"WFQuickActionSurfaces": [],
"WFWorkflowClientVersion": "1146.14",
"WFWorkflowHasOutputFallback": false,
"WFWorkflowHasShortcutInputVariables": true,
"WFWorkflowIcon": {
"WFWorkflowIconStartColor": 4292093695,
"WFWorkflowIconGlyphNumber": 59841
"WFWorkflowImportQuestions": [],
"WFWorkflowInputContentItemClasses": [
"WFWorkflowMinimumClientVersion": 1106,
"WFWorkflowMinimumClientVersionString": "1106",
"WFWorkflowOutputContentItemClasses": [],
"WFWorkflowTypes": [
"0": 0,
"1": 1,
"version": "2022-02-12",
"prefversion": 5,
"filename": "HiRes Tweet.json",
"defaultpref": {
"prefversion": 5,
"users": {},
"selection": [
"prefstring": [
"title": "Save gif as",
"option": [
"mp4 [1/4]",
"gif [2/4]",
"Both mp4 and gif [3/4]",
"Ask Always [4/4]"
"title": "⤷ gif Quality",
"option": [
"High (Requires a-Shell mini) [1/3]",
"Low [2/3]",
"Ask Always [3/3]"
"title": "Quick Look",
"option": [
"None [1/3]",
"All Media [2/3]",
"Only Videos and gifs [3/3]"
"title": "⤷ Ask to Continue after Quick Look"
"title": "Show List for Multiple Images"
"title": "Share"
"title": "Save to Files"
"title": "Save to Photos"
"title": "⤷ Open Photos after Save"
"title": "Set Media Date to",
"option": [
"Date Tweeted (Requires a-Shell mini) [1/3]",
"Current Date [2/3]",
"Ask Always [3/3]"
"title": "Show Notification"
"option": [
"worker": "https://hirestweet.gluebyte.workers.dev/",
"shortcutpage": "https://routinehub.co/shortcut/7912/",
"downloadurl": "https://routinehub.co/api/v1/shortcuts/7912/versions/latest",
"→jpeg": "→jpeg",
"emptydict": {},
"emptytext": "",
"newline": "\n",
"false": false,
"true": true,
"onmy": "On My ",
"maxpixel": 8192,
"maxbyte": 5242880,
"threshold": 0.005,
"readme": "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>HiRes Tweet</title>\n<meta charset=\"utf-8\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\"><meta name=\"color-scheme\" content=\"light dark\">\n<style>body { font-family:system-ui; word-break:keep-all; line-height:2; }\na { color:#09f; text-decoration:none; }</style></head><body>\n<h2 style=\"line-height:0.5;\">Please Read</h2>\n\n<div style=\"text-align:right; font-size:1.5em; font-family:monospace; line-height:0.3; padding-right:20px;\">\n<p><a href=\"https://www.reddit.com/user/gluebyte/\">u/gluebyte</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"https://routinehub.co/user/gluebyte\">routinehub.co/user/gluebyte</a></p></div>\n\n<p><i>HiRes Tweet</i> can download media from public or <strong>private</strong> accounts at the highest quality, save to <i>Photos</i> or <i>Files</i> or share. It can also upload images at up to 8K.</p>\n\n<h3>Downloading Media</h3>\n\n<ul><li><strong>Long-press</strong> a tweet’s share button, then select <i>HiRes Tweet</i> from the list.\n<ul><li>Alternatively you can <i>tap</i> the share button, tap ‘Share via’, then select <i>HiRes Tweet</i>. This may not work on private tweets, though.</li></ul></li>\n<li>Images are downloaded at up to 8K (for comparison, the Twitter app is limited to 4K).</li>\n<li>gifs can be downloaded as gif and/or mp4.</li>\n<li>You can save media to <i>iCloud</i> or <i>On My Device</i> on iOS 15, or to <i>iCloud/Shortcuts</i> on iOS 14 or older.</li></ul>\n\n<h3>Uploading Image</h3>\n\n<ul><li>To compose a tweet with an image at up to 8K (for comparison, the Twitter app is limited to 4K), run <i>HiRes Tweet</i> from the <i>Shortcuts</i> app.</li>\n<li>Share your own tweet, and you can reply to it with an image.</li></ul>\n\n<h3>User Settings</h3>\n\n<ul><li>You can change user settings by running <i>HiRes Tweet</i> from the <i>Shortcuts</i> app.</li>\n<li>Connecting accounts enables you to download private media and upload images.</li>\n<li>To change folder or album, toggle the <i>Save to Files/Photos</i> option off and on.</li></ul>\n</body></html>",
"info": "ℹ️ Show Instructions / Contact",
"connect": "🐤 Connect Twitter Account",
"disconnect": "✂️ Disconnect Account",
"settings": "⚙️ User Settings",
"upload": "🖼 Tweet Image",
"quit": "🔚 Quit",
"download": "⭐️ Download Media",
"reply": "🖼 Tweet Image as Reply",
"getlink": "📋 Download Media from Copied Link",
"refresh": "refresh",
"goback": "⮐ Go Back",
"gotoweb": "🌏 Go to RoutineHub",
"dateoptions": [
"Always Date Tweeted",
"Always Current Date",
"Date Tweeted",
"Current Date"
"gifoptions": [
"Always mp4 and gif",
"Always gif",
"Always mp4",
"mp4 and gif",
"gifqualityoptions": [
"Always Low",
"Always High",
"getashell": "📲 Get app from App Store",
"haveashell": "✅ a-Shell mini is installed",
"quicklookboth": "🔎 Quick Look Both",
"getbetter": "🔸 Get Better Quality (",
"getbest": "🔶 Get Best Quality (",
"getboth": "💕 Get Both",
"continue": "💫 Continue",
"moreimage": "🖼 Add Image",
"opentweet": "🐣 Open Tweet",
"showinfo": "📙 Instructions",
"contact": "🐧 Contact gluebyte on RoutineHub",
"contact2": "🐦 ",
"confirmdisconnect": "✂️ Disconnect",
"loginerror": "•32•89•",
"loginerror2": "•32•89•179•",
"copyerror": "📋 Copy Error to Clipboard",
"openmenu": "🐤 Manage Accounts",
"downloadupdate": "👾 Download Update",
"notnow": "⮐ Not Now",
"folder": "• Media Folder: ",
"album": "• Media Album: ",
"recents": "Recents",
"msg": {
"error": "An error occured. Please contact developer if problem persists.",
"oldpref": "\nThis shortcut is older than the settings file. Please download the latest version.\n",
"newpref": "User settings have been updated. Please review new settings.",
"notweeturl": "Please share a tweet.",
"onlyurls": "\nOnly links found in tweet:\n",
"nomedia": "\nNo media attached to tweet.\n",
"dateprompt": "\nChoose date of media. The free ‘a-Shell mini’ app is required for ‘Date Tweeted’:\n",
"optionsaved": "\n✨ Option has been saved. To change settings, run ‘HiRes Tweet’ from the Shortcuts app.\n",
"gifprompt": "\nSave gif as:\n",
"gifqualityprompt": "\nPlease select gif quality. Low is faster, High requires the free ‘a-Shell mini’ app:\n",
"ashellprompt": "\nIs ‘a-Shell mini’ installed?\n",
"gifprompt2": "\nNote: ‘Better’ may look better than ‘Best’ if color changes and movements are small across frames.\n",
"album": "\nPlease select photo album from the following list. You can change it later in ‘User Settings’.\n",
"accountprompt": "\nPlease choose account:\n",
"tweet1": "\nPlease enter tweet status:\n",
"photoready": "Ready to upload:",
"tweet2": "Please confirm tweet status:",
"tweeted": "\nTweet is uploaded:\n",
"nouserprompt": "\nPlease connect Twitter account to upload photos or download protected media.\n",
"userlistprompt": "Connected accounts: ",
"connect1": "\nPlease confirm your active account and press ‘Done’ in the next screen.\n",
"connect2": "\nPlease authorize, copy PIN and press ‘Done’ in the next screen.\n",
"revokeapp1": "\nIn the next screen, press ‘Done’ after confiming that the active account is ",
"revokeapp2": "\nPlease ‘revoke access’ if you see ‘HiRes Tweet Shortcut’ in the next screen.\n",
"enterpin": "\nPlease enter PIN:\n",
"disconnectprompt": "\nChoose account you want to disconnect:\n",
"settingprompt": "Tap any item to change option. To reset folder or album, turn the option off and on.",
"locationprompt": "\nWhere do you want to save media?\n",
"folderprompt1": "\nEnter folder name for media:\n",
"folderprompt2": "\nEnter folder name for media. It will be created inside iCloud Drive/Shortcuts folder:\n",
"noclipboard": "\nNo Twitter link in clipboard.\n",
"newversion": "New Version Available",
"mytweetprompt": "This tweet is from ",
"loginerrorprompt": "Account error occured. If problem persists, please try disconnecting and reconnecting ",
"protectederrorprompt": "Please connect an account that follows this protected account and try again:",
"e34": "Account does not exist or has been deleted.",
"e88": "Too many users are using the shortcut. Please try again later or connect an account.",
"e144": "Tweet does not exist or has been deleted."