Mastodon Bookmarks

Updated 09242022-215754


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Considering change the timeline layout to full width for (1)(, what do you think?

1 1

love to find out about the latest crisis crippling the country in which i live from my friends' shitposts


New (2)( server in the (3)( found!… Growing, Growing, Growing!

Check out the stats!

Our website has been redesigned from the ground up--it looks nicer and explains better!


6 6

BBC commentary of Kim Jong Il's funeral procession laid over footage of Queen Elizabeth's. Fits like a glove 😱


They're tearing down the Babcock Dairy building in Toledo, OH and this is all that's left at this point.


Looks like a lot ofpeople are confused/annoyed by Mastodon and many other Fediverse platforms not backfilling old posts when an account is followed.

This complete lack of backfilling means that many new accounts or those with few followers may appear completely blank, even if they've posted lots of interesting stuff.

If you agree and think Mastodon should backfill at least some posts when people follow an account, please give this issue a thumbs up:

If you're not comfortable using github, let me know and I can try to post on your behalf.

(4)( (5)( (6)(


PC Mag - October 2004


✨ Half A Billion

According to, mastodon has 501M+ posts across 3K+ servers!

Isn't that amazing? I think the (7)( is on to something 😉

@DavidBlue I'm looking for help: If you know where I can find links to download video m8urb extension, please let me know, Thanks, Garcia

Linky 6.2 is out! Make better Text Shots with two big new features: making text highlights and customizing the visual appearance.


Ah, so the business model is that the app is sold on the Mac App Store and it’s free everywhere else. I’m totally cool with this.

Could still be open sourced under AGPL (like Better was) but I’m more than happy to see an indie developer making a living from an excellent app they’ve made.

@DavidBlue I'm not foreign to the whole mobile power user use case. I've written a manuscript on a galaxy about ten years ago. And I use an iPad regularly but somehow this feels... of?? Tempted to dive into iSH and go the linux route but I feel like I'd be missing all the good positive Apple-y things?

hey @DavidBlue do you have any recommendations for local file syncing on iOS. Was trying to use but its not able to do what I want to do

@DavidBlue federighi said they wanted to something distinctly iPad for the weather and calculator apps. But this is just the iPhone app for a bigger screen

do trumpists really think they can just build an impenetrable 10m tall brick wall on the mexican border

noooo free software bad because fascists can use it!!

luving life rn.


New day, more app progress 🚀

Striving to ship. (8)(

22 22

@Olli this
there’s also an iOS version called shortcuts. @DavidBlue posts about that all the time

Townie of the day:




123456789 123456789 Quebec-Whiskey-Yankee-Zero-Juliett/Tango codeword HOOT KISS MOO b5b103cd941e0411

One more thing...

I want to make the mobile app dynamic in the sense that instance admins can determine feature availability.

- Local timeline
- Network timeline
- Stories
- Live streaming
- Hiding public like/share counts

This would empower instance admins, though at the expense of a unified experience. We can solve the unified experience issue by improving onboarding and explain why X feature is missing.

Thoughts? (9)(

"Elon Musk's net worth has fallen by $65 billion since he announced he wanted to buy Twitter"

@brandndaslva @DavidBlue
If you want Audacity-like : Hokusai 2
If you want Audacity-lite : Voice Record 7 Pro
If you want a DAW-like App : Audio Revolution
If you want a DAW midi-driven : Nanostudio 2

Imagine if YouTube was shut down.

It would be a literal tragedy for the human race. Billions of hours worth of creativity would disappear in an instant.

"That would never happen!" some believe.

But it already has.

Remember Google+? All of it's gone forever.

Or remember all that media stored on MySpace? It's vanished.

We must stop depending on Big Tech to archive our data. Their mandate is to profit off our data, not preserve it.

@DavidBlue Cubasis 3 and Beatmaker3 are solid Garageband alternatives for iOS (unfortunately they're not free like GB or Audacity though)

People who commission art regularly (furries or not), do you stick with a set of artists you know you like or do you try and find new artists?

jokes on you bitch im made out of metal and cant bleed. alexa. whats the address of the senate.

YAY, another (10)( thing done! Going a bit more classical today. Phone wallpapers included, ofc :) ENJOY!

Do you want to buy a t-shirt, mousepad or a mug with this art? Then go here:

Thank you all so much for your support, you are all AMAZING! ❤️

(11)( (12)( (13)( (14)(

33 33 33 33

(15)( 1.11 is released with new icon and accent color!


Let’s follow the change! 🤩 (16)(

35 35

The atmosphere is putting on a real show tonight





American evangelicalism is a political movement masquerading as a religion, and a dangerous one at that.

"Fuck around and find out," I whispered into the top of the ant hill

@esvrld sincerest form of flattening

  1. Mastoot  ↩

  2. peertube  ↩

  3. fediverse  ↩

  4. Mastodon  ↩

  5. Fediverse  ↩

  6. Backfilling  ↩

  7. fediverse  ↩

  8. soon  ↩

  9. pixelfed  ↩

  10. PixelArt  ↩

  11. mastoArt  ↩

  12. digitalArt  ↩

  13. art  ↩

  14. landscape  ↩

  15. Mastoot  ↩

  16. Mastoot  ↩