greg | x-callback-url Interapp communication Tue, 16 Oct 2012 15:13:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 xk-protocol Tue, 16 Oct 2012 05:00:26 +0000 The xk-protocol is a new extension to x-callback-url built by Ben Slotznick and Stephen Sheetz at Point-and-Read. xk-protocol builds on x-callback-url with additional parameters to specify named pasteboards, and to target multiple interaction types in other apps. xk-protocol is informed by Ben and Stephen’s work with Assistive Technologies and looks like a great project, looking […]

The post xk-protocol first appeared on x-callback-url.]]>
The xk-protocol is a new extension to x-callback-url built by Ben Slotznick and Stephen Sheetz at Point-and-Read. xk-protocol builds on x-callback-url with additional parameters to specify named pasteboards, and to target multiple interaction types in other apps.

xk-protocol is informed by Ben and Stephen’s work with Assistive Technologies and looks like a great project, looking forward to seeing it in action!

The post xk-protocol first appeared on x-callback-url.]]> 0