
Miniblog: A command-line static blog system in Common Lisp
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format.lisp (5668B)

      1 (in-package :miniblog.format)
      3 (defparameter +short-date-format+
      4   '((:year 4) #\- (:month 2) #\- (:day 2))
      5   "Date in YYYY-MM-DD format")
      7 (defparameter +long-date-format+
      8   '(:long-weekday ", " :long-month #\  :ordinal-day #\  (:year 4)
      9     " at " :hour12 #\: (:min 2) #\  :ampm #\  :timezone) 
     10   "Long format datetime, like:
     11    Monday, February 3rd 2020 at 2:46 PM PST")
     13 (defun truncate-and-emit-read-more (rendered-content collapse-link)
     14   "Cut RENDERED-CONTENT (HTML as emitted by 3BMD) at the first <hr/> and replace with a Read more... link."
     15   (let ((rule-pos (search "<hr/>" rendered-content)))
     16     (if rule-pos
     17         (concatenate 'string
     18                      (subseq rendered-content 0 rule-pos)
     19                      (format nil "<a href=\"~a\">Read more...</a>~%" collapse-link))
     20         rendered-content)))
     22 (defun markdown (content &optional collapse-link)
     23   "Translate CONTENT with 3bmd. If COLLAPSE-LINK is NIL then unconditionally render the full post, otherwise cut at the first ---."
     24   (let* ((3bmd-code-blocks:*code-blocks* t)
     25          (md-content (with-output-to-string (os)
     26                        (3bmd:parse-string-and-print-to-stream content os))))
     27     (if collapse-link
     28         (truncate-and-emit-read-more md-content collapse-link)
     29         md-content)))
     31 (defun rfc-822-format (datetime &optional (tz *default-timezone*))
     32   "RFC 822/1123 date formatter for RSS items"
     33   (format-timestring nil datetime
     34                      :format +rfc-1123-format+
     35                      :timezone tz))
     37 (defun short-date-format (datetime &optional (tz *default-timezone*))
     38   "Short-datetime formatter (see +short-date-format+)"
     39   (format-timestring nil datetime
     40                      :format +short-date-format+
     41                      :timezone tz))
     43 (defun long-date-format (datetime &optional (tz *default-timezone*))
     44   "Long-datetime formatter (see +long-date-format+)"
     45   (format-timestring nil datetime
     46                      :format +long-date-format+
     47                      :timezone tz))
     49 (defun year (datetime &optional (tz *default-timezone*))
     50   (format-timestring nil datetime :format '((:year 4)) :timezone tz))
     52 (defun month (datetime &optional (tz *default-timezone*))
     53   (format-timestring nil datetime :format '((:month 2)) :timezone tz))
     55 (defun make-content-formatter ()
     56   "Return the default content formatter (parses Markdown)"
     57   #'markdown)
     59 ;;; Djula formatting elements (tags and filters)
     61 (defun %resolve (x)
     62   (etypecase x
     63     (string x)
     64     (number x)
     65     (symbol (djula::resolve-variable-phrase (list x)))))
     67 (def-tag-compiler :page-tree (path pages &optional (root-uri "/"))
     68   (lambda (stream)
     69     (labels ((descend (parent-path child-path pages)
     70                (format stream "<ul class=\"page-list\">~%")
     71                (loop for page in (getf pages :children)
     72                      do (let* ((next-name (car child-path))
     73                                (descendents (cdr child-path))
     74                                (page-name (getf page :name))
     75                                (page-path (append parent-path (list page-name)))
     76                                (page-path-str (str:join "/" page-path)))
     77                           (format stream "<li><a href=\"~apage/~a\">~a</a>~%" (%resolve root-uri) page-path-str (getf page :title))
     78                           (if (and (string= page-name next-name) descendents)
     79                             (descend page-path descendents page))
     80                           (format stream "</li>~%")))
     81                (format stream "</ul>~%")))
     82       (descend nil (%resolve path) (%resolve pages)))))
     84 (def-tag-compiler :nav-calendar (archive-date-list &optional (root-uri "/"))
     85   (lambda (stream)
     86     (let ((arc (copy-list (%resolve archive-date-list))))
     87       (loop while arc do
     88             (format stream "<table class=\"calendar\"><tr><th colspan=\"4\">~a</th></tr>~%" (caar arc))
     89             (let ((month-entries '())
     90                   (month-names '("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec")))
     91               (loop for cal-month downfrom 12 to 1 do
     92                     (if (and arc (= cal-month (cdar arc)))
     93                         (progn
     94                           (push (format nil "~d/~2,'0d/index.html" (caar arc) (cdar arc)) month-entries)
     95                           (pop arc))
     96                         (push nil month-entries)))
     97               (loop for row from 0 to 2 do
     98                     (format stream "<tr>~%")
     99                     (loop for cal-month from (* row 4) to (+ (* row 4) 3) do
    100                           (format stream "<td>")
    101                           (if (nth cal-month month-entries)
    102                               (format stream "<a href=\"~a~a\">~a</a>"
    103                                       (%resolve root-uri)
    104                                       (nth cal-month month-entries)
    105                                       (nth cal-month month-names))
    106                               (format stream "~A" (nth cal-month month-names)))
    107                           (format stream "</td>~%"))
    108                     (format stream "</tr>~%")))
    109             (format stream "</table>~%")))))
    111 (def-filter :markdown (content &optional collapse-link)
    112   (markdown content (when collapse-link (djula::resolve-variable-phrase (djula::parse-variable-phrase collapse-link)))))
    114 (def-filter :read-more (content collapse-link)
    115   (truncate-and-emit-read-more content (djula::resolve-variable-phrase (djula::parse-variable-phrase collapse-link))))
    117 (def-filter :strip-html (content)
    118   (format nil "~{~A~}"
    119           (mapcar
    120             (lambda (s)
    121               (let ((chunks (split ">" s)))
    122                 (or (second chunks) (first chunks))))
    123             (split "<" content))))