With HotKey You can define keyboard shortcuts to launch Applications or to open folders in Finder. Another way is to open the Apps by selecting them from the Status-Menu in Your Mac’s menu bar.
Files or folders selected in the Finder can be opened directly with the configured programs. For example, a selected file is opened by pressing the shortcut with Mail, or the Terminal program opens exactly the file path of the folder selected in the Finder. The application is fully compatible with macOS Catalina and the Dark Mode is supported:
With a freely definable keypress the clipboard is presented full screen.
The functionality can be extended. To do this, an AppleScript must be installed in the user directory. The function can be unlocked using the following terminal commands (Utilities / Terminal):
defaults write de.codenuts.HotKey enable-script-install 1
Then within the application with the button “Install script” the required AppleScript can be installed. After successful installation, selected files or folders in the Finder can be opened directly with the configured programs. For example, a selected file is opened by pressing the shortcut with Mail, or the Terminal program opens exactly the file path of the folder selected in the Finder.
Also: Shell and Apple scripts can be executed on shortcut. (Scripts must be located in folder ~/Library /Application Scripts/de.codenuts.HotKey