Owner: ~minerobber
A slightly-less-burnt-spaghetti-esque mess of code.
Old source here.
New source here
- !choose chooses an option from a list given (i.e; "!choose play work sleep")
- !mbtilde will play the tilde game. ("!mbtilde <ask/parrot/add/sub/mult/div/unscramble> [args]")
- !backronym
will give a backronym for the word using words in the Linux wordlist. ("!backronym souljaboy") - !kwam will give a backronym for KWAM. (let the kwam flow through you)
- !choose will choose one from a list. ("!choose "crank dat soulja boy" "buy a souljagame" you!")
- !dndice will roll a dice with modifier. ("!dndice 1d20+3")
- !stevenuniverse is a general-purpose Steven Universe command. (aliased to !su)
- !meme is a meme generator, utilizing memegen.link. ("!meme buzz Tildes | Tildes Everywhere")
last compiled: 2025-02-01 02:44:20.981508