My keyboard before cleaning.
It's looking a little grubby.
Look at these grungy, grimey keys! They need a scrubbing.
another closeup before
first I removed all the keys with this special little key puller. This end is kind of like a small whisk, or a little set of tongs. You kind of wiggle it around the key and then pull it out!
puuuuuulling. I wonder what's underneath these keys!
i had no idea it got so very terribly dirty in here
all keys off. time to clean off the board.
okay I couldn't get it clean enough with the switches in. so i used the non-tongs side of the key puller, the tweezers side, to pull all the switches out.
okay with the switches out of the way, i was able to clean the board much better with a brush and a damp cloth.
both sides done
all the key soaked in a bowl full of water and a gentle soap. (ivory!) then i scrubbed each one with a cloth.
switches back on. keys took a couple hours to air dry.
popped all the keys back on. colemak style instead of qwerty! i've been typing colemak for eight years or more now. and have never had a keyboard that actually looks like the way i type!
so cleeeean
and just then? my new 'seafoam blue' keycaps arrived! i'm going to pull these clean white keys off and pop these baby blues on.
hey look! this sweater i just got from the thrift store matches my new keys!