
Miniblog: A command-line static blog system in Common Lisp
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data.lisp (6743B)

      1 (in-package
      3 (defparameter +post-link-format+ "~a/~a/~a.html")
      5 (defun format-dates (content)
      6   (let ((created-at (getf content :created-at))
      7         (last-updated-at (getf content :last-updated-at)))
      8     (setf (getf content :created-at-rfc-822) (miniblog.format:rfc-822-format created-at))
      9     (setf (getf content :created-at-short) (miniblog.format:short-date-format created-at))
     10     (setf (getf content :created-at-long) (miniblog.format:long-date-format created-at))
     11     (setf (getf content :last-updated-at-rfc-822) (miniblog.format:rfc-822-format last-updated-at))
     12     (setf (getf content :last-updated-at-short) (miniblog.format:short-date-format last-updated-at))
     13     (setf (getf content :last-updated-at-long) (miniblog.format:long-date-format last-updated-at))
     14     content))
     16 (defun format-post-link (entry)
     17   (let ((created-at (mito.dao.mixin:object-created-at entry)))
     18     (format nil +post-link-format+ (miniblog.format:year created-at) (miniblog.format:month created-at) (mito.dao.mixin:object-id entry))))
     20 (defgeneric xform (entry)
     21   (:documentation "Transform an entry of some type into an idiomatic p-list"))
     23 (defmethod xform ((entry blog-entries))
     24   "Transform a blog-entries object into an idiomatic property list"
     25   (format-dates
     26     (list :id (mito.dao.mixin:object-id entry)
     27           :created-at (mito.dao.mixin:object-created-at entry)
     28           :last-updated-at (mito.dao.mixin:object-updated-at entry)
     29           :title (entry-title entry)
     30           :content (entry-content entry)
     31           :rendered-content (entry-rendered-content entry)
     32           :created-by (entry-username entry)
     33           :draftp (entry-draftp entry)
     34           :last-updated-by (entry-last-updated-by entry)
     35           :link (format-post-link entry))))
     37 (defmethod xform ((entry blog-pages))
     38   "Transform a blog-pages object into an idiomatic p-list"
     39   (format-dates
     40     (list :id (mito.dao.mixin:object-id entry)
     41           :created-at (mito.dao.mixin:object-created-at entry)
     42           :last-updated-at (mito.dao.mixin:object-updated-at entry)
     43           :name (page-name entry)
     44           :parent (page-parent entry)
     45           :title (page-title entry)
     46           :content (page-content entry)
     47           :rendered-content (page-rendered-content entry)
     48           :draftp (page-draftp entry)
     49           :created-by (page-username entry)
     50           :last-updated-by (page-last-updated-by entry))))
     52 (defun add-entry (title content &key rendered-content (username "nobody") draftp)
     53   (miniblog.db:add-entry title content :rendered-content rendered-content :draftp draftp :username username :transform #'xform))
     55 (defun get-entry (id)
     56   "Get entry by id, or nil if the requested id isn't found"
     57   (miniblog.db:get-entry id :transform #'xform))
     59 (defmacro with-entry-id (entry id &rest body)
     60   "Takes a varname to hold the entry list and a post id
     61    and executes the forms in body with the entry bound
     62    to the specified entry variable"
     63   `(let ((,entry ( ,id)))
     64      (if ,entry
     65        (progn ,@body)
     66        (format t "Post ID ~d not found~%" ,id))))
     68 (defun get-drafts ()
     69   "Get all drafts. Returns (VALUES [list of draft posts] [list of draft pages])."
     70   (values
     71    (miniblog.db:get-entries :drafts :drafts-only :transform #'xform)
     72    (miniblog.db:get-pages :drafts :drafts-only :transform #'xform)))
     74 (defun get-entries (&key year month max-entries include-drafts-p)
     75   "Get entries from the database, optionally limited to a date
     76    range or count"
     77   (miniblog.db:get-entries :year year :month month :drafts include-drafts-p :max-entries max-entries :transform #'xform))
     79 (defun update-entry (id title content &key rendered-content (username "nobody") draftp reset-timestamp-p)
     80   "Update entry by id. Returns the updated entry or nil if the id doesn't exist."
     81   (miniblog.db:update-entry id title content
     82                             :rendered-content rendered-content :draftp draftp :reset-timestamp-p reset-timestamp-p
     83                             :username username :transform #'xform))
     85 (defun update-entry-rendered-content (id rendered-content &key (username "nobody"))
     86   "Updated entry RENDERED-CONTENT by ID. Returns the updated page or NIL if ID doesn't exist."
     87   (miniblog.db:update-entry-rendered-content id rendered-content :username username))
     89 (defun delete-entry (id)
     90   "Delete the specified entry from the database. No-op if the id is invalid."
     91   (miniblog.db:delete-entry id))
     93 (defun add-page (name title content &key (parent 0) rendered-content (username "nobody") draftp)
     94   "Add a new page to the database"
     95   (miniblog.db:add-page name title content :parent parent :rendered-content rendered-content :draftp draftp :username username :transform #'xform))
     97 (defun get-page (id)
     98   "Get page by id, or NIL if the requested id isn't found"
     99   (miniblog.db:get-page id :transform #'xform))
    101 (defmacro with-page-id (page id &rest body)
    102   "Takes a varname to hold the entry list and a page id
    103    and executes the forms in body with the entry bound
    104    to the specified entry variable"
    105   `(let ((,page ( ,id)))
    106      (if ,page
    107        (progn ,@body)
    108        (format t "Page ID ~d not found~%" ,id))))
    110 (defun get-pages (&key (root-id 0) include-drafts-p)
    111   "Get all pages in a tree, or optionally a subtree starting from a given id. Returns the subtree as the first return value and the (unconditionally) full hashtable as the second."
    112   (miniblog.db:get-pages :root-id root-id :drafts include-drafts-p :transform #'xform))
    114 (defun update-page (id name title content &key rendered-content (username "nobody") draftp reset-timestamp-p)
    115   "Update page by id. Returns the updated page or nil if the id doesn't exist."
    116   (miniblog.db:update-page id name title content
    117                            :rendered-content rendered-content :draftp draftp :reset-timestamp-p reset-timestamp-p
    118                            :username username :transform #'xform ))
    120 (defun update-page-rendered-content (id rendered-content &key (username "nobody"))
    121   "Updated page RENDERED-CONTENT by ID. Returns the updated page or NIL if ID doesn't exist."
    122   (miniblog.db:update-page-rendered-content id rendered-content :username username))
    124 (defun move-page (id parent)
    125   "Move a page under a new parent page (or to the root if parent is 0 or NIL)"
    126   (miniblog.db:move-page id parent :transform #'xform))
    128 (defun delete-page (id &key (children :move-to-parent))
    129   "Delete a page. The parameter CHILDREN can be any of :MOVE-TO-PARENT (the default) in which all immediate children will be attached to the deleted page's parent, :MOVE-TO-ROOT in which all immediate children will be made top-level pages, or :DELETE in which case the entire subtree will be pruned."
    130   (miniblog.db:delete-page id :children children))