~*~ E-Wizard's Tilde Tower ~*~

Hello! You have reached the public HTML of the illustrious E-Wizard! The E stands for many things, including, but certainly not limited to, evil.

I'm still new to modifying things this way, so please see my Neocities for an example of what I can do.

I have a Blog now, using the feels command.

Check my website in Inspect Element for how I did the background.

New!: I just finished reading this series so I made it a shrine page! Machineries of Empire shrine.

Useful one-liners

a member of the updated tilde.town ~ring

random ~user | random ~box | next ~user


Resurrected my seldom-used Mastodon account. Want to "verify" myself anyway, though. I'm theWizard@mastodon.lol