entries)
    179         (let ((collected (collect-entries-for-month
    180                            (cdr entries) year month)))
    181           (cons (cons (car entries) (car collected)) (cdr collected)))))))
    183 (defun get-archive-date-list (entries)
    184   (labels
    185     ((get-year-month-pair-for-entry (entry)
    186        (let* ((created-at (getf entry :created-at))
    187               (year (timestamp-year created-at))
    188               (month (timestamp-month created-at)))
    189          (cons year month)))
    190      (year-month-pairs-equal-p (a b)
    191        (and (= (car a) (car b)) (= (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
    192     (remove-duplicates
    193       (mapcar #'get-year-month-pair-for-entry entries)
    194       :test #'year-month-pairs-equal-p)))
    196 (defun gen-all-pages (pages &key prefix all-pages archive-date-list generator enable-rss twitter-card)
    197   "Generate all pages in the tree rooted at PAGES. PREFIX may be supplied if this is a subtree, in which case ALL-PAGES should also be supplied so that the page nav can render correctly."
    198   (labels ((with-paths (parent-path entries)
    199              (mapcar #'(lambda (entry)
    200                          (cons entry
    201                                (append parent-path (cons (getf entry :name) nil))))
    202                      entries)) 
    203            (gen-pages-recur (generated queue)
    204              (if (= 0 (length queue)) 
    205                  generated
    206                  (let* ((next-page (caar queue))
    207                         (path (cdar queue))
    208                         (next-page-content (gen-page next-page
    209                                                      path
    210                                                      (or all-pages pages)
    211                                                      :generator generator
    212                                                      :archive-date-list archive-date-list
    213                                                      :twitter-card twitter-card
    214                                                      :enable-rss enable-rss))
    215                         (next-page-entry (list :page path nil next-page-content))
    216                         (queue-rest (cdr queue))
    217                         (queue-new (with-paths path (getf next-page :children))))
    218                    (gen-pages-recur (append generated (cons next-page-entry nil))
    219                                     (append queue-rest queue-new))))))
    220     (gen-pages-recur nil (with-paths prefix (getf pages :children)))))
    222 (defun gen-all (entries pages &key generator page-generator rss-generator twitter-card)
    223   "Generate a list of all monthly pages and hierarchical pages as well as the index and RSS feed"
    224   (labels
    225     ((gen-all-years (entries pages archive-date-list generator enable-rss)
    226        (let ((rest-entries (copy-list entries))
    227              (content '()))
    228          (loop for year-month in archive-date-list do
    229                (let ((month-content
    230                        (gen-month rest-entries
    231                                   (car year-month) (cdr year-month)
    232                                   pages
    233                                   :twitter-card twitter-card
    234                                   :enable-rss enable-rss
    235                                   :archive-date-list archive-date-list
    236                                   :generator generator)))
    237                  (setf rest-entries (cdr month-content))
    238                  (setf content (cons (car month-content) content))))
    239          content)))
    240     (let ((archive-date-list (get-archive-date-list entries))
    241           (rss-content (gen-rss-feed entries
    242                                      :generator rss-generator)))
    243       (append (list
    244                 (list :rss nil nil rss-content)
    245                 (list :index nil nil (gen-index entries pages
    246                                                 :twitter-card twitter-card
    247                                                 :enable-rss rss-content
    248                                                 :archive-date-list archive-date-list
    249                                                 :generator generator)))
    250               (gen-all-pages pages
    251                              :archive-date-list archive-date-list
    252                              :generator page-generator
    253                              :twitter-card twitter-card
    254                              :enable-rss rss-content)
    255               (gen-all-years entries pages
    256                 archive-date-list generator rss-content)))))
    258 (defun top-ten (entries)
    259   (if (>= (length entries) 10)
    260     (subseq entries 0 10)
    261     entries))
    263 (defun gen-rss-feed (entries &key generator)
    264   "Generate the RSS feed content with the same posts as the index page"
    265   (let ((index-entries (top-ten entries)))
    266     (funcall (or generator (make-rss-generator))
    267              index-entries)))
    269 (defun gen-index (entries pages &key generator archive-date-list enable-rss twitter-card)
    270   "Generate the index (front page) with the latest ten posts"
    271   (if (not entries)
    272     (funcall (or generator (make-generator)) nil)
    273     (let ((archive-date-list (or archive-date-list
    274                                  (get-archive-date-list entries)))
    275           (index-entries (top-ten entries)))
    276       (funcall (or generator (make-generator))
    277                index-entries pages
    278                :twitter-card twitter-card
    279                :enable-rss enable-rss
    280                :archive-date-list archive-date-list
    281                :collapse-posts-p t))))
    283 (defun gen-month (entries year month pages &key generator archive-date-list enable-rss twitter-card)
    284   "Generate a page with all posts for the given year and month"
    285   (let ((archive-date-list (or archive-date-list
    286                                (get-archive-date-list entries))))
    287     (let* ((entries-at-month (monthcdr entries year month))
    288            (collected (collect-entries-for-month
    289                         entries-at-month year month))
    290            (month-entries (car collected))
    291            (rest-entries (cdr collected)))
    292       (cons
    293         (if month-entries
    294           (list year month nil
    295                 (funcall (or generator (make-generator))
    296                          month-entries pages
    297                          :year year
    298                          :month month
    299                          :twitter-card twitter-card
    300                          :enable-rss enable-rss
    301                          :archive-date-list archive-date-list
    302                          :collapse-posts-p t))
    303           nil)
    304         rest-entries))))
    306 (defun gen-post (entry pages &key generator archive-date-list enable-rss twitter-card)
    307   "Generate a single post page"
    308   (funcall (or generator (make-generator))
    309            (list entry) pages
    310            :twitter-card twitter-card
    311            :enable-rss enable-rss
    312            :archive-date-list archive-date-list))
    314 (defun gen-page (entry path pages &key generator archive-date-list enable-rss twitter-card)
    315   "Generate a single page"
    316   (funcall (or generator (make-page-generator))
    317            entry path pages
    318            :twitter-card twitter-card
    319            :enable-rss enable-rss
    320            :archive-date-list archive-date-list))