Meagan Fisher @owltastic

Real thing that just happened to me: I quoted a client a rate, and the project manager responded with "how about we triple that, so it better matches what we've paid our male designers for the same work?" 1. This client is heroic. 2. Female designers: ASK FOR MORE MONEY.
10:25 AM - 2 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

Jay Graber @arcalinea

Building tech that appeals only to people who value the principles it embodies is building for an audience that will remain forever niche.
10:10 PM - 2 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

Jay Graber @arcalinea

The story of the personal computer is interesting, because some wanted to take the power of mainframes away from the Man and give it to the People, others just wanted their own box to tinker with, but together they catalyzed this explosion of devices at our fingertips.
10:52 PM - 2 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

André Staltz @andrestaltz

The PC decentralized computing.
12:29 AM - 3 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

Academia Obscura @AcademiaObscura

Dress for the job you want, not the job you've got.
4:00 AM - 27 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Practicing Developer @practicingdev

When reading code, don't just follow it line by line. Ask a question or put together a story about how you think things work (even if it's just a guess) and keep that in the back of your mind as you read. Each time an assumption is confirmed or refuted, rinse and repeat.
5:42 AM - 2 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

Boing Boing @BoingBoing

Teen Bo$$: a magazine advising tweens on how to get rich by being "social media brands"
6:11 AM - 2 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

Grand DM @Grand_DM

3:40 PM - 31 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Leon, inside sweatdrop @webbedspace

Reminded that Gimmick! was ahead of its time.
6:48 AM - 2 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

Programming Wisdom @CodeWisdom

"The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it’s too late." - Seymour Cray
6:34 AM - 2 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

Academia Obscura @AcademiaObscura

Teaching feels
7:01 AM - 2 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

James Chapman @chapmangamo

Rating movies out of 5 stars is too hard, so here's a new system to reflect the good fun✨of bad movies and the emotional stress of good ones⭐️It's the different between Room⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨and The Room⭐️
7:51 AM - 30 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

"Ian" Abramson @ianabramson

When you compare the size of a gummy worm versus a gummy bear, it starts to paint a horrific picture of the gummy universe.
3:16 PM - 1 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

there was literally a war on hanukkah @bizmichael

No one told me how much fun it is to get high and make fun of your dog. You can call him an unfinished croissant TO HIS FACE and he’ll just enjoy the attention!
11:15 PM - 5 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Croissant Expert @Croissantexpert

A croissant is not an insult sir
7:29 PM - 6 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

there was literally a war on hanukkah @bizmichael

"It's a living!" - Italian Dr. Frankenstein
6:53 PM - 30 Dec 2014 view on Twitter

there was literally a war on hanukkah @bizmichael

I’m a “practicing” Jew, those guys you see in hats and coats are “dress rehearsing.”
12:28 PM - 30 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

"Ian" Abramson @ianabramson

There’s a bagel and lox spread but I’ve never had bagel and lox so I just put cream cheese and raw fish on a bagel, and I THINK that’s what I’m supposed to do but also am worried I did it wrong but now I’ve eaten it all and I’m sort of scared. Siri google solution
12:46 PM - 9 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

"Ian" Abramson @ianabramson

Two fun facts from Georgina
12:04 PM - 17 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Captain Skittles Sammy @ TFF @SammyRainbowCat

I got "so you decided to join us" said to me a lot by family
1:54 PM - 31 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Boing Boing @BoingBoing

Here's an amazing set of photos of the female librarians of the 1930s, who traveled by horse to remote mountain areas in Kentucky, delivering books to catalyze literacy.
3:52 PM - 1 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

Respectful Memes @RespectfulMemes

8:02 PM - 1 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

Steve Kinney @stevekinney

Senior developers: unblocking and being a force multiplier to the junior developers on your team is literally the most important thing you can and should be doing with your time. If you're crushing code, while members of your team are stuck, you're actively hurting the team.
10:14 AM - 1 Feb 2018 view on Twitter

📚 Mats Strandberg @matsstrandberg_

Winter. Night. Forest.
1:30 PM - 31 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Darran Anderson @Oniropolis

The people who wander around vintage modernist buildings are my favourite of all the people. (Brazil’s pavilion at 1939 New York World's Fair)
12:27 PM - 31 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Atelier Fiora 🧙‍♀️ @FioraAeterna

regular reminder: "legal name" is a very boring-sounding phrase. it sounds WAY cooler if you call it your "government alias"
2:46 PM - 31 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Melissa Caruso @melisscaru

OKAY I HAVE AN IMPORTANT THREAD FOR YOU about fighting in ballgowns! I will illustrate with Disney Princess gifs, because why not. First, you can absolutely swordfight in a dress. Some dresses are great to swordfight in, and some are not so great.
6:33 AM - 31 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

the new fiction @thenewfiction

“Excuse me professor, but last night I read ahead and studied the 21st century, and I’m confused by the emergence of food as a religion...what caused that?” “Ah, that’s a common misconception. You must have been studying the Instagram histories.”
7:05 PM - 31 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Paul Haine @paul_haine

Scanners (1981)
1:47 AM - 30 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Erin Bartram @erin_bartram

Almost every random man I talk to seems to assume that because I have a PhD in history, I know *almost* as much as he does about history.
5:56 PM - 29 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Matthew Horsfall @mhorsfall

Is your kid texting about Perl? $#$_: Nope, a cat stepped on your iPhone !!$!: Still just the cat *{\$@}: This means that you -- kidding, cat again /#@!L#$@LJSDAKF/: Seriously, lock your iPhone * Actually these are all valid Perl.
12:31 PM - 30 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Ijeoma Oluo @IjeomaOluo

I have a badass niece who dumps any dude the moment he tries to make her less than she is in any way. One dude complained that she didn't ask him his opinion before changing her hair: GONE. Not a tear shed. My brother, Lindy & I are always like YES GIRL YOU GOT THIS.
11:02 AM - 30 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

rrrrruuuu 泰山 @rubot

Philip K Dick, if you are listening, please stop writing this novel and let us all die.
1:47 PM - 28 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

jess @l1quidcryst4l

who called it kernel problems on your network switch and not "Panic! At The Cisco"
11:19 AM - 29 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

so👏🏾goth👏🏾i👏🏾was👏🏾born👏🏾black👏🏾 @biancaxunise

wow please take a moment to appreciate these hauntingly beautiful bootlegged records (roentgenizdat) of banned music that were printed on discarded X-rays in Soviet Union era Russia
5:30 PM - 28 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

✨ Vinny Gambini ✨ @pvineetha

1) So I’ve done something of a social experiment this weekend: I tried to emulate the behavior of my male friends/colleagues here. What that meant: 1) Not letting the fear of potential harassment dictate my actions. 2) Not taking shit from randos. 3) Not using weak language.
8:16 PM - 28 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Pigeon Fancier @isabelzawtun

Tonight at work a creepy dude asked me "what's your secret to staying so slim and perky?" I responded "I'm a thousand year old witch & every morning I bathe in the blood of men I've sacrificed" & an old lady nearby laughed; pretty sure this makes us an official coven
5:41 PM - 28 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Irena Buzarewicz @IrenaBuzarewicz

Good morning
10:55 PM - 28 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Citizen of Nowhere @wfaler

If HackerNews was BuilderNews.
12:30 PM - 28 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

mcc @mcclure111

I woke up my Windows 10 machine this morning and it showed these flamingos. That was it. None of the buttons did anything. Only these flamingos. What was the computer telling me? "I have chosen to become a flock of flamingos. This is my life now. I run free"
7:52 AM - 29 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Ashley Nicole Black @ashleyn1cole

Honestly it’s amazing women ever get anything done with all the voices trying to shut them down at every little turn. Bring a woman in your life a bagel or some shit today. She’s exhausted.
4:59 AM - 29 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Shuja Haider @shujaxhaider

I know it's unfashionable but I support the idea behind/hashtag/notallmen?src=hash. I'm sick of tall men walking around bumping into door frames and casting long shadows. That's why I say, no tall men.
2:01 PM - 18 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Shuja Haider @shujaxhaider

a fact about truth. truth is not in reality. truth is in description of reality. the chair you're sitting on is not true. it may be true to say you're sitting on a chair. but what if you're sitting on an object that's not a platform with four legs. is it a chair? anyway fuck you
3:11 PM - 27 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Shuja Haider @shujaxhaider

i once sat at a table having a discussion with an analytic philosopher. i asked him to give an example of a true statement. he looked at the items on the table. he said, the salt shaker is to the right of of the pepper shaker. he said that was true. i was sitting across from him.
3:15 PM - 27 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Shuja Haider @shujaxhaider

I’m a coal miner, like my daddy before me. His daddy was a coal miner, and his daddy’s daddy was a coal miner. Anyway I’m going to have to amputate the whole foot
2:19 PM - 28 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Shuja Haider @shujaxhaider

It's pretty crazy how at every point in history, scientists thought they were right about everything, but the next generation of scientists discovered they were wrong about all kinds of things. We're so lucky to be living in the first generation that finally got everything right.
4:38 PM - 28 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Ally @missmayn

The Carters have more class and elegance than the Trumps will have in their entire pathetic lives.
9:16 AM - 28 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

zeynep tufekci @zeynep

"Check your privacy settings"—which is your standard Silicon Valley response—is no response. In the digital age, data privacy simply cannot be negotiated and consented to at the individual level. (Let alone via wrap-around, click-through, as-is legalese).
5:37 AM - 29 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

leon @leyawn

what if animals at the zoo had to drive there in the morning like it was their job. ok have a good weekend every one. war is coming
6:28 PM - 14 Apr 2017 view on Twitter

the practical emojimancer @xayelet

want to see a clinical trial where they just give depressed ppl 20,000$
7:52 AM - 28 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Satan @s8n

Why fall in love when you can fall into the fiery pits of hell
3:27 PM - 28 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Jake Williams @MalwareJake

I've never seen a regression testing "fix" so elegantly illustrated...
2:34 PM - 27 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

The authentication system for my smooth rock social network is called “Kenny Loggins”
10:55 PM - 26 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

The lost password page for my smooth rock social network is called “I Keep Forgettin’ (My Password)”
11:00 PM - 26 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Sarah Federman @sarah_federman

I don't like thinking of refactoring as separate from building a feature. It should be part of the process. If you're not cleaning up as you build stuff, then you're building tech debt. Abstractions should evolve with your code.
10:37 AM - 25 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

halvarflake @halvarflake

When people slam CPU manufacturers for Spectre, remember: Customers demanded speed doubling on legacy code, CPU vendors bent over backwards to accomodate programmers that did not want to learn parallelism.
7:17 AM - 26 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Tom @tomjonty

Violets are blue, Roses are red,
5:08 PM - 24 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

The Pan-Midwesterner @panmidwest

ME: i need to talk to you about something kind of awkward GENE: what is it ME: hygiene GENE: hi kev
11:00 AM - 25 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

The Pan-Midwesterner @panmidwest

GENE: but seriously what’s up
1:02 PM - 25 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Igor Štromajer @intima

Take me to your leader
8:21 AM - 25 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Boing Boing @BoingBoing

This bot-generated Coachella lineup has the best band names ever.
8:14 AM - 25 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Chris Ferdinandi ⚓️ @ChrisFerdinandi

It's frustrating when you KNOW tons of people are using your FREE software that you spent 100s OF HOURS coding and LOVE it, but the only people who say anything are the obnoxious assholes.
10:55 AM - 20 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Amelia Bellamy-Royds @AmeliasBrain

GitHub repos need a built-in way for people to post "Successes" as well as "Issues". ⇒ Here's a link to a website I made with your tool. ⇒ Thanks for saving my behind on this project. ⇒ Your documentation is awesome, this has been so easy to use.
11:39 AM - 21 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

dave 🌌🚄 @davemakes

Ursula K. Le Guin's take on the singular 'they' is my absolute favorite
2:37 PM - 23 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Open Culture @openculture

Nick Cave Narrates an Animated Film about the Cat Piano, the Twisted 18th Century Musical Instrument Designed to Treat Mental Illness
11:31 AM - 24 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

illuminati mess @GeekyLyndsay

Still fucked up about how horse legs are fingers
6:02 AM - 24 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Jamie @thejameskyle

I'm really just asking for trouble with this but... I almost never write comments in my code, but I'm willing to bet (most of) my code is way easier to follow than most devs' Simply documenting your code is not going to have the biggest impact on making it understandable (1/5)
12:45 PM - 24 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

jomny sun @jonnysun

dear folks trying to police and belittle how others use language and who willfully refuse to realize that language evolves, that syntax is cultural, and people are capable of discerning all this without u, can u still understand what im saying when i write it this way?? ok cool
3:21 PM - 24 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Dr Brooke Magnanti @belledejour_uk

Seriously, everything about LeGuin is purest golden light
7:31 AM - 24 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Arena Flowers @ArenaFlowers

Bit harsh, PS4.
6:13 AM - 24 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

𝕽𝖞𝖆𝖓 𝕹𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖍 @ryanqnorth

11:33 AM - 22 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

soft lesbian™ @mijukusdreamer

me when someone tries to get to know me
11:14 AM - 23 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Geraldine @everywhereist

In case you are wondering, all of these things are part of the writing process: -staring at your computer -eating M&Ms while staring at your computer -checking Twitter -wondering if you should have picked another career -openly weeping -maybe actually doing some writing
2:05 PM - 23 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Chris Hadfield @Cmdr_Hadfield

What do you think of these sci-fi spaceships? I had fun reviewing them - see my comments :)/ShortList
5:27 AM - 24 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Catherynne Valente @catvalente

One of the many, many things Le Guin gave us was a subtle one: that the “science” in science fiction could also be the social sciences, and that, indeed, without it, no science fiction could be entirely complete
6:01 PM - 23 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

foone @Foone

I'm FINALLY ready to turn my old computer in to IT. They have to power on all turned in computers to make sure they're functional before they recycle them, so they're in for a small surprise. Windows 3.0 running on MS-DOS 6.22!
5:24 PM - 22 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Giordano Bruno Contestabile @giordanobc

At least they have the certainty of companionship, unlike the audience for this cookbook
3:08 PM - 22 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Mike, but not furious... just disappointed. @mikerugnetta

these poor women
2:27 PM - 22 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

13/bri @cheerstogossip

7:53 AM - 21 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Jules @Julian_Epp

Easy ways for broke millennials to make money: -Lemonade stand -Unpaid internships -Invade a country for oil -Scratch off tickets -Invent Microsoft -Collective ownership of the means of production -Paper route
12:42 PM - 22 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Programming Wisdom @CodeWisdom

"Documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self." - Damian Conway💌
11:01 AM - 15 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Beck Poppins @beckpoppins

7:32 PM - 21 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

The Antarctic Report @AntarcticReport

Happy Penguin Awareness Day! Know your penguins! There are 18 different species; all are found in the Southern Hemisphere, though the Galapagos lives near the Equator. The Emperor is the tallest at more than 1m. Many species are threatened or endangered/hashtag/PenguinAwarenessDay?src=hash
1:36 PM - 19 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

8-bitfiction @8bitfiction

2:52 AM - 23 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

globalist kinspiracy @BLASTPROCESSlNG

3:50 AM - 22 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Der goldene Aluhut @GoldenerAluhut

Guten Morgen! :)
10:18 PM - 21 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Florian Roth @cyb3rops

No1 reason why people don't publish their code Me: Ah, that's a useful tool. Do you plan to publish this? Him: No, why should I? Me: Others face the same problems. Him: They would only laugh at my shitty code - I'll refactor it. And that never happens.
12:31 AM - 22 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Sarah Dayan @frontstuff_io

I'm so tired of this "you should learn to code" bs. It's EVERYWHERE and it's making people feel bad for not being "computer-savvy". Let people learn what they want. If they want to learn wood-working and don't give a flux about code, stop trying to shove code down their throat.
1:36 AM - 22 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

mistake 🌸🎀 @CosmicCyndr

rt if all ur about is archery
1:49 AM - 18 Jan 2018 view on Twitter


DATE: so tell me something about yourself ME: i am older than every dog
1:26 PM - 18 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Tracy O'Brien @TracyEOBrien

How to change: your duvet cover * turn cover inside out * reach inside for the far corners * keep reaching * enter the Duchy of Duvet— pay the border guards a secret, but not one too dear * seek companions: one kind, one cautious, and one confident
11:32 AM - 19 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

4EVA @noimnotstraight

love to be online
1:10 PM - 18 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Skot Armstrong @SkotArmstrong

I had that dream again
9:02 PM - 17 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Milena @elmyra

[rape/sexual violence] Ok folks, I'm going to try and do a thread on why the "women should just say no more clearly/differently" argument is bullshit. With academic references and everything. Because I (nearly) have a PhD in consent.
2:51 AM - 18 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Respectful Memes @RespectfulMemes

6:27 AM - 18 Jan 2018 view on Twitter


please do not use words like “policeman” or “policewoman.” Use gender neutral terms like “tools of the capitalist bourgeoisie and enemy of the people”
8:58 AM - 16 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Neven Mrgan @mrgan

Today I remembered an icon of my childhood in Yugoslavia: the legendary K67 modular kiosk, designed by Saša J. Mächtig. Cheap, portable, and CUTE. Used for everything from newsstands to guard houses to fast-food stands.
10:42 AM - 17 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Michael Horak @fatmike182

Hacker modifizieren Tonspur so, dass sie für uns exakt gleich klingt, die AI aber etwas ganz anderes hört. tl;dr: we are doomed
11:11 AM - 17 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Matt Haig @matthaig1

Male suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50. It is preventable. Let's not man up. Let's not tough it out. Let's find true strength instead. Let's show our vulnerability. Let's stop faking macho bullshit. Let's change.
1:34 PM - 16 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

demon lord dante 😈✨ @goth_cakes

I was reading devilman lady and there's a full panel of go nagai straight up laying down the facts that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
2:45 PM - 14 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Jenny Kristine @jennygadget

Today feels like a good time to remind everyone that they have done studies on gender, miscommunication, and “soft nos” And the overwhelming conclusion is that men claim ignorance when they are talking to women and the topic is sex/dating but demonstrate competence otherwise.
8:20 AM - 14 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Arnesa @Rrrrnessa

I saw someone tweet something like “if what Aziz Ansari did was sexual assault then every woman I know has been sexually assaulted” and like yeah, actually.
7:20 AM - 15 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Michael Stapelberg @zekjur

This soldering reference card from/adafruitis the most to-the-point explanation of good soldering practices I have ever seen:
9:40 AM - 14 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Erskine Lynas @Tamarionette

Aberdeen doesn't push the boundaries very often but check out this fucking kebab shop. CGI donner!!
11:49 AM - 28 Jul 2017 view on Twitter

eve louise ewing is wikipedia brown okay jeez @eveewing

Scary dude talking to a young girl in Harvard Square. Went over and said "Hey! Sorry to make you wait!" She ran over to me and we bounced.
11:22 AM - 28 Sep 2013 view on Twitter

eve louise ewing is wikipedia brown okay jeez @eveewing

this tweet is from 2013 (clearly, lol) but I’m thinking about this again today so I’ll tell the whole story.
9:47 AM - 14 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Gregorios Kythreotis @ShedworksGreg

Souvenir d'un Futur by Laurent Kronental' show Paris' neglected and forgotten monumental housing estates
5:48 AM - 15 Jan 2018 view on Twitter


5:31 AM - 15 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

INSIDER @thisisinsider

Why not have your next latte in an avocado?☕️🥑
5:20 AM - 13 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Frank Cottrell-Boyce @frankcottrell_b

From today I will be Retweeting my/hashtag/500words?src=hashtips. Here's Number One ...
1:04 AM - 15 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Existential Comics @existentialcoms

I like how people who have never read a book on Postmodernism think it's destroying truth in society. Like…maybe it is the idiots who willingly talk about shit they don't know about who are destroying truth.
3:58 PM - 14 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Lux 🧜🏻‍♀️🦄 Alptraum @LuxAlptraum

WOMEN: Okay, so, consensual sex is when everyone is comfortable with what's going on. MEN: I don't get it. WOMEN: It's when everyone is willingly participating. MEN: So... like a contract? WOMEN: No? MEN: What if the contract is on Blockchain tho?
12:00 PM - 10 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Neil Drysdale @NeilDrysdale

Even when the fog envelops the central belt, there is something mystical about the Kelpies. Indeed, they look almost real in this image!
9:41 AM - 3 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

3D Experiments @3dexperiments

2:20 AM - 7 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

#BATMAN @Roxkleis

evanescence_my_immortal.mp3 black_eyed_peas_my_humps.mp3 sean_paul_get_busy.mp3 linkin_park_in_the_end.mp3 britney_spears_toxic.mp3 nsync_bye_bye_bye.mp3 blink_182_i_miss_you.mp3 red_hot_chili_peppers_californication.mp3
12:00 PM - 7 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Post-Culture Review @PostCultRev

FUN FACT: Uber lost about $5B last year. If fares were set high enough to just break even they would cost more than a traditional taxi. Every rideshare you take is subsidized by the finance industry in a ploy to profit off the destruction of unionized companies and public transit
11:10 AM - 6 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

1_hunt @eins6eins

Bin ich perfekt? Nein. Aber gebe ich stets mein Bestes und behalte eine positive Einstellung? Auch nein.
10:18 AM - 3 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

recovering catholic school girl @comradekaitlyn

male poets be like: she had cigarettes in her vagina she smelled like cigarettes and cyanide it’s a metaphor because she’s my poison she got away from me to fuck a cigarette by the ocean I’m just as empty as the sea while I chainsmoke and miss her bangs and cigarette kisses
1:13 PM - 3 Jan 2018 view on Twitter

Tyler Sticka @tylersticka

Every team project I've ever felt proud of has been the result of collaborators fearlessly stretching beyond the traditional limits of their focus area. Designers who care about performance, developers who care about UX, writers who care about database architecture, etc.
4:26 PM - 19 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

bat @mzbat

Couple beside me at the airport is arguing over money. He just told her if she loved him she’d turn down the promotion bc everyone would know she’d be making more money than him and he’d be humiliated. Holy shit is that really still a thing? wtf
8:36 AM - 19 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

raichoo @raichoo

Every task involves constraint, Solve the thing without complaint; There are magic links and chains Forged to loose our rigid brains. Structures, strictures, though they bind, Strangely liberate the mind. - James Falen
7:33 AM - 20 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Jason Chesnut-no-t-in-the-middle @crazypastor

This Nativity image is everything.
7:22 AM - 18 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Arena Flowers @ArenaFlowers

Strolling to work one day you find yourself whistling happily. There’s a spring in your step. It can only be because of your new haircut.
1:32 PM - 18 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Caryn Vainio @Hellchick

For those of you who work in social media, I need to share the story of my friend who died, and I didn't know because algorithms.
1:05 PM - 18 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Pete Clark #FBPE #pmht @DoctorPete

Human beings can be so beautiful
10:57 PM - 6 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Der »ganz normale« Wahnsinn @elektra_42

Erlauben Sie Ihrem Gehirn selbständig zu funktionieren und zu entscheiden, ohne sich einzumischen.
3:18 AM - 10 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Der »ganz normale« Wahnsinn @elektra_42

Die meisten Menschen sprechen mit ihrem Gehirn wie mit einem Hündchen. Das Hündchen sind sie selbst.
3:17 AM - 10 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Der »ganz normale« Wahnsinn @elektra_42

Ein sich selbst rechtfertigender Monolog der Sprache im Kopf ist eine Halluzination des Gehirns.
3:17 AM - 10 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Satan @s8n

Soon as I'm back on earth it's over for you bitches
2:55 PM - 8 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Desi Quintans @eco_desi

The most 2016/17 image I can think of./alienmelon
9:33 PM - 8 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Melanie Mitchell @MelMitchell1

"Can you prove it was raining that day?" "Yes, I have a photo." Amazing (and scary) work:
4:30 PM - 5 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

André Staltz @andrestaltz

We live the last days of provable reality. AI-produced content will confuse us and destroy fact-based discourse.
5:39 AM - 6 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Metriko Oni, Murderer of Fun @metrikoni

For the record I’m banned from DJing ever again after putting the Grindr notification sound into my set and causing what can only be described as a “thirst panic” followed by “daddy outrage”.
5:48 AM - 4 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Kathrin Passig @kathrinpassig

Ich war mir ja lange nicht sicher, ob das mit dem Feminismus wirklich nottut (Alice Schwarzer, BDSM-Feindlichkeit, PorNo-Kampagne). Aber jetzt habe ich gerade herausgefunden, dass Männer sogar im Schlafanzug Hosentaschen haben!/hashtag/protesthashtag?src=hash
10:10 AM - 2 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Picard Tips @PicardTips

Picard management tip: Refusing to decide is the worst decision you can make.
1:25 PM - 2 Dec 2017 view on Twitter

Jamie @thejameskyle

The most underrated part of open source: The open source ecosystem has far more knowledge than you could ever hire. Collaborating with people at other companies can save millions of dollars of failed internal projects because someone out there failed for you and learned from it
9:34 PM - 29 Nov 2017 view on Twitter

Michael Seemann @mspro

statt ‚tuwat‘ würde ich mir ja von der hackerszene gerade etwas mehr kritische selbstreflexion wünschen, zur frage, wie sowas wie die alt-right (und verwandte phänomene) aus der mitte ihrer kultur hat erwachsen können.
12:37 AM - 27 Nov 2017 view on Twitter

Silvia Moreno-Garcia @silviamg

Name a speculative fiction book by a POC who is not Octavia Butler and explain why it should be better known.
3:05 PM - 25 Nov 2017 view on Twitter

Brian McKenna @puffnfresh

Ah, prod is down because someone accidentally TOOK THE SERVERS OUT OF THE DATA CENTRE AND BROUGHT THEM TO THE OFFICE
10:33 AM - 12 Jan 2015 view on Twitter

David Hugendick @davidhug

- Was darf’s für Sie sein? - In diesen unruhigen Zeiten hätte ich gern ein Roggenbrot. - Croissant dazu? - Nein, das nützt nur der AfD.
11:40 PM - 20 Nov 2017 view on Twitter

Massimo @Rainmaker1973

The bittersweet moment when a signpost dies and its spirit leaves its body/hashtag/FridayFunday?src=hash
4:51 AM - 10 Nov 2017 view on Twitter

Darran Anderson @Oniropolis

Yoshida Kenko wrote this around the year 1330 and now we're sitting reading it.
1:30 PM - 14 Nov 2017 view on Twitter

Arena Flowers @ArenaFlowers

Twitter has made some controversial changes lately, but what can we expect in the future?
6:15 AM - 15 Nov 2017 view on Twitter

Kathrin Passig @kathrinpassig

Ein Tipp zur Arbeit im Café.
4:02 AM - 15 Nov 2017 view on Twitter

Ed Burmila @gin_and_tacos

Today in 1990 a man killed 13 people with an AK-47 knockoff in Aramoana, NZ. Then NZ banned most semiautomatic rifles & there have been zero similar incidents since Aramoana which is a pretty incredible coincidence given that gun control doesn't work.
1:38 PM - 13 Nov 2017 view on Twitter

rimp porchlight @ohheyohhihello

stop naming your babies James. name him Jame. he is one Jame.
8:10 AM - 13 Nov 2017 view on Twitter

Gravis! @gravislizard

almost everything on computers is perceptually slower than it was in 1983
9:48 AM - 6 Nov 2017 view on Twitter

Yashar Ali 🐘 @yashar

Uma Thurman's response when asked about the flood of sexual misconduct
8:37 AM - 4 Nov 2017 view on Twitter

I Am Devloper @iamdevloper

"Well, Steve Jobs was an asshole who got results" - every asshole SF manager who doesn't get results.
3:50 AM - 25 Oct 2017 view on Twitter

Existential Comics @existentialcoms

A scientist, a philosopher, and a poet walk into a bar. They all drink heavily to try to forget the state that society is in.
6:16 PM - 23 Oct 2017 view on Twitter

Respectful Memes @RespectfulMemes

5:08 PM - 22 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Anatol Stefanowitsch @astefanowitsch

mal was anderes leute die gürkchenscheiben haben heute bis auf eine ziemlich besorgt geguckt bitte wir müssen ihre ängste ernstn
1:18 PM - 1 Oct 2017 view on Twitter

IM🍑HIM @ziyatong

Bubble tea company needs a better translator.
3:55 PM - 25 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

Dmitri Sotnikov ⚛ @yogthos

deploying Docker Compose to production
8:46 AM - 20 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

shan. @shannonheavey

ur a cunt if you tell people their face is gone red in awkward situations like don't you think i can feel the fookin heat on ma skin u git
10:14 AM - 9 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

Academia Obscura @AcademiaObscura

Pop songs, a structural approach.
12:50 AM - 5 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

Academia Obscura @AcademiaObscura

Things people ask PhD students. |/twisteddoodles
9:55 AM - 30 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Samantha Ruddy @samlymatters

If your coffee shop has a passive aggressive "no wifi pretend it's the old days" sign I'm gonna smoke in there & pay 50 cents for coffee.
2:36 PM - 26 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Kimberly Boswell @KSBoswell

so two of my classmates just asked our professor if his shirt is missing a 2nd part.
9:45 AM - 28 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

Alan Baxter @AlanBaxter

I love this! List of supernatural beings in the British Isles, Denham Tracts, 1892-5, Penguin Book of English Folktales, Neil Philip, 1992.
3:10 AM - 27 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

Zakk Flash @ZakkFlash

Reject poverty porn. Organize the working class. Build the new world in the shell of the old.
8:27 AM - 17 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

⬆️⬆️⬆️ @up_up_up

Nepal@4000m. No mobile signal or landline, almost no electricity. Internet works perfectly fine. Asked a local to show me her setup.
4:51 AM - 17 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

Arena Flowers @ArenaFlowers

Bad dog.
3:03 AM - 16 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

Alex Norris @dorrismccomics

9:41 AM - 8 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

the library goth @BozeReads

her: what's your superpower me:
8:22 AM - 6 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

Academia Obscura @AcademiaObscura

I want to work here.
10:10 AM - 6 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

Alex @Cynx

Selbstbildnis als Administrator.
5:49 AM - 7 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

PeterNorway @classiclib3ral

Kids telling Infowars they're fucking idiots is my favorite kind of content
6:58 PM - 6 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

The Guardian @guardian

I used to think social media was a force for good. Now the evidence says I was wrong | Matt Haig
10:19 PM - 5 Sep 2017 view on Twitter

Alex Norris @dorrismccomics

oh no
7:22 AM - 30 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

nice online sweetie @faceliketank

3:35 AM - 30 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Alex Forrest 🚉 @380kmh

trains enjoying the summer
2:24 PM - 28 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

#OperationPUSH @queersocialism

stop referring to countries as 'underdeveloped' and instead use the more accurate term: overexploited.
1:12 PM - 29 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Andy Woodruff @awoodruff

This is a monument to potatoes. It is the best monument in Boston.
6:39 PM - 28 Aug 2017 view on Twitter


im high and i just comically tripped over a tiny rock, headlong into uncanny valley apparently.
3:27 AM - 28 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

‏بوكيبلينكي @pookleblinky

It's interesting to compare aikido to an MA which uses sparring instead of fantasy.
3:45 AM - 29 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Loretta @laRossa05

Genial😂Kinder, das WiFi-Passwort f diese Woche ist die Farbe des Mantels von A. Karenina im Buch. Das Buch, nicht d Film Viel Glück Mama
6:45 AM - 27 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Noah Smith @Noahpinion

15 years ago, the internet was an escape from the real world. Now, the real world is an escape from the internet.
3:46 PM - 28 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Chris Worthington @SomeChrisTweets

Dress for the job you want.
5:38 PM - 19 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Academia Obscura @AcademiaObscura

Primary sources.
6:59 AM - 28 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Duck Porn @duckporn

1:52 AM - 25 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Kor@Katsucon @kortir

Perfect. After this idea got stuck in my head it wouldn't leave until I made it happen.
11:53 PM - 22 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Stone Cold @stonecold2050

Nazis and Klansmen on the street. This is the picture that needs to go viral. Not jokes about Tiki torches.
10:15 AM - 16 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Academia Obscura @AcademiaObscura

How to read an academic paper.
12:50 AM - 14 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Sobbing Jester @Sobbing_Jester

Had to make this. I love my friends but I need my precious 'lone time to reenergize💟
2:11 PM - 4 Aug 2017 view on Twitter

Arena Flowers @ArenaFlowers

Bored at work? Then why not break the monotony with some Workplace Bingo?
6:00 AM - 7 Dec 2016 view on Twitter