q:Quit  d:Del  u:Undel  s:Save  m:Mail  r:Reply  g:Group  ?:Help                
   1 O F Jan 13 To username@loc (   3) Lists                                    
   2   + Jan 17 Mail Delivery S (  56) Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender      
   3     Jan 29 mailer@localhos ( 581) All the useful tasks from the command lin
   4 O   Jan 30 mailer@localhos ( 507) ├─>                                      
   5 O   Jan 31 postmaster@loca (   6) └─>                                      
   6 O   Jan 31 mailer@localhos (  90)   └─>                                    
   7 O   Jan 31 postmaster@loca ( 102)     └─>                                  
   8     Feb 01 Mail Delivery S (  17) Re: Correct order of input?              
   9     Feb 01 postmaster@loca (  26) └─>                                      
  10 O   Feb 03 username@localh (  22) Data extraction from zipped binary       
  11 O   Feb 06 jenkins@localho (  81) Reminder for weekly commit               
  12 O   Feb 06 username@localh (  27) ├─>                                      
  13 O   Feb 07 jenkins@localho (  35) └─>                                      
  14 O   Feb 08 scheduler@local (  52) System notification of scheduled backgrou

---Mutt: /var/mail/username [Msgs:14 Old:10 88K]---(threads/date)-------(all)---