Last updated: Sun Jun 30 20:36:56 UTC 2024
This page is generated with pandoc because I'm lazy.
Woke up at around 9:00.
Meditated 30 minutes in the evening before working out.
Music: Force of Nature - Same Ol' Thing (Homework edit)
Thoughts: yesterday I tried to go run but noticed pain flairing in my left knee, so I walked instead. This is something I have already had in the past, I've since learned (the hard way!) to listen to my body (last time I just injured myself like an idiot pushing past the pain). It reminded me that I should stretch more, and after doing some basic stretching I could feel the stiffness lower immediately. Also, stretching makes me really relaxed when done right.
benchpress 4 sets 12x 26 kg + bar [1]
elevated inverted row (aka austrialian pullup): 3 sets 20x bodyweight
one arm dumbell row 3 sets 10x 8kg
barbell curl pronation 3 sets 8kg + bar
Went to sleep 22:50
Woke up 8:25
Meditated for 1 hour in the morning.
Music: Nujabes - Prayer (Homework edit)
Started by checking my mind and body. I check my heartrate. I try to regulate my breathing and heartrate. When I fail to bring both to a slow rythm, it is usually a sign of stress. Therefore, I try to find the reason for the anxiety, then give if not a solution, an answer I can live with. Finally, I try to go deep, make abstraction of my thoughts and lower the pace of my whole body. I try to find this place of bliss, of no worries, a single beautifull image in my mind. It's hard. My brain is always trying to elude me, to latch on to some distraction that would break the absence of action, like a dog tugging in all directions. Listening to the music helps.
Felt very relaxed afterwards.
pistol squats 3 sets 15x bodyweight with one hand wall support
regular squats 4 sets 12x 26kg + bar [1]
romanian deadlift 3 sets 12x 26kg + bar [1]
lunges 3 sets 15x 24kg (12kg on each dumbell)
1: need to buy weights, 26kg is all I can fit on the bar for now
Went to sleep 22:45
Woke up 9:10
Meditated in the morning for 1 hour.
Music: Nujabes - Perfect Circle (Homework edit)
Thoughts: We worry a lot about ephemeral things, we spend too much energy on the little hicups of life like this administrative website is broken or this person is stupid and didn't respect me or I have so much work and the exams are coming… What matters in the long run, are the constants of life that are your mental, your body, your beliefs and some relationships. These are things that you can always work on, at any moment, and that will accompany you throughout life. In a lot of ways, the sources of our stress are artificial.
pullups hands facing outward 4 sets: set1 7x bodyweight, set2 6x bodyweight, set3 6x bodyweight, set4 6x bodyweight
pullups hands facing inward 3 sets: set1 6x bodyweight, set2 5x bodyweight, set3 5x bodyweight, set4 5x bodyweight
scapula retractions 3 sets 10x bodyweight
dips 3 sets: set1 7x bodyweight, set2 6x bodyweight, set3 5x bodyweight
barbell row 3 sets 12x 16kg
Went to sleep 0:00
Woke up 8:50
Meditated in the morning for 1h.
Music: Nujabes - World Without Words
Today it was hard to focus. There were construction workers banging on metal just outside my room. I moved to the living room, but people came in so I moved back to my room. I'm sure this is a situation we all experience. We want to focus on something, but get constantly interrupted. I would go further by saying that interruptions are part of our lives, of our digital lives especially, and this can be seeds for frustration.
How do we find peace in a noisy world? Well, I put on earplugs. Litteral earplus, as construction continued for a little while outside my room. But also in a more general sense, I try to reduce the noise level of my daily life. My phone is almost always in airplane mode, I check for messages from time to time or turn it on when I'm expecting a call. I don't use social media, I don't watch the news, instead I use messaging applications to talk to my close relatives, and those applications are only open when I want to talk or check messages, I don't leave them running in the background, so I don't get annoying notifications. I try to make my interactions online deliberate, I like to be in 'pull' mode (Pull vs push: intentional notifications). It doesn't mean I don't waste time on the internet, I'm a huge fan of exploring random stuff like old personnal webpages or weird niches. Rather, it means that me spending time on the internet is an action, not a reaction.
plank 3 sets: set1 3min, set2 3min, set3 2:30 min
inclined crunches 3 sets: set1 20x, set2 15x, set3 15x
suspended leg raises 3 sets: 12x
suspended knee raises 3 sets: 12x
Went to sleep 23:10
Woke up 6:00
Meditated for 1 hour in the evening.
Music: Nujabes - Light on the Land
It's easy to get really hyped. When I get into something, usually I will go deep but then once I have explored it at some point I find it a bit less interesting and I switch to something else, to another addiction. I guess I'm pretty all or nothing in that sense, I like to quit everything and spend all my time exploring something new until I exhausted it. But when I think about it, this is not what I want, this is not good for me. If you want to achieve something big, you need to stick with it for a very long time, beyond the hype. The question of what you do each day is really the question who do you want to become?
When I reviewed this day, it seemed to me as if an hour was missing, from 13:50 to 15:40. I realized I had spent that time on the internet looking at workout exercises. I thought: how did I get there in the first place? In fact, my attention had been caught by one of my previously opened tabs. My browser keeps the tabs from one session to the next, it reopens those tabs. Also, I keep a huge list of tabs in the BetterOneTab extension, and that list keeps growing. I think this method is not good, it's distracting me. It's good to keep links to interesting websites, but I should store them and categorize them better than I do with BetterOneTab. I already have such a system, it's org-mode.
After these thoughts, I just relaxed, emptied my thoughts to leave only the image of me stranded by grass, a cat in my lap and looking at a beautifull night sky. I listened to the music. peace.
I had a 2 hour hole in my scheduled so I took that opportunity to go to a local street workout parc. Normally I would have went for a run but my left knee still hurts.
pullups hands facing outwards 3 sets: 6x bodyweight
pullups hands facing inwards 3 sets: 5x bodyweight
scapula retractions 3 sets: 10x bodyweight
tried a tuck planch, I think I had terrible form, that exercise is harder than it looks!
dips 3 sets: 6x bodyweight
Meditated for 40 minutes in the evening.
Went by in a blur.
Biked for 1h45-2h. I think this was good for my knee.
Went to sleep at 23:00
Woke up at 7:50
pushups with variations 10 sets: 10x not elevated
dumbell curl supination 3 sets: set1 10x 8kg; set2 8x 8kg; set3 9x 8kg
barbell curl pronation 3 sets: 10x 10kg+bar
Went to sleep at 0:00
I will have more free time this week. I want to focus on sleeping earlier and meditating + workout in the morning rather than evening.
Woke up 6:50
Meditated for 35 minutes in the evening
Music: Force of Nature - Just Forget
Sometimes I get tired and grumpy in the evening. It's usually best not to talk too long with people in those cases, as that will make me even more tired and I won't be nice. Rather, I should do something relaxing, meditation for instance.
Didn't have much time
pistol squats 3 sets: 10x bodyweight no wall support (tried to focus on form and equilibrium)
squats 3 sets: 15x 26kg+bar
Went to sleep 0:10
Woke up 7:50
Meditated in the morning for 1 hour
Music: Force of Nature - Bol-Ster
Music is incredibly meditative. Went deep. I can tell because I can feel my heartbeat through my whole body, in my chest, in my neck, in my wrists and feet.
plank 2 sets: 3 mn
reverse plank 1 set: 1mn30s
inclined crunches 3 sets: 15x
russian twist 2 (or 3, I don't remember) sets: ~10x reps 5kg weight
dead hang 3 sets: set1 1mn15s, set2 1mn10s, set3 1mn5s
leg raises
Went to sleep 23:30
Woke up 9:00
meditated for 50 minutes in the morning
music: Snowstorm blizzard natural sounds
pullups pronation 2sets: 7x bodyweight
pullups supination 1set: 7x bodyweight (felt pain starting in left shoulder, decided to be carefull and not go for more sets. I think what hurt was the sudden tension when I go down from a pullup, the other exercises felt fine)
one arm twisting dead hang 1set: 6 rotations on each arm
scapula retractions 2sets pronation, 1set supination: 12-15x
tried tuck planch a bit on the parallel bars. It's actually much different than on the ground because the grip is not the same, you can't push with your fingers for balance.
dips 3sets: set1 6x, set2 6x, set3 5x
Went to sleep 23:30
Woke up 8:40
Meditated for 1 hour in the morning
Music: Nujabes - Mystline (Rainymood edit)
hanging knee raises (knee to elbom attempt) 3 sets: 12-15x
leg raises 3 sets: 10x
knee raises 3 sets: 10x
crunches (legs locked horizontaly, body hanging) 3 sets: 6x
Went to sleep 22:10
Woke up 8:10
Meditated for 1 hour in the morning
Music: Nujabes - Summer Gipsy
elevated pushups with parallets 4 sets: set1 6x, set2 7x, set3 6x, set4 7x
benchpress 3 sets: set1 10x 26kg+bar, set2 9x 26kg+bar, set3 8x 26kg+bar
dumbell curl supination 3 sets: set1 11x 8kg, set2 10x right arm 9x left arm 8kg, set3 7x 8kg
dumbell curl pronation 3 sets: set1 8x 8kg+bar, set2 8x 8kg+bar, set3 6x 8kg+bar
ok arms are properly hammered
Went to sleep 1:30. Not good.
Woke up 9:00
Meditated for 30 minutes in the morning.
Music: Nujabes + Fat Jon - Genome
I wanted to run today but my left knee starts to hurt when I do. Therefore I ran a bit, then walked to the street workout park
pullups supination 3 sets: 6x
pullups pronation 3 sets: 5x
dips straight bar pronation 3 sets: 3-5x
dips straight bar supination 3 sets: 3-5x
finished with some pushups
Went to sleep 23:15
Meditated for 50 minutes in the afternoon
planking 3 sets: set1 3mn, set2 3mn, set3 2mn40s
crunches 3 sets: 20x (for the first set, I did 4 of those with vertical incline)
lying knee tucks 3 sets: 15x
ab wheel rollout 3 sets: 10x
Went to sleep 23:00
I failed to go to sleep earlier. I need to find a strategy or focus on that more.
Woke up 8:30
Meditated for 1 hour in the morning
Music: Tsuchie - Process (Homework edit)
La route est longue, mais la voie est libre - Framasoft
pistol squats 3 sets: 10x
regular squats 3 sets: 12x 26kg+bar
bulgarian split squats with dumbells 3 sets: 12x 8kg
reverse lunges 3 sets: 15x
deadlift 3 sets: 12x 26kg+bar (yes, I know that weight is darn pathetic - I just saw the world record was 500~kg -, whatever it's better than doing nothing, I might do another exercise next time, but at least it trains grip strength and form)
Went to sleep 22:40
Woke up 10:00
Meditated in the afternoon for 1 hour
Music: Fat Jon - Your Purpose
It's strange the kind of metrics we set for ourselves to represent 'success'. For instance, sometimes we measure the growth of communities by the number of people that are part of it, or the exchanges and activity of the community, or maybe some productivity measurement. But, if the whole world was part of a community, would that make it the best community? Of course not! Well, perhaps this is clumsily brought up, but I think to measure the strength of a community, one has to ask themselves: if another member were in need, what would I be willing to do to help them? What am I ready to give back?
Look, maybe this is obvious. But at least I keep forgetting it, so I have to remind myself.
elevated pushups with parallets 4 sets: set1 7x, set2 6x, set3 5x, set4 5x
benchpress 4 sets: set1 11x 26kg+bar, set2 11x 26kg+bar, set3 10x 26kg+bar, set4 8x 26kg+bar
dumbell curl supination 3 sets: set1 12x 8kg, set2 12x 8kg, set3 12x 8kg right arm, 9x 8kg left arm
dumbell curl pronation 3 sets: set1 10x 10kg+bar, set2 9x 10kg+bar, set3 8x 10kg+bar
Went to sleep 23:00
Woke up 8:00
Meditated in the morning for 1 hour
Music: Fat Jon - Bracelet (Homework edit)
pullups pronation 4 sets: set1 7x, set2 6x, set3 6x, set4 5x
hanging lat pulldowns 3 sets: didn't really count, I have little range of motion at the moment
dead hang
inverted rows 3 sets: 8x
Went to sleep 23:30. Stuff got in the way.
Woke up 9:00
Meditated for 1 hour in the morning.
Music: Fat Jon - How you Feel
inclined crunches 3 sets: set1 8x, set2 7x, set3 6x
ab wheel rollout 3 sets: didn't count (I feel like I'm not doing the exercises right, because I don't feel it so much in the abs, even though the exercise isn't easy)
lying leg raises 3 sets: ~9x
hanging knee raises 2 sets: ~7x
Went to sleep 22:40
Woke up 8:00
Meditated in the morning for 1 hour
Music: Re:plus - Solitude
I trained the tuck planche.
The biggest bottleneck for now is my wrist mobility and wrist strength.
I also need to learn to balance by pushing with my fingers.
I need to film myself otherwise I can't know which form cues I am not getting right. For instance, I can't really tell if I'm leaning forward enough or not.
Went to sleep 22:40
Woke up 8:00
Meditated for 50 minutes in the morning
Music: Re:Plus - Nighttime
50 burpies
40 pullups (the goal was 50, but I couldn't get there)
100 pushups
150 squats
50 burpies
Went to sleep 23:00
Was supposed to go to sleep earlier but I had a long talk with a friend, worth it.
Woke up 9:00
Meditated for 1 hour in the morning
Music: Rain Sound on Windows
Ran 5km in 26mn
I would normally run 10km at least but pain still flares in my left knee. It feels like my joints aren't properly adjusted or something. I think I might have to go to the physician. SUCKS.
Went to sleep 23:00
Woke up 9:00
Meditated for 1 hour in the evening
Music: Nujabes - Arurian Dance
Today I pushed back meditation and exercise again and again during the day. I don't have apprehension towards meditation and exercise, rather I was thinking about other things I have to do. The more time passed and the more inertia I gathered, the more mental barriers accumulated, the less clear the path to accomplishing those tasks became.
I went to meditate. It started out well, then I could see my thoughts worsen and worsen. Not dark thoughts, limiting and fixed thoughts, the Feedback Loop from Hell. Can't let this continue. It doesn't work. The barriers are only created by myself. I can adapt and work now to avoid being slowed by compulsory tasks later.
Went to exercise with a positive mental.
PS: I admire people that can wake up and work on their projects immediately, without overthinking. I struggle to have this progressive mindset from the start of the day. Sometimes, it's like I have ADHD. I hope I will improve.
inclined crunches 3 sets: set1 8x, set2 7x, set3 7x
planking 3 sets: set1 3mn, set2 3mn, set3 2mn30
hanging knee raise 3 sets: 10-15x
side bridge twist 2 sets (both sides = 1 set): 15x
finished with some crunches, decreased inclined gradually
Felt much better after.
Meditated for 1 hour in the morning
Music: [don't remember]
pike pushups: 10x
pseudo planche pushups: 10x (arms were not close enough to waistline)
10 second 90 degree hold: one leg assistance alternating
planche leans: 10x
Had to take breaks during sets, these are hard. Form could be better. My arms were not fully rested from thursday
Meditated for 1 hour in the evening
pistol squats easy variation (in an attempt to have better form) 1 set: 10x
squats: 100x
bulgarian squats 3 sets: set1 12x 8kg, set2 15x 8kg, set3 15x 8kg
lunges 3 sets: 15x 8kg
Meditated for 45 minutes in the morning
Yesterday I procrastinated exercising and I'm glad that I added meditation in this challenge because it gives me time to find answers to the question: Why am I doing this? It gives me conviction to start again.
Focus, focus is the answer. It is when I am focused and present that I can find happiness, that I feel alive. All the activities that I have been obsessed about have this in common.
pullups supination 3 sets: set1 9x, set2 7x, set3 7x
pullups pronation 3 sets: 6x
scapula retractions to failure
inverted rows 3 sets: ~10x
some single bar dips
Meditated for 45 minutes in the evening
Ran 8-9 km. I took many more steps, which didn't hurt my knee so much.
Went to sleep 22:30
Meditated for 40 minutes in the morning
pullups supination 3 sets: set1 8x, set2 7x, set3 6x
oblique hanging leg lift 3 sets: did as many as I could
pullups pronation 3 sets: set1 7x, set2 6x, set3 6x
L-sit hold 3 sets: 30 seconds (well, mine was not an L-sit, I just lifted as high as I could, then switched to knee raise position when I couldn't hold. Also, my fingers slipped after around 20s, I had to go back to hanging position)
dips 3 sets: set1 8x, set2 6x, set3 5x
pushups finisher: 20x
30-40 jumping jacks then 30-60 seconds rest in between sets
Went to sleep 22:30
Meditated for 30 minutes in the evening
inclined crunches 3 sets: set1 10x, set2 10x, set3 8x
plank 3 sets: 2mn (yeah, I went lazy on this one, sorry)
russian twist 3 sets: 12x
hanging tuck negatives? (starting position: knee tucked to elbows, body rotated backwards. Then, slowly rotate body back forward)
Meditated for 20 minutes at night
pseudo planche pushups: 10x
planche leans 3 sets : 5-10x
pike pushups: as many as I could, then switched to easier variations (these are hard!)
tricep extensions (lying on bench, hold barbell close-gripped above head, lower behind head then back above head) 3 sets: 10-15x 12kg+bar
dumbell curl supination 3 sets: set1 10x 10kg, set2 9x 10kg, set3 8x 10kg
barbell curl pronation 3 sets: 10x 10kg+bar
This was not the most efficient workout because there are some exercises where I do not master the form, and the tricep extensions were new, so I had to find the appropriate weight, but I am happy about the improvement on supination curl.
Went to sleep 1:00 (gaypride + small party)
Woke up 9:30
Meditated for 50 minutes in the morning
Music: Nujabes - Another Reflection (Homework edit)
pistol squats (assisted with wall) 3 sets: 15x (form is getting better, straight leg)
squats 3 sets: 15x 26kg+bar
bulgarian squats 3 sets: 15x 8kg barbels in each hand
slowly ran to street workout park
hanging leg raises 3 sets: 10x
leg raises on parallel bars 3 sets: 10-12x
I think I progressed on how high I am able to swing legs :)
Sleep 22:40