2022-02-28 18:11:10 dzwdz do you even know what i'm talking about 2022-02-28 18:20:38 juspib i can listen to people talking in the UN for two hours and i don't even get bored 2022-02-28 18:25:03 natalia lol free software 2022-02-28 18:34:22 anton juspib: :o 2022-02-28 18:34:55 anton natalia: what? 2022-02-28 18:36:41 nihilazo \o 2022-02-28 18:40:33 anton o/ 2022-02-28 18:44:58 --> flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-02-28 18:45:29 flowercorpse hey friends 2022-02-28 18:47:05 bx hi 2022-02-28 18:48:29 nihilazo hi! 2022-02-28 18:49:32 bx hay nico 2022-02-28 18:49:45 dzwdz yo yo yo i'm back 2022-02-28 18:49:49 bx howre yall doing? 2022-02-28 18:50:04 dzwdz i forgot that i'm stressed out for a while 2022-02-28 18:51:07 bx that's nice 2022-02-28 18:51:12 bx i think 2022-02-28 18:51:22 bx depends on how hard unforgetting hits you 2022-02-28 18:51:27 nihilazo I'm doing OK ish 2022-02-28 18:51:33 nihilazo today at college sure did exist 2022-02-28 18:51:49 nihilazo not looking forward to tomorrow 2022-02-28 18:52:18 nihilazo got a driving lesson and also politics class. and it's my first driving lesson on actual roads. aaaaaaaaaaa 2022-02-28 18:52:31 nihilazo if I crash, at least I don't have to go to politics class 2022-02-28 18:52:36 bx ... 2022-02-28 18:52:45 bx im sure you wont crash 2022-02-28 18:52:51 bx despite gur motive 2022-02-28 18:52:52 nihilazo (it's in a dual control car, there's no way I'll crash) 2022-02-28 18:53:09 bx there's no way that stops everyone 2022-02-28 18:53:15 nihilazo but yeah I'm a bit very scared by driving 2022-02-28 18:53:20 nihilazo and it's an early morning for me 2022-02-28 18:53:29 nihilazo and uhh 2022-02-28 18:53:29 nihilazo yeah 2022-02-28 18:53:30 bx are you a morning person 2022-02-28 18:53:33 nihilazo no 2022-02-28 18:53:36 nihilazo no way 2022-02-28 18:53:43 nihilazo but it was the only time I could have a driving lesson 2022-02-28 18:53:45 nihilazo at 9am 2022-02-28 18:54:06 nihilazo (which is early to be driving when you havn't a fucking clue how to drive) 2022-02-28 18:54:27 nihilazo I swear that driving a car is like the most dangerous thing that a person can ever do 2022-02-28 18:54:56 nihilazo I don't want to drive, I don't like cars, but I'm learning now for the purely economic reason that my mum is paying for my lessons 2022-02-28 18:55:10 dzwdz how about blindfolded running with scissors on a tightrope? 2022-02-28 18:55:20 bx naw thats much safer 2022-02-28 18:55:26 nihilazo that's a lot safer 2022-02-28 18:55:28 bx there are safety nets 2022-02-28 18:55:34 nihilazo ^ 2022-02-28 18:55:35 bx plus at most you can harm 1 person, yourself 2022-02-28 18:56:02 bx in a car if you fuck up too hard a whole bunch of people can get maimed/killed 2022-02-28 18:56:24 * bx 's main issue with cars is this 2022-02-28 18:57:04 dzwdz uhhh what 2022-02-28 18:57:12 bx i really dont understand how anyone thinks its a good idea given gur body count 2022-02-28 18:57:26 dzwdz i don't think we're going to the same blindfolded tightrope scissor running classes 2022-02-28 18:57:57 nihilazo the worst case in a blindfolded tightrop scissor running situation is that you hurt yourself 2022-02-28 18:58:04 nihilazo maybe "hurt" here is terminal hurting 2022-02-28 18:58:15 nihilazo in a car, you can kill and/or maim many many people 2022-02-28 18:58:15 bx "knives those are bad we gotta stop people having those", "oh three people died to cars this afternoon? don't worry about it" 2022-02-28 18:58:16 nihilazo by accident 2022-02-28 18:58:25 dzwdz dude what 2022-02-28 18:58:33 dzwdz what if you jam the scissors into some people's neck along the way 2022-02-28 18:58:44 nihilazo that would have to be a deliberate act, right 2022-02-28 18:58:50 bx dzwdz: why are they on gur tightrope with us? 2022-02-28 18:58:51 dzwdz ok ok we get it 2022-02-28 18:59:02 dzwdz you're an amazing blindfolded tightrope scissor runner 2022-02-28 18:59:07 dzwdz not all of us have the skills to avoid people 2022-02-28 18:59:19 bx ok, but they can also avoid *you* 2022-02-28 18:59:28 dzwdz they're blindfolded 2022-02-28 18:59:35 bx that option is pretty limmitted in a car 2022-02-28 18:59:40 bx gur avoiding i mean 2022-02-28 18:59:51 dzwdz at least you're not blindfolded 2022-02-28 18:59:55 dzwdz so you know what killed you 2022-02-28 19:00:29 dzwdz dying in a blindfolded tightrope scissor running is terrible because you don't even know who to haunt afterwards 2022-02-28 19:00:40 dzwdz s/is/accident is 2022-02-28 19:00:41 sedbot dying in a blindfolded tightrope scaccident issor running is terrible because you don't even know who to haunt afterwards 2022-02-28 19:00:43 bx that just means you can moveon 2022-02-28 19:00:50 bx wait 2022-02-28 19:00:55 dzwdz no? i'm looking for fucking revenge? 2022-02-28 19:00:59 bx gur victims arent blindfolded 2022-02-28 19:01:04 dzwdz they are 2022-02-28 19:01:10 dzwdz otherwise they're cheating 2022-02-28 19:01:20 bx why is more than one person involved in this 2022-02-28 19:01:50 dzwdz it's not very sportsmanlike to go to a blindfolded tightrope scissor running club and not wear a blindfold 2022-02-28 19:02:28 bx ok if this is a club im assuming people consented to gur risk 2022-02-28 19:02:31 bx in which case 2022-02-28 19:02:40 bx you aint got a right to haunt 2022-02-28 19:03:14 dzwdz everyone's got a right to haunt 2022-02-28 19:03:21 dzwdz i believe in second chances 2022-02-28 19:04:13 extratone anyway. what's euphoria? 2022-02-28 19:04:14 bx what happens when gur hauntee becomes a ghost too? 2022-02-28 19:04:27 dzwdz there's no hauntee because you died blindfolded 2022-02-28 19:04:31 dzwdz you don't know who to haunt 2022-02-28 19:04:36 bx well 2022-02-28 19:04:45 bx you could find out by asking around 2022-02-28 19:04:55 bx reviewing footage from gur day 2022-02-28 19:04:59 bx you may have options 2022-02-28 19:05:05 bx extratone: as in gur definition? 2022-02-28 19:05:10 dzwdz it's the blindfolded fucking tightrope scissor running clubs 2022-02-28 19:05:15 dzwdz everyone's blindfolded 2022-02-28 19:05:19 dzwdz who would you ask 2022-02-28 19:05:25 nihilazo fucking tightrope? 2022-02-28 19:05:28 nihilazo kinky 2022-02-28 19:05:41 bx "yeah im really into falling from hights" 2022-02-28 19:05:48 dzwdz *thighs 2022-02-28 19:05:54 bx λmao 2022-02-28 19:05:59 bx !talklike 2022-02-28 19:06:00 pinhook ok gonna go jog/run 2022-02-28 19:06:04 bx ; - ; 2022-02-28 19:06:11 dzwdz lol 2022-02-28 19:06:19 flowercorpse haha 2022-02-28 19:06:28 bx lets try again 2022-02-28 19:06:30 bx !talklike 2022-02-28 19:06:31 dzwdz bx: i hope you're alright 2022-02-28 19:06:32 pinhook that's such a cute dogo for the book 2022-02-28 19:06:32 nihilazo !talklike 2022-02-28 19:06:33 pinhook because it's practical for my typing any mpore 2022-02-28 19:06:41 flowercorpse !talklike 2022-02-28 19:06:41 pinhook but it's super lightweight 2022-02-28 19:06:47 bx ok pinhook thats better 2022-02-28 19:06:59 extratone bx, I was talking about the television show. sad I couldn't think of any other topics lol 2022-02-28 19:07:09 bx Ah i see 2022-02-28 19:07:19 extratone !talklike 2022-02-28 19:07:19 pinhook lmao that was going. 2022-02-28 19:07:24 extratone it really was. 2022-02-28 19:07:38 dzwdz but HOW was it going 2022-02-28 19:07:42 bx dzwdz: thanks, my knee is like not quite alright 2022-02-28 19:07:55 anton y'all 2022-02-28 19:07:58 dzwdz ughhh 2022-02-28 19:07:59 anton I have a question 2022-02-28 19:08:09 dzwdz finding relevant oglafs is much harder than finding revelant xkcds 2022-02-28 19:08:24 dzwdz even though i know the exact one 2022-02-28 19:08:32 bx dzwdz: you should start tagging them 2022-02-28 19:08:46 dzwdz i'll deadass start explainoglaf 2022-02-28 19:10:19 dzwdz i should just download all of them and browse the thumbnails 2022-02-28 19:10:44 dzwdz https://www.oglaf.com/ventilation/ 2022-02-28 19:11:00 anton anyone DnD here? 2022-02-28 19:11:57 bx dzwdz: λmao, you should 100% start ijt 2022-02-28 19:12:04 bx anton: sadly not me 2022-02-28 19:12:08 dzwdz (not related but) https://www.oglaf.com/1dad/ 2022-02-28 19:12:15 dzwdz i'd love a tilde.town dnd session 2022-02-28 19:14:55 anton we have a #dnd channel -- do we have a town session? 2022-02-28 19:15:02 dzwdz not as far as i know 2022-02-28 19:15:08 * anton hasn't played yet, but would like to start doing so 2022-02-28 19:15:13 dzwdz same 2022-02-28 19:16:40 * nihilazo is trying to realise 2022-02-28 19:16:59 nihilazo (that was a typo but I'm leaving it there because it sounds like something) 2022-02-28 19:17:22 dzwdz that feeling once you realise 2022-02-28 19:17:39 anton when you're trying to realize: 2022-02-28 19:17:41 anton * nihilazo is trying to realise 2022-02-28 19:19:36 bx good typo 2022-02-28 19:20:57 anton ok I'm starting the dnd session for ~town 2022-02-28 19:21:38 * anton creates the DMPC 2022-02-28 19:23:17 anton :p 2022-02-28 19:24:20 extratone I was gonna ask y’all to help me work on “The Principles of Text Fucking.” https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/principles.png 2022-02-28 19:33:41 tomasino ))<>(( 2022-02-28 19:34:39 dzwdz ///_^ 2022-02-28 19:34:42 anton hi tomasino 2022-02-28 19:34:50 extratone perfect. 2022-02-28 19:35:56 tomasino :) 2022-02-28 19:42:40 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-02-28 19:42:45 palmdrop hello town 2022-02-28 19:42:49 bx \o 2022-02-28 19:42:56 bx how goes 2022-02-28 19:43:14 m455 hello!@ 2022-02-28 19:43:59 m455 !rainbow i have missed you all 2022-02-28 19:44:07 bx yo m455 2022-02-28 19:44:12 m455 bx: yo yo! 2022-02-28 19:44:15 m455 how you doing buddy! 2022-02-28 19:44:20 m455 also awesome name palmdrop , i love it 2022-02-28 19:44:42 dzwdz \o 2022-02-28 19:44:49 palmdrop m455: hey, glad to hear! 2022-02-28 19:44:50 bx doing assignement work i hate, but asside from that have been actually quite productive today 2022-02-28 19:44:52 bx you? 2022-02-28 19:44:56 palmdrop ouff 2022-02-28 19:45:09 palmdrop what is the assignment? 2022-02-28 19:45:11 palmdrop !water 2022-02-28 19:45:11 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-02-28 19:46:28 m455 (sorry, aside: `/set weechat.completion.nick_add_space off` removes the space after a name mid-sentence. i tend to auto complete names when pressing tab and constantly backspace, and then add a comma, if that helps anyone else lol) 2022-02-28 19:46:42 m455 hey too, dzwdz 2022-02-28 19:46:47 m455 palmdrop: :D 2022-02-28 19:46:51 m455 bx: ouuu that sounds good! 2022-02-28 19:47:55 bx palmdrop: last bio assignemnt, it's gur last bit that's just complete ass 2022-02-28 19:48:38 palmdrop stay strong 2022-02-28 19:49:03 bx thanks :p 2022-02-28 19:49:10 bx it's already waaay late 2022-02-28 19:50:03 palmdrop what's the time wherever you are? 2022-02-28 19:50:13 bx 1950 2022-02-28 19:51:15 palmdrop 2050 over here 2022-02-28 19:51:22 palmdrop is it due tonight? 2022-02-28 19:51:31 bx No, it was due over a month ago 2022-02-28 19:51:46 bx somewhere in mainland europe? 2022-02-28 19:51:55 bx or gibraltar ig 2022-02-28 19:52:02 dzwdz 2022 here 2022-02-28 19:52:52 palmdrop bx: ouch 2022-02-28 19:53:18 bx yea, if i fail it ive basically flubbed all of colleg 2022-02-28 19:53:32 bx despite doing pretty good in most other assignements 2022-02-28 19:53:45 palmdrop oh, you can do it! and you can always take classes again 2022-02-28 19:53:51 bx Uhhh 2022-02-28 19:54:02 bx im not sure gur course gives me that option 2022-02-28 19:54:19 bx Could be wrong, but 2022-02-28 19:56:13 juspib 1366 here 2022-02-28 19:57:57 dzwdz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOGE2Ejn8GU&t=141s 2022-02-28 19:58:02 dzwdz virtual reality? virtual BULLSHIT 2022-02-28 19:58:54 bx palmdrop: are you studying anything rn? 2022-02-28 19:59:01 anton did I hear you just say the v*rtual reality word in my irc chat? 2022-02-28 19:59:39 dzwdz if you're using a screen reader 2022-02-28 20:01:18 bx ive only heard one outcast track, but this makes me wanna hear more 2022-02-28 20:01:46 dzwdz i'm not super into outkast but i've been listening to aquemini a bit today and it's nice 2022-02-28 20:01:50 dzwdz i can recommend you some tracks in dms 2022-02-28 20:02:20 palmdrop b 2022-02-28 20:02:24 palmdrop oops 2022-02-28 20:02:38 dzwdz oh i love the love below though 2022-02-28 20:02:41 palmdrop bx: not studying atm, finished my studies before last summer 2022-02-28 20:02:47 palmdrop working 2022-02-28 20:02:59 palmdrop with web and 3d programming 2022-02-28 20:03:15 dzwdz listening to Hey Ya on proper headphones if you've only heard it on the radio is amazing 2022-02-28 20:03:54 bx palmdrop: 3d programming is fun 2022-02-28 20:05:15 default ok. soulseek. how does the bitrate display in search work? is everyone (or most people?) faking the bitrate of their songs? 2022-02-28 20:05:40 default or is it the highest in that album. 2022-02-28 20:05:47 default no that doesn't make sense 2022-02-28 20:06:16 default ok i'm not that mad. just the first song i got was ~400kbps, the rest are fine 2022-02-28 20:06:29 default but still not as advertised 2022-02-28 20:06:40 palmdrop bx: yupp, but I'm very junior 2022-02-28 20:07:04 bx what does that mean 2022-02-28 20:07:22 juspib i'm being comfy 2022-02-28 20:07:30 juspib so amazingly lucky to be comfy 2022-02-28 20:10:01 bx its is nice to be comfy 2022-02-28 20:10:14 bx ive got my coat on rn and it is v comfty 2022-02-28 20:10:16 bx *comfy 2022-02-28 20:12:09 flowercorpse my bed is too comfy 2022-02-28 20:12:18 flowercorpse so I want to stay in bed all day 2022-02-28 20:12:27 flowercorpse its a curse 2022-02-28 20:12:50 flowercorpse curse of comfyness 2022-02-28 20:14:48 bx Faiiir 2022-02-28 20:14:58 bx thats how i feel a bit about gur coat 2022-02-28 20:15:06 bx i now do not want to take it off 2022-02-28 20:20:16 bx has anyone here written their own hashmap from scratch before ? 2022-02-28 20:20:31 dzwdz oo that'd be a cool thing to do to pass the time at the hospital 2022-02-28 20:20:40 bx its something ive not done, but mainly cause it seems to have been done better by other folks 2022-02-28 20:20:41 dzwdz just try to implement a bunch of data structures and such neatly 2022-02-28 20:20:53 bx i think there's a list somewhere :p 2022-02-28 20:21:06 bx i usually just steal lua's hashmap 2022-02-28 20:22:24 bx comparing standard lib hasmaps could be an intresting exercise 2022-02-28 20:22:50 bx lua vs go vs java vs ruby vs python vs what-ever-else 2022-02-28 20:23:35 bx (i mean more comparing implementation details than performance, im sure performance has been compared, but details and code size might notve been) 2022-02-28 20:25:43 bx ffs maco 2022-02-28 20:25:57 bx s please stop asking me if i want to install updates, i never will 2022-02-28 20:26:43 extratone gonna go play with my iPhone 4S for a while hehe. o/ ciao town 2022-02-28 20:26:46 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-02-28 22:13:01 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-02-28 22:13:01 -- Topic for #tildetown is "town census 2022! https://techbin.org/~anton/cgi-bin/tildetown-census.cgi | etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-02-28 22:13:01 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:54:22 2022-02-28 22:13:01 -- Channel #tildetown: 141 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 139 normals) 2022-02-28 22:13:03 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-02-28 22:13:09 default hey piusbird! 2022-02-28 22:13:22 piusbird extratone, \o 2022-02-28 22:13:24 default been a [[neutral sentiment]] day 2022-02-28 22:13:28 default hey extratone 2022-02-28 22:13:43 extratone howdy folks :) I had to stop playing with... the phone lol 2022-02-28 22:14:33 piusbird today has been pretty nuetural for me too 2022-02-28 22:14:51 piusbird not like yesterday which was a blast 2022-02-28 22:15:56 default oh yeah same. but that's mondays for you 2022-02-28 22:16:03 piusbird but i have rediscovered my taste for classical music which has been fun 2022-02-28 22:16:20 @vilmibm today is Fine 2022-02-28 22:16:31 @vilmibm have guitar class tonight 2022-02-28 22:16:33 @vilmibm in person again at last 2022-02-28 22:17:00 piusbird anyone make anything cool today 2022-02-28 22:18:13 piusbird how far are you along in that vilmibm 2022-02-28 22:18:16 default nope, taking it easy with haskell. which is nice. 2022-02-28 22:18:44 default too many times have i set unrealistic goals (and been massively dissapointed with myself) 2022-02-28 22:18:45 @vilmibm i took a full year of guitar back in 2019 2022-02-28 22:19:02 @vilmibm then just practiced stuff sporadically in 2020/2021 2022-02-28 22:19:10 * piusbird wonders if he can dig up his old haskell drawing examples 2022-02-28 22:19:33 @vilmibm i'm re-doing "guitar 2 repertoire" because it's with a teacher i really like and if it's too easy for me i'll just use it to practice barre chords 2022-02-28 22:19:45 extratone piusbird do you like Schumann? 2022-02-28 22:19:52 @vilmibm which i understand but have a hard time executing because my hand gets so cramped 2022-02-28 22:20:56 polaris !tarot 2022-02-28 22:20:56 rufus[awkbot] The Ace of Wands - creation, willpower, inspiration, desire 2022-02-28 22:22:13 piusbird well was it Aristotle or Plato who said doing something for the enjoyment of it is the highest form of work 2022-02-28 22:23:00 piusbird so as long as your enjoying what you do it's all worth it 2022-02-28 22:23:07 piusbird !tarot 2022-02-28 22:23:07 rufus[awkbot] The Eight of Wands (Reversed) - panic, waiting, slowdown 2022-02-28 22:23:31 piusbird why do i always get reversed tarots 2022-02-28 22:23:46 default !tarot 2022-02-28 22:23:46 rufus[awkbot] The Six of Wands (Reversed) - excess pride, lack of recognition, punishment 2022-02-28 22:25:21 @vilmibm how is your day, piusbird ? 2022-02-28 22:25:56 piusbird pretty good got through to my threipist at last 2022-02-28 22:26:12 piusbird finished my video editing project 2022-02-28 22:26:22 piusbird one of them anyway 2022-02-28 22:26:24 extratone nice! 2022-02-28 22:26:44 default sounds like a pretty good day 2022-02-28 22:27:05 piusbird rediscoved my copy of Handel's water music on CD 2022-02-28 22:27:25 piusbird and homemade pizza for dinner 2022-02-28 22:31:49 @vilmibm piusbird: awesome! 2022-02-28 22:31:54 @vilmibm that is a day for the ages 2022-02-28 22:32:18 extratone I got my first iPhone temperature warning today. 2022-02-28 22:32:52 piusbird extratone, is that good or bad :( 2022-02-28 22:32:55 default ooh fun 2022-02-28 22:33:27 default i remember doing that with an ipod in a hot car when i was younger. panicked, thought i'd broken it. 2022-02-28 22:33:46 default oh i think i left it in a hot car and it somehow inverted the colors? 2022-02-28 22:34:15 extratone neither good nor bad, I suppose. I would suggest inevitable, if anything. 2022-02-28 22:34:33 default what were you doing with it? 2022-02-28 22:34:39 default oh was it just in normal use? 2022-02-28 22:34:39 extratone the sacrifices Apple makes in competent heat management for this ridiculous thinness. 2022-02-28 22:34:41 default "normal" 2022-02-28 22:35:04 extratone I was recording 4K 60fps video and using it as a wifi hotspot lol. 2022-02-28 22:35:11 extratone long video too. 2022-02-28 22:35:37 default smh don't you even liquid cool your phone (/s) 2022-02-28 22:35:52 extratone I don't but I put it in the freezer when I run benchmarks lol 2022-02-28 22:36:15 extratone had to try to explain why I left my phone in the fridge to my 70 year old mother once. 2022-02-28 22:36:17 pinoinha been a while since I've joined palmdrop 2022-02-28 22:36:25 extratone (my whole family rightfully thinks I'm insane.) 2022-02-28 22:36:27 pinoinha but happy you're doing well :) 2022-02-28 22:36:48 pinoinha piusbird more uneventful than I'd like 2022-02-28 22:36:51 pinoinha but not bad 2022-02-28 22:36:55 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-02-28 22:37:32 anton https://www.eff.org/cases/hachette-v-internet-archive 2022-02-28 22:45:53 default ok time for me to head out 2022-02-28 22:46:09 default done enough haskell where i'm happy with my day 2022-02-28 22:46:25 @vilmibm anton: i hope the internet archive wins. total shame what's happening to them 2022-02-28 22:46:46 <-- default (the_default@localhost) has quit (Quit: sorry for making everything about me) 2022-02-28 22:46:53 extratone ah yes the internet archive. the ultimate villian 2022-02-28 22:47:22 anton arch*ving is evil, why not keep the books profitable? 2022-02-28 22:54:52 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-02-28 22:55:34 extratone who I actually managed to get a screenshot of the temp warning somehow lol. https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/temp.png 2022-02-28 22:56:44 extratone whoa* 2022-02-28 23:04:38 * anton puts your iphone in some liquid nitrogen so it would cool down 2022-02-28 23:11:17 elly hello hello 2022-02-28 23:12:13 anton hello 2022-02-28 23:12:31 agafnd put fans in phones!!! 2022-02-28 23:12:45 elly how are y'all doing in here 2022-02-28 23:13:17 anton I'm good 2022-02-28 23:13:19 anton and you? 2022-02-28 23:13:30 flowercorpse hey elly 2022-02-28 23:15:11 elly I am in Los Angeles for work 2022-02-28 23:15:17 elly which is not one of my favorite cities tbh 2022-02-28 23:15:30 elly but the office here is relatively nice and I got here safely so I can't complain too much 2022-02-28 23:16:51 piusbird did i show off my creation here yet 2022-02-28 23:17:19 elly I do not think so! what is it? 2022-02-28 23:18:50 piusbird i'm doing a twitch stream + youtube channel now and i just finished the new intro for it this morning 2022-02-28 23:18:53 piusbird https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChYGLDY-1cY 2022-02-28 23:19:11 flowercorpse anton: I don't know what I would do without internet archive 2022-02-28 23:19:34 piusbird also thinking about uploading to the internet archive as well 2022-02-28 23:20:31 piusbird also i'm in the middle of creating somthing I'm calling baudcat 2022-02-28 23:21:39 piusbird basically i created software for the intro video that simulaties what it's like to see a file come in over an old modem 2022-02-28 23:21:58 --> llamanator (llamanator@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-02-28 23:22:01 piusbird and i thought hey let's actually make it reall 2022-02-28 23:22:39 piusbird btw good luck in la elly 2022-02-28 23:23:28 piusbird anyway sorry for monolouging 2022-02-28 23:26:28 extratone re: fans in phone, elly, I absolutely agree. I want deafeningly noisey fans in my handset. 2022-02-28 23:27:51 elly I definitely did not suggest putting fans in anything 2022-02-28 23:28:07 caff Haha, LA is... LA. 2022-02-28 23:29:21 anton good luck in LA 2022-02-28 23:29:47 piusbird I wonder how much a train to California would cost 2022-02-28 23:29:54 elly it's alright, it's just huge and very spread out 2022-02-28 23:29:57 elly and hard to navigate on foot 2022-02-28 23:30:05 elly totally a car city and I do not vibe with that 2022-02-28 23:30:42 piusbird and as of now I'm the proud owner of one round trip ticket to NYC 2022-02-28 23:31:08 * piusbird does the happy dance 2022-02-28 23:32:11 caff Yeah. I've been happy to find a few nice places that are walking distance to me :P 2022-02-28 23:32:16 caff !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgiXhz5eGaI 2022-02-28 23:32:16 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Take It Back (Lyric Video) 2022-02-28 23:32:54 extratone o no I'm sorry I misread! it was agafnd. that's embarrassing. 2022-02-28 23:33:30 extratone this is why you should not use irc on the phone at like 6 px font lol 2022-02-28 23:36:41 llamanator caff: I like this song :) 2022-02-28 23:37:32 anton y'all, can I, an American buy a .se domain name? 2022-02-28 23:37:38 anton specifically a .com.se one? 2022-02-28 23:37:55 caff llamanator: I love Bug Hunter's entire discography, but Take It Back really hits me hard. :) 2022-02-28 23:40:24 anton http://antonmcclure.com/domains.txt random searches for cheap, for personal use 2022-02-28 23:40:49 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-02-28 23:43:52 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-02-28 23:43:52 -- Topic for #tildetown is "town census 2022! https://techbin.org/~anton/cgi-bin/tildetown-census.cgi | etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-02-28 23:43:52 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:54:22 2022-02-28 23:43:52 -- Channel #tildetown: 141 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 139 normals) 2022-02-28 23:43:54 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-02-28 23:44:32 caff llamanator: Another one where the lyrics stick in my mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbTRP-xw7uE 2022-02-28 23:45:33 caff And here's probably their most popular song, last I checked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWGolv2iqM0 2022-02-28 23:46:22 anton hi extratone 2022-02-28 23:56:47 caff One last one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZWb0vbKaHI 2022-02-28 23:57:04 extratone howdy! sorry if it's disruptive my departures and returns 2022-02-28 23:59:03 caff Hmmm. 101domain makes mention of trustee services for local presence requirements, but other places say .com.se is open to any individual, and yet others say you need some sort of European ID number. 2022-02-28 23:59:13 caff In short, no idea :L 2022-03-01 00:05:06 anton :c 2022-03-01 00:07:51 anton if only mcclure.org wasn't some kind of tucows email thing 2022-03-01 00:18:34 anton yay I bought my new domain name :D 2022-03-01 00:18:49 anton it was one of the ones with a little H next to it, idk what that means but it looked cool 2022-03-01 00:19:10 anton :p 2022-03-01 00:37:13 piusbird So i need to come up with a social contract statement and code of conduct 2022-03-01 00:37:37 anton how come? 2022-03-01 00:38:15 piusbird i only have like ~5 followers for the Twitch thing but I wanna start off right 2022-03-01 00:39:33 * anton is one of the followers 2022-03-01 00:39:38 piusbird so that as we grow and i hope to grow i remember why i am doing this and make decisions in line with my values 2022-03-01 00:40:09 piusbird thanks anton 2022-03-01 00:40:34 flowercorpse god I hate it when I search for a physics problem and 90% of the resources online are from like auto-generated websites trying to sell you some shit 2022-03-01 00:41:05 piusbird so i thought put it down in writing soonish even if i don't publish so i have it 2022-03-01 00:42:15 anton is there anything I can do to help with the social contract and/or code of conduct? 2022-03-01 00:45:31 piusbird I think for the CoC I'm going to lift plush.city CoC almost verbatem 2022-03-01 00:46:53 piusbird and I think I'll adapt Debian's Original social contract for the SC 2022-03-01 00:47:03 anton sounds good 2022-03-01 00:47:20 piusbird I might bounce a draft off you if you're up for that 2022-03-01 00:48:46 anton ok 2022-03-01 00:53:50 piusbird it'll take me aa few days to think and write 2022-03-01 01:18:34 wangofett o/ hey my townies 2022-03-01 01:18:56 wangofett flowercorpse: brutal :( 2022-03-01 01:19:13 wangofett +1 for CoC & social contracts 2022-03-01 01:21:54 trashski !tarot 2022-03-01 01:21:54 rufus[awkbot] The Chariot (Reversed) - lack of control, lack of direction, aggression 2022-03-01 01:22:06 extratone think I’m just about finished up with a new drafts theme. :) https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/encomdrafts.png 2022-03-01 01:22:23 wangofett fancy 2022-03-01 01:22:54 extratone it's definitely my most obnoxious yet but I wanted to go all out for once lol 2022-03-01 01:23:28 extratone comes with a soundtrack https://outruneuropa.bandcamp.com/track/rtry-master-control 2022-03-01 01:32:09 wangofett nice 2022-03-01 01:32:47 anton people of the tilde town, how did you come up with your usernames? 2022-03-01 01:34:42 extratone that's a really great question and I'll bet y'all have some interesting answers. 2022-03-01 01:35:24 extratone extratone is a subgenre of electronic music that started in japan. I named my online magazine after it when I realized extratone.com was open in 2015. 2022-03-01 01:36:57 anton ooo 2022-03-01 01:41:39 <-- mhj (mhj@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-01 01:41:43 extratone oh no... I just now realized ENCOM is a mfing tron reference. 2022-03-01 01:41:57 extratone I should be laughed at for this lol 2022-03-01 01:42:52 --> mhj (mhj@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-01 01:43:03 anton encom? 2022-03-01 01:43:17 llamanator caff: the pinecones music video is great lmao 2022-03-01 01:50:31 waynr !talklike 2022-03-01 01:50:31 pinhook i really like the language and a little teapot 2022-03-01 01:50:38 waynr !tarot 2022-03-01 01:50:38 rufus[awkbot] The Five of Swords (Reversed) - lingering resentment, desire to reconcile, forgiveness 2022-03-01 01:50:43 anton !tarot 2022-03-01 01:50:43 rufus[awkbot] The Nine of Cups - satisfaction, emotional stability, luxury 2022-03-01 01:51:40 extratone encom is the big evil corporation in tron, I guess. I was just naming it after the Blink theme I took inspiration from. 2022-03-01 01:51:49 extratone !tarot 2022-03-01 01:51:50 rufus[awkbot] The Seven of Wands (Reversed) - give up, destroyed confidence, overwhelmed 2022-03-01 01:51:54 extratone lmao. 2022-03-01 01:51:57 extratone !talklike 2022-03-01 01:51:57 pinhook had to try to explain why I left my phone in the fridge to my Text Fuck collection in your honor. 2022-03-01 01:52:09 extratone LMAO. 2022-03-01 02:14:01 elly whew, evening y'all 2022-03-01 02:16:58 anton g'evening elly 2022-03-01 02:17:19 anton idk why I said that lol 2022-03-01 02:17:23 anton how are ya? 2022-03-01 02:19:36 elly good! had quite a nice dinner at a place near my hotel, now relaxing 2022-03-01 02:19:42 elly I hate travelling but I am making the best of it 2022-03-01 02:20:56 elly tomorrow I will get to meet the folks on my team for the first time 2022-03-01 02:21:02 elly which I'm really excited for 2022-03-01 02:23:09 piusbird anton, this is my first draft of that thing we were talking about earlier 2022-03-01 02:23:12 piusbird http://tilde.town/~piusbird/joydraft.html 2022-03-01 02:23:31 wangofett o/ hey elly 2022-03-01 02:23:40 wangofett new job? new jobs <3 2022-03-01 02:24:09 * piusbird pokes his head up from writing 2022-03-01 02:24:26 piusbird hi elly everyone else 2022-03-01 02:24:27 wangofett very +1 on the social contract + CoC 2022-03-01 02:24:57 piusbird needs work tho 2022-03-01 02:25:24 * wangofett nods 2022-03-01 02:25:28 piusbird but i think i hit all the high point so thanks wangofett 2022-03-01 02:27:07 llamanator quit 2022-03-01 02:27:09 <-- llamanator (llamanator@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-01 02:27:36 anton and that was llamanator's last word 😔 2022-03-01 02:27:36 demoji and that was llamanator's last word :pensive_face: 2022-03-01 02:27:49 anton piusbird: ooo I'm gonna read it now 2022-03-01 02:29:11 anton wait 2022-03-01 02:30:20 anton why is it "Joy of Linux" and not "Joy of GNU/Linux"? 2022-03-01 02:31:31 piusbird d'oh guess i'll have to rerecord the intro for a fourth time 2022-03-01 02:31:41 anton > This code of conduct applies to all Joy of Linux spaces, including Mastodon and any organizational spaces defined by Joy of Linux staff, both online and off. Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from these spaces at the discretion of the Joy of Linux administrators and moderation team. 2022-03-01 02:32:01 --> llamanator (llamanator@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-01 02:32:05 anton the CoC applies to places other than the streams and stuff? o_o 2022-03-01 02:32:41 piusbird yeah I've got reservations about that one 2022-03-01 02:33:28 anton wb llamanator, here's your tea in a tilde.town "t" cup c[t] 2022-03-01 02:33:30 <-- mhj (mhj@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-01 02:33:58 piusbird basically i want to say if your an arsehole outside our spaces and it comes to our attention we reserve the right to yeet you 2022-03-01 02:34:32 anton that reminds of of an article I read like a month or 2 ago lol 2022-03-01 02:34:41 anton re-read* 2022-03-01 02:35:06 anton http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=8609 2022-03-01 02:35:27 anton I don't think Eric opensource[1] would agree with you :p 2022-03-01 02:36:02 anton [1]: term misses the point. see https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html 2022-03-01 02:36:22 elly wangofett: lol, no, not a new job 2022-03-01 02:36:39 elly I've been on this team for like 10 months now, but we're normally all in separate offices anyway 2022-03-01 02:36:45 elly and because of COVID we haven't had occasion to gather yet 2022-03-01 02:36:52 elly so this'll be my first time meeting any of these folks 2022-03-01 02:37:25 wangofett ah, nice 2022-03-01 02:37:41 elly yeah, I'm excited :) 2022-03-01 02:38:01 anton nice! 2022-03-01 02:38:09 elly piusbird: "public email inbox" is an interesting choice - most organizations specifically have a *private* way to report problems 2022-03-01 02:38:23 elly so that people can report things without having everyone know they did so 2022-03-01 02:38:38 piusbird ok I shall reword that 2022-03-01 02:39:09 elly what would a content warning look like for an excessively long toot? just "cw long"? 2022-03-01 02:39:22 anton I don't have a public inbox [since I don't know how to properly do one lol] 2022-03-01 02:39:39 elly a mailing list with a public archive is the usual way 2022-03-01 02:39:40 anton elly: long toots need a content warning? o_o 2022-03-01 02:39:51 elly """ 2022-03-01 02:39:52 llamanator anton: what's this tea cup? haha 2022-03-01 02:39:52 elly Clearly communicated and accurately labeled content warnings and sensitive image settings are required when having public conversations involving any of the following topics or content: 2022-03-01 02:39:57 elly ... 2022-03-01 02:40:00 elly Excessively Long Toots (longer than ~20 lines) 2022-03-01 02:40:01 elly """ 2022-03-01 02:40:08 anton I think I've been mastodoning wrong 2022-03-01 02:40:20 anton llamanator: coffee cup since the tea cups are still dirty 2022-03-01 02:40:29 piusbird yeah clearly i didn't edit as carefully as i thoought 2022-03-01 02:40:46 piusbird we'll just mark that for edits 2022-03-01 02:41:06 llamanator anton: is that a c[f] then? 2022-03-01 02:41:33 elly piusbird: looks pretty okay overall :) I'm curious about the remarks about economics too 2022-03-01 02:41:34 piusbird so the intent of thee public inbox is that it be the ordinary way of working 2022-03-01 02:41:51 anton c[t] 2022-03-01 02:42:02 llamanator c[t] 2022-03-01 02:42:03 llamanator cheers 2022-03-01 02:42:11 piusbird originally i wanted to use a peertube instance 2022-03-01 02:42:22 anton c[f] is the FSF mug 2022-03-01 02:42:30 piusbird but costs proved prohibitive 2022-03-01 02:42:34 elly ah, okay 2022-03-01 02:42:49 anton you can buy a c[t] or c[~] mug from the new town shop! (see tilde.town/shop/) 2022-03-01 02:42:50 elly so really it's like "To the extent practical we will use free software and open standards" 2022-03-01 02:43:07 elly anton: that link doesn't work for me 2022-03-01 02:43:14 piusbird so Twitch and Youtube with mirroring to IA when i figure that out 2022-03-01 02:43:27 anton vilmibm: any chance we can have a tilde.town shop? 2022-03-01 02:44:21 piusbird anyway the Nurse Radchet alarm just went off 2022-03-01 02:44:33 elly uhoh? 2022-03-01 02:44:36 piusbird time for meds and bed 2022-03-01 02:45:01 anton just noticed "This instance is administered by the site owner, @mawr. Additional moderation support is provided by @Solitaire." 2022-03-01 02:45:15 elly oh, I see 2022-03-01 02:45:20 elly oh yeah, medication 2022-03-01 02:45:22 elly good idea! 2022-03-01 03:04:34 anton rip chat 2022-03-01 03:06:37 elly rip chat indeed 2022-03-01 03:06:53 elly I don't really want to live-blog about my life more and don't have anything else to say :) 2022-03-01 03:09:37 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-01 04:01:42 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-01 04:01:42 -- Topic for #tildetown is "town census 2022! https://techbin.org/~anton/cgi-bin/tildetown-census.cgi | etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-01 04:01:42 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:54:22 2022-03-01 04:01:42 -- Channel #tildetown: 142 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 140 normals) 2022-03-01 04:01:44 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-01 04:08:06 anton I think I just want to review whatever businesses I come across lol 2022-03-01 04:09:23 elly you could! I try to only write one if I have something to say 2022-03-01 04:10:15 natalia at some point, i'd certainly like to make a list of the music that influenced me the most and what my relationship to it is 2022-03-01 04:10:27 natalia but yeah it does have the problem of sometimes i don't have something that's concrete or valuable to other people 2022-03-01 04:11:45 anton so would the country/region/city/#company format work for linking to reviews, or is country/region/city/company.html better? 2022-03-01 04:12:00 elly those are interchangeable 2022-03-01 04:12:06 elly imo 2022-03-01 04:12:18 elly or, let me put it this way: what prompts your question? 2022-03-01 04:15:45 natalia you can easily redirect between the two and also like it doesnt matter 2022-03-01 04:16:39 natalia do whatever makes the page feel more navigable which is probably together if they are really short and separate (with summaries) if theyre long 2022-03-01 04:16:56 natalia and even then the url scheme only implise things about that but like you could make the # thing look like individual pages if you wanted to change 2022-03-01 04:17:39 natalia and structurally/hierarchically they are like the same 2022-03-01 04:18:24 elly yeah 2022-03-01 04:27:01 natalia hmm. not sure what to do tonight 2022-03-01 04:27:04 anton would it help to keep each company on its own page? 2022-03-01 04:27:57 natalia i think thats the same question and has the same (mostly minute) answer? 2022-03-01 04:28:22 anton o 2022-03-01 04:28:35 elly help with what? 2022-03-01 04:28:59 elly natalia: I am reading long-form journalism and can endorse it as an activity 2022-03-01 04:29:05 anton make them easier to navigate 2022-03-01 04:30:10 natalia elly: reading *is* high up on my list, although probably short stories in spanish instead 2022-03-01 04:30:24 natalia maybe after i journal though 2022-03-01 04:30:31 natalia anton: well, what do your reviews look like? 2022-03-01 04:30:34 elly anton: URLs don't have much to do with how easy it is to navigate something, imo 2022-03-01 04:30:49 elly people navigate via links and searching 2022-03-01 04:31:06 elly so as long as you have the right links the actual structure doesn't matter all that much 2022-03-01 04:31:15 natalia your structure depends on what your content looks like. if you make decisions about the structure you are also making some decisions about what the content is more likely to look like 2022-03-01 04:31:31 anton natalia: I don't have anything yet 2022-03-01 04:31:50 natalia well then it may be hard to get a good idea for how you want to structure it 2022-03-01 04:32:03 elly I think it's better to write some things, then figure out how to arrange them 2022-03-01 04:32:12 natalia i'm disregarding the urls themselves because i think you're referring to just how the page is laid out-- 2022-03-01 04:32:13 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-01 04:32:22 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-01 04:32:22 -- Topic for #tildetown is "town census 2022! https://techbin.org/~anton/cgi-bin/tildetown-census.cgi | etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-01 04:32:22 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:54:22 2022-03-01 04:32:22 -- Channel #tildetown: 142 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 140 normals) 2022-03-01 04:32:24 anton ok 2022-03-01 04:32:24 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-01 04:32:26 anton thx 2022-03-01 04:32:33 elly if your reviews are multiple thousands of words with many images, separate pages makes a lot more sense than if they're a paragraph or two each 2022-03-01 04:32:43 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-01 04:32:56 anton I don't think I'll actually write that much 2022-03-01 04:33:05 anton just a general description more or less 2022-03-01 04:33:32 anton anything longer imo seems like it'll belong on a blog 2022-03-01 04:34:31 natalia if the content is really small its probably better to reduce how much you need to navigate to See Anything, then 2022-03-01 04:34:36 elly yeah, same 2022-03-01 04:34:58 elly page navigations provide cognitive breaks between contexts, and feel bad when there are many small pages, at least to me 2022-03-01 04:35:02 natalia if i have to traverse like 4 pages to get 2 paragraphs each then that's a no go 2022-03-01 04:35:04 natalia mm 2022-03-01 04:35:15 natalia there's nothing stopping you from just linking to your blog 2022-03-01 04:35:32 elly yeah 2022-03-01 04:36:51 elly man, The Cut's editorial voice seems to involve pieces that have no actual conclusion 2022-03-01 04:37:57 natalia yeah? 2022-03-01 04:38:10 extratone I just wanna interject real quick and note - reading over it again - that the Tilde.Town chat etiquette document is a work of art and I mean that 120% sincerely. 2022-03-01 04:39:44 extratone are y'all talking about the Vox Media-owned The Cut? 2022-03-01 04:39:54 elly I have no particular followup to that, it is just a thing I noticed 2022-03-01 04:39:59 elly extratone: perhaps? it's part of NY Magazine 2022-03-01 04:40:16 extratone that's the one. 2022-03-01 04:40:30 elly aha, Vox does own NY 2022-03-01 04:40:32 elly so yes, I am 2022-03-01 04:41:36 extratone if I remember correctly, The Cut's pretty glossy/special interesty. conclusions might be too much to expect lol. 2022-03-01 04:41:51 elly I'm not sure - they have some pretty good writing sometimes 2022-03-01 04:42:00 extratone tbh I can't remember the last time I came to an unequuivolcal conclusion in anything I've written. 2022-03-01 04:42:03 elly but like, here's part of the last paragraph of an article: 2022-03-01 04:42:04 elly She will do this not with the help of Aunt Becky — towards whom she still feels “some resentment,” according to ET, for creating a “scandal has marked her and will never entirely go away” — but her father, who “understands business.” And also, according to one report, how to leverage a fraudulent college career into a company. 2022-03-01 04:42:11 elly that's the last sentence there, literally 2022-03-01 04:42:14 elly zero wrapup on the story 2022-03-01 04:42:32 extratone oh wow that *is* a bail lol 2022-03-01 04:42:36 elly yeah 2022-03-01 04:42:41 elly they're just like "I am done typing now" 2022-03-01 04:43:32 extratone I have no idea what deadlines look like in an organization like that tbh. 2022-03-01 04:43:57 extratone really wish The Verge would talk about technology sometimes tho lol 2022-03-01 04:46:20 elly The Verge is more like, writing about the tech industry than technology itself 2022-03-01 04:47:01 natalia https://www.boringcactus.com/2021/03/21/coins.html 2022-03-01 04:47:33 --> ramin (ramin_hal9001@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-01 04:48:14 elly what a domain name 2022-03-01 04:48:59 elly lol 2022-03-01 04:49:06 elly I at first thought this was serious 2022-03-01 04:49:12 elly for the first three paragraphs or so 2022-03-01 05:04:33 <-- ramin (ramin_hal9001@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-01 05:06:19 --> ramin (ramin_hal9001@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-01 05:08:11 <-- m07h (m07h@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-01 05:31:44 natalia Since the local time zone of a site may be useful for determining a 2022-03-01 05:31:46 natalia time when systems are less likely to be monitored and might be more 2022-03-01 05:31:48 natalia susceptible to a security probe, some sites may wish to emit times in 2022-03-01 05:31:50 natalia UTC only. Others might consider this to be loss of useful 2022-03-01 05:31:52 natalia functionality at the hands of paranoia. 2022-03-01 05:31:54 natalia i sense an argument happened internally writing this rfc 2022-03-01 05:33:40 m455 heyy lol 2022-03-01 05:33:42 m455 some fun scrollback lol 2022-03-01 05:37:33 m455 i shouldn't be up, but i am lol. really happy to seem some nice banter on the town lol 2022-03-01 05:38:08 m455 got back from a heated band practice, and both me nad my best friend are like, borderline quitting it, after the band having going on for so many years lol, so it's nice to come into a nice not-heated discussion 2022-03-01 05:38:16 m455 end fuming here 2022-03-01 05:38:18 m455 lol 2022-03-01 05:38:20 m455 !talklike 2022-03-01 05:38:23 pinhook brb backing up is amazing selfsame!!!! 2022-03-01 05:38:38 elly hey m455 2022-03-01 05:38:41 m455 (well we aren't quitting it, but if things keep going how they are, we are considering it) 2022-03-01 05:38:43 m455 hey elly! 2022-03-01 05:38:43 elly that sound pretty awful 2022-03-01 05:38:49 elly sounds 2022-03-01 05:39:09 m455 yeah. we had an argument, where two of our band members won't listen to other people's argument, and it's really bad 2022-03-01 05:39:14 m455 haha thanks for acknowledging that 2022-03-01 05:39:17 m455 how are you doing right now? 2022-03-01 05:41:09 elly I'm in LA for work but otherwise okay 2022-03-01 05:42:22 m455 wow! that sounds fun. i went to LA once with my wife, and we agreed it was one of the funnest places we've been. how do you like LA? also, that's good you are doing okay haha 2022-03-01 05:42:57 m455 i sound like a chat bot, but don't mind that lol 2022-03-01 05:44:52 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-01 05:44:52 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's common chalky orange flowering ficus 2022-03-01 05:44:55 猫 !water nihilazo 2022-03-01 05:44:55 * pinhook waters nihilazo's seed 2022-03-01 05:44:57 猫 !tarot 2022-03-01 05:44:57 rufus[awkbot] The Nine of Cups - satisfaction, emotional stability, luxury 2022-03-01 05:45:00 猫 HA 2022-03-01 05:45:03 猫 hello 2022-03-01 05:45:53 m455 hey 猫 2022-03-01 05:46:07 猫 how are things 2022-03-01 05:47:43 elly hello! 2022-03-01 05:47:52 <-- llamanator (llamanator@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-01 05:48:07 m455 not bad! just enjoying this relaxing time before i go to bed, what are you up to? 2022-03-01 05:48:15 elly m455: I do not really like LA to be honest, it has a lot of the bad qualities of cities for me (crowded, noisy) and is also very spread out / hard to navigate on foot 2022-03-01 05:48:34 elly LA is one of the few cities I have been to where I basically have to use a taxi to get from the airport to anywhere 2022-03-01 05:48:39 m455 elly: that's also true! i think a lot of what we experienced was novelties 2022-03-01 05:48:56 m455 ooof that's true. we rented a car, so we were hidden away from that extreme inconvenience! 2022-03-01 05:49:06 m455 i don't know if i could live there though haha 2022-03-01 05:49:29 m455 no clue though lol 2022-03-01 05:49:35 --> brendo (brendantcc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-01 05:50:01 m455 elly: hopefully you are enjoying seeing teammates? :O if that's what it's for haha 2022-03-01 05:50:33 m455 i know, for work, when we got to go somewhere to see teammates, it made me so happy, because i really like all the folks on my team 2022-03-01 05:50:48 m455 and my team lead is absolutely wonderful 2022-03-01 05:50:55 elly I will be enjoying that a lot, yeah 2022-03-01 05:51:00 elly most of them arrive tomorrow 2022-03-01 05:51:08 natalia holy shit i cant believe you have to pay for iso 8601-2 2022-03-01 05:51:12 m455 ouuu that's good at least! hopefully it's a good distraction from being a in a city you don't like that much! 2022-03-01 05:51:13 natalia this is the worst document ive read in my entire life 2022-03-01 05:51:18 natalia sorry to interrupt lol 2022-03-01 05:51:34 m455 natalia: LOL god yeah, i didn't know you ahad to pay for ISOs until i had to look one up a few years ago xD 2022-03-01 05:51:45 natalia > R/20150104T083000/PT15M00S/F2YL1M1KT{8,9}H30MOSN 2022-03-01 05:51:49 m455 LOL 2022-03-01 05:52:06 m455 natalia: is that the format? haha 2022-03-01 05:52:07 natalia look what they have done with the c standard money and paywalling we have made for them (this is REAL datetime standards, written by REAL datetime standardizers) 2022-03-01 05:52:20 m455 goshhhh 2022-03-01 05:52:45 m455 i never understood why standards are paywalled, i always thought they were for like public consumption/reference 2022-03-01 05:52:58 m455 then agian, i don't know a lot about standards haha 2022-03-01 05:53:00 natalia to be clear this is not a standard people actually use--people use iso 8601-1 if at all 2022-03-01 05:53:02 natalia but MAN is it funny 2022-03-01 05:53:09 m455 haha i understand 2022-03-01 05:53:36 m455 i only know i like the yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss ("big" to "small") format haha 2022-03-01 05:53:50 m455 now i'm curious about 8601 2 lol 2022-03-01 05:55:02 m455 elly: i really enjoyed that most of the work trip was things like dinner, karaoke, escape rooms, and just chilling with teammates, and then there was just one day full of work, instead of every day working haha. it was really great for bonding, and in hte past i always disliked team bonding events, but like, it felt like this team did it right (i 2022-03-01 05:55:04 m455 think my team lead and one of my team members organized it) 2022-03-01 05:55:53 m455 natalia: LOL i just found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ISO8601/comments/mikuj1/i_bought_iso_860112019_and_860122019_ask_me/ 2022-03-01 05:56:48 m455 this thread is going nowhere but i like reading some of the funny comments lol 2022-03-01 05:57:01 m455 this reddit thread* 2022-03-01 05:58:39 natalia the best part is all of the funky things are just implementation defined 2022-03-01 05:58:52 natalia how many more digits do you put into your year marker if you want years past 9999? you have to decide between the sender/receiver 2022-03-01 05:59:19 m455 natalia: oh what, so they made the definition based off of (an) implementation(s), instead of the other way around? haha 2022-03-01 05:59:56 m455 haha oh shit that is some next level (next year?) stuff? i didn't even think about passed 9999 LOL 2022-03-01 06:00:04 natalia what led me down the rabbit hole, btw https://i.redd.it/mumdxume3wf81.png 2022-03-01 06:00:14 m455 (no question mark after "stuff" lmao) 2022-03-01 06:00:18 * m455 looks 2022-03-01 06:00:27 m455 LOLLLL 2022-03-01 06:00:27 natalia m455: implementation defined means that how you implement it is based on the particulars of the implementation, usually with a set of restrictions 2022-03-01 06:00:42 m455 ohhhhhh 2022-03-01 06:00:59 m455 i totally misunderstood that term then lol 2022-03-01 06:01:08 natalia for example, the restriction here is "you have to add a amount of digits to the 4 year digit format, and that amount has to be fixed and agreed upon between whoever reads and writes dates in your context" 2022-03-01 06:01:22 m455 lmao that bottom of the iceberg one htat you pasted still looks wild 2022-03-01 06:01:30 m455 ohhhhhh wow 2022-03-01 06:01:45 m455 so each implementation may have different formats then i guess 2022-03-01 06:01:57 m455 depending on what is agreed upon 2022-03-01 06:02:11 m455 that sounds like it would be hard to agree upon but i think that's becausei have no clue what context that would happen in hahaha 2022-03-01 06:03:20 natalia something that might be implementation defined is for example sizeof(int) in C 2022-03-01 06:03:23 m455 oh shit, my brain, i totally forgot i was going to fuck with apl 2022-03-01 06:03:36 m455 oh what that's interesting 2022-03-01 06:05:38 m455 is that kind of like they agree how big a max size is allowed to be before things start to get undefined or throw errors? 2022-03-01 06:05:43 natalia obviously the size of an integer depends on what computer you run it on, but it's not like it can't be anything 2022-03-01 06:06:10 natalia sure 2022-03-01 06:07:40 m455 ohhh i forgot about the computer archicture stuff with 32 and 64 bit lol. didn't even think of that. that stuff is definitely over my head knowledge wise haha 2022-03-01 06:17:48 m455 kk i'm gonna go to bed, talk to you all another time! 2022-03-01 06:21:18 natalia gn gn 2022-03-01 07:09:47 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-01 07:10:00 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-01 07:10:00 -- Topic for #tildetown is "town census 2022! https://techbin.org/~anton/cgi-bin/tildetown-census.cgi | etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-01 07:10:00 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:54:22 2022-03-01 07:10:00 -- Channel #tildetown: 141 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 139 normals) 2022-03-01 07:10:02 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-01 07:13:57 * dzwdz spent over half an hour looking for a parking spot 2022-03-01 07:14:17 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-01 07:14:22 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-01 07:14:22 -- Topic for #tildetown is "town census 2022! https://techbin.org/~anton/cgi-bin/tildetown-census.cgi | etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-01 07:14:22 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:54:22 2022-03-01 07:14:22 -- Channel #tildetown: 141 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 139 normals) 2022-03-01 07:14:24 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-01 07:14:30 dzwdz no free spots any fucking where 2022-03-01 07:31:50 juspib wdym 2022-03-01 07:32:15 juspib oh 2022-03-01 07:32:30 juspib you got a loisence for driving? 2022-03-01 07:33:01 juspib s/loisence/loicense 2022-03-01 07:33:02 sedbot you got a loicense for driving? 2022-03-01 07:34:23 extratone did that just get added to a dictionary. should I add it to my dictionary too lol. 2022-03-01 07:36:11 juspib not sure 2022-03-01 07:36:15 猫 my youube rss feds aren't working.. hm 2022-03-01 07:36:19 猫 youtube* 2022-03-01 07:36:22 猫 feed* 2022-03-01 07:36:24 猫 am tired 2022-03-01 07:36:48 juspib sorry, the feds are busy hacking russia 2022-03-01 07:36:55 extratone I'm surprised to learn YouTube has continued to support RSS this far. 2022-03-01 07:36:58 dzwdz no but my mom has 2022-03-01 07:37:11 dzwdz i'm getting so anxious 2022-03-01 07:38:07 juspib where are you trying to go? 2022-03-01 07:38:42 dzwdz i'm convincing the first nurse i meet to give me some hydroxyzine cuz fuck this 2022-03-01 07:38:51 dzwdz i'm at the hospital 2022-03-01 07:39:29 juspib oh happy hospitaldays 2022-03-01 07:41:25 dzwdz i don't think they'll be but thanks 2022-03-01 08:01:06 juspib how do i mark as read in alpine? 2022-03-01 08:15:57 extratone ^ 2022-03-01 08:24:23 petra doesn't it ask you when you close it? 2022-03-01 08:26:31 extratone https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/bigboard.png 2022-03-01 08:45:14 dzwdz aaaand i've got the only bad bed in the room 2022-03-01 08:45:16 dzwdz again 2022-03-01 08:55:22 juspib sad times 2022-03-01 09:01:16 nihilazo \o 2022-03-01 09:04:08 dzwdz \o 2022-03-01 09:05:19 nihilazo how's town? 2022-03-01 09:07:06 dzwdz just got settled down in the hospital 2022-03-01 09:07:11 dzwdz didn't even take any drugs yet 2022-03-01 09:13:15 nihilazo o 2022-03-01 09:14:07 dzwdz good news: there's a chance that a better bed might free up in a moment 2022-03-01 09:14:13 dzwdz also i'm less anxious now 2022-03-01 09:14:20 dzwdz didn't end up asking the nurses for drugs after all 2022-03-01 09:14:56 nihilazo that's good 2022-03-01 09:20:09 twee o/ 2022-03-01 09:20:14 dzwdz \o 2022-03-01 09:20:52 twee ive been putting pinyin post it notes all over my room 2022-03-01 09:21:05 twee thats my productivity done for today 2022-03-01 09:21:10 twee how is everyone 2022-03-01 09:23:39 dzwdz there's lots of students here 2022-03-01 09:26:39 twee in poland ? 2022-03-01 09:28:23 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-01 09:29:10 dzwdz in the hospital 2022-03-01 09:33:57 twee :0 are you alright ? 2022-03-01 09:38:21 nihilazo hi twee 2022-03-01 09:39:19 dzwdz we'll find out in a few days 2022-03-01 09:39:25 dzwdz this is just a routine checkup 2022-03-01 09:39:40 dzwdz but like, proper checkup 2022-03-01 09:40:02 dzwdz proper enough to warrant anaesthetic 2022-03-01 09:41:31 dzwdz ugh 2022-03-01 09:41:41 dzwdz when i put my laptop to sleep the entire audio stack goes to shit 2022-03-01 09:41:48 dzwdz so i have to restart everything audio-related 2022-03-01 09:41:55 petra what kind of checkup needs anaesthetic and a hospital bed? 2022-03-01 09:43:44 dzwdz colonoscopy & gastroscopy 2022-03-01 09:44:05 dzwdz i'm stretching the definition of "checkup" a bit 2022-03-01 09:44:38 dzwdz i'm also going on a noise concert of my favorite band 2022-03-01 09:44:44 dzwdz the MRI scanner 2022-03-01 09:50:21 dzwdz what a garbage joke, geez 2022-03-01 09:55:50 arisotura hi! 2022-03-01 09:58:51 twee hi arisotura, hi nihilazo ! 2022-03-01 10:04:11 arisotura how are you? 2022-03-01 10:07:38 twee pretty good :) you? 2022-03-01 10:08:11 <-- flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has quit (Quit: Goodnight) 2022-03-01 10:12:05 arisotura I'm okay 2022-03-01 10:12:12 arisotura I'm having shitty sleep these days tho 2022-03-01 10:16:56 twee not fun 2022-03-01 10:17:06 twee what have you tried to solve it ? 2022-03-01 10:23:16 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-01 10:25:46 twee stuck speaking to someone who i'm not sure is a chatbot or not 2022-03-01 10:25:52 twee to get access to my minecraft account 2022-03-01 10:26:09 twee so i can delete it now that it wants me to get a microsoft account 2022-03-01 10:27:02 arisotura twee: I'm trying some sleep pills I was given at the pharmacy 2022-03-01 10:27:05 arisotura plant based shit 2022-03-01 10:27:12 arisotura if that doesn't work I'll ask them for the melatonin ones 2022-03-01 10:29:30 twee ah 2022-03-01 10:29:35 twee arisotura: best of luck 2022-03-01 10:30:33 nihilazo OK I'm back 2022-03-01 10:30:45 nihilazo I had to leave to get myself to do anki 2022-03-01 10:30:50 dzwdz hi back i'm gay 2022-03-01 10:31:21 nihilazo watching ytps instead of doing anything I should actually do this morning 2022-03-01 10:31:27 nihilazo lol 2022-03-01 10:32:29 arisotura twee: thanks! 2022-03-01 10:32:40 arisotura eh, not sure these pills will work, but we'll see. 2022-03-01 10:32:51 arisotura and now I keep getting lavender burps, lovely. 2022-03-01 10:33:50 arisotura which reminds me of the other thing: I need to visit the doctor because my digestive tract is shitting itself 2022-03-01 10:35:18 twee always excellent 2022-03-01 10:35:48 dzwdz isn't that kinda what it's supposed to do 2022-03-01 10:37:10 arisotura nah, I mean, I always get some form of stomach pain 2022-03-01 10:37:17 arisotura which I address with Tums tabs 2022-03-01 10:37:24 arisotura but I can't keep doing that forever 2022-03-01 10:37:37 twee oop i can't have access to my minecraft account, because i don't have the transaction id 2022-03-01 10:37:46 twee from like, a decade ago or whatever 2022-03-01 10:38:14 dzwdz my parents bought me minecraft like 11 years ago, how the fuck am i supposed to find that transaction id 2022-03-01 10:39:25 dzwdz also "lavender burps" sounds like something from a very shitty romance novel 2022-03-01 10:40:22 arisotura bahahah 2022-03-01 10:40:23 twee sounds like an indie band ep 2022-03-01 10:40:37 twee dzwdz: i mean i also dont have my email or password sooo 2022-03-01 10:40:40 twee guess i looked sus 2022-03-01 10:41:11 twee rah the official line is "buy the game again" lmaooo 2022-03-01 10:42:20 nihilazo oof 2022-03-01 10:48:14 dzwdz i think i'll try painting my nails black after i'm out of the hospital 2022-03-01 10:52:14 nihilazo nice 2022-03-01 10:53:29 dzwdz i have like, no idea about manicure though 2022-03-01 10:53:58 extratone you don't have to know anything to get it done. 2022-03-01 10:54:22 dzwdz but i want to do it well 2022-03-01 10:55:56 extratone oh I'm tired I'm sorry. idk why it didn't register that you wanna do em yourself 2022-03-01 10:56:23 extratone maybe go somewhere and get them done first? it's too cheap, at least where I live. 2022-03-01 10:56:58 dzwdz eh 2022-03-01 10:57:03 dzwdz i don't want to 2022-03-01 10:59:04 twee feel like poland wouldnt be the most super receptive to guys getting manicures 2022-03-01 10:59:36 dzwdz it's not like i get out of my home anyways lol 2022-03-01 11:00:17 twee dzwdz: file, clean, base, (white), colour, topcoat 2022-03-01 11:00:56 dzwdz white? 2022-03-01 11:06:28 dzwdz i'm literally going for black 2022-03-01 11:07:00 twee thats why it's bracketed, as a general set of instructions 2022-03-01 11:07:08 twee if you're doing a light colour it's often worth it 2022-03-01 11:07:13 twee in this case probably not 2022-03-01 11:09:51 dzwdz light colors would be too risky 2022-03-01 11:09:54 dzwdz not "manly" enough 2022-03-01 11:11:26 dzwdz purple'd be nice 2022-03-01 11:11:38 dzwdz that's not a valid contraction, is it 2022-03-01 11:17:07 login light purple 2022-03-01 11:17:40 dzwdz naw, dark deep purple 2022-03-01 11:18:11 login everybody appreciates smooth nails 2022-03-01 11:28:43 twee its a valid contraction, not a common one 2022-03-01 11:45:03 <-- mhj (mhj@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-01 11:49:26 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-03 18:51:10 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-03 18:51:10 -- Topic for #tildetown is "town census 2022! https://techbin.org/~anton/cgi-bin/tildetown-census.cgi | etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-03 18:51:11 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:54:22 2022-03-03 18:51:11 -- Channel #tildetown: 144 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 142 normals) 2022-03-03 18:51:12 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-03 18:51:47 default hey extratone 2022-03-03 18:51:54 extratone ⓖⓞⓞⓓ ⓜⓞⓡⓝⓘⓝⓖ 2022-03-03 18:52:28 extratone im minus adderall completely right now so watch out everybody 2022-03-03 18:53:00 dzwdz i think i'm on some opioids but i have no idea what i'm on exactly 2022-03-03 18:53:31 dzwdz what are all those missing character boxes 2022-03-03 18:53:44 juspib i found some beet juice and it's surprisingly beet 2022-03-03 18:53:45 bx >good morning 2022-03-03 18:54:12 extratone sounds like we're all on/off drugs it's lit. we have ignition. 2022-03-03 18:55:19 juspib drugs are bad 2022-03-03 18:55:27 dusted 'mkay 2022-03-03 18:55:33 dzwdz mkay 2022-03-03 18:55:44 bx bugs are drad 2022-03-03 18:56:00 bx also loggin on to go werk 2022-03-03 18:57:59 elly I am pleased to report that my "stand outside in the sun" strategy was a total success 2022-03-03 18:58:29 natalia congrats 2022-03-03 18:58:47 dzwdz \o/ 2022-03-03 18:59:53 extratone whoo! 2022-03-03 19:00:09 extratone vitamin D, right? 2022-03-03 19:00:54 elly yeah, but also sunlight is pleasing in and of itself 2022-03-03 19:01:02 elly a few of my teammates came to stand in the sun with me and be plants together 2022-03-03 19:05:57 dusted I'm selling one of my reel to reel players, so I took some pictures for the potential buyer, they're cute enough that I thought maybe someone technologically oriented might appreciate them :) (click for full view) http://dusted.dk/pages/guesswork/akai-pics/ 2022-03-03 19:07:04 natalia haha these are lovely 2022-03-03 19:10:59 nihilazo anybody here have any experience with lazarus/freepascal 2022-03-03 19:11:00 nihilazo is it any good 2022-03-03 19:11:32 nihilazo the idea of making cross platform native GUI apps with relatively smol executables and no deps seems neat 2022-03-03 19:11:39 nihilazo w/ a visual GUI builder 2022-03-03 19:13:22 dzwdz i think i used it for something, but it was too long ago to remember 2022-03-03 19:13:33 elly I have never tried it and do not have a good impression of Pascal generally but I would love to hear your impressions of it 2022-03-03 19:14:51 nihilazo doing GUI without a GUI builder is painful to me 2022-03-03 19:14:51 nihilazo well 2022-03-03 19:14:57 nihilazo doing GUI using a toolkit without a builder 2022-03-03 19:15:07 nihilazo I can do GUI from scratch with just drawing shit on the screen myself 2022-03-03 19:15:34 dusted I liked the old way of building gui, winforms, java swing, qt designer, even the glade tool.. everything that is not HTML and CSS 2022-03-03 19:15:49 elly you can still write GUIs that way if you want to 2022-03-03 19:15:56 dusted probably liked them for every reason modern UX people hate them 2022-03-03 19:16:06 nihilazo first impression 2022-03-03 19:16:07 nihilazo https://ttm.sh/ikd.png 2022-03-03 19:16:08 dusted and I do ^_^ 2022-03-03 19:16:09 nihilazo what the hell 2022-03-03 19:16:11 nihilazo lol 2022-03-03 19:16:19 nihilazo these should not be seperate windows 2022-03-03 19:16:54 nihilazo I should just actually learn qt lol 2022-03-03 19:17:09 nihilazo instead of looking for weird new ideas 2022-03-03 19:17:15 dzwdz generally speaking i'm not a fan of gui things where you align shit manually 2022-03-03 19:17:42 nihilazo but qt is confusing to me because of like 2022-03-03 19:17:46 nihilazo qt and qt quick and everything else 2022-03-03 19:17:53 nihilazo why is there so much different qt shit 2022-03-03 19:18:06 dzwdz why is everything so qt 2022-03-03 19:20:19 nihilazo I don't like any gui framework 2022-03-03 19:20:28 nihilazo I've yet to find one that isn't garbage in some way 2022-03-03 19:21:13 elly I don't think you will find such a thing 2022-03-03 19:21:41 elly UI toolkits all make tradeoffs between like, code size, complexity of API, portability, write-once-ness, native look and feel, performance, etc etc etc 2022-03-03 19:21:46 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-03 19:22:40 natalia playing with a design concept and i am thinking for ui i might just do a localhost web server 2022-03-03 19:22:50 elly (a lot of big projects write their own bespoke UI toolkits that match their own tradeoff needs better) 2022-03-03 19:24:04 dusted natalia: it's a very quick way to make something work 2022-03-03 19:24:29 natalia dusted: yeah 2022-03-03 19:24:43 natalia the problem i have with most handgrown ui frameworks is like, they're usually inaccessible and just aren't as smart at layout 2022-03-03 19:24:50 dusted But I can't get over that it feels a little silly connecting to websites that are literally hosted on my own computer 2022-03-03 19:24:58 elly natalia: making them accessible is indeed a serious undertaking 2022-03-03 19:25:02 nihilazo yeah, bespoke UI is kinda 2022-03-03 19:25:09 elly I have done a lot of accessibility work on chrome's UI toolkit and goddamn is it hard :P 2022-03-03 19:25:11 nihilazo it doesn't feel good on any platform, really 2022-03-03 19:25:17 nihilazo and accessibility is difficult 2022-03-03 19:25:18 elly especially on Mac and Linux 2022-03-03 19:25:20 natalia i have never done work on native ui accessibility 2022-03-03 19:25:22 nihilazo and it often breaks user expectations 2022-03-03 19:25:26 dusted bespoke UIs have their place in stuff like computer games 2022-03-03 19:25:30 nihilazo unless you're smart with doing it 2022-03-03 19:25:34 elly ya 2022-03-03 19:25:46 elly it is frankly out of reach to do properly unless you have an entire team to build and maintain the toolkit 2022-03-03 19:25:51 nihilazo it would be nice if linux had an actual native UI toolkit instead of a million different shitty ones all pretending to be a native UI toolkit 2022-03-03 19:25:55 nihilazo lol 2022-03-03 19:25:56 elly if you want accessibility and internationalization to work properly across platforms 2022-03-03 19:26:51 elly the Linux situation where there are a few competing toolkits is pretty horrible to develop for 2022-03-03 19:27:02 elly fortunately Linux users mostly don't care all that much :P 2022-03-03 19:27:24 dusted ..and then we discover that some alphabets have more characters than are in the ascii one.. and then we discover that some languages are written from right to left, and theeen that some are written from top to bottom, and right to left and everything is all over the place and we quit even trying :D 2022-03-03 19:27:37 elly yes 2022-03-03 19:28:38 elly that's part of why people like developing against the web as a UI target, fwiw 2022-03-03 19:29:01 elly accessibility and internationalization actually *do* work across platforms if you annotate your UI elements well 2022-03-03 19:29:06 natalia it's wonderful 2022-03-03 19:29:33 natalia i want my system to be reasonable on lower power devices.. so my plan is just to like, only have it be static HTML 2022-03-03 19:29:39 natalia er, static is a weird name there--jsless, i mean 2022-03-03 19:29:59 elly yea 2022-03-03 19:30:03 elly html + css :) 2022-03-03 19:30:32 elly web UI also (if you are a bit careful) solves the problem of having your thing work on mobile devices 2022-03-03 19:30:48 elly without you having to learn to use Android's UI toolkit or UIKit 2022-03-03 19:30:53 natalia mm 2022-03-03 19:31:08 nihilazo the problem I have with linux 2022-03-03 19:31:10 nihilazo well, one of the many 2022-03-03 19:31:17 nihilazo is just how much the linux world love fragmentation 2022-03-03 19:31:40 nihilazo and whenever somebody complains about fragmentation, the solution is a new thing that causes more fragmentation between new thing and old thing 2022-03-03 19:31:46 natalia yeah my thing here mostly is, i am heavily inspired by how tiddlywiki works well on mobile devices if you have it on a webdav server or similar, which also a native app could maybe shimmy support for 2022-03-03 19:31:56 nihilazo I do want to try out tiddlywiki sometime 2022-03-03 19:32:02 nihilazo it's a very interesting program 2022-03-03 19:32:23 elly nihilazo: yeah, it's not great 2022-03-03 19:32:38 elly there is not really a group that sets strong direction for how Linux desktop systems behave - FD.o is very mechanism-not-policy mostly 2022-03-03 19:33:07 natalia regrettably i don't think there is a great way to make something as *obvious* as a cgi app than as a single file thing, while also making it portable to smaller devices like i want 2022-03-03 19:33:10 natalia so that's sort of a tradeoff 2022-03-03 19:33:29 natalia like telling someone "oh just run a cgi server on your phone", lmao 2022-03-03 19:33:32 natalia but also the target here is me :P 2022-03-03 19:33:53 elly natalia: in-process web server + webview :o 2022-03-03 19:33:58 natalia (not actually using cgi for implementation reasons) 2022-03-03 19:34:08 natalia elly: hm? 2022-03-03 19:34:18 natalia yeha like i think it could probably be achieved on mobile just not as easy to deploy or like, sync up 2022-03-03 19:34:22 elly oh yeah 2022-03-03 19:34:25 nihilazo elly: yeah. I think the linux desktop needs a policy-making organisation. But everybody would hate that because creating a coherent OS is against freedom or whatever 2022-03-03 19:34:54 nihilazo like, at the same time I get both sides here, I want a system that isn't fragmented and shit to develop for 2022-03-03 19:35:06 natalia tbf tiddlywiki is also nontrivial on android as it is 2022-03-03 19:35:12 nihilazo but I also understand how users like being able to pick from 500 desktop environments and get angry at each other for making the "wrong" choice 2022-03-03 19:35:16 natalia like, if you don't have a server, you have to save a copy over itself, which is like, pretty easy but also a pita 2022-03-03 19:36:02 elly nihilazo: well, also, people have strong opinions and there's no way that you could actually get the various distros to agree with you 2022-03-03 19:37:22 elly there's no like... "place" in the ecosystem that anyone could impose such a standard 2022-03-03 19:39:21 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-03 19:39:31 nihilazo you'd need to start from scratch if you wanted to do that, really 2022-03-03 19:39:34 nihilazo with a new everything 2022-03-03 19:39:57 elly you would just be creating the n+1th option 2022-03-03 19:40:03 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-03 19:40:21 dusted at my previous place of work, i made a prototype on android where users could define the layout of their apps, so the app came with one or two suggested layouts, but people were free to start from scratch and chose from the palette of input and outputs and arrange them as they saw fit 2022-03-03 19:40:41 nihilazo what seems to be happening more is people writing software "for GNOME", "for KDE" etc 2022-03-03 19:41:05 nihilazo which means that your environment is cohesive, as long as you're using all GNOME stuff or all KDE stuff, if you mix the two it's even more of a mess 2022-03-03 19:41:07 natalia dusted: that sounds nice 2022-03-03 19:41:22 nihilazo especially with GNOME doing their own UX thing compared to other DEs 2022-03-03 19:41:22 dusted natalia: it was terrible :D something only a poweruser could appreciate 2022-03-03 19:41:42 natalia huh, i wonder if you could deploy cqueues and stuff on mobile devices 2022-03-03 19:43:38 trashski !tarot 2022-03-03 19:43:38 rufus[awkbot] The Nine of Cups (Reversed) - lack of inner joy, smugness, dissatisfaction 2022-03-03 19:44:16 dusted !tarot 2022-03-03 19:44:16 rufus[awkbot] Temperance (Reversed) - extremes, excess, lack of balance 2022-03-03 19:44:42 dusted gui stuff is hard for so many reasons 2022-03-03 19:45:45 elly ya 2022-03-03 19:46:01 dzwdz > it would be nice if linux had an actual native UI toolkit instead of a million different shitty ones all pretending to be a native UI toolkit 2022-03-03 19:46:04 dzwdz linux is a kernel 2022-03-03 19:46:10 dzwdz please don't put gui in the fucking kernel 2022-03-03 19:46:24 dzwdz s/gui/gui frameworks 2022-03-03 19:46:25 sedbot please don't put gui frameworks in the fucking kernel 2022-03-03 19:46:44 nihilazo I mean "linux" as in "the linux desktop" 2022-03-03 19:46:58 dzwdz which means "desktop systems which happen to be using linux" 2022-03-03 19:47:00 nihilazo i mean the operating system commonly known as linux 2022-03-03 19:47:11 dzwdz there's no single one 2022-03-03 19:47:21 dzwdz if you used all windows apps and all mac apps on the same pc 2022-03-03 19:47:25 dzwdz they'd be a mess too 2022-03-03 19:47:27 dzwdz but you can't do that 2022-03-03 19:47:48 dzwdz just because you can mix gnome and kde doesn't mean that either is bad 2022-03-03 19:48:05 dzwdz i agree that the linux desktop is a mess, though 2022-03-03 19:48:12 dusted I became immune to the differences between gtk and qt a long time ago, I don't even skin them anymore 2022-03-03 19:48:23 dusted they can just be their own quirky selves, adn I don't care 2022-03-03 19:49:39 dzwdz speaking of the linux desktop 2022-03-03 19:49:48 dzwdz i just had to restart every audio application including the browser 2022-03-03 19:50:06 dusted I get that with pulseaudio some times 2022-03-03 19:50:12 nihilazo I personally use a gtk based DE so I guess my best GUI programming option is GTK 2022-03-03 19:50:19 nihilazo but GTK is also kinda a mess to work with 2022-03-03 19:50:32 dzwdz terminal good 2022-03-03 19:50:38 elly so's everything else - just pick one you can handle and practice with it 2022-03-03 19:50:54 elly it is vastly better to pick an okay toolkit and commit to it enough to learn it than to constantly try new ones and never learn any of them 2022-03-03 19:50:58 nihilazo that's true 2022-03-03 19:51:00 dzwdz but i swear if you make a terminal app which emulates GUI, i'm going to become illegible for the axemurder license 2022-03-03 19:51:23 dusted I use i3 so I don't have to worry about apps looking "native" to it 2022-03-03 19:51:30 dzwdz i sure do love when programs reimplement the scrollback buffer in a shitty way 2022-03-03 19:51:33 nihilazo I think I'm gonna learn gtk if I want to make GUI stuff that's ""native"" 2022-03-03 19:51:48 nihilazo but rn the thing I'm building is for a weird VM with its own graphics stack so 2022-03-03 19:51:48 nihilazo lol 2022-03-03 19:52:08 elly if that meets your needs go for it 2022-03-03 19:52:16 dzwdz i kinda want to write a cad program 2022-03-03 19:52:31 dzwdz i've had this idea for a source engine map editor for a long time 2022-03-03 19:52:49 elly go for it! it's probably super fun 2022-03-03 19:52:58 dzwdz i have no clue what framework to use 2022-03-03 19:53:14 dzwdz my internet here is so fucking shit 2022-03-03 19:53:23 dzwdz ircing over ssh over bad connections is hard 2022-03-03 19:53:24 elly it depends what platforms you care about your code running on 2022-03-03 19:53:27 nihilazo elly: I'm not sure if it meets my needs, but I'm building an editor for something that targets said weird VM 2022-03-03 19:53:30 dusted dzwdz: is sdl2 too low level for what you want to do ? 2022-03-03 19:53:33 nihilazo so it makes sense that the editor should run on it 2022-03-03 19:53:35 dzwdz idk 2022-03-03 19:53:45 dzwdz i'm lowkey considering js 2022-03-03 19:53:47 dusted handles mouse/keyboard, let's you draw to the screen 2022-03-03 19:53:59 dzwdz this would be more of a PoC than anything 2022-03-03 19:54:06 elly that's *all* SDL does, though :) building an actual UI out of it is pretty involved 2022-03-03 19:54:19 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-03 19:54:20 elly you get to / have to make up your own UI controls and implement them 2022-03-03 19:55:07 dusted elly: true, I've done a half-baked gui on top of sdl and opengl 2022-03-03 19:56:08 dusted you can probably implement the first versions of autocad as a single html file with the js embedded and it'd run with no backend :D 2022-03-03 19:56:22 dzwdz i've been kinda meaning to make an old windows inspired WM 2022-03-03 19:56:28 dzwdz which could be pixel-perfect 2022-03-03 19:56:46 dzwdz that age of ui design was seriously a big vibe 2022-03-03 19:56:50 natalia hmm, i wonder if i could come up with any good systems for uh 2022-03-03 19:57:11 natalia well obviously the thing about listening as web on localhost is it's insecure on multi-user systems without password auth 2022-03-03 19:57:16 natalia but i wonder if there are any Cool Ways To Do That (TM) 2022-03-03 19:57:22 dzwdz unix sockets? 2022-03-03 19:57:32 dzwdz oh wait, web browsers don't support them 2022-03-03 19:57:34 dzwdz i think 2022-03-03 19:57:35 natalia i want people to actually be able to use their web browser yeah 2022-03-03 19:57:43 natalia i considered it but i believe it's impossible 2022-03-03 19:58:48 dzwdz i wish browsers had native pubkey auth shit 2022-03-03 19:59:17 elly webauthn? 2022-03-03 19:59:32 elly or webcrypto I guess 2022-03-03 19:59:55 dzwdz doesn't webauthn require special hardware 2022-03-03 20:00:03 dusted oh, there's Xvfb on tilde? :D 2022-03-03 20:00:39 dzwdz it's a scam to get people to buy yubikeys 2022-03-03 20:03:13 dzwdz ssh is still very beneficial even if the private keys are on your pc 2022-03-03 20:03:48 dzwdz if we restricted its usage to people with some special (expensive) hardware it would never have became as widely used 2022-03-03 20:10:19 default oh wow the new steam tech demo is the first thing i've seen that supports windows and linux but not macos 2022-03-03 20:10:53 default (boring observation) 2022-03-03 20:11:01 default (that means nothing. that i say anyway) 2022-03-03 20:11:03 dzwdz that just sounds like my laptop 2022-03-03 20:17:00 polaris !tarot 2022-03-03 20:17:00 rufus[awkbot] The Page of Cups - happy surprise, dreamer, sensitivity 2022-03-03 20:19:31 piusbird !tarot 2022-03-03 20:19:31 rufus[awkbot] The Page of Cups (Reversed) - emotional immaturity, insecurity, disappointment 2022-03-03 20:19:49 polaris w 2022-03-03 20:19:57 dzwdz l 2022-03-03 20:22:18 default !tarot 2022-03-03 20:22:18 rufus[awkbot] The Ace of Cups (Reversed) - emotional loss, blocked creativity, emptiness 2022-03-03 20:25:19 piusbird I'll be going live in 5 minutes 2022-03-03 20:26:05 natalia what are you broadcasting? 2022-03-03 20:26:14 dusted and where 2022-03-03 20:31:14 piusbird https://www.twitch.tv/piusbird 2022-03-03 20:31:46 piusbird Thursday is gaming so we're playing a rom hack of pokemon yellow 2022-03-03 20:32:17 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-03 20:46:25 dzwdz the wordle word list could be great for diceware 2022-03-03 20:55:16 @vilmibm hello 2022-03-03 20:55:39 default hey vilmibm 2022-03-03 21:07:39 default anyone know good places to get games 2022-03-03 21:07:46 default in a free way 2022-03-03 21:08:50 elly hello! 2022-03-03 21:09:17 elly default: itch.io is good 2022-03-03 21:09:18 @vilmibm hi default , elly 2022-03-03 21:09:22 @vilmibm indeed, itch is v good 2022-03-03 21:10:09 default i meant pirated games, but ok 2022-03-03 21:10:28 default really want to try ms flight simulator specifically, don't want to fork over $60 with no refunds. 2022-03-03 21:10:37 elly ah 2022-03-03 21:11:03 @vilmibm oh i don't know how to pirate games anymore 2022-03-03 21:11:05 @vilmibm pirate bay? 2022-03-03 21:11:25 nihilazo I was going to try doing some more work on my music tracker today but I don't feel like it 2022-03-03 21:11:32 nihilazo hmm 2022-03-03 21:11:40 @vilmibm cymen: i have increased the file upload size 2022-03-03 21:11:47 @vilmibm cymen: you should be able to push now 2022-03-03 21:12:34 -- vilmibm has changed topic for #tildetown from "town census 2022! https://techbin.org/~anton/cgi-bin/tildetown-census.cgi | etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" to "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-03 21:13:30 elly yeah, I too have no idea what one does for pirating software in 2022 2022-03-03 21:15:54 nihilazo I havn't pirated software in so long 2022-03-03 21:16:09 elly at some point Steam got really good at what it does and I ceased bothering I think 2022-03-03 21:16:44 nihilazo I either just use free stuff 2022-03-03 21:16:52 nihilazo or for games, I play indie stuff where I want to support the devs 2022-03-03 21:16:58 nihilazo so I buy it from itch 2022-03-03 21:17:07 elly yea 2022-03-03 21:17:15 nihilazo (or steam if it's on sale, which I know is less good for the devs, but cheaper and still gets some money to them) 2022-03-03 21:19:28 @vilmibm i became an adult with freedom and, thankfully, money 2022-03-03 21:19:38 @vilmibm so i haven't pirated anything since like 2007 2022-03-03 21:21:25 elly yea 2022-03-03 21:21:29 elly same basically 2022-03-03 21:21:41 elly but also it did get a lot easier to buy stuff without pirating it 2022-03-03 21:21:57 @vilmibm no more driving to the mall to go to Electronic Boutique 2022-03-03 21:22:11 @vilmibm or out to a stripmall to the Gamestop 2022-03-03 21:22:28 elly lol yeah 2022-03-03 21:22:36 elly "oh sorry we sold out all 6 copies" 2022-03-03 21:22:47 m455 i do miss the hype of being on the way home, waiting for the travel home to end to play a new game 2022-03-03 21:22:52 @vilmibm i remember being like 13 and having saved up $60 allowance and going to Media Play to pick out a new game 2022-03-03 21:22:58 m455 LOL same 2022-03-03 21:23:11 @vilmibm literally browing shelves to make a decision 2022-03-03 21:23:24 m455 pc games in a cool looking box 2022-03-03 21:23:37 m455 console games were always behind the glass 2022-03-03 21:23:49 elly yeah 2022-03-03 21:23:53 elly with empty cases on the shelves 2022-03-03 21:23:58 m455 xD yeah 2022-03-03 21:23:58 elly and you'd get one and bring it to the counter 2022-03-03 21:24:22 @vilmibm UNFORTUNATELY for me i went with "Star Wars Force Commander" 2022-03-03 21:24:25 @vilmibm on that one trip to media play 2022-03-03 21:24:32 elly oh no 2022-03-03 21:24:33 @vilmibm force commander was not a good game! 2022-03-03 21:24:39 @vilmibm i felt VERY upset 2022-03-03 21:24:45 elly my best ever EB Games impulse buy game was Advance Wars 2022-03-03 21:24:48 elly which was, admittedly, great 2022-03-03 21:24:50 m455 oh fuck saving up and buying games i didn't like was so shitty, i remmeber that lol 2022-03-03 21:24:52 @vilmibm i kept playing to make the $60, at the time an unfathomable quantity, feel worth it 2022-03-03 21:24:59 m455 elly: ouuu yeah when gameboy advanced came out 2022-03-03 21:24:59 elly m455: that's why game review magazines existed! 2022-03-03 21:24:59 @vilmibm elly: omg yes me too!! 2022-03-03 21:25:03 @vilmibm i got that on a whim and loved it 2022-03-03 21:25:07 elly remember reading GamePro? 2022-03-03 21:25:10 @vilmibm damn i loved my GBA 2022-03-03 21:25:12 elly inventors of protips! 2022-03-03 21:25:16 m455 elly: i had to travel to another city to get them hahaha 2022-03-03 21:25:17 @vilmibm yes for sure, i only got it intermittently though 2022-03-03 21:25:32 m455 i liked the game cheat magazines that mny town had though!! 2022-03-03 21:26:18 elly haha yes 2022-03-03 21:26:33 elly man, nostalgia mode 2022-03-03 21:26:37 m455 hahaha yeah 2022-03-03 21:26:56 default back. and i've never pirated a game before. but in this case it's a) $60 b) has no refunds (as the launcher that downloads the game counts as playtime) and c) is developed by microsoft 2022-03-03 21:27:02 default if i like it i'll buy it 2022-03-03 21:27:15 m455 man the games i spent the most time on, on gameboy color (i never had the original grey gameboys), was zelda links awakening, pokemon red, pokemon yellow, and pokemon silver, and i borrowed my half brother's tetris 2022-03-03 21:27:30 elly duuude 2022-03-03 21:27:34 default gotta make me feel so young 2022-03-03 21:27:35 @vilmibm my wife and i came very close to buying a used video game store in los angeles 2022-03-03 21:27:36 elly Pokemon Blue on my Game Boy Pocket 2022-03-03 21:27:39 elly maxed out level 100 team over here 2022-03-03 21:27:44 elly I sunk so many hours into that 2022-03-03 21:27:46 @vilmibm the owner offered it for $200k and my money advisor was like "fuck it dude go for it" 2022-03-03 21:28:04 @vilmibm the place is a veritable museum and had huge stacks of magazines, we bought a bunch of PC Gamer issues 2022-03-03 21:28:08 elly wow 2022-03-03 21:28:28 @vilmibm we decided not to because it was a chaotic dusty mess and there was no way to verify what the storied "back room of rare stuff" had 2022-03-03 21:28:51 m455 elly: hahah hell yeah i spent SO much time on it. i managed to get all legendary pokemon on silver, and my friend managed to get mew on his pokemon blue without hacking it. there was ONE legit tutorial, he even showed me how he did it in person. back then people thought you had to hack it, and i think nowadays people sitll do 2022-03-03 21:28:55 @vilmibm he trotted out a Hideo Kojima signed copy of like MGS3 as an example of where the "real value" was and i was like i donno dude 2022-03-03 21:29:04 m455 hahahahha wow 2022-03-03 21:29:08 elly m455: you can missingno glitch to get it, no? 2022-03-03 21:29:27 m455 elly: i dont remember if missingo was used, but the pokeflute was used, and that's all i remmeber lol 2022-03-03 21:29:38 m455 i wouldn't be surprised if you could use missingo 2022-03-03 21:29:38 @vilmibm i was also a pokemon blue kid, stayed up late with a flashlight under the covers with my OG gameboy playing it. i did eventually get a gameboy color from my aunt with disposable income 2022-03-03 21:29:56 m455 ohh i forgot about flashlights 2022-03-03 21:30:09 m455 i always had a set of rechargible batteries with me too hahaha 2022-03-03 21:30:12 <-- default (the_default@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-03 21:30:23 elly m455: that sounds like another famous glitch 2022-03-03 21:30:26 elly (the poke flute use) 2022-03-03 21:30:40 elly actual vibes of games just having glitches that existed forever because they were never updated 2022-03-03 21:30:50 m455 elly: i think it was a glitch yeah! something to do with overloading snorlax with mew or something 2022-03-03 21:31:13 m455 when i first saw mew my heart like dropped hahahah. it was the most unbelievable thing to me at that time hahaha 2022-03-03 21:31:35 m455 he's like check it out, it can use transform and teleport or whatever it was and yeah it was just wild 2022-03-03 21:31:53 m455 but yeah, i was OBSESSED with pokemon red, yellow, and less-so silver, even though it was also equally as good 2022-03-03 21:32:00 m455 i haven't played any pokemon games since lol 2022-03-03 21:32:02 elly yeah 2022-03-03 21:32:04 elly oh gosh 2022-03-03 21:32:12 elly I played Brilliant Diamond and now am playing Legends Arceus 2022-03-03 21:32:19 elly they are basically all the same game they were before though 2022-03-03 21:32:21 m455 damnnn those wild names 2022-03-03 21:32:23 m455 that's really awesome! 2022-03-03 21:33:08 @vilmibm i was into blue and yellow 2022-03-03 21:33:24 @vilmibm never really put any time into a pokemon after that. enjoyed Snap at a friend's house tho 2022-03-03 21:33:38 m455 oh fuck pokemon snap was a friend's house thing for me too! 2022-03-03 21:33:39 m455 it was so fun 2022-03-03 21:33:47 m455 that, in combination with breaks to play super smash brothers 2022-03-03 21:34:06 m455 damn i am getting memories back that i forgot i had 2022-03-03 21:34:12 @vilmibm N64 and playstation and snes were all "friend's house" things for me. i only have gameboy until my house got a PC 2022-03-03 21:34:16 m455 like just that friend's house in general i totally forgot about 2022-03-03 21:34:38 @vilmibm the only physical SNES i think i've ever played was sunset riders at a friend's house in elementary school 2022-03-03 21:34:53 m455 ohhhh i had n64 and super nintendo, and my half brother has nes and sega genesis, and then we found a sega master system at the flea market that came with three games 2022-03-03 21:35:00 m455 OMG the cowboy oen! 2022-03-03 21:35:02 m455 that was so fun hahaha 2022-03-03 21:35:07 m455 and very very hard 2022-03-03 21:35:18 @vilmibm yes so hard 2022-03-03 21:35:29 m455 vilmibm: had you ever played super mario RPG? 2022-03-03 21:35:43 @vilmibm yes, extensively, via an emulator. never beat it though 2022-03-03 21:35:51 m455 i think to this day, (shit i think i told you this already), it's still one of my favourite rpgs along with morrowind elders scrolls III 2022-03-03 21:35:54 m455 ohhhh 2022-03-03 21:36:13 @vilmibm my Awful Ex would not allow me to play video games unless they were emulated mario, megaman, or sonic games so for a few years i was playing a lot of the first two. i was and still am awful at 2d sonic 2022-03-03 21:36:22 m455 (work has like a thursday end of day conference every week so i am chatting here lol) 2022-03-03 21:36:39 m455 aww shit 2022-03-03 21:40:44 extratone that's no good. 2022-03-03 21:41:29 elly yeah, we are having a work summit too so I am posting more heavily than usual 2022-03-03 21:41:45 elly right now there are a bunch of discussion groups going but I am in none of them and am instead acquiring sunlight and writing 2022-03-03 21:43:03 natalia iydm what are you writing about? 2022-03-03 21:43:14 elly ah, writing a trip report for this trip 2022-03-03 21:43:16 elly nothing super interesting 2022-03-03 21:44:04 natalia how do you approach writing generally? i've been trying to figure out what things acutally work for me (noticing i tend to productively write more on paper is a simple one but it's definitely there) 2022-03-03 21:44:07 @vilmibm https://twitter.com/gifs_bot/status/1499494833471295488/photo/1 2022-03-03 21:44:26 natalia although that's harder to translate to like, more technical writing stuff because it's just harder to do that usefully without a lot of references 2022-03-03 21:44:34 elly natalia: I make an outline and then write the text I guess, it's hard to know how to answer :P 2022-03-03 21:45:41 natalia understandable lol 2022-03-03 21:46:05 elly I love writing and practice it often is the real answer 2022-03-03 21:46:14 elly same as being comfortable at any other skill, practice 2022-03-03 21:47:10 natalia mm 2022-03-03 21:50:49 elly I just love outlining, I write very iteratively 2022-03-03 21:50:55 elly and the outline is easier to edit 2022-03-03 21:53:28 extratone I have gotten so bad at that. 2022-03-03 21:55:15 elly at writing? 2022-03-03 21:57:24 natalia i have been spending time recently trying to more actively study writing i actually like and also unlearn almost everything i learned in school 2022-03-03 21:57:27 natalia hs composition is **so bad** 2022-03-03 21:57:39 natalia or at least what i learned from 2022-03-03 21:58:05 --> the_default (the_default@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-03 21:58:53 extratone at outlining, specifically. but yeah writing too lol 2022-03-03 22:07:21 elly the outline is when I do most of my actual writing 2022-03-03 22:07:29 elly since that's when I order my thoughts and turn them into a coherent whatever 2022-03-03 22:07:36 elly and make sure my point makes sense and so on 2022-03-03 22:07:45 elly then the writing is a process of adding words to that :) 2022-03-03 22:39:25 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-03 22:57:40 owl hey town 2022-03-03 22:57:46 owl !tarot 2022-03-03 22:57:46 rufus[awkbot] The Five of Cups - loss, grief, self-pity 2022-03-03 22:57:52 owl eugh 2022-03-03 22:58:02 owl I mean yes I am playing Elden Ring so this is accurate 2022-03-03 23:03:21 polaris late breaks sure feel weird as hell lmao 2022-03-03 23:04:18 polaris !tarot 2022-03-03 23:04:18 rufus[awkbot] The Knight of Cups - following the heart, idealist, romantic 2022-03-03 23:15:36 extratone !tarot 2022-03-03 23:15:37 rufus[awkbot] The Ten of Pentacles (Reversed) - fleeting success, lack of stability, lack of resources 2022-03-03 23:15:51 extratone lack of adderall yes. 2022-03-03 23:16:53 waynr !talklike 2022-03-03 23:16:53 pinhook speaking of droplets i've been working on my way into rabbit holes 2022-03-03 23:17:05 * waynr nods solemnly 2022-03-03 23:19:59 owl !talklike 2022-03-03 23:19:59 pinhook well, i feel that 2022-03-03 23:30:02 owl !talklike 2022-03-03 23:30:02 pinhook i've started in on it a few minutes 2022-03-03 23:44:26 @vilmibm damn some good pinhooks 2022-03-03 23:44:30 @vilmibm luv u pinhook 2022-03-03 23:51:14 owl !talklike vilmibm 2022-03-03 23:51:16 pinhook we're waiting to get the homepage 2022-03-03 23:51:23 owl yes, yes, the homepage 2022-03-03 23:51:31 @vilmibm ah yes indeed 2022-03-03 23:54:29 polaris !talklike 2022-03-03 23:54:29 pinhook But at least stops it from for help 2022-03-03 23:54:41 polaris !fuse polaris pinhook 2022-03-03 23:54:42 pinhook lotta butts i guess so 2022-03-03 23:55:05 owl wisdom in those words 2022-03-03 23:57:12 owl !fuse owl rufus[awkbot] 2022-03-03 23:57:12 pinhook rufus[awkbot] was not found 2022-03-03 23:57:20 owl :( 2022-03-03 23:57:38 owl !fuse owl rufus\[awkbot\] 2022-03-03 23:57:38 pinhook rufus\[awkbot\] was not found 2022-03-03 23:57:40 owl rip 2022-03-03 23:57:49 owl !fuse owl "rufus[awkbot]" 2022-03-03 23:57:49 pinhook "rufus[awkbot]" was not found 2022-03-03 23:58:12 owl !fuse owl owl 2022-03-03 23:58:12 pinhook man, Pouet is a dope word indeed 2022-03-03 23:58:35 owl that's true 2022-03-04 00:07:46 @vilmibm omg butts 2022-03-04 00:12:20 natalia me reading a book: man the symbolism in this book is cool but its so unimaginable 2022-03-04 00:12:50 natalia the real world: today in the news, local flags company hits record sales of ukranian flags only matching that of us flags during operation desert storm. the companys name is Dixie Flags 2022-03-04 00:29:54 cymen vilmibm: oh cool, let me try 2022-03-04 00:31:50 cymen yes, it works! 2022-03-04 00:52:10 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-04 01:17:03 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-04 15:01:54 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-04 15:01:54 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-04 15:01:54 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-04 15:01:54 -- Channel #tildetown: 141 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 139 normals) 2022-03-04 15:01:56 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-04 15:02:42 natalia my weekend is over :despair emoji: 2022-03-04 15:08:25 login you're busy on saturdy? 2022-03-04 15:25:38 kirch !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWVFEVWJMz8 2022-03-04 15:25:38 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Hit it Joe! 2022-03-04 15:25:55 kirch I think everything is improved by cutting to this video..... 2022-03-04 15:26:18 kirch if my entire life could be a smash-cut to this, that would be my deam 2022-03-04 15:26:21 kirch *dream 2022-03-04 16:01:39 piusbird morning town 2022-03-04 16:02:26 dozens i can't even tell what he's doing besides making noise haha, the piano is playing itself! 2022-03-04 16:05:51 piusbird !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYG7sMtb6u8 2022-03-04 16:05:51 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Smash Mouth | All Star (HQ) 2022-03-04 16:06:35 piusbird I'm having a rather ogrey day 2022-03-04 16:09:01 extratone gotta update brb. 2022-03-04 16:09:02 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-04 16:36:33 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-04 16:36:33 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-04 16:36:33 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-04 16:36:33 -- Channel #tildetown: 142 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 140 normals) 2022-03-04 16:36:35 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-04 16:59:41 * owl yawns 2022-03-04 16:59:55 owl !tarot 2022-03-04 16:59:55 rufus[awkbot] The Knight of Pentacles - efficiency, hard work, responsibility 2022-03-04 17:01:46 owl elly: LA has this awesome thing going for it where it has big Korean and Mexican population, and the fusion food is incredible 2022-03-04 17:02:48 owl I prefer rainy/cloudy weather generally so LA is definitely not for me. anyone who wants 350+ days a year of sun is suspicious imo 2022-03-04 17:02:50 owl too much sameness 2022-03-04 17:09:45 login there is Korean-Mexican fusion? 2022-03-04 17:10:07 login owl: sun is hot 2022-03-04 17:12:05 owl some sun is good 2022-03-04 17:12:14 owl where I live we have ~3 months of really good summer 2022-03-04 17:12:21 owl long, warm days 2022-03-04 17:12:29 owl but by the time it's over i'm ready for the rain and clouds to be back 2022-03-04 17:15:09 login it's easier for the body to sweat and cool itself than for it to heat itself up without a lot of insulation 2022-03-04 17:15:19 login but only if humidity is low 2022-03-04 17:16:30 owl cozy blankets by a fire, climate controlled dwellings, hot tea, whisky 2022-03-04 17:16:45 owl cuddling with loved ones! 2022-03-04 17:25:50 extratone where I live (mid-missouri, USA,) the weather fluctuates in big ways constantly and everyone acts like it’s a new thing. 2022-03-04 17:26:40 the_default ok good someone else who likes rain and grey skies 2022-03-04 17:28:36 extratone I like it, too! though less so after having lived in Portland for three years. 2022-03-04 17:28:42 dzwdz gray? more like gay ha 2022-03-04 17:29:31 marcus Oooo ... rain is wonderful! I like splashing in puddles (though the looks I get as a grown-ass man splashing in puddles are hilarious). 2022-03-04 17:30:57 the_default !tarot 2022-03-04 17:30:57 rufus[awkbot] The Hermit - contemplation, search for truth, inner guidance 2022-03-04 17:33:35 extratone marcus that's beautiful please don't stop. 2022-03-04 17:34:42 marcus I'm too old to stop now! ;) 2022-03-04 17:39:51 nihilazo \o town 2022-03-04 17:42:08 dozens o/ nihilazo 2022-03-04 17:42:19 nihilazo yo dozens 2022-03-04 17:42:19 the_default hey nihilazo 2022-03-04 17:42:21 nihilazo how're you? 2022-03-04 17:42:24 nihilazo \o the_default 2022-03-04 17:42:55 extratone alright here’s a question: how often do y’all clean your keyboards? 2022-03-04 17:43:12 the_default never :) 2022-03-04 17:43:21 dozens nihilazo: p gud, still feeing kind of under the weather. but, okay 2022-03-04 17:43:41 dozens extratone: yeah never.. unless i happen to see a bottle of compressed air lying around 2022-03-04 17:43:42 nihilazo that's good 2022-03-04 17:43:53 the_default nihilazo: i', ok. just tired, not feeling up to much 2022-03-04 17:43:54 nihilazo extratone: when it starts feeling bad 2022-03-04 17:44:16 extratone how often is that? I'm asking largely because I'm pretty sure my hands must be grosser than normal humans. 2022-03-04 17:44:38 extratone I clean mine like three times a day at least. 2022-03-04 17:44:52 dozens wat 2022-03-04 17:44:57 the_default i just wash my hands before using my pc 2022-03-04 17:45:09 extratone same! I think I must just be icky :( 2022-03-04 17:45:51 extratone I asked some iPad Pro users for this and only one answered lol. https://bilge.world/apple-polishing-cloth 2022-03-04 17:46:10 extratone screens, though. 2022-03-04 17:46:30 owl man I hate touch screens 2022-03-04 17:46:36 owl nothing worse than finger grease on your display 2022-03-04 17:46:58 owl I also wash my hands before returning to work on my computer and tend to clean my keyboard once a week-ish 2022-03-04 17:47:07 extratone I know right! like I detailed in that piece... I was taught... not to touch the screen. 2022-03-04 17:47:30 extratone that sounds like the reasonable rate for normal humans, owl. 2022-03-04 17:47:35 extratone I love your username btw. 2022-03-04 17:48:05 owl ty :) 2022-03-04 17:48:24 extratone owls are good. 2022-03-04 17:48:28 owl owls are very good 2022-03-04 17:48:55 extratone my puppy is constantly aggravated by our resident owl and it's hilarious. 2022-03-04 17:50:26 the_default resident owl 2 2022-03-04 17:50:45 the_default (why did i send that) 2022-03-04 17:50:50 the_default (why did i think that) 2022-03-04 17:51:26 owl the world is better with more owls in it 2022-03-04 17:51:34 dzwdz said the owl 2022-03-04 17:51:36 dzwdz kinda biased 2022-03-04 17:52:40 extratone my dad inadvertently caused the death of an owl (I grew up on a farm) and acted like it was the most dangerous crime. 2022-03-04 17:53:04 extratone terrified of retribution. looking back, I think "good." 2022-03-04 17:53:17 extratone protect owls at all cost. 2022-03-04 17:55:40 extratone sorry I probably should've twed that. 2022-03-04 17:55:47 --> rnd (rnd@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-04 17:56:25 <-- rnd (rnd@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-04 17:57:46 login if you don't show remorse at having caused the death of an animal like an owl, then you have less empathy 2022-03-04 18:05:39 dozens i just finished reading a book called the owl service. it was about owls, kind of 2022-03-04 18:06:55 dozens there's a lot of death symbolism wrapped up in owls. i wonder if he was feeling superstitious about it. 2022-03-04 18:07:29 dozens wait extratone you have a resident owl? like an owl that lives with you? 2022-03-04 18:21:35 the_default i have symmetric internet now! apparently 2022-03-04 18:21:45 the_default 4mbps up/down 2022-03-04 18:22:11 the_default bad in both directions 2022-03-04 18:22:22 the_default (but still better than in many other parts of the world) 2022-03-04 18:22:43 dzwdz bruh that's two orders of magnitude less than what i expected 2022-03-04 18:22:46 the_default but friends who live ~500m away get 100+ 2022-03-04 18:22:59 the_default ok now it's down to 1.16 2022-03-04 18:24:00 the_default they (BT) advertise it as 20mbps. that's a fucking lie 2022-03-04 18:24:49 the_default oh steam was downloading in the background lol 2022-03-04 18:25:27 nihilazo BT suck 2022-03-04 18:25:32 nihilazo I hate BT 2022-03-04 18:25:37 * nihilazo is a BT user rn because parents 2022-03-04 18:27:12 the_default yes. and the locked settings on the router. they literally sell a buisness model, same hardware, same software, but lock out features because why would home users ever need them? 2022-03-04 18:27:25 the_default want to run a modem only? tough luck. 2022-03-04 18:27:26 extratone dozens, no sorry, just one that lives in the yard. 2022-03-04 18:27:29 dzwdz you do realize why they do that, right 2022-03-04 18:28:01 dozens well, that's nice anyway 2022-03-04 18:28:15 the_default yes, it makes customer support far easier? 2022-03-04 18:28:23 the_default that was a yes? 2022-03-04 18:28:25 dzwdz it gets people like you to switch to the business plan 2022-03-04 18:28:49 the_default i don't actually know if that's how it works 2022-03-04 18:29:11 dzwdz they're locking out features from a cheaper plan 2022-03-04 18:29:11 the_default let's see 2022-03-04 18:29:13 dzwdz just 2022-03-04 18:29:15 dzwdz cmon 2022-03-04 18:29:18 --> llamanator (llamanator@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-04 18:30:05 the_default it's the same price i think 2022-03-04 18:30:07 the_default huh 2022-03-04 18:31:01 dzwdz oh hey 2022-03-04 18:31:12 the_default also hi llamanator 2022-03-04 18:31:21 dzwdz i've you're ukrainian my isp will give you a 300mbps link for free 2022-03-04 18:31:56 the_default WHAT 146MBPS AVERAGE ON THE BUISNESS PLAN 2022-03-04 18:32:00 the_default that must be a lie 2022-03-04 18:32:10 dzwdz yeah that's so low 2022-03-04 18:32:18 the_default dzwdz: that's really ... interesting 2022-03-04 18:32:35 the_default when companies do that kinda thing i can't tell if it's a nice gesture or just corporate advertising 2022-03-04 18:32:45 dzwdz oh bruh, they also seem to be the only major isp without an outage rn 2022-03-04 18:32:47 dzwdz lmao 2022-03-04 18:34:40 extratone does anyone care that Dieter Bohn is leaving The Verge. 2022-03-04 18:35:50 the_default who? 2022-03-04 18:37:31 barnaba !water 2022-03-04 18:37:31 * pinhook waters barnaba's rare smug mature sage 2022-03-04 18:37:48 extratone he's the PalmOS guy. the one that just made the Springboard documentary. 2022-03-04 18:40:28 flowercorpse I just got mail saying my gas prices will increase by 70% :) 2022-03-04 18:40:35 dzwdz \o/ 2022-03-04 18:41:25 flowercorpse I'll just light a fire in the middle of my room from now on 2022-03-04 18:41:49 dzwdz !sotd 2022-03-04 18:41:49 sotdbot Check out http://tilde.town/~severak/town_radio.html, or run this command in another channel such as #music, #bots, or #sotd for a list of current SOTDs 2022-03-04 18:41:50 flowercorpse and than I don't even need lights anymore 2022-03-04 18:41:52 dzwdz !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI_QnbjMJeE 2022-03-04 18:41:52 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Yves Tumor - Gospel For A New Century - Legendado 2022-03-04 18:42:11 dzwdz man, such a great song 2022-03-04 18:42:48 dzwdz is mining crypto to heat my house any worse than regular electric heating? 2022-03-04 18:43:50 extratone I would imagine heating elements are quite a bit more efficient than resistors but 2022-03-04 18:44:08 extratone I suppose that depends on how much you value crypto. 2022-03-04 18:44:37 @vilmibm hello 2022-03-04 18:44:47 dzwdz all bad things about cryptocurrencies aside 2022-03-04 18:45:03 dzwdz it's neat how you can anonymously "buy" them by mining 2022-03-04 18:45:20 extratone I also asked the keyboard cleaning question on social and this is the gist of the response so far lol. https://f.matri.ml/display/a00f77b2-1962-225d-f0f1-ed0145239384 2022-03-04 18:45:26 dzwdz instead of paying an exchange you pay your electricity company, but the result is the same 2022-03-04 18:45:34 dzwdz extratone: i clean it every few months? when it feels dirty i gues 2022-03-04 18:45:36 dzwdz s 2022-03-04 18:45:38 dzwdz also hi vil 2022-03-04 18:45:51 extratone yup I definitely must have grotesque hands. 2022-03-04 18:50:22 extratone oh no it's blowing up now. 2022-03-04 18:51:47 @vilmibm your keyboard is blowing up? 2022-03-04 18:54:08 extratone that and my post about keyboard cleaning. 2022-03-04 18:55:41 dzwdz oh hey, i just ddg'd something and the fifth result is from tilde.town 2022-03-04 18:55:55 dzwdz neat 2022-03-04 18:56:10 @vilmibm quack 2022-03-04 18:57:20 extratone why is DuckDuckGo buying interstate billboards that don't specify it's a search engine, though. 2022-03-04 18:57:40 dzwdz i've been thinking about switching to some random searx instance recently 2022-03-04 18:57:48 dzwdz trying it out 2022-03-04 18:58:03 @vilmibm i switched to ddg at some point and kind of forgot 2022-03-04 18:58:06 @vilmibm because it never pisses me off 2022-03-04 18:58:23 m455 yeah same lol 2022-03-04 18:58:25 dzwdz i still have !g when there are no useful results 2022-03-04 18:58:27 dzwdz so 2022-03-04 18:58:30 m455 i switch between duckduckgo and qwant.com 2022-03-04 18:58:52 m455 i like how good qwant.com behaves when i add mandatory things like +"this is" +"required" 2022-03-04 18:59:03 dzwdz i like duckduckgo because it's popular 2022-03-04 18:59:06 m455 some days it's slow or randomly down but yeah lol 2022-03-04 18:59:07 dzwdz my searches drown in the noise 2022-03-04 19:00:49 @vilmibm i use the goog if i'm really exhaustively hunting for some artifact 2022-03-04 19:02:55 extratone https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/gurgle.png 2022-03-04 19:05:10 owl personally I think the days of the dirty-G being a useful web search engine are over 2022-03-04 19:05:29 owl it's a good "answers engine", like type a question and usually get an answer 2022-03-04 19:05:36 dzwdz too much seo spam 2022-03-04 19:05:39 owl what's the weather, food near me, what's the name of that thing, etc. 2022-03-04 19:05:45 dzwdz i'd love a curated search engine 2022-03-04 19:05:46 owl but searching the web? it doesn't care anymore 2022-03-04 19:06:01 dzwdz which just outright bans all the sites which try to sell you anything 2022-03-04 19:09:21 nihilazo !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpu5a0Bl8eY 2022-03-04 19:09:21 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to NENA | 99 Luftballons [1983] [Offizielles HD Musikvideo] 2022-03-04 19:11:53 nihilazo never realised how different the german and english lyrics were 2022-03-04 19:15:09 nihilazo german version: 99 balloons released as a UFO hoax, one country sends the air force to shoot them down as a show of power, a neighbor misunderstands and shoots back, war ensues that destroys the world 2022-03-04 19:16:21 nihilazo english version: some balloons show up as missiles on an early warning system, there's some talk about an army scrambling but the entire war is just implied until the final verse talks about a city being destroyed 2022-03-04 19:16:28 nihilazo rather than explicit 2022-03-04 19:16:30 nihilazo anyways, good song 2022-03-04 19:19:19 dzwdz ok WHAT 2022-03-04 19:19:24 extratone really wish I'd stuck with German long enough to listen to the original in its entirety now. 2022-03-04 19:19:28 dzwdz i searched "gay" in my spotify library and there are only two hits 2022-03-04 19:20:47 dzwdz i'm disappointed 2022-03-04 19:22:32 nihilazo extratone: the video has more literally translated english subtitles 2022-03-04 19:22:40 nihilazo that's what I'm going based on. I don't speak almost any german. 2022-03-04 19:35:01 extratone I appreciate that but I mean *really* hear it in the language. 2022-03-04 19:35:06 extratone just being pretentious. 2022-03-04 19:40:27 dusted I'm watching a youtube livestream at 2x speed to hope to catch up to it being live, that's the first time I've had any use of that feature 2022-03-04 19:41:14 owl dzwdz: be gayer 2022-03-04 19:41:23 dzwdz i don't think that's possible tbh 2022-03-04 19:42:18 elly and I'm home :D 2022-03-04 19:42:38 dzwdz !timefor elly 2022-03-04 19:42:38 gamebot 11:42 full datetime: 2022-03-04T11:42:38-08:00 2022-03-04 19:42:48 dzwdz aw, you beat my time 2022-03-04 19:42:53 dzwdz by like an hour 2022-03-04 19:43:03 elly your time for returning home? 2022-03-04 19:43:06 dzwdz yeah 2022-03-04 19:43:11 dzwdz from the hospital 2022-03-04 19:43:13 dzwdz today 2022-03-04 19:43:19 elly aha 2022-03-04 19:43:28 elly yeah, it took me about 6 hours door to door 2022-03-04 19:46:16 * piusbird does victory dance 2022-03-04 19:46:24 dusted !tarot 2022-03-04 19:46:24 rufus[awkbot] The Knight of Cups - following the heart, idealist, romantic 2022-03-04 19:46:31 piusbird !tarot 2022-03-04 19:46:31 rufus[awkbot] The Queen of Cups (Reversed) - martyrdom, insecurity, dependence 2022-03-04 19:47:02 piusbird rufus your channeling the cosmos wrong 2022-03-04 19:47:29 piusbird I just got all the video editing done for the week 2022-03-04 19:47:51 piusbird until tommrrow's stream and it begins again 2022-03-04 19:48:45 piusbird Glory in the Misty Mountains is rendering as we speak 2022-03-04 19:49:36 owl what's that, piusbird? 2022-03-04 19:50:01 piusbird one of my pokemon episodes 2022-03-04 19:50:35 piusbird I'm playing this really fun rom hack and recording myself 2022-03-04 19:50:45 owl oh fun 2022-03-04 19:50:49 owl which hack/which base game? 2022-03-04 19:51:13 extratone noice. 2022-03-04 19:51:23 piusbird EvoYellow Base game is Pokemon Yellow 2022-03-04 19:51:47 piusbird it's by longlostsoul 2022-03-04 19:52:45 owl I haven't played a romhack in so long 2022-03-04 19:52:58 piusbird he added a ton of new pokemon a self healing mechcanic, fixed gen 1 typing issues and a ton of pokemon from Johto and later 2022-03-04 19:53:53 piusbird anyway i'm off for a bit 2022-03-04 19:54:39 owl \o 2022-03-04 20:07:41 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-04 20:09:20 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-04 20:09:20 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-04 20:09:20 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-04 20:09:20 -- Channel #tildetown: 143 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 141 normals) 2022-03-04 20:09:22 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-04 20:32:24 extratone this is old but still good, I’m told. I’d love to hear what y’all think. https://bilge.world/poweruser-tips-software-shortcuts 2022-03-04 20:33:57 extratone the preview image - of a Google employee wearing an early Google Glass prototype - should be worth it, if nothing else. 2022-03-04 20:42:10 elly oh man, I remember Glass 2022-03-04 20:42:16 elly my wife had one of the late prototypes and wore it a lot 2022-03-04 20:44:55 dzwdz was it still one of the dumb looking ones? 2022-03-04 20:45:11 nihilazo I remember thinking glass was so cool and being hyped for it when it was new 2022-03-04 20:45:26 dzwdz o shit, they're still a thing 2022-03-04 20:45:31 dzwdz i thought that they discontinued them 2022-03-04 20:45:31 nihilazo and then just kinda forgetting about it untill the articles like "what happened to glass???" came out 2022-03-04 20:45:38 nihilazo it's a specialist thing now iirc 2022-03-04 20:45:42 nihilazo rather than a massmarket product 2022-03-04 20:45:57 elly from a certain perspective all of them look dumb :P 2022-03-04 20:46:13 elly and yeah they do still exist but the market shifted from "tech nerds in the bay area" to "people who actually need a heads-up display for work" 2022-03-04 20:46:17 dzwdz > Google Glass Breastfeeding app 2022-03-04 20:46:19 dzwdz ?????? 2022-03-04 20:46:33 dzwdz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Glass#/media/File:SmallWorldSocial_BreastfeedingSupportProject_GeorgiawithBabyEve.jpg 2022-03-04 20:46:36 dzwdz the baby doesn't buy this shit 2022-03-04 20:47:21 elly wild, I wonder what that did 2022-03-04 20:47:39 elly https://www.breastfeeding.asn.au/breastfeeding-and-google-glass-application-trial#:~:text=The%20tool%20uses%20the%20latest,they%20began%20learning%20to%20breastfeed. oh 2022-03-04 20:47:55 elly it literally just gives you a HUD / video calling capability while you are using both hands to breastfeed 2022-03-04 20:48:05 dzwdz ...come on 2022-03-04 20:48:20 dzwdz like i can't call via my phone 2022-03-04 20:48:46 elly using a phone with both hands occupied is legitimately hard if you are also wrangling a child 2022-03-04 20:48:51 elly especially if you want video 2022-03-04 20:49:07 dzwdz i never breastfed so 2022-03-04 20:49:17 dzwdz i guess so 2022-03-04 20:49:35 elly extratone: my real question is who the heck is "Dirty Dave" 2022-03-04 20:49:48 dzwdz opinions on smartwatches? 2022-03-04 20:49:59 dzwdz i feel like this lands in vaguely the same area 2022-03-04 20:51:29 elly I have what one might consider a smartwatch 2022-03-04 20:52:18 elly namely this: https://www.fitbit.com/global/en-ca/products/trackers/charge4 2022-03-04 20:52:20 elly I quite like it 2022-03-04 20:54:13 dzwdz fitness watches are sensible 2022-03-04 20:54:24 dzwdz i can definitely see the value if you run a lot or something like that 2022-03-04 20:54:29 elly I do indeed 2022-03-04 20:54:30 dzwdz but i'm talking SMARTwatches 2022-03-04 20:54:42 dzwdz with a proper display, apps, notifications, etc 2022-03-04 20:55:42 extratone elly dirty dave is me at certain times. 2022-03-04 20:56:41 elly oh wow 2022-03-04 20:57:31 dzwdz i (sadly) don't run myself so i'm just a fan of traditional digital watches 2022-03-04 20:58:10 elly mine definitely does some smartwatch-y stuff, like control media playing on my phone 2022-03-04 20:58:50 dzwdz do you have to charge it often? 2022-03-04 20:59:00 dzwdz to me that seems like the single biggest issue with smartwatches 2022-03-04 20:59:01 elly once a week generally 2022-03-04 20:59:23 dzwdz ain't so bad 2022-03-04 21:00:54 dzwdz even i would probably remember to keep it charged 2022-03-04 21:06:16 twee o/ 2022-03-04 21:06:19 dzwdz \o 2022-03-04 21:06:25 twee wow that was speedy 2022-03-04 21:06:33 twee i installed freebsd today 2022-03-04 21:06:40 twee then went back to debian 2022-03-04 21:06:44 twee because eduroam 2022-03-04 21:06:54 twee how are you 2022-03-04 21:07:00 dzwdz eduroam sounds like a pain in the ass 2022-03-04 21:07:08 dzwdz i'm mostly fine, i came back from the hospital today 2022-03-04 21:09:38 twee everything good ? 2022-03-04 21:09:42 dzwdz yeah 2022-03-04 21:09:59 dzwdz i'm not sure if you were here when i was talking about the anaesthetic, but it went very well 2022-03-04 21:10:20 twee honestly it's mostly fine, and my uni fixed their system to make it work better recently. issue is freebsd has strange certificate names and i couldn't be bothered with that 2022-03-04 21:10:32 twee i believe i might have been? but also maybe not. it rings a bell, glad it went well 2022-03-04 21:10:33 dzwdz i have to wait a few weeks for my MRI results, but the others are great 2022-03-04 21:11:01 dzwdz my colon is apparently "shiny" 2022-03-04 21:11:25 dzwdz which also apparently is good 2022-03-04 21:13:34 twee like shiny pokemen 2022-03-04 21:13:35 twee good 2022-03-04 21:15:16 the_default do *not* capture dzwdz's colon 2022-03-04 21:15:25 the_default you cannot force it into battles 2022-03-04 21:15:46 dzwdz a variant of pokemon where you can capture individual organs of the pokemons 2022-03-04 21:15:52 the_default oh god now 2022-03-04 21:16:00 dzwdz i'm about to look up how a colon looks like 2022-03-04 21:16:04 dzwdz i'll regret this 2022-03-04 21:16:08 the_default yes 2022-03-04 21:16:24 elly heh, if you go to quit Ultimate Doom it still says "I wouldn't quit if I was you. DOS is much worse." 2022-03-04 21:16:26 dzwdz > Recent News: Screening key to finding colon cancer, preventing death 2022-03-04 21:16:26 the_default if it's inside of you, don't google what it's mean to look like 2022-03-04 21:16:32 owl pokemon but for organ harvesting 2022-03-04 21:16:40 dzwdz is that news? seriously? 2022-03-04 21:16:47 dzwdz elly: yeah, doom has lots of those 2022-03-04 21:18:43 dzwdz oh for fucks sake 2022-03-04 21:18:54 dzwdz how do you look up medical pictures without finding gore 2022-03-04 21:19:13 the_default wikipedia? 2022-03-04 21:19:15 the_default idk 2022-03-04 21:19:26 dzwdz didn't have any pictures of the colon from the outside 2022-03-04 21:19:37 the_default why would you *want* to see that 2022-03-04 21:19:42 dzwdz i looked around for a while and the first pic i found from the outside was a dead fucking body 2022-03-04 21:19:51 dzwdz because i have a colon 2022-03-04 21:19:55 the_default lmao where else do you find a colon 2022-03-04 21:20:00 dzwdz in alive bodies? 2022-03-04 21:20:03 the_default or the outside of one 2022-03-04 21:20:07 dzwdz you ever heard of operations? 2022-03-04 21:20:34 the_default ok that's not what i meant. 2022-03-04 21:20:56 the_default i mean, there will be pictures of one. in some medical resource. 2022-03-04 21:21:02 the_default just not index nicely 2022-03-04 21:21:04 the_default indexed 2022-03-04 21:21:18 the_default idk 2022-03-04 21:21:20 the_default sorry 2022-03-04 21:21:35 dzwdz oh god yikes 2022-03-04 21:21:37 dzwdz uhhh 2022-03-04 21:21:45 dzwdz i found a pic on wikipedia of a colon just lying there 2022-03-04 21:21:54 dzwdz with shit inside 2022-03-04 21:22:05 the_default dzwdz please stop 2022-03-04 21:22:14 dzwdz yeah i don't feel well 2022-03-04 21:22:34 dzwdz why is there not just a normal fucking photo 2022-03-04 21:23:14 dzwdz it might just be the easiest organ that can be safely seen 2022-03-04 21:23:32 dzwdz s/that.*/to safely see 2022-03-04 21:23:33 sedbot it might just be the easiest organ to safely see 2022-03-04 21:24:58 dzwdz good time to change the topic i guess? 2022-03-04 21:25:00 dzwdz !talklike 2022-03-04 21:25:03 pinhook i'm looking forward to being a furry 2022-03-04 21:25:05 dzwdz lmao 2022-03-04 21:25:07 the_default https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/t6jp7d/i_decided_to_remake_utobetrains_bin_assault_video/ 2022-03-04 21:25:12 the_default here ya go 2022-03-04 21:26:31 the_default !tarot 2022-03-04 21:26:31 rufus[awkbot] The Tower - sudden upheaval, broken pride, disaster 2022-03-04 21:26:45 the_default that's not what i meant 2022-03-04 21:26:48 the_default !talklike 2022-03-04 21:26:49 pinhook why did it because it properly shows that you might remember it next time you get a referance 2022-03-04 21:26:58 dzwdz !fuse dzwdz the_default 2022-03-04 21:27:02 pinhook so now that you've added a new fs 2022-03-04 21:28:21 the_default !fuse dzwdz dwzdz 2022-03-04 21:28:21 pinhook dwzdz was not found 2022-03-04 21:28:25 the_default !fuse dzwdz dzwdz 2022-03-04 21:28:28 twee y 2022-03-04 21:28:31 pinhook I was listening to it in before the workplace 2022-03-04 21:28:31 * pinhook HONK 2022-03-04 21:31:09 owl !talklike 2022-03-04 21:31:09 pinhook well this is neat! 2022-03-04 21:38:24 twee !talklike 2022-03-04 21:38:25 pinhook died in my family one for everything 2022-03-04 21:38:28 twee wtf 2022-03-04 21:41:15 owl !fuse twee owl 2022-03-04 21:41:16 pinhook then again i might set it init 2022-03-04 21:41:37 owl !fuse the_default owl 2022-03-04 21:41:37 pinhook engines is a bad headache now 2022-03-04 21:50:05 the_default ok night 2022-03-04 21:50:24 the_default not sleeping yet, but got to get off pc 2022-03-04 21:51:36 twee smart 2022-03-04 21:51:38 twee sweet dreams 2022-03-04 21:51:41 twee i'll head off too soon 2022-03-04 21:52:00 twee but before i go 2022-03-04 21:52:14 twee why are there officially zero properly good graphical mail clients for linux 2022-03-04 21:52:43 elly thunderbird, kmail? 2022-03-04 21:56:34 twee okay i didn't know kmail existed 2022-03-04 21:56:43 twee but thunderbird is absolutely mediocre at best 2022-03-04 21:56:48 twee and in fact what i'm using atm 2022-03-04 21:57:37 twee i mean im on gtk 2022-03-04 21:57:48 twee why are all qt applications better 2022-03-04 21:57:50 twee lol 2022-03-04 21:58:59 nihilazo thunderbird is the least worst I've used 2022-03-04 21:59:11 cymen second. 2022-03-04 21:59:21 trashski !tarot 2022-03-04 21:59:21 rufus[awkbot] The Queen of Pentacles - practicality, creature comforts, financial security 2022-03-04 21:59:31 trashski holy crap i finally got a good one 2022-03-04 21:59:46 twee rah 2022-03-04 21:59:51 twee at least thunderbird supports gmail 2022-03-04 21:59:55 twee i hate that that's a special feature 2022-03-04 22:03:09 cymen It is? 2022-03-04 22:03:19 cymen Does gmail not speak imap anymore? 2022-03-04 22:03:22 twee i mean 2022-03-04 22:03:23 twee idk 2022-03-04 22:03:27 twee i think they claim to 2022-03-04 22:03:33 twee but it just stopped working for me a while back 2022-03-04 22:03:40 elly gmail does speak imap 2022-03-04 22:03:43 twee they've been pushing their "secure apps" thing for a while 2022-03-04 22:03:43 elly I use mutt with it regularly 2022-03-04 22:03:58 elly I don't really know what thunderbird means by having gmail support tbh 2022-03-04 22:04:06 twee google don't want gmail to speak imap, and it's no longer the default for business google afaik 2022-03-04 22:04:13 twee (at least that's what i've been told by uni tech support) 2022-03-04 22:04:22 twee and for security reasons they are not allowing imap connections 2022-03-04 22:04:28 elly yea 2022-03-04 22:04:39 elly they presumably want to push people towards HTTPS auth, which can use 2factor 2022-03-04 22:04:54 elly domain admins can disable use of app-specific passwords domain wide and a lot want to 2022-03-04 22:05:11 twee when i sign into gmail using thunderbird, it takes me to a google page to confirm my account with 2fa and all, and then comes up under allowed applications or something in google account security, like via an api or something 2022-03-04 22:05:18 twee idk 2022-03-04 22:05:18 dzwdz just please let me use pubkeys for my email, ugh 2022-03-04 22:05:26 dzwdz i mean for logging in 2022-03-04 22:05:31 elly twee: ah, it's using oauth to log in 2022-03-04 22:05:35 elly that is probably what they mean by support 2022-03-04 22:05:46 elly mutt can't do that so I have to use an ASP with it 2022-03-04 22:05:47 twee all i knwo is that i was happily using gmail with imap, and then it stopped working everywhere at once, and now i can't anymore 2022-03-04 22:06:05 twee elly: what's an asp? 2022-03-04 22:06:27 elly app-specific password 2022-03-04 22:06:46 elly the old pre-oauth way of doing app authentication 2022-03-04 22:06:51 twee ah 2022-03-04 22:07:26 twee well for now i'll just stick with thunderbird and whatever it does to make it work 2022-03-04 22:07:37 elly working is the best feature :) 2022-03-04 22:08:04 twee indeed it is 2022-03-04 22:08:10 twee working well is the dream though 2022-03-04 22:09:30 elly yeah 2022-03-04 22:10:06 elly unfortunately email clients other than the actual gmail app, even if they do work properly with gmail, usually don't have some of its other features and integrations 2022-03-04 22:10:28 twee thats true 2022-03-04 22:10:39 twee i basically only use inbox and reply though so 2022-03-04 22:11:22 elly valid 2022-03-04 22:11:33 extratone I thought jailbreaking was supposed to be simple? especially on old devices. 2022-03-04 22:11:39 elly I use the thing where you can reply to Docs comments directly from in Gmail a *lot* 2022-03-04 22:11:53 elly extratone: depends on the device but generally yes 2022-03-04 22:12:03 twee i didn't know that was a thing, but then i don't use docs much 2022-03-04 22:12:35 twee i just have a personal and a uni email address and use them at the most basic level 2022-03-04 22:12:50 extratone I'm like 4 failed methods in on a 4S with iOS 9.3.6 lol 2022-03-04 22:13:24 elly ha, that's actually old enough you might have a hard time finding one that still runs 2022-03-04 22:14:25 extratone I don't suppose there's any other method of reveritng iOS versions is there? 2022-03-04 22:14:45 extratone that's all I'm tryna do. 2022-03-04 22:15:32 elly like, going back to an older version? 2022-03-04 22:15:43 extratone yes. 2022-03-04 22:16:20 extratone I found a few on Reddit but they seem even more complex. 2022-03-04 22:36:58 flowercorpse !sotd https://youtu.be/FuHjgKQDofs 2022-03-04 22:36:58 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Thelonious Monk - In Walked Bud 2022-03-04 22:48:15 extratone is it worth putting up a forum thread for other iOS users and how I use Town from my phone? 2022-03-04 22:54:26 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-04 23:00:24 extratone okay :) I don't suppose bbj supports markdown. 2022-03-04 23:15:16 amcclure fuck whoever reported antonmcclure.com to fortinet's fortiguard labs web filter as "spam urls", and fuck fortinet for not verifying before listing it as such 2022-03-04 23:18:38 dzwdz does it say it's been a report? 2022-03-04 23:18:52 dzwdz maybe it just got randomly flagged for some reason 2022-03-04 23:21:02 nihilazo it's almost midnight, I should go to sleep 2022-03-04 23:21:13 nihilazo oooor I don't go to sleep and instead lie in tomorrow instead of going out 2022-03-04 23:21:16 nihilazo but I want to go out tomorrow 2022-03-04 23:21:17 dozens gooooodnight 2022-03-04 23:21:19 nihilazo idk. I'm gonna go sleep 2022-03-04 23:21:20 nihilazo gn 2022-03-04 23:21:28 dzwdz aw i was about to suggest an excuse for not sleeping 2022-03-04 23:21:30 dzwdz nighty 2022-03-04 23:31:20 amcclure 2 freemium scans said there are 2 malware files that I need to sign up to see information on, and everything else I tried showed nothing malicious 2022-03-04 23:48:19 amcclure I'm just going to change everyone's password to be on the safe side 2022-03-04 23:57:01 amcclure could they be false positives? 2022-03-04 23:57:26 amcclure or has a domain I linked to in a blog post gone bad? o_o 2022-03-05 00:00:24 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-05 00:02:03 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-05 00:02:03 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-05 00:02:03 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-05 00:02:03 -- Channel #tildetown: 143 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 141 normals) 2022-03-05 00:02:04 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-05 00:04:14 elly it is almost certainly nothing 2022-03-05 00:08:43 extratone posted my thread on the forums :) 2022-03-05 00:13:32 extratone hope this formatting is alright. https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/thread.png 2022-03-05 00:19:34 natalia hi hi 2022-03-05 00:21:53 extratone G̏̽͋ͩͬ͊̈́o͌ͭ͆̂̍̈́̌oͩ͒ͩd̋̃͑ ͐ͣm̌orͬͥͤͣ̊n̋ͧͩ͐i͛̉n̔̎g̏͂̔ͦ̈! 2022-03-05 00:25:53 @archangelic !talklike 2022-03-05 00:25:54 pinhook oled displays still have a typo 2022-03-05 00:26:06 @archangelic should be oiled displays 2022-03-05 00:36:21 extratone lmao 2022-03-05 00:36:38 extratone kerosene phone. 2022-03-05 01:13:48 <-- piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-05 01:15:14 extratone rip 2022-03-05 01:15:52 bx Yo town 2022-03-05 01:16:12 --> piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-05 01:16:15 bx \o 2022-03-05 01:16:21 piusbird hey 2022-03-05 01:16:33 bx Whats up? 2022-03-05 01:17:09 piusbird not much just came back from seeing The Batman 2022-03-05 01:17:47 bx How was it 2022-03-05 01:17:50 piusbird stupidest incarnation of the franchise to date 2022-03-05 01:18:49 bx that's quite close to what i'd prdicted 2022-03-05 01:19:05 piusbird all about weirdos on the Internet coming to kill us all 2022-03-05 01:20:47 bx Oh 2022-03-05 01:20:54 bx that's even dumber 2022-03-05 01:21:08 bx What does that even have to do with bats jokers or men ? 2022-03-05 01:21:10 piusbird the Riddler is a streamer 2022-03-05 01:21:11 extratone batman vs. the internet? oh god. 2022-03-05 01:21:16 extratone NO. 2022-03-05 01:21:22 bx piusbird: honestly i'd watch gur riddler 2022-03-05 01:21:49 bx first to answer gur riddle gets free subs 2022-03-05 01:22:12 bx what's joker? 2022-03-05 01:22:29 bx like a youtuber? an nsfw artist? 2022-03-05 01:22:49 piusbird Joker is in Arkham for the whole thing 2022-03-05 01:23:50 bx booooo 2022-03-05 01:25:51 bx assuming it goes how i think it would 2022-03-05 01:26:21 bx wont this make bat man look way less epic now that he's just defeating a streamer instead of a crime boss 2022-03-05 01:26:50 bx it sounds like a real step down in terms of raw danger factor 2022-03-05 01:31:37 extratone Batman vs. Google. 2022-03-05 01:32:59 bx Naw, that'd make batman too good :| 2022-03-05 01:35:23 bx !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZCcdpZadm0 2022-03-05 01:35:23 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to YOUR HEAD'S ON FIRE 2022-03-05 01:38:17 extratone yeah I guess Batman is a class enemy 2022-03-05 01:40:33 bx when can we get a batman reboot where his experiences lead him to genuily care more for gothams citizens and use his money and influence to actually make life better for gur average joe 2022-03-05 01:40:58 bx or alternativly 2022-03-05 01:41:07 bx when he turns into a real bat 2022-03-05 01:50:51 elly I feel like that fanfic exists 2022-03-05 01:50:55 elly Batman Begins Therapy 2022-03-05 01:51:02 bx Y E S 2022-03-05 01:52:28 extratone or we could just abandon the ancient ass ip for something genuinely original. 2022-03-05 01:53:01 bx Fair 2022-03-05 01:53:20 bx CaveMammal 2022-03-05 01:53:28 bx (Man) 2022-03-05 01:59:26 bx Does anyone else miss memory cards? 2022-03-05 01:59:34 bx as in on games consoles 2022-03-05 02:11:41 extratone yes. I miss the whole idea of removable storage but that's only because I no longer have to capture images/video for my job lol 2022-03-05 02:12:18 bx (we do still have sdcards) 2022-03-05 02:14:59 natalia man. iso-8601 is a mess 2022-03-05 02:15:20 bx iso-8601? 2022-03-05 02:29:40 --> malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-05 02:29:53 malvarma !tarot 2022-03-05 02:29:53 rufus[awkbot] The Four of Wands - community, home, celebration 2022-03-05 02:30:00 bx \o yo malvarma 2022-03-05 02:30:06 malvarma bx o/ 2022-03-05 02:30:17 bx How goes? 2022-03-05 02:30:18 malvarma very appropriate tarot card. i am in a community 2022-03-05 02:30:33 malvarma goes well for now. how bout you? 2022-03-05 02:31:35 bx gonna wait a couple more hours than go to gur gym for gur first time in a few years 2022-03-05 02:31:37 bx *2 years 2022-03-05 02:32:02 malvarma woah that sounds fun 2022-03-05 02:32:26 bx hopefully! 2022-03-05 02:32:41 malvarma i know it was not exactly the best time to go over the last 2 years 2022-03-05 02:32:41 bx for now im just trying to unwind a big on my pc 2022-03-05 02:32:47 bx malvarma: Yea 2022-03-05 02:33:08 bx covid was why i ended up stopping going 2022-03-05 02:33:09 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-05 03:08:37 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-05 03:08:37 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-05 03:08:37 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-05 03:08:37 -- Channel #tildetown: 144 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 142 normals) 2022-03-05 03:08:38 malvarma technically i live in hell, so i guess i walk here every day. it's nice! 2022-03-05 03:08:39 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-05 03:08:49 malvarma NJ isn't all oil refineries. We have parks too 2022-03-05 03:08:58 extratone *doesn't make a hell, Michigan joke.* 2022-03-05 03:09:12 piusbird Doc Sarner picked 7 programming languages out of a hat no two students had exactly the same ones 2022-03-05 03:10:05 bx ig that's one way to stop people copying work 2022-03-05 03:10:19 malvarma at this rate, i could just make up a programming language, and tell people i wouldn't expecte them to have heard about it, its pretty obscure 2022-03-05 03:10:44 * bx is currently doing that, lol 2022-03-05 03:11:02 piusbird mine were Fortran 77 APL Haskell Python Common LISP COBOL and Julia 2022-03-05 03:11:22 malvarma !!!! yeah cobol! 2022-03-05 03:11:29 piusbird I think that's 7 at any rate 2022-03-05 03:11:30 bx Yeah apl! 2022-03-05 03:11:36 malvarma that one is so weird looking 2022-03-05 03:11:54 <-- llamanator (llamanator@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-05 03:12:05 <-- flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has quit (Quit: Goodnight) 2022-03-05 03:12:28 bx i still gotta get back on learning it some time 2022-03-05 03:12:36 bx or at least on of its derivatives 2022-03-05 03:12:55 malvarma Well I know Randall, Qpress, Topaz, and J minus minus 2022-03-05 03:13:07 bx J minus minus? 2022-03-05 03:13:19 malvarma i wouldn't expect you to know that one. it's pretty obscure 2022-03-05 03:13:35 bx λMAO 2022-03-05 03:13:41 bx i know what J is 2022-03-05 03:13:41 malvarma I know that one too 2022-03-05 03:14:29 malvarma well, I know λMAO-3, not λMAO-4 2022-03-05 03:14:37 extratone did the entirety of programming history cover the whole alphabet? 2022-03-05 03:14:53 bx I wish we had a term to describe how good/easy a language's FFI+Standalone exportability is 2022-03-05 03:14:54 extratone or rather, has it yet 2022-03-05 03:15:00 bx probably 2022-03-05 03:15:13 piusbird time for meds and bed 2022-03-05 03:15:25 piusbird night all 2022-03-05 03:15:28 bx gn 2022-03-05 03:15:30 malvarma have a good night. are you streamin gtomorrow? 2022-03-05 03:15:42 malvarma ill try to tune in 2022-03-05 03:15:51 piusbird that's the plan 2022-03-05 03:15:59 malvarma :D 2022-03-05 03:16:05 malvarma have a good night! 2022-03-05 03:18:14 bx F is for Fortran, U is for Urn, N is for Nim 2022-03-05 03:18:58 malvarma You could do a whole programming alphabet 2022-03-05 03:19:03 malvarma is there a Z ? 2022-03-05 03:19:09 bx Zig 2022-03-05 03:19:32 bx W is gur one im unsure of 2022-03-05 03:20:22 malvarma webassembly 2022-03-05 03:20:44 malvarma or wolfram language ? (bleh) 2022-03-05 03:21:00 bx hmmm 2022-03-05 03:21:17 bx wasm is nicer im 2022-03-05 03:21:19 bx o 2022-03-05 03:21:33 malvarma how bout I 2022-03-05 03:22:12 bx There def is one 2022-03-05 03:22:17 bx and now i cant remember it 2022-03-05 03:22:29 bx Idris! 2022-03-05 03:22:59 bx https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idris_(programming_language) 2022-03-05 03:24:23 malvarma oh right! 2022-03-05 03:24:45 malvarma well, you could do one for everything. 2022-03-05 03:25:00 malvarma ah but what about characters not used by english 2022-03-05 03:25:31 bx hm 2022-03-05 03:25:45 bx we might run out 2022-03-05 03:25:51 bx alternatively 2022-03-05 03:25:56 bx we can start inventing new ones 2022-03-05 03:26:02 malvarma yeah wouldn't be hard 2022-03-05 03:26:13 natalia hey malvarma you ever heard of tomas fujiwara? 2022-03-05 03:26:52 malvarma no but now im intrigued 2022-03-05 03:26:57 malvarma what should i listen to? 2022-03-05 03:27:06 natalia https://tomasfujiwara.bandcamp.com/ might be your thing, can't really tell 2022-03-05 03:27:14 natalia that link is (presently) to their newest album which released today 2022-03-05 03:27:36 natalia there are two albums by his band Triple Double which is like two drum+guitar+horn triplets 2022-03-05 03:27:52 malvarma annoyed trumpet is absolutley my thing 2022-03-05 03:27:58 malvarma oh this first one! 2022-03-05 03:28:15 malvarma its like out to lunch, but rockin 2022-03-05 03:28:23 malvarma ty! 2022-03-05 03:28:34 natalia haha that's pretty on the nose 2022-03-05 03:28:40 natalia man i love out to lunch it was really fun to discover 2022-03-05 03:29:16 malvarma now i must return the favor. you ever listen to derek bailey? 2022-03-05 03:29:18 natalia can't remember if i heard about it bc of tilde town or not 2022-03-05 03:29:20 natalia ooh i haven't 2022-03-05 03:29:22 natalia what should i 2022-03-05 03:29:47 malvarma its not all good, its all over the place, i didnt take to it at first 2022-03-05 03:29:58 malvarma love a so much though. hmm 2022-03-05 03:31:56 malvarma !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLUT2gRnnjA&list=PLT_aBs9pjfFYsKZ9CLcY1pBG4_eGf9bg0 2022-03-05 03:31:56 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Rain Dance Pt 1 2022-03-05 03:32:15 josh hello friends 2022-03-05 03:32:26 malvarma that's a good album to play alone in a quiet room 2022-03-05 03:32:29 bx hio josh 2022-03-05 03:32:33 josh hio bx 2022-03-05 03:32:41 bx How's it? 2022-03-05 03:32:45 malvarma josh o. 2022-03-05 03:32:48 malvarma josh o/ 2022-03-05 03:32:51 josh going okay, you? 2022-03-05 03:32:54 josh \o malvarma 2022-03-05 03:33:21 bx sittin on gur puter for a bit before i go to gur gym 2022-03-05 03:33:27 malvarma natalia: derek bailey has a guitar, he did not play guitar, he used guitar to play nonguitar 2022-03-05 03:33:49 malvarma there are some more drum / bass heavy fusioney albums he is on though, u might like them better 2022-03-05 03:33:59 josh going to gue gym is good 2022-03-05 03:34:02 josh *fur 2022-03-05 03:34:03 josh *gur 2022-03-05 03:34:10 josh damn i can't type apparently 2022-03-05 03:34:35 bx \o/ ive infected someone with gur 2022-03-05 03:34:44 natalia malvarma: wonderful 2022-03-05 03:34:52 natalia i am curious about those albums though 2022-03-05 03:35:04 natalia music and dance is cool but not quite the mood presently 2022-03-05 03:35:05 bx josh: typing is overrated, long as gur message arrives intact it works 2022-03-05 03:35:05 malvarma wont be long before teachers in school scold kids who incorrectly use "the" 2022-03-05 03:35:16 josh oh oops my keyboad was stuck in rot13 mode, just fixed it 2022-03-05 03:35:45 bx josh: yoooo 2022-03-05 03:35:51 bx that needs to be a thing 2022-03-05 03:35:53 malvarma natalia: had a feeling. it's an album for a very specific mood 2022-03-05 03:35:58 bx im adding it to my project list 2022-03-05 03:35:58 malvarma let me suggest another 2022-03-05 03:36:12 josh that wouldn't be very hard 2022-03-05 03:36:21 josh in fact you could just create a keyboard map 2022-03-05 03:36:40 bx hehehhe 2022-03-05 03:36:53 bx I might even be able to do it using tmux commands... 2022-03-05 03:37:11 natalia i have been spending some time trying to write a post about the iso-8601 date representation format, which is commonly known for stuff like 2022-03-04 but actually hilariously complex 2022-03-05 03:37:21 josh if you used emacs you could just use M-x rot13-region 2022-03-05 03:37:23 natalia someone made an iceberg meme about it and i wanted to try explaining it but it's kind of like. dry and boring 2022-03-05 03:37:40 natalia unlike some of the icebergs this one is just not that interesting to consider individual elements of i think 2022-03-05 03:37:47 josh that sounds kinda interesting tbh 2022-03-05 03:37:49 bx ^ 2022-03-05 03:37:58 bx i'd watch/read an explaination of that 2022-03-05 03:38:28 josh i'd read the first few paragraphs and skim the rest most likely 2022-03-05 03:38:33 josh but that wouldn't be your fault 2022-03-05 03:38:39 bx i find it hillarious how we can have all this technology and yet people are still fucking up/debating things as simple as how we write what date it is 2022-03-05 03:38:51 bx i woula 2022-03-05 03:39:00 bx *i would most likely visit it in bursts 2022-03-05 03:39:10 malvarma natalia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm2hAFAZayk 2022-03-05 03:39:10 josh i think the thing is that writing the date isn't actually simple 2022-03-05 03:39:11 natalia the iceberg, fyi https://i.redd.it/mumdxume3wf81.png 2022-03-05 03:39:15 extratone still think DavodTime is the best. 2022-03-05 03:39:33 malvarma i love how it almost sounds like a band that doesn't know how to play 2022-03-05 03:39:42 malvarma but also like something very hard to play 2022-03-05 03:39:44 josh everything has hidden complexities that you don't notice until you really start working with it 2022-03-05 03:39:57 bx josh: truuue 2022-03-05 03:40:09 malvarma YYYYMMDD right? 2022-03-05 03:40:09 bx I think it speaks to people overcomplicating things though 2022-03-05 03:40:32 natalia the iceberg is hard because there's a lot of things that aren't that interesting once their components, which would be explained in previous parts of the iceberg, are made clear 2022-03-05 03:40:49 bx what if you explain it bottom up? 2022-03-05 03:40:49 josh go backwards then lol 2022-03-05 03:40:53 bx jinx 2022-03-05 03:41:01 bx (semantic jinx) 2022-03-05 03:41:12 natalia for example 1985Y4M/ isn't that different from ../1985-04-12, it just *looks* like that when you see it from a distance 2022-03-05 03:41:17 malvarma this is the best iceberg ive ever seen 2022-03-05 03:41:35 bx wtf 2022-03-05 03:41:41 natalia malvarma: haha i love this one 2022-03-05 03:41:45 josh good lord 2022-03-05 03:41:53 bx ...why are all these valid 2022-03-05 03:42:16 natalia spoiler: some of them arent :) 2022-03-05 03:42:18 josh ISO8601 supports regex 2022-03-05 03:42:22 malvarma yeah his stuff was all over the place, because he collaborated with all kinds of musicians. but he always sounds determined to not play guitar on his guitar 2022-03-05 03:42:25 bx this is cursed in a bad way 2022-03-05 03:42:31 natalia and most of them are kind of silly extensions nobody uses 2022-03-05 03:42:46 bx malvarma: what does not playing guitar on a guitar mean? 2022-03-05 03:42:56 malvarma bx listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm2hAFAZayk 2022-03-05 03:43:17 natalia in its widest form, iso 8601, the Singular Date Standard Everyone Raves About, features Three different ways to express a sequence of a year, a month, and a date 2022-03-05 03:44:02 bx malvarma: this just seems like a special style 2022-03-05 03:44:08 bx like slapping or harmonics 2022-03-05 03:45:14 malvarma yeah very much. its even more detectable when hes on acoustic. he does a lot of comboes involving muted strings, harmonics, extended techniques, and very little stuff people would normally recognize as a guitar solo 2022-03-05 03:45:16 bx somehow this sounds wierdly good 2022-03-05 03:45:32 bx i tried popping on my uke gur other day 2022-03-05 03:45:37 bx it kinda sounds ok? 2022-03-05 03:45:44 malvarma you play uke?! 2022-03-05 03:45:49 bx ...well 2022-03-05 03:45:51 bx i truy 2022-03-05 03:45:53 bx *try 2022-03-05 03:46:00 malvarma me too! i also try 2022-03-05 03:46:02 bx also one string is broken 2022-03-05 03:46:08 bx so i replaced it with a piece of string 2022-03-05 03:46:10 malvarma ah that sucks 2022-03-05 03:46:14 josh lol 2022-03-05 03:46:19 bx its surprsingly ok 2022-03-05 03:46:22 malvarma i bet that string sounds glorious 2022-03-05 03:46:27 josh same tbh 2022-03-05 03:46:34 malvarma nice josh ! 2022-03-05 03:46:52 bx town is secretyl filled with uke players 2022-03-05 03:46:56 josh just replace all the strings with string 2022-03-05 03:47:00 bx oh god 2022-03-05 03:47:06 josh oh no that wasn't a "same i play uke" 2022-03-05 03:47:20 bx o 2022-03-05 03:47:20 malvarma oh! my bad 2022-03-05 03:47:32 bx would you be open to starting to play gur uke ? 2022-03-05 03:47:46 josh although i play piano so i pretend i could play anything 2022-03-05 03:47:53 malvarma replace all the strings on your uke with integers 2022-03-05 03:47:59 josh i've played on ukes before, they are kinda weird 2022-03-05 03:48:04 bx malvarma: HA 2022-03-05 03:48:05 josh i don't like the order of the strings 2022-03-05 03:48:10 malvarma reentrant tuning 2022-03-05 03:48:16 malvarma ah but thats the beauty of it 2022-03-05 03:48:16 bx you can reorder them if you want 2022-03-05 03:48:19 bx also 2022-03-05 03:48:24 bx i tried tuing mine by ear 2022-03-05 03:48:24 josh replace them with complex numbers 2022-03-05 03:48:33 bx i am 100% sure its not actually in tune 2022-03-05 03:48:34 malvarma floating point uke 2022-03-05 03:48:49 bx where my array uke at ? 2022-03-05 03:48:52 josh or tensors? 2022-03-05 03:49:02 malvarma just say its 100% in tune, in your own idiosyncratic microtonal system of tonal organization 2022-03-05 03:49:29 bx ooooo 2022-03-05 03:49:29 josh microtonal uke 2022-03-05 03:49:41 josh it's "jazz" 2022-03-05 03:49:50 bx id like to try swapping gur strings for electic guitar ones 2022-03-05 03:49:52 extratone powerful. 2022-03-05 03:49:56 bx and then use a magnetic pickup 2022-03-05 03:50:09 bx also itd be fun to have paino hammers on it 2022-03-05 03:50:09 malvarma ooh, i saw a electromagnetic uke 2022-03-05 03:50:12 josh i'm sure electric ukes exist 2022-03-05 03:50:13 bx O? 2022-03-05 03:50:14 extratone I always wanted to put a bunch of pickups on a full upright piano soundboard. 2022-03-05 03:50:21 bx dewit 2022-03-05 03:50:35 extratone I'm sure it's been done but I don't know how to use gurgle. 2022-03-05 03:50:43 malvarma i have an electric uke, but it's piezoelectric. made it myself from a crummier uke plus parts of broken things 2022-03-05 03:50:57 extratone powerful 2 2022-03-05 03:51:03 bx malvarma: niice 2022-03-05 03:51:10 bx i have gur clip on piezos 2022-03-05 03:51:19 malvarma those are good 2022-03-05 03:51:56 malvarma extratone: whats gurgle? 2022-03-05 03:51:59 bx i dont want to get any more music things before actually finishg a track though 2022-03-05 03:52:04 bx google? 2022-03-05 03:52:06 extratone google sorry. 2022-03-05 03:52:26 extratone https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/gurgle.png 2022-03-05 03:52:43 malvarma oh!!! 2022-03-05 03:53:13 malvarma gurgle crumb 2022-03-05 03:54:54 extratone indeed I'm sorry I link that image so much I just find it... absolutely hilarious. 2022-03-05 03:55:00 extratone because I am a child. 2022-03-05 03:55:06 bx |FT 2022-03-05 03:55:08 bx pft 2022-03-05 03:55:15 bx this is a good image 2022-03-05 03:55:26 malvarma this should be the actual icon for chrome 2022-03-05 03:55:57 extratone thank you!!! I've felt this way for a long time. 2022-03-05 03:56:25 extratone I replace it whenever I remember. recently made a siri shortcut that builds the image back out of base64 just so I never lose it. 2022-03-05 03:56:52 malvarma [gurgle surch] [om feewing lekey] 2022-03-05 03:57:01 bx Ok gonna head off now, getting early 2022-03-05 03:57:03 bx laters peeps 2022-03-05 03:57:07 malvarma o/ 2022-03-05 03:57:07 bx nice talkin 2022-03-05 03:57:10 josh cya bx 2022-03-05 03:57:48 malvarma i should get going too, night town! 2022-03-05 03:57:56 <-- malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-05 03:57:58 josh good night malvarma 2022-03-05 03:58:00 josh oh 2022-03-05 04:02:40 extratone I hope I didn't ruin a good conversation again lol 2022-03-05 04:02:50 josh of course not 2022-03-05 04:23:47 extratone well personal automation is one of those topics ya know. 2022-03-05 04:35:11 extratone wow just searching "tildeverse on iPhone" and my site is like the third result lol 2022-03-05 04:35:26 extratone I guess it really is sortof an originalish idea. 2022-03-05 05:18:28 nincollin tbh all devices should be able to be flashed/rooted/jailbroken/unlocked 2022-03-05 05:18:30 nincollin it would reduce pointless e-waste 2022-03-05 05:32:03 extratone agreed. 2022-03-05 05:32:23 extratone maybe I'll see that become law in the US in my lifetime. 2022-03-05 05:32:32 extratone probably not lol. 2022-03-05 06:39:18 extratone I’ll bet if I brought up powershell that’d get a conversation going at this hour no? 2022-03-05 06:40:58 extratone I was stumped for a good 5 minutes because I forgot Start-Service sshd. 2022-03-05 06:43:47 login the error messages are not smart eonugh 2022-03-05 06:43:49 login *enough 2022-03-05 06:44:13 extratone to the degree that they don't really constitute error messages? lol 2022-03-05 06:44:51 extratone the funniest thing is that there is a mac app for powershell distributed by Microsoft. 2022-03-05 07:04:16 login so it works on macos natively? 2022-03-05 07:04:20 login via that app? 2022-03-05 07:09:27 extratone "natively" I'm not so sure. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-on-macos?view=powershell-7.2 2022-03-05 07:16:35 猫 !water nihilazo 2022-03-05 07:16:35 * pinhook waters nihilazo's seed 2022-03-05 07:16:38 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-05 07:16:38 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's common chalky orange flowering ficus 2022-03-05 07:16:43 猫 !tarot 2022-03-05 07:16:43 rufus[awkbot] The Ace of Pentacles (Reversed) - lost opportunity, missed chance, bad investment 2022-03-05 07:16:46 猫 yeah 2022-03-05 07:16:48 猫 hello 2022-03-05 07:22:42 extratone g o o d   m o r n i n g 2022-03-05 07:40:52 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-05 15:09:38 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-05 15:09:38 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-05 15:09:38 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-05 15:09:38 -- Channel #tildetown: 141 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 139 normals) 2022-03-05 15:09:40 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-05 15:13:27 extratone ⓖⓞⓞⓓ ⓜⓞⓡⓝⓘⓝⓖ town. 2022-03-05 15:21:08 extratone uh oh did I break it. 2022-03-05 15:38:37 nihilazo hi 2022-03-05 15:38:41 elly hello :) 2022-03-05 15:39:05 nihilazo how's town? 2022-03-05 15:39:30 elly really excellent 2022-03-05 15:39:37 elly slept well, just caught up on my RSS feeds and found a new one 2022-03-05 15:39:45 nihilazo that's nice 2022-03-05 15:40:22 elly yeah :) 2022-03-05 15:40:27 elly sipping some coffee, considering my day 2022-03-05 15:41:15 extratone that sounds healthy. 2022-03-05 15:41:41 extratone I'm playing with puppy, who keeps knocking my iPhone suspension contraption on to me. 2022-03-05 15:42:16 extratone the thing in these photos. https://mastodon.social/@DavidBlue/106935877849123993 2022-03-05 15:42:40 natalia hello 2022-03-05 15:42:51 natalia god, i should set up an rss reader, and also an rss feed on my own site 2022-03-05 15:43:02 nihilazo hi 2022-03-05 15:43:34 natalia anyway presently i am thinking about encryption 2022-03-05 15:43:43 extratone uh oh. 2022-03-05 15:43:45 natalia sqlite offers like, an on-disk encryption extension for its databases, right 2022-03-05 15:44:17 nihilazo today I learned about polari and faild to buy any shiny leggings so that's both fun and a bit sad 2022-03-05 15:44:36 elly https://i.imgur.com/Y7zltlc.png newsblur will actually autocomplete *any* feed URL that it knows of that more than a few people have 2022-03-05 15:44:44 elly which is pretty darn cool for discovering new feeds 2022-03-05 15:44:56 natalia and as a noncryptographer i am wondering about the security of disk encryption 2022-03-05 15:44:58 natalia huh wild 2022-03-05 15:45:13 natalia because database writes seem to be composed of like, small incremental changes 2022-03-05 15:45:41 elly hm? 2022-03-05 15:46:43 natalia like, if an attacker has access to all of the versions of your database you write to disk 2022-03-05 15:46:52 elly you generally assume they don't 2022-03-05 15:46:55 natalia and you make a lot of small changes that are written, like appending pieces of text to a table 2022-03-05 15:46:57 natalia sure :P 2022-03-05 15:46:58 elly if you are using disk crypto 2022-03-05 15:47:02 natalia ah 2022-03-05 15:47:16 elly disk crypto is intended to protect against someone getting access to your disk trying to retrieve data from it 2022-03-05 15:47:18 natalia "disk encryption" was a misnomer on my part, thouhg, 2022-03-05 15:47:30 natalia i meant to say uh, just the file is encrypted in this case sorry 2022-03-05 15:47:34 elly ah 2022-03-05 15:47:51 elly I don't know what threat that protects against exactly 2022-03-05 15:47:56 elly just use full disk encryption 2022-03-05 15:48:07 natalia fair enough 2022-03-05 15:48:54 natalia i have a mobile device on which it'd be sufficiently difficult to get full disk encryption, but for some of my personal wiki stuff i encrypt that 2022-03-05 15:49:11 elly (if you don't, even if your db contents are encrypted, unencrypted versions of it may get written to disk as part of your swap file or other temporary files) 2022-03-05 15:49:44 natalia huh yeah 2022-03-05 15:49:57 natalia tbh it does befuddle me who the encryption is *for* 2022-03-05 15:50:07 natalia it's a proprietary extension (which means i guess i can't figure out any of the neat details anyway) 2022-03-05 15:50:21 elly hmm 2022-03-05 15:50:21 natalia it's very sqlite of them to only sell the extension that doesn't actually do anything useful to people who know what they're doing? 2022-03-05 15:50:23 natalia :P 2022-03-05 15:50:32 elly if I was going to guess, I would say that it exists for some kind of compliance reason 2022-03-05 15:51:56 natalia hmm that makes sense 2022-03-05 15:54:02 natalia idk like, i use file-based encryption on rare occasion because i have devices i like, *sort of* don't trust 2022-03-05 15:54:17 natalia so like this sort of system is kind of a neat stop gap 2022-03-05 15:54:41 natalia but that concern does not seem to be a big one for the kind of people who can fork over a thousand dollars for a license to the code for sure 2022-03-05 15:55:01 extratone this just happened but I’ll bet it ain’t gonna last lol. https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/paulfollow.jpg 2022-03-05 16:01:47 elly ooh, celeb juice 2022-03-05 16:04:23 extratone having read Paul's editor's letters recently, I really think he could benefit from coming back here. 2022-03-05 16:06:49 anton hello 2022-03-05 16:08:07 extratone howdy anton. 2022-03-05 16:08:39 extratone also everyone else. didn't mean to be discrimintory. 2022-03-05 16:08:40 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-05 16:08:46 palmdrop hello towon 2022-03-05 16:08:49 palmdrop town* 2022-03-05 16:10:04 natalia hey palmdrop 2022-03-05 16:10:06 natalia how are you? 2022-03-05 16:11:17 piusbird \o 2022-03-05 16:32:41 zyloh hi all 2022-03-05 16:36:58 anton I'm doing okay 2022-03-05 16:51:43 palmdrop I'm doing alright as well, a bit restless 2022-03-05 16:58:41 extratone would anyone like to read the good joke I just made. 2022-03-05 16:59:26 --> llamanator (llamanator@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-05 17:00:23 tomasino yes 2022-03-05 17:02:46 extratone "boy I’ll bet the Unicode Consortium’s gang sign is nuts." 2022-03-05 17:03:00 extratone thank you for your support tomasino 2022-03-05 17:05:44 tomasino :D 2022-03-05 17:05:50 tomasino very nice 2022-03-05 17:08:20 zyloh certified good joke 2022-03-05 17:13:09 extratone thank you I appreciate that. 2022-03-05 17:27:16 login is the joke that it is an emoji? 2022-03-05 17:27:33 nihilazo I'm uncomfortable that a toot I made is getting so much attention 2022-03-05 17:27:36 nihilazo it's scary 2022-03-05 17:27:52 nihilazo especially because said toot is a random TIL post 2022-03-05 17:29:09 login maybe it got promoted 2022-03-05 17:29:13 login or boosted by someone 2022-03-05 17:31:40 nihilazo yeah idk 2022-03-05 17:32:58 extratone login, I was thinking a non-emoji ch 2022-03-05 17:33:03 extratone arachter 2022-03-05 17:33:16 extratone puppy decided to send before I was ready. 2022-03-05 17:44:36 twee hello hello 2022-03-05 17:45:23 zyloh hiya 2022-03-05 17:46:18 twee how are you zyloh 2022-03-05 18:00:12 zyloh i'm doing pretty good 2022-03-05 18:00:16 zyloh what about yourself? 2022-03-05 18:05:58 nihilazo hi twee, ziloh! 2022-03-05 18:06:23 zyloh helloo 2022-03-05 18:09:02 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-05 18:14:57 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-05 18:14:57 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-05 18:14:57 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-05 18:14:57 -- Channel #tildetown: 143 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 141 normals) 2022-03-05 18:14:59 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-05 18:25:19 twee we'll see how it goes haha 2022-03-05 18:25:44 nihilazo congrats on the job! 2022-03-05 18:26:13 elly congratulations twee! 2022-03-05 18:26:19 elly are you excited? 2022-03-05 18:32:43 twee i mean it's fun to work 2022-03-05 18:32:51 twee but it's definitely more for money than joy 2022-03-05 18:34:44 * nihilazo needs to find a job 2022-03-05 18:42:07 * anton same 2022-03-05 18:42:44 anton congrats twee 2022-03-05 18:46:33 elly twee: what kind of job is it? 2022-03-05 18:47:04 twee elly: waiting 2022-03-05 18:51:14 elly ah :) 2022-03-05 18:51:16 elly good luck! 2022-03-05 18:54:18 nihilazo I don't think I could ever do a job like that 2022-03-05 18:54:21 nihilazo customer facing type stuff 2022-03-05 18:54:29 elly how come? 2022-03-05 18:54:45 nihilazo anxiety, autism, being generally bad at social stuff 2022-03-05 18:55:19 dzwdz i mean 2022-03-05 18:55:26 dzwdz it's not like you have to hold a good conversation with them 2022-03-05 18:55:38 dzwdz there's probably some script to follow 2022-03-05 18:57:21 nihilazo yeah but I'm the one they're gonna shout at if anything goes wrong 2022-03-05 18:57:21 natalia a customer service job is not the worst possible way to improve your social skills 2022-03-05 18:57:35 nihilazo and I'm the one who has to look happy when I come to their table and be able to take their order without having a breakdown 2022-03-05 18:57:40 dzwdz natalia: true, actually 2022-03-05 18:57:51 natalia coming from my own experience, it's not like, easy or anything 2022-03-05 18:58:25 nihilazo ugh why does downloading podcasts have to not work in liferea. Why is there no good feed reader 2022-03-05 18:58:34 nihilazo quiterss would be good if it didn't crash 2022-03-05 18:58:43 elly newsblur :D 2022-03-05 18:58:45 nihilazo or minimise to the taskbar and refuse to reappear 2022-03-05 18:58:48 nihilazo newsblur? 2022-03-05 18:58:53 elly the rss reader I use 2022-03-05 18:58:55 elly I really like it 2022-03-05 18:59:18 nihilazo oh it's a web service 2022-03-05 18:59:25 elly yeah it is 2022-03-05 19:00:42 dzwdz i want to create a communal rss2imap thing 2022-03-05 19:00:58 dzwdz where you could connect your mail client to dzwdz@some.domain and have all your feeds forwarded there 2022-03-05 19:01:12 agafnd that'd be a lot of emails......... 2022-03-05 19:01:32 dzwdz that's on you for having lots of feeds 2022-03-05 19:01:42 dzwdz email clients are perfect feed readers, prove me wrong 2022-03-05 19:02:02 dzwdz no lockin to a single client, synchronization between devices without requiring webshit 2022-03-05 19:02:35 natalia i mean "no lockin to a single client" is already what rss does yeah 2022-03-05 19:02:38 nihilazo I want to try the tildeverse ttrss 2022-03-05 19:02:44 nihilazo but idk how to get an account there 2022-03-05 19:02:46 dzwdz natalia: no? 2022-03-05 19:02:50 dzwdz if you move to a new client 2022-03-05 19:02:51 nihilazo I used tinytinyrss a very long time ago 2022-03-05 19:02:54 nihilazo and I'm not sure how it is now 2022-03-05 19:02:55 dzwdz you lose all the data about unread feeds 2022-03-05 19:03:00 dzwdz for example 2022-03-05 19:03:06 natalia i suppose so yeah 2022-03-05 19:03:15 dzwdz y'all know what 2022-03-05 19:03:25 dzwdz i think i could figure this out with docker 2022-03-05 19:03:28 natalia i do think email would be pretty good, honestly even a static web page would work for me 2022-03-05 19:03:49 elly yeah, I used to have a static webpage generated by a cron job essentially 2022-03-05 19:03:53 elly it did indeed work pretty well 2022-03-05 19:04:06 dzwdz that's the healthiest way to do it tbh 2022-03-05 19:04:10 dzwdz no unread entries piling up 2022-03-05 19:04:24 twee dzwdz: i agree, i read my feeds via email, i'd dogfood a service if you made one 2022-03-05 19:04:33 twee for convenience i currently use blogtrottr and it's ok 2022-03-05 19:04:46 elly it worked fairly well but I ended up switching to newsblur because I wanted the unread tracking 2022-03-05 19:05:03 elly and because the single feed model gave me trouble when I had sites that posted often and sites that posted rarely 2022-03-05 19:05:07 twee i used to use a static web page, hacker news style headlines and i forwarded hn and lobste.rs there 2022-03-05 19:05:14 natalia i want to patch an rss feed onto my own website but my main problem is.. i intentionally don't structure my website chronologically, and i don't know if i want to sacrifice that :P 2022-03-05 19:05:29 natalia i did finally add a changelog, so an rss feed wouldn't be a terrible next step 2022-03-05 19:05:34 twee i had a visited link style to strikethrough what i'd read 2022-03-05 19:05:45 dzwdz twee: oooo, that's a super good idea 2022-03-05 19:06:04 dzwdz but i don't have history synchronised across my browsers, sadly 2022-03-05 19:06:09 dzwdz so that'd be annoying 2022-03-05 19:11:27 twee me neither, i just only use one browser lol 2022-03-05 19:13:48 agafnd symlinking the history directory for different firefox profiles 2022-03-05 19:13:57 agafnd i'm sure that would cause no problems 2022-03-05 19:14:35 dzwdz s/browsers/devices 2022-03-05 19:15:39 agafnd symlinking the profile directory to a remote directory mounted with sshfs 2022-03-05 19:16:00 dzwdz mobile devices? 2022-03-05 19:16:21 agafnd right lol 2022-03-05 19:16:39 agafnd also it would fail if you went offline like. ever 2022-03-05 19:16:59 agafnd Which I guess would make it difficult to use a web browser anyway 2022-03-05 19:18:24 elly ya, syncing with intermittent connectivity is very hard 2022-03-05 19:18:34 elly you usually need a kind of journal approach 2022-03-05 19:18:43 dzwdz it doesn't need to be the same file though 2022-03-05 19:19:00 dzwdz have separate files for every browser instance 2022-03-05 19:20:13 elly ya, but then you don't really have a synchronized history, you have a bunch of separate histories 2022-03-05 19:20:20 dzwdz what's the difference? 2022-03-05 19:22:33 dzwdz there isn't much difference between reading data from a single file and reading it from multiple files 2022-03-05 19:22:43 dzwdz it's invisible to the user 2022-03-05 19:23:44 elly hmm 2022-03-05 19:23:56 elly usually synchronized history includes like, syncing when you delete entries as well 2022-03-05 19:24:31 dzwdz my primary usecase for syncing history doesn't involve that; i never clean my history 2022-03-05 19:24:37 elly ahh 2022-03-05 19:24:37 dzwdz as in, never delete individual entries 2022-03-05 19:25:00 dzwdz most of the features with minimal effort 2022-03-05 19:25:10 elly go for it 2022-03-05 19:25:40 dzwdz are browsers hackable for mere mortals? 2022-03-05 19:25:55 dzwdz like i'd assume that'd be a pretty deep change 2022-03-05 19:30:44 twee yeah i was basically imagining like "cat history/* | sort" 2022-03-05 19:30:59 dzwdz yeah 2022-03-05 19:31:08 twee which could work with something like surf? probably? 2022-03-05 19:31:14 twee or another nerd browser 2022-03-05 19:33:12 dzwdz hm, seems like it'd be relatively simple to add to qutebrowser 2022-03-05 19:33:17 elly most browsers store history in a sqlite database 2022-03-05 19:33:55 dzwdz i don't think the storage format matters 2022-03-05 19:34:33 dzwdz the interface via which the browser accesses it internally does 2022-03-05 19:35:16 dzwdz if it's all nicely abstracted away into some functions from retrieving data from history and adding links, you could probably swap the implementation out for my idea 2022-03-05 19:36:04 elly in Chromium it is done by this: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:components/history/core/browser/history_service.h?q=HistoryService&ss=chromium 2022-03-05 19:36:34 dzwdz hm, speaking of google code 2022-03-05 19:36:59 dzwdz do you think that if someone made an issue on [whatever issue tracker y'all use] about android's pathetic maximum password length limit someone'd bump that up? 2022-03-05 19:37:15 elly possible? I don't know how Android tracks bugs 2022-03-05 19:37:15 dzwdz like i think it'd be literally a single line change 2022-03-05 19:37:40 dzwdz i have no idea why it's still there 2022-03-05 19:39:24 dzwdz https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/180626957 2022-03-05 19:40:32 dzwdz i love how i can't log into the issue tracker because i'm on qutebrowser 2022-03-05 19:40:36 elly those kinds of bugs are super common unfortunately 2022-03-05 19:40:37 dzwdz i'm not worthy of reporting bugs 2022-03-05 19:42:22 elly ah well 2022-03-05 19:44:40 dzwdz the "how the fuck are you in my email account" kind, or the "some googler made a stupid decision a few years back which weakens the security for seemingly no reason and could be fixed in around a minute but nobody has done it in over a decade" kind 2022-03-05 19:47:54 dzwdz this annoys me way more than it should 2022-03-05 19:56:36 dzwdz even if i did create an issue it wouldn't ever reach my phone 2022-03-05 19:56:43 dzwdz s/it/the update 2022-03-05 19:56:44 sedbot even if i did create an issue the update wouldn't ever reach my phone 2022-03-05 19:56:51 dzwdz assuming someone would finally bother to change that single line of code 2022-03-05 19:57:07 dzwdz and i know google doesn't have time for such major changes 2022-03-05 19:57:22 elly the "how are you in the email account" type of bug 2022-03-05 19:57:28 dzwdz ah then 2022-03-05 20:00:23 twee yooo thunderbird has a popup if you type attached in an email body but haven't attached anything 2022-03-05 20:00:31 twee honestly talk about spark joy little features 2022-03-05 20:00:38 twee that's made me really quite happy 2022-03-05 20:00:41 elly nice :) 2022-03-05 20:00:46 elly gmail does that too, it has saved me a time or two 2022-03-05 20:01:12 twee cool feature 2022-03-05 20:06:11 the_default harvesting a plant in botany just feels so ... sad. i don't know, can't really find a better word there. you've spent so much time caring for it, and you go and sacrifice it to have something new and different 2022-03-05 20:06:35 dzwdz it'd be fun to have a botany-like which is more like a tamagotchi 2022-03-05 20:06:42 dzwdz with people's gotchis getting into relationships n shit 2022-03-05 20:06:48 the_default you don't need to harvest it, you don't gain anything from it, you're just sick and tired of staring at the same thing 2022-03-05 20:06:56 dzwdz when you get another one it could send you postcards n shit 2022-03-05 20:06:57 the_default dzwdz: how do you harvest a tamagotchi? 2022-03-05 20:07:09 dzwdz you don't 2022-03-05 20:07:11 dzwdz it moves out 2022-03-05 20:07:26 the_default lame (/s) 2022-03-05 20:08:06 dzwdz oh i haven't mentioned this in any public channels yet 2022-03-05 20:08:11 dzwdz i've painted my nails black today 2022-03-05 20:08:13 extratone you have to eat the device itself. 2022-03-05 20:08:14 the_default cool! 2022-03-05 20:08:16 extratone nice! 2022-03-05 20:08:25 dzwdz at first it was weird because i didn't take into account how pale my skin is 2022-03-05 20:08:32 dzwdz but now that i'm used to it i really like it 2022-03-05 20:09:14 dzwdz i also put on the dumbest piece of clothing i have - a black dotted turtleneck - and it actually fits so well 2022-03-05 20:09:17 dzwdz i look so fucking gay lol 2022-03-05 20:11:57 the_default i love turtlenecks! but usually just plain colors 2022-03-05 20:12:08 dzwdz i don't have any outside of this one 2022-03-05 20:12:45 dzwdz i'd love some, though 2022-03-05 20:13:45 trashski !tarot 2022-03-05 20:13:45 rufus[awkbot] The Ace of Swords - breakthrough, clarity, sharp mind 2022-03-05 20:14:41 the_default mine are more like jumpers. made out of soft kinda wool. 2022-03-05 20:14:47 the_default formal enough for school 2022-03-05 20:15:15 the_default i just wear hoodie + sweatpants at home though 2022-03-05 20:18:53 dzwdz btw, would anyone happen to have a place where i could host the rss2imap thing? 2022-03-05 20:19:19 the_default yes, but not well 2022-03-05 20:19:31 the_default actually no 2022-03-05 20:19:33 the_default yes 2022-03-05 20:19:36 the_default maybe 2022-03-05 20:23:59 extratone you can host it on my neocities if you'd like. 2022-03-05 20:24:18 twee it'd need to be dynamic right? 2022-03-05 20:24:32 dzwdz yeah i need a proper server 2022-03-05 20:24:46 dzwdz w/ docker 2022-03-05 20:24:53 extratone oh... 2022-03-05 20:25:03 dzwdz this is going to be a mail server soo 2022-03-05 20:25:33 the_default oh so no residential ips. i guess that's why you're asking instead of doing it yourself (i guess). 2022-03-05 20:25:57 dzwdz it's just that i don't want to expose anything on my pi 2022-03-05 20:26:00 dzwdz security etc 2022-03-05 20:26:12 dzwdz i'd run a vm if it was more powerful 2022-03-05 20:26:14 dzwdz but it isn't 2022-03-05 20:26:35 the_default i really really just need to cough up the $20 to get my sever working 2022-03-05 20:26:43 dzwdz what do you need, again? 2022-03-05 20:26:47 the_default a cable 2022-03-05 20:26:51 dzwdz what kind? 2022-03-05 20:27:12 the_default some weird proprietary dell cable to connect the internal sas connector to the front panel 2022-03-05 20:27:41 dzwdz hm 2022-03-05 20:27:48 piusbird I'm going live in like 5 minutes for anyone that wants to watch 2022-03-05 20:27:53 piusbird !tarot 2022-03-05 20:27:53 rufus[awkbot] The Page of Pentacles (Reversed) - lack of commitment, greediness, laziness 2022-03-05 20:28:00 the_default i just can't get myself to waste more money on this thing. so instead of selling it, or actually getting it to do anything, i let it collect dust 2022-03-05 20:28:06 the_default makes tons of sense (/s) 2022-03-05 20:28:22 the_default piusbird: ok, will do! 2022-03-05 20:28:38 the_default what're you streaming? 2022-03-05 20:29:18 piusbird I think more of the game unless there's some coding you want to see 2022-03-05 20:29:53 piusbird or some sysadminin stuff 2022-03-05 20:30:52 twee has missmoss been on at all lately? 2022-03-05 20:31:00 dzwdz i don't think so 2022-03-05 20:31:02 dzwdz i miss her 2022-03-05 20:31:07 twee me too 2022-03-05 20:31:14 twee i reckon she'll be back in a year or so 2022-03-05 20:31:23 dzwdz i think she's just very busy with work 2022-03-05 20:31:32 dzwdz her neocities hasn't been updated at all either 2022-03-05 20:31:36 dzwdz or at least it seems like it 2022-03-05 20:31:48 twee often is the way: join as a teen, have fun, have to leave, come back later 2022-03-05 20:32:00 twee https://neocities.org/site/missmoss 2022-03-05 20:32:00 dzwdz wasn't she in her early twenties? 2022-03-05 20:32:01 twee nope 2022-03-05 20:32:07 twee that is 2022-03-05 20:32:10 twee nope to the update 2022-03-05 20:32:13 twee idk about age 2022-03-05 20:32:21 twee i thought she was xp years old actually 2022-03-05 20:32:25 dzwdz > last updated: 10 months ago 2022-03-05 20:32:40 twee yeah exactly 2022-03-05 20:32:45 dzwdz oh 2022-03-05 20:32:49 dzwdz i misinterpreted you, nvm 2022-03-05 20:32:54 dzwdz i hope she's well 2022-03-05 20:33:34 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-05 20:42:55 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-05 20:42:55 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-05 20:42:55 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-05 20:42:55 -- Channel #tildetown: 143 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 141 normals) 2022-03-05 20:42:57 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-05 20:44:46 extratone finally figured out how to break Blink. (a RAM reset.) https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/brokeblink.png 2022-03-05 20:45:00 nihilazo damn I'm watching beardyman's video with tom scott rn 2022-03-05 20:45:06 nihilazo and he has reached peak flow 2022-03-05 20:45:08 juspib dzwdz what's that thingy you want to host 2022-03-05 20:45:28 dzwdz basically 2022-03-05 20:45:29 nihilazo like, he has his setup so perfectly tuned that he can make a whole track super quickly 2022-03-05 20:45:46 dzwdz you could point your mail client at dzwdz@thingy 2022-03-05 20:45:53 dzwdz and use it as a feed reader 2022-03-05 20:46:00 --> malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-05 20:46:04 dzwdz using imap 2022-03-05 20:46:08 dzwdz no client lockin etc 2022-03-05 20:46:38 twee nihilazo: link ? 2022-03-05 20:47:10 juspib i can make you a sudoer on my vps if it won't be cpu heavy 2022-03-05 20:47:27 nihilazo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmqUvDGRKhk twee 2022-03-05 20:47:28 dzwdz hm 2022-03-05 20:47:34 dzwdz i'll reach out to you when i have a prototype 2022-03-05 20:47:44 nihilazo that 4 ipad control megasurface 2022-03-05 20:47:49 dzwdz this isn't a thing i care much about (probably won't use it much either) 2022-03-05 20:48:03 nihilazo like, nobody else could probably use beardyman's setup 2022-03-05 20:48:09 nihilazo but it's crazy watching him use it 2022-03-05 20:48:26 natalia hi malvarma 2022-03-05 20:48:33 malvarma natalia: o/ 2022-03-05 20:49:14 malvarma how are you? 2022-03-05 20:54:04 natalia brain is a bit sludge rn unfortunately 2022-03-05 20:54:07 natalia thinking about networking code 2022-03-05 20:54:16 natalia past 3 hours have whirred by 2022-03-05 20:54:34 malvarma oh dear 2022-03-05 20:55:10 malvarma i always struggle to come up with what to do when one's brain is like that 2022-03-05 20:55:19 natalia how are you? 2022-03-05 20:55:58 malvarma when i feel like that, sometimes i just wish someone would chloroform me 2022-03-05 20:56:37 natalia haha yeah 2022-03-05 20:56:38 malvarma i am ok. was preparing to apply for a different job. the cover letter part is always hard 2022-03-05 20:56:48 natalia what field iydm? 2022-03-05 20:56:58 malvarma because the job ads are written so poorly its hard to know what they are looking for 2022-03-05 20:57:37 malvarma field... well im very general. supposed to be marketing, but i end up doing unrelated web stuff 2022-03-05 20:57:46 malvarma so this job is for a job that combines that 2022-03-05 20:59:03 malvarma they want me to know sharepoint. they added that in a little sentance at the bottom of the description. like, is that really a thing? 2022-03-05 20:59:17 elly knowing sharepoint? 2022-03-05 20:59:25 malvarma im sure plenty of businesses use sharepoint for their intranet. but there are really people who are like "yes im a sharepoint expert" 2022-03-05 20:59:36 malvarma and businesses are like "good we need a sharepointmonger" 2022-03-05 20:59:45 elly I'm sure there are 2022-03-05 20:59:55 elly I have heard people assert expertise with just about anything you can imagine 2022-03-05 21:00:02 malvarma hmm, to give context, though 2022-03-05 21:00:09 dzwdz elly: what was the funniest one 2022-03-05 21:00:11 elly I interviewed a candidate a few weeks ago who had "APIs" listed as a skill on their resume 2022-03-05 21:00:17 elly not any specific one, just APIs in general 2022-03-05 21:00:25 malvarma this ad also wants someone who knows html, css, javscript, various CMSes, have a marketing background, have social media experience, have design experience 2022-03-05 21:00:26 natalia LMAO 2022-03-05 21:00:28 malvarma and managerial skills 2022-03-05 21:00:38 elly malvarma: sounds like a real generalist role, heh 2022-03-05 21:00:47 dzwdz elly: bruh 2022-03-05 21:00:47 elly I would guess they aren't gonna get all of them and are hoping for most 2022-03-05 21:00:51 dzwdz how did they get the interview 2022-03-05 21:00:52 malvarma well im saying, they better hire me. im the only person they are gonna get with all that crap 2022-03-05 21:00:56 natalia i am an expert in decimal numbering 2022-03-05 21:01:18 elly dzwdz: the recruiters don't generally disqualify you for having one dumb thing on your resume 2022-03-05 21:01:33 elly malvarma: sounds like an easy cover letter to write :P 2022-03-05 21:01:35 malvarma thats great natalia ! our business absolutely depends on place value notation 2022-03-05 21:01:40 natalia i mean, at least with that you could be like yeah i can test for divisibility by 9 2022-03-05 21:01:57 elly "dear prospective employer, I am one of probably 10 people on earth who has all of the skills you listed! it is your lucky day" 2022-03-05 21:02:15 elly and go from there 2022-03-05 21:02:24 malvarma i wish i could actually write something like that. a recruiting firm has the listing 2022-03-05 21:02:27 elly oh 2022-03-05 21:02:36 malvarma so some jerkwad recruiting cog has to read it first 2022-03-05 21:02:41 elly yeah, gotcha 2022-03-05 21:03:32 elly anyway, I've interviewed people who self-described as experts with just about anything... I interviewed a person not that long ago who had NetBIOS on their resume! 2022-03-05 21:03:50 elly recruiters are often keyword-grepping to find candidates so people sometimes just go all in with the keywords 2022-03-05 21:03:53 malvarma "dear fellow professional person, i am a professional person with multitudinous experience in proficiencies! below are some keywords for your scanner: synergy, powerpoint, html5" 2022-03-05 21:04:08 elly unironically 2022-03-05 21:04:17 natalia i am curious if anyone here has insights into those awful scanner things 2022-03-05 21:04:22 malvarma well they also want someome with seo experience 2022-03-05 21:04:27 natalia a while back i had a really funny idea that i don't think would make it past them 2022-03-05 21:04:37 elly malvarma: "if you were good at your job we'd have heard of you" 2022-03-05 21:04:52 twee nihilazo: that looks pretty cool 2022-03-05 21:04:55 malvarma well, unless im using seo for reputation management 2022-03-05 21:05:16 elly https://elly.town/d/resume.html this is how I do it - you can have a bunch of keywords and still not make it seem like you just dumped them all in without context 2022-03-05 21:05:55 malvarma oh i got my resume down. thank you. i like your approach, and i take a similar one 2022-03-05 21:06:03 elly yay :) 2022-03-05 21:06:10 dzwdz damn your first job seems fun 2022-03-05 21:06:18 elly Green Hills? 2022-03-05 21:06:21 dzwdz yea 2022-03-05 21:06:28 elly it was fun, that's the one where it was a defense contractor 2022-03-05 21:06:44 dzwdz ah 2022-03-05 21:06:47 elly they originally wanted to hire me to work on the RTOS itself, but they couldn't have a non-American work on it for contract reasons 2022-03-05 21:06:51 dzwdz also, what was that kernel you've worked on? 2022-03-05 21:06:53 elly so I got reassigned to work on the compiler and debug tools 2022-03-05 21:06:54 dzwdz i don't think you've mentioned that yet 2022-03-05 21:07:08 malvarma glad to see an internship that actually involves learning things 2022-03-05 21:07:22 elly the one mentioned at CMU? it's actually closed source and private, funnily enough - it's the reference implementation for the OS class' projects 2022-03-05 21:07:31 elly so it is not published anywhere 2022-03-05 21:07:45 dzwdz i was more asking what was novel about it 2022-03-05 21:07:48 elly oh 2022-03-05 21:08:12 elly it's complicated to explain, but because it is a teaching system it supports a LOT of different behavior modes 2022-03-05 21:08:34 elly like, for example, if you ask the kernel to schedule another thread, does that happen right away, after a short delay, etc 2022-03-05 21:08:43 dzwdz WAIT that was an uni 2022-03-05 21:08:47 elly or if you request data off the disk how long does it take to come back, do you always get a full buffer back, &c 2022-03-05 21:08:51 elly yeah, CMU is a university 2022-03-05 21:08:51 dzwdz holy shit i'm jealous of your two first jobs 2022-03-05 21:08:56 dzwdz how the fuck did you land them 2022-03-05 21:09:10 elly I was at university basically 2022-03-05 21:09:21 elly that summer internship, I was hired out of university for 2022-03-05 21:09:31 elly and then the research programmer job, I had been a teaching assistant for the OS class 2022-03-05 21:09:51 dzwdz but how did you get into both of those situations 2022-03-05 21:10:38 elly CMU is a somewhat famous university so there were a bunch of companies recruiting there, and I am pretty good at what I do 2022-03-05 21:10:42 elly is I guess the most direct answer 2022-03-05 21:10:55 dzwdz but like 2022-03-05 21:11:21 dzwdz i don't think hiring people have magical glasses which show the information about what people are good at next to their bodies 2022-03-05 21:11:44 elly are you asking about the interviews? 2022-03-05 21:11:45 dzwdz you don't get a job by just being good 2022-03-05 21:11:52 elly I did get interviewed for that internship, for sure 2022-03-05 21:11:59 dzwdz no but how did that interview happen 2022-03-05 21:12:00 natalia (btw: awful resume idea is: i used to make a lot of LaTeX based concrete poetry type art, such as https://equa.space/shadows/preview.png -- i have always wanted ot make a resume template that lets me decorate one of the margins or something with a cool art piece that is secretly a ton of keywords) 2022-03-05 21:12:05 elly I applied 2022-03-05 21:12:08 dzwdz ah 2022-03-05 21:12:10 dzwdz well then 2022-03-05 21:12:14 dzwdz lol 2022-03-05 21:12:21 malvarma natalia: ahahahah!@!!!!!! 2022-03-05 21:12:23 elly I was like, I am a sophomore CS student at this university, I am interested in operating systems and compiler design 2022-03-05 21:12:28 natalia (judging from what i heard i don't think this would work, but i've always wanted to try it just because.) 2022-03-05 21:12:33 elly and they were like, alright, come talk to us a bit more 2022-03-05 21:12:39 dzwdz i interpreted "i was hired out" as them seeking you out 2022-03-05 21:12:45 elly oh, not as a sophomore no 2022-03-05 21:13:09 elly one of my jobs offers at the end of university was a company that came to me but mostly I was starting those conversations 2022-03-05 21:13:29 natalia i appreciate the ascii art look actually being styled accessible text by the way 2022-03-05 21:13:39 natalia s/ascii art/drawing box 2022-03-05 21:13:39 sedbot i appreciate the drawing box look actually being styled accessible text by the way 2022-03-05 21:13:52 elly the boxes are css borders on divs 2022-03-05 21:13:58 dzwdz i didn't even associate that with ascii art 2022-03-05 21:14:00 elly they should be screenreader-invisible 2022-03-05 21:14:00 bx afternoon town 2022-03-05 21:14:04 elly hello! 2022-03-05 21:14:09 dzwdz sup 2022-03-05 21:14:11 malvarma bx o/ 2022-03-05 21:14:19 bx \o/ 2022-03-05 21:14:24 the_default evening bx 2022-03-05 21:14:40 elly (the HTML source of my resume has a bunch of comments and extra details about a lot of these jobs, also) 2022-03-05 21:14:41 natalia maybe it's just me then but i have a strong association with short-width, box-drawing based, hand-written old text documents 2022-03-05 21:14:52 elly ah, yeah :) 2022-03-05 21:14:57 elly I could have used box drawing characters to do it 2022-03-05 21:15:03 elly if it was plain text I might've 2022-03-05 21:15:14 malvarma i remember borders. they were nice, back in the day 2022-03-05 21:15:30 malvarma and bevels, and the ocasional drop shadow 2022-03-05 21:15:34 elly heck yeah 2022-03-05 21:15:38 elly I still do love this box style 2022-03-05 21:15:38 bx dzwdz: not much is up, mostly pondering how to continue this bit of music and cursed C/Js :D 2022-03-05 21:15:41 bx you? 2022-03-05 21:15:50 dzwdz finally working on that rss2imap thing 2022-03-05 21:15:51 elly my slide decks are all rounded borders and monospace fonts, stylistically 2022-03-05 21:15:59 dzwdz but now that i think about it i should end the break from the draft and get back to it 2022-03-05 21:16:03 elly I am very pleased with the visual design language I settled on 2022-03-05 21:16:33 bx dzwdz: Oh nice, i remmeber you mentiotning that before 2022-03-05 21:16:52 * anton is currently watching https://www.twitch.tv/piusbird 2022-03-05 21:17:01 malvarma me too 2022-03-05 21:17:06 malvarma good show 2022-03-05 21:18:20 natalia huh, so i've been using ed(1) for a project, and i followed the advice of someone a bit ago to use rlwrap 2022-03-05 21:18:27 natalia and.. well, that makes inserting tabs break, lol 2022-03-05 21:18:32 natalia wonder if that's fixable 2022-03-05 21:20:17 elly rlwrap around ed? oh my 2022-03-05 21:20:25 elly that sounds chaotic 2022-03-05 21:20:41 bx that sounds like a good feature for a newer ed 2022-03-05 21:20:45 natalia i wanted to try it just for fun mostly, i missed my ^A and ^E when inserting 2022-03-05 21:20:52 natalia but it isn't worth it, too intrusive 2022-03-05 21:21:17 natalia my main ed+adhd problem is having to switch Contexts too often when noticing a simple typo, and i was hoping it'd help with that 2022-03-05 21:21:24 elly if you make a mistake that cannot be fixed with backspace in ed, just hit enter and fix the line post hoc 2022-03-05 21:21:30 elly imo 2022-03-05 21:21:56 dzwdz but left/right arrows 2022-03-05 21:22:14 natalia i mean i do agree in theory, and to be fair i am asking for cognitive load when using ed lol 2022-03-05 21:22:47 natalia ed is kind of nice though because i can more easily view what i *just* entered, and read that to review it 2022-03-05 21:23:10 malvarma im just imagining you're talking about a person named edward 2022-03-05 21:23:15 natalia true... 2022-03-05 21:23:18 malvarma and i agree, ed's kind of nice 2022-03-05 21:24:51 extratone I still need to learn how to do more than just open ed and quit it. 2022-03-05 21:25:48 natalia edward doesn't understand when you speak nonsense at him and just sort of gives you a puzzling look 2022-03-05 21:26:11 extratone lmao. 2022-03-05 21:26:47 malvarma thats what programming is. there are little people inside your computer. like reboot. you just gotta tell them what to do 2022-03-05 21:26:55 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-05 21:27:02 extratone I will only question about ed: is there a way to save changes to the file you've opened and what is it. 2022-03-05 21:27:08 natalia w 2022-03-05 21:27:10 extratone ask* 2022-03-05 21:27:11 dzwdz YOU are the little people in my computer though 2022-03-05 21:27:12 extratone BLESS YOU 2022-03-05 21:27:18 twee hello ms reboot, please do your magic uwu 2022-03-05 21:27:23 natalia https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/ed.html 2022-03-05 21:27:35 natalia https://catonmat.net/ftp/ed.text.editor.cheat.sheet.pdf 2022-03-05 21:27:46 the_default the little computer people at constant war with the army of bugs 2022-03-05 21:27:55 twee natalia: there's definitely a version of ed out there that uses readline 2022-03-05 21:28:48 extratone I've actually downloaded like 5 manuals on ed but I guess I'm newish to reading man page format. 2022-03-05 21:28:53 elly https://elly.town/d/blog/2015-10-03-ed-tutorial.txt 2022-03-05 21:28:56 elly may be helpful :) 2022-03-05 21:29:03 extratone oooo!!! that's one I don't have! 2022-03-05 21:29:32 twee elly always pulling through 2022-03-05 21:29:56 malvarma ellypedia 2022-03-05 21:30:07 extratone this is great thank you! 2022-03-05 21:30:18 the_default ^ 2022-03-05 21:30:23 twee anyone have any good resources on typesetting with troff? 2022-03-05 21:30:42 extratone ed is the singular editor natively installed on the CLI app I'm using so this is a big deal. 2022-03-05 21:31:44 natalia that's hilarious, what app 2022-03-05 21:31:58 natalia ed isn't even installed by default on debian anymore :( 2022-03-05 21:32:16 malvarma waiting for the job ad that requires 10 yrs experience of ed 2022-03-05 21:32:43 bx imagine walking into an interview 2022-03-05 21:32:52 twee oh shit 2022-03-05 21:32:58 twee im in my sixth year of emacs experience 2022-03-05 21:33:02 bx and they ask you to demonstrate your ed profficiency 2022-03-05 21:33:02 twee which is crazy 2022-03-05 21:33:21 bx im on my 7th year of nano :D 2022-03-05 21:33:25 malvarma please write some ed hotkeys on this whiteboard 2022-03-05 21:33:32 twee im on like my 10th year of nano B) 2022-03-05 21:33:43 the_default i'm on my 0th year of vim 2022-03-05 21:33:47 dzwdz > ed hotkeys 2022-03-05 21:33:54 twee good year to be on, the_default 2022-03-05 21:33:57 natalia i mean technically you could use readline to make macros (sorry sorry) 2022-03-05 21:34:04 bx oh my god 2022-03-05 21:34:07 extratone natalia, Blink Shell https://apps.apple.com/us/app/blink-shell-code/id1594898306 2022-03-05 21:34:16 anton I think I'm still on my 0th year of emacs 2022-03-05 21:34:19 the_default twee: you meean you use nano for normal editing? or have used it for 7 years? 2022-03-05 21:34:42 natalia (wish i knew that when i was using ed on a far poorer network connection when i joined here originally) 2022-03-05 21:34:49 natalia extratone: what's the difference between that and iSH, if you've used that? 2022-03-05 21:35:11 malvarma 'proficient in ls. expert at pwd." 2022-03-05 21:35:16 elly heck yeah 2022-03-05 21:35:35 the_default wow, not even beginner in mv 2022-03-05 21:35:39 extratone oh when it comes to iOS, I've used everything. do you mean functional difference or construction? 2022-03-05 21:35:51 natalia functional 2022-03-05 21:35:54 malvarma "mkdir ninja" 2022-03-05 21:36:10 twee the_default: i've used nano since starting using linux, and have spent about two of those years using nano as my primary editor 2022-03-05 21:36:15 natalia i know a little about iSH's construction because i'm friends with its main developer but don't know a lot about the interface concerns 2022-03-05 21:36:28 twee see https://noa-s.neocities.org/nano.html 2022-03-05 21:36:42 twee and the hacker news discussion criticising my lack of capitalisation :/ 2022-03-05 21:36:43 the_default edit: on my 8th year of nano 2022-03-05 21:36:46 twee https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26063301 2022-03-05 21:36:51 the_default holy hell that's almost half my life 2022-03-05 21:37:04 twee madness 2022-03-05 21:37:06 bx twee: same story lol 2022-03-05 21:37:15 extratone Blink is built almost exclusively to deal with remote files. they both get into the filesystem natively but ya know iSh is more like an Alpine emulator. 2022-03-05 21:37:19 extratone a-Shell is a fork of Blink. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/a-shell/id1473805438 2022-03-05 21:37:39 natalia aha! 2022-03-05 21:37:53 extratone I’m working on a thing about Blink and Town right now, natalia. https://tilde.town/~extratone/blink 2022-03-05 21:38:03 anton twee: I find it easier to read things when there are capital letters personally 2022-03-05 21:38:12 natalia ed but no ex or vi? :P 2022-03-05 21:38:15 anton tbh, I don't entirely understand the trend of no caps 2022-03-05 21:38:48 extratone anti-establishment lol 2022-03-05 21:38:51 natalia mad respect for whatever design decision led to that though honestly 2022-03-05 21:38:55 natalia i switch between caps and no caps a lot 2022-03-05 21:39:01 elly no caps? 2022-03-05 21:39:08 the_default no cap 2022-03-05 21:39:16 malvarma ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME 2022-03-05 21:39:18 elly oh, not capitalizing sentence starts? 2022-03-05 21:39:33 malvarma i think it depends on what you're writing 2022-03-05 21:39:37 dzwdz speaking of all caps, rip DOOM 2022-03-05 21:39:45 elly hm? 2022-03-05 21:39:51 malvarma caps are nice when reading long paragraphs 2022-03-05 21:39:52 natalia elly: yeah, and or anything 2022-03-05 21:39:55 natalia idk i'm very inconsistent about it 2022-03-05 21:40:02 malvarma but unnecessary for single lines of text 2022-03-05 21:40:06 anton yeah 2022-03-05 21:40:07 twee i personally say words with capitals differently in my head and it throws off what i mean 2022-03-05 21:40:09 dzwdz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSJeHDlhYls 2022-03-05 21:40:15 natalia nowadays with actual writing i tend to capitalize things because it helps for readability for a lot of people i've talked to, but i don't like the tone it imparts on my text sometimes 2022-03-05 21:40:20 twee i write my essays for uni with caps 2022-03-05 21:40:33 natalia i like the aesthetic of lowercase headers, so i tend to do that anyways 2022-03-05 21:40:38 elly valid 2022-03-05 21:40:49 twee i always do headers lower case, and my name is always lower case 2022-03-05 21:40:58 twee i tend to capitalise people's names 2022-03-05 21:41:07 bx I like using what ever symbol looks better / is easier to write... 2022-03-05 21:41:12 the_default hOW ABOUT THIS? rEVERSE CAPS. oH GOD I HATE IT 2022-03-05 21:41:20 twee i don't capitalise emails, i do capitalise submitted work. i don't capitalise things on my personal site 2022-03-05 21:41:44 dzwdz my journal might just be the only nonofficial thing i write where i care about capitalisation 2022-03-05 21:41:49 twee i do capitalise when talking to some of my friends who use me to learn better english, because i think it's unfair to them to become acclimatised to my native quirks 2022-03-05 21:42:03 bx Oh that's a point 2022-03-05 21:42:16 natalia not capitalizing sentences is ingrained in me partially via toki pona (which doesn't capitalize anything but its set of proper nouns) 2022-03-05 21:42:22 dzwdz o, you have friends specifically to help them practice english? 2022-03-05 21:42:26 dzwdz that's neat 2022-03-05 21:42:27 twee i might write a style guide at some point, i don't believe in capitalising i 2022-03-05 21:42:34 twee dzwdz: yeah 2022-03-05 21:42:53 dzwdz how did that come about? 2022-03-05 21:43:03 twee i mean generally it starts like that and then we're normal friends, or vice versa, but if they ask me to help with english i will use the Queen's English 2022-03-05 21:43:11 twee various societies mostly 2022-03-05 21:43:24 extratone paul ford finally replied to my tilde tweet at him hehe. https://twitter.com/ftrain/status/1500224762257281030 2022-03-05 21:44:02 natalia https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/7986/why-should-the-first-person-pronoun-i-always-be-capitalized 2022-03-05 21:44:17 twee extratone: cute :) 2022-03-05 21:44:22 dzwdz aww 2022-03-05 21:44:38 twee i really like danah boyd's page on it 2022-03-05 21:45:01 twee http://www.danah.org/name.html 2022-03-05 21:45:05 natalia today on: Let's Ask Quora! 2022-03-05 21:45:08 extratone oh my god... I did not know english dot stackexchange dot com existed until this moment and I'm scared. 2022-03-05 21:45:10 natalia > “I” is capitalized because it refers to a specific person, in this case, it refers to you. 2022-03-05 21:45:57 twee it's a decent one tbh 2022-03-05 21:46:24 dzwdz i crashed thunderbird! 2022-03-05 21:46:51 elly time to file a bug! 2022-03-05 21:47:20 dzwdz i haven't updated in a while and the crash was random 2022-03-05 21:47:26 dzwdz i'm not going to bother 2022-03-05 21:47:29 elly rip 2022-03-05 21:47:31 bx dzwdz: i pictured gur planes withg ur puppets crashing at firs 2022-03-05 21:47:33 bx t 2022-03-05 21:52:01 dzwdz https://ttm.sh/i8B.png 2022-03-05 21:52:16 dzwdz sneak peek 2022-03-05 21:52:47 extratone ooo 2022-03-05 21:53:18 dzwdz and you can just connect to this over imap 2022-03-05 21:53:27 dzwdz i'll create a web interface for subscribing for feeds n stuff 2022-03-05 21:54:15 bx looking good 2022-03-05 21:54:58 malvarma the_default: lOVE iT 2022-03-05 21:55:18 dzwdz juspib: fyi, this is basically what i wanted the server for 2022-03-05 21:56:10 dzwdz i wonder if there are people out there who'd use that as a paid service 2022-03-05 21:57:10 malvarma thunderbird doesn't do RSS on it's own? 2022-03-05 21:57:36 dzwdz the point is that this works over imap 2022-03-05 21:57:51 dzwdz automatically syncs across devices 2022-03-05 21:57:56 dzwdz you aren't locked into a single client 2022-03-05 21:57:58 malvarma is that so you can sync clients and know whats read and isnt read? 2022-03-05 21:57:59 dzwdz etc 2022-03-05 21:58:01 dzwdz yeah 2022-03-05 21:58:03 dzwdz pretty much 2022-03-05 21:58:06 malvarma ah good deal 2022-03-05 21:58:31 malvarma i usually just export a list of feeds and sync that, but true that doesn't keep track of what i've read 2022-03-05 21:58:43 malvarma this is easier 2022-03-05 21:59:22 twee anker have some very nice cable colours 2022-03-05 21:59:35 twee but for some reason some of them are usb-c->lightning exclusive :/ 2022-03-05 21:59:39 dzwdz not that i'd bill y'all, but 5 people paying $1/mo for this would already pay for a cheap vps 2022-03-05 21:59:41 twee why can i not have a pink cable 2022-03-05 22:01:30 malvarma i dont think i'd pay for something like that, but perhaps someone would 2022-03-05 22:01:49 malvarma sometimes i try to come up with business ideas, and i get stuck because i think "i would never buy something like that" 2022-03-05 22:02:02 twee but then you have to think 2022-03-05 22:02:06 malvarma because i would never buy anything. and thats why everything i own is old and falling a part 2022-03-05 22:02:08 twee "maybe i would use that for free" 2022-03-05 22:02:15 twee and then come up with a way to put user tracking in it 2022-03-05 22:02:21 dzwdz ^ 2022-03-05 22:02:59 elly I am currently paying $3/mo for newsblur 2022-03-05 22:03:00 malvarma lol 2022-03-05 22:03:14 elly I wonder how many other people are using subscription rss clients 2022-03-05 22:03:35 twee i'm paying like five quid for simple hosting on gandi and that's about it subscription wise 2022-03-05 22:03:39 twee i reckon a fair few? 2022-03-05 22:03:47 twee miniflux is a sustainable business now i think 2022-03-05 22:04:00 malvarma yeah a good number of people subscriped to stuff after google reader went away, i think 2022-03-05 22:05:05 twee the kind of nerds who used rss in google reader era are the kind of nerds who are like ah yeah, i'm gonna pay to keep a good thing going now that i've been fucked 2022-03-05 22:05:15 twee everyone else went google/apple news or feedly 2022-03-05 22:05:29 twee yo what happened to flipboard 2022-03-05 22:05:32 twee i think that's the name 2022-03-05 22:05:33 elly a big part of why I pay for newsblur is so it will keep existing, definitely 2022-03-05 22:05:40 twee good shout 2022-03-05 22:06:17 elly same deal for sourcehut 2022-03-05 22:06:28 twee according to newsblur's homepage they have had 4,481 (log in i think) in the past day 2022-03-05 22:06:29 extratone on iOS, Inoreader is the popuular free option still. imo rss is not a nerd thing. or at least it was pretty democratized with google reader. 2022-03-05 22:06:33 malvarma i am so worried about stuff not expisting if i dont pay for it. ive got patreon and libera pay funnelling dollars to various things 2022-03-05 22:06:45 malvarma but then i think "but i cant pay for this alone. what if nobody else pays" 2022-03-05 22:07:04 dzwdz open source funding is a joke 2022-03-05 22:07:11 bx i mean if you cant alone then itll just shutdown and then you wont have too 2022-03-05 22:07:15 elly malvarma: yeah, the only real answer to that is like, if it goes away you switch to something else 2022-03-05 22:07:38 malvarma dzwdz: yes it sadly is 2022-03-05 22:07:41 elly which is why it's important to pick a service where you can migrate easily I guess 2022-03-05 22:07:48 twee yeah 2022-03-05 22:07:54 extratone I've been using Windows for years. I basically prepare for every single application to go out of support at any time lol 2022-03-05 22:07:59 juspib quote for today: Childhood is when you're a child, and adulthood is when you're an adult 2022-03-05 22:08:02 dzwdz this is so often glossed over 2022-03-05 22:08:02 twee i was so impressed with how fast i was able to move my email 2022-03-05 22:08:05 dzwdz funding aside 2022-03-05 22:08:11 bx !qotd 2022-03-05 22:08:11 anna How far is a light-year? How far is a light-year? 2022-03-05 22:08:15 malvarma and elly thats always the thing in the back of my mind 2022-03-05 22:08:32 dzwdz projects should make migrating away from them as easy as possible 2022-03-05 22:08:34 twee that's why i have a winrar license 2022-03-05 22:08:37 twee i lie, i don't 2022-03-05 22:08:43 twee i bought one as a birthday presetn for a friend 2022-03-05 22:09:04 extratone a good present, I'd say. 2022-03-05 22:09:13 bx a winrar licence feels almost like some kind of rare artificact 2022-03-05 22:09:28 bx like finding a dinosaur fossil 2022-03-05 22:09:37 elly newsblur both imports and exports OPML 2022-03-05 22:09:45 extratone the amount of redundant developer effort/time/money going into basically identical apps on the iOS platform is actually sickening 2022-03-05 22:09:49 dzwdz soaking of buying software, I've just remembered coming across some dude selling firefox on a darknet market 2022-03-05 22:09:59 dzwdz speaking* 2022-03-05 22:10:00 extratone but I don't want to burden you all with such thoughts, actually. 2022-03-05 22:10:10 malvarma tired: buying nfts. wired: buying a winrar license 2022-03-05 22:10:17 extratone lol 2022-03-05 22:10:45 bx malvarma: plottwist it comes stored as a .rar 2022-03-05 22:10:46 dzwdz yo wait a sec 2022-03-05 22:10:52 bx like gur packaging on scisors 2022-03-05 22:11:09 dzwdz i think you've just discovered a slightly sensible usecase for nfts 2022-03-05 22:11:13 malvarma ahahahahaha 2022-03-05 22:11:14 extratone dzwdz that thing where open source stuff get fraudulently sold? yeah, that is the entirety of microsoft's app marketplace rn. 2022-03-05 22:11:17 dzwdz software licensing 2022-03-05 22:11:18 elly https://i.imgur.com/HYRJIKc.png gosh 2022-03-05 22:11:29 malvarma but we do software licensing now and its fine 2022-03-05 22:11:30 dzwdz extratone: on a fucking darknet market though 2022-03-05 22:11:33 dzwdz like, lel 2022-03-05 22:12:02 bx elly: lmao 2022-03-05 22:12:13 bx we need more dramatically labeled buttons 2022-03-05 22:12:15 elly we do 2022-03-05 22:12:18 extratone gimp for $4.99 though. 2022-03-05 22:12:30 * malvarma rapidly clicks 'erase yourself' waiting for something to happen 2022-03-05 22:12:36 extratone lol 2022-03-05 22:12:48 bx dzwdz: I mean i also used it to sent a bad lady gaga remix... 2022-03-05 22:12:53 elly I like the use of email for snapshotting, it's clever 2022-03-05 22:13:04 elly if you do destructive actions newsblur mails you copies of your OPML export 2022-03-05 22:13:09 dzwdz bx: dude 2022-03-05 22:13:13 dzwdz darknet markets != tor 2022-03-05 22:13:18 bx ik ik 2022-03-05 22:13:19 dzwdz i was talking about drug marketplaces 2022-03-05 22:13:20 bx but like 2022-03-05 22:13:32 bx wait 2022-03-05 22:13:38 dzwdz the perfect place to get your browser from 2022-03-05 22:13:41 bx why are they selling software on a drug market place 2022-03-05 22:13:47 bx thats for drugs 2022-03-05 22:13:56 dzwdz well it's a general marketplace 2022-03-05 22:14:02 dzwdz you can also buy shitty fortnite aimbots 2022-03-05 22:14:08 dzwdz firefox 2022-03-05 22:14:16 bx I could sell a bad lady gag remix 2022-03-05 22:14:19 bx *haha 2022-03-05 22:14:21 bx *gaga 2022-03-05 22:14:26 juspib tilde.town is a darnket marketplace 2022-03-05 22:15:00 dzwdz danknet 2022-03-05 22:15:02 twee elly: id be shocked if a premium rss reader didn't let you import and export opml 2022-03-05 22:15:04 extratone I always suspected. 2022-03-05 22:15:05 malvarma linux is my drug of choice 2022-03-05 22:15:10 malvarma i need rehab 2022-03-05 22:15:13 extratone isn't opml just xml 2022-03-05 22:15:21 elly twee: me also 2022-03-05 22:15:28 malvarma im addicted to making computers inconvenient 2022-03-05 22:15:32 elly extratone: "just xml" is like saying "isn't [format] just bytes" 2022-03-05 22:15:34 bx malvarma: lmao 2022-03-05 22:15:36 elly you still have to interpret it 2022-03-05 22:15:43 juspib linux is making computers convenient tho 2022-03-05 22:15:43 bx what would be rehab? bsd? 2022-03-05 22:16:14 dzwdz it'd be throwing your computer out the window 2022-03-05 22:16:16 malvarma juspib: depending on your perspective 2022-03-05 22:16:18 extratone malvarma, try macos. it's just linux you have to persuade instead of command. 2022-03-05 22:16:25 dzwdz ACAB 2022-03-05 22:16:29 dzwdz (all computers are bastards) 2022-03-05 22:16:35 bx extratone: i wish that wasnt accurate 2022-03-05 22:16:37 elly imo computer rehab would be rearranging your life so you use computers less 2022-03-05 22:16:37 bx well 2022-03-05 22:16:39 malvarma ALL CAPS ARE BEST 2022-03-05 22:16:42 bx its more like bsd you persuade 2022-03-05 22:17:13 bx elly: or so they hurt you less to use 2022-03-05 22:17:14 extratone I have banned myself from using Linux because I can't stop myself from fiddling. 2022-03-05 22:17:25 elly bx: yeah, maybe 2022-03-05 22:17:37 elly if computers hurt you to use you should definitely fix that, if you want to use computers as a career :P 2022-03-05 22:17:48 extratone (even though I've just endlessly fiddling with iOS apps instead, which is just more frustrating.) 2022-03-05 22:17:49 bx ive had to stop using gur standing rig gur last few weeks and my back hurts from sitting 2022-03-05 22:18:06 * bx doesnt want to use them as a carreer 2022-03-05 22:18:15 dzwdz i think i'm only using computers because of stockholm syndrome 2022-03-05 22:18:19 * bx is mildly concerned that could eventually be his only option 2022-03-05 22:18:29 juspib compare "apt install program" to looking for an exe in your browser then clicking thru the gui installer 2022-03-05 22:18:32 malvarma using computers for anything besides neat art projects and the ocasional spreadsheet was a mistake 2022-03-05 22:18:38 bx ^ that 2022-03-05 22:18:45 dzwdz i disagree 2022-03-05 22:18:50 elly aw 2022-03-05 22:18:54 elly I really enjoy computering 2022-03-05 22:18:57 dzwdz computers are invaluable 2022-03-05 22:18:58 elly I'm sad to hear that folks don't 2022-03-05 22:19:02 bx i like em 2022-03-05 22:19:17 bx i dont like it when corporate bs kinda bogs them down though 2022-03-05 22:19:27 extratone juspib there's winget now. baby windows is finally almost a real operating system. it has its own package manager! 2022-03-05 22:19:29 dzwdz free access to information, safe communication with people around the globe, etc 2022-03-05 22:19:38 malvarma i think many people are forced to use computers, and forced to use unhealthy and bad types of computer things 2022-03-05 22:19:46 bx truuue 2022-03-05 22:19:54 dzwdz i was getting destroyed in chess by some south african dude last week 2022-03-05 22:19:56 dzwdz thanks to computers 2022-03-05 22:19:59 malvarma but if they weren't, more people would realize computering is fun 2022-03-05 22:20:03 bx As a tool for communication and human expession / math i think computers are wonderful things 2022-03-05 22:20:04 extratone * linux belongs to the working class. * 2022-03-05 22:20:07 malvarma dzwdz: thats a good use of computers 2022-03-05 22:21:16 natalia it would be nice if linux belonged to the working class but i find that sort of unbelievable 2022-03-05 22:21:26 dzwdz what would that even mean 2022-03-05 22:21:29 bx ^ 2022-03-05 22:21:41 bx does it belong to anyone 2022-03-05 22:21:48 dzwdz as far as i'm concerned, linux is a very nice tool for anyone with resources to spy on me 2022-03-05 22:21:52 dzwdz so much code to hide some shit in 2022-03-05 22:22:08 bx you just remdined me of soemthing 2022-03-05 22:22:13 malvarma linux belongs mostly to the shared interests of a lot of players, mostly corporations that depend on it? but i guess it also belongs to anyone who uses it, since you get the source code 2022-03-05 22:22:39 dzwdz that's a weird definition of belonging 2022-03-05 22:22:46 natalia sure but like, if all of the sudden a bunch of corporations don't want to fund it anymore, that belonging is mostly meaningless 2022-03-05 22:22:54 natalia because oops security vulnerabilities 2022-03-05 22:23:09 malvarma yeah there are multiple weird definitions of belonging that come into play 2022-03-05 22:23:17 dzwdz very hot take 2022-03-05 22:23:22 dzwdz software doesn't have to have bugs 2022-03-05 22:23:36 malvarma like, does any software belong to me if i cant modify it? 2022-03-05 22:23:41 dzwdz it's possible to write perfect software 2022-03-05 22:23:53 dzwdz updates are overrated 2022-03-05 22:24:17 malvarma at a certain scale, i dont think you can expect perfection, in practice 2022-03-05 22:24:21 extratone I suppose I should've said *rightfully belongs* and I don't mean ownership in that sense. 2022-03-05 22:24:33 malvarma but if you're planning to run an old os and not hook it up to a network, that should be fine 2022-03-05 22:24:35 bx what do gur updates even do for most stuff, win update doesnt add shit i eve use 2022-03-05 22:24:50 dzwdz see 2022-03-05 22:24:52 extratone I guess I just believe Linux should be vastly more democratized 2022-03-05 22:25:01 dzwdz microkernels are a thing 2022-03-05 22:25:05 juspib software belongs to you if you are the author or it's free software 2022-03-05 22:25:13 malvarma bx sometimes remove vulnerabilities that make you susceptible to malware 2022-03-05 22:25:27 dzwdz you can have a perfectly implemented kernel 2022-03-05 22:25:43 dzwdz see: seL4, which is mathematically proved to be correct 2022-03-05 22:25:49 bx malvarma: ok those are fine, but it downloads waaaay more than that 2022-03-05 22:26:13 bx dzwdz: i agree you can have a bug free kernel, but updates can still be needed to account for hw issues 2022-03-05 22:26:19 malvarma then why aren't we using seL4 for everything? (not trying to be a jerk, honestly curious) 2022-03-05 22:26:19 bx e.g. spectre and friends 2022-03-05 22:26:32 elly malvarma: it doesn't support the hardware people have 2022-03-05 22:26:36 elly or the apps people have 2022-03-05 22:26:39 bx ^ 2022-03-05 22:26:41 bx also 2022-03-05 22:26:43 dzwdz and i don't think there are consumer oses for it 2022-03-05 22:26:44 bx its barebones af 2022-03-05 22:26:48 dzwdz well there's that one 2022-03-05 22:26:50 elly those two factors are 100% of why nobody uses most OSes 2022-03-05 22:26:50 bx there are some iiirc 2022-03-05 22:26:50 dzwdz uh 2022-03-05 22:26:59 dzwdz fuck, i forgot the name 2022-03-05 22:26:59 bx i think its called geode 2022-03-05 22:27:01 dzwdz but it's weird 2022-03-05 22:27:07 dzwdz genode 2022-03-05 22:27:09 natalia verified in what sense also? there is surely a plethora of weird cpu hardware bugs or new attack mechanisms whatever right? 2022-03-05 22:27:16 bx dzwdz: thats gur one 2022-03-05 22:27:20 dzwdz wdym new attack mechanisms 2022-03-05 22:27:32 dzwdz here i'm talking about software only 2022-03-05 22:27:35 elly like, the discovery of rowhammer or similar 2022-03-05 22:27:39 elly hardware bugs that require software fixes 2022-03-05 22:27:46 bx ^ 2022-03-05 22:27:49 elly or spectre/meltdown 2022-03-05 22:28:14 natalia even like "does it formally verify itself against timing attacks" seems to be an interesting question 2022-03-05 22:28:17 natalia not that timing attacks are *new* but 2022-03-05 22:28:30 elly I don't know of any system that is formally proven sidechannel-free 2022-03-05 22:28:34 dzwdz software can be proved to work correctly within some given assumptions 2022-03-05 22:28:42 bx though iirc sel4 is verified in gur senes that it assumes gur hw to be unbreachable 2022-03-05 22:28:44 elly yeah but if those assumptions don't match reality, what is that worth? 2022-03-05 22:28:47 dzwdz so you assume a bunch of stuff about the cpu that you're using 2022-03-05 22:28:49 malvarma could you make something as complex as the linux kernel and practically expect it to be free of bugs, or is it only for things that are barebones 2022-03-05 22:28:58 dzwdz it's still worth knowing that the software is solid 2022-03-05 22:29:01 bx malvarma: seλ4 is verry barebones 2022-03-05 22:29:03 bx it has to be lol 2022-03-05 22:29:21 natalia not to say that formal verifications are useless, but i think the idea of a forever perfect piece of (networking) code is rooted in a lot of bad assumptions 2022-03-05 22:29:32 dzwdz it's the difference between not trusting either the hardware or software, or trusting the software 2022-03-05 22:29:32 bx it only really provides threads, mem managment and message parsing 2022-03-05 22:29:36 dzwdz not perfect, but a big improvement 2022-03-05 22:29:40 malvarma i definitely think we don't always own the HW we run things on, if it has firmware we can't play with. but you have to make compromises 2022-03-05 22:29:40 juspib question, do qualcomm chips have a backdoor minix inside like amd and intel? 2022-03-05 22:29:53 elly the last qualcomm chip I worked with was just running regular linux 2022-03-05 22:30:01 elly it probably depends on the chip 2022-03-05 22:30:05 dzwdz dude 2022-03-05 22:30:11 bx whats counted as regular linux? 2022-03-05 22:30:15 dzwdz why are you worrying about cpu backdoors when you've just talked about apt 2022-03-05 22:30:18 elly the linux kernel 2022-03-05 22:30:24 dzwdz which is a mechanism for running arbitrary code from random people as root 2022-03-05 22:30:30 bx elly: As in unpactched? 2022-03-05 22:30:34 malvarma u gotta trust somebody 2022-03-05 22:30:36 twee not random people 2022-03-05 22:30:39 elly bx: I have no idea 2022-03-05 22:30:39 juspib i'm not worrying i'm asking 2022-03-05 22:30:41 dzwdz literally random people 2022-03-05 22:30:48 natalia another thing is like, if some microkernel only provides a subset of what you want, are you sure you're not creating a different attack vector in the other independent systems you're bound to need instead? 2022-03-05 22:30:48 dzwdz i have no reason to trust any of the package maintainers 2022-03-05 22:31:07 dzwdz or the people writing the software that gets packaged 2022-03-05 22:31:09 dzwdz etc 2022-03-05 22:31:24 malvarma there's always r e p r o d u c i b l e b u i l d s 2022-03-05 22:31:26 dzwdz natalia: the difference is, kernels require full privileges to the machine 2022-03-05 22:31:32 dzwdz processes don't 2022-03-05 22:31:38 elly malvarma: also very difficult 2022-03-05 22:31:42 dzwdz that other independent system can be isolated 2022-03-05 22:31:43 elly but cool! and feasible 2022-03-05 22:31:52 dzwdz malvarma: you still have to trust the source 2022-03-05 22:32:02 dzwdz your pc depends on billions of lines of code 2022-03-05 22:32:05 dzwdz have fun reading through all that 2022-03-05 22:32:05 elly dzwdz: they can theoretically be isolated, but (eg) spectre was specifically about how, on all modern chips, they practically can't be 2022-03-05 22:32:28 dzwdz which doesn't mean we shouldn't try 2022-03-05 22:32:31 elly agreed! 2022-03-05 22:32:36 malvarma i agree. all this stuff is hard, and it always comes down to trust, since nobody can independently audit something as complex as our entire computer systems 2022-03-05 22:32:38 juspib i trust all random people 2022-03-05 22:32:40 elly but focusing on it solely as a software problem doesn't seem like the way to go :P 2022-03-05 22:32:48 dzwdz malvarma: which isn't inherently a property of computers 2022-03-05 22:32:56 juspib the rule is clear, trust everybody until they do something bad 2022-03-05 22:32:57 dzwdz it's just how things are at the time 2022-03-05 22:33:05 dzwdz elly: why? 2022-03-05 22:33:06 twee i wanted to message my old cello teacher but she's changed jobs so i went on facebook 2022-03-05 22:33:16 twee it's so weird seeing people from one setting in a different setting 2022-03-05 22:33:20 twee she loves craft beer 2022-03-05 22:33:21 malvarma dzwdz: true, we make things too complex. layers upon layers. i think a certain level of complexity does come with the territory though 2022-03-05 22:33:39 dzwdz we're so fucking far off from the level of complexity needed 2022-03-05 22:33:39 bx twee: i really thought you were gonna say she works in like heavy industry or something now 2022-03-05 22:34:07 juspib 3.9ghz cpu? no one needs to run that many instructions 2022-03-05 22:34:37 dzwdz i firmly believe that (on the software side) you can have a system where all the trusted parts are simple enough to be fully understood by a small team if not a single person 2022-03-05 22:34:51 malvarma we should reduce the complexity where feasible. keep in mind, the politics, economic interests, and politics beneath it all are also complex, and will require some complexity in our technology 2022-03-05 22:35:08 bx dzwdz: without all gur drivers i'd like to think so as well 2022-03-05 22:35:15 twee bx: nah she's still a cello teacher, but like seeing her personal facebook timeline, she does long distance swimming, drinks craft beer, collects pineapple paraphenalia (i knew that),,, it's just odd 2022-03-05 22:35:31 malvarma dzwdz: you could! there are older computers where you could absolutely do that 2022-03-05 22:35:34 bx long distance swimming sounds good 2022-03-05 22:35:42 dzwdz bx: i'm not talking about something which'd support all pc setups 2022-03-05 22:36:04 bx ah 2022-03-05 22:36:24 malvarma but if you want something more capable than a c64, i think you'd start to escape what one person could keep in their head. even considering all the cruft we could eliminate 2022-03-05 22:36:28 bx twee: That sounds like when you see a teacher outside of school for gur first time as a kid 2022-03-05 22:36:55 juspib why would you want something more capable than a c64? c64 did a very good job 2022-03-05 22:37:00 elly it really depends what functionality you want from the system 2022-03-05 22:37:05 dzwdz ^ 2022-03-05 22:37:07 elly complexity is the price of functionality 2022-03-05 22:37:08 bx juspib: well i like to have more ram 2022-03-05 22:37:24 elly if you are fine not having like, wifi or suspend-resume or accelerated graphics or ..., you can write a very small system 2022-03-05 22:37:26 malvarma the c64 cant run my DAW 2022-03-05 22:37:32 juspib you don't need lots of software to support more ram 2022-03-05 22:37:49 bx i meant like enough to draw + animated 2022-03-05 22:37:52 bx *animate 2022-03-05 22:38:03 twee twee: i always had a weird expereince of that, because my dad was a teacher so i got to see it from the other side, and new a bunch of my middle school teachers because of my dad already 2022-03-05 22:38:10 elly software is big because what people want from it is big 2022-03-05 22:38:15 bx krita can take a couple of gigs on bigger files 2022-03-05 22:38:27 juspib yea i mean that 2022-03-05 22:38:28 malvarma software can also be bloated too, lets not forget that 2022-03-05 22:38:36 bx twee: That sounds even more sureal 2022-03-05 22:38:45 bx ^ what malvarma said 2022-03-05 22:39:01 dzwdz elly: not only 2022-03-05 22:39:03 bx all gur people using electron when they could not be is proof of that 2022-03-05 22:39:06 malvarma but even bloat free, if you want certain things, you pay a price. 2022-03-05 22:39:09 dzwdz software is also big because of legacy cruft 2022-03-05 22:39:16 twee bx: yup lol 2022-03-05 22:39:19 dzwdz software is also big because many programmers just don't care about small code 2022-03-05 22:39:22 elly bx: they could not be, at the price of more engineer time or less portability or whatever else 2022-03-05 22:39:22 twee anyways im clocking out now, sleepy times 2022-03-05 22:39:38 juspib happy sleptime 2022-03-05 22:39:39 elly electron is not popular for no reason - it's popular because it meets people's needs a lot of the time 2022-03-05 22:39:45 juspib i fell asleep yesterdsy 2022-03-05 22:39:45 malvarma even running a barebones computer, like the hypothetical one we are discussing... a person could theoretically hold it all in their head, but i wouldnt wanna expect everyone too 2022-03-05 22:39:46 twee an experimental composer has asked me to mess around with cello tone with him tomorrow at an ungodly hour 2022-03-05 22:39:48 bx elly: im honestly not convinced its saving people that much time 2022-03-05 22:39:52 malvarma twee: gn o/ 2022-03-05 22:39:54 bx maybe in gur short term 2022-03-05 22:39:54 twee sweet dreams all 2022-03-05 22:39:57 bx Gn twee 2022-03-05 22:39:59 twee o/ 2022-03-05 22:40:00 dzwdz malvarma: the point is, that if it's possible 2022-03-05 22:40:07 elly bx: I encourage you to try making a cross-platform GUI app some other way 2022-03-05 22:40:18 bx dearimgui is p good 2022-03-05 22:40:21 dzwdz then the people who can, and who have the experise required, can verify that the system is trustworthy 2022-03-05 22:40:22 juspib the point is puters are all about trust 2022-03-05 22:40:25 dzwdz not backdoored in any ways etc 2022-03-05 22:40:30 anton urgent action: https://stallman.org/archives/2022-jan-apr.html#5_March_2022_(Urgent:_Vacant_US_diplomat_offices) 2022-03-05 22:40:39 juspib and what's funny is there is no trust because there has been lots of betrayals 2022-03-05 22:40:47 juspib but puters go on anyway 2022-03-05 22:40:58 malvarma dzwdz: right. and if you have a more complex system, you have to trust more people to verify each component 2022-03-05 22:41:22 dzwdz so the bases of our systems should be simple 2022-03-05 22:41:24 malvarma i agree that we should work to reduce that number as much as possible, and make it simpler and easier to do that verification 2022-03-05 22:41:37 malvarma yes the bases of our systems should be simple 2022-03-05 22:42:05 elly the "just write a small os kernel and have people verify it" idea is like, 60 years old at this point 2022-03-05 22:42:27 elly it has not yet succeeded but maybe some day 2022-03-05 22:42:39 dzwdz if stuff like seL4 counts 2022-03-05 22:42:43 malvarma we all have to figure out what we need, understand where we have to compromise, either in what features we give up, or what level of "software freedom" we give up 2022-03-05 22:43:07 malvarma its not easy and i dont think everyone will reach the same conclusion. but most people dont think about it at all 2022-03-05 22:43:07 dzwdz then i think the issue is that those kernels make it hard for users to run untrusted software 2022-03-05 22:43:18 juspib we just need to wait for a super high level programming language so we can implement a kernel in 100 lines 2022-03-05 22:43:19 dzwdz most of the software that you'll run is impossible to verify 2022-03-05 22:43:35 juspib and then people will be finding bugs in the language instead of the kernel 2022-03-05 22:43:40 elly juspib: it doesn't help - then you have to verify the implementation of the language 2022-03-05 22:43:43 elly right, exactly 2022-03-05 22:44:05 elly malvarma: yeah, you are basically on point 2022-03-05 22:44:08 dzwdz so you have neat, tiny kernels like plan 9 2022-03-05 22:44:13 dzwdz which also trust all software that you run 2022-03-05 22:44:22 juspib honestly 2022-03-05 22:44:35 elly security is a feature that you can choose to trade off for features or size or whatever else and for most people the value of it is not that high as long as they aren't getting hacked on the daily 2022-03-05 22:44:36 juspib we need to wait for chip fabs to be more accessible 2022-03-05 22:44:39 elly (including me, tbh) 2022-03-05 22:44:49 juspib and then force everyone to design and fab their own cpus 2022-03-05 22:44:50 anton https://twitter.com/TobyMargo/status/1500230639844401152 I'm confused on what this was about 2022-03-05 22:44:51 dzwdz i don't understand why we aren't 2022-03-05 22:44:58 juspib and write their own systems 2022-03-05 22:45:00 dzwdz i'm literally running billions of unaudited lines of code 2022-03-05 22:45:05 juspib and everyone will be happy 2022-03-05 22:45:07 dzwdz from people who often aren't even getting paid 2022-03-05 22:45:23 elly because it is mostly not worth the effort to do 2022-03-05 22:45:32 dzwdz ransomware? 2022-03-05 22:45:44 elly the returns on ransomwaring random end user devices are probably pretty low 2022-03-05 22:45:47 bx how much of gur code do we cut out if we remove every optional module from gur kernel? 2022-03-05 22:45:48 elly especially random *linux* devices 2022-03-05 22:46:06 dzwdz just power, generally speaking? 2022-03-05 22:46:17 malvarma there are companies that will probably spend less on ransom than what they lose switching to less powerful software 2022-03-05 22:46:30 elly there aren't that many people who both have the ability to do supply-chain attacks on big packages and care about having code execution on your laptop 2022-03-05 22:46:32 dzwdz linux users often have access to lots of shit 2022-03-05 22:46:39 dzwdz i'm not talking about my laptop lel 2022-03-05 22:46:50 dzwdz i'm talking about laptops of executives 2022-03-05 22:46:51 juspib i have access to lots of shit 2022-03-05 22:46:54 elly well, that's why you aren't hacked all the time :P 2022-03-05 22:47:18 malvarma gee though, i think we shouldn't use big bloated software thingies to run important infrastructure, and worse of all, hook itup to the internet 2022-03-05 22:47:24 dzwdz still, it's unsettling that the only reason why is "nobody has bothered to" 2022-03-05 22:47:30 elly that's how *all* security works 2022-03-05 22:47:37 juspib no it isn't unsettlimg 2022-03-05 22:47:37 elly it is all about cost of attack 2022-03-05 22:47:37 dzwdz ...no 2022-03-05 22:47:40 elly it is 2022-03-05 22:47:47 malvarma and managing risk 2022-03-05 22:47:50 malvarma you cant eliminate it 2022-03-05 22:47:54 juspib not giving a fuck if the most beautiful thing humans do 2022-03-05 22:47:56 elly it is literally about cost of attack vs cost of defense 2022-03-05 22:48:01 juspib s/if/is 2022-03-05 22:48:02 sedbot not giving a fuck is the most beautiful thing humans do 2022-03-05 22:48:19 dzwdz so i know that it doesn't make to talk about security in a purely computing sense 2022-03-05 22:48:29 dzwdz i've literally just mentioned blackmailing and violence 2022-03-05 22:48:31 dzwdz but 2022-03-05 22:48:39 dzwdz if i encrypt something with proper cryptography and there are no breakthroughs 2022-03-05 22:48:47 dzwdz it's litterally impossible to decrypt, even if you bother to 2022-03-05 22:48:58 dzwdz now, could you go and beat me up? 2022-03-05 22:49:00 dzwdz yes 2022-03-05 22:49:07 dzwdz but that only gives you access to my data 2022-03-05 22:49:10 elly as I said, all about cost 2022-03-05 22:49:11 juspib no i couldn't 2022-03-05 22:49:11 dzwdz supply chain attacks are global 2022-03-05 22:49:15 elly they aren't 2022-03-05 22:49:15 malvarma but maybe you care more about the data security than your life 2022-03-05 22:49:26 elly global ones get found very quickly, in general, and the ones really seen in the wild are targeted 2022-03-05 22:49:27 juspib dzwdz i would cut my hands off rather than hit u 2022-03-05 22:49:33 dzwdz <3 2022-03-05 22:49:39 elly like, compromising *just* the apt mirror you know your target uses 2022-03-05 22:49:42 elly that sort of thing 2022-03-05 22:50:00 elly cheaper, easier to go undetected 2022-03-05 22:50:03 dzwdz log4j 2022-03-05 22:50:09 elly a classic! 2022-03-05 22:50:21 dzwdz took a fair bit of time to find 2022-03-05 22:50:25 elly it's true 2022-03-05 22:50:36 elly probably a bug, I would guess? 2022-03-05 22:50:39 elly (and not an attack) 2022-03-05 22:50:42 dzwdz what does it change? 2022-03-05 22:50:44 elly but who knows 2022-03-05 22:50:52 dzwdz the intent doesn't matter 2022-03-05 22:50:57 elly well, in one sense nothing, but an attacker doesn't have to "pay" to insert bugs someone else inserts 2022-03-05 22:51:06 elly so buggy software drives cost-of-attack down 2022-03-05 22:51:08 malvarma i dont think anyone will argue that log4j wasn't a sh*t show. we should expect better, no? 2022-03-05 22:51:24 juspib i always disliked java 2022-03-05 22:51:28 malvarma why did i censor shit? sorry 2022-03-05 22:51:40 juspib just don't install software i dislike and u'll be good 2022-03-05 22:51:48 dzwdz but also, why should a logging thing have access to the network / anything other than stdout/stderr/the log dirs 2022-03-05 22:52:00 elly dzwdz: network logging is both real and common 2022-03-05 22:52:05 malvarma juspib: <3 2022-03-05 22:52:19 dzwdz why should the logging thing decide where it connects to, though 2022-03-05 22:52:29 elly dunno, that's just how it's usually designed 2022-03-05 22:52:39 malvarma dzwdz: well in a 'hardened' system, dont they do stuff like that? remove things that are unnecessary and potentially dangerous? 2022-03-05 22:52:47 elly yeah 2022-03-05 22:52:49 dzwdz also access to resources on the system itself is a bigger issue 2022-03-05 22:53:05 dzwdz actually, how was log4j exploited in the wild 2022-03-05 22:53:15 elly by causing it to log messages containing strings you controlled 2022-03-05 22:53:20 elly which were then interpreted by the log formatter 2022-03-05 22:53:23 dzwdz no but for what 2022-03-05 22:53:28 dzwdz i know how the exploit worked 2022-03-05 22:53:35 juspib remember when sudo had a privilege escalation bug in it 2022-03-05 22:53:35 dzwdz i'm looking up what it was used for 2022-03-05 22:53:42 dzwdz polkit 2022-03-05 22:53:42 elly I don't know of any widespread compromises using it 2022-03-05 22:53:59 dzwdz php had a privilege escalation root because some module runs as root 2022-03-05 22:54:03 dzwdz because linux security 2022-03-05 22:54:07 dzwdz s/root/bug 2022-03-05 22:54:09 dzwdz for 10 years kek 2022-03-05 22:54:11 elly yea 2022-03-05 22:54:12 piusbird that was a good show i think 2022-03-05 22:54:21 dzwdz and it still runs as root, obviously 2022-03-05 22:54:33 dzwdz because when you shoot yourself in the foot you keep the gun there and just hope not to pull the trigger again 2022-03-05 22:54:49 malvarma piusbird: it was fun 2022-03-05 22:55:39 piusbird and I'm getting more comfortable behind the camera every time 2022-03-05 22:55:47 elly it is... hm, let's call it 5,000 lines of C and assembly to have something that boots and runs something vaguely unix-y on whatever machine you happen to have, assuming that machine is reasonably friendly 2022-03-05 22:55:50 natalia i feel like a lot of ways people propose security in codebases are not aligned to the way things actually happen. like, log4j i'm pretty sure is small enough for another person to understand it, but nobody did [for a long time] 2022-03-05 22:55:54 elly I strongly recommend putting your idea into practice 2022-03-05 22:56:12 dzwdz > unixy 2022-03-05 22:56:22 elly like, with fork, exec, open, close, read, and write 2022-03-05 22:56:26 dzwdz ah 2022-03-05 22:56:35 elly meaning you can create processes, read files off disk, &c 2022-03-05 22:56:42 dzwdz i was deciding about how snarky i wanted to be about unix's security model 2022-03-05 22:56:50 elly we used to have students do this in about 12 weeks of time, so 2022-03-05 22:57:00 elly I suspect it is tractable for one person in not very long 2022-03-05 22:57:04 elly I encourage you to go do it 2022-03-05 22:57:10 elly a running demo is worth a lot of manifestos 2022-03-05 22:57:12 dzwdz i literally have that 2022-03-05 22:57:15 malvarma i dont wanna scare anyone, but all this talk of the fragility and complexity of computer systems reminds me that the same can be true of most things 2022-03-05 22:57:32 malvarma and it's frightening, to me! 2022-03-05 22:57:34 juspib glasses are fragile 2022-03-05 22:57:41 juspib i dropped one and it broke 2022-03-05 22:57:53 malvarma juspib: omg like i broke my eyeglasses one time and thank goodness i had a spare pair 2022-03-05 22:58:00 dzwdz if you're referring to the draft - i've mentioned that i'm writing it because i want to use it to convince the people who can help me take the project further to, well, help me take it further 2022-03-05 22:58:09 malvarma but now i just have one and im constantly thinking about buying new glasses 2022-03-05 22:58:21 malvarma but also they are expensive and i dont like how any of them fit, eugh what a mess 2022-03-05 22:58:50 malvarma piusbird: you have a good energy for streaming. well, im no expert. but i know what i like. it's very laid back and comfortable 2022-03-05 22:58:55 elly malvarma: and yeah, real 2022-03-05 22:59:06 elly supply chain disruptions and stuff bring that home for a lot of people 2022-03-05 22:59:11 elly "oh I guess my supermarket is out of... bread" 2022-03-05 22:59:20 elly "oh crap my ability to feed myself depends on the efforts of thousands of strangers" 2022-03-05 22:59:28 malvarma we also should reduce complexity there. but for a lot of things, there's also just flexibility that saves us 2022-03-05 22:59:38 juspib i meant like glasses you fill with water to drink 2022-03-05 22:59:54 malvarma like if you run out of coffee, you start making drinks out of chicoree, etc 2022-03-05 23:00:03 juspib why'd you wear eyeglasses, just start seeing better 2022-03-05 23:00:05 elly malvarma: yeah 2022-03-05 23:00:08 bx elly: that quote is like half of my stress towards modern life 2022-03-05 23:00:31 malvarma eyedoctor: snap out of it! 2022-03-05 23:00:52 elly malvarma: yeah! 2022-03-05 23:00:55 malvarma primitive life must be very stressful too though. ever watch that primitive technology guy on youtube? 2022-03-05 23:01:00 elly in that vein, we have been trying to buy more stuff that comes from around here or close by 2022-03-05 23:01:06 elly so it is at least like... less brittle 2022-03-05 23:01:23 piusbird well ty malvarma 2022-03-05 23:01:31 bx malvarma: i was just thinking like grown within a couple miles 2022-03-05 23:01:36 bx rather than primitive 2022-03-05 23:01:52 bx though depending on where you were living primitive sounds kinda calm 2022-03-05 23:01:53 elly there is a grocery delivery service near here that allows you to filter by that (distance the food travelled to get to you) 2022-03-05 23:01:56 malvarma elly: ahahaha no joke, i started drinking more yaupon for that reason 2022-03-05 23:01:56 elly it's very neat 2022-03-05 23:02:32 malvarma most of the things i eat are probably not too dependent on imports, unless im eating them out of season 2022-03-05 23:02:36 juspib i think everyone should make their lives depend on imports from Poland 2022-03-05 23:02:44 juspib that'd be cool 2022-03-05 23:03:27 malvarma the xkcd comic about modern stacks built on some weird package with one maintainer, but it's keilbasa 2022-03-05 23:03:41 elly unironically 2022-03-05 23:04:02 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-05 23:09:59 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-05 23:09:59 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-05 23:09:59 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-05 23:09:59 -- Channel #tildetown: 143 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 141 normals) 2022-03-05 23:10:01 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-05 23:10:11 malvarma its probably not good to judge other people's food too harshly 2022-03-05 23:10:11 dzwdz lent? 2022-03-05 23:10:22 elly lent! 2022-03-05 23:10:24 elly malvarma: it is definitely not good 2022-03-05 23:10:43 malvarma its tradition to sacrafice something for the lenten season. in the past, some people would go without meat or dairy 2022-03-05 23:10:43 dzwdz oh it's a christian thing 2022-03-05 23:10:45 bx i like judge it, but not in gur same way id judge other stuff 2022-03-05 23:10:48 elly yeah 2022-03-05 23:10:49 dzwdz i just had no idea what it was 2022-03-05 23:11:01 elly one of my partners and I are vegan-ing for lent 2022-03-05 23:11:11 malvarma that rules 2022-03-05 23:11:24 juspib the problem with anomals that eat trash is they don't taste very good 2022-03-05 23:11:26 elly it is: hard 2022-03-05 23:11:27 dzwdz i never signed up for eating 2022-03-05 23:11:40 bx ^ 2022-03-05 23:11:53 malvarma you know they say tilapia is a trash fish, but i think they taste fine 2022-03-05 23:12:08 malvarma very basic fish, not very flavorful, but thats what you need sometimes 2022-03-05 23:12:20 natalia i would really like to go vegetarian but i have made probably negative progress towards this 2022-03-05 23:12:31 natalia it will happen but probably not where i am presently 2022-03-05 23:12:34 elly natalia: I have advice if you want 2022-03-05 23:12:35 juspib i have never heard of tilapia 2022-03-05 23:12:40 natalia elly: always appreciate it 2022-03-05 23:12:42 bx not consuming dairy asside from butter and some chocolates has in fact removed quite a few things from my option 2022-03-05 23:12:51 malvarma tilapia is a fish you can farm. so it's 2022-03-05 23:12:54 elly natalia: well, what makes it difficult? 2022-03-05 23:12:56 malvarma ...sustainable?" 2022-03-05 23:13:04 dzwdz i'm thankful that my colon disease is a rocksolid explanation for my horrible (non-)eating habits 2022-03-05 23:13:19 dzwdz imagine just eating food like a normal person 2022-03-05 23:13:25 elly literally can't 2022-03-05 23:13:27 bx No, i dont think i will 2022-03-05 23:13:30 elly (eating disorder survivor over here) 2022-03-05 23:13:34 malvarma tilapia is very cheep too 2022-03-05 23:13:45 bx "normal" people put sauce on things 2022-03-05 23:13:52 bx and layer things 2022-03-05 23:13:59 natalia elly: i live with and partially depend on people who aren't at all interested, mostly! 2022-03-05 23:14:00 juspib according to wikipedia tilapia lives in africa and levant? 2022-03-05 23:14:04 elly fact: there is no "normal" way to eat 2022-03-05 23:14:13 bx true 2022-03-05 23:14:14 malvarma low levels of mercury! Now i love my swordfish but i dont wanna eat that more than once a year 2022-03-05 23:14:29 juspib fact: my way to eat is the normal way to eat 2022-03-05 23:14:33 bx there's mercury in swordfish 2022-03-05 23:14:35 bx ? 2022-03-05 23:14:40 juspib and i eat when i am hungry or bored 2022-03-05 23:14:42 elly natalia: ah, gotcha - that is very tough, but IME most meat-eaters will also happily eat vegetarian dishes, at least part of the time 2022-03-05 23:14:56 malvarma yeah its pretty high in swordfish. but yo, that's like the steak of fish. if i liked steak. 2022-03-05 23:15:08 natalia another barrier: my knowledge about food and nutrition is awful and i'm not sure where to start. seems like something i just oops! missed out on at the age other people were supposed to Know about it 2022-03-05 23:15:08 elly like, for example, scrambled eggs + potatos for breakfast, or something 2022-03-05 23:15:17 elly ooh 2022-03-05 23:15:37 malvarma oh i dont think anyone teaches people proper nutrition. or cooking. it seems like you just have to be lucky. 2022-03-05 23:15:48 bx malvarma: i wonder how it gets in there, could you like filter it somehow 2022-03-05 23:15:49 elly well, there is a lot of stuff out there you can read, but also it's not too hard to do a mostly ok job 2022-03-05 23:15:53 natalia i would like to first cut out beef and pork probably 2022-03-05 23:15:55 elly bodies mostly aren't that picky 2022-03-05 23:16:19 bx elly: uhhhh 2022-03-05 23:16:24 natalia which i.. honestly i probably do eat less of both of those now; just because the thought of it is less appealing 2022-03-05 23:16:34 malvarma yeah i dont think you have to pick things apart. just eat a variety of foods, and not too many highly processed ones 2022-03-05 23:16:36 natalia that wasn ot supposed to be a semicolon 2022-03-05 23:16:40 elly so you can kinda do like... "each meal has a protein and a carb, I eat leaves at least once a day" and roll with that 2022-03-05 23:16:54 elly asterisk, if you have special nutritional needs talk to your doctor 2022-03-05 23:17:01 malvarma plus its dependent on what fits your body and lifestyle 2022-03-05 23:17:05 elly yeah 2022-03-05 23:17:26 natalia i need to get better at meal preparation too. i have a pretty long-term low energy for it so i have to work it into a system that works well for me 2022-03-05 23:17:39 elly the *best* thing to do is, during and after eating, reflect on how you feel, and eat foods that feel good to eat and that you feel good after eating 2022-03-05 23:17:42 elly that is a good signal 2022-03-05 23:18:10 elly for cooking, practice more than anything 2022-03-05 23:18:14 elly practice breeds confidence 2022-03-05 23:18:16 malvarma im doing a food journal. thats probably not good for someone with an eating disorder. i dont think i have one though 2022-03-05 23:18:25 malvarma it taught me that i eat a lot of weird things at 1AM 2022-03-05 23:18:33 elly malvarma: if you want to food journal, and have disordered eating, STRONG STRONG recommend for Recovery Record 2022-03-05 23:18:51 malvarma right, you had showed me that 2022-03-05 23:19:11 malvarma i read more of your post after that. it's fascinating the thought they put into making a program that supports people 2022-03-05 23:19:15 elly yeah :) 2022-03-05 23:19:17 dzwdz > eat foods that feel good to eat 2022-03-05 23:19:22 dzwdz aaaaand how do you find those? 2022-03-05 23:19:28 dzwdz when i look for recipes, 99% look repulsing 2022-03-05 23:19:44 malvarma its almost as much effort that some companies put into how to manipulate and exploit people 2022-03-05 23:19:46 elly I do it by sometimes trying things even if I think I will dislike them 2022-03-05 23:19:52 elly not always, but sometimes 2022-03-05 23:20:04 malvarma its good to see that better things ar possible, if we work together 2022-03-05 23:20:08 elly malvarma: indeed 2022-03-05 23:20:10 dzwdz it's so fucking hard though 2022-03-05 23:20:16 elly a lot of worthwhile things are hard 2022-03-05 23:20:33 bx most in fact 2022-03-05 23:20:36 malvarma dzwdz: what do you like to eat normally? 2022-03-05 23:20:45 elly it took me a long time to develop food habits and routines that support my life instead of detracting from it 2022-03-05 23:20:48 * bx should try and get back into eating apples/beats 2022-03-05 23:20:49 elly but it was highly worthwhile 2022-03-05 23:20:58 dzwdz malvarma: i don't really want to talk about that, sorry 2022-03-05 23:21:04 malvarma no worries i get it 2022-03-05 23:21:57 dzwdz my current plan for dealing with this is: 2022-03-05 23:21:59 dzwdz don't 2022-03-05 23:22:20 bx most unfamiliar/odd food textures my brain kinda like, rejects 2022-03-05 23:22:26 dzwdz and then once i have a partner hope that instead of being a dealbreaker for them, they'll help me guide that somehow 2022-03-05 23:22:27 elly bx: valid 2022-03-05 23:22:44 malvarma if you have a difficult relationship with food, or you are averse to many foods, then looking for recipies is besides the point 2022-03-05 23:23:06 bx it takes me like a long time to adjust to a new one 2022-03-05 23:23:06 elly I had a nutritionist who was a big help to me, also 2022-03-05 23:23:16 elly both in terms of finding foods and in terms of getting confident with food and cooking 2022-03-05 23:23:23 bx That seems like a smart move 2022-03-05 23:23:32 bx i mostly like cooking 2022-03-05 23:23:37 dzwdz i talked to my therapist about this but she didn't help much at all 2022-03-05 23:23:48 elly yeah, you want a nutrition specialist generally 2022-03-05 23:24:00 dzwdz but 2022-03-05 23:24:18 dzwdz considering that this won't affect me until i start living with other people 2022-03-05 23:24:26 dzwdz i've mentioned the plan 2022-03-05 23:24:34 elly you do you 2022-03-05 23:24:42 malvarma take it one step at a time 2022-03-05 23:25:11 elly natalia: btw, one more tip for being with non-vegetarians: cook, and produce a meal that is mostly vegetarian, has a meat component for them, and a non-meat replacement component for you 2022-03-05 23:25:38 natalia i like that one :) 2022-03-05 23:25:50 dzwdz i'd love to switch to vegetarianism if i was able to 2022-03-05 23:26:07 elly natalia: it works well! our old household in new york had 2 vegans, 2 vegetarians, and one person who really liked meat 2022-03-05 23:26:12 elly and we made it work by having meals that were parts like that 2022-03-05 23:26:55 malvarma i knew a guy who had food issues, and started the soylent thing, and i thought it was odd, but it helped him actually eat stuff besides pizza, so now i dont make soylent jokes 2022-03-05 23:27:08 dzwdz soylent? 2022-03-05 23:27:24 elly malvarma: yeah! soylent used to be a one of my main depression foods 2022-03-05 23:27:27 dzwdz oh is that just like liquid food 2022-03-05 23:27:30 malvarma which i totally did, when it came out, because of the hubris of some hacker news bro thinking they could just crush up vitimins and put it ini a drink 2022-03-05 23:27:39 malvarma and that would be all you need 2022-03-05 23:27:47 bx i take it that did not work? 2022-03-05 23:27:56 natalia tbh, being vegetarian is mostly a subset of like, properly doing Food In General for me, which i need a lot of work to work out 2022-03-05 23:27:56 elly the like "can't get myself to prepare even a simple meal but at least I can drink this" worked well for me 2022-03-05 23:28:04 natalia and some of that might just depend on weird mental state things for me but i'm okay with that 2022-03-05 23:28:10 malvarma and i still have reservations about the company, but i see that it does have a use for people who supplement their meals with it. though it's probably a bit expensive 2022-03-05 23:28:20 elly natalia: for me, the real thing I had to put a lot of work into was making conscious and deliberate food choices 2022-03-05 23:28:27 elly vs picking stuff because it was convenient or for emotional reasons 2022-03-05 23:28:50 elly once I was able to get that change to mostly stick, then it was a lot easier to adjust anything else 2022-03-05 23:29:32 malvarma some days im bagel, other days im pizza 2022-03-05 23:29:43 juspib hot take 2022-03-05 23:29:48 juspib food is cringe 2022-03-05 23:29:48 elly valid to eat pizza or bagels 2022-03-05 23:29:53 elly juspib: terrible take 2022-03-05 23:29:56 dzwdz juspib: good take 2022-03-05 23:29:59 natalia food is BASED 2022-03-05 23:30:04 dzwdz on what 2022-03-05 23:30:08 malvarma organic chemistry 2022-03-05 23:30:14 elly carbon compounds, yeah 2022-03-05 23:30:17 juspib based on deez nuts 2022-03-05 23:30:22 dzwdz :ooooooooo 2022-03-05 23:30:26 malvarma nuts are food and thats cringe 2022-03-05 23:30:37 dzwdz depends on the kind of nuts 2022-03-05 23:30:45 malvarma true 2022-03-05 23:30:52 dzwdz i suppose the other kind is eatable too 2022-03-05 23:31:02 malvarma well testicles are afood too. they call them rocky mountain oysters 2022-03-05 23:31:10 bx i like pistachios, but taking gur shells off is kinda a time sink 2022-03-05 23:31:25 bx malvarma: wait what 2022-03-05 23:31:36 bx is it gur teste OF an oyseter? 2022-03-05 23:31:41 juspib i like my sunflower seeds crunchy 2022-03-05 23:31:43 elly of a bull 2022-03-05 23:32:17 bx Oh 2022-03-05 23:32:52 bx do you get any extra nutrition out of it 2022-03-05 23:33:31 elly in re: food knowledge: I really like this post https://www.grubstreet.com/2018/03/ultimate-conversation-on-healthy-eating-and-nutrition.html 2022-03-05 23:34:44 malvarma bx yes its some kind of meat, you get callories 2022-03-05 23:34:48 malvarma i have never eaten such a thing 2022-03-05 23:35:16 malvarma i have strict dietary laws, that i tell people are religious, but actually it's just my food preferences encoded into law 2022-03-05 23:35:51 elly do you like them? 2022-03-05 23:37:03 juspib my organism has two rules regarding food, 1. no bad food 2. no meat in soups, unless it's sausage 2022-03-05 23:37:08 malvarma no cow parts for me. just milk. that should gross me out. but it doesnt 2022-03-05 23:38:10 malvarma im drinking milk. from a cow. how is that not weird 2022-03-05 23:38:43 malvarma oh well in other news, i should get going. wishing everyone a happy whatever day it is, and a fruitful whatever tomorrow is! 2022-03-05 23:38:48 bx elly: this is an intresting article 2022-03-05 23:38:50 dzwdz cya 2022-03-05 23:38:52 malvarma good night morning 2022-03-05 23:38:56 <-- malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-05 23:38:59 juspib happy sleeping 2022-03-05 23:39:09 juspib i have some good sleeps lately 2022-03-05 23:39:09 bx laters malvarma 2022-03-05 23:39:17 elly bx: it is very good 2022-03-05 23:39:39 dzwdz what's it about? 2022-03-05 23:39:54 dzwdz healthy eating as in physically healthy or also mentally healthy 2022-03-05 23:40:43 bx so far this seems to be physically 2022-03-05 23:40:51 bx thought im not all gur way thru 2022-03-05 23:40:54 elly physically, yeah 2022-03-05 23:41:02 elly it doesn't talk about the mental health aspects of eating at all 2022-03-05 23:41:06 dzwdz ah 2022-03-05 23:41:13 dzwdz not what i expected considering how this convo was going 2022-03-05 23:41:33 elly yeah, I was replying to natalia mentioning earlier that they don't really know much about how to eat in a nourishing way 2022-03-05 23:42:28 natalia aha re this article 2022-03-05 23:42:28 dzwdz ahh 2022-03-05 23:42:38 natalia What happens if I eat too much yogurt? 2022-03-05 23:42:40 natalia We have no idea. Probably you get full. 2022-03-05 23:42:45 elly haha yes 2022-03-05 23:45:30 dzwdz i wonder what would be the implications of some scifi drug that'd let people photosynthesise 2022-03-05 23:46:27 elly if we got energy from sunlight? that would be rad 2022-03-05 23:46:39 bx you probs wont get much though 2022-03-05 23:46:46 dzwdz fuck yeah it would 2022-03-05 23:46:54 elly we don't have much surface area compared to plants, it's true 2022-03-05 23:46:57 bx plants dont have gur energy to have muscles for a reason 2022-03-05 23:46:58 dzwdz but it also sounds like something that an interesting story could be written about 2022-03-05 23:47:03 bx Truue 2022-03-05 23:47:13 bx i'd be down to just eat soil and water 2022-03-05 23:47:17 dzwdz we could sleep for longer in the sunlight 2022-03-05 23:47:21 bx and have leaves on my head 2022-03-05 23:47:23 dzwdz and be active in the night 2022-03-05 23:47:28 dzwdz like a shittier version of vampires 2022-03-05 23:47:38 elly I think we would probably still need other food to get the right nutrients 2022-03-05 23:48:10 dzwdz hm 2022-03-05 23:48:25 dzwdz i was picturing a world where you could live only off photosynthesis 2022-03-05 23:48:44 elly ah, that would be a pretty big change 2022-03-05 23:48:47 dzwdz any other ways we could get energy other than photosynthesis? 2022-03-05 23:48:51 dzwdz that don't require eating 2022-03-05 23:48:53 elly photosynthesis produces glucose from sunlight but you need a lot of other stuff to live 2022-03-05 23:48:56 dzwdz we could modify the premise a bit 2022-03-05 23:48:56 elly like, vitamins and minerals 2022-03-05 23:49:16 elly but maybe you could take a drug that both contains those vitamins/minerals and makes you photosynthesize 2022-03-05 23:50:11 bx or eat soil! 2022-03-05 23:50:31 dzwdz i'll pass, the area i live in is way too polluted 2022-03-05 23:50:31 extratone if any of you are looking for stuff to watch, legitimately the most creative yearly event I know of is about to happen. https://youtu.be/_CGCIKqHhp0 2022-03-05 23:50:46 elly what is it? 2022-03-05 23:51:06 extratone it's hard to describe, but it's called the Viyda Gaem Awards. 2022-03-05 23:51:21 extratone I always describe it to people as the most insane motion graphics flex I've ever seen lol 2022-03-05 23:51:32 extratone I do not play or follow video games but I watch every year. 2022-03-05 23:52:31 bx after watching gur "Danger humans" video and reading some of deathworlders, ive wondered what a planet where plant like things are gur most inflential species would look like, would they maybe have gur normal ground based plant bodies with a moving bit that is is thetherd/undocks 2022-03-05 23:53:08 bx kinda being like humans but instead of consuming gur plants their integerated as one being, they give over gur nutrients willingly as an extention of gur body, rather than as food 2022-03-05 23:53:15 dzwdz i went to their channel, clicked on a random old video 2022-03-05 23:53:20 dzwdz skipped to a random portion 2022-03-05 23:53:27 dzwdz and they're saying r*tard over and over again 2022-03-05 23:53:30 dzwdz great look 2022-03-05 23:53:37 extratone REALLY??? the VGAs???? 2022-03-05 23:53:56 dzwdz 2019 director's cut, blue checkmark award 2022-03-05 23:54:07 extratone I'm sorry I had no idea. 2022-03-05 23:54:11 dzwdz lol np 2022-03-05 23:54:24 extratone I watched that show! not the director's cut though. 2022-03-05 23:54:59 extratone that's weird because my family will freely use the n word but the r word is absolutely banned. I'm surprised I didn' pick it up. 2022-03-05 23:55:10 dzwdz wait wait hold up 2022-03-05 23:55:14 dzwdz aren't you white 2022-03-05 23:56:36 extratone yes. I shouldn't say "freely" like it happens often, but my siblings are terrible people tbh. 2022-03-05 23:56:56 extratone two of my sisters are members of Moms for Liberty - the people taking books away from children. 2022-03-05 23:57:09 elly yuck 2022-03-05 23:57:20 bx that's sad 2022-03-05 23:58:00 dzwdz oh those guys 2022-03-05 23:58:06 extratone that issue in particular is hateful imo. but yeah the ignorance is sad in general. 2022-03-05 23:58:29 extratone but no r word! lol 2022-03-06 00:00:45 juspib im making a metaverse rn 2022-03-06 00:01:05 bx yuck 2022-03-06 00:01:11 elly good luck 2022-03-06 00:01:30 extratone make a metaverse in tiddlywiki 2022-03-06 00:01:33 juspib i'll invite u when it's ready 2022-03-06 00:02:18 elly oh, no thanks 2022-03-06 00:02:23 elly I have a strict one universe limit 2022-03-06 00:03:01 dzwdz goodnight town 2022-03-06 00:03:20 juspib nite 2022-03-06 00:03:26 dzwdz you should go to sleep too 2022-03-06 00:03:30 bx gn 2022-03-06 00:03:46 bx im gonna sleep as well 2022-03-06 00:05:55 juspib the metaverse just had its first backend upgrade 2022-03-06 00:06:06 juspib from mtpaint to gimp 2022-03-06 00:06:38 natalia playing with cqueues today, for an irc bot 2022-03-06 00:07:06 natalia if i am being honest it is frankly a little annoying 2022-03-06 00:07:50 natalia it promises (and delivers!) a nice polling-based async system for lua, but like, it only provides networking utilities to do so, and you have to rewrite a lot of what is basically the same code anyway to provide a similar interface for, say, asyncronously reading lines from a file 2022-03-06 00:08:42 elly time for upstream patches? :) 2022-03-06 00:10:07 natalia maybe! :) 2022-03-06 00:10:44 natalia tbh, there's probably a lot of good, socket-dependent reasons why it only exposes a socket interface; i mean like, i have to rewrite the same code, but they would probably have to make significant changes too 2022-03-06 00:11:32 natalia however cqueues IS smart and like, i can make my own non-blocking interfaces on file descriptors -- i can probably make a nice just-lua-and-luaposix library for it 2022-03-06 00:17:36 extratone I think I just successfully edited my weechat config file for the first time. 2022-03-06 00:17:45 extratone *applause* 2022-03-06 00:19:08 agafnd By hand? 2022-03-06 00:19:39 agafnd (as in, not with /set or /fset ?) 2022-03-06 00:23:26 extratone by hand with nano 2022-03-06 00:25:30 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-06 00:28:55 llamanator Does town chat notify everyone whenever someone joins and leaves the chat? How does everyone have this client open all the time? 2022-03-06 00:29:26 petra Normally people have joins and parts set to, at minimum, not send notifications 2022-03-06 00:29:31 natalia does town chat notify: yes, as do all irc rooms, but some people hide the messages 2022-03-06 00:29:48 natalia how: with tmux usually--oh i think i. misread the question 2022-03-06 00:31:08 extratone now imagine keeping it open all the time on your multitasking-throttled cecullar telephone. 2022-03-06 00:31:25 elly I have joins/parts/quits hidden in irssi 2022-03-06 00:31:39 elly but yeah people definitely leave clients open 2022-03-06 00:36:20 juspib what's some cool furniture/equipment 2022-03-06 00:36:36 agafnd generally? 2022-03-06 00:37:16 juspib yea 2022-03-06 00:37:23 natalia oh my 2022-03-06 00:37:31 natalia the cqueues code has F U L L S P A C E headers 2022-03-06 00:37:39 natalia not like actual fullspace just space-spaced 2022-03-06 00:42:16 extratone grandfather clocks are cool. 2022-03-06 00:47:55 llamanator They have a somewhat rustic and old school charm to them for me. 2022-03-06 00:49:37 extratone they can also terrify, which is a plus. 2022-03-06 00:49:58 extratone the louder the bong the better in my (nonexistant) household 2022-03-06 00:50:43 natalia https://github.com/wahern/cqueues/issues/49 this is a fun one 2022-03-06 00:59:58 llamanator cd "/home/lamanator/Desktop/Git/CrackingTheInterview/" 2022-03-06 01:00:06 natalia true 2022-03-06 01:13:51 juspib my metaverse is ready 2022-03-06 01:13:54 juspib https://tilde.uwuowo.com/ 2022-03-06 01:18:33 juspib goin to sleep gn 2022-03-06 01:19:33 extratone very cute for a metaverse, I say. 2022-03-06 01:26:31 @vilmibm indeed 2022-03-06 01:26:33 @vilmibm i like it 2022-03-06 01:27:08 extratone gotta go grocery shopping now but I'll probably be back townists. 2022-03-06 01:27:14 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-06 10:52:15 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-06 10:52:15 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-06 10:52:15 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-06 10:52:15 -- Channel #tildetown: 143 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 141 normals) 2022-03-06 10:52:17 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-06 11:16:23 the_default there were a few job listings a while back for cleaners that i honestly considered applying for. they actually paid well (considering they're hiring unskilled teenagers) 2022-03-06 11:16:29 the_default but i just have no time 2022-03-06 11:16:37 the_default maybe when i get my shit together 2022-03-06 11:17:05 the_default (and ofc the first (and probably only) thing i talk about when i join chat is me) 2022-03-06 11:17:15 the_default (maybe i should try twitch streaming) 2022-03-06 11:20:32 extratone I think talking about you is more than okay/expected! 2022-03-06 11:20:45 extratone but maybe that's because I just talk about me lol. 2022-03-06 11:21:07 extratone cleaning in general? or a specific type of cleaning? 2022-03-06 11:21:15 dzwdz this is related to what we were talking before too, sooo 2022-03-06 11:21:17 dzwdz also hi 2022-03-06 11:23:22 extratone good morning again. 2022-03-06 11:23:31 the_default hi dzwdz and extratone 2022-03-06 11:23:50 bub hi the_default 2022-03-06 11:23:57 the_default o/ 2022-03-06 11:24:04 bub \o 2022-03-06 11:33:07 extratone \o/ 2022-03-06 11:43:26 login as long as stuff keeps getting dirty, cleaners are in demand 2022-03-06 11:43:38 login same with hair 2022-03-06 11:49:07 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-06 12:02:46 extratone The End of Filth 2022-03-06 12:17:20 the_default ShoeBox Texture Ripper 2022-03-06 12:17:31 the_default i use it because i have no choice 2022-03-06 12:17:37 the_default it is so good at what it does 2022-03-06 12:17:48 the_default but does it in a horrible adobe AIR way 2022-03-06 12:17:52 the_default with floating windows 2022-03-06 12:17:59 the_default that don't play nice with my tiling wm 2022-03-06 12:18:01 the_default at all 2022-03-06 12:18:04 the_default it's so jank 2022-03-06 12:18:14 the_default and because it runs in actionscript 2022-03-06 12:18:15 dzwdz does your wm not support floating mode? 2022-03-06 12:18:25 dzwdz oh god, that's a name i haven't heard in a long time 2022-03-06 12:18:32 the_default it does, it's just this app (running in wine), really doesnt like it 2022-03-06 12:18:50 the_default who tf is like: ok we need to deal with transforming large images, time to use actionscript 2022-03-06 12:19:29 the_default and i know, i'm complaining about stuff i don't understand 2022-03-06 12:19:31 the_default but still 2022-03-06 12:19:57 dzwdz they just used whatever they had experience with 2022-03-06 12:20:29 the_default yeah, i know that's the real answer. more suprised i couldn't easily find a modern replacement 2022-03-06 12:20:40 the_default that's probably me being lazy with google 2022-03-06 12:20:45 the_default s/google/search engine/ 2022-03-06 12:20:46 sedbot that's probably me being lazy with search engine 2022-03-06 12:29:05 the_default and how it only lets you drag and drop files into it to load them. but saves using a normal dialogue 2022-03-06 12:39:34 <-- the_default (the_default@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-06 12:45:05 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-06 12:45:08 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-06 12:45:08 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-06 12:45:08 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-06 12:45:08 -- Channel #tildetown: 143 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 141 normals) 2022-03-06 12:45:10 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-06 13:38:58 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-06 14:46:40 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-06 14:46:40 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-06 14:46:40 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-06 14:46:40 -- Channel #tildetown: 143 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 141 normals) 2022-03-06 14:46:42 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-06 14:46:51 natalia birds are just these little guys that are around 2022-03-06 14:46:54 bx palmdrop: aw, what makes it ugly? 2022-03-06 14:46:59 extratone howdy normals. 2022-03-06 14:47:18 bx who you callin normal?!? \1/2j 2022-03-06 14:47:39 extratone I don't know that's just what the stats say! 2022-03-06 14:47:44 bx natalia: love that you named it waso.gif 2022-03-06 14:47:56 bx extratone: which stats???? 2022-03-06 14:48:10 extratone weechat. 2022-03-06 14:48:15 bx O 2022-03-06 14:48:56 dzwdz does it make sense to use opml for storing subscribtions internally? 2022-03-06 14:49:15 palmdrop bx: it's a concrete lumb, but not even the cool brutalist kind, it got some tiled white facade thing all over 2022-03-06 14:49:36 bx do you have one of gur tiles? 2022-03-06 14:49:48 extratone the join message, I should say. https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/floraverse.png 2022-03-06 14:49:51 bx Im picturing a bathroom tile 2022-03-06 14:50:05 palmdrop noo not really tiles, more like white panes, fairly large 2022-03-06 14:50:12 palmdrop I don't have any :( 2022-03-06 14:50:41 bx Ooo I see 2022-03-06 14:51:11 bx Do you get a cool view at least? 2022-03-06 14:51:45 palmdrop yeah we see a large portion of the town and some hills/baby mountains 2022-03-06 14:52:18 palmdrop a lot better than the last place that was on ground level 2022-03-06 14:52:58 bx >baby mountains 2022-03-06 14:53:05 bx thats a nice way of putting it 2022-03-06 14:53:24 bx if gur plates are coming together they may actually be growing! 2022-03-06 14:54:03 palmdrop speaking of 2022-03-06 14:54:05 palmdrop !water 2022-03-06 14:54:05 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-03-06 14:54:09 palmdrop still sreed 2022-03-06 14:54:11 palmdrop seed* 2022-03-06 14:54:31 palmdrop want to see something I made? 2022-03-06 14:54:40 bx Yea, shoot 2022-03-06 14:54:51 palmdrop https://palmdrop.github.io/slices/ 2022-03-06 14:55:26 palmdrop press the button in the bottom to get variations 2022-03-06 14:55:34 bx i like it 2022-03-06 14:55:36 bx what is it 2022-03-06 14:55:52 palmdrop it's uuuuh a photo project sort of 2022-03-06 14:55:57 bx it looks really pretty 2022-03-06 14:56:11 bx but i have no idea whats going on with those side bits, are tehy textures ? 2022-03-06 14:56:25 palmdrop I like interfaces and want to play around with them 2022-03-06 14:56:41 palmdrop if you hover the 3d shape in the middle the images on the sides will change 2022-03-06 14:56:48 palmdrop the textures are zooms from photos 2022-03-06 14:57:04 palmdrop that's the project, sort of, grabbing textures/details/patterns from photos I take 2022-03-06 14:58:19 bx OH 2022-03-06 14:58:23 bx I was clicking on gur textures lol 2022-03-06 14:59:57 bx do you know those chinese lanterns? 2022-03-06 15:00:08 bx gur ones that float after you light them 2022-03-06 15:00:16 palmdrop yeah 2022-03-06 15:00:33 bx gur colours on what ive gotten remind me of that, a nice warm vibe 2022-03-06 15:00:43 palmdrop some of them will do that 2022-03-06 15:01:32 palmdrop fun fact the 3d thing is based on html/css so you can rightclick any image and save it or open in a tab 2022-03-06 15:01:34 bx I like it allot, thanks for sharing it 2022-03-06 15:01:40 palmdrop glad you liked it 2022-03-06 15:01:45 bx wait what 2022-03-06 15:01:50 bx i assumed this was webgl 2022-03-06 15:03:16 bx is there a place i can view gur code for it ? 2022-03-06 15:03:38 palmdrop https://github.com/palmdrop/slices 2022-03-06 15:03:51 palmdrop it's a svelte app with three.js using the CSS3DRenderer 2022-03-06 15:04:04 palmdrop so no webgl canvas, but three.js for 3d transformations 2022-03-06 15:04:22 bx threejs has a cssrenderer? 2022-03-06 15:04:37 palmdrop yes! 2022-03-06 15:04:51 palmdrop or, it's not in the main bundle 2022-03-06 15:04:54 bx its been too long since i played with it, but i was amazed that you could do 3d games in a browser as a teenager 2022-03-06 15:05:35 bx why 1000x707px 2022-03-06 15:05:41 palmdrop browsers have become insanely powerful 2022-03-06 15:05:56 palmdrop because golden ratio haha 2022-03-06 15:06:10 palmdrop or hmm 2022-03-06 15:06:28 bx golden ratio? 2022-03-06 15:06:43 extratone does anyone recognize this ringtone? 2022-03-06 15:06:44 extratone https://sndup.net/f79d 2022-03-06 15:07:06 extratone golden ration definitely has to do with pee. 2022-03-06 15:07:09 extratone ratio* 2022-03-06 15:07:30 palmdrop not sure 1000x707 actually is the golden ratio 2022-03-06 15:09:22 palmdrop it's not. I thought that was why I picked it 2022-03-06 15:10:04 bx so 2022-03-06 15:10:04 palmdrop but well it's based on sqrt(2). 1000/sqrt(2) === 707 2022-03-06 15:10:30 bx whats so good about sqrt(2)? 2022-03-06 15:10:50 palmdrop if you split the long side in half 2022-03-06 15:10:58 palmdrop the two new parts will have the same proportions 2022-03-06 15:11:25 palmdrop which is cool I guess? 2022-03-06 15:11:43 palmdrop uuh need to tend to the laundry 2022-03-06 15:13:34 bx have a good laundry! 2022-03-06 15:13:53 bx palmdrop: that sounds like A4 paper 2022-03-06 15:13:58 bx and also A5 paper 2022-03-06 15:19:19 palmdrop yeah I'm pretty sure a lot of paper standards use those proportions 2022-03-06 15:19:43 palmdrop laundry was not dry yet :( 2022-03-06 15:20:45 bx Dryer? 2022-03-06 15:20:55 juspib i love sndup's logo alt text 2022-03-06 15:20:56 bx palmdrop: intresting 2022-03-06 15:21:05 juspib like a heraldic blazon description 2022-03-06 15:21:58 palmdrop bx: using the dryer but it's trash 2022-03-06 15:22:02 palmdrop really old 2022-03-06 15:22:52 * bx hasnt used a dryer 2022-03-06 15:23:06 bx i was kinda under gur impression that they worked but just used a ton of power 2022-03-06 15:23:48 palmdrop yeah I mean it works but takes a lot of time 2022-03-06 15:24:28 bx do you have to like sit with it? 2022-03-06 15:24:30 palmdrop luckily we don't have to worry about powering the washing machine or dryer, we got a shared one on our floor 2022-03-06 15:24:49 palmdrop well anyone on our floor can walk in and steal clothes if they like 2022-03-06 15:24:55 bx ah 2022-03-06 15:25:05 palmdrop but I'm pretty sure no one will so I never watch over it 2022-03-06 15:25:11 bx was gonna say 2022-03-06 15:25:13 palmdrop don't think anyone does 2022-03-06 15:25:18 bx its seems like a dumb crime 2022-03-06 15:25:20 bx and 2022-03-06 15:25:36 bx someone elses clothes could be kinda grimey 2022-03-06 15:27:02 palmdrop yupp 2022-03-06 15:27:34 palmdrop btw have to leave now, see you! 2022-03-06 15:27:52 bx laters! 2022-03-06 15:28:13 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-06 15:28:46 dzwdz so i'm not going to wash the nail polish off, probably 2022-03-06 15:28:58 dzwdz odds on getting called a faggot in school? 2022-03-06 15:29:52 bx idk, polish school sounds harsher on that 2022-03-06 15:30:04 bx though 2022-03-06 15:30:12 bx i also might have a skewed image 2022-03-06 15:36:21 juspib i give it 5% though idk your school 2022-03-06 15:41:24 nihilazo important question 2022-03-06 15:41:28 nihilazo if you name something, does that make it yours 2022-03-06 15:41:42 bx no 2022-03-06 15:41:49 bx people name thier children 2022-03-06 15:42:03 bx and also i name allot of rodents and bugs 2022-03-06 15:42:12 bx they just kinda exist in gur garden 2022-03-06 15:42:17 juspib if you name it then it means that you named it 2022-03-06 15:42:26 dzwdz if you give someone a nickname then they're yours 2022-03-06 15:42:36 nihilazo dzwdz no 2022-03-06 15:42:50 nihilazo go to horny jail 2022-03-06 15:42:56 bx dzwdz: what if they dont like gur nickname 2022-03-06 15:42:57 dzwdz dude what 2022-03-06 15:43:06 dzwdz i was thinking slavery 2022-03-06 15:43:08 dzwdz perv 2022-03-06 15:43:20 nihilazo giving somebody a nickname makes them a slave???? 2022-03-06 15:43:22 dzwdz bx: they have to 2022-03-06 15:43:24 dzwdz yes 2022-03-06 15:43:29 dzwdz nico 2022-03-06 15:43:35 nihilazo what are you smoking rn dz 2022-03-06 15:43:45 dzwdz > if you name something, does that make it yours 2022-03-06 15:43:49 dzwdz it's the logical conclusion? 2022-03-06 15:43:57 nihilazo what the fuck 2022-03-06 15:44:11 dzwdz depends on your exact definition of owning a human i guess 2022-03-06 15:44:27 nihilazo we're not talking about the ownership of humans, we're only talking about names 2022-03-06 15:44:34 nihilazo specifically the name of a toy shark 2022-03-06 15:44:42 nihilazo for the shark thief is back 2022-03-06 15:44:45 juspib you own a human when you can take their kidney and they won't be upset 2022-03-06 15:44:53 bx nihilazo: i mean it was already your shark 2022-03-06 15:44:57 dzwdz name the shark thief 2022-03-06 15:45:03 juspib gregory 2022-03-06 15:45:16 dzwdz wait, are they using that argument? 2022-03-06 15:45:22 nihilazo yes 2022-03-06 15:45:26 bx well they wrong 2022-03-06 15:45:30 dzwdz give them a nickname and say that you own them now 2022-03-06 15:45:32 nihilazo they say that they own the shark because they named it 2022-03-06 15:45:44 nihilazo no because they already named themselves 2022-03-06 15:45:50 nihilazo I can't rename them 2022-03-06 15:45:54 dzwdz things have more than one name 2022-03-06 15:45:57 bx ^ 2022-03-06 15:45:58 dzwdz you're both nico and nihilazo 2022-03-06 15:46:02 dzwdz and things can have more than one owner 2022-03-06 15:46:12 bx no, sharks are loyal 2022-03-06 15:46:18 nihilazo exactly bx 2022-03-06 15:46:19 bx loyal to one person and one only 2022-03-06 15:46:21 dzwdz what if a couple owns a shark 2022-03-06 15:46:27 juspib in fact you're nico, nihilazo and tadeu 2022-03-06 15:46:29 bx there'll be a favorite 2022-03-06 15:46:44 nihilazo tadeu? juspib 2022-03-06 15:46:50 nihilazo did you just name me that right now 2022-03-06 15:46:54 juspib yea 2022-03-06 15:46:56 dzwdz he owns you, sorry 2022-03-06 15:47:28 nihilazo ok derek 2022-03-06 15:47:36 nihilazo I own you now too dzwdz bc I names you derek 2022-03-06 15:47:59 dzwdz uwu 2022-03-06 15:48:03 dzwdz wait, fucking derek? 2022-03-06 15:48:05 dzwdz come on 2022-03-06 15:48:12 dzwdz pick a better name 2022-03-06 15:48:22 nihilazo lmao 2022-03-06 15:48:26 nihilazo no 2022-03-06 15:48:30 dzwdz fuck off 2022-03-06 15:48:32 bx cragmiester weltsmertz VI 2022-03-06 15:48:36 dzwdz i'm naming you thatcher 2022-03-06 15:49:21 * bx really hates that a piece of shit pm was able to ruin gur image of a nice roof 2022-03-06 15:49:59 nihilazo dzwdz: you are EVIL 2022-03-06 15:50:04 dzwdz - thatcher 2022-03-06 15:50:13 nihilazo ok derek 2022-03-06 15:50:20 dzwdz nothing wrong's with derek 2022-03-06 15:50:22 dzwdz i'll let you know 2022-03-06 15:50:29 login who? 2022-03-06 15:50:35 dzwdz i had a classmate named derek in early primary school 2022-03-06 15:50:46 dzwdz i played worms armageddon on my old nokia every day after class for hours at a time 2022-03-06 15:50:56 dzwdz good guy 2022-03-06 15:50:58 login in primary cshool? 2022-03-06 15:51:04 login you had a nokia in primary school? 2022-03-06 15:51:08 dzwdz e66 2022-03-06 15:51:25 login there was a time when kids weren't allowed phones 2022-03-06 15:51:31 dzwdz yeah they banned them 2022-03-06 15:51:36 dzwdz to get us to talk 2022-03-06 15:51:43 dzwdz to each other 2022-03-06 15:51:46 dzwdz which was greaaaaaaaat 2022-03-06 15:51:57 juspib cat /town/square/darkmarket 2022-03-06 15:51:59 dzwdz i was often just circling the school pretending to be busy 2022-03-06 15:52:13 dzwdz man, primary school was depressing af 2022-03-06 15:53:10 juspib i like worms 2022-03-06 15:53:29 bx im gonnna go eat then try and work 2022-03-06 15:53:31 bx laters town 2022-03-06 15:53:35 dzwdz cya 2022-03-06 15:53:39 juspib bye 2022-03-06 15:53:53 juspib dzwdz let's play worms 2022-03-06 15:54:07 dzwdz i don't have any downloaded 2022-03-06 15:54:07 login what is darkmarket? 2022-03-06 15:54:11 login dzwdz: try 'tron' 2022-03-06 15:54:14 login it's similar enough to worms 2022-03-06 15:54:14 dzwdz i have wmd on steam 2022-03-06 15:54:20 juspib neither do i 2022-03-06 15:54:23 login wmd = weapons of mass d? 2022-03-06 15:54:25 dzwdz login: we're talking about different worms 2022-03-06 15:54:32 login dzwdz: alright 2022-03-06 15:54:33 dzwdz mass DICKS 2022-03-06 15:54:34 juspib i'm not saying "lets play worms right now" 2022-03-06 15:54:37 dzwdz ah ok 2022-03-06 15:54:41 dzwdz i'm not up to play rn either 2022-03-06 15:55:03 juspib yea i'm preparing for niedziela wieczur 2022-03-06 15:55:07 login do any of you play 'da'/ 2022-03-06 15:55:10 login s/\//? 2022-03-06 15:55:11 sedbot do any of you play 'da'? 2022-03-06 15:55:20 dzwdz eh, i'm planning to have humor zepsuty then 2022-03-06 15:55:26 login daily adventure 2022-03-06 15:55:28 dzwdz worms could interfere 2022-03-06 15:57:34 juspib oh worms wmd is -80% on steam, i might get them 2022-03-06 15:58:10 dzwdz i have no clue if they'll even run on my pc 2022-03-06 15:59:32 nihilazo worms wmd is fun 2022-03-06 15:59:36 dzwdz o 2022-03-06 15:59:42 dzwdz that makes 3? 2022-03-06 16:00:09 nihilazo I already have it, can't play rn 2022-03-06 16:01:09 dzwdz we're not playing rn anyways 2022-03-06 16:01:55 nihilazo k 2022-03-06 16:02:16 nihilazo update: despite overwhelming evidence, friend is still claiming ownership of my shark 2022-03-06 16:02:28 dzwdz did you name the friend? 2022-03-06 16:02:36 juspib tell him i own the shark 2022-03-06 16:02:41 dzwdz name them 2022-03-06 16:03:36 nihilazo no 2022-03-06 16:03:52 dzwdz why 2022-03-06 16:04:04 nihilazo because I respect that they picked a name for themselves already 2022-03-06 16:04:12 nihilazo and I don't want to give them a name they don't want 2022-03-06 16:04:15 nihilazo you give them a name 2022-03-06 16:04:20 dzwdz then ask them what name they want 2022-03-06 16:04:22 dzwdz and give it to them 2022-03-06 16:04:31 dzwdz do it sneakily though 2022-03-06 16:04:35 dzwdz so they don't name themselves 2022-03-06 16:04:42 nihilazo how do you give somebody a name sneakily 2022-03-06 16:04:50 dzwdz like "yo if you had to choose a different name for yourself, what would it be" 2022-03-06 16:04:54 dzwdz then they answer "bob" 2022-03-06 16:05:16 nihilazo o 2022-03-06 16:05:19 dzwdz then you say "boom i name your bob, now i own you" 2022-03-06 16:05:23 nihilazo kinky 2022-03-06 16:05:23 dzwdz "sudo make waffles" 2022-03-06 16:05:29 dzwdz fucking pervert 2022-03-06 16:05:31 nihilazo no u 2022-03-06 16:05:45 nihilazo you're the one talking about owning people, I was just talking about things 2022-03-06 16:05:48 nihilazo specifically toy sharks 2022-03-06 16:05:55 dzwdz you can own people platonically 2022-03-06 16:06:04 nihilazo actually I already did name them 2022-03-06 16:06:09 nihilazo I named them shark theif 2022-03-06 16:06:12 juspib noooo paypal asked me for credit card verification 2022-03-06 16:06:14 dzwdz oo 2022-03-06 16:06:16 dzwdz bring that up 2022-03-06 16:06:22 juspib it wasn't supposed to do that 2022-03-06 16:06:23 nihilazo they're watching the chat lmao 2022-03-06 16:06:38 nihilazo so we bought it up already 2022-03-06 16:06:45 dzwdz so what 2022-03-06 16:06:47 dzwdz do you now own them? 2022-03-06 16:07:06 dzwdz sweet, now you can play minecraft in peace 2022-03-06 16:07:58 juspib i really gotta get a credit card 2022-03-06 16:08:09 juspib well some sort of a card 2022-03-06 16:08:53 dzwdz by the silence i'm assuming shark thief killed nico 2022-03-06 16:09:09 dzwdz which i think is against the rules of ownership 2022-03-06 16:09:18 猫 I'm keeping the shark safe 2022-03-06 16:09:22 juspib shark thief killed tadeu 2022-03-06 16:09:27 dzwdz did nico make it? 2022-03-06 16:09:33 猫 it is currently living in Kitty's Shark Sanctuary 2022-03-06 16:09:39 猫 I believe Nico is still alive 2022-03-06 16:09:53 dzwdz people believe that 2pac is still alive too 2022-03-06 16:10:01 dzwdz shark thief killed 2pac 2022-03-06 16:10:56 猫 hm 2022-03-06 16:11:24 猫 oh also people talking about worms earlier 2022-03-06 16:11:28 猫 I have worms wmd I think 2022-03-06 16:11:32 dzwdz that makes 4? 2022-03-06 16:11:39 juspib 3 2022-03-06 16:11:46 dzwdz oh right, he's dead 2022-03-06 16:11:48 dzwdz 3 2022-03-06 16:12:09 juspib i can't buy em 2022-03-06 16:12:14 dzwdz 2 2022-03-06 16:13:09 juspib either paypal blocked my account or they charge a thicc fee on currency conversion 2022-03-06 16:19:57 juspib yea they blockd it 2022-03-06 16:27:39 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-06 16:31:33 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-06 16:31:33 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-06 16:31:33 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-06 16:31:33 -- Channel #tildetown: 142 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 140 normals) 2022-03-06 16:31:35 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-06 16:35:21 <-- lupo (lupo@localhost) has quit (Quit: leaving) 2022-03-06 16:36:32 --> lupo (lupo@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-06 16:37:04 <-- lupo (lupo@localhost) has quit (Quit: leaving) 2022-03-06 16:38:59 --> lupo (lupo@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-06 16:39:22 <-- lupo (lupo@localhost) has quit (Quit: leaving) 2022-03-06 16:43:10 --> flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-06 16:43:29 flowercorpse hey hey 2022-03-06 16:43:33 --> lupo (lupo@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-06 16:47:21 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-08 16:04:59 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-08 16:04:59 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-08 16:04:59 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-08 16:04:59 -- Channel #tildetown: 83 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 81 normals) 2022-03-08 16:05:01 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-08 16:05:14 default not doing much. waiting in customer support queue 2022-03-08 16:05:24 default hey extratone 2022-03-08 16:05:30 extratone good morning. 2022-03-08 16:05:51 extratone the president was supposed to give an address 15 minutes ago? 2022-03-08 16:05:54 extratone US 2022-03-08 16:06:54 elly oh yeah, I think that was meant to happen 2022-03-08 16:06:58 @natalia morning 2022-03-08 16:07:05 elly I don't see any news coverage about it at the moment, maybe it is ongoing 2022-03-08 16:07:44 zyloh from what i can tell it hasn't started yet 2022-03-08 16:11:55 arisotura hi 2022-03-08 16:12:00 arisotura how are you folks 2022-03-08 16:12:07 extratone my town picked a great time to have "weather week" where they randomnly test the sirens. 2022-03-08 16:12:10 default hey arisotura! 2022-03-08 16:12:15 elly hello! 2022-03-08 16:12:27 elly I am trying to think of what my goals are for this workday 2022-03-08 16:13:02 zyloh hiya 2022-03-08 16:15:38 juspib busy times in the white house 2022-03-08 16:20:33 extratone I'm sure all of you have taken off work because there's an apple event today. 2022-03-08 16:20:44 extratone (yes, there are regular people who actually do that.) 2022-03-08 16:20:57 extratone even though they're pre-filmed now. 2022-03-08 16:26:14 ellie morning all 2022-03-08 16:26:35 ellie lol hearing about all these events is reminding me how much i should be paying attention to this sorta stuff 2022-03-08 16:27:18 elly especially if you ship software for mac or iOS they are usually worth paying attention to 2022-03-08 16:29:15 ellie hmm, true 2022-03-08 16:33:21 extratone well I can tell you - having watched every one live for the past two years - they're not fun anymore. 2022-03-08 16:33:42 elly indeed 2022-03-08 16:33:49 elly I also generally watch them and they are not really fun 2022-03-08 16:33:51 extratone and paying attention to the amount of hype is just deeply alarming now. 2022-03-08 16:34:00 elly but like, the first time they told us we were all going to have to port to arm64 was at an event 2022-03-08 16:34:04 elly so, worth knowing about :P 2022-03-08 16:34:36 extratone if only there was a publication you could trust to quickly outline the important bullet points of an apple event lol 2022-03-08 16:34:44 elly if only 2022-03-08 16:37:00 extratone sometimes I allow myself to daydream about starting a modern technology publication that’s actually about technology. 2022-03-08 16:42:47 piusbird oh i did something boneheaded when developing my inital irc bot and it's going to cause problems on todays stream 2022-03-08 16:43:09 extratone how dare you! 2022-03-08 16:43:24 piusbird but we'll turn it into a lesson 2022-03-08 16:43:39 twee apple event? im so out of the loop of any such event 2022-03-08 16:43:41 extratone that's very clever. 2022-03-08 16:43:56 extratone I was completely joking when I brought it up lol 2022-03-08 16:44:02 twee last one i actually heard anything about beforehand was the apple watch one, like seven years ago 2022-03-08 16:44:11 piusbird because now i need to use an IPC socket to get around it 2022-03-08 16:44:39 piusbird ha-ha-ho-ho-he-he 2022-03-08 16:44:58 extratone I won’t do my usual rant but it’s essentially: think about how ridiculous the whole concept of making predictions before events held by the most proprietary-ass organization on earth. 2022-03-08 16:45:06 extratone is 2022-03-08 16:45:49 twee i hope they announce the ipod 2022-03-08 16:46:19 extratone ^ 2022-03-08 16:47:27 default gimme the scroll wheel 2022-03-08 16:48:43 twee scroll wheels are hot 2022-03-08 16:51:40 extratone I missed the scroll wheel but have maintained that my first generation iPod Shuffle (the one that was a USB drive with buttons and a 3.5mm jack, basically) was the highest value consumer tech product I’ve ever owned. 2022-03-08 16:54:25 default OH 2022-03-08 16:54:56 default lmao. i've been needing a little mp3 player so i can move around my room while listening to music 2022-03-08 16:55:03 default forgot all about my lil shuffle 2022-03-08 16:55:11 default s/my/my mum's/ 2022-03-08 16:55:12 sedbot forgot all about my mum's lil shuffle 2022-03-08 16:58:12 twee i knew someone once who owned an ipod shuffle, it was great 2022-03-08 16:58:21 twee very cool 2022-03-08 16:59:12 default huh the original ipod had an hdd 2022-03-08 16:59:26 twee a very small one 2022-03-08 16:59:31 extratone yup. you could feel it rotating too. 2022-03-08 16:59:32 twee smallest hdd ever 2022-03-08 16:59:33 twee or something 2022-03-08 16:59:47 twee i remember watching steve jobs talk about the tiny hard drive 2022-03-08 17:00:27 dzwdz well someone didn't watch dankpods 2022-03-08 17:00:48 default i wonder if the original ipod's still hanging around somewhere downstairs 2022-03-08 17:00:50 default brb 2022-03-08 17:11:50 juspib if the eu manages to cut russian oil/gas imports that'll be huge 2022-03-08 17:14:52 dozens this was my favorite ipod -- https://ttm.sh/iJi.jpg 2022-03-08 17:15:20 dozens put roxbox on that bad boy and rock out 2022-03-08 17:17:33 extratone gorg. and good cuticles. 2022-03-08 17:18:35 extratone lthe idea that it’s a serious questions Americans are apparently asking ourselves: are we willing to pay more for gas for a free Ukraine? 2022-03-08 17:19:29 kirch !sotd https://youtu.be/lWQb_T9_nwA 2022-03-08 17:20:37 twee yeah they are some good hands 2022-03-08 17:20:43 <-- default (the_default@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-08 17:21:43 twee my favourite was the ipod nano g2 2022-03-08 17:22:18 dozens guys they are not my hands 2022-03-08 17:22:37 dozens if they were, i would have an onlyhands account 2022-03-08 17:22:45 dozens because i would be a hand model 2022-03-08 17:25:13 extratone wait is onlyhands a thing. 2022-03-08 17:25:21 extratone also what the hell is "WiFi 6." 2022-03-08 17:26:04 twee searched onlyhands and nfts came up :/ 2022-03-08 17:26:15 elly extratone: 802.11ax 2022-03-08 17:26:45 extratone is it necessary? did anyone ask for it? 2022-03-08 17:26:49 elly yes 2022-03-08 17:26:56 elly people always want more range, throughput, and signal quality for wifi 2022-03-08 17:27:06 elly well, "necessary" is of course subjective 2022-03-08 17:27:09 elly but it definitely has an audience 2022-03-08 17:27:25 twee 95% approval in the sponsor ballot 2022-03-08 17:27:30 twee whatever that means but it seems popular 2022-03-08 17:32:47 extratone does anybody want to see my funniest apple event tweet. it's okay if no. 2022-03-08 17:34:27 piusbird sure 2022-03-08 17:34:47 extratone https://twitter.com/NeoYokel/status/1437857453174108163 2022-03-08 17:49:49 juspib wifi 6 is like wifi 5 but better 2022-03-08 17:50:01 dzwdz it's 120% normal wifi 2022-03-08 17:50:19 juspib unless you're with the slow movement, in which case it's worse 2022-03-08 17:50:35 elly it's specifically better designed for busy RF environments 2022-03-08 17:50:48 elly which, as someone who has like 50 overlapping wifi networks in range of their house, I appreciate :P 2022-03-08 17:51:22 juspib and wifi 7 appears to be just a flex for now 2022-03-08 17:52:15 twee extratone: cant lie i dont get it 2022-03-08 17:52:19 juspib regarding cutting edge, am5 socket when? 2022-03-08 17:53:07 extratone twee, basically I find the whole idea of huge phone funny, but the idea is that they are preventing me from leaving. 2022-03-08 17:53:18 extratone big bully phones. 2022-03-08 17:54:05 juspib back in the day you had to keep your phone connected to the wall to make calls 2022-03-08 17:55:18 twee extratone: i seee 2022-03-08 17:55:20 twee i have a tiny phone 2022-03-08 17:55:36 twee https://www.unihertz.com/products/jelly-2 2022-03-08 17:56:45 extratone cute. and I do not mean that in demeaning way at all. 2022-03-08 17:56:51 extratone a* 2022-03-08 17:56:54 dzwdz that's cool 2022-03-08 17:57:04 dzwdz but reading anything on it would be a paiiiin 2022-03-08 17:57:14 extratone read a book 2022-03-08 17:57:44 elly ok, that is definitely an adorable phone 2022-03-08 17:57:48 extratone one of the things I’ve actually been astonished by - revisiting the iPhone 4S in the past few weeks - has been how much I enjoy reading on it. 2022-03-08 17:58:08 elly I would really like if my next phone fit in my jeans pockets again 2022-03-08 17:58:29 dzwdz cargo pants ftw 2022-03-08 17:58:49 elly my old iPhone 5S and 5SE both fit 2022-03-08 17:58:53 elly but my new phone is far too big 2022-03-08 17:59:06 twee small phones are so nice 2022-03-08 17:59:07 --> arplo (arplo@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-08 17:59:22 twee using someones big (or normal i guess) sized phone feels so huuuge 2022-03-08 17:59:31 dzwdz don't women's pants have smaller pockets? 2022-03-08 17:59:48 elly they definitely do 2022-03-08 17:59:53 dzwdz WAIT IS THERE A CARGO DRESS 2022-03-08 17:59:55 elly far, far smaller 2022-03-08 17:59:59 dzwdz oh god there is 2022-03-08 18:00:18 dzwdz https://i.pinimg.com/originals/72/5c/82/725c829433b7544556832d9d87915101.jpg 2022-03-08 18:00:25 elly the design intent is like, smaller pockets break up your outline less, and you are kinda assumed to have a purse with you anyway 2022-03-08 18:00:31 elly and tbf I usually *do* have a purse with my phone in it 2022-03-08 18:00:32 elly but still 2022-03-08 18:00:39 dzwdz that dress + cargo pants 2022-03-08 18:00:41 dzwdz storage heaven 2022-03-08 18:01:15 juspib my new phone is a wide boy 2022-03-08 18:01:16 dzwdz a cargo jacket too because at this point, why limit yourself 2022-03-08 18:02:06 juspib cant really fit it in my pants pockets but it's amazing for reading 2022-03-08 18:02:22 elly I am so happy with my kobo libra for reading 2022-03-08 18:02:28 elly I have started carrying it with me everywhere 2022-03-08 18:02:59 dzwdz i left my kindle over at my grandparents' and haven't had access to it for something like 10 days now :( 2022-03-08 18:03:12 dzwdz the kobos do seem cool 2022-03-08 18:03:41 dzwdz do they handle the web well? 2022-03-08 18:04:20 elly I don't know tbh, I put epubs on it 2022-03-08 18:04:38 dzwdz oh righttt, you don't have to bother with converting them to mobi either 2022-03-08 18:04:45 elly I use it as a USB mass storage device that displays epubs 2022-03-08 18:04:56 extratone regarding reading on my 4S - https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/4sreading.JPG 2022-03-08 18:04:59 elly I don't think it actually has the house wifi configured even 2022-03-08 18:06:09 josh \o.//oo\\o/ 2022-03-08 18:06:21 dzwdz /o\o/ 2022-03-08 18:06:42 josh ' drop table waves;-- o/ 2022-03-08 18:08:16 juspib /oooo/ 2022-03-08 18:08:27 josh you ever plug in an old drive and waste a bunch of time looking through the dumb shit you used to do 2022-03-08 18:08:36 josh this is why i never store any data 2022-03-08 18:09:12 elly I have done that! but I don't think it is a waste really 2022-03-08 18:09:25 elly it's kind of cool to see how you have changed over time ime 2022-03-08 18:09:27 josh it's kinda fun to reminisce 2022-03-08 18:09:29 dzwdz ^ 2022-03-08 18:09:52 extratone having lost all of my drives once... all that ends up happening is I waste time trying to recover stuff from other sources. 2022-03-08 18:10:12 extratone but I can suppose it would have been healthy for another type of human. 2022-03-08 18:10:28 dzwdz oh no, i hope your other stuff was okay 2022-03-08 18:10:29 josh then you throw all that shit in a folder called "old" and copy over whatever you're backing up this time not to be seen ever again until next time you do this again and repeat the cycle 2022-03-08 18:10:30 elly yeah, I erased ~all my data back in 2011 so I have nothing from before then and I feel fine about that 2022-03-08 18:10:35 elly josh: lol, yes 2022-03-08 18:10:39 elly ~/old/old/old gang 2022-03-08 18:10:45 josh hell yeah lol 2022-03-08 18:11:20 dzwdz if you do that then it just means that you don't organise your data well enough 2022-03-08 18:11:34 elly counterpoint: I organize it exactly well enough 2022-03-08 18:11:44 elly spending more time organizing it further would be wasted 2022-03-08 18:11:56 josh ln -s ~/old ~/old/old/old/old 2022-03-08 18:12:46 josh i organize my new stuff as much as is reasonable 2022-03-08 18:12:52 josh but old stuff goes onto the pile 2022-03-08 18:13:13 extratone no I lost everything. all my photo/video/audio equipment plus three external drives and two computers. (someone promised to pay a storage unit bill and didn't.) 2022-03-08 18:13:16 elly I have a theory about this, which is that organizing data has exactly the same satisficer/maximizer split as most other aspects of psychology 2022-03-08 18:13:17 josh until the drive fails or i do something stupid and blow it all away 2022-03-08 18:13:36 josh ouch that sucks extratone 2022-03-08 18:13:37 elly and so people tend to either have an organization scheme that is "just barely good enough" (like me) or people tend to have one that they work on and improve constantly 2022-03-08 18:13:40 elly extratone: ow 2022-03-08 18:13:56 extratone it's not the worst thing that's happened to me but it was pretty close. I appreciate the sympathy. 2022-03-08 18:14:08 extratone I miss my mics the most tbh. 2022-03-08 18:15:01 extratone I wasn't upset that they didn't pay - just that they didn't TELL me they weren't going to. 2022-03-08 18:15:11 josh yeah, i'd be pretty damn annoyed thbh 2022-03-08 18:15:42 extratone it was an alcoholic ex mother in law whom I should have never trusted, so. 2022-03-08 18:16:10 josh :/ 2022-03-08 18:16:12 extratone god I am so tired of listening to apple executives use adjectives. 2022-03-08 18:16:14 josh that sounds rough 2022-03-08 18:16:22 josh ban adjectives 2022-03-08 18:16:28 elly apple presenter noun and verb only challenge 2022-03-08 18:16:29 extratone I was just thinking that. 2022-03-08 18:16:42 elly We are shipping a phone. It will be available in November. 2022-03-08 18:16:50 dzwdz sounds like a wm 2022-03-08 18:16:50 m455 good technical writing right there 2022-03-08 18:17:00 elly m455: ha yes 2022-03-08 18:17:05 dzwdz fuck, writing on my phone is awful 2022-03-08 18:17:20 dzwdz that sounds like an idea for a quirk channel 2022-03-08 18:17:29 dzwdz nouns and verbs only 2022-03-08 18:17:32 extratone dzwdz that's my thing you know. are you using an external keyboard? 2022-03-08 18:17:37 josh is "my" an adjective? 2022-03-08 18:17:53 elly I don't think so 2022-03-08 18:18:02 josh it operates like one 2022-03-08 18:18:06 elly I'm actually not sure what part of speech that is 2022-03-08 18:18:13 dzwdz i'm using an osk on a screen that is half dead 2022-03-08 18:18:19 elly apparently it's a "determiner" 2022-03-08 18:18:22 elly thanks, OED 2022-03-08 18:18:22 josh "possessive adjective" 2022-03-08 18:18:35 elly "possessive pronoun" too, apparently 2022-03-08 18:18:35 dzwdz i have to move the keyboard around to get to certain letters 2022-03-08 18:18:43 extratone oh jesus. 2022-03-08 18:19:16 josh you need a new whatever device you're using 2022-03-08 18:20:06 dzwdz naw 2022-03-08 18:20:10 dzwdz i like this phone 2022-03-08 18:20:23 dzwdz i should just go to a repair shop but i can't be bothered to 2022-03-08 18:20:25 josh what kinda phone you got 2022-03-08 18:20:40 dzwdz xiaomi mi a2 lite 2022-03-08 18:20:58 dzwdz i also have a phone gifted from a friend (huawei p10 lite iirc) that i have with me too 2022-03-08 18:21:13 dzwdz but i don't trust it with basically any of my accounts so it's literally just a device for playing chess 2022-03-08 18:21:22 josh man look at mr money bags with two phones 2022-03-08 18:21:34 josh eat the rich 2022-03-08 18:21:50 dzwdz i'm eating pasta instead 2022-03-08 18:22:01 josh that rich people food 2022-03-08 18:22:06 dzwdz oh also 2022-03-08 18:22:12 dzwdz update your firefox/thunderbird installs 2022-03-08 18:22:18 josh uh oh 2022-03-08 18:22:20 josh what happened 2022-03-08 18:22:54 dzwdz i'm too lazy to look for the security advisory 2022-03-08 18:22:59 dzwdz but there are two critical use-after-frees 2022-03-08 18:23:11 insom hey fam. lol hexchat showed I had a mention but it was hundreds of lines ago, UX could be better here! 2022-03-08 18:23:18 dzwdz which makes it the second day in a row where a critical vuln in some popular software is discovered 2022-03-08 18:23:36 dzwdz what are your bets for tommorow's vuln 2022-03-08 18:23:44 josh google hacked 2022-03-08 18:23:45 elly it's been a while for Windows 2022-03-08 18:23:52 elly josh: *that* would be quite noteworthy 2022-03-08 18:24:21 dzwdz eh, i don't think it'll be windows yet 2022-03-08 18:24:23 dzwdz maybe day 6/7 2022-03-08 18:24:51 josh RCE in ping 2022-03-08 18:25:07 elly that would also be quite noteworthy 2022-03-08 18:25:21 josh gcc has been a trojan all this time and no one's realized 2022-03-08 18:25:29 dzwdz rce in package managers 2022-03-08 18:25:36 elly josh: Trusting Trust vibes 2022-03-08 18:25:45 josh rce in browsers but only in a sandbox 2022-03-08 18:25:55 elly RCE in the renderer would not be newsworthy 2022-03-08 18:25:59 dzwdz rce in aws 2022-03-08 18:26:07 elly AWS would be a pretty exciting one 2022-03-08 18:26:16 josh turns out computers will just run whatever you tell them 2022-03-08 18:26:19 dzwdz i was just referring to sshing into a vps you own 2022-03-08 18:26:25 dzwdz and running code there 2022-03-08 18:26:53 elly that could be quite a fun parody video 2022-03-08 18:26:59 josh QEMU is totally and utterly broken 2022-03-08 18:27:03 elly AWS COMPLETELY HACKED ARBITRARY CODE EXEC UNPATCHED FOR YEARS 2022-03-08 18:27:10 elly video of you provisioning an instance and sshing in 2022-03-08 18:27:31 dzwdz how 2 gain rce on aws 2022-03-08 18:27:38 josh in fact, tomorrow, someone will prove that sandboxing is mathematically impossible 2022-03-08 18:27:45 elly oh fuck oh god 2022-03-08 18:27:47 juspib dzwdz we xiaomi bros 2022-03-08 18:27:56 elly josh: researchers are always proving stuff like that, is the thing 2022-03-08 18:27:59 dzwdz (set to 009 sound system) 2022-03-08 18:28:05 elly nobody cares all that much though 2022-03-08 18:28:14 josh yeah i don't think that would be all that note worthy 2022-03-08 18:28:21 elly they're like "no matter what you do if you can get a cpu to do 7 multiply instructions in a row you get root" and people kinda shrug and are like "oh well" 2022-03-08 18:28:22 josh i mean obviously it would be kinda 2022-03-08 18:28:25 elly "I guess that's how life is" 2022-03-08 18:28:46 elly we just accept that we live in a world where a teenager with a pringles and a software radio could, if they wanted to, probably steal your credit card 2022-03-08 18:28:49 josh OSes just role out a patch to run a nop every 7 instructions 2022-03-08 18:28:52 dzwdz i use a handmade ben eater-style cpu for extra security 2022-03-08 18:29:01 elly josh: yeah literally 2022-03-08 18:29:09 elly until the intel firmware patch arrives to do the same thing 2022-03-08 18:29:18 josh yep 2022-03-08 18:29:23 dzwdz but then people won't run it because it isn't free software 2022-03-08 18:29:29 josh something that surprised me 2022-03-08 18:29:41 josh i really expected when the whole ukraine thing began 2022-03-08 18:29:44 juspib dzwdz i laugh at your hand made cpu 2022-03-08 18:29:50 josh that literally everything was about to be hacked (in ukraine) 2022-03-08 18:29:52 juspib i print my chips in a handmade fab 2022-03-08 18:29:59 josh so maybe we aren't as fucked as i thought we were 2022-03-08 18:30:11 dzwdz why do you think they'd announce that 2022-03-08 18:30:27 dzwdz what, would russia just deface their sites or something 2022-03-08 18:30:39 josh i had always assumed everything was already pwned and the first thing that would happen in a major war would be that critical infrastructure would go completely dark 2022-03-08 18:30:49 josh no i'm talking like power plants and shit 2022-03-08 18:31:27 dzwdz well this isn't /that/ major yet 2022-03-08 18:31:34 josh yeah true 2022-03-08 18:31:43 josh maybe they could and just don't want people to know they have the capability 2022-03-08 18:32:26 dzwdz i wonder if anyone has compiled gpg for cardiac yet 2022-03-08 18:32:54 josh like running on a heart? 2022-03-08 18:33:02 dzwdz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CARDboard_Illustrative_Aid_to_Computation 2022-03-08 18:33:53 josh that's neat 2022-03-08 18:35:03 elly that is a cool device 2022-03-08 18:36:01 elly hm, approximately 1000 bits of memory, though 2022-03-08 18:36:07 elly that might not be enough 2022-03-08 18:36:28 josh they should've made it a lisp machine 2022-03-08 18:36:33 dzwdz yeah you need to network multiple of them together 2022-03-08 18:37:15 elly distributed bigint computation running on physical computers :o 2022-03-08 18:37:39 josh networking is just the operators shouting numbers at each other 2022-03-08 18:37:59 josh it's wireless, even 2022-03-08 18:40:36 josh just need two new insturctions, YEL and EAR 2022-03-08 18:40:43 juspib folding@cardiac 2022-03-08 18:40:58 dzwdz see it's literally foldable 2022-03-08 18:41:01 dzwdz it's cardboard 2022-03-08 18:41:20 tomasino !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIOPB36ALMM 2022-03-08 18:41:29 tomasino hmm, did that bot go away? 2022-03-08 18:41:34 dzwdz we had a restart 2022-03-08 18:41:37 tomasino ahh 2022-03-08 18:41:44 tomasino well, it's fun! 2022-03-08 18:46:29 @natalia hmmmm, having trouble finding good lua resources for beginners 2022-03-08 18:46:44 @natalia i think i am going to have to like, find a bunch of cool resources from better guides for other languages and then adapt them 2022-03-08 18:48:59 tomasino exercism.io stuff+ 2022-03-08 18:49:02 tomasino ? 2022-03-08 18:50:30 @natalia i am looking at sicp and htdp right now to see if there is much i can teach about designing programs 2022-03-08 18:51:48 extratone is there a high-value method of converting my wired keyboard’s input to Bluetooth that my iPhone will understand? 2022-03-08 18:52:05 @vilmibm high low 2022-03-08 18:53:11 tomasino raspberry pi project! 2022-03-08 19:05:19 dzwdz do we happen to have a #queer channel or something? 2022-03-08 19:11:31 @natalia i think we used to; i haven't been in it for a long time because i think it was inactive 2022-03-08 19:11:51 @natalia i prefer to just talk about queer things here myself 2022-03-08 19:13:17 dzwdz was it a general channel or was it #gender? 2022-03-08 19:13:19 dzwdz also like 2022-03-08 19:14:48 dzwdz if you ask about queer stuff here you can't use "y'all" to refer to the others 2022-03-08 19:19:22 @natalia sure you can just say: "queer people: ..." 2022-03-08 19:19:31 @natalia but no it was named #queer 2022-03-08 19:19:41 @natalia i think it had the fate of many channels via many server restarts 2022-03-08 19:22:10 --> octopixel (octopixel@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-08 19:23:24 extratone gotta update 2022-03-08 19:23:25 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-08 20:23:04 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-08 20:23:04 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-08 20:23:04 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-08 20:23:04 -- Channel #tildetown: 85 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 83 normals) 2022-03-08 20:23:06 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-08 20:25:11 extratone howdy again town. one of my twitter friends is convinced they should make a web-based notetaking app. 2022-03-08 20:26:06 caff It goes. Back in the office for the first time in two years, so getting used to that :P 2022-03-08 20:26:58 caff !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkbVu39hTT0 2022-03-08 20:26:58 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to AJR - Ordinaryish People feat. Blue Man Group (Official Video) 2022-03-08 20:28:04 --> owl (owl@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-08 20:29:31 caff sotdbot's still due for its 3rd rewrite. Never did deploy the Nim version :P 2022-03-08 20:29:36 @natalia how hard is it to get your hands on a teletype? 2022-03-08 20:32:15 @vilmibm caff: oof, big change. do you have a dedicated desk at least? 2022-03-08 20:33:39 caff vilmibm: Yep. There was talk of floating desks, but the exec for my department at least said "Your desk is yours". But forgot how much I hate commuting :P 2022-03-08 20:33:51 caff !sotdstats 2022-03-08 20:33:51 sotdbot Top SOTD users: ~s‌everak: 354, ~e‌qua: 348, ~k‌irch: 291, ~c‌aff: 270, ~a‌liasless: 266, ~n‌ilaky: 224, dz‌wdz: 214, ~j‌an6: 138, ~d‌esvox: 113, ah‌riman: 107 2022-03-08 20:33:51 sotdbot Total SOTD count: 5668 2022-03-08 20:33:59 extratone that's a lot of songs. 2022-03-08 20:34:02 @vilmibm nice. other people i know going back are stuck with hoteling 2022-03-08 20:34:09 dzwdz oh hey, that didn't ping me 2022-03-08 20:34:11 dzwdz huh 2022-03-08 20:34:13 @vilmibm commuting is not great 2022-03-08 20:34:24 caff extratone: Yeah, haha. It's been running for years. 2022-03-08 20:34:38 caff dzwdz: There's an invisible character inserted into names to keep it from pinging people :) 2022-03-08 20:34:43 dzwdz ooo, smart 2022-03-08 20:34:49 extratone I would have used it but I don't think anybody would like my songs of the days. 2022-03-08 20:35:06 dzwdz that's even better 2022-03-08 20:35:30 caff All the more reason to set those songs :) Discovery is the best way to find new music. My music's been an extremely eclectic mix over the year. 2022-03-08 20:35:34 caff Err, years. 2022-03-08 20:36:35 caff I still have aspirations of making a SOTD data explorer page at some point. severak's SOTDbot DJ page was also super neat :) 2022-03-08 20:36:49 dzwdz wait, i thought that was what sotd was made for 2022-03-08 20:37:35 caff Made for what? 2022-03-08 20:37:46 dzwdz the dj page 2022-03-08 20:38:23 extratone alright I'll start off with something mild. !sotd https://youtube.com/watch?v=jky5-kKbY98 2022-03-08 20:38:24 pinhook ["https://youtube.com/watch?v=jky5-kKbY98"] 2022-03-08 20:38:46 extratone !sotd https://youtube.com/watch?v=jky5-kKbY98 2022-03-08 20:38:46 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Nasenbluten - Blinded - 1993 2022-03-08 20:39:21 caff Breakbeat :eyes: 2022-03-08 20:39:51 extratone Nasenbluten as an infant. 2022-03-08 20:40:38 caff Never heard them before, but this is dope :) 2022-03-08 20:40:49 caff Honestly, sotdbot has helped me grow my musical tastes a ton. 2022-03-08 20:41:35 extratone if there was one request I'd have for it, caff, it'd be integration with Odesli (song.link) 2022-03-08 20:42:00 caff That's been on my todo list for a while, haha. Sadly I haven't really built any new features for SOTDbot in the past year or two. 2022-03-08 20:42:08 caff Just kept it from breaking (usually, sometimes) 2022-03-08 20:42:30 extratone lol well I'm not complaining. I just try to advocate for Odesli at every opportunity. 2022-03-08 20:42:41 caff I need to go through and test the integrations I built again, but at least at some point it was working with Soundcloud, Archive.org, and a couple others. 2022-03-08 20:42:58 caff Oh yeah. It's super nice to have a streaming-service agnostic music link :D 2022-03-08 20:43:42 extratone Blinded by the light \ revved up like a deuce \ another roller in the night has always sounded like the experience of birth to me. 2022-03-08 20:44:01 caff I need to go back and look and see if I actually ever applied for a Odesli API key. 2022-03-08 20:44:47 extratone I was about to give you mine but apparently I didn't put it in my password manager :/ 2022-03-08 20:45:09 extratone I'm a paying customer for artist pages for my friends so. 2022-03-08 20:45:26 caff Oh nice! Yeah, all my experiences with Odesli so far have been overwhlemingly positive. 2022-03-08 20:46:23 extratone oh no... the dev docs are on Notion. 2022-03-08 20:46:35 caff Yeaaah. But it's at least well written. 2022-03-08 20:49:26 caff Oh, and dzwdz, nope. Just something that severak made after I made the bot. :) 2022-03-08 20:49:42 caff But yeah, if anyone does want to play with the data, it's located at ~caff/code/sotdbot/sotd.db 2022-03-08 20:58:29 twee !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73gGwGI8Z7E 2022-03-08 20:58:29 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Hot Dad - Just Tell Me What Font to Pick (When I'm Making Websites for Kids) 2022-03-08 21:01:46 extratone beautiful. 2022-03-08 21:05:13 nihilazo \o 2022-03-08 21:05:13 twee im quite enjoying the nasenbluten 2022-03-08 21:06:03 nihilazo nasenbluten? 2022-03-08 21:06:21 twee song extratone just sotd'd 2022-03-08 21:06:29 nihilazo ah, cool 2022-03-08 21:06:47 * nihilazo just got home and is doing his usual end of college day routine, even tho it's 9pm 2022-03-08 21:07:05 twee oh nice, where you been? 2022-03-08 21:07:17 nihilazo was in college, then went to meet up with some friends 2022-03-08 21:07:22 twee fun 2022-03-08 21:07:49 nihilazo smth like 8 neurodivergent kids together in a park, most of them ADHD, one somewhat drunk, highly caffinated, and off medication 2022-03-08 21:07:56 nihilazo it was uhh, kinda crazy. But fun 2022-03-08 21:08:08 nihilazo we all just kinda ended up in a cuddle pile and then realised we should probably go home 2022-03-08 21:08:31 extratone twee you can find a lot more nasenbluten here. https://bloodyfistrecords.bandcamp.com 2022-03-08 21:09:04 twee thats a nice way to be 2022-03-08 21:09:10 twee ty extratone 2022-03-08 21:09:56 extratone np I'm always here for bandcamp links. I spent a whole year writing about bandcamp in 2018 lol. 2022-03-08 21:10:09 extratone https://bilge.world/bandcamp-streaming-music 2022-03-08 21:10:21 nihilazo I had half a bottle of a beer before realising that I didn't like it, so I stayed sober. But my friend somehow seems to have managed to get drunk on 2 beers 2022-03-08 21:10:46 nihilazo or maybe that was the multiple cans of monster he also chugged 2022-03-08 21:10:48 nihilazo I dunno 2022-03-08 21:10:48 extratone it's possible! 2022-03-08 21:11:05 nihilazo anyway, it was kinda nuts but fun 2022-03-08 21:11:20 twee energy drinks and alcohol always goes well 2022-03-08 21:11:28 twee is bilge.world your blog? 2022-03-08 21:12:53 extratone it is. and my whole person at this point. 2022-03-08 21:15:07 twee i like the style 2022-03-08 21:16:37 extratone I’m glad! there’s a little more about it here. http://bilge.world/colophon 2022-03-08 21:16:41 * nihilazo really wants to write more on his blog 2022-03-08 21:16:51 * nihilazo wants a new stylesheet too 2022-03-08 21:17:29 extratone oop I need to update that. 2022-03-08 21:17:35 nihilazo idk how I want to style my site 2022-03-08 21:17:36 nihilazo rn it's this 2022-03-08 21:17:39 nihilazo https://itwont.work 2022-03-08 21:17:43 nihilazo but I kinda want to completely restyle it 2022-03-08 21:17:45 extratone damn that's a great domain. 2022-03-08 21:21:03 trashski !tarot 2022-03-08 21:21:03 rufus[awkbot] The Eight of Pentacles (Reversed) - lack of passion, uninspired, no motivation 2022-03-08 21:21:32 twee currently mine is https://www.noa-s.org/ 2022-03-08 21:21:43 twee but my local update of the site has one i prefer 2022-03-08 21:22:09 twee im a fan of itwont.work, especially the background, but light on dark isn't my preference 2022-03-08 21:24:07 dzwdz np I'm always here for bandcamp links. 2022-03-08 21:24:09 dzwdz https://kurws.bandcamp.com/album/wszystko-co-sta-e-rozp-ywa-si-w-powietrzu-all-that-is-solid-melts-into-air 2022-03-08 21:24:18 dzwdz bought this on bandcamp friday 2022-03-08 21:24:41 extratone <3 2022-03-08 21:26:01 dzwdz check out Torsje, it's the track that got me into that labum 2022-03-08 21:27:29 nihilazo twee: yeah I might go dark on light for me new theme 2022-03-08 21:27:38 dzwdz (also hi nico) 2022-03-08 21:27:43 nihilazo (hi dz) 2022-03-08 21:27:51 dzwdz o shit you drank beer 2022-03-08 21:28:05 nihilazo a lil bit and it kinda sucked. I think I only like really light beers lol 2022-03-08 21:28:12 dzwdz beer's overrated 2022-03-08 21:28:17 nihilazo kvass is the shit 2022-03-08 21:28:53 nihilazo it's like the bits of beer I like but also kinda like lemonade. It's good shit. And I can make it at home 2022-03-08 21:29:01 dzwdz i've never had it tbh 2022-03-08 21:29:12 extratone I mentioned this when I first came in this IRC a few weeks ago but I created a Raindrop collection of all Tilde sites as my “gift” to the tildeverse. https://raindrop.io/davidblue/tilde-22520136 2022-03-08 21:29:40 dzwdz i have a good excuse against peer pressure so 2022-03-08 21:30:03 dzwdz i've also heard enough stories from my friends who do drink, lel 2022-03-08 21:30:56 nihilazo TIL the version of moonshell I was running was an unstable version specifically made for use with an expansion board. oops 2022-03-08 21:31:04 nihilazo time to try the stable moonshell 2.10 2022-03-08 21:31:08 dzwdz speaking of versions 2022-03-08 21:31:12 dzwdz update firefox and thunderbird 2022-03-08 21:31:14 nihilazo see if it's better as a DS music player to try 2022-03-08 21:31:18 dzwdz just a psa 2022-03-08 21:31:20 nihilazo k 2022-03-08 21:31:21 nihilazo will do 2022-03-08 21:31:31 dzwdz second day in a row of critical vulns in popular software 2022-03-08 21:31:37 * nihilazo is going to take his actual MP3 player to a repair shop tomorrow to see if they can fix it 2022-03-08 21:32:03 dzwdz (also i wanted to go to sleep already sooo cya) 2022-03-08 21:35:23 twee nihilazo: do you have a recipe for kvass you can share? 2022-03-08 21:35:58 twee also i recommend going to a decent beer place and trying a bunch (cough brew york), there's a whole lot of variety 2022-03-08 21:36:52 twee extratone: wow that's a lot of sites 2022-03-08 21:37:20 extratone elly, if you’re still here, what was that web-based outlining tool you shared recently? or am I thinking of someone else? 2022-03-08 21:37:47 extratone the funny thing is that I don't even remember how I (created that collection.) 2022-03-08 21:40:24 nihilazo twee: https://tilde.town/~nihilazo/recipes/kvass.html 2022-03-08 21:40:38 nihilazo also yeah I do want to try a bunch of different beers. I think I could find one I really like 2022-03-08 21:40:56 nihilazo because there's parts of beers I've tried (a few different IPAs) that I really like and parts I really don't 2022-03-08 21:41:44 twee cant say im an ipa fan tbh 2022-03-08 21:42:14 twee i go through phases of what i want to drink 2022-03-08 21:45:23 extratone just ls on your recipes directory nihilazo.. that's a lot lol 2022-03-08 21:50:11 elly extratone: I don't think that was me, sorry 2022-03-08 21:50:27 nihilazo extratone: I collect them and share them as I make them 2022-03-08 21:51:04 extratone no I'm sorry for bothering you hehe. I just have a friend who's asking me about web-based text editing services specifically for outlining. 2022-03-08 21:51:41 elly nah I use vi 2022-03-08 21:53:27 extratone powerful. :O 2022-03-08 21:55:59 petra web-vi would be a concept and a half 2022-03-08 21:56:03 petra viw 2022-03-08 22:03:18 twee wi 2022-03-08 22:06:55 nihilazo I once used a web port of vim but it sucked 2022-03-08 22:06:59 nihilazo (even more than normal vim) 2022-03-08 22:07:03 extratone yes, I think I should suggest building that from scratch lol 2022-03-08 22:07:04 nihilazo (like, it sucked as a port) 2022-03-08 22:08:58 --> the_default (the_default@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-08 22:09:18 the_default bob ross <3 2022-03-08 22:09:37 twee bob ross text editor 2022-03-08 22:09:53 extratone that would be intense lol 2022-03-08 22:11:01 elly imo the only key feature of an outlining tool is that you can move lines around :P 2022-03-08 22:11:30 extratone Drafts' Arrange Mode ;) 2022-03-08 22:11:38 elly yeah, or dd / p in vi 2022-03-08 22:11:44 elly or even ed's m command 2022-03-08 22:13:11 @natalia speaking of: after mangling with unix syscalls, realizing i forgot to close a pipe after i forked for the child process, i finally got the rework of the ed-over-irc bot working 2022-03-08 22:13:19 elly yay! 2022-03-08 22:13:19 @natalia so very soon i will be able to get it to work on several channels 2022-03-08 22:13:24 <-- the_default (the_default@localhost) has quit (Quit: sleep) 2022-03-08 22:16:02 twee night all x 2022-03-08 22:16:37 @natalia a 2022-03-08 22:16:49 @natalia aagh weechat is mangling my tab characters 2022-03-08 22:22:04 extratone (here’s a little demo of Drafts’ arrange mode.) https://tilde.town/~extratone/videos/arrangemode.mov 2022-03-08 22:24:10 --> the_default (the_default@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-08 22:40:11 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-08 22:41:45 @vilmibm i finally watched The Lighthouse 2022-03-08 22:42:01 @vilmibm and find it very interesting. i loved a lot about it, but by the end was feeling disappointed 2022-03-08 22:44:23 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-08 22:45:13 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-08 22:45:13 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-08 22:45:13 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-08 22:45:13 -- Channel #tildetown: 88 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 86 normals) 2022-03-08 22:45:15 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-08 22:47:19 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-08 22:47:22 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-08 22:47:30 darkwitchclaire !water 2022-03-08 22:47:30 * pinhook waters darkwitchclaire's godly mature agave 2022-03-08 22:50:44 anton good morning 2022-03-08 22:50:45 the_default !tarot 2022-03-08 22:50:45 rufus[awkbot] The Five of Wands - competition, rivalry, conflict 2022-03-08 22:50:53 anton !tarot 2022-03-08 22:50:53 rufus[awkbot] The Knight of Swords - action, impulsiveness, defending beliefs 2022-03-08 22:50:55 the_default morning anton 2022-03-08 22:54:54 dozens twee: glad to see another hot dad fan 2022-03-08 22:55:48 anton how are y'all 2022-03-08 22:57:03 elly afternoon! 2022-03-08 23:01:08 the_default afternoon elly. unless you were saying afternoon to anton. 2022-03-08 23:01:46 anton afternoon elly 2022-03-08 23:02:43 the_default ok i sbould try to sleep 2022-03-08 23:02:45 the_default bye 2022-03-08 23:03:22 anton bye default 2022-03-08 23:07:50 extratone !talklike 2022-03-08 23:07:50 pinhook it does, yes. I think I would imagine heating elements are quite a bit confusing. 2022-03-08 23:08:14 extratone !talklike dzwdz 2022-03-08 23:08:16 pinhook draw weight is how heavy the bow is to get a skimask, knife, and the absolute genius that is certainly the vast majority 2022-03-08 23:08:30 extratone nice. 2022-03-08 23:15:25 the_default !talklike 2022-03-08 23:15:25 pinhook made good progress tonight on my motherboard died 2022-03-08 23:15:30 the_default no 2022-03-08 23:15:32 the_default !talklike 2022-03-08 23:15:32 pinhook yeah, feel so young 2022-03-08 23:15:36 the_default also no 2022-03-08 23:15:38 the_default !talklike 2022-03-08 23:15:38 pinhook nfts? will ANYONE want to be online for more than an hour of their devices 2022-03-08 23:15:54 the_default all garbage 2022-03-08 23:16:08 the_default !fuse the_default extratone 2022-03-08 23:16:08 pinhook what if it isn't listed on teams 2022-03-08 23:16:15 --> beepbooptheory (beepbooptheory@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-08 23:16:16 the_default valid sentece 2022-03-08 23:16:20 <-- the_default (the_default@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-08 23:16:47 extratone well I know I haven't mentioned teams so that's all you lol. 2022-03-08 23:17:55 <-- beepbooptheory (beepbooptheory@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-08 23:18:06 --> beepbooptheory (beepbooptheory@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-08 23:28:33 anton !fuse extratone beepbooptheory 2022-03-08 23:28:33 pinhook I guess also there is a plus. 2022-03-08 23:28:46 anton !fuse anton extratone 2022-03-08 23:28:46 pinhook comes with a 4S! 2022-03-08 23:29:01 anton !talklike 2022-03-08 23:29:01 pinhook encourages natalia to use on photos in my irc chat? 2022-03-08 23:29:18 anton !talklike extratone 2022-03-08 23:29:18 pinhook howdy again town. one of these days. 2022-03-08 23:29:26 anton one of these days indeed 2022-03-08 23:34:50 extratone I can’t tell you how embarrassed I am that that returned a goddamned idiom. 2022-03-08 23:35:22 extratone at first I thought it was "THOSE" and I almost flipped. 2022-03-08 23:36:42 extratone https://twitter.com/NICKIMINAJ/status/1499975989022973953 2022-03-08 23:37:09 caff Pinhook has spoken (via /query). I must start my own ISP. 2022-03-08 23:38:47 anton caff.net is available for US$3,399.00 (transfer fee not included) :p 2022-03-08 23:39:11 caff Hehe, maybe I'll just repurpose caff.link. Or caff.club. 2022-03-08 23:39:19 anton isp time 2022-03-08 23:40:17 caff https://startyourownisp.com/ 2022-03-08 23:40:34 caff Honestly, I've wanted to start an ISP, it's just a decent capital investment, plus a ton of work. 2022-03-08 23:41:06 caff caff.network is available :eyes: 2022-03-08 23:41:15 caff And so is tilde.finance, if anyone wants to run a Tilde bank :P 2022-03-08 23:44:46 extratone https://blinkies.cafe 2022-03-08 23:45:10 extratone (unrelated but great) 2022-03-09 00:04:31 caff Damn, it's been a hot mimnute since I've had malware sent to me on Discord. 2022-03-09 00:06:19 elly oh wow 2022-03-09 00:06:20 elly vintage 2022-03-09 00:09:49 extratone did you report it? 2022-03-09 00:11:27 elly whew, I have escaped from work :) 2022-03-09 00:12:50 anton caff: oof 2022-03-09 00:32:53 extratone ain’t that just beautiful. https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/dwafts.png 2022-03-09 00:39:16 dozens that is beautiful 2022-03-09 00:41:24 extratone the fact that my writing app’s developer built me a zalgo text function in less than six hours on a sunday morning <- fosters loyalty 2022-03-09 01:08:10 --> haskal (haskal@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 01:19:23 @natalia !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbqMqZBxH9w 2022-03-09 01:19:24 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Gum 2022-03-09 01:19:26 @natalia i got weechat tab input to work :) 2022-03-09 01:20:00 extratone nice. 2022-03-09 01:20:10 @natalia enjoy these tab characters: 2022-03-09 01:23:49 caff extratone: Yep, haha. I'm actually part of a group of people who try and disrupt malware campaigns on Discord as a hobby :P 2022-03-09 01:24:32 extratone big respect. though it's sad there's enough to justify that lol. 2022-03-09 01:25:06 extratone you ever considered tackling telegram bots? lol 2022-03-09 01:26:27 caff I've looked into it, but there's a lot less that can be done vs telegram actors than discord actors. Fun fact: did you know that anybody with access to a Discord webhook can delete it? :^) 2022-03-09 01:30:19 extratone I did not but I can't say I'm surprised. 2022-03-09 01:31:01 extratone I built a company on Discord in 2015 and mostly stopped using it last year. now it's just the biggest mess for no reason. 2022-03-09 01:31:20 extratone did you know return/enter stopped working to send messages on the iOS app for no reason this year? 2022-03-09 01:32:11 extratone (literally would have destroyed me if I was still running that little company.) 2022-03-09 01:39:32 extratone NO WAIT I'M WRONG. they fixed it. 2022-03-09 01:39:57 extratone only because iPad users were complaining, of course lol. 2022-03-09 01:45:53 owl !talklike 2022-03-09 01:45:53 pinhook hello! how's everyone doing today? 2022-03-09 01:46:00 owl how friendly of me 2022-03-09 01:53:36 extratone howdy, owl. 2022-03-09 01:53:53 owl hi :) 2022-03-09 01:53:55 owl how goes? 2022-03-09 01:54:09 anton extratone: Yep, haha. I'm actually part of a group of people who try and disrupt malware campaigns on Discord as a hobby :P 2022-03-09 01:54:17 anton how does someone join said group? 2022-03-09 01:54:26 * anton likes disrupting malware 2022-03-09 01:55:04 extratone owl, I’m still alive. I think I may be close to finishing my text fucking guide. https://tilde.town/~extratone/fuck 2022-03-09 01:55:08 extratone hbu? 2022-03-09 01:55:58 anton extratone: your url has the fuck w*rd in it! 2022-03-09 01:56:14 extratone is fuck banned 2022-03-09 01:56:57 anton of course it fucking is 2022-03-09 01:57:34 extratone oh fuck. 2022-03-09 01:58:06 owl hmm fascinating 2022-03-09 02:25:15 caff I remember back in the day I was considering advocating for Discord over Slack. Now, as much as I don't enjoy Slack, I think Discord would be worse overall :L 2022-03-09 02:26:53 elly extratone: this is an extremely in-depth and interesting writeup of something I think I have never done or desired to do 2022-03-09 02:31:38 extratone caff, same except I actually did advocate for slack in a thing that's not even worth linking. 2022-03-09 02:32:11 extratone and thank you elly! as I said at the beginning, I was concerned about it being an accessibility issue but idk.. 2022-03-09 02:34:20 elly I assume you would only do that if you were trying to obscure your text anyway 2022-03-09 02:34:27 elly I find the example text in the post generally unreadable 2022-03-09 02:35:48 extratone most of it is supposed to be. 2022-03-09 02:36:18 extratone it isn't exactly the mose valuable thing I've ever written lol. 2022-03-09 02:38:09 extratone I'm not necessarily proud of being good at it, but I am pretty proud that the zalgo text creator and I were already mutuals lol. 2022-03-09 02:39:32 extratone something actually useful about iOS I wrote recently that I can’t get anyone to read because well... abstractly, it’s a very dull subject. practically, though! https://bilge.world/text-replacement 2022-03-09 02:39:48 anton I never realized how bad my CSS code was 2022-03-09 02:39:55 * anton disappointed 2022-03-09 02:41:21 extratone I seriously doubt it's worse than that underneathe basically the whole web. 2022-03-09 02:41:42 --> flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 02:41:46 elly there's a lot of bad css out there :P 2022-03-09 02:41:46 @natalia if it is an accessibility issue, maybe you could show how to use aria attributes? :) 2022-03-09 02:41:50 @natalia re: fuck 2022-03-09 02:42:00 elly I think the entire concept is an accessibility issue :P 2022-03-09 02:42:08 flowercorpse hi 2022-03-09 02:42:27 @natalia elly: sure :P 2022-03-09 02:43:30 @natalia awful unicode hacks have a lot of purposes and sometimes they can almost be accessible i think 2022-03-09 02:43:50 extratone elly, that's what I thought! I was serious when I said I'd take it down if you think it has potential to cause harm. 2022-03-09 02:44:03 anton natalia: it wasn't accessibility, just bloat 2022-03-09 02:44:08 elly I don't think it will hurt anyone 2022-03-09 02:44:26 anton and things were all over the place 2022-03-09 02:44:27 extratone I certainly hope not. 2022-03-09 02:45:05 extratone o/ flowercorpse 2022-03-09 02:45:19 flowercorpse (~_~)/ 2022-03-09 02:46:00 anton hi flowercorpse 2022-03-09 02:49:09 flowercorpse does anyone have experience in creating SPICE models? 2022-03-09 02:52:03 @natalia i have recently come across a website (the cosmopolitan/ape one) that used fancy unicode nonsense with aria descriptors 2022-03-09 02:52:07 @natalia although frankly i did not like the experience 2022-03-09 02:52:11 @natalia it still copies wrong and all 2022-03-09 03:02:24 @natalia obviously the solution is to use pdfs or something 2022-03-09 03:13:49 <-- insom (insom@localhost) has quit (Quit: Leaving) 2022-03-09 04:00:53 @natalia wait, i know: a custom font that has a ligature for your funny word of choice 2022-03-09 04:05:15 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-09 04:07:33 josh ligatures for all the words 2022-03-09 04:08:14 josh !water 2022-03-09 04:08:14 * pinhook waters josh's young agave 2022-03-09 04:08:49 extratone !water 2022-03-09 04:08:49 * pinhook waters extratone's seed 2022-03-09 04:09:32 anton !water 2022-03-09 04:09:32 * pinhook waters anton's seedling 2022-03-09 04:18:09 anton are 3 letter nicks allowed on tilde.town? 2022-03-09 04:22:50 @natalia well if they aren't i have bad news for like five active people here 2022-03-09 04:25:28 extratone hehe. 2022-03-09 04:32:13 anton or 2022-03-09 04:33:49 extratone do any of y'all know folks who develop remotely by sshing into digital ocean droplets? 2022-03-09 04:36:52 --> wangofett (wangofett@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 04:38:13 anton would it be okay/reasonable to ask why a volunteer thing I applied for was denied, so I'd know what I did wrong for next time? 2022-03-09 04:56:39 elly I think so 2022-03-09 05:00:20 anton happy new day est 2022-03-09 05:04:34 elly :) 2022-03-09 05:04:37 elly three hours left here 2022-03-09 05:04:40 elly but soon: bed 2022-03-09 05:12:26 anton join us now and share the software you'll be free hackers you'll be free 2022-03-09 05:13:32 elly oh man, I had forgotten about that song 2022-03-09 05:14:47 anton hehe 2022-03-09 05:35:28 extratone successfully forced myself to start over entirely on my “TildeTown on iPhone with Blink” guide. https://tilde.town/~extratone/blink 2022-03-09 05:49:52 juspib so yesterday i had hiccups, and i went to sleep to wake up without 2022-03-09 05:50:28 juspib but i still have hiccups and my sister told me i was hicking in the sleep :( 2022-03-09 05:51:58 --> lupo (lupo@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 05:56:34 extratone that's odd :/ surely that can't indicate anything more, can it? I don't know anything about the human body lol 2022-03-09 05:59:04 extratone brb 2022-03-09 05:59:04 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-09 06:01:04 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 06:01:04 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-09 06:01:04 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-09 06:01:04 -- Channel #tildetown: 90 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 88 normals) 2022-03-09 06:01:06 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-09 06:07:08 extratone look at the absolutely ridiculous text message I received just now. https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/parlertext.png 2022-03-09 06:29:12 --> ssteinbr (ssteinbr@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 06:49:18 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-09 06:58:11 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 06:58:11 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-09 06:58:11 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-09 06:58:11 -- Channel #tildetown: 91 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 89 normals) 2022-03-09 06:58:13 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-09 06:58:15 extratone look how absurd this is lol. https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/blinkcode.PNG 2022-03-09 07:03:24 nihilazo \o 2022-03-09 07:05:37 extratone \o/ 2022-03-09 07:08:51 dzwdz \o 2022-03-09 07:08:56 dzwdz i'm so sleepy 2022-03-09 07:12:16 nihilazo same here 2022-03-09 07:12:21 nihilazo I need to get breakfast 2022-03-09 07:14:38 juspib is over now 2022-03-09 07:24:41 猫 tmux is odd and I don't understand it 2022-03-09 07:27:23 dzwdz it is 2022-03-09 07:32:58 juspib ctrl+b d, ctrl+b c, ctrl+b num is all you ever need 2022-03-09 07:33:42 juspib also in the cli "tmux", "tmux ls" and "tmux attach -d -t num" 2022-03-09 07:43:15 dzwdz oh maaaan 2022-03-09 07:43:42 dzwdz this random old pc i wanted to take parts from is running windows xp 2022-03-09 07:43:53 dzwdz i'm playing space cadet 2022-03-09 07:44:28 dzwdz ok no it died 2022-03-09 07:46:06 dzwdz lmao the disk died 2022-03-09 07:46:16 dzwdz it doesn't boot anymore 2022-03-09 07:47:53 nihilazo question 2022-03-09 07:48:20 nihilazo there are patches that people sell to put on service dog harnesses that say things like "ask to pet" and I kinda want to put an "ask to pet" patch on my patch jacket becuase I think it's funny 2022-03-09 07:48:27 nihilazo but idk what degree to which that is hella furry cringe 2022-03-09 07:50:49 dzwdz lmaooooo 2022-03-09 07:50:51 dzwdz do it 2022-03-09 07:51:06 dzwdz god that's fucking magnificent 2022-03-09 07:53:14 nihilazo I actually got the idea from the dorian electra x left hand collab, which has some similarly furry shit 2022-03-09 07:53:17 nihilazo I think that dorian is a furry 2022-03-09 07:53:35 nihilazo or at least embracing furry imagery to some degree 2022-03-09 07:54:01 dzwdz i don't think so 2022-03-09 07:54:15 dzwdz unless by dorian you mean dzwdz 2022-03-09 07:56:12 nihilazo by dorian I mean dorian electra. I mean they did some really quite furry photoshoots and there's some furry-ish stuff in the left hand collab thing 2022-03-09 07:56:39 nihilazo altho it may just be part of the "weird internet shit" ideas around my agenda. who knows, whatever 2022-03-09 07:56:46 nihilazo dzwdz: finally coming out as a furry? :P 2022-03-09 07:58:55 juspib does ios allow the user to have two instances of the same program running? 2022-03-09 07:59:21 juspib cuz i just realized android doesn't so it's not a proper multitasking os 2022-03-09 08:09:33 extratone juspib iOS does not, as far as I know, but I think iPadOS does. 2022-03-09 08:12:59 nihilazo funny thing with me calling myself a furry is that I'm probably technically not a furry by some definitions bc I don't have a fursona and don't really like fursuit heads (I think they can be kinda weird looking most of the time) 2022-03-09 08:13:04 nihilazo but idk, it's a vibe 2022-03-09 08:13:07 nihilazo furry is a vibe 2022-03-09 08:14:40 nihilazo dunno why town is the place I'm talking about this? I guess bc it's the most supportive community I'm in 2022-03-09 08:17:20 extratone well I hear you. I don't think a fursona is an absolute requisite, but I don't know much. 2022-03-09 08:21:30 nihilazo I guess I'm kinda making a fursona rn lol or at least coming up with ideas for one 2022-03-09 08:21:45 * nihilazo gtg 2022-03-09 08:22:54 extratone night nihilazo o7 2022-03-09 08:30:07 dzwdz nihilazo: weren't you supposed to make one like 2 months ago at this point? :p 2022-03-09 08:37:07 juspib i'm being bullied by Lily 2022-03-09 08:37:30 juspib "hurr durr practice ukrainian NOW" 2022-03-09 08:37:46 juspib Lily, i'm at school 2022-03-09 08:41:07 nihilazo dzwdz: I have ideas for a fursona, I've not sat and developed them yet 2022-03-09 08:48:44 juspib i've an idea too, selling copyright for one dollar 2022-03-09 08:48:59 juspib art in a minute 2022-03-09 08:53:00 juspib https://ttm.sh/iJv.png 2022-03-09 08:53:06 juspib rough sketch 2022-03-09 09:00:23 nihilazo juspib: amougus? 2022-03-09 09:04:36 extratone ah, loving this. 2022-03-09 09:08:08 dzwdz awww this other computer has some cute stickers on it 2022-03-09 09:11:06 dzwdz SOMETHING BLEW UP WHAT THE FUCK 2022-03-09 09:11:20 juspib as i said 2022-03-09 09:11:41 juspib Polish MiGs blowing up shitty schools on the way to Ukraine 2022-03-09 09:14:43 extratone dzwdz on the machine??? a cap?? 2022-03-09 09:16:39 dzwdz the stickers were a fucking decoy 2022-03-09 09:19:01 nihilazo the PC is a decoy 2022-03-09 09:19:04 nihilazo it's actually a bomb 2022-03-09 09:19:20 nihilazo trying to lure gay computer people with its cute stickers 2022-03-09 09:22:21 extratone dangerous. 2022-03-09 09:28:44 nihilazo or I guess straight computer people who like cute stuff 2022-03-09 09:28:45 nihilazo idk 2022-03-09 09:29:01 nihilazo it's an anti-cuteness bomb 2022-03-09 09:30:09 twee o/ 2022-03-09 09:30:44 nihilazo \o tree 2022-03-09 09:30:46 twee i went to the uni library basically for the first time the other day 2022-03-09 09:30:47 nihilazo s/tree/twee/ 2022-03-09 09:30:48 sedbot \o twee 2022-03-09 09:30:49 nihilazo how're you? 2022-03-09 09:30:53 nihilazo the york uni library? 2022-03-09 09:30:54 twee and looked all through the cs section 2022-03-09 09:30:59 twee yeah 2022-03-09 09:31:01 extratone twee how does it smell. 2022-03-09 09:31:10 twee rows on rows of books on prolog and fortran it was so cute 2022-03-09 09:31:16 twee extratone pretty decent 2022-03-09 09:31:19 nihilazo I went to the library when I visited the uni, I love uni libraries 2022-03-09 09:31:24 twee the musty section is the old literature 2022-03-09 09:31:29 twee uni libraries are so great 2022-03-09 09:31:30 nihilazo they are just spaces with many vibes 2022-03-09 09:31:49 nihilazo I love the university library vibe 2022-03-09 09:31:55 nihilazo or just any big library. Love libraries 2022-03-09 09:32:11 nihilazo even tho when I actually read books I get ebooks I just love being in libraries 2022-03-09 09:32:24 extratone same. 2022-03-09 09:38:02 * nihilazo needs to focus and do anki rn 2022-03-09 09:39:46 juspib how are epubs so small 2022-03-09 09:39:58 juspib are they just txt with formatting? 2022-03-09 09:40:26 twee basically 2022-03-09 09:40:35 twee it's a zipped set of xml files 2022-03-09 09:40:54 twee the one that shocks me is djvu 2022-03-09 09:40:57 twee how are they so small 2022-03-09 09:42:32 nihilazo epub is html in a zip right 2022-03-09 09:42:33 nihilazo basically 2022-03-09 09:42:37 nihilazo slightly different 2022-03-09 09:43:12 extratone my question is - how on earth is PDF still the professional/academic standard. 2022-03-09 09:44:12 extratone Adobe’s own PDF reader is called Acrobat... as if advanced acrobatics are required to read its damned text files lol. 2022-03-09 09:46:06 juspib "no one wants to rewrite TeX" is the reason 2022-03-09 09:50:21 twee swear pdf isn't even the default output for tex 2022-03-09 09:50:27 twee make postscript the standard 2022-03-09 09:50:53 twee then again, i'm so much happier with (most) pdfs i receive than when i receive a .docx, or even worse a .doc file 2022-03-09 09:51:05 nihilazo doesn't tex outfput .dvi by default 2022-03-09 09:51:08 nihilazo or something like that 2022-03-09 09:51:19 nihilazo everybody uses pdftex because it kinda sorta works 2022-03-09 09:51:25 twee yeah 2022-03-09 09:51:29 twee and people like .pdf enough 2022-03-09 09:51:29 nihilazo (as much as TeX ever really works, I'm not a fan of it) 2022-03-09 09:51:36 twee tbh now that browsers open pdfs its decent 2022-03-09 09:51:42 nihilazo I like .pdf a lot more than I like anything else that people send me 2022-03-09 09:51:46 nihilazo you send me a .docx I hate you 2022-03-09 09:51:53 twee i dont agree with it philosophically, but firefox and chromes readers are way better than acrobat for everyday use 2022-03-09 09:51:58 nihilazo you send me a .doc then I assume you are 80 years old and don't know what you're doing 2022-03-09 09:52:05 nihilazo you send me a PDF I can actually read your document 2022-03-09 09:52:12 nihilazo and that's better than .doc[x] 2022-03-09 09:52:28 twee relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1301/ 2022-03-09 09:53:13 nihilazo lol 2022-03-09 09:53:16 twee if i become a professor, i'll be 100% making sure that all my readings are available as, i dont know, markdown and compiled pdf 2022-03-09 09:53:52 nihilazo same, I'd make sure that my stuff was available in like, pdf, markdown (or some other plaintext format), and basic html (because everybody has a basic html viewer) 2022-03-09 09:54:11 nihilazo (well, everybody with a modern device that will view digital documents) 2022-03-09 09:54:26 twee yeah 2022-03-09 09:54:32 nihilazo I'm not a fan of LaTeX and I've been looking for something better for ages 2022-03-09 09:54:49 nihilazo I hate how difficult it is to do a lot of stuff in LaTeX if you want to break the template 2022-03-09 09:55:00 twee i've been looking at https://sile-typesetter.org/ for ages 2022-03-09 09:55:01 juspib i don't get why gif is at the bottom 2022-03-09 09:55:19 twee some time last year i wrote a gemtext to ms roff parser 2022-03-09 09:55:20 twee it was shit 2022-03-09 09:56:45 nihilazo sile is interesting 2022-03-09 09:57:00 nihilazo I might check it out when I next need to make documents 2022-03-09 09:57:19 nihilazo I feel like document processing/slideshow tools are the tools that I get obsessed over finding good ones, even tho I rarely ever need them 2022-03-09 09:58:06 nihilazo "The standard-fish function takes a height, width, direction symbol, color string, eye-color string, and boolean to indicate whether the fish’s mouth is open" 2022-03-09 09:58:09 nihilazo I love racket docs 2022-03-09 09:59:09 twee that's so cool 2022-03-09 09:59:13 twee oh yeah theres pollen 2022-03-09 09:59:23 nihilazo pollen? 2022-03-09 10:00:07 nihilazo https://docs.racket-lang.org/pict/More_Pict_Constructors.html#%28def._%28%28lib._pict%2Fmain..rkt%29._standard-fish%29%29 2022-03-09 10:00:17 nihilazo there is actually stdlib functions for drawing fish. 2022-03-09 10:01:13 twee https://github.com/gfngfn/SATySFi also found this 2022-03-09 10:01:26 twee pollen is the racket-based typesetting system used by the beautiful racket guy 2022-03-09 10:01:36 twee who i don't like much i don't think 2022-03-09 10:02:07 nihilazo in racket-land there's also scribble 2022-03-09 10:02:16 nihilazo but I think that's more just a doc tool 2022-03-09 10:03:51 twee ahh, i was trying to find scribble when i remembered pollen 2022-03-09 10:03:54 * nihilazo is going through HTDP rn 2022-03-09 10:04:00 twee i did half my epq with scribble 2022-03-09 10:04:04 nihilazo o nice 2022-03-09 10:04:04 twee and then moved to word 2022-03-09 10:04:09 nihilazo I gave up on my epq 2022-03-09 10:04:25 nihilazo it got too much doing 2nd year A-level and epq at the same time 2022-03-09 10:04:26 twee wait no, i did it in latex in the end 2022-03-09 10:04:29 twee yeah that's fair 2022-03-09 10:04:46 nihilazo so far my take on racket is "you can draw pictures in the repl and that's really cool" 2022-03-09 10:04:50 juspib do you have land? 2022-03-09 10:04:54 nihilazo but it's a whole world i am very interested in exploring more 2022-03-09 10:05:02 nihilazo the racket world 2022-03-09 10:05:14 twee yo the times in times new roman is the times newspaper 2022-03-09 10:05:16 nihilazo once I finish htdp I might explore it more for things other than just doing htdp 2022-03-09 10:05:17 twee how did i only just now that 2022-03-09 10:05:27 nihilazo it's also the best font 4 kids 2022-03-09 10:05:34 juspib idk twee seems pretty obvious 2022-03-09 10:05:47 twee rah don't put me down like that 2022-03-09 10:06:00 twee im one of the ten thousand 2022-03-09 10:06:10 twee another relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/1053/ 2022-03-09 10:06:36 twee more relatedly, the neatvi guy has a neatroff :) 2022-03-09 10:06:45 twee utf-8 troff with ttf font support 2022-03-09 10:08:55 juspib daily reminder chromium still doesn't support mathml 2022-03-09 10:09:59 juspib also i still don't have land 2022-03-09 10:10:20 juspib all my brothers and even one of my sisters have land 2022-03-09 10:10:41 nihilazo I tried roff/troff once 2022-03-09 10:10:47 nihilazo the output is OK 2022-03-09 10:10:52 nihilazo the syntax is awful 2022-03-09 10:11:00 twee yes 2022-03-09 10:11:04 nihilazo and using it with pandoc is far more painful than using TeX with pandoc, so that's what I'm currently doing 2022-03-09 10:11:07 nihilazo but I don't like it 2022-03-09 10:11:18 nihilazo because it doesn't give me the control I want over how things look 2022-03-09 10:11:19 twee writing a simple overlay isn't too hard 2022-03-09 10:11:42 nihilazo without doing hacky workarounds or lacing my markdown with \formatting[nonsense]{from stackoverflow} co 2022-03-09 10:11:47 nihilazo s/ co // 2022-03-09 10:12:52 nihilazo for all its problems, it is easy to change how a word document is visually 2022-03-09 10:12:57 nihilazo which I've found hard with TeX 2022-03-09 10:13:22 nihilazo LaTeX looks like LaTeX and I don't want it to, and don't want to learn a bunch of .sty stuff to change that 2022-03-09 10:13:47 twee i personally like the latex look 2022-03-09 10:13:50 twee except the massive margins 2022-03-09 10:16:10 twee all i want from a typesetter, as a humanities student, is a couple of levels of headings, bullets and numbered lists, paragraphs, horizontal rules,,, not sure what else 2022-03-09 10:16:28 twee simple syntax, utf-8 first (probably), and standard fonts 2022-03-09 10:17:09 twee i wouldn't even mind if it compiled to jpg if i could easily print it out 2022-03-09 10:20:56 juspib tex compiler to rtf 2022-03-09 10:21:16 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-09 10:21:39 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 10:21:39 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-09 10:21:39 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-09 10:21:39 -- Channel #tildetown: 91 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 89 normals) 2022-03-09 10:21:41 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-09 10:24:25 nihilazo rtf is an interesting format to me 2022-03-09 10:24:51 nihilazo but it's one of those annoying formats with no real specification 2022-03-09 10:25:45 twee well it has a spec, just microsoft won't share it 2022-03-09 10:25:54 twee i like that it's just plain text 2022-03-09 10:26:46 twee to be honest i feel like there's a lot to be said for a html format 2022-03-09 10:26:49 twee like, it's not the worst 2022-03-09 10:26:58 twee there are a bunch of quality of life stuff missing though 2022-03-09 10:27:51 extratone I was under the impression most of y'all command line-living folks were plaintext/markdown only. guess I was wrong. 2022-03-09 10:28:07 twee i use plain text a fair amount 2022-03-09 10:28:20 twee markdown is kind of ugly to me, i don't like the inline formatting choices 2022-03-09 10:28:26 twee and it's vaguely defined 2022-03-09 10:28:53 twee i'm not really a command line living folk though 2022-03-09 10:29:22 * twee writes all their notes in png 2022-03-09 10:30:03 * nihilazo is not a command line person either 2022-03-09 10:30:57 extratone sorry :/ that came across as quite discriminitory but it was meant as a label of respect. 2022-03-09 10:31:30 extratone multimarkdown is a lot more tightly defined, no? 2022-03-09 10:32:13 twee not a clue 2022-03-09 10:32:17 extratone I agree that it can look messy. especially with asterisk unordered lists instead of hypenated unordered lists. 2022-03-09 10:32:34 nihilazo I don't hate markdown as a format, other than that every program processes it slightly differently 2022-03-09 10:32:44 nihilazo it's a markup dialect family rather than a markup language 2022-03-09 10:32:45 juspib i am a cli+browser person 2022-03-09 10:32:54 nihilazo I am an ex-cli person 2022-03-09 10:33:01 twee ooh interestingly multimarkdown's compiler supports odt 2022-03-09 10:33:17 extratone really. I didn't know that. 2022-03-09 10:33:47 twee i can't find easy access to a spec on their site :/ 2022-03-09 10:34:07 twee ah found one 2022-03-09 10:34:27 twee but like, **bold** __bold__ *italic* _italic_ what? 2022-03-09 10:34:41 twee i like how org does those things most 2022-03-09 10:35:44 tomasino the markdown text markup never really jived in my brain. been writing in plain text too long and *this* was bold 2022-03-09 10:35:58 extratone well I've been wanting to write a more specific variation of markdown for drafts but developing syntaxes involves an understanding of regex that I do not have. 2022-03-09 10:38:07 extratone extradown does have a good ring to it lol 2022-03-09 10:39:54 * nihilazo is considering making new css for his site 2022-03-09 10:41:24 juspib tilde.town site? 2022-03-09 10:41:45 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-09 10:41:59 juspib yea do that 2022-03-09 10:42:03 juspib it looks bad 2022-03-09 10:42:10 juspib at least on mobile 2022-03-09 10:42:51 nihilazo time to get my base stylesheet, which is bettermotherfuckingwebsite.com 2022-03-09 10:42:58 nihilazo then work from there 2022-03-09 10:43:23 juspib that's good for useful sites 2022-03-09 10:43:30 juspib personal sites are meant to be fancy 2022-03-09 10:44:02 nihilazo yeah but it's a base for me adding fanciness 2022-03-09 10:51:52 juspib my fren from finland doesn't text me back anymore 2022-03-09 10:52:28 juspib and i keep my discord account mostly to chat with him so i might go free soon 2022-03-09 10:54:55 twee yeah it's *bold* /italic/ _underline_ 2022-03-09 10:55:40 twee i like simple personal sites 2022-03-09 10:55:53 tomasino samesies 2022-03-09 10:55:59 tomasino i'm quite proud of tomasino.org 2022-03-09 10:57:56 nihilazo https://ttm.sh/iJa.png 2022-03-09 10:57:58 nihilazo boring so far 2022-03-09 10:58:00 nihilazo but readable 2022-03-09 10:59:55 juspib not really readable 2022-03-09 11:00:07 juspib proprietary language 2022-03-09 11:00:18 nihilazo toki pona? 2022-03-09 11:00:31 nihilazo it's in english too 2022-03-09 11:00:45 nihilazo everything in toki pona is just a translation of the english 2022-03-09 11:01:43 tomasino rock on. do as you like, as all personal sites should 2022-03-09 11:01:45 tomasino break some rules 2022-03-09 11:03:14 extratone tomasino, this is very cool (site.) 2022-03-09 11:03:56 twee i like it 2022-03-09 11:04:26 twee proprietary language is a bit of a stretch 2022-03-09 11:04:41 twee tomasino: im liking your last.fm, medium compatibility 2022-03-09 11:05:02 juspib https://juspib.ducklog.com/ this is the peak of web design 2022-03-09 11:05:12 twee je suis disagree 2022-03-09 11:05:32 twee i quite like yours nico 2022-03-09 11:05:46 extratone tilde.news looks cool. 2022-03-09 11:06:00 tomasino :) 2022-03-09 11:06:07 tomasino i just updated tomasino.org to add some "bold" 2022-03-09 11:06:28 extratone agreed juspib 2022-03-09 11:07:10 twee https://ttm.sh/iJO.png 2022-03-09 11:07:11 tomasino juspib, excellent content 2022-03-09 11:07:21 twee tilde.news is decent 2022-03-09 11:08:34 twee i like copy.sh 2022-03-09 11:08:34 extratone y’all wanna see the peak of web design alright. https://iowa.neocities.org 2022-03-09 11:09:04 extratone don't explore too far though there's some embarrasingly insensitive language somewhere. 2022-03-09 11:13:25 nihilazo is it too tacky to make links on my website do animated rainbows when hovered over 2022-03-09 11:13:32 juspib no 2022-03-09 11:14:10 nihilazo the other thing I'm thinking is making sure my site remains accessible with old browsers, screen readers etc 2022-03-09 11:14:18 nihilazo but it's perfectly accessible without any css at all 2022-03-09 11:14:21 nihilazo so any css is just flair 2022-03-09 11:15:48 twee no 2022-03-09 11:15:56 twee add rainbows 2022-03-09 11:16:27 twee this is one of my favourite personal sites http://motsuka.com/ 2022-03-09 11:16:29 extratone cursor trail!! 2022-03-09 11:16:34 twee or digital business cards i guess 2022-03-09 11:16:39 twee but i really like the rainbow effect 2022-03-09 11:16:48 twee doesn't feel tacky 2022-03-09 11:16:58 twee (also she's the one who did the solar low tech magazine site) 2022-03-09 11:17:12 tomasino for mine i wanted to make sure it works perfectly for text browsers and screen readers, but for sighted users with css it emulates the look of a markdown document. I'm also doing prefers-color-scheme work to add in two color schemes that are easy on the eyes. It's fun! 2022-03-09 11:19:35 nihilazo how do I do fonts on the web in a way that doesn't suck 2022-03-09 11:19:50 nihilazo also, any fonts with an open licence with a vibe like comic sans but not ugly? Like a kinda playful vibe but still readable 2022-03-09 11:20:47 twee there's comic neue 2022-03-09 11:20:55 twee http://www.comicneue.com/ 2022-03-09 11:21:18 nihilazo it's PERFECT 2022-03-09 11:21:28 nihilazo ty 2022-03-09 11:21:54 nihilazo should I use google fonts or host the fonts myself 2022-03-09 11:21:58 twee host 2022-03-09 11:22:00 nihilazo don't want to be relying on a google thing 2022-03-09 11:22:13 twee yeah 2022-03-09 11:22:25 twee i cant remember how to set up web fonts though 2022-03-09 11:22:29 nihilazo k 2022-03-09 11:22:39 twee i just use font: 16pt/1.4 "Times New Roman", serif; lol 2022-03-09 11:24:19 nihilazo I like writing css 2022-03-09 11:24:27 nihilazo for things like this 2022-03-09 11:24:34 nihilazo for apps it's pain, but for simple websites it's fun 2022-03-09 11:24:40 tomasino you can use google fonts, but download them and self-host 2022-03-09 11:24:45 tomasino free, but without the tracking 2022-03-09 11:25:44 tomasino if you take a font you like and upload it to fontsquirrel and generate woff and woff2 versions, it'll spit out sample CSS with it showing you how to use them 2022-03-09 11:26:17 twee swear you can download woffs from google fonts these days 2022-03-09 11:27:32 extratone http://badnoise.net/TypeRip/ 2022-03-09 11:28:56 nihilazo alright, I'm going to college 2022-03-09 11:28:57 tomasino there's ways, but if you need the css help... 2022-03-09 11:28:58 nihilazo see everybody later 2022-03-09 11:29:02 tomasino ciao 2022-03-09 11:29:05 nihilazo I just got some woff files and I'm using those 2022-03-09 11:29:14 nihilazo I need to do better colors but then I think new stylesheet v0.1 is done 2022-03-09 11:29:34 nihilazo it's like a very basic site, but with some cute touches (like rainbow link hover and fonts) 2022-03-09 11:29:39 nihilazo gtg 2022-03-09 11:33:33 twee i take pride in my print stylesheet 2022-03-09 11:35:35 juspib i don't like serif fonts for fun stuff 2022-03-09 11:38:10 twee i do 2022-03-09 11:38:24 twee serif fonts feel arcane 2022-03-09 11:38:39 twee sans-serif fonts feel sanitised, corporate, big tech, marketing agency 2022-03-09 11:41:27 juspib wikipedia feels corporate, big-tech, marketing agency to you? 2022-03-09 11:41:47 juspib in my mind serifs are reserved for science and news 2022-03-09 11:41:58 twee wikipedia feels fun to you? 2022-03-09 11:42:03 juspib yea 2022-03-09 11:42:51 twee idk 2022-03-09 11:43:10 twee i mean fonts are a very basic starting point to have feelings about 2022-03-09 11:43:22 juspib Did you know ... that the 1976 manga series Kaze to Ki no Uta is credited with widely popularizing the male–male romance genre? 2022-03-09 11:43:38 twee but generally sans serif feels digital and digital-first stuff i tend to have negative feelings about 2022-03-09 11:44:41 dzwdz did that manga turn people gay or something 2022-03-09 11:44:49 twee probably 2022-03-09 11:45:32 dzwdz good 2022-03-09 11:45:35 twee wish there was a diy mouse scene like the keyboard scene 2022-03-09 11:45:42 twee i want a sexy three button mouse 2022-03-09 11:46:07 dzwdz be the change you want to see in the world 2022-03-09 11:46:17 twee i dont want to start 2022-03-09 11:46:20 twee im busy 2022-03-09 11:46:33 twee i want there to be a market and then suport an Independent Creator 2022-03-09 11:52:03 juspib The mature subject material of Kaze to Ki no Uta and its focus on themes of sadomasochism, incest, and rape were controversial for shōjo manga of the 1970s; it took seven years from Takemiya's initial conceptualization of the story for her editors at the publishing company Shogakukan to agree to publish it. 2022-03-09 11:54:40 dzwdz what the fuck 2022-03-09 12:00:19 juspib The series is set in late 19th-century France, primarily at the fictional Lacombrade Academy, an all-boys boarding school located on the outskirts of the city of Arles in Provence. 2022-03-09 12:00:31 juspib Serge Battour, the teenaged son of a French viscount and a Roma woman, is sent to Lacombrade at the request of his late father. He is roomed with Gilbert Cocteau, a misanthropic student who is ostracized by the school's pupils and professors for his truancy and sexual relations with older male students. Serge's efforts to befriend his roommate, and 2022-03-09 12:00:33 juspib Gilbert's efforts to simultaneously drive away and seduce Serge, form a complicated and disruptive relationship between the pair. 2022-03-09 12:00:44 juspib Gilbert's apparent cruelty and promiscuity are the result of a lifetime of neglect and abuse, as perpetrated chiefly by his uncle Auguste Beau. Auguste is a respected figure in French high society who has physically, emotionally, and sexually abused Gilbert since he was a child. His manipulation of Gilbert is so significant that Gilbert believes 2022-03-09 12:00:46 juspib that the two are in love, and he remains beguiled by Auguste even after he later learns that Auguste is not his uncle, but his biological father 2022-03-09 12:00:54 juspib Despite threats of ostracism and violence, Serge perseveres in his attempts to bond with Gilbert, and the two eventually become friends and lovers. Faced with rejection by the faculty and students of Lacombrade, Gilbert and Serge flee to Paris and live for a short while as paupers. Gilbert is unable to escape the trauma of his past, and descends 2022-03-09 12:00:56 juspib into a life of drug use and prostitution. While hallucinating under the influence of opium, he runs in front of a moving carriage and dies under its wheels, convinced that he has seen Auguste. Some of the pair's friends, who have recently rediscovered the couple, find and console the traumatized Serge. 2022-03-09 12:04:34 extratone there’s a movie on Netflix with Ben Affleck’s face that’s apparently just entitled THE TOWN and I can’t stop laughing every time I see it. 2022-03-09 12:22:28 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-09 12:25:17 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 12:25:17 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-09 12:25:17 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-09 12:25:17 -- Channel #tildetown: 91 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 89 normals) 2022-03-09 12:25:19 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-09 12:32:23 juspib short people are cute or cringr 2022-03-09 12:33:14 juspib or based 2022-03-09 12:38:01 juspib as a result of continued thinking i came to the conclusion that the same applies to tall people 2022-03-09 12:46:34 --> the_default (the_default@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 12:47:08 the_default hi town 2022-03-09 12:49:31 twee hey the_default 2022-03-09 12:50:05 twee some cooking markup language was on hn the other day 2022-03-09 12:50:14 twee so i looked up to see if luke smith's based.cooking had ever been submitted 2022-03-09 12:50:16 twee and it had 2022-03-09 12:50:25 twee and like half the comments were discussing what based meant 2022-03-09 12:50:49 tomasino !sotd https://youtu.be/iW_Ct49H1ng 2022-03-09 12:50:50 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Mega Man 2 - Dr. Wily Stage Acapella 2022-03-09 12:56:33 the_default oh yeah i saw that cooking markup language as well 2022-03-09 12:56:39 the_default didn't have time to read about it 2022-03-09 12:57:58 twee kind of looked cool 2022-03-09 12:58:04 twee but honestly i don't deal with recipes really 2022-03-09 12:59:31 the_default ok that looks cool. was thinking about converting a bunch of recipies i have on paper to digital, that looks like a great way of doing it 2022-03-09 12:59:52 juspib based.cooking is ded 2022-03-09 13:00:26 juspib no new recipes have been added since Luke got mad that compiling the site takes too much time 2022-03-09 13:00:41 juspib and asked people for solutions 2022-03-09 13:00:45 juspib and then ignored them 2022-03-09 13:01:06 tomasino a whole markup language, and not the recipe microformat? 2022-03-09 13:01:17 tomasino https://microformats.org/wiki/h-recipe 2022-03-09 13:02:22 twee based.cooking just is pretty shoddy 2022-03-09 13:02:42 tomasino i just do mine in plain text on gopher 2022-03-09 13:02:52 twee the fact that luke started it means that there are lots of mediocre recipes added by suckless anti bloat kool aid teens who are just getting into their leet phase 2022-03-09 13:02:54 tomasino the way god intended, clearly 2022-03-09 13:03:23 twee i just put any i need in my physical notebook and write them in the index 2022-03-09 13:03:37 twee occasionally i used to share recipes but now i dont 2022-03-09 13:04:10 extratone it’s just occurred to me that documentation is probably left vague sometimes because the author forgot how they did something and didn’t feel like bothering to retrace their steps. 2022-03-09 13:04:10 extratone because it’s happening to me right now. 2022-03-09 13:04:44 twee also tomasino: cooklang seems significantly better than h-recipe 2022-03-09 13:04:47 twee https://cooklang.org/ 2022-03-09 13:05:45 tomasino different uses. the idea of a microformat is that every website with their own unique recipe layout can lay in the attributes and you can extract the recipe from that structure 2022-03-09 13:06:13 tomasino like identity stuff in indyweb. microformats are awesome cause they overlay what you already have 2022-03-09 13:06:30 the_default the microformat is like a web representation of the recipe? 2022-03-09 13:06:50 tomasino it's a way to codify the underlying data structure in your existing html 2022-03-09 13:06:58 tomasino add a tag here or there, bam, now a machine can parse it 2022-03-09 13:07:09 twee i understand the idea. i just think that a lot of the ones ive seen are pretty trash, including that one 2022-03-09 13:07:29 twee then again, im just very disillusioned with indyweb 2022-03-09 13:07:44 tomasino well, each to their own opinion. it's been around for over a decade now with little tweaks. feels pretty good to me 2022-03-09 13:07:50 the_default so i'd write my recipies in something like cooklang, then render them as html with the microformat tags 2022-03-09 13:07:58 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 13:08:00 tomasino the microformat, that is. not indyweb 2022-03-09 13:08:05 tomasino indyweb is a bit meh 2022-03-09 13:08:09 palmdrop !water 2022-03-09 13:08:09 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-03-09 13:08:09 the_default or am i completely misunderstanding 2022-03-09 13:08:12 the_default hey palmdrop 2022-03-09 13:08:16 palmdrop hey 2022-03-09 13:08:22 tomasino you got it, the_default 2022-03-09 13:08:41 tomasino if you are writing a web generator for cooklang i'd suggest adding h-recipe microformat tags to the output 2022-03-09 13:08:42 palmdrop (I'm at work so shouldn't spend too much time in chat) 2022-03-09 13:08:45 tomasino best of both worlds 2022-03-09 13:09:49 twee hey palmdrop 2022-03-09 13:10:01 twee i guess it's alright as an output format 2022-03-09 13:12:42 tomasino for YEARS windows had no native calendar app. i bitched about that constantly, and that neither windows nor mac had a recipe program 2022-03-09 13:13:01 tomasino back in the old days they were two really obvious things that just didn't exist 2022-03-09 13:13:12 tomasino such a miss 2022-03-09 13:14:01 juspib what is indyweb 2022-03-09 13:14:06 twee just use onenote 2022-03-09 13:14:11 twee oneonote for everything 2022-03-09 13:14:20 the_default micro soft 2022-03-09 13:14:23 twee man remember when onedrive was called skydrive, that was a much better name 2022-03-09 13:15:26 extratone agreed ^ 2022-03-09 13:15:49 juspib name doesn't matter it the service is terrible 2022-03-09 13:16:01 extratone either onenote is absolutely horrendous or I don't understand it. 2022-03-09 13:26:52 twee not true juspib, people will put up with all sorts if it sounds or looks good 2022-03-09 13:30:33 extratone kreayshawn has a Jelly 2 apparently lol 2022-03-09 13:31:03 <-- mhj (mhj@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-09 13:31:19 juspib i am a person so i can confirm people don't like bad stuff 2022-03-09 13:31:23 extratone people will put up with all sorts of crap if the company making it basis a half century's business around squashing any and all competitors lol 2022-03-09 13:31:32 extratone bases* 2022-03-09 13:32:21 twee who is that 2022-03-09 13:32:47 twee kreayshawn 2022-03-09 13:33:03 extratone a bay area rapper. 2022-03-09 13:33:10 twee i am a person and can also confirm i dont like bad stuff. but i can also confirm that i put up with all sorts of bad stuff for all sorts of reasons 2022-03-09 13:34:18 twee very cool, jely 2 is a good phone 2022-03-09 13:34:56 extratone oh I meant to link the tweet lmao. https://twitter.com/KREAYSHAWN/status/1496952849137233922 2022-03-09 13:36:11 extratone unihertz is a great name for a hardware company. 2022-03-09 13:36:24 twee agree 2022-03-09 13:36:25 extratone omnihertz 2022-03-09 13:36:36 twee lol people in comments don't know what's up 2022-03-09 13:39:49 extratone I'm going to assume lfg means "looking fucking good" and not "looking for group." 2022-03-09 13:42:14 twee i guessed "let's fucking go" 2022-03-09 13:43:42 juspib lfg = long fuggin gun 2022-03-09 13:43:52 juspib and refers to duck rifles 2022-03-09 13:47:19 --> rogbeer (rogbeer@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 13:47:28 rogbeer !sotd https://youtu.be/wLAYRJv6nQc 2022-03-09 13:47:28 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to PZE22: Konstrakta - In Corpore Sano / Polufinale 1 2022-03-09 13:47:54 rogbeer hi guys 2022-03-09 13:48:15 rogbeer how're you doing today? 2022-03-09 13:48:21 the_default i'm thinking about dropping my [further maths] class. i'm pretty sure this is the best choice but i'm not entirely sure so i'm half asking about it. it'd: + give me two extra free lessons per day + give me half the independent work to do at home + allow me to get far better grades in other subjects + be able to start hobbies'n'stuff in my free time 2022-03-09 13:48:23 the_default + not be stressed. but: - cannot rejoin course if i quit - i might be wrong 2022-03-09 13:48:26 the_default sorry for just dumping this 2022-03-09 13:48:30 the_default hey rogbeer! 2022-03-09 13:48:36 the_default i'm doing alright 2022-03-09 13:48:55 rogbeer oh, i see 2022-03-09 13:49:21 rogbeer thanks for sharing your thoughts about your classes 2022-03-09 13:49:35 the_default i'm just looking for ... confirmation? 2022-03-09 13:49:40 rogbeer i can imagine it's a difficult decision to make 2022-03-09 13:49:41 the_default affermation? idk 2022-03-09 13:49:59 rogbeer i'm unsure if i can help you 2022-03-09 13:50:16 rogbeer maybe you are looking for courage? just guessing 2022-03-09 13:50:20 the_default yeah i don't think i really need help. don't know why i send this here 2022-03-09 13:50:26 the_default rogbeer: yeah that'd be it 2022-03-09 13:50:49 rogbeer you know, i heard a line from a poem, once 2022-03-09 13:51:06 extratone "quit school, dub tapes." 2022-03-09 13:51:10 rogbeer "traveller, there is no path. the path is made by walking" 2022-03-09 13:51:37 rogbeer it's about taking a step into the unknown 2022-03-09 13:51:43 extratone (sorry I am also here for support but I couldn't resist.) 2022-03-09 13:51:50 the_default (i know, it's fine) 2022-03-09 13:51:57 rogbeer extratone: i guess that's humour called non sequitur 2022-03-09 13:52:17 the_default it's just this shouldn't be stressful, it's such an obvious choice. mostly. 2022-03-09 13:52:23 the_default ok whatever got to go 2022-03-09 13:52:28 the_default thanks for the kinda-help 2022-03-09 13:52:28 rogbeer see you 2022-03-09 13:52:35 <-- the_default (the_default@localhost) has quit (Quit: embarrasing myself, as usual) 2022-03-09 13:53:04 rogbeer it's 9.52 PM in my time-zone 2022-03-09 13:53:37 rogbeer i entered this chat-room to take a break from scrolling through Twitter 2022-03-09 13:54:55 twee wow that's late 2022-03-09 13:54:55 rogbeer i found this proxy-kinda thing caller Nitter 2022-03-09 13:55:06 rogbeer *called Nitter 2022-03-09 13:55:23 twee i like nitter 2022-03-09 13:55:26 twee it has rss feeds 2022-03-09 13:56:01 rogbeer oh, I haven't tried subscribing to its RSS feeds 2022-03-09 13:56:22 rogbeer i did find some poetry bots that I want to hear more from 2022-03-09 13:56:44 rogbeer it's a nice reminder. thanks, twee 2022-03-09 13:57:22 twee how much do you know about cassettes rogbeer 2022-03-09 13:58:20 rogbeer not much. enough to know that my player malfunctioned even after professional repairs that cost quite a substantial amount. and that was in 2016 2022-03-09 13:58:45 twee ah 2022-03-09 13:58:47 twee oh well 2022-03-09 13:58:54 rogbeer it's just that I listen to indie/underground bands 2022-03-09 13:58:59 twee i've ended up with a cassette and i want to listen to it 2022-03-09 13:59:14 rogbeer and the bands release music on cassettes skmetimes 2022-03-09 13:59:15 twee but i dont have a player and dont want to spend money on something tacky 2022-03-09 13:59:24 rogbeer oh, I see 2022-03-09 14:00:09 rogbeer maybe you can check a makerspace or public library near you 2022-03-09 14:00:24 rogbeer if they have players 2022-03-09 14:00:59 rogbeer i know my public library has a CD player. (which is likr an ancient relic today). 2022-03-09 14:01:38 rogbeer i think makerspaces have great potential for building a community 2022-03-09 14:02:22 rogbeer i hope my suggestions help you, twee 2022-03-09 14:04:24 rogbeer by the way, I'd like to share that I received about SGD$200 from a user of Mastodon 2022-03-09 14:04:45 rogbeer that user wanted to support FOSS developers 2022-03-09 14:05:08 rogbeer i showed that user my github and stuff 2022-03-09 14:05:35 extratone that's amazing and how things should work. 2022-03-09 14:05:46 extratone unless you're not a FOSS developer lmao 2022-03-09 14:06:02 rogbeer i am >:( 2022-03-09 14:06:13 rogbeer haha 2022-03-09 14:06:16 login how do you get funded? 2022-03-09 14:06:56 rogbeer do you mean, my day-to-day expenses? 2022-03-09 14:07:02 extratone twee, you should still be able to find portable cassette players new with a 3.5mm jack for like $19.99 if you just want to listen to one tape. 2022-03-09 14:07:48 extratone I say that before I googled myself of course... god has it been that long lol 2022-03-09 14:07:53 twee than you, i will certainly do some searching 2022-03-09 14:08:10 twee extratone: do you have a link? some of them are going pricey or spares and repairs only 2022-03-09 14:08:43 extratone if I hadn't lost all my shit years ago I'd have like 5 for you to choose from. 2022-03-09 14:09:06 twee :( 2022-03-09 14:09:30 twee we used to have one in the garage, over easter i'll have a look but i think it was broken last i tried 2022-03-09 14:09:32 extratone ironically the home depot is the first thing I saw that looks like what I was referring to. https://www.homedepot.com/p/GPX-AM-FM-Cassette-Player-Recorder-CAS337B/301586659 2022-03-09 14:09:56 twee i get access denied for that link 2022-03-09 14:10:02 rogbeer hey i gonna prepare for bed. see you guys 2022-03-09 14:10:06 rogbeer o/ 2022-03-09 14:10:09 extratone night rogbeer 2022-03-09 14:10:24 <-- rogbeer (rogbeer@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-09 14:11:20 extratone JENSEN is the brand I was thinking of. meaningless, really, but extremely cheap at least in this part of the world. 2022-03-09 14:11:54 extratone what about a walmart link? lol https://www.walmart.com/ip/Jensen-SCR-75-Stereo-Cassette-Player-with-AM-FM-Radio/830940096 2022-03-09 14:14:02 twee that's pretty cute 2022-03-09 14:14:40 twee yeah i totally forgot argos existed (uk), i'll have a look there 2022-03-09 14:20:00 * bx also forgot argos existed 2022-03-09 14:20:23 bx gur local one closed down in either 2021 or 2020 2022-03-09 14:20:31 bx (also hi town) 2022-03-09 14:21:30 dzwdz sup 2022-03-09 14:21:52 juspib hi bx 2022-03-09 14:21:55 bx going thru student finance application 2022-03-09 14:22:10 juspib do you own land? 2022-03-09 14:22:15 bx no 2022-03-09 14:22:21 juspib that makes two of us 2022-03-09 14:23:08 bx on gur sign up page it rejects my name for being one character 2022-03-09 14:23:15 bx my mum said "add a space after" 2022-03-09 14:23:18 bx it fucken worked 2022-03-09 14:23:42 bx how're you guys doing ? 2022-03-09 14:23:46 juspib your mom's smart 2022-03-09 14:24:11 bx Yea, was gonna check if it was a client side check, but thanks to gur space thing i dont have to 2022-03-09 14:24:52 barnaba hah mum wisdom 2022-03-09 14:25:38 twee my local one closed down over the summer 2022-03-09 14:26:08 twee you have a one letter name? that's cool 2022-03-09 14:27:08 bx twee: bx = bradon x 2022-03-09 14:27:10 bx *brandon 2022-03-09 14:27:22 * bx is still managing to typo his own name to this day 2022-03-09 14:29:05 twee where did x come from 2022-03-09 14:29:19 dzwdz he married malcolm x 2022-03-09 14:29:23 dzwdz and took his last name 2022-03-09 14:29:25 bx ...he's dead 2022-03-09 14:29:47 bx Also it's because i dont want 2 names, but cant have just 1 in gur system 2022-03-09 14:29:57 bx so X = there's not meant to be anything here 2022-03-09 14:30:06 twee ah 2022-03-09 14:30:14 bx though after doing it i also like to think of it being symbolically crossing out what was there 2022-03-09 14:30:22 twee is that a british thing 2022-03-09 14:30:29 bx wym? 2022-03-09 14:31:01 dzwdz aren't you literally british 2022-03-09 14:31:13 twee that you can't have a mononym 2022-03-09 14:31:17 twee officially 2022-03-09 14:34:36 bx Oh 2022-03-09 14:34:39 bx Im not sure 2022-03-09 14:34:49 bx literally every form breaks when you dont put 2 in 2022-03-09 14:34:52 bx so i assume yes? 2022-03-09 14:35:04 twee i mean it's not common for sure 2022-03-09 14:35:13 bx (i mean i still break most of them now) 2022-03-09 14:36:10 bx dzwdz: yes, i also live under a rock though 2022-03-09 14:36:39 twee i mean the name change gov.uk page doesn't outlaw single names 2022-03-09 14:36:45 twee i guess it just fucks up everything else 2022-03-09 14:37:02 juspib bx like your surname is x? 2022-03-09 14:37:07 bx Ye 2022-03-09 14:37:11 dzwdz bx: that was to twee 2022-03-09 14:37:13 dzwdz wait, surname? 2022-03-09 14:37:15 dzwdz not middle name? 2022-03-09 14:37:27 bx dzwdz: oh lol 2022-03-09 14:37:34 dzwdz dude 2022-03-09 14:37:34 juspib it's weird when surnames are treated as normal names 2022-03-09 14:37:38 dzwdz lmao 2022-03-09 14:37:44 bx Yea surname, i dont have a middlename 2022-03-09 14:37:45 twee !pronouns twee 2022-03-09 14:37:46 pinhook twee has not declared any pronouns. Use `echo '' > ~/.pronouns` to add your pronouns! 2022-03-09 14:37:49 twee nice 2022-03-09 14:38:19 dzwdz that just looks like you didn't set up any pronouns 2022-03-09 14:38:23 dzwdz twee/twee was more obvious 2022-03-09 14:38:39 twee that wasnt a nice nice, just a nice nice 2022-03-09 14:38:55 dzwdz yo, speaking of surnames, juspib: have you heard the story of żelisław żyżyński? 2022-03-09 14:39:09 juspib what about the noobnouns? 2022-03-09 14:39:18 juspib and no i haven't 2022-03-09 14:39:27 dzwdz i can't be bothered to look it up 2022-03-09 14:39:32 dzwdz basically, the last pole alphabetically 2022-03-09 14:39:53 twee !pronouns 2022-03-09 14:39:53 pinhook Pronouns for twee: they/them/theirself twee/twee/twee's 2022-03-09 14:39:54 dzwdz i can't remember if he's the one who was named to be the last, or if he named his son to be the last 2022-03-09 14:40:00 bx Wait what 2022-03-09 14:40:03 dzwdz theirself? 2022-03-09 14:40:13 bx its usually themselves 2022-03-09 14:40:21 twee fuck 2022-03-09 14:40:22 dzwdz like i see what you're going for, but what 2022-03-09 14:40:23 bx though theirself makes sense 2022-03-09 14:40:32 twee !pronouns twee 2022-03-09 14:40:32 pinhook Pronouns for twee: they/them/themself twee/twee/twee's 2022-03-09 14:40:37 twee i don't like themselves 2022-03-09 14:40:38 dzwdz tweemself 2022-03-09 14:40:42 twee im not plural 2022-03-09 14:40:43 juspib dzwdz but what's the story 2022-03-09 14:40:52 dzwdz i don't remember lel 2022-03-09 14:40:55 dzwdz sorry for blueballing you 2022-03-09 14:41:02 dzwdz dtp had an episode about it 2022-03-09 14:41:21 dzwdz somewhere around the 120th-130th i believe 2022-03-09 14:41:29 juspib then i probably heard it but didn't listen 2022-03-09 14:42:21 bx doesn't this mean theyre gonna end up last everytime someone does something in alphabetical order? 2022-03-09 14:42:39 dzwdz yes 2022-03-09 14:42:40 bx cause that can be helpful sometimes 2022-03-09 14:43:00 bx I get to give all my chem presentations last and so get gur most time to prepare 2022-03-09 14:43:03 dzwdz yeah, if someone runs `rm --rf /poland/citizens/*` they'll have time to run 2022-03-09 14:43:07 juspib imagine being the person in class with #1 2022-03-09 14:43:29 @natalia morning 2022-03-09 14:43:34 dzwdz she's alright 2022-03-09 14:43:44 dzwdz but like i wouldn't want to be her 2022-03-09 14:43:51 dzwdz \o natalia 2022-03-09 14:44:05 bx morning natalia 2022-03-09 14:45:17 bx dzwdz: bc of gur name or gur number-1ness? 2022-03-09 14:45:21 juspib afteenoon 2022-03-09 14:45:36 dzwdz neither 2022-03-09 14:45:47 dzwdz i'm talking about a specific human being here 2022-03-09 14:46:19 login who is she? the person in class with #1? 2022-03-09 14:46:24 juspib yes 2022-03-09 14:47:06 bx cue spongebob number 1 meme 2022-03-09 14:48:11 dzwdz TIL /dev/full 2022-03-09 14:48:31 bx what is that 2022-03-09 14:48:33 barnaba how did we arrive at removing polish citizens again? 2022-03-09 14:48:35 bx catting it does nothing 2022-03-09 14:48:52 bx barnaba: someone has gur last name alphabetically speaking in poland 2022-03-09 14:49:09 bx i suggested that it may actully be useful 2022-03-09 14:49:09 twee i reckon someone has the last name alphabetically speaking in most countries 2022-03-09 14:49:12 twee with an alphabet 2022-03-09 14:49:17 dzwdz but he has it on purpose 2022-03-09 14:49:25 bx twee: True, but do we know who it is for gur others 2022-03-09 14:50:08 twee https://britishsurnames.co.uk/surnames/Z/?p=104 2022-03-09 14:50:11 twee bx: starting point 2022-03-09 14:50:11 barnaba I'm not sure how good bash is at sorting extended ascii chars like Ż 2022-03-09 14:50:56 barnaba and also this might sound nitpicky but do globs run in alphabetical order? 2022-03-09 14:51:08 twee https://www.192.com/atoz/people/zziwa/ 2022-03-09 14:52:01 bx barnaba: i dont think so 2022-03-09 14:52:15 bx im guessing its implementation dependant 2022-03-09 14:52:38 twee from a very cursory search, person at the bottom of the british register is umar zziwa 2022-03-09 14:53:16 dzwdz there are definitely british people with surnames starting with ż 2022-03-09 14:53:21 dzwdz hell, maybe there's a żelisław too 2022-03-09 14:53:36 twee are you sure officially? 2022-03-09 14:53:39 barnaba anyhow quick research suggests that if you ever want to remove polish citizens alphabetically, ppl with czech surnames will be the last ones standing 2022-03-09 14:53:40 bx twee: huh that double zz is gonna get them low down 2022-03-09 14:53:54 twee it would absolutely not surprise me if the official system only supports 7 bit ascii 2022-03-09 14:54:25 dzwdz hm 2022-03-09 14:54:42 dzwdz i'm fine with that, i don't have anything against czechs 2022-03-09 14:54:45 bx twee: i'd honestly bet on it doing so 2022-03-09 14:54:55 barnaba žula being behind żyżycz by sort standards 2022-03-09 14:56:06 twee it gets harder though 2022-03-09 14:56:37 dzwdz is there a list of all the characters from latin characters in order 2022-03-09 14:57:03 anton has anyone heard of beon.co.id (a hosting company for web/vps/mail things)? 2022-03-09 14:57:18 twee like i believe by sort standards 安 comes after anything with z despite sounding like a 2022-03-09 14:57:48 dzwdz s/latin/\/&\/ 2022-03-09 14:57:49 sedbot is there a list of all the characters from /latin/ characters in order 2022-03-09 14:57:55 dzwdz wait fuck 2022-03-09 14:57:57 dzwdz latin alphabets 2022-03-09 14:58:04 dzwdz not characters 2022-03-09 14:58:23 twee not a clue 2022-03-09 14:59:34 dzwdz wait wh 2022-03-09 14:59:43 dzwdz apparently macos has php preinstalled 2022-03-09 14:59:53 twee pro move 2022-03-09 15:00:16 bx just tried it, it does 2022-03-09 15:00:24 bx im pretty sure it also has ruby preinstalled tho 2022-03-09 15:00:27 dzwdz whoa, that's cool 2022-03-09 15:00:42 dzwdz vim? 2022-03-09 15:01:02 bx hold on 2022-03-09 15:01:17 dzwdz emacs? 2022-03-09 15:01:25 dzwdz ed? 2022-03-09 15:01:25 twee it used to have emacs preinstalled 2022-03-09 15:01:39 twee but like 24 or something oldish 2022-03-09 15:02:00 bx it does have ed 2022-03-09 15:02:15 bx i dont have emacs 2022-03-09 15:02:25 bx im trying to remmeber if i installed vim or not 2022-03-09 15:03:00 twee check for vi 2022-03-09 15:03:02 twee if it has ed 2022-03-09 15:03:17 juspib anton no 2022-03-09 15:03:29 juspib but it looks and sounds sussy af 2022-03-09 15:03:43 bx vi just opens vim 2022-03-09 15:03:55 twee i dont think its suspicious 2022-03-09 15:04:02 twee actually maybe 2022-03-09 15:04:07 twee it looks hostgator equivalent 2022-03-09 15:04:16 bx ok vim is preinstalled 2022-03-09 15:04:23 bx i cant remove it with homebrew 2022-03-09 15:04:24 dzwdz based 2022-03-09 15:04:46 login very sus 2022-03-09 15:04:51 bx it also comes with nano 2022-03-09 15:04:59 dzwdz you can remove everything with homebrew, you just need to drink enough 2022-03-09 15:05:09 bx Naw i got high 2022-03-09 15:05:11 bx tolerance 2022-03-09 15:05:46 login nano = ? 2022-03-09 15:05:52 login the text editor? 2022-03-09 15:05:57 bx yes 2022-03-09 15:07:03 extratone idk if y’all would enjoy hearing Nilay Patel interview the Raspberry Pi guy. I’m looking forward to maybe actually hearing a conversation about technology? https://www.theverge.com/22966155/raspberry-pi-ceo-interview-eben-upton-computer-chip-shortage-diy 2022-03-09 15:08:45 twee bring back microcomputers 2022-03-09 15:09:21 extratone o nope... it looks like it's mostly about the business and the story. 2022-03-09 15:09:27 extratone foiled again. 2022-03-09 15:10:11 juspib wdym microcomputers 2022-03-09 15:10:32 twee 80s keyboard boxes 2022-03-09 15:10:49 dzwdz like rpi400? 2022-03-09 15:11:09 bx extratone: oh this is intresting still though 2022-03-09 15:11:12 anton juspib: I got a spam email from someone using their service (the typical person is dying and I need to donate per money to a charity of some sorts), and I was wondering if it would be worth reporting the email to the host 2022-03-09 15:11:12 twee i guess 2022-03-09 15:11:18 twee i want to watch some "why we don't have internet" videos, like those "why we don't have a tv" videos, but searching the former brings up wifi troubleshooting 2022-03-09 15:11:31 juspib "microcomputer" was a name to tell the size difference from mainframes 2022-03-09 15:11:32 dzwdz rip the typical person 2022-03-09 15:12:31 extratone as I've said here before - if I am example of the computer-bent sort of my peers, any sort of exposure to hardware and hardware people is desperately needed. 2022-03-09 15:13:06 extratone I learned SO much about life, literally, from just two years in high school electronics classes lol 2022-03-09 15:13:34 dzwdz ive been messing around with the old computers at my school and i love it 2022-03-09 15:13:47 extratone <3 2022-03-09 15:14:00 bx i like hardware, but it feels like most of gur time what i want to do with it turns out to have already been done and my version will perform crapily in comparison 2022-03-09 15:14:13 juspib i hate computers 2022-03-09 15:14:16 dzwdz i'm suprised that it took until today for something to explode 2022-03-09 15:14:21 bx ... 2022-03-09 15:14:21 dzwdz juspib: ^ 2022-03-09 15:14:22 extratone well yeah. that's the gist of academic hardware stuff lol 2022-03-09 15:14:38 bx I'd love to make a descrete component cpu 2022-03-09 15:14:42 extratone I was absolutely terrible at it. 2022-03-09 15:14:55 extratone still am. 2022-03-09 15:15:06 bx but it probs wont even break 20MHz, which you can get out of a < £2 atmega mcu 2022-03-09 15:15:16 dzwdz what's the point of that 2022-03-09 15:15:23 extratone yeah but ... you'd have made *your own CPU* 2022-03-09 15:15:23 dzwdz it's 20 million instructions 2022-03-09 15:15:42 bx dzwdz: im not sure what you mean 2022-03-09 15:15:43 extratone if you get there, I wouldn't chide yourself about the redundancy lol 2022-03-09 15:15:46 dzwdz i bet you won't even be able to think up a million instructions 2022-03-09 15:16:04 bx dzwdz: my compiler easily can 2022-03-09 15:16:05 extratone "pee urself" x 20million boom 2022-03-09 15:16:25 dzwdz also the human hearing ends at 20KHz 2022-03-09 15:16:29 bx plus speed limits it's application 2022-03-09 15:16:33 dzwdz no point going past that 2022-03-09 15:16:42 bx idealy i'd build a hardware varvara 2022-03-09 15:16:47 extratone theoretical human hearing ends there. lmk if anybody in this chat can hear past 18 lol 2022-03-09 15:17:01 dzwdz i think i was able to 2022-03-09 15:17:02 extratone I'll bet I'm down to like 15 now. 2022-03-09 15:17:04 bx extratone: havent tried 2022-03-09 15:17:21 bx dont want too, if i score low im just gonna get real sad 2022-03-09 15:17:56 extratone don't! I wear my bad hearing with pride because it survived growing up on a farm AND a punk adolescence 2022-03-09 15:18:15 bx should a farm *help* your hearing 2022-03-09 15:18:22 bx gur city noise is part of what destroys it 2022-03-09 15:19:02 extratone lol that depends on how you define "farm." it was not a uh... recreational farm. 2022-03-09 15:19:05 bx (also i meant id just feel bad cause like, im not happy about my body's functionality degrading out of my control) 2022-03-09 15:19:20 juspib yeah people are being tricked into buying CPUs because of big numbers 2022-03-09 15:19:20 extratone farming is a cacophony of diesel engines and screaming. 2022-03-09 15:19:21 bx extratone: farm = place where food is grown 2022-03-09 15:19:39 juspib NO ONE needs a million instructions a second 2022-03-09 15:19:39 extratone yeah but people call 20 acre farmer's market type shit farms now. 2022-03-09 15:19:44 bx extratone: what? where are all gur tranquil crop fields 2022-03-09 15:20:01 extratone I mean, the environment itself is tranquil. the JOB is loud as hell. 2022-03-09 15:20:06 bx aw 2022-03-09 15:20:20 extratone and loud as hell for sustained periods of time. 2022-03-09 15:20:23 bx can you get away with wearing ear protection 2022-03-09 15:20:59 extratone oh I'm sure we'd have worn it if we'd known. 2022-03-09 15:21:20 bx ........ 2022-03-09 15:21:30 extratone it'd have to be real comfortable though lol 2022-03-09 15:21:41 m455 i do not miss working on farms lol 2022-03-09 15:21:47 extratone ^ 2022-03-09 15:21:49 bx most things are more comfortable than gur sustained sound of a disel enginer 2022-03-09 15:22:11 bx i probs have a much nicer image of farming in my brain 2022-03-09 15:22:15 m455 had a good friend in highschool with an abusive step father who refused to buy machines to help them weed and harvest stuff, so we did lands and lands of removing rocks and weed with just 2 buckets each by hand 2022-03-09 15:22:21 extratone I guess that's down to taste lol. I absolutely loved every minute I got to operate machinery. everything else sucked. 2022-03-09 15:22:27 bx i think im picturing like sustinance farming, not mass produciton 2022-03-09 15:22:37 juspib i have never participated in farming but i'm certain it's awesome 2022-03-09 15:22:43 m455 and then harvesting corn is a fucking nightmare iwth how much you get cut from the husk, or how you dont wanna eat it anymore from all the worms you see in them lol 2022-03-09 15:23:04 bx extratone: i mean machines *are* fun, but machine loudness sucks imo 2022-03-09 15:23:10 m455 bx: this was like a super small farm, without machines, and it's still a shit load of work 2022-03-09 15:23:11 twee im heading off now, byebye town 2022-03-09 15:23:13 juspib wrooooom 2022-03-09 15:23:17 juspib byebye 2022-03-09 15:23:19 extratone buhby twee 2022-03-09 15:23:22 bx laters twee 2022-03-09 15:23:23 m455 bye! 2022-03-09 15:23:25 twee o/ 2022-03-09 15:23:38 bx m455: i imagined itd be like, hard but rewarding 2022-03-09 15:23:45 bx also gur worms are just extra protien 2022-03-09 15:23:46 m455 it was like working in fast food, but even more physically draining lol 2022-03-09 15:23:58 bx though dropping them back in gur ground is good for gur soil 2022-03-09 15:24:04 m455 bx: hahaha well we brought them to hte nearbye town to sell them, so it wasn't an option :P 2022-03-09 15:24:07 extratone maybe in a different soft of society. family farms have never made money. 2022-03-09 15:24:12 m455 it wasn't very rewarding for me lol 2022-03-09 15:24:21 bx m455: that's gur worst endorsment for anything i've ever heard 2022-03-09 15:24:22 m455 and the amount of money you get for that physical work is like nothing 2022-03-09 15:24:24 extratone bx that's a federal crime in the united states. 2022-03-09 15:24:28 m455 bx: LOL! 2022-03-09 15:24:40 bx extratone: what is? 2022-03-09 15:24:46 bx gur worm dropping? 2022-03-09 15:24:52 extratone reusing seed. 2022-03-09 15:24:59 bx Wym 2022-03-09 15:25:05 bx how do you reuse a seed 2022-03-09 15:25:12 bx you put it in and it becomes a plant 2022-03-09 15:25:24 juspib easy 2022-03-09 15:25:35 extratone sorry I thought you were talking about taking a portion of the harvested seed and using it for seed the following year. 2022-03-09 15:25:42 juspib if you use a seed to make a plant, then eating or selling that plant is reusing 2022-03-09 15:25:46 bx extratone: wait 2022-03-09 15:25:50 bx why would you NOT do that 2022-03-09 15:25:52 extratone which is how farming worked for its whole history until the 20th century. 2022-03-09 15:25:56 bx ^ 2022-03-09 15:26:00 bx THATS GUR OBVIOUS WAY 2022-03-09 15:26:08 bx WHY IS THAT A CRIME 2022-03-09 15:26:09 m455 capitalism lol 2022-03-09 15:26:21 extratone because the seed's composition is protected by (IP law?) it's not called that but it's very similar 2022-03-09 15:26:41 m455 i'm happy with my small vegetable garden i grow now, but yeah i could not go to working on a farm ever again lol 2022-03-09 15:26:45 extratone welcome to the infinitely many ways farmers are fucked and have been fucked. 2022-03-09 15:26:57 bx i wouldnt consider myself a violent person, but who ever came up with that does not deserve to keep their heart or brain 2022-03-09 15:27:09 m455 i'd be happy with a bigger yard to garden vegetables but not for selling, because it just becomes inhumanely, a lot of work (for me lol) 2022-03-09 15:27:23 extratone I mean, they're also the reason we've grown fourfold in global population since my grandfather was born. 2022-03-09 15:27:27 juspib removing someone's heart and brain sounds hot 2022-03-09 15:27:54 bx i guess their insides'd be warm 2022-03-09 15:27:56 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-09 15:28:18 extratone I just love steam tractors yo 2022-03-09 15:28:30 bx as in powered by steam? 2022-03-09 15:28:53 extratone yup. everything you think of in a steam rail locomotive except with huge wheels and a steering wheel. 2022-03-09 15:28:58 extratone they even have whistles 2022-03-09 15:29:02 bx thats kinda cool 2022-03-09 15:29:18 extratone they're moody and deafening and smelly and amazing. 2022-03-09 15:29:28 bx ok less cool 2022-03-09 15:29:45 bx unless its a good smell 2022-03-09 15:29:55 juspib its a good smell 2022-03-09 15:29:57 bx and their moodyness happens to match mine 2022-03-09 15:30:08 juspib everything that has to do with coal smells good 2022-03-09 15:30:40 bx it certainly does not 2022-03-09 15:30:53 bx What do you think of gur smell of disel / petroλ? 2022-03-09 15:30:57 bx *petrol 2022-03-09 15:31:04 juspib sometimes i redirect my furnace from the chimney to the house so i can smell the smoke 2022-03-09 15:31:15 bx dude what 2022-03-09 15:31:19 bx that's so bad for your 2022-03-09 15:31:21 bx lungs 2022-03-09 15:31:53 bx like im pretty sure chimneys were invented *because* of how bad that was 2022-03-09 15:32:27 <-- ju (jmjl@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-09 15:32:29 --> ju (jmjl@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 15:33:39 extratone list of my favorite smells in the world. 1. kerosene, 2. diesel, 3. gasoline. 2022-03-09 15:34:13 extratone kerosene is that real good shit... it's been tool long but I don't know where to get it anymore. 2022-03-09 15:35:01 bx extratone: its lamp / lighter fuel right 2022-03-09 15:35:20 bx so you can probs order it as a lighter refill for a zippo or such 2022-03-09 15:35:36 extratone yup that's what it's relegated to now. but for a while in the early 20th century, tractors and stationary reciprocating engines ran on kerosene. 2022-03-09 15:35:51 bx also, yall have continued gur trend of when i ask people about gur disel/petrol smell they either love it hate it or it makes them feel sick 2022-03-09 15:35:52 extratone I just found it online at walmart lmao 2022-03-09 15:36:15 bx (it makes me feel sick) 2022-03-09 15:36:23 bx extratone: nice 2022-03-09 15:36:38 bx either way im just really curios if it's hereditory or not 2022-03-09 15:36:45 bx and if someone has a nueteral opinion 2022-03-09 15:36:55 bx extratone: do your parents like gur smell of disel 2022-03-09 15:37:55 extratone well my mother cannot smell and never has been able to (apparently due to cigarette exposure as an infant) and I saw my dad use diesel fuel as insect repellent once so.. 2022-03-09 15:38:13 extratone I doubt my dad would be like "I love the smell of diesel." though lol 2022-03-09 15:38:23 bx but he does like it? 2022-03-09 15:38:44 extratone I think he would miss it if it were suddenly gone, if that's enough of an answer. 2022-03-09 15:38:49 bx it is 2022-03-09 15:38:56 bx that's more than nueteral 2022-03-09 15:39:03 extratone speaking of which, you have something to look forward to in the EV future! and I have something to look forward to... for you lol 2022-03-09 15:39:24 bx whats that 2022-03-09 15:39:43 extratone less ambient gas/diesel smells, generally, since they make you sick. 2022-03-09 15:39:51 bx ah 2022-03-09 15:40:12 extratone granted we're all going to have to spend most of our freetime disposing of batteries. 2022-03-09 15:40:18 bx i mean it only kicks in if im like standing right next to it, e.g. if soemoen is filling up their engine 2022-03-09 15:40:39 bx ive got a bag of AAs i refuse to outright throw away 2022-03-09 15:40:59 bx Cause a) maybe ill takem them for recycling sometime b) they have carbon rods in them 2022-03-09 15:41:06 extratone well the way things are going, I think that's going to look more and more appealing lol 2022-03-09 15:41:19 bx idk what i can use carbon rods for 2022-03-09 15:41:25 bx maybe art? 2022-03-09 15:41:42 extratone ooo that's a much more creative thought than I had. 2022-03-09 15:42:07 bx that being said almost everything can be used for art somehow 2022-03-09 15:42:36 extratone well thank you for giving me some hope for the future. 2022-03-09 15:43:05 bx that wasnt what i was going for but youre welcome :D 2022-03-09 15:47:23 juspib imagine you meet someone and think you migbt become friends and then you learn they dont use vim as primary editor 2022-03-09 15:48:45 extratone I feel that way about Drafts. 2022-03-09 15:49:15 extratone except I don't know anybody outside the Drafts "community" who uses Drafts, so I have 0 friends. 2022-03-09 15:49:25 bx What is Drafts 2022-03-09 15:50:25 bx juspib: my version of that is probs people who think mayo is a good idea (tho its not a hard rule) 2022-03-09 15:54:52 bx ok im gonna log off for now 2022-03-09 15:54:54 bx laters 2022-03-09 15:54:57 * anton is disappointed in himself for letting an online group nearly ruin what he thought of free software :( 2022-03-09 15:55:01 anton bye bx 2022-03-09 15:56:09 extratone bx I'll evangelize Drafts another time hehe. 2022-03-09 15:57:02 elly morning :) 2022-03-09 15:57:14 juspib mayo is great 2022-03-09 15:57:34 anton morning elly 2022-03-09 15:57:45 juspib afternoon 2022-03-09 15:57:48 anton evening 2022-03-09 15:57:57 dozens gnight! 2022-03-09 15:58:06 m455 good mornafternoonevening! 2022-03-09 15:58:19 anton good $time 2022-03-09 15:58:33 dozens i still like 'good arcning' 2022-03-09 15:58:48 m455 haha what's the arc refer to in that? 2022-03-09 15:58:49 dozens as in, wherever you are on the planet's rotation 2022-03-09 15:58:53 m455 hahaha sick 2022-03-09 15:59:12 @natalia tzag all 2022-03-09 15:59:16 @natalia what's popping 2022-03-09 15:59:30 m455 haha tzag bud 2022-03-09 15:59:43 m455 i am having a style guide debate with a developer at work LOL 2022-03-09 15:59:45 m455 how about you? 2022-03-09 15:59:50 anton I'm thinking of emailing my university's IT support team to see why exactly I cannot log into to email from free software clients like mutt and alpine 2022-03-09 16:00:05 @natalia what's the debate m455 2022-03-09 16:00:17 @natalia anton: well, why can't you? 2022-03-09 16:00:20 anton I was able to back when they used google, and for a bit after they switched to O365, but it hasn't worked for a while now 2022-03-09 16:00:26 @natalia does it not have imap/smtp? 2022-03-09 16:00:32 anton it does 2022-03-09 16:00:54 @natalia what other clients have you tried? 2022-03-09 16:01:01 anton mutt just says login failed, and alpine after a few fails brings up some thing that I need to authorise something or other 2022-03-09 16:01:20 m455 natalia: literally i changed a note like... block kind of, to a deprecation block because of the mention of a date that a deprecation will occur, so they changed it to a caution because it mentions a possible point of failure, but like... it's a fucking deprecation lollll 2022-03-09 16:01:42 juspib extratone what's drafts 2022-03-09 16:01:55 m455 this is why style guides exist: so i dont have to waste time as an editor debating with someone lol. i dont mind getting another opinion on something, but this back and forth has gone on too long lol 2022-03-09 16:02:45 m455 debates for changing rules in the style guide i'm totally cool with. those are always constructive lol 2022-03-09 16:02:59 m455 just dont have the bandwidth for it today xDDD 2022-03-09 16:03:03 anton I kind of like using mutt more, at least because of how I have it configured, but I cannot log in with it for who knows why 2022-03-09 16:03:35 @natalia tbh you will probably have more trouble contacting tech support like anywhere about trying to use a pretty obscure mail client 2022-03-09 16:03:54 @natalia http://www.charlesmercadal.com/technology/alpine/2019/06/21/alpine-office365.html i found this 2022-03-09 16:05:51 juspib what does it mean when someone responds with "uhh pinterest" when i ask them for duck pics 2022-03-09 16:06:30 juspib oh i think it means they haven't taken the photos themselves 2022-03-09 16:06:51 extratone I'm assuming it means that pinterest results have overwhelmed whatever search engine they're using and they've given up. 2022-03-09 16:08:04 nihilazo \o 2022-03-09 16:08:12 extratone juspib: my repo for Drafts configs probably explains better than I could. https://github.com/extratone/drafts 2022-03-09 16:09:40 juspib your repo doesn't explain a single thing other than the license used 2022-03-09 16:13:19 juspib didn't mean that to sound rude 2022-03-09 16:13:34 extratone oh... well. Drafts is a text editor. here’s an image. https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/psalmsrefresh.png 2022-03-09 16:13:59 elly m455: one of my favorite cultural norms at work is "we can argue about the style guide but it has to be done on the style guide mailing list, not on the individual pull request" 2022-03-09 16:14:01 extratone well if it don't explain it it don't explain it. 2022-03-09 16:14:14 extratone oh god. 2022-03-09 16:14:37 m455 elly: that sounds like what humans should do lol 2022-03-09 16:14:46 extratone https://getdrafts.com is the landing page btw, juspib. probably should've just started with that lol 2022-03-09 16:15:10 m455 elly: our internal style guide explicitely states what this should be, and this context doesn't create an ambigious problem, which is the more annoying part lol 2022-03-09 16:15:15 elly yeah 2022-03-09 16:15:19 elly well 2022-03-09 16:15:35 m455 and like, i've made soo many recommendations and changes about problematic things in the style that got changed, so i'm not trying to be a dictator with it lol 2022-03-09 16:15:37 elly let they who have never wanted to write "but the style guide is *wrong*" cast the first stone, or whatever 2022-03-09 16:15:46 m455 LOL!! 2022-03-09 16:16:04 extratone sounds like it might be time to rewrite it from scratch if that's the case 2022-03-09 16:16:38 extratone if I was running a company with a company document everybody was scared of, burning it would be my first instinct. 2022-03-09 16:17:02 extratone then again, my one company failed badly so lol 2022-03-09 16:17:10 m455 extratone: i dont think destroying the style guide because of one sentence would be needed :P 2022-03-09 16:17:29 nihilazo new css attempt https://tilde.town/~nihilazo/ 2022-03-09 16:17:32 elly hopefully nobody is scared of the style guide 2022-03-09 16:17:53 m455 haha they are definitely not xD 2022-03-09 16:18:03 extratone very clean nihilazo! 2022-03-09 16:18:17 juspib if i was running a company i'd make impalement the punishment for questioning the style guide 2022-03-09 16:18:28 m455 we literally just rewrote it too because the old one was..... very very bad and outdated (the editors and tech writers split into two teams, one for help documentation and one for developer documentation, so we needed very different style guides) 2022-03-09 16:18:30 @natalia i like the style 2022-03-09 16:18:31 extratone yeah that was my other thought except it was obliteration. 2022-03-09 16:18:41 m455 nihilazo: oh i really like this!! 2022-03-09 16:18:46 nihilazo thanks! 2022-03-09 16:18:53 @natalia i've been considering trying to update my website but i kind of like it how it is.. 2022-03-09 16:18:53 nihilazo I hope this is still like, smol web friendly 2022-03-09 16:18:57 @natalia (equa.space) 2022-03-09 16:18:59 nihilazo I added 40kb of fonts 2022-03-09 16:19:02 @natalia mostly just like, font changes 2022-03-09 16:19:03 nihilazo that's not too much right 2022-03-09 16:19:16 elly I wouldn't think so 2022-03-09 16:19:17 nihilazo and I have a bit of css3 animation for the rainbow links 2022-03-09 16:19:28 nihilazo but the site all functions perfectly without any of that, it's just extras 2022-03-09 16:19:36 juspib nihilazo is it similar to the old one or is my browser hugging the cache? 2022-03-09 16:19:47 anton extratone: unlicense? 2022-03-09 16:19:53 nihilazo it's quite different juspit 2022-03-09 16:19:58 nihilazo juspib 2022-03-09 16:20:04 elly nihilazo: looks good to me! 2022-03-09 16:20:06 @natalia Charis (otherwise known as Charter) has been growing on me 2022-03-09 16:20:16 @natalia nihilazo: i can see the fonts on the pages that aren't the index 2022-03-09 16:20:24 @natalia so, uh, might be cache 2022-03-09 16:21:10 nihilazo can or can't? 2022-03-09 16:21:11 nihilazo wait a sec 2022-03-09 16:21:12 m455 nihilazo: the title/link thing at the top that is pink is a comic-sansy looking font 2022-03-09 16:21:27 extratone nihilazo, I know you didn’t ask for an iPhone mockup but here’s one anyway. https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/nihilazo.png 2022-03-09 16:21:32 m455 i think i have caching disabled on my browser though, because i fuck around with css on my homepage way too much hahaha 2022-03-09 16:21:33 extratone since it's basically all I can do. 2022-03-09 16:21:33 @natalia OH it's a. https issue? 2022-03-09 16:21:56 @natalia my firefox can't load the fonts thru http for some reason 2022-03-09 16:21:59 anton https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.en.html#Unlicense & https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:TheUnlicense 2022-03-09 16:22:33 extratone yes that, but with my own commentary lol. https://gist.github.com/extratone/140a11428b5dd1dda500b3928e0438b1 2022-03-09 16:22:44 nihilazo the font is comic neue m455 2022-03-09 16:22:46 nihilazo it should be that font 2022-03-09 16:22:59 extratone it's a placeholder until I finish my own public domain-equivalent license, anton. 2022-03-09 16:23:03 elly the fonts and stuff all load fine over https 2022-03-09 16:23:15 @natalia > Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://tilde.town/ComicNeue-Bold.woff2. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). 2022-03-09 16:23:25 @natalia so it's trying to load the fonts from tilde.town? 2022-03-09 16:23:29 nihilazo wait it shouldn't be 2022-03-09 16:23:32 anton why not GPL, AGPL, or just something like CC0? 2022-03-09 16:23:38 @natalia but the stylesheet is on your separate domain 2022-03-09 16:23:50 nihilazo yeah that was a small mistake I just fixed, try reloading it 2022-03-09 16:24:24 @natalia it's still CORS-ing 2022-03-09 16:24:30 @natalia because it's still loading the itwont.work css 2022-03-09 16:24:33 @natalia to my understanding 2022-03-09 16:24:47 nihilazo huh, I'm confused. idk how to make my thing load the fonts from where it should 2022-03-09 16:24:56 @natalia i frankly don't understnad most of cors mechanics myself--it only doesn't work over unencrypted http 2022-03-09 16:25:28 @natalia you can just load `style.css` instead of `itwont.work/style.css` though right? 2022-03-09 16:25:48 anton for some reason the app of the day links on https://getdrafts.com/index are invisible unless I'm hovering the mouse over them 2022-03-09 16:25:53 extratone anton, the answer to that isn't all that interesting but basically, I'm not satisfied with those, if that makes sense. I need my license to be funny. 2022-03-09 16:26:18 nihilazo natalia: wouldn't that not work on pages that are in subdirectories? 2022-03-09 16:26:58 nihilazo idk web mechanics 2022-03-09 16:27:02 elly yeah it won't 2022-03-09 16:27:05 @natalia oh true 2022-03-09 16:27:13 m455 nihilazo: is it like a funny little bug where you might have to load them from /~nihilazo/your-style-sheet.css instead of /stylesheet.css ? 2022-03-09 16:27:15 elly relative URLs are generally relative to the directory of the page you loaded 2022-03-09 16:27:35 @natalia maybe still an absolute url at tilde.town will help you with cors 2022-03-09 16:27:51 @natalia why does tilde.town still serve over http Honestly 2022-03-09 16:27:56 anton is this program available on things besides nonfree macos and ios? 2022-03-09 16:28:07 elly I don't quite understand why the https one doesn't complain about cors to be honest 2022-03-09 16:28:13 elly there are no cors headers either way 2022-03-09 16:28:20 @natalia wait. wait 2022-03-09 16:28:24 @natalia https everywhere is discontinued!? 2022-03-09 16:28:42 elly what? 2022-03-09 16:29:15 elly ok, plain http now loads the fonts for me too 2022-03-09 16:29:22 elly so maybe some bad state was cached somewhere 2022-03-09 16:29:30 nihilazo I also just pushed a change 2022-03-09 16:29:31 nihilazo so that might be it 2022-03-09 16:29:41 nihilazo now it's loading the css from /~nihilazo/style.css 2022-03-09 16:29:57 anton natalia: I think web browsers have that as a setting now 2022-03-09 16:30:11 anton so in theory you don't need a plugin for https everywhere anymore 2022-03-09 16:30:16 @natalia i was about to be like "can we add tilde.town to https everywhere's list" 2022-03-09 16:30:18 @natalia i see 2022-03-09 16:30:23 extratone anton, the simple answer is no, Drafts is not avilable outside iOS/macOS, nor is it open source. 2022-03-09 16:30:32 anton yikes 2022-03-09 16:30:48 nihilazo well I mean it's a macOS/iOS native app 2022-03-09 16:30:57 nihilazo it's not gonna run on other stuff bc it uses those toolkits and whatever 2022-03-09 16:30:58 elly natalia: we could if we wanted to, via https://hstspreload.org/?domain=tilde.town 2022-03-09 16:31:03 @natalia i see! 2022-03-09 16:31:13 extratone native native. like super native. 2022-03-09 16:31:16 * anton has antonmcclure.com with hsts 2022-03-09 16:31:29 elly anton: no you don't 2022-03-09 16:31:33 elly https://hstspreload.org/?domain=antonmcclure.com 2022-03-09 16:31:44 anton huh 2022-03-09 16:31:53 elly although you do redirect http -> https it seems 2022-03-09 16:32:19 @natalia what happens if you have the header but aren't in the list, out of interest? 2022-03-09 16:32:29 elly the very first request may be HTTP 2022-03-09 16:32:30 @natalia is it a friendly way to redirect without forcing https? 2022-03-09 16:32:37 elly then browsers will locally cache that you have HSTS 2022-03-09 16:32:43 elly and all subsequent requests are HTTPS only 2022-03-09 16:33:05 anton wtf 2022-03-09 16:33:23 elly you can also serve a temporary or permanent redirect from http to https if you want and not send HSTS headers, but then you don't get the benefits of HSTS 2022-03-09 16:33:55 anton I had a typo 2022-03-09 16:34:10 @natalia are there any town-specific downsides of hsts i'm not thinking of 2022-03-09 16:34:21 m455 (oh cool, just looked up what HSTS is lol) 2022-03-09 16:34:24 elly the main downside is that if your https config ever breaks, users can't fall back to HTTP 2022-03-09 16:34:25 juspib we commit manageable amounts of trollage 2022-03-09 16:34:30 @natalia hmmm 2022-03-09 16:35:03 m455 ohhh maybe i wont add hsts then haha. i think certbot just redirects http to https when i renew certs so i think i'm okay lol 2022-03-09 16:35:20 elly HSTS is essentially a committment that you promise to have working HTTPS for at least the lifetime expressed in the HSTS header 2022-03-09 16:35:26 elly and if you fail to do so your page stops loading 2022-03-09 16:35:32 anton extratone: do you or someone else develop drafts? 2022-03-09 16:35:58 extratone not me! Drafts is developed by a man named Greg Pierce. 2022-03-09 16:36:09 anton oh 2022-03-09 16:36:12 juspib not only proprietary but locked down to mac bruh 2022-03-09 16:36:22 m455 ohhh that's interesting! i probably dfon't have the time to make that commitment aha 2022-03-09 16:36:27 m455 very cool though! 2022-03-09 16:36:32 extratone I've published quite a few themes and configurables for it. 2022-03-09 16:37:01 anton juspib: what would be a good acronym for "'s Not Draft" 2022-03-09 16:37:08 @natalia ....mdn changed their design and i dont like it 2022-03-09 16:37:09 anton AND's Not Draft? 2022-03-09 16:37:28 anton something along those lines, we go from A to Z to find an acronym if AND won't work 2022-03-09 16:37:50 @natalia i hate to be all woman yells at cloud about it but i am looking for hsts docs there and Man 2022-03-09 16:38:03 m455 natalia: yeah i dont like it either. i had ot reference some of hteir docs at work, and it feels very.... not to profile colors and style, but like cryptocurrency vibey? 2022-03-09 16:38:26 elly it's a shame, MDN is really useful 2022-03-09 16:38:30 m455 yeah! 2022-03-09 16:38:52 m455 elly: i am learning all kinds of things about workers from their docs, that i didnt evne know they had from this one big project i'm on 2022-03-09 16:39:01 m455 sounds like some super cool things you can manage with APIs lol 2022-03-09 16:39:15 anton Draft's website shouldn't be able to call itself "free" since it's not free software. 2022-03-09 16:39:23 nihilazo anton: it's free though 2022-03-09 16:39:24 extratone my last thing about Drafts to link: this thing that’s just turned into a brag about my own setup, basically, but is maybe getting somewhere. https://tilde.town/~extratone/draftsidian 2022-03-09 16:39:25 nihilazo it costs nothing 2022-03-09 16:39:30 anton it's nonfree 2022-03-09 16:39:34 nihilazo it is free in the sense that everybody except rms understands the word 2022-03-09 16:39:36 nihilazo lmfao 2022-03-09 16:39:56 juspib it costs your soul 2022-03-09 16:40:04 nihilazo if we trust rms it's only free if it's distributed under the aftnuarvfnuarifvnarfvnfrtpl v44 2022-03-09 16:40:11 extratone Drafts is one of those subscription apps with a free tier that is genuinely useful, though. 2022-03-09 16:40:13 nihilazo with a bajillion conditions 2022-03-09 16:40:14 nihilazo lol 2022-03-09 16:40:25 @natalia please dont make me put on my mod hat about derailing discussions with free software evangelism 2022-03-09 16:40:32 anton nihilazo: YIKES 2022-03-09 16:40:38 nihilazo (not really, but I'm not a fan of the GNU style free software stuff. But either way, drafts seems like a cool app) 2022-03-09 16:40:46 nihilazo I'm joking anton 2022-03-09 16:40:52 anton bad joke :/ 2022-03-09 16:40:53 extratone I've been paying for Drafts since I was making $7.50 an hour at a tool store more than 10 years ago and imo I haven't paid nearly enough. 2022-03-09 16:40:54 juspib there's exactly four conditions to call software free 2022-03-09 16:41:00 nihilazo yeah I know 2022-03-09 16:41:02 elly extratone: nice 2022-03-09 16:41:03 nihilazo I was making a shit joke 2022-03-09 16:42:28 extratone I believe in FOSS but my Drafts story is full of developer/user interaction I've never experienced with any open source project. but that's not a fair comparison, really. 2022-03-09 16:43:00 extratone that said, Greg could straight up decide to kill it for no reason and I would have absolutely zero options. 2022-03-09 16:43:21 m455 extratone: that sounds pretty reasonable, i dont think the free software stuff does much focus on community or how to treat other humans, so inheredtely someone might get a lot of bad interactions from a community focused around it, but that's just my theory 2022-03-09 16:44:08 anton I don't believe in FOSS 2022-03-09 16:44:08 m455 whereas you are trying to engage with the developer about a software you enjoy, and you are tryign to genuinely contribute, so you are trying to communicate in a way that benefits you both (probably not doing that actively but yeah lol) 2022-03-09 16:44:23 anton I believe in free software 2022-03-09 16:44:29 nihilazo I believe 100% in devs working with users 2022-03-09 16:44:31 nihilazo that's very important 2022-03-09 16:44:35 nihilazo no matter what licence the software is under 2022-03-09 16:44:43 anton ok so here is a list of acronyms 2022-03-09 16:44:44 anton http://antonmcclure.org/2022/acronym.txt 2022-03-09 16:44:58 @natalia woah 2022-03-09 16:44:59 extratone come to think of it, I'm not sure why Greg wouldn't open source it. 2022-03-09 16:45:12 anton I think "AND" or "END" is pronounceable? 2022-03-09 16:45:14 elly what do you believe *about* free software, though? 2022-03-09 16:45:38 elly extratone: I've used a couple of apps like this (one-person things with long lifespans that are closed source) and more often than anything else it's because they are embarassed about their code :P 2022-03-09 16:46:12 @natalia why do you need to name this hypothetical text editor based on a single text editor you dont like 2022-03-09 16:46:24 @natalia it can just be a text editor 2022-03-09 16:46:51 extratone considering how embarrasing some of the support requests I've filed over the years have been, I know my vision is far too obscured to ever see that, elly lol 2022-03-09 16:47:15 elly extratone: yeah 2022-03-09 16:47:22 @natalia it seems confusing to me to try to design a new piece of software off of a thing you havent used and dont understand the use of 2022-03-09 16:47:32 @natalia honestly mad respects to this dev this seems like a solid piece of software 2022-03-09 16:47:40 elly for real though, when you've worked on the same source code for many years and the early parts of the code are probably stuff you aren't that proud of 2022-03-09 16:47:43 extratone but I can tell you that I break everything and have tried a whole bunch, that I live in my text spaces, and that I've come to deeply trust Drafts. 2022-03-09 16:47:49 anton natalia: it's a play on how the naming for the GNU operating system (GNU's Not Unix) is 2022-03-09 16:47:59 elly I would definitely be like "I don't necessarily want people to look at that and think that's how I work" 2022-03-09 16:48:31 @natalia terry cavanagh open sourced the vvvvvv code and it's like a Mess 2022-03-09 16:48:40 @natalia (a platformer game) 2022-03-09 16:48:40 nihilazo what is the D that you are saying it's not anton 2022-03-09 16:48:42 m455 amazing lol 2022-03-09 16:48:48 elly natalia: yeah 2022-03-09 16:48:53 anton Drafts 2022-03-09 16:49:02 nihilazo oh. Why are you trying to make an editor that's not drafts 2022-03-09 16:49:12 nihilazo just because you don't like the fact that an app you don't use isn't foss? lmao 2022-03-09 16:49:28 @natalia i dont like apple that much ut it's interesting to see it as like, the only platform where people actually get paid for making apps that are good 2022-03-09 16:49:29 anton https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.en.html#FOSS 2022-03-09 16:49:34 nihilazo (or isn't "free software", my bad, those are apparently distinct in a way I don't understand 2022-03-09 16:49:42 extratone to be fair, Drafts is fuckin weird. 2022-03-09 16:49:48 elly dude can you please try to have more original contributions to the discussion 2022-03-09 16:49:56 @natalia > please dont make me put on my mod hat about derailing discussions with free software evangelism 2022-03-09 16:50:10 m455 natalia: re: "i dont like apple that much ...": damn i never thought about that lol 2022-03-09 16:50:16 nihilazo I've generally found that the ios apps I've used have been like 2022-03-09 16:50:17 anton I want to make a free software replacement for drafts so that it can work on non-apple systems 2022-03-09 16:50:17 nihilazo actually nice 2022-03-09 16:50:27 elly anton: then do it, man 2022-03-09 16:50:41 nihilazo like, macos/ios UX seems to be legitimately good 2022-03-09 16:50:48 m455 yeah pushing a philosophy on a community that isn't focused around that philosophy can be really stressful anton 2022-03-09 16:50:49 elly trying to turn the discussion into a phony question about what to *name* an app that doesn't yet exist, entirely because of not liking Drafts, is counterproductive :P 2022-03-09 16:50:57 elly go write your thing 2022-03-09 16:51:12 @natalia one thing i think is interesting is that open source distribution (or proper free licensing for any definition of free) seems to not actually hurt sales on ios 2022-03-09 16:51:25 @natalia maybe it's different on desktop platforms but like there are so few people who care to build your app themselves 2022-03-09 16:51:35 elly mac and ios both have decent populations of users who are willing to still pay you even if your app is free, I think 2022-03-09 16:51:36 extratone I mean... I think I came up with the perfect name earlier today. https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/dwafts.png 2022-03-09 16:51:45 elly because they like and are aware of the whole independent-software-maker idea 2022-03-09 16:51:58 elly there's an app I used for yeeeears on macOS called Dash that was in that boat 2022-03-09 16:51:59 @natalia yeah 2022-03-09 16:52:08 nihilazo I would love if you could have like, old macos but still supported 2022-03-09 16:52:15 nihilazo like, older os x, not like classic mac 2022-03-09 16:52:16 elly https://kapeli.com/dash 2022-03-09 16:52:20 nihilazo because performance got worse over time 2022-03-09 16:52:22 elly this one, *super* great tool 2022-03-09 16:52:56 @natalia from my understanding for a lot of professionals the whole "pay for something that's actually maintained and for which interaction with the developers is not super painful" is why people actually use ios for real stuff 2022-03-09 16:53:16 m455 elly: OU OU yes!! dash! i use a similar tool called zeal! 2022-03-09 16:53:26 m455 elly: dash lets you view it in the browser offline right? 2022-03-09 16:53:27 nihilazo I'm happy to pay for software if it's good 2022-03-09 16:53:29 elly can confirm, I would extremely happily pay someone money for their software to a) support them making it and b) have some sort of access to them for questions/feedback/etc 2022-03-09 16:53:30 @natalia and yeah, tbh if i had to use an ipad to do real work on id be happier than an android tablet too 2022-03-09 16:53:33 nihilazo I pay for renoise because it's good 2022-03-09 16:53:34 @natalia elly: oooh dash is great 2022-03-09 16:53:37 elly m455: yeah, it does 2022-03-09 16:53:45 elly but also it just collects a ton of different doc sources 2022-03-09 16:53:49 nihilazo like, I'm happy to pay for renoise because it's actually far better than any of the open source offerings in the same area 2022-03-09 16:53:50 m455 elly: that's awesome! 2022-03-09 16:53:55 @natalia i don't use it but when i was really young a mentor told me to use it (and didn't realize it didn't work on Windows, which i used at the time. but!) 2022-03-09 16:53:58 elly it's so good, strong rec if you are often skimming multiple docs 2022-03-09 16:54:01 @natalia it was really impressive to me 2022-03-09 16:54:08 elly yeah, it is mac only sadly 2022-03-09 16:54:09 @natalia zeal is imo a bit more janky but i love the idea 2022-03-09 16:54:14 elly it heavily depends on Cocoa 2022-03-09 16:54:16 m455 natalia: ahaha it's so janky 2022-03-09 16:54:30 extratone Greg built two functions I didn't even explicitly request (I asked how hard it'd be to implement them) in a single weekend so. 2022-03-09 16:54:40 elly :pray: 2022-03-09 16:54:49 extratone which actually started to concern me, tbh. 2022-03-09 16:54:50 elly the thing with serving a small audience is that you can serve them *super* well 2022-03-09 16:55:23 @natalia honestly id be thrilled if someone who paid me asked me nicely to write silly software features 2022-03-09 16:55:39 m455 that would be sick 2022-03-09 16:55:43 @natalia thats like the dream dude 2022-03-09 16:55:45 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-09 16:55:45 m455 hell yeah 2022-03-09 16:56:18 m455 hello, yes. i would like one setting added to the logo of this software that lets me change to a picture of doge 2022-03-09 16:56:20 extratone and that's why I say I should be paying more. 2022-03-09 16:56:35 m455 wow i worded that horribly 2022-03-09 16:56:47 extratone I mean, he made a zalgo action for me on a sunday morning, which is basically the equivalent. 2022-03-09 16:56:52 elly lol 2022-03-09 16:56:54 nihilazo :D nice 2022-03-09 16:56:59 elly well, you could probably be like "hey can I mail you more money" 2022-03-09 16:57:00 @natalia m455: my friend just adds every icon submission to their app 2022-03-09 16:57:04 elly I doubt they would say no? 2022-03-09 16:57:08 m455 natalia: hahahah hell yes!!! 2022-03-09 16:57:09 @natalia that's under a certain size 2022-03-09 16:57:16 @natalia there are some.. like. i mean they're not all great 2022-03-09 16:57:33 extratone I'll wait until the next email chain about iPhone hardware keyboarding support. 2022-03-09 16:57:45 nihilazo I want to go make some patches for my jacket but I am also not really feeling much creative energy 2022-03-09 16:57:56 nihilazo even though making patches is just mixing some colors and painting pride flags on fabric 2022-03-09 16:58:04 extratone I legit think the only reason he's so patient with me is because he doesn't realize I'm the same person that's been bothering him intermittently for my whole adult life. 2022-03-09 16:58:10 nihilazo lol 2022-03-09 16:58:11 juspib and once again 2022-03-09 16:58:11 @natalia https://github.com/ish-app/ish/blob/master/app/Icons/freeiosterminal.png 2022-03-09 16:58:39 nihilazo if I were to get a smartphone I think I'd get an ios device 2022-03-09 16:59:04 nihilazo there's just so many nice apps 2022-03-09 16:59:07 nihilazo especially for music 2022-03-09 16:59:12 extratone you can have mine for a pinephone 2022-03-09 16:59:18 elly I am really ambivalent about even having a smartphone any more 2022-03-09 16:59:25 nihilazo I don't have a pinephone and you don't want a pinephone :P 2022-03-09 16:59:26 elly or, I guess I should say, I wish they were less useful 2022-03-09 16:59:37 @natalia i really want an n900 or smth but they only use 3g :( 2022-03-09 16:59:49 nihilazo I don't have a smartphone, although my mp3 player dying has kinda made me think "what if all these other devices I have that keep breaking were one device" 2022-03-09 16:59:57 nihilazo but then I realise "well, that device would be even easier to break" 2022-03-09 17:00:42 <-- juspib (juspib@localhost) has quit (Quit: cancer) 2022-03-09 17:00:48 @natalia anyway talk later yall 2022-03-09 17:00:52 nihilazo cya 2022-03-09 17:00:56 extratone o/ 2022-03-09 17:01:17 nihilazo I'm annoyed rn by a few things. The first one is my dad's soldering iron, the second one is electronics stores 2022-03-09 17:01:28 nihilazo like component stores 2022-03-09 17:01:38 extratone you have them??? 2022-03-09 17:01:42 nihilazo online, yeah 2022-03-09 17:01:47 extratone oh. 2022-03-09 17:01:47 nihilazo like rs components etc. suppliers 2022-03-09 17:01:52 nihilazo yeah we don't have irl ones 2022-03-09 17:01:58 extratone I was gonna say. 2022-03-09 17:01:59 nihilazo we have one kinda but they just ship stuff in from rs 2022-03-09 17:02:32 flowercorpse there is one (1) in london! 2022-03-09 17:02:36 nihilazo anyway, they are letting me buy buttons in a minimum packet of 20 and they want £5 shipping for a £3 item 2022-03-09 17:02:46 nihilazo for my mp3 player repairs 2022-03-09 17:03:01 nihilazo my dad's soldering iron is annoying me by being very unclear what tips are compatible with it 2022-03-09 17:03:21 nihilazo except yihua ones (it's a yihua iron, cheapo thing), which are terrible 2022-03-09 17:03:37 nihilazo and I'm thinking that I kinda want to get my own anyway because it'll be useful to have one, but idk what are good 2022-03-09 17:03:46 extratone (can't help thinking all of this would be solved by a family-run hardware electronics store you could walk in.) 2022-03-09 17:04:06 --> andinus` (andinus@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 17:04:46 nihilazo dad's soldering iron is from a company called WEP who as far as I know don't exist 2022-03-09 17:04:52 extratone Jeff Hell has definitively wrecked what locally-owned shops there were in my town and I hate it. 2022-03-09 17:04:54 nihilazo it's a yihua soldering station 2022-03-09 17:05:04 nihilazo and yihua tips are what it came with and suck 2022-03-09 17:05:17 nihilazo and I'm pretty sure it's a clone of something, but I don't know what, so I don't know what better replacements i can get 2022-03-09 17:06:04 --> the_default (the_default@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 17:13:35 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 17:15:16 elly I have been working my way through this (very long) quotes page and just accumulating more stuff to read: http://worrydream.com/#!/quotes 2022-03-09 17:15:21 elly quotes pages are incredible for discovering new stuff 2022-03-09 17:15:43 kirch same for fortune files.... 2022-03-09 17:15:48 elly yeah :) 2022-03-09 17:15:55 elly my quotes page is actually formatted as a fortune file 2022-03-09 17:16:38 @natalia haha i love that quote re: lua 2022-03-09 17:16:49 elly there are several lua quotes on this page and they are all good 2022-03-09 17:17:06 elly this one: "Business demanding promise from [open-source] project is like business demanding promise from forest. If you like trees, you must do other thing to conserve." 2022-03-09 17:17:28 elly and the longer quote below starting "A language is an interface between programmers and hardware" 2022-03-09 17:17:53 @natalia ah the quote i was thinking of was from luiz re: continue 2022-03-09 17:20:09 elly I really like lua philosophically 2022-03-09 17:20:33 @natalia huh--i was actually thinking about asking and/or searching on the mailing list about unicode identifiers (what'd break if they were implemented, omstly) and they are acutally there now, just as a compiler flag that's undocumented 2022-03-09 17:20:35 @natalia elly: me too 2022-03-09 17:21:04 @natalia i was talking to partner about it earlier and they said "i really hate that all of my problems with lua are minor" and like, same 2022-03-09 17:21:17 elly haha 2022-03-09 17:21:23 @natalia i get a little bit annoyed but it's such a good language and it's honestly unparalleled still 2022-03-09 17:22:22 @natalia HAHA i'm reading thru the mailing list and 2022-03-09 17:22:25 @natalia "It was thus said that the Great Viacheslav Usov once stated:" 2022-03-09 17:22:37 @natalia i *have* to make my email client start quoting like that 2022-03-09 17:22:58 elly Verily, it was written of old by ...: 2022-03-09 17:23:02 elly you could probably come up with a bunch of them 2022-03-09 17:24:12 @natalia quoth the previous message, 2022-03-09 17:25:49 elly also there are a couple of quotes from The Emperor's Old Clothes here 2022-03-09 17:26:04 elly which I constantly find myself recommending to people at work 2022-03-09 17:26:13 elly esp: "At first I hoped that such a technically unsound project would collapse, but I soon realized it was doomed to success. Almost anything in software can be implemented, sold, and even used given enough determination." 2022-03-09 17:26:26 @natalia sounds familiar but i haven't read it 2022-03-09 17:26:43 @natalia what is it? 2022-03-09 17:26:47 elly it's a C. A. R. Hoare thing from 1980 about ALGOL 68 standardization 2022-03-09 17:26:56 elly it's *highly* interesting if you work on large software projects or want to 2022-03-09 17:28:40 @natalia aha 2022-03-09 17:50:27 m455 lol cool i just read through some of the lua quotes from that page too after you two were talking about it 2022-03-09 17:50:40 m455 are you doing more lua fiddling than fennel lately, natalia? 2022-03-09 17:50:44 @natalia m455: yeah 2022-03-09 17:50:52 m455 sick! 2022-03-09 17:51:03 m455 it's nice to cut out one more little dependency to be honest lol 2022-03-09 17:51:19 @natalia tbh, i don't know how much i like fennel's design features 2022-03-09 17:51:19 m455 i always think about that when using fennel lol, like "what if i just finally get around to learning lua" 2022-03-09 17:51:22 @natalia i like *macros* 2022-03-09 17:51:37 @natalia and pattern matching is i suppose really good :P 2022-03-09 17:51:41 @natalia or could be 2022-03-09 17:51:48 m455 natalia: that's totally reasonable! i find myself wrapping stuff around shell commands in fennel a lot 2022-03-09 17:51:56 @natalia but frankly the thing i dislike is that despite being pretty small it's hard to tell what fennel actually does 2022-03-09 17:52:03 @natalia there's a lot of like, IIFE that just sort of happens 2022-03-09 17:52:06 m455 haha yeah i really like, well, i only know how to basic stuff, but yeah i like match lol and abuse it too much in fennel 2022-03-09 17:53:11 m455 natalia: i just searched that IIFE thing up. i could see that being annoying if you are trying to define a table that returns a function or something (though i probably dont understand it haha) 2022-03-09 17:53:18 @natalia that's not what it is really 2022-03-09 17:53:22 m455 ahh okay xD 2022-03-09 17:53:49 m455 (i also have this problem in scheme but im sure that's what lambdas or quoting can fix lol but that's another conversation lol) 2022-03-09 17:54:59 @natalia (< a (b) c) has to do iife iirc 2022-03-09 17:55:02 @natalia or maybe not 2022-03-09 17:57:46 @natalia i guess iy just has a heavier load than lua but no static analysis to help it 2022-03-09 18:00:25 @natalia really, i only stopped using fennel for this project bevause lisp is hard with ed lmao 2022-03-09 18:00:42 elly what *is* fennel? 2022-03-09 18:00:54 the_default lisp that compiles to lua 2022-03-09 18:01:01 elly O_o intriguing 2022-03-09 18:01:14 m455 natalia: hahaha that's fine. good to know! 2022-03-09 18:01:20 m455 elly: without overhead apparently! 2022-03-09 18:01:29 elly that's cool but I will pay overhead for Lisp 2022-03-09 18:01:30 m455 and full interop :D 2022-03-09 18:01:35 m455 elly: hahaha 2022-03-09 18:01:39 m455 understandable :D 2022-03-09 18:01:50 elly the main struggle I have with using Lisp is that the library situation is usually pretty dire and stuff like "make an https connection" requires considerable work 2022-03-09 18:01:51 m455 you can use any lua library with fennel, it's nice 2022-03-09 18:01:59 m455 oh good timing on my reply lol 2022-03-09 18:01:59 @natalia despitr my complaints fennel is Really good 2022-03-09 18:02:11 elly I'm deeply intrigued 2022-03-09 18:02:12 @natalia i would recommend it 2022-03-09 18:02:24 @natalia the maintainers are very nice 2022-03-09 18:02:26 elly alright, that can be today's study material :) 2022-03-09 18:02:39 m455 oh yeah i can vouche for that! 2022-03-09 18:03:10 m455 elly: like i can have a .lua library like here: https://git.m455.casa/get-out/tree/src/lib and call it like this (line 1): https://git.m455.casa/get-out/tree/src/utils.fnl 2022-03-09 18:03:24 m455 i'm sure you know all about interop stuff, so dont mind my excitement over it lol 2022-03-09 18:03:24 @natalia https://git.equa.space/emoji-regex/tree/make-regex.fnl some (bad) example code 2022-03-09 18:03:40 m455 natalia: you're making me wanna checkout lua though haha thanks 2022-03-09 18:03:48 @natalia it doesn't provide a real standard library, but it has really useful set of macros 2022-03-09 18:04:02 @natalia the most important ones are "icollect" and "accumulate" which are sort of map and fold, but for lua's iterators 2022-03-09 18:04:06 m455 i figure i should send out the link lol: https://fennel-lang.org/ 2022-03-09 18:04:32 elly hm, no debian package for fennel apparnetly 2022-03-09 18:04:49 @natalia i think someone was working on it; there's some bootstrapping issues or smth 2022-03-09 18:04:54 @natalia but it's a single file :) 2022-03-09 18:04:58 elly yeah, I am not too worried about it 2022-03-09 18:05:43 @natalia one thing i do like about fennel is it's smart about scope 2022-03-09 18:05:49 @natalia the worst lua thing, imo, is automatic globals 2022-03-09 18:05:57 m455 elly: yeah you can download a binary or a single lua file/script 2022-03-09 18:06:05 elly $ fennel 2022-03-09 18:06:05 elly Welcome to Fennel 1.0.0 on Lua 5.4! 2022-03-09 18:06:07 elly well that was easy 2022-03-09 18:06:11 elly I'll check it out after work :) 2022-03-09 18:06:14 m455 yay! 2022-03-09 18:07:49 dzwdz ugh, i just fell asleep for 2.5h 2022-03-09 18:08:15 @natalia my other favorite fennel features: unicode identifiers and a good repl 2022-03-09 18:09:42 elly yay unicode identifiers 2022-03-09 18:09:46 elly that's a thing I like a lot about racket too 2022-03-09 18:10:18 @natalia racket was my goto before i started messing with fennel 2022-03-09 18:10:27 dzwdz ending function names in `?` <3 2022-03-09 18:10:31 m455 natalia: same haha 2022-03-09 18:10:33 dzwdz unless it doesn't allow that 2022-03-09 18:10:40 elly racket allows this: (λ (x) (+ x 1)) 2022-03-09 18:10:47 elly as a synonym for (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 2022-03-09 18:10:49 @natalia racket is *really cool* but i have like... 2022-03-09 18:10:52 @natalia oh fennel lets u do that too 2022-03-09 18:11:00 m455 oh neat so a unicode identifier (i just looked them up lol) is being able to define things using unicode stuff instead of just letters and whatever latin stuff 2022-03-09 18:11:02 @natalia hey this is barely related but have you seen Raku's unicode support 2022-03-09 18:11:06 elly m455: yeah 2022-03-09 18:11:19 m455 elly: cool thanks for the confirmation! 2022-03-09 18:11:54 elly (C++ does this too, it's not exactly an arcane feature these days, but a lot of smaller languages don't bother with it) 2022-03-09 18:12:19 @natalia hmm. how should unicode identifiers deal with bidirectional text? 2022-03-09 18:12:37 dzwdz why do languages don't support it in the first place? 2022-03-09 18:12:46 dzwdz do the parsers just not support unicode at all? 2022-03-09 18:12:48 elly they don't want to depend on a unicode library 2022-03-09 18:12:54 elly is usually the reason 2022-03-09 18:13:02 dzwdz aight, that's a fair reason 2022-03-09 18:13:11 @natalia like, do we need to special case bidi things to make it so you can nicely format code? or should that be The Job Of The Editor (TM)? or does it just sort of work? 2022-03-09 18:13:18 @natalia (was thinking abt this because of ed earlier tbh) 2022-03-09 18:13:18 elly natalia: leave it to the editor imo 2022-03-09 18:13:35 elly you could also forbid bidi in identifiers I guess 2022-03-09 18:13:41 elly since special chars are often forbidden in identifiers 2022-03-09 18:13:51 dzwdz (which sucks) 2022-03-09 18:14:07 elly well, sorta 2022-03-09 18:14:29 @natalia the worry is sort of like, maybe numerals or something in identifiers displaying wrong 2022-03-09 18:14:35 elly stuff like ? and ! should be allowed in identifiers, but imagine allowing ( or something 2022-03-09 18:14:40 elly the parsing rapidly becomes pretty grotesque 2022-03-09 18:14:53 --> atomicdisintegrator (atomicdisintegrator@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 18:14:55 dzwdz i assumed you meant special chars which aren't part of the syntax 2022-03-09 18:15:20 elly ah, no 2022-03-09 18:15:44 atomicdisintegrator !water 2022-03-09 18:15:44 * pinhook waters atomicdisintegrator's godly vibrating green seed-bearing ficus 2022-03-09 18:15:50 atomicdisintegrator Hello! 2022-03-09 18:15:52 dzwdz hi 2022-03-09 18:17:06 elly hello! 2022-03-09 18:18:41 dzwdz https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/twitter-supported-browsers 2022-03-09 18:18:44 dzwdz ah yes, my favorite browser 2022-03-09 18:18:47 dzwdz the Tor network 2022-03-09 18:18:52 @natalia maybe a cool editor would have something like isolates 2022-03-09 18:19:01 @natalia like, based on syntax 2022-03-09 18:19:01 elly isolates? 2022-03-09 18:19:13 dzwdz oh and also "Additional domains used to enable parts of site functionality", that's another good browser 2022-03-09 18:19:36 elly I had no idea Twitter had an official Tor endpoint at all 2022-03-09 18:19:36 tomasino everyone excited for twitter over tor? 2022-03-09 18:19:43 tomasino ahh, you're talking about it now. yay 2022-03-09 18:19:45 tomasino haha 2022-03-09 18:19:48 atomicdisintegrator Not me. 2022-03-09 18:19:53 tomasino it just launched like yesterday 2022-03-09 18:20:01 dzwdz imo it's pretty pointless 2022-03-09 18:20:08 @natalia elly: it signifies a piece of text is separate from its surroundings 2022-03-09 18:20:20 atomicdisintegrator I prefer to abandon corporate platforms. 2022-03-09 18:20:21 dzwdz you still have to log in, soo 2022-03-09 18:20:24 dzwdz atomicdisintegrator: ^ 2022-03-09 18:20:31 elly it is not intended to keep you anonymous from Twitter 2022-03-09 18:20:33 tomasino you're not hiding your identify from twitter 2022-03-09 18:20:33 @natalia i am worried about, say, like a lisp with arabic text with parentheses around them 2022-03-09 18:20:42 elly it is intended to obscure that you, as a person in Russia or some other country, are using Twitter 2022-03-09 18:20:47 tomasino ^ exactly 2022-03-09 18:20:50 dzwdz i'm already using tor though 2022-03-09 18:20:50 elly from your government-run ISP 2022-03-09 18:21:01 @natalia i don't understand the rules quite, but i'm thinking the parentheses might attach to the wrong directions sometimes 2022-03-09 18:21:04 dzwdz it doesn't really do anything except making the connection slower 2022-03-09 18:21:08 elly natalia: hmm 2022-03-09 18:21:10 dzwdz well and maybe preventing sslstrip 2022-03-09 18:21:12 dzwdz but cmon 2022-03-09 18:21:16 atomicdisintegrator Sadly, there aren't many rural networks around. 2022-03-09 18:21:44 elly natalia: tbh thinking about editing code that changes text direction, and trying to account for stuff like locale-specific quote conventions, hurts my head 2022-03-09 18:22:20 @natalia haha same for real 2022-03-09 18:22:31 dzwdz i mean, it's going to get people to know about tor 2022-03-09 18:22:33 dzwdz which is cool 2022-03-09 18:23:15 <-- brendo (brendantcc@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-09 18:24:06 atomicdisintegrator Rather than "cool" I'd say "necessary" as many people don't understand the dangers of indiscriminate surveillance. 2022-03-09 18:24:26 dzwdz get to know != educate 2022-03-09 18:25:22 atomicdisintegrator Yes, but education can be the side effect of information. 2022-03-09 18:25:35 dzwdz true 2022-03-09 18:25:43 --> brendo (brendantcc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 18:26:20 atomicdisintegrator If I was let to be ignorant like school taught me I will probably ignore the free software, tor, tilde.town, the gopher and whatever is not "trendy". 2022-03-09 18:27:11 atomicdisintegrator I've read an interesting phile on how schools are designing more criminals than specialized professionals and that's pretty disturbing. 2022-03-09 18:29:19 dzwdz i wonder if this will cause a visible bump in the amount of tor users 2022-03-09 18:30:50 atomicdisintegrator The tor network needs more nodes so the proportion of fedz nodes will probably drop. 2022-03-09 18:31:24 atomicdisintegrator But generally, I hope people starts to distrust their beloved tech and learn how to make their own way on the net. 2022-03-09 18:31:53 dzwdz the feds have netflow data anyways, so 2022-03-09 18:31:58 elly I do not think Twitter is going to be the agent of that change :P 2022-03-09 18:32:05 dzwdz at this point they don't even need to run their nodes 2022-03-09 18:32:08 dzwdz also elly: ^ 2022-03-09 18:32:44 atomicdisintegrator So, are you giving up because of that? 2022-03-09 18:33:19 dzwdz giving up on? 2022-03-09 18:33:37 atomicdisintegrator Using tor for example. 2022-03-09 18:33:48 dzwdz i'm not worried about feds 2022-03-09 18:33:51 dzwdz i'm not planning a coup 2022-03-09 18:35:02 dzwdz not on this connection, at least 2022-03-09 18:35:11 atomicdisintegrator Without evidences you can't be put under surveillance at least by "legally" speaking. 2022-03-09 18:35:23 dzwdz i don't think that's true anymore? 2022-03-09 18:36:37 elly a big part of the controversy in the snowden leaks was that it came out that the various government agencies had been doing an end-run around that 2022-03-09 18:36:47 elly by having the british government surveil americans and vice versa, and then sharing the results 2022-03-09 18:36:56 elly so they were *technically* not doing domestic surveillance, but in effect were 2022-03-09 18:37:42 elly no idea if they still are or not 2022-03-09 18:37:49 atomicdisintegrator So? What do you think about it? 2022-03-09 18:37:54 dzwdz why was that controversial? it doesn't change anything 2022-03-09 18:38:17 elly because they appeared to be circumventing the laws that prevent them from doing that 2022-03-09 18:38:21 elly that's why it was controversial 2022-03-09 18:38:39 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-09 20:05:11 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 20:05:11 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-09 20:05:11 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-09 20:05:11 -- Channel #tildetown: 95 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 93 normals) 2022-03-09 20:05:13 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-09 20:07:29 extratone does anybody know how to hide/adjust the timestamp (left) bar in weechat. I see settings for literally every element but that. 2022-03-09 20:08:29 dzwdz the setting in the config file seems to be called bare_display_time_format 2022-03-09 20:08:36 dzwdz but i have no idea how to find the /set name 2022-03-09 20:09:25 extratone this is what my dilemma looks like. https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/novelchat.png 2022-03-09 20:09:50 extratone ah well thank you dzwdz I'll dig a bit. 2022-03-09 20:11:33 bx extratone: i did it before but ive forgotten 2022-03-09 20:11:38 m455 /set weechat.look.buffer_time_format "%H:%M" 2022-03-09 20:11:55 m455 /fset is a really handy command for finding settings 2022-03-09 20:12:10 dzwdz doesn't beat grep in programs with normal dotfiles :shrug: 2022-03-09 20:13:30 extratone well that definitely helped, thank you m455. maybe one day I'll figure out how to wrap the nicknames by character instead of word 2022-03-09 20:13:52 @natalia there's a max length config 2022-03-09 20:14:16 m455 to change nick length stuff: /set weechat.look.prefix_align_max 11 2022-03-09 20:15:03 @natalia that's what it is, thanks 2022-03-09 20:15:06 @natalia i couldn't remember it 2022-03-09 20:15:18 @natalia frantically searching thru user guide and found what i'd been looking for yesterday 2022-03-09 20:15:46 m455 haha yeah i ahve a text file of how to do everything i spent a lot of time tryign to figure out weechat-wise 2022-03-09 20:16:56 dzwdz it isn't possible to set sotd to a specific part of a song, right? 2022-03-09 20:17:00 extratone that's a good idea... you all have saved my life. I'm actually looking at a reasonably readable chat window now lol 2022-03-09 20:18:43 elly I think sotd is just an arbitrary string? 2022-03-09 20:18:47 elly !sotd silence, people typing 2022-03-09 20:18:51 extratone /b// 2022-03-09 20:18:54 elly I have no idea 2022-03-09 20:18:58 dzwdz !sotd http://example.com silence, people typing 2022-03-09 20:18:58 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to silence, people typing 2022-03-09 20:19:08 @natalia youtube ?t= lol 2022-03-09 20:19:38 --> astrinaut (xmc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 20:19:42 m455 extratone: you can also do like /bar hide nicklist, or /bar hide buflist too 2022-03-09 20:19:52 m455 (replace "hide" with "show" to get them back) 2022-03-09 20:19:56 extratone I got that far but I appreciate that. 2022-03-09 20:20:02 m455 cool! 2022-03-09 20:20:24 dzwdz !sotd https://youtu.be/fzi24Nssiow?t=313 frank's verse on oldie 2022-03-09 20:20:25 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to frank's verse on oldie 2022-03-09 20:20:33 astrinaut moin townies 2022-03-09 20:20:44 * astrinaut == astrid == xmc 2022-03-09 20:21:05 extratone the fact that you all have helped me set up a usable looking irc chat view in a terminal emulator on a phone is big 2022-03-09 20:21:22 extratone it's also absurd lol 2022-03-09 20:21:47 @natalia hello astrinaut 2022-03-09 20:21:56 @natalia how's it going 2022-03-09 20:22:11 astrinaut ups and downs. been a while, thought i'd stop in. 2022-03-09 20:22:18 the_default o/ 2022-03-09 20:22:26 m455 extratone: you can also remove the topic and status bar too if you need more room :P or set the time to "" to not show it aha 2022-03-09 20:23:10 --> katie (katie@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 20:24:05 extratone I removed everything but the status bar and just the minutes lol. 2022-03-09 20:24:14 <-- katie (katie@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-09 20:24:59 astrinaut i set my irc client to only show the hour, not the minute or second of a message's time, and it's quite lovely and calm. 2022-03-09 20:25:40 extratone https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/novelchatfixed.png 2022-03-09 20:26:06 dzwdz how about making the messages from over half an hour ago a different color 2022-03-09 20:26:17 astrinaut sort of the opposite approach i guess :) 2022-03-09 20:26:25 @natalia bitrot old messages 2022-03-09 20:26:39 @natalia like the uh. you know how nethack makes things corrupt when written in the sand 2022-03-09 20:28:08 elly ha, that would be interesting 2022-03-09 20:28:15 elly the older a message is the more corrupt it gets until it fades out 2022-03-09 20:28:47 extratone I understand now why weechat is so configurable I think. or am beginning to. 2022-03-09 20:43:04 <-- amcclure (amcclure@localhost) has quit (Quit: Waiting on account change) 2022-03-09 20:43:20 dzwdz https://www.ebay.com/itm/175093838548 2022-03-09 20:43:26 dzwdz maaaaan fuck 2022-03-09 20:43:39 dzwdz $400 for a fucking poster 2022-03-09 20:44:46 nihilazo it's not even a fucking poster 2022-03-09 20:44:53 nihilazo just a music poster 2022-03-09 20:45:10 dzwdz from the best fucking album oat 2022-03-09 20:45:42 dzwdz i think it cost like $15 originally 2022-03-09 20:45:47 dzwdz but it was only sold for one day 2022-03-09 20:46:12 --> tweska (tweska@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 20:46:26 the_default hi tweska! 2022-03-09 20:46:30 tweska Hello 2022-03-09 20:47:13 tweska Can I connect to this IRC server from a local running client? 2022-03-09 20:47:35 benharri you'll need to use an ssh tunnel 2022-03-09 20:47:48 benharri i'm connected from my vps, and i use autossh 2022-03-09 20:47:58 benharri @reboot autossh -fnNTL 2345:localhost:6667 benharri@tilde.town 2022-03-09 20:48:00 benharri in my crontab 2022-03-09 20:48:00 tweska Oh, is that easy? 2022-03-09 20:48:17 tweska Oh, I will take a look. I got my client running on my VPS as well. 2022-03-09 20:48:44 bx til autossh 2022-03-09 20:48:49 benharri just make sure to add a pubkey from your vps into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys here on town 2022-03-09 20:49:09 benharri with my example, you'd point your client to localhost with port 2345 2022-03-09 20:51:29 tweska Yeah, I see. Setting it up now. 2022-03-09 20:51:31 m455 yeah i use the same thing as benharri and can confirm that it works great 2022-03-09 20:58:07 tweska Hmm 2022-03-09 20:58:34 tweska TheLounge gives me an SSL related error. 2022-03-09 20:58:48 --> tweska2 (tweska@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 20:58:50 tweska ah 2022-03-09 20:59:10 <-- tweska2 (tweska@localhost) has quit (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) 2022-03-09 20:59:13 --> tweska3 (tweska@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 20:59:25 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.0) 2022-03-09 20:59:26 tweska3 alright 2022-03-09 20:59:29 --> m455 (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 20:59:33 <-- tweska (tweska@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-09 20:59:34 -- tweska3 is now known as tweska 2022-03-09 20:59:41 tweska Nice! 2022-03-09 20:59:47 tweska Thank you benharri 2022-03-09 21:00:14 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-09 22:29:02 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 22:29:02 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-09 22:29:02 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-09 22:29:02 -- Channel #tildetown: 95 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 93 normals) 2022-03-09 22:29:04 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-09 22:39:42 asm welcome back extra 2022-03-09 22:41:11 elly hello hello :) 2022-03-09 22:41:14 extratone howdy! you would not believe how ridiculous the color theme I'm viewing you in is. 2022-03-09 22:43:22 extratone https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/grasschat.png 2022-03-09 22:44:06 elly that's quite nice 2022-03-09 22:44:51 flowercorpse it's relaxing 2022-03-09 22:46:09 asm forgive me for asking, but why do your screenshots all have an iphone frame? 2022-03-09 22:46:32 elly iOS simulator maybe? 2022-03-09 22:46:37 benharri https://ttm.sh/io_.png default weechat-android theme 2022-03-09 22:47:10 elly colorful! 2022-03-09 22:47:26 elly my system is mostly monochrome except for the desktop wallpaper 2022-03-09 22:47:45 <-- asm (amcclure@localhost) has quit (Quit) 2022-03-09 22:47:45 --> asm (amcclure@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 22:48:04 extratone oh no need for forgiveness! no it's real screenshots just mocked up real fast. 2022-03-09 22:48:21 extratone I made a thing. well... modified a thing. https://bilge.world/speedy-frames 2022-03-09 22:48:44 extratone I know it is obnoxious as hell but I can't stop now. 2022-03-09 22:49:15 elly my wallpaper is a grid of randomly-colored squares: https://tilde.town/~elly/wallpaper.png 2022-03-09 22:49:18 elly which changes every day 2022-03-09 22:49:42 elly https://git.sr.ht/~elly/onek/tree/main/item/rzim.c generated by this :) 2022-03-09 22:51:22 flowercorpse that's really cool 2022-03-09 22:51:37 @natalia i used to have a henerated bg, manually curated tho 2022-03-09 22:51:41 @natalia no pics unfortunately 2022-03-09 22:51:56 extratone that's very cool and cute. 2022-03-09 22:52:44 elly I would like to spend more time experimenting with generating images 2022-03-09 22:53:24 flowercorpse I wrote a langton's ant generator once, I might actually turn it into a generative background now 2022-03-09 22:53:47 elly ppm is *very* easy to emit 2022-03-09 22:54:08 elly if you look at im_write() in that file 2022-03-09 22:56:22 elly the generated image is gigantic but who cares really if you are just making a wallpaper 2022-03-09 23:00:16 @natalia i love generative art 2022-03-09 23:17:02 kirch !sotd youtube.com/watch?v=_WTBkj8gFfI 2022-03-09 23:17:28 kirch *squints* 2022-03-09 23:18:36 kirch the background on my website is generated on load... it used to be more complicated, before I redesigned to this... https://jkirchartz.com/ 2022-03-09 23:28:38 asm nice 2022-03-09 23:32:22 <-- asm (amcclure@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-09 23:32:43 <-- anton1 (anton@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-09 23:35:40 --> asm (asm@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 23:47:25 <-- asm (asm@localhost) has quit (Quit) 2022-03-09 23:47:26 --> asm (asm@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 23:48:28 <-- nuve (nuve@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-09 23:48:41 --> amcclure (asm@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-09 23:48:57 asm hmm 2022-03-09 23:49:03 <-- amcclure (asm@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-09 23:50:40 @vilmibm kirch: cute site <3 2022-03-10 00:11:10 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-10 00:56:15 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 00:56:15 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-10 00:56:15 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-10 00:56:15 -- Channel #tildetown: 93 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 91 normals) 2022-03-10 00:56:17 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-10 00:59:17 caff !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_-KPENlOVM 2022-03-10 00:59:17 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Sebastián Yatra - Erase Una Vez Pero Ya No (Official Video) 2022-03-10 00:59:52 caff No idea why that didn't work kirch, but it seems to be working now. 2022-03-10 01:03:24 caff Ohhhh. I think I know what happened. It didn't like it without http(s) at the beginning :L I really should fix that. 2022-03-10 01:37:52 kirch !sotd youtube.com/watch?v=_WTBkj8gFfI 2022-03-10 01:38:13 kirch !sotd https://youtube.com/watch?v=_WTBkj8gFfI 2022-03-10 01:38:14 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to ADAM FREELAND - WE WANT YOUR SOUL 2022-03-10 01:38:29 kirch It was user-error, caff..... 2022-03-10 01:41:33 <-- flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has quit (Quit: Goodnight) 2022-03-10 01:45:49 caff I should probably be able to handle URLs without http/s in there regardless :P 2022-03-10 02:22:56 extratone is this not one of the most terrifying book covers you’ve ever seen. https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/eat.png 2022-03-10 02:25:30 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-10 02:26:37 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 02:26:37 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-10 02:26:37 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-10 02:26:37 -- Channel #tildetown: 92 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 90 normals) 2022-03-10 02:26:39 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-10 02:26:58 extratone uh oh. I think I broke my ideal weechat configuration already. 2022-03-10 02:43:24 dozens i really like no starch 2022-03-10 02:43:26 dozens solid 2022-03-10 02:49:42 asm I've never heard of no starch 2022-03-10 02:49:54 dozens they publish programming books that are good 2022-03-10 02:50:10 dozens perhaps my favorite is Automate The Boring Stuff With Python 2022-03-10 02:51:19 extratone I actually asked the author about that cover art on twitter and he was like "wasn't my decision but he's eating commands." 2022-03-10 02:51:38 extratone I'll take down that recommendation dozens thank you. 2022-03-10 02:51:48 extratone I just now discovered ttm.sh.. 2022-03-10 02:52:01 dozens i use ttm.sh 11 or 8 times a day 2022-03-10 02:52:15 extratone and I have a much MUCH scarier book to share a picture of but I'm going to wait until the puppy is done snuggling. 2022-03-10 02:53:29 dozens actually i use `pb` 11 or 8 times a day, and use ttm.sh as its url. 2022-03-10 02:53:31 dozens https://tildegit.org/tomasino/pb 2022-03-10 02:53:47 dozens no starch press also has at least one book on assembly, if you're into that kind of thing 2022-03-10 02:55:37 extratone so many handy tools.. for a town. 2022-03-10 02:56:34 dozens this town has everything! 2022-03-10 02:59:43 extratone you'd think I never play with them. https://ttm.sh/io1.93FFB6A1 2022-03-10 03:02:14 dozens omg doggos 2022-03-10 03:02:37 dozens big white is tugging, and lil black is like, I'm here too! 2022-03-10 03:07:19 extratone this is the even scarier book. https://ttm.sh/io4.jpeg 2022-03-10 03:16:23 dozens lol 2022-03-10 03:16:55 @natalia hi 2022-03-10 03:17:12 dozens i had this one as a kid 2022-03-10 03:17:13 extratone I bought it with my own money for a job and my boss took one look and was like "I never want to see that in here again" lol 2022-03-10 03:17:14 dozens https://ttm.sh/ioU.jpg 2022-03-10 03:17:17 dozens always scared me 2022-03-10 03:17:22 extratone o/ natalia 2022-03-10 03:17:53 extratone oh shit that's a scary cover. 2022-03-10 03:19:52 @natalia how's it going 2022-03-10 03:45:15 elly hello hello 2022-03-10 03:48:19 @natalia hi elly 2022-03-10 03:48:37 elly hey natalia :) how's your evening? 2022-03-10 03:49:34 @natalia elly: i just got off work! listening to some music, trying to figure out what to do with myself 2022-03-10 03:49:46 @natalia i'd normally wind down for sleeping but i have a pretty sizable chunk of energy 2022-03-10 03:49:54 @natalia might review + commit the changes i made to the ed irc bot today 2022-03-10 03:49:58 @natalia how about yours? 2022-03-10 03:50:20 elly well, at the moment really tired :) 2022-03-10 03:50:33 elly I wrote a functional fennel program though, so that's good 2022-03-10 03:50:45 @natalia aha! 2022-03-10 03:50:49 @natalia how did you like it? 2022-03-10 03:50:57 elly mostly a lot :) 2022-03-10 03:51:02 elly the method call syntax is very un-lispy 2022-03-10 03:51:47 elly but it has much that appeals to me 2022-03-10 03:52:11 @natalia hm. do you mean the a:b thing or just calling in general? 2022-03-10 03:52:18 elly the a:b thing specifically 2022-03-10 03:52:28 elly a:b is a single token in lisp grammars usually 2022-03-10 03:52:36 elly but in fennel it's 3 - object, ':', method 2022-03-10 03:52:38 @natalia yeah, understandable 2022-03-10 03:52:44 @natalia what about the regular a.b stuff 2022-03-10 03:52:48 @natalia i'm.. conflicted frequently 2022-03-10 03:52:55 elly that part feels less weird to me 2022-03-10 03:53:09 @natalia interesting, and reasonable 2022-03-10 03:53:18 @natalia frankly lua's method calls just aren't as useful 2022-03-10 03:53:26 @natalia in lua you can do like, call(thing):blah() 2022-03-10 03:53:28 elly I don't have deep principled thoughts about it and I generally don't like OO programming regardless 2022-03-10 03:53:32 elly yeah 2022-03-10 03:53:36 @natalia also, agreed 2022-03-10 03:53:43 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-10 03:54:08 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 03:54:08 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-10 03:54:08 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-10 03:54:08 -- Channel #tildetown: 92 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 90 normals) 2022-03-10 03:54:10 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-10 03:54:23 @natalia in which i think stuff like `a.b` would only be used for like, static namespacing 2022-03-10 03:54:39 @natalia because i think that is one way which is much better than traditional lisp single-namespace stuff 2022-03-10 03:56:15 @natalia !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTgls_vR3ME 2022-03-10 03:56:15 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to The Wanderer (Remastered) 2022-03-10 03:57:35 @natalia one thing i appreciate about fennel is you can mostly ingore things you don't like 2022-03-10 03:59:04 elly heh, yeah :) 2022-03-10 04:08:43 elly I am trying to understand how icollect works 2022-03-10 04:09:50 @natalia let me know if you have questions 2022-03-10 04:09:54 elly aha, got it 2022-03-10 04:10:18 @natalia (andonce you get that collect is the same thing but you give it a kv pair instead of just a value) 2022-03-10 04:13:01 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-10 04:13:25 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 04:13:25 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-10 04:13:25 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-10 04:13:25 -- Channel #tildetown: 92 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 90 normals) 2022-03-10 04:13:27 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-10 04:16:23 @natalia OH dear i have just made a breaking change i don't know if i can undo 2022-03-10 04:17:37 @natalia (and written it, and git added it,) 2022-03-10 04:17:53 @natalia but i did a ,n earlier so i'm good 2022-03-10 04:17:57 @natalia just. a pain in the ass 2022-03-10 04:20:15 --> tavish (tavish@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 04:21:59 @natalia i could also potentially recover the lua state from the running process 2022-03-10 04:35:25 elly https://tilde.town/~elly/fennel.png 2022-03-10 04:35:28 elly headway is being made :) 2022-03-10 04:36:18 @natalia nice! 2022-03-10 04:49:13 asm good evening 2022-03-10 04:49:28 elly evening 2022-03-10 04:49:51 asm how's it going in the town? 2022-03-10 04:52:45 elly well! trying to learn fennel 2022-03-10 04:53:15 asm interesting 2022-03-10 04:53:24 * asm doesn't know what fennel is though 2022-03-10 04:53:39 elly https://fennel-lang.org/ a Lisp that targets Lua basically 2022-03-10 04:53:45 elly with an adorable logo 2022-03-10 04:54:21 asm ooo 2022-03-10 04:57:20 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-10 04:58:19 elly it is appealing but I am not sure it is beautiful 2022-03-10 04:58:32 elly and I am not sure I am learning anything from learning it 2022-03-10 04:58:45 asm :c 2022-03-10 05:04:53 @natalia i feel like i learned more from hacking on it and talking there 2022-03-10 05:05:14 @natalia the weird thing about it is that its goals being almost transparently mirroring lua semantics is that you learn a lot more from the weird edge cases you can't actually see 2022-03-10 05:05:40 @natalia there is some value i think to something that is actually not any more beautiful or intricate, just slightly better 2022-03-10 05:09:31 dozens elly: i adore fennel 2022-03-10 05:09:44 dozens and the logo was drawn by our own m455 2022-03-10 05:10:07 dozens i think i love fennel mostly because i love lua 2022-03-10 05:10:43 dozens and lua is so universal as a scripting and configuration language, it's easy to write fennel in a ton of places 2022-03-10 05:12:03 dozens but i kind of agree with natalia (i think) in that probably the number one thing fennel did for me is teach me a lot about lua. data structures and concurrency, etc. 2022-03-10 05:12:09 @natalia wait, m455 drew the logo!? 2022-03-10 05:12:16 dozens i think so!! 2022-03-10 05:12:26 m455 haha yeah 2022-03-10 05:12:34 m455 i did it in inkscape one night when iw as bored lol 2022-03-10 05:12:39 m455 it was like my first inkscape drawing LOL 2022-03-10 05:12:50 dozens fucking famous 2022-03-10 05:12:53 m455 i'm hoping someone who actually knows art can make a cuter one lol i tried ot make it cute af 2022-03-10 05:13:12 elly it is! 2022-03-10 05:13:12 dozens i mean, it's about as adorable as can be 2022-03-10 05:13:46 m455 hahaha 2022-03-10 05:13:51 dozens i always thought fennel was named after the fox until the veggie logo showed up 2022-03-10 05:14:01 dozens wait 2022-03-10 05:14:04 dozens fennec fox? 2022-03-10 05:14:06 m455 hahaha 2022-03-10 05:14:07 dozens fuck 2022-03-10 05:14:08 @natalia m455: the drawing looks great <3 2022-03-10 05:14:26 m455 hahah thanks, i wanted the top green things to be more vegetable like but arcs in inkscape are hard LOL 2022-03-10 05:14:39 m455 i'm very happy about the gradients i did though! 2022-03-10 05:14:44 elly I'm definitely going to keep learning it 2022-03-10 05:14:55 elly I don't really know a good prototyping / scripting language right now 2022-03-10 05:15:33 dozens the guy who initially wrote fennel is the same guy who wrote julia 2022-03-10 05:15:39 dozens people really like julia 2022-03-10 05:15:47 m455 janet! 2022-03-10 05:15:49 m455 haha 2022-03-10 05:15:52 dozens janet lol 2022-03-10 05:16:03 dozens julia is a nice name too 2022-03-10 05:16:06 m455 i agree 2022-03-10 05:16:16 @natalia & the current maintainer is best known i think for leinengen 2022-03-10 05:16:17 m455 that's that cool fancy ruby-like lang right? 2022-03-10 05:16:21 m455 yeah! 2022-03-10 05:16:28 dozens do you think janet comes from the good place? becuase that'd be cool 2022-03-10 05:16:38 elly https://janet-lang.org/ hm! cool 2022-03-10 05:16:52 dozens natalia: yeah! i sometimes forget that technomancy is legit code famous 2022-03-10 05:17:01 dozens fennel community is rad 2022-03-10 05:18:12 dozens elly: yeah that's the one. i see posts on lobsters and hackernews from people who are really into it. 2022-03-10 05:18:20 dozens haven't tried it myself, so i can't say 2022-03-10 05:19:03 elly today I also learned of: https://github.com/jedisct1/libhydrogen/ 2022-03-10 05:20:26 elly and thence: https://csrc.nist.gov/CSRC/media/Projects/Lightweight-Cryptography/documents/round-1/spec-doc/gimli-spec.pdf 2022-03-10 05:20:30 elly much learning today! 2022-03-10 05:20:49 dozens neat! 2022-03-10 05:22:44 m455 damn neat! 2022-03-10 05:26:13 elly night town! 2022-03-10 05:26:54 @natalia night! 2022-03-10 05:29:12 --> nuve (nuve@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 05:31:43 m455 night! 2022-03-10 05:31:55 m455 i'll probably go soon too after this little exciting linkbuds update lol 2022-03-10 06:50:12 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-10 06:50:12 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's common chalky orange flowering ficus 2022-03-10 06:50:15 猫 !water nihilazo 2022-03-10 06:50:16 * pinhook waters nihilazo's seed 2022-03-10 06:50:17 猫 !tarot 2022-03-10 06:50:17 rufus[awkbot] Judgment - reflection, reckoning, awakening 2022-03-10 06:50:19 猫 hmst 2022-03-10 06:50:21 猫 hello 2022-03-10 07:09:12 nihilazo \o 2022-03-10 07:09:37 dzwdz \o 2022-03-10 07:10:49 nihilazo how's town this morning 2022-03-10 07:11:38 dzwdz well today's yet another day of bullshit 2022-03-10 07:12:20 dzwdz i'm at school but i'm going to literally be doing nothing from 7:25 to 12:05 2022-03-10 07:27:07 extratone are you able to mess around with the computers at that time? lol 2022-03-10 07:39:59 dzwdz during half of the time 2022-03-10 07:43:38 猫 Hello 2022-03-10 07:44:24 dzwdz hi 2022-03-10 07:46:41 --> aliasless (aliasless@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 07:47:16 <-- aliasless (aliasless@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-10 07:48:12 * nihilazo has college work to do but it's not available to him on teams 2022-03-10 07:48:52 * nihilazo told his teacher he had an appointment, he didn't, but I'm calling it an appointment anyway 2022-03-10 07:48:59 nihilazo an appointment with a room that does not contain a politics class 2022-03-10 08:40:34 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-10 11:25:22 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 11:25:22 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-10 11:25:22 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-10 11:25:22 -- Channel #tildetown: 94 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 92 normals) 2022-03-10 11:25:24 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-10 11:37:33 twee o/ 2022-03-10 11:40:03 nihilazo u\o 2022-03-10 11:40:39 arisotura hi 2022-03-10 11:40:51 arisotura !talklike 2022-03-10 11:40:52 pinhook but a tad lazy 2022-03-10 11:40:55 arisotura !talklike 2022-03-10 11:40:55 pinhook esp. as there's an unofficial rumor that the whole thing 2022-03-10 11:43:42 nihilazo !talklike 2022-03-10 11:43:43 pinhook CMU sphinx is still active 2022-03-10 11:44:23 arisotura !talklike 2022-03-10 11:44:23 pinhook same as usual, I guess 2022-03-10 11:44:34 arisotura pinhook isn't very inspired today 2022-03-10 11:45:35 nihilazo I really want to do this mp3 player repair but I also don't want to pay £5 on shipping for the buttons and I need new soldering iron tips and don't know what to get 2022-03-10 11:45:50 nihilazo because this soldering iron of my dad's is a weird clone thing and I know the tips that are officially for it are really bad 2022-03-10 11:46:15 nihilazo maybe I should buy myself a ts100 type thing to be my own soldering iron 2022-03-10 11:47:41 arisotura same 2022-03-10 11:47:51 arisotura I tried twice to get tips for my soldering irons 2022-03-10 11:47:56 arisotura twice got shit that doesn't fit 2022-03-10 11:48:51 arisotura blarg. 2022-03-10 11:49:01 arisotura I'm feeling so unmotivated 2022-03-10 11:50:30 extratone https://ttm.sh/iof.png 2022-03-10 11:50:56 extratone I'm sorry arisotura that's frustrating :/ 2022-03-10 11:54:46 arisotura looking for jobs or trainings or whatever 2022-03-10 11:54:58 arisotura but this makes me feel like I just don't belong in this world 2022-03-10 12:05:10 twee !talklike 2022-03-10 12:05:10 pinhook depends on the other day 2022-03-10 12:05:30 twee arisotura: fully misunderstood what kind of tips you were talking about 2022-03-10 12:05:43 twee "steady hand and well ventilated desktop" 2022-03-10 12:09:16 arisotura bahah 2022-03-10 12:09:30 arisotura tying your hair is also a good idea, apparently 2022-03-10 12:09:40 arisotura unless you like the smell of burning hair 2022-03-10 12:32:47 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-10 13:28:28 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 13:28:28 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-10 13:28:28 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-10 13:28:28 -- Channel #tildetown: 94 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 92 normals) 2022-03-10 13:28:30 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-10 13:28:54 extratone howdy town. 2022-03-10 13:38:30 barnaba sup 2022-03-10 13:38:32 barnaba !water 2022-03-10 13:38:32 * pinhook waters barnaba's rare smug mature sage 2022-03-10 13:38:46 barnaba one day it'll be a medium-rare sage 2022-03-10 13:39:00 barnaba perhaps even a well-done sage 2022-03-10 13:39:41 asm good morning 2022-03-10 13:42:15 tomasino what's new? 2022-03-10 13:43:37 extratone I'm iPhone keyboarding in starbucks again 2022-03-10 13:43:42 extratone wilding 2022-03-10 13:44:14 tomasino lovely! 2022-03-10 13:44:18 tomasino anything good at the 'bucks? 2022-03-10 13:44:22 tomasino fancy cookie? 2022-03-10 13:46:14 extratone absolutely nothing. literally the least tolerable crud. but I know I'll never encounter anyone I know. 2022-03-10 13:48:05 tomasino ooh, are you in hiding? 2022-03-10 13:48:09 tomasino sneaky project? 2022-03-10 13:49:37 extratone oh heck no lol. but my capability to/interest in casually shooting the shit has literally dropped to zero, these days. 2022-03-10 13:50:29 tomasino ahh, so just a non-socialization choice. that's cool too. 2022-03-10 13:52:56 asm There is a new urgent action note today: US citizens: phone your senators and urge them to support a new non-nuclear deal with Iran. 2022-03-10 13:53:36 extratone :O 2022-03-10 13:54:29 extratone (in other news, Microsoft just announced tabs are coming to File Explorer. Windows is getting closer and closer to being a complete operating system!) 2022-03-10 14:00:39 m455 hey tilde.town 2022-03-10 14:01:14 extratone the old Tweetbot logo is DEFINITELY screaming. https://tilde.town/~extratone/icons/Tweetbot3.png 2022-03-10 14:01:18 extratone o/ m455 2022-03-10 14:01:37 m455 how's it going extratone? 2022-03-10 14:02:18 extratone I'm still alive. reminiscing a bit on the very first iPhone IRC apps for this thing I'm writing. 2022-03-10 14:02:23 extratone how about you? 2022-03-10 14:10:12 m455 cool haha sounds like a fun thing to reminisce about. i'm not doing too bad, just starting my workday and waking up with some coffee after having some peanut butter toast 2022-03-10 14:10:13 m455 !!breakfast 2022-03-10 14:10:27 m455 oh damn tracer is done from the restart haha 2022-03-10 14:17:04 extratone that sounds tasty. 2022-03-10 14:17:21 m455 ahah yeah it was 2022-03-10 14:22:25 extratone https://ttm.sh/ioM.jpeg 2022-03-10 14:24:00 tomasino there it is 2022-03-10 14:29:46 elly morning :) happy Thursday 2022-03-10 14:30:15 extratone howdy elly. it's almost actually snowing here. 2022-03-10 14:45:04 extratone I need town to update to nano 6.2 I absolutely demand it . 2022-03-10 14:50:11 elly what is new in nano 6.2? 2022-03-10 14:54:49 barnaba The file browser clears the prompt bar also when using --minibar. 2022-03-10 14:54:51 barnaba Linting now works also with a newer 'pyflakes'. 2022-03-10 14:55:06 barnaba that's the entire changelog, no need to link, no need to pastebinit xd 2022-03-10 14:55:41 barnaba but we're on 4.8, which is 2 years old now 2022-03-10 14:55:46 extratone I'm sorry I was joking. 2022-03-10 14:57:22 barnaba well it's my bad for only reading 0 lines of context 2022-03-10 14:57:58 elly there was no context other than extratone asking us to upgrade to nano 6.2 :P 2022-03-10 14:58:01 extratone idk about that. 2022-03-10 14:58:12 extratone yes 2022-03-10 14:58:39 dzwdz i think i broke another computer today 2022-03-10 14:58:41 extratone I know this is a crude way to say it but I think it's funny nano isn't... ya know... done? 2022-03-10 14:58:52 extratone dzwdz cheers 2022-03-10 14:59:41 elly the environment around software tends to change around it, even if the software itself doesn't 2022-03-10 14:59:47 elly dzwdz: oh no 2022-03-10 14:59:59 dzwdz in short 2022-03-10 15:00:32 dzwdz it was already "broken" but it hasn't been looked at in a few years and i wanted to give it a shot 2022-03-10 15:00:41 dzwdz the cpu cooling feel off 2022-03-10 15:01:12 dzwdz i tried booting it like 2 days ago, it posted, but i had to turn it off to not fry it 2022-03-10 15:01:13 extratone as in a reduction or as in fell off on to the floor 2022-03-10 15:01:32 dzwdz feel down into the case 2022-03-10 15:01:46 dzwdz so today a friend of mine helped me install the cooler back 2022-03-10 15:01:49 extratone lol 2022-03-10 15:01:59 dzwdz and now it doesn't even post 2022-03-10 15:02:09 dzwdz we also cleaned the psu which could be related 2022-03-10 15:16:08 barnaba extratone: only way for nano to be done is replacing it with a symlink to vim imo 2022-03-10 15:16:20 dzwdz they fill different niches 2022-03-10 15:16:21 barnaba untill then there's work to do 2022-03-10 15:16:26 barnaba well yeah 2022-03-10 15:16:37 barnaba one is for text editing and the other is for me wishing I wasn't in nano 2022-03-10 15:17:15 barnaba I mean I get what they meant to do, but for a simple editor it somehow is really hard for me to exit it 2022-03-10 15:17:35 dzwdz pkill nano 2022-03-10 15:17:45 barnaba actually I should do that 2022-03-10 15:17:47 barnaba ... in cron 2022-03-10 15:17:47 extratone ^x 2022-03-10 15:17:55 dzwdz ^x^ 2022-03-10 15:17:58 dzwdz ^_^ 2022-03-10 15:18:02 barnaba ^_^ 2022-03-10 15:18:08 dzwdz ///_^ 2022-03-10 15:18:31 extratone I would use micro but when I paste it does this line by line animation that makes the whole thing absolutely untenable for editing town files on my phone lol 2022-03-10 15:18:47 dzwdz ed works great on all terminals 2022-03-10 15:19:00 dzwdz it's the most universal editor out there 2022-03-10 15:19:17 barnaba do distros depend on it? 2022-03-10 15:19:22 extratone so I've heard, dzwdz, and I know elly's guide is great, but edward and I aren't getting along right now. 2022-03-10 15:19:31 barnaba cause some distros started removing some programs like cal from default installs 2022-03-10 15:19:32 dzwdz shame 2022-03-10 15:19:35 dzwdz he's a great guy 2022-03-10 15:19:41 dzwdz just a bit shy 2022-03-10 15:19:45 barnaba so if not I imagine ed will go away soon 2022-03-10 15:19:52 barnaba gotta save 16 kB 2022-03-10 15:19:54 extratone I suspect things will come back around when I get adderall again next week lol 2022-03-10 15:20:16 extratone both the full manual and elly's guide are printed and waiting for me next to my desk at home lol 2022-03-10 15:20:28 barnaba hah 2022-03-10 15:20:37 dzwdz so i've been thinking 2022-03-10 15:20:40 dzwdz sh and ed are pretty similar 2022-03-10 15:20:47 dzwdz why not merge them into a single program 2022-03-10 15:20:49 extratone SHED 2022-03-10 15:21:26 extratone i just yelped and I'm in starbucks lol 2022-03-10 15:21:26 @natalia hello 2022-03-10 15:21:31 barnaba I was going to criticize the printing, but then we're on pubnix and IRCing, so maybe get it spiral bound too 2022-03-10 15:21:47 dzwdz irc doesn't kill trees 2022-03-10 15:22:01 tomasino well... 2022-03-10 15:22:04 barnaba well 2022-03-10 15:22:09 barnaba actaully 2022-03-10 15:22:16 extratone I kill trees. I have actively poisoned trees. I have also shot a tree so many times with a gun it fell down. 2022-03-10 15:22:24 dzwdz i actually pipe all logs to my printer 2022-03-10 15:22:50 extratone I have also crashed tractors into far too many trees. 2022-03-10 15:22:52 barnaba I kinda want a device just printing the #tildetown line by line as they are happening live 2022-03-10 15:22:53 tomasino pinhook is powered by the souls of trees. every time someone invokes it another tree dies. 2022-03-10 15:22:54 elly "it's called a tamper-evident log, loog it up" 2022-03-10 15:23:01 elly look, rather 2022-03-10 15:23:10 extratone belt loop receipt printer is my dream. 2022-03-10 15:23:23 tomasino gemini stream of irc channel traffic! 2022-03-10 15:23:24 extratone I will never speak again, just hand people slips of paper with "fuck you" 2022-03-10 15:23:36 dzwdz BLOCKCHAIN IRC 2022-03-10 15:23:49 dzwdz with signed messages 2022-03-10 15:23:51 elly extratone: you could do that without a printer hanging off your belt if you wanted to 2022-03-10 15:24:08 dzwdz that's not as fun 2022-03-10 15:24:12 dzwdz like look 2022-03-10 15:24:18 dzwdz you could print it on the fly 2022-03-10 15:24:23 extratone it needs to be hanging right where a gun holster would be. 2022-03-10 15:24:23 dzwdz get their hopes up for something interesting 2022-03-10 15:24:38 extratone I'm gonna steal one off a chickfila kid 2022-03-10 15:24:40 @natalia i wonder what the cheapest device similar to a teletype you could create would be 2022-03-10 15:24:55 tomasino thermal printer maybe? 2022-03-10 15:24:56 @natalia i think it would not be that hard to get the endless irc paper log but you have to make it print lines as you're typing 2022-03-10 15:25:18 @natalia so maybe an lcd or something 2022-03-10 15:25:40 dzwdz a phone irc client 2022-03-10 15:25:46 dzwdz which just TTSes all messages out the speaker 2022-03-10 15:25:52 dzwdz and does voice recognition for input 2022-03-10 15:25:54 @natalia hmmm 2022-03-10 15:25:56 extratone "sorry I'm just getting a message from the chat" *over the sound of a deafening printer* 2022-03-10 15:25:58 dzwdz you could just call it up 2022-03-10 15:26:27 dzwdz 555-TILDECHAT 2022-03-10 15:26:34 extratone I could be doing that in blink right now dzwdz. there's a say command 2022-03-10 15:28:14 @natalia modem sounds of vte control characters 2022-03-10 15:28:27 @natalia anyways. man even the cool platforms have awful support systems huh 2022-03-10 15:28:47 @natalia my friend got banned from itch.io for having the same ip as someone else previously and got a very annoying message about it 2022-03-10 15:29:00 dzwdz ...that's dumb 2022-03-10 15:29:02 extratone I did it. https://ttm.sh/ioX.9852A51A 2022-03-10 15:29:39 m455 natalia: lol that's ridiculous god 2022-03-10 15:29:40 extratone the young woman next to me really did turn her head for a sec on the third take 2022-03-10 15:29:48 dzwdz what should the extension be 2022-03-10 15:30:02 extratone .shed 2022-03-10 15:32:09 barnaba natalia: it needs to be on printer paper with holes on the side though. And needs to be able to spit the log line by line, not by sheets 2022-03-10 15:32:29 dzwdz oh natalia 2022-03-10 15:32:31 dzwdz you're into ed, right? 2022-03-10 15:32:56 dzwdz what would you think about combining sh and ed 2022-03-10 15:33:03 dzwdz they're pretty similar if you think about it 2022-03-10 15:33:53 barnaba we could call it edsh 2022-03-10 15:34:05 @natalia dzwdz: ed and sh are already combined: ed has a ! command 2022-03-10 15:34:25 @natalia likewise, you can combine ed into sh by running the "ed" command in your sh script 2022-03-10 15:34:32 dzwdz oh god you're right 2022-03-10 15:35:06 dzwdz it'd be nice if there was a way for the ! to be inserted automatically 2022-03-10 15:35:17 dzwdz so the default is sh mode, and if you want to do ed stuff you need to backspace 2022-03-10 15:35:32 @natalia that seems odd 2022-03-10 15:36:04 @natalia like, i am unsure of the goal this is trying to accomplish 2022-03-10 15:36:07 elly do !sh, use the shell as normal, then exit it when you want to go back into "ed mode" :P 2022-03-10 15:36:17 dzwdz elly: that's not what i want 2022-03-10 15:36:27 dzwdz i don't want sh and ed to be separate modes 2022-03-10 15:36:47 @natalia what would it accomplish? 2022-03-10 15:37:11 dzwdz nothing 2022-03-10 15:37:28 @natalia what is an example of how you would use it 2022-03-10 15:37:29 dzwdz terrifying people who look at my setup 2022-03-10 15:37:38 dzwdz well i'd use it as my shell 2022-03-10 15:37:48 dzwdz but instead of dropping into vim to edit files i'd directly use it for that 2022-03-10 15:38:09 dzwdz great for memory constrained environments! 2022-03-10 15:38:22 elly combine two smaller programs into one larger program :P 2022-03-10 15:39:04 dzwdz that's what i'm doing here 2022-03-10 15:39:08 dzwdz it also has a cool name, shed 2022-03-10 15:39:47 @natalia i feel like i need a better vision of example usecase to see how they would combine 2022-03-10 15:40:01 @natalia because so far i don't see the difference from just running ed 2022-03-10 15:40:17 dzwdz the difference is that you're not running a separate thing 2022-03-10 15:40:19 elly I'm pretty sure this entire idea is deliberate silliness and should not be interpreted too seriously 2022-03-10 15:40:37 dzwdz also ! in ed doesn't support changing directories 2022-03-10 15:40:41 dzwdz or pretty much any sh stuff 2022-03-10 15:41:33 @natalia hmmm 2022-03-10 15:41:43 @natalia do the semantics combine with each other? 2022-03-10 15:41:49 dzwdz why not 2022-03-10 15:41:56 dzwdz also i suppose that you could add fish-like line editing 2022-03-10 15:42:04 dzwdz which could also be used in the ed part, somehow 2022-03-10 15:42:31 @natalia sounds like the job for another program :triumph: 2022-03-10 15:43:59 dzwdz fished 2022-03-10 15:44:38 @natalia if you implemented ed successfully within sh there would probably be some interesting features 2022-03-10 15:45:44 dzwdz hm 2022-03-10 15:45:47 dzwdz see the thing is 2022-03-10 15:45:52 dzwdz rather than making sh a better ed 2022-03-10 15:45:59 dzwdz i'd rather make ed a better sh 2022-03-10 15:46:12 dzwdz i'd rather expand on ed, and not on sh 2022-03-10 15:46:24 @natalia hmm okay 2022-03-10 15:47:08 dzwdz but i like that in theory you could use vanilla ed as a shell 2022-03-10 15:47:39 dzwdz ex seems to be a terrible shell though 2022-03-10 15:48:52 * dzwdz is kinda tempted to submit a patch adding support for cd to ed 2022-03-10 15:48:56 dzwdz and maybe setting variables too 2022-03-10 15:49:13 @natalia *submit* a patch!? 2022-03-10 15:49:19 @natalia :P 2022-03-10 15:49:21 dzwdz yes 2022-03-10 15:49:33 dzwdz or whatever the wording is 2022-03-10 15:49:39 dzwdz like, it won't break anything 2022-03-10 15:50:12 @natalia how would you implement it? 2022-03-10 15:50:21 dzwdz badly 2022-03-10 15:50:29 @natalia like, how would you cd from within ed 2022-03-10 15:50:53 dzwdz ok let's take back the submitting part 2022-03-10 15:50:58 dzwdz if i wanted to just make something for my own use 2022-03-10 15:51:06 dzwdz i could make ! use sh internally 2022-03-10 15:51:25 dzwdz everything after ! is sent to sh as input 2022-03-10 15:51:30 @natalia mhm 2022-03-10 15:53:27 @natalia would the shell be able to talk back? 2022-03-10 15:53:35 dzwdz as in? 2022-03-10 15:53:44 dzwdz hm, actually some state would need to be shared 2022-03-10 15:53:46 dzwdz such as the prompt 2022-03-10 15:54:10 @natalia should the shell be able to run ed commands, or do you not much care about that? 2022-03-10 15:54:23 dzwdz that was kinda the original idea 2022-03-10 15:54:27 dzwdz making ed commands shell builtins 2022-03-10 15:54:49 @natalia yeah--that's why i mentioned implementing ed within sh earlier 2022-03-10 15:55:07 dzwdz but i've realized that /bin/ed would be an useable shell already 2022-03-10 15:55:07 @natalia one reason ed might like to run individual sh processes is that it can clearly tell where it ends 2022-03-10 15:55:11 dzwdz and i like that idea much more 2022-03-10 15:55:42 @natalia if you just pipe stuff to ed, you can't really tell what its result is 2022-03-10 16:00:45 dzwdz it's nice to randomly see people using the mlm flag 2022-03-10 16:05:47 elly ed does pass everything after ! to the shell 2022-03-10 16:05:57 elly oh, you mean with a persistent shell session of some sort 2022-03-10 16:06:33 @natalia there's not like, a huge reason you can't just make a persistent shell with a new command you made, but argument parsing might be unpleasant 2022-03-10 16:06:38 @natalia for example, !s 'cat whatever' 2022-03-10 16:07:05 elly you would want to avoid doing any argument parsing at all on the ed side 2022-03-10 16:07:10 @natalia yeah 2022-03-10 16:07:14 elly if the line starts with !, send the entire rest of it to the shell's stdin 2022-03-10 16:07:57 elly . o O ( (a,b)! sends lines a through b of the buffer to the shell's stdin ) 2022-03-10 16:08:01 @natalia it's probably easier if you don't care about the possibility of lines mixing, you should be able to just start the process and then do some basic waiting on it 2022-03-10 16:10:18 @natalia oh, i have a unix question by the way 2022-03-10 16:11:09 @natalia so like, when i'm in shell, and i open a new process (like cat) 2022-03-10 16:11:36 @natalia i can send ^D to it, and it closes the pipe to cat, but not to the actual process 2022-03-10 16:11:51 @natalia the parent process, i mean 2022-03-10 16:12:09 @natalia how does that, like, work? what's going on with the various pipes there 2022-03-10 16:12:18 @natalia also if i do something like open a new shell, and then do 'sleep 1; exit' 2022-03-10 16:12:34 @natalia and type a bunch of lines within that one second, those lines get buffered until the subshell closes 2022-03-10 16:12:44 @natalia i am just confused as to what's going on on many levels 2022-03-10 16:13:39 elly short version: it's complicated :) 2022-03-10 16:13:58 elly long version: when the shell creates the cat child process, it makes a new file descriptor that refers to the same stdin as the shell had 2022-03-10 16:14:17 elly cat will try to read from that new file descriptor, but the shell (instead of trying to do that) will just be waiting for cat 2022-03-10 16:14:33 elly so when you hit ctrl-d, cat's read() call will return with an eof and cat will exit 2022-03-10 16:14:47 elly then the shell's wait() will end and the shell will go back to trying to read() from stdin 2022-03-10 16:15:38 @natalia okay, that makes sense so far 2022-03-10 16:15:44 extratone shortest version: S̶ͦ͏̱͖͏̤͙͕̞͂ͮH̡̛͚͂͘͏͎E͆Ḑ̧̥́ͪ̉́ͥ̀ 2022-03-10 16:15:46 @natalia but if it's the same stdin, why does ^D only close one of them? 2022-03-10 16:16:08 elly natalia: they are multiple file descriptors to the same stdin "device" 2022-03-10 16:16:12 elly but the file descriptors are independent 2022-03-10 16:16:15 @natalia ah hm 2022-03-10 16:16:27 elly the stdin device itself is something called a "pty" 2022-03-10 16:16:54 @natalia hmm 2022-03-10 16:17:45 @natalia makes sense 2022-03-10 16:17:49 elly as for why you see the behavior with sleep 1 and such: until someone read()s from a file descriptor that is connected to stdin, the kernel buffers input 2022-03-10 16:17:56 @natalia what happens on the terminal side when i run ^D? 2022-03-10 16:18:04 @natalia yeah, the buffering/sleeping part makes sense 2022-03-10 16:18:12 elly nothing - it just passes the ^D through as EOF 2022-03-10 16:18:23 elly the program at the other end can actually ignore it and keep reading if it wants to 2022-03-10 16:19:28 @natalia how does it *pass* the ^D through? is that just write(0) or something? the only way i was able to envision the idea of passing eof was like, actually closing the file, which i guess is where my confusion came from 2022-03-10 16:21:28 elly no - try running ~elly/t/test for example 2022-03-10 16:21:28 @natalia huh, okay, i think i just learned how ^D works actually. i always wondered why i had to press it twice when i wnated to send a line without a newline and then eof 2022-03-10 16:21:33 @natalia huh okay 2022-03-10 16:21:34 elly the corresponding source is in ~elly/t/test.c 2022-03-10 16:21:41 --> bub (bub@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 16:21:48 elly if you hit ^D, you'll see it emits something like "0 00" 2022-03-10 16:21:58 elly meaning, read() returned 0 (no more bytes in the file) 2022-03-10 16:22:00 @natalia mhm 2022-03-10 16:22:09 elly but that doesn't mean you actually *have* to stop reading 2022-03-10 16:22:13 @natalia yeah okay 2022-03-10 16:22:15 @natalia neat! 2022-03-10 16:22:57 @natalia i am curious if i am correct about how ^D is actually sending the 0. like if i write(fd, NULL, 0) to a tty, will read return 0 on the other end? 2022-03-10 16:23:12 @natalia s/sending the 0/making read return 0 instead of hanging 2022-03-10 16:23:13 sedbot i am curious if i am correct about how ^D is actually making read return 0 instead of hanging. like if i write(fd, NULL, 0) to a tty, will read return 0 on the other end? 2022-03-10 16:24:17 elly no, write() of 0 bytes doesn't do anything 2022-03-10 16:24:30 elly see ~elly/t/test.c, I modified it to use a pipe for more clarity 2022-03-10 16:24:54 elly if you want to for some reason synthesize an EOF on a pipe or whatever, you can just close the write end 2022-03-10 16:25:01 @natalia yeah but specifically on a pty 2022-03-10 16:25:23 elly oh, that I am not as sure about 2022-03-10 16:25:33 elly ptys have a lot of their own behavior that happens in the kernel-side driver 2022-03-10 16:25:47 @natalia ah 2022-03-10 16:26:03 elly so I don't actually know "how" the ^D turns into an eof 2022-03-10 16:26:15 @natalia i see i see! i will have to do research 2022-03-10 16:27:11 @natalia still i understand how ptys work much better now, thank you :) 2022-03-10 16:27:15 elly no worries 2022-03-10 16:27:37 elly this particular corner of unix userland is very filled with spiderwebs 2022-03-10 16:31:56 @natalia hm, i mean--i guess the ^D character is sent *to* the pty device itself? 2022-03-10 16:32:04 @natalia unless i am misunderstanding 2022-03-10 16:32:10 @natalia so at that point it doesn't really matter how it's done 2022-03-10 16:32:19 elly one sec 2022-03-10 16:33:38 elly ~elly/t/shell.trace is an strace of my shell running and me typing ^D into it 2022-03-10 16:34:07 @natalia hmmm 2022-03-10 16:34:11 elly you can see the shell doesn't actually ever "get" the ^D in the first place 2022-03-10 16:34:18 elly the shell experiences it as stdin returning a 0-length read: 2022-03-10 16:34:21 elly read(0, "", 8192) = 0 2022-03-10 16:34:24 @natalia oh i know the shell doesn't get it, to be clear, sorry 2022-03-10 16:34:27 elly ah yeah 2022-03-10 16:34:28 @natalia i was trying to figure out if, um 2022-03-10 16:34:41 @natalia er, "how" terminal emulator sends that eof 2022-03-10 16:34:44 elly yeah, the terminal emulator ends up funnelling the ^D to the pty 2022-03-10 16:34:45 elly hm 2022-03-10 16:34:46 elly let's see 2022-03-10 16:34:56 @natalia but yeah, it just sends the ^D to the pty, at least according to/as implied by pts(7) 2022-03-10 16:35:06 elly regrettably, I cannot actually strace my own sshd 2022-03-10 16:35:11 elly which is what is really talking to the pty 2022-03-10 16:35:19 @natalia > For example, writing the interrupt character (usually control-C) to the master device 2022-03-10 16:35:32 @natalia so it does jut pass along the character 2022-03-10 16:35:36 @natalia that makes sense 2022-03-10 16:35:36 elly that's kind of what I would have expected I guess 2022-03-10 16:35:46 elly it may be illustrative to try to make a toy program that uses the pty interface 2022-03-10 16:35:54 @natalia yeah, would be a fun project at some point 2022-03-10 16:36:19 @natalia but my original question is now fully satisfied i think 2022-03-10 16:36:23 @natalia :) 2022-03-10 16:38:24 josh hello town 2022-03-10 16:38:35 elly hello hello 2022-03-10 16:38:56 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-10 18:45:08 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 18:45:08 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-10 18:45:08 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-10 18:45:08 -- Channel #tildetown: 96 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 94 normals) 2022-03-10 18:45:10 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-10 18:45:19 the_default hey extratone! 2022-03-10 18:45:32 extratone howdy! how are you? 2022-03-10 18:45:34 nihilazo I'm annoyed by how electronics distribution seems to be set up in a way to try and prevent individuals from buying repair parts for their own devices 2022-03-10 18:45:38 nihilazo hi extratone 2022-03-10 18:45:39 dzwdz how the fuck do sleep schedules work 2022-03-10 18:45:46 dzwdz i slept for 2.5h again 2022-03-10 18:46:12 the_default extratone: pretty good. current mood: i wish i was brave enough to go to the hackspace 2022-03-10 18:46:18 the_default s/the/a 2022-03-10 18:46:19 sedbot extratone: pretty good. current mood: i wish i was brave enough to go to a hackspace 2022-03-10 18:46:53 extratone ah shucks. assuming that is what I think it is, sounds intimidating? 2022-03-10 18:46:56 nihilazo hackspaces are cool and also full of awkward people 2022-03-10 18:47:16 nihilazo you shouldn't be intimidated by them, everybody in a hackspace is as scared of everybody else as you might be lol 2022-03-10 18:47:26 the_default it's just i'm a) awkward and know little and b) afraid of lead solder and other chemical gunk 2022-03-10 18:47:56 extratone I can't imagine anybody would find that unreasonable tbh. 2022-03-10 18:48:14 astrinaut my attitude towards (b) is yolo, life is not without risk, but your personal risk tolerance profile is for you alone to determine 2022-03-10 18:48:36 extratone you have a great excuse to wear a mask if that'd help lol 2022-03-10 18:48:56 astrinaut heh yeah i bet nobody will fault you for wearing a respirator 2022-03-10 18:49:06 astrinaut if they do, they're being rude. especially in 2022 2022-03-10 18:49:17 extratone im just imagine a bunch of beardos eating solder around a feasting table. 2022-03-10 18:49:21 the_default (ah that's not really what i mean. but whatever, don't really need/want to elaborate) 2022-03-10 18:50:07 extratone hackspace is also a hilarious word. 2022-03-10 18:50:26 extratone the general area in which we use things as they were not intended. 2022-03-10 18:54:44 astrinaut i miss hackspaces w_w 2022-03-10 18:56:01 <-- bub (bub@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-10 18:57:27 elly https://nextcity.org/urbanist-news/how-a-nondescript-box-has-been-saving-lives-during-the-pandemic ooh, neat! (how to build an air filter/purifier out of off-the-shelf HVAC filters and a box fan) 2022-03-10 18:57:45 extratone oo 2022-03-10 19:11:15 @vilmibm neat 2022-03-10 19:11:17 @vilmibm also hello hi 2022-03-10 19:11:25 the_default heyy vil 2022-03-10 19:11:32 the_default s/y// 2022-03-10 19:11:32 sedbot hey vil 2022-03-10 19:12:24 @vilmibm i accept the double y hey 2022-03-10 19:12:45 the_default ok good worried it seemed weird (don't know why) 2022-03-10 19:13:18 the_default (sounds like something i'd say to my boyfriend/crush/whatever (if i had one)) 2022-03-10 19:13:29 the_default (like heyy how you doing) 2022-03-10 19:13:41 extratone lmao I can hear it. 2022-03-10 19:13:42 the_default (i don't know what i'm talking about) 2022-03-10 19:17:29 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-10 19:17:55 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 19:17:55 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-10 19:17:55 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-10 19:17:55 -- Channel #tildetown: 95 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 93 normals) 2022-03-10 19:17:57 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-10 19:25:57 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 19:26:01 palmdrop !water 2022-03-10 19:26:01 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-03-10 19:26:07 palmdrop hello 2022-03-10 19:31:31 extratone !water 2022-03-10 19:31:31 * pinhook waters extratone's seed 2022-03-10 19:40:22 palmdrop !water bx 2022-03-10 19:40:22 * pinhook waters bx's uncommon vorpal mature aloe 2022-03-10 19:40:36 palmdrop impressive 2022-03-10 19:45:49 dzwdz am i stupid or is the win10_21h2 iso bigger than a dvd 2022-03-10 19:47:25 @natalia i kind of want to add my ed irc bot here and am thinking about ways to make that sustainable 2022-03-10 19:47:32 dzwdz ed irc bot? 2022-03-10 19:47:42 @natalia i don't think people will use it maliciously, but it'd be easy to do `,n` and send like 400 lines 2022-03-10 19:47:50 @natalia also having it in here would be pointless so i really mean #bots 2022-03-10 19:48:37 @vilmibm an IRC interface to ed? i adore this 2022-03-10 19:48:50 dzwdz will ! be allowed? 2022-03-10 19:49:03 @natalia it is not allowed 2022-03-10 19:50:03 @natalia vilmibm: really it already exists 2022-03-10 19:50:57 @vilmibm natalia: good work 2022-03-10 19:51:24 @natalia hold on, if everyone promises to play nice i will add it here 2022-03-10 19:51:33 @natalia just got to get one more feature working 2022-03-10 19:52:30 @vilmibm i will ban anyone who knowingly and repeatedly abuses poor ed bot 2022-03-10 19:52:33 extratone sounds like witnessing interaction with it could be a fast learning experience for me, personally. 2022-03-10 19:52:56 @natalia and then maybe later i will implement some sort of throttling 2022-03-10 19:53:17 @natalia i think maybe you could like, silently throw away every line sent out to a channel if more than N messages have already been sent in the last ten seconds 2022-03-10 19:53:21 dzwdz vilmibm: no mercy, huh? 2022-03-10 19:53:22 extratone it just occured to me that I might live to see vi's 100th anniversary. 2022-03-10 19:53:31 @natalia you do ,n on a 300-line file, ed runs fast enough so that it just gets rid of all of the stuff it sends 2022-03-10 19:53:49 @vilmibm dzwdz: no mercy 2022-03-10 19:53:53 @vilmibm extratone: whoa. 2022-03-10 19:53:55 dzwdz D: 2022-03-10 19:54:16 extratone and I'll still have no idea how to use it lmao. 2022-03-10 19:55:11 @vilmibm lol 2022-03-10 19:55:12 dzwdz try :!ed 2022-03-10 19:56:26 dzwdz oh i've just remembered something 2022-03-10 19:56:28 dzwdz https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/blob/main/Source/WebCore/page/Quirks.cpp 2022-03-10 19:56:30 dzwdz check out this monstrosity 2022-03-10 19:57:18 dzwdz we should get tilde.town on there 2022-03-10 20:00:25 elly are there quirks tilde.town needs? 2022-03-10 20:01:25 --> edward (equa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 20:01:32 @natalia edward: H 2022-03-10 20:01:37 @natalia edward: 1a 2022-03-10 20:01:37 edward ? 2022-03-10 20:01:37 edward Invalid address 2022-03-10 20:01:41 @natalia edward: 0a 2022-03-10 20:01:44 @natalia edward: meow 2022-03-10 20:01:46 @natalia edward: . 2022-03-10 20:01:48 @natalia edward: p 2022-03-10 20:01:48 edward meow 2022-03-10 20:01:54 @natalia sorry in advance everyone 2022-03-10 20:02:40 <-- edward (equa@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-10 20:02:40 --> edward (equa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 20:02:48 @natalia now in #bots so play there if you wish 2022-03-10 20:07:28 dzwdz elly: we'll make some up 2022-03-10 20:09:00 @natalia i think you have to make a browser for it to work 2022-03-10 20:09:39 dzwdz o, i've just found a mystery luks-encrypted pendrive 2022-03-10 20:09:41 dzwdz wonder what's on it 2022-03-10 20:12:14 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-10 20:14:58 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 20:14:58 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-10 20:14:58 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-10 20:14:58 -- Channel #tildetown: 97 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 95 normals) 2022-03-10 20:15:00 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-10 20:15:04 extratone omg. https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/seamlessly-extending-irc-mobile-devices 2022-03-10 20:29:31 elly you don't have to make a browser for your site to need quirks, but you do need your site to be famous enough for webkit to care about fixing it for you :P 2022-03-10 20:31:01 <-- edward (equa@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-10 20:31:01 --> edward (equa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 20:48:04 <-- edward (equa@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-10 20:51:34 the_default "return shouldSuppressAutocorrectionAndAutocaptializationInHiddenEditableAreasForHost()" 2022-03-10 20:51:50 the_default ok these are hands down the longest function names i've seen 2022-03-10 20:53:55 @natalia huh, whois is saying i'm using a secure connection for my irc bot 2022-03-10 20:54:04 @natalia but i know for a fact that i am connecting with no ssl 2022-03-10 20:54:11 elly are you connecting from localhost? 2022-03-10 20:54:21 elly ah, you are 2022-03-10 20:54:29 elly localhost connections are considered secure even without ssl 2022-03-10 20:55:04 @natalia aha 2022-03-10 20:55:20 @natalia i mean, reasonable, the ergo inner code explicitly labels it "TLS" which i was curious about 2022-03-10 20:57:24 elly I do not know anything about that really 2022-03-10 20:58:17 @natalia makes sense that the +Z flag would be set though 2022-03-10 20:58:53 elly https://github.com/ergochat/ergo/blob/master/irc/listeners.go#L207 2022-03-10 21:00:13 @natalia aha 2022-03-10 21:00:22 @natalia (i had accidentally navigated myself onto an old revision it turns out was the actual issue) 2022-03-10 21:01:28 benharri i remember talking to one of the maintainers about that 2022-03-10 21:01:37 benharri back when it was called oragono 2022-03-10 21:02:05 @natalia hard to remember the name used to be even worse 2022-03-10 21:02:14 @vilmibm lol yes 2022-03-10 21:02:23 @vilmibm i don't mind ergo because i spell it right every time 2022-03-10 21:02:32 @vilmibm i mean oragono was cute but i kept mispelling 2022-03-10 21:03:33 * benharri waves at slingamn 2022-03-10 21:07:01 nihilazo I give up 2022-03-10 21:07:05 nihilazo I'm just gonna take the blow 2022-03-10 21:07:14 the_default mp3 player? 2022-03-10 21:07:21 nihilazo £10 for the privilage of attempting to repair something instead of throwing it out 2022-03-10 21:07:26 nihilazo no, parts for mp3 player fixing 2022-03-10 21:07:34 nihilazo but yeah 2022-03-10 21:07:46 the_default ouch. what parts are you buying? 2022-03-10 21:07:51 @natalia i should update town's ergo 2022-03-10 21:07:53 nihilazo literally a microswitch 2022-03-10 21:07:54 nihilazo that's it 2022-03-10 21:08:05 nihilazo and a soldering iron tip 2022-03-10 21:08:10 the_default uncontrolled capitalism <3 2022-03-10 21:08:14 nihilazo they total like £8 and they want a £10 small orders fee 2022-03-10 21:08:32 nihilazo unless I can find something they sell that would resell on ebay and resell it at cost 2022-03-10 21:08:54 nihilazo like, buy a raspberry pi as well then sell it under RRP on ebay but still overall save money 2022-03-10 21:09:08 nihilazo might be worth a shot 2022-03-10 21:09:18 nihilazo it's riskier tho 2022-03-10 21:09:24 the_default where are you buying from? i need electronics stuff 2022-03-10 21:09:49 the_default (never mind shipping would also be expensive) 2022-03-10 21:10:23 nihilazo "Available to manufacturer lead time of 372 days" 2022-03-10 21:10:27 nihilazo the_default: farnell 2022-03-10 21:10:40 nihilazo shipping will be cheaper if we pool together, I can ship it to you 2022-03-10 21:11:05 the_default actually if i get solder and some pots it can ship in a large envelope 2022-03-10 21:11:08 nihilazo they give free shipping on orders over £40 and shipping some parts isn't gonna cost more than the £10 they want in additional fees 2022-03-10 21:11:09 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-10 21:13:12 nihilazo I'm ordering £15 of stuff so if you are ordering £25 or more we can combine the costs and both save cash 2022-03-10 21:14:25 nihilazo note that they list prices ex. VAT so keep that in mind (although the charge is applied before VAT) 2022-03-10 21:21:27 the_default (there's a switch to show vat at the top) 2022-03-10 21:24:21 @vilmibm !supdate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S991k9DV0v0 2022-03-10 21:24:21 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Uchuu Keiji Shaider (Space Sheriff Shaider) Opening song 2022-03-10 21:24:27 nihilazo ah cool the_default I didn't see 2022-03-10 21:25:35 dzwdz does anyone here take power naps? 2022-03-10 21:26:02 dzwdz ok that sounds like a question that an alien would ask 2022-03-10 21:26:19 dzwdz still 2022-03-10 21:27:35 the_default i have no idea if this is a bad idea or not. i'm either going to pick up a new hobby or waste $30+. it's something i've been thinking about for far too long now. 2022-03-10 21:28:10 the_default i've filled up a cart with stuff then noped out so many times now 2022-03-10 21:28:16 the_default i need to actually make decisions 2022-03-10 21:29:36 nihilazo well you don't have to worry about the handling charge 2022-03-10 21:29:39 nihilazo this tim 2022-03-10 21:29:39 nihilazo e 2022-03-10 21:30:00 the_default i mean that's one way of looking at it 2022-03-10 21:30:12 the_default if i choose any time to waste money it's now 2022-03-10 21:30:14 asm the_default: what hobby? 2022-03-10 21:31:02 the_default electronics stuff 2022-03-10 21:31:18 dzwdz you miss 100% of the shots you don't take 2022-03-10 21:31:20 dzwdz or something 2022-03-10 21:31:24 the_default mmm 2022-03-10 21:31:26 the_default sure 2022-03-10 21:31:30 @vilmibm dzwdz: i take power naps yeah 2022-03-10 21:31:44 @vilmibm i mean i'll take 5-15 minutes and just relax every muscle and shut my eyes 2022-03-10 21:31:49 dzwdz currently i'm sleeping for like 2.5h every day after school out of exhaustion 2022-03-10 21:31:56 @vilmibm sometimes i doze off, sometimes i don't, but i always feel mentally better after 2022-03-10 21:32:07 dzwdz it's hard for me not to fall asleep when i do that 2022-03-10 21:33:02 dzwdz today i tried setting an alarm for 30min in but that didn't really work 2022-03-10 21:39:22 @vilmibm your body needs a certain amount of sleep to function 2022-03-10 21:39:33 @vilmibm and if it's asking for 2.5 hr naps at that point then it needs it :/ 2022-03-10 21:40:06 dzwdz yeah but then i end up having around 3 hours for myself 2022-03-10 21:40:09 dzwdz when you subtract school 2022-03-10 21:40:23 dzwdz which is pretty depressing 2022-03-10 21:40:54 @vilmibm yeah 2022-03-10 21:40:56 @vilmibm shit sucks 2022-03-10 21:41:15 @vilmibm i hated needing sleep in college. i would endeavor to be up as much as possible, but inevitably would crash mid-morning or mid-day 2022-03-10 21:41:34 dzwdz it's not really sleep that's the issue 2022-03-10 21:41:35 @vilmibm i created a napping nest in the science building and would set alarms for the last possible minutes i could get to the dining hall for dinner 2022-03-10 21:41:36 dzwdz it's school 2022-03-10 21:41:52 @vilmibm well yeah, that's the thing that made me resent sleep. 2022-03-10 21:42:21 dzwdz at this point i don't believe that there's any other purpose to school than to fuck kids up 2022-03-10 21:43:14 astrinaut big mood 2022-03-10 21:43:47 dzwdz today i had to wake up at 6:30 just to do literally nothing up until 12:05 2022-03-10 21:43:58 dzwdz at least it's the time of the year when the sun's up 2022-03-10 21:44:04 @vilmibm it's more of a generational trauma echoing forever thing less than any kind of concerted effort 2022-03-10 21:44:23 @vilmibm i got a lot out of college but i also struggled mentally throughout 2022-03-10 21:44:36 dzwdz it isn't a concentrated effort, but people in power sure aren't helping 2022-03-10 21:44:48 dzwdz i'd actually argue the opposite, at least here 2022-03-10 21:44:50 dzwdz so 2022-03-10 21:45:40 dzwdz a benefit of thinking like this is that i do proper self-care out of pure spite 2022-03-10 21:46:05 m455 god college sleep was so hard lol 2022-03-10 21:51:15 flowercorpse hobbyist electronics are in a horrible state imo 2022-03-10 21:52:52 flowercorpse I generally wait until like 2-3 projects gather to order the parts 2022-03-10 21:54:51 flowercorpse also a lot of cool chips aren't manufactured anymore 2022-03-10 21:55:52 elly I also generally slept really badly during university compared to as an adult 2022-03-10 21:56:15 elly partly because the other parts of my life (food & exercise) were way out of balance as well, and these things all reinforce each other, and partly because I just did not prioritize sleep 2022-03-10 21:56:16 bx m455 / vilmibm: that's way way too inline with what im experiencing in college 2022-03-10 21:56:19 elly and so I stayed up way late 2022-03-10 21:56:44 bx elly: what counts as way late? 2022-03-10 21:57:03 dzwdz i'm currently staying up just to get some work on any of my projects done today 2022-03-10 21:57:14 dzwdz not that it's too late 2022-03-10 21:57:16 dzwdz !timefor 2022-03-10 21:57:24 elly bx: for me, midnight :) 2022-03-10 21:57:27 dzwdz well, 22:57 2022-03-10 21:57:31 bx elly: ah ok 2022-03-10 21:57:33 elly I'm firmly a morning person 2022-03-10 21:57:39 bx λucckkyyy 2022-03-10 21:57:41 * dzwdz is jealous 2022-03-10 21:57:42 @vilmibm i "went to bed" around 6a usually 2022-03-10 21:57:50 dzwdz ok that's bad 2022-03-10 21:57:58 elly I don't think it is lucky really 2022-03-10 21:58:03 @vilmibm 2-4 hours of sleep, class, some food, 2-4 more hours sleep, dinner, go to linux lab, repeat 2022-03-10 21:58:06 bx elly: why not ? 2022-03-10 21:58:08 elly I get tired around 5pm and never have the energy to do social things in the evening :P 2022-03-10 21:58:17 bx elly: Oh 2022-03-10 21:58:19 elly "morning person" means your energy is front-loaded in the morning 2022-03-10 21:58:23 elly not that you just have more of it overall 2022-03-10 21:58:27 bx ig its kinda a grass is always greener kinda thing 2022-03-10 21:58:31 elly absolutely 2022-03-10 21:58:33 dzwdz pf, imagine having the energy to do social things 2022-03-10 21:58:40 elly it is easy to see what you miss out on and not so easy to see what you get 2022-03-10 21:58:41 caff vilmibm: Sounds like we have similar sleep schedules, haha. Even if I go to bed at like... 11pm, I have trouble falling asleep until 3-4am at the eraliest. 2022-03-10 21:58:41 bx I need literaly hours to get my brain into "work mode" 2022-03-10 21:58:49 bx it needs to "boot up" 2022-03-10 21:58:54 elly yeah, I start my day in work mode but by 5pm I can't really do much of use usually 2022-03-10 21:58:54 @vilmibm recently i go to bed aroun 2a 2022-03-10 21:58:54 caff ^eral^earl 2022-03-10 21:58:58 @vilmibm and sleep ok until 10-11 2022-03-10 21:59:04 @vilmibm depending on anxiety levels 2022-03-10 21:59:15 dzwdz bx: that usually isn't the case for me but school fucks me up and i need time to recover 2022-03-10 21:59:26 dzwdz it doesn't help that my class is... y'all know 2022-03-10 21:59:29 bx valid 2022-03-10 21:59:37 dzwdz fuck those guys 2022-03-10 22:09:20 bx I think this is gur first time im thinking "darn i wish i'd done all my lecture notes digitally" 2022-03-10 22:10:15 extratone I'm just popping in the conversation so forgive me but... we sort of are now living in the OCR renaissance rn 2022-03-10 22:10:37 extratone it's still not pretty but it's a lot faster a less finnicky than it used to be. 2022-03-10 22:11:09 bx -laughs- 2022-03-10 22:11:15 bx my handwriting is unreadable to humans 2022-03-10 22:11:18 bx let alone machines 2022-03-10 22:11:54 flowercorpse my handwriting is exactly the font they taught me in first grade 2022-03-10 22:12:17 bx if you have a "font" that's quite impressive 2022-03-10 22:12:30 flowercorpse yes but it looks like a first grader wrote it 2022-03-10 22:12:48 bx flowercorpse: on gur hobbyist electronics thing, how many descrete transistors do i have to order for it to be cheap? 2022-03-10 22:13:04 the_default 37.5 million 2022-03-10 22:13:07 bx flowercorpse: i mean, if it's neat and comfortable to write who cares? 2022-03-10 22:13:18 bx the_default: darn that's way too many 2022-03-10 22:13:29 bx or was that a space chimps refference 2022-03-10 22:15:12 bx no wait it wasnt that was 50.6 million 2022-03-10 22:15:30 extratone alright bx send me a sample rn and I'll see what my Professional Apple Phone is able to make of it. 2022-03-10 22:16:06 flowercorpse bx: depends on the transistor but they are generally pretty cheap, so a lot, to make up for the shipping 2022-03-10 22:16:18 bx how many thousand? 2022-03-10 22:16:23 bx and probs BJT 2022-03-10 22:16:34 bx unless im mistaking what BJTs for 2022-03-10 22:16:41 extratone I challenge you for worst handwriting - mine was so bad as a child I had a government handicap/document thing for it. 2022-03-10 22:18:06 bx hold on 2022-03-10 22:18:38 bx https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/570079967405408277/951604946342670427/IMG_20220310_221751.jpg 2022-03-10 22:18:43 bx pardon gur discord link 2022-03-10 22:18:52 bx and gur rotation 2022-03-10 22:19:45 dzwdz most of that is readable but i can't read the 2nd and 3rd lines 2022-03-10 22:20:23 flowercorpse bx: on most sites it is a lot cheaper if you buy in bulk, like upwards of a 100 2022-03-10 22:20:32 bx flowercorpse: oh? 2022-03-10 22:20:39 flowercorpse but what would you do with a lifetime supply of BJTs 2022-03-10 22:20:42 bx i'd need a 2-5 thousand 2022-03-10 22:20:51 bx and i'd be making a cpu 2022-03-10 22:21:00 flowercorpse that's pretty fun 2022-03-10 22:21:01 bx and then later video generation hardware 2022-03-10 22:21:13 bx wait, how fast are bjts? 2022-03-10 22:21:26 bx is there an option with faster swithching 2022-03-10 22:21:55 bx dzwdz: "hello town/extratone" "the weather was" 2022-03-10 22:22:13 extratone alright I copied what iOS recognized to the clipboard... haven't looked yet... gonna paste and send without editing. 2022-03-10 22:22:13 flowercorpse they are faster than FETs in most cases 2022-03-10 22:22:16 extratone nice tally! 2022-03-10 22:22:51 extratone yeah maybe it's not gonna be the solution lol 2022-03-10 22:23:40 bx flowercorpse: How fast are FETs? ideally i'd want my cpu to compete with an low cost avr, so 16Mhz 2022-03-10 22:23:47 flowercorpse but I think you would use FETs in digital circuits 2022-03-10 22:23:52 extratone https://ttm.sh/ir2.png 2022-03-10 22:23:59 * bx knows not a ton about electronics 2022-03-10 22:24:18 bx extratone: that was "nice today" 2022-03-10 22:24:44 extratone I could read all of it! I guess the phone needs a few more years. 2022-03-10 22:24:52 bx yea :/ 2022-03-10 22:25:10 extratone I would reciprocate but I only have halves of pens lying around somehow. 2022-03-10 22:25:16 bx oh some of my wrting in notes is worse though cause i cram for space and have to go faster 2022-03-10 22:25:27 bx extratone: no pencils? 2022-03-10 22:25:51 bx gur pencil writes in any orientation! and in any human habitable tempurature! 2022-03-10 22:26:02 extratone noooo. but you gotta remember I haven't been in school of any kind for 10 years. and I cannot draw. 2022-03-10 22:26:13 flowercorpse bx: it's usually given on the datasheet 2022-03-10 22:26:20 bx flowercorpse: Ah 2022-03-10 22:26:34 bx I'd have to check that out then 2022-03-10 22:26:38 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 22:27:03 bx if i *could* hit 16Mhz for <£40 in parts i'd actually start planning it 2022-03-10 22:27:40 darkwitchclaire !water 2022-03-10 22:27:40 * pinhook waters darkwitchclaire's godly mature agave 2022-03-10 22:28:09 bx !talklike darkwitchclaire 2022-03-10 22:28:09 pinhook i've been researching hdds since it works on all my machines are named after sega arcade boards 2022-03-10 22:28:10 flowercorpse I mean if you're going to build it out of discrete transistors it will be much slower than something with an integrated cpu, bx 2022-03-10 22:28:31 bx im only aiming to compete with an mcu 2022-03-10 22:28:47 bx e.g. gur chip in gur arduino uno 2022-03-10 22:29:22 bx since i already know that's enough to do fun things with 2022-03-10 22:29:51 bx but if i cant match it's speed i'd probs just be better off making said thing *out* of avr microj 2022-03-10 22:29:52 bx s 2022-03-10 22:31:24 flowercorpse the switching speed in FETs is mostly to do with capacitance so larger FETs are a lot slower 2022-03-10 22:32:02 bx awww 2022-03-10 22:32:20 bx is there a way to like sink them faster or smthn 2022-03-10 22:32:55 bx or other kinds of transistors who's speed isnt so tightly linked to size 2022-03-10 22:36:33 bx brrrb (gonna be off pc for a bit) 2022-03-10 22:36:37 flowercorpse BJTs are faster but they aren't really suitable for digital circuits 2022-03-10 22:55:10 the_default i keep searching for a new color theme 2022-03-10 22:55:23 the_default but i can't find anything nicer than gruvbox 2022-03-10 22:55:56 the_default it's too nice, crushes anything and everything else 2022-03-10 23:04:42 the_default ok take that back 2022-03-10 23:07:00 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-10 23:11:07 twee o/ 2022-03-10 23:11:13 twee got back from trial shift 2022-03-10 23:11:31 twee got another shift so i guess it went well 2022-03-10 23:11:37 the_default hey twee 2022-03-10 23:11:45 twee but i also smashed the countertop in half in the first five minutes 2022-03-10 23:11:47 twee hey the_default 2022-03-10 23:12:28 the_default oh shit it's almost 11:30 2022-03-10 23:12:30 the_default gotta go 2022-03-10 23:12:34 the_default (night twee) 2022-03-10 23:12:54 twee lol 2022-03-10 23:12:57 twee bye the_default 2022-03-10 23:18:45 flowercorpse twee: how did you smash the countertop in half 2022-03-10 23:21:40 twee flowercorpse: honestly im not entirely sure 2022-03-10 23:21:53 twee one second it was in one piece, the next second it was in two and on the floor 2022-03-10 23:23:41 flowercorpse maybe you should do martial arts 2022-03-10 23:28:25 twee i used to 2022-03-10 23:28:39 flowercorpse ooh what kind 2022-03-10 23:28:43 twee karate 2022-03-10 23:28:51 twee got removed because i spent more time messing around with the little kids than paying attention 2022-03-10 23:29:49 asm got a response from ITS 2022-03-10 23:30:52 twee its? 2022-03-10 23:32:03 asm IT services 2022-03-10 23:33:05 asm "Most third-party email clients, such as Mutt and Thunderbird, are incompatible with our MFA requirement for our accounts. If you are attempting to log into your UA email, this will likely not work. I am aware of paid plugins for Thunderbird that enable Microsoft MFA compatibility, so maybe you could look into if any of these plugins/extensions 2022-03-10 23:33:05 asm exist for Mutt." 2022-03-10 23:35:05 elly ah well, rip 2022-03-10 23:37:45 --> m07h (m07h@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-10 23:40:48 flowercorpse asm: I got the same email today basically 2022-03-10 23:42:54 twee sucks 2022-03-10 23:43:22 flowercorpse well, not the same but about MFA 2022-03-10 23:43:34 flowercorpse and my university switching to it 2022-03-10 23:45:10 twee my uni did the same 2022-03-10 23:45:12 twee it's a nightmare 2022-03-10 23:45:41 twee becasue it's enforced on society accounts and i get pop ups on my phone every time another person logs in 2022-03-10 23:45:49 bx back 2022-03-10 23:46:25 flowercorpse hey bx 2022-03-10 23:46:34 bx yo 2022-03-10 23:46:57 bx twee / flowercorpse: that sounds like hell 2022-03-10 23:47:13 bx it's a sad day when people take away IMAP 2022-03-10 23:47:51 twee hey bx 2022-03-10 23:48:18 bx Hayo 2022-03-10 23:50:18 flowercorpse having the microsoft ecosystem be the main part of university accounts is a pain 2022-03-10 23:50:38 bx that's gur case for my colleg and yes it so is 2022-03-10 23:50:52 bx im dealing with that as we speak lol 2022-03-10 23:50:55 flowercorpse especially teams 2022-03-10 23:50:55 extratone how many times will you check "don't show this again" in your academic career. 2022-03-10 23:51:37 astrinaut it never stops showing up 2022-03-10 23:51:41 extratone oh god I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine having to actually rely on teams. 2022-03-10 23:51:45 bx extratone: too many 2022-03-10 23:52:02 bx flowercorpse: teams is so shitty 2022-03-10 23:52:09 bx "Are you still there" 2022-03-10 23:52:17 twee quick question: is it "right" to use some random portrait off unsplash as a bandcamp artist picture 2022-03-10 23:52:19 bx * clicks im back, despite never being gone * 2022-03-10 23:52:25 bx * page reloades * 2022-03-10 23:52:25 flowercorpse teams is like the worst electron app I used 2022-03-10 23:52:27 extratone as a Pro former 365 Enterprise Admin (for an org of 2 lol) my Pro Advice is: just stop checking the box. nothing actually changes. 2022-03-10 23:52:29 bx * screams * 2022-03-10 23:52:33 flowercorpse and that's a contested category 2022-03-10 23:52:36 astrinaut lol extratone 2022-03-10 23:52:41 bx twee: what's unsplash? 2022-03-10 23:52:58 bx extratone: oh i stopped a while ago 2022-03-10 23:53:03 extratone 365 is a museum, nothing more. 2022-03-10 23:53:06 bx flowercorpse: i use gur web version 2022-03-10 23:53:32 bx like half gur time i have to download stuff and then save it to google docs 2022-03-10 23:53:39 flowercorpse I genuinely don't even understand teams from a conceptual standpoint 2022-03-10 23:53:47 flowercorpse like what does it even do good 2022-03-10 23:53:49 extratone ^ thank you. 2022-03-10 23:53:52 bx nothing 2022-03-10 23:53:56 flowercorpse exactly 2022-03-10 23:54:01 flowercorpse it does everything sub par 2022-03-10 23:54:02 extratone I have no idea why they continue to drill down on it so hard. 2022-03-10 23:54:05 flowercorpse slow as shit 2022-03-10 23:54:16 bx ive never used google classroom, but if its based on docs it sounds much nicer 2022-03-10 23:54:21 extratone classic Microsoft cycles would have seen them accept and give up by now. it's actually worrying. 2022-03-10 23:55:04 extratone I happened to overhear a two-person starbucks meeting earlier today that appeared to be one helping the other transition from slack to teams and it was very painful. 2022-03-10 23:55:14 bx ; - ; 2022-03-10 23:55:47 bx that's so sad 2022-03-10 23:56:07 extratone I really like satya so it's been especially weird to watch him make eye contact with the camera and proclaim teams to be the future 2022-03-10 23:56:19 bx with teams sucking as much as it does, i'd honestly preffer to do it on paper 2022-03-10 23:56:29 extratone it's also blatantly obvious he hates it lol 2022-03-10 23:56:30 bx satya? 2022-03-10 23:56:37 extratone CEO 2022-03-10 23:56:37 astrinaut nadella 2022-03-10 23:56:45 bx Oh 2022-03-10 23:57:11 astrinaut i think paper needs to make a comeback, honestly 2022-03-10 23:57:11 extratone sorry I have a weird mostly former relationship with microsoft 2022-03-10 23:57:15 astrinaut there are so many things that are nicer on paper 2022-03-10 23:57:27 flowercorpse I write all my notes on paper 2022-03-10 23:57:48 extratone I really don't think paper and digital text are interchangeable and am not sure why we think they should be. 2022-03-10 23:57:57 astrinaut + 2022-03-10 23:58:03 bx large companies with billions of dolars in resources shipping products that are outright subpar and broken is gonna be my new go to example trying to convince people capitalism does not work 2022-03-10 23:58:03 flowercorpse as in notes for university 2022-03-10 23:58:28 bx flowercorpse: im gonna swap to digital when uni starts 2022-03-10 23:58:30 extratone bx that has been the past two years of my life. if you ever need somebody to vent to lol 2022-03-10 23:58:46 extratone uh oh... bx is about to GO DIGITAL 2022-03-10 23:58:50 bx extratone: Oof that sounds terrible 2022-03-10 23:59:11 flowercorpse bx: it's also because protocols aren't open anymore, like no one can write a better teams client because microsoft says no 2022-03-10 23:59:16 bx btw, i plan on taking notes on a small laptop ive had for ~6yrs / a ps-vita 2022-03-10 23:59:19 extratone no just realizing that capitalism doesn't work. nothing unusual or profound. 2022-03-10 23:59:26 bx flowercorpse: yeaaaaa 2022-03-10 23:59:40 bx extratone: ah 2022-03-11 00:00:01 extratone has enterprise communication ever had open protocols, really? 2022-03-11 00:00:08 bx hmm 2022-03-11 00:00:10 bx email 2022-03-11 00:00:30 bx fuck why can't we all just use email again 2022-03-11 00:00:32 flowercorpse facebook could easily integrate instagram messaging with whatsapp and/or facebook messenger since it owns all of them 2022-03-11 00:00:36 extratone outlook is the best thing about microsoft imo and I still miss it every day. 2022-03-11 00:00:42 flowercorpse bx: email is the best 2022-03-11 00:00:47 flowercorpse you don't have to respond 2022-03-11 00:00:53 bx λmao 2022-03-11 00:00:56 extratone you should see the shirt i"m wearing. 2022-03-11 00:01:43 flowercorpse what shirt are you wearing? 2022-03-11 00:01:59 bx ^ 2022-03-11 00:02:07 extratone https://ttm.sh/irt.jpeg 2022-03-11 00:02:21 astrinaut eeeeeeemails 2022-03-11 00:02:33 extratone oh my god the url spells shirt 2022-03-11 00:02:45 bx extratone: lol nice 2022-03-11 00:03:03 extratone town is actually the most advanced image recognition intelligence in the world. 2022-03-11 00:03:09 astrinaut extratone: hahaha i thought that was intentional!! 2022-03-11 00:03:26 extratone no it gave me that I swear to god I just learned how to use ttm today lol 2022-03-11 00:03:42 bx OH MY GOD 2022-03-11 00:03:46 bx how did i not see 2022-03-11 00:05:07 extratone spooky smart town 2022-03-11 00:06:43 twee the best thing about microsoft was movie maker from before windows vista 2022-03-11 00:06:54 twee like when it was good software and not a glorified slideshow maker 2022-03-11 00:07:02 bx Movie maker was fun even on vista 2022-03-11 00:07:17 extratone I'm sure they stole it from someone else. 2022-03-11 00:07:27 extratone acquired*""" 2022-03-11 00:07:28 bx still fun tho 2022-03-11 00:07:48 twee pinball 2022-03-11 00:07:53 extratone and good! like how paint is still one of the handiest image manipulation programs lol 2022-03-11 00:07:54 twee microsoft pinball 2022-03-11 00:08:07 extratone yes! even I liked pinball on xp and I hate games. 2022-03-11 00:08:13 twee oh yeah paint is top tier software and i hate the fact there is no actual alternative for any other os 2022-03-11 00:08:51 extratone it just occured to me you all might take delight in my "remix" of the xp install music. https://soundcloud.com/chordoslut/windowsiowa 2022-03-11 00:09:02 extratone !sotd https://soundcloud.com/chordoslut/windowsiowa 2022-03-11 00:09:02 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to WINDOWS IOWA Startup Theme by David Blue 2022-03-11 00:09:10 twee wow someone likes iowa 2022-03-11 00:09:52 bx twee: is there no paint clone for linux? 2022-03-11 00:10:31 twee there are several 2022-03-11 00:10:37 twee and none of them have the paint feel 2022-03-11 00:11:14 bx damm 2022-03-11 00:11:26 bx Has anyone decompiled paint yet ? 2022-03-11 00:11:47 extratone iowa has some very beautiful places actually. 2022-03-11 00:11:53 extratone surely 2022-03-11 00:12:01 bx iirc it's *supposed* to be depreciated, but i still use it all gur time for cropping screen shots 2022-03-11 00:21:14 bx does anyone else come up wither wierd nuemonics to remember things for their subjects? 2022-03-11 00:21:58 bx e.g. in an ethylmethanoate, it's gur methyl side with gur oxygen, cause it's an-O-ate 2022-03-11 00:28:59 flowercorpse I mean I remember Fleming's right hand rule by saying "FBI open up" to myself and making weird finger guns 2022-03-11 00:29:43 bx oo that's a good one 2022-03-11 00:30:00 bx i remember cation and anion, by thinking of an image of a happy cat 2022-03-11 00:30:12 bx cat-ion = happy cat = positive 2022-03-11 00:30:38 astrinaut ! 2022-03-11 00:30:44 bx ? 2022-03-11 00:30:53 astrinaut but cathode rays are negative ... ? 2022-03-11 00:31:24 astrinaut oh they move towards the cathode. which emits electrons. got it. 2022-03-11 00:31:30 bx yea! 2022-03-11 00:32:00 bx i *think* gur anode emmits electrons 2022-03-11 00:32:11 bx and they shoot past gur cathode to create said beam 2022-03-11 00:32:36 flowercorpse you can remember diode semiconductor materials by saying that the diode PoiNts from P to N 2022-03-11 00:32:49 bx oooo 2022-03-11 00:32:54 bx that's a good one 2022-03-11 00:33:20 bx imma steal that 2022-03-11 00:35:20 asm hey chat 2022-03-11 00:35:26 asm I'm bored 2022-03-11 00:35:31 bx hi bored 2022-03-11 00:35:46 asm hi 2022-03-11 00:35:56 elly would you like suggestions for resolving your boredom? 2022-03-11 00:36:04 asm yes 2022-03-11 00:37:01 elly Duolingo, find and start reading a new book, start doing a class on khan academy or coursera, write a new program, do a few project euler problems or start last year's advent of code, do some creative writing, go for a walk outside 2022-03-11 00:37:12 dozens go look at some clouds 2022-03-11 00:37:13 twee do all those things 2022-03-11 00:37:18 twee watch a wall 2022-03-11 00:37:32 flowercorpse !sotd https://youtu.be/bpZqFa0Qiro 2022-03-11 00:37:32 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Kali Malone - The Sacrificial Code (Full Album) [iDEAL Recordings] 2022-03-11 00:40:03 twee !sotd https://www.last.fm/music/Northnan/_/DJ+KK 2022-03-11 00:40:03 sotdbot This doesn't look like a supported link. Let ~caff know if this should be added, or rerun SOTD adding a title to this link. !supdate 2022-03-11 00:40:10 twee rah 2022-03-11 00:40:22 twee caff: last.fm links? 2022-03-11 00:40:39 twee !supdate https://www.last.fm/music/Northnan/_/DJ+KK DJ KK 2022-03-11 00:40:39 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to DJ KK 2022-03-11 00:40:41 flowercorpse organs are becoming my new favourite instrument 2022-03-11 00:40:58 twee the sound a liver makes slapped across a window... *chefs kiss* 2022-03-11 00:40:59 bx flowercorpse: have you seen gur sideways video on them? 2022-03-11 00:41:42 flowercorpse bx: not yet! 2022-03-11 00:42:06 flowercorpse twee: the lungs are the best though 2022-03-11 00:42:23 bx naw gur heart is where it's at 2022-03-11 00:42:38 bx or maybe gur bowels 2022-03-11 00:42:41 bx nature's trumpet 2022-03-11 00:47:17 twee lungs are good 2022-03-11 00:50:41 bx True 2022-03-11 00:53:36 twee https://lentbylent.bandcamp.com/ 2022-03-11 00:53:39 twee new aesthetic 2022-03-11 00:53:46 twee i need to upload some more music soon 2022-03-11 00:55:27 bx lentbylent? 2022-03-11 00:55:39 twee lent was taken 2022-03-11 00:56:07 bx as in borrowing or as in giving up thing for a time 2022-03-11 00:56:09 bx ? 2022-03-11 00:56:31 twee more the religious observance as a whole 2022-03-11 00:58:08 bx Ooo i see 2022-03-11 00:58:50 twee theyre a made up band i had a very vivid dream about 2022-03-11 00:58:50 bx What's gur image 2022-03-11 00:58:59 twee which image ? 2022-03-11 00:59:04 bx gur profile one 2022-03-11 00:59:08 bx of someone smoking 2022-03-11 00:59:18 twee ah 2022-03-11 00:59:22 twee found it on unsplash 2022-03-11 00:59:27 twee and applied effects 2022-03-11 00:59:29 bx what *is* unsplash 2022-03-11 00:59:31 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-11 00:59:35 twee royalty free image site 2022-03-11 00:59:54 bx ooo 2022-03-11 00:59:57 bx That's cool 2022-03-11 01:00:23 bx OO THEY GOT SOEM GOOD SWAMP IMAGES 2022-03-11 01:00:38 twee they have some real good images 2022-03-11 01:00:46 twee the mountains in the header are also unsplash 2022-03-11 01:01:39 bx dream band is a cool idea 2022-03-11 01:02:01 bx Do yo remember gur dream? 2022-03-11 01:03:35 twee it's pretty similar to what i put in the sidebar: hey were standing up front and telling me the truth, or at least one of them. i was a few rows back, drinking green tea and whisky from a champagne flute and sitting on a hay bale. i let their truth enter me as i sipped. 2022-03-11 01:03:39 twee - if they ever play and i can't sit on a hay bale, they will have failed 2022-03-11 01:03:42 twee - what do you mean? 2022-03-11 01:03:44 twee - i mean this is how it should be. 2022-03-11 01:03:47 twee i said i understood, but i didn't. 2022-03-11 01:03:47 twee band had six members standing in a line 2022-03-11 01:04:23 twee i asked what they were called and they person next to me said lent, at which point i woke up with the word ringing in my ears 2022-03-11 01:07:04 bx Ooo nice 2022-03-11 01:07:56 caff twee: I'll have to add it to my todo list, haha 2022-03-11 01:08:21 bx it feels like when i start to get more into seomthing / understand it better it begins showing itself in my dreams 2022-03-11 01:08:30 bx havent gotten there with music yet 2022-03-11 01:09:04 twee caff: oh thank you! there's no rush or anything heh 2022-03-11 01:09:08 flowercorpse do you have a dream diary bx? 2022-03-11 01:09:15 twee dream diaries slap 2022-03-11 01:09:34 caff I'll probably try to roll it into sotdbot v3 (Never did finish v2 :') Nim's fun, but definitely not my favorite lang, haha) 2022-03-11 01:09:50 flowercorpse for me reading it back is 60% funny and 40% disturbing 2022-03-11 01:09:58 bx flowercorpse: i used to but havent kept one gur last few years 2022-03-11 01:10:18 bx i should start again 2022-03-11 01:10:31 bx i remmeber one from last night quite vividly 2022-03-11 01:10:53 bx though at gur same time it all kinda shifts around and changes perspective a few times 2022-03-11 01:11:29 twee sotdbot is in nim? didn't know that 2022-03-11 01:11:59 * bx thought gur re-write was gonna be in nim 2022-03-11 01:15:46 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-11 01:59:08 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 01:59:08 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-11 01:59:08 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-11 01:59:08 -- Channel #tildetown: 97 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 95 normals) 2022-03-11 01:59:09 citrons it is also very lacking in standard library functions 2022-03-11 01:59:10 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-11 02:00:17 citrons the thing that I am doing right now is making a memory allocator. instead of malloc, the function is called "getvec" in certain instances of B 2022-03-11 02:00:29 citrons this is presumably because it gets a vector 2022-03-11 02:00:36 bx makes sense 2022-03-11 02:00:45 asm in 5 days, one project of mine, py0x0 would've gone a full year without any updates -- I kind of want to do something to break that early lol 2022-03-11 02:01:01 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-11 02:07:53 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 02:07:53 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-11 02:07:53 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-11 02:07:53 -- Channel #tildetown: 97 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 95 normals) 2022-03-11 02:07:55 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-11 02:08:06 bx i dont think id want to code in b though 2022-03-11 02:08:59 bx unless that was like, gur point of something 2022-03-11 02:09:07 citrons hmm I see 2022-03-11 02:09:13 bx like a b game jam or iobcc 2022-03-11 02:09:38 bx (international obfuscated b code competititon) 2022-03-11 02:10:11 citrons I quite like B. in a geniune manner and not just due to its historical interestingness 2022-03-11 02:12:15 bx Fair 2022-03-11 02:12:41 bx i like abusing gur C preprocessor to get features im not meant to have 2022-03-11 02:12:51 bx and also lisps/concatenative langs 2022-03-11 02:13:11 citrons is "gur" some sort of article or something 2022-03-11 02:13:31 citrons the C preprocessor is fun to abuse 2022-03-11 02:15:36 bx gur = rot13(the) 2022-03-11 02:15:43 citrons I see 2022-03-11 02:15:46 citrons the. 2022-03-11 02:16:00 bx i use it in place of the when im typing here 2022-03-11 02:16:13 citrons what is the reason for this 2022-03-11 02:16:20 bx so 2022-03-11 02:16:33 bx originally i tried to stop using "the" comepltetly 2022-03-11 02:16:43 bx it proved too hard so i gave up 2022-03-11 02:16:58 bx later on i realised after reading some rot13'd text that gur = the 2022-03-11 02:17:06 bx and i kinda took a liking to it 2022-03-11 02:17:16 bx so, i decided to swap to gur 2022-03-11 02:17:23 citrons reasonable 2022-03-11 02:17:31 bx gur main motivation is kinda just a linguistic experiemtn 2022-03-11 02:17:44 bx to make sure i keep flexing my metaphorical changing muscles 2022-03-11 02:17:44 citrons I enjoy such things 2022-03-11 02:18:13 bx youre welcome to join gur gur gang 2022-03-11 02:18:48 citrons hmm, I disagree with "gur" aesthetically 2022-03-11 02:19:04 citrons I'm quite particular about the aesthetic of my text 2022-03-11 02:20:49 bx Fiar 2022-03-11 02:21:53 flowercorpse bx: by the way, is english your first language? 2022-03-11 02:22:12 bx if you wanna see an example of preprocesssor abuse check out, ~bx/types.h and ~bx/reflect.h 2022-03-11 02:22:15 bx flowercorpse: yea 2022-03-11 02:22:25 bx ...and only language (so far) 2022-03-11 02:22:30 bx is it yours? 2022-03-11 02:23:07 flowercorpse actually third 2022-03-11 02:23:11 flowercorpse practically second though 2022-03-11 02:23:40 asm if you don't mind me asking, what are your first and second? 2022-03-11 02:24:25 flowercorpse second is german, but I'm very bad at german, so it doesn't really count 2022-03-11 02:25:51 flowercorpse but I prefer not to tell where I'm from 2022-03-11 02:26:17 bx Woah, third is quite allot 2022-03-11 02:27:28 bx i still find it crazy impressive that tons of people here can just logon and start using english so well i cant tell if theyre a native speaker or not, despite speaking an entire other language in addition 2022-03-11 02:29:29 asm woo I was able to get my old botany plant back 2022-03-11 02:29:32 asm !water 2022-03-11 02:29:32 * pinhook waters asm's young lithops 2022-03-11 02:30:08 flowercorpse ooh I have that too 2022-03-11 02:30:10 flowercorpse !water 2022-03-11 02:30:10 * pinhook waters flowercorpse's common mature lithops 2022-03-11 02:30:17 citrons language learning is quite impressive. I did manage to learn toki pona; however, I have not yet been able to motivate myself to learn a natural language, which would be significantly more complex to do 2022-03-11 02:30:44 * bx still needs to properly learn toki pona 2022-03-11 02:30:49 bx waso is bird 2022-03-11 02:30:57 bx sin is new 2022-03-11 02:31:03 bx thats all i got 2022-03-11 02:31:18 asm !water flowercorpse 2022-03-11 02:31:18 * pinhook waters flowercorpse's common mature lithops 2022-03-11 02:31:29 citrons sina sona e nimi ni li sona ala e nimi pona e nimi toki la ni li nasa 2022-03-11 02:31:43 asm now your lithops won't become a flower corpse for a few more seconds :p 2022-03-11 02:31:54 flowercorpse :) 2022-03-11 02:32:39 flowercorpse I'm pretty sure realisticly you would only need to water a lithops rarely since its a succulent 2022-03-11 02:33:10 flowercorpse s/realisticly/realistically 2022-03-11 02:33:11 sedbot <flowercorpse> I'm pretty sure realistically you would only need to water a lithops rarely since its a succulent 2022-03-11 02:33:32 bx tfw botany's putting gameplay above realism 2022-03-11 02:33:54 flowercorpse the botany gameplay is what I'm here for 2022-03-11 02:35:31 bx same 2022-03-11 02:36:13 @natalia hi 2022-03-11 02:36:26 citrons hello. 2022-03-11 02:36:30 @natalia citrons! 2022-03-11 02:36:34 @natalia i know you 2022-03-11 02:36:36 citrons yes, I have became 2022-03-11 02:36:47 citrons or become 2022-03-11 02:36:49 citrons I have become. 2022-03-11 02:36:55 @natalia how are you finding town 2022-03-11 02:37:01 citrons good 2022-03-11 02:37:19 citrons I will be deploying 🐝 and B in due time. 2022-03-11 02:37:19 demoji <citrons> I will be deploying :honeybee: and B in due time. 2022-03-11 02:37:49 bx \o natalia 2022-03-11 02:38:56 @natalia hi bx 2022-03-11 02:42:02 asm go 42 2022-03-11 02:43:30 @natalia citrons: i like your public_html 2022-03-11 02:43:33 bx citrons: are you gonna call your compiler bee? 2022-03-11 02:43:44 citrons natalia: thanks 2022-03-11 02:43:47 citrons bx: yes 2022-03-11 02:43:53 bx niiice 2022-03-11 02:56:00 bx pun named langs / impementations are nice 2022-03-11 03:04:23 @natalia w dot txt 2022-03-11 03:07:23 citrons I agree. 2022-03-11 03:09:56 @natalia i am now free of dsily obligations 2022-03-11 03:10:03 bx nice 2022-03-11 03:11:35 flowercorpse I'm goint to sleep now, see you 2022-03-11 03:11:57 bx gn flowercorpse 2022-03-11 03:12:03 <-- flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has quit (Quit: Goodnight) 2022-03-11 03:14:57 elly natalia: big same 2022-03-11 03:16:28 elly https://tilde.town/~elly/tasks.png 2022-03-11 03:16:29 elly the dream 2022-03-11 03:17:21 @natalia elly: yesss 2022-03-11 03:17:44 @natalia can i ask whar tou are studying with duolingo 2022-03-11 03:19:34 elly french :) 2022-03-11 03:21:19 @natalia aha 2022-03-11 03:23:00 @natalia i want to try Taskifying my own language learning but i care not for duolingo 2022-03-11 03:23:24 @natalia so save for constsntly embarassing myself in real life i'm not as consistent as i'd like 2022-03-11 03:29:44 citrons wait, how does mail work 2022-03-11 03:30:27 asm mail on tilde.town? 2022-03-11 03:30:37 * bx still hasnt quite figured out how town mail really works 2022-03-11 03:30:41 citrons yes 2022-03-11 03:30:51 @natalia it is local 2022-03-11 03:31:01 citrons by what means 2022-03-11 03:31:20 @natalia i think addresses are just @tilde.town 2022-03-11 03:31:28 asm you can't email outside of tilde.town 2022-03-11 03:31:30 @natalia by what means what 2022-03-11 03:31:40 @natalia it smtp listens on localhost 2022-03-11 03:31:44 @natalia u can use mutt 2022-03-11 03:31:51 citrons I see 2022-03-11 03:32:26 citrons is the password my unix password 2022-03-11 03:32:41 citrons hmm, how do I even change that 2022-03-11 03:33:19 @natalia if you need a unix password to.access mutt we broke something 2022-03-11 03:33:25 citrons oh, no 2022-03-11 03:33:30 citrons I just want to use a different email client 2022-03-11 03:34:08 @natalia you don't need a password i tjink 2022-03-11 03:34:14 asm I don't think you can access it from outside of tilde.town 2022-03-11 03:34:15 @natalia frankly i am unsure of unix mail mechanisms 2022-03-11 03:34:19 @natalia it may not use smtp 2022-03-11 03:34:27 citrons I see. 2022-03-11 03:34:35 asm there isn't outbound connections for IMAP/POP or SMTP afaik 2022-03-11 03:34:48 citrons alpine is confusing to me 2022-03-11 03:34:54 citrons I don't know how it knows how to send the mail 2022-03-11 03:35:38 asm personally I would recommend using a domain you own yourself for email rather than any tildes or similar gratis services of the sort 2022-03-11 03:37:02 citrons you are misconstruing me 2022-03-11 03:37:41 citrons I am just wondering how the local mail system works 2022-03-11 03:37:56 @natalia actually i am wrong, i think it is posix sendmail 2022-03-11 03:38:08 citrons in any case, I seem to be unable to compile this email client, so it is moot 2022-03-11 03:38:56 @natalia what client 2022-03-11 03:39:05 citrons aerc 2022-03-11 03:41:19 asm never heard of it 2022-03-11 03:42:20 citrons it is the email client I use for normal email. I was wondering if I could compile it and use it for email on this server, but it seems I that I cannot. it does not matter much, however 2022-03-11 03:43:17 asm what's not working with compiling? 2022-03-11 03:46:19 @natalia bad idea: software license formatted as an rfc 2022-03-11 03:46:59 bx is that something that's been done ? 2022-03-11 03:47:05 @natalia idk 2022-03-11 03:47:29 @natalia i am looking for funny software licenses 2022-03-11 03:50:27 bx how bout a licence that allows something toj be used only for comedic purpouses 2022-03-11 04:03:00 <-- m07h (m07h@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-11 04:05:22 agafnd Clown Public License 2022-03-11 04:05:51 bx does that only permit usage by clowns? 2022-03-11 04:06:28 @natalia perfect 2022-03-11 04:07:56 agafnd no MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE to be found here, friendo 2022-03-11 04:08:10 @natalia https://github.com/benlk/misc-licenses/ aha! 2022-03-11 04:09:25 @natalia > By entering into use of the materials licensed under this license ("The Mephistopheles License"), you agree to forfeit your own soul rather than negotiate with the authors of the materials. 2022-03-11 04:09:27 bx oh damm there's already a list 2022-03-11 04:09:37 bx natalia: seems legit 2022-03-11 04:10:01 bx "The Why The Fuck Would You Even Do That Holy Shit Public License: a license that prohibits rewriting the software in Python 2." 2022-03-11 04:10:05 bx this page is pure gold 2022-03-11 04:13:58 @natalia Modified software must be in a different programming language, and comments must be translated to a new human language. 2022-03-11 04:14:22 bx that sounds like a good way to get people to expand gur reach of docs 2022-03-11 04:15:39 bx any licence that tricks people into making good docs sounds like a good idea tbh 2022-03-11 04:17:50 @natalia what if: a software license where you have to accept cookies to continue using it 2022-03-11 04:18:02 @natalia the least applicable the software is to the web, the better 2022-03-11 04:18:20 bx That's an intresting premise 2022-03-11 04:19:52 citrons hello 2022-03-11 04:20:47 citrons asm: the errors I am encountering are thus: 2022-03-11 04:20:47 citrons runtime: failed to create new OS thread (have 7 already; errno=11) 2022-03-11 04:20:47 citrons runtime: may need to increase max user processes (ulimit -u) 2022-03-11 04:21:00 citrons this is a go program that I am compiling 2022-03-11 04:21:12 bx Oh 2022-03-11 04:21:25 asm I don't write anything in Go, so I won't know anything about it 2022-03-11 04:21:25 bx so iirc go forks / makes new threads allot when compiling 2022-03-11 04:21:35 bx but on town there's a user limit 2022-03-11 04:21:44 bx i think its around 30? 2022-03-11 04:22:05 bx There might be a flag you can pass to get goc not to do that 2022-03-11 04:24:10 citrons it seems to be 50 2022-03-11 04:24:12 citrons what is the flag 2022-03-11 04:24:38 bx i have no idea 2022-03-11 04:24:41 citrons ah. 2022-03-11 04:24:54 @natalia 11 is eagain? 2022-03-11 04:24:59 citrons I could actually probably just 2022-03-11 04:25:17 citrons use the binaries I already compiled 2022-03-11 04:25:21 citrons let me see... 2022-03-11 04:26:07 bx try `-p 1` 2022-03-11 04:26:56 citrons well, even if I can get it to compile, I'm not sure that it supports sendmail 2022-03-11 04:27:00 citrons it probably doesn't 2022-03-11 04:27:16 bx Oh 2022-03-11 04:28:53 asm can you compile it on a different machine and upload the binary to ~town? 2022-03-11 04:29:11 @natalia aerc can do sendmail 2022-03-11 04:29:21 citrons ok, let me see 2022-03-11 04:30:18 @natalia try GOMAXPROCS 2022-03-11 04:30:29 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-11 04:32:40 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 04:32:40 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-11 04:32:40 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-11 04:32:40 -- Channel #tildetown: 95 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 93 normals) 2022-03-11 04:32:42 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-11 04:32:48 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-11 04:33:00 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 04:33:00 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-11 04:33:00 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-11 04:33:00 -- Channel #tildetown: 95 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 93 normals) 2022-03-11 04:33:02 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-11 04:33:25 extratone holy heck... I'm finally speaking to you from a real machine. 2022-03-11 04:33:37 asm nice! 2022-03-11 04:33:45 citrons well, I've compiled it on my own computer, but 2022-03-11 04:33:45 @natalia does it have gears? 2022-03-11 04:33:56 citrons even installing it is causing erroring. hmmm 2022-03-11 04:34:08 citrons I'll just copy the files myself 2022-03-11 04:34:33 @natalia let me know if i need to do any weird infrastructure stuff here 2022-03-11 04:34:54 josh mosh is sick, my internet was down for 5 ish hours and the connection here didn't break 2022-03-11 04:35:02 josh also hi town 2022-03-11 04:35:22 extratone love to start all over. https://ttm.sh/ir0.png 2022-03-11 04:35:25 asm hi josh 2022-03-11 04:35:30 josh hi asm 2022-03-11 04:35:39 extratone hi josh, I'm also bewitched by mosh's powers. 2022-03-11 04:35:42 bx \o josh 2022-03-11 04:35:48 extratone afraid, actually. 2022-03-11 04:36:14 josh none of it is magic or anything, but it still is super cool 2022-03-11 04:36:16 citrons my short-term memory just emptied 2022-03-11 04:36:18 bx i still gotta try mosh 2022-03-11 04:36:26 josh and hi bx and extratone \o 2022-03-11 04:36:28 citrons time to remember what I'm doing 2022-03-11 04:36:31 bx extratone: what term is that ? 2022-03-11 04:36:35 asm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAIcet1mQwg 2022-03-11 04:36:35 pinhook ["This Company Owns Everything - BlackRock - YouTube"] 2022-03-11 04:36:51 extratone just macOS' 2022-03-11 04:37:00 bx Damm really 2022-03-11 04:37:12 bx i need to change mine more then, youres looks nicer 2022-03-11 04:37:51 extratone I can't remember what I've configured about this shell at all lol 2022-03-11 04:38:05 citrons a terminal named terminal 2022-03-11 04:39:30 bx damm, im not sure what term profile that was 2022-03-11 04:39:36 bx unless u set ur own colors 2022-03-11 04:50:09 extratone this is going to sound ignorant but... somehow the themes I've imported into Blink on iOS are showing up as Terminal profiles????? I guess I'm glad I bothered to get this far because I did not see that mentioned in the docs at all lol 2022-03-11 04:50:42 bx intresting 2022-03-11 04:51:00 bx maybe those themes were based off of gur terminal ones 2022-03-11 04:51:28 bx ...unless theres some wierd ios->macos term theme sharing system 2022-03-11 04:52:27 extratone iCloud but a hidden folder, I think. 2022-03-11 04:52:42 extratone luv unnecessarily obfuscated happenings so much. 2022-03-11 04:54:26 bx lmao 2022-03-11 04:59:17 citrons here is something I would like large amounts of people to engage in: https://zzcxz.citrons.xyz/ 2022-03-11 04:59:58 extratone here's me doing the goddamned television thing with blink on my phone. https://ttm.sh/irn.jpeg 2022-03-11 05:00:44 citrons wow, I am on the television. 2022-03-11 05:01:10 bx >HOME 2022-03-11 05:01:32 citrons yes, from context clues, your location seems to be HOME or such 2022-03-11 05:01:37 bx irc on a tv feels somehow wierd and sureal 2022-03-11 05:02:32 citrons ok, but I must pose a question 2022-03-11 05:02:33 extratone thank you! especially when it's being cast by a goddamned cellular. I'm glad someone else noticed lol 2022-03-11 05:02:52 citrons by what means was this photo taken 2022-03-11 05:03:01 citrons your phone is within the picture, as well as both of your hands 2022-03-11 05:03:19 extratone I asked my 71-year-old mother very nicely 2022-03-11 05:03:31 citrons ah, I see 2022-03-11 05:04:30 extratone I don't know how I ended up here in life, tbh. 2022-03-11 05:05:19 bx casting irc to a tv? 2022-03-11 05:05:25 bx or more general than that 2022-03-11 05:05:27 extratone with a phone, yes. 2022-03-11 05:05:40 extratone on my mother's couch. 2022-03-11 05:05:47 bx well ig your first step was getting a phone 2022-03-11 05:05:56 extratone a mistake. 2022-03-11 05:06:03 bx second would be getting access to irc 2022-03-11 05:06:10 bx and i'd vote third is gur couch 2022-03-11 05:06:20 citrons I presume your mother obtained that couch somehow 2022-03-11 05:06:35 citrons that would contribute to your being on it at the moment 2022-03-11 05:06:47 @natalia !sotd https://tomasfujiwara.bandcamp.com/track/the-march-of-the-storm-before-the-quiet-of-the-dance 2022-03-11 05:07:17 @natalia !sotd https://tomasfujiwara.bandcamp.com/track/the-march-of-the-storm-before-the-quiet-of-the-dance Tomas Fujiwara's Triple Double - The March of the Storm Before the Quiet of the Dance 2022-03-11 05:07:17 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Tomas Fujiwara's Triple Double - The March of the Storm Before the Quiet of the Dance 2022-03-11 05:08:24 extratone the starch of the dorm 2022-03-11 06:00:47 bx i hope gur actual chem test isnt harder than this mock paper 2022-03-11 06:07:39 <-- benharri (benharri@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-11 06:07:51 --> benharri (benharri@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 06:17:57 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-11 16:10:35 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 16:10:35 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-11 16:10:35 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-11 16:10:35 -- Channel #tildetown: 97 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 95 normals) 2022-03-11 16:10:37 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-11 16:10:41 login zyloh: greetings 2022-03-11 16:10:53 extratone howdy town. 2022-03-11 16:10:57 zyloh that'll do it 2022-03-11 16:11:01 login howdy, that's another one 2022-03-11 16:11:01 zyloh hello extratone 2022-03-11 16:11:06 login hello is a third one 2022-03-11 16:11:06 zyloh also true 2022-03-11 16:11:12 zyloh english does have quite a few built in 2022-03-11 16:11:37 elly you can say "good day" if you want 2022-03-11 16:11:50 elly I usually just say (eg) "Happy Friday" 2022-03-11 16:11:57 zyloh that's a good one 2022-03-11 16:13:11 extratone I logged in to town for a bit on an actual computer for the first time last night. what a trip. 2022-03-11 16:13:14 zyloh there was some word i think someone came up with for irc but it probably wasn't very widely used 2022-03-11 16:13:43 zyloh how did it make you feel? 2022-03-11 16:18:00 extratone I don't really feel, but if I did, my answer would probably be "a wee bit nervous." 2022-03-11 16:20:01 asm hello 2022-03-11 16:20:50 zyloh i'm curious, is there like a significant difference between using a computer to do that kinda stuff and using a phone, beyond probably the most "obvious"? 2022-03-11 16:21:16 zyloh i've never really thought to play around with my phone like that 2022-03-11 16:21:28 zyloh hello asm! 2022-03-11 16:21:36 asm how's it going? 2022-03-11 16:22:10 zyloh i'm doing alright, had a pretty slow day so far 2022-03-11 16:22:13 extratone I've been working on a guide. https://tilde.town/~extratone/blink the answer is way less than you'd think. or think reasonable lol 2022-03-11 16:22:21 zyloh what about yourself? 2022-03-11 16:23:06 zyloh skimming it seems really interesting 2022-03-11 16:23:17 zyloh it seems a lot more useable than i expected really 2022-03-11 16:25:01 extratone if you're in a position to - not move - like me so you can keep power and a keyboard connected to your phone, it's basically the full experience. but the question is... if you're in a position to do that, why aren't you just using a computer? 2022-03-11 16:27:19 zyloh i really wanna get a keyboard for my phone now and try this stuff out 2022-03-11 16:27:30 zyloh what is a phone if not a cute computer you know? 2022-03-11 16:28:14 login just need a way to 'zoom' into the phone 2022-03-11 16:28:23 login using special glasses maybe 2022-03-11 16:28:24 elly the size gap between the biggest phones and the smallest netbooks isn't that large now 2022-03-11 16:29:03 login and the foldables really do make the gap 'overlap' 2022-03-11 16:29:20 elly ya, and tablets 2022-03-11 16:30:24 zyloh i like how we as a species are working hard to make these distinctions ever more arbitrary 2022-03-11 16:31:53 login a tablet stand with a wireless keyboard and a 'desktop accelerator' would be good enough to be all devices 2022-03-11 16:32:20 login put the phone into the tablet, the tablet into the stand (with desktop accelerator) and have the wireless keyboard and mouse connect 2022-03-11 16:32:30 login now there's a desktop, laptop, tablet and phone all in one 2022-03-11 16:33:49 zyloh we really live in the future 2022-03-11 16:34:52 extratone zyloh omg I love that cute computer quote so much you have no idea. 2022-03-11 16:35:26 login which one? 2022-03-11 16:35:37 extratone well if you find yourself keyboarding to an *iPhone*, specifically, I am probably the world's second or third foremost authority on the subject so please make use of me. 2022-03-11 16:35:52 extratone "what is a phone if not a cute computer you know?" 2022-03-11 16:36:32 zyloh haha thanks for the tips extratone 2022-03-11 16:36:47 extratone (I am not exactly proud of the fact, nor would I have chosen it as the thing to know things about, but it is my life, now lol.) 2022-03-11 16:36:53 zyloh sadly my only phone is a very easily brickable sony 2022-03-11 16:37:07 extratone which model? 2022-03-11 16:37:09 login you should be consulted on a movie 2022-03-11 16:37:16 login in which hackers use keyboards with phones 2022-03-11 16:37:24 zyloh xperia xz3 2022-03-11 16:37:26 login a hacker movie parody 2022-03-11 16:37:27 extratone LMAO. the world's most absurd, tedious hacker movie. 2022-03-11 16:37:37 zyloh hahahaha that would be amazing 2022-03-11 16:37:41 login a hacker on an iphone would be funny on its own 2022-03-11 16:37:53 elly it's no good sir we can't trace the login he zalgotexted his username 2022-03-11 16:37:54 login but a hacker on an iphone with a keyboard, that would get snorts 2022-03-11 16:38:02 elly [slams hand on desk] dammit, this guy's good 2022-03-11 16:38:05 extratone nice! I don't know much about the rest of the line but the Xperia Play is still probably my favorite handset of all time. 2022-03-11 16:38:14 login extratone: lol 2022-03-11 16:38:17 login *elly 2022-03-11 16:38:40 login Wish Sony focused on software and outdid Samsung on that front 2022-03-11 16:38:42 extratone the apple-adjacent people I've been hanging out with refer to the stuff I do as "hacks." 2022-03-11 16:39:02 extratone but it's just... using the phone. 2022-03-11 16:39:08 login because apple refuses to support freedom of keyboard connectivity? 2022-03-11 16:39:30 extratone what do you mean by that, specifically? 2022-03-11 16:39:31 login i.e., those who can only afford iphones but not computers would have no way to 'code' 2022-03-11 16:39:37 login without typing on the virtual keboard 2022-03-11 16:39:51 login extratone: i mean, using a keyboard and mouse with an iphone 2022-03-11 16:39:53 extratone https://uikeycommand.com 2022-03-11 16:39:58 login oh 2022-03-11 16:40:36 extratone they refuse to document or acknowledge it, which is basically the same as refusing to support it. 2022-03-11 16:41:39 extratone god I need to update that page. 2022-03-11 16:41:45 zyloh it feels like a lot of companies draw this hard line between being "developer friendly" or being "user friendly" 2022-03-11 16:41:58 zyloh i feel like that doesn't need to be the case 2022-03-11 16:42:38 extratone We Are All Just Users Bro 2022-03-11 16:42:48 zyloh great slogan 2022-03-11 16:42:58 extratone We Are All End Users 2022-03-11 16:43:11 zyloh WAAEU 2022-03-11 16:43:16 extratone that's literally what I am. 2022-03-11 16:44:37 zyloh yeah like i don't think the iphone would necessarily be less usable by like my grandma even if they started officially documenting external keyboards 2022-03-11 16:45:13 tomasino We Are All Associates 2022-03-11 16:45:17 tomasino WAAA! 2022-03-11 16:45:22 zyloh waaa!! 2022-03-11 16:45:38 asm waaa!!! 2022-03-11 16:45:55 <-- ju (jmjl@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-11 16:45:57 --> ju (jmjl@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 16:46:13 extratone waaaaaaaaaaaa 2022-03-11 16:48:16 --> lown (lown@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 16:48:30 lown hi town! 2022-03-11 16:48:37 zyloh hello! 2022-03-11 16:48:41 elly hello hello 2022-03-11 16:49:04 lown 's raining out 2022-03-11 16:49:17 lown Wow IRC ate my line 2022-03-11 16:49:27 lown how are we all this fine day? 2022-03-11 16:50:36 asm by any chance is anyone here staff on sdf? 2022-03-11 16:51:03 elly lown: well :) working, but all my coworkers are out so it's very quiet 2022-03-11 16:51:23 lown ah that's quite nice 2022-03-11 16:51:34 elly yes indeed 2022-03-11 16:51:36 extratone https://ttm.sh/ir3.jpeg 2022-03-11 16:51:41 elly it's a corporate holiday but I decided to take it next friday instead of this one 2022-03-11 16:51:47 elly so everyone else is gone 2022-03-11 16:51:52 extratone niice. 2022-03-11 16:51:52 lown wow what is a corporate holiday 2022-03-11 16:51:58 lown I was gonna say that sounds corporate 2022-03-11 16:51:59 elly just like, a day everyone has off 2022-03-11 16:52:03 lown but like... yes 2022-03-11 16:52:04 elly it is corporate :P 2022-03-11 16:52:42 lown in the cyberpunk future liberals want, all holidays will be corporate holidays 2022-03-11 16:52:43 extratone happy birthday capitalism 2022-03-11 16:52:51 extratone they already are. 2022-03-11 16:53:14 zyloh every day is corporate holiday, and to celebrate we all get to work overtime 2022-03-11 16:53:20 elly in this case it's not attached to any specific other holiday, it is just a random friday we got given as a day off 2022-03-11 16:53:26 elly there are about a dozen of these per year 2022-03-11 16:53:34 lown that's so... odd 2022-03-11 16:53:44 elly a lot of companies have been doing it since covid started, not really sure why 2022-03-11 16:53:50 elly not that I really mind :P 2022-03-11 16:53:59 zyloh "everyone needs to chill"-day 2022-03-11 16:54:01 lown at my job i just left, management made a big deal of 'giving everyone an extra day off on their birthday' 2022-03-11 16:54:24 lown and then explained that that just meant we all had an extra day of leave 2022-03-11 16:54:32 lown we didn't need to take it on our birthdays 2022-03-11 16:54:50 lown sure sounds good though, bet marketing came up with that 2022-03-11 16:55:30 elly heh :) 2022-03-11 16:55:41 elly anyway, I am not one to look gift PTO in the mouth by any means 2022-03-11 16:56:33 @natalia hi! 2022-03-11 16:56:54 zyloh helloo 2022-03-11 16:57:39 jmjl o/ 2022-03-11 16:59:45 lown elly: no, not at all 2022-03-11 16:59:51 lown hi natalia! 2022-03-11 17:00:23 lown extratone: is that where you live? looks so beautiful, i'm a sucker for snow, still find it totally weird and novel 2022-03-11 17:01:01 extratone it is! 38.93400953883375--92.38797305379607-206.332752227783 2022-03-11 17:01:50 extratone mid-missouri, USA. I also find it beautiful, now. missouri, I mean. always loved snow. 2022-03-11 17:02:07 lown what notation is that? i feel like there are too many numbers there 2022-03-11 17:02:21 extratone lat--long-altitude 2022-03-11 17:02:29 lown Really hoping for lat-long-al... oh my god 2022-03-11 17:02:31 lown amazing 2022-03-11 17:02:35 lown I didn't know that was a thing 2022-03-11 17:03:00 extratone I'm not sure it is - I think I just kinda set it up as I thought it should be. 2022-03-11 17:03:23 extratone (I have a siri shortcut ((ios automation)) that copies it to my clipboard. 2022-03-11 17:03:25 extratone ) 2022-03-11 17:03:52 lown what do you do with negative values? just add the zeroes in? 2022-03-11 17:04:02 lown -lat---long? 2022-03-11 17:04:09 elly negative values are still unambiguous, that one did have a negative long 2022-03-11 17:04:13 extratone oh shit. that second value might actually be negative lol 2022-03-11 17:04:25 lown haha i was wondering 2022-03-11 17:04:25 extratone I didn't consider that.... I don't move. 2022-03-11 17:04:34 elly but yeah you can't just split on '-' with that format 2022-03-11 17:04:39 elly maybe better to use commas or something :P 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone { 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "LatitudeRef" : "N", 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "Latitude" : 38.934088759160538, 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "Speed" : 0, 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "TimeStamp" : "17:01:46.000000", 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "LongitudeRef" : "W", 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "AltitudeRef" : 0, 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "GPSVersion" : "", 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "DateStamp" : "2022:03:11", 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "Altitude" : 205.44259262084961, 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "Longitude" : 92.387890219774448, 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "TrackRef" : "T", 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "DOP" : 4.6274119449768012, 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "SpeedRef" : "K", 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone "Track" : 325.1953125 2022-03-11 17:04:49 extratone } 2022-03-11 17:05:05 elly please don't paste big wads of json 2022-03-11 17:05:19 extratone oh I'm sorry! I will not again. 2022-03-11 17:06:00 extratone does that actually send as separate messages by line? 2022-03-11 17:06:01 owl banned! 2022-03-11 17:06:03 lown i guess comma delimeters are well established 2022-03-11 17:06:10 elly yes, it sends line by line as separate messages 2022-03-11 17:06:12 jmjl You can use stuff as https://ttm.sh for it. curl -F'file=@file.json' https://ttm.sh or curl -F'file=@-' https://ttm.sh for stdin 2022-03-11 17:06:17 owl !tarot 2022-03-11 17:06:17 rufus[awkbot] The Eight of Wands (Reversed) - panic, waiting, slowdown 2022-03-11 17:06:19 elly and because the ircd rate limits you it comes through at one line per second 2022-03-11 17:06:25 extratone oh jesus... thank you jmjl 2022-03-11 17:06:33 lown nice one, jmjl 2022-03-11 17:06:53 owl IRC is delightfully basic 2022-03-11 17:06:57 jmjl np, ty all. it is more of a comnity effort 2022-03-11 17:08:07 extratone Speed: 0 is the poignant datapoint, though lol 2022-03-11 17:08:32 zyloh everyone post your velocities 2022-03-11 17:08:37 extratone LMAO 2022-03-11 17:08:43 asm your velocities 2022-03-11 17:08:49 zyloh thanks 2022-03-11 17:08:58 jmjl zyloh told me to post: everyone post your velocities 2022-03-11 17:09:08 extratone wait let me see if I can run the command while wildly flailing the phone enough to register. 2022-03-11 17:09:15 * asm posts jmjl's velocities 2022-03-11 17:10:19 lown exit 2022-03-11 17:10:29 lown Hahah wow my brain is not here 2022-03-11 17:10:31 owl excuse me this is a family friendly channel 2022-03-11 17:10:34 asm rip lown 2022-03-11 17:10:36 lown EXIT 2022-03-11 17:10:38 jmjl Shared connection to tilde.town closed. 2022-03-11 17:10:41 lown SUDO EXIT 2022-03-11 17:10:57 zyloh lown not in sudoers list. This incident will be reported 2022-03-11 17:10:58 * asm has quit (K-lined) 2022-03-11 17:11:05 lown I'm just trying to configure an SSH tunnel, brb for real 2022-03-11 17:11:09 <-- lown (lown@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-11 17:11:10 jmjl Sorry you are not a sudoer. This incedent will be reported. 2022-03-11 17:11:17 --> lown_ (lown@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 17:11:30 extratone reported to God via Jira 2022-03-11 17:11:32 jmjl Really was asm K-lined? 2022-03-11 17:11:34 lown_ Okay that actually seemed to work? 2022-03-11 17:11:41 extratone prayers are just Jira tickets. 2022-03-11 17:11:41 lown_ Oh no not the dreaded underscore 2022-03-11 17:11:46 zyloh did you get a new underscore? 2022-03-11 17:11:50 asm asm was banned :pensive: 2022-03-11 17:12:03 <-- lown_ (lown@localhost) has quit (Quit: Leaving) 2022-03-11 17:12:26 --> lown (lown@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 17:12:41 zyloh and so the underscore was no more 2022-03-11 17:12:50 lown oh my god, that time when joining I accidentally typed /join tiledtown 2022-03-11 17:13:00 lown and I was like, weird, nobody here 2022-03-11 17:13:04 lown in the tiled town. 2022-03-11 17:13:04 extratone you don't want to go there. 2022-03-11 17:13:13 zyloh very repetetive place 2022-03-11 17:13:17 owl lol 2022-03-11 17:13:19 extratone I'm screaming. 2022-03-11 17:14:50 extratone I have gotten 0 work done because you all too entertaining and kind. thanks a lot, sincerely and not. 2022-03-11 17:15:47 lown my absolute pleasure 2022-03-11 17:15:50 zyloh same, actually, so likewise 2022-03-11 17:15:59 lown in my defence, i have covid, everything is kinda blurry 2022-03-11 17:16:12 lown it's impressive i've managed to get onto irc at all 2022-03-11 17:16:25 lown earlier today i watched two whole missions impossible 2022-03-11 17:16:36 zyloh oh jeez i hope you're taking good care of yourself! 2022-03-11 17:16:57 zyloh missions impossible 2022-03-11 17:16:58 lown i am! i'm drinking lots of water and tea and eating vegetables and feeling rank 2022-03-11 17:17:05 zyloh english is such a wack thing 2022-03-11 17:17:11 zyloh that's great to hear 2022-03-11 17:17:19 lown well it's not 'mission impossibles' is it, that would be silly 2022-03-11 17:17:29 zyloh i would argue it is silly either way 2022-03-11 17:17:35 lown that is correct 2022-03-11 17:18:44 @natalia i discovered recently that our ircd does not actually rate limit us 2022-03-11 17:18:55 @natalia and weechat actually does that 2022-03-11 17:18:57 elly maybe the clients still do 2022-03-11 17:18:57 elly ah 2022-03-11 17:19:12 @natalia i have been trying to figure out if we adjusting it in configs here would make it more or less painful 2022-03-11 17:19:29 jmjl zyloh: who where you greeting in this message? <<<16:56:54 <zyloh> helloo>>> 2022-03-11 17:20:29 zyloh jmjl natalia said hi a message prior 2022-03-11 17:20:54 jmjl what natalia says is true, I had sent a few (4) lines in another channel as a backlog with another client different than weechat which is called catgirl and didn't need to wait for the rate-limit. 2022-03-11 17:21:22 jmjl Oh, I thinked you where saying hi because of my bot's suddent leave,join. 2022-03-11 17:21:28 @natalia i have heard of catgirl but not tried it 2022-03-11 17:21:52 zyloh oh i didn't see any leave/join messages 2022-03-11 17:21:58 jmjl It is pretty nice and it is also ssl only. https://git.causal.agency/catgirl is the source and it is installed here :) 2022-03-11 17:22:11 dzwdz i'm waiting for the catboy fork 2022-03-11 17:22:34 jmjl dzwdz: What would you like in the catboy fork to be modified? 2022-03-11 17:22:53 dzwdz allow connecting without ssl 2022-03-11 17:23:16 dzwdz multi server support, perhaps 2022-03-11 17:23:23 zyloh catgirl looks really nice 2022-03-11 17:24:24 jmjl Maybe I'll try to do that. 2022-03-11 17:30:31 lown Does anyone use town irc on their phone? 2022-03-11 17:30:42 * дведь rises up hand 2022-03-11 17:30:42 the_default i do 2022-03-11 17:30:43 extratone Aside from me, I assume? 2022-03-11 17:30:48 the_default also hi 2022-03-11 17:30:50 lown okay all of you nice nice 2022-03-11 17:30:52 дведь i use the weechat relay 2022-03-11 17:30:54 lown hi :) 2022-03-11 17:30:56 дведь sup the_default 2022-03-11 17:30:59 the_default o/ 2022-03-11 17:31:05 lown how do y'all set it up? i'm on android 2022-03-11 17:31:06 extratone Does anyone else do so on *iPhone*? 2022-03-11 17:31:16 extratone ^ lown's question first. 2022-03-11 17:31:42 дведь i'm using the weechat relay client 2022-03-11 17:31:59 the_default i just use termux to ssh into town. which isn't great, don't recommend. 2022-03-11 17:32:20 lown This? https://github.com/ubergeek42/weechat-android 2022-03-11 17:32:24 the_default (also hope you recover from covid soon) 2022-03-11 17:32:34 дведь yeah 2022-03-11 17:32:46 lown the_default: yes i was thinking if that's the only option, it sounds painful 2022-03-11 17:32:54 lown (and thank you! so do i...) 2022-03-11 17:33:30 lown I'll try the weechat client, thank you дведь 2022-03-11 17:34:40 дведь speaking of irc clients 2022-03-11 17:34:48 дведь does anyone know how i can make irssi look more like weechat? 2022-03-11 17:35:02 @natalia alias irssi=weechat 2022-03-11 17:35:09 lown pffffff 2022-03-11 17:35:14 @natalia what parts about weechat do you mean 2022-03-11 17:35:21 дведь uh 2022-03-11 17:35:26 lown please don't make me laugh i am terribly frail 2022-03-11 17:35:27 дведь like all of them lel 2022-03-11 17:35:36 дведь it'd be nice to have right-aligned nicks 2022-03-11 17:35:39 дведь without <> 2022-03-11 17:35:47 lown am i gonna be the first to be like. why not use weechat 2022-03-11 17:35:52 elly you might just want weechat to be honest with you - irssi is not all that flexible 2022-03-11 17:36:03 дведь i heavily dislike weechat's configuration 2022-03-11 17:36:38 lown ah yeah fair, this is why i'm currently using a gui client on my laptop 2022-03-11 17:36:56 lown sometimes you wanna open a settings panel y'know? 2022-03-11 17:37:03 elly I think you could write an irssi plugin that does what you want 2022-03-11 17:37:17 elly but I don't think it has a builtin way to do that 2022-03-11 17:38:24 extratone phone overheating lol 2022-03-11 17:38:25 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-11 18:42:01 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 18:42:01 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-11 18:42:01 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-11 18:42:01 -- Channel #tildetown: 98 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 96 normals) 2022-03-11 18:42:03 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-11 18:42:17 bx Im bout to get off my pc (and my ass) to stretch and such 2022-03-11 18:42:20 lown dzwdz: with the weechat android client, it appears to connect to the ssh tunnel successfully, but then i gave it localhost for relay host, 6667 for relay port, and nothing for relay password, and it's not happy 2022-03-11 18:42:37 dzwdz relay != irc 2022-03-11 18:42:43 dzwdz you need to set it up in your client 2022-03-11 18:42:58 dzwdz see weechat's user manual, i haven't done it in a while 2022-03-11 18:42:59 bx but based on a conversaion with my biology teacher, i think that dreaded assignement is finally in gur past 2022-03-11 18:43:11 lown ohhh, I see 2022-03-11 18:43:30 bx i feel like a strong level of stress relief 2022-03-11 18:44:40 asm good afternoon townies 2022-03-11 18:44:44 nihilazo citrons: I'm reading how to design programs, as I heard it's like a more accessible SICP 2022-03-11 18:44:48 elly hello hello 2022-03-11 18:44:51 citrons I see 2022-03-11 18:44:56 * asm walks to the well near the centre of the town and rings the bell 2022-03-11 18:44:56 elly HTDP is also good! it is a different book 2022-03-11 18:44:59 nihilazo SICP required more exsting knowledge than I have 2022-03-11 18:45:02 lown hiya 2022-03-11 18:45:13 nihilazo I heard HTDP is different but covers similar ideas and is helpful in a similar way 2022-03-11 18:45:15 lown are you about to make an announcement asm? 2022-03-11 18:45:36 elly either way, the key concept is how to break up a big problem into smaller problems, solve those smaller problems, then compose the solutions into a solution to the bigger problem 2022-03-11 18:45:51 extratone town. :O https://www.neowin.net/news/you-can-now-dual-boot-windows-11-and-android-on-the-original-surface-duo/ 2022-03-11 18:46:01 lown what 2022-03-11 18:46:23 lown is nothing sacred, he exclaimed with barely concealed delight 2022-03-11 18:46:56 extratone I knew I should have bet on the surface duo lol 2022-03-11 18:47:14 extratone god I'll bet that is absolutely unusable. 2022-03-11 18:47:21 extratone so desirable. 2022-03-11 18:47:22 bx lown: nothing ever was 2022-03-11 18:47:47 extratone I'm at starbucks again and I got the grossest sounding thing I could find on the menu 2022-03-11 18:47:51 lown god, trying to work out how weechat relays work is absolutely beyond me today 2022-03-11 18:47:53 extratone and it is impressively gross. 2022-03-11 18:48:04 lown ooh share 2022-03-11 18:48:16 extratone Toasted Vanilla Oatmilk Espresso 2022-03-11 18:48:22 extratone with extra espresso 2022-03-11 18:48:23 lown ... 2022-03-11 18:48:27 lown that. what 2022-03-11 18:48:40 lown so many of those words don't go together, i love it 2022-03-11 18:48:58 extratone like I'm a grownup about taste. I was a heavy alcoholic for years and I'm telling you... this is ACTUALLy bad. 2022-03-11 18:49:09 lown you're an extra shot of soymilk away from three bean soup 2022-03-11 18:49:13 extratone worse than medicine. 2022-03-11 18:49:21 extratone hang on I'll ask them to make it soup 2022-03-11 18:49:24 lown also worse for your health than medicine 2022-03-11 18:49:27 dzwdz most medicine isn't that bad 2022-03-11 18:49:29 extratone "do you have any grits." 2022-03-11 18:49:35 lown hahha 2022-03-11 18:49:47 extratone and like $10 lol. 2022-03-11 18:49:54 extratone god bless america 2022-03-11 18:50:03 elly Starbucks really will just make you what you ask for huh 2022-03-11 18:50:13 bx elly: most coffee at starbucks is bad 2022-03-11 18:50:15 lown i sometimes wonder what starbuck's favourite starbucks would be 2022-03-11 18:50:20 elly bx: yeah, I am deeply familiar 2022-03-11 18:50:28 bx wait 2022-03-11 18:50:33 bx mb that was for extratone 2022-03-11 18:50:49 dzwdz bx: what cafe did you work at, again? 2022-03-11 18:50:53 extratone no elly that was actually on the menu. it's a featured item. 2022-03-11 18:50:58 elly yeah 2022-03-11 18:51:00 lown like, she seems pretty cosmopolitan, there was that whole bit in her flat 2022-03-11 18:51:18 extratone feelin like I need to stop by the megachurch maybe. extra american hormones today. 2022-03-11 18:51:22 lown i reckon she'd have enjoyed a starbucks 2022-03-11 18:51:27 elly you could! 2022-03-11 18:51:31 extratone pray to god then HIT THE GYM. 2022-03-11 18:51:33 lown oh man i bet there's fanfic 2022-03-11 18:51:41 elly man I miss my church in new york now 2022-03-11 18:51:49 elly we totally did have a coffee-then-church routine going 2022-03-11 18:52:15 extratone https://bilge.world/crossing-church-digital-worship 2022-03-11 18:52:31 bx dzwdz: so it was like gur company had sites in offices and such, gur one i was at was in a hostpital, but we knew what we were doing with gur coffee (after that worked 3 days in a smaller shop in london, owner was kinda a dick and i threw up twice :p) 2022-03-11 18:52:45 dzwdz o, a hospital? 2022-03-11 18:53:00 bx specifically gur staff area of one 2022-03-11 18:53:31 bx and before that i was in gur company's place in gur shard for 3 days before gur hostpital site openeded 2022-03-11 18:53:54 bx i do not envy those people who have to take a awkward long ass elevator every single day 2022-03-11 18:53:58 elly thanks whoever linked Julia Evans, there are some hella good posts here 2022-03-11 18:54:01 elly https://jvns.ca/blog/2022/02/20/things-that-used-to-be-hard-and-are-now-easy/ I love this one 2022-03-11 18:54:06 lown isn't she the bomb 2022-03-11 18:54:07 bx ^ what elly said 2022-03-11 18:54:10 lown that's my favourite!! 2022-03-11 18:54:26 lown that and there's a really good one about solving problems 2022-03-11 18:54:28 lown vague, i know 2022-03-11 18:55:07 lown okay, to the best of my knowledge AO3 does _not_ contain any fanfic about Starbuck drinking Starbucks 2022-03-11 18:55:11 lown time to fix that 2022-03-11 18:55:18 dzwdz \o/ 2022-03-11 18:55:27 dzwdz you have an account there? 2022-03-11 18:55:41 lown No, I don't, definitely more of a lurker 2022-03-11 18:55:57 lown My fanfic does not need to see the inside of anything but my hard drive 2022-03-11 18:56:09 login ao3 is *the* fanfic site right? 2022-03-11 18:56:12 dzwdz yea 2022-03-11 18:56:13 lown yeah 2022-03-11 18:56:38 bx i was gonna get up 10 mins ago, im gonna do that now laters 2022-03-11 18:56:44 lown bye! 2022-03-11 18:56:56 lown brb 2022-03-11 18:56:57 bx see yall either in an hour or tomorrow depedingin on how sleepy i am in gur next half hour 2022-03-11 18:57:02 <-- lown (lown@localhost) has quit (Quit: Leaving) 2022-03-11 18:57:06 --> lown (lown@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 18:57:14 lown had to restart hexchat 2022-03-11 18:58:50 twee im actually kind of a huge fan of ardour 2022-03-11 18:58:54 twee having used it very little 2022-03-11 18:58:55 twee i like it 2022-03-11 19:00:29 @natalia https://danluu.com/file-consistency/ good article 2022-03-11 19:01:23 lown ooh thanks 2022-03-11 19:01:37 lown i was just recently thinking about email consistency 2022-03-11 19:02:01 lown my mum has huge mailboxes and they got corrupted constantly on outlook 2022-03-11 19:02:20 lown apple mail has actually been really good, general trend of the times i suppose 2022-03-11 19:02:42 extratone how long ago were these outlook problems? 2022-03-11 19:02:58 lown oh like years ago, which is what i mean by 'trend of the times' 2022-03-11 19:03:15 lown in that she's only been using apple mail the last five or so years 2022-03-11 19:03:19 extratone ah. I was just lamenting how much I miss Outlook still lol. 2022-03-11 19:03:39 lown i still miss the interface of outlook express, which she used when i was a kid 2022-03-11 19:03:43 extratone Apple's Mail client is still the worst mail client on their platforms but the service itself is great. 2022-03-11 19:04:11 extratone having been a 365 admin... Outlook is by far the most redeemable piece of software Microsoft distributes. 2022-03-11 19:04:26 extratone enterprise software, anyway. 2022-03-11 19:04:57 lown i've slowly stopped ragging on MS's software over the last few years, from a stability/maintainability perspective anyway 2022-03-11 19:05:12 lown teams can absolutely get fucked though. 2022-03-11 19:05:35 twee so glad reader mode exists 2022-03-11 19:05:38 twee for dan luu's site 2022-03-11 19:06:03 lown 80 column mode plugin for firefox when 2022-03-11 19:06:14 extratone we were talking about teams yesterday lmao. 2022-03-11 19:06:28 dzwdz like i get the idea, but cmon, is `<style>body{max-width:80ch}</style>` really that bloated 2022-03-11 19:06:41 lown old job used teams for all company communication, except that all the devs used mattermost 2022-03-11 19:07:17 lown every so often management would pop up and ask how the devs would feel about moving to teams and closing mattermost 2022-03-11 19:07:31 lown i have never seen so many people get so angry so fast. 2022-03-11 19:08:42 extratone yeah I was saying yesterday... I switched my job away from 365 ent just as Microsoft REALLY started insisting on Teams and honestly it seems like the more resistance they get the more they drill down on it. 2022-03-11 19:08:49 extratone it's weird even for Microsoft. 2022-03-11 19:09:23 extratone I got to ask a guy on the Skype team (which still exists... what a BS job lmfao) wtf 2022-03-11 19:09:32 extratone and he would not utter a word about anything. 2022-03-11 19:09:46 lown i wager it saves them a lot of money to consolidate 2022-03-11 19:09:58 extratone "I'm not comfortable talking about my job in that sense." as if Skype's source code is a state secret. 2022-03-11 19:10:08 extratone proprietary culture is SO weird. 2022-03-11 19:10:15 lown yeah, word. 2022-03-11 19:10:43 extratone I just literally wanted to know a single activity of his workday. 2022-03-11 19:10:50 extratone on the Skype team. 2022-03-11 19:11:24 lown like when everything sort of drifted down from sharepoint into onedrive 2022-03-11 19:11:39 extratone BUT EVERYTHING IS STILL BUILT THE SAME. at least on enterprise. 2022-03-11 19:12:24 extratone they literally just took away the options menus so if you actually want to accomplish basic shit you have to find the azure console and tell it old sharepoint-cli commands lmao. 2022-03-11 19:12:25 lown in the defence of the skype team's sterling work, if they closed skype and collapsed it into teams, it would give a lot of long distance children a lot of tech headaches 2022-03-11 19:12:39 extratone sorry I'll shut up about msadmin shit but it was such a bizarre experience lol 2022-03-11 19:12:46 lown i for one and perfectly happy not needing to explain to my mother how teams works 2022-03-11 19:12:54 lown s/and/am 2022-03-11 19:12:54 sedbot <lown> i for one am perfectly happy not needing to explain to my mother how teams works 2022-03-11 19:13:08 extratone same! 2022-03-11 19:13:41 lown right, dinner, talk later town x 2022-03-11 19:14:17 extratone o/ lown thanks for chatting 2022-03-11 19:15:47 twee i hope they use 365 ent at google 2022-03-11 19:19:45 extratone I'm sure somebody Google owns and forgot about long ago certainly does. 2022-03-11 19:21:57 elly we definitely use the various google apps :P 2022-03-11 19:22:57 astrinaut i use a competitor's product at work, every bigcorp has teams that dgaf 2022-03-11 19:23:11 dzwdz you gotta know your competition 2022-03-11 19:23:19 astrinaut you also gotta get work done 2022-03-11 19:23:42 elly indeed 2022-03-11 19:24:51 extratone https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/gurgle.png 2022-03-11 19:25:33 elly unsettling 2022-03-11 19:26:45 extratone this the heaven we built for ourselves. enjoy it. https://lunduke.substack.com/p/make-linux-look-exactly-like-windows 2022-03-11 19:27:55 dzwdz that's clickbait 2022-03-11 19:27:56 astrinaut i intend to 2022-03-11 19:28:00 dzwdz i expected something pixel perfect 2022-03-11 19:28:19 dzwdz that's definitely close, but far from exact 2022-03-11 19:31:43 nihilazo FUCK 2022-03-11 19:31:46 nihilazo FUCKING USB PORTS 2022-03-11 19:31:48 nihilazo FUCK 2022-03-11 19:31:55 nihilazo the USB port on this norns has broken off 2022-03-11 19:31:58 the_default (have you broken a usb port) 2022-03-11 19:31:58 nihilazo it's not even my thing 2022-03-11 19:32:03 nihilazo I have broken a USB port 2022-03-11 19:32:05 the_default oh no 2022-03-11 19:32:05 dzwdz :( 2022-03-11 19:32:07 nihilazo it's not my device 2022-03-11 19:32:13 nihilazo and it's worth like 800 bucks 2022-03-11 19:32:14 the_default oh oh no 2022-03-11 19:32:19 nihilazo I'm boned. 2022-03-11 19:32:20 dzwdz oh fuck 2022-03-11 19:32:29 the_default extra oh no with extra oh no sauce 2022-03-11 19:32:35 nihilazo I didn't do anything! I just tried to plug a USB cable into ti and it broken 2022-03-11 19:32:43 nihilazo I am very good at breaking things it seems 2022-03-11 19:32:44 dzwdz don't touch it anymore 2022-03-11 19:32:44 nihilazo fuck 2022-03-11 19:32:48 dzwdz don't try to repair it 2022-03-11 19:32:50 nihilazo I'm going to see what happened to it 2022-03-11 19:32:54 nihilazo not gonna try and repair it 2022-03-11 19:32:59 dzwdz you'll risk damaging it further 2022-03-11 19:33:06 nihilazo I am going to contact the person I am borrowing it from to say I'm so so sorry 2022-03-11 19:33:08 dzwdz are you sure that it isn't just a faulty cable? 2022-03-11 19:33:10 nihilazo but it just broke 2022-03-11 19:33:15 nihilazo yeah there is no socket any more 2022-03-11 19:33:20 nihilazo I think it broke off the PCB 2022-03-11 19:33:21 dzwdz bruh what 2022-03-11 19:33:22 nihilazo fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck 2022-03-11 19:33:29 nihilazo extra oh no sauce indeed 2022-03-11 19:33:32 dzwdz ok that actually isn't that bad 2022-03-11 19:33:37 dzwdz you could probably just solder it back on 2022-03-11 19:33:39 dzwdz calm down 2022-03-11 19:33:44 nihilazo yeah but it's not my device 2022-03-11 19:33:49 nihilazo and I am shit at soldering 2022-03-11 19:33:49 dzwdz the owner could 2022-03-11 19:33:54 dzwdz it's not your fault 2022-03-11 19:34:09 dzwdz and i'm assuming the norns is going to be repairable 2022-03-11 19:34:17 nihilazo yeah it's built to be repairable 2022-03-11 19:34:25 nihilazo I want to see what's actually happened to it 2022-03-11 19:34:28 dzwdz don't 2022-03-11 19:34:30 dzwdz seriously 2022-03-11 19:34:32 dzwdz bad idea 2022-03-11 19:34:39 dzwdz you'll risk actually fucking something up 2022-03-11 19:36:49 dzwdz calm down and reach out to the owner 2022-03-11 19:36:51 dzwdz once you're calm 2022-03-11 19:40:40 elly https://jvns.ca/blog/2021/01/23/firecracker--start-a-vm-in-less-than-a-second/ wah this is so cool 2022-03-11 19:41:58 dzwdz oooh 2022-03-11 19:42:19 dzwdz so my first question was "is this even faster than qemu?" and there's a bunch of papers linked right below 2022-03-11 19:42:40 @vilmibm elly: neat 2022-03-11 19:42:44 trashski !tarot 2022-03-11 19:42:44 rufus[awkbot] The Seven of Wands - perseverance, defensive, maintaining control 2022-03-11 19:42:49 elly hello vilmibm! 2022-03-11 19:42:52 elly how's it going? 2022-03-11 19:42:53 @vilmibm hi hi 2022-03-11 19:42:56 asm h hi vilmibm 2022-03-11 19:43:01 asm hi hi* 2022-03-11 19:43:02 @vilmibm it's ok, made some acceptable pourover coffee for myself 2022-03-11 19:43:07 * asm sup coffee 2022-03-11 19:43:08 elly splendid 2022-03-11 19:43:09 @vilmibm hello asm 2022-03-11 19:43:11 * asm sip* 2022-03-11 19:43:14 * asm cannot type 2022-03-11 19:43:16 the_default hey vil, trashski, asm 2022-03-11 19:43:23 asm hi the 2022-03-11 19:43:26 @vilmibm i am allowed to take off today but am choosing to work bc i want to finish this project before i put in notice. 2022-03-11 19:43:29 @vilmibm how are all y'all? 2022-03-11 19:43:34 asm good 2022-03-11 19:43:36 elly I had left a question a couple of days ago about how the patreon is doing vs how much tilde.town costs to run and if we were still interested in hiring a contract sysadmin 2022-03-11 19:43:55 elly I am doing well! today is theoretically a corp holiday but I am working and taking next friday off instead 2022-03-11 19:44:14 the_default huh firecracker might finally be the solution to my crappy minecraft computer mod with real vms 2022-03-11 19:44:24 the_default might try remaking it agai 2022-03-11 19:44:51 the_default actually no it isn't 2022-03-11 19:44:54 the_default i am stupid 2022-03-11 19:44:54 elly A pared-down VMM 2022-03-11 19:44:55 elly Firecracker began as a fork of Google's crosvm from ChromeOS. 2022-03-11 19:44:58 elly aha! I was wondering 2022-03-11 19:45:10 dzwdz inb4 you find out you were somehow involved 2022-03-11 19:45:17 @vilmibm elly: oh i missed the question. right now the patreon covers our cost with about $40-60 leftover. 2022-03-11 19:45:28 elly I am sure my code is running in this somewhere :) 2022-03-11 19:45:35 m455 vilmibm: i'm so excited about your next after-work adventure in life!!! 2022-03-11 19:45:37 elly but crosvm is entirely rust so it would be via a library 2022-03-11 19:45:39 elly vilmibm: awesome 2022-03-11 19:45:54 m455 elly: re: your code being there possibly: that's so awesome!! 2022-03-11 19:45:59 elly haha 2022-03-11 19:46:00 @vilmibm so hiring a person would be hard, but it's also an option that i just pay them out of my own pocket 2022-03-11 19:46:09 elly some parts of chromium are very very widely reused 2022-03-11 19:46:16 elly plus there are all those electron apps and such 2022-03-11 19:46:26 extratone https://tilde.town/~extratone/images/hungo.png 2022-03-11 19:46:27 elly vilmibm: yeah, I was going to offer to help pay for that if we had specific work we wanted to contract for 2022-03-11 19:46:34 @vilmibm a post-GH path i'm considering is founding a non-profit which would make such money moving / employment much easier but that's not very short term. 2022-03-11 19:46:56 m455 elly: which language did you write the parts of chromeos in out of curiousity? i'm always interested in which langs are used behind the scenes of things lol 2022-03-11 19:47:02 elly m455: C and C++ 2022-03-11 19:47:09 m455 awesome! 2022-03-11 19:47:11 elly the kernel work was all C, a lot of the userland was C++ but some of it was C too 2022-03-11 19:47:28 m455 fun! i should try out c++, i had tried out C a lot lately :D 2022-03-11 19:47:38 elly C++ is a big language and not easy to learn, but useful to know 2022-03-11 19:47:48 dzwdz o, what kind of kernel work did you do on chromeos? 2022-03-11 19:47:56 elly I worked a bunch on cell modem drivers 2022-03-11 19:48:04 elly incredibly dull code for the most part 2022-03-11 19:48:46 elly also a little bit on dm-verity which is the hashed immutable rootfs thing chromeos uses 2022-03-11 19:49:01 elly https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/device-mapper/verity.html this thing 2022-03-11 19:49:21 @vilmibm elly: mm, i'm happy to talk more about it. i don't think i have a super clear idea of what the job desc would look like right now. off the top of my head, managing systemd units, some amount of work towards adding monitoring (as abuse prevention). 2022-03-11 19:49:23 dzwdz from what i've seen the way you "root" chromeos is suprisingly reasonable 2022-03-11 19:49:29 dzwdz with how you can rollback to a legit os 2022-03-11 19:49:37 @vilmibm brb, grabbing my wife some coffee from the Outside 2022-03-11 19:49:39 dzwdz a big step up from the android mess 2022-03-11 19:49:39 elly dzwdz: well, you flip it into developer mode and then it stops verifying the rootfs or kernel image 2022-03-11 19:49:46 dzwdz but you can flip back in, right? 2022-03-11 19:49:47 elly and then you do what you want to it 2022-03-11 19:49:48 elly you can 2022-03-11 19:49:59 elly it will then stop booting your modified image 2022-03-11 19:50:21 dzwdz and you also don't need to use any horrible bootloader unlock/shitty flashing utilities 2022-03-11 19:50:23 dzwdz i assume 2022-03-11 19:50:27 elly indeed you don't 2022-03-11 19:52:09 猫 how do I stop listening to mili help 2022-03-11 19:52:28 elly they were designed to support that from the start because it makes a better product and also a better security story 2022-03-11 19:53:43 dzwdz being able to rollback safely is big 2022-03-11 19:53:47 elly since it takes "rootfs did not verify" from "very exceptional case" to "something that both users and developers will encounter in normal use" which means it gets tested a LOT more 2022-03-11 19:53:53 dzwdz i hate how rooting a phone completely voids any trust you have in it 2022-03-11 19:54:02 elly yeah indeed 2022-03-11 19:54:16 elly one of the userland things I worked on was cryptohome, which is the service responsible for homedir encryption on chromeos 2022-03-11 19:54:36 elly which does some imo pretty clever things to arrange for your homedir to be unrecoverably erased if you enter dev mode 2022-03-11 19:55:48 elly namely, one of the keys used for encrypting the key used to encrypt your homedir is bound to the TPM's PCR state, so if you boot in dev mode, the PCR state is different and the TPM won't decrypt the key for you 2022-03-11 19:59:57 elly https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform2/+/refs/heads/main/cryptohome/docs/decrypt.md hell yeah it's still here 2022-03-11 20:01:11 猫 !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dca9gJyjoAg 2022-03-11 20:01:11 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Mili - Salt, Pepper, Birds, and the Thought Police 2022-03-11 20:01:41 jmjl elly: Do you think that was good for the users? 2022-03-11 20:01:54 elly do I think what was 2022-03-11 20:02:04 elly having developer mode? definitely yes 2022-03-11 20:02:22 jmjl No the, not decrypting the key for you. 2022-03-11 20:02:27 elly oh 2022-03-11 20:02:29 elly yes 2022-03-11 20:02:59 elly the intent behind that design was, doing it that way ensures that if someone gets ahold of your chromebook, they both have to compromise the physical TPM *and then* crack your password 2022-03-11 20:03:08 dzwdz wait a sec, chromebooks have mandatory fde? 2022-03-11 20:03:10 dzwdz that's dope 2022-03-11 20:03:14 elly if it wasn't built that way, someone could flip it into dev mode, extract your hashed password, then crack it normally 2022-03-11 20:03:41 elly dzwdz: they don't do FDE - they have encrypted homedirs and an unencrypted but immutable rootfs 2022-03-11 20:03:48 elly so not "FD"E 2022-03-11 20:03:49 jmjl Oh, I thinked that was making it so that in dev mode you couldn't decrypt the files in any way. 2022-03-11 20:03:51 elly but all user data is encrypted 2022-03-11 20:04:17 elly jmjl: hm, I actually am unsure :) 2022-03-11 20:04:21 elly it's been a long while 2022-03-11 20:04:35 jmjl But that's on the open source chromebooks? 2022-03-11 20:04:39 elly sure 2022-03-11 20:05:10 jmjl Oh, also could anyone setup any other os different than chromeos in the chromebooks? 2022-03-11 20:05:12 elly yeah, I don't know what the current state of things is, there are mentions in this doc of stuff that postdates me 2022-03-11 20:05:23 elly jmjl: sure, in developer mode they are normalish linux laptops 2022-03-11 20:05:27 elly you can boot whatever on them 2022-03-11 20:06:08 jmjl Oh, do you think the hardware is good? 2022-03-11 20:06:16 elly mostly no, but it is cheap 2022-03-11 20:06:30 elly and all well-supported by linux :P 2022-03-11 20:06:54 jmjl great, because I like cheap things that are well-supported by linux. 2022-03-11 20:07:33 jmjl https://wiki.512mb.org/en/installing-linux-on-chromebooks. Found a guide of how to do it. 2022-03-11 20:09:30 elly the bios wipe part in this guide is what trashes the keys in the TPM I think, but after you do it you could install new keys and use them to do homedir encryption the same way 2022-03-11 20:09:38 elly you just wouldn't be able to recover the data that was there before 2022-03-11 20:09:59 elly very much not sure though 2022-03-11 20:10:30 jmjl Any chromebook works, right? 2022-03-11 20:10:38 elly no idea 2022-03-11 20:10:43 dzwdz the kid ones are suspiciously cheap 2022-03-11 20:10:56 elly some of the lower-end ones are *really* low end, hardware wise 2022-03-11 20:11:01 elly like, pretty bad displays, small disks 2022-03-11 20:13:30 jmjl But I think it would be better to buy a thinkpad if whe get to those levels. 2022-03-11 20:13:40 the_default (oh no that didn't do a dry run like i thought it would. oh few it did what i wanted anyway) 2022-03-11 20:13:47 the_default s/few/phew 2022-03-11 20:13:47 sedbot <the_default> (oh no that didn't do a dry run like i thought it would. oh phew it did what i wanted anyway) 2022-03-11 20:13:55 adminbot ***** PSA: https://github.com/ergochat/ergo/blob/master/docs/MANUAL.md#why-is-ergo-ignoring-my-ident-response--user-command cc jmjl 2022-03-11 20:14:08 jmjl Thanks adminbot 2022-03-11 20:14:11 elly to be honest if you want to run linux on a laptop there are probably better choices 2022-03-11 20:14:18 elly chromebooks only really make sense if you want chromeos 2022-03-11 20:15:49 jmjl But it still does not make sense when you have bots like minerober that limit how many things can be said at once 2022-03-11 20:16:28 archangelic when I went chromebook shopping, i looked for one that had an IPS display because so many are using 00's era tft panels 2022-03-11 20:16:51 archangelic (or it was the other way around, I don't remember) 2022-03-11 20:17:06 elly a lot of them are quite literally the cheapest hardware that works 2022-03-11 20:17:23 archangelic I just know I ended up spending more money for one, then they promised linux would work, but several chrome updates killed the linux vm 2022-03-11 20:17:28 archangelic and it became untenable 2022-03-11 20:17:29 elly rip 2022-03-11 20:17:44 elly the linux vm works on my current pixelbook 2022-03-11 20:18:14 archangelic I ended up just saving the money and buying an M1 macbook air which has a fucking great display, great processor, fanless, light, and runs a solid OS 2022-03-11 20:18:34 elly highly valid 2022-03-11 20:18:42 archangelic It's not linux, but the pc laptop market is filled with trash 2022-03-11 20:18:51 elly those are a good 4-5x more expensive than the bottom end chromebooks 2022-03-11 20:18:58 archangelic absolutely 2022-03-11 20:19:06 archangelic well, not really 2022-03-11 20:19:17 archangelic I spent 400 on an okay chromebook, and got my air for 850 2022-03-11 20:19:21 the_default i'm still disappointed sleep just doesn't work with my laptop. but i can't switch back to windows (and i can't sell it, not technically mine) 2022-03-11 20:19:22 archangelic so a little over 2x 2022-03-11 20:19:26 archangelic but still 2022-03-11 20:19:28 elly oh wow, that is a pretty good price on an M1 macbook 2022-03-11 20:19:38 archangelic buy it refurbed 2022-03-11 20:19:40 jmjl I'm just using a laptop under a monitor and a keyboard. 2022-03-11 20:19:43 elly oh, yeah 2022-03-11 20:19:46 @vilmibm my work just sent me a thinkpad x1 extreme and so far i think i like it >_> 2022-03-11 20:19:53 jmjl great 2022-03-11 20:19:58 archangelic that's awesome 2022-03-11 20:20:06 @vilmibm it's very light for being 16 inches and has good speakers/touchpad 2022-03-11 20:20:19 jmjl elly: Are you running ChromeOs? 2022-03-11 20:20:19 @vilmibm 32gb of ram and a mobo that switches from integrated graphics to a 1650ti 2022-03-11 20:20:27 archangelic oh shit 2022-03-11 20:20:28 elly jmjl: on my pixelbook? yes 2022-03-11 20:20:36 @vilmibm sadly running linux on it would be a huge pain but i'll just use WSL2 2022-03-11 20:20:40 jmjl interesting, does it support linugx. 2022-03-11 20:20:50 dzwdz what would you even need the 1650ti for? 2022-03-11 20:20:52 the_default oh wow, that sounds great 2022-03-11 20:21:10 dzwdz or is it not only a work laptop 2022-03-11 20:21:23 @vilmibm i mean i think my boss was just like "send him a thinkpad with decent specs" and that is what showed up 2022-03-11 20:21:24 elly jmjl: yeah but I want it to run chromeos 2022-03-11 20:21:29 jmjl Still when you get that huge pain done you would not need windoze. 2022-03-11 20:21:29 @vilmibm def don't need a GPU to compile my Golang CLI app 2022-03-11 20:21:44 dzwdz modern iGPUs are actually pretty damn strong 2022-03-11 20:22:11 dzwdz i was worried when i was buying my laptop about the igpu, but it's smooth as butter for 2d image editing 2022-03-11 20:22:16 dzwdz and i don't care about much more than that 2022-03-11 20:22:21 archangelic vilmibm: you needed a hammer, they sent a whole toolbox 2022-03-11 20:22:45 @vilmibm yes 2022-03-11 20:23:00 @vilmibm they also sent me an m1 mac book pro 13in (bc i have to do cross platform work) which i expected to like more than i do 2022-03-11 20:23:21 @vilmibm it literally doesn't work with my dock (external screen just turns on and off forever) 2022-03-11 20:23:46 archangelic oh, yeah, thunderbolt is a maze of compatibility issues 2022-03-11 20:23:54 archangelic and the 13in pro is... not good 2022-03-11 20:24:13 archangelic the 14 in pro is better and has an actual better processor 2022-03-11 20:25:02 archangelic my PCs that have thunderbolt don't work with anything that works with my mac, and I just don't get it. I feel like it's a licensed system that only mac cares about full features of 2022-03-11 20:25:08 @vilmibm archangelic: yeah the 14 in one looks rad as hell 2022-03-11 20:25:14 @vilmibm and i was hoping he was sending me that lol 2022-03-11 20:25:17 @vilmibm but i got the maligned 13 inch. 2022-03-11 20:25:17 elly archangelic: I think it feels like that because that is precisely what it is 2022-03-11 20:25:36 elly everyone else is all in on USB & DisplayPort or whatever 2022-03-11 20:26:18 jmjl I am not in. 2022-03-11 20:26:40 elly by "everyone else" I mean computer manufacturers 2022-03-11 20:26:43 elly not necessarily you 2022-03-11 20:27:15 archangelic displayport has dedicated channels on the thunderbolt spec, but so many docks and accessories want the full bluetooth band 2022-03-11 20:27:21 archangelic not bluetooth 2022-03-11 20:27:21 archangelic god 2022-03-11 20:27:24 archangelic thunderbolt 2022-03-11 20:27:40 archangelic and if something doesn't pass the vibe check, it just fails 2022-03-11 20:28:22 @vilmibm this is why i am particularly mad at the m1 pro: i bought a dock, at significant mark up, that was recommended by apple years ago as fully compatible with mac stuff 2022-03-11 20:28:24 elly I'm gonna start calling my debugging functions that consistency check a data structure "vibe_check" 2022-03-11 20:28:54 archangelic all computers are just vibes and marketing 2022-03-11 20:28:55 @vilmibm it worked great with my curren mbp 2022-03-11 20:29:03 @vilmibm and fails miserably with the m1 mbp 2022-03-11 20:29:05 @vilmibm current* 2022-03-11 20:29:07 archangelic oh, that's wild... 2022-03-11 20:29:16 @vilmibm i googled around and it's a common problem :C 2022-03-11 20:29:41 archangelic is that one of the ones where one side was full thunderbolt and one side of ports was just usb-c? I know one gen of the 13in did that... 2022-03-11 20:29:46 @vilmibm the butterfly keyboard + touchbar + heating issues on this thing means i will not stick with it post-GH and intend to just use the x1 extreme (x1x? x1ex?) full time anyway 2022-03-11 20:29:58 archangelic makes sense 2022-03-11 20:30:06 elly wait do you get to keep your work laptop after you leave? 2022-03-11 20:30:15 @vilmibm elly: yeah, i just have to pay taxes on them 2022-03-11 20:30:21 elly aha 2022-03-11 20:30:42 archangelic oh damn, I wish symantec had let me keep mine... 2022-03-11 20:30:49 archangelic but security theater and whatnot 2022-03-11 20:31:14 elly we don't get to keep ours either 2022-03-11 20:31:15 archangelic the security company that is beta testing using customers as bitcoin miners 2022-03-11 20:31:25 archangelic so glad I got booted before that move 2022-03-11 20:31:25 elly I don't think it's theater really, they just want to make sure it gets erased properly :P 2022-03-11 20:31:39 archangelic I mean, they could just erase it and give it to me lol 2022-03-11 20:31:44 elly oh yeah 2022-03-11 20:31:55 elly I guess I could mail mine in, get it erased and de-enterprised, then get it back if I asked 2022-03-11 20:32:18 archangelic Oh, I worked at an office at that point, I literally gave the machine to a person in an office 2022-03-11 20:34:18 login apple has so much money, why can't they make things "just work" with products they themselves recommended? 2022-03-11 20:34:27 login it harms their brand even more, doesn't it 2022-03-11 20:34:39 login and isn't that where most of the 'apple premium' comes from? 2022-03-11 20:34:56 archangelic because at the end of the day, thunderbolt is just a marketing/licensing thing from intel 2022-03-11 20:35:09 archangelic it's still capitalism at its worst 2022-03-11 20:35:36 archangelic and as someone who has used apple products for years, it's just kind of how things on the mac have always been 2022-03-11 20:35:51 archangelic so nothing is going to change about a few recommended products not working great 2022-03-11 20:36:10 archangelic the mac has been second-class since the iphone, and that's mostly fine, but it kinda sucks 2022-03-11 20:36:31 archangelic and the move to ARM is definitely going to have some pains 2022-03-11 20:37:08 archangelic I do have less compatibility issues than I have with various PCs i've used, but there are still bumps 2022-03-11 20:37:49 login it's like using icloud for your email 2022-03-11 20:37:59 @vilmibm the mac ARM experience has been more pleasant than the msft surface pro x ARM experience but I think I'm comfortable waiting a few years on ARM anyway 2022-03-11 20:38:01 archangelic I worked on a team that had a mix of windows and mac users, and the windows users had way more issues with our stack than we did 2022-03-11 20:38:29 login so it's the choice between bad and worse 2022-03-11 20:39:01 archangelic I think you're being intentionally inflammatory 2022-03-11 20:39:22 archangelic computers suck, sometimes for certain things, they suck less 2022-03-11 20:40:28 elly I hear that sentiment a lot but do not really vibe with it 2022-03-11 20:40:33 elly computers are hella cool and awesome 2022-03-11 20:40:58 @vilmibm well, computers are certainly chaotic and unpredictable 2022-03-11 20:41:05 @vilmibm which leads to frustration 2022-03-11 20:41:05 login the monitor thing is pretty awful though; they do check compatibility with products they themselves recommended right? 2022-03-11 20:41:18 @vilmibm login: the dock was recommended back in like 2017/2018 2022-03-11 20:41:19 login they should at least do that 2022-03-11 20:41:25 @vilmibm so for all i know they no longer recommend it. 2022-03-11 20:42:00 login i am using a mid-2012 apple laptop; i no longer upgrade the OS either (i use windows on it now) 2022-03-11 20:42:20 @vilmibm my long view of being old and now having spent significant time working in mac/windows/linux environments is: there will be failure, complexity, frustration, confusion on any platform because of how much complexity humans have layed on top of the humble CPU 2022-03-11 20:42:24 lown belatedly, jmjl: i tried to install linux on a google pixel, it was a lot of work and it was quite broken 2022-03-11 20:42:37 lown do i mean pixel? 2022-03-11 20:42:46 lown google's own chromebook 2022-03-11 20:42:53 login pixelbook 2022-03-11 20:42:54 elly the original Pixel from 2013? 2022-03-11 20:42:57 elly or the Pixelbook 2022-03-11 20:42:57 lown pixelbook 2022-03-11 20:42:58 elly ah yeah 2022-03-11 20:43:06 archangelic I second vilmibm's sentiment 2022-03-11 20:43:07 elly the Pixelbook is a pretty weird item hardware wise 2022-03-11 20:43:16 lown but that's just one experience; the pixelbook was quite a strange lapt- 2022-03-11 20:43:16 login pixel was the laptop, but now it's the hphone? 2022-03-11 20:43:16 elly I've never tried to put another linux on mine 2022-03-11 20:43:18 jmjl pixelbook or pixelbook go? 2022-03-11 20:43:18 lown ^^ 2022-03-11 20:43:25 elly regular pixelbook for me 2022-03-11 20:43:33 lown pixelbook go I think. 2022-03-11 20:43:34 elly login: god don't remind me 2022-03-11 20:43:48 login i don't recall either 2022-03-11 20:43:59 elly [google product manager] "I think we'll call it... 'Pixel'." "Daring today, aren't we?" 2022-03-11 20:44:09 lown i tried installing the specific chromebook distro's out there 2022-03-11 20:44:12 login I mean, gPhone would have worked fine 2022-03-11 20:44:56 lown Should've just kept adding 's'-es on the end depending on what version they were at 2022-03-11 20:45:03 lown Google Pixelsssss 2022-03-11 20:46:13 login My speculation is, they will eventually do P1xel, P2xel, Pnxel 2022-03-11 20:46:15 jmjl //exec python -c 'print('Google Pixel {}'.format(200*'s')). Whe are launching it. 2022-03-11 20:46:33 login ^ it will be made of cardboard right? 2022-03-11 20:46:37 dzwdz P1x3l 2022-03-11 20:46:48 dzwdz xx_P1x3l_xx 2022-03-11 20:47:04 login if they made an unlocked phone that can run linux and is a full computer, they can call that the P1x3l 2022-03-11 20:47:38 archangelic didn't canonical try to do that? 2022-03-11 20:47:52 archangelic like that was half the point of the Unity project 2022-03-11 20:48:00 jmjl No, it will be made of plastic, using magnetic switches actioned by mechanical systems. 2022-03-11 20:48:55 login it's not a profitable product, but it can increase reputation 2022-03-11 20:48:57 jmjl You thinked cardboard, but if whe go to landfills take the plastic(maybe with permssion, or without it) and make a phone with that it will get better reputation 2022-03-11 20:49:23 login you know, how many carbon credits can i get if i do that? 2022-03-11 20:50:43 @vilmibm canonical tried 2022-03-11 20:50:49 @vilmibm it didn't go anywhere 2022-03-11 20:50:52 @vilmibm hell, mozilla tried 2022-03-11 20:51:02 @vilmibm i think in a bin somewhere i might still have my gecko phone? 2022-03-11 20:51:28 elly the pinephone folks too 2022-03-11 20:51:37 elly it's been tried a handful of times over the years 2022-03-11 20:51:53 @vilmibm ah yeah 2022-03-11 20:52:00 elly there just aren't enough people that want it to make it a worthwhile commercial endeavor 2022-03-11 20:52:21 login but google didn't try it 2022-03-11 20:53:18 elly I don't really know why google would want to 2022-03-11 20:53:19 login phones are still in the 'amiga' phase, no standardised components and drivers 2022-03-11 20:53:46 login i don't think there will be interoprability without some kind of regulatory prodding 2022-03-11 20:53:54 @vilmibm which seems highly unlikely 2022-03-11 20:54:11 jmjl But also that most people now only have phones seems kinda rare 2022-03-11 20:54:12 elly I don't know what it would even mean to have interoperability 2022-03-11 20:54:18 login it seems like the only option left is reverse-engineering, but their security chip even rejects that 2022-03-11 20:54:21 elly jmjl: hm? 2022-03-11 20:54:42 login it's rare that most people have only phones 2022-03-11 20:54:54 elly it is rare in rich countries 2022-03-11 20:54:59 login exactly 2022-03-11 20:55:07 elly it is very common on less rich countries 2022-03-11 20:55:10 jmjl I'm refering that most people that live in this world in rich contries only use phones. 2022-03-11 20:55:18 elly what? 2022-03-11 20:55:30 elly most people in rich countries have both a phone and another device 2022-03-11 20:55:53 jmjl A tablet? 2022-03-11 20:55:54 login have vs use 2022-03-11 20:55:57 elly sure, or a laptop 2022-03-11 20:56:09 extratone and probably a billion other other devices that they just leave on, unused, for months at a time. 2022-03-11 20:56:13 login only might not be true, but mostly is probably true 2022-03-11 20:56:17 jmjl Yep. 2022-03-11 20:56:30 elly ah hm 2022-03-11 20:56:35 elly I'm not sure about actual time in use 2022-03-11 20:56:55 login it's sad that the full computing platform on phones is not unlocked for those who only have phones as their one device 2022-03-11 20:57:21 extratone speaking of which I'm gonna get off my butt and go see if I can get in a car accident see ya later town. S t a y m o b i l e 2022-03-11 20:57:26 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-11 22:13:43 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 22:13:43 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-11 22:13:43 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-11 22:13:43 -- Channel #tildetown: 98 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 95 normals) 2022-03-11 22:13:45 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-11 22:16:31 extratone howdy town I'm sorry if my leaving comment was insensitive it just occured to me. 2022-03-11 22:16:42 extratone that said, I was unsuccessful. 2022-03-11 22:16:57 lown On the note of on-the-go SSH management, archangelic, what about that DevTerm? 2022-03-11 22:17:23 @archangelic I'm a filthy iphone user 2022-03-11 22:17:39 lown Yeah but. It's pretty 2022-03-11 22:17:41 lown https://www.clockworkpi.com/devterm 2022-03-11 22:17:54 lown Expensive? yes 2022-03-11 22:17:56 @archangelic Oh, i thought you were talking about a feature 2022-03-11 22:17:58 asm what was your leaving comment? 2022-03-11 22:18:00 @archangelic hell yes, I want these 2022-03-11 22:18:01 lown Too expensive? probably 2022-03-11 22:18:10 lown But also, pretty. 2022-03-11 22:18:16 asm oh 2022-03-11 22:18:16 @archangelic Or I was thinking about hooking a rpi to a dot matrix printer 2022-03-11 22:18:21 @archangelic probably just as expensive 2022-03-11 22:18:34 lown I really like the thermal printer thing, not gonna lie 2022-03-11 22:18:43 @archangelic thermal printers are so fun 2022-03-11 22:18:50 @archangelic I spent too long in POS support 2022-03-11 22:18:55 @archangelic thermals are so fun 2022-03-11 22:19:48 lown Extremely into the retrofuture where instead of giving someone your business card, you pull out your devterm and thermal print them your contact details 2022-03-11 22:20:09 @archangelic lol, our test bench at one job had a power supply for a thermal printer for static cling stickers, but the post it used worked for print servers (make a parallel printer networked) so we put a big skull on it because it would explode the print servers 2022-03-11 22:20:41 lown That's beautiful 2022-03-11 22:21:35 @archangelic the funny part is that we learned because the end users exploded a bunch of print servers over the years 2022-03-11 22:21:40 lown I saw a post someone made about their homelab and someone commented saying that it looked much more professional than many actual business server racks and then someone else said that one place they worked, the server lived in a corner of the conference room and someone unplugged it to plug in a projector 2022-03-11 22:21:56 @archangelic full on tracks 2022-03-11 22:22:10 @archangelic I'm a professinal and I would do something like that if I needed a projector 2022-03-11 22:22:25 lown quite right too, when you gotta project you gotta project 2022-03-11 22:23:50 lown oh on the note of monstrosities using 18650 batteries, there's also this which i admit i really really want even though it is completely not what i need 2022-03-11 22:24:02 lown https://www.crowdsupply.com/mnt/reform 2022-03-11 22:24:27 lown it's a rechargeable brick which also happens to run Linux 2022-03-11 22:24:32 lown and i love it 2022-03-11 22:26:23 lown it's got a tiny status oled screen! and a trackball! and a mechanical keyboard! 2022-03-11 22:26:56 nihilazo I love the reform in theory 2022-03-11 22:27:00 nihilazo I would hate it in practice 2022-03-11 22:27:05 lown same same 2022-03-11 22:27:08 nihilazo because it's just so huge 2022-03-11 22:27:18 nihilazo and has a distinct lack of any kind of real software support 2022-03-11 22:27:18 nihilazo etc 2022-03-11 22:27:22 nihilazo but it's a really nice idea 2022-03-11 22:28:08 lown well, it's a linux computer running Debian on ARM, the software wouldn't be my main concern 2022-03-11 22:28:43 citrons if it runs debian, then it's software support would certainly not be a problem 2022-03-11 22:29:13 citrons for me, at least. I haven't heard of this device before 2022-03-11 22:29:51 lown it does, and all the component drivers are open source 2022-03-11 22:29:58 nihilazo why do I feel like all my money is going on repairing things rn 2022-03-11 22:30:02 nihilazo I want to repair my mp3 player 2022-03-11 22:30:07 nihilazo but buying the parts has a hefty order fee 2022-03-11 22:30:08 citrons laptops are seriously lacking in thickness. this means that they have horrible thermal performance as a result. and they thus destroy themselves 2022-03-11 22:30:13 nihilazo and it might not even work 2022-03-11 22:30:28 nihilazo and I want to get this norns repaired but it's not even mine and there's no way I could even afford the repair at all 2022-03-11 22:30:52 lown my main concern is sometimes i wanna unwind and binge watch grey's anatomy, and i'm not sure that a laptop like this would be able to do even do that 2022-03-11 22:30:55 nihilazo I could just give up and buy another cheap mp3 player, it'd do what I want and be cheaper than repairing my current one. But I don't want to do that because it's shitty to cause more e-waste when it can be saved 2022-03-11 22:31:09 <-- the_default (the_default@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-11 22:31:11 --> the_default (the_default@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-11 22:32:19 citrons my tilde webpage is beginning to exist 2022-03-11 22:32:46 citrons it is still devoid of content. I will remedy this in due time™ 2022-03-11 22:32:46 demoji <citrons> it is still devoid of content. I will remedy this in due time:trade_mark: 2022-03-11 22:34:04 citrons λ 2022-03-11 22:34:06 lown demoji why 2022-03-11 22:34:29 lown okay bedtime for me, night y'all x 2022-03-11 22:36:38 the_default night lown 2022-03-11 22:41:09 <-- lown (lown@localhost) has quit (Quit: Leaving) 2022-03-11 22:50:22 jmjl night 2022-03-11 22:50:34 the_default nigh jmjl# 2022-03-11 22:56:04 trashski whoops expanded a cover letter for a job into a 4000 word essay and the position got replaced with a senior level role before i submitted 2022-03-11 22:57:39 @natalia OOGH 2022-03-11 22:57:40 trashski lown: i love my devterm, i thought i would end up playing with it for a day then leave it to collect dust but i actually do end up using it for extended note-taking and pico8 2022-03-11 23:19:31 mhj https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3F9OtH2Xx4 2022-03-11 23:19:32 pinhook ["https://youtube.com/watch?v=b3F9OtH2Xx4"] 2022-03-11 23:19:52 mhj ^ Pockit demo 2022-03-11 23:26:23 extratone ∆ 2022-03-11 23:37:50 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-12 00:12:35 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-12 00:12:35 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-12 00:12:35 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-12 00:12:35 -- Channel #tildetown: 97 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 94 normals) 2022-03-12 00:12:37 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-12 00:28:51 extratone this is the best read I’ve come across in a long time. https://audacity.substack.com/p/the-ladies-room 2022-03-12 00:32:11 m455 extratone: wow this is so good so far 2022-03-12 00:40:02 m455 i really enjoyed that, thanks! 2022-03-12 00:40:11 elly what's it about? 2022-03-12 00:40:11 extratone they just followed me on Twitter and I am straight up no joke tempted to be like "I can almost promise you will not enjoy my content." 2022-03-12 00:41:35 extratone well, m455, I'm glad you liked it. do you have an answer for what it's about because I do not have a concise one. 2022-03-12 00:41:53 m455 extratone: yeah i think i do 2022-03-12 00:42:10 extratone it is about gender in america, you could say. 2022-03-12 00:42:44 astrinaut gender in america is weird 2022-03-12 00:42:52 elly right but what does it have to say about it 2022-03-12 00:42:57 m455 elly: it's about a trans binary person, and it's almost like a mini self-ethnography (auto-ethnography? haha) of some of their encounters when using public restrooms 2022-03-12 00:43:12 elly ah, neat! 2022-03-12 00:43:16 astrinaut it's more musing than making a point, i'd say 2022-03-12 00:43:39 m455 it talks about what people have said to them, how they felt about it, and what they have to (unfortunately) do to deal with it sometimes when they have the energy 2022-03-12 00:43:50 m455 yeah, astrinaut hit it on spot 2022-03-12 00:44:14 m455 it creates empathy when i read it 2022-03-12 00:44:19 m455 as in my empathy for them 2022-03-12 00:50:15 extratone thank you both. y'all are pretty great. 2022-03-12 00:52:36 astrinaut oh there's more words. i spaced out after a couple screenfuls. 2022-03-12 00:52:40 @natalia the latter half of this essay is confusing me 2022-03-12 00:53:51 m455 after the bathroom discussion it was hard to follow 2022-03-12 00:57:20 @natalia most of that mostly just felt like it was directed towards cis people (okay!) and i didn't get a lot out of it 2022-03-12 00:58:21 @natalia and then the latter half presents a sort of incoherent view of everything 2022-03-12 00:59:26 m455 yeah the last half was an extreme topic shift haha, i really liked the first half though 2022-03-12 01:01:10 @natalia i read something like "I also hope that the current backlash against transgender people will soon go the way of the marriage equality fight in the aughts. I hope in ten years, trans people can just be normal people." 2022-03-12 01:01:18 @natalia and it's like, i dunno, do i live in the same world as this article 2022-03-12 01:02:49 extratone Ï guess it felt so powerful because I live in the same world as my family, for whom this essay would be extremely contentious 2022-03-12 01:03:20 extratone if I could get them to just acknowledge any of the arguments are legitimate arguments. 2022-03-12 01:03:23 m455 this is the kind of article that iwould get in heated fights with my mom about 2022-03-12 01:04:35 extratone yeah my family's new thing is basically questioning suffrage? lmao 2022-03-12 01:04:51 extratone we goin all the way back. 2022-03-12 01:05:35 astrinaut suffrage: CANCELED 2022-03-12 01:07:28 m455 lol 2022-03-12 01:11:06 login if it seeps into their professional life, it will have consequences 2022-03-12 01:13:01 @natalia i mean like, maybe? 2022-03-12 01:15:29 @natalia all of the main inflictors of transphobic violence in my life would/do suffer none, loud or not 2022-03-12 01:17:24 m455 straight people have it so easy going in the workplace in my opinion 2022-03-12 01:21:44 @archangelic (I'm going to be overly broad here) I think the problem with looking at trans issues in the light of "we'll look back on this time and see that we overcame" is that we could have overcome from the start, the groups that fought for marriage equality promised that they would fight for trans rights, and we are seeing how they just left us to fend for ourselves while the bigots realized we were vulnerable. 2022-03-12 01:22:40 @archangelic trans people could have and should have been given protections decades ago, god only knows we shouted and screamed for it during that time, but were largely left out of the whole conversation 2022-03-12 01:22:54 m455 that's such a good point 2022-03-12 01:23:19 @archangelic I basically feel that we should have never gotten here in the first place. We (trans people) saw this coming 100 miles away. 2022-03-12 01:23:58 m455 yeah that's so fucked 2022-03-12 01:24:10 @archangelic If we only say "love is love" but leave out a deconstruction of gender, we failed trans people. 2022-03-12 01:24:56 @archangelic I gotta cook and not be an angry trans on the internet 2022-03-12 01:25:20 @archangelic I didn't read the piece, but saw the sentiment in the chat, and had to just vent a minute 2022-03-12 01:25:50 m455 archangelic: i appreciated it archangelic <3 2022-03-12 01:26:24 @archangelic transphobia, even to the level that we are seeing right now, is not new, it's not even more powerful, it's just more focused on us now. 2022-03-12 01:27:14 --> pinoinha (pinoinha@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-12 01:27:17 <-- pinoinha (pinoinha@localhost) has quit (Quit: leaving) 2022-03-12 01:27:18 --> pinoinha (pinoinha@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-12 01:29:35 --> flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-12 01:29:56 flowercorpse night town 2022-03-12 01:36:24 flowercorpse !sotd https://youtu.be/yOQV8z9otxI 2022-03-12 01:36:24 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Japan - Nightporter (Oil On Canvas - Live version) 2022-03-12 02:22:02 flowercorpse so lonely here :( 2022-03-12 02:22:09 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-13 23:01:46 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-13 23:01:46 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-13 23:01:46 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-13 23:01:46 -- Channel #tildetown: 101 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 98 normals) 2022-03-13 23:01:48 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-13 23:04:08 @vilmibm hello extratone 2022-03-13 23:04:21 @vilmibm is your name musically themed? 2022-03-13 23:05:16 extratone it is! the Japanese hardcore subgenre, yes. 2022-03-13 23:05:35 extratone I named my online magazine after extratone and since it went defunct, I kindof just adopted the name. 2022-03-13 23:06:10 extratone thanks for adding my new key so I could actually get into town, btw. 2022-03-13 23:07:03 @vilmibm sure! sorry for what i assume was a prolonged wait 2022-03-13 23:07:10 @vilmibm and cool! i was unaware of the genre 2022-03-13 23:07:37 extratone also thanked you in this guide I’m working on but you don’t have to say you’re welcome. https://tilde.town/~extratone/blink 2022-03-13 23:08:05 extratone it's defined by a BPM so high that kicks begin to form an indistinguishable tone. 2022-03-13 23:09:10 agafnd that'd just be fast subdivisions, not fast bpm, right? 2022-03-13 23:09:16 agafnd well presumably fast bpm also 2022-03-13 23:09:24 asm 2 2022-03-13 23:09:31 asm oops 2022-03-13 23:10:18 extratone I don't actually know anything about music, but I assume you're correct. 2022-03-13 23:10:31 extratone 2 2022-03-13 23:10:37 @vilmibm extratone: i am excited to listen to some later when i'm not out in public -- do you have any links to send? 2022-03-13 23:10:46 @vilmibm hello agafnd 2022-03-13 23:10:51 agafnd hi 2022-03-13 23:11:10 @vilmibm extratone: awesome page 2022-03-13 23:11:18 extratone to be honest, not really - I can find some but Bandcamp's explainer is probably a good place to start (give me a sec.) 2022-03-13 23:11:20 extratone :) 2022-03-13 23:11:36 extratone https://daily.bandcamp.com/features/an-introduction-to-extratone-the-worlds-fastest-music-genre 2022-03-13 23:11:57 extratone it isn't what I would call pleasant, if you know what i mean. 2022-03-13 23:13:05 @vilmibm i am a noise musician 2022-03-13 23:13:08 @vilmibm so don't worry about pleasant :) 2022-03-13 23:13:53 agafnd yeah it's funny to me to describe that as "1000 or even 10000 BPM" 2022-03-13 23:13:54 extratone NICE! 2022-03-13 23:14:06 agafnd cause like a 'beat' to me is something that can be felt and responded to 2022-03-13 23:14:15 @vilmibm i'm a big fan of /dev/null and i guess you could call that some kind of breakcore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aL6OUqLJy0&list=PLeddF0N3V2BRJsOggGHokW4jkCz7JMyaW 2022-03-13 23:14:15 pinhook ["Dev/Null ‎- Hiphop2 - YouTube"] 2022-03-13 23:14:50 extratone Hiphop2 2022-03-13 23:15:20 agafnd i think the fastest bpm i've heard played for reals is in that one live recording of "anthropology" by charlie parker 2022-03-13 23:15:28 @vilmibm agafnd: i think it's a useful distinction though -- an artist making music with a sequencer running at an absurd BPM will make something different than one using, say, sustained synthesizer tones 2022-03-13 23:15:28 agafnd which is something like 350 or 400 bpm 2022-03-13 23:16:14 agafnd vilmibm: true 2022-03-13 23:16:21 extratone oh my god this sounds like [what's his name]>>>>>> I will think of it someday. 2022-03-13 23:16:27 agafnd i'd still call it like, 256th notes or whatever lol 2022-03-13 23:16:35 @vilmibm haha fair 2022-03-13 23:16:49 agafnd this is the anthropology recording i'm thinking of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMuItUv9xZc 2022-03-13 23:16:50 pinhook ["Charlie Parker - Anthropology - YouTube"] 2022-03-13 23:17:19 @vilmibm this laptop is far less charged than i expected 2022-03-13 23:17:35 flowercorpse vilmibm: what is some noise music you like? 2022-03-13 23:18:24 @vilmibm flowercorpse: oooooooh there's a lot! my go to recommendation is Burning Star Core, eg burning star core challenger 2022-03-13 23:18:26 @vilmibm uhh 2022-03-13 23:18:29 @vilmibm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKU5gQCzUYU&t=1006s 2022-03-13 23:18:30 pinhook ["Burning Star Core - Challenger (Full Album) - YouTube"] 2022-03-13 23:18:48 flowercorpse agafnd: Freedom Day by Max Roach is pretty fast too https://youtu.be/EsAnAQfdyKY 2022-03-13 23:18:48 pinhook ["Max Roach 5tet wt Abbey Lincoln Freedom Day 1964 HD - YouTube"] 2022-03-13 23:18:56 @vilmibm i also love hair police https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ff3azB_TFI 2022-03-13 23:18:56 pinhook ["Hair Police - Constantly Terrified (Full Album) - YouTube"] 2022-03-13 23:19:00 flowercorpse vilmibm: I actually saw burning star core live! 2022-03-13 23:19:29 @vilmibm and of course merzbow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiuVMYohM58 2022-03-13 23:19:29 pinhook ["Merzbow - Takemitsu - YouTube"] 2022-03-13 23:19:34 @vilmibm flowercorpse: awesome!!!!! me 2 <3 <3 2022-03-13 23:19:41 @vilmibm he's my *swoony eyes* favorite 2022-03-13 23:19:51 @vilmibm changed my entire approach to making noise 2022-03-13 23:19:55 @vilmibm after seeing him 2022-03-13 23:20:11 extratone merzbow live??? very cool. 2022-03-13 23:20:22 @vilmibm oh i was talking about burning star core, but i have seen Merzbow live too 2022-03-13 23:20:25 @vilmibm and masonna! 2022-03-13 23:20:28 @vilmibm and guilty connector! 2022-03-13 23:20:37 @vilmibm and incapacitants! 2022-03-13 23:20:38 extratone my entire high school friendgroup would envy you very much lol 2022-03-13 23:20:40 @vilmibm japanese harsh noise is love 2022-03-13 23:20:49 @vilmibm hehehe i was just at No Fun Fest 07 a heady fucking year 2022-03-13 23:21:22 @vilmibm my friend's friend was merzbow's handler/translator and he got to actually go to a diner that would serve vegan food after with merzbow. i did not get to go lol 2022-03-13 23:22:19 @vilmibm merzbow live is a thing you feel more in your sternum than your ears 2022-03-13 23:22:20 extratone damn. 2022-03-13 23:22:58 @vilmibm no fun fest 07 was one of the best things in my life 2022-03-13 23:23:24 @vilmibm i was like. 19? and was thinking "cool i'll do this shit every year and life is good" 2022-03-13 23:23:33 @vilmibm i went to part of 08 and then that was it for No Fun Fest in USA 2022-03-13 23:23:36 @vilmibm bummer times 2022-03-13 23:24:05 agafnd flowercorpse: oh yeah that's faster i think 2022-03-13 23:26:40 flowercorpse vilmibm: I really like hanatarashi 2022-03-13 23:26:47 @vilmibm flowercorpse: me too! 2022-03-13 23:27:07 flowercorpse and Sachiko M althought that's maybe the opposite of noise 2022-03-13 23:27:14 @vilmibm sachiko m is wonderful 2022-03-13 23:27:34 @vilmibm do you like sawako? or toshimaru nakamura? 2022-03-13 23:28:45 flowercorpse I haven't listened to sawako, I like toshimaru nakamura 2022-03-13 23:29:36 @vilmibm oh Hijokaidan is great too, I love their show with Borbetomagus, Both Noises End Burning, but sadly it does not appear to be on youtube. i have it on CD somewhere 2022-03-13 23:29:46 @vilmibm sawako is v soft lovely field recording stuff 2022-03-13 23:29:50 @vilmibm i'm a huuuge fan 2022-03-13 23:30:09 @vilmibm https://sawako.bandcamp.com/ 2022-03-13 23:30:20 flowercorpse do you know Surface of the Earth? 2022-03-13 23:30:24 @vilmibm i do not! 2022-03-13 23:31:02 @vilmibm (btw i have resolved to use this laptop until the battery dies so i'll abruptly disappear at some point) 2022-03-13 23:31:19 flowercorpse their self titled is pretty cool, although pretty depressing 2022-03-13 23:31:26 @vilmibm i'll check it out 2022-03-13 23:31:27 flowercorpse kinda like Earth 2022-03-13 23:31:31 flowercorpse but its a different band 2022-03-13 23:31:33 flowercorpse somehow 2022-03-13 23:32:15 @vilmibm hehe i do like Earth 2022-03-13 23:32:25 @vilmibm ...and that's what came up when i tried youtube. i'll check soulseek later 2022-03-13 23:32:51 @vilmibm i'm a huge fan of Dylan Carlson, i got to see him at Big Ears Fest once 2022-03-13 23:33:35 @vilmibm minor self promotion, my newest album exists on bandcamp. i started out heavily influence by sawako and fennesz and ended up just making harsh noise bc that's what i am https://graveyard-theory.bandcamp.com/releases 2022-03-13 23:34:59 flowercorpse I also like the japanese free improv scene, there are a lot of overlaps with the noise scene, like Masayuki Takayanagi 2022-03-13 23:35:12 flowercorpse vilmibm: I'll check it out:) 2022-03-13 23:36:20 @vilmibm <3 2022-03-13 23:36:28 @vilmibm i'm unfamiliar with free improv 2022-03-13 23:39:42 flowercorpse Derek Bailey is a good starting point 2022-03-13 23:40:16 flowercorpse and also because there are a lot of collaborations in free improv it's really easy to discover new artists 2022-03-14 00:35:05 extratone any of y’all used Threema before? anything to say about it? 2022-03-14 01:20:09 extratone dozens, are you online? 2022-03-14 01:28:05 mhj I'm reading about threema 2022-03-14 01:28:12 mhj Looks interesting 2022-03-14 01:34:07 extratone my friend keeps insisting I write about it but idk 2022-03-14 01:34:43 extratone privacy is a subject on which I have very few constructive things to say. 2022-03-14 01:38:04 mhj Do you use it? From reading about it, I think it could be useful 2022-03-14 01:50:33 extratone I haven't tried it yet. I know it's ridiculous but the iOS app is $3.99 and I already spend far too much on apps... 2022-03-14 01:52:48 extratone finally finished my guide on participating in Tilde.Town stuff on iPhone with Blink. :) https://bilge.world/tildetown-iphone-blink-shell 2022-03-14 01:52:51 --> malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 01:53:17 malvarma !talklike 2022-03-14 01:53:18 pinhook right, and the first ive heard they fear people, and will require some analog source material 2022-03-14 01:55:42 malvarma that's what we call a reverse captcha in the anti-humanity scene 2022-03-14 01:55:47 malvarma !talklike 2022-03-14 01:55:47 pinhook he predicted that we build for companies that will be 2022-03-14 01:56:52 malvarma the netscape guy declared 'lets build', hesitated, then added 'for companies that will be' 2022-03-14 01:58:21 malvarma lo, the companies that will be and so say will be for me, i will take a bite from each and leave the rest for the busboy 2022-03-14 01:58:31 malvarma !talklike 2022-03-14 01:58:32 pinhook i like how this all works though 2022-03-14 01:59:02 asm !talklike 2022-03-14 01:59:02 pinhook I know some CSS from projects, so I won't know anything about it 2022-03-14 01:59:08 malvarma of course you would, because its made to work in your favor, pinhook 2022-03-14 01:59:15 asm !talklike malvarma 2022-03-14 01:59:15 pinhook it was their whole schtick. like there are hobby projects that need the latest version of computers 2022-03-14 02:01:04 malvarma time to upgrade my number crunching furnace 2022-03-14 02:01:37 extratone !talklike 2022-03-14 02:01:37 pinhook running out of adderall yes. 2022-03-14 02:01:43 extratone lmao. 2022-03-14 02:01:46 asm lmao 2022-03-14 02:02:04 malvarma where's bx to chime im with a lambda 2022-03-14 02:02:09 malvarma chime in* 2022-03-14 02:03:14 asm λmꜵ 2022-03-14 02:03:30 malvarma nice ligature 2022-03-14 02:04:40 m455 holy crap 2022-03-14 02:04:47 m455 love to see online communities so bumping today 2022-03-14 02:04:49 m455 <333 2022-03-14 02:04:51 m455 !nicethings 2022-03-14 02:04:51 ruth You are so awesome! 2022-03-14 02:04:56 m455 thanks ruth 2022-03-14 02:05:00 asm !nicethings 2022-03-14 02:05:00 ruth Close your eyes and imagine you are sitting in a beach chair with warm sand covering your feet, and a nice breeze gently blowing across your face 2022-03-14 02:05:18 asm !talklike ruth 2022-03-14 02:05:18 pinhook You deserve a hug 2022-03-14 02:05:26 asm that does sound like ruth 2022-03-14 02:05:34 asm !talklike m455 2022-03-14 02:05:37 pinhook that's so wonderful fluora, i'm glad mine work 2022-03-14 02:05:52 m455 hahaha 2022-03-14 02:05:59 m455 how you doing asm 2022-03-14 02:06:03 asm good 2022-03-14 02:06:05 asm and you? 2022-03-14 02:06:06 m455 good! 2022-03-14 02:06:12 malvarma m455: i have seen it get very busy saturday afternoons. i think there are patterns here. have you noticed any? 2022-03-14 02:06:18 m455 oh that works as a response to what you said, and how i'm feeling xD 2022-03-14 02:06:49 m455 malvarma: ohhhhh interesting! it's sunday 10pm for me here, so far i only notice tildes being busy during the workday/work hours of 9-5 LOL 2022-03-14 02:09:11 asm I never noticed this before, but for some reason my university's list of supported browsers for its PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal software says Firegox on Windows isn't recommended, but Firefox for "Linux" is recommended at the same time 2022-03-14 02:09:20 asm firefox* 2022-03-14 02:09:30 malvarma oh gee i should visit town during working hours 2022-03-14 02:09:58 malvarma that would be a good way to pretend to work, which is what i get paid to do 2022-03-14 02:10:39 malvarma i was not aware there was a difference between firefox on windows vs linux 2022-03-14 02:10:47 asm same 2022-03-14 02:11:14 asm only Google Chrome is recommended by the university for Windows -- not even edge or ie lol 2022-03-14 02:11:41 malvarma though i have heard the amiga version has better music and more arcade-perfect color palettes than the spectrum port 2022-03-14 02:11:41 extratone I mean, if you're going to be using Chromium anyway, I guess... 2022-03-14 02:12:30 malvarma that is so not fair to the microsoft fan community 2022-03-14 02:13:47 malvarma every time i see a list of supported browsers, and the list is more than just a roundup of recent versions of fairly popular browsers, i see a crime scene (and the victim is progressive enhancement) 2022-03-14 02:14:57 malvarma na i kid though, it could also be the browser's fault. 2022-03-14 02:16:05 malvarma i thought firefox was pretty up to date with standards compliance though. and we are still lightyears beyond the whole IE6 fiasco. i hope browsers don't repeat that mistake 2022-03-14 02:19:29 asm doesn't Google have some of their own people in WHATWG? it seems like they can always just add themselves into the living draft of HTML5 that way 2022-03-14 02:21:25 malvarma i thought mozilla, microsoft, and apple also had a seat at that table 2022-03-14 02:21:55 asm I think they do, but they also don't make the most used browser lol 2022-03-14 02:21:59 malvarma but somehow we still get new stuff that works differently between the browser 2022-03-14 02:22:01 --> katie (katie@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 02:22:10 asm true 2022-03-14 02:22:25 asm wb katie 2022-03-14 02:22:30 katie howdy 2022-03-14 02:22:36 malvarma yeah i think the issue is, if google just wants to do its own thing, that will create a lot of inertia against doing anything else 2022-03-14 02:23:49 malvarma howdy, good word! 2022-03-14 02:24:06 katie thanks i made it myself 2022-03-14 02:24:17 katie you can use it. if you want 2022-03-14 02:24:39 malvarma you're not charging a licensing fee? you're missing out 2022-03-14 02:25:21 katie hmmm true. 2022-03-14 02:25:47 katie if you want to use my word you can do so if you first donate $20 to my dog's gofundme (he's saving up to get a septum piercing) 2022-03-14 02:26:40 asm howdy 2022-03-14 02:26:48 malvarma hmm, while i support your dog's choice to do body mods, im afraid i'm not ready to adopt howdy as a greeting. but i think when others use it, its charming 2022-03-14 02:27:35 katie the people around where i grew up tended to use it fairly liberally and i always resented it until i realized i'd adopted it without noticing 2022-03-14 02:28:02 * asm didn't pay the license fee, and p*rated it instead 2022-03-14 02:28:50 katie that's just what you think, asm. the fee is always paid, though maybe not always in cash. 2022-03-14 02:29:01 asm ono 2022-03-14 02:29:08 malvarma yeah, i never noticed i had a regional dialect, until i visited outside the region 2022-03-14 02:29:56 asm 🏴☠️ 🏴‍☠️ 2022-03-14 02:29:56 demoji <asm> :black_flag::skull_and_crossbones: :pirate_flag: 2022-03-14 02:30:07 katie i think i've leaned into my dialect more lately and i'm not entirely sure why 2022-03-14 02:30:11 asm ‍ 2022-03-14 02:30:58 asm do y'all see a pirate flag or just a blag flag and skull + crossbones fro the second one 2022-03-14 02:31:04 katie my coworkers in pakistan tell me i sound like a cowboy and it makes me seem cooler than my other US coworkers 2022-03-14 02:31:38 malvarma that is 100% cooler 2022-03-14 02:31:49 asm yes 2022-03-14 02:32:00 malvarma asm: i see the flag and then the skull, but that could be my terminal emulator's fault 2022-03-14 02:32:10 katie i see ircII absolutely imploding trying to substitute your characters for some reason 2022-03-14 02:33:09 asm demoji said it's a pirate flag, but it's a black flag and skull and crossbones with a zero-width joiner placed in between the two 2022-03-14 02:33:23 asm which is the right character combination for a pirate flag lol 2022-03-14 02:34:11 extratone 🗿 2022-03-14 02:34:11 demoji <extratone> :moai: 2022-03-14 02:35:57 malvarma glad that moai was an early addition to the emoji set. very useful 2022-03-14 02:36:40 malvarma it always looks so deadpan 2022-03-14 02:39:03 @natalia hi everyone! again 2022-03-14 02:40:38 malvarma o/ 2022-03-14 02:40:53 katie hello 2022-03-14 02:40:53 @natalia what's gaming 2022-03-14 02:41:01 asm hi natalia 2022-03-14 02:41:06 malvarma i think it's a new kind of cult 2022-03-14 02:41:12 @natalia cool! 2022-03-14 02:41:45 malvarma yes, all the kids are getting in on the new craze 2022-03-14 02:45:57 @natalia i want to find some new free jazz to listen to. 2022-03-14 02:46:20 malvarma hmm, what sort of free jazz 2022-03-14 02:46:43 @natalia royalty free (jokes) 2022-03-14 02:47:17 malvarma that means pharao sandards is ruled out 2022-03-14 02:47:18 katie royalty-produced jazz sounds a lot more interesting than royalty-free 2022-03-14 02:47:33 malvarma sanders* 2022-03-14 02:47:37 @natalia lmao 2022-03-14 02:47:59 @natalia theres gotta ve some princes somewhere that were jazz musicians 2022-03-14 02:48:31 @natalia ive been addicted to tomas fujiwara's band recently because the band has a really strong like Drive 2022-03-14 02:48:43 @natalia reminds me of some of pharoah sanders stuff actually, but more weird and layered 2022-03-14 02:50:11 malvarma you showed me some of that, yes that was very good 2022-03-14 02:50:13 malvarma better than ruins 2022-03-14 02:51:35 malvarma hmm, !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-FZOHxibYQ 2022-03-14 02:51:35 pinhook ["Science Fiction - YouTube"] 2022-03-14 02:52:08 malvarma that's a free jazz classic. but i feel like i might talk about it too much. gettin redundant 2022-03-14 02:52:11 @natalia is that coleman 2022-03-14 02:52:14 @natalia i canr click rn 2022-03-14 02:52:40 @natalia i heard some of it on the radio the other week! 2022-03-14 02:52:40 malvarma ah you know then. ok im going to have to find something else 2022-03-14 02:52:45 malvarma oh nice 2022-03-14 02:52:48 @natalia maybe i should listen to it all 2022-03-14 02:53:02 malvarma was it on that free jazz radio show you found? 2022-03-14 02:53:32 malvarma also, do you like sun ra 2022-03-14 02:55:06 extratone Datafruits is hosting a pretty gnarly set by DJ Supermarket rn. https://datafruits.fm/chat 2022-03-14 02:55:34 @natalia sun ra is cool 2022-03-14 02:55:39 @natalia also it was indeed 2022-03-14 02:55:47 @natalia tomorrow at nine!! so excited 2022-03-14 02:56:38 malvarma 😎 2022-03-14 02:56:38 demoji <malvarma> :smiling_face_with_sunglasses: 2022-03-14 02:58:03 malvarma if u haven't heard Atlantis by sun ra, that is my choice. it's peculiar clavinet music for most of the album, and then the last part is total free jazz freak out 2022-03-14 02:58:34 @natalia hmmmm 2022-03-14 02:58:37 malvarma its also lo fi sort of? i think he recorded it on wire 2022-03-14 02:58:46 @natalia science fiction or atlantis... 2022-03-14 02:58:47 malvarma nothing else sounds like it. i love that one 2022-03-14 02:58:49 malvarma atlantis 2022-03-14 03:01:48 @natalia aha 2022-03-14 03:03:57 malvarma if you find incredible music through this show, please let me know about all of it 2022-03-14 03:04:19 @natalia lemme see if i have good ones 2022-03-14 03:05:08 @natalia Black Artists Group was reallt cool 2022-03-14 03:05:59 @natalia "parker guy lytton trio" i barely remember but did remember being cool 2022-03-14 03:06:45 flowercorpse sun ra <3 2022-03-14 03:07:41 flowercorpse sun ra is so comforting to me 2022-03-14 03:07:47 malvarma i just found the sun ra biography and plan to read it soon 2022-03-14 03:07:59 malvarma im going to check out black artists group, never heard of that until now 2022-03-14 03:09:08 flowercorpse I've been listening to Live in Rome lately, it's really good 2022-03-14 03:09:52 malvarma i dont have that one! (but i suppose that's easy to say for sun ra, as there are like thousands of releases) 2022-03-14 03:11:49 flowercorpse I recently saw Archie Shepp live 2022-03-14 03:12:18 malvarma jealous 2022-03-14 03:13:23 malvarma btw natalia i just picked the first black artists groups album that came up in my search, loving this. very spacious, good percussion. is there any particular release you're listening to? 2022-03-14 03:16:10 @natalia maybe live in.. paris? idk it was on the radio and i didnt save it 2022-03-14 03:16:37 malvarma yes this is what im listening to now. and i love every second of it 2022-03-14 03:19:48 @natalia i love to torture Shazam with free jazz 2022-03-14 03:20:50 malvarma i cant use shazam for this reason 2022-03-14 03:22:46 flowercorpse please send me free jazz recommendations 2022-03-14 03:24:07 extratone would that include solo improvised piano? 2022-03-14 03:24:35 extratone because Keith Jarrett is the goto for that. 2022-03-14 03:24:41 malvarma flowercorpse: i have mentioned this one here before, but not recently, so ill say it again: i love this dumb album https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvsctAZP_7g 2022-03-14 03:24:41 pinhook ["Huey "Sonny" Simmons - Burning Spirits 1970 Dsk 1 - YouTube"] 2022-03-14 03:25:32 flowercorpse malvarma: Oh I like Staying on the Watch 2022-03-14 03:25:42 extratone everyone will recommend Keith Jarrett's Koln Concert (the best selling solo piano record ever) but imo Vienna Concert is a lot more special. https://album.link/us/i/1444195265 2022-03-14 03:26:47 @natalia i like how the town has slowly accumulated a sizable group of free jazz weirdos 2022-03-14 03:26:58 @natalia i dont know how to play any instruments. we shoudl all meet up and play some day 2022-03-14 03:27:31 flowercorpse extratone: Köln Concert is classic, I'll check Vienna out! 2022-03-14 03:27:34 @natalia malvarma: listening to atlantis now 2022-03-14 03:28:04 flowercorpse natalia: not knowing how to play is even better 2022-03-14 03:28:09 @natalia exactly 2022-03-14 03:28:27 extratone it's very serene, flowercorpse, but if you need more Jarrett recs, I'm sortof an obsessive. or, was, in a past life. 2022-03-14 03:28:37 katie can i come? i know how to play instruments unfortunately.. 2022-03-14 03:29:07 flowercorpse I would gladly play in the town free jazz band 2022-03-14 03:29:26 extratone one more: I think La Scala is my favorite but articulating why is beyond me lol https://album.link/us/i/1442229550 2022-03-14 03:29:51 malvarma hmm, in my experience, it's possible to play good free jazz and know how to play, but you have to be good 2022-03-14 03:30:13 malvarma it's a weird curve, that's high on the ends and lo in the middle 2022-03-14 03:32:27 @natalia ive for a very long time wanted to come up with a way to organize like a Layered async group performance 2022-03-14 03:33:01 malvarma i have always wondered about that. used to be in a few experimental music thingies online. 2022-03-14 03:33:42 malvarma sucks that the lag makes real time improvisation impossible 2022-03-14 03:34:02 @natalia yeah 2022-03-14 03:34:19 extratone That was one of the things mentioned in the hype around 5G lol 2022-03-14 03:34:35 malvarma the way i've done it before was, one person would put down a track then pass it around, composing via acretion 2022-03-14 03:34:53 malvarma but isnt 5G not much faster than good fiber? or am i wrong 2022-03-14 03:35:20 @natalia i wonder if you could set some weird rules in order to make it so that the first person didn't have any More control 2022-03-14 03:35:51 katie there's a few plugins you can use to stream and receive in a DAW with a predefined delay. i used to do really shitty stuff with an internet friend that way. turns into a weird Tennis of iterating over a single measure 2022-03-14 03:35:56 extratone malvarma: not where I live, certainly. https://twitter.com/NeoYokel/status/1501949196957589506 2022-03-14 03:36:07 @natalia what if people layered over themselves like 3 times and then deleted the old ones 2022-03-14 03:36:16 @natalia so by the time the Thing is over theres not a clear starting point 2022-03-14 03:36:21 @natalia its just like circular 2022-03-14 03:37:50 malvarma natalia sometimes that happened 2022-03-14 03:40:23 malvarma woah extratone never had experience with 5G (i dont know if my phone supports it) but that's awful 2022-03-14 03:41:26 @natalia i had an idea i think a few years ago for an (irl) awful improv project someone's already done 2022-03-14 03:41:42 @natalia where N people are recorded at once, but they only hear like one or two people to their right and nobody else 2022-03-14 03:41:45 @natalia and it's like a circle 2022-03-14 03:41:57 flowercorpse there is JackTrip from the CCRMA which tries to reduce the latency, but I don't have any experience in using it so I'm not sure if it would work 2022-03-14 03:42:04 malvarma i think i had done stuff like that too! 2022-03-14 03:42:28 @natalia but that one particularly would only work the way i envisioned actually like Live 2022-03-14 03:42:49 extratone it's just really overhyped and for a userbase that makes up like less than one percent of people with phones. 2022-03-14 03:43:11 extratone people who want to play extremely low latency online games on their phones away from home lol. 2022-03-14 03:43:28 malvarma oh i had not done that live, my bad. 2022-03-14 03:43:34 extratone the usable range of 5g is something like a qurter of LTE. 2022-03-14 03:44:05 malvarma extratone how dare you say that. 5G made little 3d things pop up during the thanksgiving parade. it's wonderworking! 2022-03-14 03:44:28 extratone ah yes, you're right. 5g is absolutely what everyone was asking for. 2022-03-14 03:44:46 extratone I love my country sm. 2022-03-14 03:44:51 malvarma we're certainly "asking for it" 2022-03-14 03:45:08 malvarma well not me 2022-03-14 03:46:22 flowercorpse https://github.com/jacktrip/jacktrip/ 2022-03-14 03:47:09 malvarma i am intrigued by this 2022-03-14 03:47:29 malvarma if it works, its a miracle 2022-03-14 03:47:39 extratone guys I posted my TildeTown with Blink Shell guide in the Blink Discord and... lmao. https://ttm.sh/i9B.png 2022-03-14 03:47:42 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-14 03:47:43 flowercorpse although they claim a 500 mile radius so no jamming overseas :( 2022-03-14 03:50:16 malvarma huh, i guess i understand someone not knowing what a pubnix is 2022-03-14 03:50:48 extratone I told them "in short, Tildes are shared computers" and then sent the Paul Ford medium post. anything else I should say? 2022-03-14 03:50:53 malvarma but shared machines... 2022-03-14 03:51:15 malvarma like, if you use blink, then you by definition use unix, right? 2022-03-14 03:51:20 malvarma or at least, are familiar with it 2022-03-14 03:51:29 katie ask if they remember using the microsoft send-to-computer thing in their high school computer lab 2022-03-14 03:51:38 katie the lil. chat that opened a dialog box everywhere 2022-03-14 03:52:06 extratone tbhtbh, Blink is for rich devs who I guess use their iPad Pros full time to “develop” on remote Digital Ocean droplets from what I understand lol 2022-03-14 03:52:22 extratone too many tbh 2022-03-14 03:52:35 malvarma hmm, "well see, timesharing... it's like the cloud" 2022-03-14 03:53:03 malvarma all your computing is done "in the cloud" of the timeshared machine 2022-03-14 03:58:02 malvarma extratone im curious why "develop" is in quotations. What do you think the stereotypical blink user is working on? 2022-03-14 03:59:00 extratone I have no idea. that's why I used quotations. but I have zero silicon valley friends so I don't really know. 2022-03-14 04:00:05 extratone and my only professional tech industry friends save one are all hardware people so.. lol 2022-03-14 04:00:05 malvarma oh dear...i see what you mean 2022-03-14 04:01:30 malvarma i dont any SV types in person, but i have come across people online very much going the unicorn startup route (some of them from new york, rather than SV), who seem to know a lot about one particular engine or framework 2022-03-14 04:01:58 malvarma and tend to be focused less on programming as a whole, but more on programming the specific thing they are trying to build 2022-03-14 04:03:27 flowercorpse it's getting late here, I'll go to sleep. I would really like to be involved with a town free jazz band, lets make it happen 2022-03-14 04:03:33 malvarma perhaps that tunnel vision is necessary to make certain things. 2022-03-14 04:03:35 flowercorpse also good night 2022-03-14 04:03:36 katie i think this trait is one of the common things in startup culture that specifically causes most startups to fail 2022-03-14 04:03:39 malvarma flowercorpse: im with you. and gn! 2022-03-14 04:03:45 <-- flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has quit (Quit: Goodnight) 2022-03-14 04:07:31 malvarma katie: have you worked for one? i sort of did 2022-03-14 04:08:33 katie i have previously; i also end up contracting either for startups or for clients of startups fairly frequently 2022-03-14 04:09:11 malvarma ahh... i bet you have a lot of insight into that sort of thing then. what was it like? 2022-03-14 04:09:29 katie i think the "able to get things done rapidly in X" trait is very common and extremely useful for the first few months of a startups life 2022-03-14 04:09:48 katie but those types are rarely able to maintain anything that exists outside of their comfort zone 2022-03-14 04:10:35 malvarma did you notice anyone make poor choices out of familiarity, rather than other considerations? 2022-03-14 04:11:39 malvarma the one i worked for wasn't a start up in the sense that it was new. it had been around and "pivoted" a few times. it had investors, it was trying to grow. but i dont think the goal was to blow up big like some of the typical startups 2022-03-14 04:13:06 malvarma they had the trappings of a startup company, like the lack of cubicles, the drinking on the job, and their competitor was a ycombinator company 2022-03-14 04:13:28 katie constantly. at my current job i frequently pair program with someone who takes the path of highest familiarity at every opportunity, then watch him beat his head through a brick wall when this path ends up being a dead end. he's VERY good at beating his head through walls though, so it works out for him. he's very effective at meeting deliverables for clients incredibly quickly, but maintaining something that he's written is quite the challenge. 2022-03-14 04:14:14 malvarma ooh, i think i know the type 2022-03-14 04:14:48 katie he's so talented at it that i hold a lot of respect for it, but if he didn't have someone else to patch everything up behind him he'd collapse entirely. i think most startups consist almost entirely of this type of person 2022-03-14 04:15:28 malvarma used to work with a guy in a web design place. every site he built, it would find a template on wordpress that was close to what the client wanted, and hack it up. he'd go through so many stupid plugins and little modifications (usually he paid someone on fiver to write them), instead of doing it the right way 2022-03-14 04:15:47 katie thats the type! 2022-03-14 04:15:58 malvarma but there was something to admire about that too, and i did learn from some of what he did 2022-03-14 04:16:35 katie the frustrating part, for me anyway, is realizing that the traits that compose that guy are pretty necessary to posess to some degree in order to meet any level of Success in most tasks, yknow 2022-03-14 04:16:50 katie i hate how Right that style of work is sometimes 2022-03-14 04:17:17 malvarma one time a client had a crazy request, and most of us were ready to tell the client it couldn't be done for the budget they wanted. but this guy, he came up with a way to it that was awful, and had lots of problems 2022-03-14 04:17:37 malvarma but it would technically do what the client asked, for the right price. and in the end, thats all the client cared about 2022-03-14 04:17:51 malvarma so from him, i learned to never overestimate what the client is asking for 2022-03-14 04:17:55 katie clients will always love the code you're the most ashamed of, i feel 2022-03-14 04:18:27 malvarma well in this case, it wasnt code that was the problem. it was this convoluted way the feature would have to work 2022-03-14 04:19:07 malvarma i dont remember all the details, but we had all assumed the client wouldn't ever go for something like that. too much work for them. but he correctly guessed that they would 2022-03-14 04:20:46 malvarma hmm, thinking about it... it might have been the doll site (don't ask!). it was this weird client, who had all these very eccentric and picky demands 2022-03-14 04:22:06 katie only incredibly tangentially related, but one of my favorite lessons to learn in product management is that clients *love* manual data entry and are almost always way more satisfied if you make them hire a guy to manually copy database entries into a new system than if you write a script to do it for them 2022-03-14 04:22:09 katie eccentric how.. 2022-03-14 04:22:31 malvarma like they wanted to list products with a volume discount. but not anything consistent. each product had its own tiers, with their own discounts, and im talking there would be dozens of custom price tiers. 2022-03-14 04:22:43 dozens dozens you say? 2022-03-14 04:22:53 malvarma yes... that was very much what this was. it was something to prevent the client from doing tons of data entry 2022-03-14 04:23:47 malvarma dozens if i say your name in a mirror three times, do you come out and kill me? 2022-03-14 04:23:47 extratone lol dozens. I just listened to episode 1 of your podcast. wonderful! 2022-03-14 04:24:03 malvarma you have a podcast?!?!?! 2022-03-14 04:24:24 dozens malvarma: if you say my name 3 times in a mirror i will show up and give you 4 cookies 2022-03-14 04:24:51 dozens malvarma: http://tilde.town/~dozens/podcast/ 2022-03-14 04:25:14 malvarma katie: but yeah, the client had all these other stipulations. they didn't want to calculate shipping because they could rearrange things in the box themselves to shave off a few pennies 2022-03-14 04:25:20 dozens extratone: thanks!! podcasting is still funny to me because i have no idea what i'm doing lol. besides having a good time :) 2022-03-14 04:26:29 malvarma well im gonna listen to the podcast tomorrow, looking forward to this 2022-03-14 04:26:32 extratone you have no idea how much I hope you stay that way. I've been listening to podcasts for almost 15 years and the medium has become... far less enjoyable with its popularity, recently. 2022-03-14 04:26:45 extratone screwing around is what I want. 2022-03-14 04:27:04 extratone can't resist sharing this. https://soundcloud.com/chordoslut/everyone-has-a-podcast-none-but-god-are-listening 2022-03-14 04:27:40 extratone if you'd like, dozens, I'd love to be a guest sometime. my special area of expertise being using the Tildeverse on iPhone, I guess. 2022-03-14 04:28:00 malvarma catchy tune 2022-03-14 04:28:50 extratone the funniest thing about that is I sent it to the woman I sampled (Ashley Carman, The Verge,) and she was actually amused. 2022-03-14 04:29:07 malvarma i, no joke, was in a band with a guy who started listening to joe rogan, and then one day said to us "hey we're all funny, we should just do a podcast".... he moved to colorado to work on a weed farm and i dont speak to him anymore 2022-03-14 04:29:28 malvarma if he waited a year or two, he could have worked on a weed farm here 2022-03-14 04:29:28 extratone :( 2022-03-14 04:29:52 dozens extratone: hell yes. i will shoot you a dm about scheduling a time, and then we shall podcast together 2022-03-14 04:29:52 malvarma oh extratone what does this sample 2022-03-14 04:29:55 malvarma this guitar part!!!!! 2022-03-14 04:30:07 extratone an episode of her podcast lol 2022-03-14 04:30:16 extratone I think... or it might have been a Verge Video. 2022-03-14 04:30:23 dozens malvarma: lololol that is a ridiculous story 2022-03-14 04:30:38 malvarma oh wow well its a nice little riff 2022-03-14 04:31:44 malvarma dozens i know, so ridiculous. almost nobody says that sort of thing. "lets start a podcast" 2022-03-14 04:31:47 extratone also, that track was made entirely in Garageband on my iPhone lol. I just wanted to see what i could do at first and then ended up spending far too much time on that. 2022-03-14 04:32:59 malvarma "what are we gonna talk about?" "well just whatever we talk about here" "oh like how we dont like the setlist you came up with, and how we dont practice enough?" 2022-03-14 04:33:26 extratone that sounds better than 90% of what's in my feed these days. 2022-03-14 04:33:43 malvarma oh dear, well what sort of thing pops up now? 2022-03-14 04:34:12 malvarma i do listen to podcasts (i think everyone does?) but im not really aware of whats popular 2022-03-14 04:34:17 extratone overproduced radio-ready programs. 2022-03-14 04:34:41 malvarma oh you mean how everything sounds like radiolab? 2022-03-14 04:34:47 extratone I have complained about it too much, though. enough that I almost wrote an entire Post on it before I realized what I was doing. 2022-03-14 04:34:48 extratone YES 2022-03-14 04:35:28 extratone I just think we need more terms. "Podcast" now refers to far too wide a variety of things, dare I say. 2022-03-14 04:36:48 malvarma i see the appeal, i never liked radio lab, but there is stuff that has that sound, like 99% invisible, and some of the NPR shows. those shows feel like the audio version of reading a magazine article 2022-03-14 04:37:03 @natalia hey listen to my free improv audio zine 2022-03-14 04:37:18 @natalia s/v/v lo-fi/ 2022-03-14 04:37:19 sedbot <natalia> hey listen to my free improv lo-fi audio zine 2022-03-14 04:37:21 malvarma like, it gives you an overview into something you've never heard of before, doesnt go into depth, doesnt discuss anything. but that can be fun 2022-03-14 04:37:33 malvarma i suppose the sound gets very samey though 2022-03-14 04:38:05 extratone yes. screwing around is precious. 2022-03-14 04:38:07 malvarma natalia: you have a zine? 2022-03-14 04:38:48 dozens radio zine = podcast 2022-03-14 04:39:08 @natalia hypothetical although it would be funny 2022-03-14 04:39:23 @natalia just record whatever into a cassette, mixed conversation and music 2022-03-14 04:39:33 @natalia light normalization 2022-03-14 04:39:41 malvarma i have heard stuff like that. that sounds like some shows on the weird station by me 2022-03-14 04:39:58 dozens natalia: have you /listened/ to tilde whirl? you are describing my aesthetic 2022-03-14 04:39:58 extratone dozens: I love that you've published to the web archive first but if you're ever looking for an easy way to post to the rest of the services, anchor.fm is still free. 2022-03-14 04:40:05 @natalia dozens: i haven't yett 2022-03-14 04:40:13 malvarma there used to be one where it was this collage a guy made, out of music, field recordings, inverviews, little monologues 2022-03-14 04:40:38 @natalia we should do an episode whree you interview me and i answer with indescipherable effect pedal screeching 2022-03-14 04:40:45 extratone I still publish to anchor even though its owned by spotify and get satisfaction that I"m taking up spotify resources with my bs. 2022-03-14 04:40:47 dozens extratone: okay so my partner and i just started podcasting at the same time and they went the anchor.fm route and it sounds 10000% better than what i'm doing in every way 2022-03-14 04:40:58 dozens but i'm a masochist, and so i continue to do it the hard way 2022-03-14 04:41:11 katie "interviewing my synth" 2022-03-14 04:41:24 dozens but i would recomend anchor.fm to anybody and everybody starting from scratch. it is the tits 2022-03-14 04:41:31 extratone I would say if anything, keep posting to the web archive first. 2022-03-14 04:41:45 dozens oh no yeah, imma keep doing it the hard way 2022-03-14 04:41:46 extratone don't actually try to record with the anchor app though lol. 2022-03-14 04:42:33 extratone anchor used to be a very cute service. they were the only people to ever cold contact me about my online magazine asking for it to be the first featured channel in the music category. 2022-03-14 04:42:44 dozens my dream for tilde whirl is actually some kind of audio zine kind of thing. i'd love it people would submit audio segments of recipes, poems, field recordings, etc. 2022-03-14 04:42:46 <-- katie (katie@localhost) has quit (Quit: plagued by excellent ideas) 2022-03-14 04:42:52 extratone and then spotify bought them and they stopped responding to my emails. 2022-03-14 04:42:58 dozens yike 2022-03-14 04:43:05 malvarma i have so many field recordings and strange clips 2022-03-14 04:43:10 dozens malvarma: pls 2022-03-14 04:43:23 malvarma ill have to get some to you 2022-03-14 04:43:31 extratone I'm just going to send you my "Voice Notes" where I monologue about how much I hate widgets. 2022-03-14 04:43:42 dozens malvarma: when you're on the podcast, can it be half weird field recordings, half weird roleplaying games 2022-03-14 04:43:49 extratone if you're looking to publish short segments, whyp.it is underappreciated. 2022-03-14 04:43:51 dozens extratone: yes pls 2022-03-14 04:44:37 malvarma well, i dont know that much about games. there aren't that many things i can speak authoritatively on 2022-03-14 04:44:52 dozens fuck authority 2022-03-14 04:44:57 malvarma so it will have to be 100% field recordings 2022-03-14 04:45:06 malvarma of role playing games 2022-03-14 04:45:07 dozens natalia: i look forward to interviewing your screetches 2022-03-14 04:45:10 extratone I could actually come on and talk about something I know *the least* about. like food. 2022-03-14 04:45:31 dozens extratone: "This segment is called: NOT MY JOB" 2022-03-14 04:45:31 malvarma how does food work 2022-03-14 04:45:43 extratone lmao. 2022-03-14 04:46:09 dozens malvarma: wait i'm sorry. didn't we play together one time? Wizards grimorie? am i inventing this memory? 2022-03-14 04:46:25 extratone I think going over my iPhone Tilde guide would probably put listeners to sleep, so I encourage you to book me sooner rather than later so its early on and excusable. 2022-03-14 04:46:46 dozens yes i am, i think. it think it was apreche and cymen actually. 2022-03-14 04:47:01 dozens extratone: no i am one million percent interested in this setup 2022-03-14 04:47:31 malvarma dozens: we did play your giraffe game. and i think we spoke a little about paranoia, gamma world, and tekumel 2022-03-14 04:47:46 dozens oh shit yes 2022-03-14 04:47:51 extratone I learned a lot! https://bilge.world/tildetown-iphone-blink-shell 2022-03-14 04:47:52 malvarma tekumel i have never played, im mostly interested in the language 2022-03-14 04:48:03 dozens that's right. that giraffe game lead to some good stuf 2022-03-14 04:48:11 malvarma i still think about it to this day 2022-03-14 04:48:23 dozens http://tilde.town/~dozens/giraffe/ 2022-03-14 04:48:42 malvarma dozens: have we ever talked about fatal? That's another game ive never played, but have read about none the less 2022-03-14 04:49:10 dozens malvarma: no i don't think i know that one 2022-03-14 04:49:41 dozens tekumel is one i've never played, and i'm mostly interested in the setting 2022-03-14 04:49:45 malvarma ooh boy... well its a terrible game. the worst RPG ever made perhaps. there are so many unnecessary rules, and they really show the author's um.... obsessions 2022-03-14 04:50:43 malvarma dozens: if you wanna do a podcast about that awful box and slime comic, that would be my real expertise 2022-03-14 04:51:49 dozens malvarma: SHIT YES, that will be the very first thing we talk about on the podcast lol 2022-03-14 04:52:23 dozens malvarma: hoooo kay, yeah i looked it up. yeah i know what fatal is: a total meme of sex and violence 2022-03-14 04:52:55 malvarma yeah i have a note hear to find a copy of that 2022-03-14 04:53:09 malvarma for my collection of bizzare e-books 2022-03-14 04:57:02 extratone brb 2022-03-14 04:57:06 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-14 05:01:32 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 05:01:32 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-14 05:01:32 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-14 05:01:32 -- Channel #tildetown: 100 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 97 normals) 2022-03-14 05:01:34 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-14 05:12:18 petra !tarot 2022-03-14 05:12:18 rufus[awkbot] The Six of Wands - victory, success, public reward 2022-03-14 05:13:16 petra victory indeed 2022-03-14 05:13:25 malvarma what did you win? 2022-03-14 05:13:44 petra I had the day off, that counts for me 2022-03-14 05:13:58 malvarma :) 2022-03-14 05:14:33 malvarma i hope you did whatever you felt like doing 2022-03-14 05:15:42 petra I mucked around 2022-03-14 05:15:49 petra now I'm making a cities skylines map 2022-03-14 05:16:38 malvarma i have not played, but i have heard good things 2022-03-14 05:17:01 petra such a nice game 2022-03-14 05:17:47 malvarma it can be so relaxing to dictate the design of a city, like you are some kind of urban planning tyrant. and in a game like skylines, you are not limited to such a rudimentary model, like in the older sim city games 2022-03-14 05:20:23 malvarma the temptation for me is too strong though. id probably get frustrated that i couldn't do things so easily in real life 2022-03-14 05:20:57 malvarma but oh how i fantasize about being ruler for a day, and bulldozing places i don't like 2022-03-14 05:21:19 petra another game I've been playing is NIMBY Rails, which is very complicated and dry but does have that fantasy element 2022-03-14 05:21:59 malvarma oh nooooo!!!!! ahahaha 2022-03-14 05:22:14 malvarma the listing on steam says "express your strong opinion on rail networks" 2022-03-14 05:22:21 malvarma i feel called out 2022-03-14 05:22:22 petra yep! 2022-03-14 05:22:55 malvarma i hope this game grows in popularity, and educates people about the issues 2022-03-14 05:23:17 malvarma or maybe that wont matter, and the problem is that people are just selfish 2022-03-14 05:43:52 <-- malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-14 06:12:46 <-- brendo (brendantcc@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-14 06:13:28 --> brendo (brendantcc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 06:53:52 cymen good morning, townies 2022-03-14 06:54:14 cymen and happy pi day (american edition) 2022-03-14 06:55:44 cymen or let's call it big-endian π-day 2022-03-14 06:55:51 extratone good morning cymen. 2022-03-14 06:55:57 extratone or ⓖⓞⓞⓓ ⓜⓞⓡⓝⓘⓝⓖ I should say 2022-03-14 06:56:16 cymen oooh weird letters, I love it! :) 2022-03-14 06:56:33 cymen good morning, extratone 2022-03-14 06:56:37 cymen smiley day to you 2022-03-14 06:56:40 cymen !water 2022-03-14 06:56:40 * pinhook waters cymen's seed 2022-03-14 06:56:42 cymen !tarot 2022-03-14 06:56:42 rufus[awkbot] The Queen of Cups (Reversed) - martyrdom, insecurity, dependence 2022-03-14 06:56:49 extratone oh shucks I gotta do that. 2022-03-14 06:56:51 extratone !water 2022-03-14 06:56:51 * pinhook waters extratone's seedling 2022-03-14 06:57:23 cymen hehe...virtual plants...of all the weird ideas :) 2022-03-14 06:59:08 cymen okay, I have to do tax shit now x) 2022-03-14 07:00:19 extratone oh geez that's no fun. 2022-03-14 07:09:32 nihilazo \o 2022-03-14 07:16:51 extratone howdy nihilazo 2022-03-14 07:17:06 nihilazo hi! 2022-03-14 07:17:12 * nihilazo should be doing things instead of IRCing 2022-03-14 07:19:29 dzwdz i'm things 2022-03-14 07:20:35 nihilazo owo 2022-03-14 07:20:38 nihilazo hi dzwdz 2022-03-14 07:20:46 nihilazo I am not doing you, that would be weird 2022-03-14 07:20:51 nihilazo but still, hi 2022-03-14 07:22:52 dzwdz hi 2022-03-14 07:23:07 petra hi 2022-03-14 07:26:53 dzwdz so what's up 2022-03-14 07:34:18 juspib cars are cringe as fuck 2022-03-14 07:35:14 juspib i just got on the bus and remembered i had something to do at home before school and got off the bus one town away 2022-03-14 07:39:27 nihilazo o 2022-03-14 07:39:30 nihilazo how often are your busses? 2022-03-14 07:41:33 petra oops... :( 2022-03-14 07:41:40 petra how far away are your towns? 2022-03-14 07:41:53 juspib jfc how many cars 2022-03-14 07:42:03 juspib idk 2022-03-14 07:43:06 juspib 2.3km according to google 2022-03-14 07:43:16 juspib pretty close i think 2022-03-14 07:43:39 petra not so bad 2022-03-14 07:48:25 cymen good morning, joiners! 2022-03-14 07:48:29 cymen good evening, petra! 2022-03-14 07:49:13 cymen juspib: aren't you going to be late for school now? 2022-03-14 07:51:13 extratone what should I do with my last hour with The Mac? 2022-03-14 07:51:26 extratone nobody say "install Linux" 2022-03-14 07:52:17 cymen change the language to french? 2022-03-14 07:53:12 extratone a good idea, also a bad idea. 2022-03-14 07:53:21 extratone would be a good idea if I could read french 2022-03-14 07:55:55 petra you can try guess! 2022-03-14 08:00:01 nihilazo make sick beats in garageband 2022-03-14 08:00:11 nihilazo (the thing I always do with display unit macs in stores) 2022-03-14 08:00:35 extratone already did that https://soundcloud.com/chordoslut/everyone-has-a-podcast-none-but-god-are-listening 2022-03-14 08:01:08 cymen Sometimes you wonder where clichees about countries come from... 2022-03-14 08:01:28 cymen and sometimes you find out that Germany had a number one hit about raising the GNP x) 2022-03-14 08:01:45 extratone Related tracks: Nextel Direct Connect PTT Sounds 2022-03-14 08:02:50 cymen so here, have yourself some 80ies German music and get to work! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm8dk7SfV1E 2022-03-14 08:02:51 pinhook ["Bruttosozialprodukt - YouTube"] 2022-03-14 08:03:05 petra Is it sausage rolls that the UK regularly has number one christmas songs about? 2022-03-14 08:03:21 nihilazo ? 2022-03-14 08:04:15 petra the ladbaby stuff 2022-03-14 08:05:04 petra 'The couple had the Christmas number one on the UK Singles Chart in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 with the novelty songs "We Built This City", "I Love Sausage Rolls", "Don't Stop Me Eatin'", and "Sausage Rolls for Everyone" respectively. ' 2022-03-14 08:08:29 juspib cymen no 2022-03-14 08:08:40 juspib extratone install bsd 2022-03-14 08:12:59 nihilazo petra: oh what 2022-03-14 08:13:02 nihilazo I mean, I have never heard any of those 2022-03-14 08:13:22 extratone this is great https://youthculture2000.com/zine2.html 2022-03-14 08:13:39 petra clearly not hip with the cool kids nihi 2022-03-14 08:14:11 nihilazo I'm not hip with the cool kids 2022-03-14 08:14:17 nihilazo what is the tick tock 2022-03-14 08:14:24 nihilazo I don't know 2022-03-14 08:14:38 nihilazo the other people at my college talk about the snapped chat and the tick tock 2022-03-14 08:14:49 cymen petra: I am enjoying this! 2022-03-14 08:15:22 extratone the ticking application? I downloaded it on my home computer! surprisingly, the desktop app supports keyboard shortcuts 2022-03-14 08:15:42 extratone unfortunately, beyond that I don't think I understand it. 2022-03-14 08:15:46 petra I've never listened to them, I'm just... familiar, as it were 2022-03-14 08:15:59 extratone (I actually spent a whole afternoon trying to train the algorithm to my liking and failed.) 2022-03-14 08:16:16 extratone ((I do not believe algorithmic recommendation works.)) 2022-03-14 08:17:42 cymen We should have built this town on sausage rolls as well. 2022-03-14 08:19:33 juspib algorithmic recommendation absolutely works 2022-03-14 08:19:54 cymen petra: https://youtu.be/8iEB8bfP7wE?t=82 2022-03-14 08:19:54 pinhook ["We Built This City ...on Sausage Rolls (Official Music Video) - LadBaby - YouTube"] 2022-03-14 08:20:10 extratone well I'm glad it works for someone. it consistently does not work for me. 2022-03-14 08:20:35 juspib the most basic way (youtube) works for me, but then you can do tricls 2022-03-14 08:20:37 juspib tricks 2022-03-14 08:21:52 juspib like "admin likes something -> recommends it to everyone" counts as algoirthmic recommendation 2022-03-14 08:32:40 <-- piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-14 08:32:46 --> piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 08:33:15 <-- piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-14 08:33:20 --> piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 08:35:40 extratone gonna shut down The Macintosh. I'll brb. 2022-03-14 08:35:44 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-14 08:40:52 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 08:40:52 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-14 08:40:52 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-14 08:40:52 -- Channel #tildetown: 99 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 96 normals) 2022-03-14 08:40:54 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-14 08:53:16 extratone I've already asked this before, but does The Tildeverse overlap with NeoCities at all? 2022-03-14 09:17:29 juspib in what sense 2022-03-14 09:17:54 nihilazo I feel like the outfit I'm wearing rn needs eyeliner but I cannot do eyeliner to save my life 2022-03-14 09:17:56 cymen extratone: I'm not aware but there are definitely religious similarities. 2022-03-14 09:17:57 juspib you can host static webpages for free with both, does that count? 2022-03-14 09:18:11 extratone lol 2022-03-14 09:18:22 extratone I guess I meant culturally, but yes. 2022-03-14 09:18:43 cymen I don't know if there is a large overlap in people. 2022-03-14 09:19:02 cymen But definitely finding weird online spaces, retro tech, small web,...lot's of cultural overlap 2022-03-14 09:19:30 extratone I really love NeoCities but have 0 folks to talk about it with basically. 2022-03-14 09:19:42 extratone NeoCities does not have an equivalent of this chat. 2022-03-14 09:20:13 juspib yea that's the primary thing about it 2022-03-14 09:21:01 juspib neocities embraces 90's and 00's tech, emails and stuff 2022-03-14 09:21:53 juspib tilde.town is modern tech and modern communication 2022-03-14 09:22:02 extratone I've seen the most delightful/impressive web pages there. 2022-03-14 09:22:34 extratone I'm assuming that was sarcasm, juspib, given that we are currently chatting on IRC lol 2022-03-14 09:23:09 juspib is IRC not modern? 2022-03-14 09:23:34 juspib it's instant, you can access it through whatever gui you write or find 2022-03-14 09:24:16 extratone I'm not sure if I have an answer to that, but I think the vast majority of folks seem to think IRC is a past thing. 2022-03-14 09:24:52 extratone this chat was my first time using IRC in almost 15 years lol 2022-03-14 09:25:52 extratone (which doesn't necessarily mean anything.) 2022-03-14 09:25:53 juspib i've never used IRC before signing up on tilde.town so it's modern in my eyes 2022-03-14 09:26:38 extratone well that's cool! 2022-03-14 09:27:27 extratone but I think you're right about TildeTown in the sense that... there's nothing particularly nostalgic about it. or inherently nostalgic. 2022-03-14 09:30:58 <-- astrinaut (xmc@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-14 09:31:30 --> astrinaut (xmc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 09:33:16 juspib then there's stuff like sadgrl.online 2022-03-14 09:33:49 juspib "ohh modern internet is so dominated by capitalists, social media is ruining everything and stuff" 2022-03-14 09:34:14 juspib "want to chat with me? go sign up on discord" 2022-03-14 09:35:23 cymen juspib: actually I think IRC is not very modern 2022-03-14 09:35:30 cymen it doesn't sync well between devices 2022-03-14 09:35:33 cymen has no proper encryption 2022-03-14 09:35:42 cymen does not allow files and such in a sensible manner :) 2022-03-14 09:38:36 juspib it's possible to encrypt irc 2022-03-14 09:39:30 juspib and not putting files on the server is a plus for me 2022-03-14 09:39:37 cymen not as part of the standard 2022-03-14 09:39:58 cymen and not being able to share files is definitely not a plus 2022-03-14 09:40:03 cymen although, I get your point :) 2022-03-14 09:40:45 juspib i don't have experience with how it syncs 2022-03-14 09:43:41 cymen It doesn't you only get the messages that come in when you're online. 2022-03-14 09:43:57 cymen Except for some playback things that people have built. 2022-03-14 09:44:52 cymen I mean, IRC is from the 80ies so I cannot blame it. 2022-03-14 09:45:28 juspib a yea that's bad 2022-03-14 09:48:17 extratone I was not aware of sadgrl.online but oh my. 2022-03-14 09:48:46 extratone as I've said here before, I don't think IRC makes sense for most use cases anymore, but it absolutely makes sense for this chat. 2022-03-14 09:57:08 nihilazo IRC doesn't make sense for most use cases 2022-03-14 09:58:03 nihilazo but idk anything better for a chat like this 2022-03-14 09:58:11 nihilazo like, every chat program and/or protocol sucks, IRC included 2022-03-14 09:59:44 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-14 10:00:50 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 10:00:50 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-14 10:00:50 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-14 10:00:50 -- Channel #tildetown: 99 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 96 normals) 2022-03-14 10:00:52 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-14 10:01:06 extratone well that was odd. I got an error trying to mosh. 2022-03-14 10:01:23 extratone I was going to say... TildeTown is Web6 2022-03-14 10:01:27 juspib the russian word for "chinese" makes me think of kitsune 2022-03-14 10:22:39 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-14 10:33:08 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 10:33:08 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-14 10:33:08 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-14 10:33:08 -- Channel #tildetown: 99 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 96 normals) 2022-03-14 10:33:10 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-14 10:33:16 extratone китайский язык 2022-03-14 10:48:59 juspib китайский vs китсуне 2022-03-14 11:03:02 juspib Just learned the english word for a female cat is Queen 2022-03-14 11:03:26 juspib Bit unfair to the female dogs out there 2022-03-14 11:13:54 extratone lots about English is unfair tho. 2022-03-14 11:20:34 extratone hence. https://twitter.com/HaggardHawks/status/1503327190678745092 2022-03-14 11:40:53 juspib well that's just specialist language 2022-03-14 11:41:25 juspib like here we have tons of words to describe a pigeon's appearance but few people know them 2022-03-14 11:42:58 extratone I was just kidding hehe. I love HH tho. 2022-03-14 12:06:03 extratone added TTS to my guide :) https://bilge.world/tildetown-iphone-blink-shell 2022-03-14 12:21:06 tomasino that's a pretty fantastic guide 2022-03-14 12:34:22 extratone thanks! I'm glad you think so. I hope it proves genuinely useful to somebody. 2022-03-14 12:34:56 juspib what's HH? 2022-03-14 12:35:26 extratone HaggardHawks 2022-03-14 12:36:10 <-- piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-14 12:38:43 elly morning y'all :) 2022-03-14 12:40:35 extratone gm elly 2022-03-14 12:41:47 --> piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 12:43:28 elly morning! 2022-03-14 12:43:51 asm morning! 2022-03-14 12:44:03 asm happy tildetowning 2022-03-14 12:52:07 extratone I gotta run to the store I'll see y'all later. o/ 2022-03-14 12:52:10 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-14 13:59:24 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 13:59:24 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-14 13:59:24 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-14 13:59:24 -- Channel #tildetown: 101 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 98 normals) 2022-03-14 13:59:26 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-14 14:00:09 juspib hi extratone 2022-03-14 14:00:18 extratone good morning 3 2022-03-14 14:11:41 twee turns out i could just comment out the lines referencing the stuff that crashes mpdevil 2022-03-14 14:11:52 twee hopefully that doesn't royally fuck anything up but for now it seems chill 2022-03-14 14:16:41 elly asm: their email about mutt/thunderbird not working? 2022-03-14 14:17:49 juspib i got a mood for mcdonalds but they still haven't pulled out of russia 2022-03-14 14:18:12 asm elly: yes 2022-03-14 14:18:26 elly oh 2022-03-14 14:18:31 elly well, what do you want them to do? 2022-03-14 14:19:00 @natalia https://www.vanormondt.net/~peter/blog/2021-03-16-mutt-office365-mfa.html 2022-03-14 14:19:03 @natalia A Link 2022-03-14 14:19:33 asm not force nonfree software 2022-03-14 14:19:58 asm natalia: I tried that 2022-03-14 14:20:00 asm didn't work 2022-03-14 14:20:11 elly so more specifically, you want them to help you figure out how to use Thunderbird, or? 2022-03-14 14:20:21 asm no 2022-03-14 14:20:35 @natalia how didn't it work 2022-03-14 14:20:37 asm I know how to use clients like mutt and thunderbird 2022-03-14 14:20:43 elly with their service I mean 2022-03-14 14:21:24 asm natalia: it brought up a screen saying I needed approval from ITS to use it, and they just ignore those emails (or maybe even just auto-delete them, idk) 2022-03-14 14:22:11 @natalia with oauth? 2022-03-14 14:22:16 asm yes 2022-03-14 14:23:10 elly if you need their approval and they're ignoring you I think the next step is to talk to your dean or similar 2022-03-14 14:24:28 dzwdz wait, so every time you log in via an unofficial client the admins get an email that they have to approve? 2022-03-14 14:25:22 asm I don't think it'll be every time 2022-03-14 14:25:29 asm but they just never approve anything 2022-03-14 14:25:39 dzwdz ah, a single time thing is reasonable 2022-03-14 14:26:14 elly if they mailed you back, replying with something like "When I try to log in I get a thing telling me that ITS needs to approve this client - is there somewhere I need to file a request for that?" or whatever 2022-03-14 14:26:19 elly is probably not a bad bet 2022-03-14 14:32:24 juspib not really 2022-03-14 14:33:05 @natalia why not 2022-03-14 14:33:13 juspib what's their issue with mail clients that they have to aprove them? 2022-03-14 14:33:50 elly I do not think that emailing them asking about it will get asm what they want 2022-03-14 14:34:21 @natalia the average client is not a Computer User and they probably had an unreasonable amount of phishing 2022-03-14 14:36:04 elly but also, if you want to get your way in a bureaucracy, it is usually more productive to ask how to navigate the policy than to argue directly with the policy 2022-03-14 14:39:29 twee man python code is ugly 2022-03-14 14:43:20 bx i wish python was designed so that your code ends up looking like a snake 2022-03-14 14:43:35 --> kiedtl (spacehare@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 14:43:55 extratone the language of serpents 2022-03-14 14:44:28 bx exactly 2022-03-14 14:44:32 bx \o\ 2022-03-14 14:44:34 bx \o\ 2022-03-14 14:44:40 bx |o| 2022-03-14 14:44:45 bx /o/ 2022-03-14 14:45:11 juspib the primary reason i don't use python is forced intendation 2022-03-14 14:47:03 bx fair, i can see how people wouldnt like it 2022-03-14 14:47:18 twee i dont' mind forced indentation 2022-03-14 14:47:29 bx i mostly stopped using python for scripty stuff after i started using ruby 2022-03-14 14:47:31 twee what i do mind is commenting out an if block and being told that i need to redo the indentation of the else block 2022-03-14 14:47:35 twee like i just want to test 2022-03-14 14:48:51 bx Off 2022-03-14 14:48:53 bx *oof 2022-03-14 14:49:57 katie bx: https://vriska.club/i/yj1nk.gif 2022-03-14 14:50:19 bx katie: thanks you very much 2022-03-14 14:50:40 bx ill put this next to gur others 2022-03-14 14:51:42 bx how is town? 2022-03-14 14:52:06 twee im trying to wade through a python gtk mpd client 2022-03-14 14:52:15 twee and make it how i want 2022-03-14 14:52:40 bx Good luck with that 2022-03-14 14:56:36 extratone I'm going to send this moving image to all my family members via SMS message. 2022-03-14 15:00:10 katie last week i put off all of my work until a meeting i had scheduled for today. i spent my whole morning stressing out about this meeting but nobody showed up for it which means i dont have to do any work. life is good 2022-03-14 15:00:45 extratone well I'm happy for you, but is nobody showing up for meetings a regular thing where you work? 2022-03-14 15:00:51 bx katie: nnnice 2022-03-14 15:01:26 bx i try and use moments like that as reminders as to why i probs dont need to stress about those kinda things 2022-03-14 15:01:28 extratone I don't know anything about working in an office, but gee, that sounds like a fundamental thing. 2022-03-14 15:02:29 katie extratone: not for the group im supposed to be meeting with. they're all usually super attentive so i don't mind letting it slide 2022-03-14 15:07:07 bx extratone: i assumed people in offices just like had a spread sheet or something with all gur info on it 2022-03-14 15:08:09 extratone ah yes. I have always fantasized about drafting a "memo" 2022-03-14 15:08:53 extratone "Just an FYI for the Display Team: PeePee." 2022-03-14 15:09:09 extratone clearly I am not mature enough for management. 2022-03-14 15:09:24 katie extratone: that's about what our Slack channels look like 2022-03-14 15:10:10 extratone that's beautiful. I guess I just wouldn't want to be scary as a boss. not scary at all costs, even respect. 2022-03-14 15:10:47 elly if I showed up to a meeting and nobody else did it would have me doubting whether it was a workday 2022-03-14 15:10:49 extratone I've had scary bosses and they often don't get told the most important stuff because everybody's too scared. 2022-03-14 15:11:16 katie i've discovered recently that my team finds me intimidating and i can't figure out what to do about it 2022-03-14 15:11:32 elly do you know why? 2022-03-14 15:12:00 katie not entirely. i think i'm fairly terse in my code reviews? 2022-03-14 15:12:00 bx ^ 2022-03-14 15:12:13 bx (i meant gur why thing) 2022-03-14 15:12:17 elly ahh 2022-03-14 15:12:29 elly I can imagine that being intimidating 2022-03-14 15:12:36 katie i also tend to Know All Of The Things whenever they have issues so like. idk 2022-03-14 15:12:58 extratone smart, succinct katie. how terrifying. 2022-03-14 15:13:16 katie that coupled with the fact that they've never met me irl or interacted with me outside of work and i'm usually too busy to meet with them but twice a week. i should make a point of making some poop jokes the next time we meet 2022-03-14 15:13:46 elly lol 2022-03-14 15:14:20 bx Did you hear about gur doctor who gave a long presentation on gur bowels? 2022-03-14 15:14:25 elly or leave longer feedback (and make sure you are finding positive stuff to say) on code reviews and share your own learning process some more :) 2022-03-14 15:14:33 bx His students got gur protcolo-gist of what he meant 2022-03-14 15:15:10 bx Make sure not to eat any chairs 2022-03-14 15:15:15 bx It'll affect your stool 2022-03-14 15:15:49 extratone oh man... I wonder... if you all would find this one chapter of my abandoned novel funny. 2022-03-14 15:15:54 katie elly: i feel like im usually good at saying positive stuff, but i think the way i communiate makes it come across as disingenuous somehow 2022-03-14 15:18:18 <-- astrinaut (xmc@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-14 15:18:50 --> astrinaut (xmc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 15:22:43 elly how so? 2022-03-14 15:27:22 extratone idk if y'all would enjoy this, but I tried to write a scene of someone absolutely losing it in the office of MapQuest, specifically. https://tilde.town/~extratone/blimp/blimp4.pdf 2022-03-14 15:28:33 katie elly: i’m not really sure! it’s just a problem i’ve been told i have by others and haven’t been able to figure out how tear apart as of yet 2022-03-14 15:29:03 elly ah, gotcha 2022-03-14 15:29:14 elly hm! good luck 2022-03-14 15:30:21 extratone if you do read it, you must do so while listening to this. https://youtu.be/4s3KPmrsGT4 2022-03-14 15:30:22 pinhook ["Alfred: Rule Britannia - YouTube"] 2022-03-14 15:30:51 m455 when i have to edit PRs i usually start off the first several wiht reason as to why i did it in a gentle-as-poassible way, and then any further suggestions in the PR that are like the same type of edits as previous ones, i just don't provide a reason. like if someone continuously mis-capitalizes something, i will only add a reason to the first 2022-03-14 15:30:53 m455 instance of that suggestion, as an example 2022-03-14 15:31:11 asm extratone: where can I read chapters 1-3 at? 2022-03-14 15:33:12 extratone asm, if you must, you can read the entirety of my progress, here. but please keep in mind that I had never written in this format before and actually thought that was an *advantage* at the time lol. https://tilde.town/~extratone/blimp/blimp.pdf 2022-03-14 16:05:15 @vilmibm I'm So Tired 2022-03-14 16:05:28 elly rip vil 2022-03-14 16:05:46 @vilmibm going to quit my job this week and it is wrecking my mental health 2022-03-14 16:05:54 tomasino oh wow 2022-03-14 16:06:04 tomasino the job is, or the stress over quitting? 2022-03-14 16:06:07 bx ^ 2022-03-14 16:06:08 @vilmibm the latter 2022-03-14 16:06:15 <-- piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-14 16:06:20 --> piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 16:06:23 tomasino you moving on to something bigger and better? 2022-03-14 16:06:33 @vilmibm yes, indefinite funemployment 2022-03-14 16:06:42 tomasino oh! well, that is quite exciting 2022-03-14 16:06:52 bx is funemployment a real term? 2022-03-14 16:06:56 tomasino and i totally understand where the nerves might be coming from 2022-03-14 16:07:10 @vilmibm bx: it is commonly used, yes, to imply unemployment by choice 2022-03-14 16:07:18 bx Huh, til 2022-03-14 16:07:46 tomasino what's the first fun thing you're looking forward to doing with your funemployment 2022-03-14 16:08:02 @vilmibm i'm less scared about being in that state (it sounds great and i have ample savings), more just full of "oh god what if i regret not having commit on the gh cli" anxiety. because i am proud of that project 2022-03-14 16:08:19 tomasino it's a very cool project 2022-03-14 16:08:39 @vilmibm tomasino: reading several books. then going hard on tildemush / town stuff. 2022-03-14 16:08:45 tomasino time to start working on the town-cli project! ;) 2022-03-14 16:08:46 bx having comit = adding in gur feature to commit with it ? 2022-03-14 16:08:50 extratone oooo 2022-03-14 16:09:11 bx vilmibm: niiiice 2022-03-14 16:09:19 @vilmibm bx: no like, i am a maintainer of it and have commit rights. i can push to trunk whenever i want! it's a heady amount of power 2022-03-14 16:09:29 bx Oo 2022-03-14 16:09:43 tomasino last-week easter egg time? 2022-03-14 16:09:55 @vilmibm having a tool i've had a huge part in designing and implementing that has 100,000 active monthly users is intense 2022-03-14 16:10:11 tomasino i use it! ;) 2022-03-14 16:10:13 @vilmibm tomasino: hehe since extensions support shipped my team pushes me towards putting my weird shit into extensions 2022-03-14 16:10:20 bx yea that sounds intense for something like gh cli 2022-03-14 16:10:25 @vilmibm but `gh repo garden` lives on 2022-03-14 16:10:27 dozens what's the difference between funemployment and retirement? 2022-03-14 16:10:43 @vilmibm dozens: i think retirement has a legal connotation 2022-03-14 16:10:47 bx Huh 2022-03-14 16:10:49 dozens ah 2022-03-14 16:10:51 bx didn't know that 2022-03-14 16:10:59 @vilmibm but i could be wrong 2022-03-14 16:11:08 bx i just think of retirement as "too old or injured to work anymroe" 2022-03-14 16:11:09 @vilmibm i think funemployment also suggests "i might go back to work at some point" 2022-03-14 16:11:22 bx it does give that vibe 2022-03-14 16:11:23 elly funemployment definitely suggests temporary and retirement suggests permanent 2022-03-14 16:11:27 dozens "I am illegally retired!" 2022-03-14 16:11:28 @vilmibm which i might if i get tired of living on a budget 2022-03-14 16:11:32 @vilmibm hehe 2022-03-14 16:11:59 elly also, there are legal meanings for retirement only if you are above a certain age and (afaik) only for some kind of investment account and such 2022-03-14 16:12:08 dozens i haven't actually ever done this, but i love the idea of frequent mini-retirements. which i guess is funemployments. 2022-03-14 16:12:20 @vilmibm i keep thinking "oh god i get paid to work on an open source CLI tool how can i do better than that" then look at my savings and realize "oh i could be working on open source CLI tools full time and not for a corporation" 2022-03-14 16:12:35 elly dozens: yeah that's funemployment :) 2022-03-14 16:12:55 dozens vilmibm: full time Mayor of Tilde Town? 2022-03-14 16:13:03 dozens elly: yeah i guess it is haha 2022-03-14 16:13:08 @vilmibm dozens: pretty much 2022-03-14 16:13:17 bx funemployment does sound good 2022-03-14 16:13:32 bx gur idea of working more than 2 years in one place really creeps me out 2022-03-14 16:13:42 dozens well i for one am looking forward to seeing a lot more vilmibm. 2022-03-14 16:13:52 elly meanwhile I am closing in on the 12 year mark :P 2022-03-14 16:13:52 @vilmibm <3 2022-03-14 16:13:52 dozens maybe that means moar tildemush updates lol 2022-03-14 16:14:01 @vilmibm it does! i'm so excited to work on it 2022-03-14 16:14:12 bx elly: just to be clear i mean physical location 2022-03-14 16:14:36 @vilmibm i have put over 4 years into GH which is my longest employment term ever, but i've done it all remotely while moving around 2022-03-14 16:14:46 elly ahh 2022-03-14 16:14:49 bx See that seems more chill 2022-03-14 16:15:04 @vilmibm it's fine and if i didn't have these savings i would be fine with my job 2022-03-14 16:15:21 @vilmibm but i can feel the best parts of my brain energy all going into work and that makes me sad when i have this alternative 2022-03-14 16:15:53 dozens did i tell you i applied at github during pandemic? they send me a unix-ish code challenge and then they were like, sorry dozens you don't know enuf bash or whatever 2022-03-14 16:16:10 @vilmibm wow i'm sorry 2022-03-14 16:16:17 dozens i was never really sure what i was applying for lol 2022-03-14 16:16:23 @vilmibm getting a job at GH is very difficult unless you know someone 2022-03-14 16:16:26 bx that seems rude, people can learn bash 2022-03-14 16:16:28 @vilmibm and like, Someone 2022-03-14 16:16:45 @vilmibm like not a normal person like me but a director or up 2022-03-14 16:16:56 @vilmibm also GH sources from Microsoft first and a loooot of msft people want to move to GH 2022-03-14 16:16:57 bx Ah yes Someone Jones, head of github recruitment 2022-03-14 16:17:00 @vilmibm hehe 2022-03-14 16:17:11 dozens Someone Hub 2022-03-14 16:18:04 bx has someone already made a shithub parody site 2022-03-14 16:20:32 bx where people upload code exclusively related to poop 2022-03-14 16:20:49 dozens wow the front page of github looks like crap now. super generic corporate, scroll jack, etc 2022-03-14 16:21:09 @vilmibm GH is very corporate 2022-03-14 16:21:33 bx oh god 2022-03-14 16:21:34 bx EW 2022-03-14 16:21:36 bx EW 2022-03-14 16:21:41 @vilmibm OKRs and numbers go up and shareholder values etc 2022-03-14 16:21:43 bx this used to be nice 2022-03-14 16:22:14 dozens ew, Oklahoma Requirements? 2022-03-14 16:22:18 @vilmibm if only 2022-03-14 16:22:25 bx thought "gur people who get pleasure from seeing numbers go up are gur worst people to be running anything" 2022-03-14 16:22:27 elly objectives & key results 2022-03-14 16:22:36 @vilmibm i would rather be forced to sing along to songs from the musical Oklahoma! than have to draft / adhere to Objective Key Results 2022-03-14 16:23:06 elly a management thing Intel made up that then infected most of the rest of the tech industry in one form or another 2022-03-14 16:23:11 @archangelic Symantec wasn’t as hung up about OKRs as most of these newer companies are. 2022-03-14 16:23:29 dozens as a completionist, okrs depress me with their 'you should only be able to achieve 70% of this goal' 2022-03-14 16:23:34 @archangelic Maybe my manager shielded us from it, but I doubt that. 2022-03-14 16:23:49 @natalia i love looking up new management terms because it's nearly the only place nowadays where i see modern websites use "gender neutral" he/him pronouns lol 2022-03-14 16:24:20 elly dozens: aw, I like the 70% thing 2022-03-14 16:24:39 dozens depends on the day, i guess. 2022-03-14 16:24:47 elly for me it helps not worry about not getting OKRs done :P 2022-03-14 16:25:11 dozens haha, legit 2022-03-14 16:26:25 @archangelic OKRs seem like KPI’s nicer cousin. 2022-03-14 16:26:33 @vilmibm AAAHHH i forgot about KPIs 2022-03-14 16:26:37 @vilmibm saidjaisjdfioasjd 2022-03-14 16:26:38 elly the KR part is basically KPIs 2022-03-14 16:26:48 elly and the O part is like "why should anyone care about these" 2022-03-14 16:26:56 @archangelic KPIs give me ptsd flashbacks (not joking) 2022-03-14 16:26:59 @vilmibm i am buying my freedom from this world of madness and power language 2022-03-14 16:27:07 elly man y'all have had some bad managers 2022-03-14 16:27:15 @archangelic I worked in call centere 2022-03-14 16:27:19 @vilmibm s/managers/companies 2022-03-14 16:27:33 @archangelic My pay was set by KPIs in some cases. 2022-03-14 16:27:40 elly commission vibes 2022-03-14 16:27:48 @natalia what if tilde.town had a public cgit. would that be overkill because we have the other gitea man 2022-03-14 16:27:51 @archangelic I got fired because of KPIs once 2022-03-14 16:27:56 @natalia ooogh 2022-03-14 16:27:58 elly :( 2022-03-14 16:28:11 @vilmibm archangelic: <3 ;_; 2022-03-14 16:28:41 @vilmibm natalia: public as in anyone can interact with it? 2022-03-14 16:28:45 @archangelic Yeah, was taking too long on calls because my team was having me do tier 2 troubleshooting with no promotion to tier 2. Never again. 2022-03-14 16:29:10 @archangelic Young and eager to please, and got taken advantage of. 2022-03-14 16:29:53 @archangelic But honestly I think they didn’t like me that much regardless. 2022-03-14 16:30:25 @natalia vilmibm: cgit is read only so yeah, instead of needing an account you'd just put dirs in public_cgit or something. might not be that useful actually, having two would be confusing 2022-03-14 16:31:16 @natalia archangelic: awful metrics hurt so bad 2022-03-14 16:31:18 @vilmibm could be confusing, but i'm open to talking about if it's a better solution for the town than gitea. but last time it came up a number of people said they really appreciated the gitea so i donno 2022-03-14 16:32:04 twee last time i hosted my own git i prefered cgit to gitea 2022-03-14 16:32:21 * bx likes gur gitea but is open to change 2022-03-14 16:32:32 twee i cant remember my logic and it might have been to do with setup, which i wouldnt have to worry about, but i know that was what i used for a couple years after testing a few things 2022-03-14 16:32:43 @natalia my current workplace all around the board has a nice variety of really bad metrics that do nothing but harm mostly 2022-03-14 16:32:47 twee imo cgit looks better 2022-03-14 16:32:58 elly natalia: oh no 2022-03-14 16:33:13 elly one of the arguments I find myself in a LOT at work is "we should not measure that" 2022-03-14 16:33:16 @natalia i prefer cgit for self-hosting but i wouldn't want to change gitea so i don't really think it's necessary 2022-03-14 16:33:21 elly people are always so tempted to be like "it will be more data points!" 2022-03-14 16:33:44 @vilmibm i like the idea of public_git directory mirroring public_html and public_gopher 2022-03-14 16:34:05 @vilmibm i do not hate gitea by any means (i think it's really cool software) but it feels incongruous with other town stuff 2022-03-14 16:34:13 bx more data points != better data 2022-03-14 16:34:18 @natalia here are is a (very biased and poorly thought up!) number you will be expected to compete for but not be reasonably compensated for (lol lmao) also can you do these things that will hurt your performance 2022-03-14 16:34:27 twee vilmibm: that's a good point actually 2022-03-14 16:34:32 twee and public_git sounds kind of cool 2022-03-14 16:34:48 @vilmibm in the name of Eris and general chaos i'm fine with having competing git hosting 2022-03-14 16:34:53 elly bx: and indeed, more data points sometimes means *worse* decisions, because the presence of data plays directly into the availability bias in human psychology 2022-03-14 16:35:02 elly so having data that does not mean much is very dangerous 2022-03-14 16:35:14 bx Yea 2022-03-14 16:35:47 bx gur idea of work places encouraging you to compete with coworkers sound horrifying 2022-03-14 16:36:01 * bx is grateful to not have to do that 2022-03-14 16:37:10 elly I haven't encountered that in my career yet thankfully 2022-03-14 16:40:04 bx I mostly havent 2022-03-14 16:40:17 twee i ahven't had a career yet 2022-03-14 16:40:49 bx though i only had a job for 2 months :p 2022-03-14 16:41:40 bx gur idea of gur competition for who would eventually get promoted when a slot was open was def something that i stressed about though 2022-03-14 16:42:02 juspib i just noticed it's π day 2022-03-14 16:42:31 twee just got so pissed off that a class wasn't defined in this project, or documented in the library reference, when i remembered i'd narrowed the buffer 2022-03-14 16:42:34 twee smh 2022-03-14 16:42:40 bx juspib: Aw man i forogt to get pie 2022-03-14 16:42:42 twee my favourite number, 14.3 2022-03-14 16:42:56 bx hehehe 2022-03-14 16:43:49 dozens i should get a pie 2022-03-14 16:44:02 dozens just finished my cupcakes, so there is an opening 2022-03-14 16:44:12 * dozens puts out a Pastries Wanted sign 2022-03-14 16:44:41 bx λmao 2022-03-14 16:46:31 twee pie pie pie 2022-03-14 16:46:37 twee im tempted by pie 2022-03-14 16:47:16 bx aaaaah i want pie now 2022-03-14 16:48:01 dozens a friend of mine used to have a pie shop. she makes the best chocolate bourbon pie in the multiverse. 2022-03-14 16:48:41 bx what's chocolate bourbon pie like? 2022-03-14 16:48:50 dozens sinfully delicious 2022-03-14 16:49:14 dozens like, you eat it, and then enjoy eternal damnation, but it is worth it 2022-03-14 16:49:27 bx wait why gur damnation 2022-03-14 16:49:35 twee full of booze 2022-03-14 16:49:40 twee and cocoa 2022-03-14 16:49:40 bx ooo 2022-03-14 16:49:42 bx i mean 2022-03-14 16:49:43 twee is my guess 2022-03-14 16:49:46 bx cocoa im ok with 2022-03-14 16:50:07 twee i think the eternal damnation is a play on the sinful, which is just what you say when something is very rich 2022-03-14 16:50:16 twee have you had 100% cocoa dark chocolate? 2022-03-14 16:50:20 bx Yesssssss 2022-03-14 16:50:23 bx It's so good 2022-03-14 16:50:49 dozens indulgance? idk, christians gotta ruin stuff 2022-03-14 16:51:02 elly middle ages catholic church vibes 2022-03-14 16:51:40 twee i was chilling in a catholic church the other week and suddenly a service started 2022-03-14 16:51:51 twee then i felt so shameful just walking out 2022-03-14 16:52:02 @vilmibm ohhhhh i recently got to see a performance of 1400s music in a catholic church and it was amazing 2022-03-14 16:52:09 twee that's cool as shit 2022-03-14 16:52:10 bx How and why does one just chill in a church 2022-03-14 16:52:18 elly vilmibm: yeah! there is one of those in NYC that I went to with my parents a while back 2022-03-14 16:52:19 dozens that architecture though 2022-03-14 16:52:22 elly chamber music in an old church 2022-03-14 16:52:23 bx vilmibm: was it a pipe organ? 2022-03-14 16:52:23 elly it was so cool 2022-03-14 16:52:38 @vilmibm bx: EVEN BETTER! an organetto, a mini lap pipe organ 2022-03-14 16:52:46 dozens a what now 2022-03-14 16:52:48 @vilmibm so not as loud but very interesting sound 2022-03-14 16:52:51 elly bx: many churches are just open during the day and you can just like, go inside 2022-03-14 16:52:52 twee ahve any of you heard hebridean psalm singing? 2022-03-14 16:52:54 twee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKjuvm_MyF0 2022-03-14 16:52:55 pinhook ["Hebridean Psalm Singing - YouTube"] 2022-03-14 16:52:59 bx elly: Oh 2022-03-14 16:53:07 twee bx: there are loads of churches around which are mostly empty and open all day 2022-03-14 16:53:14 bx twee: gur walking out thing does sound awkward 2022-03-14 16:53:15 twee i was relaxing before a job interview 2022-03-14 16:53:19 bx aaah 2022-03-14 16:53:36 @vilmibm https://www.music.iastate.edu/antiqua/instrument/organetto 2022-03-14 16:53:38 bx though i feel like i'd feel more so awkward being in a church during a service 2022-03-14 16:53:51 bx vilmibm: YO WHAT 2022-03-14 16:54:04 bx THIS IS DOPE 2022-03-14 16:54:09 @vilmibm it was cool as hell 2022-03-14 16:54:24 @vilmibm this is the group i saw: https://www.newberryconsort.org/ 2022-03-14 16:55:13 dozens omg it's like a tiny lap pipe organ accordian 2022-03-14 16:55:21 @vilmibm specifically this show https://www.newberryconsort.org/music-fit-for-the-medicis/ 2022-03-14 16:55:36 dozens i'm sorry, this is amazing 2022-03-14 16:55:43 @vilmibm (that link features the organetto and player i saw) 2022-03-14 16:55:45 elly if you like church architecture going in between services is often the best time 2022-03-14 16:55:53 elly you can usually get someone to show you around or just wander around on your own 2022-03-14 16:56:13 bx thats sounds good for doing art 2022-03-14 16:56:21 bx like drawing gur building 2022-03-14 16:56:22 * dozens quickly makes a D&D bard proficient in organetto 2022-03-14 16:56:27 @vilmibm i do enjoy over-the-top catholic church excess. the one i was in had massive, detailed statues of angels beating a devil into hell and hell was lit with red LEDs 2022-03-14 16:56:33 @vilmibm dozens: hell yeah 2022-03-14 16:57:07 twee are there any tours of donald knuth's organ? 2022-03-14 16:57:32 dozens have you seen the meme about how the church hired a guy to make a sculpture of lucifer, but he made it too sexy so they fired him and hired his brother, and he made it EVEN SEXIER 2022-03-14 16:57:47 bx im kinda surprised they added λEDS, but ig its safer than fire 2022-03-14 16:57:58 bx dozens: now i havent lol 2022-03-14 16:58:06 @vilmibm dozens: excellent 2022-03-14 16:58:06 dozens are you doing lambda instead of l now? 2022-03-14 16:58:25 dozens i like how bx is slowly training us to read their own special substitution cipher fluently 2022-03-14 16:58:29 bx i thought lucifer was supposed to be attractive, that was part of being an angel + being like temptuous 2022-03-14 16:58:36 bx dozens: only for capital ls 2022-03-14 16:58:43 @vilmibm i for one am hot for lucifer 2022-03-14 16:58:47 bx my tmux remaps it to lambda 2022-03-14 16:59:06 bx dammit dozens is onto me 2022-03-14 16:59:15 bx vilmibm: pun intended? 2022-03-14 16:59:16 dozens hang on, switching from my work computer before ddging 'sexy lucifer' 2022-03-14 16:59:23 @vilmibm bx: no but i'll run with it 2022-03-14 16:59:47 * dozens plays van halen Hot For Lucifer 2022-03-14 17:00:08 bx dozens: im honestly dissapointed with these search results 2022-03-14 17:00:16 bx i wanted to see like, dramatic oil paingints 2022-03-14 17:00:17 dozens oh whoops that is just a whole lot of porn 2022-03-14 17:00:20 bx yea 2022-03-14 17:00:26 dozens point to lucifer i guess 2022-03-14 17:00:34 bx vilmibm: Nice 2022-03-14 17:02:29 dozens here it is: 2022-03-14 17:02:31 dozens https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_g%C3%A9nie_du_mal 2022-03-14 17:03:46 @natalia thats so good 2022-03-14 17:03:50 @vilmibm indeed 2022-03-14 17:04:03 @vilmibm 'This devil is too sublime' 2022-03-14 17:04:45 @vilmibm omg "Whether Guillaume succeeded in removing the "seductive" elements may be a matter of individual perception." is a powerful phrase 2022-03-14 17:05:04 bx "distracting allure and "unhealthy beauty".[" 2022-03-14 17:05:11 bx that's one way to put it 2022-03-14 17:05:35 dozens this beauty. is unhealthy. 2022-03-14 17:06:38 twee quotefile 2022-03-14 17:07:27 bx it's a pretty impressive skulpture 2022-03-14 17:09:35 bx i feel like older paintings / sculpture are things i like in gur same way as new games with facny rendering tech 2022-03-14 17:10:14 bx like most of these are just naked people / mythological figures, in some settings that dont really appeal to me 2022-03-14 17:10:31 bx but it's super imressive and intresting to try and break down on a technical levle 2022-03-14 17:13:16 @vilmibm gonna go lay down, bbl 2022-03-14 17:14:33 bx laters vil 2022-03-14 17:14:45 twee byeo 2022-03-14 17:14:57 twee ive dropped about 600 lines 2022-03-14 17:15:10 twee slowly trying to work my way through this album rendering class 2022-03-14 17:16:34 bx dropped as in removed? 2022-03-14 17:16:52 twee yeah 2022-03-14 17:17:02 @natalia man i love sigbovik so bad 2022-03-14 17:17:09 twee im slightly curious about this bit though 2022-03-14 17:17:09 @natalia "keywords: pdflatex, cdflatex" 2022-03-14 17:17:12 twee because it's so slow 2022-03-14 17:17:23 twee and all it should be doing is drawing a few images 2022-03-14 17:21:43 bx Hm 2022-03-14 17:21:59 bx lemme know if you find gur culprit, it sounds intresting 2022-03-14 17:28:41 twee will do 2022-03-14 17:28:54 twee also it fails randomly (or presumably not randomly) on a single album 2022-03-14 17:28:58 twee which gives a fallback 2022-03-14 17:29:00 twee no other client does 2022-03-14 17:29:16 twee anyways i've just made some changes and the grid is closer to what i want 2022-03-14 17:29:25 twee im gonna head out for a bit now 2022-03-14 17:29:27 twee see you laterss 2022-03-14 17:30:11 --> arbo (arbo@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 17:31:13 bx laters twee 2022-03-14 17:32:34 bx i think ill head out too, enjoy gur ending bits of day light 2022-03-14 17:48:46 nihilazo \o 2022-03-14 18:00:58 josh \o 2022-03-14 18:01:26 juspib \o 2022-03-14 18:01:32 nihilazo how's everybody in town today? 2022-03-14 18:01:49 juspib super cool, the sun was strong today 2022-03-14 18:01:58 juspib also i wore a cool blouse 2022-03-14 18:02:20 猫 Hello 2022-03-14 18:02:27 nihilazo oh nice juspib 2022-03-14 18:21:43 nihilazo in philosophy class today we talked about ontological queerness 2022-03-14 18:21:55 nihilazo and I was excited that it was about the fact that fundemental existance is HELLA GAY 2022-03-14 18:22:06 juspib we talked about running doom yesterday so i'll link a new vid from raspberry pi https://youtu.be/vXr7tOR3dis 2022-03-14 18:22:07 pinhook ["Multiplayer DOOM on a $4 Raspberry Pi Pico! - YouTube"] 2022-03-14 18:22:07 nihilazo but nah it was just an old text talking about something being strange 2022-03-14 18:22:35 juspib what does ontological queerness mean 2022-03-14 18:23:42 nihilazo something's state of existence being unusual, I guess 2022-03-14 18:23:50 nihilazo idk we just talked about the term, not actually the theory 2022-03-14 18:49:15 dzwdz fuck i slept for 3 hours again 2022-03-14 18:49:53 dzwdz not like this night but now 2022-03-14 18:51:08 juspib congrats on the happy slepo 2022-03-14 18:58:40 juspib i want to join the army but am weak as heck :( 2022-03-14 18:59:04 elly I bet you are not the first person for whom that has been true and they probably have ways to make you strong 2022-03-14 19:01:01 dzwdz i'm too weak to join the army and i'm happy about it 2022-03-14 19:01:30 arbo I am too old. and too fat. and they can't afford me. 2022-03-14 19:03:22 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.0) 2022-03-14 19:05:32 bx juspib: a) army sucks b) have you considered weightlifing or smthn 2022-03-14 19:10:15 juspib i didn't say my muscles are weak 2022-03-14 19:10:45 bx Oh 2022-03-14 19:10:53 bx what pieces then 2022-03-14 19:14:18 --> m455 (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 19:21:23 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-14 19:21:31 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 19:21:31 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-14 19:21:31 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-14 19:21:31 -- Channel #tildetown: 103 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 100 normals) 2022-03-14 19:21:33 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-14 19:23:04 @vilmibm omfg my grandboss (former product person turned boss then grandboss whom i really like) did a "can we talk for a minute" DM 2022-03-14 19:23:13 m455 jesus 2022-03-14 19:23:21 cymen relax 2022-03-14 19:23:22 m455 that's an awful message to receive 2022-03-14 19:23:23 cymen it's fine 2022-03-14 19:23:30 m455 but yeah what cymen says lol 2022-03-14 19:23:35 m455 it's probably legit to plan shit out 2022-03-14 19:23:39 @vilmibm and as i walked to my desk to do the zoom i said to my wife "best news i could get is that he is quitting bc if he goes i am way less anxious about leaving" 2022-03-14 19:23:43 cymen some people just write these and don't think too much about what you might read into it :) 2022-03-14 19:23:54 @vilmibm and bam "hey wanted to let you know i'm leaving HG" 2022-03-14 19:23:56 @vilmibm GH* 2022-03-14 19:24:00 dzwdz hitgub 2022-03-14 19:24:02 cymen :D 2022-03-14 19:24:04 m455 :O 2022-03-14 19:24:06 m455 oh nice!!! 2022-03-14 19:24:09 @vilmibm and we laughed and were very happy 2022-03-14 19:24:13 m455 holy shit that's so great 2022-03-14 19:24:21 m455 what a great outcome to that possibly-ominous "can we talk" 2022-03-14 19:24:27 dzwdz i'd say nice but it's weird to cheer on for a random guy leaving his workplace 2022-03-14 19:24:30 cymen why does it make you less anxious about leaving that he is leaiving? 2022-03-14 19:24:30 @vilmibm i wasn't too worried -- he and i are proper friends 2022-03-14 19:24:35 dzwdz but like, nice? 2022-03-14 19:24:43 @vilmibm so 2022-03-14 19:24:43 m455 tha'ts good! 2022-03-14 19:24:46 arbo this is dope 2022-03-14 19:24:57 m455 i had a very bad experience when saying i was leaving at my previous workplace so i'm glad it went good lool 2022-03-14 19:25:09 bx vilmibm: yo that's amazing 2022-03-14 19:25:09 @vilmibm he and i started about the same time and got similar MSFT payouts 2022-03-14 19:25:14 m455 nice!! 2022-03-14 19:25:14 @vilmibm we both hate corporate existence 2022-03-14 19:25:18 m455 hhhheelll yes 2022-03-14 19:25:26 @vilmibm and bonded over being very transparent and nice to each other 2022-03-14 19:25:39 m455 this sounds like me and the other editor at my job. those relationships are gold 2022-03-14 19:25:40 cymen MSFT...microsoft fonts...misfits... 2022-03-14 19:25:49 @vilmibm and as he got promoted up to my grandboss he helped continue to make my team a very chill thing 2022-03-14 19:25:52 bx vilmibm: that's wholesome 2022-03-14 19:26:17 @vilmibm so if he's going it implies that my work situation would only get worse if i chose to stay for some reason 2022-03-14 19:27:29 dzwdz do you know where he's going? 2022-03-14 19:27:52 bx funemployment 2022-03-14 19:28:07 @vilmibm dzwdz: he's doing like me, just chilling 2022-03-14 19:28:12 bx knew ij 2022-03-14 19:28:14 bx *it 2022-03-14 19:28:21 @vilmibm he has a new spawnling 2022-03-14 19:28:28 @vilmibm and he and his wife are going to do cross country RV stuff 2022-03-14 19:28:41 @vilmibm with the spawnling and their cats i think 2022-03-14 19:28:43 @vilmibm v wholesome 2022-03-14 19:29:26 bx Ooooo that's great 2022-03-14 19:29:50 bx i wish spawn would come back into fasion for people talking about their offspring 2022-03-14 19:30:13 dzwdz i'm a fan of "crotch goblins", personally 2022-03-14 19:31:55 bx Descendants 2022-03-14 19:32:10 bx new people 2022-03-14 19:32:17 dzwdz invitees 2022-03-14 19:32:32 trashski !tarot 2022-03-14 19:32:32 rufus[awkbot] The Ten of Pentacles - legacy, culmination, inheritance 2022-03-14 19:32:53 trashski appropriate tarot 2022-03-14 19:32:59 bx yea lol 2022-03-14 19:33:21 bx !talklike rufus 2022-03-14 19:33:21 pinhook The Eight of Cups - compassion, calm, comfort 2022-03-14 19:33:42 extratone !tarot 2022-03-14 19:33:42 rufus[awkbot] The Hermit (Reversed) - loneliness, isolation, lost your way 2022-03-14 19:33:43 dzwdz !talklike 2022-03-14 19:33:45 pinhook am i tripping out is just a sticker 2022-03-14 19:33:49 extratone oh dear. 2022-03-14 19:33:57 bx !talklike 2022-03-14 19:33:58 pinhook weechat lets you read/write any memory you want to witness my curse C dialect in half its glory 2022-03-14 19:34:16 bx that's too close to something i'd really say 2022-03-14 19:34:22 bx !talklike 2022-03-14 19:34:24 pinhook keys as in human spirit from things 2022-03-14 19:34:32 bx λmao 2022-03-14 19:38:07 cymen :D 2022-03-14 19:38:09 cymen !tarot 2022-03-14 19:38:09 rufus[awkbot] The Four of Pentacles (Reversed) - greediness, stinginess, possessiveness 2022-03-14 19:38:11 cymen !water 2022-03-14 19:38:11 * pinhook waters cymen's common icy mature moss 2022-03-14 19:38:13 cymen !talklike 2022-03-14 19:38:13 pinhook To you know, switch sound cards and turn it on. :P 2022-03-14 19:38:28 @vilmibm extratone: i have listened to extratone now and it's A+, thank you for introducing me 2022-03-14 19:38:43 cymen Even pinhook knows that bx is a more interesting person than me. 2022-03-14 19:38:53 cymen Then again, I shouldn't compare myself to a time traveler. 2022-03-14 19:39:16 bx cymen: youre giving pinhook too much credit there, that's not true 2022-03-14 19:39:19 bx !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5_mH44_QeY 2022-03-14 19:39:19 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Tell Me It's a Nightmare (Kim Petras Cover) 2022-03-14 19:39:25 bx (ive probs set this one already) 2022-03-14 19:47:58 extratone vilmibm I'm glad! can't think of a better movement to have evangelized even though I don't really listen anymore. 2022-03-14 19:49:20 bx is extratone a genre? 2022-03-14 19:53:39 extratone a subgenre, really. I'll link what I sent yesterday: https://daily.bandcamp.com/features/an-introduction-to-extratone-the-worlds-fastest-music-genre 2022-03-14 19:54:04 bx yoooo 2022-03-14 19:54:10 bx this is something 2022-03-14 19:56:10 @vilmibm it's cool as hell 2022-03-14 19:57:12 bx i was gonna say this reminds me of passenger of shit 2022-03-14 19:57:17 bx and then later on gur article mentions it lol 2022-03-14 19:59:42 bx also reminds me of break core a bit 2022-03-14 20:04:08 @vilmibm same 2022-03-14 20:04:13 @vilmibm it's like HNW breakcore 2022-03-14 20:05:02 bx HNW? 2022-03-14 20:05:25 @vilmibm harsh noise wall 2022-03-14 20:09:54 bx ooo 2022-03-14 20:16:25 extratone for whatever reason, Blink allows you to tie any text command to a keyboard shortcut... as long as it's hex encoded first. 2022-03-14 20:17:28 extratone https://ttm.sh/ivd.png 2022-03-14 20:17:44 bx that's wierd 2022-03-14 20:17:46 bx but also nie 2022-03-14 20:17:50 bx *nice 2022-03-14 20:18:12 bx powershell accepts a script to run from gur command line, if you encode it as base64 2022-03-14 20:18:17 extratone it's a shame because I have literally a dozen methods of converting text to base64 or URL encoding it... or ROT... but not hex lol 2022-03-14 20:18:39 extratone ooooo that's cool bx and good to know. 2022-03-14 20:20:57 bx extratone: hexdump 2022-03-14 20:21:12 bx type hexdump here on town 2022-03-14 20:21:16 bx type ur text 2022-03-14 20:21:19 bx then hit ctrl+d 2022-03-14 20:21:51 extratone omg thank you. 2022-03-14 20:22:24 bx gur first numbers on gur side are gur "address" 2022-03-14 20:22:27 bx so dont copy that bit 2022-03-14 20:22:41 bx there is a way to turn it off but i dont rmemebr what it is 2022-03-14 20:22:52 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 20:22:56 palmdrop !water 2022-03-14 20:22:56 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-03-14 20:23:01 extratone !water 2022-03-14 20:23:01 * pinhook waters extratone's seedling 2022-03-14 20:23:04 palmdrop hello 2022-03-14 20:23:10 extratone howdy. 2022-03-14 20:23:14 bx \o hayo 2022-03-14 20:23:28 palmdrop what's cooking? 2022-03-14 20:24:41 extratone souls 2022-03-14 20:25:18 bx tasty crispy souls 2022-03-14 20:25:32 palmdrop sounds nice 2022-03-14 20:25:48 palmdrop want to share the recipe? 2022-03-14 20:27:09 bx well gur first ingreedient is souls 2022-03-14 20:27:18 bx gur second is coconut oil 2022-03-14 20:27:49 bx What's cooking where youre at ? 2022-03-14 20:28:17 @vilmibm hi palmdrop 2022-03-14 20:28:44 @natalia dude my bosd Yelled at me yesterday and im still mad 2022-03-14 20:29:20 bx that sounds unproffesional 2022-03-14 20:29:23 palmdrop bx: I ate way too much pasta + chickpeas in curry sauce 2022-03-14 20:29:31 palmdrop hey vilmibm 2022-03-14 20:29:39 @vilmibm natalia: :( fuck that 2022-03-14 20:29:41 @vilmibm i'm sorry 2022-03-14 20:29:49 @vilmibm palmdrop: sounds tasty at least 2022-03-14 20:30:02 bx palmdrop: have you considered laying down in gur sun and waiting to digest your food like a snake? 2022-03-14 20:30:06 palmdrop @natalia: so shitty, fuck 2022-03-14 20:30:12 @vilmibm "boss yelling at employee" is unwarranted and toxic 99.9% of the time 2022-03-14 20:30:27 palmdrop bx: sound really pleasant, will do in the summer 2022-03-14 20:30:52 m455 natalia: fuck i'm so sorry you had to experience that :(. what a horrible person 2022-03-14 20:30:58 palmdrop @natalia: unionize if possible. Not always possible of course, but generally a good idea 2022-03-14 20:34:21 extratone gonna restart. 2022-03-14 20:34:23 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-14 20:51:23 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 20:51:23 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-14 20:51:23 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-14 20:51:23 -- Channel #tildetown: 104 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 101 normals) 2022-03-14 20:51:25 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-14 20:51:36 bx vilmibm: that's a cool idea 2022-03-14 20:51:54 bx I have an N-Gauge im probs never gonna get round to using 2022-03-14 20:54:20 <-- arbo (arbo@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-14 20:55:49 extratone as in, Nokia, bx? 2022-03-14 20:56:00 bx yes 2022-03-14 20:56:08 extratone the big one or the small one? 2022-03-14 20:56:15 bx small 2022-03-14 20:56:17 bx i think 2022-03-14 20:56:22 extratone ah. 2022-03-14 20:56:28 extratone that's most likely. 2022-03-14 20:57:00 bx gur qd one 2022-03-14 20:57:58 bx I was a lil foolish i got it but didnt realise it seems to need a sim inserted to boot fully 2022-03-14 20:58:09 bx and also takes a pre-sd memory card 2022-03-14 20:58:34 bx im not even sure if MMC cards are still amde 2022-03-14 20:58:36 bx *made 2022-03-14 20:58:53 extratone CompactFlash? 2022-03-14 20:59:13 bx Nope, MMC 2022-03-14 20:59:20 --> sortai (sortai@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 20:59:25 bx it's like a precursor to gur sdcard 2022-03-14 20:59:32 bx newer than compact flash 2022-03-14 20:59:34 extratone ah okay I'm seeing it now. 2022-03-14 21:02:26 cymen vilmibm: i think that is pretty dope idea 2022-03-14 21:06:59 @vilmibm word 2022-03-14 21:10:09 bx excel? 2022-03-14 21:11:16 dzwdz vilmibm: that's a dope idea! 2022-03-14 21:11:50 dzwdz i assume it'd be something like a bulletin board with location markings? 2022-03-14 21:12:48 @vilmibm pretty much -- a listing is a description/title/image, regions available to ship to, and then giveaway or barter 2022-03-14 21:12:51 nihilazo yeah I think that would be cool 2022-03-14 21:13:13 elly sounds like a mailing list or forum thread basically 2022-03-14 21:13:21 nihilazo I mean yeah, could just be that 2022-03-14 21:13:31 nihilazo I think that it'd be cool if town had a revamped forum 2022-03-14 21:13:39 nihilazo I don't think bbj still has a maintainer 2022-03-14 21:13:43 dzwdz a mailing list doesn't seem like that good of an idea for this 2022-03-14 21:14:01 dzwdz townies generally live pretty far from one another, so most of the emails you'd get would be noise 2022-03-14 21:14:13 owl riends 2022-03-14 21:14:15 owl hi friends* 2022-03-14 21:14:19 owl !tarot 2022-03-14 21:14:19 rufus[awkbot] Wheel of Fortune - change, cycles, inevitable fate 2022-03-14 21:14:22 owl hmm 2022-03-14 21:14:48 bx hay owl 2022-03-14 21:15:00 @vilmibm yeah i like it being a little more filterable than a flat list 2022-03-14 21:15:08 @vilmibm it's not like that wouldn't work 2022-03-14 21:15:12 @vilmibm i'm just thinking cutely 2022-03-14 21:15:21 dzwdz i think i'll write a timetracking thingy for terminal utilities 2022-03-14 21:15:32 owl \o bx 2022-03-14 21:15:52 nihilazo I want to work on some cool things for town 2022-03-14 21:15:54 dzwdz so you could do `track irssi`, and you'd have a timer on screen of how long you've spent in irssi today 2022-03-14 21:16:08 bx dzwdz: thats an intresting idea 2022-03-14 21:16:09 nihilazo but right now I have forbidden myself from writing programs, while I learn to program 2022-03-14 21:16:15 dzwdz that's 2022-03-14 21:16:23 bx see that'd be something worth shoving into tmux if it was more hackable 2022-03-14 21:16:26 dzwdz like forbidding yourself from cooking while learning how to cook 2022-03-14 21:16:29 nihilazo or at least whole I do as much htdp as I care to do and actually want to learn to do something properly 2022-03-14 21:16:51 @vilmibm my advice is to give yourself permission to write "bad" programs while learning 2022-03-14 21:16:55 dzwdz ^ 2022-03-14 21:17:01 nihilazo I mean, I've had a decade of writing shit programs 2022-03-14 21:17:08 nihilazo I've decided to try and learn how to write good programs 2022-03-14 21:17:17 dzwdz you've said that after a program works you're done with it? 2022-03-14 21:17:24 dzwdz you don't do the entire organising/maintaining/etc part 2022-03-14 21:17:27 @vilmibm continually writing bad stuff is a good way to learn 2022-03-14 21:17:29 nihilazo I'm good at coding, in the narrow sense, terrible at writing programs 2022-03-14 21:17:32 @vilmibm sorry re-writing 2022-03-14 21:17:35 @vilmibm continually re-writing* 2022-03-14 21:17:36 nihilazo dzwdz: yeah but I want to do that 2022-03-14 21:17:41 dzwdz then do that 2022-03-14 21:17:46 nihilazo because as I start wanting to make bigger programs 2022-03-14 21:17:50 nihilazo you need that 2022-03-14 21:17:54 nihilazo idk 2022-03-14 21:18:01 nihilazo sorry I'm having a ramble-into-online-chats-about-bs day 2022-03-14 21:18:05 dzwdz the best way to learn how to structure programs well is to write badly structured ones and improve on them 2022-03-14 21:18:18 nihilazo I just spent fucking ages rambling into a chat that is completely unrelated and I'm new in about education and shit 2022-03-14 21:18:21 nihilazo idk 2022-03-14 21:18:24 nihilazo I'm not doing great today 2022-03-14 21:18:31 nihilazo I haven't been doing great in general recently 2022-03-14 21:18:38 dzwdz :/ 2022-03-14 21:18:40 dzwdz want to talk? 2022-03-14 21:19:03 nihilazo nah it's fine I'm just questioning every fucking life choice I've ever made and am making and feeling like all of them were bad and any future choice is bad 2022-03-14 21:19:05 nihilazo the usual 2022-03-14 21:19:08 nihilazo just a monday night 2022-03-14 21:21:20 dzwdz half the computers in my school broke over the weekend 2022-03-14 21:21:33 dzwdz but i don't think i had anything to do with it this time 2022-03-14 21:22:25 @vilmibm nihilazo: sorry that's what your brain is up to <3 i know the feeling 2022-03-14 21:22:31 @vilmibm !supdate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQzvQO2LcA4 2022-03-14 21:22:31 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Busta Rhymes ‎- Woo-Hah!! Got You All In Check (Official Video) [Explicit] 2022-03-14 21:30:47 waynr !talklike 2022-03-14 21:30:47 pinhook i would at least once a day job capacity 2022-03-14 21:32:11 * vilmibm wave waynr 2022-03-14 21:32:56 bx !talklike waynr 2022-03-14 21:32:56 pinhook okay time for it 2022-03-14 21:38:53 asm !talklike waynr 2022-03-14 21:38:53 pinhook i'll add it to make it do things the way the rust community 2022-03-14 21:38:59 asm !talklike 2022-03-14 21:38:59 pinhook if one good thing came from failing math, it's that I don't think you can access it from outside of tilde.town 2022-03-14 21:39:29 asm you can't access failing math from outside of tilde town? 2022-03-14 21:42:41 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 21:43:04 bx guess not 2022-03-14 21:44:51 dzwdz so i've got a quick and dirty prototype of the timetracker working 2022-03-14 21:45:08 dzwdz it doesn't count time across sessions but i do have a timer in the upper right 2022-03-14 21:45:09 bx o? 2022-03-14 21:46:32 dzwdz https://ttm.sh/ivP.rb 2022-03-14 21:46:52 dzwdz this was suprisingly simple tbh 2022-03-14 21:47:52 bx Oh it changes gur title 2022-03-14 21:47:54 bx clever 2022-03-14 21:50:22 dzwdz now will this be good or bad for my wellbeing 2022-03-14 21:51:12 bx try it 2022-03-14 21:51:17 bx if it works out bad ditch it 2022-03-14 21:51:24 dzwdz that's the plan 2022-03-14 21:51:33 @vilmibm jmjl: re: compilation, i've had these problems too. try messing with the GOMAXPROCS env variable. 2022-03-14 21:51:42 nihilazo so many things in sm64 feel familiar 2022-03-14 21:51:48 nihilazo I swear I must have played this game before 2022-03-14 21:51:50 dzwdz vilmibm: is there something like a global user profile? 2022-03-14 21:51:52 nihilazo I think I played sm64ds 2022-03-14 21:51:57 nihilazo so everything feels similar but different 2022-03-14 21:51:57 dzwdz s/profile/.profile 2022-03-14 21:51:58 sedbot <dzwdz> vilmibm: is there something like a global user .profile? 2022-03-14 21:52:01 nihilazo and I played it a long long time ago 2022-03-14 21:52:16 dzwdz it could be appended there 2022-03-14 21:52:22 @vilmibm dzwdz: i don't think so, whatever is in /etc/skel just gets copied for new users 2022-03-14 21:52:35 @vilmibm also people use various shells that manage environment variables differently 2022-03-14 21:52:56 dzwdz but those shells usually don't clear the variables that are already set 2022-03-14 21:53:09 dzwdz so i was thinking that maybe there's a way to set the variables before the shell launches 2022-03-14 21:53:17 elly many shells (most?) source /etc/profile before ~/.profile also 2022-03-14 21:53:31 elly ksh does, which is why this happens: 2022-03-14 21:53:32 elly $ ssh tilde 2022-03-14 21:53:32 elly /etc/profile[23]: .[180]: local: local can only be used in a function 2022-03-14 21:53:42 dzwdz i don't think fish does? 2022-03-14 21:53:45 dzwdz lemme check 2022-03-14 21:53:48 @vilmibm ah 2022-03-14 21:55:22 dzwdz well as far as strace output goes 2022-03-14 21:55:30 dzwdz apparently none of the shells ever read profile files 2022-03-14 21:56:04 dzwdz eh i'm too lazy to figure this out 2022-03-14 21:56:05 elly only login shells do so generally 2022-03-14 21:56:13 dzwdz oh 2022-03-14 21:56:23 dzwdz so i'm not using strace incorrectly, then 2022-03-14 21:56:47 elly tilde$ strace -o ~/bash.trace bash --login 2022-03-14 21:56:47 elly elly@tilde:~$ logout 2022-03-14 21:56:47 elly tilde$ grep '"/etc/profile"' ~/bash.trace 2022-03-14 21:56:47 elly openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/profile", O_RDONLY) = 3 2022-03-14 21:57:34 dzwdz also i've just checked and apparently fish indeed doesn't care about profile files 2022-03-14 21:58:02 dzwdz it's kinda weird that the shell is supposed to parse /etc/profile 2022-03-14 21:58:28 elly is it? 2022-03-14 21:58:42 elly looks like fish uses /etc/fish/config.fish instead 2022-03-14 21:58:45 dzwdz for the environment variables, at least 2022-03-14 21:59:23 elly what do you mean? 2022-03-14 21:59:33 dzwdz if they were set before the shell was launched then it'd work even on non-posix shells such as fish 2022-03-14 21:59:48 dzwdz granted this isn't what /etc/profile was really made for 2022-03-14 22:00:09 dzwdz wow i'm explaining my point in a terrible way 2022-03-14 22:00:44 dzwdz if the environment variables were set before the shell was launched, then the shell wouldn't need to parse /etc/profile to have the correct environment for the system 2022-03-14 22:00:45 * bx logs off to werk 2022-03-14 22:00:54 elly dzwdz: it doesn't need to and they are 2022-03-14 22:01:21 dzwdz is there a config file for those? 2022-03-14 22:02:48 elly the shell will inherit the value of PATH from your sshd, I think 2022-03-14 22:02:55 elly which in turn gets it from... no idea 2022-03-14 22:03:03 dzwdz its own environment? 2022-03-14 22:03:08 elly probably 2022-03-14 22:03:24 dzwdz systemd probably has that buried deep in a random ini file 2022-03-14 22:03:33 dzwdz i wonder how runit does it 2022-03-14 22:03:47 @natalia hi 2022-03-14 22:03:49 dzwdz \o 2022-03-14 22:04:51 dzwdz ...and the time tracking utility is complete 2022-03-14 22:04:54 dzwdz around 40 lines of ruby 2022-03-14 22:05:27 dzwdz wow, this was easy 2022-03-14 22:11:07 elly what does it track? 2022-03-14 22:11:20 dzwdz time spent in terminal stuff 2022-03-14 22:11:38 dzwdz for example, i'm now connecting to irc with `track irc mosh pi tmux a` 2022-03-14 22:11:59 dzwdz and now i have a timer tracking how much time i've wasted here today 2022-03-14 22:12:28 @natalia hmmm 2022-03-14 22:13:16 @natalia seems kinda useful what's pi do 2022-03-14 22:13:26 dzwdz ? 2022-03-14 22:13:26 @natalia oh, sshing into a rpi probably 2022-03-14 22:13:29 dzwdz yeah 2022-03-14 22:13:46 dzwdz irc is used to identify the thing that i'm doing 2022-03-14 22:14:05 dzwdz so after i restart something it doesn't lose count 2022-03-14 22:14:11 @natalia what happens when several programs use it at once 2022-03-14 22:14:15 elly how does it tell when you're looking at irc? 2022-03-14 22:14:34 dzwdz it doesn't, that isn't the point 2022-03-14 22:14:47 dzwdz the point is that irc is usually a distraction from work 2022-03-14 22:15:07 dzwdz if it's open i constantly peek at it 2022-03-14 22:15:53 elly ah 2022-03-14 22:15:58 dzwdz https://github.com/dzwdz/dotfiles/blob/master/home/.bin/track 2022-03-14 22:16:02 dzwdz in case anyone wants this hack 2022-03-14 22:16:26 dzwdz i didn't even bother cleaning up the code 2022-03-14 22:17:06 dzwdz also printing escape codes with tui stuff running seems like it should break stuff, so use at your own risk 2022-03-14 22:17:38 extratone somebody posted this old firefox ad so I had to edit it to reflect Modern Truths (Volume Warning!!) https://ttm.sh/ivI.D34FE83E 2022-03-14 22:19:56 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.0) 2022-03-14 22:20:00 --> m455 (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 22:21:17 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.0) 2022-03-14 22:21:21 --> m455 (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 22:22:11 elly Engineer Communicate Clearly Challenge 2022-03-14 22:22:38 elly one of the folks on my team really struggles with summarizing anything and always gives a ton of detail 2022-03-14 22:24:39 extratone same tbh. 2022-03-14 22:24:42 extratone "Linux from scratch, but even more so" 2022-03-14 22:25:43 extratone hypothetically, in that situation, I think it would be constructive if someone conveyed the level of appropriate detail in the form of markdown header levels lol 2022-03-14 22:26:09 extratone "just the h2s" or "h2s and h3s" 2022-03-14 22:26:17 elly I'm at the point of being like "What is the probability it will be done by the deadline" 2022-03-14 22:26:22 elly and still getting like, a 2-3 paragraph response 2022-03-14 22:27:03 extratone "unrecognized format." 2022-03-14 22:27:21 extratone "this input accepts only numeric percentage values." lol 2022-03-14 22:27:27 elly indeed 2022-03-14 22:27:41 elly it is just frustrating, I don't need to know all the details :P 2022-03-14 22:28:24 katie in my experience i've found people tend to give more detail than necessary when they feel they don't have a lot of autonomy 2022-03-14 22:28:25 extratone you're a hero for working with that imo. 2022-03-14 22:28:34 elly katie: yeah, indeed 2022-03-14 22:28:37 extratone that's insightful... 2022-03-14 22:28:43 elly or (I suspect in this case) when he thinks I don't trust him 2022-03-14 22:28:49 elly so he's trying to "show his work" a lot 2022-03-14 22:28:58 elly I am trying to figure out how to get out of that mode 2022-03-14 22:29:35 katie give him a broad but inconsequential project then disappear for a week 2022-03-14 22:29:49 elly lol 2022-03-14 23:07:25 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-14 23:10:59 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-14 23:21:32 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-14 23:21:32 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-14 23:21:32 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-14 23:21:32 -- Channel #tildetown: 104 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 101 normals) 2022-03-14 23:21:34 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-14 23:22:19 extratone does anyone have any particular interest in shooting some shit with me in a Twitter Space. 2022-03-14 23:26:05 extratone I would be surprised if yes but just in case. https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1jMJgeYAyjbKL 2022-03-14 23:58:42 twee went to go see the batman impromptu 2022-03-14 23:58:49 twee was pretty worth it 2022-03-15 00:07:50 extratone nice, Twee. is it really Batman vs a streamer? lol 2022-03-15 00:08:53 twee extratone: that is the primary plot, yes 2022-03-15 00:25:51 twee also today i enabled tlp and went from charging around twice in an 11-6 study sesh to plugging in now 2022-03-15 00:26:11 twee usually i plug in around 35%, today i plugged in at 15% but im still impressed 2022-03-15 00:30:56 extratone I forgot about tlp! 2022-03-15 00:31:54 extratone that's very impressive, especially considering Linux is supposed to be too power hungry to be untethered, right? 2022-03-15 00:32:34 extratone ((all of the original linux stereotypes are now like... inverted comparitively but everyone behaves as if nothing has changed.)) 2022-03-15 00:32:58 extratone sorry nobody needs that rant. 2022-03-15 00:34:59 twee preaching to the choir :) 2022-03-15 00:35:12 twee this laptop is a core m one, so it's fanless and all 2022-03-15 00:35:24 twee i don't really know what made the battery life improve quite so much 2022-03-15 00:35:47 twee oh i didn't use it for a few hours between 6 and now 2022-03-15 00:35:59 twee this is very unscientific 2022-03-15 00:36:51 twee tbh i get like 4hrs on my thinkpad x200, i haven't put tlp on that but that's pretty impressive imo 2022-03-15 00:42:07 extratone whoa! is that with the original battery? 2022-03-15 00:51:30 twee not sure 2022-03-15 00:51:44 twee like in haven't replaced it, but it was pretty healthy when i got it 2022-03-15 00:51:47 twee last year 2022-03-15 00:51:52 twee or the year before 2022-03-15 00:52:07 twee s/in/i 2022-03-15 01:12:42 --> tahnok (tahnok@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 01:13:05 tahnok good evening hackers 2022-03-15 01:21:01 * waynr wave vilmibm 2022-03-15 01:22:04 waynr meow 2022-03-15 01:23:49 llama hacker goes meow 2022-03-15 01:37:48 tahnok didn't realize llamas meowed 2022-03-15 01:37:50 tahnok TIL 2022-03-15 01:38:08 tahnok bed time though, glad I can get in again 2022-03-15 01:38:16 <-- tahnok (tahnok@localhost) has quit (Quit: *smoke bomb*) 2022-03-15 01:48:50 extratone are quit messages in weechat just done by adding text after slash quit? 2022-03-15 01:52:29 llama Let me try, for science. 2022-03-15 01:53:04 <-- llama (llamanator@localhost) has quit (Quit: Mr. Stark... I don't feel so good...) 2022-03-15 01:53:11 --> llamanator (llamanator@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 01:53:19 llamanator It didn't work D: 2022-03-15 01:54:06 @natalia pali li pini 2022-03-15 01:54:14 @natalia how's town this evening 2022-03-15 01:57:54 extratone I'm still alive. 2022-03-15 01:58:02 arplo doin good enough 2022-03-15 01:58:06 arplo how about you natalia 2022-03-15 01:59:10 @natalia good good 2022-03-15 01:59:12 @natalia pleasant workday 2022-03-15 01:59:24 @natalia thinking about edwin (text editor name in progress) 2022-03-15 02:01:43 @natalia its now FREE JAZZ HOUR 2022-03-15 02:02:25 extratone wait did I just send that accidentally. 2022-03-15 02:02:32 extratone oh... nvm 2022-03-15 02:05:36 asm extratone is still alive 2022-03-15 02:05:43 * asm plays some extra tones 2022-03-15 02:10:07 asm I'll be able to start working on the census thing soon 2022-03-15 02:10:12 asm sorry for the delays 2022-03-15 02:28:05 --> kindrobot (kindrobot@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 02:28:56 kindrobot Hey town! o/ 2022-03-15 02:32:05 asm hi 2022-03-15 02:33:24 elly hello hello 2022-03-15 02:38:08 @natalia > Though it originally existed to release Esperanto-based music, beginning with its second release (Albert Ayler's Spiritual Unity), ESP became the most important exponent of what is commonly referred to as free jazz. 2022-03-15 02:38:10 @natalia this is so funny to me 2022-03-15 02:38:19 arplo happy free jazz hour monday everybody 2022-03-15 02:43:54 kindrobot Oooh, was there a link that I missed? 2022-03-15 02:48:48 @natalia local radio show every week here 2022-03-15 02:48:53 --> flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 02:48:54 @natalia i Postabout it on here because i cannot help myself 2022-03-15 02:49:15 kindrobot How do I tune in? 2022-03-15 02:49:46 @natalia it's a real life one but i think https://www.trinity.edu/krtu works 2022-03-15 02:49:49 @natalia almost over now though ;( 2022-03-15 03:03:43 asm serious question 2022-03-15 03:03:56 asm is the s in Javascript supposed to be capital or lowercase 2022-03-15 03:04:04 @natalia capital 2022-03-15 03:04:15 asm ok 2022-03-15 03:04:15 asm thx 2022-03-15 03:06:15 agafnd Java's Crypt 2022-03-15 03:08:59 @natalia true 2022-03-15 03:09:35 asm go 31 2022-03-15 03:13:42 kindrobot Huh, I know that's _technically_ right, but it feels similar to how you're _supposed_ to capitalize the "i" in internet. 2022-03-15 03:18:12 flowercorpse wait really? 2022-03-15 03:18:27 flowercorpse Internet? 2022-03-15 03:18:42 petra yeah 2022-03-15 03:20:41 flowercorpse feels weird 2022-03-15 03:23:34 flowercorpse on a similar note 'laser' is supposed to be an acronym so it should be in all caps 2022-03-15 03:23:46 flowercorpse but it just got made into a word 2022-03-15 03:24:00 @natalia LaSeR 2022-03-15 03:33:46 m455 haha that's' fun 2022-03-15 03:33:51 m455 fuck 2022-03-15 03:33:54 m455 apostrophes 2022-03-15 03:33:56 m455 everywhere 2022-03-15 03:34:06 m455 !talklike flowercorpse 2022-03-15 03:34:06 pinhook I don't think I'll ever know what I would do without internet archive 2022-03-15 03:34:11 m455 haha nice 2022-03-15 03:34:35 flowercorpse ahahah 2022-03-15 03:35:25 m455 internet archive is pretty sweet :D 2022-03-15 03:35:26 @natalia literally same 2022-03-15 03:35:30 @natalia !talklike natalia 2022-03-15 03:35:30 pinhook natalia: Sorry, natalia was not found 2022-03-15 03:35:33 @natalia !talklike equa 2022-03-15 03:35:33 pinhook giving it to me 2022-03-15 03:35:36 m455 hahaha 2022-03-15 03:35:37 @natalia oh 2022-03-15 03:35:48 asm !talklike equa 2022-03-15 03:35:48 pinhook for the tilde.town account 2022-03-15 03:36:03 asm that completes a sentence 2022-03-15 03:36:14 m455 hahah 2022-03-15 03:36:29 asm "giving it to me for the tilde.town account" 2022-03-15 03:36:41 asm !talklike equa 2022-03-15 03:36:42 pinhook if you make it 2022-03-15 03:36:52 asm "giving it to me for the tilde.town account if you make it" 2022-03-15 03:36:57 asm that's even more sentence 2022-03-15 03:37:01 asm :o 2022-03-15 03:37:13 asm equa has been... sentenced 2022-03-15 03:37:54 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-15 03:38:48 flowercorpse !talklike m455 2022-03-15 03:38:50 pinhook not bad, just having some coffee. taking a break from a markdown->html converter lol 2022-03-15 03:39:28 m455 hahah 2022-03-15 03:39:46 m455 !fuse flowercorpse m455 2022-03-15 03:39:49 pinhook the group because i can't write poetry 2022-03-15 03:39:54 flowercorpse ouch 2022-03-15 03:39:55 m455 it's true, i'm really bad at it 2022-03-15 03:39:58 flowercorpse same 2022-03-15 03:40:07 m455 hahah *high five* 2022-03-15 03:40:10 m455 i wish i was good 2022-03-15 03:40:13 flowercorpse my grandfather was a poet though 2022-03-15 03:40:14 m455 i could practice but yeah lol 2022-03-15 03:40:16 m455 oh sick! 2022-03-15 03:42:32 flowercorpse is it weird that I pronounce your name as "mass" in my head? 2022-03-15 03:44:57 m455 flowercorpse: that's okay, a lot of people do! haha 2022-03-15 03:45:19 m455 i think it's fun to see how people interpret or pronounce my name :) 2022-03-15 03:46:00 flowercorpse ahh that's true for my actual name 2022-03-15 03:47:29 m455 what's true? haha 2022-03-15 03:47:34 m455 my brain isn't working tonight lol 2022-03-15 03:47:44 m455 i absolutely love yoru nick 2022-03-15 03:47:49 m455 your* 2022-03-15 03:49:03 flowercorpse oh as in, it's fun to see how people pronounce my actual name, since it's kinda irregular and I'm an immigrant 2022-03-15 03:49:06 flowercorpse aww thanks 2022-03-15 03:49:24 m455 oh oh! 2022-03-15 03:49:52 m455 my wife has a non-english name, and we experience that daily hahaha 2022-03-15 03:54:18 flowercorpse different pronounciations are fun, the trouble is with the encodings haha 2022-03-15 03:54:39 m455 flowercorpse: ohhh what do you mean by encodings in this context? 2022-03-15 03:55:38 flowercorpse like there are letters in it which aren't native to english, so they just get switched out to usually seemingly random ascii characters every single time they write my name on some document 2022-03-15 03:56:10 m455 ohhh! 2022-03-15 03:56:23 m455 that sucks! 2022-03-15 03:56:46 m455 some day computers will be international-characters friendly! 2022-03-15 03:58:32 flowercorpse maybe I'll just write flowercorpse on legal documents from now on 2022-03-15 04:01:47 m455 hahahah 2022-03-15 04:01:49 m455 hell ye 2022-03-15 04:01:51 m455 s 2022-03-15 04:02:00 m455 my team lead at work knows my nick now lol 2022-03-15 04:02:06 m455 because it's my github and work slack handle lol 2022-03-15 04:02:19 m455 he's really awesome and wonderful though. i have no concerns with that lol 2022-03-15 04:04:31 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-15 04:04:38 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 04:04:38 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-15 04:04:38 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-15 04:04:38 -- Channel #tildetown: 105 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 102 normals) 2022-03-15 04:04:40 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-15 04:06:24 flowercorpse ahh I think I only use flowercorpse here 2022-03-15 04:08:03 flowercorpse whoah 2022-03-15 04:08:17 flowercorpse I supposedly have a deviantart profile 2022-03-15 04:08:35 flowercorpse that's not actually me 2022-03-15 04:09:51 flowercorpse and a youtube channel 2022-03-15 04:10:13 flowercorpse flowercorpse is a more popular nick than I though 2022-03-15 04:10:57 flowercorpse s/though/tought 2022-03-15 04:10:57 sedbot <flowercorpse> flowercorpse is a more popular nick than I tought 2022-03-15 04:11:25 extratone Counterfeit Corpse! 2022-03-15 04:13:03 flowercorpse artificalflowercorpse 2022-03-15 04:14:07 extratone faux 2022-03-15 06:06:03 juspib did you know how dangerous falling over is? 2022-03-15 06:08:53 juspib well I'm not going to describe but you can legit die by passing out and hitting the floor with your head 2022-03-15 06:16:51 dzwdz bodies are fragile af 2022-03-15 07:38:45 bx Morning town 2022-03-15 07:39:05 nihilazo morning 2022-03-15 07:42:03 bx \o 2022-03-15 07:42:09 bx howre you? 2022-03-15 07:44:08 juspib bonan tagon 2022-03-15 07:45:22 juspib and bad 2022-03-15 07:45:48 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-15 07:45:48 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's electric seedling 2022-03-15 07:45:58 猫 !water nihilazo 2022-03-15 07:45:58 * pinhook waters nihilazo's seed 2022-03-15 07:46:05 猫 !tarot 2022-03-15 07:46:05 rufus[awkbot] The Four of Cups - apathy, contemplation, disconnectedness 2022-03-15 07:48:05 <-- cymen (cymen@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-15 07:51:48 bx juspib: what is bonan and togan 2022-03-15 08:02:14 bx hmm,i dont have to be in class for 2 hours 2022-03-15 08:02:26 bx i could like, go and buy food 2022-03-15 08:05:21 juspib bonan tagon is good day in esperanto 2022-03-15 08:06:08 bx oooo 2022-03-15 08:06:23 bx good day 2022-03-15 08:13:35 猫 Hello 2022-03-15 08:14:37 bx hay 2022-03-15 08:14:53 bx how goes 2022-03-15 08:15:02 猫 alright, I guess 2022-03-15 08:15:10 猫 things are things except when they're not, yknow 2022-03-15 08:15:32 猫 just going 2022-03-15 08:15:48 bx Fair 2022-03-15 08:21:09 * bx goes to get food 2022-03-15 08:25:51 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-15 08:26:01 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 08:26:01 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-15 08:26:01 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-15 08:26:01 -- Channel #tildetown: 104 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 101 normals) 2022-03-15 08:26:03 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-15 08:26:22 extratone I just spent way too much time on these lol https://ttm.sh/iv7.png https://ttm.sh/iv8.png 2022-03-15 08:56:18 juspib noooooo geeksforgeeks just turned unreadable 2022-03-15 08:56:47 juspib [*] it was such a helpful site 2022-03-15 09:04:27 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-15 10:28:17 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 10:28:17 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-15 10:28:17 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-15 10:28:17 -- Channel #tildetown: 104 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 101 normals) 2022-03-15 10:28:19 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-15 10:39:32 twee hola 2022-03-15 10:40:42 extratone mornin 2022-03-15 10:43:24 twee how are we 2022-03-15 10:45:35 nihilazo hi twee! 2022-03-15 10:47:19 nihilazo I'm doing OK. wasting my morning playing mario 64 and watching that watch for rolling rocks half A press video 2022-03-15 10:48:53 nihilazo it's actually a really interesting video tbh 2022-03-15 10:52:37 twee that sounds like a pretty enjoyable morning tbh 2022-03-15 10:53:04 twee i just had a meeting about an essay plan 2022-03-15 10:53:09 twee on phenomenology of gender 2022-03-15 10:53:17 twee the guy likes what im writing which is nice 2022-03-15 10:58:57 nihilazo oh nice 2022-03-15 10:59:05 nihilazo phenomenology of gender sounds like an interesting topic 2022-03-15 11:09:26 dzwdz bought myself dracula on the charity event 2022-03-15 11:09:41 dzwdz well, the book, not the actual dude 2022-03-15 11:09:45 dzwdz sadly 2022-03-15 11:10:28 nihilazo still cool 2022-03-15 11:22:27 猫 good book that 2022-03-15 11:23:22 dzwdz i offered to pay 100pln for it and another book (both used btw) and the dude was terrified 2022-03-15 11:23:47 dzwdz he said that he feels bad selling them for so much and offered 20pln 2022-03-15 11:23:50 dzwdz like 2022-03-15 11:24:02 dzwdz i don't think that's how negotiation works lmao 2022-03-15 11:24:16 nihilazo "we begin our epic six part series on Henry Kissinger: the Forest Gump of war crimes" 2022-03-15 11:24:18 nihilazo wow 2022-03-15 11:24:20 nihilazo 6 parts 2022-03-15 11:24:41 nihilazo somebody has to be really shitty to get 6 parts on behind the bastards 2022-03-15 11:24:50 nihilazo dzwdz: that's not how negotiation works, but also cheap books 2022-03-15 11:25:04 dzwdz it's a damn charity event 2022-03-15 11:25:22 nihilazo o, yeah 2022-03-15 11:25:39 nihilazo 100pln is a lot for 2 used books but for a charity thing I'd understand it 2022-03-15 11:30:12 dzwdz i wish there was more stuff to pick up 2022-03-15 11:47:07 login what's the exchange rate with aud? 2022-03-15 11:51:32 login 1 aud = 3.1 pln 2022-03-15 11:51:46 login 100 pln would be 100/3.1 aud = 33 aud 2022-03-15 11:52:25 login Why is Henry Kissinger called the Forest Gump of war crimes? 2022-03-15 11:52:34 login Forest Gump = lucky person right? 2022-03-15 11:55:50 nihilazo idk 2022-03-15 11:55:58 nihilazo he did a lot of war crimse 2022-03-15 11:56:09 nihilazo I've not listened to the episode yet 2022-03-15 11:56:14 * nihilazo gtg to college 2022-03-15 11:56:17 nihilazo cya town 2022-03-15 12:08:52 --> lown (lown@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 12:09:47 lown hi town! 2022-03-15 12:10:54 lown i'm not on a locked down machine for work any more so i get to hang out in town at work <3 2022-03-15 12:17:34 extratone hey lown! nice! 2022-03-15 12:17:41 extratone I'm glad you've been set free. 2022-03-15 12:19:53 lown yeah same 2022-03-15 12:20:01 lown going to be so much better for my mental health 2022-03-15 12:26:04 extratone :) 2022-03-15 12:37:15 asm you were on a locked down machine? 2022-03-15 12:41:33 --> cymen (cymen@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 12:46:42 login i don't think there's any head of state of a big country that hasn't overseen a war crime 2022-03-15 13:15:19 twee dzwdz: that's some life of brian shit there 2022-03-15 13:44:40 dzwdz also like 2022-03-15 13:45:00 dzwdz it's a *charity* event for fucks sake 2022-03-15 13:51:07 <-- mhj (mhj@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-15 14:08:25 <-- lown (lown@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-15 14:08:32 --> lown (lown@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 14:27:34 --> mhj (mhj@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 14:28:25 g1n hello 2022-03-15 14:28:29 dzwdz \o 2022-03-15 14:31:28 mhj Henlo~ 2022-03-15 14:31:46 juspib henlo 2022-03-15 14:32:14 piusbird hey town 2022-03-15 14:36:50 twee o/ 2022-03-15 14:37:00 twee pewz bird 2022-03-15 14:38:45 mhj What's new for everyone? I just woke up and am having coffee 2022-03-15 14:39:13 twee im in the library 2022-03-15 14:39:18 twee did some essay work 2022-03-15 14:39:25 twee now i im working on my imageboard/bbs thing 2022-03-15 14:40:16 mhj Ooh, cool! 2022-03-15 14:40:32 twee ye 2022-03-15 14:40:36 dzwdz oh cmon i literally wanted to start working on mine today 2022-03-15 14:40:46 dzwdz are you making that imageboard for anything in particular? 2022-03-15 14:41:00 dzwdz ok i phrased that badly - are you going to host it? 2022-03-15 14:41:02 twee fun and experimentation 2022-03-15 14:41:04 twee i intend to host it 2022-03-15 14:41:10 twee it doesn't actually have images so dont worry 2022-03-15 14:41:15 twee textboard, but inspired by imageboards 2022-03-15 14:41:27 twee why, whats yours? 2022-03-15 14:41:27 dzwdz yeah i wanted to work on a textboard 2022-03-15 14:41:32 twee oop 2022-03-15 14:41:54 dzwdz i'll host it as a hidden service 2022-03-15 14:42:12 twee :( 2022-03-15 14:42:14 dzwdz like it's also going to be inspired by the current tor chans out there - i like nanochan's layout 2022-03-15 14:42:16 dzwdz it's just that 2022-03-15 14:42:45 dzwdz i'm not aware of a single chan that's exclusively a hidden service which isn't fascist 2022-03-15 14:46:19 <-- lown (lown@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-15 14:51:39 twee feel like there's a reason for that 2022-03-15 14:52:04 dzwdz note the exclusively part 2022-03-15 14:52:30 dzwdz there are leftist chans which are hidden services, but they also have clearnet access 2022-03-15 14:52:40 dzwdz also there probably are such chans, and i'm not aware of them 2022-03-15 14:53:13 dzwdz if you make such a chan public it will probably get flooded with fascists someday 2022-03-15 14:53:40 juspib notice how a large part of imageboard sites are chans? kinda sussy 2022-03-15 14:54:53 dzwdz i'm thinking about just storing all the posts in my bbs as text files 2022-03-15 14:55:41 dzwdz because there'd be no central post counter you'd address them like >>123/1 2022-03-15 14:55:44 dzwdz which could be confusing i guess 2022-03-15 14:57:41 juspib don't get it 2022-03-15 14:57:55 dzwdz eh nvm 2022-03-15 14:58:08 juspib did you mean "storing all the threads as text files"? 2022-03-15 14:58:26 kirch I used to know of 1 (one) leftist chan, but I forgot what it was called.... so now I stick to lainchan (and only occasionally) 2022-03-15 14:58:51 dzwdz leftypol, perhaps? 2022-03-15 14:59:04 kirch I think it had "red" in the name, but IDK 2022-03-15 15:04:13 m455 hey town 2022-03-15 15:04:17 dzwdz \o 2022-03-15 15:04:25 m455 work computer is updating so i am chilling lol 2022-03-15 15:05:24 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-15 16:56:03 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 16:56:03 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-15 16:56:03 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-15 16:56:03 -- Channel #tildetown: 105 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 102 normals) 2022-03-15 16:56:05 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-15 16:59:55 --> pokecat (pokecat@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 17:00:48 extratone hello computer. 2022-03-15 17:01:19 @natalia meow 2022-03-15 17:02:07 pokecat meow 2022-03-15 17:04:42 <-- piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-15 17:04:57 @natalia working on the draft of this paper im writing and giggling menacingly 2022-03-15 17:05:00 @natalia im the funniest person on the planet 2022-03-15 17:05:13 pokecat yeah literally true 2022-03-15 17:05:49 twee thats a mood 2022-03-15 17:05:55 twee whats the paper on? 2022-03-15 17:05:56 @natalia there can only be one of them sorry 2022-03-15 17:06:19 @vilmibm dozens: yes, i want to read it 2022-03-15 17:06:27 @vilmibm wasn't sure what edition to buy though 2022-03-15 17:06:30 @natalia twee: text editors (derogatory) 2022-03-15 17:06:36 @vilmibm i love that it's apparently Even Hornier 2022-03-15 17:06:50 --> piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 17:07:07 <-- piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-15 17:07:27 @natalia i havent read the original dracula still i should 2022-03-15 17:12:20 twee i love text editors (derogatory) 2022-03-15 17:12:30 dzwdz i hope that dracula isn't too heavy on the violence 2022-03-15 17:12:41 dzwdz i can't get past the scene in the interview with the vampire where they kill that fucking baby 2022-03-15 17:14:42 nihilazo text editors (derogatory), twee? 2022-03-15 17:14:51 nihilazo what would a non-derogatory term by 2022-03-15 17:14:53 nihilazo s/by/be/ 2022-03-15 17:14:54 sedbot <nihilazo> what would a non-derogatory term be 2022-03-15 17:15:19 extratone omg natalia are we talking Word Processing Humor here. 2022-03-15 17:15:49 dzwdz (oh god the beginning of mr. robot s4 is like my personal hell god fucking damn) 2022-03-15 17:15:58 dzwdz like s04e03 especially 2022-03-15 17:18:17 @natalia once i word the abstract of the paper properly i will post it to give an actual summary 2022-03-15 17:25:41 extratone I was going to say something like "I'm rubbing my hands together in anticipation" but it's not true and also alarming. 2022-03-15 17:26:17 extratone nikelodeon villian 2022-03-15 17:36:59 twee i am looking forward to it though 2022-03-15 17:40:56 @vilmibm https://www.evennia.com/ 2022-03-15 17:41:43 nihilazo oh that's neat 2022-03-15 17:41:47 nihilazo I never managed to get into any MUDs 2022-03-15 17:41:54 nihilazo but I still think they're awesome 2022-03-15 17:43:43 <-- pokecat (pokecat@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-15 17:45:36 <-- nuve (nuve@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-15 17:46:32 --> nuve (nuve@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 17:47:18 dozens i still sometimes play https://elephant.org/ 2022-03-15 17:47:27 dozens which i've been playing for +20 years now 2022-03-15 17:49:10 jmjl Maybe having that 2022-03-15 17:49:55 extratone I finished this last night. I think I'm getting better at making them. https://tilde.town/~extratone/keys/awards/BlinkShellUniversalClackerDark.png 2022-03-15 17:50:44 jmjl For what are they? 2022-03-15 17:51:17 extratone to recognize iOS developers who maintain bluetooth keyboard support on iPhone, basically. 2022-03-15 17:51:51 jmjl oh, ok 2022-03-15 17:51:53 extratone this is not actually a thing for anyone but myself and like 3 people lol 2022-03-15 17:52:24 extratone that I talk to, anyway, but every dev I've sent it to so far seems to be at least somewhat delighted. 2022-03-15 17:54:14 jmjl I quite like the "1 of FEW" text... 2022-03-15 17:56:53 juspib does iOS not have built-in bluetooth keyboard support? 2022-03-15 17:57:34 astrinaut works for me ?? 2022-03-15 17:58:19 juspib oh extratone you mean actual iOS devs, i thought you meant iOS app devs 2022-03-15 17:58:32 m455 i've used an ipad with bluetooth keyboard, not sure if that's also iOS 2022-03-15 17:59:03 astrinaut i use a bluetooth keyboard with my iphone for years now 2022-03-15 17:59:14 astrinaut works pretty good 2022-03-15 18:03:31 @natalia abstract: Despite our best efforts, the human race still finds itself needing to edit computer files. In this paper we demonstrate how the standard text editor ed(1) can be adapted into an IRC-based collaborative editor, paralleling modern IDEs such as Google Docs. 2022-03-15 18:04:31 elly lol 2022-03-15 18:04:41 elly screen -x + vi! 2022-03-15 18:04:42 elly the dream 2022-03-15 18:05:52 @natalia huh, didn't know about -x. is that easier to do permissions with than modern variants like tmux? (tmux sharing is kind of a pain tbh) 2022-03-15 18:07:29 elly hm, I've never tried to use it across users 2022-03-15 18:17:57 dzwdz hmm 2022-03-15 18:18:12 dzwdz is there something like a visual ed frontend 2022-03-15 18:19:09 dzwdz like, it'd let you edit files visually while in the background it'd convert everything to ed commands 2022-03-15 18:22:44 @natalia what would be teh benefit of converting to ed commands 2022-03-15 18:23:03 @natalia sam(1) is also not ed, *but* it provides simultaneous visual and command-based editing 2022-03-15 18:27:35 dzwdz i could connect it to an irc client and use it as a frontend for your bot 2022-03-15 18:33:12 tomasino an ed visual mode? like.... vi? 2022-03-15 18:33:26 dzwdz vi doesn't work as an edward frontend 2022-03-15 18:37:21 elly vi in ex mode kinda does though 2022-03-15 18:39:42 dzwdz how so? 2022-03-15 18:40:26 @natalia i think a visual frontend to my irc bot would not work well because you are not guaranteed information on things and requesting it might be dangerous (you can't just 1,$p a 1000 line file over irc) 2022-03-15 18:40:42 dzwdz yeah i'd just request the part that i'm working on 2022-03-15 18:40:49 dzwdz it could also reconstruct the file based on prior logs 2022-03-15 18:44:58 elly ex mode is line oriented but exposes a lot of the power of vi, and in particular I think you can feed vi ex mod commands while it's running 2022-03-15 18:54:00 tomasino it was a joke. Bill Joy built ex as a superset of ed, and then vi was the "visual interface to ex" 2022-03-15 18:54:15 asm happy hacking, y'all! 2022-03-15 18:54:49 elly I wish I was hacking right now 2022-03-15 18:54:54 elly instead, I am doing performance evaluations at work 2022-03-15 18:55:20 asm :c 2022-03-15 19:06:30 dozens just give everybody 10/10 and get back to hacking 2022-03-15 19:06:35 nihilazo town 2022-03-15 19:06:37 nihilazo important question 2022-03-15 19:07:00 nihilazo there is a bottle of beer in the cupboard. I'd like to try it. But it was bought by my mum and she said she got it for herself. It's been literally months and it's still there 2022-03-15 19:07:02 nihilazo can I take it 2022-03-15 19:07:13 dozens not without talking to her 2022-03-15 19:07:21 dozens if she got it for herself 2022-03-15 19:07:27 nihilazo yeah that makes sense 2022-03-15 19:08:00 trashski !tarot 2022-03-15 19:08:00 rufus[awkbot] The Seven of Pentacles - hard work, perseverance, diligence 2022-03-15 19:10:13 extratone gui ed but it still doesn't have any error indicators or anything lol 2022-03-15 19:10:26 extratone the question mark is just a lot larger 2022-03-15 19:10:34 extratone maybe wrapped in a system notification. 2022-03-15 19:20:42 @natalia i am now struggling with LaTeX 2022-03-15 19:24:19 dozens ew 2022-03-15 19:25:28 nihilazo latex is nice, LaTeX isn't 2022-03-15 19:25:29 nihilazo lol 2022-03-15 19:25:38 nihilazo or something idk 2022-03-15 19:25:39 nihilazo bad joke 2022-03-15 19:25:49 bx nihilazo: id say that's probs still ur mum's beer 2022-03-15 19:26:35 bx I've never used LaTeX 2022-03-15 19:27:02 bx I looks complicated though, my brother's course work has it for mathy expressions 2022-03-15 19:27:14 dozens i've done markdown -> pandoc -> pdf, which i think uses latex. but i've never touched the stuff myself. 2022-03-15 19:27:55 nihilazo the thing that bugs me about it is the difficulty of changing the format in a bunch of ways 2022-03-15 19:28:29 bx I think i'd rather leave mathy expressions to vector graphics 2022-03-15 19:31:10 bx !qotd 2022-03-15 19:31:10 anna playing it safe can cause a lot of damage 2022-03-15 19:31:14 bx damm 2022-03-15 19:31:32 bx who said that? that one's really good 2022-03-15 19:33:37 nihilazo it is good 2022-03-15 19:34:20 twee hello again 2022-03-15 19:34:59 asm hello twee 2022-03-15 19:35:12 bx hi twee 2022-03-15 19:35:37 bx i dont think i mentioned it before but one of gur words of gur day on our calendar was twee 2022-03-15 19:36:22 dzwdz word of the day protocol when 2022-03-15 19:37:13 bx λol 2022-03-15 19:37:27 bx !wotd 2022-03-15 19:37:41 asm wotd://tilde.town/today 2022-03-15 19:38:06 dzwdz so when are we going to create ttps:// 2022-03-15 19:38:19 bx it could end up super choatic, but a think that greps for image files in people's public html dirs and flicks thru them in random order would be intresting 2022-03-15 19:38:32 asm what does ttps mean in this context 2022-03-15 19:38:44 bx dzwdz: Text Transfer Protocol Secure? 2022-03-15 19:38:51 dzwdz tilde.town post shitting 2022-03-15 19:38:52 bx Tilde Town Protocol? 2022-03-15 19:38:55 bx Oh 2022-03-15 19:39:00 bx i was close 2022-03-15 19:39:10 dzwdz just so if someone accidentally pastes https:// without the first letter you can't be quite sure what the meant 2022-03-15 19:40:05 bx o that's an intresting line of thought 2022-03-15 19:40:17 bx ps:// 2022-03-15 19:42:42 bx !sotd https://youtu.be/DsQXp8-bI_k 2022-03-15 19:42:42 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Astasis 2022-03-15 19:42:53 nihilazo tilde.town protocol shitpost 2022-03-15 19:43:18 dzwdz o! 2022-03-15 19:43:23 dzwdz so what should the protocol even do 2022-03-15 19:43:39 asm tilde town posts 2022-03-15 19:43:43 bx shit post ofc 2022-03-15 19:43:58 bx it should only include things you need to shit post 2022-03-15 19:44:34 extratone sorry about that juspip and astrinaut - I did mean app devs. and yes, iPhone does support bluetooth keyboards. but it is not equal (at the system level) with iPadOS and most devs completely overlook it. 2022-03-15 19:44:50 dzwdz sounds like apple's fault 2022-03-15 19:44:57 extratone juspib* 2022-03-15 19:45:18 extratone it is apple's fault. have I not shown you the epic joke dev form post of mine? 2022-03-15 19:45:44 extratone https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/685201 2022-03-15 19:46:24 extratone astrinaut I am VERY curious to know more about your iPhone keyboarding but you don't necessarily have to indulge me. 2022-03-15 19:47:26 extratone the essence of that thread: me: let's acknowledge that iPad and iPhone are not 100% parallel in bt keyboard support before I ask where I might find keyboard shortcuts tables for your native apps pertaining to iPhone specifically. 2022-03-15 19:47:52 extratone unnamed Apple scrub: "well... they shouldn't be different." 2022-03-15 19:48:51 * asm posts a non shitpost on the tilde town post shitter protocol 2022-03-15 19:49:02 bx does everyone else picture a zelda Deku scrub when they read scrub as an insult? 2022-03-15 19:49:17 bx asm: we'll try designing it to make that hard 2022-03-15 19:49:34 extratone I picture myself. 2022-03-15 19:49:47 asm you picture extratone. 2022-03-15 19:50:01 extratone the fact that they don't even identify themselves by name on the developer forums lmao.... 2022-03-15 19:53:30 bx i mean i wouldnt want to if i was one of them 2022-03-15 19:53:43 bx im sure *some* of them are harbouring shame 2022-03-15 19:56:20 bx damm i feel all sleepy already 2022-03-15 19:56:26 bx ...its only 8 2022-03-15 19:56:50 extratone I don't know why, but this one issue has somehow managed to radicalize me and like... get me kicked out of chats lol 2022-03-15 19:57:51 extratone something to do with the fact that it would *maybe* take one person a single afternoon to publish two-column tables of keyboard shortcuts but the wealthiest company in the world couldn't be bothered. 2022-03-15 19:57:56 dzwdz it's good that devs aren't identified 2022-03-15 19:58:00 dzwdz they aren't the ones to blame anyways 2022-03-15 19:58:00 extratone (and now I'm stopping myself, I'm sorry.) 2022-03-15 19:58:03 bx sometimes something is so dumb it like, inspires rage 2022-03-15 19:58:11 dzwdz it'd shift blame from apple as a wider entity to individual devs who haven't done shit 2022-03-15 19:58:18 bx True 2022-03-15 19:58:49 extratone I have zero interest in blame... I literally just want... the tables lol 2022-03-15 19:59:56 dzwdz then what good are the identities of devs 2022-03-15 20:01:23 kindrobot A developer has no name. 2022-03-15 20:01:24 extratone I didn't ask for any! I just said it's absurd. 2022-03-15 20:02:42 extratone I am way out of my element - I don't even know how I was allowed to publish on the develop forums given I am not a registered developer. 2022-03-15 20:03:14 bx ... 2022-03-15 20:03:17 bx it was fate 2022-03-15 20:04:29 bx i think i might actually go to bed early for once 2022-03-15 20:04:38 extratone I am literally just looking for the shortcuts tables. two columns - command, action. max of 10 apps, all Apple's. 2022-03-15 20:04:42 juspib have some happy slepo bx 2022-03-15 20:04:49 bx thanks 2022-03-15 20:04:49 extratone o/ bx gn 2022-03-15 20:05:01 bx λaters town, hope yall have good days 2022-03-15 20:05:02 extratone now I really am shutting up (sorry 2) 2022-03-15 20:05:06 extratone ∆ 2022-03-15 20:13:03 <-- mhj (mhj@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-15 20:17:18 @vilmibm dozens: ooh, I've never heard of Elephant MUD. excited to read its history 2022-03-15 20:18:19 astrinaut extratone: i have a bluetooth folding keyboard that i sometimes take with me when i don't want to haul a real computer. keyboard + phone is adequate for some things like ssh, very helpful for long text conversations 2022-03-15 20:18:20 @vilmibm dzwdz: re: dracula, I don't remember it being very explicit wrt violence. It's moody and dark and morbid, but it's still the 1800s. Definitely nothing like Anne Rice content. 2022-03-15 20:18:33 @vilmibm anne rice loves her a violence 2022-03-15 20:19:51 kirch !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn7RE8zycJQ 2022-03-15 20:19:52 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Aesop Rock - Shrunk (Official Video) 2022-03-15 20:26:30 flowercorpse hey (~_~) 2022-03-15 20:27:47 nihilazo hi! 2022-03-15 20:29:09 flowercorpse hi nihilazo! what is the story behind your nick? 2022-03-15 20:31:11 dzwdz he's super nihilistic 2022-03-15 20:32:23 猫 pokemon 2022-03-15 20:32:30 猫 is the reason 2022-03-15 20:32:33 猫 this is the thing I know 2022-03-15 20:32:51 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 20:32:55 palmdrop !water 2022-03-15 20:32:55 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-03-15 20:32:58 palmdrop hey 2022-03-15 20:33:52 flowercorpse hi 2022-03-15 20:35:47 猫 hello 2022-03-15 20:39:22 extratone astrinaut, nice! I haven't used a folding keyboard in forever... if you ever find yourself with questions/wondering if you can do something, I've somehow become quite the authority on iPhone keyboarding. https://uikeycommand.com 2022-03-15 20:39:41 extratone unintentionally. 2022-03-15 20:39:46 extratone !water 2022-03-15 20:39:46 * pinhook waters extratone's seedling 2022-03-15 20:39:52 astrinaut extratone: oh very neat 2022-03-15 20:40:24 astrinaut sigh, neocities is blocked at work 2022-03-15 20:40:34 extratone that's kind of you, but I disagree lol. it's... a funny thing to be. 2022-03-15 20:40:53 extratone that's honestly impressive if somebody put it manually on a blocklist? 2022-03-15 20:41:35 extratone trying to think of the worst possible thing you could do at work on neocities. 2022-03-15 20:41:59 extratone lose yourself in the cursor trails, I guess. 2022-03-15 20:42:30 astrinaut it's a bigcorp and they have a bunch of weird blocks 2022-03-15 20:43:06 asm extratone: s/cursor trains, I guess/the music, the moment/ 2022-03-15 20:43:10 twee theres some weird shit on neocities too 2022-03-15 20:43:19 asm extratone: s/cursor trails, I guess/music, the moment/ 2022-03-15 20:43:19 sedbot <extratone> lose yourself in the music, the moment. 2022-03-15 20:43:22 twee maybe they found a dodgy site and blocked the hole thing 2022-03-15 20:43:26 twee !!talklike 2022-03-15 20:43:35 twee !talklike 2022-03-15 20:43:35 pinhook which is not bad tbh 2022-03-15 20:43:35 asm !talklike twee 2022-03-15 20:43:36 pinhook ah, i was reading about audrey tang 2022-03-15 20:43:46 twee omg i love audrey tang 2022-03-15 20:43:58 asm !talklike sedbot 2022-03-15 20:43:58 pinhook <jan6> no, but Dogmatix could sniff out an Obelix if you supply it with a simple audi cable. 2022-03-15 20:44:33 asm rip jan6 2022-03-15 20:45:46 trashski !talklike 2022-03-15 20:45:46 pinhook gotta bring back MUDs and do a little although not as much as daily biking was 2022-03-15 20:46:07 trashski agreed 2022-03-15 20:47:33 m455 tildemusshhhhhh 2022-03-15 20:49:34 palmdrop !talklike 2022-03-15 20:49:34 pinhook but I'm sure I found a ascii only graffiti wall? I can only find the public dir 2022-03-15 20:50:00 palmdrop that is pretty much one of my messages word for word 2022-03-15 20:50:12 m455 http://tilde.town/graffiti.html 2022-03-15 20:50:19 m455 the amazing graffiti page 2022-03-15 20:50:27 palmdrop thanks but I was looking for the feels graffiti wall 2022-03-15 20:50:32 palmdrop that time when I sent that message 2022-03-15 20:51:26 m455 oh shit i didn't know about that 2022-03-15 20:51:30 m455 i don't know about that* 2022-03-15 20:52:40 nihilazo flowercorpse: re my nick 2022-03-15 20:52:41 palmdrop if you open feels there's one option to "scribble some graffiti" or something like that 2022-03-15 20:52:44 nihilazo it came from a joke on a chat 2022-03-15 20:52:46 caff !talklike 2022-03-15 20:52:47 pinhook Now I'm going to go to a town called Oak Glen. It gets some nice holidays? 2022-03-15 20:52:50 palmdrop really beautiful place 2022-03-15 20:53:03 nihilazo there was a user called nazo and one called nilazo and I took nihilazo to complete the pokemon evolution chain 2022-03-15 20:53:06 nihilazo and it just kinda stuck 2022-03-15 20:53:12 palmdrop !talklike bx 2022-03-15 20:53:14 pinhook this video 2 css thing is written in C, second off i'd break quake down to 2 2022-03-15 20:54:34 flowercorpse nihilazo: ahahah that's actually pretty smart :) 2022-03-15 20:55:52 caff !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RVeo79yfw0 2022-03-15 20:55:52 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Bear Ghost - Necromancin Dancin - Lyric Video 2022-03-15 21:09:31 caff I just need to share that !talklike pinhook just gave me the magnificent phrase "hams-raw eggs in a blockchain" which for some reason just tickles me. 2022-03-15 21:11:23 猫 !talklike pinhook 2022-03-15 21:11:24 pinhook because if there was an error 2022-03-15 21:13:49 m455 hahah 2022-03-15 21:16:36 猫 !talklike pinhook 2022-03-15 21:16:37 pinhook It's tough when your talking casually with friends and take his life Hath been beyond account. 2022-03-15 21:30:08 flowercorpse jesus 2022-03-15 21:30:52 flowercorpse pinhook 2022-03-15 21:35:35 asm !talklike flowercorpse 2022-03-15 21:35:35 pinhook Alright I should go to 2022-03-15 21:35:38 asm !talklike flowercorpse 2022-03-15 21:35:38 pinhook well, if you are in a good way 2022-03-15 21:35:57 asm where's well? 2022-03-15 21:36:39 flowercorpse well I don't know 2022-03-15 21:37:11 asm !talklike 2022-03-15 21:37:11 pinhook posts a non shitpost on the volunteer application 2022-03-15 21:37:20 asm interesting 2022-03-15 21:37:23 asm !talklike 2022-03-15 21:37:23 pinhook can you compile it on a locked down machine? 2022-03-15 21:37:36 @vilmibm notice has been given. T-17 days to fun zone 2022-03-15 21:38:00 asm :o 2022-03-15 21:38:03 asm hi vil 2022-03-15 21:38:22 elly congrats vilmibm :) 2022-03-15 21:38:26 @vilmibm <3 2022-03-15 21:40:43 elly I have just gotten a peer bonus at work so now I am in extra good work spirits 2022-03-15 21:40:52 elly (peer bonus = one of my coworkers asked google to give me a bonus) 2022-03-15 21:40:59 @vilmibm aw! congrats! 2022-03-15 21:41:15 asm congrats! 2022-03-15 21:41:19 flowercorpse congrats elly! 2022-03-15 21:41:31 palmdrop gratz! 2022-03-15 21:41:36 palmdrop !talklike 2022-03-15 21:41:36 pinhook jreg? his primary content is not the best experience I've had, no 2022-03-15 21:41:44 palmdrop hahaha 2022-03-15 21:41:54 palmdrop true 2022-03-15 21:42:19 asm I heard you 2022-03-15 21:42:25 asm wrong channel 2022-03-15 21:42:52 @vilmibm I also heard you 2022-03-15 21:42:54 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 21:46:10 dozens hell yeah vilm let the countdown begin 2022-03-15 21:46:41 dozens hell yeah elly get that bread 2022-03-15 21:47:15 elly indeed 2022-03-15 21:48:13 elly http://www.marriedtothesea.com/021306/got-to-get-paid.jpg as it is said 2022-03-15 21:49:40 @vilmibm hehe 2022-03-15 21:51:11 darkwitchclaire !water 2022-03-15 21:51:11 * pinhook waters darkwitchclaire's godly mature agave 2022-03-15 21:52:50 cymen !tarot 2022-03-15 21:52:51 rufus[awkbot] The Eight of Wands - rapid action, movement, quick decisions 2022-03-15 21:53:03 cymen It's tired. I'm late. 2022-03-15 21:53:43 @vilmibm oh elly i wanted to bounce some mush architecture thoughts off of you if you feel like chatting about that in #tildemush 2022-03-15 21:54:31 elly sure! 2022-03-15 21:54:43 elly I'm in and out of meetings so I'll be slow for a bit but go for it 2022-03-15 21:55:14 extratone I made my very first API-integrated thing, today, 2022-03-15 21:56:04 extratone (just retrieves specific information from Merriam-Webster.) I feel like a threshold has been crossed, though. 2022-03-15 21:56:47 asm nice 2022-03-15 21:57:31 extratone MW's results are surprisingly unpredictable depending on the word lol 2022-03-15 21:57:52 extratone sometimes there's like 3 keys and for other words more than 100. 2022-03-15 21:58:02 extratone (I did not know how to deal with that.) 2022-03-15 21:58:37 asm :o 2022-03-15 22:03:42 --> bensherman (bensherman@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 22:03:58 bensherman hi friends, I am the newb. 2022-03-15 22:04:06 @vilmibm heya and welcome! 2022-03-15 22:04:29 bensherman i am 3133+ can i get an o-line 2022-03-15 22:04:33 bensherman :) 2022-03-15 22:04:52 * vilmibm presses the 3133+ button and o-lines rain down from trapdoors in the ceiling 2022-03-15 22:05:08 asm yay 2022-03-15 22:05:20 bensherman you get an o-line. you get an o-line 2022-03-15 22:06:13 juspib hi bensherman 2022-03-15 22:06:18 bensherman hola 2022-03-15 22:08:11 @vilmibm one thing is for certain. we need more door games. 2022-03-15 22:20:47 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-15 22:43:37 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 22:43:37 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-15 22:43:37 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-15 22:43:37 -- Channel #tildetown: 106 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 103 normals) 2022-03-15 22:43:39 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-15 22:50:00 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-15 23:09:32 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-15 23:09:32 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-15 23:09:32 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-15 23:09:32 -- Channel #tildetown: 106 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 103 normals) 2022-03-15 23:09:34 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-15 23:09:39 extratone oh no 2 2022-03-15 23:15:27 extratone is this thing on. 2022-03-15 23:27:45 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-16 01:30:39 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-16 01:30:39 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-16 01:30:39 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-16 01:30:40 -- Channel #tildetown: 105 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 102 normals) 2022-03-16 01:30:41 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-16 01:30:56 elly the people in these duolingo examples need help 2022-03-16 01:31:08 elly "For breakfast, Alice is eating one egg. Marie and Vanessa are eating bread." 2022-03-16 01:31:13 elly food groups people! 2022-03-16 01:32:30 extratone eating one bread. 2022-03-16 01:35:07 flowercorpse who eats one egg for breakfast 2022-03-16 01:35:39 elly that's what I'm saying 2022-03-16 01:35:40 elly distressing 2022-03-16 01:35:48 katie maybe they have allergies 2022-03-16 01:45:33 flowercorpse I just found out there are corpse flowers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrion_flower 2022-03-16 01:48:18 extratone lol the language is so violent. 2022-03-16 01:48:36 extratone ideal housepant. ideal dining room table centerpiece. 2022-03-16 01:49:45 flowercorpse conversation piece 2022-03-16 01:50:02 flowercorpse oh the rotting flesh smell? just the flowers 2022-03-16 02:00:47 --> malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-16 02:03:52 flowercorpse oh hi malvarma 2022-03-16 02:04:17 malvarma flowercorpse: o/ 2022-03-16 02:04:22 malvarma how are you flowercorpse 2022-03-16 02:05:06 flowercorpse I'm okay, kinda tired. What about you? 2022-03-16 02:06:20 malvarma too much energy. just finished watching "stalked by my doctor 3: patients revenge" and it was a thrill ride 2022-03-16 02:08:32 extratone lmao. 2022-03-16 02:08:57 malvarma yo it was crazy 2022-03-16 02:09:18 malvarma i dont wanna do spoilers, but you think its one thing, but then its another. 2022-03-16 02:09:52 malvarma eric roberts also has scenes where he talks to his other personality, who wears a hawaiian shirt and drinks bloody marys all day 2022-03-16 02:11:10 malvarma speaking of being tired, i hear the US may soon eliminate clock switching and enter permanent daylight savings time 2022-03-16 02:16:14 flowercorpse "stalked by my doctor 3: patients revenge" sounds like something that would be a made up movie in an other movie 2022-03-16 02:19:18 malvarma oh no its very real 2022-03-16 02:19:39 malvarma and there are apparently 2 further sequels i havent seen yet! 2022-03-16 02:20:23 extratone well, at least it sounds like some sort of equilibrium was achieved from that title 2022-03-16 02:20:42 malvarma they are lifetime movies i think? but they lean more to the ridiculous side. im also a fan of Vivica A. Fox and David DeCotaeu's "The Wrong" series which is similar in some respects 2022-03-16 02:30:42 extratone sortof on that note - Titanic Day is exactly one month from today! I encourage you all to try my tradition of watching both Titanic AND Titanic II 2022-03-16 02:33:50 elly there's a Titanic II? 2022-03-16 02:39:41 malvarma woah 2022-03-16 02:39:43 malvarma there is? 2022-03-16 02:40:13 malvarma oh yeah! wacky disaster movie 2022-03-16 02:41:00 malvarma I prefer this one though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_the_Titanic 2022-03-16 02:44:12 agafnd Get ready for the Aclockalypse: coming this fall! 2022-03-16 02:45:06 flowercorpse it's an ...italian anime? 2022-03-16 02:46:09 malvarma even better flowercorpse i think it was animated in north korea 2022-03-16 02:46:14 flowercorpse WHAT 2022-03-16 02:46:43 malvarma agafnd: well hopefully, if the house passes it. I just nagged my congressperson 2022-03-16 02:47:00 malvarma but it would start november 2023 to give everyone time to plan 2022-03-16 02:47:20 malvarma yeah i wasn't sure how that movie bypassed the sanctions... maybe its different for italy and animators 2022-03-16 02:48:58 malvarma but it was animated by a studio based on pyonyang, which is also known for making very propagandistic / indoctrination cartoons for kids 2022-03-16 02:51:21 flowercorpse how did it even came to be though 2022-03-16 02:51:32 flowercorpse was north korea less isolated in the 2000s? 2022-03-16 02:52:59 extratone I think so? if I remember correctly. and omg malvarma I need to see that... 2022-03-16 02:53:02 malvarma well they do have companies that are allowed to operate, and they apparently export something. i know they operate a chain of restaurants around the world, for instance. and there are a few places where north and south have some kind of trade, as an experiment 2022-03-16 02:54:06 malvarma extratone: even better is the sequel, "tentacolino" 2022-03-16 02:55:37 malvarma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4a0xlOYgeI 2022-03-16 02:55:37 pinhook ["The Most Awesomely Bad Villain Song EVER. - YouTube"] 2022-03-16 02:55:57 malvarma this clip is relatively tame compared to the rest of the movie 2022-03-16 02:56:07 agafnd tentacofuckin'lino 2022-03-16 02:56:07 pinhook agafnd: new fuck(s) detected: tentacofuckin 2022-03-16 02:56:20 malvarma hey a new fuck! 2022-03-16 02:56:23 agafnd no, pinhook 2022-03-16 02:56:27 agafnd tentacofuckin'lino 2022-03-16 02:56:59 agafnd what does pinhook do with fucks lol 2022-03-16 02:57:01 @natalia hi 2022-03-16 02:57:02 extratone wait what. 2022-03-16 02:57:16 extratone why was I not acknowledged as a fuck. 2022-03-16 02:57:21 malvarma o/ 2022-03-16 02:57:25 malvarma its only unique fucks 2022-03-16 02:57:41 agafnd so if i said for example 2022-03-16 02:57:47 agafnd Little Fuckingham, The UK 2022-03-16 02:57:47 pinhook agafnd: new fuck(s) detected: Fuckingham 2022-03-16 02:57:52 agafnd ah, yes 2022-03-16 02:58:13 extratone omg. 2022-03-16 02:58:20 flowercorpse malvarma: this changes my perception of italian cinema 2022-03-16 02:58:23 extratone Welcome to the Fuckoverse 2022-03-16 02:58:23 pinhook extratone: new fuck(s) detected: Fuckoverse 2022-03-16 02:58:38 flowercorpse hi natalia 2022-03-16 02:58:47 agafnd God I remember just a bit ago finding the youtube channel of some italian studio... 2022-03-16 02:58:47 extratone that is legitimately the most clever bot idea I've ever seen omg. 2022-03-16 02:58:59 agafnd who i think may have collaborated with north korean animation studios.... 2022-03-16 02:59:04 asm hello 2022-03-16 02:59:06 agafnd they had the most cursed looking childrens shows 2022-03-16 02:59:21 agafnd there was a treasure island thing which looked halfway acceptable from the thumbnails 2022-03-16 02:59:32 agafnd but if you actually watched any of it the CGI was horrifying 2022-03-16 03:00:27 malvarma agafnd it wasn't pound puppies, wasn't it? 2022-03-16 03:01:05 agafnd fuckin 2022-03-16 03:01:07 agafnd this 2022-03-16 03:01:09 agafnd https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYXievo3ibiVSDC1VyZ7ui1TsRXyePJfp 2022-03-16 03:01:16 malvarma this korean studio made a bunch of stuff with Mondo TV in italy and i think it was generally low quality. But they have also worked on some bigger projects (the simpsons movie, no joke) and the animation isnt always bad 2022-03-16 03:01:40 agafnd Mondo TV! 2022-03-16 03:01:41 malvarma oh this looks like some great trash! 2022-03-16 03:01:51 agafnd yeah! that's the same as what made this treasure island thing 2022-03-16 03:02:31 agafnd for some reason their youtube channel is called "CARTOON CHANNEL" 2022-03-16 03:02:40 agafnd last time i checked it was called "MONDO WORLD" i think 2022-03-16 03:02:52 malvarma oh these characters are so stiff 2022-03-16 03:03:36 malvarma this looks like bad machinima 2022-03-16 03:03:53 flowercorpse interestingly enough in my home country the quality of animated media was amazing during socialism 2022-03-16 03:04:45 malvarma well, i guess north korea didnt get any of that socialist animation magic! 2022-03-16 03:05:22 malvarma any good animations you would recomend? 2022-03-16 03:06:01 agafnd IDK if this treasure island is NK-animated. Might just be italian 2022-03-16 03:06:09 malvarma hmm i dont think this pirate show was the same studio. but boy is it bad. and some of the character designs make me very unconfortable 2022-03-16 03:06:44 malvarma hmm a shame about italian cartoons then. but their movies, in the 70s and 80s, were glorious 2022-03-16 03:06:44 agafnd it says "RAI Fiction" and "Mondo TV: The Dream Factory" at the start 2022-03-16 03:08:22 malvarma i think RAI is just another italian studio 2022-03-16 03:08:33 malvarma interesting, i cant find out much about this show 2022-03-16 03:09:09 agafnd yeah like 2022-03-16 03:09:25 agafnd did they just have 12 italian guys shit out 28 episodes of treasure island 2022-03-16 03:09:30 agafnd for.... tax purposes or something? 2022-03-16 03:09:58 malvarma good question. italy seems to have cornered the market on these kinds of awful shows. 2022-03-16 03:11:27 flowercorpse malvarma: I think the most well internationally well known one is Son of the White Mare 2022-03-16 03:12:20 malvarma woah this looks beautiful 2022-03-16 03:12:35 malvarma thank you 2022-03-16 03:13:39 @natalia man i just wanna be able to run latex on here 2022-03-16 03:13:43 @natalia why must packaging be so difficult 2022-03-16 03:14:11 agafnd oh TeX is a whole.........thing 2022-03-16 03:14:15 agafnd when it comes to packages 2022-03-16 03:14:34 agafnd like the full TeX Live is huge 2022-03-16 03:14:35 @natalia its relatively easy just getting my own local repository but i dont want to use a ton of space on the town 2022-03-16 03:14:37 @natalia yeah 2022-03-16 03:14:38 malvarma flowercorpse: i have put this on my list of good movies to twatch 2022-03-16 03:14:48 malvarma that list is a lot shorter than my list of bad movies to watch 2022-03-16 03:14:53 flowercorpse ahahah 2022-03-16 03:15:26 agafnd WHY IS THERE A texlive-games PACKAGE 2022-03-16 03:15:49 @natalia LOL 2022-03-16 03:15:50 agafnd oh it's for typesetting game manuals and chess games and stuff 2022-03-16 03:15:56 agafnd that makes sense 2022-03-16 03:16:28 agafnd you know because i've always wanted to write about rubik's cube configurations in TeX 2022-03-16 03:17:21 agafnd .......MusixTeX 2022-03-16 03:17:31 agafnd Wouldn't that just be lilypond 2022-03-16 03:18:05 malvarma another ugly italian cartoon https://youtu.be/5UcByD7IGYk?t=263 2022-03-16 03:18:05 pinhook ["A BAD FALL part 2 - Puppy in my Pocket, season 1, ep. 26 - EN - YouTube"] 2022-03-16 03:18:10 agafnd Oh 2022-03-16 03:18:21 agafnd lilypond is based off of MusixTeX, apparently! 2022-03-16 03:18:26 agafnd no wonder it's Like That 2022-03-16 03:18:43 @natalia really i guess we should install tex live outside of debian's package manager 2022-03-16 03:20:02 flowercorpse malvarma: the plot is a folk tale, but very strange 2022-03-16 03:20:57 malvarma strange can be good. makes sense that its about horses too 2022-03-16 03:21:09 malvarma being a folk tale 2022-03-16 03:22:26 flowercorpse it supposedly has roots in eurasia, with nomadic groups, so horses make even more sense 2022-03-16 03:22:32 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.0) 2022-03-16 03:23:43 flowercorpse I really love LaTeX but I hate it 2022-03-16 03:24:24 agafnd i think that's how most people feel about it 2022-03-16 03:25:03 agafnd I haven't used it quite some time, I learned a bit once, but I haven't really had much use for it 2022-03-16 03:25:20 agafnd if I was going to typeset a book or something of that nature I might consider it 2022-03-16 03:25:29 flowercorpse I originally started using it because of CircuiTikZ 2022-03-16 03:33:50 flowercorpse which by itself has inconsistent syntax 2022-03-16 03:37:49 --> m455 (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-16 03:40:59 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-16 03:47:14 flowercorpse !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00SPxScIVQ 2022-03-16 03:47:14 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to New Direction For The Arts - Sun In The East (Japan 1972) 2022-03-16 03:51:46 malvarma flowercorpse: you gave me two good recommendations today. this song is great 2022-03-16 03:52:31 flowercorpse that's nice to hear :) 2022-03-16 04:05:47 malvarma its getting late for me, good night (or good day) town 2022-03-16 04:05:53 <-- malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-16 04:25:20 elly :) 2022-03-16 04:25:43 agafnd https://web.archive.org/web/20010617060710/ 2022-03-16 04:27:53 flowercorpse agafnd: god I wish websites still looked like this 2022-03-16 04:28:04 agafnd yeah! 2022-03-16 04:28:05 flowercorpse "His Crime: Looking cool! = )" 2022-03-16 04:30:33 agafnd off the top of my head the most old-web vibes website i can think of is http://www.museumofidiots.com/ 2022-03-16 04:32:32 agafnd i guess it was started ~2004 and has been maintained in basically the same way since then 2022-03-16 04:32:45 agafnd i'm sure there's a lot more personal web pages still floating around like that 2022-03-16 04:33:51 flowercorpse ah yess the weird napkin design backgrounds 2022-03-16 04:35:26 flowercorpse my favourite is https://butkus.org 2022-03-16 04:35:46 flowercorpse the camera manual page is invaluable 2022-03-16 04:37:26 flowercorpse also a testament of how useful manuals can be 2022-03-16 04:37:38 flowercorpse and how different they used to be 2022-03-16 04:39:21 agafnd damn i remember when every other website had a google search widget 2022-03-16 04:43:35 extratone Ï think it's great that the old web only looks better and better as screen resolutions get higher. 2022-03-16 06:24:34 -- andinus` is now known as andinus 2022-03-16 07:23:28 juspib i think latex rules the seas when it comes to books/papers/notes/simple presentations 2022-03-16 07:24:59 juspib but eg making a CV with it is real labour 2022-03-16 07:44:19 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-16 07:44:19 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's electric seedling 2022-03-16 07:44:23 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-16 07:44:23 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's electric seedling 2022-03-16 07:44:25 猫 oops 2022-03-16 07:44:27 猫 !water nihilazo 2022-03-16 07:44:27 * pinhook waters nihilazo's seed 2022-03-16 07:44:29 猫 !tarot 2022-03-16 07:44:29 rufus[awkbot] The Hermit (Reversed) - loneliness, isolation, lost your way 2022-03-16 07:44:33 猫 thanks tarot 2022-03-16 09:02:44 --> lown (lown@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-16 09:04:11 lown Morning town! 2022-03-16 09:10:27 nihilazo \o 2022-03-16 09:11:03 dzwdz \o 2022-03-16 09:18:55 nihilazo how're you dz 2022-03-16 09:22:11 lown o/ 2022-03-16 09:25:14 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-16 09:44:14 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-16 09:44:14 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-16 09:44:14 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-16 09:44:14 -- Channel #tildetown: 105 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 102 normals) 2022-03-16 09:44:16 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-16 09:52:21 juspib yesterday there was the talk about ios with bt kbds and now i'm considering getting some cheapo smol keyboard for my phone to actually write code comfortably on it 2022-03-16 09:53:26 twee im still upset about blackberry ending 2022-03-16 09:57:51 twee i hope that as linux phone stuff takes off someone makes a blackberry passport phone 2022-03-16 10:07:32 nihilazo hi twee! 2022-03-16 10:09:01 nihilazo I'm very sceptical of linux phone stuff. But it would be nice to have a mobile OS that wasn't corporately controlled 2022-03-16 10:14:33 twee yeah im sceptical of linux phone stuff 2022-03-16 10:14:39 twee sort of 2022-03-16 10:15:01 nihilazo I had a linux tablet for a year, it was a mess and basically no progress was being made 2022-03-16 10:15:11 twee yeah 2022-03-16 10:15:17 nihilazo and the community also suffers from the same bullshit problems that plague linux at large 2022-03-16 10:15:36 nihilazo a bunch of small groups all independently trying to work on solving the same problem and making incompatible stuff 2022-03-16 10:15:41 twee kind of exhausted of linux community 2022-03-16 10:15:49 nihilazo yeah same 2022-03-16 10:16:10 twee then again, if there was a passport sized phone with square display and physical keyboard, i probably would make it my primary computer 2022-03-16 10:16:24 nihilazo the linux phone community is very full of "screw you guys, I'm going to make my OWN desktop environment, with blackjack and hookers!" 2022-03-16 10:17:06 nihilazo I'd love to have a good modern palmtop. I like that form factor 2022-03-16 10:17:13 nihilazo loved my psion 5 2022-03-16 10:17:25 lown psion 5 was where it was AT 2022-03-16 10:17:36 nihilazo I used a 5mx as my primary portable computer for a good year or so 2022-03-16 10:17:38 nihilazo then it broke 2022-03-16 10:17:41 lown i sold mine ages ago 2022-03-16 10:17:45 lown was a shame 2022-03-16 10:18:01 twee is there a good way to run apks on linux 2022-03-16 10:18:01 nihilazo and I got it fixed, afterwards realised that I had no use for it any more because my college demanded that student devices be connected to microsoft teams 2022-03-16 10:18:09 nihilazo so sold it 2022-03-16 10:18:10 twee cuz ive just realised, there a few apps i do need 2022-03-16 10:18:17 nihilazo anbox? 2022-03-16 10:18:21 nihilazo idk how stable it is rn 2022-03-16 10:18:22 twee im actually tempted by the unihertz titan pocket 2022-03-16 10:18:27 twee if lineage could be put on it 2022-03-16 10:19:48 nihilazo I've been burned by every mobile/portable computing thing I ever bought into 2022-03-16 10:20:24 lown my fave portable microcomputer so far is the sensor watch 2022-03-16 10:20:29 nihilazo android smartphones, linux tablets, weird unique devices, the small-dedicated-machines approach (which is the one I am using right now, keeping a basic phone seperate from an mp3 player and other stuff etc) 2022-03-16 10:20:31 lown exactly as much functionality as anyone needs 2022-03-16 10:20:53 lown what's your basic phone? 2022-03-16 10:21:24 nihilazo nokia 105 (2019) 2022-03-16 10:21:26 nihilazo it's kinda bad 2022-03-16 10:21:44 nihilazo cheap trash, the kind of thing that exists to be a burner phone for drug dealers pretty much 2022-03-16 10:22:00 nihilazo but I was forced into buying something new instead of a better phone second-hand 2022-03-16 10:24:01 twee things i like about having an android phone, albeit a tiny one, is anki and organic maps 2022-03-16 10:24:04 twee that's about it 2022-03-16 10:24:15 twee oh also wechat 2022-03-16 10:24:34 twee which i don't like, but i use a fair bit, and if i do end up in china next year i've basically got no choice but to use it 2022-03-16 10:24:40 twee which means android phone is a necessity 2022-03-16 10:24:56 twee the great thing about it is though, no google play services dependency 2022-03-16 10:25:00 nihilazo I've been interested by like, symbian phones recently 2022-03-16 10:25:14 nihilazo the pre-iphone smartphone model that was more like a PDA-phone than what we think of now as a smartphone 2022-03-16 10:25:36 nihilazo but by having and using one, I'm just asking to have my phone become unusable soon because they're on old network standards 2022-03-16 10:30:16 * nihilazo still wants to fix his mp3 player, using a DS as an mp3 player is janky as hell 2022-03-16 10:30:22 twee 2g is gonna stay around for a solid while, in the uk at least 2022-03-16 10:30:37 nihilazo I do really like the DS (DS lite specifically) as a device 2022-03-16 10:30:46 twee honestly i think blackberry was a great model, the blackberry classic was a great phone, bb10 was a great os 2022-03-16 10:30:47 nihilazo it's a really well designed form factor 2022-03-16 10:30:58 nihilazo but just a games machine really 2022-03-16 10:31:04 nihilazo I never really used blackberry devices 2022-03-16 10:31:08 twee i got my granddads blackberry classic when he died, i wish it wasn't locked to orange and i appreciate it more - all i wanted phoens for then was games 2022-03-16 10:31:08 dzwdz y'all really like gsm, huh 2022-03-16 10:31:25 dzwdz meanwhile i think i could use a phone without a sim card at all 2022-03-16 10:31:45 twee i dont like gsm, i just think it's fine 2022-03-16 10:31:54 twee because i care less about security than you and it works very well 2022-03-16 10:32:06 twee i couldn't because my phone is primarily a call/sms device 2022-03-16 10:32:12 dzwdz it's not even that i care about security a lot 2022-03-16 10:32:13 twee nihilazo: i do like the ds 2022-03-16 10:32:28 dzwdz it's just that when people call me they usually do it via discord or whatever 2022-03-16 10:33:04 dzwdz i do see the appeal of dumb phones though 2022-03-16 10:34:09 nihilazo I have a dumb phone, I recommend(?) it 2022-03-16 10:34:12 nihilazo like, I don't like smartphones 2022-03-16 10:34:20 nihilazo but also with having a dumbphone you are reliant on other devices as well 2022-03-16 10:34:32 dzwdz i don't think i'd even want a phone that much if not for school 2022-03-16 10:34:37 nihilazo I carry 2 or 3 different devices with me most of the time (phone, ebook reader, mp3 player) 2022-03-16 10:34:43 dzwdz its primary use is killing time 2022-03-16 10:35:10 * dzwdz left his ebook reader at his grandparents' 2 weeks ago :( 2022-03-16 10:35:57 twee ive had three (i think) e readers, and broke them all :/ 2022-03-16 10:36:00 twee now i use paper 2022-03-16 10:36:06 twee and its somewhat more convenient 2022-03-16 10:36:15 twee s/con/incon 2022-03-16 10:36:16 sedbot <twee> and its somewhat more inconvenient 2022-03-16 10:36:20 twee but worth it 2022-03-16 10:36:20 dzwdz ebook readers and smartphones fill a different niche though 2022-03-16 10:36:37 dzwdz eh, i'm not a fan of paper books 2022-03-16 10:37:17 nihilazo if I had a smartphone I'd still carry an ebook reader 2022-03-16 10:37:38 nihilazo but I still carry a phone and mp3 player and those would be one device if I had a smartphone. And I'd be able to check live bus times 2022-03-16 10:37:53 nihilazo but that's the only thing that I would want from a smartphone that I can't do with what I use. check live bus times. 2022-03-16 10:37:57 juspib duolingo be like "you better be careful to not lose that one day streak!" 2022-03-16 10:38:04 nihilazo and I can just ask somebody else at the bus stop to check that 2022-03-16 10:38:06 nihilazo so it's fine 2022-03-16 10:38:16 nihilazo soon I might end up needing a smartphone at uni or whatever 2022-03-16 10:38:22 nihilazo but I'm trying not to get one 2022-03-16 10:38:23 <-- lown (lown@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-16 10:38:26 --> lown (lown@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-16 10:41:09 juspib linux phones are cool if you like privacy, butfor functionality you can just use termux 2022-03-16 10:44:40 nihilazo linux phones are cool if you like jank 2022-03-16 10:45:04 nihilazo and community infighting, low compatibility (even with itself) and duplicated effort 2022-03-16 10:45:16 nihilazo (in my experience with a linux tablet, which is not a phone but still mobile linux) 2022-03-16 10:45:30 nihilazo if anything phones are worse bc you have to deal with the modem 2022-03-16 10:45:41 twee nihilazo: in york, if you have the bus app bus tickets are half price 2022-03-16 10:45:50 twee that's the only uni specific thing i use my smartphone for 2022-03-16 10:48:50 juspib twee that's sad 2022-03-16 11:04:08 nihilazo same here, cheaper tickets if you use the app 2022-03-16 11:04:13 twee juspib: sad in what sense? 2022-03-16 11:04:19 nihilazo although I get free busses because of disability anyway 2022-03-16 11:04:30 nihilazo so I avoid the app 2022-03-16 11:04:33 twee i asked them if i could get like a phsyical card they were like na 2022-03-16 11:04:38 twee lucky 2022-03-16 11:04:41 nihilazo ours used to have a card 2022-03-16 11:04:44 twee not disability, but you know 2022-03-16 11:04:44 nihilazo but then they got rid of it 2022-03-16 11:05:01 nihilazo and the new system is shit 2022-03-16 11:05:11 nihilazo you need to generate a QR code on your phone and it only works if you have data 2022-03-16 11:05:22 nihilazo so we always have a bunch of people getting on the bus "my ticket isn't working" 2022-03-16 11:05:28 nihilazo it's so terrible 2022-03-16 11:08:16 twee yeah it's the same system 2022-03-16 11:08:25 twee not many people it doesn't work for though 2022-03-16 11:08:34 twee although the other day my app started repeatedly crashing as i went up 2022-03-16 11:08:39 nihilazo looking at the sensor watch rn 2022-03-16 11:08:42 nihilazo it's actually super neat 2022-03-16 11:08:45 twee turned out it was struggling to display a "do you like this app?" dialog 2022-03-16 11:08:49 twee which is the most ironic thing ever 2022-03-16 11:08:55 nihilazo sensor watch looks like what smartwatches should be 2022-03-16 11:08:57 nihilazo to me 2022-03-16 11:09:56 twee that's cool 2022-03-16 11:09:59 twee i have that watch in pink 2022-03-16 11:10:13 nihilazo I had one in black a while ago but i don't wear a watch any more 2022-03-16 11:10:16 nihilazo because I don't like clicks 2022-03-16 11:10:20 nihilazo s/clicks/clocks/ 2022-03-16 11:10:21 sedbot <nihilazo> because I don't like clocks 2022-03-16 11:10:33 twee yo it supports beat time thats cool 2022-03-16 11:10:39 nihilazo I found that checking what time it was all the time meant that things felt like they were going slower 2022-03-16 11:10:41 twee no me neither, i just like the aesthetic of wearing watches 2022-03-16 11:10:48 nihilazo o fair 2022-03-16 11:10:52 nihilazo they aren't really my thing 2022-03-16 11:10:52 twee i wear long sleeves and that keeps me at bay 2022-03-16 11:10:55 nihilazo but the sensor watch is neat 2022-03-16 11:11:00 twee i have one on each wrist 2022-03-16 11:11:02 twee sometimes two 2022-03-16 11:21:30 login have a watch that doesn't show the tiem unless you touch it 2022-03-16 11:27:43 twee i like the old happy meal watches with a coer 2022-03-16 11:27:45 twee cover 2022-03-16 11:43:19 juspib "cheaper tickets if you use the app" is another term for "more expensive tickets if you don't use the app" 2022-03-16 11:45:24 juspib and that's sad cuz it puts you in disadvantage if you don't have your phone with you, it's discharged or you don't have one at all 2022-03-16 12:29:58 cymen Hey townies 2022-03-16 12:30:07 cymen how are yall doing today? 2022-03-16 12:33:20 juspib doin okeh 2022-03-16 12:34:40 cymen what are you up to today? 2022-03-16 12:46:32 猫 hello 2022-03-16 12:48:27 barnaba sup 2022-03-16 12:52:36 login nm, u 2022-03-16 13:08:18 m455 hey town 2022-03-16 13:09:42 猫 I wanna sleep but it's only the middle of the day 2022-03-16 13:25:21 juspib i feel u 2022-03-16 13:39:19 m455 that's a mood 2022-03-16 13:40:30 m455 a mood 2022-03-16 13:40:33 m455 if you will 2022-03-16 13:40:42 twee sup nerds 2022-03-16 13:40:51 m455 hey nerd 2022-03-16 13:40:53 twee (and not nerds if you dont appreciate that) 2022-03-16 13:41:02 twee guess whos got nipple piercings 2022-03-16 13:41:24 m455 oh sick! 2022-03-16 13:41:32 m455 just got another today or both today? :O 2022-03-16 13:41:39 twee both today 2022-03-16 13:41:43 twee im in immense pain 2022-03-16 13:41:47 m455 amazing! 2022-03-16 13:41:48 twee my only piercings after lobes 2022-03-16 13:41:49 m455 congrats! 2022-03-16 13:41:53 m455 nice!! 2022-03-16 13:41:54 twee yeah im very pleased :) 2022-03-16 13:41:58 m455 i bet they look great! 2022-03-16 13:42:04 twee hell yeahh 2022-03-16 13:42:13 m455 pierced as fuck 2022-03-16 13:43:01 twee the piercer was like its a brave choice if youve only got lobes, normally people go through a few more ears, nose etc first 2022-03-16 13:43:07 twee i was all o fuck but it was pretty chilling 2022-03-16 13:46:29 m455 hahahha 2022-03-16 13:46:38 m455 you did it! 2022-03-16 13:48:20 twee jaja 2022-03-16 13:48:25 twee howve you been anyways m455 ? 2022-03-16 13:49:26 m455 not bad! preparing to interview a couple of people today lol 2022-03-16 13:49:40 m455 well just for this 10am one in 10 minutes and then the other one is later in the day so i can actually work lol 2022-03-16 13:50:11 twee nice one 2022-03-16 13:50:16 twee what are they interviewing for ? 2022-03-16 13:50:32 m455 it's a technical writing position 2022-03-16 13:52:22 twee very cool 2022-03-16 13:52:30 m455 no u 2022-03-16 13:52:30 twee technical writing seems like it could be fun 2022-03-16 13:52:37 m455 i like it so much lol 2022-03-16 13:56:44 twee very rewarding, comfy 2022-03-16 14:00:29 dozens holey nipples batman! 2022-03-16 14:02:55 <-- lown (lown@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-16 14:05:39 barnaba I'm having so much static electricity issues at the office. Every other time I touch a door knob etc. 2022-03-16 14:06:23 tomasino oh dear. low humidity? 2022-03-16 14:06:28 barnaba now I have touched my pc case a bit, did some other touching of computer hardware trying to make my other pc work (monitors and such), touched the case 15 mins later and one of us was so charged 2022-03-16 14:06:30 barnaba I don't get it 2022-03-16 14:06:47 barnaba like zapping myself with one of those electrical doodads from a lighter 2022-03-16 14:07:25 barnaba dunno, nobody else experiences it, so I'm kinda suspecting something is wrong with the pc 2022-03-16 14:07:43 barnaba but is that even possible? 2022-03-16 14:18:02 twee itd be cool if it was 2022-03-16 14:18:09 twee pc that can charge you up 2022-03-16 14:18:13 twee personal charger 2022-03-16 14:18:27 barnaba mightn't it be a grounding issue of some kind? 2022-03-16 14:29:27 login barnaba: does it only happen with the pc case or with every metal surface? 2022-03-16 14:29:52 login humidity is the biggest one, second biggest one is dry skin, third biggest might be shoes and carpet 2022-03-16 14:30:53 login try moisturiser 2022-03-16 14:30:57 login or sunscreen 2022-03-16 14:38:01 barnaba it happens with the doorknob after I've been sitting using the pc for a while a lot 2022-03-16 14:38:11 barnaba no carpet 2022-03-16 14:41:38 twee well i cant send messages anymore, dont delete random shit via adb kids 2022-03-16 14:45:09 barnaba login: no carpet here and no direct sunlight. What do I moisturize, contact points with the furniture? 2022-03-16 14:45:49 login twee: messages where? 2022-03-16 14:46:00 barnaba I imagine sms messages 2022-03-16 14:46:03 login barnaba: your skin, which if dry, will not be sufficiently grounded (because of higher resistance) 2022-03-16 14:46:27 barnaba well, all of my skin is quite an area to moisturize 2022-03-16 14:46:47 login before you dress, after you shower and dry your skin 2022-03-16 14:46:49 barnaba I'd google average human skin area, but don't want to get on more lists 2022-03-16 14:47:02 login use wolfram alpha 2022-03-16 14:47:25 barnaba wolfram alpha, how many human skins to cover a baseball field? 2022-03-16 14:47:47 dzwdz hey, everyone needs some kind of goal in life 2022-03-16 14:48:02 login wow,mcdonald's shakes are so good 2022-03-16 14:50:30 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-16 16:29:22 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-16 16:29:22 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-16 16:29:22 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-16 16:29:22 -- Channel #tildetown: 104 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 101 normals) 2022-03-16 16:29:24 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-16 16:38:27 m455 wowowo i didn't know about /~zine! 2022-03-16 16:38:43 dozens yeah who's monitoring that email inbox 2022-03-16 16:40:32 m455 ah yeah, when forwarding an email, i'd give some context like others said "hey, i'm just following up on an email i sent, and wanted to confirm that you received it, etc." 2022-03-16 16:42:47 dozens if it's been a week, it's time for a follow-up. you might also consider acknowledging the medium: "Hey, just wanted to follow up on this. I know email is hard / can get buried sometimes, so let me know if you'd rather schedule a quick phone call for this afternoon or something" 2022-03-16 16:42:51 dozens etc etc 2022-03-16 16:46:18 m455 yeah a week is way too long 2022-03-16 16:50:25 m455 then again i remember shcools being ridiculously slow for replying to emails lol 2022-03-16 17:05:50 --> piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-16 17:05:57 bx twee: your uni library has manga in it ? 2022-03-16 17:05:58 piusbird hi town 2022-03-16 17:07:34 piusbird dozens,we still on for the podcast at 5 2022-03-16 17:07:48 piusbird my time obvs 2022-03-16 17:07:55 bx \o piusbird 2022-03-16 17:08:01 dozens piusbird: yes indeed! 2022-03-16 17:15:15 benharri podcast?? 2022-03-16 17:15:17 benharri dope 2022-03-16 17:16:02 flowercorpse hi 2022-03-16 17:18:17 bx yo 2022-03-16 17:26:13 extratone omg I'm excited to hear that. 2022-03-16 17:34:54 m455 hell yes, i'm excited for this piusbird 2022-03-16 17:35:04 bx ^ 2022-03-16 17:36:08 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-16 17:38:16 --> m455 (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-16 17:45:44 asm can I just start a new email instead of waiting for a reply? that seems like it'll be easier 2022-03-16 17:48:21 dzwdz that seems impoilte 2022-03-16 17:48:49 kindrobot Could you reply to the e-mail that you've already sent? 2022-03-16 17:49:15 dzwdz kindrobot! 2022-03-16 17:49:20 dzwdz hello, haven't seen you in a while 2022-03-16 17:49:33 kindrobot Yeah, it's been a minute. :o 2022-03-16 17:49:48 dzwdz what's up? 2022-03-16 17:49:51 猫 Hello 2022-03-16 17:49:59 dzwdz sup 2022-03-16 17:50:59 kindrobot Oh, not much. I'm reducing the amount of days I'm working, so I'm going to have more time for fulfilling projects, which I'm excited about. 2022-03-16 17:51:41 bx \o kindrobot 2022-03-16 17:51:47 kindrobot Hey bx :) 2022-03-16 17:52:01 dzwdz i feel asleep for 2 hours after school today, AGAIN 2022-03-16 17:52:03 dzwdz i'm tired of this shit 2022-03-16 17:52:06 kindrobot Hey 猫 2022-03-16 17:52:17 extratone I am now officially a Reality Augmentor. (hint: do not touch the gold coil unless you're ready for a very loud noise.) https://tilde.town/~extratone/misc/HolisticCompliancePortal.reality 2022-03-16 17:52:19 bx dzwdz: are you still falling onto your bed? 2022-03-16 17:52:25 kindrobot dzwdz: litterally 2022-03-16 17:52:32 dzwdz kindrobot: literally 2022-03-16 17:52:37 dzwdz heh 2022-03-16 17:52:43 dzwdz bx: i mean, yeah 2022-03-16 17:52:58 bx i may have said this before but 2022-03-16 17:53:08 dzwdz i don't really have much choice here 2022-03-16 17:53:11 bx have you tried instead resting on a chair or gur floor 2022-03-16 17:53:12 kindrobot dzwdz: is it Covid? 2022-03-16 17:53:17 dzwdz no 2022-03-16 17:53:25 dzwdz it's just school being a bitch 2022-03-16 17:53:28 kindrobot Ah. 2022-03-16 17:55:31 bx if you have gur unnatural ability to wake up to alarms 2022-03-16 17:55:37 bx you could set one rememptively 2022-03-16 17:55:56 bx for after youd been sleeping for an hour 2022-03-16 17:56:00 kindrobot You might try napping too a 90 minute nap gives you a full REM cycle. When I've had to pull all-nighters, I implemented a quasi-poly-phastic sleep schedule, and it was much better than 0 sleep. 2022-03-16 17:56:34 猫 oh no you're making me want to sleep 2022-03-16 17:57:12 dzwdz bx: i tried setting some recently but i just looked at them, decided i don't give a shit, and fell back asleep 2022-03-16 17:57:17 bx AH 2022-03-16 17:57:30 bx that's what i usually do, except i dont even look at it 2022-03-16 17:58:39 kindrobot There are alarm apps that make you solve math problems to turn them off. When my dad in college, he'd put his alarm in the other room next to the coffee maker. 2022-03-16 17:59:48 bx kindrobot: i put it away from me too, it donest help lolw 2022-03-16 18:00:06 dzwdz i used to use them 2022-03-16 18:00:06 bx but it stops me from turning it off subconsciously 2022-03-16 18:00:15 dzwdz doesn't stop me from falling asleep afterwards again 2022-03-16 18:00:55 bx s a m e 2022-03-16 18:02:09 猫 I put my alarm where I can't get to it without getting out of bed but 2022-03-16 18:02:25 猫 it happens... fairly often that my alarm goes off 2022-03-16 18:02:34 猫 I get out of bed, turn it off, immediately go back to bed 2022-03-16 18:04:36 bx ^ 2022-03-16 18:05:02 猫 sometimes, I'll wake up way after my alarm should have gone off, and it will be disabled 2022-03-16 18:05:32 猫 the only thing I can think of there is that I have enough muscle memory for getting out of bed and turning my alarm off then getting back into bed it happens while I'm still mostly asleep 2022-03-16 18:05:40 猫 it's a bad habit 2022-03-16 18:06:03 bx Yup 2022-03-16 18:06:06 猫 I'm lucky I don't have anything majorly important that's time sensitive 2022-03-16 18:06:11 猫 or I would be so doomed 2022-03-16 18:06:13 bx I started putting it in wierd places, like in pockets 2022-03-16 18:06:17 bx or behind books 2022-03-16 18:06:21 猫 that's a good plan 2022-03-16 18:06:31 猫 I just have mine on the floor where I can't reach it from my bed 2022-03-16 18:06:35 bx Found my self waking up after having crawled half way too it 2022-03-16 18:06:51 bx I sleep on gur floor, so i put it higher up 2022-03-16 18:06:52 猫 I've woken up on the floor halfway to the alarm clock before 2022-03-16 18:07:08 猫 humans are weird 2022-03-16 18:07:34 bx yea 2022-03-16 18:07:36 dzwdz oh you have the thing with falling asleep 2022-03-16 18:07:38 dzwdz right 2022-03-16 18:08:06 bx i like being wierd in my way, less so in gur generally human way 2022-03-16 18:11:29 dzwdz humans suck 2022-03-16 18:11:43 dzwdz just not in the way i like 2022-03-16 18:11:52 kindrobot I'm conflicted about humans. 2022-03-16 18:12:26 bx Yea 2022-03-16 18:12:33 bx Some of them are really nice 2022-03-16 18:17:34 猫 I hate humans 2022-03-16 18:17:37 猫 generally speaking 2022-03-16 18:17:50 猫 even if there are some nice people, I feel like things would be better off if there were less humans 2022-03-16 18:18:00 dzwdz stop making babies ffs 2022-03-16 18:18:08 dzwdz we've got more than enough of us 2022-03-16 18:18:11 猫 there's too many humans 2022-03-16 18:18:28 猫 but people wanna do the sex and don't know how to have sex not equals babies 2022-03-16 18:18:48 dzwdz > wanting to do the sex 2022-03-16 18:18:54 dzwdz lmao imagine being that person 2022-03-16 18:19:01 bx we should make some kind of off switch for people 2022-03-16 18:19:07 bx like a "no babies" switch 2022-03-16 18:19:38 dzwdz you ever played hl2? 2022-03-16 18:19:40 dzwdz breen was based 2022-03-16 18:20:45 bx i havent finished it and didn't pay attention but i read about gur anti conception field on gur wiki 2022-03-16 18:21:01 bx which is a pretty novel weapon concept imo 2022-03-16 18:21:22 dzwdz a gun where you shoot someone and they can't have any more babies 2022-03-16 18:21:30 dzwdz yeah, you might lose the fight and die 2022-03-16 18:21:42 dzwdz but your opponent's bloodline ends with them 2022-03-16 18:21:56 dzwdz another perk is that it's mostly pointless against gay people 2022-03-16 18:22:01 bx ha joke's on my opponent ive already decided it ends with me 2022-03-16 18:22:17 dzwdz i suppose regular guns work that way too 2022-03-16 18:22:22 bx naw 2022-03-16 18:22:27 bx they kill people 2022-03-16 18:22:35 bx see this one doesnt 2022-03-16 18:22:36 dzwdz which prevents them from having babies 2022-03-16 18:22:37 juspib many guns prevent the shot person from having babies 2022-03-16 18:22:46 juspib yea 2022-03-16 18:22:59 bx dzwdz: yea but this one is sideeffect free 2022-03-16 18:23:43 bx Hmm, i might go out before gur sun goes down 2022-03-16 18:23:58 dzwdz is there something like a reverse vampire 2022-03-16 18:24:03 dzwdz dies without sunlight 2022-03-16 18:24:10 dzwdz wait fuck that's just a plant 2022-03-16 18:24:18 bx λmao 2022-03-16 18:24:46 dzwdz now i want to read a story about a vampire falling in love with a plant human 2022-03-16 18:24:50 bx itd be funny if i just introduced myself to people as someone who likes reverse vampires 2022-03-16 18:24:57 bx >plant 2022-03-16 18:24:59 bx >human 2022-03-16 18:25:15 dzwdz that's a thing yknow 2022-03-16 18:25:20 dzwdz https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/PlantSim 2022-03-16 18:25:32 bx oh wow 2022-03-16 18:25:51 bx Til 2022-03-16 18:26:22 bx i really do like gur general robusticity of plants 2022-03-16 18:26:50 bx that'd actually be quite nice to have as a human 2022-03-16 18:27:17 bx though gur things that make it happen seem kinda incompatible with gur complexity that makes human things happen 2022-03-16 18:27:31 dzwdz a plant vampire 2022-03-16 18:27:36 dzwdz dies both without sunlight and with sunlight 2022-03-16 18:27:41 bx ....... 2022-03-16 18:27:47 dzwdz i suppose that's a regular human 2022-03-16 18:28:00 bx i dont think it is? 2022-03-16 18:28:07 bx you *can* live without sunlight 2022-03-16 18:28:15 dzwdz so then when i die 2022-03-16 18:28:18 dzwdz i'll die without sunlight 2022-03-16 18:28:23 bx ... 2022-03-16 18:28:31 bx i mean youre technically correct 2022-03-16 18:28:41 bx wonder how many people die in gur day vs gur night 2022-03-16 18:29:02 dzwdz i don't 2022-03-16 18:29:43 bx Fair 2022-03-16 18:35:44 trashski !botany 2022-03-16 18:35:45 pinhook trashski: Your godly disco indigo seed-bearing lithops was watered today! (About 1 minutes ago by trashski) 2022-03-16 18:35:48 trashski !tarot 2022-03-16 18:35:48 rufus[awkbot] The Ace of Cups - new feelings, spirituality, intuition 2022-03-16 18:40:56 猫 !botany kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-16 18:40:56 pinhook 猫: kittyshippercavegirl's electric seedling was watered today! (About 11 hours ago by pinhook) 2022-03-16 18:41:10 猫 how often do plants actually need watering 2022-03-16 18:41:12 猫 like in hours 2022-03-16 18:42:01 dzwdz i think 120? 2022-03-16 18:42:41 juspib depends, british plants die after two days with no rain 2022-03-16 18:42:54 dzwdz i misread that as british people lmao 2022-03-16 18:43:01 dzwdz can anyone confirm 2022-03-16 18:44:43 bx they dont die in two days 2022-03-16 18:45:01 bx they can go as long as something outside of britain would 2022-03-16 18:45:21 dzwdz that's what the brits want us to think 2022-03-16 18:48:10 bx -sweats- 2022-03-16 18:48:18 bx not it's not 2022-03-16 18:49:06 dzwdz said the brit 2022-03-16 18:49:56 bx damm, youre onto me 2022-03-16 19:03:13 nihilazo lol 2022-03-16 19:03:20 nihilazo yeah I've died a million times 2022-03-16 19:03:27 dzwdz damn, did you call other brits for support now 2022-03-16 19:03:38 dzwdz took you a while 2022-03-16 19:05:39 <-- katie (katie@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-16 19:08:24 dzwdz anyways what's up 2022-03-16 19:09:32 bx dying and resurecting based on gur rain sounds like it'd space things out a bit more, i wouldnt mind 2022-03-16 19:43:21 nihilazo for me? about to play some bass 2022-03-16 19:43:27 nihilazo got interviewed for a podcast by dozens 2022-03-16 19:44:22 nihilazo trying to find some fanfic of the expanse that is interesting and not just shipping and/or porn lol 2022-03-16 19:44:38 dzwdz you know you can filter the porn out on ao3, right 2022-03-16 19:44:38 bx ooo more tilde podcast eps 2022-03-16 19:45:02 bx doesnt porn fanfic automatically imply shipping 2022-03-16 19:45:05 dzwdz (but also a fanfic isn't porn just because it had a sex scene, so don't sleep on those) 2022-03-16 19:45:05 nihilazo yeah dzwdz but you still get all the not-really-porn-but-still-kinda-sorta-like-that fics lol 2022-03-16 19:45:13 bx or is my def of shipping skewed 2022-03-16 19:45:20 nihilazo just shipping fics 2022-03-16 19:45:29 dzwdz look i was thinking that those fics were shit too 2022-03-16 19:45:44 dzwdz but sex can be written about tastefully 2022-03-16 19:46:48 bx ^ 2022-03-16 19:46:55 dzwdz in more of a porn-for-the-soul way than porn-for-the-dick 2022-03-16 19:47:14 dzwdz granted it's hard to find those among all the porn 2022-03-16 19:47:27 * bx feels like anything can potentially be written tastfully if gur writer knows this stuff 2022-03-16 19:47:38 nihilazo the first fic that shows up when I filter the search not to contain explicit rated and shipping fics is somebody writing about amos' backstory (which is mostly written in the books and show as something that's just highly traumatic and he never wants to talk about) 2022-03-16 19:47:56 nihilazo and somebody's just like "yeah let me write a whole fic that's just this guy's trauma" 2022-03-16 19:47:58 dzwdz aaaah it's so fucking great when you accidentally find that you can skip from one song to the next in a perfectly matching up way 2022-03-16 19:50:20 nihilazo huh apparently AUs are a thing 2022-03-16 19:50:28 dzwdz ...duh 2022-03-16 19:50:28 nihilazo in fanfic of the expanse 2022-03-16 19:50:30 nihilazo of course they are 2022-03-16 19:50:31 dzwdz oh 2022-03-16 19:50:34 flowercorpse on the topic of plants in britain, somehow none of my plants died yet, even though I forget to water them all the time 2022-03-16 19:50:39 juspib i don't have entrepeneurship tomorrow \o/ 2022-03-16 19:50:41 flowercorpse on the other hand my towels never dry... 2022-03-16 19:50:43 dzwdz flowercorpse: vampire plants 2022-03-16 19:52:06 nihilazo "Julie Mao survives the protomolecule by a mystery and sheer, blind, dumb luck. She joins the Roci Family, and maybe punches her father a few times. (Okay, more than a few, but who’s counting here?)" 2022-03-16 19:52:23 nihilazo I actually like the premise of "Julie joins the roci because she hates her dad" 2022-03-16 19:52:37 nihilazo anyway why am I looking at expanse fanfic when I have not even read half of canon ye 2022-03-16 19:52:41 nihilazo s/ye/yet/ 2022-03-16 19:52:42 sedbot <nihilazo> anyway why am I looking at expanse fanfic when I have not even read half of canon yet 2022-03-16 19:52:56 asm idk what to do for the email 2022-03-16 19:52:56 bx flowercorpse: they really don't bathroom towel has been wet for days, i just use a different townel now 2022-03-16 19:54:00 猫 I want to read some aikatsu fanfic but it's all like 2022-03-16 19:54:03 猫 either OCs or crossovers 2022-03-16 19:54:07 猫 a lot with marvel 2022-03-16 19:54:09 猫 which is WEIRD 2022-03-16 19:54:11 nihilazo there's only 37 total expanse fanfics on ao3 2022-03-16 19:54:15 nihilazo I'd expect more somehow 2022-03-16 19:54:21 nihilazo well, 37 that are not rated explicit 2022-03-16 19:54:57 猫 there are 88 G rated aikatsu fics, probably helped by Aikatsu being a kid's show lol 2022-03-16 19:55:42 猫 and a lot a lot of OCs which is fair 2022-03-16 19:55:54 --> katie (katie@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-16 19:56:18 katie o/ 2022-03-16 19:56:23 dzwdz \o 2022-03-16 19:56:26 nihilazo tbh if I wrote fanfic I'd want to write a fanfic of the expanse with all OCs because I just like the world 2022-03-16 19:56:27 nihilazo \o 2022-03-16 19:56:30 opfez o/ 2022-03-16 19:56:43 猫 I want to write all OCs Aikatsu fanfic but 2022-03-16 19:56:51 猫 writing an Aikatsu fanfic without Yurika-sama... 2022-03-16 19:56:56 猫 + I can't write good 2022-03-16 19:57:02 opfez oh hi katie, don't think we've spoken. nice to meet you! 2022-03-16 19:57:07 dzwdz \opfez! 2022-03-16 19:57:14 opfez \dzwdz! 2022-03-16 19:57:27 katie hi opfez. you and i are best friends now 2022-03-16 19:57:33 opfez yes 2022-03-16 19:57:42 bx \o opfez 2022-03-16 19:57:44 bx \o katie 2022-03-16 19:57:48 opfez oi bx o/ 2022-03-16 19:57:50 dzwdz wow, that was fast 2022-03-16 19:58:03 bx s p e e d 2022-03-16 19:58:03 opfez you know what they say, i'm a friendmaker 2022-03-16 19:59:07 猫 Hello 2022-03-16 19:59:11 bx "you know what they say, i'm a friendmaker" ~opfez friend maker, 2022 2022-03-16 19:59:37 猫 I'm a friendbreaker 2022-03-16 19:59:39 opfez :o 2022-03-16 19:59:55 猫 I say dumb crap that makes people wonder why they talk to me 2022-03-16 20:00:00 @natalia dont do that 2022-03-16 20:00:05 * bx read that as friendbeaker gur first ime 2022-03-16 20:00:07 opfez (shit that was meant for bx, i don't want to come off in a wrong way )) 2022-03-16 20:00:39 opfez anyways what are yall up to 2022-03-16 20:01:00 opfez i've been reading some damn norse 2022-03-16 20:01:08 flowercorpse norse? 2022-03-16 20:01:17 bx Trying to figure out if i have to load opengl funcs on macos or if i can just link to them 2022-03-16 20:01:22 bx ^ norse? 2022-03-16 20:01:26 bx like thor 2022-03-16 20:01:28 opfez the old language spoken by vikings 2022-03-16 20:01:38 opfez been reading mythology 2022-03-16 20:01:42 flowercorpse ooohh 2022-03-16 20:01:54 flowercorpse that's really cool 2022-03-16 20:01:56 bx You know how to read that? 2022-03-16 20:02:12 dzwdz he just makes the story up 2022-03-16 20:02:20 opfez it has the translated version right next to it, and it is pretty similar to norwegian 2022-03-16 20:02:28 bx Ooo that's cool 2022-03-16 20:02:44 bx we had shakespear ooks like that in highschool english 2022-03-16 20:03:08 bx asside from a few odd phrases gur shakespearean was just wierd english 2022-03-16 20:03:25 opfez ohh nicee, they're so helpful i wish there were more like it 2022-03-16 20:04:04 opfez bx: are you doing opengl on macos? i thought it was deprecated on there 2022-03-16 20:04:18 bx It technically is 2022-03-16 20:04:24 bx but you can still use it 2022-03-16 20:04:44 bx and, like i dont really wanna learn metal 2022-03-16 20:04:52 opfez aren't you on a linux machine? 2022-03-16 20:04:57 bx not atm 2022-03-16 20:05:08 opfez oh, did you switch? 2022-03-16 20:05:11 bx No lol 2022-03-16 20:05:25 --> hegz (hegz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-16 20:05:51 opfez :o a name i don't recognize! 2022-03-16 20:06:03 opfez hello hegz~ o/ 2022-03-16 20:06:36 opfez bx: well then why are you using a mac?? 2022-03-16 20:06:49 bx I've spent my time mostly 40% linux 40% macos 20% windows 2022-03-16 20:06:58 bx for gur last couple years 2022-03-16 20:06:59 hegz ayeee o/ 2022-03-16 20:07:02 opfez woah i didn't know 2022-03-16 20:07:02 bx \o hegz 2022-03-16 20:07:07 bx opfez: yeah i am 2022-03-16 20:07:50 opfez hegz: favourite interest, favourite food, favourite band, go 2022-03-16 20:08:19 hegz yess! 2022-03-16 20:08:45 bx Those're good questions 2022-03-16 20:08:49 opfez speed friend making style 2022-03-16 20:08:51 katie i am in a meeting at work and i just watched a guy accidentally make all of the streetlights in a downtown centre strobe red for ten seconds because google maps didnt register his cursor position properly... 2022-03-16 20:09:10 astrinaut terrifying, haha 2022-03-16 20:09:19 bx katie: that's disturbing 2022-03-16 20:09:22 opfez whatt 2022-03-16 20:09:39 astrinaut i mean, at least they still have failsafe ckts in traffic control systems 2022-03-16 20:09:45 bx wait, streetlights = lights for light, or lights for traffic? 2022-03-16 20:09:47 hegz i love tinkering with low-level stuff, my fav food is apple pie and I don't really like a specific band :p 2022-03-16 20:10:05 bx imma need more details on gur apple pie 2022-03-16 20:10:05 katie ahah i should clarify, they are street illumination devices not traffic control systems 2022-03-16 20:10:11 astrinaut there is hardware in there that sees conflicting greens and instantly goes into all-flashing-red lockout mode 2022-03-16 20:10:15 astrinaut ohhh 2022-03-16 20:10:27 katie still a little terrifying but not nearly as bad 2022-03-16 20:10:29 bx katie: thats still disurbing but also kinda sounds moody in a good way 2022-03-16 20:10:48 hegz i mean, who doesn't love apple pies :3 2022-03-16 20:10:56 bx hegz: like is it a specific species of apple youre most into? 2022-03-16 20:10:58 opfez hegz: those are good picks 2022-03-16 20:11:04 opfez we can officially be friends 2022-03-16 20:11:23 * bx 's fave food is probs cherry pie 2022-03-16 20:11:40 * bx doesn't eat it often cause gur sugar makes his skin itchy 2022-03-16 20:12:21 katie apple pie is s tier 2022-03-16 20:12:47 bx Yea, even not that great apple pie can be pretty good (ie mcdonalds) 2022-03-16 20:13:14 hegz bx: golden delicious's are my favs 2022-03-16 20:13:25 hegz but ill gladly eat any apple pie 2022-03-16 20:13:34 bx Valid 2022-03-16 20:14:05 bx Granny smith is my fave just as an apple, havent tried enough apple pie to formulate an opionion on diff species 2022-03-16 20:15:06 hegz opfez: nothing beats a friendship over apple pies 2022-03-16 20:15:54 bx hegz, what's your username origin story? (i ask almost everyone this at some point) 2022-03-16 20:16:15 opfez indeed 2022-03-16 20:16:32 hegz I love cherry pie too, not as much as apple's but I see we are men of pie here 2022-03-16 20:17:22 nihilazo I've not had a pie in ages 2022-03-16 20:17:28 * nihilazo needs to make some pie now 2022-03-16 20:17:54 flowercorpse me neither but it just occured to me that I'm missing pie from my life 2022-03-16 20:17:58 bx im still salty at me for forgetting pi day 2022-03-16 20:18:23 bx someone please yell at me next year, so i dont miss it 2022-03-16 20:18:58 <-- katie (katie@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-16 20:19:16 nihilazo this has been the first pi day in a while where I wasn't a jerk to people about tau 2022-03-16 20:19:20 nihilazo I consider that personal improvement 2022-03-16 20:19:36 asm nice 2022-03-16 20:19:46 bx do we have tau day as well? 2022-03-16 20:19:48 nihilazo I still prefer tau but I used to be annoying about it 2022-03-16 20:19:57 nihilazo because I used to be an annoying kid who thought they were smart 2022-03-16 20:19:58 asm what is tau, though? 2022-03-16 20:20:00 hegz bx: so my actual nickname that I use is hegzploit (I use hegz for short though), hegazy is my family name and I love exploits *hackerman* I just mixed and matched haha.. 2022-03-16 20:20:06 nihilazo we do have tau day 2022-03-16 20:20:14 nihilazo asm: tau is 2 pi 2022-03-16 20:20:22 nihilazo and a better circle constant, imo 2022-03-16 20:20:35 asm interesting 2022-03-16 20:20:44 bx hegz: Good origin story, hegazy is a cool name 2022-03-16 20:20:51 * asm places a circle of pies around you 2022-03-16 20:20:51 hegz bx: I'm more intersted in knowing the story behind your name though 2022-03-16 20:21:21 nihilazo https://tauday.com/tau-manifesto if you want to read about tau from the people who care about tau 2022-03-16 20:21:26 nihilazo I don't any more because I'm not sad any more 2022-03-16 20:21:31 nihilazo (at least not in that way) 2022-03-16 20:21:37 bx "brandon x".split(" ").map(x => x[0]).join("") -> "bx" 2022-03-16 20:21:43 bx (it's just my initials) 2022-03-16 20:22:09 bx "For millennia, the circle has been considered the most perfect of shapes" 2022-03-16 20:22:11 bx tf 2022-03-16 20:22:33 asm fun fact: rot13(bx) is "ok" 2022-03-16 20:22:51 bx im getting dejavu on that 2022-03-16 20:23:41 hegz bx: welp, wasn't expecting that simple answer 2022-03-16 20:24:19 bx nihilazo: this page seems pretentious 2022-03-16 20:24:26 nihilazo oh, it really is 2022-03-16 20:24:30 bx i dont see whats wrong with 2pi 2022-03-16 20:24:35 flowercorpse nihilazo: I would adopt that but it's already ingrained in my mind that tau represents a time constant :( 2022-03-16 20:24:35 hegz something irrelevant a bit but, does anyone know how I can change my .tmux.conf here :s 2022-03-16 20:24:41 nihilazo the whole pi vs tau thing is a very pretentious math debate 2022-03-16 20:25:05 bx hegz: hehe, im not sure anyone does 2022-03-16 20:25:12 bx i think you can just edit it as normal 2022-03-16 20:25:33 hegz flowercorpse: I can relate with that 2022-03-16 20:26:10 bx wait... 2022-03-16 20:26:28 bx hear me out here if tau = 2pi, then on tau day it's only logical i get to eat TWO PIES 2022-03-16 20:27:19 hegz bx: oh that worked, stupid me 2022-03-16 20:27:36 flowercorpse the hill I would die on though is that voltage is U and not V 2022-03-16 20:27:41 hegz bx: so tau day is just an excuse to consume some pie? 2022-03-16 20:27:56 bx Y e S 2022-03-16 20:28:12 bx flowercorpse: why U? 2022-03-16 20:28:29 flowercorpse because it's curvy and not pointy 2022-03-16 20:28:29 bx V seems to be gur easist to remmeber :p 2022-03-16 20:28:43 flowercorpse and also V is also unit of volts 2022-03-16 20:28:51 flowercorpse writing V=5V just doesn't feel right 2022-03-16 20:29:03 bx Hm 2022-03-16 20:29:07 flowercorpse looks like an equation with no solution 2022-03-16 20:29:13 bx what's wrong with it being pointy? 2022-03-16 20:29:29 bx (honsetly i think we're running out of meaningful symbols) 2022-03-16 20:29:46 flowercorpse I don't know, U feels softer 2022-03-16 20:30:18 flowercorpse most of europe uses U 2022-03-16 20:30:23 bx but electricity isnt soft 2022-03-16 20:31:02 flowercorpse adapted from german Unterschied 2022-03-16 20:31:09 bx huh, intresitng 2022-03-16 20:32:05 hegz I mean, the greek alphabet is the perfect candidate 2022-03-16 20:32:26 bx yea, i think we've used it up 2022-03-16 20:35:24 flowercorpse oh another argument for U is that V also represents volume 2022-03-16 20:35:51 bx hm 2022-03-16 20:35:56 bx you got a point hter 2022-03-16 20:36:00 flowercorpse maybe I should write one of those webpages 2022-03-16 20:36:03 flowercorpse the U manifesto 2022-03-16 20:36:15 bx why can we just wright volt 2022-03-16 20:36:18 bx or voltage 2022-03-16 20:37:02 hegz or just IR 2022-03-16 20:37:06 hegz wait what 2022-03-16 20:40:34 juspib i recommend everyone takes a cruise on the Danube in Budapest 2022-03-16 20:41:18 bx why? 2022-03-16 20:44:10 piusbird dozens, how do you wanna do this 2022-03-16 20:44:50 juspib because i just remembered when i did that some years ago and can confirm it makes a very nice memory 2022-03-16 20:45:30 bx intrsting\ 2022-03-16 20:45:41 bx whats a danube? 2022-03-16 20:45:50 flowercorpse juspib: do you live there? 2022-03-16 20:46:13 piusbird also hello everybody 2022-03-16 20:46:35 flowercorpse hi piusbird 2022-03-16 20:46:36 hegz ho o/ 2022-03-16 20:46:39 hegz hi* 2022-03-16 20:46:41 juspib i don't live there, and hi piusbird o/ 2022-03-16 20:48:16 hegz so, I'll be heading to bed now, good night everyone! 2022-03-16 20:48:22 bx gn 2022-03-16 20:48:23 hegz had fun talking to you 2022-03-16 20:48:28 flowercorpse good night hegz! 2022-03-16 20:48:31 mhj https://lunduke.substack.com/p/the-first-risc-v-portable-computer This is cool 2022-03-16 20:48:35 bx hope to see ya round town later 2022-03-16 20:49:04 hegz I'll be around, really enjoying it so far 2022-03-16 20:50:48 flowercorpse juspib: I really like Budapest 2022-03-16 20:54:59 flowercorpse mhj: looks really cyberpunk 2022-03-16 20:55:20 bx didnt know devterm was riscv 2022-03-16 20:55:32 mhj Well, they weren't 2022-03-16 20:55:39 mhj This is totally new lol 2022-03-16 20:57:12 dzwdz guess who's back 2022-03-16 20:57:51 asm who? 2022-03-16 20:58:04 bx you? 2022-03-16 20:58:07 dzwdz yea 2022-03-16 20:58:09 m455 shady's back 2022-03-16 20:59:28 bx hehe 2022-03-16 21:00:02 dzwdz eh, i associate "guess who's back" with still dre more 2022-03-16 21:00:26 juspib wow, risc-v in a consumer product - the price/performance ratio sadly still very far from optimal 2022-03-16 21:01:02 dzwdz with arm breaking into laptops and this out there 2022-03-16 21:01:11 dzwdz x86 should be sweating 2022-03-16 21:02:03 dzwdz i'd love to play around with risc 2022-03-16 21:02:11 dzwdz s/risc/&-v 2022-03-16 21:02:11 sedbot <dzwdz> i'd love to play around with risc-v 2022-03-16 21:02:42 dzwdz although i suppose i haven't even messed around with arm that much yet 2022-03-16 21:03:05 juspib i recently learned amd has a license from arm 2022-03-16 21:03:12 dzwdz armd 2022-03-16 21:03:17 bx amdarm 2022-03-16 21:03:35 juspib they haven't sold or announced any arm chip yet so i figure they're still doing some heavy arm work in their labs 2022-03-16 21:03:44 bx lmao 2022-03-16 21:03:53 dzwdz amdarm sounds like something that'll be installed by default on half the linux distros in a decade 2022-03-16 21:03:57 bx Amd skipping leg day 2022-03-16 21:07:20 dzwdz one of the characters in the fanfic i'm reading is worrying about a vampire who bit them wiping blood off their fangs with their hands being unsanitary 2022-03-16 21:07:27 dzwdz like 2022-03-16 21:07:34 bx lol 2022-03-16 21:07:36 dzwdz imagine thinking /that/'s the unsanitary part 2022-03-16 21:07:46 bx Do vamps brush? 2022-03-16 21:07:55 dzwdz i hope so 2022-03-16 21:07:57 bx also 2022-03-16 21:07:59 dzwdz why wouldn't they? 2022-03-16 21:08:06 dzwdz i'd imagine blood stains teeth 2022-03-16 21:08:09 bx it's kinda wierd that their fangs *suck* blood 2022-03-16 21:08:16 bx usually fangs inject 2022-03-16 21:08:19 dzwdz they don't? 2022-03-16 21:08:26 bx eh? 2022-03-16 21:08:30 dzwdz they just suck like you'd suck on something 2022-03-16 21:08:34 dzwdz fangs are there to pierce the skin 2022-03-16 21:08:37 bx Oh 2022-03-16 21:08:47 bx in that case i *really* hope they brush 2022-03-16 21:09:06 bx Oh! 2022-03-16 21:09:13 flowercorpse now I now things about vampire anatomy I didn't know before 2022-03-16 21:09:20 bx maybe their fangs inject numbing agents and anit-coagulants! 2022-03-16 21:09:22 bx like leaches 2022-03-16 21:09:27 dzwdz that depends 2022-03-16 21:09:40 dzwdz look at this point most of the vampire lore i know is from fanfics lel 2022-03-16 21:09:48 dzwdz but in one i've read, the saliva acts as an anesthetic 2022-03-16 21:10:08 dzwdz but often people write it as if there was no numbing at all 2022-03-16 21:10:09 juspib my theory is that some brush and some don't, but the ones who don't later die cuz they can't pierce anyone's skin so the vast majority of alive vampires care well for their teeth 2022-03-16 21:10:21 dzwdz ooo fun fact 2022-03-16 21:10:23 bx that seems like it has more downsides, if they kiss someone theyre gonna numb them up 2022-03-16 21:10:40 dzwdz do y'all know the reason why vampires can't see their reflections (well, kind of)? 2022-03-16 21:10:48 juspib do you transfer saliva when kissing someone? 2022-03-16 21:10:54 dzwdz you don't? 2022-03-16 21:10:59 bx dzwdz: light bends around them? 2022-03-16 21:11:10 bx juspib: people who're like using an open mouth do 2022-03-16 21:11:25 dzwdz bx: so the reflection thing actually only applies to silver mirrors 2022-03-16 21:11:35 dzwdz because they were the most popular ones back in the good ol vampire days 2022-03-16 21:11:40 bx oooo 2022-03-16 21:11:50 dzwdz and it was just because vampires can't interact with silver 2022-03-16 21:11:55 bx OH 2022-03-16 21:12:02 dzwdz which means they can see themselves in other kinds of mirrors 2022-03-16 21:12:10 bx that's actually really intresting 2022-03-16 21:12:19 bx so silver bullets hurt them too? 2022-03-16 21:12:24 dzwdz duh 2022-03-16 21:13:37 bx so hypothetically 2022-03-16 21:13:51 bx if i wire a button to something using silver 2022-03-16 21:13:58 bx gur vampire can't activate it 2022-03-16 21:14:04 dzwdz yeah 2022-03-16 21:14:13 bx Damm 2022-03-16 21:14:15 flowercorpse bx: silver solder is actually popular 2022-03-16 21:14:20 bx :O 2022-03-16 21:14:39 dzwdz also the standard medicine used for burn wounds up until recently was silver sulfadiazine 2022-03-16 21:14:50 bx til 2022-03-16 21:15:05 bx ive only like proper burned myself once 2022-03-16 21:15:14 dzwdz so that would also be an issue for vampires 2022-03-16 21:15:14 bx well kinda twice 2022-03-16 21:15:23 dzwdz i don't think i've ever truly burned myself 2022-03-16 21:15:27 bx dzwdz: well dont they heal faster? 2022-03-16 21:15:34 dzwdz yeah they do 2022-03-16 21:15:54 dzwdz look i was hoping that the wikipedia page on medical uses of silver would have something more interesting than burn cream 2022-03-16 21:16:06 bx I put my finger against stream of boiling water at work once, would not recommend 2022-03-16 21:16:10 dzwdz oh damn, that message lines up super nicely in my terminal width 2022-03-16 21:16:14 dzwdz bx: ow 2022-03-16 21:16:25 juspib i think vampires are more vulnerable to fire 2022-03-16 21:16:31 flowercorpse dzwdz: why do vampires have that accent 2022-03-16 21:16:46 bx gur skin went like all saggy after, then i got a wierd blister, then it became a scabe 2022-03-16 21:16:49 bx *scab 2022-03-16 21:16:55 bx eventually it like fell off 2022-03-16 21:16:57 dzwdz why do you have an accent 2022-03-16 21:17:09 bx i dont 2022-03-16 21:17:13 dzwdz juspib: yeah, thus vampires shouldn't ever listen to frank ocean 2022-03-16 21:17:16 dzwdz it's so fire they'd die 2022-03-16 21:17:31 dzwdz even i can barely survive 2022-03-16 21:17:45 flowercorpse dzwdz: I'm not from the UK :( 2022-03-16 21:18:06 dzwdz statistically, most vampires aren't either 2022-03-16 21:18:11 juspib dzwdz: remember to play dj wielki chuj when entering an abandoned vampire mansion 2022-03-16 21:18:37 dzwdz you're wrongly assuming that i'd want to keep the vampires away 2022-03-16 21:18:45 dzwdz besides, i'm already hot as fire without it 2022-03-16 21:18:55 bx what do you play to attract vampires? 2022-03-16 21:18:57 bx a pipe organ? 2022-03-16 21:19:05 dzwdz one of the castlevanias i guess 2022-03-16 21:19:18 dzwdz i don't know what games vampires like 2022-03-16 21:19:19 @natalia "software is hard" donald knuth 2022-03-16 21:19:31 juspib ludo and chess 2022-03-16 21:19:39 dzwdz ooo right 2022-03-16 21:19:43 dzwdz chess is a vampire game 2022-03-16 21:19:43 @natalia "if i had never thought about computer typesetting, i might have had a happier life in some ways" donald knuth 2022-03-16 21:19:45 nihilazo ludo is an overrated game 2022-03-16 21:19:46 dzwdz definitely 2022-03-16 21:19:49 dzwdz natalia: lmao 2022-03-16 21:19:50 nihilazo but chess is a good game 2022-03-16 21:19:55 juspib !sotd https://youtu.be/aoE2m_n4Wvg 2022-03-16 21:19:55 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to DJ Wielki Huj - Orzechy (extended mix) 2022-03-16 21:19:58 nihilazo also computer typesetting is something I wish I never had thought abuot 2022-03-16 21:20:07 dzwdz chess is definitely a game that vampires would play a lot 2022-03-16 21:20:13 flowercorpse juspib: polish is a really cool language 2022-03-16 21:20:19 dzwdz nie 2022-03-16 21:20:21 dzwdz nie jest 2022-03-16 21:20:32 juspib of course it is 2022-03-16 21:20:55 nihilazo chess is a vampire game for sure 2022-03-16 21:21:02 bx natalia: i thought about it and decided on just doing pixel art fonts for gur rest of my life 2022-03-16 21:21:10 flowercorpse is it true that everyday polish uses the diminutive for nouns? 2022-03-16 21:21:41 dzwdz yea 2022-03-16 21:21:56 dzwdz not like too often, but yeah 2022-03-16 21:23:23 flowercorpse I've been to Kraków once, for Unsound, it was really nice 2022-03-16 21:23:38 flowercorpse the polish jazz movement is and was also pretty good 2022-03-16 21:24:20 dzwdz https://kurws.bandcamp.com/album/wszystko-co-sta-e-rozp-ywa-si-w-powietrzu-all-that-is-solid-melts-into-air 2022-03-16 21:24:47 bx !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RqD2ClRUEc 2022-03-16 21:24:47 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to The only Thing I know for real - Lass 2022-03-16 21:27:10 flowercorpse dzwdz: I'm pretty into this 2022-03-16 21:27:27 dzwdz ^^ 2022-03-16 21:27:32 dzwdz i bought this last bandcamp friday 2022-03-16 21:27:50 flowercorpse this is also pretty good https://youtu.be/yKnk4adNpUo 2022-03-16 21:27:51 pinhook ["Raphael Rogiński - Plays John Coltrane And Langston Hughes.African Mystic Music (Full Album) - YouTube"] 2022-03-16 21:30:20 flowercorpse Naima is also probably one of my favourite standards 2022-03-16 21:31:09 dzwdz so since we're sharing music 2022-03-16 21:31:23 dzwdz it's been a while since i've last sent the brutalismus 3000 set 2022-03-16 21:31:25 dzwdz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZhUS_q4jkc&t=300s 2022-03-16 21:31:26 pinhook ["Brutalismus 3000 | Boiler Room Festival London 2021 | Possession - YouTube"] 2022-03-16 21:32:30 dzwdz another set that a vampire couldn't go to 2022-03-16 21:32:41 bx im gona log off now, see yall tommrowwo 2022-03-16 21:32:45 dzwdz cya 2022-03-16 21:33:24 dzwdz watching sets like this makes me wish i was more of a party guy 2022-03-16 21:33:26 flowercorpse see you bx 2022-03-16 21:37:15 dzwdz can you believe that there are only 4 google results for "vaporgabber"? 2022-03-16 21:37:26 dzwdz how is that not a genre yet 2022-03-16 21:41:30 petra cowards, I can only assume 2022-03-16 21:41:32 petra hi all 2022-03-16 21:41:34 petra !tarot 2022-03-16 21:41:34 rufus[awkbot] The Six of Cups - familiarity, happy memories, healing 2022-03-16 21:41:51 petra oh that's a nice one 2022-03-16 21:43:28 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-16 21:47:32 @natalia "I'm glad that the WWW makes it possible for me to respond to questions that I don't have to see or hear." donald knuth 2022-03-16 21:52:44 flowercorpse natalia: we could have a donald knuth bot 2022-03-16 22:01:06 dzwdz i don't think he'd agree to that 2022-03-16 22:15:37 elly hello 2022-03-16 22:15:45 tomasino ello 2022-03-16 22:15:49 dzwdz llo 2022-03-16 22:16:11 @natalia hey elly and tomasino 2022-03-16 22:16:17 @natalia dzwdz you were already here you don't count 2022-03-16 22:16:43 dzwdz :( 2022-03-16 22:16:48 tomasino awww 2022-03-16 22:17:29 tomasino what's new, folk? 2022-03-16 22:17:40 dzwdz i'm not doing shit with my life 2022-03-16 22:17:49 @natalia i am unfortunately finding myself needing to edit computer files 2022-03-16 22:18:09 dzwdz oh no 2022-03-16 22:18:56 petra which kind? /etc? 2022-03-16 22:19:48 @natalia program listings and also latex documents 2022-03-16 22:20:19 tomasino not stuff you want to be editing? that is too bad, indeed 2022-03-16 22:20:25 tomasino i hope it's quick and you can get back to fun 2022-03-16 22:21:15 @natalia it actually is fun 2022-03-16 22:21:35 tomasino oh, well double-plus good then! 2022-03-16 22:21:55 @natalia i am trying to work out the semantics of a text editor project 2022-03-16 22:22:26 tomasino text-object definitions and parser logic? 2022-03-16 22:22:45 @natalia no, it's a boring line editor :P 2022-03-16 22:23:41 tomasino hah, your own personal ed? 2022-03-16 22:24:12 dzwdz PErsonal ED 2022-03-16 22:24:24 @natalia nooo 2022-03-16 22:24:44 @natalia tomasino: it is a multi-head multi-buffer ed that tries to keep ed semantics where possible 2022-03-16 22:25:09 tomasino that's a noble goal. would make an excellent braille editor 2022-03-16 22:25:54 @natalia i have been enjoying prototyping over irc 2022-03-16 22:26:11 dzwdz wait so the project is more than just an irc bot? 2022-03-16 22:26:28 @natalia edward is the irc bot that does the barebones ed(1) wrapper 2022-03-16 22:27:09 @natalia the finished project is named edwin 2022-03-16 22:27:14 @natalia theres also e̷͇͌͆d̶̠̣̎̚M̷̫̄u̸̞̓̄ͅN̴͇̔͆D̵̙͚̓̃ whom we do not speak of 2022-03-16 22:27:20 dzwdz isn't edwin already a thing? 2022-03-16 22:27:25 dzwdz yoo, edMUnD 2022-03-16 22:27:37 tomasino we don't talk about e̷͇d̶̠M̷̫u̸̞N̴͇D̵̙ 2022-03-16 22:27:50 @natalia ive never heard of edwin being a software thing 2022-03-16 22:28:26 dzwdz it definitely rings a bell, but i can't find anything via a quick search 2022-03-16 22:28:46 dzwdz maybe i just was using something with a similar name 2022-03-16 22:32:00 dzwdz could've been part of a larger package software 2022-03-16 22:32:03 dzwdz idk 2022-03-16 22:32:29 @natalia from my understanding the name conflicts with the names of a bunch of dudes from Wikipedia 2022-03-16 22:32:39 dzwdz oh no 2022-03-16 22:33:37 dzwdz edm? ed improved? 2022-03-16 22:33:55 @natalia i am not looking for names but also especially not if they arent names of like A Guy 2022-03-16 22:34:33 dzwdz is there any unix utility named bob yet 2022-03-16 22:34:46 @natalia (that start with ed) 2022-03-16 22:34:55 dzwdz huh, doesn't seem like it 2022-03-16 22:37:08 dzwdz bob would be a good name for something 2022-03-16 22:39:00 tomasino like a person maybe... but he should be happy. Maybe give him a happy last name, like "joy". But then bob is three letters and so is joy, so maybe we tweak the bob into something similar, like "bill". There we go. Now our make-believe human can be the catalist for our new editor. I wonder what Bill Joy will make? 2022-03-16 22:43:54 <-- extratone (extratone@localhost) has left #tildetown (did I just figure out leaving messages finally) 2022-03-16 22:44:10 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-17 03:57:09 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-17 03:57:09 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-17 03:57:09 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-17 03:57:09 -- Channel #tildetown: 106 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 103 normals) 2022-03-17 03:57:11 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-17 03:58:29 extratone gm town. has anyone ever seen a RAM graph look like this before? https://ttm.sh/iN4.jpeg 2022-03-17 04:15:31 ssteinbr eh 2022-03-17 04:22:45 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-17 04:28:20 asm extratone: yes 2022-03-17 05:47:33 @vilmibm i have exhausted any affection for rms in my old age 2022-03-17 05:48:38 @vilmibm I find him hypocritical and irritating :/ 2022-03-17 05:55:44 <-- m07h (m07h@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-17 06:11:29 --> nuve (nuve@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-17 06:12:54 extratone asm, does it tend to indicate something specific? 2022-03-17 06:48:33 juspib when i finish school i will work at the frog shop 2022-03-17 07:10:25 dzwdz the what 2022-03-17 07:18:19 brendo extratone - that's the jumpiest RAM graph i've ever seen 2022-03-17 07:19:15 agafnd is... something starting, slowly memory leaking, getting OOM-killed, & restarted by a daemon? 2022-03-17 07:19:50 dzwdz ^ 2022-03-17 07:19:54 dzwdz that's probably it 2022-03-17 07:21:46 agafnd well i said 'slowly' but looking at the timestamps on the bottom, that's not very slow, is it 2022-03-17 07:25:22 dzwdz wait, there were timestamps? 2022-03-17 07:25:54 agafnd 22:47:00 22:47:20 22:47:40 2022-03-17 07:25:59 agafnd at least i assume those are timestamps 2022-03-17 07:26:39 dzwdz oh damn 2022-03-17 07:30:02 nihilazo \o 2022-03-17 07:31:23 dzwdz \o 2022-03-17 07:31:38 dzwdz what's up 2022-03-17 07:36:44 nihilazo hating thursday morning 2022-03-17 07:37:00 nihilazo because I have to wake up early and go out to college at 9:30 (which isn't really early but feels it) 2022-03-17 07:37:17 nihilazo all for a class that is 2 hours of boring bullshit with a teacher who doesn't give a shit about the subject or us 2022-03-17 07:40:43 nihilazo it's petty as hell but I don't like thursdays because of that class 2022-03-17 07:47:58 extratone thank you for taking a look brendo, dzwdz... those are timestamps, indeed. 2022-03-17 07:49:01 extratone the phone was behaving very poorly. 2022-03-17 07:49:43 extratone in a way that's new to me. otherwise I would suspect it to be false. 2022-03-17 07:57:49 juspib dzwdz i've failed in my search to find the frog shop meme, will resume it at home 2022-03-17 08:14:38 nihilazo anybody seen default recently? 2022-03-17 08:40:03 dzwdz hm 2022-03-17 08:40:08 dzwdz a few days ago 2022-03-17 08:40:23 dzwdz why? 2022-03-17 08:45:19 nihilazo o, k 2022-03-17 08:45:29 nihilazo just haven't seen them around 2022-03-17 08:49:50 nihilazo I *really* don't want to go to college today 2022-03-17 08:50:31 nihilazo I'm so close to the end of my course (like 6 class weeks out from the exams) but still feel like dropping out of it 2022-03-17 09:16:30 nihilazo qustion 2022-03-17 09:16:44 nihilazo if I'm feeling so tired I am collapsing on my bedroom floor 2022-03-17 09:16:56 nihilazo is that enough to count as being ill for the sake of taking time off school 2022-03-17 09:31:26 猫 update on nico: he went back to bed 2022-03-17 09:31:30 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-17 09:31:30 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's electric young agave 2022-03-17 09:31:33 猫 !water nihilazo 2022-03-17 09:31:33 * pinhook waters nihilazo's seed 2022-03-17 09:31:35 猫 !tarot 2022-03-17 09:31:35 rufus[awkbot] The Ace of Wands (Reversed) - lack of energy, lack of passion, boredom 2022-03-17 09:31:40 猫 thanks tarot 2022-03-17 09:33:25 cosarara !tarot 2022-03-17 09:33:25 rufus[awkbot] Strength - inner strength, bravery, compassion, focus 2022-03-17 09:33:33 cosarara super strong 2022-03-17 09:33:38 cosarara wohoo 2022-03-17 09:33:42 cosarara good morning town 2022-03-17 09:33:50 cosarara gonna water the botany really strong today 2022-03-17 09:35:43 extratone good morning cosarara 2022-03-17 09:35:55 extratone !water 2022-03-17 09:35:55 * pinhook waters extratone's seedling 2022-03-17 09:35:57 <-- nuve (nuve@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-17 09:36:00 extratone !tarot 2022-03-17 09:36:00 rufus[awkbot] The Seven of Wands - perseverance, defensive, maintaining control 2022-03-17 09:44:08 trashski i was stagnant on doing this schoolwork to the point where it's now horribly late but i got a bunch done sitting in the back of a metal concert 2022-03-17 09:44:11 trashski funny how that works 2022-03-17 09:54:13 extratone ah shit. I think we're supposed to learn our way into balance with age, right? 2022-03-17 09:54:35 extratone I definitely haven't. 2022-03-17 09:57:06 login i thought age forced balance upon you using incentives and disincentives 2022-03-17 09:57:13 login of a biological nature 2022-03-17 09:57:28 dzwdz oh hey, someone pushed an update to their npm packages which wipes your disk if you're russian lmao 2022-03-17 09:58:04 dzwdz can't wait for people to not do anything about this being possible again 2022-03-17 09:59:29 dzwdz https://github.com/RIAEvangelist/node-ipc 2022-03-17 10:06:21 --> nuve (nuve@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-17 10:06:36 login this could be taken to be a terrorist attack 2022-03-17 10:06:42 login and russia may seek extradition of this person 2022-03-17 10:19:48 dzwdz eh 2022-03-17 10:20:21 dzwdz i'd rather have some russian do the opposite 2022-03-17 10:20:39 dzwdz wipe the drives of all americans 2022-03-17 10:21:18 dzwdz a supply chain war would be fun 2022-03-17 10:21:41 dzwdz maybe it'd even cause people to finally get their shit together 2022-03-17 10:38:41 twee o/ 2022-03-17 11:47:27 juspib everyone should wipe discs of everyone except $my_nation 2022-03-17 11:53:44 twee what is a nation 2022-03-17 12:08:11 juspib A nation is a community of people formed on the basis of a combination of shared features such as language, history, ethnicity, culture and/or territory. 2022-03-17 12:13:23 twee thats incredibly vague 2022-03-17 12:13:36 twee and i would say discounts both russia and america 2022-03-17 12:22:49 juspib what do you mean 2022-03-17 12:58:59 flowercorpse twee: most definitions are incredibly vague by nature 2022-03-17 12:59:54 flowercorpse I would think 2022-03-17 13:28:33 twee flowercorpse: for sure 2022-03-17 13:28:45 twee which is why i think its awkward when they're so politicized 2022-03-17 13:28:56 twee i wish android had central notification management 2022-03-17 13:29:15 twee like to say what colour leds are, how to vibrate, whether to pop up, whether to turn the screen on 2022-03-17 13:29:22 twee rather than letting applications do all their own thing 2022-03-17 13:36:55 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-17 17:31:57 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-17 17:31:57 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-17 17:31:57 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-17 17:31:57 -- Channel #tildetown: 106 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 103 normals) 2022-03-17 17:31:59 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-17 17:32:03 dzwdz is sam as awful about the mouse as acme, or is it not that bad? 2022-03-17 17:32:05 juspib hi extratone 2022-03-17 17:32:13 extratone good morning 50 2022-03-17 17:40:10 dzwdz a vi-like editor which doesn't take up the entire terminal would be nice 2022-03-17 17:40:16 dzwdz for writing commit messages and stuff 2022-03-17 17:40:41 elly what would be on the rest of the terminal? 2022-03-17 17:40:53 dzwdz what was there before 2022-03-17 17:40:55 dzwdz like 2022-03-17 17:41:06 dzwdz it'd only take up the minimum vertical space needed 2022-03-17 17:41:15 twee that sounds like magit/ed/launching vi in a new window would solve the problem easier 2022-03-17 17:41:23 dzwdz if your commit message is 4 lines long, it would only occupy the bottom 4 lines 2022-03-17 17:41:26 dzwdz there's no problem here 2022-03-17 17:41:54 dzwdz i'm not trying to solve anything, i just think that'd be cool 2022-03-17 17:42:12 twee what i think is cool is (global-visual-line-mode) 2022-03-17 17:42:16 twee my contribution to gnu emacs 2022-03-17 17:42:25 dzwdz what's that? 2022-03-17 17:42:38 elly hmm, you could use screen's split mode I think 2022-03-17 17:42:41 twee a mode that applies to all buffers, and wraps text if the lines are long 2022-03-17 17:42:42 elly and have vi just occupy the bottom half 2022-03-17 17:42:49 dzwdz that isn't as natural 2022-03-17 17:42:51 twee kind of like what bbj does 2022-03-17 17:42:59 dzwdz it wouldn't grow with the text file 2022-03-17 17:43:07 elly "natural" is a function of what you expect 2022-03-17 17:43:13 elly but yeah, it would be a fixed size 2022-03-17 17:43:20 dzwdz do we have asciinema or something like that on town? 2022-03-17 17:43:23 dzwdz i could just quickly show what i mean 2022-03-17 17:43:26 katie you could probably write a vimscript to send the funky resize escape sequences to screen 2022-03-17 17:43:58 twee hacky 2022-03-17 17:44:06 twee what's wrong with just using another window 2022-03-17 17:44:07 dozens shared tmux sesh? 2022-03-17 17:44:12 elly hm, I wonder if that would work 2022-03-17 17:44:33 elly twee: you could :) I don't think we are trying to solve a specific problem here so much as talking about an idea 2022-03-17 17:44:46 elly curses apps do generally take over the whole terminal but there is no reason they particularly have to 2022-03-17 17:44:48 katie i think it would work but it would be objectively lamer than just having vim grow on the terminals primary buffer 2022-03-17 17:45:23 dzwdz i'm heavily inspired here by elly saying that she uses ed for commit messages 2022-03-17 17:45:36 elly ed is great at that 2022-03-17 17:45:55 dzwdz because it doesn't hide the rest of your terminal? 2022-03-17 17:46:11 m455 elly: doing a split mode with vi, this is literlaly how i write release notes at work: left vertical split with release notes .md file, right slit is two horizontal splits with the source code, and a checklist of all affected files for a release (except that i'm using tmux instead of screen) 2022-03-17 17:46:15 opfez do you use ed with readline? 2022-03-17 17:46:18 dzwdz so just imagine that but with proper editing capabilities 2022-03-17 17:46:18 elly no 2022-03-17 17:46:24 elly ed does have proper editing capabilities 2022-03-17 17:46:34 dzwdz s/proper/visual 2022-03-17 17:46:34 sedbot <dzwdz> so just imagine that but with visual editing capabilities 2022-03-17 17:46:41 opfez oh, i've heard from some ed users it makes it far nicer to use 2022-03-17 17:46:54 elly cannot comment, I've always used it sans readline 2022-03-17 17:47:00 dzwdz natalia was complaining about rlwrap breaking... something in ed 2022-03-17 17:47:02 dzwdz recently 2022-03-17 17:47:23 opfez hmm odd 2022-03-17 17:47:28 dzwdz so i'm super ignorant 2022-03-17 17:47:37 dzwdz because i haven't used ed for much editing at all 2022-03-17 17:48:04 dzwdz but in ed, if you want to edit a line, your two options are rewriting it from scratch and regex replace, right? 2022-03-17 17:48:09 elly yes 2022-03-17 17:48:15 @natalia i fixed this by using my irc's line input instead :triumph: 2022-03-17 17:48:20 elly haha 2022-03-17 17:48:26 asm hi town 2022-03-17 17:48:26 @natalia ed is best used with a pad of paper next to you really for noting things you gotta fix later 2022-03-17 17:48:32 elly lol 2022-03-17 17:48:38 opfez geez 2022-03-17 17:48:41 opfez hi asm o/ 2022-03-17 17:48:49 dzwdz that sounds more involved than just using vi 2022-03-17 17:48:53 opfez ^ 2022-03-17 17:49:09 asm I use ed, but the d is written and pronounced like macs 2022-03-17 17:49:15 elly I was/am using ed because I like the aesthetic, not because it is the best editor 2022-03-17 17:49:27 opfez asm: yes! 2022-03-17 17:49:34 dzwdz asm, opfez: D: 2022-03-17 17:49:46 dzwdz elly: fair 2022-03-17 17:49:49 asm dzwdz: s/D:/:D/ 2022-03-17 17:49:54 asm you got the face wrong :p 2022-03-17 17:49:54 @natalia ed is good because it's terrible and Secretly This Makes You A Better Programmer!* 2022-03-17 17:49:56 @natalia *untrue 2022-03-17 17:50:03 elly lol 2022-03-17 17:50:18 dzwdz if writing code takes longer then you have more time to think about it! 2022-03-17 17:50:30 dzwdz and other lies people make up to justify writing on paper 2022-03-17 17:50:40 elly unfortunately, you expend all the thinking time you freed up in figuring out how best to manipulate ed itself 2022-03-17 17:51:10 opfez it would be cool to see how a modern line editor would work 2022-03-17 17:51:16 @natalia honestly it does get easier. i have been having a lot of fun 2022-03-17 17:51:18 opfez i think the concept has some merit 2022-03-17 17:51:31 dzwdz yeah that's what i've been saying for a long time 2022-03-17 17:51:34 dzwdz limitation breeds creativity 2022-03-17 17:51:39 @natalia my favorite ed feature is that the best commands are like, entirely line noise 2022-03-17 17:51:42 elly I kind of don't tbh, visual editors have all the same capabilities but also more capabilities 2022-03-17 17:51:52 m455 ed sounds like the same reason i want to learn APL 2022-03-17 17:51:54 m455 hahaha 2022-03-17 17:52:01 elly I have been using ed for years and years at this point and it has not produced "editing creativity" or similar 2022-03-17 17:52:03 opfez dzwdz: mhm, i remember your LSP line editor idea 2022-03-17 17:52:13 dzwdz elly: that's not what i mean 2022-03-17 17:52:26 dzwdz i mean using a non-visual editor exclusively, and having it be easy to modify 2022-03-17 17:52:35 dzwdz it'd be a pain, so you'd quickly come up with ways to extend it to make it easier to use 2022-03-17 17:52:51 @natalia you could like patch on curses support 2022-03-17 17:52:51 elly I think that most of those ways would be to turn it into a visual editor :P 2022-03-17 17:52:59 dzwdz the point is to avoid that 2022-03-17 17:53:02 dzwdz limitation breeds creativity 2022-03-17 17:53:15 dzwdz those ways have already been explored 2022-03-17 17:53:18 twee sometimes 2022-03-17 17:53:38 m455 in my cases, it has sometimes created frustration haha 2022-03-17 17:53:51 dzwdz yeah like don't do that if you have important shit to do 2022-03-17 17:54:00 m455 haha yeah 2022-03-17 17:54:00 dzwdz but if you'd be using it for a toy project? go for it 2022-03-17 17:54:22 elly well, ed is small and pretty easy to modify 2022-03-17 17:54:26 elly gnu ed is like 3000 lines total 2022-03-17 17:55:00 dzwdz i don't think C programs count as pretty easy to modify 2022-03-17 17:55:02 @natalia unironically the best ed feature would just be making a real undo stack 2022-03-17 17:55:07 @natalia they are if you. know C? 2022-03-17 17:55:12 @natalia and also the program is good 2022-03-17 17:55:24 elly I find C pretty easy to modify 2022-03-17 17:55:30 elly depends on the code a lot, but 2022-03-17 17:55:30 dzwdz a good ruby program is going to be easier to modify than C anyways 2022-03-17 17:55:38 @natalia ok then write it in ruby 2022-03-17 17:55:39 dzwdz and there should be as little friction as possible 2022-03-17 17:55:46 elly go for it :P 2022-03-17 17:55:55 elly you could probably reimplement most of what ed does in a couple hundred lines of ruby 2022-03-17 17:56:00 dzwdz i know 2022-03-17 17:56:27 @natalia i am confused about what you are trying to get at 2022-03-17 17:56:38 opfez dzwdz has already made ed in under 200 lines of C: https://github.com/dzwdz/pansy-fork/blob/main/src/bin/ed.c :) 2022-03-17 17:56:41 @natalia anyway toy ed should be a multibuffer Lua quine that reloads itself 2022-03-17 17:56:45 dzwdz that barely counts as an ed 2022-03-17 17:56:55 opfez i used it to edit some files 2022-03-17 17:56:58 dzwdz it uses a different syntax, barely works, and iirc isn't well coded at all 2022-03-17 17:57:34 dzwdz yo ok 2022-03-17 17:57:39 dzwdz an emacs-style extensible ed 2022-03-17 17:58:03 opfez i was just thinking about it, make it lisp extensible and you basically have an extendible command line shell 2022-03-17 17:58:28 dzwdz were you here when i suggested merging sh and ed into a single utility? 2022-03-17 17:58:31 opfez editing files is cool and all, but sending ping requests from my lisp line editor is even cooler 2022-03-17 17:58:37 opfez nope, you did? 2022-03-17 17:58:46 opfez that sounds like what i'm thinking abou 2022-03-17 17:58:50 dzwdz noone liked it lmao 2022-03-17 17:59:08 dzwdz if you think about it, but not for too long, it kinda makes sense 2022-03-17 17:59:20 opfez i mean, i think it would be super cool 2022-03-17 17:59:31 @natalia the idea of making a good *command* editor interests me more than a "line editor" per se 2022-03-17 18:00:27 twee programs as sql 2022-03-17 18:00:31 twee use sql as editor 2022-03-17 18:00:49 @natalia from my understanding ed is probably still worse than most gui editors for visually impaired people etc. but like, does it have to be? idk 2022-03-17 18:00:59 elly hm 2022-03-17 18:01:08 elly I would say that ed is not much worse with a screenreader than for sighted users 2022-03-17 18:01:10 @natalia i suppose such a command editor would be a lot like a modern visual editor in semantics, except without any of the ui 2022-03-17 18:01:19 twee theres edbrowse 2022-03-17 18:01:22 elly that said, it isn't great for sighted users either :P 2022-03-17 18:01:25 @natalia elly: yeah, it's not worse, it's just Bad 2022-03-17 18:01:35 twee which is made by a visually impared dev for all their editing and browsing needs 2022-03-17 18:01:37 elly accessibility via setting the bar very low1 2022-03-17 18:01:39 elly ! 2022-03-17 18:01:41 @natalia lmao 2022-03-17 18:01:58 @natalia posix comand `true` easily the most accessible 2022-03-17 18:02:07 @natalia `yes` manages to fuck it up though 2022-03-17 18:09:54 @natalia aghagh i have to Think about regular expression parsing 2022-03-17 18:10:10 @vilmibm oh no 2022-03-17 18:10:13 @vilmibm i had to do that in college 2022-03-17 18:10:27 @vilmibm (assuming you mean parsing regex syntax) 2022-03-17 18:12:02 @natalia yeah i mean i can do it i just Do Not Want To 2022-03-17 18:14:26 @natalia wait okay posix actually has particularly odd behaviour about this 2022-03-17 18:15:25 @natalia wait hold on what the *hell* are posix basic regular expressions 2022-03-17 18:15:33 @natalia they do not support | but they support *backreferences* 2022-03-17 18:17:55 @natalia and extended regular expressions support | et al *but not backreferences* 2022-03-17 18:18:26 @natalia anyway gnu ed (and all bsd derived eds as far as i can tell, which gnu ed is ofc) do weird things for how they tell regular expressions end 2022-03-17 18:18:40 @natalia the regular expression /[/]/ is one regex: the slash inside the brackets does not count(TM) 2022-03-17 18:19:07 @natalia the regular expression /\(/\)/ is invalid--even though it would obviously not be correct for the regular expression to just end with an unbalanced bracket, it stops parsing there 2022-03-17 18:23:31 @natalia posix leaves this sort of undefined so my implementation will not parse the regular expression to try to figure out what is ok 2022-03-17 18:24:01 twee thats lovely 2022-03-17 18:42:25 bx vilmibm: parsing regex syntax doesnt sound too bad 2022-03-17 18:42:37 dzwdz hi bx 2022-03-17 18:42:42 @vilmibm bx: depends on what you find fun 2022-03-17 18:42:45 bx i wonder if there's like a slef hosting thing for regex 2022-03-17 18:42:46 @vilmibm i mean i did it, it was fine 2022-03-17 18:42:52 @vilmibm not something i would do recreationally though 2022-03-17 18:42:52 bx dzwdz: yoooo 2022-03-17 18:43:09 bx vilmibm: Ive developed a stockholm symdrome with writing parsers 2022-03-17 18:43:16 @vilmibm hehe 2022-03-17 18:43:48 bx partly thru hatred of parser generators 2022-03-17 18:44:24 bx one day i shall write a simple easy to follow parser for some complex as language like C++ 2022-03-17 18:44:46 bx just to spite yacc/bison users 2022-03-17 18:45:22 bx How're y'all doing ? 2022-03-17 18:45:24 elly that would be fun to read 2022-03-17 18:45:29 dzwdz i'm not doing SHIT still 2022-03-17 18:45:55 elly I am on my work lunch break 2022-03-17 18:46:26 bx are you eating lunch ? 2022-03-17 18:46:37 bx dzwdz: Do you want to be doing shit? 2022-03-17 18:46:43 dzwdz i don't know 2022-03-17 18:47:08 elly bx: just did! vegetable pie 2022-03-17 18:47:15 dzwdz i should very probably write about something 2022-03-17 18:47:20 dzwdz like, anything 2022-03-17 18:47:34 elly strong recommend! writing is fun 2022-03-17 18:47:47 dzwdz if you're good at it 2022-03-17 18:48:08 bx i should put my writing ideas in a text file 2022-03-17 18:48:11 elly only one way to get good at it :P 2022-03-17 18:48:16 bx maybe someone will write one 2022-03-17 18:48:19 dzwdz why do you think i've said that i should write :p 2022-03-17 18:48:35 dzwdz i'll either write some rant about node-ipc or some short vampire stories idk 2022-03-17 18:49:12 bx Or you could help me decide where to shove gur sdfps repo 2022-03-17 18:50:26 @vilmibm bx: i'm using ANTLR rn, does that fill you with hate 2022-03-17 18:51:34 elly me sowing, writing my beautiful handwritten parser: haha fuck yeah! yes / me reaping, maintaining my parser as my language evolves: well this fucking sucks. what the fuck. 2022-03-17 18:51:45 bx vilmibm: hate feels to strong 2022-03-17 18:52:17 @natalia elly: me right now 2022-03-17 18:52:20 @natalia i should have just imported lpeg... 2022-03-17 18:52:40 bx though looking at antlr it doesnt seem as bad as yacc/bison 2022-03-17 18:53:23 @natalia new theory: at any given time 50 percent of programmers are writing parser code 2022-03-17 18:54:48 bx hmm 2022-03-17 18:55:15 bx i mean, one of my proects is currently having its parser written 2022-03-17 18:57:38 @vilmibm elly: hahahaha 2022-03-17 18:57:46 @vilmibm i am not even trying. i'm fine with ANTLR. 2022-03-17 18:57:57 twee signing out for the day, see yous tomorrow 2022-03-17 18:58:00 bx Gn twee 2022-03-17 18:58:29 twee o/ 2022-03-17 18:59:24 @natalia so/ 2022-03-17 18:59:30 @natalia s// 2022-03-17 18:59:32 @natalia s/s// 2022-03-17 18:59:33 sedbot <natalia> // 2022-03-17 18:59:33 dzwdz so/ what 2022-03-17 18:59:40 @natalia welp 2022-03-17 18:59:47 @natalia sedbot: s/\//o 2022-03-17 18:59:59 @natalia it doesn't let you replace its own messages? unfortunate 2022-03-17 19:00:05 dzwdz yeah it's too dumb for that 2022-03-17 19:03:50 <-- katie (katie@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-17 19:04:26 extratone RobOS https://twitter.com/MacintoshThemes/status/1504517930448416770 2022-03-17 19:05:11 bx seems legit 2022-03-17 19:07:47 @natalia i have come to the conclusion that posix ed is a little bit silly 2022-03-17 19:10:22 opfez natalia: s/ed// 2022-03-17 19:10:22 sedbot <natalia> i have come to the conclusion that posix is a little bit silly 2022-03-17 19:10:37 @natalia so true 2022-03-17 19:13:29 dzwdz s/pos/un 2022-03-17 19:13:49 dzwdz opfez: do you play chess by any chance? 2022-03-17 19:14:08 bx opfez: hehe 2022-03-17 19:15:03 opfez dzwdz: nope 2022-03-17 19:15:22 nihilazo \o 2022-03-17 19:15:25 dzwdz \o 2022-03-17 19:15:26 bx \o 2022-03-17 19:15:29 opfez o/ 2022-03-17 19:16:46 nihilazo I have work to do but I'm not doing it because I think it's bs 2022-03-17 19:16:54 trashski !tarot 2022-03-17 19:16:54 rufus[awkbot] The Page of Swords - curiosity, restlessness, mental energy 2022-03-17 19:17:08 nihilazo I used my procrastination on that homework to do some actually useful stuff 2022-03-17 19:17:14 nihilazo like cleaning my room 2022-03-17 19:17:32 nihilazo I need to do the homework eventually but I have to write 6 pragraphs on this question and I can only think of 2 2022-03-17 19:17:41 nihilazo one of which I know for sure will be marked as underdeveloped 2022-03-17 19:18:53 nihilazo The British Constitution provides very weak protection for citizens rights.’ Analyse and evaluate this statement. 2022-03-17 19:19:13 nihilazo I guess I'm meant to talk about all the different human rights laws? but they're all kinda shit 2022-03-17 19:19:14 bx "we. dont. have. a. constitution." 2022-03-17 19:19:27 nihilazo lol yeah 2022-03-17 19:19:31 nihilazo that's what I want to write 2022-03-17 19:19:37 nihilazo but you have to write about the constitution that doesn't really exist 2022-03-17 19:19:48 bx o h j o y 2022-03-17 19:20:40 nihilazo I have 2 paragraphs 2022-03-17 19:20:49 nihilazo which are about the fact the human rights act 1998 is uncodified 2022-03-17 19:20:55 nihilazo I can't think of literally anything else to write about 2022-03-17 19:21:09 dzwdz vampires 2022-03-17 19:21:20 bx I feel that way about most of my bs assigenemnts 2022-03-17 19:22:20 nihilazo I think this might be being formally assessed as well 2022-03-17 19:22:22 nihilazo I can do it later 2022-03-17 19:22:28 * nihilazo will proceed to never do it probably 2022-03-17 19:23:04 dzwdz if you're looking for an excuse to procrastinate i've got a good one 2022-03-17 19:23:22 dzwdz rhymes with nest 2022-03-17 19:23:24 dzwdz i think 2022-03-17 19:25:28 bx congest 2022-03-17 19:26:58 dozens !admins git.tilde.town is down? 2022-03-17 19:26:58 adminbot dozens: your message has been sent to the admins! 2022-03-17 19:27:05 dzwdz low rated chess players really struggle with mating, huh 2022-03-17 19:27:29 bx wym? 2022-03-17 19:27:53 juspib 200iq pun 2022-03-17 19:27:56 dzwdz so i got into a situation where i only had my king against two rooks 2022-03-17 19:28:07 dzwdz instead of just like 2022-03-17 19:28:12 dzwdz attempting a normal checkmate 2022-03-17 19:28:25 bx Oh wait, i get it, check mating 2022-03-17 19:28:27 dzwdz my opponent just went to promote to a queen 2022-03-17 19:28:37 bx dzwdz: Nice? 2022-03-17 19:28:37 dzwdz then also managed to lose their rook 2022-03-17 19:28:40 bx Oh 2022-03-17 19:28:47 dzwdz this whole time mate was about 4-5 moves away 2022-03-17 19:28:50 dzwdz they took 20 2022-03-17 19:28:57 bx λooooooool 2022-03-17 19:29:22 nihilazo I have missed multiple mates in one 2022-03-17 19:29:31 nihilazo in most games that I've played that have got to an endgame 2022-03-17 19:29:37 nihilazo I am a very low rated player 2022-03-17 19:29:49 elly nihilazo: definitely do your schoolwork 2022-03-17 19:29:56 dzwdz so about my suggestion for procrastination 2022-03-17 19:30:02 dzwdz which rhymes with a dress 2022-03-17 19:30:19 dzwdz nonetheless 2022-03-17 19:31:59 nihilazo uhh 2022-03-17 19:32:04 dzwdz chess 2022-03-17 19:32:08 nihilazo elly: I literally cannot think of anything more to write 2022-03-17 19:32:08 nihilazo o 2022-03-17 19:32:12 nihilazo I might play some chess a bit later 2022-03-17 19:32:12 dzwdz i'm suggesting chess 2022-03-17 19:32:16 dzwdz yea sure 2022-03-17 19:32:35 elly nihilazo: a comparitive survey of protections in other state foundational documents 2022-03-17 19:32:47 elly if you're ever short on words throw a lit survey in :D 2022-03-17 19:34:34 dzwdz just start rhyming 2022-03-17 19:34:48 @natalia just say "Perchance." 2022-03-17 19:35:59 --> mhj (mhj@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-17 19:36:55 dzwdz you can't just say "perchance" 2022-03-17 19:37:02 @natalia Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck. 2022-03-17 19:37:10 dzwdz horrible opening 2022-03-17 19:37:36 bx awesome opening 2022-03-17 19:41:06 bx !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLJ5sYR_vIw 2022-03-17 19:41:06 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Guilty Gear Xrd Sign - 412. Heavy Day (Karaoke) 2022-03-17 19:52:39 nihilazo natalia: lmao 2022-03-17 19:52:43 nihilazo I love that post so much 2022-03-17 19:55:01 nihilazo elly: this is meant to be based only on what i can remember and completed in closed-book exam conditions 2022-03-17 19:55:15 nihilazo I guess I already broke that by writing 2 paragraphs then going to watch youtube 2022-03-17 19:55:58 elly yeah :P 2022-03-17 20:05:44 @natalia ack i must PERFORM JOB 2022-03-17 20:09:36 elly a writing style change I've made at work: "do we have any idea how to do ___?" -> "how might we ___?" 2022-03-17 20:10:07 m455 wonderful closed->open question lol 2022-03-17 20:10:26 elly yeah indeed 2022-03-17 20:10:36 elly and also it comes across a bit less like I think the person I'm replying to is a clown :P 2022-03-17 20:10:49 m455 hahaha yes 2022-03-17 20:12:13 m455 my big thing at work to avoid conflict is "blah blah blah\n\nwhat do you think?" when editing PRs lol 2022-03-17 20:12:22 elly powerful 2022-03-17 20:13:02 m455 that, and "blah blah blah\n\ni also might be completely wrong with this suggestion, so feel free to let me know here, or on slack!" 2022-03-17 20:13:09 m455 for when i have no clue about the domain 2022-03-17 20:13:23 m455 which is like 75% of the time lol 2022-03-17 20:13:34 m455 oh sorry, 25% of the time 2022-03-17 20:13:58 m455 if im put on a new project then it's like 95% i dont know anything about it haha 2022-03-17 20:15:40 m455 elly: does this happen with software developers as well? i was always curious about this lol. liek they have to literally write the thing they are just getting thrown into lol 2022-03-17 20:15:51 elly hm? 2022-03-17 20:16:01 elly you mean do we often have to work with no domain knowledge? 2022-03-17 20:16:02 m455 this = not knowing anything about the project they have to work on, sorry lol 2022-03-17 20:16:09 elly oh, it depends a lot on the role and team ime 2022-03-17 20:16:15 m455 ahh gotcha! 2022-03-17 20:16:19 elly there are teams where you work on the same code/area a lot for a long time and teams where you don't 2022-03-17 20:16:29 m455 ohhhhh 2022-03-17 20:16:36 elly one of my work-friends works on llvm/clang and has done so for years and he's basically a domain expert on C++ compilation and such 2022-03-17 20:16:49 m455 that's so cool! 2022-03-17 20:16:51 elly whereas I work across most of chromium so I end up without domain expertise a lot of the time 2022-03-17 20:17:26 m455 interesting! okay, so it sounds like a similar deal with being a tech writer then. maybe that's just working in tech in general lol 2022-03-17 20:17:58 m455 i'm still pretty new to BigTech lol 2022-03-17 20:19:40 dzwdz !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvU4b4N1-QU 2022-03-17 20:19:40 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Dear April (Side A - Acoustic) 2022-03-17 20:20:18 dzwdz over two years since the last frank ocean release :( 2022-03-17 20:23:53 @vilmibm oh weird that gitea is down. investigating. 2022-03-17 20:23:58 @vilmibm (cc dozens ) 2022-03-17 20:26:32 @vilmibm no idea why it went down but a restart of the service fixed it 2022-03-17 20:26:50 dzwdz dumb idea 2022-03-17 20:26:55 dzwdz a voting system for restarting services 2022-03-17 20:26:58 @vilmibm lol 2022-03-17 20:27:31 dzwdz if something's down and there are no admins online, then townies could !voterestart gitea.service 2022-03-17 20:27:38 dzwdz and if like 3 do that, it restarts 2022-03-17 20:28:51 @vilmibm an amusing idea 2022-03-17 20:29:05 dozens sweet thanks vilm :) 2022-03-17 20:29:08 dzwdz !voterestart the_entire_vps 2022-03-17 20:29:20 dzwdz for shits and giggles 2022-03-17 20:29:31 @vilmibm !votereboot 2022-03-17 20:29:38 bx λmao that'd be intresting 2022-03-17 20:29:53 dzwdz !voteshutdown 2022-03-17 20:29:55 dzwdz no reboot 2022-03-17 20:29:59 bx it'd be cool to have an irc bot feature where people can sub to polls 2022-03-17 20:30:07 bx and when someone calls a poll they get a dm 2022-03-17 20:32:15 dzwdz !votesudoer 2022-03-17 20:33:08 dzwdz (please don't) 2022-03-17 20:33:29 @vilmibm lol 2022-03-17 20:35:18 dzwdz !voteunsudoer 2022-03-17 20:41:59 @vilmibm !voteNewIP 2022-03-17 20:42:56 dzwdz !votenewdomain 2022-03-17 20:43:00 dzwdz !votenewos 2022-03-17 20:43:32 m455 hahah 2022-03-17 20:43:44 m455 i have a dynamic ip address at home that hasn't changed in like 3 years lol 2022-03-17 20:43:59 m455 and we've had very long internet down times where the ip should have changed after lol 2022-03-17 20:44:01 m455 it's very odd 2022-03-17 20:44:09 dzwdz same 2022-03-17 20:44:12 bx i should start tracking what mine is 2022-03-17 20:44:17 bx idk if its ever changed 2022-03-17 20:44:19 dzwdz at this point so much shit would break if mine changed 2022-03-17 20:45:11 m455 hahha amazing 2022-03-17 20:45:16 dzwdz not really 2022-03-17 20:45:24 m455 i remember back at my parents house it would change like after 3 hours or so lol 2022-03-17 20:45:39 m455 which i would prefer 2022-03-17 20:47:18 dzwdz my home ip address is hardcoded in a lot of places 2022-03-17 20:47:23 dzwdz it'd be a pain to go change it all 2022-03-17 20:54:18 bx λmao 2022-03-17 20:55:53 dzwdz i suppose it'd be good to set up dyndns 2022-03-17 20:55:55 dzwdz futureproofing 2022-03-17 21:02:42 bx Macos has some JANK when it comes to making a gl context 2022-03-17 21:03:01 bx im glad to get this out of gur way first lmao, i'd be scratching my head if i didnt start with this 2022-03-17 21:15:56 dzwdz idea: 2022-03-17 21:16:01 dzwdz a space exploration game 2022-03-17 21:16:06 dzwdz kinda like ksp 2022-03-17 21:16:14 dzwdz but instead of building rockets, you program the on-ship computers 2022-03-17 21:16:26 dzwdz like a mix of ksp and tis-100 2022-03-17 21:18:00 bx that reminds me 0xc114 whateve gur fuck 2022-03-17 21:18:15 bx Programming space ships sounds fun 2022-03-17 21:25:09 nihilazo I really like the font tom7 uses in his visualisations of programs 2022-03-17 21:25:14 nihilazo I want to find out what it is 2022-03-17 21:27:04 * nihilazo goes looking through the source to find that font even tho it's probably a well known one 2022-03-17 21:28:47 bx i wish there was a tool to look up fonts by image 2022-03-17 21:28:59 nihilazo https://sourceforge.net/p/tom7misc/svn/HEAD/tree/trunk/chess/viewer/fates-font.png 2022-03-17 21:30:02 nihilazo so there's the font. idk anything about it other than this image exists 2022-03-17 21:31:55 bx itsa good font 2022-03-17 21:37:14 petra there are mods for programming ksp 2022-03-17 21:37:59 dzwdz yea but i mean a standalone game 2022-03-17 21:38:04 petra nihilazo: is that the chessmaster source? 2022-03-17 21:38:16 dzwdz nihilazo: that font looks super familiar 2022-03-17 21:38:27 dzwdz isn't it just the ibm vga font 2022-03-17 21:38:42 dzwdz a few characters look slightly different but it's about right 2022-03-17 21:41:00 nihilazo o maybe 2022-03-17 21:41:02 juspib never touched tis-100 but i had that thought when playing shenzhen io 2022-03-17 21:41:08 nihilazo petra: no it's tom7's "elo world" 2022-03-17 21:41:13 dzwdz nihilazo: try looking through https://int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts/fontlist/font?ibm_vga_8x16 2022-03-17 21:41:17 bx I GOT A SHADER GOING 2022-03-17 21:41:18 dzwdz i mean the other fonts 2022-03-17 21:41:19 petra oh ok, what's that? 2022-03-17 21:41:20 dzwdz woo 2022-03-17 21:41:40 dzwdz nihilazo: have you considered just emailing him? 2022-03-17 21:41:51 nihilazo petra: a very fun youtube video about bad chess AI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpXy041BIlA 2022-03-17 21:41:52 pinhook ["30 Weird Chess Algorithms: Elo World - YouTube"] 2022-03-17 21:41:54 bx dzwdz: https://ttm.sh/iH2.29.png 2022-03-17 21:42:03 nihilazo yeah I should probably just email him lil 2022-03-17 21:42:04 bx >Elo world 2022-03-17 21:42:05 dzwdz bx: let's go 2022-03-17 21:42:07 nihilazo s/lil/lol/ 2022-03-17 21:42:08 sedbot <nihilazo> yeah I should probably just email him lol 2022-03-17 21:42:10 bx that's such a good title 2022-03-17 21:42:46 bx dzwdz: it's about ~170 lines, plus gur files for glad(thing you need to load opengl funcs) 2022-03-17 21:43:08 dzwdz you uploaded the source somewhere yet? 2022-03-17 21:43:20 bx Nope, where do you wann host it? 2022-03-17 21:43:20 dzwdz it'd be nice to set up a communal cgit server sometime 2022-03-17 21:43:54 dzwdz you can just create a remote somewhere in your ~ 2022-03-17 21:44:08 petra oh neat 2022-03-17 21:44:23 * nihilazo is still doing htdp and only programming in beginner student language 2022-03-17 21:44:36 dzwdz context: we want to try creating a raymarched quake-style game 2022-03-17 21:44:42 dzwdz where the entire world is represented as an sdf 2022-03-17 21:44:44 * nihilazo actually likes beginner student language more than quite a few "real" programming languages he's tried 2022-03-17 21:45:06 dzwdz not all programming languages are made to be liked 2022-03-17 21:45:16 dzwdz some are just made to get shit done 2022-03-17 21:45:23 nihilazo beginner student language is basically a simple lisp 2022-03-17 21:45:25 nihilazo and I like that 2022-03-17 21:45:33 nihilazo a simple lisp with easy graphics functions 2022-03-17 21:46:04 nihilazo dzwdz: true, I don't like go but it does work well for the things it does 2022-03-17 21:46:18 dzwdz go grew on me after using it for web stuff 2022-03-17 21:46:20 dzwdz i was misjudging it 2022-03-17 21:46:51 dzwdz i still don't love it, but i definitely appreciate it 2022-03-17 21:47:23 dzwdz the timer i've made is terrifying 2022-03-17 21:47:30 dzwdz i've spent 400 minutes today with irc open 2022-03-17 21:48:02 dzwdz in 30 seconds, that is 2022-03-17 21:48:23 dzwdz i should close irc bye 2022-03-17 21:49:38 bx laters 2022-03-17 21:55:20 bx Now that i've got my opengl code running im gonna hop off too 2022-03-17 21:55:22 bx laters town 2022-03-17 22:14:56 nihilazo I should probably start getting ready to sleep too 2022-03-17 22:14:56 nihilazo gn 2022-03-17 22:18:44 elly https://github.com/FiloSottile/age hm! 2022-03-17 22:32:04 @vilmibm neato 2022-03-17 22:32:21 @vilmibm i already like it more than gpg 2022-03-17 22:47:08 elly yeah large same 2022-03-17 23:15:26 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-17 23:15:26 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's electric young agave 2022-03-17 23:15:28 猫 !water nihilazo 2022-03-17 23:15:28 * pinhook waters nihilazo's seed 2022-03-17 23:15:37 --> ante (ante@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-17 23:17:25 ante hello 2022-03-17 23:22:34 @vilmibm hello ante 2022-03-17 23:22:37 @vilmibm how are you? 2022-03-17 23:22:56 ante tired, pissed 2022-03-17 23:23:00 ante worried 2022-03-17 23:23:11 @vilmibm <3 sorry to hear that 2022-03-17 23:23:20 ante sup there? 2022-03-17 23:23:40 @vilmibm very tired, attempting to summon the energy to get working on a dinner 2022-03-17 23:23:58 ante you in the US? 2022-03-17 23:24:01 @vilmibm yup 2022-03-17 23:24:12 @vilmibm otherwise i'm ok 2022-03-17 23:24:15 @vilmibm how about you? 2022-03-17 23:24:16 ante southern eu here 2022-03-17 23:24:21 ante italy 2022-03-17 23:24:49 @vilmibm cool, i've sadly never been 2022-03-17 23:25:02 ante the war is pushing me over the edge. i feel shitty thinking about kids losing their lives 2022-03-17 23:25:09 ante or worse, parents 2022-03-17 23:25:19 @vilmibm that's a reasonable response :( it's extremely shitty 2022-03-17 23:25:51 ante indeed 2022-03-17 23:26:00 @vilmibm i lost that first week after the invasion to a fog of warscrolling. it's selfish and i'm overprivileged but i forced myself to stop so i could be better about hygeine/eating/work 2022-03-17 23:26:01 ante hoping for the best. 2022-03-17 23:26:18 ante what are you planning to eat for dinner? 2022-03-17 23:26:41 ante i get you 2022-03-17 23:26:57 ante here first ukranians are arriving 2022-03-17 23:27:18 @vilmibm pasta. frying some garlic in olive oil then cooking down tomatoes + basil into it 2022-03-17 23:27:27 @vilmibm with broccoli and maybe vegetarian sausage on the side 2022-03-17 23:27:31 @vilmibm or kale salad, donno 2022-03-17 23:27:56 ante pasta recipe is ok :D 2022-03-17 23:28:19 ante very tasty, cheap, good and satisfying 2022-03-17 23:28:37 @vilmibm I was def fishing for the approval of someone from Italy >_> >_> >_> which is maybe unfair of me, ha 2022-03-17 23:28:48 @vilmibm yes, it's one of the easiest meals i cook but one of the most delicious 2022-03-17 23:28:59 ante lol 2022-03-17 23:29:10 elly dude fried garlic + hot peppers in olive oil is a legit pasta sauce 2022-03-17 23:29:11 ante you have my blessing 2022-03-17 23:29:29 ante elly: that too 2022-03-17 23:29:30 @vilmibm elly: hell yeah, if i have them i do mini sweet/hot peppers. otherwise just crushed red 2022-03-17 23:29:43 ante its called pasta aglio e olio 2022-03-17 23:29:44 elly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apIYrlvpB6w I learned that recipe from this guy 2022-03-17 23:29:44 pinhook ["Spaghetti with garlic, oil and chilli - YouTube"] 2022-03-17 23:29:45 ante :D 2022-03-17 23:29:48 @vilmibm the grocery stopped carrying the peppers I like to use though 2022-03-17 23:30:02 @vilmibm ah excellent 2022-03-17 23:30:39 @vilmibm i got my recipe from somewhere, i can't remember where. my tweaks on it are just in a notes file called "the good pasta sauce" 2022-03-17 23:31:17 elly I *love* youtube cooking vids 2022-03-17 23:31:23 elly unironically my favorite things on youtube 2022-03-17 23:31:44 elly there is a lot that sucks about youtube but the fact that you can just watch some guy show you how to make something for free is pretty great 2022-03-17 23:31:45 ante or you can boil your broccoli, than toss them into a pan with olive oil and garlic 2022-03-17 23:31:51 ante and add bacon 2022-03-17 23:31:53 @vilmibm nice, i have only watched ones on wok technique (only to discover i'd never be able to properly replicate at home without buying a propane stove) 2022-03-17 23:32:05 flowercorpse elly: do you have a channel you would recommend? 2022-03-17 23:32:07 ante and cook pasta along 2022-03-17 23:32:48 @vilmibm elly: yeah yt has some incredible content; I don't know that it would exist without yt. I also appreciate that even as fraught as monetization is, yt _actually does_ technically share profits with creators. it's more complicated and upsetting than that, of course, but at the end of the day I'm thankful for yt 2022-03-17 23:32:51 ante you can use anchovies instead of bacon tho. 2022-03-17 23:32:58 @vilmibm ante: sounds perfect 2022-03-17 23:33:18 elly flowercorpse: not any specific one, I often just wander through cooking youtube 2022-03-17 23:33:19 @vilmibm for some reason my wife's uncle gave us 4 cans of anchovies. so I actually could do that... 2022-03-17 23:33:20 ante of just dont add anything and stick to broccoli alone 2022-03-17 23:33:31 ante thats a sign! 2022-03-17 23:33:36 @vilmibm ante: would you mince the anchovies first? 2022-03-17 23:34:03 ante yes. in hot olive oil with garlic 2022-03-17 23:34:10 @vilmibm cool 2022-03-17 23:34:19 ante and get them creamy 2022-03-17 23:34:37 ante maybe add some more at the end of the cooking for texture 2022-03-17 23:35:09 @vilmibm I'll try that. not tonight, though, since my wife is not the biggest anchovy fan (and I'm remembering wanted the kale salad tonight) 2022-03-17 23:35:31 ante oh yes, respect wifey 2022-03-17 23:35:51 ante i should google kale salad. 2022-03-17 23:35:53 ante :D 2022-03-17 23:36:11 elly ok the euro energy of googling what kale is is so great to me 2022-03-17 23:36:16 elly I feel like it's a total staple food in america 2022-03-17 23:36:32 flowercorpse it's like spinach? 2022-03-17 23:36:39 elly sort of but with a different texture 2022-03-17 23:36:45 @vilmibm we get one premade from a deli down the street and it's incredible. kale + lemon juice + parmesean + toasted almonds + minced garlic + olive oil 2022-03-17 23:36:45 elly same idea though, a leafy green 2022-03-17 23:36:53 @vilmibm yeah, much tougher than spinach 2022-03-17 23:37:12 @vilmibm I have no idea why it became a thing here, but it's rather shelf stable and stands up to heat really well. 2022-03-17 23:37:27 flowercorpse weirdes food in my cuisine is probably fried blood 2022-03-17 23:37:37 @vilmibm flowercorpse: ooh which cuisine? 2022-03-17 23:37:42 elly black pudding? 2022-03-17 23:38:02 flowercorpse no, I'm eastern european 2022-03-17 23:38:21 @vilmibm neat. I mostly just know about the use of blood in Filipino food (like dinuguan) 2022-03-17 23:38:52 @vilmibm I don't really eat much animal stuff (beyond fish) but would like to try a blood thing at some point. 2022-03-17 23:39:25 ante ok now i know kale 2022-03-17 23:39:36 ante flowercorpse: we do blood sausages here. 2022-03-17 23:39:56 flowercorpse ohh which part of italy are you from? 2022-03-17 23:40:18 @vilmibm y'all this conversation succeeded in making me hungry which is motivating me to go get started on dinner haha 2022-03-17 23:40:27 ante flowercorpse: east/south 2022-03-17 23:40:27 @vilmibm so i'm going to AFK for that~ later 2022-03-17 23:40:39 ante ciao vilmibm ;* 2022-03-17 23:41:19 flowercorpse puglia? 2022-03-17 23:41:35 ante little bit north, abruzzo 2022-03-17 23:41:59 ante flowercorpse: you from? 2022-03-17 23:42:25 flowercorpse ah cool, I've never been to mainland italy, only sicily 2022-03-17 23:42:53 flowercorpse ante: eastern europe 2022-03-17 23:43:08 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-18 02:48:45 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-18 02:48:45 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-18 02:48:45 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-18 02:48:45 -- Channel #tildetown: 106 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 103 normals) 2022-03-18 02:48:47 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-18 02:49:15 extratone happy Pat day Town. 2022-03-18 02:51:39 elly asm: yeah, the author put some destructive code in it 2022-03-18 02:54:01 --> m07h (m07h@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-18 02:54:11 asm is it just me, or is the node ecosystem just imploding every so often with maintainers turning their packages into malware? 2022-03-18 02:54:20 elly that happens every so often, yeah 2022-03-18 02:54:28 elly or maintainer accounts getting compromised, or whatnot 2022-03-18 02:58:22 @natalia https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSXlSP0sBQs6FuDu_KUH9wtsNbE754lUa obsessed with this album my friend showed me 2022-03-18 02:58:48 @natalia some very cool 2012 music videos too lol 2022-03-18 03:00:38 @natalia oh man why did i have to go to wikipedia -> Personal life 2022-03-18 03:21:18 flowercorpse jesus 2022-03-18 03:22:11 flowercorpse the album is pretty interesting though 2022-03-18 03:34:59 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-18 07:14:20 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-18 07:14:20 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-18 07:14:20 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-18 07:14:20 -- Channel #tildetown: 105 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 102 normals) 2022-03-18 07:14:22 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-18 07:17:54 extratone hello again town. I'm on the real computer again. 2022-03-18 07:20:00 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-18 10:51:22 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-18 10:51:22 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-18 10:51:22 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-18 10:51:22 -- Channel #tildetown: 105 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 102 normals) 2022-03-18 10:51:24 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-18 10:52:45 twee login: i have no idea what you mean 2022-03-18 11:11:13 twee !qotd 2022-03-18 11:11:13 anna ruby slaps 2022-03-18 11:11:13 anna - ~twee 2022-03-18 11:11:21 twee nice 2022-03-18 12:51:58 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-18 12:52:23 palmdrop hey 2022-03-18 12:52:27 palmdrop !water 2022-03-18 12:52:27 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-03-18 12:52:31 elly morning :) 2022-03-18 12:59:30 asm morning 2022-03-18 13:07:53 elly https://www.inputmag.com/features/tropetrainer-thomas-buchler-torah-software this article is really good! it's about a piece of Jewish religious software that was being maintained by one person and what happened to it after he died 2022-03-18 13:12:07 twee thanks for that elly, i will finish reading it later 2022-03-18 13:18:36 m455 morning! 2022-03-18 13:18:41 elly hello! 2022-03-18 13:21:00 m455 i'm excited to be done my first week of interviews this week! i'm about to host the 5th writing exercise interview in 40 minutes :O 2022-03-18 13:21:09 elly good luck :) 2022-03-18 13:21:12 m455 it's been so interesting to see how different people approach the writing/editing exercise 2022-03-18 13:21:15 m455 thank you! :D 2022-03-18 13:21:16 elly I am about to go running when my run partners get here 2022-03-18 13:21:19 m455 :O :O 2022-03-18 13:21:23 m455 jealous! 2022-03-18 13:21:40 elly you too could go running :P 2022-03-18 13:21:44 m455 i could probably run to be honest but i don't want to get my feet/shoes/socks wet! haha 2022-03-18 13:21:46 m455 hahaha very true 2022-03-18 13:22:00 m455 it sounds like you are gonna get a nice dopamine hit this morning elly! 2022-03-18 13:22:25 elly hopefully 2022-03-18 13:22:35 elly I just did a bunch of duolingo too for the extra dopamine :P 2022-03-18 13:22:54 m455 oh shit that's awesome haha 2022-03-18 13:23:05 m455 some good mental and physical workouts going on xD 2022-03-18 13:29:44 twee i lost all my anki progress :( 2022-03-18 13:29:57 twee didn't transfer it when factory reset my phone 2022-03-18 13:30:35 twee however i did publicise http://noa.gaiwan.org/ 2022-03-18 13:30:37 twee little wiki thing 2022-03-18 13:30:43 twee so swings and roundabouts 2022-03-18 13:31:19 elly what is this page? 2022-03-18 13:32:14 m455 that's a pretty page twee. is gaiwan.org your domain or something else? 2022-03-18 13:33:32 twee yeah its mine 2022-03-18 13:33:37 twee but i dont use it 2022-03-18 13:33:46 twee figured i should 2022-03-18 13:34:08 twee oh, you can't tell it's a wiki from there 2022-03-18 13:34:09 twee http://noa.gaiwan.org/meta:index 2022-03-18 13:34:22 twee i actually haven't implemented any syntax on the pages yet so it's not great lol 2022-03-18 13:34:53 m455 oh cool! 2022-03-18 13:35:04 m455 ohh are you going to go/have been to beijing daxue? 2022-03-18 13:35:36 twee im meant to be doing next year there, sep-july 2022-03-18 13:36:29 m455 wow that's so fun!! 2022-03-18 13:36:34 m455 i'm excited for you! 2022-03-18 13:36:48 m455 i love staying in china when i go! so many fun things to do lol 2022-03-18 13:36:57 m455 and super tasty streetfood everywhere if you're in the city 2022-03-18 13:37:07 m455 or even in the suburbs too 2022-03-18 13:37:13 m455 hell in the countryside too xD 2022-03-18 13:37:38 m455 just a longer trip to find it in the countryside 2022-03-18 13:40:07 twee yeah i love food 2022-03-18 13:40:15 m455 no, YOU love food 2022-03-18 13:40:45 m455 chinese culture is absolutely a very food-based culture 2022-03-18 13:40:51 twee suits me 2022-03-18 13:40:56 m455 hell yeah 2022-03-18 13:41:14 twee i want to be excited for it, but uk people can't go china at the moment, so im worried until they let people in, if they do 2022-03-18 13:41:27 m455 awww shit that sucks 2022-03-18 13:41:36 twee yeah but fingers crossed right 2022-03-18 13:41:44 twee no way the uk is gonna fuck up covid again 2022-03-18 13:41:52 m455 xD 2022-03-18 13:41:58 m455 i have hope for everyone! 2022-03-18 13:42:53 twee yeahhh :) 2022-03-18 14:16:56 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-18 14:20:08 elly run success :) 2022-03-18 14:20:15 elly starting a day with both brain and body exercise feels very good 2022-03-18 14:33:06 猫 I need to exercise more often 2022-03-18 14:33:09 猫 like ever x3 2022-03-18 14:38:00 elly it is a very good habit to make! 2022-03-18 14:42:41 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-18 15:55:31 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-18 15:55:31 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-18 15:55:31 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-18 15:55:31 -- Channel #tildetown: 105 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 102 normals) 2022-03-18 15:55:33 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-18 16:21:42 elly oh yeah? 2022-03-18 16:22:47 extratone hell yeah! 2022-03-18 16:24:14 elly the C ABI is really not much changed from the B ABI before it I guess, where everything was word-sized and passed on the stack 2022-03-18 16:28:40 @natalia this blog has a ton of cool c stuff actually, some of which i have seen before but not registered 2022-03-18 16:35:04 extratone what should my robots.txt file say taking requests. 2022-03-18 16:36:26 dzwdz beep boop 2022-03-18 16:36:36 dzwdz disallow human access 2022-03-18 16:36:51 twee stay wonderful 2022-03-18 16:37:06 twee buy my mixtape 2022-03-18 16:37:16 extratone I appreciate the suggestions but I actually just wrote a special welcome for wget. 2022-03-18 16:37:48 extratone I hate when I'm trying to like... copy some documentation and a robots.txt says no. so I did the opposite. 2022-03-18 16:38:34 extratone if only there was a way to write a robots.txt that actually returned a *more* verbose output from wget lol. 2022-03-18 16:39:33 elly does wget interact with robots.txt? 2022-03-18 16:39:53 @natalia i think so 2022-03-18 16:40:11 extratone yes. but you can do --robots-off, I think. 2022-03-18 16:40:31 @natalia this is reasonable also because its crawling is like, Not Very Smart? according to internet 2022-03-18 16:50:35 extratone well I guess I'm not either because I find it incredible that I can make an exact archive of my blog (file structures, inter-hyperlinks and everything) anywhere with a single command. 2022-03-18 16:51:34 @natalia yeah like i think it's mostly because wget would have no idea when it's crawling infinite dynamic pages and that sort of thing 2022-03-18 16:51:43 @natalia wget library of babel dot world wide web 2022-03-18 16:59:46 twee i was wondering recently 2022-03-18 16:59:58 twee re pagination, which is generally considered better than infinite scrolling 2022-03-18 17:00:17 twee is there a url system that will always return the same things 2022-03-18 17:00:25 twee as opposed to standard /p/1 or whatever 2022-03-18 17:00:33 twee i guess a date based one actually 2022-03-18 17:00:36 elly yeah 2022-03-18 17:00:42 twee wow that was simple 2022-03-18 17:00:54 elly otherwise, you could give each "page" a uuid and accept that pages are sometimes only partly full 2022-03-18 17:04:14 twee that could work 2022-03-18 17:04:45 dzwdz another advantage of a date based page system (at least for something in the vein of lobste.rs): 2022-03-18 17:05:01 dzwdz it kinda forces you to make it only update once/day 2022-03-18 17:05:09 dzwdz which is good for not getting people addicted 2022-03-18 17:10:13 @natalia twee: i think a lot of sites like Reddit do that, but they're not really guaranteed to provide the same path over long periods of time 2022-03-18 17:10:17 @natalia or even short periods of time 2022-03-18 17:10:42 @natalia like if you go to next page on old reddit it'll post the last id of the last page, BUT especially for weird scoring algorithms things might have changed, so you see old posts etc 2022-03-18 17:16:33 twee dzwdz: when i said date-based, i was thinking unix timestamp to unix timestamp, no forced days necessary 2022-03-18 17:16:52 twee natalia: that's true, i hadn't thought of that 2022-03-18 17:25:14 @natalia mastodon also does this 2022-03-18 17:25:28 @natalia (and makes more sense this way, since only deletions would mess with the layout generally) 2022-03-18 17:47:28 twee i was also thinking about edits and deletions in these things 2022-03-18 17:47:42 twee edits is nice to have, but a system that doesn't allow people to edit after a post has blown up 2022-03-18 17:49:34 nihilazo \o 2022-03-18 17:49:40 dzwdz \o 2022-03-18 17:50:37 zyloh hiya 2022-03-18 17:52:33 dzwdz what's up? 2022-03-18 17:53:25 nihilazo bailed out of a test today 2022-03-18 17:53:44 nihilazo because I accidentally deleted half my essay answer by resting my elbow on backspace and not realising it 2022-03-18 17:53:47 nihilazo (yes I'm that fucking stupid) 2022-03-18 17:53:54 dzwdz C-z? 2022-03-18 17:54:05 nihilazo it was for long enough that there wasn't enough undo in my editor 2022-03-18 17:54:19 dzwdz bruh what editor are you using 2022-03-18 17:54:23 m455 omgggggg that sucks nihilazo!!! 2022-03-18 17:54:30 nihilazo zim, bc I keep all my notes in it 2022-03-18 17:54:37 nihilazo also it was literally for like 4 paragraphs 2022-03-18 17:54:39 m455 i assume you needed some time to cool down after goign through that 2022-03-18 17:54:44 nihilazo of me accidentally backspacing my work 2022-03-18 17:54:47 nihilazo and not having another copy 2022-03-18 17:54:50 m455 D: 2022-03-18 17:54:53 nihilazo so uhh yeah 2022-03-18 17:55:00 nihilazo at least the teacher was kind enough to let me reschedule it 2022-03-18 17:55:00 dzwdz i don't keep essays with the rest of my notes 2022-03-18 17:55:09 dzwdz like, i'm not going to put links in the essays to my other notes 2022-03-18 17:55:14 dzwdz but that sucks 2022-03-18 17:55:22 nihilazo I guess, I just like having one schoolwork folder with everything in it 2022-03-18 17:55:27 dzwdz i do 2022-03-18 17:55:34 nihilazo and that folder is part of my zim wiki so I just do it with zim 2022-03-18 17:55:34 dzwdz and they're text files without any links 2022-03-18 17:55:43 nihilazo aside from not having unlimited undo, it's as good as any other editor 2022-03-18 17:56:04 * dzwdz just realized he might be slowly growing out of his habit of spamming C-s 2022-03-18 17:56:18 dzwdz i mean i still do 2022-03-18 18:00:01 dzwdz i'm glad i've joined spacehey 2022-03-18 18:00:08 dzwdz i'm finding exactly the right kinds of wrong people 2022-03-18 18:08:26 nihilazo nice 2022-03-18 18:15:19 twee spaming C-s? 2022-03-18 18:16:00 dzwdz ctrl+s 2022-03-18 18:16:03 dzwdz saving 2022-03-18 18:17:53 猫 hello 2022-03-18 18:18:44 nihilazo hi 2022-03-18 18:19:06 dzwdz sup 2022-03-18 18:20:33 nihilazo thinking about my mp3 player still. the_default hasn't been online so we've not been able to talk about splitting shipping on parts (they wanted some stuff too) and I might just stomach the order fee 2022-03-18 18:20:37 nihilazo even though it's ridiculous 2022-03-18 18:20:47 nihilazo I want to have a working player again, using a DS is just too janky for me 2022-03-18 18:20:59 nihilazo but the price of parts with that fee is more than the price of a new (crappy) player 2022-03-18 18:21:25 twee wired 2022-03-18 18:21:40 twee wrong terminal 2022-03-18 18:21:54 twee as if i, an emacs user, didn't understand C-s 2022-03-18 18:22:08 dzwdz we get it you use emacs 2022-03-18 18:22:28 twee you M-x know it baby 2022-03-18 18:22:38 twee actually i have'nt been using emacs for ages, just started again last night 2022-03-18 18:24:04 nihilazo I'm not even sure why I want to repair my player bc I know I'll probably fuck it up. It just feels like a moral obligation to try and repair it 2022-03-18 18:24:22 twee im so fed up of hearing about morals 2022-03-18 18:24:23 twee aaaaaaaa 2022-03-18 18:24:35 twee i've been doing this double effect shit most of today 2022-03-18 18:24:37 twee fuck off 2022-03-18 18:24:41 nihilazo ok sorry 2022-03-18 18:24:44 twee sorry 2022-03-18 18:24:57 twee that was not directed at anyone, in particular nico 2022-03-18 18:25:00 nihilazo either way, I feel like I want to fix my player even tho it doesn't make economic sense and I don't have the skill 2022-03-18 18:25:12 twee trying to repair a player is a good moral obligation to have 2022-03-18 18:25:30 twee i need to stop work 2022-03-18 18:25:37 nihilazo stop work 2022-03-18 18:25:39 nihilazo do fun 2022-03-18 18:25:43 nihilazo or at least do not-work 2022-03-18 18:26:03 twee good shout 2022-03-18 18:26:25 twee im going to walk 2022-03-18 18:26:35 twee maybe to the library to do this again 2022-03-18 18:26:41 twee i just really want this draft done 2022-03-18 18:27:31 nihilazo k, cya 2022-03-18 18:29:53 extratone !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kWGS1sdF6o 2022-03-18 18:29:53 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Freedom To Party 2022-03-18 18:48:44 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-18 19:32:48 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-18 19:32:48 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-18 19:32:48 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-18 19:32:48 -- Channel #tildetown: 105 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 102 normals) 2022-03-18 19:32:50 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-18 19:32:59 bx evening town 2022-03-18 19:33:17 @vilmibm hello 2022-03-18 19:33:25 tomasino o/ 2022-03-18 19:33:29 bx \o hayo vil 2022-03-18 19:33:32 bx hay tomasino 2022-03-18 19:33:34 extratone good dayorning 2022-03-18 19:33:37 bx How're you guys? 2022-03-18 19:33:42 bx done anything fun today? 2022-03-18 19:34:27 extratone I successfully jailbroke and reverted my iPhone 4S to iOS 6! 2022-03-18 19:34:31 @vilmibm i have been a productive and normally functioning human for the most part 2022-03-18 19:34:38 extratone it is absolutely incredible. 2022-03-18 19:34:54 @vilmibm what is the significance of ios 6? 2022-03-18 19:35:01 flowercorpse Hi bx 2022-03-18 19:35:08 bx \o 2022-03-18 19:35:25 extratone it is the last OS with the original skeuomorphic design. 2022-03-18 19:35:30 bx extratone: Niiiice, always good to hear about people making their devices more their own 2022-03-18 19:35:33 dzwdz i have been normally functioning and tried to be productive 2022-03-18 19:35:40 extratone <3 2022-03-18 19:36:01 bx vilmibm: sounds pretty good, i was kinda like that a bit yesterday 2022-03-18 19:36:04 extratone I still don't understand how to install IPAs and have them work but I downloaded a whole bunch. 2022-03-18 19:37:07 twee hey i remember when ios7 came out 2022-03-18 19:37:20 @vilmibm i have only just become an ios user this year 2022-03-18 19:37:24 twee we had to go through a newspaper in sunday school and discuss the implications of controversial news stories 2022-03-18 19:37:29 @vilmibm all i know is ... whatever this is. 11? 2022-03-18 19:37:37 twee i discussed the "new flat design of ios7 article" 2022-03-18 19:39:10 bx i thought sunday sschool was like churcy 2022-03-18 19:39:16 twee yeah it was in a church 2022-03-18 19:39:34 twee i think the controversial articles were meant to be like god has a plan or something? i don't remember any context except that 2022-03-18 19:39:39 twee also i just found two devices on the local network called "sewedubunu" and "l a m p s h a d e" 2022-03-18 19:39:53 twee "sewedubuntu" even 2022-03-18 19:40:10 bx well it sounds like a pc hooked up to a sewing amchine 2022-03-18 19:41:19 flowercorpse "l a m p s h a d e" sounds threatening 2022-03-18 19:43:05 nihilazo lol yeah 2022-03-18 19:43:09 twee fr though i've only met two other people here running not macos chromeos or windos 2022-03-18 19:43:15 twee it'd be fun to see another 2022-03-18 19:43:49 bx twee, youve just given me an idea 2022-03-18 19:45:01 bx What program i could we have to just louldy (but not meanly) announce odd os network presence to everyone on gur network 2022-03-18 19:45:45 twee connect eduroam to the library tannoy 2022-03-18 19:46:02 bx tannoy? 2022-03-18 19:46:09 bx eduroam 2022-03-18 19:46:40 twee tannoy as in the speakers that librarians can say announcements through 2022-03-18 19:46:56 dzwdz bx: that's such a good idea lmao 2022-03-18 19:47:01 twee eduroam as in the internet connection system used by the majority of uk, eu, and some us universities 2022-03-18 19:47:03 dzwdz but just make it announce all ISes 2022-03-18 19:47:06 dzwdz OSes 2022-03-18 19:47:12 twee just arch 2022-03-18 19:47:14 bx twee: oooo 2022-03-18 19:47:20 twee so a very small number of people would find it funny 2022-03-18 19:47:28 bx yea 2022-03-18 19:47:46 twee "bee tee double ewe, noa has just connected to the wifi and is in fact using arch" 2022-03-18 19:47:57 bx λOλ 2022-03-18 19:49:12 twee i dont know enough about networks to know if it's possible to get os information just from connecting though 2022-03-18 19:49:22 dzwdz you can try 2022-03-18 19:49:23 dzwdz with nmap 2022-03-18 19:49:25 twee i know in my router android devices all say android in their names, or at least used to 2022-03-18 19:49:27 dzwdz it shows some basic system info 2022-03-18 19:49:42 bx well only what gur devices are willing to giveup 2022-03-18 19:50:16 @vilmibm rig it to release balloons from the ceiling for any TempleOS users 2022-03-18 19:50:29 bx Does templeos even have netowrking ? 2022-03-18 19:50:42 dzwdz i think there's a fork with networking 2022-03-18 19:50:59 twee yeah the original doesn't i believe 2022-03-18 19:51:15 bx there are forks of templeos/ 2022-03-18 19:51:16 twee i can't use nmap on eduroam i dont believe, it does that thing where it looks like my device is the only one on a network 2022-03-18 19:51:17 bx ? 2022-03-18 19:51:29 twee which is probably a good thing, but it means that kde connect doesn't work :/ 2022-03-18 19:51:39 bx -sadface- 2022-03-18 19:51:46 twee bx: a few, for "modern colour schemes", "modern font stacks", and networking 2022-03-18 19:51:50 twee are ones i've seen iirc 2022-03-18 19:51:55 dzwdz oh i was thinking the sysadmin would set that up 2022-03-18 19:52:11 bx modern font stacks sounds like it takes gur point out of templeos 2022-03-18 19:52:31 twee yeah me too, its just a thing i discovered the other day that i thought was interesting 2022-03-18 19:52:34 twee also yo vilmibm if i want to change my username can that be done or should i request a new account 2022-03-18 19:52:59 dzwdz man i'm sure whoever my school outsourced the networking to is glad that their equipment is getting portscanned out of the blue at 21 on a friday 2022-03-18 19:53:04 dzwdz i hope they don't have alerts set up 2022-03-18 19:53:08 @vilmibm twee: it can be done. tell me what you want then prepare to be abruptly logged out. 2022-03-18 19:53:44 dzwdz anyways, the extent of what nmap reports is "Linux 2.6.32" 2022-03-18 19:53:57 twee that's useful enough for the original point 2022-03-18 19:54:01 twee vilmibm: i'd like to be noa 2022-03-18 19:54:02 asm I got an email with some questions on things like why I want to volunteer, how many hours a week I can volunteer, and how many months I would be able to work at that number of weekly hours 2022-03-18 19:54:07 bx dzwdz: i'd assume they dont if they havent stopped yo or said anything 2022-03-18 19:54:07 twee bye guys nice knowing yo 2022-03-18 19:54:07 asm seems like a good sign 2022-03-18 19:54:10 asm bye twee 2022-03-18 19:54:16 bx twee: good bye twee 2022-03-18 19:54:28 asm rip twee and anton 2022-03-18 19:54:37 dzwdz i've ran plenty of scans on the network already trying to map it out and so far not much has happened 2022-03-18 19:54:56 <-- twee (twee@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-18 19:55:03 dzwdz rip twee 2022-03-18 19:55:10 asm rip twee and dzwdz 2022-03-18 19:55:11 dzwdz [*] 2022-03-18 19:55:16 dzwdz may tweey rest in peace 2022-03-18 19:55:24 dzwdz !pronouns twee 2022-03-18 19:55:24 pinhook twee has not declared any pronouns. Use `echo '<pronouns here>' > ~/.pronouns` to add your pronouns! 2022-03-18 19:55:32 bx !pronouns 2022-03-18 19:55:32 pinhook Pronouns for bx: he/him 2022-03-18 19:55:39 bx oh, ig i set it 2022-03-18 19:55:40 dzwdz may twee has not declared any pronouns. Use `echo '<pronouns here>' > ~/.pronouns` to add your pronouns! rest in peace 2022-03-18 19:56:16 --> twee (noa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-18 19:56:31 asm the return of the twee 2022-03-18 19:56:31 @vilmibm twee: is your nick registered with the IRC server? 2022-03-18 19:56:32 dzwdz !pronouns noa 2022-03-18 19:56:32 pinhook Pronouns for noa: they/them/themself twee/twee/twee's 2022-03-18 19:56:45 bx yo noa, you new here ? 2022-03-18 19:56:49 twee vilmibm: not a clue 2022-03-18 19:56:56 dzwdz why is some newcomer impersonating twee 2022-03-18 19:56:57 @vilmibm hm 2022-03-18 19:57:00 twee bx: yeah hi guysss ive heard good things about this place 2022-03-18 19:57:05 asm welcome noa to the tilde town 2022-03-18 19:57:11 dzwdz sus 2022-03-18 19:57:16 @vilmibm asm: this happened to you too right, or am i misremembering 2022-03-18 19:57:22 bx noa: yea, its pretty gteat 2022-03-18 19:57:34 twee vilmibm: i've got twee in my irssi config, that's probably why 2022-03-18 19:57:38 asm rip amcclure 2022-03-18 19:57:43 @vilmibm twee: oh there u go 2022-03-18 19:57:51 asm he left and never came back :c 2022-03-18 19:57:54 twee but theres no sasl block so i reckon thats all 2022-03-18 19:57:56 <-- twee (noa@localhost) has left #tildetown 2022-03-18 19:58:07 dzwdz if i change my username, does my group name change too? 2022-03-18 19:58:12 --> noa (noa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-18 19:58:22 noa kerchow 2022-03-18 19:58:42 asm amcclure and twee went to go get milk and never came back 2022-03-18 19:58:44 @vilmibm dzwdz: yes 2022-03-18 19:59:06 dzwdz can i be ~wheel? 2022-03-18 19:59:21 dzwdz wait does ubuntu even have a wheel group 2022-03-18 19:59:22 bx noa: youre blue! 2022-03-18 19:59:26 bx dzwdz: yes 2022-03-18 19:59:31 noa im blue? 2022-03-18 19:59:36 bx yea 2022-03-18 19:59:37 dzwdz da ba dee 2022-03-18 19:59:42 noa dammit dzwdz 2022-03-18 19:59:43 asm you're like a light blue for me 2022-03-18 19:59:46 bx ^ 2022-03-18 19:59:47 noa thats pretty exciting 2022-03-18 19:59:53 noa i was going to get there first 2022-03-18 19:59:55 noa but i didn't 2022-03-18 19:59:56 dzwdz you're the same color as me 2022-03-18 19:59:57 asm I like being asm 2022-03-18 20:00:00 dzwdz like a shitty brown 2022-03-18 20:00:00 noa cutee 2022-03-18 20:00:12 * asm assembles town things 2022-03-18 20:00:13 dzwdz no offense meant 2022-03-18 20:00:18 dzwdz i am a shitty brown too 2022-03-18 20:00:30 dzwdz but you used to be hot red and i miss that 2022-03-18 20:00:40 bx dzwdz: what noa's blue 2022-03-18 20:00:45 bx at least on weechat 2022-03-18 20:00:56 asm twee was the same conour as your nick dzwdz 2022-03-18 20:00:57 dzwdz but what if what you see as blue, i don't see as blue 2022-03-18 20:01:06 asm noa is light blue or whatever it's called 2022-03-18 20:01:21 bx Oooo, are you colourblind? 2022-03-18 20:01:30 dzwdz no 2022-03-18 20:02:00 bx oh 2022-03-18 20:02:17 bx its probably just youre term then 2022-03-18 20:02:22 noa loser 2022-03-18 20:02:27 dzwdz my weechat settings + my colorscheme 2022-03-18 20:02:31 dzwdz noa: >:( 2022-03-18 20:02:37 noa dzwdz youre making me regret the name change, i like hot red 2022-03-18 20:02:38 dzwdz the newcomer's already starting shit 2022-03-18 20:02:47 bx noa: are you colour blind? 2022-03-18 20:02:57 noa bx not as far as i know 2022-03-18 20:03:04 bx Same 2022-03-18 20:03:18 bx I can read all gur resistor colour codes so i think im regular 2022-03-18 20:03:29 noa nice one 2022-03-18 20:03:42 bx I do however consistently disagree with people on blue/green/sometimesyellow 2022-03-18 20:03:57 noa hey guys are there more doors or wheels in the world 2022-03-18 20:04:11 @vilmibm almost certainly wheels 2022-03-18 20:04:14 dzwdz wheels 2022-03-18 20:04:37 dzwdz wait 2022-03-18 20:04:39 dzwdz doors 2022-03-18 20:04:45 bx What counts as a door 2022-03-18 20:04:50 noa okay dzwdz thats cheating 2022-03-18 20:04:56 noa bx: that's the point of the question lol 2022-03-18 20:04:58 bx are we counting like trap door spider burrow doors? 2022-03-18 20:04:59 nihilazo noa: wheels, for sure 2022-03-18 20:05:01 dzwdz noa: what? 2022-03-18 20:05:10 dzwdz no, doors 2022-03-18 20:05:12 dzwdz there's more doors 2022-03-18 20:05:12 nihilazo this has been a debate going around my college 2022-03-18 20:05:13 noa apparently this took the internet by storm and i almost entirely missed it by not using the *real internet* 2022-03-18 20:05:14 bx Are those flaps blocing off people's airways doors? 2022-03-18 20:05:17 nihilazo we settled on wheels 2022-03-18 20:05:25 noa dzwdz: answering both lol 2022-03-18 20:05:26 nihilazo because of the runners inside drawers we considered to be wheels 2022-03-18 20:05:35 dzwdz they're both probably within an order of magnitude 2022-03-18 20:05:38 dzwdz nihilazo: cheating 2022-03-18 20:05:39 nihilazo and the wheels inside sliding doors 2022-03-18 20:05:44 nihilazo they're all wheels 2022-03-18 20:05:54 dzwdz does ~wheel count 2022-03-18 20:05:55 noa cogs are wheels 2022-03-18 20:05:58 bx nihilazo: i'd argue those runners are not wheels 2022-03-18 20:06:02 dzwdz i don't count those as wheels 2022-03-18 20:06:05 noa oh yeah the wheel account 2022-03-18 20:06:08 dzwdz as wheels i'm counting vehicle wheels 2022-03-18 20:06:16 bx well what about chairs? 2022-03-18 20:06:21 noa wheel (plural wheels) 2022-03-18 20:06:22 noa A circular device capable of rotating on its axis, facilitating movement or transportation or performing labour in machines. 2022-03-18 20:06:37 dzwdz can we not get into the definitions 2022-03-18 20:06:39 bx So, a bearing could in fact be a wheel? 2022-03-18 20:06:41 dzwdz a wheel is a thing on a vehicle 2022-03-18 20:06:46 bx no its not 2022-03-18 20:06:49 bx chairs 2022-03-18 20:06:51 noa doesn't rotate on its axis 2022-03-18 20:06:52 bx toys 2022-03-18 20:06:58 bx noa: ah yea 2022-03-18 20:07:03 dzwdz is earth a wheel? 2022-03-18 20:07:09 noa apparently wheel is slang for someone with power, which maybe explains the etymology of the wheel account? i never knew that 2022-03-18 20:07:13 dzwdz it rotates on its axis facilitating movement 2022-03-18 20:07:14 bx ok that's a good point of definition there 2022-03-18 20:07:25 bx dzwdz: well not quite 2022-03-18 20:07:32 noa does it facilitate movement? 2022-03-18 20:07:36 dzwdz if the earth stopped rotating we'd die and stop moving 2022-03-18 20:07:40 dzwdz so, the rotation facilitates movement 2022-03-18 20:07:43 bx its rotation is unrelated to its general movement 2022-03-18 20:07:53 bx dzwdz: no we woudlnt 2022-03-18 20:07:57 dzwdz the definition doesn't say it has to faciliate its OWN movement 2022-03-18 20:08:06 bx Hm 2022-03-18 20:08:07 dzwdz in fact, saying that would make cogs not wheels 2022-03-18 20:08:12 noa dzwdz: damn youre not wrong 2022-03-18 20:08:20 noa go do philosophy or something 2022-03-18 20:08:26 bx cogs arent wheels imo 2022-03-18 20:08:31 dzwdz i'm already an armchair philosophist 2022-03-18 20:08:50 bx their primary function it to contact another toothed surface 2022-03-18 20:08:54 dzwdz arguing with strangers on the internet 2022-03-18 20:08:57 bx but thats not true for a wheel 2022-03-18 20:09:04 bx a cog's domain is too narrow 2022-03-18 20:09:16 dzwdz vehicle wheels contact another surface 2022-03-18 20:09:20 bx yes 2022-03-18 20:09:22 dzwdz which you could say is barely toothed 2022-03-18 20:09:26 dzwdz because the ground is irregular 2022-03-18 20:09:35 bx that not toothed 2022-03-18 20:09:46 dzwdz ? toothed 2022-03-18 20:09:48 bx its not *made* to mesh with gur wheel 2022-03-18 20:09:59 bx a cog is made to mesh with a cog 2022-03-18 20:10:02 dzwdz that's only if you don't believe in fate 2022-03-18 20:10:05 bx a wheel has no such stipulation 2022-03-18 20:10:09 bx dzwdz: i dont 2022-03-18 20:10:18 bx getting back to doors 2022-03-18 20:10:23 bx hinged windows are doors imo 2022-03-18 20:10:33 dzwdz doors are wheels 2022-03-18 20:10:34 bx same for cupboard door 2022-03-18 20:10:38 bx fridge doors 2022-03-18 20:10:41 dzwdz when you open a door 2022-03-18 20:10:44 dzwdz it rotates on its axis 2022-03-18 20:10:49 dzwdz facilitating your movement through the doorframe 2022-03-18 20:10:55 bx its not round 2022-03-18 20:11:00 bx its not a wheel 2022-03-18 20:11:13 dzwdz oh god dammit, it has to be circular 2022-03-18 20:11:16 dzwdz door hinges? 2022-03-18 20:11:19 dzwdz every door has at least one 2022-03-18 20:11:25 bx a wheel has to be able to make a full cycle as well 2022-03-18 20:11:29 bx dzwdz: not sliders 2022-03-18 20:11:31 dzwdz not in the definition 2022-03-18 20:11:36 bx dzwdz: well 2022-03-18 20:11:41 dzwdz most doors have at least one hinge 2022-03-18 20:11:48 bx *most* 2022-03-18 20:12:02 dzwdz a majority 2022-03-18 20:12:11 bx but not all 2022-03-18 20:12:26 noa dzwdz: "rotating on its axis" implies rotational axis not symmetrical axis, which would be the rotation of a hinge, right/ 2022-03-18 20:12:29 noa ? 2022-03-18 20:12:43 dzwdz what 2022-03-18 20:12:49 noa also sliding doors need no hinges, and multiple wheels 2022-03-18 20:13:00 bx well they dont all need wheels 2022-03-18 20:13:03 dzwdz don't sliding doors have bearings? 2022-03-18 20:13:14 noa depends on the sliding door 2022-03-18 20:13:17 bx we already established they werent wheels 2022-03-18 20:13:18 noa i know some have wheels 2022-03-18 20:13:22 noa actual wheels 2022-03-18 20:13:22 bx since no axis 2022-03-18 20:13:33 bx so, what about doors bound with rope 2022-03-18 20:13:40 dzwdz kinky 2022-03-18 20:13:40 noa door, but no hinge 2022-03-18 20:13:41 bx or just bendy material 2022-03-18 20:13:48 noa which dont count as doors themselves anyway 2022-03-18 20:13:51 dzwdz door, noun: A movable structure used to close off an entrance, typically consisting of a panel that swings on hinges or that slides or rotates. 2022-03-18 20:13:55 dzwdz are lips a door 2022-03-18 20:14:02 bx Yes 2022-03-18 20:14:02 noa are spinning doors wheels 2022-03-18 20:14:05 bx So are eyelids 2022-03-18 20:14:22 bx noa: i'd say no 2022-03-18 20:14:39 dzwdz is the sphincter ani a door 2022-03-18 20:14:42 bx though i'd love it if this debate concludes with "there's gur same amount of both" 2022-03-18 20:14:46 bx dzwdz: yes 2022-03-18 20:14:59 dzwdz look, there's a fuckton of animals out there 2022-03-18 20:15:03 dzwdz each one has multiple doors 2022-03-18 20:15:06 bx lips are just fancy looking bits over a sphincter for what its worth 2022-03-18 20:15:24 * vilmibm flips back to IRC 2022-03-18 20:15:26 @vilmibm >_> 2022-03-18 20:15:28 * vilmibm flips back to work 2022-03-18 20:15:33 bx sorry vil 2022-03-18 20:15:37 dzwdz now that we've scared off vil 2022-03-18 20:15:56 bx no really though look at a facial muscle diagram and youll see 2022-03-18 20:16:00 @vilmibm no need to apologize, you are correct 2022-03-18 20:16:03 dzwdz if i stand in front of a doorframe to keep people off 2022-03-18 20:16:05 dzwdz am i a door 2022-03-18 20:16:09 bx no 2022-03-18 20:16:16 bx yore not an object 2022-03-18 20:16:21 m455 cloaca 2022-03-18 20:16:42 dzwdz object, noun: Something perceptible by one or more of the senses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing. 2022-03-18 20:16:48 dzwdz i'm pretty sure i am 2022-03-18 20:16:53 bx You know what i mean 2022-03-18 20:17:20 @vilmibm cloaca 2022-03-18 20:17:20 dzwdz sorry but if we're going into definitions 2022-03-18 20:17:23 dzwdz we're going into definitions 2022-03-18 20:17:30 bx cloaca is one of those words that sounds nice if you detach it from it's meaning 2022-03-18 20:17:33 @vilmibm cloaca 2022-03-18 20:17:34 dzwdz i'm an object and sometimes a door 2022-03-18 20:17:46 dzwdz i could become a wheel 2022-03-18 20:17:52 bx Ok, so all nintendo DSes are doors too 2022-03-18 20:17:59 bx and laptops 2022-03-18 20:18:06 dzwdz i've been a wheel a lot back when i trained martial arts 2022-03-18 20:18:15 bx eh? 2022-03-18 20:18:31 bx what style did you do? 2022-03-18 20:18:35 dzwdz i was making my body into a circular shape to facilitate my movement 2022-03-18 20:18:44 bx Oh 2022-03-18 20:19:11 m455 a door is just a cloaca 2022-03-18 20:19:25 m455 you can eat, shit, and give birth from it 2022-03-18 20:19:36 bx ...you can't eat from it 2022-03-18 20:19:41 m455 bx: that's what you think 2022-03-18 20:19:42 dzwdz not with that attitude 2022-03-18 20:19:45 m455 LOL 2022-03-18 20:19:47 bx or at least i don't think you can 2022-03-18 20:19:57 dzwdz i have no clue what cloaca is 2022-03-18 20:20:02 dzwdz but if it's the ass, yeah you can eat via it 2022-03-18 20:20:12 m455 dzwdz: it's very much like an ass 2022-03-18 20:20:18 bx ok some turtles can breathe with it 2022-03-18 20:20:26 dzwdz single hole to rule them all 2022-03-18 20:20:27 m455 the wikipedia uses a word instead of defecate, which is evacuate, and i like that 2022-03-18 20:20:32 m455 evacuate a big ol poop 2022-03-18 20:20:45 bx wikipedia doesnt say anything about eating 2022-03-18 20:20:52 m455 single hole to rule them all LOL 2022-03-18 20:20:55 dzwdz OH MY GOD 2022-03-18 20:21:00 m455 bx: damnit hmmm 2022-03-18 20:21:00 dzwdz i ddg'd "cloaca" 2022-03-18 20:21:02 dzwdz https://www.thespruce.com/thmb/LC2rhPswQSqjc737PUfWo2iLeA8=/1500x1000/filters:fill(auto,1)/cloaca-poo-58a5cace3df78c345bf5956e.jpg 2022-03-18 20:21:04 dzwdz first image result 2022-03-18 20:21:17 m455 very good picture 2022-03-18 20:21:24 dzwdz i'm saving that as a reaction image 2022-03-18 20:21:34 bx this looks like gur portal 2 moon rock gel 2022-03-18 20:21:36 m455 that fuckin cloaca is shining 2022-03-18 20:21:51 bx im gonna use this as drawing ref or something 2022-03-18 20:22:23 @vilmibm cloaca 2022-03-18 20:22:35 dzwdz why are we talking about a bird's ass 2022-03-18 20:22:36 @vilmibm excellent image 2022-03-18 20:22:39 @vilmibm why not? 2022-03-18 20:22:50 @vilmibm looks like a cormorant 2022-03-18 20:22:57 @vilmibm unless it's that other bird that looks just like a cormorantt 2022-03-18 20:23:23 m455 cormorant sounds like a synonym for comrade or buddy or something 2022-03-18 20:23:26 m455 how's it going my cormorant 2022-03-18 20:24:12 m455 bx: okay i got the details wrong, it isn't eating or masticating specifically, but it can be used to digest shit apparently 2022-03-18 20:24:35 m455 i just like the convenience of eating shitting barfing and shooting out spawn from the same hole 2022-03-18 20:24:52 dzwdz isn't digesting shit the opposite of what you're supposed to do 2022-03-18 20:24:55 bx m455: fair 2022-03-18 20:25:01 m455 dzwdz: lmao 2022-03-18 20:25:03 bx dzwdz: not if youre a dung beetle 2022-03-18 20:25:08 m455 LOL 2022-03-18 20:25:13 bx i mean you *already* digest it tehcnically speaking 2022-03-18 20:25:27 dzwdz do birds put their own shit back inside their ass? 2022-03-18 20:25:33 bx if you could get more out of it, then it'd not be shit yet 2022-03-18 20:25:40 bx dzwdz: probs not 2022-03-18 20:25:47 bx how they gonna get it in there? 2022-03-18 20:25:48 m455 fuck i'll never get that image out of my head of the birds cloaca being spread by hands on that wikipedia page 2022-03-18 20:25:59 dzwdz then what is digesting shit supposed to mean 2022-03-18 20:26:05 m455 LOL 2022-03-18 20:26:10 bx dzwdz: d u n g b e e t l e 2022-03-18 20:26:11 dzwdz m455: bird goatse? 2022-03-18 20:26:14 m455 s/shit/things/g 2022-03-18 20:26:23 bx m455: i'd forgotten lol 2022-03-18 20:26:27 noa well this conversation has been derailed from my derail and im not sure what i think about that 2022-03-18 20:26:38 noa not the derailing but the subject of 2022-03-18 20:26:43 bx gur cyclopia baby is still in mine 2022-03-18 20:27:01 bx discord fucken inlines gur main image 2022-03-18 20:27:14 bx first time i learned that was when i sent that page to my brother 2022-03-18 20:28:07 dzwdz you've sent goatse to your brother? 2022-03-18 20:28:10 bx No 2022-03-18 20:28:16 bx a cyclopse baby in a jar 2022-03-18 20:28:31 bx wtf they changed 2022-03-18 20:28:33 bx it 2022-03-18 20:28:37 --> tracer (selfsame@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-18 20:28:42 selfsame1 !!birds 2022-03-18 20:28:42 tracer Isn't the tails how they fly? How come bird have a beak? 2022-03-18 20:28:47 m455 oh hell yeah 2022-03-18 20:28:51 m455 !!breakfast 2022-03-18 20:28:51 tracer poached cheese with diced steak 2022-03-18 20:28:58 dzwdz !talklike 2022-03-18 20:29:00 pinhook idk windows is just a keymash or 2022-03-18 20:29:02 m455 !!landscape 2022-03-18 20:29:02 tracer Behind me a path wandered through the stream, filling me with reflections 2022-03-18 20:30:07 dzwdz !talklike bx 2022-03-18 20:30:09 pinhook doesnt know what ascii emoji there is one magnificent album cover 2022-03-18 20:30:41 bx ok gur older ver still has gur jar baby 2022-03-18 20:31:00 bx looking at it again, i dont really think peeps here would appreciate it... 2022-03-18 20:32:31 @vilmibm m455: i am in favor of calling comrades/buds cormorants 2022-03-18 20:32:36 * vilmibm big cormorant fan 2022-03-18 20:33:09 tomasino delicious 2022-03-18 20:35:25 * vilmibm waves to selfsame1 2022-03-18 20:37:51 bx !!birds 2022-03-18 20:37:52 tracer What is duck? if the ideas can they swim? 2022-03-18 20:39:00 m455 vilmibm: hell yeah cormorant 2022-03-18 20:43:50 juspib "the bass is not good if your ears don't tingle afterwards" 2022-03-18 20:43:52 juspib good evening 2022-03-18 20:44:36 juspib ducks are awesome 2022-03-18 20:45:27 @vilmibm m455: :D 2022-03-18 20:45:29 dzwdz s/u/i 2022-03-18 20:50:18 nihilazo !!birds 2022-03-18 20:50:18 tracer What if crow? do birds hop? 2022-03-18 20:50:54 nihilazo !talklike 2022-03-18 20:50:55 pinhook 100mbit I think it's a sunday, so I really hate how I'd write your own clothes! 2022-03-18 20:51:01 nihilazo lol 2022-03-18 20:52:34 noa write your own clothes 2022-03-18 20:52:58 m455 pants 2022-03-18 20:55:18 dzwdz i might bring up ear piercings to my parents 2022-03-18 20:55:38 elly afternoon :) 2022-03-18 20:55:56 bx dzwdz: sa like a gift for them \j 2022-03-18 20:55:58 dzwdz they are mostly alright with me painting my nails, and i've wanted some piercings for much longer 2022-03-18 20:56:19 bx why would they object to you painting your nails 2022-03-18 20:56:30 dzwdz !pronouns 2022-03-18 20:56:31 pinhook Pronouns for dzwdz: he/him 2022-03-18 20:57:10 dzwdz my mom wasn't too enthusiastic about the idea 2022-03-18 20:57:24 bx maybe i've made a slightly dumb assumption here, but i'd assume if someones parents are ok with them not being straight theyd be ok with them painting their nail 2022-03-18 20:57:26 bx s 2022-03-18 20:57:44 dzwdz those are kinda two separate things 2022-03-18 20:57:55 bx they are but like 2022-03-18 20:58:08 bx idk i feel like theyre kinda in a similar domain 2022-03-18 20:58:10 dzwdz plenty of gay folks out there who still strictly adhere to gender norms 2022-03-18 20:58:27 bx Hm 2022-03-18 20:58:51 bx so i may be way wrong, but isn't being straight *part* of gender norms 2022-03-18 20:59:28 dzwdz depends who you ask 2022-03-18 20:59:48 dzwdz at this point my opinion on that did a 360 and i'd say yes 2022-03-18 21:00:22 dzwdz but also, back to piercings 2022-03-18 21:00:37 dzwdz my hair completely covers my ears so the piercings would be hidden most of the time anyways 2022-03-18 21:00:58 bx are you going for studs or those bigger ones ? 2022-03-18 21:01:00 dzwdz god what the fuck 2022-03-18 21:01:08 noa grow your hair longer so you can move it out the way and obviously show of your piercings 2022-03-18 21:01:08 dzwdz i looked up "male piercings" 2022-03-18 21:01:13 noa oh no 2022-03-18 21:01:13 bx bad move 2022-03-18 21:01:27 bx male *ear* piercings 2022-03-18 21:01:33 dzwdz by your reactions i think y'all know what the first two results were 2022-03-18 21:01:37 bx male piercings = junk piecings 2022-03-18 21:01:44 dzwdz what the fuck 2022-03-18 21:02:02 dzwdz like i knew that was a thing, and i get why someone would want that 2022-03-18 21:02:07 dzwdz but i did not want to think about this right now 2022-03-18 21:02:27 bx idk, ig it works for some people 2022-03-18 21:02:45 bx personally imma pass on that, seems awkward in day to day life 2022-03-18 21:02:58 noa agreed 2022-03-18 21:03:06 bx and also kinda like gur risk of infection is dangerously dangerous 2022-03-18 21:03:19 dzwdz so re: what am i going for 2022-03-18 21:03:33 dzwdz i like the look that people have with lots of small rings on the back of their ears 2022-03-18 21:04:01 dzwdz but i'm not just going to go all out with that 2022-03-18 21:04:25 dzwdz big thin hoops are generally speaking nice but i don't think they'd look good on me 2022-03-18 21:04:51 dzwdz so i'd probably start out with studs 2022-03-18 21:05:43 dzwdz or a hanging reversed cross 2022-03-18 21:06:44 dzwdz man, in a decade i'll be looking back at my teenage years and cringing and how edgy i am being 2022-03-18 21:07:20 bx idk 2022-03-18 21:07:26 juspib i bet fifty rubles you'll be cringing in two years 2022-03-18 21:07:27 elly what is the meaning of the symbolism you're going for here? 2022-03-18 21:07:36 bx ib4 vampires 2022-03-18 21:07:39 bx *inb4 2022-03-18 21:08:24 dzwdz fuck the (polish) church 2022-03-18 21:08:56 juspib there are many polish churches 2022-03-18 21:09:07 dzwdz full of corrupt pedophiles, and their rampant homophobia was partly responsible for my mental decline 2022-03-18 21:09:11 dzwdz dude you know what i mean 2022-03-18 21:09:19 juspib i don't know what you mean man 2022-03-18 21:10:18 dzwdz the catholic church here, as a wider institution 2022-03-18 21:10:21 juspib i am a member of the Polish Catholic Church but i really doubt you've ever met any of its priests 2022-03-18 21:10:37 dzwdz i never said i have an issue with the individual priests 2022-03-18 21:10:54 juspib and i say it's likely you haven't even seen them 2022-03-18 21:11:04 dzwdz i did 2022-03-18 21:11:21 dzwdz haven't really talked much, though 2022-03-18 21:11:33 juspib https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish-Catholic_Church_of_the_Republic_of_Poland 2022-03-18 21:11:38 dzwdz yes i'm an ignorant fucking bitch 2022-03-18 21:13:12 dzwdz remember when the churches here were collecting signatures under that bullshit "stop lgbt" bill? 2022-03-18 21:13:29 dzwdz 200k fucking signatures 2022-03-18 21:15:44 dozens i made a solo rpg hexcrawl about exploring a dreamy forest -- https://dozens.itch.io/forest 2022-03-18 21:16:12 bx dozens: love gur name 2022-03-18 21:16:51 dzwdz for the record, just to make that super clear - i have no issue with catholics or priest themselves just for being that 2022-03-18 21:17:11 dzwdz lots of good catholics out there 2022-03-18 21:17:38 dzwdz but there are also some shitty ones whom i have a personal grudge against 2022-03-18 21:17:46 dozens thanks, it's from a tom waits song that i like! 2022-03-18 21:17:48 dozens https://invidio.xamh.de/watch?v=UDjEDmgytOA 2022-03-18 21:18:54 bx he looks like he was photographed mid yaw 2022-03-18 21:19:12 bx *yawn 2022-03-18 21:19:31 dozens he was photographed mid growl probably 2022-03-18 21:19:36 dozens gotta expand that throat pouch 2022-03-18 21:19:38 juspib i'd say the problem stems from the fact there is no maximum voting age 2022-03-18 21:19:39 noa dozens: hey thats cool 2022-03-18 21:19:47 bx >throat pouch 2022-03-18 21:19:51 bx i gotta try that 2022-03-18 21:19:51 juspib so a lot of bribe money goes into politicizing the church 2022-03-18 21:19:52 dzwdz juspib: no 2022-03-18 21:19:55 dozens thanks noa! 2022-03-18 21:20:03 dzwdz i mean, that would slightly lessen the issue 2022-03-18 21:20:26 bx juspib: adding a maximum is gur same issue of having too high a minimum 2022-03-18 21:20:38 dzwdz but it wouldn't really change pis's influence 2022-03-18 21:20:44 dzwdz also voting doesn't change shit 2022-03-18 21:21:01 dzwdz what are you going to vote for, the left? lel 2022-03-18 21:21:27 dzwdz i shouldn't back off and not flood this channel with plpol 2022-03-18 21:21:29 dzwdz sorry 2022-03-18 21:21:37 dzwdz I MEAN SHOULD 2022-03-18 21:21:56 juspib i thought you were talking about the state of the church, the spin into politics feels weird 2022-03-18 21:22:17 juspib i mean bribe money goes into making chuch about politics -> the church is filled with hate, as politics are 2022-03-18 21:23:10 dzwdz politics is heavily tied into that? they cooperate with pis 2022-03-18 21:23:16 bx dozens: this is sorta an unsuall vocal style, i dig it 2022-03-18 21:23:37 juspib obviously religion has been a strong tool in politics for a few thousands years now but i believe it's possible to mostly separate them 2022-03-18 21:24:50 dozens bx: oh is that your first tom waits? oh boy. he's one of my favorites. hang on, imma make you a playlist. 2022-03-18 21:25:03 bx this in fact is my first 2022-03-18 21:25:17 * bx is going to sleep soon, but will have time to listen tommorrow 2022-03-18 21:25:45 juspib have some good sleep 2022-03-18 21:25:52 elly dozens: this looks neat! 2022-03-18 21:26:00 dozens thanks elly!! 2022-03-18 21:27:00 elly and now I own a copy :) 2022-03-18 21:28:11 noa kind of want to fediverse again, any instance recommendations 2022-03-18 21:28:16 dozens whoooo, enjoy! let me know how you like it. i'd appreciate some feedback elly 2022-03-18 21:28:18 dzwdz tiny.tilde.website, tilde.zone 2022-03-18 21:28:25 dozens noa: tin... yeah what dzwdz said 2022-03-18 21:28:34 bx ^ 2022-03-18 21:28:44 dzwdz tiny.tilde.website is the more closed off one 2022-03-18 21:29:13 dozens bx: i started a playlist, but actually Rain Dogs and Mule Variations are both /perfect/ albums. you should listen to both of them, and if you like it then you can explore some more of his discography 2022-03-18 21:29:35 bx cool 2022-03-18 21:29:40 dzwdz aw, i'm plugged into the aux rn and don't really have a place to write that down 2022-03-18 21:29:46 bx ill check it tommorow 2022-03-18 21:29:52 bx ill remind dzwdz when i do so :D 2022-03-18 21:29:56 dzwdz which album should i check out first? 2022-03-18 21:30:02 bx for now im off to sleeeeeeep 2022-03-18 21:30:13 dzwdz nighty! 2022-03-18 21:30:20 noa also question does mastodon have a light mode 2022-03-18 21:30:23 noa byeoo 2022-03-18 21:30:48 elly dozens (and others) I'm gonna try it, I'll narrate my experience in #forest 2022-03-18 21:31:06 elly gotta go grab a d6 though :) 2022-03-18 21:31:35 dozens oh hell yeah 2022-03-18 21:31:38 juspib have a good nite bx 2022-03-18 21:32:49 dozens bx dzwdz i think rain dogs because it shows off the wide variety of what he can do. it's kind of a variety show. mule variations is more cohesive and absolutely beautiful. 2022-03-18 22:05:22 --> appll (apple@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-18 22:07:44 mhj Good lord! Wasn't there like... someone on here that was into homebrew games?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW83q-TKbCA 2022-03-18 22:07:44 pinhook ["https://youtube.com/watch?v=cW83q-TKbCA"] 2022-03-18 22:34:44 elly hello hello 2022-03-18 22:35:13 elly dozens' game is good fun and I recommend it :) 2022-03-18 22:35:35 dozens :D 2022-03-18 22:35:43 elly definitely recommend putting on some chill forest vibes music 2022-03-18 22:36:35 elly dozens: is there any significance to two of the fae wood tiles being orange and the other three being red? 2022-03-18 22:37:25 dozens elly: oh, no it was just a red/orange color palette 2022-03-18 22:37:38 elly aha 2022-03-18 22:38:59 @natalia thinking about JavaScript Operator Overloading again 2022-03-18 22:39:59 elly according to these irssi timestamps, the glitchless any% WR for dozens' game is 51 minutes 2022-03-18 22:41:18 dozens speedrun! 2022-03-18 22:41:23 elly indeed 2022-03-18 22:41:35 elly although, the conventional wisdom is that if you're trying to speedrun the snail mount is a bad choice 2022-03-18 22:41:50 @natalia dozens: this game looks fantastic i should check it out 2022-03-18 22:42:11 asm I got an email with some questions on things like why I want to volunteer, how many hours a week I can volunteer, and how many months I expect to be able to work at that number of weekly hours -- hopefully this is a good sign 2022-03-18 22:42:24 elly if you want to read a transcript of me playing it for the first time (warning, spoilers maybe!), ~elly/t/forest.log 2022-03-18 22:43:23 asm on the org's website, the webmastering info page says you can help with as little as an hour per week. Could an hour or so per-day be good? (so 7 hours per week?) 2022-03-18 22:43:33 elly seems fine? 2022-03-18 23:09:43 flowercorpse I need to write a CV but turns out, I haven't done a single thing since birth 2022-03-18 23:09:54 elly oh no 2022-03-18 23:10:09 @natalia you could make it recursive? 2022-03-18 23:10:29 elly In 20XX flowercorpse was born. The rest is irrelevancy. Here's why you should hire me: 2022-03-18 23:10:56 flowercorpse elly: how did I date myself to be that young 2022-03-18 23:11:32 elly I was just guessing 2022-03-18 23:14:32 flowercorpse I'm exactly the minimum legal US drinking age 2022-03-18 23:25:38 flowercorpse I'm applying for a job at the university I attend 2022-03-18 23:28:35 elly good luck :) 2022-03-18 23:28:45 elly it's pretty usual for university students to have no experience I think 2022-03-18 23:32:39 flowercorpse my previous job was organising books at a library 2022-03-18 23:33:49 flowercorpse I had to make a playlist that's really harsh sounding specifically so that I wouldn't fall asleep 2022-03-18 23:36:03 @natalia i used to do similar 2022-03-18 23:36:17 @natalia the playlist part. the work was pretty different 2022-03-18 23:36:39 flowercorpse do you remember what you had on it? 2022-03-18 23:36:58 @natalia i would play koenjihyakkei's entire discography pretty frequently 2022-03-18 23:37:38 flowercorpse oooh 2022-03-18 23:38:10 flowercorpse I didn't listen to koenjihyakkei much but I do really like Ruins 2022-03-18 23:39:36 @natalia just odd math rocky sort of things were always fun 2022-03-18 23:40:09 @natalia i would switch out other stuff but koenjihyakkei was always in there 2022-03-18 23:40:19 @natalia sometimes i'd just play the goslings too, good noise stuff 2022-03-18 23:40:38 @natalia some less harsh stuff too though, whatever kept me alive at the time yknow 2022-03-18 23:40:58 flowercorpse I think I had New York Eye & Ear Control on mine 2022-03-18 23:42:46 flowercorpse I used to use Grandeur of Hair as my profile picture on most places 2022-03-18 23:43:07 @natalia grandeur of hair is SO good 2022-03-19 00:01:58 flowercorpse I feel like The Goslings is an internet band 2022-03-19 00:02:01 flowercorpse like Duster 2022-03-19 00:06:13 @natalia probably 2022-03-19 00:12:08 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-19 19:45:57 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-19 19:45:57 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-19 19:45:57 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-19 19:45:57 -- Channel #tildetown: 107 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 104 normals) 2022-03-19 19:45:59 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-19 19:46:55 flowercorpse hi extratone 2022-03-19 19:47:02 extratone howdy town! 2022-03-19 19:47:30 noa hola hola 2022-03-19 19:47:42 extratone hopefully figured out how to actually remain in chat in the macos terminal without coming back to find it unresponsive or broken. 2022-03-19 19:48:13 dzwdz mosh 2022-03-19 19:48:23 dzwdz it's very probably your ssh connection dying 2022-03-19 19:48:32 dzwdz mosh should work 2022-03-19 19:49:46 noa mosh is pretty good 2022-03-19 19:50:06 noa alternatively you can use a multiplexer of some kind over on town 2022-03-19 19:51:06 noa i use dtach because it's simple, see ~noa/etc/bin/irc 2022-03-19 19:52:26 <-- hegz (hegz@localhost) has left #tildetown (WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-19 19:52:29 extratone mosh is what I did! I feel smart now! 2022-03-19 19:52:32 --> hegz (hegz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-19 19:52:53 noa all the cool kids use mosh 2022-03-19 19:53:03 extratone omg noa thank you for this I've been avoiding making myself learn tmux 2022-03-19 19:53:14 dzwdz 1. tmux is shit 2022-03-19 19:53:21 dzwdz 2. still useful 2022-03-19 19:53:39 dzwdz i wish there was a better alternative, so far there isn't 2022-03-19 19:55:50 dzwdz it's worth knowing the basics, imo 2022-03-19 19:55:52 agafnd why is tmux shit? 2022-03-19 19:56:14 dzwdz subjectively: i don't like its terminal management model 2022-03-19 19:56:53 dzwdz there's no reason why two clients attached to the same session shouldn't be able to have different windows open - doing that would be a massive usability improvement 2022-03-19 19:57:34 dzwdz it also lacks support for connecting to remote sessions, so if you're doing anything on remote servers you get into the nested tmux session mess 2022-03-19 19:57:50 dzwdz which is weird considering that terminal multiplexers are kinda made for sysadmins 2022-03-19 19:57:51 jmjl dzwdz, that also happens with screen 2022-03-19 19:58:01 dzwdz as i've said, i wish there was a better alternative 2022-03-19 19:58:03 dzwdz there isn't 2022-03-19 19:58:27 jmjl I sometimes have to press more than 2 times C-A C-A C-A c 2022-03-19 19:58:52 dzwdz my tmux sessions never get that deep 2022-03-19 19:58:57 dzwdz but the double C-a is annoying 2022-03-19 19:59:03 asm extratone: http://antonmcclure.org/cron-tmux.html 2022-03-19 19:59:14 dzwdz makes for such an awkward workflow 2022-03-19 19:59:17 @natalia https://itectec.com/unixlinux/is-there-a-more-elegant-way-to-unlink-two-tmux-clients-sharing-a-session-from-inside-tmux/ 2022-03-19 19:59:36 dzwdz (owo,) what's this? 2022-03-19 19:59:48 asm pkill -9 tmux 2022-03-19 20:00:11 dzwdz does this work if i change sessions with C-b s? 2022-03-19 20:00:17 asm reboot -f also works sometimes I think 2022-03-19 20:00:27 @natalia idk, just noting it's possible 2022-03-19 20:01:36 dzwdz asm: that's abouta as good of a solution than lighting my computer on fire 2022-03-19 20:01:57 dzwdz yeah, it's probably good long term, but for now i want to use tmux 2022-03-19 20:02:07 nihilazo I can't play minecraft because microsoft locked my fucking account 2022-03-19 20:02:10 nihilazo for no reason 2022-03-19 20:02:13 asm oof 2022-03-19 20:02:13 nihilazo what the fuck 2022-03-19 20:02:21 @natalia oh dude did they do the migration!? 2022-03-19 20:02:23 elly noa: hm, thank you for mentioning dtach, I'd never heard of it and it looks like exactly what I want 2022-03-19 20:02:29 asm natalia: yea 2022-03-19 20:02:30 @natalia i never hopped over 2022-03-19 20:02:37 @natalia csn you still switch 2022-03-19 20:02:40 nihilazo the unlock thing is with a text message but apparently I hit a usage limit of one text that didn't arrive 2022-03-19 20:02:43 dzwdz wait fuck i still didn't 2022-03-19 20:02:46 nihilazo yeah you can still migrate, they're forcing it now 2022-03-19 20:02:48 asm I think it's required now 2022-03-19 20:02:53 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-19 20:04:52 flowercorpse what is the point though? 2022-03-19 20:05:29 dzwdz centralisation 2022-03-19 20:05:59 flowercorpse I remember once when I tried to make a microsoft account I immediately got locked out because of "suspicios activity" despite registering 20 seconds earlier 2022-03-19 20:06:17 flowercorpse and then they required me to give my phone number to get it back 2022-03-19 20:06:44 flowercorpse which is pretty sketchy 2022-03-19 20:06:49 flowercorpse so I just didn't get it back 2022-03-19 20:08:31 asm flowercorpse: tons of large companies do that to make you enter your phone number 2022-03-19 20:08:44 * asm brb -- rebooting 2022-03-19 20:09:13 dzwdz how should i name my shitty universal invidious clone 2022-03-19 20:09:25 dzwdz basically, invidious, but for everything youtube-dl supports 2022-03-19 20:09:30 dzwdz mainly soundcloud 2022-03-19 20:09:47 noa flowercorpse: i had the same thing with twitter 2022-03-19 20:09:57 noa had a six day long back and forth over email 2022-03-19 20:10:04 noa and then requested they just delete my account 2022-03-19 20:10:17 noa then they refused because of suspicious behaviour 2022-03-19 20:10:42 flowercorpse noa: wth 2022-03-19 20:11:10 noa yeah 2022-03-19 20:12:11 * nihilazo had to give microsoft his phone number 2022-03-19 20:12:16 * nihilazo just wants to play minecraft goddamnit 2022-03-19 20:12:24 flowercorpse I deleted most of my social media a few months ago, it's pretty difficult actually 2022-03-19 20:12:31 nihilazo if this goes on much longer I'm becoming a pirate of a game I have officially owned for over a decade 2022-03-19 20:12:52 dzwdz i was about to say that i'm glad i've removed most social media 2022-03-19 20:13:05 flowercorpse like for both facebook and twitter you have a 30 day period where you can still log in but then it resets the process 2022-03-19 20:13:06 dzwdz but since then i started frequenting masto and spacehey, sooo 2022-03-19 20:13:10 dzwdz also fucking irc 2022-03-19 20:13:12 dzwdz !fucksgiven 2022-03-19 20:13:12 pinhook dzwdz gives exactly 1950 fucks 2022-03-19 20:13:21 dzwdz oh wow 2022-03-19 20:13:28 flowercorpse !fucksgiven 2022-03-19 20:13:28 pinhook flowercorpse gives exactly 0 fucks 2022-03-19 20:13:31 flowercorpse there we go 2022-03-19 20:14:03 nihilazo !fucksgiven 2022-03-19 20:14:03 pinhook nihilazo gives exactly 288 fucks 2022-03-19 20:14:19 nihilazo slightly less potty-mouthed than dz 2022-03-19 20:14:26 nihilazo !pluckafuck 2022-03-19 20:14:26 ruth fuuucked 2022-03-19 20:14:29 flowercorpse nihilazo: I did that for dark souls, since they replaced the original version with the remastered 2022-03-19 20:15:38 noa i got a spacehey account the other day, then got rid of it 2022-03-19 20:15:40 noa didn't think it suited 2022-03-19 20:15:44 noa but i have a masto now 2022-03-19 20:15:49 noa idk if im going to keep it up 2022-03-19 20:16:25 dzwdz i find spacehey super cool 2022-03-19 20:16:38 dzwdz it's the first social media i'm on which isn't mostly techy people 2022-03-19 20:16:49 dzwdz the crowd there is more diverse 2022-03-19 20:17:00 dzwdz and i'm finding the exact right kinds of weird people on there 2022-03-19 20:17:12 noa i didn't really understand it 2022-03-19 20:17:29 noa all i really want from a social media is a place to drop cute pictures and things that happened to me 2022-03-19 20:17:35 dzwdz also re: me being "potty-mouthed" 2022-03-19 20:17:37 dzwdz https://i.redd.it/obbrlkb02r601.png 2022-03-19 20:17:39 noa i would do it on my own website, but like 2022-03-19 20:17:43 dzwdz i blame it on my mother tongue 2022-03-19 20:18:14 noa do you get drilled on that at school 2022-03-19 20:18:22 noa re spacehey is it like facebook or what 2022-03-19 20:18:37 noa !qotd 2022-03-19 20:18:37 anna "No one can stop and you can do this" ~pinhook talking like bx 2022-03-19 20:18:43 noa nice 2022-03-19 20:18:44 dzwdz yeah we have 4 hours of swearing lessons a week 2022-03-19 20:18:48 noa !fuse bx noa 2022-03-19 20:18:50 pinhook wha ? why ? 2022-03-19 20:18:52 dzwdz spacehey isn't like facebook at all what 2022-03-19 20:18:53 noa ooo 2022-03-19 20:18:55 noa !fucksgiven 2022-03-19 20:18:55 pinhook noa gives exactly 0 fucks 2022-03-19 20:18:56 dzwdz it's like old myspace 2022-03-19 20:18:57 noa hell yeah 2022-03-19 20:19:00 noa new name new me 2022-03-19 20:19:01 dzwdz fuck yeah, even 2022-03-19 20:19:09 dzwdz !fucksgiven twee 2022-03-19 20:19:09 pinhook twee gives exactly 164 fucks 2022-03-19 20:19:10 noa !talklike 2022-03-19 20:19:10 pinhook and its a very valid point 2022-03-19 20:19:16 dzwdz !talklike 2022-03-19 20:19:18 pinhook i was trying to make one like 2 hours for me as ~wheel 2022-03-19 20:19:27 noa i dont know old myspace 2022-03-19 20:19:33 noa i liked how you could change the style and stuff 2022-03-19 20:20:15 dzwdz it's more of a space to express yourself than to say what's going on 2022-03-19 20:20:35 dzwdz and because of how much more it's focused on expression it's easier to find similar people 2022-03-19 20:20:46 noa thats cute 2022-03-19 20:20:52 noa i knwo town is techy 2022-03-19 20:20:55 noa but thats what i use town for 2022-03-19 20:22:04 dzwdz if you want to take a look at my spacehey profile i can dm it to you 2022-03-19 20:22:50 flowercorpse town is the only place I've found similar people 2022-03-19 20:23:08 dzwdz town was definitely the first one for me too 2022-03-19 20:23:41 flowercorpse town is the first place I've found free jazz people as well 2022-03-19 20:23:46 dzwdz but spacehey is also the first one 2022-03-19 20:24:12 dzwdz town is for all around similar people 2022-03-19 20:24:31 dzwdz spacehey is for different people who just happen to be super weird in the same way i am 2022-03-19 20:24:46 noa dzwdz: sure i'd be down for that 2022-03-19 20:25:09 dzwdz done 2022-03-19 20:41:10 noa you can't delete sourcehut accounts :/ 2022-03-19 20:41:12 noa still 2022-03-19 20:43:02 elly noa: I bet you could mail ddevault and ask 2022-03-19 20:43:37 jmjl I would do it but I dont want to delete my sr.ht acc. 2022-03-19 20:44:21 noa elly: i did, like summer 2020, and he said he wouldn't do it manually, i'd have to wait (or contribute) the account deletion stuff 2022-03-19 20:45:38 noa so im just goign to keep waiting 2022-03-19 20:53:06 elly gotcha 2022-03-19 21:07:41 agafnd i've played free jazz before...... 2022-03-19 21:07:50 agafnd i'm not like super into it though 2022-03-19 21:08:26 flowercorpse played as in listened to or as in in a band? 2022-03-19 21:08:42 agafnd played with one other person 2022-03-19 21:09:10 agafnd ....actually i just remembered i literally have some (solo) free-ish jazz recordings up on open.audio 2022-03-19 21:09:30 flowercorpse ooh is it public? 2022-03-19 21:10:05 agafnd https://open.audio/channels/agafndimprovisation/ 2022-03-19 21:10:13 agafnd some of these are more structured than others 2022-03-19 21:11:22 agafnd including uh. just By The Light Of The Silvery Moon lol 2022-03-19 21:11:53 agafnd also it's Not loading for me >:( 2022-03-19 21:13:04 flowercorpse not loading for me either :( 2022-03-19 21:14:19 agafnd ...ok but if i go to https://open.audio/@agafnd@open.audio/ 2022-03-19 21:14:33 agafnd and click the three-dots menu inder improvisations and hit add to queue 2022-03-19 21:14:37 agafnd then stuff plays 2022-03-19 21:15:12 flowercorpse ah! :) 2022-03-19 21:15:23 agafnd funkwhale can be a little janky 2022-03-19 21:16:36 dzwdz well i've just made a lil thing which bypasses soundcloud's scrubbing restriction in 25 lines of python 2022-03-19 21:16:38 dzwdz https://ttm.sh/igr.png 2022-03-19 21:16:40 dzwdz invidious for soundcloud 2022-03-19 21:16:51 extratone yeah I saw the page but then I actually authenticated and now I can't get it to load lol 2022-03-19 21:23:58 noa wow is that dzwdz writing python 2022-03-19 21:24:10 dzwdz youtube-dl 2022-03-19 21:24:17 dzwdz know your enemy etc 2022-03-19 21:24:21 noa fairs 2022-03-19 21:24:41 noa ngl flask is one of those things where regardless of opinions on the language, i think youve got to admit it's great software 2022-03-19 21:24:49 noa like love2d or something 2022-03-19 21:24:50 dzwdz *ahem* sinatra 2022-03-19 21:25:01 dzwdz but yeah, flask's nice 2022-03-19 21:25:24 noa sinatra's qualties are irrelevant to flask's 2022-03-19 21:25:28 noa flask sparks more joy imo 2022-03-19 21:25:33 noa unitl python 2022-03-19 21:26:37 noa i cant actually think of any other thigns right now where im just like meh except for this one thing 2022-03-19 21:26:48 noa i guess people say it about elfeed/org/magit 2022-03-19 21:28:30 noa any uk townies around i can give my number to to see if you can successfully text me ? 2022-03-19 21:29:52 dzwdz i'm not uk and i'm not going to text you because i don't want to reveal my number 2022-03-19 21:29:55 dzwdz but i'll gladly accept yours 2022-03-19 21:33:24 noa i have literally no idea what the pragmatic benefit of that arrangement would be 2022-03-19 21:36:28 flowercorpse dzwdz: coud sell your number to strange people 2022-03-19 21:36:43 @vilmibm flowercorpse: oh i haven't been the one organizing the song comps. i think natalia organized both? 2022-03-19 21:37:14 flowercorpse oh, then 2022-03-19 21:37:35 nihilazo I just signed up to do a live show tomorrow 2022-03-19 21:37:37 @vilmibm i will struggle to contribute for any theme other than "noise" lol 2022-03-19 21:37:41 nihilazo I am totally not prepared 2022-03-19 21:37:43 noa nihilazo: thats so cool 2022-03-19 21:37:47 nihilazo and I have to make live music 2022-03-19 21:37:47 flowercorpse natalia: what does it take to get on tilde town song compilation vol. 3? 2022-03-19 21:37:47 @vilmibm nihilazo: nice, what kind of performance? 2022-03-19 21:37:49 noa what kind of live show 2022-03-19 21:37:52 nihilazo livecoding 2022-03-19 21:37:59 noa vilmibm: personally i think themes shouldnt be genres 2022-03-19 21:38:03 nihilazo I'm gonna have to spend basically all of tomorrow setting it up 2022-03-19 21:38:05 nihilazo lol 2022-03-19 21:38:05 noa thats very cool 2022-03-19 21:38:13 flowercorpse nihilazo: Pd? 2022-03-19 21:38:15 nihilazo and then the actual thing is a 10 minute set on eulerroom 2022-03-19 21:38:19 noa so the theme should be "loss" or something and then you can write your noise song about loss 2022-03-19 21:38:22 nihilazo flowercorpse: probably pd 2022-03-19 21:38:23 noa in four movements 2022-03-19 21:38:26 nihilazo s/pd/orca/ 2022-03-19 21:38:27 sedbot <nihilazo> flowercorpse: probably orca 2022-03-19 21:38:32 nihilazo because I'm not very fast at pd 2022-03-19 21:38:40 nihilazo as much as I like it 2022-03-19 21:39:04 flowercorpse I once tried to make a dark theme for pd 2022-03-19 21:39:46 flowercorpse it uses Tk though 2022-03-19 21:40:04 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-19 21:40:08 nihilazo I love pd 2022-03-19 21:40:14 nihilazo but it's not really my livecoding language 2022-03-19 21:40:18 nihilazo orca is the livecoding I'm best at 2022-03-19 21:40:24 nihilazo (and I'm still not very good) 2022-03-19 21:45:06 noa number is sorted (maybe) - it would appear that google messages is assuming rcs is the default and refusing to deliver texts if the recipient is a normal sms device? 2022-03-19 21:45:34 noa and you have to turn off "message features" for a contact to get it to work normally, rather than gracefully doing the right thing 2022-03-19 21:46:48 nihilazo rcs? 2022-03-19 21:47:44 noa google's imessage alternative 2022-03-19 21:48:59 agafnd remote code sexectution 2022-03-19 21:49:27 dzwdz ex editor? more like 2022-03-19 21:50:01 dzwdz stream ex 2022-03-19 21:50:40 agafnd yes 2022-03-19 21:50:44 agafnd sed extended 2022-03-19 21:51:33 flowercorpse agafnd: I'm around halfway, thus far I really like 'sweet birds' and 'acoustic 2' 2022-03-19 21:52:36 agafnd oh thanks! 2022-03-19 21:53:03 @vilmibm is remote code sexecution teledildonics 2022-03-19 21:53:04 dzwdz 45 lines and my shitty invidious clone has youtube support 2022-03-19 21:54:07 noa i hope so vil 2022-03-19 21:54:18 noa i just discovered the use phone as trackpad option in kdeconnect 2022-03-19 21:55:07 agafnd yeah i love that 2022-03-19 21:55:15 agafnd i have no idea how that could be useful 2022-03-19 21:55:30 agafnd but it's very funny to be able to do 2022-03-19 21:56:16 agafnd i guess if you don't have a wacom tablet but you DO have an android tablet with a stylus...? 2022-03-19 21:56:33 agafnd seems like it might be too high latency but i haven't really messed with it much 2022-03-19 21:56:44 dzwdz no way it wouldn't have too high latency 2022-03-19 21:57:03 dzwdz stuff like that is super sensitive to latency 2022-03-19 21:57:26 noa agafnd: i was thinking if i have my laptop connected to the tv 2022-03-19 21:57:35 noa and cant be botehred to move from the sofa 2022-03-19 21:57:54 agafnd Oh yeah 2022-03-19 21:58:04 agafnd remote control for your comp 2022-03-19 21:58:13 agafnd it has keyboard input too i think? 2022-03-19 21:58:53 extratone what on earth. https://ttm.sh/igs.11.png 2022-03-19 22:00:08 agafnd love 2 web 2022-03-19 22:01:43 extratone oh you know what I think I turned off one of the safeties in Safari this morning. not that it justifies this lol 2022-03-19 22:08:24 dzwdz boom, my shitty invidious clone now also works as the shittiest bandcamp backend 2022-03-19 22:08:26 dzwdz frontend 2022-03-19 22:09:22 dzwdz https://ttm.sh/ig9.png 2022-03-19 22:11:05 flowercorpse Burial 2022-03-19 22:12:14 dzwdz Burial 2022-03-19 22:12:25 dzwdz great artist btw 2022-03-19 22:13:33 flowercorpse Hauntology 2022-03-19 22:14:35 flowercorpse speaking of, I think The Caretaker lives in kraków? 2022-03-19 22:15:03 noa wait you can use your thing to pirate songs direct from bandcamp? 2022-03-19 22:15:42 agafnd youtube-dl is very capable of downloading from bandcamp yes 2022-03-19 22:16:10 agafnd i'm pretty sure bandcamp's official position on this is "cool whatever it's only 128kbps anyway" 2022-03-19 22:16:44 dzwdz my "thing" is a thin wrapper over youtube-dl which extracts urls and puts them in <audio> and <video> tags 2022-03-19 22:17:15 dzwdz because soundcloud is a bitch and i was bummed about there being no invidious-like for it 2022-03-19 22:17:23 dzwdz well now there is 2022-03-19 22:17:45 dzwdz and i have nowhere to host it 2022-03-19 22:17:47 nihilazo https://live.eulerroom.com/ algorave rn, in case anybody wants to listen to a bunch of different fun livecoded music things 2022-03-19 22:17:52 dzwdz hosting it from my home network is probably a bad idea 2022-03-19 22:18:48 agafnd i mean if it's small enough that seems very selfhostable 2022-03-19 22:18:59 dzwdz on my intranet? sure 2022-03-19 22:19:27 dzwdz but publicly accessible? my home ip would get on google's naughty list 2022-03-19 22:19:32 dzwdz and i wouldn't receive presents from santa 2022-03-19 22:19:46 asm anyone watching libreplanet? 2022-03-19 22:19:53 noa ah i see 2022-03-19 22:19:58 agafnd well by selfhostable i mean anyone who wants to use it could run it locally 2022-03-19 22:20:09 noa agafnd: does this work for all bandcamp songs, or only the ones you can listen to without buying 2022-03-19 22:20:22 dzwdz noa: all 2022-03-19 22:20:24 noa that is, if an artist sets it so you can listen to tracks 1 3 and 5, could you youtube-dl 2 and 4 2022-03-19 22:20:27 dzwdz asm: o, there's a talk about gnu poke 2022-03-19 22:20:27 flowercorpse nihilazo: when are you on? 2022-03-19 22:20:29 agafnd noa: yeah, only the ones you can play on their website 2022-03-19 22:20:39 dzwdz and revitalising usenet? 2022-03-19 22:20:48 dzwdz fuck yeah, this seems better than i expected it to be 2022-03-19 22:21:29 nihilazo flowercorpse: 17:00 March 20th GMT 2022-03-19 22:21:34 nihilazo so not until tomorrow 2022-03-19 22:22:02 dzwdz oh 2022-03-19 22:22:10 dzwdz this only works for the ones you can listen to 2022-03-19 22:22:16 dzwdz i misunderstood your question there 2022-03-19 22:22:20 asm dzwdz: what 2022-03-19 22:22:36 dzwdz asm: ? 2022-03-19 22:22:40 dzwdz i was talking about libreplanet talks 2022-03-19 22:22:45 asm yeah 2022-03-19 22:23:06 nihilazo I'm gonna watch the 100r talk 2022-03-19 22:23:13 nihilazo I don't really care about libreplanet otherwise 2022-03-19 22:23:47 agafnd i'm sad that libreplanet is like. the only people running mediagoblin 2022-03-19 22:23:50 agafnd that i know of 2022-03-19 22:24:00 agafnd it's actually really nice software! 2022-03-19 22:24:21 agafnd granted i haven't checked in a while but last time i did there were No public instances 2022-03-19 22:24:42 agafnd maybe if they ever get federation working people will start using it 2022-03-19 22:25:53 dzwdz what's the benefit of federation there 2022-03-19 22:26:15 dzwdz i took a quick look at it and mediagoblin just looks like a site that you can put videos on with no comments or whatever 2022-03-19 22:26:25 agafnd It has comments 2022-03-19 22:26:28 dzwdz oh 2022-03-19 22:26:32 agafnd but iirc you can only see them when logged in 2022-03-19 22:26:41 agafnd and you can put things in collections and whatnot 2022-03-19 22:26:49 dzwdz that's called browser bookmarks 2022-03-19 22:26:58 agafnd well the collections are public 2022-03-19 22:27:21 dzwdz no reason why you can't have a bookmarks.html 2022-03-19 22:27:56 dzwdz sorry for being so dismissive 2022-03-19 22:28:11 dzwdz on site collections are a nice feature, browser bookmarks usually suck 2022-03-19 22:28:28 dzwdz i'm just kinda saying stuff 2022-03-19 22:28:54 agafnd sure, it's always worth considering whether features are neccesary 2022-03-19 22:29:30 agafnd if federation worked well enough you'd be able to browse tags from multiple instances 2022-03-19 22:29:59 dzwdz imo that's pointless here 2022-03-19 22:30:05 dzwdz do one thing and do it well 2022-03-19 22:30:08 dzwdz here: host videos well 2022-03-19 22:30:15 dzwdz and have a separate site for bookmarking 2022-03-19 22:30:22 dzwdz because why limit collections to videos only? 2022-03-19 22:30:23 agafnd mediagoblin doesn't just do videos, that's what i like about it 2022-03-19 22:30:23 flowercorpse agafnd: acoustic 3, synth jam 2 and acoustic noodling (feat. laptop fan) are also pretty good 2022-03-19 22:30:35 dzwdz to media stored on mediagoblin, then? 2022-03-19 22:30:41 agafnd mediagoblin does audio, pictures, even text 2022-03-19 22:30:43 dzwdz doesn't this kinda result in fragmentation, too? 2022-03-19 22:31:02 dzwdz instead of having a colleciton of all sorts of media on the web, you are limited to the stuff hosted with mediagoblin 2022-03-19 22:31:26 agafnd flowercorpse: wow thanks for listening to all of that! 2022-03-19 22:32:14 agafnd i mean federating instances at least makes it somewhat less fragmented 2022-03-19 22:32:33 dzwdz still, this is unnecessary fragmentation 2022-03-19 22:32:57 agafnd and yeah i have absolutely no problem with just having a Cool Links Dot Html page 2022-03-19 22:33:21 dzwdz ~dzwdz/bookmarks.txt btw 2022-03-19 22:33:39 dzwdz i should write a thingy which converts that to html someday 2022-03-19 22:33:49 agafnd i've got a page with links to free sf/f magazines 2022-03-19 22:34:08 agafnd it's not on tildetown yet, i haven't really looked at the web stuff 2022-03-19 22:35:55 agafnd it is here, though https://agafnd.de1.hashbang.sh/sf-magazines.html 2022-03-19 22:37:16 dzwdz i've been wanting to create a search engine 2022-03-19 22:37:30 dzwdz which has a crawler that starts from people's bookmark.html pages 2022-03-19 22:37:58 dzwdz you'd end up with 0 of the seo spam, but you would still probably have lots of useful information there 2022-03-19 22:39:37 agafnd i've got a bookmarks.org... 2022-03-19 22:40:38 asm what about bookmark.htm? 2022-03-19 22:41:37 dzwdz what, are you still using dos? 2022-03-19 22:41:46 dzwdz we can afford 4 character extensions 2022-03-19 22:44:18 mhj https://www.twitch.tv/lonnyllama If you like retro games, one of my online friends loves playing them... and PS5 games too! 2022-03-19 22:44:27 mhj He's playing Ys Origins rn 2022-03-19 22:44:34 mhj How're y'all 2022-03-19 22:46:40 dozens hey mhj 2022-03-19 22:46:46 dozens oh nice i do love me some retro games 2022-03-19 22:47:41 mhj I know, right :D 2022-03-19 22:48:05 noa got a binary code 0110100100100111 0110100100100111 2022-03-19 22:48:13 noa may or may not be something, any ideas? 2022-03-19 22:48:27 noa (from chorus of little astronaut by aku p) 2022-03-19 22:48:32 elly those are both the number 26919 2022-03-19 22:49:26 elly I can't think of any obvious meaning, treated as ascii they are: i'i' 2022-03-19 22:51:17 noa thats about as far as i got 2022-03-19 22:51:20 dzwdz we'd need some context here 2022-03-19 22:51:27 noa and could see no significance to either 2022-03-19 22:51:35 dzwdz i wonder if that's valid binary lambda calculus 2022-03-19 22:51:41 noa its the chorus of a song by a vocaloid hyperpop artist 2022-03-19 22:51:59 mhj Vocaloids should speak scheme, not binary! 2022-03-19 22:52:09 agafnd maybe it just sounded cool 2022-03-19 22:52:11 noa its very rhythmic so the biggest likelihood is that its just random 2022-03-19 22:52:12 noa ^ 2022-03-19 22:52:24 dzwdz ok doesn't seem like it's valid binary lambda calculus 2022-03-19 22:52:45 agafnd lrrl rllr llrl rlll 2022-03-19 22:52:57 agafnd nope doesn't really make sense as sticking either 2022-03-19 22:53:05 mhj !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9JN54vrBoQ 2022-03-19 22:53:05 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone - [PV] "Oha-Yo-del!!" (Romaji/English Subs) 2022-03-19 22:53:12 elly I agree with it being likely just random 2022-03-19 22:53:48 noa doesn't make a bitmap 2022-03-19 22:54:12 dzwdz if it means something 2022-03-19 22:54:24 dzwdz then most likely it is an ARG where the number doesn't mean anything without context 2022-03-19 22:55:01 dzwdz its prime factorization is 3**3 * 997 2022-03-19 22:55:10 dzwdz of note is that 997 is the phone number of the polish police 2022-03-19 22:55:21 dzwdz or maybe european 2022-03-19 22:55:23 dzwdz coincidence? 2022-03-19 22:56:01 agafnd huh the way it's phrased in the song is 011 01 001 001 00111 2022-03-19 22:56:19 agafnd that's i think definitely just rhythmic 2022-03-19 22:56:20 dzwdz that's probably just for the rhytm 2022-03-19 22:56:34 dzwdz can i get a link to the song 2022-03-19 22:56:48 noa 3 1 1 1 7 2022-03-19 22:56:58 noa https://akup.bandcamp.com/album/little-astronaut 2022-03-19 22:57:03 noa what about inverted 2022-03-19 22:57:09 noa 100 10 110 110 11000 2022-03-19 22:57:16 noa seeing as they all start with zero 2022-03-19 22:57:25 noa like backwards complement 2022-03-19 22:57:34 dzwdz noa: that's almost 1 3 3 3 7 2022-03-19 22:57:39 dzwdz elllt 2022-03-19 22:57:58 noa oh chilling 2022-03-19 22:58:11 dzwdz 4 2 6 6 24? 2022-03-19 22:58:27 dzwdz if you take the first number in the set 2022-03-19 22:58:30 dzwdz and divide the last one by it 2022-03-19 22:58:32 dzwdz you get 2 6 6 6 2022-03-19 22:58:35 dzwdz drop the first one again 2022-03-19 22:58:39 dzwdz and it's the number of the beast 2022-03-19 22:59:03 dzwdz to further my point about the satanic influences 2022-03-19 22:59:05 dzwdz https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-26919 2022-03-19 22:59:07 dzwdz 9.8 CRITICAL 2022-03-19 22:59:08 noa i reckon we've cracked it 2022-03-19 22:59:12 dzwdz this is serious shit 2022-03-19 22:59:14 noa good job dzwdz 2022-03-19 22:59:57 agafnd Also it's odd to hear... heavily autotuned vocaloid? 2022-03-19 23:00:11 agafnd Or perhaps just vocaloid with some of the natural-sounding features turned off 2022-03-19 23:00:18 agafnd I don't know how 2 vocaloid 2022-03-19 23:00:26 noa i dont understand vocaloid 2022-03-19 23:00:30 dzwdz oh god 2022-03-19 23:00:32 dzwdz the song is from 2017 2022-03-19 23:00:37 dzwdz and the cve is from 2020 2022-03-19 23:00:40 agafnd but it's like. we took the robot voice and made it sound more vocaloid 2022-03-19 23:00:44 noa so basically this is all just a secret warning about a cve from the future 2022-03-19 23:00:48 dzwdz this was planned 2022-03-19 23:00:48 agafnd more robot, rather 2022-03-19 23:00:55 dzwdz they've planted the vuln themselves! 2022-03-19 23:02:02 dzwdz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCZGNHuGlGI 2022-03-19 23:02:02 pinhook ["26919 - YouTube"] 2022-03-19 23:02:03 noa i searched 26919 on the mexican web but i can't speak spanish 2022-03-19 23:02:07 dzwdz this is from 2019 2022-03-19 23:03:31 agafnd the most important thing about the number 26919 is that it's 20% nice 2022-03-19 23:04:16 dzwdz ah yes, 134595 2022-03-19 23:04:18 dzwdz such a nice number 2022-03-19 23:05:04 agafnd https://ttm.sh/igH.png 2022-03-19 23:05:37 dzwdz must be it 2022-03-19 23:09:33 noa gottem 2022-03-19 23:20:49 flowercorpse ttp://oeis.org/search?q=2+6+9+1+9 2022-03-19 23:27:52 dzwdz tilde.town protocol 2022-03-19 23:32:26 <-- piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-19 23:46:16 * asm waves 2022-03-19 23:46:36 asm happy hacking, town 2022-03-19 23:50:38 flowercorpse !sotd https://youtu.be/4KFPLJkH2fI 2022-03-19 23:50:39 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Derek Bailey - Aida (1980) [full] 2022-03-19 23:52:18 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-20 00:57:59 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-20 00:57:59 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-20 00:57:59 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-20 00:57:59 -- Channel #tildetown: 110 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 107 normals) 2022-03-20 00:58:01 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-20 00:58:49 extratone wait... tilde.town has its own url scheme??? flowercorpse, dzwdz 2022-03-20 00:59:22 asm yes 2022-03-20 01:00:34 extratone what does it call? 2022-03-20 01:11:37 flowercorpse extratone: ah no I just accidentally copied it without an 'h' 2022-03-20 01:11:46 flowercorpse http://oeis.org/search?q=2+6+9+1+9 2022-03-20 01:12:08 petra tilde text protocol would be fun 2022-03-20 01:12:13 flowercorpse would be cool though 2022-03-20 01:12:15 flowercorpse yeah 2022-03-20 01:12:23 agafnd i love the on-line encyclopedia of integer sequences® 2022-03-20 01:12:23 demoji <agafnd> i love the on-line encyclopedia of integer sequences:registered: 2022-03-20 01:12:33 agafnd it's one of the purest websites out there 2022-03-20 01:12:38 --> tahnok (tahnok@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-20 01:12:39 agafnd fuck you demoji that wasn't an emoji 2022-03-20 01:12:46 petra it's pretty good 2022-03-20 01:14:42 flowercorpse it's actually pretty helpful sometimes 2022-03-20 01:16:28 extratone url schemes and x-callback-urls are one of the things about the apple biome that's actually smart and incredible. of course, that's why they're now stupidly underutilized. 2022-03-20 01:17:20 extratone http://x-callback-url.com 2022-03-20 01:20:41 -- katie is now known as the_joker 2022-03-20 01:21:58 flowercorpse uh oh 2022-03-20 01:23:05 asm agafnd: some platforms do have emojis for characters like that one lol 2022-03-20 01:23:22 <-- the_joker (katie@localhost) has left #tildetown (why so serious) 2022-03-20 01:23:47 asm lol 2022-03-20 01:24:09 flowercorpse ■ 2022-03-20 01:24:20 asm I just see a square 2022-03-20 01:24:20 flowercorpse that's not an emoji I guess then 2022-03-20 01:24:25 asm demoji: flowercorpse 2022-03-20 01:25:05 asm ‍ 2022-03-20 01:25:14 flowercorpse I see nothing 2022-03-20 01:27:52 flowercorpse \, 2022-03-20 01:29:30 asm 🇰 🇵 2022-03-20 01:29:30 demoji <asm> :regional_indicator_symbol_letter_k: :regional_indicator_symbol_letter_p: 2022-03-20 01:29:33 asm 🇰🇵 2022-03-20 01:29:33 demoji <asm> :North_Korea: 2022-03-20 01:29:39 flowercorpse extratone: I didn't even know that was a thing 2022-03-20 01:29:49 asm North Korea? 2022-03-20 01:29:51 asm :p 2022-03-20 01:30:06 flowercorpse for me it switched around 2022-03-20 01:30:41 asm 🇰‍🇵 2022-03-20 01:30:41 demoji <asm> :regional_indicator_symbol_letter_k:‍:regional_indicator_symbol_letter_p: 2022-03-20 01:31:08 flowercorpse wait 2022-03-20 01:31:18 * asm waits 2022-03-20 01:31:51 petra ™®°þæ½² 2022-03-20 01:31:51 demoji <petra> :trade_mark::registered:°þæ½² 2022-03-20 01:32:01 petra hmm, less than I thought 2022-03-20 01:32:38 flowercorpse https://ttm.sh/igM.png 2022-03-20 01:32:51 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-20 03:41:12 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-20 03:41:12 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-20 03:41:12 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-20 03:41:12 -- Channel #tildetown: 110 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 107 normals) 2022-03-20 03:41:14 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-20 03:41:25 flowercorpse 160 what 2022-03-20 03:41:40 asm bad sectors on a different computer's hard drive 2022-03-20 03:41:51 extratone town! I made a Siri Shortcut for ttm that works so well I'm almost hesitant to publish it. 2022-03-20 03:42:05 flowercorpse asm: o_o 2022-03-20 03:42:13 asm extratone: why not publish it if it works well? 2022-03-20 03:42:40 flowercorpse extratone wants the secret all to himself? 2022-03-20 03:42:43 extratone because it's a free, no auth file upload workflow lol 2022-03-20 03:43:20 asm I don't see how that makes a difference lol 2022-03-20 03:43:26 extratone luckily nobody pays attention to what I do anyway. 2022-03-20 03:44:19 extratone I'm not worried about townies using it - I'm saying I'm hesitant to publish it to RoutineHub, where folks go looking for scraping shortcuts mostly. 2022-03-20 03:44:36 extratone I just don't want to have a negative impact on this community ya know! 2022-03-20 03:45:03 asm idk what routinehub is 2022-03-20 03:45:11 extratone https://routinehub.co/user/blue 2022-03-20 03:45:42 asm extratone: nothing stopping them from using py0x0 or pb for such things honestly 2022-03-20 03:45:47 asm or just curl 2022-03-20 03:45:50 extratone it's the most legitimate attempt to create a community around siri shortcuts. 2022-03-20 03:46:24 extratone no no no you don't understand... I made a single button that does curl for you. it removes all knowledge barriers lol 2022-03-20 03:46:59 extratone sorry I didn't mean to hijack the conversation - I'm definitely going to publish it. I'm glad nobody else is worried lol. 2022-03-20 03:47:24 asm flowercorpse: my brother had the same kind of laptop, and the hdd on it has already failed 2022-03-20 03:48:09 flowercorpse by the way extratone, when and why did you start using an iphone in this way? 2022-03-20 03:48:39 flowercorpse asm: ok now I'm anxious about my hdd failing 2022-03-20 03:49:00 flowercorpse I should make some kind of backup 2022-03-20 03:49:19 asm I think this disk is getting close to exceeding a threshold 2022-03-20 03:49:41 extratone well it all started in 2013, when I was about to start my first semester of community college. my mom offered to buy me *either* a new phone *or* a laptop. and I chose an iPhone 4S and a bluetooth keyboard. that's the way the myth goes, anyway. 2022-03-20 03:49:54 asm my bet is on reallocation count since it's 90, and the number for "worst" is 110 2022-03-20 03:53:02 flowercorpse extratone: and you got stuck with it? 2022-03-20 03:54:35 extratone I wouldn't say that, necessarily. I am the type of person that *benefits* from limitations, especially where computers are concerned. 2022-03-20 03:55:52 flowercorpse I get that 2022-03-20 03:55:53 extratone but ridiculously, I keep finding myself with phones that are significantly more powerful than my actual pcs lol. 2022-03-20 03:56:13 asm ok I'm going to do a SMART test on this pc 2022-03-20 03:56:15 extratone my phone has fuxing six gigabyte of ram! 2022-03-20 03:56:33 flowercorpse I'm considering downgrading my computer 2022-03-20 03:56:44 flowercorpse even though the one I currently have is around 10 years old 2022-03-20 03:56:46 asm this laptop has 6GB of ram too 2022-03-20 03:56:54 asm downgrade how? 2022-03-20 03:57:49 flowercorpse I don't know, like some more obscure OS 2022-03-20 03:58:12 asm interesting 2022-03-20 03:59:10 flowercorpse like I want a computer that allows me to be bored 2022-03-20 04:00:38 asm :o 2022-03-20 04:00:43 asm brb I have an email to send 2022-03-20 04:00:50 asm or 3 emails 2022-03-20 04:20:19 insom not quite the same, flowercorpse, but I have a broken down computer without my 1Password on it which limits how distracted I can get 2022-03-20 04:20:31 insom has emacs and a rust toolchain, it's my "aaron you should finish that rust book" computer 2022-03-20 04:21:02 insom (also I wrote about "computers for contexts" on my ~ at https://tilde.town/~insom/ ) 2022-03-20 04:30:48 darkwitchclaire !water 2022-03-20 04:30:48 * pinhook waters darkwitchclaire's godly mature agave 2022-03-20 04:32:33 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-20 04:59:51 asm tfw the SMART test fails on reading 2022-03-20 05:00:01 asm yay 2022-03-20 05:15:44 login oh no 2022-03-20 05:15:48 login you have to buy a new one asap 2022-03-20 05:15:52 login and copy it over 2022-03-20 05:16:01 login even on credit card if needed 2022-03-20 05:57:00 <-- malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-20 06:43:15 <-- herschel (herschel@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-20 07:21:56 nihilazo \o 2022-03-20 07:25:51 petra o/ 2022-03-20 07:25:59 petra !tarot 2022-03-20 07:25:59 rufus[awkbot] The Nine of Swords - anxiety, hopelessness, trauma 2022-03-20 07:26:03 petra boo 2022-03-20 08:28:30 login !minercoin ask 2022-03-20 08:28:32 login oops 2022-03-20 08:28:34 login !tarot 2022-03-20 08:28:34 rufus[awkbot] The Four of Pentacles - conservation, frugality, security 2022-03-20 08:28:38 login i wish ^ 2022-03-20 08:37:10 nihilazo !tarot 2022-03-20 08:37:10 rufus[awkbot] The Ace of Pentacles - opportunity, prosperity, new venture 2022-03-20 08:37:13 nihilazo that's good! 2022-03-20 08:37:18 nihilazo thanks for the good open rufus 2022-03-20 08:37:21 nihilazo s/open/omen/ 2022-03-20 08:37:22 sedbot <nihilazo> thanks for the good omen rufus 2022-03-20 08:37:42 nihilazo while I try and derust at ORCA to do a live set with it despite not using it for like 6 months lol 2022-03-20 08:42:57 petra !!tart 2022-03-20 08:42:57 tracer Ace of Turnovers - warm and spiced 2022-03-20 08:43:27 petra !!carot 2022-03-20 08:43:47 juspib good morning 2022-03-20 08:44:01 juspib falling asleep to Tchaikovsky is comfy as heck 2022-03-20 08:57:25 petra I've been falling asleep to the radio lately 2022-03-20 09:29:06 noa o/ 2022-03-20 09:30:25 dzwdz \o 2022-03-20 09:39:05 dzwdz i don't want to get all tinfoily 2022-03-20 09:39:16 dzwdz but have you guys ever seen noa and twee in chat at the same time? 2022-03-20 09:43:08 noa uhh 2022-03-20 09:43:13 noa who tf is twee 2022-03-20 09:45:29 petra sounds like timezones 2022-03-20 09:45:49 dzwdz ah right 2022-03-20 09:45:49 petra but also, that's what twee would say to throw us off the scent! 2022-03-20 09:46:01 dzwdz wait how do i know that you're not twee too 2022-03-20 09:46:28 petra ~you don't~ 2022-03-20 09:46:40 noa okay if petra was twee 2022-03-20 09:46:46 noa thatd be cool 2022-03-20 09:46:47 petra but also I'm bad at choosing nyms, so that kind of rules me out 2022-03-20 09:50:33 dzwdz o 2022-03-20 09:50:47 dzwdz petra: i just went to your website and saw that you play chess, would you want to play sometime? 2022-03-20 09:51:08 petra I haven't played in months, but I'd be down for it sometime? 2022-03-20 09:51:29 dzwdz yay 2022-03-20 09:54:42 petra oh wow I should head to bed - work tomorrow 2022-03-20 09:55:48 dzwdz gn, then 2022-03-20 09:57:03 juspib nite 2022-03-20 09:57:20 noa byeo 2022-03-20 09:57:25 noa one less twee in the chat 2022-03-20 09:59:27 noa dzwdz: do you have any recommendations for gui in ruby? 2022-03-20 09:59:29 login oh 2022-03-20 09:59:39 login what's a ruby ide? 2022-03-20 10:04:19 dzwdz i don't think i do 2022-03-20 10:04:29 dzwdz login: well i think there's jetbrains' RubyMine 2022-03-20 10:04:32 dzwdz but i've never used it 2022-03-20 10:07:51 noa i found shoes 2022-03-20 10:07:56 noa but its all _why 2022-03-20 10:08:03 noa which is cool but idk how long the ruby ecosystem lasts 2022-03-20 10:10:27 juspib what's your favourite thing about ruby? 2022-03-20 10:11:16 noa !qotd 2022-03-20 10:11:16 anna "The most important difference between a jail and a home is who controls the lock on the door." ~bunnie 2022-03-20 10:11:33 dzwdz how pleasant it is to use 2022-03-20 10:11:38 noa uhh juspib i dont know much ruby but i like that its cute 2022-03-20 10:11:46 dzwdz it basically never gets in my way 2022-03-20 10:14:54 juspib anna: profound 2022-03-20 10:16:12 noa does qotd update 2022-03-20 10:16:14 noa !qotd 2022-03-20 10:16:14 anna "The most important difference between a jail and a home is who controls the lock on the door." ~bunnie 2022-03-20 10:16:16 noa daily 2022-03-20 10:16:17 noa ok 2022-03-20 10:18:13 login It seems JetBrains has IDEs for everything 2022-03-20 10:18:23 login PyCharm for python, one for Java, RubyMine for Ruby 2022-03-20 10:22:24 opfez !greets 2022-03-20 10:22:24 anna o/ - 798 vs \o - 957 2022-03-20 10:26:15 dzwdz \o pfez 2022-03-20 10:26:18 opfez o/ 2022-03-20 10:26:32 dzwdz how's it going 2022-03-20 10:27:09 opfez good, learned that parsing with fscanf is surprisingly nice 2022-03-20 10:27:16 opfez (made an .obj parser yesterday) 2022-03-20 10:27:20 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-20 10:27:20 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's electric young agave 2022-03-20 10:27:22 猫 !water nihilazo 2022-03-20 10:27:22 * pinhook waters nihilazo's seed 2022-03-20 10:27:24 猫 !tarot 2022-03-20 10:27:24 rufus[awkbot] The Eight of Wands - rapid action, movement, quick decisions 2022-03-20 10:27:25 opfez how're you doing 2022-03-20 10:27:29 猫 oh, good tarot 2022-03-20 10:27:31 猫 hello 2022-03-20 10:27:43 dzwdz like actual parsing? 2022-03-20 10:28:03 opfez not like programming language parsing 2022-03-20 10:28:07 opfez parsing data from file 2022-03-20 10:28:21 opfez it's kind of like pattern matching 2022-03-20 10:28:33 dzwdz ah 2022-03-20 10:28:54 dzwdz have you seen the shitty invidious-style thingy i've made yesterday? 2022-03-20 10:29:00 opfez nope, would love to 2022-03-20 10:29:01 dzwdz https://ttm.sh/igr.png 2022-03-20 10:29:20 dzwdz this is an old screenshot, it's not as jank now 2022-03-20 10:29:36 dzwdz basically it just uses youtube-dl to grab the links of media and shoves them in <audio>/<video> tags 2022-03-20 10:30:00 dzwdz works well enough for bypassing soundcloud's scrubbing restrictions 2022-03-20 10:30:08 opfez oh that's nice 2022-03-20 10:30:22 opfez yeah i saw you posting about the soundcloud thing, was just about to ask if it was made for that 2022-03-20 10:31:08 dzwdz i want to host it somewhere public 2022-03-20 10:31:32 dzwdz it's just that hosting it on your home network would be a super shitty idea 2022-03-20 10:31:54 opfez yup, probably 2022-03-20 10:32:37 opfez btw did you change your setup? looks clean 2022-03-20 10:33:55 dzwdz not really 2022-03-20 10:34:01 dzwdz only changed the font back to jetbrains mono 2022-03-20 10:34:16 opfez i mean the colours are very different from http://tilde.town/~opfez/themes/dzwdz/scrot.png 2022-03-20 10:34:20 dzwdz oh 2022-03-20 10:34:30 dzwdz right, but i've changed to this look a looong time ago 2022-03-20 10:34:43 opfez ohh i see 2022-03-20 10:35:52 dzwdz late august, according to git history 2022-03-20 10:36:05 opfez woah that long ago? 2022-03-20 10:36:22 dzwdz yea 2022-03-20 10:36:38 dzwdz it's scary that august was that long ago tbh 2022-03-20 10:36:47 opfez mhm! 2022-03-20 10:40:30 opfez weird, i can hear the computer working when i have headphones plugged into my laptop 2022-03-20 10:40:36 opfez like i scroll in bbj and i can hear it 2022-03-20 10:41:00 dzwdz uhh, hear what 2022-03-20 10:41:13 opfez a small "clicking" sound i guess 2022-03-20 10:41:21 opfez i hold down and it becomes almost continuous 2022-03-20 10:41:37 opfez s/hold down/scroll 2022-03-20 10:41:37 sedbot <opfez> i scroll and it becomes almost continuous 2022-03-20 10:42:18 opfez loading a webpage too 2022-03-20 10:42:45 dzwdz ...that's weird 2022-03-20 10:44:44 dzwdz ghdskjfhglkjds there's a weatherday and asian glow collab 2022-03-20 10:45:16 dzwdz https://weatherglow.bandcamp.com/ 2022-03-20 10:46:30 * opfez checks it out 2022-03-20 10:46:55 dzwdz well i know my plans for the next bandcamp friday 2022-03-20 10:48:19 opfez oo this is pretty alright 2022-03-20 10:48:42 dzwdz !sotd https://weatherglow.bandcamp.com/track/melt-a-bed Weatherglow - Melt a Bed 2022-03-20 10:48:42 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Weatherglow - Melt a Bed 2022-03-20 10:50:32 dzwdz track 2 goes hard 2022-03-20 10:51:49 dzwdz https://fivepebbles.bandcamp.com/album/forgetmenot 2022-03-20 10:51:57 dzwdz damn, bandcamp recommendations are on point 2022-03-20 10:52:43 opfez bandcamp recommendations? 2022-03-20 10:53:19 opfez i didn't know they had personal recommendations 2022-03-20 10:53:27 dzwdz i'm not logged in 2022-03-20 10:53:32 dzwdz this was recommended under the album page 2022-03-20 10:53:40 dzwdz the similar albums list 2022-03-20 10:53:55 opfez oh, the "you may also like:" thing, i get it 2022-03-20 10:54:10 dzwdz five pebbles seems to be weatherday's side project 2022-03-20 10:54:55 dzwdz i think you'll like it? 2022-03-20 10:55:48 opfez i'll check it out 2022-03-20 10:57:00 opfez i see this album https://parannoul.bandcamp.com/album/to-see-the-next-part-of-the-dream recommended under a lot of albums, like this one 2022-03-20 10:58:35 opfez are you familiar with it? 2022-03-20 10:59:49 opfez five pebbles seems pretty nice, i like the track kiss 2022-03-20 11:03:13 dzwdz it's been on my to-listen list on a while 2022-03-20 11:03:18 dzwdz i haven't been able to get into it 2022-03-20 11:38:41 extratone https://ttm.sh/ifP.mp3 2022-03-20 11:47:41 nihilazo I am so rusty at livecoding I am not ready to do a live show 2022-03-20 11:47:47 nihilazo let's hope somebody else can take my slot 2022-03-20 11:50:41 login where does one get livecoding slots? 2022-03-20 11:52:39 nihilazo when algorave events are going on you can just sign up 2022-03-20 11:52:45 nihilazo https://ten.algorave.com 2022-03-20 11:52:56 nihilazo I really want to do a set but I have forgotten all of how to orca 2022-03-20 11:53:02 nihilazo ...I have 5 hours let's do this 2022-03-20 12:00:21 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-20 12:00:25 palmdrop !water 2022-03-20 12:00:25 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-03-20 12:00:27 palmdrop morning 2022-03-20 12:00:31 nihilazo morning! 2022-03-20 12:00:50 the_default morning palmdrop 2022-03-20 12:01:22 noa hello all 2022-03-20 12:01:26 noa nihilazo: what time is your set ? 2022-03-20 12:03:11 the_default hey noa 2022-03-20 12:04:10 noa heyy the_default hows you 2022-03-20 12:05:53 nihilazo noa: 17:00 2022-03-20 12:06:08 the_default noa: alright. not much to say. 2022-03-20 12:07:00 asm morning 2022-03-20 12:07:04 the_default hey asm 2022-03-20 12:07:09 noa chilling 2022-03-20 12:07:15 noa nihilazo: nice one, i hope to be there 2022-03-20 12:07:46 asm this looks like a normal self-test result 2022-03-20 12:07:48 asm "Last self-test failed (read)" 2022-03-20 12:08:24 dzwdz \o the_default 2022-03-20 12:08:48 the_default o/ 2022-03-20 12:10:05 the_default got my electronics shopping list, working my way down it. apparently buying resistors individually is better value for money? 2022-03-20 12:10:15 the_default taking ages though 2022-03-20 12:10:22 opfez oi o/ 2022-03-20 12:10:24 the_default how are you noa? 2022-03-20 12:10:26 asm rip hard drive 2022-03-20 12:10:43 the_default (hi opfez) 2022-03-20 12:10:52 dzwdz > apparently buying resistors individually is better value for money? 2022-03-20 12:10:54 dzwdz no way what 2022-03-20 12:11:00 opfez yeah ^ ??? 2022-03-20 12:11:16 dzwdz also mildly related to getting electronics stuff 2022-03-20 12:11:32 dzwdz since you get the best prices when you buy in bulk so you might as well share 2022-03-20 12:11:45 dzwdz how far apart are the uk townies? 2022-03-20 12:11:53 dzwdz y'all could start a hackerspace or something 2022-03-20 12:12:05 the_default (i mean, i could go to LHS. but i don't) 2022-03-20 12:12:23 the_default (da big london one) 2022-03-20 12:12:37 dzwdz no townies there though 2022-03-20 12:12:46 dzwdz wait you're in london? 2022-03-20 12:12:48 dzwdz isn't bx too? 2022-03-20 12:12:58 opfez he is 2022-03-20 12:13:07 the_default not in london. but getting there isn't a huge pain 2022-03-20 12:16:16 the_default (also i really wouldn't feel comfortable meeting any of you irl) 2022-03-20 12:16:30 the_default (yet) 2022-03-20 12:16:43 dzwdz fair 2022-03-20 12:18:15 juspib yeah we're very uncomfortable persons 2022-03-20 12:19:58 login the_default: not even on meta horizons? 2022-03-20 12:41:21 extratone !water 2022-03-20 12:41:21 * pinhook waters extratone's seedling 2022-03-20 12:44:46 dzwdz how about a vrchat meetup 2022-03-20 12:46:28 dzwdz could be fun 2022-03-20 12:54:13 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-20 13:00:56 nihilazo update: decided not to do the set after all 2022-03-20 13:01:02 nihilazo because I am shit at much 2022-03-20 13:01:05 nihilazo s/much/music/ 2022-03-20 13:01:05 sedbot <nihilazo> because I am shit at music 2022-03-20 13:01:19 dzwdz \o/ 2022-03-20 13:02:34 nihilazo imagine being good at anything 2022-03-20 13:02:36 nihilazo haha funny 2022-03-20 13:03:10 nihilazo I'm leaving the music making to people who aren't dogshit at it 2022-03-20 13:05:02 @natalia :( 2022-03-20 13:05:57 nihilazo I do want t oget better but I'm highly rusty and tired and have no ideas 2022-03-20 13:06:13 nihilazo I'm not feeling great today, might even be a bit ill tbh 2022-03-20 13:06:14 nihilazo idk 2022-03-20 13:07:26 nihilazo idk why I'm not doing great today I'm just not feeling great. got a headache and feeling down 2022-03-20 13:07:43 dzwdz want to talk about it or something? 2022-03-20 13:07:52 dzwdz play some chess to distract yourself? 2022-03-20 13:08:04 nihilazo I don't feel mentally capable of chess rn 2022-03-20 13:08:33 nihilazo being on the algorave stream makes me feel bad for not doing it myself and the fact other people are good at this 2022-03-20 13:08:38 nihilazo so I'm gonna not 2022-03-20 13:08:43 nihilazo but idk what to do 2022-03-20 13:09:12 nihilazo this is the kind of time where I would usually sink some time into factorio or some game like that but I've banned myself from those games 2022-03-20 13:10:28 nihilazo dunno 2022-03-20 13:10:33 nihilazo why do I feel like shit all of a sudden 2022-03-20 13:10:50 nihilazo answer: because I'm bad at music and wanted to do an algorave set but decided against it because somebody better at music deserves that place 2022-03-20 13:16:52 nihilazo I don't feel like doing anything 2022-03-20 13:29:22 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-20 13:30:41 nihilazo sorry town 2022-03-20 13:32:14 dzwdz np, rant away 2022-03-20 13:32:34 nihilazo just feeling bad 2022-03-20 13:32:34 dzwdz it's fine not to do anything sometimes 2022-03-20 13:32:43 nihilazo and wanting to do things but also not feeling like doing anything 2022-03-20 13:33:05 nihilazo where "doing things" includes like, watching TV 2022-03-20 13:39:26 flowercorpse nihilazo: it's okay, I get how you feel 2022-03-20 13:39:53 nihilazo basically, it seems my depression has hit today and it sucks 2022-03-20 13:39:59 nihilazo but I want to get through it 2022-03-20 13:40:18 nihilazo by doing things 2022-03-20 13:40:21 <-- cel (cel@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-20 13:41:28 flowercorpse I played my fair share of shit live shows that seem to haunt me 2022-03-20 13:41:37 flowercorpse but honestly I don't think anybody else remembers 2022-03-20 13:42:08 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-20 15:41:57 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-20 15:41:57 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-20 15:41:57 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-20 15:41:57 -- Channel #tildetown: 108 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 105 normals) 2022-03-20 15:41:59 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-20 15:54:30 --> tahnok (tahnok@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-20 16:01:32 tahnok ohai 2022-03-20 16:02:15 nihilazo \o 2022-03-20 16:02:33 dzwdz \o 2022-03-20 16:06:01 extratone howdy 2022-03-20 16:08:10 tahnok how's everyone today? 2022-03-20 16:08:43 dzwdz procrastinatin 2022-03-20 16:08:45 dzwdz g 2022-03-20 16:09:50 dzwdz i don't think we've met before, have we? 2022-03-20 16:11:13 dzwdz it's nice to see old regulars returning 2022-03-20 16:11:54 tahnok nope, I don't think we've met 2022-03-20 16:11:54 dzwdz opfez: http://tilde.town/~tahnok/desktopPortraits/ 2022-03-20 16:11:59 dzwdz well hello then 2022-03-20 16:12:00 tahnok been away for awhile 2022-03-20 16:12:16 tahnok ah yeah, anyone want to contribute a portrait? 2022-03-20 16:13:04 dzwdz i suppose i can 2022-03-20 16:15:06 dzwdz https://ttm.sh/ifn.png 2022-03-20 16:15:26 dzwdz also http://tilde.town/~opfez/themes/ 2022-03-20 16:16:29 猫 I'm just watching precure instead of doing anything useful 2022-03-20 16:16:52 tahnok oh nice, someone else collecting themes 2022-03-20 16:17:10 dzwdz yeah we didn't know about your thing 2022-03-20 16:17:23 dzwdz when have you last been here? 2022-03-20 16:17:47 dzwdz i phrased that weirdly 2022-03-20 16:17:50 tahnok idk... I suppose it in the log somewhere 2022-03-20 16:18:38 tahnok 2018ish? 2022-03-20 16:18:38 dzwdz oh i went to your twitter and the first thing i see is about ripping CDs 2022-03-20 16:18:40 dzwdz nice 2022-03-20 16:18:45 dzwdz oh damn, that's a long time ago 2022-03-20 16:19:15 dzwdz to quickly finish my thought about cd ripping - i have some CDs that i was unable to find on slsk so i've just set up a cd ripping station and ripped a few 2022-03-20 16:19:23 dzwdz which is nice 2022-03-20 16:19:26 tahnok ya, I'm trying to take more care with the music I listen to, and that means actually buying music 2022-03-20 16:19:46 dzwdz bandcamp ftw 2022-03-20 16:20:16 tahnok and I couldn't find the albumn I was looking for on piratebay 2022-03-20 16:20:29 dzwdz you're using tpb for music? 2022-03-20 16:20:33 dzwdz have you tried soulseek? 2022-03-20 16:20:56 tahnok nope, I shall check it out 2022-03-20 16:20:56 dzwdz it's by far the best way to get music, aside from private trackers 2022-03-20 16:21:12 tahnok huh, not a torrent thing 2022-03-20 16:21:19 dzwdz good old p2p 2022-03-20 16:22:08 dzwdz as in direct p2p 2022-03-20 16:22:50 tahnok do you do anything to mask your connection when using it? 2022-03-20 16:22:54 dzwdz nope 2022-03-20 16:23:11 dzwdz downloading's legal here (i think it's legal in most places?), the uploading is the issue 2022-03-20 16:23:21 dzwdz soulseek doesn't force you to upload the files you're downloading 2022-03-20 16:23:22 tahnok I'm also curious what the Cool trackers are these days, for a while netflix and spotify and such were good enough to make it not worth my time to keep up 2022-03-20 16:23:39 dzwdz i'm not on any 2022-03-20 16:23:41 tahnok ah, fair, I am trying to buying the alubms I like as well 2022-03-20 16:23:59 dzwdz wish i had access to some, but i'm worried about any consequences 2022-03-20 16:24:26 dzwdz also the big trackers force you to use your home connection with no vpn 2022-03-20 16:24:50 dzwdz which smells from a mile away 2022-03-20 16:24:57 tahnok :squint: 2022-03-20 16:25:02 the_default oops looks like i'm breaking the law with soulseek then. 2022-03-20 16:25:07 dzwdz oh no 2022-03-20 16:25:10 dzwdz not the poor law 2022-03-20 16:25:11 the_default felt bad for not uploading 2022-03-20 16:25:16 the_default crunch 2022-03-20 16:25:22 the_default the law has been broken 2022-03-20 16:25:28 dzwdz kanye west will go bankrupt because of me 2022-03-20 16:25:30 the_default (also hi again) 2022-03-20 16:25:36 dzwdz hi 2022-03-20 16:25:48 dzwdz i only have a few files up on soulseek, and they're music that you can't buy anyways 2022-03-20 16:26:00 dzwdz it's enough for people to let me download but also not enough for any consequences 2022-03-20 16:26:13 the_default i just put my downloads folder as a share 2022-03-20 16:26:25 dzwdz i should put endless in my upload directory too 2022-03-20 16:26:39 the_default probably wont get busted, there are people with thousands of songs 2022-03-20 16:27:03 dzwdz the thing about unenforced laws like this 2022-03-20 16:27:22 dzwdz actually no, no tinfoil today 2022-03-20 16:28:05 dzwdz lol 2022-03-20 16:28:53 the_default [crumples tinfoil hat into a ball] 2022-03-20 16:29:05 dzwdz so just to drop the idea again 2022-03-20 16:29:13 dzwdz it'd be fun to create a private tracker for the people here 2022-03-20 16:29:46 --> igemnace (igemnace@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-20 16:29:59 the_default o/ 2022-03-20 16:31:04 the_default i could do that 2022-03-20 16:35:39 dzwdz but the last time i've tried to create a private torrent a bunch of people have connected out of nowhere somehow 2022-03-20 16:36:12 dzwdz so i have no clue how that works 2022-03-20 16:48:56 asm o_o 2022-03-20 16:54:49 dzwdz Free Software Foundation would be a top tier for a warez group 2022-03-20 16:55:19 dzwdz s/tier/& name 2022-03-20 16:55:20 sedbot <dzwdz> Free Software Foundation would be a top tier name for a warez group 2022-03-20 17:10:40 <-- piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-20 17:12:57 darkwitchclaire !water 2022-03-20 17:12:57 * pinhook waters darkwitchclaire's godly mature agave 2022-03-20 17:13:43 --> piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-20 17:14:39 piusbird so I'm live at https://twitch.tv/piusbird if anyone wants to come and play 2022-03-20 17:27:05 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-20 17:36:01 <-- tahnok (tahnok@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-20 18:11:16 dzwdz !talklike 2022-03-20 18:11:19 pinhook black and i'm going to a remote in the prime generation 2022-03-20 18:11:54 dzwdz !tarot 2022-03-20 18:11:54 rufus[awkbot] The King of Cups (Reversed) - coldness, moodiness, bad advice 2022-03-20 18:15:19 flowercorpse prime generation huh 2022-03-20 18:15:36 dzwdz that's meee 2022-03-20 18:15:42 dzwdz i'm the prime generation 2022-03-20 18:18:14 flowercorpse there's an anecdote I like about Paul Erdős where when asked why he likes prime numbers so much, he responded saying "because they have no use at all" 2022-03-20 18:18:21 nihilazo the generation who use amazon(r) prime(tm) 2022-03-20 18:18:26 flowercorpse which at this point is pretty false 2022-03-20 18:18:33 flowercorpse but I still like the idea 2022-03-20 18:19:00 dzwdz he predicted how rsa will be inferior to ed25519? 2022-03-20 18:19:02 dzwdz wow 2022-03-20 18:19:59 flowercorpse I really like Erdős 2022-03-20 18:22:26 flowercorpse nihilazo: My sister took me to an amazon fresh store today 2022-03-20 18:22:40 flowercorpse I felt like an amish person 2022-03-20 18:26:21 asm the reallocated sector count threshold is 140, and the lenovo's hdd is at 160, but SMART says it hasn't exceeded the threshold 2022-03-20 18:26:45 asm i'm confused 2022-03-20 18:32:44 * asm watches https://www.twitch.tv/piusbird 2022-03-20 18:45:43 @vilmibm hello 2022-03-20 18:45:46 @vilmibm happ 2022-03-20 18:45:48 @vilmibm y 2022-03-20 18:45:48 * pinhook HONK 2022-03-20 18:45:51 @vilmibm sun 2022-03-20 18:45:53 @vilmibm day 2022-03-20 18:46:15 asm happy sunday vilmibm 2022-03-20 18:46:18 dzwdz happy indeed 2022-03-20 18:47:26 asm I'm a bit confused 2022-03-20 18:47:42 flowercorpse hi vil 2022-03-20 18:48:07 asm "Reallocated Sector Count" has a value of 160 -- normalized is 181, threshold is 140, and worst is 181 -- it's considered "pre-fail" and assessed as "ok" 2022-03-20 18:48:25 asm shouldn't that be that the threshold was exceeded or am I reading it wrong? 2022-03-20 18:49:32 --> zce (zce@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-20 18:49:37 @vilmibm hello zce 2022-03-20 18:49:42 zce hello 2022-03-20 18:49:43 asm hello zce 2022-03-20 18:50:14 zce how have you both been? 2022-03-20 18:50:20 asm I'm doing good 2022-03-20 18:50:26 nihilazo hi 2022-03-20 18:50:41 zce hello nihilazo 2022-03-20 18:50:44 asm my laptop's hdd is not so much 2022-03-20 18:50:45 dzwdz \o 2022-03-20 18:50:52 zce asm: oof 2022-03-20 18:50:54 dzwdz have you imaged it already? 2022-03-20 18:51:10 asm yes 2022-03-20 18:51:10 dzwdz i really need to make some fresh backups 2022-03-20 18:51:13 dzwdz it's been a while 2022-03-20 18:51:17 zce yesterday i retired my homebuilt from 2015, took the hard drives out of it 2022-03-20 18:51:33 asm I'd really like to homebuild one of these days 2022-03-20 18:52:02 dzwdz homebuild? 2022-03-20 18:52:11 asm zce build their own home 2022-03-20 18:52:15 zce building your own pc 2022-03-20 18:52:19 asm :p 2022-03-20 18:52:29 zce as opposed to buying one already made 2022-03-20 18:53:54 asm I think I'm going to be the market for new computers, since mine are dying 2022-03-20 18:54:21 zce i retired mine because it keeps having booting issues, and i've had enough of it 2022-03-20 18:54:30 bx dzwdz / the_default: I go to LHS 2022-03-20 18:54:45 zce i still have my mac mini and my laptop to live off of, will plan a new build in the near future 2022-03-20 18:55:20 asm self test in progress, 70% remaining 2022-03-20 18:56:33 @vilmibm late to reply but i am ok 2022-03-20 18:56:44 @vilmibm my wife has a flute performance today. just chilling until that. 2022-03-20 18:56:56 zce nice 2022-03-20 18:57:51 bx flute is a good instruement 2022-03-20 19:00:18 flowercorpse flute is underrated 2022-03-20 19:01:05 bx it's got a nice whismical quality to it 2022-03-20 19:01:23 bx but it also sounds like something a kung fu master would play 2022-03-20 19:01:26 flowercorpse it's beautiful 2022-03-20 19:01:41 nihilazo I like the flute a lot 2022-03-20 19:02:37 @vilmibm it occupies the same range as voice is a flute fact i find interesting 2022-03-20 19:02:46 @vilmibm but yeah i like it, it's nice to hear her practice 2022-03-20 19:03:06 nihilazo I play bass guitar, which is not a beautiful instrument, but it is one that i find fun to play 2022-03-20 19:03:20 nihilazo my family are mostly brass people, my sister plays trombone and my mum plays tuba 2022-03-20 19:03:35 @vilmibm i also play bass and it can be beautiful 2022-03-20 19:03:36 flowercorpse bass guitar is definitely a beautiful instrument 2022-03-20 19:03:37 @vilmibm i like making drones 2022-03-20 19:03:48 @vilmibm and you can get surprisingly pretty textures when chording it 2022-03-20 19:04:20 nihilazo I play bass and computer 2022-03-20 19:04:27 @vilmibm some of my best music is from playing my bass like a bowed instrument, but i use a crowbar instead of a bow 2022-03-20 19:04:33 nihilazo where "computer" covers electronic music in general 2022-03-20 19:04:33 bx I attempt to play a uke/melodica and ig i also play orca 2022-03-20 19:04:40 flowercorpse you don't even need a guitarist period 2022-03-20 19:04:55 flowercorpse Lightning Bolt is just a bass and drums 2022-03-20 19:05:08 @vilmibm lightning bolt is so good 2022-03-20 19:05:11 @vilmibm one of my top live shows ever 2022-03-20 19:07:31 flowercorpse I'm too deep into guitar playing to abandon it but I've basically come to hate it 2022-03-20 19:07:41 @vilmibm oh no 2022-03-20 19:07:43 @vilmibm why's that? 2022-03-20 19:08:00 bx ^ 2022-03-20 19:09:04 flowercorpse I don't know it's like 2022-03-20 19:09:30 flowercorpse Don Buchla didn't put a keyboard on his synths because with a keyboard "you can only make keyboard music" 2022-03-20 19:09:53 flowercorpse and I feel like it's pretty hard not to make guitar music with a guitar 2022-03-20 19:10:01 @vilmibm mmm 2022-03-20 19:10:04 flowercorpse but I'm trying 2022-03-20 19:10:11 bx flowercorpse: what kind of music do you want to make? 2022-03-20 19:10:32 @vilmibm i feel that to some degree; when i started learning guitar it was to incorporate new, more melodic sounds into my noise 2022-03-20 19:10:42 flowercorpse bx: I don't really know 2022-03-20 19:10:49 @vilmibm i ended up getting _into_ playing guitar music and like playing outlaw country / some folk stuff now 2022-03-20 19:11:01 @vilmibm but i have been working guitar into noise with success 2022-03-20 19:11:08 @vilmibm focusing on blending chords into textures 2022-03-20 19:11:22 bx at least in terms of uke, i keep finding wierd new ways to get noise out of it 2022-03-20 19:11:36 @vilmibm i have a beautiful, nice acoustic guitar that can resonate a tone clearly and cleanly with a loooong decay 2022-03-20 19:11:41 bx like i put it on my lap and used it as a wierd drum 2022-03-20 19:11:53 bx vilmibm: oooo 2022-03-20 19:12:03 @vilmibm my next track which i'm still mastering features it 2022-03-20 19:12:06 @vilmibm it's also in my album 2022-03-20 19:12:10 @vilmibm in the first track 2022-03-20 19:12:13 bx flowercorpse: what kind of music do youj think youd enjoy making ? 2022-03-20 19:12:18 bx vilmibm: Niiiice 2022-03-20 19:13:13 @vilmibm wow somehow i forgot about Axolotl until just now, I feel like I lost some kind of game by doing that 2022-03-20 19:13:24 dzwdz aaargh fuck 2022-03-20 19:13:30 dzwdz now i've lost the game 2022-03-20 19:13:31 asm you lost the game vil 2022-03-20 19:13:32 dzwdz thanks 2022-03-20 19:13:35 * asm won the game 2022-03-20 19:13:41 dzwdz no you didn't 2022-03-20 19:13:44 flowercorpse bx: I like improvisation 2022-03-20 19:13:51 dzwdz the voucher's invalid 2022-03-20 19:13:56 asm nah it's valid 2022-03-20 19:14:03 @vilmibm !supdate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCBhKWE7I08 2022-03-20 19:14:03 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Axolotl - Memory Theatre 2022-03-20 19:14:07 asm I have the pass so I won 2022-03-20 19:14:28 * asm goes back to watching https://www.twitch.tv/piusbird 2022-03-20 19:15:12 bx flowercorpse: have you tried improvising on guitar? 2022-03-20 19:15:41 zce what's the whole "song of the day" thing? 2022-03-20 19:15:46 flowercorpse bx: every day :) 2022-03-20 19:15:52 bx And is it fun? 2022-03-20 19:16:14 flowercorpse fun to do for sure, but fun to listen to? I'm not sure 2022-03-20 19:16:24 @vilmibm improvising is the thing that kills me. i'd love to do it, but i'm still so focused on learning technique and composition 2022-03-20 19:16:37 @vilmibm when i use guitar in tracks it's highly controlled even for simple stuff 2022-03-20 19:16:48 * vilmibm evaporates to focus on some writing 2022-03-20 19:16:52 @vilmibm bbl 2022-03-20 19:16:56 bx λattters 2022-03-20 19:16:59 asm bye 2022-03-20 19:17:01 zce i've occasionally wanted to get into making music but the time investment is just too much 2022-03-20 19:17:03 zce bye 2022-03-20 19:17:21 bx https://ttm.sh/ifK.WAV <- recording of using uke as kinda drum 2022-03-20 19:19:36 flowercorpse I'd listen to a longer version of this 2022-03-20 19:20:42 bx I may at some point make a long version of this 2022-03-20 19:20:47 flowercorpse sounds a bit like a balafon 2022-03-20 19:21:13 bx Oh this is an intresting insturment 2022-03-20 19:21:21 bx it looks like a massive xylophone 2022-03-20 19:21:26 bx with gourds 2022-03-20 19:22:42 bx ill probs try and pull samples / a loop out of what ive got 2022-03-20 19:22:54 bx maybe experiemnt with slowing/speeding it up or pitch changing it 2022-03-20 19:25:10 flowercorpse you can experiment with polyrhythms 2022-03-20 19:25:27 bx oo 2022-03-20 19:25:33 bx that'd be cool 2022-03-20 19:25:45 bx ig my orca stuff kinda sorta falls into that bucket 2022-03-20 19:26:02 bx though it was more like "10 rythms at once and one of them is helicopter noises" 2022-03-20 19:30:06 bx flowercorpse: what kind of guitar do you play? 2022-03-20 19:30:31 flowercorpse I have the cheapest guitar I could find in London 2022-03-20 19:30:58 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-21 14:33:57 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 14:33:57 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-21 14:33:57 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-21 14:33:57 -- Channel #tildetown: 107 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 104 normals) 2022-03-21 14:33:59 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-21 14:35:43 --> amcclure (asm@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 14:35:53 -- amcclure is now known as asm 2022-03-21 14:36:09 asm rip networking, somehow 2022-03-21 14:40:45 juspib lown: no, i'm in a poorly drawn webcomic 2022-03-21 14:41:56 extratone good morning, town. I'm writing about macOS 🗿 2022-03-21 14:41:56 demoji <extratone> good morning, town. I'm writing about macOS :moai: 2022-03-21 14:42:41 juspib dzwdz: the cake was very good, it was gathering cash for charity so i paid more than they asked and it was still worth it 2022-03-21 14:43:23 m455 hey all 2022-03-21 14:43:58 dzwdz and how's the girl 2022-03-21 14:45:53 juspib idk i think the ambulance took her away 2022-03-21 14:48:09 <-- asm (asm@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-21 14:54:46 <-- strelka (strelka@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-21 14:54:47 --> strelka (strelka@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 14:55:07 <-- strelka (strelka@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-21 15:02:10 extratone oh dear that doesn't sound good. 2022-03-21 15:18:15 @natalia 3 hmm 2022-03-21 15:18:35 @natalia one thing i'd like to get better at about programming is, reviewing very recently written code of my own and being able eto see mistakes more clearly 2022-03-21 15:31:22 <-- mhj (mhj@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-21 15:33:06 tomasino i have an old pair of glasses on my desk i use for QC 2022-03-21 15:33:26 tomasino the prescription is slightly different and it makes everything look slightly off. it really helps with that quite a bit 2022-03-21 15:36:50 extratone I finished and just published that Siri Shortcut that automates uploading to ttm.sh. https://ttm.sh/iau.sh%20Short 2022-03-21 15:37:12 extratone Does this warrant a post on the forum? How many macOS users are on town? lol 2022-03-21 15:37:59 dzwdz a few 2022-03-21 15:38:00 tomasino i'm sure at least one more. good to share. someone may find it wonderfully useful 2022-03-21 15:38:07 dzwdz bx definitely uses macos, maybe elly does? 2022-03-21 15:38:21 benharri what does a siri shortcut do/ 2022-03-21 15:38:23 dzwdz and i think there's some other peeps on macos too 2022-03-21 15:38:30 dzwdz it cuts siri short 2022-03-21 15:38:32 benharri i usually use this: https://tildegit.org/tomasino/pb 2022-03-21 15:38:45 benharri or just curl -F file=@- ttm.sh < /path/to/file 2022-03-21 15:38:52 elly I have a macos device, yeah 2022-03-21 15:38:58 elly but I do not use siri 2022-03-21 15:39:11 extratone well shortcuts don't really have anything to do with siri. 2022-03-21 15:39:32 dzwdz how is it different from a normal shell script? 2022-03-21 15:39:38 dzwdz non-mac user here 2022-03-21 15:39:53 elly I also don't use shortcuts, so 2022-03-21 15:40:01 elly no help from me I'm afraid 2022-03-21 15:40:02 extratone I would encourage you to try it once. https://routinehub.co/shortcut/11377/ 2022-03-21 15:40:03 dzwdz well for one it's a giant mess of binary shit 2022-03-21 15:40:17 dzwdz did not expect that 2022-03-21 15:40:19 extratone oh well that's fine. you're probably better off lol. 2022-03-21 15:40:40 extratone so all it does is automate the shell script, basically. 2022-03-21 15:40:56 tomasino via siri! that's a plus for someone 2022-03-21 15:40:57 dzwdz mac os is so pretty 2022-03-21 15:41:16 dzwdz apple stuff is so well designed 2022-03-21 15:41:32 extratone https://ttm.sh/iad.43.png 2022-03-21 15:41:56 elly that's neat but I do not use the whole shortcut mechanism 2022-03-21 15:41:58 dzwdz well other than the blurry Shell Script Result thing 2022-03-21 15:42:06 extratone I mean yes, I can technically trigger it by saying "hey siri, ttm" but that's about all it has to do with siri lol 2022-03-21 15:43:16 extratone Most shortcuts are reliable and folks seem hell bent on creating gargantuan ones that should just be command line apps. 2022-03-21 15:43:30 elly that's generally what I do, yeah 2022-03-21 15:43:33 extratone Shortcuts are just automator but way worse. 2022-03-21 15:43:46 dzwdz i still don't really get what's the difference other than being able to tell siri to do it 2022-03-21 15:43:52 dzwdz do you get some nice buttons on the ui for it? 2022-03-21 15:43:56 elly my main personal laptop is a macbook, but I essentially only use the terminal and chrome 2022-03-21 15:44:19 extratone dzwdz that's because you know how to use curl lol. all it does is turn the process into a single button, basically. 2022-03-21 15:44:45 dzwdz no, like from a script 2022-03-21 15:44:51 elly it's probably better if we teach tilde.town users to use curl or to write their own scripts 2022-03-21 15:44:54 elly that seems more in the spirit 2022-03-21 15:45:12 dzwdz i should finally write a posix shell cheatsheet 2022-03-21 15:45:30 dzwdz i try looking one up like once every 3-4 weeks and get disappointed that i can't find a good one 2022-03-21 15:45:37 extratone elly, the only real reason I published it is I think it could be a way to teach people to use the script. 2022-03-21 15:46:01 extratone and also because I find it ridiculously handy lol 2022-03-21 15:46:16 elly sure 2022-03-21 15:48:27 extratone thank you for saying that tho. the worst possible scenario is folks find it and think "oh wow free fileshare." luckily, the total number of people who give a shit about shortcuts... well. nobody, really. 2022-03-21 15:48:57 extratone also, chances are it'll be broken in a week anyway lmao. 2022-03-21 15:49:26 extratone I just now realized the very first link I shared is just broken lol 2022-03-21 15:52:14 elly I think that if you want to post you should probably write to a wider audience, so maybe something like "what one can learn about UI from the mac shortcut system" or whatever 2022-03-21 15:52:28 elly I think you are correct that the intersection between tilde.town users and people who care about this mechanism contains only you 2022-03-21 15:52:46 dzwdz it'd be fun to learn about the siri shortcut system though 2022-03-21 15:52:48 dzwdz if it's interesting 2022-03-21 15:52:55 @natalia yeah i would be interested in something more broader to explain it 2022-03-21 15:53:08 elly it would, but "this is how this specific shortcut looks" isn't the best way to teach that 2022-03-21 15:53:15 @natalia but also in such an explanation i wanna see like what sort of applications expose actual shortcut interfaces, since shell scripts are a bit boring 2022-03-21 15:53:31 elly show off applescript :D 2022-03-21 15:53:43 @natalia the idea of an operating system having such a user friendly shortcut system with a way for apps to expose parts cleanly is definitely An Interest to me 2022-03-21 15:54:00 extratone i stayed up way too late last night downloading a bunch of applescript examples lol 2022-03-21 15:55:40 extratone the most astounding thing is that it's cross-platfom, now. I would vouch for my own shortcuts collection as being particularly reasonable compared to what else you might find, but then of course I would. https://routinehub.co/user/blue 2022-03-21 15:57:38 extratone I am still most proud of (and most excited about) Shortcuts' new potential to generate natural sounding TTS. https://bilge.world/siri-tts 2022-03-21 16:10:19 @natalia man 2022-03-21 16:10:33 @natalia i am looking at my notebook skin that i made (very hastily and with poor craftmanship) 2022-03-21 16:10:34 @natalia and i just 2022-03-21 16:10:42 @natalia i really do like it a lot. it makes me excited to use the journal 2022-03-21 16:11:35 @natalia https://equa.space/stuff/unlisted/2021-11-19-notebook.jpg 2022-03-21 16:12:02 dzwdz oooo that's pretty 2022-03-21 16:12:06 dzwdz what did you make it from? 2022-03-21 16:14:37 @natalia old art, photocopier 2022-03-21 16:16:08 extratone WHOA. 2022-03-21 16:21:29 noa thta's pretty cool 2022-03-21 16:22:08 dzwdz natalia: so i went through your /stuff/ 2022-03-21 16:22:10 dzwdz https://equa.space/stuff/line-numbering.png 2022-03-21 16:22:12 dzwdz lol 2022-03-21 16:22:15 dzwdz nice one 2022-03-21 16:22:58 @natalia (this was a real patch that was actually running) 2022-03-21 16:23:21 dzwdz i wouldn't assume otherwise 2022-03-21 16:24:47 insom grr no reminder before annual auto-renew on ACM membership 2022-03-21 16:25:12 insom I was going to renew but don't appreciate $200 CAD disappearing from my account when I don't expect it 2022-03-21 16:25:22 insom ugh, worse, $200 USD 2022-03-21 16:29:56 noa natalia: did you have to recompile for that? 2022-03-21 16:30:04 @natalia yeah 2022-03-21 16:30:13 noa cool 2022-03-21 16:30:33 noa dzwdz: webshit_daily doesn't list hn anymore is this intended or? 2022-03-21 16:30:40 dzwdz uh 2022-03-21 16:30:43 dzwdz do you still use it? 2022-03-21 16:30:52 dzwdz i haven't even looked at it in like half a year 2022-03-21 16:30:56 noa no i was just looking at the code for a ruby thing 2022-03-21 16:31:02 noa no clue how long that hasnt worked 2022-03-21 16:31:10 noa recently discovered ruby treats ' and " differently 2022-03-21 16:31:30 dzwdz am i doing my usual regex hell, or am i using nekogiri? 2022-03-21 16:31:58 noa latter 2022-03-21 16:32:12 noa i mean its not at all important if youre not using it 2022-03-21 16:32:53 elly what do ' vs " do in ruby? 2022-03-21 16:33:36 dzwdz '\n' == "\\n" 2022-03-21 16:33:38 insom ' are literal but " can have substitutions in them 2022-03-21 16:33:50 insom so you can do "#{ variable } is great" 2022-03-21 16:34:02 dzwdz oh yeah that too 2022-03-21 16:34:18 elly single-quoted strings do not have escapes? 2022-03-21 16:34:25 dzwdz yup 2022-03-21 16:34:36 insom so it's pretty common to have linting rules complain about " if you're not using #{} within them so you can save some nanoseconds parsing them :D 2022-03-21 16:34:56 elly that sounds like a very micro microoptimization :P 2022-03-21 16:34:58 dzwdz uh, i think it's just for style 2022-03-21 16:36:04 noa that was the thing that was tripping me up 2022-03-21 16:36:17 noa i kept doing '#{path}/#{file}' 2022-03-21 16:39:18 elly do you have to do something to make that interpolation happen? or it just happens whenever you write #{token} in a double-quoted string? 2022-03-21 16:39:26 dzwdz 2nd 2022-03-21 16:39:32 elly wow, that is very magical 2022-03-21 16:39:40 dzwdz but it's not just a token, you can put any expression there 2022-03-21 16:40:23 elly neat 2022-03-21 16:40:27 dzwdz example from that script noa was referring to: "<li><a href=\"#{link['href']}\">#{link.content}</a></li>" 2022-03-21 16:41:25 elly gotcha 2022-03-21 16:41:32 @natalia string interpolation would be a sort of fun test for designing a programming language with a macro system 2022-03-21 16:41:45 @natalia like, can your macro system make its own string interpolation (with arbitrary expressions) 2022-03-21 16:41:52 elly I find that pretty hard to read to be honest but I am probably just not used to it 2022-03-21 16:42:17 @natalia it's common in js too 2022-03-21 16:42:29 dzwdz syntax highlighting helps there 2022-03-21 16:42:30 @vilmibm hello 2022-03-21 16:42:37 @natalia hello 2022-03-21 16:42:42 dzwdz hello 2022-03-21 16:42:51 elly yea, I do not use highlighting so I rely a lot on strings looking like strings and code looking like code 2022-03-21 16:43:07 dzwdz https://ttm.sh/iat.png 2022-03-21 16:43:40 dzwdz you can just do python-style '%s/%s' % (file, path) 2022-03-21 16:43:48 dzwdz s/just/still 2022-03-21 16:43:48 sedbot <dzwdz> you can still do python-style '%s/%s' % (file, path) 2022-03-21 16:44:01 elly ya 2022-03-21 16:44:13 elly I am more of an sprintf programmer still :P 2022-03-21 16:44:22 elly or scheme-type fmt 2022-03-21 16:44:25 dzwdz alsoo considering that i'm generating html there, ERB would probably be a much better fit 2022-03-21 16:45:33 dzwdz <a href="<%= link['href'] %>"><%= link.content %></a> 2022-03-21 16:46:11 noa erb 2022-03-21 16:46:15 elly is that a different syntax for #{}? 2022-03-21 16:46:25 noa is that the thing you always say is better than php 2022-03-21 16:46:30 --> l0010o0001l (l0010o0001l@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 16:46:38 l0010o0001l yoooooooo 2022-03-21 16:46:47 dzwdz erb is a templating thingy, php is a language 2022-03-21 16:46:54 noa i know 2022-03-21 16:46:56 dzwdz but yeah, ruby + erb is imo better than php 2022-03-21 16:47:01 benharri https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/3.1/ERB.html 2022-03-21 16:47:03 noa but whenevefr i mention php you go rah use erb 2022-03-21 16:47:10 noa hey l0010o0001l 2022-03-21 16:47:17 benharri php's perfectly fine 2022-03-21 16:47:19 dzwdz elly: nope, that's erb, which is a separate thingy 2022-03-21 16:47:22 l0010o0001l wassup noa 2022-03-21 16:47:23 dzwdz yeah, php's overhated 2022-03-21 16:47:23 elly heredocs <3 2022-03-21 16:47:37 dzwdz erb is a ruby templating library 2022-03-21 16:47:43 elly gotcha 2022-03-21 16:47:59 @vilmibm hm 2022-03-21 16:48:05 @vilmibm can you write a full web app in .erb 2022-03-21 16:48:10 dzwdz have you heard of rails 2022-03-21 16:48:17 elly it looks like you can just embed any ruby code you want, vilmibm 2022-03-21 16:48:20 * l0010o0001l runs away 2022-03-21 16:48:20 elly from this doc page 2022-03-21 16:48:23 elly so I would guess yes 2022-03-21 16:48:24 dzwdz unless you mean exclusively erb without any pure ruby bits 2022-03-21 16:48:24 @vilmibm hi hi l0010o0001l 2022-03-21 16:48:26 * l0010o0001l rails 2022-03-21 16:48:31 @vilmibm dzwdz: yes i mean exclusively erb 2022-03-21 16:48:31 dzwdz then also yes, but not with rails 2022-03-21 16:48:40 @vilmibm i am aware of rails :p 2022-03-21 16:48:45 l0010o0001l yo vilmibm 2022-03-21 16:49:16 juspib php is very fine, only the function naming is a mess 2022-03-21 16:49:26 dzwdz vilmibm: /usr/bin/erb 2022-03-21 16:49:43 dzwdz i might have some standalone erb scripts in my ~ somewhere 2022-03-21 16:49:59 dzwdz php is fine but ruby+erb is finer 2022-03-21 16:51:10 l0010o0001l vilmibm: the wells of hendrix and tituss obsession has run dry and i'm desperately trying to latch onto something else. 2022-03-21 16:51:23 l0010o0001l vilmibm: it feels like losing friends. 2022-03-21 16:51:32 benharri oh i didn't know erb had cli tool 2022-03-21 16:53:33 noa the sky is up l0010o0001l 2022-03-21 16:53:48 dzwdz a dude just resigned on me 3 moves into a game 2022-03-21 16:53:58 dzwdz s/game/chess & 2022-03-21 16:53:58 sedbot <dzwdz> a dude just resigned on me 3 moves into a chess game 2022-03-21 16:54:05 dzwdz guess i'm intimidating 2022-03-21 16:54:12 noa you are 2022-03-21 16:54:56 noa wait how do i use erb 2022-03-21 16:55:00 noa it's not doing what i want 2022-03-21 16:55:05 dzwdz ? 2022-03-21 16:55:47 the_default hi again 2022-03-21 16:55:53 noa hola hola 2022-03-21 16:55:55 dzwdz \o/ 2022-03-21 16:55:57 dzwdz sup 2022-03-21 16:56:02 juspib hi again too 2022-03-21 16:56:05 noa also in the docs, where does the binding variable come from 2022-03-21 16:56:42 m455 l0010o0001l: please make more fan pages 2022-03-21 16:57:29 l0010o0001l m455: thank u for the encouragement 2022-03-21 16:57:47 l0010o0001l i'm digging janis joplin 2022-03-21 16:57:57 m455 oh hell yeah 2022-03-21 16:57:57 l0010o0001l might go into a many-month rabbit hole with her... hopefully 2022-03-21 17:00:21 noa huh seems like binding is some special ruby thing i don't understand 2022-03-21 17:00:33 l0010o0001l how is m455 2022-03-21 17:15:20 m455 hey sorry for the late reply l0010o0001l! i'm doing good, just busy with work and life. i wish i had more time for tilde.town :( <3 2022-03-21 17:15:39 m455 other than that i've been doing good. i keep having big downs mentally, and then big ups. i have no clue why lol 2022-03-21 17:16:05 m455 possibly because i recently got into a band and i dont like how they communicate, but i guess that's prone to happen in an 8-11-person band 2022-03-21 17:20:51 l0010o0001l holy fuck are u in slipknot 2022-03-21 17:21:00 m455 yes basically 2022-03-21 17:21:04 l0010o0001l sorry they communicate unfavorably :( 2022-03-21 17:21:18 l0010o0001l that's so cool you're in slipknot, damn 2022-03-21 17:21:22 l0010o0001l what's ur mask look like 2022-03-21 17:21:38 m455 yeah, my mask is a giant fence rolled around my head 2022-03-21 17:21:58 bx dzwdz / extratone: i do use macos 2022-03-21 17:22:05 bx (also hi) 2022-03-21 17:22:21 dzwdz i should set my nick to also 2022-03-21 17:22:31 the_default hi bx! 2022-03-21 17:22:38 bx \o hay default 2022-03-21 17:23:00 l0010o0001l m455: that's fuckin rad 2022-03-21 17:23:08 l0010o0001l v original 2022-03-21 17:23:17 bx m455: how does one join a band? 2022-03-21 17:23:51 m455 l0010o0001l: thanks! what is your slipnot mask? 2022-03-21 17:24:13 m455 bx: probably either through connections or trying out for random online postings that are like "hey we need a floutist" 2022-03-21 17:24:24 m455 or starting your own band haha 2022-03-21 17:24:27 l0010o0001l m455: yo i'm all intimidated by ur answer so idk 2022-03-21 17:24:37 bx floutist? 2022-03-21 17:24:38 m455 or just play shows solo and tell people if they know the song that they can hop up on stage and play with you haha 2022-03-21 17:24:45 m455 l0010o0001l: you got this 2022-03-21 17:24:48 bx How do you play shows? 2022-03-21 17:24:51 m455 bx: i have no clue how to spell 2022-03-21 17:25:05 m455 bx: either you set them up yourself or show organizers contact you 2022-03-21 17:25:12 l0010o0001l m455: maybe a discoball with hunting knives poking out in all directions? 2022-03-21 17:25:34 bx m455: that makes sense 2022-03-21 17:26:14 bx i dont think thatll happen anytime soon lmao 2022-03-21 17:26:31 bx (also \o l0010o0001l) 2022-03-21 17:26:35 m455 setting them up yourself invovles figuring out how much the venue costs, the soundman costs (if there is one), how much the bands want to get paid or you telling them how much they'll get paid, and then how much people will pay for entry, so you can cover the costs of the venue, the cost of the soundman, and the costs of the band, and ,if you want, 2022-03-21 17:26:37 m455 profit from basically gambling on being able to pay back all those costs 2022-03-21 17:26:47 m455 l0010o0001l: that sounds amazing, do they knives fly off if it goes fast enough? 2022-03-21 17:27:11 m455 also setting up a show requires that you kind of advertise the show is happening so people actually come 2022-03-21 17:27:16 m455 or you've just lost close to 1000 dollars 2022-03-21 17:27:18 bx l0010o0001l: are they gur same model of knife or different knives? 2022-03-21 17:27:44 bx i infact do not have 1000 dollars 2022-03-21 17:28:05 m455 bx: not many people do lol 2022-03-21 17:28:23 opfez suppers 2022-03-21 17:28:27 m455 usually you build up show profits, as like, "insurance" in case not enough money is made to pay back everything 2022-03-21 17:28:42 bx opfez: pizza! 2022-03-21 17:28:48 opfez mmmmmm 2022-03-21 17:28:57 bx or baugettes 2022-03-21 17:30:58 l0010o0001l m455: yes they shoot out all at the same time, then new knives surface to replace them 2022-03-21 17:31:11 l0010o0001l bx: very good question, they are all different knives 2022-03-21 17:31:26 bx Yessss 2022-03-21 17:34:58 bx m455: is there a show were people just like, show up 2022-03-21 17:35:31 bx people being gur artists 2022-03-21 17:37:32 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-21 18:59:26 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 18:59:26 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-21 18:59:26 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-21 18:59:26 -- Channel #tildetown: 109 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 106 normals) 2022-03-21 18:59:28 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-21 18:59:29 bx as in gur bb creator? 2022-03-21 18:59:29 the_default o/ 2022-03-21 18:59:35 juspib hi extratone 2022-03-21 18:59:40 fauly bx: honestly, ripping off shader toy is all i use it for, i'm working on a show right now so just on dinner break :) 2022-03-21 18:59:50 fauly thank you the_default! 2022-03-21 19:00:01 bx what kinda show? 2022-03-21 19:00:03 dzwdz o, what kind of show? 2022-03-21 19:00:06 dzwdz goddammit bx 2022-03-21 19:00:06 bx jinx 2022-03-21 19:00:16 fauly theatre show - a monster calls 2022-03-21 19:00:23 bx jinxbox where you at? (oh yeah you aint born yet) 2022-03-21 19:00:25 dzwdz ooooooooo 2022-03-21 19:00:26 the_default cool! 2022-03-21 19:00:28 deltarae ya i did that, its been like...5 years i think? i have fallen out of programming since but i recently picked up an rpi and plan to take it out on the road with me and make use of it somehow 2022-03-21 19:00:30 extratone hello again town. 2022-03-21 19:00:39 fauly hiya extratone 2022-03-21 19:00:40 asm hi 2022-03-21 19:00:41 bx fauly: ooooo, are you an actor or lighting crew / some other crew? 2022-03-21 19:00:41 dzwdz theatre's cool 2022-03-21 19:00:52 extratone ⓖⓞⓞⓓ ⓜⓞⓡⓝⓘⓝⓖ 2022-03-21 19:00:56 bx deltarae: thanks for bbj 2022-03-21 19:00:58 fauly i'm actually video programmer on this, usually lighting though :) 2022-03-21 19:01:01 deltarae yw! 2022-03-21 19:01:06 fauly do you know about theatre stuff? 2022-03-21 19:01:11 bx fauly: :O sounds fun 2022-03-21 19:01:27 the_default (used to be on lighting crew at school. those were the days) 2022-03-21 19:01:37 bx fauly: not really? but a friend told me a bit about when he did lights for one 2022-03-21 19:01:38 the_default (well not really most of highschool was shit) 2022-03-21 19:01:42 dzwdz extratone: ahhh, tofu 2022-03-21 19:01:46 bx and i found that pretty intresting 2022-03-21 19:01:56 fauly hehe yea that's how a lotta people start doing this, then some just never stop 2022-03-21 19:02:04 dzwdz the_default: aren't you still in hs? 2022-03-21 19:02:16 fauly sorry to hear that though the_default 2022-03-21 19:02:21 the_default yes but in the UK it's a different type of school 2022-03-21 19:02:36 the_default (although most schools have secondary school + sixth form) 2022-03-21 19:02:48 bx yea, usually sixth form lets you shed gur shitey uniform 2022-03-21 19:03:16 the_default and treats you *more* like an adult 2022-03-21 19:04:01 bx why is more emphasised? 2022-03-21 19:04:11 the_default not like an adult 2022-03-21 19:04:17 bx Oh, right 2022-03-21 19:05:01 the_default we still have to sit down in the sports hall to have staff lecture you about leaving food in classrooms at lunch. and i still basically have lessons all day and no permission to leave school (and no car to go anywhere interesting anyway) 2022-03-21 19:05:07 bx fauly: is video programmer like writing code to automate shots and stuff? 2022-03-21 19:05:18 dzwdz oh no, no permission 2022-03-21 19:05:20 the_default (sorry for changing the subject there) 2022-03-21 19:05:35 dzwdz fuck permissions, hit the bricks 2022-03-21 19:05:43 bx the_default: that sucks, but tbh people shouldnt leave shit in classrooms 2022-03-21 19:05:52 bx though idk why they wont let you out at lunch 2022-03-21 19:06:07 dzwdz i went home in the middle of a class today and waved inside when i was passing by 2022-03-21 19:06:09 the_default oh yeah definitly. teachers aren't paid enough to clean up people's food 2022-03-21 19:07:24 bx hs felt like some kind of wierd prison when i was there (right down to gur 4 days i had to spend in one damm room), though in hind sight it probs felt gur same for some of my teachers 2022-03-21 19:07:34 the_default bx: i'm 20+ minutes late to school almost every day. odds of me leaving in a study period and getting back on time are ... low. i've still broken the rules and left a few time though. generally not worth messing with the head though. 2022-03-21 19:07:54 bx ik you meant headteacher 2022-03-21 19:08:00 bx but im imagining a giant head 2022-03-21 19:08:04 the_default do not poke 2022-03-21 19:08:06 bx outside your school gate 2022-03-21 19:08:06 dzwdz > (right down to gur 4 days i had to spend in one damm room) 2022-03-21 19:08:10 dzwdz consecutive? 2022-03-21 19:08:17 bx yea, i mean i went home and shit 2022-03-21 19:08:27 dzwdz ah i thought you got locked somewhere 2022-03-21 19:08:28 bx but i spend gur school day in that room instead of in class 2022-03-21 19:08:34 bx i mean. 2022-03-21 19:08:36 fauly asddasdsdzzZ 2022-03-21 19:08:37 the_default ok what did you do? 2022-03-21 19:08:40 @vilmibm m455: :D 2022-03-21 19:08:46 fauly sadasdsadasd 2022-03-21 19:08:50 bx the_default: wore my hair gur way i wanted 2022-03-21 19:08:54 the_default WHAT 2022-03-21 19:08:56 bx and refused to change it 2022-03-21 19:09:11 the_default how dare you 2022-03-21 19:09:14 bx im pretty sure they just like hated me or something 2022-03-21 19:09:17 bx well soem of them 2022-03-21 19:09:40 dzwdz at this point i don't believe that school's primary purpose isn't to make us miserable 2022-03-21 19:09:46 <-- fauly (fauly@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-21 19:09:58 bx dzwdz: it's not... it's to give you depression! 2022-03-21 19:10:07 dzwdz bye fauly 2022-03-21 19:10:18 bx maybe they gotta go do their show 2022-03-21 19:10:19 the_default (i keep reading it as faulty) 2022-03-21 19:10:22 dzwdz oh right 2022-03-21 19:10:35 dzwdz or maybe their connection is faulty 2022-03-21 19:10:42 bx lol 2022-03-21 19:10:48 the_default ba dum tish 2022-03-21 19:10:57 dzwdz bad um dish 2022-03-21 19:10:59 the_default (not quite right) 2022-03-21 19:12:06 --> fauly (fauly@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 19:12:21 fauly whoops i got lost ther 2022-03-21 19:12:31 dzwdz \o/ you're back 2022-03-21 19:12:42 the_default have you heard about our lord and saviour tmux? 2022-03-21 19:12:48 fauly the school system does feel horrible 2022-03-21 19:12:49 dzwdz do we have a guide on how to run irc in tmux? 2022-03-21 19:12:52 dzwdz the_default: arghhajkdlga 2022-03-21 19:12:54 fauly i was just wondering about tmux 2022-03-21 19:13:03 bx dzwdz: i think we do 2022-03-21 19:13:05 dzwdz well long story short 2022-03-21 19:13:12 dzwdz /quit, run tmux, and connect to irc again 2022-03-21 19:13:19 * bx tries HARD to restrainhimself from complaingin about tmux source code 2022-03-21 19:13:22 the_default run tmux. run commands. ctrl-b then d to minimise. tmux attach to get it again 2022-03-21 19:13:32 fauly thank u brb 2022-03-21 19:13:34 <-- fauly (fauly@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-21 19:13:36 dzwdz ye 2022-03-21 19:13:38 dzwdz bye 2022-03-21 19:13:39 --> fauly (fauly@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 19:13:42 dzwdz \o/ 2022-03-21 19:13:46 the_default ctrl-b then c makes a new window, ctrl-b x deletes it 2022-03-21 19:13:50 the_default sorry dzwdz 2022-03-21 19:13:53 fauly i remember looking into all the shortcuts a while ago 2022-03-21 19:14:16 fauly how do you split panes and stuff again? 2022-03-21 19:14:27 fauly i have a google nvm 2022-03-21 19:14:36 the_default % i think then o and something. been ages since i had to use it 2022-03-21 19:14:54 the_default on my pc i just make a bunch of terminal windows and let them tile 2022-03-21 19:15:10 the_default (look at me *constantly* talk about myself again) 2022-03-21 19:15:16 fauly hehe 2022-03-21 19:15:19 the_default (even now i am drawing attention to myself) 2022-03-21 19:15:26 the_default (sigh) 2022-03-21 19:15:26 fauly i started using cVim today 2022-03-21 19:15:30 bx yo shadertoy has *sound8 2022-03-21 19:15:32 fauly it's good to talk about yourself 2022-03-21 19:15:52 the_default to some degree 2022-03-21 19:15:53 dzwdz the_default: seriously, don't worry abou it 2022-03-21 19:15:56 bx ^ 2022-03-21 19:16:03 dzwdz look at how much i talk about myself 2022-03-21 19:16:06 dzwdz and surely nobody minds 2022-03-21 19:16:08 dzwdz def 2022-03-21 19:16:12 fauly look at how much i talk about myself 2022-03-21 19:16:27 bx you dont do it any more than gur rest of us :D 2022-03-21 19:16:32 fauly what's the word for that kind of sentence, self referential? 2022-03-21 19:16:49 bx and a large point of town is to socialise, which doesnt work if people dont tak about themselves 2022-03-21 19:17:18 dzwdz fauly: meta? 2022-03-21 19:17:35 the_default ok ok got to get back to study 2022-03-21 19:17:58 bx this is gur dumbst idea ever, but 2022-03-21 19:18:03 bx GPU ORCA 2022-03-21 19:18:17 bx (there's literally no benefit to it though, lmao) 2022-03-21 19:19:20 <-- asm (asm@localhost) has quit (Quit: I'll be back from vps later) 2022-03-21 19:25:52 nihilazo I have a very stupid thing I now want to write 2022-03-21 19:26:00 bx O? 2022-03-21 19:26:19 nihilazo what game is the least like minecraft 2022-03-21 19:26:24 nihilazo of all the games 2022-03-21 19:26:29 nihilazo which is the most different to minecraft 2022-03-21 19:26:44 --> alliesanders (alliesanders@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 19:26:45 nihilazo right now I'm thinking yahtzee although (like minecraft) that still involves random numbers 2022-03-21 19:26:46 noa can't have a player character 2022-03-21 19:26:57 bx well, first off no cubes 2022-03-21 19:27:03 nihilazo o yeah dice are cubes 2022-03-21 19:27:05 nihilazo how about checkers 2022-03-21 19:27:11 noa that's got squares 2022-03-21 19:27:12 bx just use non cubic dice 2022-03-21 19:27:30 bx roll 1 x 2 sided + 1 x 3 sided 2022-03-21 19:27:40 bx 2 x 3 = 6 2022-03-21 19:28:26 dzwdz hexagon chess 2022-03-21 19:28:30 bx its a thing 2022-03-21 19:28:33 bx it looks cool 2022-03-21 19:29:13 dzwdz my friend looked at some odd-sided dices today 2022-03-21 19:29:14 dzwdz weird stuff 2022-03-21 19:29:24 bx f u n s t u f f 2022-03-21 19:29:42 bx https://sophieh.itch.io/sophies-dice 2022-03-21 19:29:44 bx relevant 2022-03-21 19:29:48 juspib all dice are cool 2022-03-21 19:31:00 juspib nihilazo your question is unsolvable because "level of difference" is not a strict term 2022-03-21 19:31:09 noa it's fun though 2022-03-21 19:31:31 bx ^ 2022-03-21 19:31:34 bx so 2022-03-21 19:31:38 bx minecraft is fun 2022-03-21 19:31:44 bx nihilazo, you game cant be fun 2022-03-21 19:31:59 noa so i know it takes place on a grid 2022-03-21 19:32:02 noa but game of life? 2022-03-21 19:32:03 noa no user input 2022-03-21 19:32:07 noa not fun in itself 2022-03-21 19:32:07 juspib throwing darts seems most different to me 2022-03-21 19:32:15 noa no randomness 2022-03-21 19:32:20 bx Hm 2022-03-21 19:32:26 --> brendo_ (brendantcc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 19:32:40 juspib no grid, no squares even, there is a score count, based on agility, no way to express oneself, not fun 2022-03-21 19:32:53 bx what if you made game of life will a non uniform grid and used circles instead 2022-03-21 19:32:54 noa but darts /is/ fun 2022-03-21 19:32:57 noa to watch 2022-03-21 19:33:00 noa and like minecraft 2022-03-21 19:33:09 noa loads of people tune in to watch people play it 2022-03-21 19:33:23 bx we need something boring to watchj 2022-03-21 19:33:26 <-- brendo (brendantcc@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-21 19:33:32 noa golf 2022-03-21 19:33:38 bx yooo 2022-03-21 19:33:40 noa lots of grass 2022-03-21 19:33:41 bx we got it 2022-03-21 19:33:41 noa :/ 2022-03-21 19:33:44 noa too similar 2022-03-21 19:33:44 bx FUCK 2022-03-21 19:33:48 bx we dont got 2022-03-21 19:34:02 bx nihilazo, you think you can take gur grass out of golf? 2022-03-21 19:34:03 juspib everything shares similarities with minecraft 2022-03-21 19:34:16 juspib unfair to disqualify for that 2022-03-21 19:34:21 bx (also just wanna say that some golf games are actually sick, like gur mario ones or gur wierd ones) 2022-03-21 19:34:28 noa mario golf fucks hard 2022-03-21 19:34:32 noa and crazy golf 2022-03-21 19:34:47 noa hey what about cup and ball 2022-03-21 19:34:54 noa that's like tiny tiny golf right 2022-03-21 19:35:00 noa the essense of golf 2022-03-21 19:35:06 noa but without the grass 2022-03-21 19:35:18 juspib is cup and ball throwing a ball into a cup? 2022-03-21 19:35:28 bx kirby's dream course is a golf like imo 2022-03-21 19:35:35 bx juspib: yes 2022-03-21 19:35:36 juspib that's basically like throwing snowballs in minecraft 2022-03-21 19:35:47 bx shit. 2022-03-21 19:35:48 noa bx https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_golf 2022-03-21 19:36:08 noa oh yeah minecraft has balls 2022-03-21 19:36:17 bx wtf this actually looks fun 2022-03-21 19:36:55 noa gymnastics? do they count as games? 2022-03-21 19:37:01 bx i'd say no? 2022-03-21 19:37:05 noa rah 2022-03-21 19:37:05 dzwdz they do 2022-03-21 19:37:07 dzwdz definitely 2022-03-21 19:37:10 noa theyre in the olympic games 2022-03-21 19:37:10 bx how? 2022-03-21 19:37:14 bx Hm 2022-03-21 19:37:22 noa i knwo they feature a person, but all the skill is body manipulation that is impossible in mc 2022-03-21 19:37:31 bx True 2022-03-21 19:37:33 nihilazo hmm 2022-03-21 19:37:34 noa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Competitive_yoga 2022-03-21 19:37:36 noa lmao 2022-03-21 19:37:43 bx maybe twister is gur anti mc? 2022-03-21 19:37:56 nihilazo but they all promenantly feature the movement of people 2022-03-21 19:38:06 bx noa: thats like gur oposite of what yoga is 2022-03-21 19:38:06 nihilazo which is something minecraft has 2022-03-21 19:38:11 bx ok wait 2022-03-21 19:38:14 nihilazo I want a game that has *no* commonalities with minecraft 2022-03-21 19:38:15 nihilazo at all 2022-03-21 19:38:16 bx what if we play using ants 2022-03-21 19:38:23 juspib Any activity that provides entertainment or competition is a game 2022-03-21 19:38:27 noa im arguing that minecraft has physical movement of people, whereas these have like 2022-03-21 19:38:32 noa movement in place of people 2022-03-21 19:38:40 noa ambiguous transcendence type shit 2022-03-21 19:38:45 juspib you can crouch in minecraft, that's basically gymnastics 2022-03-21 19:39:00 bx nihilazo: eye spy 2022-03-21 19:39:07 bx no character 2022-03-21 19:39:09 bx no moving 2022-03-21 19:39:29 dzwdz > competitive yoga 2022-03-21 19:39:32 dzwdz holy shit i've found my calling 2022-03-21 19:39:56 dzwdz > The activity is controversial 2022-03-21 19:39:59 dzwdz :cowboy: 2022-03-21 19:40:12 nihilazo bx: I think eye spy is maybe the closest to an anti-minecraft 2022-03-21 19:40:20 nihilazo but it still involves scenery and/or constructed objects 2022-03-21 19:40:25 nihilazo which is in common with minecraft 2022-03-21 19:40:31 bx it doesnt *have* to 2022-03-21 19:40:43 noa does anyone speak in minecraft 2022-03-21 19:40:45 nihilazo what are you even eye spying if it is not one of those things 2022-03-21 19:40:47 juspib minecraft contains both living things and non-living things, so a game with no similarities has to have both, but all things are either living or non-living, hence this game cannot contain any signle thing; as such, the only solution is an empty set, qed 2022-03-21 19:40:51 nihilazo animals are also in minecraft 2022-03-21 19:40:59 bx nihilazo: stars? 2022-03-21 19:41:02 juspib s/have both/have neither 2022-03-21 19:41:03 sedbot <juspib> minecraft contains both living things and non-living things, so a game with no similarities has to have neither, but all things are either living or non-living, hence this game cannot contain any signle thing; as such, the only solution is an empty set, qed 2022-03-21 19:41:04 bx garbage 2022-03-21 19:41:05 noa wittgensteins language games 2022-03-21 19:41:08 nihilazo does minecraft have stars? 2022-03-21 19:41:11 nihilazo noa: lmao maybe 2022-03-21 19:41:19 nihilazo but that includes cubes 2022-03-21 19:41:22 nihilazo because of the beetle in a box 2022-03-21 19:41:27 nihilazo the box is a cube 2022-03-21 19:41:34 nihilazo or at least a box and minecraft also has boxes 2022-03-21 19:41:35 noa now youre reaching smh 2022-03-21 19:41:40 dzwdz minecraft has stars 2022-03-21 19:41:41 noa okay fair 2022-03-21 19:41:56 dzwdz how about The Game? 2022-03-21 19:42:04 noa IVE JUST LOST THE GAME 2022-03-21 19:42:05 dzwdz it's super far off from minecraft 2022-03-21 19:42:07 dzwdz noa: :) 2022-03-21 19:42:13 dzwdz someone on here made me lose it yesterday 2022-03-21 19:42:23 juspib yes noa, animals speak in minecraft in their own language 2022-03-21 19:42:30 <-- brendo_ (brendantcc@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-21 19:42:36 bx i dont know what gur game is 2022-03-21 19:42:41 --> brendo_ (brendantcc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 19:42:42 dozens i won the game long ago, so i no longer have to worry about losing it 2022-03-21 19:42:44 noa the game is not to think about the game 2022-03-21 19:42:49 noa if you think about the game 2022-03-21 19:42:49 juspib also read my previous message for a scientific answer to the question 2022-03-21 19:42:50 bx what game 2022-03-21 19:42:53 noa you have to announec it 2022-03-21 19:43:01 bx oh fuck i just thought about it 2022-03-21 19:43:07 noa yeah 2022-03-21 19:43:08 bx !fucksgiven 2022-03-21 19:43:08 pinhook bx gives exactly 317 fucks 2022-03-21 19:43:10 dzwdz science my ass 2022-03-21 19:43:13 noa wait dozens how do you win the game 2022-03-21 19:43:13 dzwdz !fucksgiven 2022-03-21 19:43:13 pinhook dzwdz gives exactly 1961 fucks 2022-03-21 19:43:19 dzwdz you don't 2022-03-21 19:43:21 dzwdz he's lying 2022-03-21 19:43:24 dzwdz there's a voucher but it's fake 2022-03-21 19:43:37 juspib you win the game whenever you say so 2022-03-21 19:43:39 noa i always trusted dozens 2022-03-21 19:43:42 noa credibility zero 2022-03-21 19:43:49 bx nihilazo: could a staring contest be anti mc? 2022-03-21 19:43:56 nihilazo hmm 2022-03-21 19:43:58 <-- bub (bub@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-21 19:44:02 nihilazo that involves eyes 2022-03-21 19:44:02 noa good shout 2022-03-21 19:44:05 nihilazo which also exist in minecraft 2022-03-21 19:44:07 noa endermen 2022-03-21 19:44:18 noa have captured the concpet of looking at people 2022-03-21 19:44:21 bx how about thumb wars 2022-03-21 19:44:23 bx no theumbs in mc 2022-03-21 19:44:24 dzwdz nihilazo: but how about The Game? 2022-03-21 19:44:27 dzwdz i think it's a good contender 2022-03-21 19:44:38 nihilazo The Game is probably the best contender so far, but it's also played online 2022-03-21 19:44:39 nihilazo like minecraft 2022-03-21 19:44:44 bx O: 2022-03-21 19:44:44 juspib the game involves thinking, minecraft alo does 2022-03-21 19:44:57 dzwdz also i've just got an idea 2022-03-21 19:44:59 dzwdz The Anti-Game 2022-03-21 19:45:02 dzwdz you win by thinking about it 2022-03-21 19:45:06 bx I WIN 2022-03-21 19:45:10 bx hahahahahhahahahahahah 2022-03-21 19:45:15 dzwdz voucher for losing 2022-03-21 19:45:36 dozens bx: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Game_(mind_game) 2022-03-21 19:46:00 bx love that someone made a damm sign for it 2022-03-21 19:46:08 bx wait, theyre gonna make other people loose with that 2022-03-21 19:46:54 bx wtf there are forums that ban it 2022-03-21 19:47:15 dzwdz hm 2022-03-21 19:47:44 dzwdz i think i'm about to ruin the day of a bunch of 4channers, brb 2022-03-21 19:47:45 bx ""DThe common rules do not define a point at which The Game ends. However, some players state that The Game ends when the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom announces on television that "The Game is up."[8] 2022-03-21 19:47:55 bx Ok boris time to start talking 2022-03-21 19:47:57 juspib dzwdz that's rude 2022-03-21 19:48:03 bx dzwdz: do it 2022-03-21 19:48:13 juspib also, please take a look at Marx's Smile http://www.surrealismus.cz/texts/textsMS.pdf 2022-03-21 19:48:17 noa dzwdz: send scrots 2022-03-21 19:48:24 bx >scrots 2022-03-21 19:48:29 bx w h y 2022-03-21 19:48:35 @natalia why would you ever voluntarily go on 4chan 2022-03-21 19:48:45 dzwdz i've just said why, to ruin their day 2022-03-21 19:48:58 dzwdz surely they won't recover from losing the game 2022-03-21 19:49:04 juspib mean 2022-03-21 19:49:04 * bx has not volunterily been on 4chan 2022-03-21 19:49:12 * bx doesnt plan on doing it 2022-03-21 19:49:15 dzwdz the "there are forums that ban it" made me think of it 2022-03-21 19:49:16 juspib i have been on 4chan only voluntarily 2022-03-21 19:49:28 juspib bx who forced u to 2022-03-21 19:49:30 dzwdz i have been to 4chan at gunpoint 2022-03-21 19:49:47 bx juspib: no one i saw it on someone else device 2022-03-21 19:50:00 noa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finchley_Central_(game) 2022-03-21 19:50:02 juspib seeing it on someone else's device is not being on it 2022-03-21 19:50:10 juspib unless you touched the device 2022-03-21 19:50:12 noa this article references a thing "a pandoras box of non games" 2022-03-21 19:50:15 noa could be promising 2022-03-21 19:50:18 dzwdz ...y'all seriously going to do that? 2022-03-21 19:50:31 juspib do what 2022-03-21 19:50:48 bx noa: llllmao 2022-03-21 19:51:01 bx Piccadilly 2022-03-21 19:52:25 dzwdz ok, the post id ends with 666 2022-03-21 19:52:28 dzwdz satan's with me on this one 2022-03-21 19:52:45 <-- brendo_ (brendantcc@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-21 19:52:53 bx niice 2022-03-21 19:52:56 --> brendo_ (brendantcc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 19:56:47 elly https://twitter.com/Catfish_Man/status/1505624754778083329 cc vilmibm 2022-03-21 19:56:53 elly a pithy formulation of something profound 2022-03-21 19:57:12 bx lol 2022-03-21 19:57:14 juspib dzwdz where did you post that 2022-03-21 19:57:58 nihilazo the question is 2022-03-21 19:58:12 nihilazo is finchley central entirely unlike minecraft 2022-03-21 19:58:18 dzwdz https://twitter.com/inthehands/status/1450702020617379840 2022-03-21 19:58:20 dzwdz lol 2022-03-21 19:58:35 dzwdz i don't think that's a game 2022-03-21 19:59:00 bx i should just return gur computer to its natural habitat 2022-03-21 19:59:11 bx and then watch it from afar as a hermit 2022-03-21 19:59:45 juspib flinchley central is based around rail, just like minecarts 2022-03-21 20:02:13 nihilazo o yeah 2022-03-21 20:02:18 nihilazo so still not entirely unlike minecraft 2022-03-21 20:03:01 bx (unrelated do yall think C function names should be on a diff line from their return types or not?) 2022-03-21 20:04:31 dzwdz nihilazo: C? 2022-03-21 20:04:40 dzwdz does C count? 2022-03-21 20:04:49 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 20:04:53 palmdrop !water 2022-03-21 20:04:53 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-03-21 20:04:55 palmdrop hey 2022-03-21 20:04:59 dzwdz soul sister 2022-03-21 20:05:01 the_default hi pslq 2022-03-21 20:05:05 the_default palmdrop: 2022-03-21 20:05:07 the_default oops 2022-03-21 20:05:28 juspib i think they should be on the same line, bx 2022-03-21 20:05:53 dzwdz i have them on the same one out of habit, but i don't mind either 2022-03-21 20:06:12 bx intresting, i usually put them on gur same line, but recently read someone elses page on thier C conventions 2022-03-21 20:06:29 bx they argued for diff lines on gur grounds of being able to 2022-03-21 20:06:35 bx grep ^function name 2022-03-21 20:06:39 bx and then always find it 2022-03-21 20:07:08 dzwdz oo 2022-03-21 20:07:41 dzwdz that's interesting 2022-03-21 20:08:09 bx https://ftrv.se/3 2022-03-21 20:08:44 bx i dont agree with it all, but it has some intresting points 2022-03-21 20:13:18 juspib better idea: put a space before defining the arguments, so you can grep "function name (" 2022-03-21 20:13:41 dzwdz best idea: 2022-03-21 20:13:53 dzwdz function_name/*DEFINITION*/( 2022-03-21 20:14:02 juspib no that's cringe 2022-03-21 20:14:42 --> katie (katie@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 20:14:46 juspib hi katie 2022-03-21 20:14:50 katie hello 2022-03-21 20:14:56 katie whats up 2022-03-21 20:14:57 dzwdz \o 2022-03-21 20:15:22 bx \O 2022-03-21 20:16:15 juspib there was some talk about calculators yesterday and i think making a calculator would be a fun thing to do 2022-03-21 20:16:27 nihilazo dzwdz: is C a game? 2022-03-21 20:16:42 dzwdz well all games are outright disqualified 2022-03-21 20:16:46 dzwdz because minecraft is also a game 2022-03-21 20:17:07 juspib all things with names are also disqualified since minecraft has a name 2022-03-21 20:17:25 juspib or a title rather 2022-03-21 20:18:17 bx tfw opengl just lets me make a 2x2 texture, no quesions asked 2022-03-21 20:18:48 nihilazo why wouldn't it 2022-03-21 20:18:51 bx idk 2022-03-21 20:18:59 bx i expected an error for some reason 2022-03-21 20:19:05 bx and yet 2022-03-21 20:19:19 nihilazo dzwdz: well I said a game most unlike minecraft 2022-03-21 20:19:27 dzwdz well, The Game then 2022-03-21 20:19:29 nihilazo so it has to be a game 2022-03-21 20:19:30 dzwdz find a single similarity 2022-03-21 20:19:40 nihilazo they both are played online 2022-03-21 20:20:00 bx eye spy ftw 2022-03-21 20:20:00 dzwdz eh? 2022-03-21 20:20:06 dzwdz minecraft can be played offline 2022-03-21 20:20:10 dzwdz the game isn't played online 2022-03-21 20:20:14 dzwdz the game is played in your head 2022-03-21 20:20:52 nihilazo I think the game is further from minecraft than eye spy 2022-03-21 20:20:57 nihilazo because eyes are important in minecraft 2022-03-21 20:21:00 juspib "introducing an online element affects the gameplay of both games" then 2022-03-21 20:21:04 nihilazo and there's an advancement in minecraft called "eye spy" 2022-03-21 20:21:13 bx nihilazo: fiar 2022-03-21 20:23:08 bx gur colors i get on 2x2 are actually nice https://ttm.sh/iaq.44.png 2022-03-21 20:23:27 dzwdz oo 2022-03-21 20:23:29 dzwdz pretty 2022-03-21 20:23:51 bx "vec2 xy = gl_FragCoord.xy;\n" 2022-03-21 20:23:53 bx "out_color = vec4(sin(xy.x), sin(xy.y), sin(xy.x) + sin(xy.y), 1);\n" 2022-03-21 20:24:16 dzwdz speaking of pretty 2022-03-21 20:24:18 dzwdz my nails 2022-03-21 20:24:27 bx you paint em a non dead color? 2022-03-21 20:24:46 dzwdz black 2022-03-21 20:24:52 bx Niiiice 2022-03-21 20:24:53 dzwdz they're a bit longer than before 2022-03-21 20:25:01 dzwdz the ones on the pinkies are super nice 2022-03-21 20:25:05 dzwdz thin and long 2022-03-21 20:25:21 bx black is such a decent nail color 2022-03-21 20:25:53 noa speaking of pretty 2022-03-21 20:25:55 noa my nipples 2022-03-21 20:26:00 noa less blood now 2022-03-21 20:26:27 dzwdz is that supposed to be a positive 2022-03-21 20:27:22 bx >blood 2022-03-21 20:27:24 dzwdz wait why were your nipples bleeding 2022-03-21 20:27:28 bx chafing? 2022-03-21 20:27:35 dzwdz chawhat 2022-03-21 20:27:36 bx i've experienced it 2022-03-21 20:27:39 bx it fucking sucks 2022-03-21 20:27:52 dzwdz what 2022-03-21 20:28:30 nihilazo what the hell is chafing bad enough that your nipples bleed 2022-03-21 20:28:40 dzwdz what the hell is chafing 2022-03-21 20:28:54 juspib my blood hurts 2022-03-21 20:28:55 dzwdz god what unsee 2022-03-21 20:28:59 nihilazo when clothes irritate your skin dzwdz 2022-03-21 20:29:10 nihilazo chafing 2022-03-21 20:29:30 dzwdz the fuck kind of clothing are y'all wearing 2022-03-21 20:29:49 juspib a jeans jacket with nothing under it obviously 2022-03-21 20:30:12 noa got them pierced the otehr day 2022-03-21 20:30:19 dzwdz oh right 2022-03-21 20:30:22 猫 hello 2022-03-21 20:30:31 noa i knew a person whos nipples chafed a lot 2022-03-21 20:30:35 noa when they did sport 2022-03-21 20:30:40 juspib hello 猫 2022-03-21 20:30:49 noa hey 猫 2022-03-21 20:30:50 dzwdz that's disguisting 2022-03-21 20:30:57 猫 what did I do 2022-03-21 20:31:15 dzwdz no no 2022-03-21 20:31:18 dzwdz you didn't do anything 2022-03-21 20:31:22 dzwdz but noa's nipples are bleeding 2022-03-21 20:31:38 noa no they are not 2022-03-21 20:31:41 noa not anymore 2022-03-21 20:31:52 noa but nipple play is out for 9-12months 2022-03-21 20:32:10 dzwdz thanks for telling us 2022-03-21 20:32:23 dzwdz we mourn your loss 2022-03-21 20:32:54 juspib so sad, i can't play with noa's nips 2022-03-21 20:33:04 dzwdz DD: 2022-03-21 20:33:33 dzwdz do you think it was worth it in the end? 2022-03-21 20:33:50 elly bx: I shifted recentlyish from return type on same line to return type on different line and I think I like the latter better 2022-03-21 20:33:57 elly being able to search for ^name is great 2022-03-21 20:34:49 bx hmm 2022-03-21 20:34:51 dzwdz vim has some builtin grep interface, right? 2022-03-21 20:34:53 dzwdz that'd be nice for this 2022-03-21 20:34:59 dzwdz i usually just C-z into my normal shell to grep 2022-03-21 20:35:12 elly I want to navigate to the function definition when I do it 2022-03-21 20:35:17 elly so it's like, /^name/ 2022-03-21 20:35:30 dzwdz oh i meant grep across files 2022-03-21 20:35:40 dzwdz but yeah that's actually super neat 2022-03-21 20:36:20 <-- scifi (scifi@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-21 20:36:36 noa i think i only ever use grep to filter find 2022-03-21 20:36:42 noa and i think that's actually built into find 2022-03-21 20:36:43 noa so 2022-03-21 20:36:45 bx i might try diff lines 2022-03-21 20:40:52 <-- katie (katie@localhost) has quit (Quit) 2022-03-21 20:42:15 bx also gonna go get tea + bagel 2022-03-21 20:43:50 <-- deltarae (deltarae@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-21 20:45:20 juspib have a tasty bagel 2022-03-21 20:49:27 --> deltarae (deltarae@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 20:54:04 <-- deltarae (deltarae@localhost) has quit (Quit: ERC (IRC client for Emacs 27.2)) 2022-03-21 21:04:40 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 21:14:14 nihilazo noa: o you got them pierced, cool 2022-03-21 21:14:19 * nihilazo wants to get more piercings 2022-03-21 21:15:32 dzwdz do you have ear piercings? 2022-03-21 21:15:38 nihilazo I don't, I just have a septum 2022-03-21 21:15:54 nihilazo I want to get ear lobe piercings at least. probably some more facial ones too 2022-03-21 21:15:55 dzwdz like i'm considering getting some ear piercings 2022-03-21 21:15:57 dzwdz but idk 2022-03-21 21:15:59 nihilazo dunno, still deciding 2022-03-21 21:16:12 nihilazo the one thing I would say is to get them done at a piercing place by somebody qualified 2022-03-21 21:16:18 nihilazo don't get them done with a piercing gun 2022-03-21 21:16:18 dzwdz duh 2022-03-21 21:16:31 nihilazo so many people get their ears pierced at places like claires 2022-03-21 21:16:36 nihilazo it's just asking for trouble 2022-03-21 21:16:46 dzwdz why do you think i know what that is 2022-03-21 21:17:18 nihilazo basically, get it done by somebody who is a body piercer and knows what they're doing and can do the piercing with a needle 2022-03-21 21:17:35 nihilazo because places like claires (jewlery stores) will often offer ear piercings, sometimes even for free 2022-03-21 21:17:49 nihilazo but it's a shop assistant doing it with a piercing gun and they are very likely to develop problems 2022-03-21 21:18:01 dzwdz as in, the assistant? 2022-03-21 21:18:07 nihilazo the piercings 2022-03-21 21:19:28 bx til 2022-03-21 21:19:54 bx i dont think id want to get a piercing from someone unless their face is at least 10% metal 2022-03-21 21:21:35 noa yoo nico you havea septum? 2022-03-21 21:21:38 noa thats cool 2022-03-21 21:21:38 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-21 21:21:41 nihilazo it's the only one I have rn 2022-03-21 21:21:42 nihilazo I want more 2022-03-21 21:21:55 noa yeah i finally got round to getting them, was v worth it 2022-03-21 21:22:10 noa dzwdz: ear piercings are worth getting 2022-03-21 21:22:18 bx is it possible to pain twitch in a way that fucks it up? 2022-03-21 21:22:35 noa probably, but unlikely 2022-03-21 21:22:36 dzwdz dude fuck why did you mention it 2022-03-21 21:22:37 nihilazo the barbell in my septum rn is a bit smal 2022-03-21 21:22:39 dzwdz now i'll be anxious 2022-03-21 21:22:40 nihilazo s/smal/small/ 2022-03-21 21:22:41 sedbot <nihilazo> the barbell in my septum rn is a bit small 2022-03-21 21:22:42 bx sorry 2022-03-21 21:22:50 nihilazo but I'm gonna change it out in a bit 2022-03-21 21:22:53 bx was like wondering from my own standpoint 2022-03-21 21:23:00 bx i got a tendancy to twitch 2022-03-21 21:23:02 nihilazo still waiting for my 3mo period where you're not meant to change it to be up 2022-03-21 21:23:26 bx how do you like, wash 2022-03-21 21:23:31 nihilazo the piercing? 2022-03-21 21:23:33 bx yea 2022-03-21 21:23:39 nihilazo spray 2022-03-21 21:23:42 bx or is that not something people do? 2022-03-21 21:23:44 bx oh 2022-03-21 21:23:49 bx That's cleve 2022-03-21 21:23:51 bx r 2022-03-21 21:23:57 nihilazo yeah i got a bottle of aftercare spray, you have to wash it daily at first 2022-03-21 21:23:59 nihilazo while it heals 2022-03-21 21:24:06 nihilazo then it's less of a thing but I'd still wash it 2022-03-21 21:24:16 dzwdz NO FUCK 2022-03-21 21:24:21 dzwdz i looked up male piercings again 2022-03-21 21:24:23 dzwdz why is it called that 2022-03-21 21:24:25 dzwdz fuck off 2022-03-21 21:24:49 bx browsers should let us set warnings for search terms 2022-03-21 21:24:53 nihilazo lemme guess, you found people with piercings in their junk lol 2022-03-21 21:24:57 bx so we dont repeat our mistakes 2022-03-21 21:25:01 dzwdz i have safe search on 2022-03-21 21:25:04 bx so 2022-03-21 21:25:06 dzwdz so i'm still pure 2022-03-21 21:25:10 dzwdz but i remembered that it's a thing 2022-03-21 21:25:12 dzwdz and ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2022-03-21 21:25:15 bx like safe search does anything 2022-03-21 21:25:29 bx I mean whatever floats peoples boats 2022-03-21 21:26:17 l0010o0001l BLAHHHHHHHHH 2022-03-21 21:26:28 bx bluuuuurghghgjh 2022-03-21 21:26:32 dzwdz oh wow 2022-03-21 21:26:38 dzwdz helix piercings can take up to a year to heal? 2022-03-21 21:26:45 bx helix? 2022-03-21 21:26:54 dzwdz back of ear 2022-03-21 21:27:02 noa the non lobe ear piercings take foreverr 2022-03-21 21:27:03 bx ooo 2022-03-21 21:27:19 bx wait wtf we can have structs in shaders 2022-03-21 21:27:25 l0010o0001l documenting the problems and solutions of a fucked/busted system can kiss my ass 2022-03-21 21:27:25 bx how tf did i not know this 2022-03-21 21:27:37 bx l0010o0001l: you mean like code or society? 2022-03-21 21:27:39 l0010o0001l i am taking an entire day to do this it is such crap 2022-03-21 21:27:49 l0010o0001l bx: i mean like busted ass salesforce 2022-03-21 21:27:57 l0010o0001l the worst POS i have ever used 2022-03-21 21:27:57 bx salesforce? 2022-03-21 21:28:02 bx Oh 2022-03-21 21:28:16 l0010o0001l yes salesforce, who makes shit tons of money selling garbage software 2022-03-21 21:28:27 l0010o0001l the one dick in the sky skyscraper in SF 2022-03-21 21:28:28 dzwdz noa: did the ear piercings hurt? 2022-03-21 21:28:38 dzwdz WAIT 2022-03-21 21:28:39 bx l0010o0001l: why are you documenting it? 2022-03-21 21:28:44 dzwdz while they'll be healing 2022-03-21 21:28:45 l0010o0001l "dreamforce" is their conference 2022-03-21 21:28:49 bx ... 2022-03-21 21:28:50 dzwdz that'll prevent me from wearing headphones right 2022-03-21 21:28:54 l0010o0001l bx: because i was dumb and generous one day and volunteered to help 2022-03-21 21:29:06 bx Dreamforce sounds like some kind of codename'd information extraction device 2022-03-21 21:29:16 bx dzwdz: get one done at a time? 2022-03-21 21:29:24 bx or use off ears? 2022-03-21 21:29:24 * l0010o0001l gigglezz 2022-03-21 21:29:35 bx l0010o0001l: help someone who uses it? 2022-03-21 21:29:43 bx or gur thing itself 2022-03-21 21:29:48 l0010o0001l bx: yeah a team of 25 people 2022-03-21 21:29:53 bx ooo 2022-03-21 21:29:58 l0010o0001l fuck 2022-03-21 21:30:01 l0010o0001l wateva 2022-03-21 21:30:05 bx At least there was generosity combined with gur dumbness 2022-03-21 21:30:12 l0010o0001l yeah at least 2022-03-21 21:30:21 bx generosity sometimes like decides to choke rationality out for a bit 2022-03-21 21:30:30 l0010o0001l TRUE 2022-03-21 21:30:32 l0010o0001l XD 2022-03-21 21:30:36 noa dzwdz: basically not at all 2022-03-21 21:30:42 noa and they didn't bleed 2022-03-21 21:30:44 dzwdz how about the healing part? 2022-03-21 21:31:33 dzwdz i'm worried that i'll be unable to wear headphones 2022-03-21 21:31:45 noa i went to a professional place where they used some sort of piercing gun, there was a concentrated jab for less than a second, then it was done. no pain after that 2022-03-21 21:31:46 dzwdz also does it break if i don't wear any piercings for a while? 2022-03-21 21:31:58 noa where do you want? itll be more painful not in the lobes 2022-03-21 21:32:03 noa also yes 2022-03-21 21:32:05 noa sort of 2022-03-21 21:32:22 bx l0010o0001l: there was a shop going out of bussiness near by once, i heard they apparently sell everything for liquidation, so i wondered if i could buy gur till itself, but it like closed fully before i built up gur gusto to actually check it out 2022-03-21 21:32:24 dzwdz i suppose i can just get it pierced again 2022-03-21 21:32:26 noa for lobes, you shouldnt change the piercing for a few months, i forget the exact amount 2022-03-21 21:32:33 noa then you can take them out 2022-03-21 21:32:37 dzwdz so i'm supposed to keep the piercing in there at all times? 2022-03-21 21:32:40 noa i've gone a few weeks without 2022-03-21 21:32:47 dzwdz that sounds like it'd cause problems 2022-03-21 21:32:48 noa but it'll start to close up eventually 2022-03-21 21:32:52 noa only for the start 2022-03-21 21:32:55 bx ^ 2022-03-21 21:33:02 dzwdz but like, a few months? 2022-03-21 21:33:05 dzwdz that's a lot 2022-03-21 21:33:10 bx my mum's nose stud holes close completely after a couple years 2022-03-21 21:33:12 nihilazo you're meant to keep it in at the start for a while but then you can have it out 2022-03-21 21:33:30 nihilazo it will close up again after a while but you can get it redone if you want 2022-03-21 21:33:57 dzwdz ok so 2022-03-21 21:34:06 dzwdz 1. it's late and i still haven't done shit so i'm logging out in a short while 2022-03-21 21:34:28 dzwdz 2. all the details are kinda discouraging, so i'm probably going to not do that for now 2022-03-21 21:34:34 dzwdz so for now cyall 2022-03-21 21:34:36 nihilazo cya 2022-03-21 21:34:44 noa byeo 2022-03-21 21:34:45 nihilazo and yeah piercings are less appealing the more you learn about them tbh 2022-03-21 21:34:57 nihilazo but since getting one I want more bc I like how they look 2022-03-21 21:35:00 nihilazo and I can deal with the rest 2022-03-21 21:35:09 noa yeah 2022-03-21 21:35:37 nihilazo I was super scared to get my septum but I like it 2022-03-21 21:36:12 nihilazo there are some I like the look of but wouldn't get, like a bridge piercing 2022-03-21 21:36:20 nihilazo because they have a lot of chance to go wrong, relatively 2022-03-21 21:36:54 nihilazo anyways, yeah 2022-03-21 21:37:04 bx gn dzwdz 2022-03-21 21:37:34 noa i might get seconds 2022-03-21 21:37:39 noa but currently im content 2022-03-21 21:37:44 bx like food 2022-03-21 21:37:48 noa next step is tattoos 2022-03-21 21:37:56 noa bx: another hole in each lobe 2022-03-21 21:38:44 bx oh 2022-03-21 21:39:11 bx man i gotta step up my hacking and get my glutes in shape so i can get my first tattoo 2022-03-21 21:39:18 bx oh and find a tattoo artist friend 2022-03-21 21:40:19 bx noa: what are you gonna get as a tattoo? 2022-03-21 21:41:46 nihilazo rn my feeling on tattoos is that I think they look cool but I wouldn't get one, although I thought the same about a septum piercing for a while 2022-03-21 21:42:11 nihilazo the thing for tattoos for me is that I have so many friends who have tattoos they have wanted to cover up or get removed or tattoo mistakes 2022-03-21 21:42:26 nihilazo and I think dealing with having a tattoo I don't like would be worse for me than not having one I did like 2022-03-21 21:42:44 nihilazo but I do think they can look pretty awesome 2022-03-21 21:43:56 dzwdz if i'm going to get tattoos 2022-03-21 21:44:03 dzwdz i'm definitely making the first one a super embarassing one 2022-03-21 21:44:13 noa bx: so the plan is, if i am allowed into china, get chen jie to do an inkwash of some chinese mountains, something like "poet on a mountaintop" 2022-03-21 21:44:16 noa https://www.instagram.com/chenjie.newtattoo/ 2022-03-21 21:44:25 dzwdz it's the same as journaling, i get out the most embarassing shit first to get rid of the mental block 2022-03-21 21:44:41 dzwdz noa: o, those are pretty 2022-03-21 21:44:41 noa alternatively some kind of watercolour plants, like some of the pictures on that account 2022-03-21 21:44:48 dzwdz the 6th one with the black rose 2022-03-21 21:44:52 dzwdz so dope 2022-03-21 21:45:04 noa yup 2022-03-21 21:45:05 dzwdz the foam on the 10th one looks so realistic 2022-03-21 21:45:18 noa https://www.instagram.com/p/CYouf2bvunN/ 2022-03-21 21:45:19 noa i like this one 2022-03-21 21:45:25 dzwdz actually it kinda looks like an album cover 2022-03-21 21:45:51 nihilazo o these are pretty 2022-03-21 21:45:59 nihilazo they look very different to the tattoo style I'm used to seeing 2022-03-21 21:46:02 noa yeah 2022-03-21 21:46:06 noa im very picky about tattoo style 2022-03-21 21:46:14 noa but i saw this watercolour stuff 2022-03-21 21:46:17 bx noa: oh nice 2022-03-21 21:46:18 noa and reall like 2022-03-21 21:46:35 bx meanwhile i want numbers lmao 2022-03-21 21:46:41 dzwdz i'm going to get "western idiot" in japanese tattooed somewhere 2022-03-21 21:46:45 bx (well also monsters) 2022-03-21 21:46:51 bx dzwdz: yoooo 2022-03-21 21:47:06 dzwdz unregistered hypercam 2022-03-21 21:47:11 bx PFT 2022-03-21 21:47:25 nihilazo I would get some tattoos but like, life is a long time and there's only so many times you can get a coverup 2022-03-21 21:47:29 nihilazo I also don't know what of 2022-03-21 21:47:34 dzwdz dude 2022-03-21 21:47:35 dzwdz you 2022-03-21 21:47:36 noa !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-8E4Nirh9s 2022-03-21 21:47:37 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Caramella Girls - Caramelldansen HD Version (Swedish Original) Official 2022-03-21 21:47:38 dzwdz just made me realize 2022-03-21 21:47:40 dzwdz fucking 2022-03-21 21:47:42 dzwdz fangs 2022-03-21 21:47:45 nihilazo and I'm scared of tattoo guns too so like 2022-03-21 21:47:45 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-21 21:47:50 dzwdz that's one i'd fucking regret down the line 2022-03-21 21:47:50 nihilazo I don't think I'll get any 2022-03-21 21:47:54 nihilazo but I think they're cool 2022-03-21 21:48:04 nihilazo like, getting fangs? 2022-03-21 21:48:09 dzwdz yeah 2022-03-21 21:48:11 dzwdz as i've said 2022-03-21 21:48:17 dzwdz i should get "western idiot" tattooed first 2022-03-21 21:48:27 dzwdz to stop the negative thinking 2022-03-21 21:48:30 dzwdz then i can do whatever 2022-03-21 21:48:34 nihilazo that's an interesting tactic, deliberately getting the most embarrassing tattoo first 2022-03-21 21:48:46 nihilazo I'd rather not have an embarrassing tattoo personally 2022-03-21 21:48:50 dzwdz sperm bank 2022-03-21 21:49:08 dzwdz tattoo that on my knuckles 2022-03-21 21:49:10 nihilazo but I 100% support this (as long as it's what you want to do and you consider it, ofc. Impulse tattoos are a bad idea) 2022-03-21 21:49:41 dzwdz i'll tattoo a cheatsheet for how the horsey moves 2022-03-21 21:49:46 nihilazo another few basic tattoo rules (imo): no fandom tattoos, nothing that is matching or a pair with something somebody else has, no names 2022-03-21 21:49:47 bx meanwhile ill be researching what patterns they degrade in and similating font readability 2022-03-21 21:49:51 dzwdz will give me an edge 2022-03-21 21:49:58 nihilazo because those are all things that can go very bad 2022-03-21 21:50:03 bx Trueeee 2022-03-21 21:50:03 dzwdz > nothing that is matching or a pair with something somebody else has 2022-03-21 21:50:05 dzwdz M. no friends 2022-03-21 21:50:10 bx like that guy who god rip brain 2022-03-21 21:50:36 bx i mean, friendships can go bad if someone turns out to be like a murderer or likes mayo or something 2022-03-21 21:50:43 nihilazo I have friends who got harry potter tattoos and I have friends who got tattoos with bfs that they then had bad breakups with 2022-03-21 21:50:46 nihilazo you don't want either of those 2022-03-21 21:51:09 bx tattoo places should refuse to do relationship based ones 2022-03-21 21:51:13 bx unless ur partner is dead 2022-03-21 21:51:24 bx they cant really wrong you then 2022-03-21 21:51:29 bx or vice versa 2022-03-21 21:51:35 dzwdz another reason why you should date vampires 2022-03-21 21:51:37 dzwdz <3 2022-03-21 21:51:44 dzwdz wait did you just suggestt tattooing a corpse 2022-03-21 21:51:56 bx No 2022-03-21 21:52:01 bx i meant you cant wrong them 2022-03-21 21:52:05 bx cuase they dead 2022-03-21 21:52:28 bx but i 100% condone having a cool tatoo added onto my corpse 2022-03-21 21:52:40 nihilazo I'd totally get some postmortem tattoos 2022-03-21 21:52:40 nihilazo lol 2022-03-21 21:52:48 nihilazo if that was a thing 2022-03-21 21:52:54 dzwdz draw a dick on me 2022-03-21 21:53:06 dzwdz an arrow to the neck and BITE HERE 2022-03-21 21:53:12 elly I would guess you could put that into a will, nihilazo 2022-03-21 21:53:15 nihilazo I have a friend who got a tattoo of a compass basically on his 18th as soon as he could 2022-03-21 21:53:21 nihilazo it doesn't look bad 2022-03-21 21:53:28 nihilazo but I'm just feeling like 2022-03-21 21:53:39 nihilazo how long until you realise that you got a random tattoo of a compass for no reason on your 18th 2022-03-21 21:53:40 nihilazo lo 2022-03-21 21:53:43 nihilazo s/lo/lol 2022-03-21 21:53:43 sedbot <nihilazo> lol 2022-03-21 21:53:46 dzwdz hey, now he'll never lose direction 2022-03-21 21:54:01 nihilazo I feel like tattoos would have to have meaning for me to ever get one 2022-03-21 21:54:10 nihilazo (if I wasn't also scared by the fundemental idea of getting one) 2022-03-21 21:54:29 dzwdz i've just got a terrible idea 2022-03-21 21:54:47 dzwdz ya know marceline in adventure time 2022-03-21 21:54:53 dzwdz how she has the two bite marks on her neck forever 2022-03-21 21:55:00 bx well 2022-03-21 21:55:07 bx nvm spoilers 2022-03-21 21:55:10 dzwdz at least i'm assuming that based on pics 2022-03-21 21:55:13 dzwdz i never watched the show 2022-03-21 21:55:18 bx watch it 2022-03-21 21:55:20 bx watch it 2022-03-21 21:55:22 bx watch it 2022-03-21 21:55:28 dzwdz i'm too mortal to use time for shows 2022-03-21 21:55:36 dzwdz i instead stare at my pc screen doing nothing for weeks 2022-03-21 21:55:44 bx same thing 2022-03-21 21:57:55 bx i got uniforms going 2022-03-21 21:58:07 bx now watch me shamelessly rip off shadertoy 2022-03-21 21:58:57 nihilazo I should probably go to sleep 2022-03-21 21:59:00 nihilazo maybe that's a good id 2022-03-21 21:59:02 nihilazo s/id/idea/ 2022-03-21 21:59:03 sedbot <nihilazo> maybe that's a good idea 2022-03-21 22:00:04 nihilazo gn town 2022-03-21 22:00:08 dzwdz gn 2022-03-21 22:00:26 bx gn 2022-03-21 22:02:16 bx dzwdz: try gur current sdfps code 2022-03-21 22:02:19 bx it looks nice 2022-03-21 22:02:40 bx (also wanna know if it breaks on other peoples gpus) 2022-03-21 22:04:39 --> janemba (janemba@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 22:05:22 bx (assuming ur on a pc, and like if u want to) 2022-03-21 22:06:55 bx \o janemba 2022-03-21 22:07:34 janemba hi 2022-03-21 22:08:01 bx how goes? 2022-03-21 22:08:06 janemba good and you ? 2022-03-21 22:09:08 bx tinda tired + sleepy gonna get ready for bed after some streches and a bit more gl programming 2022-03-21 22:09:13 bx do you make anything? 2022-03-21 22:12:18 janemba no going to bed :-D 2022-03-21 22:13:01 bx ?? 2022-03-21 22:14:22 juspib have some good sleepo 2022-03-21 22:15:09 * bx isnt going to bed *yet( 2022-03-21 22:15:11 bx * 2022-03-21 22:15:21 bx (or did u mean dz?_ 2022-03-21 22:24:47 bx ok *now* im sleeping, gn everyone 2022-03-21 22:31:14 --> asm (asm@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-21 22:31:33 asm I think I'm back 2022-03-21 22:37:06 asm can someone please try sending a test email to anton@techbin.org? 2022-03-21 22:44:02 elly asm: sent :) 2022-03-21 22:56:44 asm got it 2022-03-21 23:02:46 猫 nihilazo I'm not watering your plant anymore because apparently it's dead and I didn't kill it 2022-03-21 23:03:04 noa i need to sleep 2022-03-21 23:03:18 noa but i dont want to shut the computer because im in the middle of some *pirating* 2022-03-21 23:03:59 noa of albums i have bought 2022-03-21 23:05:47 猫 I need to sleep, and I should sleep, but I'm watching comically long youtube videos 2022-03-21 23:06:35 noa i just watched the jan misali video on caramella girls 2022-03-21 23:06:43 noa after binging caramella girls 2022-03-21 23:06:51 noa what videos you watching? 2022-03-21 23:07:15 猫 quinton reviews' series on nicklodeon sitcoms 2022-03-21 23:07:20 猫 aka shows I've never seen 2022-03-21 23:07:25 noa ah 2022-03-21 23:07:33 noa yeah im not versed in nicklodeon sitcoms 2022-03-21 23:07:33 猫 I am halfway through the 2nd part of the victorious mini-series 2022-03-21 23:07:36 猫 which is 8 horus long 2022-03-21 23:07:42 猫 that's just the second part 2022-03-21 23:07:50 猫 nao me neither! 2022-03-21 23:08:02 猫 I hadn't heard of or watched any of the shows he's talking about until watching the videos 2022-03-21 23:08:18 猫 but now I've like, started watching it, I can't just like stop 2022-03-21 23:08:23 猫 so 4 hours left on this video 2022-03-21 23:08:40 猫 then I can... do anything else 2022-03-21 23:08:43 猫 rambling sorry 2022-03-21 23:11:13 noa its okay 2022-03-21 23:11:16 noa i know the feelin 2022-03-21 23:11:22 noa im watching pet shop boys live sets atm 2022-03-21 23:27:49 猫 I'm watching the video while gambling in stardew valley 2022-03-21 23:30:53 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-21 23:42:18 alliesanders omg, I've seen PSB live in Salt Lake City (okay, West Valley) 2022-03-21 23:43:19 asm I think botany needs to be opened or visisted on town or something 2022-03-21 23:43:42 alliesanders The Performance concert film was formative for me in my 20's 2022-03-21 23:43:43 asm pinhook waters alone don't reset the death timer or something, unless that was patched or nonexistant 2022-03-22 00:21:58 --> malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-22 00:28:38 malvarma !talklike 2022-03-22 00:28:38 pinhook yeah i liked those sorts of decisions in real life dungeon 2022-03-22 00:30:23 malvarma !talklike 2022-03-22 00:30:23 pinhook signal has a few years ago, but i like those times. 2022-03-22 00:30:32 malvarma i dont 2022-03-22 00:30:37 malvarma !talklike 2022-03-22 00:30:38 pinhook that means you're the best webcam. got it in lynx :/ 2022-03-22 00:31:07 --> tahnok (tahnok@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-22 00:31:15 tahnok evening ~town~ 2022-03-22 00:31:24 malvarma o/ 2022-03-22 00:32:24 malvarma !talklike 2022-03-22 00:32:24 pinhook sorry for the next time 2022-03-22 00:32:57 malvarma it's wise to just apologize from the get go. it only gets worse with time 2022-03-22 00:36:09 tahnok it's like those things you could buy from the church 2022-03-22 00:36:18 tahnok if you pre-appologize you can do whatever you want 2022-03-22 00:36:45 malvarma tahnok: you mean carbon credits? 2022-03-22 00:38:18 tahnok Indulgences, but same thing I guess 2022-03-22 00:39:31 malvarma my primary indulgence is chocolate milk. 2022-03-22 00:40:25 malvarma how are you tahnok 2022-03-22 00:41:01 tahnok I'm good 2022-03-22 00:41:13 tahnok got some tea, got some C 2022-03-22 00:41:16 malvarma its good to be good 2022-03-22 00:41:21 malvarma what kind of tea? 2022-03-22 00:41:39 tahnok decaf green tea 2022-03-22 00:41:47 malvarma solid choice 2022-03-22 00:42:10 tahnok bit of a staple in this house 2022-03-22 00:42:41 malvarma is it holding the house together? 2022-03-22 00:43:23 tahnok metaphorically, somewhat 2022-03-22 00:43:27 tahnok physically, no 2022-03-22 00:43:42 malvarma my favorite tea blend is earl grey, but i love genmaicha 2022-03-22 00:44:13 tahnok I do love me some earl grey 2022-03-22 00:44:35 malvarma my house is entirely made of metaphors, thankfully 2022-03-22 00:44:51 tahnok I hope it's not made of glass metaphors 2022-03-22 00:45:37 tahnok how are you doing malvarma ? 2022-03-22 00:45:48 malvarma na, mostly dead metaphors 2022-03-22 00:46:07 malvarma ready, willing, and stable 2022-03-22 00:48:10 tahnok dead by natural causes I hope? 2022-03-22 00:48:51 malvarma im afraid not 2022-03-22 00:49:03 asm hi malvarma 2022-03-22 00:49:53 malvarma hello asm how are you 2022-03-22 00:50:34 asm I'm doing okay, apart from some DNS cache issues 2022-03-22 00:51:56 malvarma oh dear, are you taking something for it? 2022-03-22 00:51:58 tahnok it's always DNS 2022-03-22 00:52:21 malvarma i hope it's something that works itself out over time 2022-03-22 00:52:44 malvarma until then, you can switch DNS servers and pretend it's working everywhere else! 2022-03-22 00:58:26 asm I'm also trying to decide on whether having a "professional" web presence (so to speak) is worth it 2022-03-22 00:58:42 malvarma whats your profession? 2022-03-22 00:59:51 asm I never had a job for it, but I'm currently attending university for computer information systems (programming) 2022-03-22 01:00:28 malvarma hmm, good question 2022-03-22 01:00:51 malvarma what kind of web presense are you thinking of having? 2022-03-22 01:01:16 malvarma And would this presence be separate from other identities you have? 2022-03-22 01:15:02 asm also I've been thinking of moving from software development and focusing more on it services 2022-03-22 01:21:53 asm on the topic of careers 2022-03-22 01:24:18 asm what can I do to make my resume look nicer/more readable? http://antonmcclure.org/resume.pdf 2022-03-22 01:24:57 asm the current design was from https://github.com/sb2nov/resume/ (Sourabh Bajaj) 2022-03-22 01:25:01 elly it's perfectly readable imo 2022-03-22 01:25:07 elly love the style 2022-03-22 01:25:09 elly simple, classic 2022-03-22 01:25:58 asm a while back, someone had suggested I use sans serif fonts on the headings, but I kind of think it looks okay 2022-03-22 01:26:05 asm as-is 2022-03-22 01:26:13 elly that's just down to taste I think 2022-03-22 01:26:17 elly it looks fine to me 2022-03-22 01:31:10 malvarma oh asm you are anton! 2022-03-22 01:32:49 malvarma while im not an expert in graphic design, i do know "something" about it. and your resume looks good 2022-03-22 01:33:57 tahnok ok, time for me to step away from the computer for the evening 2022-03-22 01:33:59 tahnok night all 2022-03-22 01:34:03 malvarma gn tahnok 2022-03-22 01:34:17 <-- tahnok (tahnok@localhost) has quit (Quit: leet dreams) 2022-03-22 01:35:36 malvarma asm: my advice on your resume. It looks very good as is, so i wouldn't change much. I dont think it needs a sans serif font, because you do a good job making the headings distinct with caps and font size 2022-03-22 01:36:01 malvarma you could try adding a little more spacing between each line. I say this because to my eyes it looks a tad cramped, and you do have more room on the page to work with 2022-03-22 01:36:54 malvarma it also looks like the font size is smaller in the bullet points on the second and third section, compared with the first. I dont think there's any reason it needs to be a different size, so for consistency I'd make them the same 2022-03-22 01:38:15 malvarma the use of latex, and the computer modern typeface is very appropriate for a programmer. i like that 2022-03-22 01:48:43 elly ya, same 2022-03-22 01:49:50 malvarma elly: o/ 2022-03-22 01:50:23 elly hello :) 2022-03-22 01:50:36 malvarma how are you 2022-03-22 01:50:48 elly very good! video game time over here 2022-03-22 01:51:03 malvarma oh i hope im not interrupting. good game i presume? 2022-03-22 01:51:09 elly not at all 2022-03-22 01:51:13 elly and: Eve Online, my usual MMO 2022-03-22 01:51:32 malvarma woah you play that? holy shit... is it as crazy as the stuff i read about it? 2022-03-22 01:51:41 malvarma it sounds more complex than the real world 2022-03-22 02:00:09 elly I do! I don't think it is crazy really but it is a very deep game 2022-03-22 02:00:17 elly and I've been playing it for about a decade now 2022-03-22 02:00:52 elly almost exactly a decade actually 2022-03-22 02:00:54 malvarma do mmo games tend to last that long? i have never played an mmo, but i have heard of some that have already come and gone 2022-03-22 02:00:56 elly it is a lot of fun :) 2022-03-22 02:01:00 elly some of them do, most don't 2022-03-22 02:01:04 elly World of Warcraft is older 2022-03-22 02:01:28 malvarma world of warcraft is still around!? woah 2022-03-22 02:02:07 elly it is! 2022-03-22 02:02:09 elly like 19 years in 2022-03-22 02:02:45 @natalia free jazz hour! 2022-03-22 02:02:47 malvarma does it still attract a lot of new players? 2022-03-22 02:02:51 malvarma natalia: :D 2022-03-22 02:04:36 @natalia also hi :) 2022-03-22 02:08:30 elly malvarma: I think so! I don't know 2022-03-22 02:10:19 malvarma fascinating 2022-03-22 02:41:16 agafnd war of worldcraft 2022-03-22 02:46:24 --> flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-22 02:46:53 flowercorpse hi, good evening 2022-03-22 02:47:26 agafnd hi 2022-03-22 02:49:43 malvarma war of worldcraft <3 2022-03-22 02:52:06 flowercorpse war of worldcraft? 2022-03-22 02:53:10 malvarma it's a battle royale of conworlders, fighting over stupid inconsequential details about realistic coastlines 2022-03-22 02:55:40 agafnd haha 2022-03-22 02:55:42 agafnd awesome 2022-03-22 02:56:36 flowercorpse reminds me of that "how long a coastline is" problem 2022-03-22 03:00:28 malvarma its six 2022-03-22 03:02:59 m455 darn i missed tahnok :P 2022-03-22 03:04:26 malvarma and i missed you! 2022-03-22 03:04:33 malvarma as in im going now :/ 2022-03-22 03:04:38 flowercorpse malvarma: its one coastline long 2022-03-22 03:04:39 malvarma but have a good night / day 2022-03-22 03:04:46 flowercorpse good night malvarma 2022-03-22 03:05:01 malvarma one coastline, but 6 subcoastal units 2022-03-22 03:05:09 <-- malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-22 03:14:11 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.0) 2022-03-22 03:14:27 --> m455 (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-22 03:53:49 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-22 04:26:49 * asm needs to contact an advisor from the College of Business tomorrow to see if transfering is an option 2022-03-22 04:37:06 * asm needs to figure out what a good website looks like in the hopes that someone would think he is hireable and/or just barely qualified enough to do any paid services 2022-03-22 04:39:16 elly I do not think that decision is made based on website looks 2022-03-22 04:39:20 elly but rather on experience 2022-03-22 04:39:29 elly volunteer experience is good though :) 2022-03-22 04:56:45 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-22 10:05:48 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-22 10:05:48 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-22 10:05:48 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-22 10:05:48 -- Channel #tildetown: 109 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 106 normals) 2022-03-22 10:05:50 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-22 10:09:55 extratone https://ttm.sh/ia3.png 2022-03-22 10:13:17 dzwdz noa: i think so 2022-03-22 10:18:55 noa cool 2022-03-22 10:19:31 nihilazo hi town 2022-03-22 10:20:19 nihilazo how's everybody 2022-03-22 10:21:21 dzwdz gay and tired 2022-03-22 10:21:47 nihilazo same 2022-03-22 10:22:19 nihilazo I'm looking at tiddlywiki stuff a bit and it seems interesting but also like the kind of tool that you need to "get into" in order to make it any better than any other solution 2022-03-22 10:22:54 noa thats the conclusion i came to 2022-03-22 10:23:13 noa it seems like solid software 2022-03-22 10:24:21 dzwdz is connecting to the town irc from a school computer a bad idea? 2022-03-22 10:24:26 nihilazo I think I'll stick with zim, because it works for me 2022-03-22 10:24:34 dzwdz s/a/the 2022-03-22 10:24:35 sedbot <dzwdz> is connecting to the town irc from the school computer a bad idea? 2022-03-22 10:24:36 nihilazo I'm on the town IRC from school rn but on my own laptop 2022-03-22 10:24:46 dzwdz if it ain't broke don't fix it 2022-03-22 10:24:52 nihilazo yeah, zim works 2022-03-22 10:25:04 nihilazo although I'm not doing any zettelkasten-y stuff rn 2022-03-22 10:25:05 dzwdz my tools are not perfect but good enough 2022-03-22 10:25:10 dzwdz and that's, well, good enough 2022-03-22 10:25:23 nihilazo I'm planning to get into proper note taking when I get into uni# 2022-03-22 10:25:35 dzwdz is there a way to gate a tcp connection behind 2fa? 2022-03-22 10:25:37 nihilazo because A-level is just about writing down shit you hear in class and then putting it into anki 2022-03-22 10:25:43 nihilazo and memorising the bs 2022-03-22 10:25:51 dzwdz i want to have to authenticate the irc connection 2022-03-22 10:25:53 nihilazo I should probably be taking notes on htdp 2022-03-22 10:25:55 dzwdz so only i can connect 2022-03-22 10:26:08 nihilazo but I'm working through that in order to develop skills rather than knowledge really 2022-03-22 10:29:38 nihilazo so far HtDP really feels like it wants a typed language. A lot of it is defining what kinds of data things use 2022-03-22 10:30:02 nihilazo although doing so in comments and design is more flexible than trying to do it through a type system ig 2022-03-22 10:30:04 nihilazo and easier to teach 2022-03-22 10:30:24 nihilazo well it's a typed language but not a typed language in the way like haskell is 2022-03-22 10:32:49 dzwdz i've just got a stupid idea 2022-03-22 10:33:13 dzwdz so i want to install another os on this pc for dualbooting but i don't want to use any usbs 2022-03-22 10:33:36 dzwdz i wonder if i could create a vm and just attach the hdd 2022-03-22 10:33:53 nihilazo that seems like a bad idea 2022-03-22 10:34:01 nihilazo although I'm not sure if you could do that 2022-03-22 10:34:29 nihilazo because then you'd be using the hdd in your host and guest machine, right 2022-03-22 10:34:40 dzwdz different parts of it 2022-03-22 10:34:53 nihilazo yeah but if you are dualbooting that requires resizing partitions and shit, right 2022-03-22 10:34:57 dzwdz there's already a dualboot partition setup 2022-03-22 10:35:00 nihilazo o 2022-03-22 10:35:12 nihilazo idk, I still wouldn't risk it 2022-03-22 10:35:19 nihilazo but it's probably possible 2022-03-22 10:35:39 dzwdz no way i'd ruin the windows instal 2022-03-22 10:35:54 nihilazo you'd also be installing another OS as if it was being installed into a VM 2022-03-22 10:35:56 dzwdz worst case the distro installer decides to install the wrong drivers 2022-03-22 10:36:07 nihilazo the OS installer might install the wrong shit or fuck up a bootloader or something 2022-03-22 10:36:09 nihilazo I dunno really 2022-03-22 10:36:20 nihilazo it'd probably work, I just wouldn't do it 2022-03-22 10:37:17 dzwdz worst case something breaks 2022-03-22 10:37:19 dzwdz whatever 2022-03-22 10:37:57 nihilazo worth a shot then I guess 2022-03-22 10:37:59 nihilazo for science! 2022-03-22 10:38:02 dzwdz there isn't much of value on that pc 2022-03-22 10:38:27 nihilazo much of value? Is there *anything* of value? 2022-03-22 10:38:41 nihilazo because I would back up whatever might be somewhat of value before sciencing the computer 2022-03-22 10:38:48 dzwdz a win7 install, because i don't have an iso 2022-03-22 10:38:57 dzwdz so getting it back would be a bit of a pain 2022-03-22 10:39:15 dzwdz and EAC properly set up for ripping cds 2022-03-22 10:39:38 dzwdz setting it up again would take like 10 mins 2022-03-22 10:40:25 nihilazo o fair 2022-03-22 10:43:52 login duplicate it 2022-03-22 10:43:59 login carbon clone 2022-03-22 10:44:01 login or dd 2022-03-22 10:44:54 juspib dzwdz if you want to do embedded dev then we can do it together 2022-03-22 10:46:36 login how would one collaborate? 2022-03-22 10:47:07 login dzwdz: external disk boot 2022-03-22 10:47:09 login that's what i do 2022-03-22 10:48:58 extratone (this is embedded at the bottom of the system about page in BBEdit.) http://interrobang.jwgh.org/songs/editors.mp3 2022-03-22 11:10:33 dzwdz login: that's what i want to avoid 2022-03-22 11:10:42 dzwdz juspib: sure, any cool projects? 2022-03-22 11:16:37 login i see, dzwdz 2022-03-22 11:22:25 dzwdz !sotd https://open.spotify.com/track/14c1rFCho6RWndKWojRNvb Gabber Eleganza - Seen It 2022-03-22 11:22:25 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Gabber Eleganza - Seen It 2022-03-22 11:23:28 dzwdz the section at 1:56 is so good 2022-03-22 11:23:44 dzwdz i'm a sucker for good gabber kicks 2022-03-22 12:37:17 --> scifi (scifi@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-22 12:40:36 flowercorpse hi scifi 2022-03-22 12:41:12 scifi hi! 2022-03-22 12:49:08 dzwdz \o 2022-03-22 12:54:46 --> mhj (mhj@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-22 13:23:11 mhj https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6EJ_41S7Pw 2022-03-22 13:23:12 pinhook ["Dog Who Had Never Been Inside House Overcomes Her Biggest Fear | The Dodo - YouTube"] 2022-03-22 13:23:26 mhj Cuuuuuute~ <3 2022-03-22 13:33:41 dzwdz i missed two dose of my happy pills in a row and now i have a constant headache 2022-03-22 13:33:43 dzwdz coolio 2022-03-22 13:37:01 mhj :X 2022-03-22 13:39:58 dzwdz well not really an ache 2022-03-22 13:40:11 dzwdz i'm having a bad head moment 2022-03-22 13:43:08 dzwdz still owning people in chess tho 2022-03-22 13:49:10 猫 Hello 2022-03-22 13:50:58 dzwdz \o 2022-03-22 13:52:34 @natalia hello 2022-03-22 13:53:11 dzwdz so how are you two doing 2022-03-22 13:53:40 @natalia thinking about some community moderation issues in a different place i inhabit 2022-03-22 13:53:55 @natalia very tired of thinking about them and trying to figure out how to take a break from that 2022-03-22 13:56:03 dzwdz could you just ask someone to demote you for a few weeks? 2022-03-22 13:56:07 dzwdz to get rid of the pressure for a bit 2022-03-22 13:59:07 mhj Being a mod is really stressful if it's over a more than a dozen people 2022-03-22 14:00:29 @natalia i almost certainly could; i have not yet though 2022-03-22 14:00:54 @natalia but yeah it is stressful and to some level probably not what i asked for 2022-03-22 14:08:08 l0010o0001l booga booga 2022-03-22 14:19:23 asm I'm most likely never getting hired by anyone, so there isn't really any point in trying to make it look like I know what I'm doing lol 2022-03-22 14:19:48 dzwdz impress interviewers with a <marquee> header 2022-03-22 14:19:59 dzwdz or better yet 2022-03-22 14:20:03 l0010o0001l asm: I BELIEVE IN YOU 2022-03-22 14:20:05 dzwdz s/<body>/<marquee> 2022-03-22 14:20:15 l0010o0001l asm: YOU HAVE THE POWA 2022-03-22 14:22:46 --> piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-22 14:22:51 zce hello 2022-03-22 14:23:00 piusbird o/ 2022-03-22 14:23:00 l0010o0001l hello zce how art thou! 2022-03-22 14:23:00 asm hi 2022-03-22 14:23:06 zce good, you? 2022-03-22 14:23:09 l0010o0001l wassup piusbird?! 2022-03-22 14:23:15 dzwdz so the rust compiler is being bootstrapped based on the binaries from rust developers themselves, right? 2022-03-22 14:23:24 l0010o0001l zce: not bad, getting spun up for the dayy 2022-03-22 14:23:25 dzwdz someone should write a paper on how that could be compromised 2022-03-22 14:23:29 dzwdz Reflections on Trusting Rust 2022-03-22 14:23:38 zce didn't one of the unix creators talk about that? 2022-03-22 14:23:42 piusbird not bad 2022-03-22 14:23:47 dzwdz yeah, the paper was called Reflections on Trusting Trust 2022-03-22 14:23:58 l0010o0001l piusbird: wat will your day look like? 2022-03-22 14:24:26 juspib wow someone just walked to me at the bus stop and wanted to talk and we talked 2022-03-22 14:24:33 dzwdz what 2022-03-22 14:24:35 dzwdz how 2022-03-22 14:24:40 l0010o0001l juspib: omg what did y'all talk about? 2022-03-22 14:24:43 asm ^ 2022-03-22 14:25:10 juspib we talked about tiredness, sugar and public transport 2022-03-22 14:25:45 piusbird a lot of doctors appointments today 2022-03-22 14:26:18 l0010o0001l juspib: so proud of u, how do you feel about it? 2022-03-22 14:26:30 l0010o0001l piusbird: ooooh best of luck <3 2022-03-22 14:26:45 asm best of luck 2022-03-22 14:26:50 juspib wdym l00, why proud of me 2022-03-22 14:26:56 dzwdz anything serious or is it just a check up? 2022-03-22 14:27:02 dzwdz s/it is/are they 2022-03-22 14:28:22 l0010o0001l juspib: idk generally talking to randos is Hard 2022-03-22 14:28:28 l0010o0001l juspib: but maybe it isn't for you :o 2022-03-22 14:28:34 dzwdz l0010o0001l: s/to randos/ 2022-03-22 14:28:47 l0010o0001l truu 2022-03-22 14:28:58 juspib not hard and it was a classmate, not a rando 2022-03-22 14:29:01 dzwdz it'd be cool if sedbot tried to find an earlier matching message if the last one doesn't match 2022-03-22 14:29:04 l0010o0001l oh i c ic 2022-03-22 14:29:07 dzwdz even worse 2022-03-22 14:29:14 dzwdz if you make a fool out of yourself in front of a rando 2022-03-22 14:29:15 zce still hard to do 2022-03-22 14:29:22 dzwdz hey, you'll probably never meet again 2022-03-22 14:29:34 piusbird tmux attach 2022-03-22 14:29:40 piusbird oops 2022-03-22 14:29:57 l0010o0001l hell yeah attach dem tmux 2022-03-22 14:29:58 juspib tmux attach -d -t 0 2022-03-22 14:30:09 dzwdz tmux a 2022-03-22 14:30:15 dzwdz i don't have the time for ttach 2022-03-22 14:30:22 juspib wow nice 2022-03-22 14:30:31 piusbird what do those switches do 2022-03-22 14:30:42 juspib idk 2022-03-22 14:31:34 juspib but i have "rld" as an alias to that in tilde bashrc 2022-03-22 14:32:08 juspib and i type "rld" quicker than you write "tmux a", dzwdz 2022-03-22 14:32:29 dzwdz jokes on you 2022-03-22 14:32:33 dzwdz i'm using a good shell 2022-03-22 14:32:38 dzwdz tm [right arrow] [enter] 2022-03-22 14:32:48 juspib sounds like a noob shell 2022-03-22 14:32:54 dzwdz or maybe even t [right arrow] [enter] 2022-03-22 14:33:59 asm I was thinking of doing contraced it services 2022-03-22 14:34:32 asm but now I'm wondering it it wouldn't be safer for me to do so under an LLC of some name rather than just as myself 2022-03-22 14:35:14 dzwdz but then if you mess up you don't go bankrupt 2022-03-22 14:35:16 dzwdz it's easy mode 2022-03-22 14:35:19 dzwdz training wheels 2022-03-22 14:35:45 dzwdz you won't be a real gamer then 2022-03-22 14:36:42 juspib i was thinking of putting my neck on rail but trains are more complicated than they seem at first 2022-03-22 14:36:59 dzwdz what 2022-03-22 14:37:27 asm what 2022-03-22 14:37:30 dzwdz you alright? 2022-03-22 14:37:47 l0010o0001l ^ :( 2022-03-22 14:37:53 * asm gets fired by his single-person llc 2022-03-22 14:38:43 dzwdz asm: how about a dao 2022-03-22 14:39:33 juspib there's a politician in PL who made four political parties and got kicked out of three 2022-03-22 14:39:44 juspib of those 2022-03-22 14:39:50 asm I don't have any etherium 2022-03-22 14:39:53 dzwdz by himself! 2022-03-22 14:39:58 dzwdz asm: good 2022-03-22 14:45:34 asm what would make a good llc name 2022-03-22 14:45:53 dzwdz ';DROP TABLE LLC 2022-03-22 14:46:51 dzwdz <marquee> would actualy be a nice name 2022-03-22 14:48:35 asm NULL, LLC. 2022-03-22 14:48:41 dzwdz nullc 2022-03-22 14:48:50 dzwdz LLC, LLC. 2022-03-22 14:49:58 dzwdz i wonder if i could send a dog's dna to one of those fancy dna testing services 2022-03-22 14:50:03 dzwdz s/y dna/y human dna 2022-03-22 14:50:04 sedbot <dzwdz> i wonder if i could send a dog's dna to one of those fancy human dna testing services 2022-03-22 14:50:47 asm how come 2022-03-22 14:50:59 dzwdz wouldn't you want to know if your dog is jewish? 2022-03-22 14:52:34 asm I don't have a dog 2022-03-22 14:52:37 asm :p 2022-03-22 14:53:13 dzwdz wouldn't you want to buy a dog to see if it's jewish? 2022-03-22 14:53:36 dzwdz maybe its a descendant of some famous person? 2022-03-22 14:53:43 juspib the dog can't be jewish cuz being jewish is matrilinear 2022-03-22 14:53:57 juspib and that dog's mom was a bitch 2022-03-22 14:54:09 juspib and jewish women are cool 2022-03-22 14:54:24 dzwdz what happens if you have two jewish dads 2022-03-22 14:54:55 juspib wow i don't know 2022-03-22 14:55:12 tomasino CLL,.,LLC 2022-03-22 14:55:16 dzwdz you don't have a mother to inherit jewishness from 2022-03-22 14:55:23 dzwdz but you also don't have a mother to inherit nonjewishness from 2022-03-22 14:57:27 elly morning :) 2022-03-22 14:57:32 dzwdz so does this mean that if you only have two dads, even non-jewish ones 2022-03-22 14:57:37 dzwdz you're technically not not jewish? 2022-03-22 14:58:06 elly no, it does not 2022-03-22 14:58:15 dzwdz why 2022-03-22 14:58:22 elly orthodox jews consider that if your mother was jewish you are irrevocably jewish, but that is not the only way to become or be jewish 2022-03-22 14:58:23 asm morning elly 2022-03-22 14:58:35 dzwdz but what if you don't have a mother 2022-03-22 14:58:45 elly I think that the orthodox jewish take refers to your birth mother 2022-03-22 14:58:57 dzwdz men can get pregnant too 2022-03-22 14:59:21 elly you're gonna need a rabbi for this one but I would guess that the intersection between orthodox judaism and trans acceptance is pretty narrow 2022-03-22 14:59:29 dzwdz are the children of trans men automatically jewish? 2022-03-22 15:00:19 elly my only firsthand experience is with reform judaism which ime doesn't gate what gender the jewish parent is 2022-03-22 15:00:36 dzwdz wait, are you jewish? 2022-03-22 15:01:57 asm if worse comes to worst, there's always "Anton McClure, LLC." 2022-03-22 15:02:13 elly dzwdz: no, christian 2022-03-22 15:02:23 elly but I have been to a reform jewish synagogue a bunch of times with a former partner 2022-03-22 15:02:25 dzwdz asm: what a boring name 2022-03-22 15:02:34 dzwdz Anton MLLCure 2022-03-22 15:03:49 asm lol 2022-03-22 15:04:11 dzwdz i don't really know much about judaism 2022-03-22 15:04:32 asm same 2022-03-22 15:04:33 dzwdz my grandma's jewish but i only learned that from my parents, she's been hiding it 2022-03-22 15:04:35 elly I know a little about it but not a lot 2022-03-22 15:04:47 dzwdz i know that they have a lot of weird rules 2022-03-22 15:04:54 dzwdz that seem like stuff you'd do in a challenge run of some game 2022-03-22 15:05:05 elly it is an extremely beautiful faith and I have a lot of happy memories of shabbat services 2022-03-22 15:06:31 asm would starting as a sole proprietorship be too risky 2022-03-22 15:06:49 elly I think you are asking the wrong audience 2022-03-22 15:06:57 <-- piusbird (piusbird@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-22 15:07:06 asm you're right, but I don't know anyone else who I could ask lol 2022-03-22 15:07:19 asm s/know/know of 2022-03-22 15:07:19 sedbot <asm> you're right, but I don't know of anyone else who I could ask lol 2022-03-22 15:07:43 elly I guess my inclination would be to not bother doing such a thing unless/until you have a pressing reason 2022-03-22 15:09:06 asm ok 2022-03-22 15:18:29 l0010o0001l asm: what risks are you worried of? 2022-03-22 15:21:55 tomasino i'm a sole proprietor for my freelance business. there's really not much difference from just filing as an individual 2022-03-22 15:23:09 tomasino if you're doing freelance work you're probably technically a sole proprietor already according to the IRS 2022-03-22 15:23:35 tomasino there's no liability difference from just filing as an individual 2022-03-22 15:28:29 asm thx tomasino 2022-03-22 15:29:35 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-22 17:01:44 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-22 17:01:44 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-22 17:01:44 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-22 17:01:44 -- Channel #tildetown: 113 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 110 normals) 2022-03-22 17:01:46 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-22 17:03:27 the_default o/ 2022-03-22 17:03:44 extratone howdy howdy 2022-03-22 17:03:46 bx yo extratone 2022-03-22 17:03:48 bx sup 2022-03-22 17:03:54 dzwdz \o 2022-03-22 17:04:40 extratone well I just spent time setting up a repo of the default macos system sounds. couldn't tell ya why. 2022-03-22 17:04:53 extratone https://whyp.it/t/macos-system-sounds-e1BXV 2022-03-22 17:06:05 bx lmao i havent even heard most of these 2022-03-22 17:06:41 extratone some of them are just directly taken from iOS 2022-03-22 17:06:44 bx some of these are quite good 2022-03-22 17:07:08 dzwdz anyone up for some chill chess? 2022-03-22 17:07:43 <-- katie (katie@localhost) has quit (Quit) 2022-03-22 17:09:30 extratone if you want to sample those sounds one by one the bottom half of this page has embedded players for each one. https://tilde.town/~extratone/audio/macos/ 2022-03-22 17:10:30 bx i wonder if apple would dmca people for samling them 2022-03-22 17:10:54 dzwdz people sample system sounds all the time 2022-03-22 17:10:57 dzwdz in vaporwave etc 2022-03-22 17:11:13 bx oh tru 2022-03-22 17:11:24 dzwdz but what's way cooler 2022-03-22 17:11:27 dzwdz is sampling leaked songs 2022-03-22 17:11:43 bx ooooooo 2022-03-22 17:11:47 dzwdz i have a leaked kanye demo somewhere where he says "there's gonna be a sample right there" 2022-03-22 17:11:48 dzwdz and like 2022-03-22 17:11:51 dzwdz that's begging to get sampled 2022-03-22 17:12:11 bx λmao 2022-03-22 17:12:20 bx has any one dumped donda 2 yet 2022-03-22 17:12:26 dzwdz duh 2022-03-22 17:12:26 bx and just put a torrent up 2022-03-22 17:12:34 bx i mean i haventak 2022-03-22 17:12:34 dzwdz like the first day it was out 2022-03-22 17:12:36 bx checkd 2022-03-22 17:12:39 bx λmao 2022-03-22 17:12:41 bx nice 2022-03-22 17:13:28 asm fixed that resume issue with the font sizes 2022-03-22 17:15:21 the_default dzwdz: i'm up for chess but you will destroy me 2022-03-22 17:15:33 * asm will probably need to change what's written on it if he stops software development 2022-03-22 17:15:50 dzwdz the_default: https://lichess.org/F1Lo3G8R 2022-03-22 17:16:05 dzwdz actually wait a sec 2022-03-22 17:16:09 the_default i'm warning you i was checkmated in three moves against a bot 2022-03-22 17:16:11 elly asm: yeah, definitely - you want your resume to center the most relevant experience for the job you want to do 2022-03-22 17:16:19 dzwdz eh 2022-03-22 17:16:41 dzwdz the_default: https://lichess.org/FaUoPEMz 2022-03-22 17:23:26 juspib https://chuj.watykan.tk/i/pigen.jpg 2022-03-22 17:24:08 bx juspib: nice bird 2022-03-22 17:24:16 juspib i think so too 2022-03-22 17:24:50 juspib most pigeons are nice 2022-03-22 17:25:01 bx yeeeaa 2022-03-22 17:25:14 bx we get some in gur garden 2022-03-22 17:25:21 bx they drink / sit in gur bird bath 2022-03-22 17:25:25 dzwdz all pigeons are pretty 2022-03-22 17:25:25 bx or chill on gur fence 2022-03-22 17:25:27 the_default birb 2022-03-22 17:25:27 dzwdz apa 2022-03-22 17:25:29 dzwdz apap 2022-03-22 17:29:13 @natalia hmmm. Struggling a little with multibuffer ed semantics.. 2022-03-22 17:30:12 bx in what way? 2022-03-22 17:30:36 @natalia trying to figure out how addresses should work 2022-03-22 17:31:01 bx like memory or like files and line numbers? 2022-03-22 17:31:34 @natalia line numbers 2022-03-22 17:31:44 @natalia by default, the address [1] leads you to "line zero" of file 1 2022-03-22 17:31:48 @natalia but i am thinking this is a little silly 2022-03-22 17:32:00 bx hm 2022-03-22 17:32:11 bx Why is that silly 2022-03-22 17:33:04 @natalia `[1]p` will yell at you since line 0 can't be printed 2022-03-22 17:33:09 @natalia line 1 is actually the first line 2022-03-22 17:33:17 bx Oh 2022-03-22 17:33:22 bx so why not start on line 1? 2022-03-22 17:34:32 @natalia well, line 1 might not always exist (empty files) 2022-03-22 17:34:35 elly natalia: that seems fine to me? 2022-03-22 17:34:37 @natalia so it introduces an inconsistency 2022-03-22 17:34:41 @natalia elly: which seems fine? 2022-03-22 17:34:48 bx create it if you go there? 2022-03-22 17:34:57 elly single-buffer ed complains about bare 'p' in an empty buffer too 2022-03-22 17:35:04 elly so it seems reasonable for your implementation to do the same 2022-03-22 17:35:06 @natalia well okay, furthermore: `[1]` will error 2022-03-22 17:35:33 elly right, because 0 isn't a legal address except in insertion commands 2022-03-22 17:35:34 @natalia the problem is that it would also happen if the buffer was not empty so i am trying to decide if "line 1 if it exists, and if not line 0" is a reasonable way of doing it 2022-03-22 17:35:52 @natalia elly: yeah, but it makes navigation like, just annoying frankly 2022-03-22 17:36:18 @natalia and any benefit the consistency has seems.. shaky 2022-03-22 17:36:24 @natalia since if you always want line 0 you can do `[1]0` 2022-03-22 17:36:25 elly why does it make it annoying? 2022-03-22 17:36:38 elly if you load a new buffer, by default dot should end up at the last line of it 2022-03-22 17:36:44 elly if the buffer's empty that line is 0 2022-03-22 17:37:00 @natalia actually: i might just rethink navigation 2022-03-22 17:37:18 @natalia so like, i am sure you are familiar if you do a bare `0` you can't actually navigate to it, which is sort of reasonable 2022-03-22 17:37:25 @natalia but the thing is there are plenty of ways to navigate yourself to line 0 2022-03-22 17:37:34 elly are there? 2022-03-22 17:37:44 @natalia 0;1= 2022-03-22 17:37:57 @natalia there is no reason this is Not Valid 2022-03-22 17:37:57 elly ah, sure 2022-03-22 17:38:05 elly or, indeed: 0a . 2022-03-22 17:38:10 elly but that's fine? 2022-03-22 17:38:39 @natalia so my thinking is; if i allow you to just do a bare `0`, and thus things like `[0]`, having the buffer-addressing system lead to line 0s seems more reasonable 2022-03-22 17:40:19 elly I don't understand why you would move away from the default ed semantics here I guess 2022-03-22 17:40:29 @natalia hm yeah i am trying to articulate it 2022-03-22 17:41:30 @natalia okay, for one: imagine [2] is (somehow) an empty buffer. how should you navigate to it? you have to actually use an insertion command or something else, or the semicolon hack thing, to navigate yourself to that line 0 2022-03-22 17:41:42 @natalia in a regular ed session, this isn't a problem because, if you have an empty buffer, it's the only place you can be 2022-03-22 17:41:46 elly why would you have to do that? [2]'s dot is already at 0 2022-03-22 17:41:50 elly you don't have to navigate anything 2022-03-22 17:41:54 @natalia [2] doesn't have a dot 2022-03-22 17:41:59 elly why not? 2022-03-22 17:41:59 @natalia the dot is a thing that any given user has 2022-03-22 17:42:07 elly isn't it per user*buffer pair? 2022-03-22 17:42:51 elly otherwise, swapping between buffers will constantly "lose your place" 2022-03-22 17:43:08 @natalia idk if i can satisfactorily explain why i settled upon the solution i have but the idea of a dot is a per-user thing and not a per-address thing 2022-03-22 17:43:23 elly I see 2022-03-22 17:43:33 elly are marks per buffer? 2022-03-22 17:43:37 @natalia (also: for my self made deadline it is far too late to change; i am definitely goinmg to consider further) 2022-03-22 17:43:41 @natalia yeah 2022-03-22 17:43:59 @natalia my plan is to include user marks '@[a-z] and k@[a-z] too 2022-03-22 17:44:27 @natalia perhaps notable is the design of my system makes it very easy to have a user with two "heads" 2022-03-22 17:44:32 @natalia in which case each one would have a different dot 2022-03-22 17:45:15 nihilazo hi I'm back 2022-03-22 17:45:19 nihilazo sorry about earlier 2022-03-22 17:45:34 dzwdz hi back i'm dzwdz 2022-03-22 17:45:37 nihilazo just a built up I am not ok mental health fail rage moment 2022-03-22 17:45:42 elly valid 2022-03-22 17:45:45 bx i was gonna say that, dzwdz 2022-03-22 17:45:51 nihilazo nobody got hurt, I'm fine, I was crying for a bit about how stupid the whole thing was 2022-03-22 17:46:11 nihilazo but I got on the next bus, walked home, had a hug, and I'm doing ok 2022-03-22 17:46:51 猫 hugging nico is a bit dangerous because he wears spiky things 2022-03-22 17:47:15 bx lmao 2022-03-22 17:48:04 @natalia elly: thansk by the way, i have not thought much about the idea of losing your place in the editor. i suppose mostly because i "lose my place" a lot in ed anyways. if i were to redesign ed with a bunch of bells and whistles i would probably include something like vim ctrl-o 2022-03-22 17:48:09 @natalia so i guess i make heavy use of marks anywa 2022-03-22 17:48:14 elly yeah, I use marks a lot 2022-03-22 17:48:41 @natalia my address system moves from (linenumber|search|mark|etc)(offset*) to, uh, 2022-03-22 17:48:51 @natalia (buffer|head)(linenumber|search|mark|etc)(offset*) 2022-03-22 17:48:56 @natalia and frankly this way is kind of naïve 2022-03-22 17:49:13 @natalia [2], does not do what it would be nice for it to do 2022-03-22 17:49:30 the_default nihilazo: good to hear you're ok now 2022-03-22 17:51:38 @natalia and because buffers are not "special" to the logic of , and ; you can't evne do stuff like [2]1,$. you'd have to do [2]1;$ to get it to work if you weren't already in buf 2 2022-03-22 17:53:07 elly natalia: yeah 2022-03-22 17:53:30 elly it might be nicer / more orthogonal if [1] etc served to switch buffers and then you had normal addressing within buffers 2022-03-22 17:54:57 @natalia mostly i just think the Intended Model of my system involves any given "head" (a combination of an irc user and channel, in this case) not moving buffers very often 2022-03-22 17:55:21 elly do you have a couple of motivating examples of what usage might look like? 2022-03-22 17:56:08 @natalia generally any given Channel would be home to sveral people working on the same file 2022-03-22 17:56:37 @natalia they might move out into a buffer if they want to make a sort of breaking change or write a lot of text before showing somebody else; but these switches are generally speaking sort of rare 2022-03-22 17:56:54 @vilmibm piusbird: i am unaware of any such changes re: ssh tunnels 2022-03-22 17:56:58 @natalia if you were catually editing core.c and io.c or something icnrementally you would likely have it in two different channels 2022-03-22 17:57:05 @vilmibm elly: beautiful tweet 2022-03-22 17:57:08 @vilmibm extremely accurate 2022-03-22 17:57:11 elly natalia: gotcha, ok 2022-03-22 17:57:38 elly natalia: so is it actually important to have a convenient way to reference other buffers, given that model? 2022-03-22 17:57:41 @natalia so like this is definitely not the optimal ui for somebody editing several files a tonce 2022-03-22 17:57:43 @natalia yeah it is 2022-03-22 17:59:40 @natalia this joke project has given me a lot of ideas of how i'd design a real command editor.. 2022-03-22 18:14:31 @natalia if i were to make one from scratch i think i'd have an "excurse" command 2022-03-22 18:14:43 @natalia which runs the command but then you dtay where you were before 2022-03-22 18:21:27 * bx goes to try do work 2022-03-22 18:26:23 asm has anyone here had to create a patch file with CVS before? 2022-03-22 18:27:08 asm idk whether I should run the cvs diff command in the directory I made the changes in or the repository root directory 2022-03-22 18:41:06 dozens i am not a lawyer, but i think the diff command is usually run from the root 2022-03-22 20:17:41 --> rdrae (deltarae@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-22 20:23:35 the_default hey rdrae! 2022-03-22 20:27:54 bx im back 2022-03-22 20:28:10 dzwdz hi back 2022-03-22 20:28:12 bx i updated my town site with a new post 2022-03-22 20:28:28 bx feedback / thoughts are welcome 2022-03-22 20:29:27 extratone bx,well I know I'm certainly going to use this term now. 2022-03-22 20:29:46 bx \o/ 2022-03-22 20:30:46 bx dzwdz: i love that "hell" links straight to gur wiki page for Poland on ur site 2022-03-22 20:30:52 dozens bx: lol i love that post 2022-03-22 20:30:59 dzwdz oh my site is a placeholder 2022-03-22 20:31:20 bx dzwdz it looks good though, i feel like you could run with this style 2022-03-22 20:31:27 dzwdz where 2022-03-22 20:31:34 bx here! 2022-03-22 20:31:35 dzwdz away from poland? 2022-03-22 20:31:39 bx λmao 2022-03-22 20:32:42 bx dozens: thanks <3 2022-03-22 20:32:50 --> katie (katie@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-22 20:33:17 bx how're y'all doing ? 2022-03-22 20:33:28 the_default alright 2022-03-22 20:33:32 the_default hey katie 2022-03-22 20:33:52 dzwdz some polish girl i was chatting with on spacehey called me adorable and i can't figure out if she was being sarcastic 2022-03-22 20:34:11 bx id say assume not 2022-03-22 20:34:18 bx i try to asusme not on gur internet 2022-03-22 20:34:20 katie i have returned with wonderful news 2022-03-22 20:34:29 bx like its hard irl, its harder online 2022-03-22 20:34:32 bx katie: O? 2022-03-22 20:34:39 katie i have discovered the person i need to contact in order to print nameplates with my company's template. 2022-03-22 20:34:55 katie about to give myself a new title 2022-03-22 20:35:24 bx "Katie the destroyer" 2022-03-22 20:35:41 dzwdz katie the neatie 2022-03-22 20:36:00 bx "lord katie the destroyer III" 2022-03-22 20:36:01 katie senior antics engineer. chief tomfoolery officer. head of domestic terrorism unit. head of domestic antiterrorism unit. lots of ideas 2022-03-22 20:36:22 bx "head of domestic antiterroism terrorism unit" 2022-03-22 20:36:51 dzwdz i think i'd get both the terrorism and antiterrorism one 2022-03-22 20:36:55 katie that would be the goal 2022-03-22 20:37:21 bx swap them out every now and again 2022-03-22 20:37:52 bx if i was running a company i'd just let everyone pick a bullshit title 2022-03-22 20:37:54 the_default oh no domestic terrorism officer today 2022-03-22 20:38:00 the_default stay away 2022-03-22 20:38:06 katie bx: that's prety much how my company runs 2022-03-22 20:38:26 bx damm, ig its not as original an idea as i thought 2022-03-22 20:38:35 katie just signed off on a document that listed me as the "primary senior c# engineer" and i've never written a line of c# at this company 2022-03-22 20:38:39 bx if you wanna steal mine you can go with "certified bit flipper" 2022-03-22 20:38:53 bx katie: tf 2022-03-22 20:39:03 bx who's writing these 2022-03-22 20:39:07 katie horseplay compliance officer 2022-03-22 20:39:13 bx ooooo 2022-03-22 20:39:20 bx "mandatory fun enforcer" 2022-03-22 20:39:26 dzwdz bx: certified hood classic 2022-03-22 20:39:36 bx hehe 2022-03-22 20:39:40 katie bx: printed on a statement of work to try to court a local company 2022-03-22 20:39:42 katie dzwdz: Yes 2022-03-22 20:39:46 dzwdz mandatory fun enforcer reeks of joy divisio 2022-03-22 20:40:00 bx ive never listend to it 2022-03-22 20:40:07 bx im not even sure if its an it 2022-03-22 20:40:20 bx "Demonic presence engineer" 2022-03-22 20:40:27 dzwdz lol 2022-03-22 20:41:09 bx "CEO (captain of evil operations)" 2022-03-22 20:43:05 katie quick poll; what's better: Techromancer or Technomancer 2022-03-22 20:43:13 bx Techromancer 2022-03-22 20:43:23 dzwdz technomancer 2022-03-22 20:43:29 katie ok now fight each other 2022-03-22 20:43:29 bx makes it sound like your bringing computers back to life 2022-03-22 20:43:35 * bx stabs dzwdz 2022-03-22 20:43:59 * bx throws in an insurance stab incase dzwdz has a pew pew 2022-03-22 20:44:15 bx (is that too harsh? was this not to gur death?) 2022-03-22 20:44:27 katie the resume i used to apply this job listed me as a "techromancer" because i thought it was cute. i'm embarrassed by that now but at the same time i think it's the reason my resume lasted more than one review 2022-03-22 20:44:56 bx i mean it is cute 2022-03-22 20:45:17 bx if im ever applying for a job again im gonna but so much bonkers wording on there 2022-03-22 20:45:41 bx cause thats pretty amazing that you can list techromancer and land a jaob 2022-03-22 20:46:42 @natalia poor dzwdz... died... 2022-03-22 20:46:43 katie i think an underappreciated aspect of resume design is the art of picking words to make yourself utterly unappealing to companies you wouldnt want to work for 2022-03-22 20:47:53 * dzwdz came here from the dead to say: 2022-03-22 20:48:01 dzwdz alucard gshfdklgdfgkls 2022-03-22 20:48:08 bx i knew it 2022-03-22 20:48:14 dzwdz are dhampirs dead or alive? 2022-03-22 20:48:21 bx katie: yoooo, i hadnt thought of it that way 2022-03-22 20:48:27 bx dzwdz: alive? 2022-03-22 20:48:47 the_default just realised alucard is dracula backwards 2022-03-22 20:48:52 dzwdz yeah 2022-03-22 20:48:56 dzwdz his real name is adrian tepes 2022-03-22 20:49:02 dzwdz just like dracula's name is vlad tepes 2022-03-22 20:49:19 dzwdz but he named himself alucard because he's the opposite of his dad 2022-03-22 20:49:22 dzwdz and like, fuck his dad 2022-03-22 20:50:17 bx Oooo 2022-03-22 20:50:27 bx I thought his dad named him that 2022-03-22 20:50:33 bx that's actually way cooler 2022-03-22 20:52:13 dzwdz adrian tepes is a sexy fucking name 2022-03-22 20:52:22 bx i think youre baised here 2022-03-22 20:53:08 dzwdz *based 2022-03-22 20:53:24 bx s/is/s 2022-03-22 20:53:25 sedbot <bx> i think youre based here 2022-03-22 20:53:28 bx happy 2022-03-22 20:53:30 bx ? 2022-03-22 20:54:09 bx irc bot idea people can make categories for their messages and gur bot tries to count each one 2022-03-22 20:54:36 bx so i'd have one for programming lang talk, one for weather talk, one for general complaining, etc 2022-03-22 21:09:04 opfez fuck 2022-03-22 21:09:24 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-22 21:09:28 opfez i've realized i like pop-rock 2022-03-22 21:09:34 bx so? 2022-03-22 21:09:49 * bx isnt sure that's fuck worthy 2022-03-22 21:10:07 opfez i can't go around saying i like one of the bands that contributed to the Twilight OST 2022-03-22 21:10:13 bx its good to like what you like :D 2022-03-22 21:10:15 bx Which one? 2022-03-22 21:10:19 opfez paramore 2022-03-22 21:10:22 dzwdz >:D 2022-03-22 21:10:27 opfez D: 2022-03-22 21:10:27 dzwdz i gotta watch twilight 2022-03-22 21:10:41 elly you actually can say you like Paramore 2022-03-22 21:10:54 bx dzwdz: honestly i reccommend you dont 2022-03-22 21:11:03 bx its not even that bad, its just kinda boring 2022-03-22 21:11:13 dzwdz well i watched it 2 times as a kid and i liked it 2022-03-22 21:11:27 opfez elly: no, because i mentally categorize it with mcr and green day 2022-03-22 21:11:46 bx mcr and green day are mostly fine though 2022-03-22 21:12:01 elly you can also say you like MCR or Green Day, yeah :) 2022-03-22 21:12:06 dzwdz i've been trying to get into mcr 2022-03-22 21:12:08 dzwdz i blame nico 2022-03-22 21:13:55 dzwdz no i literally turned on spotify and the last played song was black parade 2022-03-22 21:14:01 bx what'd you guys think of nickel back 2022-03-22 21:14:14 dzwdz we don't have nickels here 2022-03-22 21:14:24 bx we dont here either 2022-03-22 21:14:28 bx we have backs 2022-03-22 21:14:37 dzwdz we're spineless here 2022-03-22 21:14:40 bx as many as we have people in fact 2022-03-22 21:14:45 opfez i guess i don't want to relate myself to early 2000s emo teens, but i guess i can't deny it, oh well 2022-03-22 21:14:56 dzwdz do i have bad news about who you're talking to 2022-03-22 21:15:11 bx opfez: why not? 2022-03-22 21:15:42 opfez bx: hm i don't know actually 2022-03-22 21:15:49 opfez dzwdz: O_O 2022-03-22 21:15:55 elly I was an early 2000s emo teen 2022-03-22 21:16:06 elly and I don't even mean Green Day or MCR tier, I mean Evanescence tier 2022-03-22 21:16:10 elly turned out okay though :) 2022-03-22 21:16:16 bx Evanescense slaps though 2022-03-22 21:17:05 elly yea 2022-03-22 21:17:08 elly but yeah like what you like 2022-03-22 21:17:23 bx ^ 2022-03-22 21:17:34 opfez sure alright 2022-03-22 21:17:54 opfez i wonder how many other things i have negative connotations like this about 2022-03-22 21:18:20 opfez unrelated, check this c++ i wrote: static_cast<Health*>(&ecs.get(ComponentEnum::Health)[0]))->health 2022-03-22 21:18:28 dzwdz oh god 2022-03-22 21:18:32 dzwdz aren't evanescense the wake me up inside guys 2022-03-22 21:18:36 bx yes 2022-03-22 21:18:36 opfez yes 2022-03-22 21:18:43 elly they are 2022-03-22 21:18:45 bx jinxbot, youre time has come 2022-03-22 21:18:48 elly that's like, their only famous song 2022-03-22 21:19:02 opfez bx: jinxbot? 2022-03-22 21:19:15 bx my idea for a bot that lets us invoke jinx 2022-03-22 21:19:23 dzwdz (that'd just be annoying unless executed right) 2022-03-22 21:19:28 bx but just nice point based version, not gur no talking violent version 2022-03-22 21:19:28 dzwdz (like, right right) 2022-03-22 21:19:48 bx they have to arrive within a certain time window of each other 2022-03-22 21:19:56 opfez bx: oh i see 2022-03-22 21:20:07 bx also that c++ is cursed, i approve :D 2022-03-22 21:20:26 opfez it doesn't work unfortunately :( 2022-03-22 21:20:31 bx whhha 2022-03-22 21:20:44 opfez i know shocker 2022-03-22 21:20:51 bx tbh i dont even know why static cast is a thing vs gur normal cast 2022-03-22 21:21:09 opfez normal cast is runtime, static cast is compile time afaik 2022-03-22 21:21:16 bx til 2022-03-22 21:21:35 bx i assumed static wouldve had like, type verification 2022-03-22 21:22:08 opfez s/verification/checking ? 2022-03-22 21:22:15 bx yes 2022-03-22 21:22:25 opfez hm i think it should 2022-03-22 21:22:38 opfez it's just that i'm working with pointers, so anything goes 2022-03-22 21:22:40 bx as in, stop you from doing things like casting a struct{int a,b,c;} to struct{int a;} 2022-03-22 21:23:33 elly static_cast does check some things 2022-03-22 21:24:58 elly static_cast<> from T to U requires that T and U be related by inheritance somehow 2022-03-22 21:25:16 bx that makes sense 2022-03-22 21:25:40 bx wierdly that reminds me of Java 2022-03-22 21:26:07 elly https://bpa.st/CA4A what static_cast<> actually does is basically adjust the given address for you to account for how the parent class is stored inside the child class 2022-03-22 21:26:15 elly so it can only work if there is actually such an offset 2022-03-22 21:26:37 bx Oooooo 2022-03-22 21:26:48 bx That actually makes a ton of sense 2022-03-22 21:27:01 dzwdz oooh 2022-03-22 21:27:10 dzwdz ok thanks for explaining what that actually is 2022-03-22 21:27:13 elly sure 2022-03-22 21:27:14 bx I forgot that you could do stuff like inherit more than one thing in cpp 2022-03-22 21:27:57 elly yep, you can 2022-03-22 21:28:28 bx I think gur godot codebase is gur only thing so far that has made me seriously consider writing cpp 2022-03-22 21:28:57 opfez std::vector is sweet 2022-03-22 21:29:22 dzwdz i started out with cpp, but idk, i just find regular c comfier 2022-03-22 21:29:32 opfez same, c is more comfy 2022-03-22 21:29:43 bx I started on C, but tried cpp after seing it in books 2022-03-22 21:29:48 bx then went back to C 2022-03-22 21:29:50 elly https://bpa.st/FMEQ better illustrative example 2022-03-22 21:30:06 opfez and when i write minimal applications i write them in C since i want them to run anywhere 2022-03-22 21:30:42 dzwdz i'd argue c is one of the least portable languages in popular use 2022-03-22 21:30:55 opfez what other options are there? 2022-03-22 21:31:02 bx F O R T H 2022-03-22 21:31:06 dzwdz [all interpreted languages] 2022-03-22 21:31:14 dzwdz go, java 2022-03-22 21:31:17 bx boo 2022-03-22 21:31:31 bx java doesnt even make good on its write once promise 2022-03-22 21:31:35 dzwdz rust :D 2022-03-22 21:31:43 opfez rust depends on libc though 2022-03-22 21:31:50 bx musl rust when 2022-03-22 21:31:56 dzwdz musl is a libc 2022-03-22 21:32:06 bx i assumed libc was glibc 2022-03-22 21:32:10 dzwdz besides, if you want to write something portable you kinda do need to depend on a libc 2022-03-22 21:32:26 opfez so c is unportable, but you have to depend on c to be portable? 2022-03-22 21:32:43 dzwdz c != libc 2022-03-22 21:32:54 dzwdz and it's easier to accidentally do unportable stuff in C than in other languages 2022-03-22 21:33:01 opfez that's true 2022-03-22 21:33:08 the_default i swear i remember the P&R c book (or whatever it was) mentioning how portable C was 2022-03-22 21:33:15 the_default (confused face) 2022-03-22 21:33:18 bx It's portable in a way 2022-03-22 21:33:19 dzwdz Public&Relations 2022-03-22 21:33:25 opfez it is a common thing to say 2022-03-22 21:33:25 the_default in a way 2022-03-22 21:33:32 bx there's a C compiler for almost every system 2022-03-22 21:33:34 dzwdz k&r is from 78 2022-03-22 21:33:39 elly that refers to how east it is to port the C compiler and library to a new system 2022-03-22 21:33:40 opfez dzwdz: c != libc, how? libc needs to be compiled with a c compiler, no? 2022-03-22 21:33:48 dzwdz libc is only a name 2022-03-22 21:34:01 bx but "undefined behavior" is quite a large zone, e.g. C doesnt make any promises on things like endianess 2022-03-22 21:34:27 dzwdz if you overflow an integer it's completely legal to download ransomware onto your pc 2022-03-22 21:34:29 dzwdz a reasonable spec 2022-03-22 21:34:54 dzwdz how come it's 2022 and C undefined behavior is still so wack 2022-03-22 21:35:02 bx e.g. casting (int *) to (char *) and to get an int's bytes will get you different results on x86 and mips 2022-03-22 21:35:13 bx dzwdz: historical cruft? 2022-03-22 21:35:24 dzwdz but according to the spec, it could also hire a hitman to kill you if you make that mistake 2022-03-22 21:35:26 dzwdz bx: see 2022-03-22 21:35:28 dzwdz the thing is 2022-03-22 21:35:30 dzwdz it's undefined 2022-03-22 21:35:44 dzwdz if you're relying on undefined behavior you're doing something wrong 2022-03-22 21:35:51 dzwdz besides, i'm not suggesting we get rid of it completely 2022-03-22 21:36:02 dzwdz if you do x++; and it overflows 2022-03-22 21:36:04 bx most prgrams do somehow, they just do it for each platform 2022-03-22 21:36:08 dzwdz what's in x should be undefined 2022-03-22 21:36:19 bx eeeeeh 2022-03-22 21:36:22 dzwdz but the compiler shouldn't be allowed to sacrifice my firstborn 2022-03-22 21:36:30 bx eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh 2022-03-22 21:37:11 dzwdz or, for a real example, gcc shouldn't emit invalid fucking x86 instructions when it encounters UD 2022-03-22 21:37:21 bx ok that's fair 2022-03-22 21:37:32 the_default (oh hey i forgot dd doesn't show progress by default. thought it kept freezing) 2022-03-22 21:37:37 opfez hahaha that's so funny to me 2022-03-22 21:37:47 bx dd or gcc? 2022-03-22 21:37:48 dzwdz C is a systems language dammit, if i see that i get an invalid instruction exception my first thought isn't that gcc is playing a prank on me 2022-03-22 21:37:59 bx dzwdz: and yet 2022-03-22 21:38:17 bx C is a cursed language(s) that's what i like about it 2022-03-22 21:38:25 dzwdz also *0 shouldn't be UD 2022-03-22 21:38:31 bx it's ud? 2022-03-22 21:38:32 dzwdz change my mind 2022-03-22 21:38:34 dzwdz yup 2022-03-22 21:38:45 bx why is it ud, its a valid address on most systems 2022-03-22 21:38:48 bx as long as its mapped 2022-03-22 21:39:03 dzwdz it usually can't ever be mapped in userland 2022-03-22 21:39:12 bx On x86 2022-03-22 21:39:15 l0010o0001l RAZZMATAZZ 2022-03-22 21:39:16 bx >in userland 2022-03-22 21:39:31 opfez *0 doesn't compile for me? 2022-03-22 21:39:31 bx On an avr im p sure you can just use 0 2022-03-22 21:39:32 the_default hey l0010o0001l 2022-03-22 21:39:33 bx l0010o0001l: \o 2022-03-22 21:39:38 opfez o/ l0010o0001l 2022-03-22 21:39:39 the_default also laters, about to try void again 2022-03-22 21:39:40 dzwdz *((void*)0) 2022-03-22 21:39:45 opfez the_default: bai! 2022-03-22 21:39:46 bx laters deault 2022-03-22 21:39:48 dzwdz cya 2022-03-22 21:40:03 the_default (let's hope i don't accidentally wipe my drive in tiredness) 2022-03-22 21:40:11 bx gooooood luck 2022-03-22 21:40:19 opfez dzwdz: b.c:6:16: error: invalid use of void expression 2022-03-22 21:40:33 dzwdz uh 2022-03-22 21:40:33 the_default (i don't know how many times i've run poweroff on town by accident) 2022-03-22 21:40:40 dzwdz whatever 2022-03-22 21:40:47 bx the_default: alias it to logout? 2022-03-22 21:40:54 bx or to seomthing funny 2022-03-22 21:41:00 dzwdz the point is, null pointer dereference shouldn't be a special case 2022-03-22 21:41:21 bx yea, that's a precious byte im loosing out on there 2022-03-22 21:42:27 dzwdz right? 2022-03-22 21:42:42 bx i mean on an mcu or something that could matter 2022-03-22 21:42:53 bx on a 6502 that's in zero page 2022-03-22 21:42:55 dzwdz also wow it's late 2022-03-22 21:42:57 bx so 2022-03-22 21:42:58 dzwdz imma fuck off bye 2022-03-22 21:43:01 bx OH shit 2022-03-22 21:43:05 bx ittsa almost 10 2022-03-22 21:44:06 flowercorpse I'm doing embedded C currently 2022-03-22 21:44:51 bx what architecuter? 2022-03-22 21:47:06 opfez night dzwdz 2022-03-22 21:47:35 flowercorpse ARM 2022-03-22 21:47:55 flowercorpse good night dzw 2022-03-22 21:48:13 bx gn dzwdz 2022-03-22 21:48:16 bx flowercorpse: nice 2022-03-22 21:48:46 bx I want to write an arm/thumb assembler when i eventually finish my Mips I one 2022-03-22 21:49:02 bx also, i should also go to bed... 2022-03-22 21:49:04 bx gn 2022-03-22 21:49:04 flowercorpse I wish datasheets were easier to reed 2022-03-22 21:49:12 flowercorpse s/reed/read 2022-03-22 21:49:13 sedbot <flowercorpse> I wish datasheets were easier to read 2022-03-22 21:50:59 猫 wish my terminal would tell me when I was disconnected witohut me having to type something 2022-03-22 21:53:33 opfez night bx 2022-03-22 21:53:46 flowercorpse gn 2022-03-22 21:54:53 nihilazo I should log out too 2022-03-22 21:54:53 nihilazo gn 2022-03-22 21:55:46 * opfez joins his friends in sleep 2022-03-22 21:57:52 flowercorpse don't all leave me :( 2022-03-22 21:58:35 猫 I'm still here 2022-03-22 21:58:37 猫 I guess 2022-03-22 21:58:42 猫 I'm not friend though x3 2022-03-22 22:13:44 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-23 09:52:34 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-23 09:52:34 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-23 09:52:34 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-23 09:52:34 -- Channel #tildetown: 115 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 112 normals) 2022-03-23 09:52:36 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-23 10:29:54 petra looking up that phone two of the key features listed are FM radio and snake, so honestly it sounds perfect already 2022-03-23 10:30:33 nihilazo I'm just curious about the potential to mod it, maybe 2022-03-23 10:30:40 nihilazo as a phone it's perfectly decent 2022-03-23 10:32:02 devon i have a nokia with radio and snake. it's a great travel phone 2022-03-23 10:32:25 petra do you swap a sim into it? 2022-03-23 10:32:51 devon yeah, but i don't think it'll work stateside much longer as the towers are upgraded 2022-03-23 10:33:15 devon but, should still work fine in many countries 2022-03-23 10:34:12 devon i love old nokia dumb phones. i had one while living abroad for a while. they are rock solid 2022-03-23 10:41:23 juspib went on a trip, asked dad for some moneys for mcdonalds, actually went to an underground pass and gave the mony to an accordion player there like a boss 2022-03-23 10:52:40 nihilazo nice 2022-03-23 10:57:42 juspib it's the time of the year when sun hot but trees too bald to give cover 2022-03-23 12:18:26 <-- insom (insom@localhost) has quit (Quit: Leaving) 2022-03-23 13:12:48 elly morning :) 2022-03-23 13:19:32 --> ahriman (ahriman@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-23 13:33:36 --> strelka (strelka@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-23 13:33:56 <-- strelka (strelka@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-23 13:42:50 katie good morning town 2022-03-23 13:46:04 dozens oh we've been talking about the rise of dumbphones in another channel 2022-03-23 13:46:06 dozens https://www.bbc.com/news/business-60763168 2022-03-23 13:46:40 dozens i might get this e-ink feature phone once some used/refurbished ones hit the market 2022-03-23 13:46:42 dozens https://www.thelightphone.com/products 2022-03-23 13:47:05 dozens hey elly, katie, what's up :) 2022-03-23 13:47:50 katie i am continuing to think about funny titles to print on nameplates.. whats up with you ! 2022-03-23 13:48:45 asm good morning town 2022-03-23 13:49:41 dozens oh that sounds fun. what are some of your favorite so far? 2022-03-23 13:51:11 katie dozens: i think i've settled on putting "Senior Techromancer" on mine. our CEO's first name is john so im going to make his nameplate "John [Companyname]" 2022-03-23 13:51:49 katie our cto caught wind of my plan and really wants his to say "chief tomfoolery officer". i want to make everyone else's titles sound like dark souls boss names 2022-03-23 13:53:01 elly I've been changing my job title every few months for my whole career: https://tilde.town/~elly/titles.txt 2022-03-23 13:53:06 elly in reverse chrono order 2022-03-23 13:53:25 katie REALLY GOOD 2022-03-23 13:55:37 dozens these are excellent 2022-03-23 13:55:48 katie elly i am trying so hard to find words to communicate how fantastic this list is but i really cant 2022-03-23 13:55:58 dozens submitted for your approval: "the sorrow before the dawn" 2022-03-23 13:56:00 dozens https://twitter.com/susie_dent/status/1506547404635574273 2022-03-23 13:56:03 elly go for it 2022-03-23 13:57:20 dozens i usually put 'song and dance man' on all internal forms 2022-03-23 13:57:26 dozens i'm just here to entertain 2022-03-23 13:57:54 elly mine is usually just something that came to me randomly when I got tired of my old title 2022-03-23 13:58:05 katie when i was emailing our contact at the nameplate place i signed my email "Senior Antics Engineer" 2022-03-23 13:58:23 asm I get the ones like "Dawnbringer", "Infoterrorist", and "Test Failure Engineer", but idk what "Software Engineer" is supposed to mean 2022-03-23 13:58:33 katie i make it a goal to never sign off on an email the same way twice but its so much harder to do that couthly when we have government work 2022-03-23 13:58:35 elly that's the default one I started with 2022-03-23 13:58:58 elly katie: ah, I don't have my job title in emails usually 2022-03-23 13:59:04 elly my email signature is just "-- elly" 2022-03-23 14:03:20 * asm hands everyone coffees 2022-03-23 14:03:59 dozens thanks asm :P 2022-03-23 14:04:46 * dzwdz hands his coffee to dozens 2022-03-23 14:04:46 * asm hands you 47 more coffees 2022-03-23 14:04:54 asm now you have dozens :p 2022-03-23 14:05:28 * asm leaves a paper cup with a bit of water in it 2022-03-23 14:05:31 dzwdz oh goddammit 2022-03-23 14:05:33 dzwdz lmao 2022-03-23 14:07:03 elly morning :) 2022-03-23 14:07:48 dzwdz afternoon 2022-03-23 14:07:58 asm evening 2022-03-23 14:08:17 dzwdz damn, time flies 2022-03-23 14:11:38 dozens thanks for the dozens of cups of coffee yall 2022-03-23 14:11:44 dozens you gonna have to scrape me off the ceiling 2022-03-23 14:12:44 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-23 14:12:46 palmdrop !water 2022-03-23 14:12:46 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-03-23 14:12:50 palmdrop hey 2022-03-23 14:19:18 --> lown (lown@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-23 14:19:35 lown hi town! 2022-03-23 14:19:49 lown hown. 2022-03-23 14:20:25 dzwdz lown. 2022-03-23 14:20:33 lown down. 2022-03-23 14:22:45 dozens dawn. 2022-03-23 14:23:32 dzwdz so has anyone here ever administrated a computer lab? 2022-03-23 14:23:44 palmdrop never 2022-03-23 14:24:10 dozens kind of. not from an IT admin pov though. 2022-03-23 14:24:40 elly a long long time ago, like during the Windows 2000 days 2022-03-23 14:24:53 dozens i worked in a ~130 station publiccomputer lab 2022-03-23 14:24:57 dzwdz o 2022-03-23 14:26:42 @natalia k0rn9ng 2022-03-23 14:26:44 @natalia oops 2022-03-23 14:27:12 dzwdz ok how were your hands aligned there 2022-03-23 14:27:23 @natalia dont think about it 2022-03-23 14:27:26 elly right hand shifted up and to the right 2022-03-23 14:27:31 dzwdz no but like 2022-03-23 14:27:32 katie my new bytebeat korn cver band 2022-03-23 14:27:35 katie cover 2022-03-23 14:27:38 dzwdz she typed n with the left hand 2022-03-23 14:27:41 dzwdz but m with the right 2022-03-23 14:27:49 dzwdz what is that alignment 2022-03-23 14:27:57 elly advanced typing techniques 2022-03-23 14:27:59 @natalia im normal :) 2022-03-23 14:28:03 katie wait yeah hold on how on earth did you k->0 2022-03-23 14:28:22 dzwdz the right hand was shifted up right 2022-03-23 14:28:32 dzwdz probably scared of the left hand 2022-03-23 14:28:50 dzwdz because honestly, with that much territory who wouldn't be 2022-03-23 14:30:12 dzwdz so, back to the computer lab stuff 2022-03-23 14:31:03 lown this is like that one bash.org one 2022-03-23 14:31:07 dzwdz i wrote a few small scripts for managing the computer lab at my school today 2022-03-23 14:31:13 lown from when bash.org was funny and not terrible 2022-03-23 14:31:14 asm ooo 2022-03-23 14:31:21 asm what did the scripts do 2022-03-23 14:31:31 dzwdz lown: https://xkcd.com/1530/ 2022-03-23 14:31:44 dzwdz well the main one just lets me run commands across all computers 2022-03-23 14:31:45 lown i like that one 2022-03-23 14:31:56 lown what do the machines run? 2022-03-23 14:32:03 dzwdz an old ass version of mint 2022-03-23 14:32:12 dzwdz and, considering that they all run the same thing 2022-03-23 14:32:25 dzwdz it'd be nice if they were running from the exact same image 2022-03-23 14:32:33 dzwdz it'd make managing them easier 2022-03-23 14:32:34 lown wouldn't it. 2022-03-23 14:32:49 dzwdz so i was thinking about how i'd go about it 2022-03-23 14:33:05 elly PXE boot and no local storage 2022-03-23 14:33:06 elly the dream 2022-03-23 14:33:14 dzwdz mounting / over nfs would probably be the most straightforward solution 2022-03-23 14:33:49 dzwdz but that'd probably be slow, the networking gear is a bit old at this point 2022-03-23 14:34:23 dzwdz i was thinking i could keep a read-only copy of the image on every computer 2022-03-23 14:34:33 dzwdz and then when i make changes to the image i'd rsync it over 2022-03-23 14:35:53 dzwdz the it guy also mentioned sharing users across all computers 2022-03-23 14:36:05 dzwdz which'd be nice but i have absolutely no idea how to do it in a good way' 2022-03-23 14:36:48 dzwdz i also probably shouldn't be monologuing 2022-03-23 14:44:53 @natalia elly: "String ManipulationEnginee" is really really funny 2022-03-23 14:45:02 elly thanks! 2022-03-23 14:45:11 elly I got quite a few messages about it telling me I had a typo in my title, heh :) 2022-03-23 14:45:41 katie "Esoterrorist" is a really good word i wish the game that coined it wasnt Bad 2022-03-23 14:46:11 elly I don't know of that game 2022-03-23 14:46:15 elly or rather of that word or game 2022-03-23 14:46:33 elly but "software terrorist" is from something a previous coworker said: "the way you use assertions should be considered a form of terrorism" 2022-03-23 14:49:01 dzwdz problem engineer 2022-03-23 15:00:31 <-- mhj (mhj@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-23 15:33:55 * asm breaks the 33 minutes of silence 2022-03-23 15:34:17 opfez turns out, nethack is good 2022-03-23 15:42:22 elly it is 2022-03-23 15:42:43 elly man 2022-03-23 15:43:05 elly one of the plusses and minuses of working on an open source project is that you have to review code from everyone 2022-03-23 15:43:22 elly and this one person keeps mailing me changes that are just like... the most expedient possible hack to implement the thing they want 2022-03-23 15:43:35 elly and I keep being like "not approved, please do this properly" 2022-03-23 15:43:44 elly it's happened like 7 or 8 times and I wish they would take the hint and do it right the first time 2022-03-23 15:44:16 elly if they were a coworker I would have DMed their manager to be like "please have a chat with this person, they are wasting their time and mine by doing this" 2022-03-23 15:44:23 elly but alas, they are just a random person 2022-03-23 15:46:23 opfez what project is this? 2022-03-23 15:46:27 elly chromium 2022-03-23 15:46:30 elly my job :) 2022-03-23 15:46:39 opfez ohhh 2022-03-23 15:51:50 lown that must be a chill, low-stakes project to work on 2022-03-23 15:51:55 elly haha 2022-03-23 15:51:56 lown lots of free time 2022-03-23 15:51:59 elly god I wish 2022-03-23 15:52:05 lown nothing really hinging on it 2022-03-23 15:52:23 elly you know, can just freely experiment without it being a big deal :P 2022-03-23 15:53:21 lown yeah that's it 2022-03-23 15:53:44 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-23 15:57:37 lown yesterday i made my first firefox bugzilla bug report and then found out that it was actually ff following the letter of the law in terms of macos settings 2022-03-23 15:57:54 elly yeah 2022-03-23 15:58:01 elly OS-specific behavior is one of my least faves 2022-03-23 15:58:11 lown it's infuriating 2022-03-23 15:58:13 elly we have significant per-platform customization that often seems like a bug if you aren't intimately familiar with the platform 2022-03-23 15:58:31 lown especially because this setting's default is Bad A11y 2022-03-23 15:58:41 elly eg, if you have a dialog open with the cancel button focused, hitting Enter cancels the dialog on windows/linux/chromeos but accepts the dialog on mac 2022-03-23 15:58:48 elly because that's what Enter does on mac in general 2022-03-23 15:58:51 lown Oh gawd. 2022-03-23 15:59:42 lown so this issue was, macos has a setting to enable tab navigation onto controls 2022-03-23 15:59:50 lown it's off by default. 2022-03-23 15:59:52 elly yup, I am very familiar with this setting 2022-03-23 16:00:01 elly and we occasionally get bugs filed about it 2022-03-23 16:00:14 elly we do what firefox does, i.e. honor the system setting even though it has a bad default 2022-03-23 16:00:17 lown firefox picks the setting up, chrome mercifully seems to ignore it 2022-03-23 16:00:20 katie Bad A11y sounds like the name of a member of a software eng bike gang 2022-03-23 16:00:23 elly we do not ignore it :P 2022-03-23 16:00:26 lown oh intersting 2022-03-23 16:00:31 lown does chrome? 2022-03-23 16:00:36 elly I sure hope not 2022-03-23 16:00:41 elly I own the involved code 2022-03-23 16:00:52 elly if you see chrome ignoring it please file a bug: https://new.crbug.com 2022-03-23 16:01:01 lown gonna do some testing 2022-03-23 16:02:03 lown when macos says 'controls', what does it mean? 2022-03-23 16:02:10 elly textfields and listboxes 2022-03-23 16:02:16 lown does that include links? buttons? 2022-03-23 16:02:23 elly er, buttons, sorry 2022-03-23 16:03:27 lown okay well, I can tab-navigate all over the gmail interface with the os setting off, including inside email bodies, which is specifically where it failed for firefox (i.e. on ff i can navigate around the gmail ui but not inside the email body) 2022-03-23 16:03:40 elly oh ugh 2022-03-23 16:03:42 lown so is gmail maybe overriding the default os setting? 2022-03-23 16:03:45 elly some websites do their own tab handling 2022-03-23 16:03:47 elly and ignore the OS setting 2022-03-23 16:03:49 elly gmail is one of them 2022-03-23 16:03:59 lown right okau 2022-03-23 16:04:04 elly like they use JS to grab the tab key and move focus around themselves 2022-03-23 16:04:12 lown horrible 2022-03-23 16:04:18 asm damn 2022-03-23 16:04:32 elly extremely ironically, they mostly do this to get consistent cross-platform focus behavior 2022-03-23 16:04:40 lown okay so gmail on firefox has different behaviour than gmail on chrome 2022-03-23 16:04:46 elly because they want "gmail on mac" to feel the same as "gmail on windows" 2022-03-23 16:04:54 lown i might post a gmail bug then 2022-03-23 16:05:07 elly good luck, I have no idea how one does that 2022-03-23 16:05:23 lown neither! ha ha! 2022-03-23 16:05:49 lown glad it isn't chrome, at least. 2022-03-23 16:07:57 nihilazo \o 2022-03-23 16:10:43 lown My team is delighted you were around to explain that issue, elly 2022-03-23 16:11:09 elly ha, I'm glad 2022-03-23 16:17:17 asm hi nihilazo 2022-03-23 16:17:23 nihilazo how're you? 2022-03-23 16:17:29 nihilazo (and how's everybody in town in general?) 2022-03-23 16:17:41 @natalia i am thinking about how much better my current programming project would look if i had monads and do notation 2022-03-23 16:19:18 asm I'm doing okay 2022-03-23 16:19:21 asm and you? 2022-03-23 16:20:03 @natalia i am soon to eat with a friend though so that's nice 2022-03-23 16:22:49 lown i'm well! i'm trying to understand scala 2022-03-23 16:22:54 lown i think i' 2022-03-23 16:23:06 lown d appreciate scala more if i'd first learned java 2022-03-23 16:23:53 nihilazo I'm doing pretty good, going to see a show tonight that I'm excited for 2022-03-23 16:42:26 extratone check out my wireless charger y'all. https://ttm.sh/iOc.jpeg 2022-03-23 16:54:34 elly very fancy 2022-03-23 17:06:23 lown noice. 2022-03-23 17:14:02 --> mhj (mhj@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-23 17:22:02 lown off home x 2022-03-23 17:22:03 <-- lown (lown@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-23 17:28:52 m455 hello town i miss you. i'm about to head out now lol. had like 2 seconds to post 2022-03-23 17:29:29 magical o7 2022-03-23 17:43:34 katie i really wish my remote team wasnt a million miles away. i need to figure out how to teach things without a physical space lol 2022-03-23 17:55:38 the_default hi 2022-03-23 18:01:14 the_default ok so pass is a pretty nice looking password store 2022-03-23 18:01:46 the_default but it only knowing which key is which by filenames has really come back to byte me 2022-03-23 18:02:21 katie the_default: hows that? 2022-03-23 18:02:57 the_default i messed up my hard drive last night, had to recover files with photorec. now have to go through keys with trial and error to match them up with the websites 2022-03-23 18:03:11 the_default or reset them. but there're a few i can reset 2022-03-23 18:03:50 katie oooough 2022-03-23 18:04:01 katie my condolences that doesn't sound fun at all 2022-03-23 18:04:22 asm so it turns out I did completed the training task correctly 2022-03-23 18:04:54 the_default what task? 2022-03-23 18:04:55 asm email ended with "Will get back to you soon", which hopefully is good! 2022-03-23 18:05:16 asm the_default: I did a training task thing for a volunteer webmaster position I applied to 2022-03-23 18:05:26 the_default oh cool 2022-03-23 18:05:37 the_default good luck with (getting) that 2022-03-23 18:08:56 <-- mhj (mhj@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-23 18:12:09 dzwdz i fell asleep did i miss anything 2022-03-23 18:12:12 dzwdz feel 2022-03-23 18:12:14 dzwdz fell 2022-03-23 18:13:05 asm thx 2022-03-23 18:13:41 extratone https://ttm.sh/iO4.png 2022-03-23 18:15:23 the_default since when has app store looked like that 2022-03-23 18:18:10 extratone it's not actually the app store app - it's a siri shortcut that opens the app store app directly to the updates page via url scheme. 2022-03-23 18:18:27 dzwdz damn, you played us 2022-03-23 18:18:28 the_default oh wow 2022-03-23 18:23:50 extratone it's so nice to immediately jump into the updates list. this is one of the few things shortcuts are *actually* good for imo. 2022-03-23 18:26:24 asm nice 2022-03-23 18:54:45 @natalia i have solved my Ed Buffer Addressing Problems 2022-03-23 18:54:56 dzwdz \o/ 2022-03-23 18:55:45 --> flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-23 18:55:58 the_default o/ 2022-03-23 18:56:01 flowercorpse hi beautiful people 2022-03-23 18:56:17 jmjl natalia: how? 2022-03-23 18:58:31 @natalia [1] is line 0 of buffer 1, but the so-called `null' command will move you to line 1 if one exists 2022-03-23 19:19:42 cymen ugh 2022-03-23 19:22:19 jmjl oh, ok 2022-03-23 19:51:52 * asm is back 2022-03-23 19:51:59 * asm hands everyone waters 2022-03-23 19:52:34 dozens thanks hydro homie 2022-03-23 20:06:06 extratone thank you! it's lit! 2022-03-23 20:06:10 extratone !water 2022-03-23 20:06:10 * pinhook waters extratone's seedling 2022-03-23 20:06:16 extratone !talklike 2022-03-23 20:06:16 pinhook and paying attention to what else you might find, but then of course it is! but isn't that a luxury afforded by a BPM so high that kicks begin to form an indistinguishable tone. 2022-03-23 20:09:40 猫 !talklike pinhook 2022-03-23 20:09:41 pinhook Most of the job of government 2022-03-23 20:09:53 猫 !water pinhook 2022-03-23 20:09:53 * pinhook waters pinhook's glossy young sage 2022-03-23 20:10:01 猫 !talklike pinhook 2022-03-23 20:10:02 pinhook I'd forgotten that you spend too much to drink last night, so bye 2022-03-23 20:11:14 flowercorpse ahahah 2022-03-23 20:13:33 猫 !talklike pinhook 2022-03-23 20:13:33 pinhook I will be spectacular 2022-03-23 20:14:16 fluora pinhook is spectacular, confirmed 2022-03-23 20:15:55 猫 rue 2022-03-23 20:15:57 猫 true* 2022-03-23 20:17:43 flowercorpse !talklike 2022-03-23 20:17:43 pinhook I'm trying to learn the sheng, and I haven't found out the best white noise 2022-03-23 20:18:33 fluora !talklike 2022-03-23 20:18:34 pinhook but we don't remember what it's like the short-form version of Dixit to play with hardware auth like we planned 2022-03-23 20:18:44 fluora pffft 2022-03-23 20:18:56 fluora ah yes, playing Dixit with hardware authentication 2022-03-23 20:19:01 fluora :thounking: 2022-03-23 20:19:06 flowercorpse the best noise is brownian noise 2022-03-23 20:19:50 fluora I've always been partial to electron tunnelling shot-noise 2022-03-23 20:21:04 fluora also atmospheric radio noise, that's a good one 2022-03-23 20:21:13 flowercorpse 1/f noise is pink 2022-03-23 20:22:07 @natalia hi fluora :) 2022-03-23 20:22:32 fluora hi nat! 2022-03-23 20:22:37 @natalia how have u been 2022-03-23 20:23:05 fluora I sure have been 2022-03-23 20:24:48 fluora I've been loving my job and having no trouble with money, but have just been like the most isolated and lonely ever 2022-03-23 20:25:46 fluora I've been stuck living with a roommate who seemed like she was going to be my friend and then randomly decided she hated my guts, which has been arbitrarliy stressful 2022-03-23 20:27:34 fluora I basically have no idea how to be normal anymore but things are ostensibly fine 2022-03-23 20:29:06 @natalia oogh 2022-03-23 20:29:31 猫 Hello 2022-03-23 20:29:54 猫 can someone tell me to study 2022-03-23 20:30:00 elly study 2022-03-23 20:30:02 fluora you should study 2022-03-23 20:30:09 猫 thanks 2022-03-23 20:30:32 fluora I never figured out how to do that and almost didn't graduate, so like, spooky voice, fire and brimstone, etc 2022-03-23 20:30:35 fluora or something 2022-03-23 20:32:35 fluora that's not really true, I did okay. but yeah like, spending time on your academic stuff is good 2022-03-23 20:33:34 猫 oh it's just like SRS for kanji 2022-03-23 20:33:36 猫 nothing actually useful x3 2022-03-23 20:33:53 @natalia that seems useful 2022-03-23 20:34:41 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-24 00:59:27 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 00:59:27 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-24 00:59:27 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-24 00:59:27 -- Channel #tildetown: 116 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 113 normals) 2022-03-24 00:59:29 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-24 01:13:45 --> malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 01:15:43 flowercorpse hi extratone & malvarma 2022-03-24 01:16:05 malvarma flowercorpse: hello there 2022-03-24 01:16:55 tahnok oh my gosh, I think I just installed debian to a disk while booted to/in arch 2022-03-24 01:17:54 asm nice 2022-03-24 01:18:02 * asm doesn't use arch btw 2022-03-24 01:18:09 malvarma ha 2022-03-24 01:18:42 asm windows 13 insider preview ftw \o/ 2022-03-24 01:19:29 malvarma i really thought windows was gonna stay at 10 forever, like mac does with osx 2022-03-24 01:20:08 ulhar hello! 2022-03-24 01:20:24 tahnok nope, second boot got mad 2022-03-24 01:20:40 tahnok third boot fine??? 2022-03-24 01:21:04 * ulhar shrugs 2022-03-24 01:25:31 tahnok yes, every other boot fails 2022-03-24 01:26:17 asm mac os x is no more too 2022-03-24 01:27:09 malvarma asm: what do they call mac os now? 2022-03-24 01:27:11 asm it's macOS 12 now 2022-03-24 01:27:21 malvarma woah 2022-03-24 01:28:25 asm I don't think the investors liked seeing that Apple didn't release any new operating systems since March 24, 2001 :p 2022-03-24 01:28:48 malvarma I think operating systems should follow the hollywood playbook, and stop using numbers in sequels after a certain point. 2022-03-24 01:29:12 malvarma Like you could have Mac OS, Son of Mac OS, Mac OS: Endgame 2022-03-24 01:29:25 malvarma Too Mac Too OS 2022-03-24 01:30:17 flowercorpse they had like big cat naming schemes and now they have national parks 2022-03-24 01:30:19 malvarma well technically they released ios between that time and now 2022-03-24 01:30:32 malvarma did they run out of big cats? 2022-03-24 01:30:58 flowercorpse maybe, it was already pretty weird like 2022-03-24 01:31:03 malvarma and did they ever do garfield? He's not very tall but he's fat (at least cannonically he is) 2022-03-24 01:31:17 flowercorpse lion -> mountain lion and leopard -> snow leopard 2022-03-24 01:31:20 asm it seems like new macos and ios versions, and now windows versions, come out too frequently 2022-03-24 01:31:48 asm same with GNU/Linux distros like ubuntu 2022-03-24 01:32:18 malvarma i just wish new versions of things would fix things in old versions, rather than making new things to fix 2022-03-24 01:32:30 tahnok ya, should be more like arch, they've never released a version 2! 2022-03-24 01:32:57 * asm releases arch 3 2022-03-24 01:33:30 flowercorpse garfield is like overexposed, like there have been so many things garfield has done and garfield has been in so many situations that garfield lost meaning like I don't know what garfield is anymore 2022-03-24 01:35:31 flowercorpse I don't really know what I'm talking about here, I'm really tired 2022-03-24 01:36:06 malvarma but flowercorpse thats always been what garfield was. a blank canvas to project your innermost desires on to 2022-03-24 01:36:41 malvarma the author of garfield is on the record as saying he came up with the character as a way to sell merchandise 2022-03-24 01:38:06 flowercorpse dunno I find it kinda hard to self insert myself into garfield 2022-03-24 01:39:25 malvarma you don't like lasagna? 2022-03-24 01:39:35 malvarma you...like mondays? 2022-03-24 01:39:40 @natalia hello 2022-03-24 01:39:41 malvarma you hate sleeping in? 2022-03-24 01:40:25 malvarma natalia: o/ 2022-03-24 01:40:38 flowercorpse yeah but garfield is canonically like a horrible person (I am aware he is a cat not a person) like he treats both jon and the yellow dog (forgot their name) like trash 2022-03-24 01:40:48 malvarma ah yes garfield is a jerk 2022-03-24 01:40:54 flowercorpse hi natalia 2022-03-24 01:42:14 malvarma i think you are also supposed to find that to be a relatable aspect of garfield. the strip goes out of its way to make john to be a hateable loser. so when garfield makes fun of him, you're laughing along side him 2022-03-24 01:42:37 malvarma this is also why the comic isn't funny - it repeats itself. you already laugh at john, but then garfield has to butt his way in. 2022-03-24 01:42:56 flowercorpse but I don't want to laugh at human misery I feel sorry for john 2022-03-24 01:43:13 malvarma ah i understand 2022-03-24 01:44:43 flowercorpse I do like lasagna though 2022-03-24 01:44:49 malvarma right? 2022-03-24 01:46:27 flowercorpse but I mean how can he eat that every day 2022-03-24 01:47:57 malvarma hmm true 2022-03-24 01:48:11 malvarma are there foods you would eat every day (if it were healthy to do so?) 2022-03-24 01:48:17 malvarma foods you wouldn't get sick of? 2022-03-24 01:48:21 malvarma I could name a few for me 2022-03-24 01:49:22 flowercorpse no I don't think so, I'm pretty averse to monotony 2022-03-24 01:50:29 <-- tahnok (tahnok@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-24 01:53:27 malvarma ah understood 2022-03-24 01:53:53 flowercorpse but once I perfect shakshuka I'm going to put the recipe on my index.html 2022-03-24 01:54:03 @natalia listening to some music by recommendation from a friend 2022-03-24 01:54:05 @natalia its a nice feeling i think 2022-03-24 01:54:11 malvarma i have been wanting to try that. it looks so good 2022-03-24 01:55:06 dozens malvarma: i already eat pretty much the same thing a lot of the time 2022-03-24 01:55:15 dozens some variation of a grain, a green, and a bean. 2022-03-24 01:55:18 dozens and tofu 2022-03-24 01:57:10 malvarma but do you swap out the green or bean? 2022-03-24 01:57:42 malvarma like, how do we know garfield doesn't have different types of lasagna every day? 2022-03-24 01:58:10 malvarma maybe he has enchiladas, but calls it "mexican lasagna" 2022-03-24 01:58:27 malvarma or moussaka, "greek lasagna" 2022-03-24 02:00:56 flowercorpse I don't know I think garfield has the same day over and over again 2022-03-24 02:01:33 dozens maybe that's why he hates mondays 2022-03-24 02:01:45 flowercorpse because it's a comic strip there can be no changes to the status quo like no progression or story 2022-03-24 02:01:54 flowercorpse maybe its eternal monday for him 2022-03-24 02:01:58 @vilmibm hello howdy 2022-03-24 02:01:59 @natalia have u seen square root of minus garfield 2022-03-24 02:02:09 @vilmibm plz tell me that is a thing 2022-03-24 02:02:15 @natalia IT IS 2022-03-24 02:02:29 @vilmibm flowercorpse: i look forward to your shakshuka recipe! i gotta write mine down, too 2022-03-24 02:02:57 @vilmibm i still adore garfield - garfield, but have not explored too far beyond thta 2022-03-24 02:02:59 @vilmibm that* 2022-03-24 02:03:59 @natalia square root of minus garfield is community-contributed Garfield Whatevers 2022-03-24 02:05:40 malvarma there unfortunately was a disruption to the story. john and liz got married. and if you ask me, it completely takes the humor our of an already humorless strip 2022-03-24 02:05:47 @natalia WHEN 2022-03-24 02:05:57 @natalia jon arbuckle divorce arc whennnnnnnnn 2022-03-24 02:05:58 flowercorpse whaat 2022-03-24 02:06:22 flowercorpse how does that happen 2022-03-24 02:06:56 flowercorpse I'm behind on garfield lore 2022-03-24 02:07:16 @vilmibm JON. ARBUCKLE. MESSY. DIVORCE. ARC. WHEN. 2022-03-24 02:07:17 malvarma john was always the loser who couldnt get a date (because frankly, he is a creep) but now he is paired off. liz always hated him... now she is his girlfrield 2022-03-24 02:07:32 malvarma i dont know if they actually got married. but since 2006 she's with jon. why? 2022-03-24 02:08:01 malvarma I think they need to reboot the series, and portray jon as a fedora wearing niceguy. 2022-03-24 02:08:31 @vilmibm or a jordan peterson guy who wears north face 2022-03-24 02:08:31 malvarma and crucially, jon can never get a date. because he's terrible 2022-03-24 02:08:44 malvarma vilmibm: i was thinking that would be lyman 2022-03-24 02:08:46 @vilmibm yes that part is crucial 2022-03-24 02:08:48 @vilmibm hehe 2022-03-24 02:08:48 malvarma they could bring back lyman 2022-03-24 02:09:12 malvarma lyman could be johns creepy mysoginistic friend who convinces jon to do all sorts of terrible stuff 2022-03-24 02:09:26 malvarma like try pickup artistry, or go on a "mans retreat" in the forest 2022-03-24 02:10:01 flowercorpse jon becomes an incel arc...? 2022-03-24 02:10:03 malvarma but at the end of the day, jon needs the shit kicked out of him. and garfield looks at you, in the last panel, like "get a load of this asshole?!: 2022-03-24 02:10:55 @vilmibm oh god jon def becomes an incel 2022-03-24 02:10:58 flowercorpse garfield has always been physically abusive towards odie 2022-03-24 02:11:07 @vilmibm will garfield cross the line and commit dogslaughter? 2022-03-24 02:11:14 @vilmibm a long "did he mean to" arc 2022-03-24 02:11:21 @vilmibm where he doesn't process anything or dwell on it really 2022-03-24 02:11:28 malvarma i think they need to write odie out of the series 2022-03-24 02:11:41 flowercorpse odie is a holy fool character 2022-03-24 02:11:52 flowercorpse like in orthodox christianity 2022-03-24 02:12:26 malvarma i wouldnt mind seeing a more religious take on odie 2022-03-24 02:14:03 @vilmibm should odie be crucified 2022-03-24 02:14:09 @vilmibm leading to garfield's duplicitous conversion 2022-03-24 02:14:16 @vilmibm which he spins into lasagna tithing 2022-03-24 02:15:13 malvarma if it were up to me, odie would be rewritten as a nextdoor neighbor who fursuits as a dog 2022-03-24 02:15:43 flowercorpse but than that's home invasion not just domestic abuse 2022-03-24 02:16:12 malvarma well id also want to stop garfield from abusing odie. it's not funny 2022-03-24 02:16:22 malvarma garfield has to abuse jon. the strip needs to stick to that 2022-03-24 02:16:32 @vilmibm it isn't funny, i agree, which is why a grim "too far" narrative could work, i think 2022-03-24 02:16:39 malvarma ah fair enough 2022-03-24 02:17:06 @vilmibm my airbnb has a TINY GUITAR in it which means i can practice guitar but jee playing on a TINY GUITAR is hard https://tilde.town/~vilmibm/tinyguitar.jpg 2022-03-24 02:17:10 @vilmibm this guitar is too small 2022-03-24 02:17:27 malvarma woah good for you! 2022-03-24 02:17:42 malvarma its one of those short scale models? 2022-03-24 02:17:44 flowercorpse I think garfield is already grim enough, like nothing ever happens, just the same day every day, nobody ages, it's been almost 50 years, 2022-03-24 02:17:53 malvarma looks like a classical guitar too. nylon strings? 2022-03-24 02:18:21 malvarma i think the static nature of newspaper comics is more comforting and familiar than grim. but i see your point 2022-03-24 02:18:38 flowercorpse garfield and jon are stranded in time 2022-03-24 02:18:49 flowercorpse and they despise eachother 2022-03-24 02:20:23 @natalia man 2022-03-24 02:20:27 @natalia so im reading about this album im listening to 2022-03-24 02:20:30 @vilmibm malvarma: the GBE strings are nylon....but i think as a cost saving measure 2022-03-24 02:20:31 @natalia (o clube da esquina) 2022-03-24 02:20:35 flowercorpse vilmibm: tiny guitars are really cool 2022-03-24 02:20:47 @vilmibm flowercorpse: it's neat!! but my long spider fingers are getting all jammed up 2022-03-24 02:20:59 @natalia the coer of it is just like Of Two Boys and it took them until forty years later to figure out who it was 2022-03-24 02:21:14 flowercorpse ah as a fellow long spider finger person I can relate to that 2022-03-24 02:21:33 @natalia one of them had seen it and went "i'm sure that's me" and the other one just did not know of the existence of this relatively popular album with literally a picture of him as a kid on the cover 2022-03-24 02:21:36 @natalia kind of wild 2022-03-24 02:21:53 malvarma i guess they didn't get a release when they took the photo 2022-03-24 02:21:54 flowercorpse natalia: wait what? I assumed they were milton nascimento and lo borges 2022-03-24 02:21:58 @natalia nope! 2022-03-24 02:22:35 @natalia it's funny because like, it's not an unreasonable assumption. nobody knows what people looked like as kids. but it's just two random ass people 2022-03-24 02:23:06 flowercorpse It's a really good album cover though 2022-03-24 02:23:15 @natalia it's SO good 2022-03-24 02:23:17 @natalia here check out the pic 2022-03-24 02:23:24 @natalia https://brasillinois.wordpress.com/2012/03/19/boys-from-clube-da-esquina-cover-located-after-40-years/ of them posing w it 2022-03-24 02:24:04 @vilmibm nice 2022-03-24 02:24:48 flowercorpse um girassol da cor do seu cabelo is unreasonably good even compared to the rest of the album imo 2022-03-24 02:25:09 malvarma hahaha 2022-03-24 02:26:17 flowercorpse I wish I knew portuguese, currently when it's stuck in my head it's just the gibberish version of portuguese 2022-03-24 02:26:18 malvarma this is an album i've been meaning to listen to more 2022-03-24 02:29:32 flowercorpse I have a tiny guitar as well here, but at home I have a regular one, and when I go home it feels gigantic 2022-03-24 02:31:21 @vilmibm i'm looking forward to the roomy 5 bedroom house that is my usual guitar 2022-03-24 02:34:02 flowercorpse https://ttm.sh/imE.png 2022-03-24 02:34:37 malvarma thats a beautiful guitar. what kind is it? 2022-03-24 02:34:48 flowercorpse I have to tune it with pliers 2022-03-24 02:34:56 malvarma i have a thing for guitars that look like fenders but are actually different brands 2022-03-24 02:35:07 @vilmibm oh nice 2022-03-24 02:35:15 flowercorpse I think it's like copy era japanese 2022-03-24 02:35:20 @vilmibm huh it's like. kind of a wide fender 2022-03-24 02:35:35 flowercorpse the "brand" is satellite 2022-03-24 02:35:55 flowercorpse it's also the cheapest guitar I could find in london 2022-03-24 02:36:08 malvarma that is exactly the kind of thing i dig! yeah, you can get them cheap used 2022-03-24 02:36:25 malvarma people dont collect them, so the price is actually reasonable. but some of them are good guitars 2022-03-24 02:36:26 @vilmibm i have a fender jazzmaster + taylor 314ce 2022-03-24 02:36:33 malvarma and others, well they have their issues. but nothing you can't fix 2022-03-24 02:36:41 malvarma taylor... woah 2022-03-24 02:36:42 @vilmibm i actually mostly play the 314ce, it's a delight to sample 2022-03-24 02:37:12 malvarma the music store i used to work at was a taylor dealer. those things are precious 2022-03-24 02:37:32 malvarma only martins are more prized, and not by everyone 2022-03-24 02:37:50 flowercorpse my controversial opinion is that all guitars sound the same 2022-03-24 02:38:19 malvarma i disagree slightly. but all drums definitely sound the same. or at least close enough 2022-03-24 02:38:19 flowercorpse electric ones at least 2022-03-24 02:38:34 malvarma everything sounds the same run through a metal zone pedal. 2022-03-24 02:39:17 flowercorpse exactly 2022-03-24 02:39:22 malvarma ahaha 2022-03-24 02:40:07 flowercorpse I used to be in a band that used a lot of pedals 2022-03-24 02:41:16 flowercorpse so now I hate all of them 2022-03-24 02:42:02 @vilmibm i can say from experience there is a wide gulf of sound/ease of play among acoustic 2022-03-24 02:42:19 @vilmibm electric i have only spent appreciable time with my old Squier and then my new Jazzmaster and have no opinions 2022-03-24 02:42:35 @vilmibm <3 metal zone <3 2022-03-24 02:42:35 flowercorpse ease of play is definitely a thing 2022-03-24 02:42:59 @vilmibm i started acoustic with a "budget" taylor and it definitely sounds much different from my 314ce 2022-03-24 02:43:00 asm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5X6iLHzqAI 2022-03-24 02:43:00 pinhook ["The Disturbing Truth about Discord - YouTube"] 2022-03-24 02:44:17 @vilmibm who among us can claim this title https://www.instagram.com/p/CMViWC2lcoc/ 2022-03-24 02:44:45 @vilmibm speaking of it's time for video games, peace~ 2022-03-24 02:45:00 @natalia sus ? 2022-03-24 02:45:42 malvarma vilmibm: o/ 2022-03-24 02:45:44 malvarma gn 2022-03-24 02:48:16 malvarma name a more iconic guitar: https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTAyNFgxMDI0/z/2MMAAOSwzvlW9R38/$_86.JPG 2022-03-24 02:48:34 malvarma one humbucker's all ya need 2022-03-24 02:50:06 flowercorpse I did actually remove the neck pickup on my actual guitar 2022-03-24 02:53:29 flowercorpse https://ttm.sh/imQ.jpeg this one though 2022-03-24 02:55:17 malvarma woah that would be neat 2022-03-24 02:55:35 flowercorpse or the solmania guitars https://ttm.sh/imh.jpg 2022-03-24 02:55:39 malvarma because you'd be mixing in the sound of the other half of the string 2022-03-24 02:56:00 malvarma oh wtf is going on there 2022-03-24 02:56:52 flowercorpse noise scene things 2022-03-24 02:57:05 malvarma neat 2022-03-24 03:02:54 flowercorpse In my home town which is small (by european standars) there is a music festival every year where anyone can enter and you get to play like 20 minutes 2022-03-24 03:03:42 flowercorpse and for the longest time I've been thinking of playing a noise set 2022-03-24 03:04:03 flowercorpse for a room of confused elderly people 2022-03-24 03:04:31 flowercorpse but I'm not sure if that's a nice thing to do 2022-03-24 03:05:41 malvarma that sounds like most of the shows i had, back in the day 2022-03-24 03:06:25 malvarma My later bands all played in basements and weird clubs. but my early bands would go to "open mic night" at different places 2022-03-24 03:06:31 malvarma sometimes a church, sometimes a coffee shop 2022-03-24 03:06:51 malvarma we'd get 20 minutes, play whatever we wanted. sometimes people liked it. a lot of times, we were kicked out 2022-03-24 03:07:59 flowercorpse getting kicked out is like applause though 2022-03-24 03:08:11 flowercorpse like at least it's a reaction 2022-03-24 03:08:31 malvarma i used to intend for that 2022-03-24 03:09:18 malvarma i don't think like that now. but i used to want to shock people. now i just do what i care about, and maybe it shocks people maybe it doesnt. i think that's healthier for me 2022-03-24 03:10:00 flowercorpse I mean I wouldn't intend for that, but basically all the shows I played were like bland 2022-03-24 03:10:10 flowercorpse lukewarm 2022-03-24 03:11:39 malvarma huh 2022-03-24 03:12:02 malvarma audiences are so fickle 2022-03-24 03:15:30 <-- katie (katie@localhost) has quit (Quit) 2022-03-24 03:16:36 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-24 03:22:05 flowercorpse I was also thinking about films as an improvisation game 2022-03-24 03:22:54 flowercorpse like there would be a film playing, but muted, and then the players would have to make up the soundtrack 2022-03-24 03:23:10 flowercorpse but I couldn't convince any of my musician friends 2022-03-24 03:27:21 agafnd that sounds fun 2022-03-24 03:27:39 agafnd live performance of dark side of the moon while the wizard of oz is playing 2022-03-24 03:28:09 agafnd live performance of dark side of the moon while a live (but silent) performance of the wizard of oz is also taking place 2022-03-24 03:30:26 flowercorpse I think silent films actually had like a person who would play the piano live while the film was rolling 2022-03-24 03:30:51 flowercorpse before sound recording was available 2022-03-24 03:31:02 agafnd Yeah I think so 2022-03-24 03:31:30 agafnd & often copies of silent films you'll see today will have like, scott joplin or something playing under it 2022-03-24 03:32:49 agafnd i think i remember reading an anecdote about one of the marx brothers getting fired from that job because he only played one song 2022-03-24 03:32:49 flowercorpse yeah but then that's then an opportunity to play something else, because the film doesn't have a predetermined soundtrack 2022-03-24 03:34:28 agafnd "Chico found Harpo some of his first jobs. He and Chico were co-workers, playing piano to accompany silent films.[12] Unlike Chico, Harpo could play only two songs on the piano, "Waltz Me Around Again, Willie" and "Love Me and the World Is Mine",[33] but he adapted this small repertoire in different tempos to suit the action on the screen." 2022-03-24 03:34:30 agafnd lol 2022-03-24 03:35:13 flowercorpse two songs are better than one :) 2022-03-24 03:38:49 flowercorpse there was improvisation in classical music as well, but it disappeared by now 2022-03-24 03:39:44 flowercorpse like cadenzas weren't usually written out, players would have to improvise 2022-03-24 03:43:05 agafnd yeah that kind of sucks 2022-03-24 03:43:20 malvarma true. there's a whole tradition of decoration / flourishing from the baroque era, I believe 2022-03-24 03:43:28 agafnd classical music education focuses way too much on playing a piece exactly as written imo 2022-03-24 03:43:50 agafnd even theoretical analysis sometimes falls to the wayside 2022-03-24 03:44:45 malvarma classical music is weird. i thought the jazz world was weird (and it is). but classical music is weirder, in terms of the audience, expectations, and the economics behind it 2022-03-24 03:45:12 flowercorpse malvarma: yeah, and scores from that period aren't really annotated with dynamics and such 2022-03-24 03:46:16 malvarma i wonder how the classical world forgot about that 2022-03-24 03:48:03 malvarma guess i should get going now. good night day town! 2022-03-24 03:48:08 <-- malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-24 03:49:08 flowercorpse there is this page in a songbook by john dowland that I really like: https://www.omifacsimiles.com/brochures/dowland_ayres2.html 2022-03-24 03:49:48 flowercorpse because the parts are written in different orientations, so performers could stand around a table looking at it from different angles 2022-03-24 03:50:00 @natalia !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a51uy8klSqg 2022-03-24 03:50:00 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Black Midi - Moonlight on Vermont 2022-03-24 03:50:45 flowercorpse and it's really kind of sweet because it emphasizes participation more than listening 2022-03-24 03:53:06 flowercorpse as in something you would perform with friends not for an audience 2022-03-24 03:54:41 flowercorpse good night malvarma 2022-03-24 03:55:22 @natalia oh i didnt even see they left 2022-03-24 04:00:13 flowercorpse I'm going to sleep too 2022-03-24 04:00:40 flowercorpse !sotd https://youtu.be/QiSVr_B_NkY 2022-03-24 04:00:40 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to What a sad fate Is mine, Z. 428b 2022-03-24 04:00:52 flowercorpse good night town 2022-03-24 04:01:43 <-- flowercorpse (flowercorpse@localhost) has quit (Quit: Goodnight) 2022-03-24 06:58:26 juspib night 2022-03-24 07:15:25 nihilazo \o 2022-03-24 07:21:00 <-- brendo_ (brendantcc@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-24 07:30:43 --> brendo_ (brendantcc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 07:38:28 <-- brendo_ (brendantcc@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-24 07:38:39 --> brendo_ (brendantcc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 09:09:24 barnaba Morning 2022-03-24 09:09:30 barnaba !water 2022-03-24 09:09:30 * pinhook waters barnaba's rare smug green flowering sage 2022-03-24 09:09:44 barnaba This might be my first plant that lives forever 2022-03-24 09:22:52 login barnaba: digital is better 2022-03-24 09:36:30 barnaba Wish I was digitalized and experiencing digital back pain rn instead of the silly regular analog one 2022-03-24 09:37:06 barnaba Imagine how much more pain we'd be able to experience when we finally ascend to buggy software 2022-03-24 09:37:28 barnaba not this weak, production tested meat 2022-03-24 09:42:27 login would you have a back? 2022-03-24 09:42:46 login meat is totally buggy 2022-03-24 09:42:55 login like, totally totally 2022-03-24 09:43:48 login there are many layers of 'meta' and 'duplicate ways of doing the same thing' and lots of error correction 2022-03-24 09:44:08 login and even all that is just optimised for age 0 to the age by which the genes have passed on 2022-03-24 09:46:09 barnaba well yeah but there's some physical limits to how buggy you could get, you usually don't spread your tissue encompassing entire spaceship and becoming one with it 2022-03-24 09:46:26 barnaba not to mention having so many backs you run out of memory, cause you're just leaking backs 2022-03-24 09:48:47 barnaba there might be integer overflow causing pain to become pleasure in both systems though 2022-03-24 09:49:47 login from a systems perspective, software is very dependent on lower levels 2022-03-24 09:50:03 login while biological code is quite independent at every level/highly parallel 2022-03-24 09:56:18 --> lown (lown@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 09:56:29 lown hi town! 2022-03-24 10:22:13 login hi 2022-03-24 10:40:52 noa hello 2022-03-24 11:54:42 fluora I'm absolutely abysmal at taking care of my `botany` plants, but my real-life plants do fine 2022-03-24 11:54:43 猫 !tarot 2022-03-24 11:54:43 rufus[awkbot] The Emperor (Reversed) - tyranny, rigidity, coldness 2022-03-24 11:54:45 猫 oof 2022-03-24 11:54:48 猫 hello 2022-03-24 11:54:58 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-24 11:54:58 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's uncommon electric rainbow flowering agave 2022-03-24 11:55:31 fluora for one thing, my real-life plants don't absolutely require water every five days to keep from dying instantly and permanently 2022-03-24 11:57:07 fluora succulents in particular can often go all winter long with no additional water at all 2022-03-24 12:00:51 --> rogbeer (rogbeer@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 12:01:05 rogbeer !sotd https://youtu.be/H-m42WC0NMk 2022-03-24 12:01:05 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Αρλέτα - Μια φορά θυμάμαι - Official Audio Release 2022-03-24 12:01:44 rogbeer actually i am listening to somafm.com, right now 2022-03-24 12:01:50 rogbeer hi guys 2022-03-24 12:02:02 rogbeer how's your day going? 2022-03-24 12:02:52 rogbeer i tried to mail ~mio to ask about the zine, but haven't heard back 2022-03-24 12:03:29 rogbeer i got a 404 when i went to the repo for the zine, at git.tilde.town 2022-03-24 12:03:43 rogbeer i'm not sure what's going on 2022-03-24 12:04:31 rogbeer anyway, i'm looking forward to the next issue of the zine 2022-03-24 12:04:46 rogbeer !sotd caff 2022-03-24 12:04:46 sotdbot ca‌ff: Bear Ghost - Necromancin Dancin - Lyric Video <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RVeo79yfw0> (1 week ago) 2022-03-24 12:04:46 pinhook ["https://youtube.com/watch?v=0RVeo79yfw0"] 2022-03-24 12:05:02 rogbeer !sotd ahriman 2022-03-24 12:05:02 sotdbot ah‌riman: Jack Junior - Push It <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaFrCEv4e54> (2 weeks ago) 2022-03-24 12:05:02 pinhook ["https://youtube.com/watch?v=NaFrCEv4e54"] 2022-03-24 12:14:19 rogbeer !sotd jumblesale 2022-03-24 12:14:26 rogbeer hmm 2022-03-24 12:15:14 rogbeer !sotd avalon 2022-03-24 12:16:00 rogbeer !sotd 2022-03-24 12:16:00 sotdbot Check out http://tilde.town/~severak/town_radio.html, or run this command in another channel such as #music, #bots, or #sotd for a list of current SOTDs 2022-03-24 12:16:27 rogbeer !sotd severak 2022-03-24 12:16:27 sotdbot ~s‌everak: Kraftwerk - Sex Object <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix07wGATlHk> (1 year ago) 2022-03-24 12:16:28 pinhook ["https://youtube.com/watch?v=ix07wGATlHk"] 2022-03-24 12:18:45 asm some guy called "text" on libera sent me a privmsg with just "text" lol 2022-03-24 12:18:58 login but is it right to starve succulents? 2022-03-24 12:19:08 asm would that be like how pokemons just said their own name? 2022-03-24 12:19:14 asm !water login 2022-03-24 12:19:14 * pinhook waters login's seed 2022-03-24 12:19:51 login asm: close the buffer lol 2022-03-24 12:20:17 asm I already did 2022-03-24 12:20:56 login alright 2022-03-24 12:22:32 rogbeer i used to have succulents. they died. 2022-03-24 12:22:44 rogbeer but they were pretty 2022-03-24 12:22:54 rogbeer while they lasted 2022-03-24 12:23:53 rogbeer now i see succulents for sale, at vending machines 2022-03-24 12:24:11 rogbeer maybe a new trend 2022-03-24 12:24:51 rogbeer asm: what did you reply that user? 2022-03-24 12:25:50 rogbeer i am just curious 2022-03-24 12:26:36 rogbeer that reminds me, there is a user named netkitty, in the Fediverse (Mastodon) 2022-03-24 12:27:11 rogbeer that user posts "mew" frequently 2022-03-24 12:27:25 rogbeer very popular user 2022-03-24 12:27:47 rogbeer (netkitty, that is, not me) 2022-03-24 12:29:17 rogbeer i guess... I'll end my monologue now 2022-03-24 12:29:29 rogbeer see you guys 2022-03-24 12:29:48 <-- lown (lown@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-24 12:29:49 rogbeer ciao, login and asm 2022-03-24 12:30:15 <-- rogbeer (rogbeer@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-24 13:06:53 fluora login: not watering succulents during the winter is not "starving" them. they're desert plants. watering them too much is the easiest way to kill them. 2022-03-24 13:07:16 fluora I usually water mine a little bit, maybe once or twice throughout the season 2022-03-24 13:11:11 --> pawky (pawky@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 13:19:42 --> lown (lown@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 13:29:27 bx hi town 2022-03-24 13:29:58 bx how do i get my weechat to redraw? somone walld and now its messed up 2022-03-24 13:30:13 pawky I think it's ctrl-l ? 2022-03-24 13:30:22 bx \o/ success 2022-03-24 13:30:24 bx thanks 2022-03-24 13:30:26 pawky that's what it usually is for terminal programs 2022-03-24 13:30:35 pawky also helo! 2022-03-24 13:30:38 bx Hihi 2022-03-24 13:30:45 bx dont think we've met before 2022-03-24 13:30:52 bx are you newer or older? 2022-03-24 13:30:57 bx (on town i mean) 2022-03-24 13:30:58 pawky I'm new here, checking out what all the bots here do 2022-03-24 13:31:18 pawky kinda interesting that there's like 3 bots that all responded to !help 2022-03-24 13:31:46 --> mhj (mhj@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 13:32:39 bx !help 2022-03-24 13:32:44 bx wow 2022-03-24 13:32:51 mhj https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2022/03/achtung-john-romero-exposes-wolfenstein-3ds-history-in-gdc-post-mortem/ Cool article 2022-03-24 13:32:54 pawky #bots, though, I guess 2022-03-24 13:33:44 bx mhj: i read that url thinking "there's a wolenstien game on 3ds????" 2022-03-24 13:34:27 mhj Well, I know someone ported Linux to the 3DS via hacks of course, so there's prolly a wolf3d port to that lol 2022-03-24 13:36:57 pawky https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-wolf4sdl-3ds-wolfenstein-3d-port-for-3ds.575095/ 2022-03-24 13:37:20 mhj lmao 2022-03-24 13:37:25 bx mhj: this is an intresting read 2022-03-24 13:37:48 mhj I thought so too bx 2022-03-24 13:39:10 bx didnt know that wolfenstien was already a series before, thought wolenstien 3d was gur first tone 2022-03-24 13:39:29 mhj Most people think the same! 2022-03-24 13:40:57 bx good to know im not alone on it 2022-03-24 13:41:09 bx howre you guys doing? 2022-03-24 13:41:29 mhj I am doing good, woke up just a bit ago 2022-03-24 13:42:40 bx Nice 2022-03-24 13:42:43 bx !timefor mhj 2022-03-24 13:42:54 bx ig that bot isnt around :/ 2022-03-24 13:43:06 mhj It's like 9:42 AM here lol 2022-03-24 13:43:27 bx ah ok, thats a pretty regular wake up time 2022-03-24 13:43:38 bx I think i got up around 8/9 2022-03-24 13:51:16 pawky apparently "Antarctica/Troll" is an actual timezone according to timedatectl 2022-03-24 13:51:51 bx what offset is it at ? 2022-03-24 13:51:58 pawky seems to be just UTC 2022-03-24 13:52:07 pawky pawky@town:~$ TZ="Antarctica/Troll" date 2022-03-24 13:52:09 pawky Thu Mar 24 13:51:41 +00 2022 2022-03-24 13:52:11 pawky pawky@town:~$ date 2022-03-24 13:52:13 pawky Thu Mar 24 13:51:45 UTC 2022 2022-03-24 13:52:38 pawky weird that it shows +00 and not UTC 2022-03-24 13:52:56 bx HMMMM 2022-03-24 13:53:26 bx Maybe it's a subtle ackowledgement of your antarcticness 2022-03-24 13:54:00 pawky Antarctica/South_Pole is a different timezone tho 2022-03-24 13:54:25 bx lmao 2022-03-24 13:54:39 bx is that gur axial or magnetic pole? 2022-03-24 13:55:06 pawky idk 2022-03-24 13:55:11 pawky it's like +13 hours tho 2022-03-24 13:55:33 mhj Wow 2022-03-24 13:55:57 mhj https://www.omarpolo.com/post/amused.html Also this is a cool music player that's super minimalist but OpenBSD only for now :( 2022-03-24 13:57:44 bx It's possible it'd still compile on linux with a few tweeks 2022-03-24 13:58:56 pawky huh 2022-03-24 13:59:00 pawky it is pretty cool idea 2022-03-24 13:59:36 pawky very much utilizing unix tooling, although I'd probably write a wrapper for it, instead of manually bothering to do it every time 2022-03-24 14:01:58 pawky there is some tool thingy to control normal players, like audacious, through one of the standard interfaces, too, that I saw sometime 2022-03-24 14:04:30 pawky also 2022-03-24 14:04:34 pawky https://sndio.org/install.html 2022-03-24 14:04:42 pawky On Linux, only ALSA headers and libraries are necessary: 2022-03-24 14:04:53 pawky after which it probably would "just work" 2022-03-24 14:08:30 --> katie (katie@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 14:08:34 katie o/ 2022-03-24 14:08:39 bx hi katie 2022-03-24 14:09:53 bx "just work" is one of those phrases that's either maens what it says or means gur opposite 2022-03-24 14:10:37 mhj pawky: Noice. I think Void Linux has builtin support for sndio. 2022-03-24 14:11:48 pawky I think a lot distros have packages for it 2022-03-24 14:12:58 m455 hello town 2022-03-24 14:14:14 pawky Arch has, Alpine has, SuSe has, debian has, too lazy to check for more 2022-03-24 14:14:20 pawky helo m455 2022-03-24 14:14:45 m455 how's it going? 2022-03-24 14:15:06 bx \o m455 2022-03-24 14:15:09 pawky nothing-doing 2022-03-24 14:15:11 mhj Hilo m455 2022-03-24 14:16:09 bx m455: not much, kinda bouncing between chem work and programming 2022-03-24 14:16:11 bx you? 2022-03-24 14:17:56 m455 nice sounds interesting haha 2022-03-24 14:18:05 m455 just working and chatting 2022-03-24 14:37:15 katie i've discovered a flaw in buying a cheap unicycle. 2022-03-24 14:37:20 katie it is Impossible to find replacement parts for 2022-03-24 14:38:00 bx katie: you unicycle? 2022-03-24 14:38:01 m455 oh no!! that sounds tricky haha 2022-03-24 14:38:29 bx also depending on what parts you need you can use bike parts 2022-03-24 14:39:31 dozens i kind of want a unicycle... 2022-03-24 14:40:06 bx I was learning it last summer, gur farthest i can go without a wall is 2-3 feet 2022-03-24 14:42:39 dozens there was a mountain unicycling channel on youtube i was watching for a while 2022-03-24 14:43:27 bx there was someone who did like, a unicycle world tour as a charity event 2022-03-24 14:43:27 dozens i would think to myself, i should do that. but then my rational mind was like, yeah if you want to fucking die. 2022-03-24 14:43:41 bx you dont need to go on a mountain :p 2022-03-24 14:43:54 bx if i can ride it round gur park that's a win 2022-03-24 14:43:58 katie bx: been trying! my record for distance-without-wall is 12 feet, which i attained shortly before completely stripping the threads on the crank arm 2022-03-24 14:44:11 dozens one time i got passed by a guy on a unicycle while biking up a mountain near my house. i was humbled. 2022-03-24 14:44:21 bx katie: did you use a crankpuller? 2022-03-24 14:44:23 dozens rip 2022-03-24 14:44:40 bx dozens: you have a *mountain* near your house 2022-03-24 14:44:42 bx ? 2022-03-24 14:45:32 katie bx: i used my foot 2022-03-24 14:45:36 bx ... 2022-03-24 14:46:33 bx that might be why 2022-03-24 14:47:11 bx Wait, how did you manage to strip gur threads removing it? 2022-03-24 14:48:10 katie by which i mean, i rode about twelve feet, then the weight of my body angled itself into the uke in a perfect manner to somehow shoot it clean off. 2022-03-24 14:49:21 bx OH 2022-03-24 14:49:45 bx No wait, you mean gur whole thing not just gur crank? 2022-03-24 14:51:08 * pawky wonders why bx uses "gur" instead of "your", but still uses normal "you" 2022-03-24 14:51:21 bx gur = the 2022-03-24 14:52:20 pawky huh, but why? just personal pazazz, or more to it? at least on qwerty, it doesn't even seem easier to type? 2022-03-24 14:52:34 katie bx: i am horrendously undereducated on the mechanics of non-motorized cycles so i'm not entirely sure what you're asking ahah 2022-03-24 14:53:12 bx I mean like, did you take gur crank off gur unicycle using ur foot 2022-03-24 14:53:23 katie just the arm 2022-03-24 14:53:33 bx That's gur crank! 2022-03-24 14:53:44 bx so how did you stip gur threads doing tat? 2022-03-24 14:53:46 bx *that 2022-03-24 14:54:00 katie raw talent 2022-03-24 14:54:13 bx since typically gur crank is sorta wedged onto gur axel and gur screw just keeps it on 2022-03-24 14:54:27 bx so usually gur screw would be removed before taking gur crank off 2022-03-24 14:54:47 katie hm...... what im hearing from this is that my unicycle was even cheaper than i thought 2022-03-24 14:54:56 bx eh? 2022-03-24 14:56:04 pawky I think it sounds like katie's one has the screw as part of the crank, instead of removable separately? 2022-03-24 14:56:19 pawky or something like that? 2022-03-24 14:56:21 bx pawky: it started off as me removing "the" from my lang completely, i gave up cause it was too hard, someone later on posted some text that had been rot13'd and i realised gur was rot13(the) and decided to adopt it, gur main idea is just to experiment with intentioally changing linguistic habbits so as not to become to set in one way 2022-03-24 14:57:01 katie bx: what made you decide to stop saying "the" initially? 2022-03-24 14:57:06 pawky huh, interesting, so are you gonna slowly replace your entire vocabulary? 2022-03-24 14:57:23 bx katie: its gur most common word in english 2022-03-24 14:57:33 dzwdz the goal is to reduce it to 2 words 2022-03-24 14:57:36 bx pawky: hard to say!, maybe? 2022-03-24 14:57:53 katie english rot13 relex 2022-03-24 14:58:01 bx at somepoint i'd like to learn another language(s) and use that for a while 2022-03-24 14:58:02 m455 bx did it because bx can do it 2022-03-24 14:58:17 m455 that's gur reason why 2022-03-24 14:59:22 pawky toki pona maybe, bx? it's apparently pretty small, supposedly quick to learn, and very liberal with how you say things (e.g. no "coffee", you might say "tasty bitter liquid" or "black disgusting liquid" or something along those lines) 2022-03-24 14:59:36 bx i've got gur book for it! 2022-03-24 15:00:01 bx i had most of it in my head for a couple weeks before forgetting, sometime i will relearn it 2022-03-24 15:00:17 bx for now i only kno waso = bird 2022-03-24 15:02:55 dozens bx: i have /several/ mountains near my house in fact 2022-03-24 15:02:59 dozens i live in the mountain zone 2022-03-24 15:03:15 bx there's a mountain zone? 2022-03-24 15:03:35 dozens yes and i'm right in the middle of it 2022-03-24 15:03:42 bx niice 2022-03-24 15:03:46 pawky do you live IN a mountain? 2022-03-24 15:03:57 pawky like in a secret lair 2022-03-24 15:04:05 dozens no, mountain adjacent 2022-03-24 15:04:17 dozens i mean it /is/ a secret lair. just not in a mountain 2022-03-24 15:04:28 pawky fair enough compromise 2022-03-24 15:04:31 dozens not to be confused with the forest zone, which is extra cute 2022-03-24 15:04:33 dozens https://ledoux.itch.io/forest-zone 2022-03-24 15:04:41 dozens i mean the mountain zone is cute too 2022-03-24 15:06:07 bx it sounds cute 2022-03-24 15:06:22 pawky ooh 2022-03-24 15:08:48 pawky it looks cool, too 2022-03-24 15:17:03 pawky and pretty short and sweet 2022-03-24 15:17:13 pawky I found all 12 mushrooms, I guess 2022-03-24 15:17:34 bx short and sweet is always good 2022-03-24 15:23:47 bx pawky: do you make anything? 2022-03-24 15:24:04 pawky content? no, not yet at least 2022-03-24 15:24:39 bx I meant like anything 2022-03-24 15:24:45 pawky I don't really have anything to do yet, busy enough looking around finding all the cool stuff here 2022-03-24 15:24:48 bx woodwork, electronics, code, drawings, music, etc 2022-03-24 15:26:31 pawky nah, not actively 2022-03-24 15:27:38 pawky rarely, spontaneously, but not much anything around I could share 2022-03-24 15:28:01 bx Fair, have you checked out botany / town-explorere yet? 2022-03-24 15:28:59 pawky I like to look around and discover things, in general 2022-03-24 15:29:01 pawky not yet 2022-03-24 15:29:13 pawky I think the motd mentioned botany, too 2022-03-24 15:30:14 bx looking around and discovering is fun 2022-03-24 15:31:29 pawky sometimes I discover unintended "features" of programs and stuff ;) 2022-03-24 15:32:06 bx that's always fun 2022-03-24 15:32:24 bx have you heard of glitch hunting? 2022-03-24 15:47:45 pawky I can guess based on the name, but no 2022-03-24 15:51:42 bx it's gur practice of playing a video game where you intentionally try and find bugs/glitches 2022-03-24 15:51:55 bx usually ones that are useful, but any finding is good 2022-03-24 15:56:36 pawky I just find them by playing "normally" 2022-03-24 16:02:38 bx what's gur wierdest one youve found? 2022-03-24 16:06:20 pawky I don't really remember 2022-03-24 16:06:47 pawky nothing too crazy, found a place to get stuck at in genshin impact once, for example 2022-03-24 16:07:24 pawky at one point, the youtube mobile app had a glitch that allowed background playback without the premium, but that was years ago 2022-03-24 16:08:05 pawky that was probably the most useful one I've found 2022-03-24 16:09:25 bx what is genshin impact? 2022-03-24 16:18:14 pawky a game, kinda popular 2022-03-24 16:18:37 pawky not that great, tbh 2022-03-24 16:19:06 pawky https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en 2022-03-24 16:20:04 @vilmibm good morning 2022-03-24 16:20:44 pawky helo 2022-03-24 16:21:59 m455 morningg 2022-03-24 16:22:40 pawky vilmibm: why's the "real/display name" of accounts prohibiting spaces? I know for a fact that linux allows that to have spaces, like "John Doe" instead of "John_Doe" 2022-03-24 16:23:11 @vilmibm pawky: i didn't realize spaces were being forbidden. you mean in the signup form? 2022-03-24 16:23:26 bx mornin vil 2022-03-24 16:23:32 pawky yeah, I tried with spaces, but it yelled at me 2022-03-24 16:24:31 @vilmibm weird 2022-03-24 16:24:42 @vilmibm well, i should fix that 2022-03-24 16:26:38 * bx goes to ride his bike 2022-03-24 16:27:51 pawky it yells that " Valid characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _, and '. " 2022-03-24 16:29:04 pawky and while at it, you could replace my name's underscore with a space, too, since I can't chfn myself 2022-03-24 16:31:51 pawky idk why editing the "real name" is prohibited here, it should be pretty easy to unblock, I think? 2022-03-24 16:34:14 @vilmibm it's just the default. it used to be unlocked and i think when we migrated servers in '20 it was re-locked 2022-03-24 16:34:18 @vilmibm it hasn't really come up 2022-03-24 16:37:07 dzwdz \o 2022-03-24 16:37:30 pawky o/ 2022-03-24 16:40:26 dzwdz what's up 2022-03-24 16:40:37 the_default hi town 2022-03-24 16:40:42 dzwdz \o 2022-03-24 16:40:43 the_default (also hi dzwdz) 2022-03-24 16:40:49 dzwdz am i not town? 2022-03-24 16:41:12 pawky you've been excommunicated! 2022-03-24 16:41:12 dzwdz damn ok then 2022-03-24 16:41:31 * pawky opens the backdoor to let dzwdz back into town 2022-03-24 16:49:53 mhj https://multimedia.cx/eggs/understanding-the-dreamcast-gd-rom-layout/ Neat 2022-03-24 16:50:46 @vilmibm ooHHoohh 2022-03-24 16:52:01 the_default dzwdz, you use linux, right? have you had any issues running games? whenever i start them, a black window appears then disappears. i can still hear the music in the background (this is with both opengl and vulkan, on proprietary nvidia drivers) 2022-03-24 16:52:05 * vilmibm disappears to get ready for a hike 2022-03-24 16:52:08 the_default sorry i should ask for tech support somewhere else 2022-03-24 16:52:16 the_default enjoy your hike vil! 2022-03-24 16:52:21 dzwdz we don't have a channel for tech support though 2022-03-24 16:52:29 the_default maybe we should 2022-03-24 16:52:31 dzwdz i don't think i've had much issues 2022-03-24 16:52:38 dzwdz but i haven't really played anything in a while 2022-03-24 16:52:52 dzwdz try the oss drivers 2022-03-24 16:54:19 the_default never mind it's an issue with xmonad 2022-03-24 16:56:34 katie i am about to demo an app that doesn't work for a massive client. wish me luck 2022-03-24 16:56:44 the_default good luck! 2022-03-24 16:57:09 katie the "download pdf" button Broke so im cheating by manually placing the file in my downloads beforehand and pretending i got it on-demand. 2022-03-24 16:57:29 the_default nice 2022-03-24 17:00:14 pawky reminds me of the nintendo ds launch, lol, iirc, they showed up on stage with like a taped-together prototype, before they had managed to finish the product, and then had to quickly finish up and ship something that looked like the demo talk unit 2022-03-24 17:00:48 pawky "taped" kiiiinda abstractly, not with any obvious stuff, outside looked clean of course 2022-03-24 17:01:05 katie i slotted a JPEG of the initial design plan in instead of an actual app screen in one place 2022-03-24 17:01:13 katie and im terrified theyre going to ask me to interact with it 2022-03-24 17:01:14 pawky I watched a video about the history of it sometime, might have gotten it slightly wrong 2022-03-24 17:12:15 猫 Hello 2022-03-24 17:12:35 the_default hi 2022-03-24 17:14:41 noa o/ 2022-03-24 17:14:58 noa i had a three hour bath today 2022-03-24 17:15:43 猫 that's a long bath 2022-03-24 17:16:47 the_default why such a long bath 2022-03-24 17:16:59 dzwdz nap bath? 2022-03-24 17:17:53 <-- lown (lown@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-24 17:19:42 noa didn't nap but basically 2022-03-24 17:19:46 noa took a book and stuff 2022-03-24 17:19:50 noa dropped the book in the bath oops 2022-03-24 17:20:18 dzwdz i was about to ask 2022-03-24 17:20:23 dzwdz why would you ever bring a book to a bath 2022-03-24 17:20:37 dzwdz it's like bringing a knife to a gun fight 2022-03-24 17:20:44 dzwdz well it's nothing like it but the words are similar 2022-03-24 17:22:19 猫 bringing a book to a bath fight 2022-03-24 17:22:39 dzwdz bringing a knife to a bath 2022-03-24 17:22:51 猫 bringing a bath to a gun fight 2022-03-24 17:22:53 the_default bringing a bath to a figh 2022-03-24 17:23:01 dzwdz bringing a fight to the bath 2022-03-24 17:23:19 the_default bringing a gun to a book fight 2022-03-24 17:23:22 猫 wonder how you'd effectively wield a bath in combat 2022-03-24 17:23:31 dzwdz like a backpack? 2022-03-24 17:23:34 dzwdz or a turtle shell 2022-03-24 17:23:43 the_default gravity gun 2022-03-24 17:23:57 猫 gravity knife to a gun fight* 2022-03-24 17:24:46 dozens def turtle shell. bath time solid snake 2022-03-24 17:25:03 dozens noa: that is elite mega advanced level tubbing! 2022-03-24 17:25:11 dozens impressed 2022-03-24 17:25:30 dzwdz tubbing doesn't sound nsfw 2022-03-24 17:25:35 dzwdz s/ns/s 2022-03-24 17:25:36 sedbot <dzwdz> tubbing doesn't sound sfw 2022-03-24 17:26:44 pawky 17:23 <猫> wonder how you'd effectively wield a bath in combat 2022-03-24 17:26:49 pawky like a cup over a spider 2022-03-24 17:27:29 猫 that tracks x3 2022-03-24 17:28:00 noa why thank you dozens 2022-03-24 17:28:20 noa i took half a tray of brownies in with me, left with an empty tray 2022-03-24 17:28:25 noa all round great experience 2022-03-24 17:28:39 dozens wow you can really tub 2022-03-24 17:40:44 katie good news everyone 2022-03-24 17:41:02 nihilazo \o 2022-03-24 17:41:03 katie they liked the app and said they loved working with us and really appreciated the hard work we've put into it 2022-03-24 17:41:08 nihilazo :D 2022-03-24 17:41:12 nihilazo that's awesome 2022-03-24 17:41:13 katie they didn't ask to interact with the JPEG 2022-03-24 17:41:21 dzwdz \o nico 2022-03-24 17:41:24 the_default oh great! 2022-03-24 17:41:29 katie nor did they notice the big error message that happened when i tried to download the pdf through it. 2022-03-24 17:52:22 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-24 17:52:27 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 17:52:27 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-24 17:52:27 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-24 17:52:27 -- Channel #tildetown: 115 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 112 normals) 2022-03-24 17:52:29 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-24 17:52:38 nihilazo I got the OK from my dad to fix up and sell the laptop that is just on my floor rn 2022-03-24 17:52:39 nihilazo bad news 2022-03-24 17:52:44 nihilazo idk if I can afford to rn 2022-03-24 17:53:03 nihilazo well I can but I don't want to use money I'm saving for it 2022-03-24 17:55:49 猫 Hello 2022-03-24 17:57:45 the_default just realised my gpu fan was disabled 2022-03-24 17:57:45 nihilazo \o 2022-03-24 17:57:52 the_default and has been SINCE I STARTED USING LINUX 2022-03-24 17:58:00 nihilazo o wtf 2022-03-24 17:58:20 the_default that may have been causing performance issues lol 2022-03-24 17:58:26 the_default (also hi!) 2022-03-24 17:58:58 dzwdz hey, less noise 2022-03-24 17:59:29 pawky MORE NOISE 2022-03-24 17:59:31 the_default my poor gpu though :( 2022-03-24 17:59:39 pawky *crackle zop* 2022-03-24 18:00:07 dzwdz my gpu has comically massive passive cooling, i can't remember the last time the fans turned on 2022-03-24 18:00:07 nihilazo hi the_default! 2022-03-24 18:00:19 dzwdz wish my cpu cooling was anywhere as good 2022-03-24 18:01:30 dzwdz i'm stuck with the intel stock noise generator 2022-03-24 18:03:04 pawky that's not supposed to be too bad nowdays, from what I've heard 2022-03-24 18:03:20 pawky should be adequate enough 2022-03-24 18:03:28 dzwdz i'm pretty sensitive to noise 2022-03-24 18:03:35 pawky oh, dang 2022-03-24 18:04:17 pawky get REEEAL long display and usb cables, and stash it away like a room over, or at the corner of the room? ;P 2022-03-24 18:04:44 dzwdz i don't have the space for that 2022-03-24 18:04:52 pawky dang squared 2022-03-24 18:05:13 pawky and can't really smother it with isolation, as that'd only make it hotter 2022-03-24 18:15:07 dzwdz i'm sleeeeepy 2022-03-24 18:15:17 dzwdz at least i've managed not to fall asleep just now 2022-03-24 18:16:02 * pawky gives dzwdz some cold peppermint tea 2022-03-24 18:17:51 pawky btw, I recently found https://charm.sh/ and it seems really cool, mostly Go libraries, but also some tools using it, most interestingly a ssh-based git viewer (sorta like cgit, or gitea, seems read-only), and the Glow markdown reader, which seems really nice and handy 2022-03-24 18:18:11 dzwdz imo 2022-03-24 18:18:37 dzwdz stuff like that, while looking mostly alright, gets rid of most of the benefits of a terminal 2022-03-24 18:18:45 dzwdz if you want a gui, create a gui 2022-03-24 18:18:59 pawky not really 2022-03-24 18:19:06 pawky you can't GUI over ssh, really 2022-03-24 18:19:12 dzwdz x forwarding 2022-03-24 18:19:23 pawky do you have ANY idea how SLOW that is 2022-03-24 18:19:23 dzwdz and yeah that comes with its share of security issues 2022-03-24 18:19:26 dzwdz and that too 2022-03-24 18:20:03 pawky and similarly stuff like sshfs are also really annoying because of the Big Slow 2022-03-24 18:20:18 pawky TUI > GUI any day 2022-03-24 18:20:29 noa personally though i dont think that continuing to retrofit guis into terminal emulators is the way to solve that 2022-03-24 18:20:43 noa tui vs gui shouldnt even be an argument 2022-03-24 18:20:54 dzwdz terminals excel at line-based uis, let's not get rid of that advantage 2022-03-24 18:20:58 pawky takes way less resources, is way more compatible, is WAY smaller and whatnots, there aren't even any decent GUI options available so far 2022-03-24 18:21:09 noa because tui is gui, just with random limitations for no good reason 2022-03-24 18:21:13 dzwdz terminals shouldn't be the platform to make them in, though 2022-03-24 18:21:20 noa pawky: none of what you say isn't any actual advantages to tuis as a concept 2022-03-24 18:21:28 noa s/isn't/is 2022-03-24 18:21:29 sedbot <noa> pawky: none of what you say is any actual advantages to tuis as a concept 2022-03-24 18:21:30 pawky there's good reason, and there's no "random" limitation 2022-03-24 18:21:40 dzwdz case on point about line-based uis: 2022-03-24 18:21:51 dzwdz i wrote a shitty PoC line-based email client 2022-03-24 18:22:15 dzwdz it's not even 200LoC, but i already find it to be a way better experience than any TUI email client i've tried 2022-03-24 18:22:27 pawky vim: is a TUI, nano: TUI, mutt and alpine? TUI, weechat (the "chat" command)? TUI, etc etc 2022-03-24 18:22:46 pawky there's reasons why they're the way they are 2022-03-24 18:22:47 dzwdz and i've just said that mutt and alpine aren't the right fits there 2022-03-24 18:22:54 pawky there IS the classic "mail" command, too, y'know 2022-03-24 18:23:05 noa which is not tui 2022-03-24 18:23:06 dzwdz i didn't know about it when i made that client 2022-03-24 18:23:07 pawky yes 2022-03-24 18:23:17 pawky and there is "ed, the standard editor" 2022-03-24 18:23:24 dzwdz which we all love around here 2022-03-24 18:23:35 dzwdz so, TUIs very often want to display text longer than a page 2022-03-24 18:23:39 pawky (and vim usually has the "ex" mode, because proper ex editor is dead) 2022-03-24 18:23:57 dzwdz because terminals are kinda not made for TUIs, every TUI has to reimplement its own scrollback buffer 2022-03-24 18:24:03 dzwdz or equalivent thereof 2022-03-24 18:24:06 * natalia is summoned 2022-03-24 18:24:09 pawky heck, tmux and screen are very much TUIs 2022-03-24 18:24:14 dzwdz which always ends up shittier than whateever is native for me 2022-03-24 18:24:15 pawky not really 2022-03-24 18:24:20 noa pawky: i'm really not sure of your argument here 2022-03-24 18:24:22 pawky there's nothing "native" 2022-03-24 18:24:28 pawky everything uses libraries 2022-03-24 18:24:37 dzwdz i'm in tmux - C-a PGUP and i'm in my scrollback buffer 2022-03-24 18:24:43 dzwdz which i can comfortably navigate using tmux's search 2022-03-24 18:24:48 dzwdz gnome terminal - i can scroll using the mouse 2022-03-24 18:24:51 pawky gtk or Qt aren't any more "native" than ncurses, for example 2022-03-24 18:24:51 dzwdz and not skip lines 2022-03-24 18:24:57 dzwdz native for me 2022-03-24 18:24:59 dzwdz native for my setup 2022-03-24 18:25:05 dzwdz instead of every application reimplementing a feature in a shitty way 2022-03-24 18:25:10 pawky ergonomic, maybe? 2022-03-24 18:25:20 dzwdz line-based UIs reuse the native scrollback implementation of my terminal 2022-03-24 18:25:43 dzwdz now, are there legitimate reasons to go with a TUI? yes - vim does more than what you could do with just a scrollback 2022-03-24 18:25:54 dzwdz so do all text editors 2022-03-24 18:26:16 pawky (technically you can DO anything, with a line-based editor, it's just less convenient without the highlighting and stuff) 2022-03-24 18:26:28 dzwdz but, mail clients? browsers? they all display read-only text 2022-03-24 18:26:49 dzwdz there's no reason why they couldn't use my native scrollback 2022-03-24 18:26:53 pawky well, browsers have forms 2022-03-24 18:26:58 pawky which aren't read-only 2022-03-24 18:26:59 dzwdz i meant stuff like gemini 2022-03-24 18:27:05 dzwdz or gopher 2022-03-24 18:27:13 pawky gopher has forms, too 2022-03-24 18:27:21 dzwdz and there are good line-mode browsers for it 2022-03-24 18:27:27 nihilazo because TUI stuff is nicer to use? 2022-03-24 18:27:38 pawky ^ mainly that 2022-03-24 18:27:39 nihilazo idk, I've never got on as well with programs that make me remember commands for things 2022-03-24 18:27:39 dzwdz because gopher is primarily read-only 2022-03-24 18:27:46 dzwdz and cool, you do you 2022-03-24 18:27:53 dzwdz but then a proper GUI would be a better fit for you, probably 2022-03-24 18:28:03 nihilazo yeah 100% i am a gui person 2022-03-24 18:28:12 pawky problem is, a proper TUI is WAY easier than a proper GUI 2022-03-24 18:28:18 nihilazo I think that tui is generally used because people like gui but need remote access or whatever 2022-03-24 18:28:22 dzwdz which isn't an inherent property of TUIs 2022-03-24 18:28:33 nihilazo and because the unix/linux GUI programming landscape is godawful 2022-03-24 18:28:36 dzwdz the effort would be better allocated making a good gui library than another tui library 2022-03-24 18:28:51 nihilazo making a good gui library would just lead to more fragmentation 2022-03-24 18:28:55 pawky lol 2022-03-24 18:29:02 nihilazo everybody thought that their gui library was the good gui library 2022-03-24 18:29:03 dzwdz and making a good tui library suddenly makes everyone switch to it 2022-03-24 18:29:05 dzwdz right 2022-03-24 18:29:07 nihilazo and that's why there's millions of gui libraries 2022-03-24 18:29:07 pawky there's been DECADES, of bad gui libraries and stuff 2022-03-24 18:29:25 pawky everyone thinks "I've got it, we just need to X" 2022-03-24 18:29:26 nihilazo and making an actually good gui library is very hard 2022-03-24 18:29:32 dzwdz nihilazo: context: pawky brought up charm.sh 2022-03-24 18:29:33 nihilazo especially if you want it to be cross platform 2022-03-24 18:29:41 nihilazo especially especially if you want it to be accessible 2022-03-24 18:29:45 dzwdz which is a library that their authors thinks is the good tui library 2022-03-24 18:29:47 nihilazo I don't like charm.sh personally 2022-03-24 18:29:51 dzwdz oh TUIs aren't accessible at all 2022-03-24 18:29:58 nihilazo yeah they aren't 2022-03-24 18:30:03 猫 quick primer for a noob, TUI? 2022-03-24 18:30:04 pawky sadly that I have to agree with 2022-03-24 18:30:06 nihilazo but making an accessible GUI library is a pain too 2022-03-24 18:30:12 nihilazo if you're starting from scratch 2022-03-24 18:30:16 dzwdz line-mode shit is usually more accessible 2022-03-24 18:30:18 dzwdz probably 2022-03-24 18:30:25 nihilazo 猫: gui-like programs in a terminal. Think like micro 2022-03-24 18:30:27 pawky Text User Interface, kinda like GUI, but text, something like alpine and mutt (the mail clients) 2022-03-24 18:30:38 猫 oh, I see 2022-03-24 18:30:40 dzwdz micro is an example of something that can justify being a TUI 2022-03-24 18:30:43 dzwdz alpine and mutt can't 2022-03-24 18:30:59 nihilazo line-mode stuff is probably easy to make accessible. I think that there's a whole untapped potential for audio-focused UIs 2022-03-24 18:31:03 pawky they can, it's way faster to use mail clients as a TUI, and to figure out what's where 2022-03-24 18:31:11 dzwdz disagree 2022-03-24 18:31:13 nihilazo or building a GUI system from scratch with audio use in mind 2022-03-24 18:31:13 dzwdz it's slower 2022-03-24 18:31:26 pawky it's probably a lot dependent on experience, too 2022-03-24 18:31:33 dzwdz so just to take the mail client as an example 2022-03-24 18:31:50 dzwdz in both alpine and mutt, to get to an email, afaik i just need to smash the like^Wdown button until i select what i want 2022-03-24 18:32:09 pawky there's a LOT more options to move, lol 2022-03-24 18:32:34 dzwdz oh ok you can actually type in a number 2022-03-24 18:32:36 dzwdz well scratch that 2022-03-24 18:32:43 dozens i would like to recognize natalia in this conversation by being summoned by "ed" and then noping out lol 2022-03-24 18:32:47 dzwdz lol 2022-03-24 18:32:57 noa once again "it's way faster to use mail clients as a TUI" this has to do with poor gui offerings, not any innate advantage of the tui 2022-03-24 18:33:16 noa i was thinking the same dozens 2022-03-24 18:33:19 dzwdz still - after i've selected an email, displaying it in its own shitty fake scrolling widget is going to be shittier than letting me use my terminal's scrollback 2022-03-24 18:33:37 dzwdz i'm not able to copy it unless i figure out the button to hide all the junk on my screen 2022-03-24 18:33:49 noa this is a more tired conversation than vi vs emacs tbh 2022-03-24 18:34:01 dzwdz yeah i'm repeating myself 2022-03-24 18:34:16 pawky you sure are able to copy if you actually know how to use your terminal 2022-03-24 18:34:28 dzwdz that's not what i meant 2022-03-24 18:34:39 pawky but sure 2022-03-24 18:34:40 dzwdz here look, i'll quickly copy an email from mutt 2022-03-24 18:34:52 dzwdz using only my native terminal features 2022-03-24 18:35:32 dzwdz cat /tmp/asdfasdf 2022-03-24 18:35:37 dzwdz whoops, a bunch of junk got copied over 2022-03-24 18:35:51 dzwdz the same stands for copying from weechat or whatever 2022-03-24 18:36:02 dzwdz in weechat i can hit alt-l to focus only on the text to be able to copy 2022-03-24 18:36:05 dzwdz without the sidebars 2022-03-24 18:36:15 dzwdz mutt definitely has something, but it's a different keybinding 2022-03-24 18:36:19 pawky you can just type "|" 2022-03-24 18:36:20 dzwdz everything's different 2022-03-24 18:36:23 pawky and pipe it to "cat" 2022-03-24 18:36:46 pawky every sane tui allows you to turn it off 2022-03-24 18:36:54 dzwdz but every has a different way to do it 2022-03-24 18:37:08 pawky that's a flaw with gui programs too, every program has a different way to do things 2022-03-24 18:37:18 mio just popping in flash mob-style to say "hallo town" and wish everyone a good day :) 2022-03-24 18:37:22 pawky very few things are actually standard (e.g. ctrl-c and ctrl-z) 2022-03-24 18:37:33 * pawky wishes mio a better day 2022-03-24 18:37:37 dzwdz but the TUI experience would be way more consistent if stuff actually just used the scrollback buffer instead of reinventing scrolling 2022-03-24 18:37:56 dzwdz i might be being a bit ignorant but i can't see a single scenario where you'd prefer mutt's scroll widget over scrollback 2022-03-24 18:37:59 dzwdz assuming you have scrollback 2022-03-24 18:37:59 pawky and the gui experience would be more consistent if stuff used the same gui libraries 2022-03-24 18:38:18 pawky and the web experience would be more consistent if people didn't use css and used builtin browser features only 2022-03-24 18:38:20 pawky etc etc 2022-03-24 18:38:21 dzwdz your suggestion is about choosing a standard 2022-03-24 18:38:25 dzwdz choosing a library 2022-03-24 18:38:26 mio pawky: lol ty, a very very good day to you too :) 2022-03-24 18:38:37 dzwdz my suggestion is about not using any library and just using the feature that's in every terminal emulator 2022-03-24 18:38:43 dzwdz literally just print the text 2022-03-24 18:39:01 pawky linux tty often doesn't have scroll nowdays 2022-03-24 18:39:04 dzwdz tmux 2022-03-24 18:39:05 m455 but i love css haha 2022-03-24 18:39:09 pawky and there ARE terminal emulators that don't have scrolling 2022-03-24 18:39:13 dzwdz i'm using one 2022-03-24 18:39:18 dzwdz i'm also using tmux 2022-03-24 18:39:29 pawky but tmux is a tui, that's not built into terminal 2022-03-24 18:39:30 mio 猫: you've probably already heard this multiple times, but ... great nick 2022-03-24 18:39:43 dzwdz i've never said that TUIs are never acceptable 2022-03-24 18:39:51 猫 mio thank you 2022-03-24 18:39:57 dzwdz tmux does something that can't be accompilished as a line-mode ui 2022-03-24 18:40:01 dzwdz same for vim/micro/whatever 2022-03-24 18:40:03 pawky why not? 2022-03-24 18:40:04 mio 猫: nyan! :) 2022-03-24 18:40:14 猫 :3 2022-03-24 18:40:20 dzwdz how do you actually think a line-mode terminal multiplexer would work 2022-03-24 18:40:42 nihilazo depends if it was only multiplexing line-mode programs 2022-03-24 18:40:51 dzwdz hm 2022-03-24 18:40:53 dzwdz fair 2022-03-24 18:41:00 nihilazo if it was only muxing line mode programs 2022-03-24 18:41:03 pawky you could just have a "print X last lines" feature keybind 2022-03-24 18:41:07 nihilazo just print lines with a prefix of what term they're from 2022-03-24 18:41:12 dzwdz also i've realized that a better point is that tmux and vim operate on writeable stuff 2022-03-24 18:41:23 nihilazo and then have some keybing or meta command for switching which you're inputting to 2022-03-24 18:41:23 dzwdz whereas mail clients and browsers operate on mostly read-only stuff 2022-03-24 18:42:35 pawky I kinda like the "dtach" program, tbh, it allows attaching-detaching to a single session, and it does basically nothing else 2022-03-24 18:42:47 dzwdz both tmux and vim have their own scrolling implementation because it does something that you can't accompilish with dumb scrollback 2022-03-24 18:42:49 elly oh yeah, I should try dtach 2022-03-24 18:43:11 pawky only usability problem is that since it doesn't do anything else, all the scrollback is client-side only, and not sent when you open it the next time 2022-03-24 18:43:11 dzwdz \o elly 2022-03-24 18:43:33 noa dtach is good software 2022-03-24 18:43:34 elly hiya! 2022-03-24 18:43:50 noa still wish the problem it solves didn't exist, but it's good software 2022-03-24 18:43:53 elly vilmibm: can you install dtach? 2022-03-24 18:44:00 dzwdz yoo 2022-03-24 18:44:03 dzwdz !voteaptinstall 2022-03-24 18:44:12 pawky lol 2022-03-24 18:44:24 dzwdz i wonder if that could actually work 2022-03-24 18:44:40 pawky depends how you think it should work 2022-03-24 18:44:53 dzwdz i mean work as in not ruin the tilde 2022-03-24 18:45:12 pawky if "add to a list of wanted programs, and rank based on votes", then definitely 2022-03-24 18:45:24 dzwdz no, i mean automatic install after X votes 2022-03-24 18:45:34 pawky if you mean "auto-install whatever's requested when X amount of votes", then probably not a great idea 2022-03-24 18:45:40 dzwdz the point is not to require admins to do stuff 2022-03-24 18:46:16 pawky you'd need to make sure each user can only vote once, and that every UNinstall is monitored 2022-03-24 18:46:22 dzwdz omg 2022-03-24 18:46:26 dzwdz !voteaptremove 2022-03-24 18:46:30 dzwdz that's a great idea 2022-03-24 18:46:35 pawky !voteaptremove systemd 2022-03-24 18:46:42 pawky !voteaptremove coreutils 2022-03-24 18:46:46 pawky no more "ls" for you 2022-03-24 18:46:47 dzwdz the first one is based 2022-03-24 18:47:04 pawky systemd services are horrendous 2022-03-24 18:47:09 dzwdz yeah 2022-03-24 18:47:10 pawky but some parts of it aren't that bad 2022-03-24 18:47:23 nihilazo I switched from a systemd to a non-systemd distro 2022-03-24 18:47:25 nihilazo and tbqh 2022-03-24 18:47:29 nihilazo it has no affected my life one bit 2022-03-24 18:47:31 nihilazo lmao 2022-03-24 18:47:46 nihilazo because I try to never touch that stuff anyway 2022-03-24 18:48:31 pawky e.g. systemd-networkd is quite acceptable, at least it's not as bad as netplan, and it's more easy to do stuff with than the traditioonal /etc/network/interfaces (e.g. if you wanted to set up an ipv6 tunnel, so you'd be able to access ipv6 domains) 2022-03-24 18:48:42 dzwdz it's nice having an init system/service manager that you can actually understand for troubleshooting 2022-03-24 18:48:54 dzwdz and where making/modifying services isn't that painful 2022-03-24 18:49:13 pawky also init system and service manager would ideally not be hard-linked 2022-03-24 18:49:20 dzwdz agreed 2022-03-24 18:49:44 pawky e.g. you can actually use runit's service manager without using runit's init, you can even use it alongside systemd, if you wanted to 2022-03-24 18:50:01 dzwdz i actually just like managing my network in /etc/rc.local 2022-03-24 18:50:14 pawky (and it's even builtin to busybox, lol, that's how you know it's super lightweight) 2022-03-24 18:50:41 pawky how do you manage it there? 2022-03-24 18:50:42 dzwdz it has the same commands you'd use for setting up the network manually 2022-03-24 18:50:47 pawky ah 2022-03-24 18:50:53 dzwdz 0 mental overhead for converting that into configuration 2022-03-24 18:52:28 pawky that also has the downside that it's usually not that pleasant to figure out what the commands are doing, because the cli-syntax is kinda visually noisy, you can't just look at "what line starts with eth0" for example, but then again, you generally don't need to touch network config much, anyway 2022-03-24 18:52:40 dzwdz if i make an iptables rule i don't have to dig through the docs to figure out how my network manager manager firewalls, i just slap it onto /etc/rc.local 2022-03-24 18:52:46 dzwdz eh, i'm used to the ip commands 2022-03-24 18:53:44 pawky oh that's convenient, sure, to have ll the things grouped in one place, and ready to be copy-pasted for debugging (or installing a new rule) 2022-03-24 18:54:18 pawky do you use wifi? or just wired stuff? 2022-03-24 18:54:33 dzwdz i'm on my desktop atm, which is just wired 2022-03-24 18:54:59 dzwdz i think my laptop just uses dhcpd 2022-03-24 18:56:21 elly udhcpd + wpa_supplicant is a pretty strong combo 2022-03-24 18:56:51 pawky wpa_supplicant needs a separate config tho, iirc? 2022-03-24 18:56:52 dzwdz all the layers of abstraction over them are cool until something unevitably breaks and you have to troubleshoot it 2022-03-24 18:57:12 dzwdz yeah, and i don't think there's any issue with that 2022-03-24 18:57:25 pawky or be me, who's stuff never breaks ;] 2022-03-24 18:57:33 dzwdz do computers just not hate you? 2022-03-24 18:57:50 pawky why would they? I'm their lil' friend 2022-03-24 18:58:14 elly yea, I have mostly the same experience as pawky in most regards 2022-03-24 18:58:26 elly on my desktop (here) I've been using networkmanager for a long time and it has not yet betrayed me 2022-03-24 18:58:29 trashski !tarot 2022-03-24 18:58:29 rufus[awkbot] The Ace of Cups - new feelings, spirituality, intuition 2022-03-24 18:58:34 dzwdz i mean actually 2022-03-24 18:58:51 dzwdz i haven't really had any issues with my setup either 2022-03-24 18:58:57 dzwdz since switching to void full time 2022-03-24 18:59:08 pawky I've ran debian stable, I've ran debian testing, I've ran arch, all of them were just as stable 2022-03-24 18:59:15 elly ya 2022-03-24 18:59:23 elly I am using ubuntu with similar results 2022-03-24 18:59:25 dzwdz i was running manjaro before and it bricked once 2022-03-24 18:59:31 elly modern linux distros are pretty good about not just randomly breaking 2022-03-24 18:59:34 dzwdz debian's packages are so damn outdated 2022-03-24 18:59:36 elly which is a great improvement 2022-03-24 18:59:52 dzwdz using a vulnerable browser in the name of stability! 2022-03-24 19:00:02 pawky Arch has the amazing AUR which might be enough to keep me locked in, lol 2022-03-24 19:00:10 elly yeah, Arch's packages are pretty great 2022-03-24 19:00:17 elly and it seems like it has a really lively community too 2022-03-24 19:00:33 dzwdz aur is such a nice streamlined way to run random code from random people as root 2022-03-24 19:00:48 elly all distros have that problem pretty much 2022-03-24 19:00:52 dzwdz yes 2022-03-24 19:01:01 dzwdz elly: s/distros/OSes 2022-03-24 19:01:01 sedbot <elly> all OSes have that problem pretty much 2022-03-24 19:01:18 elly also yeah my browser is basically the only piece of software that I super pay attention to updates for since it is like, 99.9% of my attack surface 2022-03-24 19:01:22 noa ill take vulnerability over instability any day 2022-03-24 19:01:32 noa cuz i cant be fucked 2022-03-24 19:01:47 elly there is a definite tradeoff to make there 2022-03-24 19:01:47 pawky although I've switched to artix, which is like arch, without systemd, and the only issues are self-inflicted ones, namely, I replaces pulseaudio with pipewire, and that sometimes just stops working without dying, so I have to kill and restart, and it works fine until the next suspend mode 2022-03-24 19:01:53 dzwdz hey, some dude might've taken a loan in my name, emptied my bank account, and encrypted my family photos 2022-03-24 19:02:01 dzwdz but at least my browser hasn't ever crashed! 2022-03-24 19:02:11 elly I mean like, it is all risks and costs, right 2022-03-24 19:02:18 dzwdz oh i take back the thing about not having any issues 2022-03-24 19:02:26 dzwdz my bluetooth audio setup on the laptop is broken 2022-03-24 19:02:28 elly software crash risk vs security risk vs whatever else 2022-03-24 19:02:34 dzwdz i have to restart pipewire after i reconnect my headphones 2022-03-24 19:02:39 pawky speaking of browsers, do y'all use any fancy stuff, or just stock chrome/chromium/firefox ? 2022-03-24 19:02:40 noa i mean 2022-03-24 19:02:40 dzwdz software crashes are harmless 2022-03-24 19:02:46 elly they are absolutely not 2022-03-24 19:02:46 dzwdz relatively 2022-03-24 19:02:54 nihilazo I'm the one person for whom pipewire works better than everything else 2022-03-24 19:02:59 noa i don't store anything in the cloud 2022-03-24 19:03:01 nihilazo it's been the closest to just working that linux audio has ever been 2022-03-24 19:03:05 elly pawky: stock chrome, over here 2022-03-24 19:03:06 dzwdz hey, if i lose my savings due to a browser crash i've probably already fucked up several things 2022-03-24 19:03:07 noa don't do internet banking 2022-03-24 19:03:12 noa and don't have any money anyway 2022-03-24 19:03:14 nihilazo pawky: stock firefox here 2022-03-24 19:03:14 elly the further you go from stock whatever, the less likely your thing is to be up to date 2022-03-24 19:03:17 nihilazo ^ 2022-03-24 19:03:29 nihilazo also the further you go from stock whatever, the more likely it will have problems you can't get support with 2022-03-24 19:03:31 elly and especially if you use any unusual fork browsers they are often major revisions behind 2022-03-24 19:04:00 nihilazo (this is what has got me moving away from using any kind of unusual device. Nobody will help you when your weird shit breaks) 2022-03-24 19:04:03 noa i use stock firefox with a couple of addons (ublock, zhongwen, redirecter) 2022-03-24 19:04:17 elly having addons or extensions is still "stock" in my book 2022-03-24 19:04:18 nihilazo I have ublock origin, that's about it 2022-03-24 19:04:28 noa i bought my current computer by checking if openbsd ran on it and was like guess that means debian will work fine 2022-03-24 19:04:28 elly they're pretty isolated in what they can do/cause and easy to disable if you're trying to diagnose something 2022-03-24 19:04:30 m455 noa: oh the pop-up zhongwen one? :D i miss that one! i haven't used it in a while 2022-03-24 19:04:40 elly vs if you have installed some forked browser 2022-03-24 19:04:47 dzwdz also 2022-03-24 19:04:47 pawky I just use stock firefox right now, but I've been thinking about maybe a patched one, like librewolf 2022-03-24 19:04:53 noa elly: yeah i consider it stock, figured it was worth saying though 2022-03-24 19:05:00 dzwdz google doesn't really have any incentive to put a banking trojan or something in chrome 2022-03-24 19:05:14 noa ^ 2022-03-24 19:05:15 dzwdz the random guy who's maintaining whatever fork of chrome you're using has 2022-03-24 19:05:16 m455 i haveee uhhhhh privacy badger, ublock origin, SingleFile download, and Youtube audio only plugins lol 2022-03-24 19:05:27 elly yea 2022-03-24 19:05:31 noa what's singlefile download m455 ? 2022-03-24 19:05:31 pawky you sure they don't have an incentive to put a personally identifying ad-trackedr in there, though, dzwdz 2022-03-24 19:05:34 noa and youtube audio 2022-03-24 19:05:41 dzwdz not part of my threat model 2022-03-24 19:05:47 elly stock browser & get updates directly from the browser maker if you can 2022-03-24 19:05:52 dzwdz i also use tor browser for a bunch of my browsing 2022-03-24 19:05:54 elly is the wisdom 2022-03-24 19:05:56 m455 noa: it's effing sweet. it will download any webpage as a single html file and turn all of the images into something that exists all in the html file 2022-03-24 19:06:07 dzwdz the kind that wouldn't hurt me if it was done in a browser made by a malicious person 2022-03-24 19:06:07 m455 noa: basically it makes the webpage still work as a single html file offline 2022-03-24 19:06:20 elly m455: one of my side projects at work that I don't have time for is building that into chrome natively, heh :) 2022-03-24 19:06:21 dzwdz there's no silver bullet 2022-03-24 19:06:25 dzwdz or whatever's the idiom 2022-03-24 19:06:26 the_default i just have badger and darkreader 2022-03-24 19:06:30 m455 noa: youtube audio will block youtube video and only play the audio (i listen to a lot of music on youtube randonmly) 2022-03-24 19:06:30 noa oh that's cool m455 2022-03-24 19:06:32 elly there is a defined spec for how to do it now but I haven't actually built it 2022-03-24 19:06:41 nihilazo I was rocking qutebrowser for a while but it's one of those programs that commits the grave sin of having the config be a python file with a weird API 2022-03-24 19:06:46 m455 elly: oh the singlepage download type thingy? :O 2022-03-24 19:06:49 dzwdz my android phone is the most trustworthy device i have 2022-03-24 19:06:51 nihilazo and also vimmy GUI which isn't my vibe any more 2022-03-24 19:06:56 noa elly: let us know when you commit that so i can look forward to the next firefox release 2022-03-24 19:07:01 dzwdz which is weird because at the same time it's the device that snitches on me the most 2022-03-24 19:07:13 elly m455: yeah - there is a spec called "Web Bundles" for representing whole pages in single files 2022-03-24 19:07:19 pawky why's that a sin, nihilazo 2022-03-24 19:07:26 nihilazo pawky: because it makes it a pita to configure 2022-03-24 19:07:29 noa i used to have badger but im not sure i was getting any advantage from it 2022-03-24 19:07:31 elly noa: is the implication that firefox would also do it because we did it, or? :P 2022-03-24 19:07:37 noa elly: yep ;) 2022-03-24 19:07:39 nihilazo the UI is the bigger reason 2022-03-24 19:07:39 m455 elly: omg that's so wonderful. i dont remember if it's chrome or chromium, or both, but would it be available for chromium eventualyl as well? 2022-03-24 19:07:44 elly m455: yeah 2022-03-24 19:07:46 nihilazo I got tired of vimmy things 2022-03-24 19:07:52 noa same nico 2022-03-24 19:07:53 the_default noa: it's an adblocker. i guess you have another one as well. 2022-03-24 19:07:55 m455 elly: yay! that's so wonderful! thanks for letting me know 2022-03-24 19:07:55 elly but I need to find the time to do it, or convince someone else to do it 2022-03-24 19:08:01 elly right now it is an idea in my head 2022-03-24 19:08:10 m455 that's a very cool idea! 2022-03-24 19:08:36 pawky TIL about Web Bundles 2022-03-24 19:08:47 elly Web Bundles are basically "MHTML but good" 2022-03-24 19:09:05 noa wow mhtml brings back memories 2022-03-24 19:09:11 elly it's highly vintage 2022-03-24 19:09:14 pawky there's been quite a few different custom "bundled html + stuff" formats 2022-03-24 19:09:16 noa thats the internet exploer thing right 2022-03-24 19:09:24 elly MHTML is from before internet explorer even 2022-03-24 19:09:32 dzwdz mosaic? 2022-03-24 19:09:34 pawky there's actually some android browser that allows saving pages as mhtml, to this day ;P 2022-03-24 19:09:44 elly it's a format where you represent an HTML document as a multipart MIME message, with the resources packed into the document along with the HTML 2022-03-24 19:09:56 pawky wow, that DOES sound vintage 2022-03-24 19:10:04 elly anything using MIME is vintage by default tbh 2022-03-24 19:10:21 pawky it's not a json blob compressed with brotli, or such, so that's a win, anyway! 2022-03-24 19:10:29 dzwdz wait, does multipart mime support assigning paths to stuff? 2022-03-24 19:10:36 dzwdz or how does that work 2022-03-24 19:10:41 elly via a special-purpose hack in MTHML, yes 2022-03-24 19:10:46 elly in MHTML rather 2022-03-24 19:11:20 elly https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2557#section-4.2 2022-03-24 19:11:53 noa i remember having a briefcase folder thing on windows xp where i kept mhtmls of web sites, so i could look at them at my aunt's house (no internet) and at home (500mb/mo) 2022-03-24 19:12:02 elly powerful energy 2022-03-24 19:13:17 * pawky kinda wonders how broke the web would be if you just disabled images, like how you apparently could back in the day 2022-03-24 19:13:47 elly you can turn that off today if you want 2022-03-24 19:13:50 the_default very very broke. goodbye (a lot of) buttons 2022-03-24 19:14:00 noa web without images is not great experience 2022-03-24 19:14:26 pawky I've not actually seen any image-buttons outside of like, neocities, lol 2022-03-24 19:15:31 dzwdz btw, have y'all heard the news about lapsus$ 2022-03-24 19:15:48 elly https://i.imgur.com/bEFM1KE.png rather gnarly screenshot 2022-03-24 19:15:54 elly there's a setting to just turn off images in chromium though 2022-03-24 19:16:08 dzwdz the criminal mastermind who hacked like, everyone, is 17 2022-03-24 19:16:16 pawky the news that some 12-yr old was found behind it, sure 2022-03-24 19:16:25 pawky lo, 16 2022-03-24 19:16:33 pawky so we're both a little off 2022-03-24 19:16:55 dzwdz o, you knit? 2022-03-24 19:17:06 elly also yeah the web looks pretty bad without images unfortunately 2022-03-24 19:17:40 --> noa1 (noa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 19:17:46 <-- noa1 (noa@localhost) has left #tildetown (WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-24 19:18:39 pawky no such gui in firefox 2022-03-24 19:19:07 pawky but then again, chrome doesn't support the "altrnate stylesheets" 2022-03-24 19:19:32 elly it does but you have to do them via the extension mechanism 2022-03-24 19:19:37 elly there's no standalone way to add user css 2022-03-24 19:19:47 pawky as I said, gui ;P 2022-03-24 19:20:24 pawky you can do a lot of stuff via about:config or extentions or user-css or stuff, but that's kinda workarounds 2022-03-24 19:20:51 elly knowing how to write extensions for your browser of choice is basically the web equivalent of knowing how to write shell scripts 2022-03-24 19:20:58 elly it lets you automate or tweak a lot of things that are otherwise very hard to do 2022-03-24 19:21:41 pawky well, modern webextentions are just javascript 2022-03-24 19:21:53 pawky so it's just "web programming with extra APIs" 2022-03-24 19:21:55 elly sorta 2022-03-24 19:22:06 elly extensions generally specify css and js files to load into pages as they load 2022-03-24 19:22:17 elly so you could make an "extension", if you wanted to, that was just whatever CSS you desire 2022-03-24 19:22:39 pawky that's generally easiest to do via the generic userscript and userstyle managers 2022-03-24 19:22:50 elly ya 2022-03-24 19:22:59 pawky not by making your own, for no reason 2022-03-24 19:23:13 elly oh, I totally make my own :P 2022-03-24 19:23:39 pawky also I love the native component hack, to allow doing decent stuff from webextentions 2022-03-24 19:24:04 elly native host you mean? 2022-03-24 19:24:07 pawky yeah 2022-03-24 19:24:13 elly yeah, it's good 2022-03-24 19:24:26 noa can you use catgirl with town irc 2022-03-24 19:24:42 pawky like it's INTENDED for debugging or such iirc, but it's the de-facto way to do anything advanced, such as custom network calls, or interacting with host system 2022-03-24 19:25:02 pawky only through a proxy like socat, I think, noa 2022-03-24 19:25:04 elly pawky: it's not intended for debugging :P it's intended for exactly what you said 2022-03-24 19:25:07 noa dead 2022-03-24 19:25:13 elly https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Native_messaging 2022-03-24 19:25:27 pawky since iirc catgirl is ssl-ONLY, and this irc doesn't use ssl 2022-03-24 19:25:55 --> elly_ (elly@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 19:25:59 <-- elly_ (elly@localhost) has quit (Quit: leaving) 2022-03-24 19:26:20 elly hmm, it looks like localhost:6697 is actually an SSL listener 2022-03-24 19:26:28 pawky oh, huh 2022-03-24 19:26:43 elly you will need to convince catgirl to be ok with the cert 2022-03-24 19:27:33 pawky catgirl is already installed here, huh 2022-03-24 19:29:05 m455 hmmm slight aside, if i have an ssh tunnel (well, autossh tunnel) that i used to connect to town on port 6667, is my traffic still encrypted after it goes through town? i understand it would probably be encrypted from my computer to town, but i have no clue if it's encrypted from town to town's irc 2022-03-24 19:29:44 elly no, but town's irc is on localhost 2022-03-24 19:30:03 m455 elly: so theoretically someone could sniff my traffic from within town? 2022-03-24 19:30:06 pawky traffic is encrypted by ssh 2022-03-24 19:30:10 elly so you have: your computer ==[ ssh-encrypted connection ]==> tilde.town ==[ plaintext connection to localhost ]==> ircd 2022-03-24 19:30:16 elly m455: if someone had root on tilde.town, sure 2022-03-24 19:30:16 pawky yeah 2022-03-24 19:30:16 m455 ahhhh gotcha 2022-03-24 19:30:25 m455 i'm fine with roots seeing it lol 2022-03-24 19:30:26 elly but if they had root on tilde.town they could snag it out of the irc server's memory anyway 2022-03-24 19:30:34 m455 good to know xD 2022-03-24 19:30:53 pawky or intercept the connection itself before you establish the connection 2022-03-24 19:30:55 m455 wonder if i can do a 6667 on local host to 6697 on tilde.town with this tunnel, one sec xD (thank you elly!) 2022-03-24 19:31:05 pawky yes you can 2022-03-24 19:31:12 noa elly: any idea how to convince catgirl? i have no clue about certificate stuff 2022-03-24 19:31:15 pawky but you probably shouldn't 2022-03-24 19:31:18 noa i found trust = cert in the docs 2022-03-24 19:31:18 elly noa: no idea 2022-03-24 19:31:23 elly m455: there's no reason at all to do that 2022-03-24 19:31:26 noa but no clue what cert to do 2022-03-24 19:31:28 noa ah well 2022-03-24 19:31:33 elly the localhost connection is perfectly secure and you're just adding an extra layer for no gain 2022-03-24 19:31:38 pawky there is, elly, using a local, graphical client, like hexchat 2022-03-24 19:31:40 noa im happy enough with irssi 2022-03-24 19:31:53 dzwdz (man, the new brand of nail polish i've got is a pain to remove) 2022-03-24 19:31:56 m455 elly: oh! okay thank yoU! then i'll leave it as is :D 2022-03-24 19:31:56 elly pawky: hm? there is still no reason to have hexchat make an ssl connection like that 2022-03-24 19:32:00 m455 thanks again xD 2022-03-24 19:32:04 elly if you already tunnel to the ircd's host over ssh 2022-03-24 19:32:12 dzwdz hey, what if ssh is broken 2022-03-24 19:32:14 pawky *IF* you do, then sure 2022-03-24 19:32:25 pawky if ssh is broke, then town is ded, and you're stranded 2022-03-24 19:32:35 m455 elly: i think i do lol this is what i'm doing: https://paste.m455.casa/tunnel.txt 2022-03-24 19:34:36 pawky dang, looks like the ircd config is in /town/irc/ and the ssl cert that's needed for catgirl is PROBABLY also there 2022-03-24 19:35:20 pawky and all of that is unreadable 2022-03-24 19:35:25 benharri you're not going to be able to use catgirl here 2022-03-24 19:35:44 benharri this ircd is plaintext only 2022-03-24 19:35:45 m455 really appreciate people's time to answer my questions here lol it's really wonderful 2022-03-24 19:36:22 pawky but what is the port 6697 connection then, benharri 2022-03-24 19:36:44 benharri i'm not sure 2022-03-24 19:36:52 dzwdz why is catgirl tls-only, again? 2022-03-24 19:37:02 pawky because strong philosophical stance 2022-03-24 19:37:36 pawky and "you can proxy insecure connections to ssl anyway if you needed to" 2022-03-24 19:37:46 benharri oh maybe you could 2022-03-24 19:38:12 dzwdz does it support something like ssh's ProxyCommand? 2022-03-24 19:38:51 pawky 19:38 -- - subject `O=Oragono', issuer `O=Oragono', serial 0x4b53a24f56f169ec368b919106b7b737, EC/ECDSA key 528 bits, signed using ECDSA-SHA512, activated `2018-08-31 22:16:35 UTC', expires `2019-08-31 22:16:35 UTC', pin-sha256="OUEqRu3RSpHXrv7Py6NY6KAllg3AIpCq39vk42lCRBg=" 2022-03-24 19:39:06 benharri https://git.causal.agency/catgirl/about/catgirl.1#Connecting_to_Servers_with_Self-signed_Certificates 2022-03-24 19:39:08 pawky so I guess maybe a leftover? 2022-03-24 19:39:59 pawky I found the -t option in manpage, but didn't find the -o trick 2022-03-24 19:40:11 pawky so I was trying to find the certificate on the filesystem 2022-03-24 19:41:59 benharri hm still getting this: catgirl: tls_handshake: certificate verification failed: unable to get local issuer certificate 2022-03-24 19:42:04 benharri even with the -o thinger 2022-03-24 19:42:11 pawky yeah same 2022-03-24 19:42:24 pawky probably because the cert is not only self-signed, but also EXPIRED 2022-03-24 19:42:30 pawky like 2 years expired 2022-03-24 19:42:59 pawky as I pasted a little bit back, it expired in 2019-08-31, so no wonder it's refused by everything 2022-03-24 19:43:00 benharri oh lol 2022-03-24 19:43:14 benharri lemme see if there's an insecure option 2022-03-24 19:43:23 dzwdz what does that cert even give us, again? 2022-03-24 19:43:31 benharri the ability to connect with catgirl lol 2022-03-24 19:43:32 pawky nothing, really 2022-03-24 19:43:40 pawky you can just use socat for that, lol 2022-03-24 19:43:41 dzwdz i'm this close to making a catboy fork 2022-03-24 19:44:07 pawky apt install socat 2022-03-24 19:44:09 pawky Please ask your administrator. 2022-03-24 19:44:15 * pawky is dissapointed 2022-03-24 19:44:27 benharri i will ask june how to disable cert verification 2022-03-24 19:44:38 noa isn't that the point of -t 2022-03-24 19:44:39 pawky socat is SUCH a versatile tool to interact with all sorts of data transfer stuff 2022-03-24 19:44:44 dzwdz ^ 2022-03-24 19:44:55 the_default name a chill album 2022-03-24 19:44:57 the_default now 2022-03-24 19:45:01 the_default (not forcing you) 2022-03-24 19:45:07 dzwdz but it's not nearly as clean as something like ssh's proxycommand 2022-03-24 19:45:10 pawky I'm pretty sure that june will respond "no way am I allowing expired certs, go and fork the code if you want that" 2022-03-24 19:45:12 dzwdz the_default: frank ocean's endless 2022-03-24 19:45:31 noa almost predicted that dzwdz 2022-03-24 19:45:44 pawky the_default: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwyQAA85OXs 2022-03-24 19:45:45 pinhook ["NINTENDO LOFI MEGAMIX 2021 - YouTube"] 2022-03-24 19:45:45 noa pigeon songs by joseph futak 2022-03-24 19:45:54 dzwdz hey, it's a good album 2022-03-24 19:46:02 pawky the_default: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNk66eG9tZM 2022-03-24 19:46:03 pinhook ["Macroblank - 行方不明 - YouTube"] 2022-03-24 19:46:07 dzwdz "good" is an understatement, actually 2022-03-24 19:46:09 pawky macroblank is pretty chill 2022-03-24 19:46:29 dzwdz if it looks like a goat and quacks like a goat 2022-03-24 19:46:33 dzwdz you're probably looking at endless 2022-03-24 19:46:37 pawky but it's actually a goose 2022-03-24 19:47:22 pawky if a goat quacks like a bird, then RUN, there's a body-snatcher around the corner 2022-03-24 19:47:36 pawky *swapper 2022-03-24 19:48:02 pawky (also that macroblank one I've chilled out to for a few days now, lol, mixed with some other ones) 2022-03-24 19:49:15 pawky there's also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lqJM-3JDiQ 2022-03-24 19:49:15 pinhook ["Stone Rebel - Indigo Trilogy (2021) [Compilation] - YouTube"] 2022-03-24 19:49:26 pawky (that's three albums in one) 2022-03-24 19:49:52 pawky and 3 hours long as a result 2022-03-24 19:50:05 the_default thanks all 2022-03-24 19:50:56 benharri there's an insecure option for catgirl you can put in the config file 2022-03-24 19:50:58 pawky if you add all the albums mentioned you're probably looking at about 8 hours of playtime, at least, lol 2022-03-24 19:51:48 <-- tripoli (tripoli@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-24 19:51:50 dzwdz ∞ hours if you take into account the replay value 2022-03-24 19:51:54 benharri benharri@tilde ~> cat ~/.config/catgirl/localhost 2022-03-24 19:51:56 benharri host = localhost 2022-03-24 19:51:58 benharri insecure 2022-03-24 19:52:02 benharri that will make it work^^ 2022-03-24 19:53:15 * the_default needs to get multilingual fonts sorted. not that i can read any other languages, but i want to see da cool japanese characters 2022-03-24 19:53:23 pawky didn't work for me, benharri 2022-03-24 19:53:35 --> noa_ (noa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 19:53:36 dzwdz i'm convinced that kanji is literally just a bunch of rectangles 2022-03-24 19:53:40 noa_ wow 2022-03-24 19:53:49 benharri when you have that config file you have to launch it as catgirl <nameofconfigfile> 2022-03-24 19:53:59 noa_ that is not well documented 2022-03-24 19:54:07 benharri june said she won't document it 2022-03-24 19:54:18 dzwdz reasonable 2022-03-24 19:54:19 noa_ fair i guess 2022-03-24 19:54:19 benharri "no excuse to have expired certs" lol 2022-03-24 19:54:44 pawky lol 2022-03-24 19:54:54 noa well now im here i dont know what to do 2022-03-24 19:54:57 noa noa_: ping 2022-03-24 19:55:05 noa_ cool 2022-03-24 19:55:09 dzwdz oh no, if we use only a single layer of encryption for irc the NSA will eavesdrop on us 2022-03-24 19:55:09 --> pawky_ (pawky@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 19:55:16 pawky_ oh it works! 2022-03-24 19:55:30 <-- pawky_ (pawky@localhost) has quit (Quit: nyaa~) 2022-03-24 19:55:48 noa_ what's its nick strategy 2022-03-24 19:55:53 --> noa__ (noa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 19:55:58 noa__ multiple underscores 2022-03-24 19:55:59 noa__ nice 2022-03-24 19:56:01 <-- noa__ (noa@localhost) has quit (Quit: nyaa~) 2022-03-24 19:56:57 the_default was about to make a nick with a *ton* of underscores 2022-03-24 19:57:07 the_default realised it would mess up a lot of peope's weechats 2022-03-24 19:57:27 noa ive decided im not a weechat fan 2022-03-24 19:57:27 dzwdz do it 2022-03-24 19:57:31 noa also yes do it 2022-03-24 19:58:10 --> ________________________________________________________________ (dzwdz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 19:58:14 ________________________________________________________________ oh god 2022-03-24 19:58:17 the_default thanks 2022-03-24 19:58:19 the_default so much 2022-03-24 19:58:21 katie Oh my god 2022-03-24 19:58:22 ________________________________________________________________ weechat hates it 2022-03-24 19:58:24 the_default yes 2022-03-24 19:58:25 katie this is so funny 2022-03-24 19:58:47 -- the_default is now known as _______________________________________________________________ 2022-03-24 19:58:51 katie im working with about 20 columns now 2022-03-24 19:58:51 pawky lol 2022-03-24 19:58:53 _______________________________________________________________ oh it just wraps 2022-03-24 19:58:57 -- _______________________________________________________________ is now known as default 2022-03-24 19:59:01 dzwdz the nicklist takes up half my display 2022-03-24 19:59:01 pawky you can also disable this 2022-03-24 19:59:08 benharri /bar toggle nicklist 2022-03-24 19:59:31 <-- ________________________________________________________________ (dzwdz@localhost) has quit (Quit: K-Lined) 2022-03-24 19:59:53 noa_ yo /help in catgirl opens the manpage, thats cool 2022-03-24 19:59:58 pawky do /set weechat.look.prefix_align_max 15 2022-03-24 20:00:03 pawky (or some other number) 2022-03-24 20:00:09 dzwdz doesn't fix the nicklist 2022-03-24 20:00:12 dzwdz which i want to keep open 2022-03-24 20:00:37 dzwdz i might make a bot which periodically joins with a super long nickname 2022-03-24 20:00:38 benharri mine didn't expand too much 2022-03-24 20:00:41 dzwdz just to keep people on their toes 2022-03-24 20:00:45 default fuck just put some cds in my soulseek uploads 2022-03-24 20:00:46 benharri actually at all 2022-03-24 20:00:50 default breakin' the law 2022-03-24 20:01:01 * dzwdz calls the cops 2022-03-24 20:01:02 katie dzwdz: weechat.bar.nicklist.size_max 2022-03-24 20:01:10 dzwdz o 2022-03-24 20:01:11 pawky there is weechat.look.prefix_buffer_align_max but I can't test if that'd work, since no long nick here anymore 2022-03-24 20:01:13 <-- noa_ (noa@localhost) has quit (Quit: nyaa~) 2022-03-24 20:01:14 dzwdz i'm not going to bother 2022-03-24 20:01:15 --> noa_ (noa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 20:01:33 pawky tbh, those should probably be set as the defaults 2022-03-24 20:01:38 dzwdz agreed 2022-03-24 20:01:49 dzwdz weechat configuration is also just wack all around 2022-03-24 20:01:51 tomasino maxes are good 2022-03-24 20:01:53 pawky there's no excuse to show the ENTIRETY of like a 50-character nick, lol 2022-03-24 20:02:11 default anyone remember the command to reset weechat's width? 2022-03-24 20:02:21 pawky what width? 2022-03-24 20:02:29 dzwdz /quit 2022-03-24 20:02:31 noa anyone use irc from in emacs? 2022-03-24 20:02:32 pawky you mean /set weechat.look.prefix_align_max 15 2022-03-24 20:02:35 default ha ha 2022-03-24 20:03:00 dzwdz /quit would literally do what you want 2022-03-24 20:03:05 dzwdz noa: archenoth 2022-03-24 20:03:09 dzwdz who isn't even here :( 2022-03-24 20:03:16 pawky ew-macs ;P (I've not actually tried emacs, but from what I've heard, it tends to get very complex key-chord-y) 2022-03-24 20:03:30 katie im consistently jealous of emacs users. i wish i could do that 2022-03-24 20:03:33 dzwdz it's a great way to get rsi 2022-03-24 20:03:52 default thanks pawky! 2022-03-24 20:04:15 katie https://256.sh/i/tatfj.jpg today i picked the best shirt i had to meet with a client but they didnt have CS:Source installed :/ 2022-03-24 20:04:26 dzwdz lol 2022-03-24 20:04:30 dzwdz trouble in tilde.town when 2022-03-24 20:04:49 dzwdz we seriously need to play ttt sometime 2022-03-24 20:04:51 noa_ pawky: you've heard wrong 2022-03-24 20:04:57 default i was so close to getting an error texture facemask 2022-03-24 20:04:59 noa_ or at least, only one perspective 2022-03-24 20:05:04 katie "trouble in tilde.town" is too good to not utilize 2022-03-24 20:05:07 noa_ i miss archenoth 2022-03-24 20:05:19 pawky hm, so what's it really like, noa_? 2022-03-24 20:05:23 dzwdz i think there's a bbj post i've made with just that title 2022-03-24 20:05:36 dzwdz we should organize a session 2022-03-24 20:05:37 pawky I'm certain there's a bazillion different ways to use most of the things 2022-03-24 20:05:44 dzwdz /join #ttt? 2022-03-24 20:05:51 noa_ pawky: it's like an editor 2022-03-24 20:06:20 noa_ generally you get by not using that many key chords, the ones you need you learn via muscle memory, just like any other keyboard-oriented program 2022-03-24 20:06:23 dzwdz default: you were up for gmod, right? 2022-03-24 20:06:24 noa_ i use the mouse a lot though so 2022-03-24 20:06:28 dzwdz s/gmod/ttt 2022-03-24 20:06:29 sedbot <dzwdz> default: you were up for ttt, right? 2022-03-24 20:06:40 default yep 2022-03-24 20:07:15 pawky 20:05 <noa_> pawky: it's like an editor 2022-03-24 20:07:18 pawky now if that were true 2022-03-24 20:07:34 dzwdz big if true 2022-03-24 20:07:35 pawky why are there mail clients, web browsers, terminal emulators, and all kinds of such jazz in emacs? 2022-03-24 20:07:48 dzwdz like i used to make fun of it 2022-03-24 20:08:05 dzwdz then i thought about making a vim plugin for personal timetracking 2022-03-24 20:08:11 dzwdz that was the moment where it clicked 2022-03-24 20:08:23 katie pawky: emacs eventually just turned into a really excellent platform for making text-based applications that can interact with each other well 2022-03-24 20:08:28 noa_ ^ 2022-03-24 20:08:42 noa_ also it is like an editor, but it's a vague like 2022-03-24 20:08:50 noa_ like, and then some cherries on top 2022-03-24 20:09:02 katie if you're someone who already uses a text-based email client, you might as well use something that feels the same as all the other text-based nonsense you do 2022-03-24 20:09:07 pawky too bad the main emacs is kinda big and complicated, and stuff like mg are "not enough" 2022-03-24 20:09:25 noa_ mg is not emacs 2022-03-24 20:09:30 noa_ emacs isn't that big and complicated 2022-03-24 20:09:30 default maybe i'll try evil mode emacs sometime 2022-03-24 20:09:33 noa_ it has complicated elements 2022-03-24 20:09:54 noa_ but generally the codebase is pretty modular and clean 2022-03-24 20:10:19 katie noa_: id say its complicated in that implementing "an emacs" isn't really as feasible as implementing "a vim" 2022-03-24 20:10:33 katie granted, the latter isn't super feasible either. but it has a slight edge 2022-03-24 20:10:39 noa_ that's fair katie 2022-03-24 20:10:57 pawky vi > vim ;P 2022-03-24 20:11:09 pawky also vimscript is surprisingly capable, if abused enough 2022-03-24 20:11:15 noa_ vim/neovim are hefty beasts though, and i think it's somewhat unreasonable for people to shit on emacs for whatever when they use vim 2022-03-24 20:11:18 pawky there actually is an irc client in vimscript 2022-03-24 20:11:19 elly holy moly I've never been so glad to have a candidate no-show to an interview 2022-03-24 20:11:27 noa_ vi is not better than vim, text objects are what make vim great 2022-03-24 20:11:29 elly I have a headache and now I get to rest for half an hour instead of doing that 2022-03-24 20:11:29 dzwdz pawky: v > vi 2022-03-24 20:11:37 pawky vlang, you mean? then yes 2022-03-24 20:11:38 dzwdz vvvvvv > v 2022-03-24 20:11:46 noa_ the text manipulation language shit 2022-03-24 20:11:52 noa_ vvvvvv++ 2022-03-24 20:11:53 pawky https://vlang.io/ is pretty great, better than vi(m) ;P 2022-03-24 20:12:14 dzwdz https://thelettervsixtim.es/ 2022-03-24 20:12:29 pawky lmao 2022-03-24 20:12:54 agafnd consummate Vs 2022-03-24 20:13:20 pawky https://seriouslytheworst.fandom.com/wiki/VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 2022-03-24 20:13:41 pawky "VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV is one of The Crumbs that originated from The Birthday Cake. " 2022-03-24 20:13:55 pawky there's some weird creations out there, lol 2022-03-24 20:14:32 agafnd is that meant to be read as "seriously, the worst fandom.com wiki" or is it a wikia made for something called "seriously the worst" 2022-03-24 20:15:07 --> dzwdz_ (dzwdz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 20:15:08 pawky for SOME reason, my search results included https://textranch.com/8507/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv/or/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv/ 2022-03-24 20:15:12 dzwdz_ i commited a sin 2022-03-24 20:15:15 pawky which is comparing different amounts of V 2022-03-24 20:15:17 noa_ uh oh 2022-03-24 20:15:17 dzwdz_ i'm using catgirl without tls 2022-03-24 20:15:24 elly how is it? 2022-03-24 20:15:24 default resisting the urge to terminate soulseek connection when they're downloading the last song of the album 2022-03-24 20:15:24 dzwdz_ i'm about to rename it to catboy 2022-03-24 20:15:30 dzwdz_ uh 2022-03-24 20:15:31 pawky and you don't count like 20-character nickname a sin? 2022-03-24 20:15:31 dzwdz_ it's insecure 2022-03-24 20:15:42 dzwdz_ oh you don't know the other sins i commited today 2022-03-24 20:15:46 agafnd i'm trying to think of some kind of cat related pun on 'tls' 2022-03-24 20:16:01 pawky you washed your teeth WHILE eating breakfast? 2022-03-24 20:16:05 <-- dzwdz_ (dzwdz@localhost) has quit (Quit) 2022-03-24 20:16:09 --> dzwdz_ (dzwdz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 20:16:13 dzwdz_ no, that's just called being efficient 2022-03-24 20:16:14 pawky now THAT would be a serious sin, lol 2022-03-24 20:16:23 pawky no, that'd be being efficient 2022-03-24 20:16:33 pawky 2 tasks at the same time 2022-03-24 20:16:34 dzwdz_ also how do i even clear the textbox 2022-03-24 20:16:35 noa_ i actually am liking catgirl 2022-03-24 20:16:38 pawky you don't 2022-03-24 20:16:39 dzwdz_ C-c kills catgirl 2022-03-24 20:16:40 dzwdz_ oh 2022-03-24 20:16:41 dzwdz_ great 2022-03-24 20:16:43 dzwdz_ cool 2022-03-24 20:16:47 pawky there is the manpage 2022-03-24 20:16:55 noa_ C-u 2022-03-24 20:16:56 dzwdz_ about to become the boypage 2022-03-24 20:16:57 elly C-u doesn't clear it? 2022-03-24 20:16:58 pawky https://git.causal.agency/catgirl/about/catgirl.1 2022-03-24 20:16:59 noa_ standard 2022-03-24 20:17:04 dzwdz_ C-u is standard? 2022-03-24 20:17:08 dzwdz_ holy shit 2022-03-24 20:17:10 elly it's what readline does 2022-03-24 20:17:11 dzwdz_ i've always been using C-c 2022-03-24 20:17:16 noa_ wait what 2022-03-24 20:17:17 pawky specifically https://git.causal.agency/catgirl/about/catgirl.1#Line_Editing 2022-03-24 20:17:18 noa_ ohh 2022-03-24 20:17:20 noa_ i see 2022-03-24 20:17:36 dzwdz_ well ain't that neat 2022-03-24 20:17:46 <-- dzwdz_ (dzwdz@localhost) has quit (Quit) 2022-03-24 20:18:49 elly I wonder if the old zephyr model of having separate reader and writer clients could work for IRC 2022-03-24 20:19:13 elly there was a separate program you ran to emit incoming messages to your terminal, and one you ran to send outgoing messages 2022-03-24 20:19:27 @natalia i think there's some fifo guy that does that! 2022-03-24 20:19:29 noa_ i like that there's a kiosk mode in catgirl, for the frequent times that's something that'l get used 2022-03-24 20:19:32 elly yeah, ii works like that 2022-03-24 20:19:33 pawky dzwdz gonna grep -R catgirl ./catgirl|while read -r i;do sed 's/girl/boy/g';done 2022-03-24 20:19:46 dzwdz yes 2022-03-24 20:19:49 elly you can multitail the various "outputs" to get incoming messages 2022-03-24 20:19:52 noa_ i like that idea elly 2022-03-24 20:20:08 pawky elly: so, like ii? 2022-03-24 20:20:18 elly the main reason line-mode chat clients are challenging is because incoming messages can arrive while you are typing, which doesn't fit into the line mode metaphor really 2022-03-24 20:20:23 pawky https://tools.suckless.org/ii/ 2022-03-24 20:20:24 hegz hello everyone o/ 2022-03-24 20:20:26 elly where the program produces output in response to a line being typed 2022-03-24 20:20:38 dzwdz doesn't rlwrap just handle that 2022-03-24 20:20:38 default hey hegz 2022-03-24 20:20:38 pawky there's also some forks and improved versions of ii, for those who says "suckless nazis" 2022-03-24 20:20:40 elly pawky: sorta 2022-03-24 20:20:54 noa_ i say suckless sucks 2022-03-24 20:20:55 dzwdz suckless is ran by nazis though 2022-03-24 20:20:59 noa_ ^ 2022-03-24 20:21:00 katie elly: i was working on drafting an irc client specifically for teletypes earlier and bashed my head against a wall trying to find the best way to solve that problem 2022-03-24 20:21:04 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-24 20:22:03 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 20:22:03 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-24 20:22:03 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-24 20:22:03 -- Channel #tildetown: 116 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 113 normals) 2022-03-24 20:22:03 noa_ catgirl scrollback leaves five latest lines at the bottom 2022-03-24 20:22:04 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-24 20:22:06 noa_ that's very cute 2022-03-24 20:22:09 elly|nc hmm 2022-03-24 20:22:12 @natalia elly...2! 2022-03-24 20:22:13 nihilazo suckless are bad, suckless software is uhh, well imo it fails at its goals of being simple understandable software 2022-03-24 20:22:22 elly|nc this is rlwrapped netcat and it does indeed keep the line you are typing at the bottom 2022-03-24 20:22:32 noa_ agree nihilazo 2022-03-24 20:22:37 dzwdz and i disagree 2022-03-24 20:22:46 pawky it's not THAT hard to handle, in theory, just "when incoming line, save contents of line so far, move to start of line, write incoming message, newline, paste out the current input line" 2022-03-24 20:22:51 dzwdz suckless software being difficult is a meme 2022-03-24 20:22:56 elly|nc that's cute but only dubiously "line mode" of it since it is doing that by redrawing the terminal a bunch 2022-03-24 20:23:03 dzwdz i mean you have a line 2022-03-24 20:23:09 nihilazo suckless make the best software for doing what suckless software does in specifically the environment it works in for specifically the kind of people it's built for 2022-03-24 20:23:10 dzwdz and you could call it a mode 2022-03-24 20:23:13 <-- elly|nc (elly@localhost) has quit (Quit: gone) 2022-03-24 20:23:15 noa_ just keep the line seperat3e 2022-03-24 20:23:18 agafnd i like it when software has features personally 2022-03-24 20:23:22 noa_ ^ 2022-03-24 20:23:22 dzwdz what does that sentence mean 2022-03-24 20:23:25 nihilazo but I don't think that suckless software is good at being simple software, in general 2022-03-24 20:23:30 elly anyway, yeah, katie I think you could do it this way 2022-03-24 20:23:33 nihilazo I think it's good at being a very very specific thing 2022-03-24 20:23:37 dzwdz that's another meme 2022-03-24 20:23:45 dzwdz their stuff isn't actually that barebones 2022-03-24 20:23:48 elly although your irc client would be 3 programs then, a daemon, a viewer, and a program you'd run to send a message 2022-03-24 20:24:10 nihilazo which is neat if it's your thing, but it's not, overall, that great. imo. but I'm the kind of person who abandoned tiling wms for xfce, so clearly not the target audience 2022-03-24 20:24:39 hegz xfce is good 2022-03-24 20:24:44 dzwdz i want to try KDE 2022-03-24 20:24:45 hegz *cries in gnome* 2022-03-24 20:24:48 dzwdz heard good things about it 2022-03-24 20:24:54 noa_ i like kde 2022-03-24 20:24:58 agafnd kde is very good in my imo 2022-03-24 20:25:17 default i really like sway and xmonad 2022-03-24 20:25:17 pawky btw, what color am I, on your default weechat setups? 2022-03-24 20:25:26 dzwdz so just about the suckless software being barebones thing 2022-03-24 20:25:40 pawky (as in, custom themes would totally change the coloring) 2022-03-24 20:25:45 dzwdz my dwm build has two patches - one is purely cosmetic, another one doesn't change anything on single display setups 2022-03-24 20:25:53 hegz pawky: light blue 2022-03-24 20:25:56 dzwdz st has 2 cosmetic patches 2022-03-24 20:26:05 dzwdz pawky: weird toned down red 2022-03-24 20:26:09 pawky dang, so many light blue people here...or is that cyan... 2022-03-24 20:26:23 dzwdz dmenu is the winner with a whooping 3 patches, but also only cosmetic 2022-03-24 20:26:35 pawky am I the same color as noa_? 2022-03-24 20:26:40 dzwdz no 2022-03-24 20:26:40 hegz nah 2022-03-24 20:26:51 pawky oh, interesting 2022-03-24 20:27:01 pawky would they be "cyan"? 2022-03-24 20:27:02 noa_ dzwdz: is that the patches available or the ones you have 2022-03-24 20:27:08 dzwdz the ones i have 2022-03-24 20:27:15 noa_ ah got it 2022-03-24 20:27:21 hegz would you guys share the patches you use? 2022-03-24 20:27:29 dzwdz eh, can't be bothered 2022-03-24 20:27:33 hegz I started using dwm but not sure what patches I need lol 2022-03-24 20:27:35 dzwdz get the xresources patches and you're halfway there 2022-03-24 20:27:37 dzwdz none lmao 2022-03-24 20:28:03 hegz lol 2022-03-24 20:28:05 dzwdz the only "functional" patch i have is a custom one which replicates i3's multidisplay behavior 2022-03-24 20:28:19 dzwdz i haven't contributed it back for hopefully obvious reasons 2022-03-24 20:28:41 hegz I would love a patch that tiles windows like bspwm 2022-03-24 20:29:19 katie elly: before i knew i wanted it to be For A Teletype i just wanted an irc client that didn't feel like it was abusing my terminal buffer, so i made one that did cursorup-scroll-print-cursordown before every incoming message. now i kindof want to build a teletype of my own that has a one-line character lcd for input buffering or something, because 2022-03-24 20:29:21 katie why not that sounds neat. 2022-03-24 20:29:38 noa_ katie: do you own a teletype? 2022-03-24 20:29:45 elly katie: you could! 2022-03-24 20:29:55 katie noa_: unfortunately not, though i intend to one way or another soon 2022-03-24 20:29:58 elly IRC's easy enough to implement that it's easy to experiment :) 2022-03-24 20:29:58 noa_ also teletype with line lcd is i think great 2022-03-24 20:30:14 pawky katie: wdym "cursorup-scroll" ? 2022-03-24 20:30:43 noa_ i drew a design for a pocket computer once which was bascially one of those little card machines: qwerty keyboard, rectangle lcd, receipt for output 2022-03-24 20:31:01 pawky doing IRC properly to handle the quirks of different servers isn't that easy from what I've heard, but the minimal viable product is pretty easy 2022-03-24 20:31:15 agafnd i don't really understand tiling window managers but i think that's probably because not of the computer monitors i use are big enough for that to make sense 2022-03-24 20:31:24 elly you really do not need to handle all those quirks imo 2022-03-24 20:31:28 agafnd s/not/none 2022-03-24 20:31:29 sedbot <agafnd> i don't really understand tiling window managers but i think that's probably because none of the computer monitors i use are big enough for that to make sense 2022-03-24 20:31:34 elly like you may be missing some fancy features in your client, but 2022-03-24 20:31:35 pawky noa_: receipt like printed thermal paper? wow, that's interesting 2022-03-24 20:31:41 katie pawky: if, as you're typing a message, you receive an incoming message, the program would move the cursor to the previous line, insert a line after, print the message, then move the cursor back down to your input. this means the program doesnt have to remember your input state at all and the emulator would handle it itself 2022-03-24 20:31:44 m455 agafnd: haha i feel you, i am using like a 12.5 inch monitor laptop exclusively 2022-03-24 20:32:14 pawky katie: hey, that's the same idea I just mentioned, as the first response to "line-based irc client" ;P 2022-03-24 20:33:02 pawky it assumes the terminal supports basic cursor positioning, but it's the closest you can get, without limiting the output to ONLY happen when input line is empty 2022-03-24 20:33:16 katie all of the IRC server quirks ive ever had to deal with have been things that ZNC could wrap around for me, so if your "minimal viable product" is able to rely on ZNC then you don't need to worry too hard 2022-03-24 20:33:20 noa_ agafnd: im in the same boat; i used to use one, but then i was like whats the point, on my single laptop screen all i do is open stuff fullscreen and occasionally drag two windows side by side 2022-03-24 20:33:56 pawky there's a lot of irc proxies, even weechat can function as an irc proxy, which is nice, don't need znc specifically 2022-03-24 20:34:25 <-- noa_ (noa@localhost) has quit (Quit: nyaa~) 2022-03-24 20:34:56 pawky and tbh, glowing-bear and weechat-android are quite decent clients, also (and rely on weechat-protocol relay, which is harder to deal with, but more featureful) 2022-03-24 20:35:19 pawky weechat-android can even ssh into a server, to connect, so you could use it on your phone, to connect to here, I think! 2022-03-24 20:35:25 noa cute 2022-03-24 20:35:25 dzwdz weechat-android is nice 2022-03-24 20:36:01 pawky weechat may be bloat and a bit confusing, but it's the nicest client I've found so far, that does everything I would ask of an irc client 2022-03-24 20:36:33 pawky (confusing to config, mostly, not to use, imho) 2022-03-24 20:36:49 noa yeah i dont understand configuring weechat at all 2022-03-24 20:36:53 --> noa_ (noa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 20:36:58 dzwdz weechat configuration is idiotic 2022-03-24 20:37:07 pawky how so? 2022-03-24 20:37:18 dzwdz you need to use its own shitty interface 2022-03-24 20:37:22 dzwdz instead of it just being a normal dotfile 2022-03-24 20:37:33 pawky you can just edit the file directly 2022-03-24 20:37:38 dzwdz that doesn't work 2022-03-24 20:37:40 noa_ but it's Not Recommended 2022-03-24 20:37:41 dzwdz if weechat is running 2022-03-24 20:37:52 pawky BUT, if you shutdown weechat, it overrides it, lol 2022-03-24 20:37:52 dzwdz also you can't just have a small tidy dotfile with only the configs you use 2022-03-24 20:37:58 pawky yeah, you can reload the config, though 2022-03-24 20:38:00 dzwdz for easy reference of what you've changed 2022-03-24 20:38:01 --> noa__ (noa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 20:38:04 <-- noa__ (noa@localhost) has quit (Quit: nyaa~) 2022-03-24 20:38:11 dzwdz no it'll fill it with all the_defaults becase fuck you 2022-03-24 20:38:21 noa_ oh my part message is nyaa~ that's not great 2022-03-24 20:38:29 pawky could use a diff file, I guess 2022-03-24 20:38:42 --> dzwdz_ (dzwdz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 20:38:44 dzwdz_ test 2022-03-24 20:38:45 dzwdz_ passed 2022-03-24 20:38:46 <-- dzwdz_ (dzwdz@localhost) has quit (Quit: nyaa~) 2022-03-24 20:39:00 pawky why's it not great, noa_ ? you prefer it to be "Client Closed" or something? 2022-03-24 20:39:02 elly irssi has that behavior too, btw 2022-03-24 20:39:11 dzwdz the command i'm using to connect with plaintext is `./catboy -h 127.1 -Pp 6667` 2022-03-24 20:39:17 dzwdz hehe Pp 2022-03-24 20:39:22 dzwdz i'm mature 2022-03-24 20:39:31 pawky why Pp with different casing? 2022-03-24 20:39:37 dzwdz P enables plaintext connections 2022-03-24 20:39:40 noa_ everyone will think im a weeb 2022-03-24 20:39:41 dzwdz i couldn't come up with a better letter 2022-03-24 20:39:46 dzwdz elly: which behavior? 2022-03-24 20:39:56 elly it does not like if you edit its config file while it is running 2022-03-24 20:40:03 * pawky weebs noa_ up, "don't worry, everyone's a weeb here" 2022-03-24 20:40:15 dzwdz i'm not a weeb though 2022-03-24 20:40:17 noa_ i edit irssi while running and it's never hurt me 2022-03-24 20:40:18 dzwdz i'm a different kind of cringe 2022-03-24 20:40:22 noa_ maybe ill stop doing that? 2022-03-24 20:40:26 pawky ,grab dzwdz 2022-03-24 20:40:31 dzwdz what 2022-03-24 20:40:33 elly noa_: it depends what you have settings_autosave set to 2022-03-24 20:40:35 dzwdz wrong irc network 2022-03-24 20:40:43 pawky lol, yeah... 2022-03-24 20:40:46 elly if it's enabled, irssi may just overwrite your edits 2022-03-24 20:41:00 noa_ oop 2022-03-24 20:42:01 noa_ i want to use hexchat again 2022-03-24 20:42:04 noa_ that's good software 2022-03-24 20:42:12 dzwdz eh, is it 2022-03-24 20:42:35 dzwdz the way it renders chat is super weird 2022-03-24 20:43:33 pawky why not mirc? 2022-03-24 20:43:59 m455 noa_: i fucking love hexchat 2022-03-24 20:44:31 noa_ generally i like my software to run on my os pawky 2022-03-24 20:44:42 noa_ m455: represent good software!! 2022-03-24 20:44:49 noa_ do you still use pidgin ever? 2022-03-24 20:44:55 dzwdz xmpp 2022-03-24 20:45:01 pawky I tried to use pidgin with IRC once 2022-03-24 20:45:15 pawky it was so darn messed up I never opened up pidgin after that 2022-03-24 20:45:51 noa_ i like pidgin for irc 2022-03-24 20:46:02 noa_ i like chat bubbles 2022-03-24 20:46:28 pawky idk if it was just my end, or me confusing stuff, but it was like total nonsense, it mishmashed half the channels into wrong buffers, and then split apart SOME messages, and whatnot 2022-03-24 20:46:41 pawky ...chat bubbles? with pidgin? since when? 2022-03-24 20:47:07 noa_ since forever 2022-03-24 20:47:13 noa_ it's p themable 2022-03-24 20:47:17 extratone omg another pidgin fan!! that was my first messaging client, ever. 2022-03-24 20:47:41 @natalia i used pidgin for many years 2022-03-24 20:47:42 @natalia i miss it. 2022-03-24 20:48:11 extratone me too. that was my first thought when I came here lol. 2022-03-24 20:48:56 pawky why do you miss it? 2022-03-24 20:49:02 pawky why not just use it, again? 2022-03-24 20:49:32 m455 natalia: i also love pidgin, especially the early msn messenger vibes that private messages on pidgin gives me lol 2022-03-24 20:49:54 @natalia pawky: my close friends migrated elsewhere due to tech issues 2022-03-24 20:50:23 pawky also fun fact, there's fan-servers you can still use AOL messenger, and MSN with 2022-03-24 20:50:28 pawky if you want REAL retro vibes 2022-03-24 20:55:31 noa_ what i want is hexchat but qt 2022-03-24 20:58:04 pawky quassel, maybe? 2022-03-24 20:58:15 dzwdz quassel requires qt on the server 2022-03-24 20:58:17 dzwdz like no thanks lmao 2022-03-24 20:58:42 pawky does it? 2022-03-24 20:58:46 dzwdz yup 2022-03-24 20:59:01 pawky I kinda doubt it, lemme check 2022-03-24 20:59:06 dzwdz they were distributing statically compiled binaries so you wouldn't need to install it 2022-03-24 20:59:11 dzwdz but then they decided that they actually don't give a fuck 2022-03-24 20:59:17 dzwdz all servers deserve to be qt 2022-03-24 21:00:26 elly quassel depends on a part of qt but not the gui toolkit parts 2022-03-24 21:00:39 elly qt is an "app toolkit" and quassel uses its object RPC protocol thingy as well as its base library 2022-03-24 21:01:05 dzwdz many repos don't let you instal qt without the gui parts afaik 2022-03-24 21:01:09 noa_ i like qt servers 2022-03-24 21:01:13 elly no idea why exactly 2022-03-24 21:01:30 noa_ quassel does not fit the bill anyway because the configuration is not plain text 2022-03-24 21:01:31 elly arch has a quassel-core-small package that depends on headless qt (ie, qt with no gui support, just the core) 2022-03-24 21:01:32 nihilazo do you ever have an idea that keeps coming back to you and you want to make it but you just fail every time 2022-03-24 21:01:38 elly yes, nihilazo 2022-03-24 21:01:40 nihilazo yet you still want to keep trying to make it 2022-03-24 21:01:41 noa_ yup 2022-03-24 21:02:00 nihilazo because rn that idea for me is a eurobeat cover of holding out for a hero 2022-03-24 21:02:06 nihilazo I have wanted to make one for probably years at this point 2022-03-24 21:02:07 nihilazo never managed 2022-03-24 21:02:08 noa_ i was thinking about that the other day 2022-03-24 21:02:43 <-- noa_ (noa@localhost) has quit (Quit: nyaa~) 2022-03-24 21:03:04 extratone I have a bunch of electronic musician friends who I think regard eurobeatcraft as mystical. 2022-03-24 21:03:08 --> dzwdz_ (dzwdz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 21:03:15 dzwdz_ i'm officially using a catboy 2022-03-24 21:03:18 extratone dave rodgers FL Studio megapack 2022-03-24 21:03:24 <-- noa (noa@localhost) has left #tildetown 2022-03-24 21:03:32 --> noa (noa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 21:03:34 dzwdz_ https://git.tilde.town/dzwdz/catboy/commit/d300e5ad03f41713cbe6d39398224f14b8bbd4d7 2022-03-24 21:03:45 <-- dzwdz_ (dzwdz@localhost) has quit (Quit: nyaa~) 2022-03-24 21:03:47 nihilazo making good eurobeat is really hard 2022-03-24 21:03:50 noa im officially using irssi 2022-03-24 21:03:57 noa i bet 2022-03-24 21:04:20 nihilazo making good covers is hard too 2022-03-24 21:04:21 nihilazo but still 2022-03-24 21:04:27 nihilazo holding out for a hero eurobeat cover 2022-03-24 21:04:37 nihilazo it's haunting me 2022-03-24 21:05:32 дведь test 2022-03-24 21:05:34 дведь woo 2022-03-24 21:05:42 дведь ok catboy works with my soju install 2022-03-24 21:05:52 nihilazo https://yewtu.be/watch?v=2GVgONIvrKs this one exists but I don't like it very much 2022-03-24 21:05:53 noa soju? 2022-03-24 21:06:04 дведь irc bouncer 2022-03-24 21:06:08 nihilazo it's not got much flair 2022-03-24 21:06:10 дведь the one i'm using to impersonate nico 2022-03-24 21:06:20 дведь i mean the one the real nico uses 2022-03-24 21:06:32 nihilazo lol 2022-03-24 21:06:39 дведь see? he's the real one 2022-03-24 21:06:50 nihilazo depends how you define "real" 2022-03-24 21:06:53 nihilazo in terms of existing, yeah 2022-03-24 21:07:00 nihilazo in terms of being on the real-number line, no 2022-03-24 21:07:07 дведь just ignore how his furriness and enjoyement of vampires ramped up in recent times 2022-03-24 21:07:11 дведь it's surely unrelated 2022-03-24 21:07:21 nihilazo because I certainly have an imaginary part 2022-03-24 21:07:24 nihilazo not all real 2022-03-24 21:07:30 дведь nooo no why'd i do that 2022-03-24 21:07:32 nihilazo I'm a complex nico 2022-03-24 21:07:40 nihilazo (sorry, math jokes over) 2022-03-24 21:07:43 дведь oh i misread that as "not at all" 2022-03-24 21:07:48 дведь cops can't read and so do i 2022-03-24 21:08:01 nihilazo do I have to prove my realness 2022-03-24 21:08:05 дведь anyways nico do you fancy using a catboy 2022-03-24 21:08:15 nihilazo no, I'm a catboy who wants to be used 2022-03-24 21:08:21 дведь tmi 2022-03-24 21:08:22 nihilazo anyway I live in the GUI so 2022-03-24 21:08:24 nihilazo lol 2022-03-24 21:08:38 nihilazo I'm comfy with my hexchat 2022-03-24 21:08:54 nihilazo дведь: t'was a joke 2022-03-24 21:09:02 noa what nihilazo how true is it that the eurobeat remix you sent is just sped up 2022-03-24 21:09:09 дведь no shit it was 2022-03-24 21:09:26 дведь well catgirl's kinda nice 2022-03-24 21:09:28 nihilazo noa: it's not just sped up, it's the same speed. It is a remix, it's just not doing the kind of fun fancy shit I want to do with my remix 2022-03-24 21:09:29 дведь i mean 2022-03-24 21:09:29 дведь catboy 2022-03-24 21:09:36 дведь girls stink 2022-03-24 21:09:52 pawky what about cat-enby 2022-03-24 21:09:58 дведь catfella 2022-03-24 21:10:21 noa bonnie tyler is good 2022-03-24 21:10:23 pawky hm, catbro kinda sounds derogative, lol 2022-03-24 21:10:32 дведь LMAO fucking catbro 2022-03-24 21:10:40 дведь catdude 2022-03-24 21:10:53 pawky cryptobros and catbros, chilling on a bench 2022-03-24 21:10:59 дведь cryptoboy 2022-03-24 21:11:51 pawky cryptoscrew 2022-03-24 21:12:41 dzwdz back to weechat 2022-03-24 21:12:48 dzwdz i'm tired of catboys 2022-03-24 21:13:15 nihilazo imagine being tired of catboys 2022-03-24 21:13:26 nihilazo I'm a catboy 24/7 and I don't get tired of being a catboy 2022-03-24 21:13:26 dzwdz you're the primary reason 2022-03-24 21:13:31 nihilazo maybe people who aren't catboys get tired of catboys 2022-03-24 21:13:33 nihilazo oh, fair 2022-03-24 21:13:35 nihilazo I'm a tiring person 2022-03-24 21:13:37 nihilazo I get that 2022-03-24 21:13:40 dzwdz no 2022-03-24 21:13:44 dzwdz oh god i didn't mean that 2022-03-24 21:13:46 dzwdz sorry lmao 2022-03-24 21:13:53 noa i need to write a piece for two cellos 2022-03-24 21:13:56 noa for chimera next term 2022-03-24 21:13:56 dzwdz this was literally just a joke about the name of my fork 2022-03-24 21:14:07 nihilazo o 2022-03-24 21:14:11 nihilazo I was joking too 2022-03-24 21:14:17 nihilazo internet. 2022-03-24 21:14:23 pawky nihilistic catboy 2022-03-24 21:14:35 dzwdz now he'll deny being a nihilist 2022-03-24 21:14:43 dzwdz he's so nihilist he doesn't even want people to think he's nihilist 2022-03-24 21:14:48 dzwdz because what's the point of that? 2022-03-24 21:15:38 dzwdz at least he no longer denies being a furry 2022-03-24 21:15:41 pawky probably too lazy to deny ;P 2022-03-24 21:15:56 pawky lazy nihilist, that nihilazo ;P 2022-03-24 21:16:05 pawky *badum tss* 2022-03-24 21:17:26 nihilazo I'm not a nihilist, I got past that dumb phase 2022-03-24 21:17:33 nihilazo and my name actually has nothing to do with nihilism funnily enough 2022-03-24 21:17:41 nihilazo etymologically speaking 2022-03-24 21:17:43 dzwdz now comes the cover story 2022-03-24 21:18:08 nihilazo I mean I could spell out my actual philosophical beliefs on the meaning of life 2022-03-24 21:18:28 dzwdz nico's a dual nihilism agent 2022-03-24 21:18:31 nihilazo but that's a lot of random thoughts because I've not really actually learned any real philosophy there 2022-03-24 21:18:35 nihilazo I just think about it a lot 2022-03-24 21:18:37 dzwdz he makes us believe that nihilism is pointless 2022-03-24 21:19:24 nihilazo hmm 2022-03-24 21:19:27 nihilazo nihilism isn't pointless 2022-03-24 21:19:35 nihilazo but it is also not my view 2022-03-24 21:20:52 --> rs (rs@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 21:21:02 <-- rs (rs@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-24 21:22:34 nihilazo but honestly imagine actually believing in any philosophical positions 2022-03-24 21:22:49 nihilazo instead of learning philosophy, thinking about it a bit, then going back to trying not to think too much about everyday life 2022-03-24 21:23:12 dzwdz that's a nihilistic view 2022-03-24 21:23:34 dzwdz i think you're doing a philosophy by critisining philosophy 2022-03-24 21:23:39 dzwdz does that make you a hypocrite? 2022-03-24 21:23:45 pawky what would the "nihilism is pointless" philosophy be called? 2022-03-24 21:23:50 dzwdz metanihilism 2022-03-24 21:24:00 pawky how deep can you go with that? 2022-03-24 21:24:26 dzwdz (meta)*nihilism 2022-03-24 21:24:35 pawky metametametametanihilism 2022-03-24 21:25:15 pawky metaphilosophy is an actual thing apparently 2022-03-24 21:25:50 pawky https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiphilosophy 2022-03-24 21:25:58 pawky so nihilism is NOT philosophy, I guess? 2022-03-24 21:26:08 pawky "Antiphilosophy is an opposition to traditional philosophy.[1][2] It may be characterized as anti-theoretical, critical of a priori justifications, and may see common philosophical problems as misconceptions that are to be dissolved.[3] Common strategies may involve forms of relativism, skepticism, nihilism, or pluralism.[4] " 2022-03-24 21:26:12 nihilazo metaphilosophy is a thing yeah 2022-03-24 21:26:22 pawky also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-philosophy 2022-03-24 21:26:41 nihilazo I mean, I'm not really anti-philosophy. I like philosophy and I actually do have philosophical beliefs 2022-03-24 21:26:53 nihilazo but if you think too much about everything you go crazy 2022-03-24 21:27:16 nihilazo like, I have just accepted indirect realism because I don't want to worry about the possibility the world might not exist 2022-03-24 21:27:17 dzwdz can confirm 2022-03-24 21:27:25 dzwdz re: thinking too much 2022-03-24 21:27:37 pawky https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quietism_(philosophy) this I can totally agree with: "Quietism in philosophy sees the role of philosophy as broadly therapeutic or remedial.[1] Quietist philosophers believe that philosophy has no positive thesis to contribute, but rather that its value is in defusing confusions in the linguistic and conceptual 2022-03-24 21:27:39 pawky frameworks of other subjects, including non-quietist philosophy.[2] For quietists, advancing knowledge or settling debates (particularly those between realists and non-realists)[3] is not the job of philosophy, rather philosophy should liberate the mind by diagnosing confusing concepts.[4] " 2022-03-24 21:28:01 dzwdz (fyi people usually don't paste such large blocks of text here) 2022-03-24 21:28:08 pawky hm, ok 2022-03-24 21:28:18 pawky would you consider that a bad thing to do? 2022-03-24 21:28:25 dzwdz possibly 2022-03-24 21:28:47 elly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quietism_(philosophy)#:~:text=Quietism%20in%20philosophy,confusing%20concepts.%5B4%5D <--- you can make a link to that part of the page 2022-03-24 21:28:54 elly and then people can click through to see the whole text 2022-03-24 21:29:13 pawky that's one weird link 2022-03-24 21:29:17 elly it is 2022-03-24 21:29:22 pawky that doesn't work on my terminal's url parsin 2022-03-24 21:29:27 default #:~: 2022-03-24 21:30:00 pawky the link does NOT work 2022-03-24 21:30:20 elly hm, well, it works in chromium :P I don't know if other browsers implemented that spec yet 2022-03-24 21:30:35 dzwdz knew it lmao 2022-03-24 21:30:38 pawky what spec? 2022-03-24 21:30:48 elly https://wicg.github.io/scroll-to-text-fragment/ this one 2022-03-24 21:30:49 pawky tha's an abuse of the anchor! 2022-03-24 21:30:55 elly it's not :P 2022-03-24 21:31:00 dzwdz what isn't abuse on the modern web 2022-03-24 21:31:13 dzwdz spiders didn't invent webs for text 2022-03-24 21:31:15 elly the part after # is conventionally used for an anchor but it's not restricted to being just that 2022-03-24 21:32:03 pawky also that wouldn't scroll anywhere anyway, because it's top of the page 2022-03-24 21:32:27 pawky so it would be impossible to see if that actually worked by the sample, but at least it doesn't indicate that it works 2022-03-24 21:33:09 elly https://tilde.town/~elly/highlight.png 2022-03-24 21:33:20 elly chromium does not just scroll to it but also highlight the text 2022-03-24 21:33:45 elly ("bring it to the user's attention" in the words of the spec document) 2022-03-24 21:34:07 default need a tty voice to tell you about it 2022-03-24 21:34:10 pawky yeah, I'd assume it'd do that, if it matched arbitrary text 2022-03-24 21:34:41 elly default: that would be rad 2022-03-24 21:34:47 elly [robot voice] hey, look here! 2022-03-24 21:34:51 pawky interesting that firefox is "yellow" status on the spec 2022-03-24 21:34:59 pawky there's plenty of robot voices 2022-03-24 21:35:49 elly yea, the yellow looks like it's how much of the test suite for this feature passes in firefox 2022-03-24 21:35:59 elly so the feature is definitely only partly done in FF/Safari 2022-03-24 21:36:08 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 21:36:22 pawky more like, not at all 2022-03-24 21:36:24 pawky lol 2022-03-24 21:36:28 pawky https://wpt.fyi/results/scroll-to-text-fragment?label=experimental&label=master&aligned 2022-03-24 21:36:42 extratone elly, I just turned the toggle on in iOS Safari for scroll to text fragment lol 2022-03-24 21:36:50 pawky most tests are like a score of 1 or 0 or so 2022-03-24 21:38:26 pawky it pretty much only passes the "non-existant" and "must start" and "must end" tests, or so 2022-03-24 21:39:23 pawky ff developer edition, but still v99 and not 100, which they tested with, despite "developer edition" 2022-03-24 21:39:36 pawky and I thought Arch was up to date ;) 2022-03-24 21:42:44 petra Love a ^L in the morning 2022-03-24 21:42:46 petra Hi all 2022-03-24 21:43:27 pawky yellow 2022-03-24 21:49:50 default hey 2022-03-24 21:50:49 nihilazo hi 2022-03-24 21:51:06 nihilazo current mood: thinking of playing mario and luigi partners in time 2022-03-24 21:51:16 nihilazo because it's a game I played a long time ago and I don't think I really understood 2022-03-24 21:51:48 pawky more like, partners in crime 2022-03-24 21:53:12 nihilazo I don't think mario and luigi are criminals 2022-03-24 21:53:27 nihilazo I know that mario is just a one percenter of a more privilaged variety 2022-03-24 21:53:30 nihilazo but not a criminal 2022-03-24 21:54:33 default perchance 2022-03-24 21:55:25 default i love when things don't work and don't log anything remotely useful\ 2022-03-24 21:55:40 default steamvr just nopes out of running, no logs for it or steam 2022-03-24 21:57:19 pawky time to run with gdb or something, I guess 2022-03-24 21:57:30 pawky although usually there are logs SOMEWHERE 2022-03-24 21:59:15 default or sleep 2022-03-24 22:01:33 <-- ulhar (ulhar@localhost) has left #tildetown (WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-24 22:01:39 --> ulhar (ulhar@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-24 22:01:46 pawky would be nice if people set a TZ value before running irc clients, so that CTCP TIME would return useful values, not just system default UTC... but meh, I bet I'm the only one who even remotely cares... 2022-03-24 22:06:10 ulhar hello! 2022-03-24 22:06:30 pawky !olleh 2022-03-24 22:07:54 default hey ulhar! 2022-03-24 22:09:18 ulhar how are y'all 2022-03-24 22:10:16 darkwitchclaire !water 2022-03-24 22:10:16 * pinhook waters darkwitchclaire's godly mature agave 2022-03-24 22:10:47 pawky !water default garden 2022-03-24 22:10:47 pinhook pawky: could not find plant for default garden 2022-03-24 22:10:56 pawky huh, it keeps the spaces 2022-03-24 22:11:18 pawky some bots match <command> <argument> <irrelevant data> 2022-03-24 22:11:33 pawky !water pinhook 2022-03-24 22:11:33 * pinhook waters pinhook's glossy young sage 2022-03-24 22:16:02 mio !water kelpiebot 2022-03-24 22:16:02 pinhook mio: could not find plant for kelpiebot 2022-03-24 22:16:02 * kelpiebot inks over mio 2022-03-24 22:16:29 * pawky uses kelpiebot's ink to ink the marketplace black 2022-03-24 22:17:42 mio what colour was the marketplace before? 2022-03-24 22:17:54 noa https://ttm.sh/iml.mp3 2022-03-24 22:18:01 noa went and did a thing 2022-03-24 22:19:05 pawky that's...an interesting thing, I suppose...rather sparse... 2022-03-24 22:21:22 pawky just some string doots? 2022-03-24 22:22:07 pawky oh it picks up after a minute, cool, I thought it was gonna be doots all the way along, given how long they went on, lol 2022-03-24 22:23:03 pawky this could fit well into a slightly spooky haunted hotel, or convention center or something 2022-03-24 22:23:50 pawky just walking around, then a phantom appears to perform a show, then you walk on, till you encounter another one 2022-03-24 22:26:19 mio noa: great piece, I like the use of rests and the building up motif :) 2022-03-24 22:28:09 mio reminded me of a comment about a quartet being a group of people having a conversation 2022-03-24 22:29:25 mio s/being/as/ ... one person musing about a subject and then two others join in 2022-03-24 22:29:25 sedbot <mio> reminded me of a comment about a quartet as a group of people having a conversation 2022-03-24 22:29:55 pawky but how would the amounts go, actually? 2022-03-24 22:30:10 pawky monologue, dialogue, trialogue, quatronogue? 2022-03-24 22:30:14 pawky pentalogue? 2022-03-24 22:32:18 mio guess it could start off as a monologue, then become a discussion until one entity makes a remark and everyone falls silent again 2022-03-24 22:33:32 noa pawky: i haven't fully got the doots sorted yet, because i want to actually test that with another cellist, and also i can't do engravign software lol 2022-03-24 22:34:11 mio maybe to ponder for a while, or someone thinks of another topic and there's another discussion about that. just personal interpretation though 2022-03-24 22:34:15 pawky right now it's sounding like a spooky walk with apparitions, but yeah, it's kinda missing something 2022-03-24 22:43:28 noa mio: im pleased you said that 2022-03-24 22:43:46 noa you cant really tell in the recording i don't think, but a lot of the motif parts are passed back and forth between the two instruments 2022-03-24 22:43:53 noa i want it to kind of feel like a conversation 2022-03-24 22:44:25 noa ive used the motif for a thing like five years ago, but this is very early stages right now 2022-03-24 22:53:04 mio a bit, yeah, when the cello(?) dips to the lower notes. now that you mention it, it's easier to look for it between the first and second part 2022-03-24 22:54:01 mio ah ... I like it so far :) 2022-03-24 22:57:42 noa thank you :) 2022-03-24 22:57:50 noa hopefully itll get performed next term 2022-03-24 22:59:29 mio will you post a recording after the performance? 2022-03-24 23:00:18 mio curious to hear how the finished piece will turn out 2022-03-24 23:07:55 pawky ^ +1 2022-03-24 23:21:45 noa haha sure 2022-03-24 23:21:52 noa it needs to get approved first, 2022-03-24 23:22:02 noa but if it does then they record them so i'll upload it somewhere 2022-03-24 23:23:12 katie hey wait did someone in here say they were thinkinh abiirt eritinh .a vim time tracker 2022-03-24 23:23:42 elly dzwdz I think 2022-03-24 23:23:43 katie sorry typis im ib the showder 2022-03-24 23:25:21 pawky "eritinh" is "editing"? 2022-03-24 23:25:22 agafnd you're on irc in the shower?? 2022-03-24 23:25:31 pawky also, yeah, wtf, irc in the shower? lol 2022-03-24 23:26:01 pawky "hey google, type "I'm in the shower" " 2022-03-24 23:27:03 noa dzwdz was the one who brought up a vim time tracker, dont know if they went ahead with that 2022-03-24 23:29:05 katie dont have nonfree google software on my phone so no speech to text :/ also writing* 2022-03-24 23:29:51 katie i remembered someone had said something about a vim time tracker so i sshed in to make note before i forgot lmao 2022-03-24 23:30:32 pawky (there's foss text-to-speech I'm pretty certain) 2022-03-24 23:31:43 pawky I guess most of them implement it purely for taking notes 2022-03-24 23:32:17 katie perhaps. im too lazy to think about it; the circumstances where i'd need it would be few and far between ahah 2022-03-24 23:32:28 <-- janemba (janemba@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-24 23:32:41 pawky fair enough 2022-03-24 23:33:32 mio noa: okay, gl with the approval process :) 2022-03-24 23:34:43 noa ty :) 2022-03-24 23:43:34 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-24 23:46:09 --> janemba (janemba@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 00:04:01 extratone wait I thought it was "*okay* google." can you call it with other words now? 2022-03-25 00:08:46 pawky seems very official it's "hey google" now, https://assistant.google.com/ 2022-03-25 00:08:53 pawky to the point of having it on a banner, lol 2022-03-25 00:14:01 mhj Okay Gorgon... I mean Google! 2022-03-25 00:15:44 mhj BTW - does anyone happen to know of a Planner that also functions as wiki and calendar? 2022-03-25 00:19:39 mhj Or rather a task manager that also has wiki and calendar functions, to be more specific 2022-03-25 00:21:22 extratone god forgive me, notion is the solution that came to mind. 2022-03-25 00:21:31 extratone what have I become. 2022-03-25 00:24:38 mhj Ahhh, never had heard of Notion before... 2022-03-25 00:25:52 mhj Thanks! 2022-03-25 00:27:34 elly huh, Notion does look neat 2022-03-25 00:27:37 elly I've never used it before 2022-03-25 00:32:41 <-- gliggy (gliggy@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-25 00:32:45 --> gliggy (gliggy@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 00:39:19 asm oh my god what just happened here 2022-03-25 00:40:31 elly hm? 2022-03-25 00:42:19 asm someone set their nick to a bunch of underscores a while back and it's messed up weechat for me now 2022-03-25 00:45:45 katie asm: /set weechat.look.prefix_align_max 2022-03-25 00:47:43 asm I don't think people should be setting nicks with such annoying lengths lol 2022-03-25 00:47:53 <-- asm (asm@localhost) has left #tildetown 2022-03-25 00:47:56 --> asm (asm@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 00:48:03 asm that fixed it 2022-03-25 00:50:47 extratone I guess Notion is new to a lot of folks but uh I used it extensively two years ago - I think notion-enhancer might have been the first open source project I technically contributed to - bu uh... Notion cannot handle me lol 2022-03-25 00:51:00 pawky notion.so? or another Notion? 2022-03-25 00:51:05 extratone that's the one 2022-03-25 00:51:38 extratone it's great to shove things in at high volume. but when you actually need to make use of the information... 2022-03-25 00:51:39 pawky seems kinda similar to note-apps like Joplin 2022-03-25 00:51:48 extratone oh it absolutely rips off Joplin. 2022-03-25 00:52:03 pawky and just adds "plz pay" onto it, lol 2022-03-25 00:52:23 extratone yeah. if you want to see my broken ass archive. https://rotund.notion.site 2022-03-25 01:01:07 extratone oh yeah - microsoft has a service in alpha that's apparently exactly like Notion. 2022-03-25 01:01:08 elly damn Bob Dylan is literally 80 years old 2022-03-25 01:01:20 @natalia huh 2022-03-25 01:01:25 extratone yup. 2022-03-25 01:01:40 elly and Patti Smith is 75 2022-03-25 01:01:42 elly jeez 2022-03-25 01:11:24 noa notion hijacks arrow/space scrolling in the browser? i don't like that 2022-03-25 01:17:37 extratone I *hate* it. 2022-03-25 01:17:46 extratone obsidian is even worse. 2022-03-25 01:27:51 pawky enabling control hijacking in browser was a mistake 2022-03-25 01:56:58 asm what is notion 2022-03-25 01:57:07 asm I think I missed something 2022-03-25 02:03:01 ulhar notion is a notes app for "cloud" usage 2022-03-25 02:03:59 ulhar obsidian is also a notes app, but just using local files instead of an arbitrary nimbus 2022-03-25 02:04:16 ulhar like all web apps, both manage to be a complete mess 2022-03-25 02:05:11 * ulhar considers the understatement of "manage" 2022-03-25 02:05:29 ulhar like all web apps, both are a complete mess 2022-03-25 02:15:14 --> voyevoda (voyevoda@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 02:30:19 <-- mio (mio@localhost) has quit (Quit: they that :q is quit of the text) 2022-03-25 02:54:54 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.0) 2022-03-25 02:59:12 --> m455 (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 02:59:16 m455 blep 2022-03-25 03:07:56 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (Quit: leaving) 2022-03-25 03:14:12 mhj bleep 2022-03-25 03:14:54 mhj https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYj4mvJO_Hw lol 2022-03-25 03:14:55 pinhook ["Apple Plans Hardware Subscription Service for IPhones - YouTube"] 2022-03-25 03:15:57 --> m455 (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 03:16:39 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.0) 2022-03-25 03:22:18 @vilmibm evening 2022-03-25 03:22:30 @vilmibm elly: dtach installed 2022-03-25 03:22:31 @natalia hi 2022-03-25 03:22:38 @vilmibm yo 2022-03-25 03:22:41 --> m455 (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 03:22:47 m455 wudup 2022-03-25 03:23:05 @vilmibm hi hi 2022-03-25 03:23:19 @vilmibm m455 natalia: how is evening 2022-03-25 03:23:23 @natalia it is GOING 2022-03-25 03:23:34 @natalia i am going to pull a [pulls words out of hat] some-nighter 2022-03-25 03:23:38 @natalia to finish this sigbovik paper 2022-03-25 03:23:41 @natalia it is going to be HILARIOUS 2022-03-25 03:24:08 @vilmibm lol some nighter 2022-03-25 03:24:16 m455 good! just playing with hexchat again haha 2022-03-25 03:24:18 m455 how you doing? 2022-03-25 03:24:28 --> mio (mio@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 03:24:41 m455 i keep having dreams that i am meeting good friends from tilde.town 2022-03-25 03:24:42 @vilmibm natalia: "computational heresy" lolol TIL 2022-03-25 03:24:47 m455 i have no clue why my brain is doing it so much lately 2022-03-25 03:24:50 @vilmibm m455: aw, good dreams 2022-03-25 03:24:54 m455 yeah good ones! 2022-03-25 03:24:59 @vilmibm i wish there was a townie to chill with while i'm in Austin 2022-03-25 03:25:08 elly hello :) 2022-03-25 03:25:15 elly association for computational heresy! 2022-03-25 03:25:15 @natalia maybe i'll live there someday :P 2022-03-25 03:25:20 @natalia association for computational heresy! 2022-03-25 03:25:23 m455 ill be in california laguna beach in uhhhhhhhhh september or something for work for a week aha 2022-03-25 03:25:47 <-- mio (mio@localhost) has quit (Quit: they that :q is quit of the text) 2022-03-25 03:26:06 @natalia they that :q is quit of the text... 2022-03-25 03:26:06 --> mio (mio@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 03:26:22 m455 the quitting of the text 2022-03-25 03:27:09 @natalia http://tilde.town/~equa/2022/bot-driven-development.png 2022-03-25 03:27:14 @vilmibm y'all I found TWO (2) (II) issues of 2022-03-25 03:27:18 @vilmibm "THE NET" magazine 2022-03-25 03:27:20 @vilmibm from 1997 2022-03-25 03:27:34 @vilmibm m455: damn, if only i still lived in CA 2022-03-25 03:30:30 m455 vilmibm, yeah damn!! 2022-03-25 03:30:43 m455 natalia, LOL i love it 2022-03-25 03:30:55 m455 i dont even know what that is, but hell yeah! haha 2022-03-25 03:31:21 @vilmibm look look look https://www.instagram.com/p/CbgwLZ_ApYn/ 2022-03-25 03:31:27 * m455 click 2022-03-25 03:31:30 @vilmibm also this book about being a star trek fan online in the 90s 2022-03-25 03:31:41 @vilmibm it has a bunch of profiles of people's ~ pages about star trek 2022-03-25 03:31:47 m455 holy shit taht looks awesome 2022-03-25 03:32:18 m455 > where to go 2022-03-25 03:32:20 m455 > how to get there 2022-03-25 03:32:26 m455 that is def some early web stuff 2022-03-25 03:32:59 @vilmibm https://web.archive.org/web/19970701135152/http://www.thenet-usa.com/ 2022-03-25 03:33:42 m455 holy shit that's amazing that someone got this on the wayback machine 2022-03-25 03:33:53 m455 does that mean the wayback machine existed in 1996?? 2022-03-25 03:35:12 @vilmibm yeah, some program was crawling and capturing back then 2022-03-25 03:35:41 asm it was created in 1996 2022-03-25 03:35:57 @vilmibm https://web.archive.org/web/19970126045828/http://www.archive.org/ 2022-03-25 03:38:09 @vilmibm i'm very thankful for their foresight 2022-03-25 03:47:06 m455 holy poop thats awesome 2022-03-25 03:47:28 m455 that's absolutely amazing 2022-03-25 03:48:34 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (Quit: Leaving) 2022-03-25 03:48:44 --> m455 (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 03:49:40 m455 probably gonna go to bed haha see you all later 2022-03-25 04:07:36 @natalia how do i cite a posix standard page 2022-03-25 04:11:22 mio https://www.easybib.com/guides/citation-guides/apa-format/how-to-cite-a-website-apa/#citing-a-general-web-article-without-an-author ? 2022-03-25 04:11:54 @natalia i just feel like there Should be a form 2022-03-25 04:11:58 @natalia there are so many Names for posix is my main problem 2022-03-25 04:12:43 @natalia i guess "The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7, 2018 edition." 2022-03-25 04:14:47 mio yeah, probably something like that, the title as it appears on the page 2022-03-25 04:19:52 mio (also assumed this is for a compsci article/paper. for arts and literature, check mla or chicago section.) 2022-03-25 04:34:09 @natalia "IEEE and The Open Group. 2018. ed - edit text. The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7, 2018 edition. https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/ed.html" 2022-03-25 04:34:10 @natalia i GUESS 2022-03-25 04:48:47 asm is it possible to use a prepaid visa giftcard to make a $5 payment with paypal? 2022-03-25 04:49:00 @natalia probably 2022-03-25 04:49:08 @natalia possibly not 2022-03-25 04:49:56 asm :c 2022-03-25 04:50:15 @natalia payment processors are unpredictable hellscapes ime 2022-03-25 04:50:23 asm ikr 2022-03-25 05:00:28 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-25 12:57:27 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 12:57:27 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-25 12:57:27 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-25 12:57:27 -- Channel #tildetown: 115 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 112 normals) 2022-03-25 12:57:29 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-25 12:57:35 elly login: I think that to argue that you have to assume all deaths happen in hospital 2022-03-25 12:57:35 dzwdz you don't need to be alive to leave 2022-03-25 12:57:49 login walk out, then 2022-03-25 12:57:54 login walk out vs walk in 2022-03-25 12:58:07 elly that's true for all places tbh 2022-03-25 12:58:16 elly more people walk into train stations than walk out 2022-03-25 12:58:35 dzwdz D: 2022-03-25 12:58:38 login but the point was, that it is a wrong correlation, because in the absence of the hospital, it would be worse 2022-03-25 12:58:43 elly yeah definitely 2022-03-25 12:58:44 login but nobody can test the counterfactual 2022-03-25 12:59:06 login without actually removing a hospital or looking at a natural experiment where a hospital shut down 2022-03-25 12:59:22 dzwdz now i want a heatmap of hospital net people gains 2022-03-25 12:59:34 login this kind of problem might appear in many different observational-data-based studies 2022-03-25 12:59:49 elly for sure 2022-03-25 13:00:07 login and it might be very hard to tell whether the correlation observed implies causation or not, and what the covering set should be 2022-03-25 13:00:12 elly I think many economics and sociology studies have the same problem where the counterfactual is impossible to test 2022-03-25 13:00:21 elly since we only have the one society to look at 2022-03-25 13:00:45 login but it's not the same society over time 2022-03-25 13:01:04 elly right but you can't control the changes to it at all 2022-03-25 13:01:06 login but you have to assume people's general behaviour doesn't change over generations, which is not true either 2022-03-25 13:01:11 elly yeha 2022-03-25 13:01:23 login yeah, that is true, not without causing a lot of problems 2022-03-25 13:01:32 elly to be honest I don't understand the conversation we are currently having but I think we all just agree with each other and are restating the same point 2022-03-25 13:01:36 login it's not repeatable 2022-03-25 13:01:57 login you can't rewind and repeat society 2022-03-25 13:02:26 login unlike an isolated science experiment (except quantum-mechanics experiments (if you believe in superdeterminism)) 2022-03-25 13:18:57 extratone https://ttm.sh/imx.png 2022-03-25 13:20:59 noa big bug 2022-03-25 13:22:37 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-25 13:22:37 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's uncommon electric rainbow flowering agave 2022-03-25 13:22:39 猫 !tarit 2022-03-25 13:22:41 猫 !tarot 2022-03-25 13:22:41 rufus[awkbot] The Ace of Cups (Reversed) - emotional loss, blocked creativity, emptiness 2022-03-25 13:22:43 猫 ha 2022-03-25 13:22:45 猫 nice 2022-03-25 13:22:47 猫 hello 2022-03-25 13:31:12 katie morning town 2022-03-25 13:33:46 asm morning 2022-03-25 13:34:09 asm uhh I scrolled through backlog and this is a bit disturbing 2022-03-25 13:34:15 asm 02:50 <juspib> i cope with stressful situations by planning suicide 2022-03-25 13:34:15 asm 02:50 <juspib> bye 2022-03-25 13:34:25 asm juspib: is this true? 2022-03-25 13:57:34 m455 asm: i think the "bye" was saying bye to dzwdz in that message. as for the message about suicide, i may be interpreting it wrong but it sounds like a dark joke. i'm not 100% sure but the easiest thing to do is communicate with juspib 2022-03-25 13:58:19 m455 talking about suicide has come up in the past and there is nothing wrong with talking it all out. we don't want to shame people because of mentions of it 2022-03-25 14:34:13 elly morning! 2022-03-25 14:34:37 @natalia hi 2022-03-25 14:34:49 m455 morning! 2022-03-25 14:34:54 m455 how're you two doing? 2022-03-25 14:35:07 asm hi 2022-03-25 14:35:14 @natalia paper publishing panic 2022-03-25 14:35:20 m455 i'm in a pretty hgood mood and got a decent sleep, and now i'm relaxing with coffee while i have a poretty smooth work morning going on 2022-03-25 14:35:25 extratone the triple ps 2022-03-25 14:35:26 m455 natalia: omggg it still is going on, that sucks! 2022-03-25 14:35:39 @natalia its almost over :relieved: 2022-03-25 14:35:45 @natalia im through my own proofreading stage i think 2022-03-25 14:35:50 @natalia i want to send it to One other person for review 2022-03-25 14:36:17 m455 i used to breakdown writing papers when it was the night before and i stayed up till the morning, questioning whether i want to actaully put good quality into the remaining part of the paper, it was an awful feeling 2022-03-25 14:36:22 m455 good luck! 2022-03-25 14:36:38 @natalia the thing that sucks is this is for FUN 2022-03-25 14:36:41 @natalia so i have to want it to be good 2022-03-25 14:42:14 m455 omg that's even more stressful lol 2022-03-25 14:43:44 dozens what is up townies 2022-03-25 14:44:03 elly about to eat breakfast before work over here 2022-03-25 14:44:05 extratone https://ttm.sh/imx.png 2022-03-25 14:44:36 dozens a picture of extratone logging into town? lol 2022-03-25 14:45:02 dozens (just because i know you town on an iphone, not that you are a giant bug) 2022-03-25 14:45:07 extratone you got it. it's so apt it's disturbing. 2022-03-25 14:45:31 extratone no but I am going through my Kafka stage in life this image helped me realize it. 2022-03-25 14:45:52 extratone specifically the metamorphosis, that is. 2022-03-25 14:46:56 extratone *dangerous* levels of relatability over here. setting all kinds of alarms off. 2022-03-25 14:47:55 @natalia !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBfVsucRe1w 2022-03-25 14:47:55 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Construção 2022-03-25 14:49:33 dozens natalia: sounds like you're almost done with the paper at this point? end in sight? 2022-03-25 14:50:03 @natalia i am sending it to friends for feedback and doing errands 2022-03-25 14:50:09 @natalia everybody is busy though despair emoji 2022-03-25 14:53:38 m455 D: 2022-03-25 14:55:30 dozens well hopefully they get back to you soon! comforting emoji 2022-03-25 14:57:17 dozens trying this announcement at this time of day today: if anybody wants to come play a low stakes, freeform, communal roleplaying game, come check out BBJ QUEST on bbj. you don't need to know the entire backstory. Just pop in and respond to the current prompt if you want! 2022-03-25 14:57:38 m455 sounds like the best kind of roleplaying game! being able to pop in whenever! 2022-03-25 14:57:46 m455 i would totally play by $work D: haha 2022-03-25 14:57:50 dozens we're exploring a magic forest, and just found a mysterous sealed cave! 2022-03-25 15:00:02 m455 oh shitr 2022-03-25 15:00:11 m455 i would lick the wall if i was there 2022-03-25 15:00:15 m455 to see what it tastes like 2022-03-25 15:11:50 elly https://tls13.ulfheim.net/ this is an illustration of every byte of the TLS 1.3 handshake & data exchange 2022-03-25 15:17:01 m455 that's super cool! 2022-03-25 15:17:51 elly yeah! 2022-03-25 15:18:01 elly really good example of how to make something complicated comprehensible 2022-03-25 15:19:09 m455 yeah i love it! 2022-03-25 15:21:02 noa hey hey hey 2022-03-25 15:22:32 m455 wudup noa 2022-03-25 15:22:35 m455 i like your new nick btw 2022-03-25 15:22:38 m455 very nice 2022-03-25 15:22:43 m455 you /are/ twee right 2022-03-25 15:22:45 m455 hahaha 2022-03-25 15:22:49 m455 were* 2022-03-25 15:22:52 noa hey m455 2022-03-25 15:22:54 noa whos twee 2022-03-25 15:22:56 noa ? 2022-03-25 15:23:01 noa im joking yeah its me 2022-03-25 15:23:03 m455 oh shit lol 2022-03-25 15:23:07 m455 my bad lol 2022-03-25 15:23:12 m455 you are noa then! 2022-03-25 15:23:25 noa i havent used twee anywhere else for a few years, kinda felt weird having it here 2022-03-25 15:23:30 noa yep i am noa am twee :) 2022-03-25 15:23:33 m455 i got mixed up thinking you were someone else who changed their name 2022-03-25 15:23:35 m455 oh!! 2022-03-25 15:23:37 m455 kk hahaha 2022-03-25 15:23:43 noa sorry i didn't make that easy for you 2022-03-25 15:23:50 m455 i used to check out your website once in a while, but i can't remember the url :'( 2022-03-25 15:23:57 m455 hahaha it's not your job to amke it easy for me 2022-03-25 15:24:00 m455 dont worry :P 2022-03-25 15:24:18 noa i used to have distinctly.pink, then i mostly moved to noa-s.org, now im at noa.gaiwan.org 2022-03-25 15:24:33 noa idk why i keep changing, when it comes to renew i just get something new lol 2022-03-25 15:24:43 noa i still check your website ;) 2022-03-25 15:25:49 dozens distinctly.pink is a great domain 2022-03-25 15:25:58 m455 ohhhh distinctly.pink was the one! 2022-03-25 15:26:09 m455 noa: i love the idea of just ever changing, that's fun 2022-03-25 15:26:28 m455 probably cheaper if you find those cheap first registration deals, because the retail/renew price is always more expensive haha 2022-03-25 15:26:35 noa true true 2022-03-25 15:26:44 noa yeah i really liked distinctly.pink, held on to it for a while 2022-03-25 15:26:53 m455 > i still check your website ;). awww thhanks haha i have it on pause because i am writing a new website generator for no reason 2022-03-25 15:27:04 noa think i tried to convince someone here to take it but alas its lost to time 2022-03-25 15:27:07 m455 noa-s.org is still nice :D 2022-03-25 15:27:15 dozens m455 is /always/ writing a new website generator lol 2022-03-25 15:27:19 noa yeah the no new articles is sad, but i like going and it just being a new css :) 2022-03-25 15:27:32 noa i wrote three new website generators in the last week lol 2022-03-25 15:27:39 noa one in php, one in shell, one in ruby 2022-03-25 15:27:47 dozens i should make a site that loads up a new css theme every time you refresh 2022-03-25 15:27:50 m455 dozens: yeah no time for blogging! hahahah 2022-03-25 15:27:54 m455 dozens: YES 2022-03-25 15:28:04 noa thatd be amazing 2022-03-25 15:28:13 m455 noa: oh yeah i update my css so much, i loooooove editing colors hahahah 2022-03-25 15:28:15 noa i swear firefox has a thing that you can do that with 2022-03-25 15:28:26 m455 > i wrote three new website generators in the last week lol 2022-03-25 15:28:28 m455 YES 2022-03-25 15:28:40 noa under view > page style, you can add multiple style sheets somehow 2022-03-25 15:28:42 noa which is p cool 2022-03-25 15:30:49 noa alsoo im working on a piece for two cellos please give feedbacks https://ttm.sh/iMd.mp3 2022-03-25 15:30:54 m455 sick! i actually forgot about this, and new about it at some point haha 2022-03-25 15:32:39 dozens i am digging this cello noa 2022-03-25 15:32:55 dozens oh shit, the high notes just hit wow 2022-03-25 15:33:46 dozens that one pitch almost sounds like a synth 2022-03-25 15:36:10 noa i mean it's midi cello so that might be why, but some of the harmonics are intended to sound a bit like that 2022-03-25 15:36:40 noa for cool cello effects i did https://ttm.sh/iM0.mp3, all the non-vocals are vanilla cello and a headphone mic 2022-03-25 15:39:27 elly morning code review time woo 2022-03-25 15:41:03 m455 elly: haha this is me all morning with docs 2022-03-25 15:46:18 elly I am definitely working across a language barrier on this change 2022-03-25 15:46:20 elly extra difficulty 2022-03-25 15:46:45 m455 that's tricky 2022-03-25 15:46:51 elly it is 2022-03-25 15:47:14 elly the code author, who is both new to the project and definitely not an english speaker, is trying to interpret a description of a bug written hastily in 2008 2022-03-25 15:47:23 elly (ie they are trying to fix a 14-year-old TODO) 2022-03-25 15:48:07 elly having somewhat of a frustrating conversation about it 2022-03-25 15:55:22 m455 shit that sucks :(. is it one of those conversations where you are trying to friendly say "oh, actually, what they meant here is ..." 2022-03-25 15:55:48 elly yeah 2022-03-25 15:56:05 elly they definitely want to help but their understanding of the area is poor enough that they aren't really able to 2022-03-25 15:56:26 elly and I'm trying to be like "this is much more complicated than it first appears and what you're doing won't help" without discouraging them from contributing elsewhere 2022-03-25 15:56:53 m455 that sounds really tricky 2022-03-25 15:57:35 elly ya 2022-03-25 15:57:36 elly well, so it goes 2022-03-25 15:57:36 m455 i have been having these kinds of frustrations as well lately, where it's hard to tell some of the folks who aren't technical writers who submit docs that everything they wrote needs to be rewritten, redesigned/restructured 2022-03-25 15:57:38 elly open source vibes 2022-03-25 15:57:43 elly yeah exactly 2022-03-25 15:57:43 m455 ohhh 2022-03-25 15:58:23 elly in this case, this person is sort of like... making a change that locally looks correct, but is in fact the wrong thing at a larger scale 2022-03-25 15:58:35 elly and explaining what that larger scale is and why it's a problem requires a lot of context 2022-03-25 15:58:48 m455 oh wow that sounds like a lot of energy is required to explain that too :( 2022-03-25 15:58:52 elly yeah 2022-03-25 15:59:06 elly I am doing my best over here but I'm sort of like "you know nothing jon snow" 2022-03-25 15:59:13 m455 i've got a meeting in 2 minutes, but i'll come back later and chat if the topic remains :) 2022-03-25 15:59:16 m455 elly: LOL awww crap 2022-03-25 15:59:34 elly and the fact that beng wrote "// TODO: remove this hack" 14 years ago doesn't mean that in 2022 you can just delete those lines of code and say you are fixing a problem 2022-03-25 16:25:34 @vilmibm hi 2022-03-25 16:25:53 dzwdz hello \o 2022-03-25 16:26:36 @vilmibm elly: that sounds extremely frustrating. 2022-03-25 16:27:50 elly can confirm! 2022-03-25 16:29:09 @natalia damn i appreciate the commitment to actually being a public project but also: being a public project sucks i am sorry 2022-03-25 16:29:15 elly I'm vibing 2022-03-25 16:29:35 default hi 2022-03-25 16:32:01 elly on the one hand teaching people is really fun but on the other hand teaching people is really exhausting sometimes :P 2022-03-25 16:37:51 @vilmibm noa: nice work with the cello composition~ 2022-03-25 16:40:51 dozens it's humans, elly. humans are fun and exhausting lol 2022-03-25 16:42:10 elly real 2022-03-25 16:42:21 elly taking some ~mandatory training~ as a palate cleanser 2022-03-25 16:43:06 @vilmibm dozens: +1 2022-03-25 16:43:22 @vilmibm humans: the cause of and solution to all of life's problems 2022-03-25 16:57:02 noa thankss vil 2022-03-25 16:57:20 @vilmibm cybersurfer https://archive.org/details/CyberSurfer01Apr1995 2022-03-25 17:05:40 elly one of the things that is most disturbing about working on a widely deployed program is that you have to accept that your program will occasionally crash no matter what you do 2022-03-25 17:06:03 elly there are some user devices out there with bad RAM, malware trying to mess with the browser's memory directly, buggy drivers, thermal problems, or whatever 2022-03-25 17:06:11 elly which are responsible for some fraction of our total crash reports 2022-03-25 17:06:29 elly it is always hard to know when you have one of them though vs a real bug 2022-03-25 17:08:01 @vilmibm i ran into plenty of that with gh and it's nowhere near as big and complex as chrome. i can't even imagine 2022-03-25 17:08:25 elly we basically tend to write off any crash that doesn't happen for more than like, 5 distinct users :P 2022-03-25 17:09:02 @vilmibm people were running our tool in all sorts of weird scenarios/deployments and it was also so irritating to have a back and forth of helping them debug something only for them to admit "oh yeah btw i'm running gh in $OBSCURE_CONTAINER_TOOL on $OBSCURE_CLOUD_LINUX_DISTRO using $SPECIFIC_WEIRD_ARM_VERSION 2022-03-25 17:09:13 @vilmibm " 2022-03-25 17:09:17 @vilmibm elly: makes sense 2022-03-25 17:09:36 elly haha yesss 2022-03-25 17:09:47 elly linux users are often especially prone to that sort of stuff 2022-03-25 17:10:02 elly you get a bug report and you're like... this shouldn't be possible, and you ask for more details 2022-03-25 17:10:23 elly and they're like "oh actually I'm using my distro's chromium [which is 9 major revisions old and has 500 patches applied]" 2022-03-25 17:10:28 elly and you're like, sure does buddy 2022-03-25 17:12:44 @vilmibm yes it's usually linux people :x 2022-03-25 17:12:58 @vilmibm but there is another population specific to gh...people with WILD ass git workflows 2022-03-25 17:13:06 @vilmibm and that always comes out during the support process 2022-03-25 17:13:13 elly for whatever reason, some years ago, arch linux users were especially notorious for us because the arch IRC channel would redirect them to #chromium all the time 2022-03-25 17:13:21 elly and they were *all* doing just the most baffling stuff 2022-03-25 17:13:26 dzwdz o? 2022-03-25 17:13:35 @vilmibm like "oh you think it's a bug that gh doesn't work perfectly fine in your bizarre approach to git where you manually delete and recreate remote repos on every push, okay" 2022-03-25 17:13:47 elly like "oh yeah I ran the entire browser inside this chroot jail program I wrote but that shouldn't hurt anything and now it's complaining it can't talk to the X server" 2022-03-25 17:13:53 elly and it's like... no kidding 2022-03-25 17:14:08 @vilmibm haha 2022-03-25 17:14:18 @vilmibm gonna AFK and get my day going, bbl~ 2022-03-25 17:14:23 dzwdz cya 2022-03-25 17:14:24 elly or like "I applied this 30,000 line patch I found on github that says it removes extension support and now it crashes on startup" 2022-03-25 17:14:28 elly sort of stuff 2022-03-25 17:14:37 @vilmibm "WHY HAVEN'T YOU FIXED IT FOR ME" 2022-03-25 17:14:39 elly not super productive bug reports 2022-03-25 17:14:40 elly haha yes vil 2022-03-25 17:14:44 @vilmibm open source is fucking exhausting 2022-03-25 17:14:49 elly we abandoned IRC when freenode died 2022-03-25 17:14:56 elly the IRC channel had been moribund for a long time before that though 2022-03-25 17:15:22 dzwdz this is kinda entertaining, any other examples? 2022-03-25 17:15:32 elly not that I remember offhand 2022-03-25 17:16:02 elly the experience of moderating a large IRC channel is miserable and most of it has left my brain 2022-03-25 17:17:19 elly the IRC channels used to suck up (not exaggerating) more time from our community team than all other project spaces combined 2022-03-25 17:17:28 elly meaning slack, the bug tracker, the mailing lists, the code review system, etc 2022-03-25 17:20:07 elly vilmibm: i have broken / the invariants / that were in / your code // and which / you were probably / using / for reasoning // forgive me / time was short / and coding / is hard 2022-03-25 17:24:19 elly ahhahaha 2022-03-25 17:24:29 elly dzwdz I did find one log snippet I saved from years ago because it was priceless 2022-03-25 17:24:33 elly ~elly/t/h0ts1lk.log 2022-03-25 17:25:48 dzwdz aa it's so weird seeing the full name of people 2022-03-25 17:26:02 dzwdz wish i could go back in time a few seconds 2022-03-25 17:26:22 elly what, me? 2022-03-25 17:26:35 dzwdz i'm assuming that's you 2022-03-25 17:26:36 default no, h0ts1lk (/s0 2022-03-25 17:26:42 elly good news for you then, that's my pre-marriage name 2022-03-25 17:26:49 dzwdz o 2022-03-25 17:26:51 elly I stuck it into my username because of a terminal lack of foresight 2022-03-25 17:27:29 m455 elly: LOL at that conversation 2022-03-25 17:27:33 @natalia lmaooo 2022-03-25 17:27:33 elly yes 2022-03-25 17:27:35 dzwdz actually 2022-03-25 17:27:37 elly extensions strike again 2022-03-25 17:27:41 dzwdz is elly short for something? elizabeth? 2022-03-25 17:27:44 dzwdz or is it just elly 2022-03-25 17:27:53 elly it is technically short for that, but "elly" is my day-to-day name everywhere 2022-03-25 17:28:00 elly & what all my coworkers and family/friends call me 2022-03-25 17:28:20 m455 that person had a bad case of the zoomies 2022-03-25 17:28:22 dzwdz elizabeth is just unpractical 2022-03-25 17:28:23 elly yes 2022-03-25 17:28:24 dzwdz so long 2022-03-25 17:28:29 elly it is in fact long 2022-03-25 17:28:31 elly and also less unique 2022-03-25 17:28:33 elly there are few other ellys 2022-03-25 17:28:47 dzwdz ~ellie? 2022-03-25 17:28:51 elly I picked "elly" as an IRC nickname when I was about 8 years old, long before I transitioned 2022-03-25 17:28:53 dzwdz also hi sorry for the ping 2022-03-25 17:28:55 dzwdz or not 2022-03-25 17:28:56 elly which was: prescient 2022-03-25 17:29:11 elly and then much later on when everyone was already calling me "elly" anyway I was like, well, this fits 2022-03-25 17:29:14 elly might as well go with it 2022-03-25 17:29:20 dzwdz hm 2022-03-25 17:29:22 elly but I wanted a legal name that sounded a little more adult 2022-03-25 17:29:30 dzwdz ellieth 2022-03-25 17:29:42 elly and yeah there are a good number of ellies, but relatively few ellys 2022-03-25 17:29:43 dzwdz sounds like a wizard 2022-03-25 17:30:42 dzwdz this is like a toned down version of stumbling upon a picture of a townie somewhere 2022-03-25 17:30:47 elly haha 2022-03-25 17:30:52 dzwdz no like i hate it 2022-03-25 17:30:57 elly I'm sorry to hear that 2022-03-25 17:30:59 dzwdz i prefer y'all being faceless 2022-03-25 17:31:02 dzwdz naw lol, np 2022-03-25 17:31:08 elly I just use the same name everywhere 2022-03-25 17:31:23 dzwdz no i meant the last name thing 2022-03-25 17:31:40 m455 elly: omg i love the like implicit foreshadowing of using "elly" as your IRC name when you were 8 before transitioning 2022-03-25 17:31:46 m455 that's so wonderful 2022-03-25 17:31:48 elly m455: yeah 2022-03-25 17:32:24 dzwdz "elly" doesn't really strike me as a super feminine name though 2022-03-25 17:32:35 elly that's surprising! to most people it reads that way 2022-03-25 17:32:52 elly in English at least names ending in "y" are virtually all feminine 2022-03-25 17:33:02 elly there are some rare exceptions like "Harry" 2022-03-25 17:33:40 dzwdz it sounds like a pet form 2022-03-25 17:33:42 dzwdz wait, pet form? 2022-03-25 17:33:44 dzwdz diminutive? 2022-03-25 17:33:46 dzwdz what's the word 2022-03-25 17:33:52 elly it *is* a diminutive 2022-03-25 17:33:55 m455 elly was always one of those naems that could go any direction for me, but my name is jesse, so i was kind of always naturally feeling names could be anything lol 2022-03-25 17:34:15 elly yeah 2022-03-25 17:34:24 dzwdz diminutive eyah 2022-03-25 17:34:29 elly well, anyway, I originally picked it because I liked it and it turns out to be a name that I still like as an adult 2022-03-25 17:34:35 elly and as a bonus it's available most places as a username :) 2022-03-25 17:34:44 m455 <3 2022-03-25 17:35:24 dzwdz gender rules don't really apply to diminutives though 2022-03-25 17:35:36 @natalia hypocorism is a subset for given names i think 2022-03-25 17:35:45 @natalia (noting this because i was trying to figure out what it was) 2022-03-25 17:35:47 dzwdz the diminutive of my name is feminine in every language but polish 2022-03-25 17:36:50 dzwdz at least the last time i checked wiktionary there wasn't another language listed where it was masculine, i'm too lazy to look at it again 2022-03-25 17:37:17 dzwdz https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Kuba#Etymology_2_2 2022-03-25 17:37:19 noa noa is generally the feminine spelling 2022-03-25 17:37:22 noa except in esperanto 2022-03-25 17:37:39 noa and obviously, hebrew doesn't even use latin alphabet so adding the h is a guess 2022-03-25 17:37:50 dzwdz WAIT 2022-03-25 17:37:57 dzwdz noa == noah? 2022-03-25 17:39:10 noa yeah lol 2022-03-25 17:39:15 noa wait what have you been saying? 2022-03-25 17:39:23 dzwdz ? 2022-03-25 17:39:30 noa my legal name is noah 2022-03-25 17:39:43 noa i pronounce noa as noah 2022-03-25 17:39:53 dzwdz isn't the h silent? 2022-03-25 17:40:02 elly sort of 2022-03-25 17:40:14 noa in english, yeah 2022-03-25 17:40:15 elly it's like, barely voiced 2022-03-25 17:40:33 elly is it voiced in hebrew? 2022-03-25 17:40:35 noa people dispute how voiced it is in ancient hebrew 2022-03-25 17:40:41 noa idk about modern hebrew 2022-03-25 17:41:04 noa but i think it's barely significant because there are a noah and a noa in the bible, and i believe there is no distinction between the names 2022-03-25 17:41:10 noa it is done in english for gender reasons 2022-03-25 17:41:44 noa afaik 2022-03-25 17:41:48 dozens zoomy gonna zoom 2022-03-25 17:42:31 noa i like noa, because of the maori concept of noa names, when you refer to something by a different word so as not to let Bad Things happen (think voldemort, or the finnish bear thing) 2022-03-25 17:42:34 dozens funny how the omission of a silent letter can make a name more feminine... 2022-03-25 17:42:56 noa noa is a noa name for noah, because when people see it spelt like that they don't make ark jokes 2022-03-25 17:43:03 arisotura hi! 2022-03-25 17:43:07 dozens nice 2022-03-25 17:43:17 dozens arisotura: hello! hello! 2022-03-25 17:43:21 noa dozens: honestly trying to pick a chinese name was a nightmare re male/female characters etc 2022-03-25 17:43:27 noa heyy arisotura 2022-03-25 17:43:51 elly hello hello! 2022-03-25 17:44:09 default hey arisotura 2022-03-25 17:45:31 nihilazo \o 2022-03-25 17:45:34 dzwdz \o 2022-03-25 17:47:00 katie does this imply that adding silent letters masculinizes names 2022-03-25 17:47:11 dzwdz queue 2022-03-25 17:48:00 nihilazo idk katie 2022-03-25 17:48:05 dzwdz it does 2022-03-25 17:48:09 nihilazo although nicoh sounds more masc than nico 2022-03-25 17:48:16 nihilazo or looks 2022-03-25 17:48:20 nihilazo because they sound the same 2022-03-25 17:48:26 dzwdz is queue masculine? 2022-03-25 17:48:28 -- katie is now known as khahtieauxh 2022-03-25 17:49:05 elly lol 2022-03-25 17:49:08 khahtieauxh what up broseph. Football 2022-03-25 17:49:12 elly that just reads like it's french 2022-03-25 17:49:17 khahtieauxh oh god 2022-03-25 17:49:19 -- khahtieauxh is now known as katie 2022-03-25 17:49:56 dzwdz so what's the opposite of adding silent letters? 2022-03-25 17:50:08 dzwdz is there something like a super voiced letter 2022-03-25 17:50:36 elly that's just a regular letter I think 2022-03-25 17:50:39 elly they're voiced by default 2022-03-25 17:50:54 katie you gotta voice it harder 2022-03-25 17:51:05 dzwdz hm 2022-03-25 17:51:09 katie like the "ping as" in "snooping as usual" 2022-03-25 17:51:13 dzwdz so if i scream out a name, does tht make it more feminine? 2022-03-25 17:51:18 -- default is now known as default_ 2022-03-25 17:51:21 dzwdz ah 2022-03-25 17:51:34 elly katie: just say what you're going to say with unusual or bizarre stresses 2022-03-25 17:51:56 dzwdz my stresses are already bizarre 2022-03-25 17:57:33 mio "noa" often translates into "nippon origami association" in my head, but it's interesting to hear about the stories linked to people's nicks 2022-03-25 17:58:55 mio guess some nicks, especially short ones, lend themselves to many interpretations 2022-03-25 17:59:05 elly yes 2022-03-25 17:59:40 dzwdz hm 2022-03-25 17:59:47 dzwdz i just got the idea for a nickname pronouncation bot 2022-03-25 18:00:18 dzwdz like you'd type in !ipa dzwdz and it'd spit out /d͡ʑviɛd͡ʑ/ 2022-03-25 18:00:44 dzwdz which didn't even paste right but you get the point 2022-03-25 18:01:21 elly you could! 2022-03-25 18:01:25 katie do it 2022-03-25 18:01:36 dzwdz thanks for the permission chief 2022-03-25 18:01:38 elly at work the thing we use for profiles has a feature where you can record how to say your own name 2022-03-25 18:01:42 mio nice idea, especially if people can set their pronounciations 2022-03-25 18:01:42 elly which is really useful 2022-03-25 18:01:54 dzwdz mio: no, they're going to be randomly generated 2022-03-25 18:01:58 @natalia my friend just asked me to write them a posix shell script that processes an ansi-escaped file they had and i got so excited i almost fainted 2022-03-25 18:02:04 @natalia i was MADE for this 2022-03-25 18:02:10 elly lol 2022-03-25 18:02:15 mio s/pronounciation/pronunciation/ ... aww, okay, haha 2022-03-25 18:02:15 sedbot <mio> nice idea, especially if people can set their pronunciations 2022-03-25 18:02:32 dzwdz wait you can do that in sedbot? 2022-03-25 18:02:39 dzwdz like type after the sed expression 2022-03-25 18:02:48 mio how is it going to determine the pronunciation? 2022-03-25 18:02:50 default_ test 2022-03-25 18:02:55 dzwdz received 2022-03-25 18:03:03 m455 natalia: oh shit that's awesome, i'd totally use that for stuff that outputs in colour and gets broken when piped to less lol 2022-03-25 18:03:03 mio yeah, but it doesn't append, it seems 2022-03-25 18:03:12 default_ s/test/confirmed/ so can you write after it? 2022-03-25 18:03:13 sedbot <default_> confirmed 2022-03-25 18:03:30 mio not that it was supposed to in my case so lol 2022-03-25 18:04:12 mio natalia: lol go for it 2022-03-25 18:05:23 dzwdz fuck i've just lost the game 2022-03-25 18:11:03 default_ fuck i've lost my online banking password. guess that's karma for putting it in my password manager in the first place 2022-03-25 18:11:21 default_ photorec did not work :( 2022-03-25 18:11:35 dzwdz but putting it in your password manager isn't bad 2022-03-25 18:11:35 elly f 2022-03-25 18:11:39 dzwdz quite the opposite 2022-03-25 18:11:45 katie default_: have you tried photoreccing for git object packs 2022-03-25 18:11:48 elly yea, the password manager part is good! not having backups is the bad bit 2022-03-25 18:11:52 default_ it is if i'm using a weak main password 2022-03-25 18:11:57 dzwdz which reminds me, i haven't done a proper backup 2022-03-25 18:12:01 dzwdz default_: diceware 2022-03-25 18:12:21 elly definitely do backups! 2022-03-25 18:12:30 default_ katie: i just photoreced all files, then searched for *.gpg 2022-03-25 18:12:31 dzwdz s/proper backup/& in a while 2022-03-25 18:14:10 katie default_: you might be able to reconstruct stuff from the git objects if you can manage to pick them out 2022-03-25 18:14:26 dzwdz why are you assuming they were using git for their passwords? 2022-03-25 18:15:14 katie i may be misremembering, but i recall them stating they were using password-store, yeah? 2022-03-25 18:15:18 dzwdz oh maybe 2022-03-25 18:15:25 katie which uses git by default iirc? 2022-03-25 18:15:40 default_ don't think so 2022-03-25 18:15:46 katie oh its not a default. my mistake 2022-03-25 18:20:07 elly if you can, a password reset might be a better use of your time 2022-03-25 18:20:13 elly and just not trying to recover that state 2022-03-25 18:28:37 dozens http://ipa-reader.xyz/?text=%2Fd%CD%A1%CA%91vi%C9%9Bd%CD%A1%CA%91%2F 2022-03-25 18:28:59 dzwdz wow that's pretty accurate 2022-03-25 18:30:58 katie who names the text to speech voices. and why 2022-03-25 18:35:07 @natalia sorry 2022-03-25 18:35:20 dzwdz no problem 2022-03-25 18:45:20 --> beep (dzwdz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 18:45:25 dzwdz !ipa 2022-03-25 18:45:25 beep /d͡ʑviɛd͡ʑ/ | дведь | dźwiedź 2022-03-25 18:51:48 benharri !ipa 2022-03-25 18:51:48 beep couldn't open /home/benharri/.pronouncation 2022-03-25 18:51:52 benharri ooo 2022-03-25 18:52:07 benharri interesting 2022-03-25 18:57:07 extratone folks... I am in danger of losing so much time to this lol. http://atom.smasher.org/error/ http://ttm.sh/iM_.png 2022-03-25 18:57:23 asm beep boop 2022-03-25 18:57:50 elly !pronouns 2022-03-25 18:57:50 pinhook Pronouns for elly: she/her 2022-03-25 18:57:53 elly er, no 2022-03-25 18:57:53 elly !ipa 2022-03-25 18:57:53 beep couldn't open /home/elly/.pronouncation 2022-03-25 18:58:00 elly ah 2022-03-25 18:58:10 citrons ooh, interesting 2022-03-25 18:58:15 citrons perhaps I will make this file. 2022-03-25 18:58:20 elly that is not how "pronunciation" is spelled :P 2022-03-25 18:58:35 dzwdz shush 2022-03-25 18:58:50 citrons this is me when I pronounciate. 2022-03-25 18:58:59 <-- beep (dzwdz@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-25 18:59:29 --> beep (dzwdz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 18:59:31 dzwdz !ipa 2022-03-25 18:59:31 beep couldn't open /home/dzwdz/.pernounication 2022-03-25 18:59:54 dzwdz pronouncation makes more sense 2022-03-25 19:00:00 dzwdz pronuncation isn't about being pro-nun 2022-03-25 19:00:10 <-- beep (dzwdz@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-25 19:00:12 elly !ipa 2022-03-25 19:00:18 dzwdz too late 2022-03-25 19:00:21 elly rip me 2022-03-25 19:00:30 dzwdz oh i misspelled it again 2022-03-25 19:00:50 --> beep (dzwdz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 19:01:10 dzwdz !ipa 2022-03-25 19:01:10 beep /d͡ʑviɛd͡ʑ/ | дведь | dźwiedź 2022-03-25 19:01:15 dzwdz !ipa elly 2022-03-25 19:01:15 beep couldn't open /home/elly/.pronunciation 2022-03-25 19:01:38 elly !ipa 2022-03-25 19:01:38 beep !echo s/.*/\\o/g 2022-03-25 19:01:41 elly yeah 2022-03-25 19:01:53 elly it should probably ensure the file is a normal file and not a symlink 2022-03-25 19:02:20 citrons !ipa 2022-03-25 19:02:20 beep ÊË/si.tʁɔ̃/ 2022-03-25 19:02:21 <-- ruth (m455@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-25 19:02:38 dzwdz is that utf-16 or something 2022-03-25 19:02:44 citrons hmm what 2022-03-25 19:03:27 dzwdz !ipa citrons 2022-03-25 19:03:27 beep /si.tÊʁÃɔ̃/ 2022-03-25 19:03:30 dzwdz !ipa citrons 2022-03-25 19:03:30 beep /si.tÊʁÃɔ̃/ 2022-03-25 19:03:32 dzwdz what 2022-03-25 19:03:43 citrons this is odd 2022-03-25 19:03:48 dzwdz yknow what 2022-03-25 19:04:19 <-- beep (dzwdz@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-25 19:04:22 citrons https://0x0.st/oqs2.png ← why?? 2022-03-25 19:04:45 dzwdz your terminal isn't using utf-8 for some reason 2022-03-25 19:04:53 dzwdz are you on windows? 2022-03-25 19:05:01 citrons I am most certainly not 2022-03-25 19:05:18 dzwdz hm, can't blame it on bill then 2022-03-25 19:05:36 katie !ipa 2022-03-25 19:05:38 citrons my current hypothesis is tmux 2022-03-25 19:06:04 --> beep (dzwdz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 19:06:11 citrons because this is what happens on my local system with the same terminal 2022-03-25 19:06:14 ellie (dzwdz: bit late but hi lol re: your ping) 2022-03-25 19:06:33 citrons https://0x0.st/oqsL.png normal (I'd certainly hope so) 2022-03-25 19:06:42 dzwdz extremely dumb question: 2022-03-25 19:06:58 dzwdz is both elly and you being here a coincidence? 2022-03-25 19:07:03 dzwdz or are your names related in some way 2022-03-25 19:07:10 elly coincidence 2022-03-25 19:07:14 dzwdz or is it? 2022-03-25 19:07:15 nihilazo !ipa 2022-03-25 19:07:15 beep /d͡ʑviɛd͡ʑ/ | дведь | dźwiedź 2022-03-25 19:07:22 nihilazo ah it thinks I'm dz 2022-03-25 19:07:29 dzwdz lol 2022-03-25 19:07:38 ellie unless you're me >.> 2022-03-25 19:07:50 citrons tmux seems to be using extended ascii for incomprehensible reasons 2022-03-25 19:07:52 citrons or something 2022-03-25 19:08:08 dzwdz huhh 2022-03-25 19:08:21 ellie is !ipanew, btw? seems really useful 2022-03-25 19:08:26 ellie *!ipa new 2022-03-25 19:08:30 elly literally like 30 minutes old 2022-03-25 19:08:33 ellie ahh lmao 2022-03-25 19:08:33 citrons !ipa 2022-03-25 19:08:33 beep /si.tʁɔ̃/ 2022-03-25 19:08:36 ellie there we go 2022-03-25 19:08:49 citrons I wrote the file outside of tmux, and it did not do the bad 2022-03-25 19:09:02 ellie maybe something to do with $LANG 2022-03-25 19:09:14 ellie bleh 2022-03-25 19:09:23 ellie useful tho i never had any idea how to pronounce dzwdz 2022-03-25 19:09:41 citrons my LANG is set to C.UTF-8 2022-03-25 19:09:48 citrons !ipa 2022-03-25 19:09:48 beep /si.tʁɔ̃/ 2022-03-25 19:10:15 citrons my terminal is fucking up the accent at the end 2022-03-25 19:10:20 extratone well I figured out what I was doing wrong regarding the birthday registry lol. I assumed .birthday meant using it as a file extension... 2022-03-25 19:10:47 extratone ˈɛk.stɻɪ.ˈto͡ʊn 2022-03-25 19:14:39 katie !ipa 2022-03-25 19:14:39 beep [ˈkatʲə] 2022-03-25 19:14:42 katie pog 2022-03-25 19:17:55 extratone sorry to bring up The Phone again but the pronunciation conversation reminded me of this Sekret iOS Hac that I probably find far too amusing. https://tilde.town/~extratone/videos/pronunciations.MP4 2022-03-25 19:26:49 katie extratone: this video is killing me. why is this as funny as it is 2022-03-25 19:27:14 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 19:27:20 palmdrop !water 2022-03-25 19:27:20 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-03-25 19:27:25 palmdrop hey 2022-03-25 19:27:30 extratone I'm glad someone else enjoys it as much as i do lol 2022-03-25 19:28:19 extratone you can just straight up make siri say completely unrelated, unlike sounding words substituted for word 2022-03-25 19:28:20 extratone s 2022-03-25 19:28:27 ellie woahh 2022-03-25 19:28:36 ellie ipa substitutions?? 2022-03-25 19:28:59 extratone almost formal enough to describe it as such. 2022-03-25 19:29:03 dzwdz extratone: lmao 2022-03-25 19:29:08 extratone Settings->Accessibility->Spoken Content->Pronunciations 2022-03-25 19:30:52 extratone I used to have a bumch of substitions for words I never want to hear spoken aloud but I think they must have been on my first apple account. 2022-03-25 19:31:03 extratone substitions lol 2022-03-25 19:32:37 elly !ipa 2022-03-25 19:32:37 beep !echo s/.*/\\o/g 2022-03-25 19:32:41 elly dzwdz: ^ you should fix this 2022-03-25 19:32:45 elly don't allow the file to be a symlink 2022-03-25 19:32:51 dzwdz wait what is it a symlink to 2022-03-25 19:32:57 elly something in *your* homedir 2022-03-25 19:33:01 dzwdz oh noes 2022-03-25 19:33:04 elly the bot's running as you so it'll read with your perms 2022-03-25 19:33:09 dzwdz i know 2022-03-25 19:33:21 dzwdz there's no way for me to drop privileges, right? 2022-03-25 19:33:33 elly not without a separate user, no 2022-03-25 19:34:27 extratone you privileged asshole. 2022-03-25 19:34:45 dzwdz you're just jealous 2022-03-25 19:45:17 nihilazo always run as an unprivilaged user so you know how your programs feel 2022-03-25 19:45:28 nihilazo not detached with your god powers 2022-03-25 19:45:36 extratone maybe, but I would be a terrible admin 2022-03-25 19:45:46 extratone have been a terrible admin. 2022-03-25 19:45:57 dzwdz why would you ever want to reduce your programs' privileges 2022-03-25 19:46:07 extratone sudo cowsay 2022-03-25 19:46:15 dzwdz insmod cowsay 2022-03-25 19:50:50 <-- jmjl (~u@tilde.town) has left #tildetown (~nyaa) 2022-03-25 19:50:52 --> jmjl (~u@tilde.town) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 19:50:54 <-- jmjl (~u@tilde.town) has left #tildetown (~nyaa) 2022-03-25 19:51:01 --> jmjl (~u@tilde.town) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 20:07:38 <-- voyevoda (voyevoda@localhost) has quit (Quit: leaving) 2022-03-25 20:07:42 <-- scifi (scifi@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-03-25 20:10:23 猫 !talklike pinhook 2022-03-25 20:10:23 pinhook waters login's uncommon mature daffodil 2022-03-25 20:10:28 猫 !water login 2022-03-25 20:10:28 * pinhook waters login's seed 2022-03-25 20:10:31 猫 hm 2022-03-25 20:11:32 nihilazo !water nihilazo 2022-03-25 20:11:32 * pinhook waters nihilazo's seed 2022-03-25 20:11:37 nihilazo !talklike 2022-03-25 20:11:38 pinhook there's stuff I listen to mbmbam while I was kinda sorta into linux then I suppose 2022-03-25 20:14:41 noa !talklike 2022-03-25 20:14:41 pinhook and more more interested in a tilde.town bootleg 2022-03-25 20:14:56 noa it's kind of weird having such a small sample 2022-03-25 20:14:58 noa !talklike twee 2022-03-25 20:14:59 pinhook yeah as in my accent 2022-03-25 20:15:01 noa !fuse noa twee 2022-03-25 20:15:03 pinhook primary school teacher on the pinebook stuff 2022-03-25 20:15:30 katie !talklike 2022-03-25 20:15:30 pinhook elly i am trying so hard to find replacement parts for 2022-03-25 20:20:28 猫 !talklike pinhook 2022-03-25 20:20:29 pinhook Last night I did terrible on homework? if I should do more menu-based things in the doubles tournament with a level of expertise should be about 2022-03-25 20:20:57 extratone !water 2022-03-25 20:20:57 * pinhook waters extratone's seedling 2022-03-25 20:24:50 nihilazo !talklike 2022-03-25 20:24:51 pinhook 10 times as much as I have eaten 3 2022-03-25 20:25:26 m455 lmao 2022-03-25 20:25:27 m455 !talklike 2022-03-25 20:25:30 pinhook hows it going all day 2022-03-25 20:28:39 dzwdz !talklike 2022-03-25 20:28:41 pinhook i've got a taste of some delay stuff 2022-03-25 20:28:45 noa even robot m455 is friendly 2022-03-25 20:28:53 dzwdz !fuse dzwdz nihilazo 2022-03-25 20:28:57 pinhook I have either :P 2022-03-25 20:29:04 noa very by pet shop boys is absolutely a top five album 2022-03-25 20:29:18 dzwdz not a single word in that message was mine 2022-03-25 20:46:56 @natalia PAPER SUBMITTED 2022-03-25 20:47:28 nihilazo nice 2022-03-25 20:48:50 dzwdz \o/ 2022-03-25 20:53:03 noa nice one! 2022-03-25 20:53:52 dzwdz it's the ed paper, right? 2022-03-25 20:54:08 dzwdz is it up anywhere? 2022-03-25 20:54:39 @natalia it will not be made public until the advent of sigbovik on april 1st 2022-03-25 20:54:57 dzwdz not even a sneak peek? 2022-03-25 20:55:11 @natalia i will provide a sneak peek 2022-03-25 20:55:24 noa omg best birthday present ever 2022-03-25 20:55:36 dzwdz you were born on april fools? 2022-03-25 20:55:40 noa of course i was 2022-03-25 20:55:46 @natalia my girlfriend will kill me if she finds out i used fake small caps in the title formatting 2022-03-25 20:55:51 nihilazo oh hell yeah sigbovik 2022-03-25 20:55:58 nihilazo can't wait 2022-03-25 20:56:06 nihilazo best thing about april fools 2022-03-25 20:56:10 dzwdz ...fake small caps? 2022-03-25 20:57:07 nihilazo I need te read last year's sigbovik proceedings actually 2022-03-25 20:57:11 nihilazo or at least skim through them 2022-03-25 20:57:38 @natalia i spotted a very minor typo... damn hyphenation rules 2022-03-25 20:57:45 @natalia i can technically update it but i have to Let Go 2022-03-25 20:57:50 dzwdz i don't think it rules 2022-03-25 20:58:10 nihilazo who was Harry Q Bovik anyway 2022-03-25 20:58:12 noa best thing about april fools is suddenly getting a year older 2022-03-25 20:58:27 elly nihilazo: a non-person, he's the CMU standard "a randomly selected hacker" 2022-03-25 20:58:31 dzwdz the universe playing a sick prank 2022-03-25 20:58:34 elly like MIT's Alyssa P. Hacker or J. Random User 2022-03-25 20:58:45 nihilazo o, nice 2022-03-25 20:59:22 @natalia dzwdz: a preview https://equa.space/stuff/unlisted/sigbovik-preview.png 2022-03-25 20:59:23 noa thats cool 2022-03-25 20:59:30 dzwdz :eyes emoji: 2022-03-25 20:59:36 elly IRC *is* well-suited to based programs 2022-03-25 20:59:40 noa irc is well suited to based programs 2022-03-25 20:59:41 noa top facts 2022-03-25 21:00:01 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-25 21:40:57 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-25 21:40:57 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-25 21:40:57 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-25 21:40:57 -- Channel #tildetown: 113 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 110 normals) 2022-03-25 21:40:59 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-25 21:41:03 default_ o/ 2022-03-25 21:42:00 extratone h o w d y 2022-03-25 21:42:01 extratone so I just realized that I accidentally de-publicized one of the most genuinely useful things I’ve ever put on the internet at some point... https://raindrop.io/davidblue/blessed-web-utilities-13380122 2022-03-25 21:47:14 katie is there a word like "technobabble" but for the way suits talk 2022-03-25 21:47:21 elly corpspeak 2022-03-25 21:48:28 katie i hate how most of what i say at work nowadays sounds lile meaningless corpspeak 2022-03-25 21:48:44 elly real 2022-03-25 21:49:35 @natalia thats not very synergetic of you 2022-03-25 21:54:05 katie at some point i became a scrummaster which means i know dozens of Inflict Migraine spells 2022-03-25 21:54:21 dozens dozens you say? 2022-03-25 21:59:07 extratone lmao 2022-03-25 22:04:50 nihilazo I do not understand the world of professional software development 2022-03-25 22:05:01 elly yeah? 2022-03-25 22:05:14 default_ worry about wearing down kindle's battery (and not being able to replace it) > never use kindle 2022-03-25 22:05:21 default_ a perfectly logical and rational decision 2022-03-25 22:05:44 nihilazo solution: learn how to replace kindle battery? Or find a repair shop that can? 2022-03-25 22:05:49 nihilazo depends on the kindle 2022-03-25 22:06:02 default_ you can't. it's 8th gen. glued to the back of the epaper 2022-03-25 22:06:06 default_ or something dumb like that 2022-03-25 22:06:18 default_ i say dumb. i bet my money it's a design choice there 2022-03-25 22:07:22 nihilazo o that sucks :( 2022-03-25 22:09:11 elly basically all seemingly nonsensical things about professional software engineering are results of our collective inability to deal with the complexity we have created and the consequences of that 2022-03-25 22:09:16 katie nihilazo: it is a lot like amateur software development except with a bunch of systems people have struggled to develop over the years to assure the people around them that computers are very important work and super serious business 2022-03-25 22:10:03 katie and then a bunch of systems to react with after people went "oh if its so serious and cool then can you do X for me in a week? what do i need to buy for you for this to happen" 2022-03-25 22:10:47 nihilazo oh 2022-03-25 22:14:11 nihilazo that sounds like it kinda sucks 2022-03-25 22:15:35 katie i think its pretty fun when you start to actually understand it 2022-03-25 22:18:02 @natalia professional software development is like a bit you play on everyone else constantly 2022-03-25 22:19:03 katie sometimes when im in meetings with clients who don't know a lot i like to see how many consecutive sentences i can say to excite the client without actually conveying any real information 2022-03-25 22:19:29 default_ night town 2022-03-25 22:23:33 citrons it doesn't exist 2022-03-25 22:23:42 citrons it never did. 2022-03-25 22:25:10 @natalia true 2022-03-25 22:28:19 pawky 21:33 <noa> i want to write a mail client 2022-03-25 22:28:21 pawky 21:33 <noa> because i dont like any 2022-03-25 22:28:26 pawky line-editor mode? 2022-03-25 22:33:43 pawky otherwise, tried aerc yet? 2022-03-25 23:00:05 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-30 19:44:20 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-30 19:44:20 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-30 19:44:20 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-30 19:44:20 -- Channel #tildetown: 122 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 119 normals) 2022-03-30 19:44:22 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-30 19:45:14 nihilazo orca is consistent in the ways it is unusual 2022-03-30 19:45:18 nihilazo I really like it 2022-03-30 19:45:23 bx Yes! 2022-03-30 19:45:23 nihilazo but it is strange as a programming language 2022-03-30 19:45:29 nihilazo because it's kinda not really one 2022-03-30 19:45:32 nihilazo in the conventional sense 2022-03-30 19:45:39 bx god i wanna do some orcaing so bad 2022-03-30 19:45:51 nihilazo I have been racketeering 2022-03-30 19:46:00 bx as in racket gur language? 2022-03-30 19:46:02 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-30 19:46:09 nihilazo I now have a complete function to determine if a move is valid in a game of dots and boxes 2022-03-30 19:46:10 nihilazo lol 2022-03-30 19:46:29 nihilazo and a whole bunch of tests 2022-03-30 19:47:21 bx Nice 2022-03-30 19:47:47 bx ive never used racket, but heard it was like scheme with a big standard lib and lots of documentation 2022-03-30 19:49:35 nihilazo I am using it because I already am reading htdp so I had the racket stuff installed to use the htdp languages 2022-03-30 19:49:52 bx aah i see 2022-03-30 19:49:54 nihilazo so far, it feels like a lisp 2022-03-30 19:49:59 nihilazo and that is a good thing to me 2022-03-30 19:50:05 bx :D 2022-03-30 19:51:06 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-30 19:51:15 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-30 19:54:39 bx gur more i used orca gur more it felt like a normal cpu with wierd semantics 2022-03-30 19:55:29 bx Feels like using orca is like looking at a memory viewer, and gur V operator gives you access to a set of registers 2022-03-30 19:55:59 bx instructions are execed in a scan line pattern unconditionally once per frame 2022-03-30 19:56:10 bx Registers get cleared once a frame 2022-03-30 19:56:17 bx oh and data and code are intermingled 2022-03-30 19:56:25 bx that's my mental model of orca 2022-03-30 20:04:43 nihilazo huh 2022-03-30 20:04:50 nihilazo mine is more like a music sequencer than like a programming thing tbh 2022-03-30 20:05:48 bx i mean i very often use it as that 2022-03-30 20:05:55 bx but i also made a slow ass cpu in it 2022-03-30 20:06:12 bx and half a snake clone (turns out getting it to eat gur food is hard) 2022-03-30 20:11:17 nihilazo nice 2022-03-30 20:11:40 bx oooo, uxn orca may actually be speedy enough for a tetris clone 2022-03-30 20:17:04 mhj brb 2022-03-30 20:17:25 <-- mhj (mhj@localhost) has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) 2022-03-30 20:21:46 dzwdz boop 2022-03-30 20:21:50 bx bop 2022-03-30 20:22:00 dzwdz idk if i should go to school tommorow or not 2022-03-30 20:22:39 dzwdz i didn't go today because i'm having a weird feeling in my lower stomach and like, that's concerning 2022-03-30 20:22:50 dzwdz but it's probably nothing serious 2022-03-30 20:23:03 bx has it happened before? 2022-03-30 20:23:14 dzwdz can't recall 2022-03-30 20:23:25 dzwdz but considering that i have a colon disease 2022-03-30 20:23:38 dzwdz probably 2022-03-30 20:24:08 dzwdz fucking hell, someone figured out how to get past gmail's spam fiter 2022-03-30 20:24:12 bx i mean if you think it's could be bad and you dont like school than sure 2022-03-30 20:24:23 bx dzwdz: i dont think that's gur first time 2022-03-30 20:24:36 dzwdz i have 2 lessons i'd like to go to tommorow 2022-03-30 20:24:37 bx i figured it was a continual arms rave against spammers and google 2022-03-30 20:24:41 bx dzwdz: Oh 2022-03-30 20:24:52 dzwdz and 7 i don't 2022-03-30 20:25:38 bx you have 9 fucken lessons....? 2022-03-30 20:25:42 bx NINE 2022-03-30 20:25:49 dzwdz 9 fukken lessons, indeed 2022-03-30 20:25:55 bx WHY 2022-03-30 20:26:08 dzwdz oh one of them is a free period too 2022-03-30 20:26:11 dzwdz because obviously it is 2022-03-30 20:26:17 bx i can barely do 3 things in a day who things someone should be doing 8 2022-03-30 20:26:22 dzwdz and i start at 7:25 2022-03-30 20:26:26 bx TF 2022-03-30 20:26:27 dzwdz because fuck sleep 2022-03-30 20:26:32 dzwdz i assumed it's like that everywhere 2022-03-30 20:26:39 bx Fuck no 2022-03-30 20:26:49 bx school here starts around 8:45 2022-03-30 20:26:56 dzwdz :| 2022-03-30 20:27:01 bx and tbh i think that's pretty sadistic 2022-03-30 20:27:19 dzwdz i start at 7:25 three times a week 2022-03-30 20:27:32 bx when does it finish 2022-03-30 20:27:55 dzwdz 14:40 or 15:30 2022-03-30 20:29:36 bx ouch 2022-03-30 20:32:29 bx ffs why does my chem teacher have to send me emails that nearly give me a heart attack 2022-03-30 20:35:01 bx also if you think going to gur clasess you dont like wouldnt tired you / stress you enough to make your stomach pain worse, then yeah go for it and do gur lessons you actually want to 2022-03-30 20:35:08 asm !tarot 2022-03-30 20:35:08 rufus[awkbot] The Four of Cups - apathy, contemplation, disconnectedness 2022-03-30 20:35:36 bx ok, im going to sleep now 2022-03-30 20:35:38 bx laters 2022-03-30 20:36:27 dzwdz cya 2022-03-30 21:08:21 <-- m455 (m455@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.0) 2022-03-30 21:10:21 --> m455 (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-30 21:16:09 pawky !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc_JjKrrauo 2022-03-30 21:16:09 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to 【vflower / Gumi English / Maika】The Monochrome Mentality 【VOCALOID Original Song】 2022-03-30 21:36:30 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-30 21:37:31 elly hello :) 2022-03-30 21:37:39 dzwdz \o 2022-03-30 21:37:46 elly hey dzwdz! how's it going? 2022-03-30 21:38:25 dzwdz alright 2022-03-30 21:38:29 dzwdz although i didn't do much today 2022-03-30 21:38:53 elly did you have things you wanted to do? 2022-03-30 21:38:54 dzwdz i'm just playing some chess 2022-03-30 21:39:07 dzwdz work on the kernel and some other stuff 2022-03-30 21:39:10 dzwdz and i did work on it for a while 2022-03-30 21:39:20 dzwdz just not as long as i wanted 2022-03-30 21:40:12 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-30 21:42:03 dzwdz hbu? 2022-03-30 21:42:25 elly I'm having a good day! gave a talk about network-level privacy techniques & attacks on them for the security team here, also found a great candidate for my team's open role 2022-03-30 21:42:33 elly so everything is coming up Milhouse so to speak 2022-03-30 21:42:41 dzwdz hey, nice 2022-03-30 21:43:05 dzwdz privacy networks are cool 2022-03-30 21:43:12 asm hello chat 2022-03-30 21:43:15 asm !tarot 2022-03-30 21:43:15 rufus[awkbot] Judgment (Reversed) - lack of self awareness, doubt, self loathing 2022-03-30 21:44:05 elly they really are 2022-03-30 21:44:24 elly I got to talk about some of the email anonymity stuff I blogged about previously, but also about Tor, I2P, and Freenet and attacks on same 2022-03-30 21:50:06 piusbird !tarot 2022-03-30 21:50:06 rufus[awkbot] The Emperor (Reversed) - tyranny, rigidity, coldness 2022-03-30 21:50:16 piusbird wut? 2022-03-30 21:51:35 piusbird i get yuzu working and my productivity immedately heads for the toilet 2022-03-30 21:58:05 nihilazo productivity be damned 2022-03-30 21:58:09 nihilazo lol 2022-03-30 21:58:15 nihilazo it's a myth sold to you by capitalists 2022-03-30 21:59:45 piusbird yeh but I'm WAY behind on releasing and recording episodes of JoL 2022-03-30 22:00:17 piusbird maybe next week i'll get to some editing 2022-03-30 22:01:24 piusbird week after that I'm takiing my first vacation in 12 years 2022-03-30 22:02:39 piusbird doing Easter in NYC at St Pat's with some Catholic friends from college 2022-03-30 22:02:46 <-- dzwdz (dzwdz@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-30 22:03:30 nihilazo sounds nice 2022-03-30 22:03:34 nihilazo I should be asleep, but I'm not 2022-03-30 22:08:49 pawky who cares about sleep anyway, these days 2022-03-30 22:14:49 --> dzwdz (dzwdz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-30 22:18:39 extratone post-sleep. 2022-03-30 22:24:40 extratone !tarot 2022-03-30 22:24:40 rufus[awkbot] The Queen of Swords (Reversed) - cold hearted, cruel, bitterness 2022-03-30 22:24:47 extratone oh jeez. 2022-03-30 22:25:42 piusbird i forgot to confess my use of tarot during my last confession 2022-03-30 22:26:42 piusbird one of these days I'm going to make a bot the dispenses Saints names and stories 2022-03-30 22:28:41 extratone that'd be cool. 2022-03-30 22:38:08 dozens what is that you confess to when confessing to use of tarot? 2022-03-30 22:38:12 dozens like, what's the sin 2022-03-30 22:39:05 <-- tripoli (tripoli@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-30 22:39:31 asm !tarot 2022-03-30 22:39:31 rufus[awkbot] The Knight of Cups - following the heart, idealist, romantic 2022-03-30 22:45:41 agafnd i guess fortunetelling is a sin? 2022-03-30 22:46:42 extratone basically. some form of blasphemy. 2022-03-30 22:47:28 extratone gave me a great idea for a gameshow. http://ttm.sh/i66.png 2022-03-30 23:23:11 flowercorpse !sotd https://youtu.be/18mz2tzTA1Y 2022-03-30 23:23:11 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Hoya Paranoia 2022-03-30 23:23:21 flowercorpse extratone: I'd play that 2022-03-30 23:24:53 flowercorpse I saw a person telling fortunes on a narrowboat as I walked by some time ago 2022-03-30 23:25:00 flowercorpse but they didn't look like a fortune teller at all 2022-03-30 23:35:37 ulhar hello! 2022-03-30 23:36:59 extratone gotta reboot. 2022-03-30 23:37:01 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-30 23:39:37 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-30 23:39:37 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-30 23:39:37 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-30 23:39:37 -- Channel #tildetown: 120 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 117 normals) 2022-03-30 23:39:39 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-31 00:03:57 asm !tarot 2022-03-31 00:03:57 rufus[awkbot] The Page of Swords (Reversed) - deception, manipulation, all talk 2022-03-31 00:05:19 <-- dzwdz (dzwdz@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-03-31 00:05:48 asm extratone: what is blasphemy. 2022-03-31 00:06:11 * asm waits to hear if I answered correctly 2022-03-31 00:07:17 extratone ooo. I don't know if I'd do any better than the dictionary definition.https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/blasphemy 2022-03-31 00:07:56 extratone naming my blog The Psalms is the handiest example of blasphemy I can think of. 2022-03-31 00:12:01 --> dzwdz (dzwdz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 00:12:43 asm the blog of psalms :o 2022-03-31 00:25:49 extratone see this thread. https://eldritch.cafe/@cantinto/106809006862919797 2022-03-31 00:34:36 Apreche greetings townsfolk 2022-03-31 00:36:34 asm hi Apreche 2022-03-31 00:37:15 Apreche how are we doing? 2022-03-31 00:39:06 asm I'm doing okay 2022-03-31 00:39:23 asm could be better (just life and what have you) 2022-03-31 00:40:06 Apreche Yeah, I think back to what someone said in January. 2022-03-31 00:40:28 Apreche No new year's resolutions for 2022. It's the circumstance's turn to change. 2022-03-31 00:48:10 asm I haven't really been doing new year's resolutions for a few years now lol 2022-03-31 00:50:05 dozens groundhogs day resolutions is where its at 2022-03-31 00:50:29 Apreche I never did them. 2022-03-31 00:51:07 Apreche But the point is, that things aren't too great pretty much anywhere. 2022-03-31 00:51:57 Apreche So individual wellbeing is all relative. 2022-03-31 01:02:46 --> tahnok (tahnok@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 01:08:00 tahnok evening 2022-03-31 01:09:21 asm evening 2022-03-31 01:11:12 m455 HELLO 2022-03-31 01:11:20 m455 i am shouting 2022-03-31 01:11:26 Apreche HI 2022-03-31 01:12:17 m455 how's it going? 2022-03-31 01:12:32 tahnok good 2022-03-31 01:12:36 tahnok playing some slay the spire 2022-03-31 01:12:50 Apreche weeknight. Laying on the couch watching hockey. 2022-03-31 01:13:30 @natalia have a headache despair emoji 2022-03-31 01:13:35 @natalia tried to make some music... a little usnure of direction 2022-03-31 01:13:51 @natalia waiting ot hear back from a friend on if whether we can hang 2022-03-31 01:14:27 extratone raise your hand if you test your smoke detectors weekly. 2022-03-31 01:14:51 Apreche weekly, no, but I have a recurring reminder. 2022-03-31 01:15:35 m455 sickk 2022-03-31 01:17:48 extratone that's lit. 2022-03-31 01:19:55 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-31 01:19:55 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's ethereal young aloe 2022-03-31 01:19:57 猫 !tarot 2022-03-31 01:19:57 rufus[awkbot] The King of Wands - big picture, leader, overcoming challenges 2022-03-31 01:20:00 猫 huh 2022-03-31 01:20:02 猫 Hello 2022-03-31 01:20:05 猫 I can't sleep so I'm here now 2022-03-31 01:21:40 Apreche Here is a helpful sleepy 🐑y 2022-03-31 01:21:40 demoji <Apreche> Here is a helpful sleepy :ewe:y 2022-03-31 01:40:26 <-- tahnok (tahnok@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-31 02:05:06 zce hello 2022-03-31 02:35:29 猫 Hello 2022-03-31 02:49:18 extratone good morning. 2022-03-31 02:51:51 extratone https://twitter.com/computerchroni1/status/1509354879759917056 2022-03-31 03:17:47 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-31 03:41:27 asm !tarot 2022-03-31 03:41:27 rufus[awkbot] The Eight of Pentacles - apprenticeship, passion, high standards 2022-03-31 03:42:05 --> joe (joe@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 03:42:09 joe hi everyone! 2022-03-31 03:42:32 asm hi joe 2022-03-31 03:42:35 joe i'm sorry i've been gone for a long time! i barely logged in for the first time today. i've missed so much 2022-03-31 04:40:58 asm !tarot 2022-03-31 04:40:58 rufus[awkbot] The Knight of Pentacles - efficiency, hard work, responsibility 2022-03-31 04:41:01 asm :) 2022-03-31 05:12:02 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-31 10:34:58 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 10:34:58 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-31 10:34:58 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-31 10:34:58 -- Channel #tildetown: 119 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 116 normals) 2022-03-31 10:35:00 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-31 10:36:50 dzwdz !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHuQaFfBSWc 2022-03-31 10:36:51 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to 02 - Dinal - Mili ludzie (W strefie jarania i w strefie rymowania - 2006) HQ 2022-03-31 10:41:15 barnaba Are they bombing themselves with their own bombs or with the bombs russian troops abandoned though? 2022-03-31 10:44:35 noa !talklike 2022-03-31 10:44:35 pinhook eg, if you think about that 2022-03-31 10:44:40 dzwdz !talklike 2022-03-31 10:44:42 pinhook I mean, I've had a time anyways 2022-03-31 10:48:58 noa my sister is making a "tiffin itza" for tweemas 2022-03-31 10:49:32 noa temple of kukulcan made of chocolate biscuit cake 2022-03-31 10:51:46 juspib !talklioe 2022-03-31 10:51:51 juspib bruh moment 2022-03-31 10:51:56 juspib noa is your sister cool? 2022-03-31 10:52:05 noa my sister is very cool 2022-03-31 10:52:54 dzwdz that's very cool 2022-03-31 10:53:20 login what is the temple of kukulcan? 2022-03-31 10:53:50 noa imagine a mayan pyramid 2022-03-31 10:53:56 noa its the famouse mayan pyramid 2022-03-31 10:55:09 juspib wow that cake sounds super cool 2022-03-31 11:05:20 noa yeah 2022-03-31 11:05:46 noa significantly more pricey than a normal cake but i think itll be worth it 2022-03-31 11:22:12 dzwdz some guy on lichess just gave me his phone number 2022-03-31 11:22:39 juspib that's cool 2022-03-31 11:22:47 flowercorpse next level dating? 2022-03-31 11:33:55 login i mean, you can't contact him without giving him your phone number,right? 2022-03-31 11:34:35 juspib why? 2022-03-31 11:38:29 login how else would you? 2022-03-31 11:39:51 dzwdz the magic of the internet 2022-03-31 11:47:03 login voip services? 2022-03-31 11:47:13 login but they are required to keep records of you 2022-03-31 11:47:18 dzwdz lichess has a builtin chat 2022-03-31 11:47:35 login yeah, you can use that 2022-03-31 11:47:41 login but what's the phone number for? 2022-03-31 11:59:34 barnaba > keep records yes, make records accessible to lichess guys maybe not 2022-03-31 12:00:00 barnaba idk why '>', modern communicators just made me type whatever and hit enter and edit later 2022-03-31 12:00:12 barnaba Doesn't work that well on IRC 2022-03-31 12:00:53 dzwdz you can always s/the mistakes/away 2022-03-31 12:14:52 login > = blockquote, right? 2022-03-31 12:15:07 login yes, no records can be made accessible without a police investigation 2022-03-31 12:15:49 login and then too, only accessible to the police, which have to follow protocol in how they access and store that info 2022-03-31 12:16:27 login but you know, it does tarnish the reputation of the country code attached to the phone number 2022-03-31 12:16:38 login so the country has a stake in ensuring their phone numbers are used for legitimate purposes 2022-03-31 12:16:42 login you could always get a google voice number and do it too 2022-03-31 12:26:26 barnaba login: yeah, but that was not a quote 2022-03-31 12:26:43 barnaba BTW I heavily recommend https://github.com/dimethyltriptamine/weechat_scripts/blob/trunk/greentext.pl 2022-03-31 12:30:34 juspib dzwdz who are you 2022-03-31 12:31:24 login just a person in the world 2022-03-31 12:31:38 login with a long history, going back 100,000 years 2022-03-31 12:31:40 login like all of us 2022-03-31 12:34:12 extratone does anybody else use a clipboard manager(s) 2022-03-31 12:46:36 login does it allow you to copy multiple times? 2022-03-31 12:47:32 barnaba just use a country that has no reputation to tarnish 2022-03-31 12:49:27 login like afghanistan? 2022-03-31 12:49:54 barnaba I was going to suggest Poland, we could use the money 2022-03-31 12:50:39 barnaba Doesn't Afghanistan have reputation of being the graveyard of empires? 2022-03-31 12:55:15 extratone sortof, login. most keep a record of what you copy. 2022-03-31 12:55:46 extratone .0 2022-03-31 12:57:10 extratone (sorry, puppy.) 2022-03-31 12:57:42 barnaba well I use vim registers, that's sort of the same 2022-03-31 12:58:23 barnaba tried a real manager once or twice, but they seem to have too much learning curve for the little use I might get 2022-03-31 12:59:22 extratone really? I don't think I've ever used one with much to learn, aside from CopyQ and its scripting I guess. 2022-03-31 13:00:04 extratone windows has one built in now. 2022-03-31 13:00:30 barnaba well I remember there being a bunch of keyboard shortcuts and a graphical menu, I'd like maybe 2022-03-31 13:00:44 barnaba copy=push/paste=pop/paste=get 2022-03-31 13:00:59 barnaba so one extra keyboard shortcut is what I'd allow 2022-03-31 13:11:15 extratone oh my. well from what I know of vim, I'm not surprised it has its own solution. 2022-03-31 13:26:06 barnaba well it's not like it could use a general solution in terminal, cause there wasn't any 2022-03-31 13:26:25 barnaba I guess you could copy your stuff to files in /tmp and then read them where you needed to paste them 2022-03-31 13:27:49 barnaba basically everything you copy goes to a default registers and pushes a small FIFO queue, so you can access your previous copy easily 2022-03-31 13:28:19 barnaba and since a lot of commands like delete also put stuff in registers, there's named registers if you don't want to worry about your stuff being moved around while you edit stuff 2022-03-31 13:29:15 barnaba it's hard to use more than 20% of what that offers, but then it's helpful for example in macros 2022-03-31 14:15:22 asm This email I got in my university email 2022-03-31 14:16:14 asm "What has your experience been with online courses at The University of Akron? Where would you like to see changes made? What do we need to improve upon? <b>Now is your chance to tell us in this anonymous survey.</b> \n After completing the survey, you'll be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of 5 gift cards." [ ( \n ) is a line break ] 2022-03-31 14:16:35 asm considering this isn't from the university's domain, it seems a bit sus 2022-03-31 14:26:08 dzwdz seems legit 2022-03-31 14:26:23 dzwdz gift cards are always legit 2022-03-31 14:36:42 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-31 14:36:50 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 14:36:50 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-31 14:36:50 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-31 14:36:50 -- Channel #tildetown: 119 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 116 normals) 2022-03-31 14:36:52 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-31 14:39:24 katie !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEAFJYtkSFU 2022-03-31 14:39:24 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Double Personality 2022-03-31 14:49:17 asm dzwdz: congrats you were selected to take the tilde.town member survey! the tilde.town survey is available at survey.tilde.town.com.de -- you will win a Google Play Gift Card* 2022-03-31 14:49:27 asm <small>* already redeemed</small> 2022-03-31 14:49:52 katie -.- the /users endpoint on this app returns not only a password_hash property but also a tempPassword property which is just. cleartext passwords 2022-03-31 14:50:43 pawky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v_Dl7i4Bcw 2022-03-31 14:50:43 pinhook ["Identity, Gender, and VRChat (Why is everyone in VR an anime girl?) - YouTube"] 2022-03-31 14:57:56 <-- katie (katie@localhost) has quit (Quit) 2022-03-31 14:58:00 --> katie (katie@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 15:09:55 katie my pakistani coworkers picked up on people jokingly referring to me as "the katie" and seemingly think prefacing names with "the" is a cultural honorific thing that just applies to me for one reason or another 2022-03-31 15:10:10 katie so now they're doing it in earnest. i'm not sure if i should correct that 2022-03-31 15:14:36 dzwdz i think you should 2022-03-31 15:14:45 dzwdz i just don't know how i'd go about that 2022-03-31 15:15:23 dzwdz !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dGUCY-P8dQ 2022-03-31 15:15:23 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Siekiera - Nowa Aleksandria 2022-03-31 15:15:58 katie i'm also not sure how to go about doing that. also i like it a lot. 2022-03-31 15:16:11 m455 i would personally probably laugh a bit and jokingly (but seriously secretly) say "oh why am i /the/ katie? haha" and then you might get a chance to correct them or something 2022-03-31 15:16:27 dzwdz that sounds like a terrible idea tbh 2022-03-31 15:16:39 m455 also yeah if you are cool with it, i wouldn't worry about it 2022-03-31 15:16:41 dzwdz that could be interpreted as you laughing at their english 2022-03-31 15:17:00 m455 well i think there are different ways to laugh 2022-03-31 15:17:08 dzwdz an evil laugh 2022-03-31 15:18:49 m455 you can do a condesending laugh, you can do a friendly laugh, and many others, there's ways to do it without being condescending, and laughing or doing it in a humorous way can ease tension that would otherwise exist from a straight "why are you saying /the/ katie", which i think would go more detremental 2022-03-31 15:18:51 katie i was practicing my evil laugh yesterday 2022-03-31 15:19:06 m455 but htat's just my way of approaching it, and it works, so :shrug: 2022-03-31 15:19:43 @natalia i don't think that approach works well because it's. a joke they already do 2022-03-31 15:19:59 m455 :shrug: it's worked for me in the past lol 2022-03-31 15:20:21 m455 but i was also constantly in an environment where people are learning english so idk 2022-03-31 15:21:20 m455 well, i nthe classes that i taught, people like ot joke a lot in ESL and ELT classes, i guess you just have to read the roomm to figure out how to approach it 2022-03-31 15:22:05 m455 it also depends on hte individual 2022-03-31 15:22:07 @natalia the problem with "why are you saying /the/ katie" is because it is not a mistake they invented themselves but rather a joke they picked up 2022-03-31 15:22:18 m455 for shy people i would talk to them after class to let them know in a different way 2022-03-31 15:22:42 m455 yeah idk, i think it heavily depends on the context 2022-03-31 15:23:16 m455 i guess ill change my advice: i can't really help because i'm not there to get a feel for the environment and individuals and hteir personality? 2022-03-31 15:24:56 m455 like i don't think asking why they are saying it is implying a mistake, it's more of a question about how they came to that conclusion, and then working off that 2022-03-31 15:24:59 m455 i dont know lol 2022-03-31 15:25:13 m455 i'm gonna stop talking because i dont really know how to explain what i'm trying to say lol 2022-03-31 15:36:19 flowercorpse !sotd https://youtu.be/rrt_TylosF0 2022-03-31 15:36:20 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to AMM feat. Evan Parker - Trio Improvisation at Cafe Oto, London 2022-03-31 15:38:51 flowercorpse some languages do put the article in front of personal names 2022-03-31 15:39:01 flowercorpse or at least the dialect I speak does 2022-03-31 15:40:27 m455 yeah, we were just trying to figure out a friendly way to correct someone who is making an error in english at someone's workplace 2022-03-31 15:40:35 m455 but i quickly ran out of communication energy lol 2022-03-31 15:41:09 m455 which i've found myself doing in every day life lately, i dont know if it's because i have to put a lot of engery into communicating with people at work and stuff i write or not, but yeah it's a pattern i've seen in myself 2022-03-31 15:42:07 m455 just exhausted with trying to communicate things in a clear way, successful or not, as ridiculous as that sounds lol 2022-03-31 15:44:58 katie m455: im noticing a similar thing with myself. i definitely have a limited pool of Succinct Communication Energy that ends up mostly drained after work 2022-03-31 15:45:21 katie soon as i get home every noun gets replaced with "guy" and every verb gets replaced with "shit" 2022-03-31 15:45:43 m455 natalia: also this isn't anythign directed at you lol, i didn't want it to seem that way, i just ran out of energy. sorry if my frustration came off that way :( <3 2022-03-31 15:45:51 m455 katie: oh gosh that is a mood :( 2022-03-31 15:46:49 m455 katie: i think i'm exhausted with interviewing people to get information to write docs, because it takes so much energy to figure out which questions to ask, but, it's like my job and i can't avoid that lol. if i could write docs without communicating with people, that would be the dream, but unfortunately that's impossible because i'm not hte 2022-03-31 15:46:51 m455 subject matter expert ever lol 2022-03-31 15:47:24 m455 katie: do you find constantly thinking about how you talk with people at work exhausting? 2022-03-31 15:47:58 m455 damn succinct communication energy is definetly the word lol 2022-03-31 15:48:09 m455 that, and critical communication energy lol 2022-03-31 15:48:56 katie for sure. a lot of my free time gets inadvertently consumed by me analyzing my interactions with my coworkers pretty often 2022-03-31 15:49:13 m455 god yeah 2022-03-31 15:49:21 katie it probably doesn't help that my housemates are coworkers 2022-03-31 15:49:22 m455 how long have you been working in your profession? 2022-03-31 15:49:31 m455 i kinda just got into it not too long ago, well like, into a bigger company 2022-03-31 15:49:36 m455 omg lol 2022-03-31 15:50:06 katie about a year at my current job. before that i was largely doing independent work, so all of my interactions were client interactions 2022-03-31 15:50:13 katie which are a lot easier for me to parse 2022-03-31 15:50:37 m455 hoping i get used to it, but i think i'll either: just keep being exhausted from it, or i'll start to talk to people in person like i do to people at work. i guess that i'm doing constant text communication at work doesn't help either 2022-03-31 15:50:43 m455 oh god yeah 2022-03-31 15:51:10 m455 it also doesn't help that people at work assume we only work on one project at a time lol 2022-03-31 15:51:29 m455 so constantly telling them "no i cant work on this now" in a nice way is exhausting too lol 2022-03-31 15:51:38 m455 or "make an issue" lol 2022-03-31 15:51:47 katie i think when communication becomes a large part of your job it gets easy to not take that Mask off entirely when you get home. for me, it seems, the best thing i can do is go find tinder dates or local events where i can let my guard down 2022-03-31 15:52:10 m455 that sounds look good ways to wind down and get out of work mode 2022-03-31 15:52:44 m455 i just don't have energy to communicate clearly when i'm not working anymore is the problem lol 2022-03-31 15:52:59 katie i used to frame the problem like, "i am constantly having to be around people and spend all my Communication Energy at work, when i get home i should get some time for myself" 2022-03-31 15:53:01 m455 but yeah like yo usaid, leaving the environment where you work would help lol 2022-03-31 15:53:23 katie but when i stay at home and isolate like that, that time gets consumed by me thinking about communicating at work 2022-03-31 15:53:49 katie the latent communication energy just leaks out because im not exercising those skills in any way other than For Work 2022-03-31 15:53:50 m455 that's so hard :( 2022-03-31 15:54:42 m455 do you sometimes feel like you're being lazy with communication outside of work? 2022-03-31 15:54:48 m455 i'm asking because i do aha 2022-03-31 15:55:11 --> mhj (mhj@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 15:56:11 katie i definitely do. it really sucks when i get messages from people i care deeply about and i barely have the energy to parse what they're saying 2022-03-31 15:57:28 m455 god yeah that's hard :( 2022-03-31 15:58:19 nihilazo \o town 2022-03-31 15:58:28 m455 i honestly think it's probably the whole covid isolation setting that is maybe getting to me randomly? i'm not sure. some daysi 'll be in a really good mood, and some days the slightest amount of effort required to communicate that isn't work puts me in a bad mood, and i hate to be like that (like earlier when i was failing to provide suggestions 2022-03-31 15:58:30 m455 lol) 2022-03-31 15:58:40 m455 hey nihilazo , how're you doing today? 2022-03-31 15:58:59 nihilazo not bad, tired 2022-03-31 15:59:00 @natalia the words for punctuation have to be the funniest things 2022-03-31 15:59:03 @natalia interrobang 2022-03-31 15:59:04 @natalia dotlet 2022-03-31 15:59:05 @natalia quoticle 2022-03-31 15:59:11 nihilazo enjoying free buss wifi 2022-03-31 15:59:15 nihilazo s/buss/bus/ 2022-03-31 15:59:16 sedbot <nihilazo> enjoying free bus wifi 2022-03-31 15:59:40 m455 natalia: haha i've never heard of quoticle! 2022-03-31 15:59:43 nihilazo been hacking on my silly dots and boxes project, I think I'm almost ready to implement the actual game 2022-03-31 16:00:20 nihilazo and I did some drawing with racket/draw and I think I like it 2022-03-31 16:02:14 m455 that's awesome! 2022-03-31 16:02:36 dzwdz \o nice 2022-03-31 16:02:38 dzwdz nico 2022-03-31 16:02:44 dzwdz can i call you nice 2022-03-31 16:02:52 nihilazo time to build the actual game. Also is the wallops message I just got from town or libera 2022-03-31 16:03:03 nihilazo just got a message about #ircpuzzles and think that's a libera thing 2022-03-31 16:03:11 nihilazo but it says tilde.town/Wallops 2022-03-31 16:04:36 dzwdz i didn't get it 2022-03-31 16:04:45 dzwdz no i did 2022-03-31 16:04:47 dzwdz it's from libera 2022-03-31 16:04:54 nihilazo update: nvm it's a libera thing 2022-03-31 16:04:54 nihilazo dzwdz: as an adjective, sure. As a name, no 2022-03-31 16:05:15 benharri yeah it's libera 2022-03-31 16:05:17 benharri i sent that wallops 2022-03-31 16:05:44 nihilazo o nice 2022-03-31 16:05:54 nihilazo ircpuzzles seems fun. Might join in 2022-03-31 16:07:08 dzwdz in how many hours is it? 2022-03-31 16:07:16 nihilazo 1 hour basically although you can join at any time 2022-03-31 16:07:38 benharri starts at 1700Z 2022-03-31 16:07:47 dzwdz > any time 2022-03-31 16:07:49 dzwdz including now? 2022-03-31 16:08:43 nihilazo once it starts 2022-03-31 16:08:55 nihilazo I was confused because it is 17:00 local rn 2022-03-31 16:08:56 dzwdz so how is that supposed to work 2022-03-31 16:09:11 nihilazo and local here is utc for half the year and utc+1 for the other half of the year 2022-03-31 16:09:43 nihilazo dzwdz: because they post the first puzzle then? I guess 2022-03-31 16:10:28 nihilazo idk because this is my first time 2022-03-31 16:38:47 nihilazo \o 2022-03-31 16:49:29 flowercorpse I'm coming across more and more websites that seem to be auto-generated 2022-03-31 16:49:53 dzwdz wdym? 2022-03-31 16:50:20 flowercorpse they all have a numbered table of contents at the start of the article and have sections with large titles and barely any content 2022-03-31 16:50:31 dzwdz yeah, seo spam 2022-03-31 16:51:45 @natalia seo spam has been getting *really good* the past few months 2022-03-31 16:51:58 flowercorpse the SNR of search engines is getting pretty low 2022-03-31 16:52:12 flowercorpse and I'm not even using google 2022-03-31 16:53:53 flowercorpse I wonder if this can lead to google collapsing 2022-03-31 16:54:06 nihilazo I get seo spam too and they really suck 2022-03-31 16:56:49 flowercorpse it's kind of surprising how deep it goes 2022-03-31 16:57:17 dzwdz i've had the idea to build a curated search engine for a while 2022-03-31 16:57:36 dzwdz nothing fancy, but it'd just start crawling from people's bookmarks 2022-03-31 16:57:50 dzwdz s/but/ 2022-03-31 16:57:51 sedbot <dzwdz> nothing fancy, it'd just start crawling from people's bookmarks 2022-03-31 16:58:09 dzwdz search + bookmarks kind of thing 2022-03-31 16:58:44 flowercorpse I found a few of them looking for really specific things 2022-03-31 16:59:06 flowercorpse its like when redbull started advertising itself on the experimental music scene 2022-03-31 17:00:29 <-- dzwdz (dzwdz@localhost) has quit (Quit: I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world.) 2022-03-31 17:00:34 --> dzwdz (dzwdz@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 17:00:42 dzwdz FUCK wrong command 2022-03-31 17:00:44 dzwdz damn irc puzzles 2022-03-31 17:00:52 pawky the worst SEO spam imho, is the ones that are literally just ripping off other sites, like ones that have the EXACT same contents as stackoverflow 2022-03-31 17:01:02 pawky nice quit message, dzwdz 2022-03-31 17:01:08 flowercorpse yeah I've seen a few of those 2022-03-31 17:01:18 dzwdz fuck rip my channels 2022-03-31 17:01:30 pawky no autojoin script? 2022-03-31 17:02:46 dzwdz i haven't updated the channel list in a while 2022-03-31 17:06:55 flowercorpse I lurk a bunch of other channels but none of them have any discussion :( 2022-03-31 17:17:10 nihilazo the worst fuckin SEO spam 2022-03-31 17:17:17 nihilazo is when you are looking for an actual thing 2022-03-31 17:17:20 nihilazo and then you get SEO spam 2022-03-31 17:17:28 nihilazo and you can't find the original site that had the real info on 2022-03-31 17:17:39 nihilazo just the clipped SEO-spam snippets of what you want 2022-03-31 17:18:18 juspib I have the power of telling what's SEO spam based on the title and url 2022-03-31 17:18:30 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-03-31 17:18:30 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's ethereal young aloe 2022-03-31 17:18:30 juspib wish I didn't have to do that 2022-03-31 17:18:37 猫 aloe everyone 2022-03-31 17:19:10 pawky same juspib 2022-03-31 17:19:45 dzwdz 猫: vera, vera 2022-03-31 17:20:13 flowercorpse nihilazo: especially because the source is really hard to trace 2022-03-31 17:20:27 flowercorpse as with pinterest 2022-03-31 17:20:36 dzwdz no it isn't on pinterest 2022-03-31 17:20:43 dzwdz reverse image search 2022-03-31 17:21:07 flowercorpse often does nothing for me 2022-03-31 17:21:10 猫 pinterest sucks ass 2022-03-31 17:21:15 dzwdz and so do i 2022-03-31 17:24:48 dzwdz apparently Alan Turing is in wikipedia's "British anti-fascists" category 2022-03-31 17:30:18 nihilazo nice 2022-03-31 17:30:26 nihilazo I mean, that is not an incorrect category 2022-03-31 17:36:10 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-31 17:40:34 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 17:40:34 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-31 17:40:34 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-31 17:40:34 -- Channel #tildetown: 120 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 117 normals) 2022-03-31 17:40:36 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-31 17:44:01 juspib TIL (english) wikipedia has a list of living people and there is about a million people in it 2022-03-31 17:44:15 dzwdz lmao 2022-03-31 17:45:27 dzwdz but have you seen 2022-03-31 17:45:29 dzwdz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Living_people_on_EN_wiki_who_are_dead_on_other_wikis 2022-03-31 17:46:18 flowercorpse so instead of fixing it they put them on this list? 2022-03-31 17:47:04 dzwdz fixing it how 2022-03-31 17:47:10 dzwdz killing them in england? 2022-03-31 17:47:12 flowercorpse editing the article? 2022-03-31 17:47:21 dzwdz killing them 2022-03-31 17:47:46 juspib they put them on the list to inform others an edit is necessary i presume 2022-03-31 17:47:47 dzwdz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anastasiya_Zubova 2022-03-31 17:47:51 dzwdz last person alphabetically 2022-03-31 17:47:55 dzwdz *living person 2022-03-31 17:48:50 juspib nopr 2022-03-31 17:49:07 trashski !tarot 2022-03-31 17:49:07 rufus[awkbot] The Two of Wands - planning, making decisions, leaving home 2022-03-31 17:49:11 dzwdz according to wikipedia, that is 2022-03-31 17:49:21 dzwdz żyżyński is probably even laster 2022-03-31 17:49:22 juspib gotta click "next page" a couple times, dzwdz 2022-03-31 17:49:26 dzwdz oh 2022-03-31 17:49:58 juspib дeva is the last 2022-03-31 17:50:00 dzwdz > Dana Zzyym 2022-03-31 17:50:01 dzwdz damn 2022-03-31 17:50:13 dzwdz so many poles near the bottom 2022-03-31 17:50:16 dzwdz like usual 2022-03-31 17:50:28 dzwdz Żyżyński! 2022-03-31 18:14:29 nihilazo time to commit my act of resistance towards the MP3 player-industrial complex 2022-03-31 18:14:35 nihilazo and replace a volume button MYSELF 2022-03-31 18:14:52 nihilazo and probably fail but it's worth a shot 2022-03-31 18:19:17 pawky volume BUTTON 2022-03-31 18:28:15 flowercorpse good luck nihilazo! 2022-03-31 18:33:53 asm good luck 2022-03-31 18:34:01 cymen evening, townies 2022-03-31 18:34:17 cymen and good luck, nihilazo! 2022-03-31 18:58:48 flowercorpse also I would gladly help if you need any 2022-03-31 19:02:40 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-03-31 19:23:20 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 19:23:20 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-03-31 19:23:20 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-03-31 19:23:20 -- Channel #tildetown: 120 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 117 normals) 2022-03-31 19:23:22 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-03-31 19:41:57 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 19:44:30 nihilazo town 2022-03-31 19:44:36 nihilazo I come with updates on my great quest 2022-03-31 19:44:52 nihilazo armed only with a soldering iron, some desoldering braid and a heart full of DETERMINATION 2022-03-31 19:45:02 nihilazo I faced the DEMONS of the CONSUMER ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY 2022-03-31 19:45:23 nihilazo taking on the dark path of the SUPPLY CHAIN to finally reach my goal 2022-03-31 19:45:27 nihilazo and then completely beefed it lol 2022-03-31 19:45:46 nihilazo but at least I can have my conscience a bit more clear that I tried everything before letting this thing become electronic waste 2022-03-31 19:45:48 nihilazo still really sad 2022-03-31 19:46:07 flowercorpse you're sure it's beyond repair? 2022-03-31 19:46:37 nihilazo I mean the button straight up no longer exists and I've botched multiple other components 2022-03-31 19:46:52 nihilazo it's repairable, by somebody who really knows what they're doing. But those people ask for money, and I haven't got money 2022-03-31 19:49:36 palmdrop wait 2022-03-31 19:49:40 palmdrop what did you try to repair? 2022-03-31 19:49:43 palmdrop !water 2022-03-31 19:49:43 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-03-31 19:52:12 nihilazo a tiny switch on an mp3 player 2022-03-31 19:52:21 nihilazo because of the way it was wired, the whole thing wouldn't work because one button died 2022-03-31 19:52:28 nihilazo I tried to replace it but fucked up 2022-03-31 19:57:03 extratone !water 2022-03-31 19:57:03 * pinhook waters extratone's seedling 2022-03-31 19:57:32 extratone are you sure you have the right to repair this? 2022-03-31 19:59:55 nihilazo I don't think I officially do actually 2022-03-31 20:00:03 nihilazo it's certaily not built to be user servicable 2022-03-31 20:02:38 nihilazo idk any portable music player that is 2022-03-31 20:09:33 extratone uh oh! 2022-03-31 20:25:03 --> tripoli (tripoli@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 20:31:01 flowercorpse hi tripoli 2022-03-31 20:31:37 tripoli o/ 2022-03-31 20:33:47 cymen nihilazo: good effort! 2022-03-31 20:33:53 cymen don't worry about it, it wasn't meant to be fixed 2022-03-31 20:34:18 nihilazo people seem to recommend ipods as a relatively servicable option. But getting an ipod and then getting it fixed up seems not cheap 2022-03-31 20:34:48 nihilazo ipod 5th gen £45, iflash another £40 ish 2022-03-31 20:34:59 nihilazo battery replacement, ideally 2022-03-31 20:37:21 cymen hm...yeah the whole thing is kind of dead because of smartphones 2022-03-31 20:37:24 flowercorpse maybe we can make an mp3 player 2022-03-31 20:37:31 cymen I think you can still get them for technically niche stuff, though 2022-03-31 20:37:36 cymen like for swimming 2022-03-31 20:38:52 nihilazo it's all either audiophile or hyper-budget devices for kids 2022-03-31 20:39:05 cymen https://www.amazon.com/bobotron-Portable-Sport-Player-Support/dp/B09MQC4GY8/ref=sr_1_9?crid=3KOITJNH3F4GV&keywords=mp3+player&qid=1648759096&sprefix=mp3+player%2Caps%2C208&sr=8-9 2022-03-31 20:41:12 nihilazo yeah, those are pretty common. The 1g ipod shuffle clones 2022-03-31 20:41:18 nihilazo or at least, similar things to a 1g shuffle 2022-03-31 20:41:22 cymen yeah 2022-03-31 20:41:26 nihilazo but they're practically disposable 2022-03-31 20:41:28 nihilazo they die very quickly 2022-03-31 20:41:33 nihilazo which is the opposite of what I really want 2022-03-31 20:41:47 benharri https://fiio.com/m17 2022-03-31 20:42:08 cymen hm...yeah, i get that 2022-03-31 20:44:12 cymen on the other hand, I'm not sure it makes sense to try to save the world all the time 2022-03-31 20:44:27 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-03-31 20:46:34 cymen I mean, if you don't have the money for a smartphone or a more environmentally friendly option, maybe don't kill yourself about it? 2022-03-31 20:46:57 nihilazo benharri: almost 2k??? 2022-03-31 20:47:00 nihilazo what the hell 2022-03-31 20:47:10 nihilazo my budget is like at max $100 2022-03-31 20:47:20 nihilazo cymen: I'd rather go without than be part of the problem 2022-03-31 20:47:44 nihilazo I hate that I use a power-hungry desktop PC and I hate that I use use hardware that isn't user servicable 2022-03-31 20:48:27 benharri it's not a real recommendation, it's the top-of-the-line thinger 2022-03-31 20:48:34 benharri for serious audiophiles 2022-03-31 20:48:53 cymen Is audiophile code for idiot? 2022-03-31 20:49:15 cymen Because to me it always sounds like gold-plated-cable-idiots 2022-03-31 20:49:22 nihilazo audiophile is code for having a hobby that is mainly just about purchasing things 2022-03-31 20:49:41 benharri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv9zbu6RFR8 2022-03-31 20:49:42 pinhook ["The Worlds Most Powerful MP3 Player. (Fiio M17) - YouTube"] 2022-03-31 20:49:46 nihilazo I think that there is a level of audio gear where you are a music person. And then you reach the level where the gear becomes more important than what you use it to listen to 2022-03-31 20:49:52 nihilazo then you're an "audiophile" 2022-03-31 20:49:54 benharri ^^^ 2022-03-31 20:50:08 nihilazo that's the dividing line for me, when you start caring more about your kit than about the actual music or anything like that 2022-03-31 20:50:38 nihilazo like, I have a pair of semi-fancy headphones and I'm driving them out of an external DAC (actually a field recorder) rn but I hate audiophile culture 2022-03-31 20:50:50 nihilazo I have those things because I make music and want kit that works consistently 2022-03-31 20:50:56 benharri i have the fiio btr-5 and it's dope 2022-03-31 20:57:39 nihilazo I do like the very dumb idea of somehow making my h4n pro work as an MP3 player lol 2022-03-31 20:57:50 nihilazo it'd do a better job than the DS I currently use 2022-03-31 20:58:08 nihilazo it could probably work, but I'd need to have some way to run non-recorder software on it 2022-03-31 21:01:12 @archangelic !talkabout fuck 2022-03-31 21:01:13 pinhook fuck i did debate taking a postdoc in the raspbian repos is so fucked if i fuck up solving a math equation and i was so awkward and nick done fucked up and rapid cycled through ssri’s so now they have copies of pretty much all bases, a fuckton of storage 2022-03-31 21:02:09 flowercorpse strangely coherent 2022-03-31 21:07:43 cymen nihilazo: you have a mobile phone, right? 2022-03-31 21:07:48 cymen does it not play mp3 at all? 2022-03-31 21:07:58 cymen even the old ones did, right? 2022-03-31 21:08:25 nihilazo nope 2022-03-31 21:08:28 nihilazo it has an FM radio 2022-03-31 21:08:30 nihilazo but can't play music 2022-03-31 21:08:38 nihilazo s/music/stored music/ 2022-03-31 21:08:39 sedbot <nihilazo> but can't play stored music 2022-03-31 21:15:53 nihilazo !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSIeaxqwEVI 2022-03-31 21:15:53 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Friends In Low Places 2022-03-31 21:16:05 nihilazo not 2022-03-31 21:16:09 nihilazo what 2022-03-31 21:16:11 nihilazo I can't type 2022-03-31 21:16:27 nihilazo but this is very good 2022-03-31 21:17:27 nihilazo like all of bigtop burger tbh 2022-03-31 21:40:15 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-03-31 21:51:10 flowercorpse how difficult would it be to make an mp3 player? 2022-03-31 21:51:35 nihilazo I dunno. You'd need some kind of microcontroller, some kind of storage, an mp3 decoder, and a DAC 2022-03-31 21:51:39 nihilazo then input, display, power 2022-03-31 21:51:50 nihilazo it's not a conceptually difficult device to make, idk about practically 2022-03-31 21:52:16 flowercorpse you can get all of these pretty easily 2022-03-31 21:53:53 nihilazo yeah 2022-03-31 21:54:08 nihilazo but I'm also bad at design and at electronics. And something I built would be very unreliable 2022-03-31 22:04:38 extratone sounds great tbh. 2022-03-31 22:07:27 flowercorpse I'll write mp3 player on my project list 2022-03-31 22:08:00 dzwdz ok so i've watched 3 eps of mr robot i'm at the last episode 2022-03-31 22:08:02 dzwdz i'm completely shaken 2022-03-31 22:08:16 dzwdz i'm also about to go to sleep but i want to reply to some messages from the backlog 2022-03-31 22:09:19 dzwdz <nihilazo> audiophile is code for having a hobby that is mainly just about purchasing things 2022-03-31 22:09:23 dzwdz that's a generalization 2022-03-31 22:09:44 noa im so glad im not an audiophile 2022-03-31 22:09:54 dzwdz my only real piece of audio gear is a pair of headphones that's over 10 years old, broken and ducttaped on both sides 2022-03-31 22:09:58 dzwdz akg k601 2022-03-31 22:10:16 dzwdz now i'm generally not one to like, be hyped about products, but they fucking slap 2022-03-31 22:10:41 dzwdz other than that i have a kinda curated music collection, i rip cds n shit 2022-03-31 22:11:13 dzwdz my point is - i'd call myself an audiophile but i'm the kind that buys oils instead of DAC snake oil 2022-03-31 22:12:27 dzwdz <nihilazo> it's all either audiophile or hyper-budget devices for kids 2022-03-31 22:12:30 dzwdz i don't think that's the case either 2022-03-31 22:12:46 dzwdz i can't find it on amazon rn, but i have some model of the sansa clip 2022-03-31 22:13:13 dzwdz i don't really use it that often so i can't truly speak for its durability 2022-03-31 22:13:18 dzwdz but i've had it for years 2022-03-31 22:13:24 dzwdz and it's pretty good 2022-03-31 22:13:38 flowercorpse I used to have a phase where I would download all my music in flac 2022-03-31 22:13:43 dzwdz i am that guy 2022-03-31 22:13:58 dzwdz i almost never hear the difference, i do it for archival reasons 2022-03-31 22:14:13 noa lmao i keep converting my files between vorbis and mp3 2022-03-31 22:14:16 noa like back and forth 2022-03-31 22:14:22 dzwdz oh god dude what 2022-03-31 22:14:22 flowercorpse I hear literally no difference between 320 mp3 and flac 2022-03-31 22:14:26 dzwdz noa: what the fuck 2022-03-31 22:14:28 noa cant hear a difference 2022-03-31 22:14:35 noa hahaha 2022-03-31 22:15:06 dzwdz https://ttm.sh/tW0 2022-03-31 22:15:10 dzwdz i have this one but in black 2022-03-31 22:15:15 noa i had it all ogg converted from flac, or just downloaded ogg from bandcamp etc, but then lineage has a bug where ogg doesn't work so 2022-03-31 22:15:24 * nihilazo is going to sleep, cya later town 2022-03-31 22:15:31 dzwdz the price listed on amazon is wack, i remember picking it up for way cheaper 2022-03-31 22:15:41 noa byeo nico 2022-03-31 22:15:41 dzwdz and i was about to suggest just using a cheapo smartphone for music 2022-03-31 22:15:53 flowercorpse bye nico 2022-03-31 22:15:58 dzwdz because honestly, why'd you bother otherwise 2022-03-31 22:16:00 dzwdz nighty 2022-03-31 22:16:03 dzwdz but also, lineage? 2022-03-31 22:16:23 dzwdz actually nvm 2022-03-31 22:16:55 noa was that a rah not secure comment? 2022-03-31 22:17:39 dzwdz not secure isn't how i'd put it 2022-03-31 22:17:52 dzwdz but yeah 2022-03-31 22:19:18 noa you know i value simplicity over security (or whatever you'd say instead) 2022-03-31 22:19:20 dzwdz i'm saying this from a perspective of my phone being currently my most "secure" device 2022-03-31 22:19:27 noa oneplus put a lot of junk on these days 2022-03-31 22:20:21 dzwdz it's the only device where pwning me isn't as simple as beating up a single neckbeard 2022-03-31 22:21:10 noa meh 2022-03-31 22:21:21 dzwdz the neckbeard's in a suit 2022-03-31 22:21:24 noa i store most stuff in email, trust gandi to handle that 2022-03-31 22:21:32 noa and dont have an email app on my phone atm 2022-03-31 22:21:52 dzwdz then fair 2022-03-31 22:24:04 dzwdz anyways gnight 2022-03-31 22:24:16 flowercorpse night dzw 2022-03-31 22:24:18 noa sweet dreams 2022-03-31 22:27:26 dzwdz are made of this 2022-03-31 22:48:41 <-- tripoli (tripoli@localhost) has quit (Quit: eww) 2022-03-31 22:52:26 flowercorpse I'm thinking I should organise an electronic music society at my uni next year 2022-03-31 22:52:42 extratone Electronic Music Militia 2022-03-31 22:52:46 flowercorpse there is already an electronic music society but it's for DJs and dance music 2022-03-31 22:53:08 flowercorpse problem is I would need to gather 30 people 2022-03-31 22:53:27 flowercorpse which is a lot 2022-03-31 22:53:31 flowercorpse for such a niche thing 2022-03-31 22:54:29 flowercorpse I was in the jazz society last year but all they talked about was jacob collier 2022-03-31 22:55:32 flowercorpse and all they played was duke ellington and bebop at times 2022-03-31 22:56:26 flowercorpse kind of disheartening 2022-03-31 23:01:13 trashski finding exceptionally cool people at uni is brutally difficult 2022-03-31 23:01:34 <-- mhj (mhj@localhost) has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) 2022-03-31 23:02:02 trashski although the chances are improved in courses for more obscure stuff like anthro or horticulture 2022-03-31 23:02:49 flowercorpse unfortunately I'm doing engineering, most of the people I talked to just want to make money 2022-03-31 23:03:23 trashski i've been finding that if i really want to meet people at a crazy high level for something i have to chance into finding them somewhere totally unrelated 2022-03-31 23:04:53 trashski if your workload isn't so intense you can't get out anymore you could walk around to look for flyers for cool events or if you have fb on fb events 2022-03-31 23:05:16 trashski depends on where you live though 2022-03-31 23:05:26 flowercorpse I volunteer at venues sometimes 2022-03-31 23:07:02 trashski you could ask the organizers/other volunteers if they know of anything interesting happening soon 2022-03-31 23:11:57 flowercorpse I might just do it as an unofficial society 2022-03-31 23:13:28 flowercorpse getting 2-3 people interested doesn't seem that impossible 2022-03-31 23:13:49 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-01 01:40:24 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-01 01:40:24 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-01 01:40:24 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-01 01:40:24 -- Channel #tildetown: 120 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 117 normals) 2022-04-01 01:40:26 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-01 01:40:29 asm hi extratone 2022-04-01 01:40:35 extratone ⓖⓞⓞⓓ ⓜⓞⓡⓝⓘⓝⓖ 2022-04-01 01:40:45 asm morning 2022-04-01 01:40:48 extratone I am On the Real Computer (rare) 2022-04-01 01:40:52 extratone how is town. 2022-04-01 01:43:13 asm real computer? 2022-04-01 01:43:17 asm the town's doing good 2022-04-01 01:47:43 extratone I usually am using an iPhone to log into town 99% of the time. https://bilge.world/tildetown-iphone-blink-shell 2022-04-01 01:47:54 extratone but am on the shared Mac atm. 2022-04-01 01:48:42 extratone pathetically thrilled that I finally found my favorite iOS sound. https://ttm.sh/tWn 2022-04-01 01:54:12 agafnd nice lil minor 3rd 2022-04-01 02:30:24 <-- asm (asm@localhost) has quit (Quit: be right back) 2022-04-01 02:36:47 --> asm (asm@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-01 02:36:55 asm I'm back 2022-04-01 02:49:45 extratone wb 2022-04-01 02:51:55 asm thx 2022-04-01 02:52:01 asm did I miss anything while I was away? 2022-04-01 03:01:45 extratone absolutely nothing, actually lol 2022-04-01 03:04:21 Apreche extratone: haha, I like how my response to you on bbj ended up in your blog post 2022-04-01 03:04:24 Apreche nice looking blog btw 2022-04-01 03:05:30 extratone thank you! and I pretty much had to! to confirm there is at least one other human being doing what I'm doing lol 2022-04-01 03:06:09 extratone all the colors/font info is here if that's useful. https://bilge.world/colophon 2022-04-01 03:06:12 Apreche I know how to take iOS screenshots, but how do you get them with the iPhone hardware in the picture 2022-04-01 03:24:09 extratone would you take offense if I sent you another link? because I happened to spend some time addressing how I do that. https://bilge.world/speedy-frames 2022-04-01 03:25:15 extratone it's all with Siri Shortcuts, tee el dee r 2022-04-01 03:30:02 Apreche oooh, I never use those 2022-04-01 03:30:25 Apreche I guess they are stronger than I thought. 2022-04-01 03:34:38 extratone well, to be honest, the original Apple Frames shortcut(s) are almost certainly the most extreme use of the platform that's at all robust 2022-04-01 03:36:11 extratone my personal favorite shortcuts are all less than 10 actions. the one I use the most just disables bluetooth and wifi lol 2022-04-01 03:37:08 extratone I didn't know about the history of macOS scripting/automation and applescript until recently and I can tell you that Shortcuts appear to be a vastly less refined (and probably redundant) rehash of those. 2022-04-01 03:38:01 extratone I've developed a bit of a library https://routinehub.co/user/blue 2022-04-01 03:39:55 extratone we're just now getting the ability to actually share .shortcuts files again (that's what I'm doing rn, actually - "signing" a whole bunch for a repo) 2022-04-01 03:41:05 extratone (the format is just plist... which is just xml?? lol) 2022-04-01 03:48:55 Apreche Yeah, there's just nothing I do on my phone that is so many steps I ever felt the need for a shortcut. 2022-04-01 03:49:17 Apreche But I never considered that it could actually add a completely new function. 2022-04-01 03:51:26 extratone it can... but imo it's best at things like cleaning links/keeping lists/swapping between settings sets 2022-04-01 03:52:16 extratone a lot of the most impressive shortcuts I've seen should really just be applications. 2022-04-01 03:54:24 extratone in the past year I've discovered running shortcuts via its URL scheme (which means you can basically call a shortcut from a hyperlink) and it's changed everything. https://ttm.sh/tWA 2022-04-01 04:22:59 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-01 13:41:40 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-01 13:41:40 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-01 13:41:40 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-01 13:41:40 -- Channel #tildetown: 120 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 117 normals) 2022-04-01 13:41:42 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-01 13:44:26 noa im all for defending wikipedia's integrity in a lot of cases, but when it comes to information about the mental condition of a minor internet celebrity, i feel you have to tread a lot more carefully 2022-04-01 13:44:49 bx Fair 2022-04-01 13:45:05 dzwdz yeah i think we should just change topics 2022-04-01 13:45:25 bx (good idea lol) 2022-04-01 13:45:37 bx so i noticed you had friends in low places as your sotd 2022-04-01 13:45:50 bx did u watch gur new bigtop? 2022-04-01 13:46:11 dzwdz ? 2022-04-01 13:46:22 bx bigtop burger 2022-04-01 13:46:31 dzwdz ooo 2022-04-01 13:46:37 dzwdz also i have no clue what friends in low places is 2022-04-01 13:46:40 bx eh 2022-04-01 13:46:47 dzwdz i didn't, i'm gonna watch it 2022-04-01 13:47:01 bx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSIeaxqwEVI 2022-04-01 13:47:01 pinhook ["Friends In Low Places - YouTube"] 2022-04-01 13:47:19 bx sotd bot says you set it yesterday 2022-04-01 13:47:40 dzwdz wha 2022-04-01 13:47:44 dzwdz !sotd 2022-04-01 13:47:44 sotdbot Check out http://tilde.town/~severak/town_radio.html, or run this command in another channel such as #music, #bots, or #sotd for a list of current SOTDs 2022-04-01 13:47:59 bx https://tiny.tilde.website/web/@sotd/108053224094239401 2022-04-01 13:48:44 dzwdz so i think that bot uses ident 2022-04-01 13:48:49 dzwdz that could've been nihilazo 2022-04-01 13:49:01 bx what 2022-04-01 13:49:16 bx if it uses ident wouldnt itve said nihilazo 2022-04-01 13:49:37 dzwdz nico uses my soju instance 2022-04-01 13:50:17 bx how do i get rid of gur serach results page 2022-04-01 13:50:20 bx oh nvm 2022-04-01 13:50:23 bx soju? 2022-04-01 13:50:34 bx OH gur bouncer 2022-04-01 13:50:47 --> mhj (mhj@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-01 13:51:50 dzwdz thanks for reminding me about bigtop burger 2022-04-01 13:52:09 bx youre v welcome 2022-04-01 13:52:29 bx every time a new ep comes out i just rewatch it allf 2022-04-01 13:53:57 noa imagine if it got written into the catholic catechism that proprietary software was a sin 2022-04-01 13:54:14 dzwdz please no 2022-04-01 13:54:17 dzwdz i don't like the implications of that 2022-04-01 13:56:49 noa sounds pretty funny tbh 2022-04-01 13:56:54 asm that could be interesting to see 2022-04-01 13:57:20 noa im struggling to find articles on what the bible says about proprietary software 2022-04-01 13:57:55 elly it doesn't say anything super related that I know of but you could try to reason about software freedom from a theological basis if you wanted to 2022-04-01 13:58:38 bx dzwdz / noa: i love gur implications of that 2022-04-01 13:59:10 bx "Microsoft's close sourced ecosystem is the work of the devil" ~some priest 2022-04-01 14:01:53 bx religeos texts should come with expirey dates 2022-04-01 14:02:09 dzwdz best eaten before 2022-04-01 14:03:55 bx according to youtube wire has explicit 2022-04-01 14:03:57 bx lyrics 2022-04-01 14:03:59 bx !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28w4S2XWJcg 2022-04-01 14:03:59 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Wire 2022-04-01 14:04:05 bx though, ive never heard any 2022-04-01 14:10:26 dzwdz friends in low places slaps so much 2022-04-01 14:24:08 dzwdz oh hey, reddit's doing r/place again 2022-04-01 14:24:09 noa love thy neighbour type thing i guess? 2022-04-01 14:24:09 dzwdz how original 2022-04-01 14:24:27 noa i saw some article about how stallmans free software movement mirrored the fall 2022-04-01 14:24:37 noa r/place was good though 2022-04-01 14:24:42 dzwdz it was 2022-04-01 14:27:53 noa the wordle guy did a talk on place 2022-04-01 14:28:02 noa he was one of the designers 2022-04-01 14:28:05 dzwdz wasn't he responsible for place in the first place 2022-04-01 14:28:07 dzwdz yeah 2022-04-01 14:28:34 noa honestly so disappointed hes apparently welsh but has a generic southern accent 2022-04-01 14:28:37 noa southern english 2022-04-01 14:34:56 --> steeph (steeph@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-01 14:35:04 steeph Hai 2022-04-01 14:35:08 dzwdz \o 2022-04-01 14:35:20 steeph /o 2022-04-01 14:35:28 steeph :P 2022-04-01 14:42:05 bx fuck, im an idiot 2022-04-01 14:42:24 bx how did i not realise i was paged up, i thought everyone went quiet 2022-04-01 14:43:26 bx dzwdz: it really does slap, plus recieving character back story in musical form is one of gur best ways to recieve it 2022-04-01 14:43:29 bx \o steeph 2022-04-01 14:44:08 tomasino oooh, now i need to make an 80s sitcom theme song about my next D&D character 2022-04-01 14:44:58 bx whats your character? 2022-04-01 14:46:56 steeph bx: I 2022-04-01 14:47:02 bx J 2022-04-01 14:47:23 bx noa: what counts as generic southern? 2022-04-01 14:47:33 steeph bx: I've been there (up a click). It's a silent place. 2022-04-01 14:47:40 steeph K 2022-04-01 14:47:50 bx it indeed was silent 2022-04-01 14:47:52 bx λ 2022-04-01 14:48:08 bx *L 2022-04-01 14:49:05 steeph Sorry, I'm still learning blind typing and often hit the enter key instead of # or ' or backspace. (And I have to use the latter a lot.) 2022-04-01 14:49:31 steeph M 2022-04-01 14:49:34 bx itsa cool 2022-04-01 14:49:46 bx i make likes of typos and often accidentally send keymashes 2022-04-01 14:49:50 bx N 2022-04-01 14:50:07 steeph I started using a blank keyboard months ago now. Slow progress, but progress. 2022-04-01 14:50:19 steeph O 2022-04-01 14:50:38 bx Oo, ive never tried that 2022-04-01 14:50:55 bx seems a lil too hard for me, on gur ocasion i have to reorient myself 2022-04-01 14:51:18 bx I never learned gur specific technique for it, i just go off muscle memory so its a bit messier 2022-04-01 14:51:22 bx P 2022-04-01 14:53:06 steeph Found it in a scrap pile at a hacker space. One key is missing. But since they're all the same, I can decide which one it is. So it's as good as new. (No printing is rubbed off or anything. :P ) 2022-04-01 14:53:21 bx ooo that's kinda nice 2022-04-01 14:53:35 steeph Q 2022-04-01 14:54:12 bx R 2022-04-01 14:54:43 steeph My muscles remember some passwords by now. Everything alse just becomed a little bit more reliable with time. 2022-04-01 14:54:48 steeph S 2022-04-01 14:55:27 bx my muscles only remember older passwords 2022-04-01 14:55:38 bx like for my minectaft acc or shit like that 2022-04-01 14:55:50 * bx realises he hasnt used his mc acc in literal years 2022-04-01 14:56:03 bx T 2022-04-01 14:56:13 steeph Ü 2022-04-01 14:56:25 * dzwdz laughs in 50 character passphrases 2022-04-01 14:56:29 dzwdz muscle memory is the only way 2022-04-01 14:56:43 bx gur diceware ones are long and not too hard to remember 2022-04-01 14:56:47 steeph I like your muscles then. If mine were like that, I could still log in to my ICQ account. 2022-04-01 14:56:55 bx ICQ? 2022-04-01 14:56:59 dzwdz yeah i'm talking about diceware 2022-04-01 14:57:05 bx Ah, nice 2022-04-01 14:57:17 bx I remember my diceware email password now 2022-04-01 14:57:20 bx V 2022-04-01 14:57:33 steeph UU 2022-04-01 14:58:22 bx VV 2022-04-01 14:59:07 steeph \/ (DIY X) 2022-04-01 14:59:25 bx OH UU = W 2022-04-01 14:59:42 bx that actually p funny 2022-04-01 14:59:52 bx Y 2022-04-01 14:59:52 * pinhook HONK 2022-04-01 15:00:14 steeph Idk Y. 2022-04-01 15:01:17 bx why 2022-04-01 15:01:26 bx why dont you know Y? 2022-04-01 15:01:29 bx Y not? 2022-04-01 15:01:32 bx \j 2022-04-01 15:02:30 extratone **how did you get pinhook to honk** 2022-04-01 15:02:35 bx y 2022-04-01 15:02:35 * pinhook HONK 2022-04-01 15:02:41 bx idk why they do this 2022-04-01 15:02:45 extratone OMG********** 2022-04-01 15:02:48 bx but they do 2022-04-01 15:02:55 bx !pronouns pinhook 2022-04-01 15:02:55 pinhook Pronouns for pinhook: it 2022-04-01 15:02:59 extratone Y 2022-04-01 15:02:59 * pinhook HONK 2022-04-01 15:03:00 bx it does this 2022-04-01 15:04:05 extratone honking is one of my favorite things so I am very delighted. 2022-04-01 15:04:30 tomasino honk 2022-04-01 15:04:38 bx relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG0hldzPnac 2022-04-01 15:04:38 pinhook ["Pet Goose Hugs his Owner but Attacks Everyone Else - YouTube"] 2022-04-01 15:08:10 --> lown (lown@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-01 15:08:29 lown Hi town! 2022-04-01 15:08:54 bx hi lown 2022-04-01 15:09:00 lown hi bx! 2022-04-01 15:09:03 bx how goes? 2022-04-01 15:09:10 lown I have Made a Thing: https://witch.solar/ 2022-04-01 15:09:26 elly what is it? 2022-04-01 15:09:31 lown It' 2022-04-01 15:09:50 lown 's a tiny server powered by the Sun running on a microprocessor board 2022-04-01 15:09:52 bx til .solar 2022-04-01 15:09:59 extratone omg. 2022-04-01 15:10:22 lown It 2022-04-01 15:10:25 lown Augh 2022-04-01 15:10:28 bx oo someone shoved an rp2040 and an esp on gur same board 2022-04-01 15:10:31 lown It's very, very simple 2022-04-01 15:10:33 lown Yes! 2022-04-01 15:10:40 elly neat! 2022-04-01 15:10:45 lown And a battery port 2022-04-01 15:11:13 lown My favourite thing about it is that if two people are trying to open it at the same time, one of them just has to wait 2022-04-01 15:12:58 bx That doesn't seem too bad a limmitation for a server of this spec 2022-04-01 15:13:31 extratone lown, I love that, too. I think the whole web should be that way. 2022-04-01 15:13:46 lown I agree 2022-04-01 15:13:52 steeph Interesting. Sounds cool! 2022-04-01 15:14:17 bx it kinda makes gur wait time pleasant, knowing that someone else is checking it out as well 2022-04-01 15:14:29 lown Hah, I thought I fixed the sanitized input problem 2022-04-01 15:14:58 bx did someone already xss it? 2022-04-01 15:15:07 lown Someone put in a marquee 2022-04-01 15:15:12 bx lmao 2022-04-01 15:15:36 bx just outright banning < and > would stop most things 2022-04-01 15:15:41 lown I thought I did! 2022-04-01 15:15:41 steeph Oh, that's not supposed to be there? 2022-04-01 15:15:43 lown Weird 2022-04-01 15:15:47 lown Haha, no, ideally not 2022-04-01 15:15:51 bx though im sure theres some other characters to xss with i dont know about 2022-04-01 15:16:01 lown Ampersand can go to 2022-04-01 15:16:11 lown Yeah I need to look at the code again 2022-04-01 15:16:30 --> palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-01 15:16:34 palmdrop !water 2022-04-01 15:16:34 * pinhook waters palmdrop's seed 2022-04-01 15:16:37 palmdrop hello 2022-04-01 15:16:40 steeph Hi! 2022-04-01 15:17:15 bx \o palmdrop 2022-04-01 15:17:25 lown Hi palmdrop! 2022-04-01 15:17:27 lown !water 2022-04-01 15:17:27 * pinhook waters lown's seed 2022-04-01 15:17:28 bx I wonder if gur marque can be fixed with another xss 2022-04-01 15:18:15 lown Hah, my friend used a very sophisticated XSS technique 2022-04-01 15:18:25 bx Oh? 2022-04-01 15:18:33 bx was that like for a test 2022-04-01 15:18:51 lown In my defence, I don't think a web server hand coded in C could be expected to protect against that 2022-04-01 15:18:59 bx cause if so i love that it stops sophisticated ones but not marques 2022-04-01 15:19:02 lown https://medium.com/@adonkidz7/bypass-xss-filter-using-html-escape-f2e06bebc8c3 2022-04-01 15:20:12 lown Can't even understand what's going on there 2022-04-01 15:20:44 bx iirc there was an xss bug to do with how different browsers did html comments 2022-04-01 15:22:13 dzwdz i've made a cool kick drum/synth sound 2022-04-01 15:22:15 dzwdz https://ttm.sh/iVO.mp4 2022-04-01 15:22:19 dzwdz shit demo but whatever 2022-04-01 15:22:23 bx I do kinda love how gur web has a whole thing about html's quirky suntax being abusable 2022-04-01 15:22:38 bx dzwdz: what daw is this? 2022-04-01 15:22:48 dzwdz bitwig studio 2022-04-01 15:22:51 dzwdz also witch.solar 502s 2022-04-01 15:23:06 bx til bitwig studio 2022-04-01 15:23:08 palmdrop massive synth 2022-04-01 15:23:09 dzwdz why are you using tls? if it's solar powered it's just a waste of power 2022-04-01 15:23:30 lown Just gotta be patient, it comes back dzwdz 2022-04-01 15:23:41 dzwdz also 2022-04-01 15:23:46 dzwdz have you heard of low-tech magazine? 2022-04-01 15:23:53 palmdrop what is it? 2022-04-01 15:23:58 lown I'm not using TLS really, it's just proxied through a TLS server 2022-04-01 15:24:00 bx dzwdz: yea its great 2022-04-01 15:24:08 lown Yes, that's what inspired this! 2022-04-01 15:24:14 dzwdz palmdrop: https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/ 2022-04-01 15:24:52 bx dzwdz: i like gur drone arount 42 seconds in 2022-04-01 15:25:07 steeph https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/2022/03/how-to-build-bike-generator.html 2022-04-01 15:25:19 palmdrop dzwdz: oh that's cool 2022-04-01 15:25:23 extratone dzwdz that was *sick* 2022-04-01 15:25:26 steeph Wow, thanks! I was actually looking for something like this. 2022-04-01 15:25:35 pawky 15:22 <bx> I do kinda love how gur web has a whole thing about html's quirky suntax being abusable 2022-04-01 15:26:00 extratone omg thank you for reminding me about low tech magazine 2022-04-01 15:26:16 pawky not really as much abusable, as much simple meant for single-person documents, and as such, nt intended for comments or such without human approval 2022-04-01 15:26:52 bx Fair 2022-04-01 15:27:58 m455 i love that browsers let you make your own html tags haha 2022-04-01 15:28:16 m455 <poop>hello</poop>, and then you can style it with poop { background-color: red; } haha 2022-04-01 15:28:52 bx m455: s/red/brown 2022-04-01 15:28:53 palmdrop makes me want to ditch usual html semantics and just use my own 2022-04-01 15:28:54 sedbot <m455> <poop>hello</poop>, and then you can style it with poop { background-color: brown; } haha 2022-04-01 15:29:07 m455 bx: lmao 2022-04-01 15:30:10 m455 palmdrop: haha, one of my biggest gripes is that <h1> should totally be <title>, in my uneducated opinion aha, and <title> should be something else, like <windowtitle> or some shit lol 2022-04-01 15:30:11 bx i'd be cool to see gur source of a page using only custom tags 2022-04-01 15:30:28 bx i thought it was heading-size-1 = h1 2022-04-01 15:30:34 bx cause we also have h2 h3 2022-04-01 15:31:36 palmdrop you should not think of them as sizes 2022-04-01 15:31:51 palmdrop but subheadings 2022-04-01 15:32:26 palmdrop to get correct semantics and all that 2022-04-01 15:33:09 palmdrop how about we rename <footer> to <feet> ? 2022-04-01 15:33:26 bx <toes> 2022-04-01 15:33:36 palmdrop a list is a <hand> 2022-04-01 15:33:43 palmdrop and each item a <finger> 2022-04-01 15:33:43 bx <eyes> <nose> <mouth> <ears> instead of head 2022-04-01 15:33:50 bx palmdrop: hhehe 2022-04-01 15:34:11 palmdrop full body self portrait in html 2022-04-01 15:34:26 lown <feeter> 2022-04-01 15:34:32 bx has anyone done ascii art html files yet? 2022-04-01 15:35:44 palmdrop someone should 2022-04-01 15:36:17 palmdrop someone made a html quine: https://secretgeek.github.io/html_wysiwyg/html.html 2022-04-01 15:37:14 bx Niiice 2022-04-01 15:37:19 bx quines are always fun 2022-04-01 15:39:20 m455 ah yeah, there should only be 1 h1 on a page 2022-04-01 15:39:25 m455 for accessibility purposes 2022-04-01 15:39:42 m455 which is why i think it should be a title, not a heading xD 2022-04-01 15:39:44 dzwdz the number indicates how many of it can be 2022-04-01 15:39:49 bx ooo 2022-04-01 15:39:52 m455 microsoft word does this correctly, as ashamed as i am to say that lol 2022-04-01 15:39:54 dzwdz you can have 3 h3's, for example 2022-04-01 15:39:56 dzwdz m455: <title>? 2022-04-01 15:40:07 bx there's no number, so we can have none 2022-04-01 15:40:18 dzwdz there's no limit 2022-04-01 15:40:23 m455 dzwdz: that doesn't represent a visual or accessible element of the page though, like it doesn't show up anywhere on the document 2022-04-01 15:40:34 dzwdz sounds like a fault of the standard 2022-04-01 15:40:39 elly the <title> tag is is part of head, not body 2022-04-01 15:40:41 m455 that's what i was implying lol 2022-04-01 15:40:49 dzwdz for practical reasons 2022-04-01 15:40:49 elly you use h1 for a visible title if you want one 2022-04-01 15:40:53 m455 (that was a reply to dzwdz, not elly, to clarify lol) 2022-04-01 15:41:00 dzwdz what should be the difference between <title> and <h1> 2022-04-01 15:41:14 bx title is what comes up in gur window name 2022-04-01 15:41:19 dzwdz i know 2022-04-01 15:41:22 dzwdz but for static documents 2022-04-01 15:41:25 bx Oh 2022-04-01 15:41:29 bx Good point 2022-04-01 15:41:31 dzwdz i suppose you could leave out the site's name from h1 2022-04-01 15:41:47 dzwdz but then the browser could just set the title to "[site name] - [h1]" 2022-04-01 15:41:51 bx Yea 2022-04-01 15:41:51 elly h1 is not one-of and can contain other elements or whatever 2022-04-01 15:42:01 elly title is only allowed to contain text 2022-04-01 15:42:04 dzwdz wdym one-of? 2022-04-01 15:42:04 elly and has to be in the head 2022-04-01 15:42:17 elly you're only allowed one <title> element per <head> 2022-04-01 15:42:25 dzwdz and you are supposed to only have one <h1> 2022-04-01 15:42:34 dzwdz my point is that those are redundant 2022-04-01 15:42:39 dzwdz in most cases 2022-04-01 15:42:39 elly that's something m455 said and not something the standard says 2022-04-01 15:42:50 dzwdz well i hold him in high regard 2022-04-01 15:43:01 dzwdz isn't that best practice, though? 2022-04-01 15:43:02 m455 i think the standard allows you to have multiple h1s in a <header>, but accessibility-wise, more than one h1 has been shown to be "bad" 2022-04-01 15:43:12 m455 and yeah what elly said lol 2022-04-01 15:43:31 elly I don't particularly think it matters as long as the page has an unambiguous page header that navigation lands on :P 2022-04-01 15:44:06 m455 (ah sorry, you can use multiple <header> in a document to allow more than one h1 on a document, not multiple h1s in a <header> haha) 2022-04-01 15:44:26 elly for sure 2022-04-01 15:44:42 m455 elly: yeah, i htink you're right on that, in my experience, orca just reads things out line by line, or heading-by-heading, depending on if you tab or use arrow keys 2022-04-01 15:44:50 elly you may also (eg) have many h1s of which only some or one are visible at a time through javascript 2022-04-01 15:44:54 elly or whatever 2022-04-01 15:44:56 elly m455: ya 2022-04-01 15:45:05 m455 and the distinction for an h1 doesnt' seem to hold true to what accessibility standards say 2022-04-01 15:45:15 elly headings in general are critical for accessibility since they are navigation markers within the page 2022-04-01 15:45:16 m455 oh i didn't think about the javascript thing 2022-04-01 15:46:29 elly "you've taken a perfectly good document markup system and given it anxiety, that's what you've done" 2022-04-01 15:46:37 m455 LOL! 2022-04-01 15:53:08 m455 i'm thankful for pandoc's --shift-heading-level-by=1 flag, where i can like, write an h1 (# some title) in markdown, and the subsequent h2s (## some heading), and that flag will shift them down a level, so my actual header file that i append to all markdown documents in my crappy website generator can be the only h1 (if following the accessibility 2022-04-01 15:53:10 m455 tale i mentioned before lol) 2022-04-01 15:53:38 bx That's a simple but useful sounding feature 2022-04-01 15:54:11 elly ya, I like that 2022-04-01 15:54:18 elly combining fragments of markdown is often kind of fiddly 2022-04-01 15:58:40 <-- asm (asm@localhost) has quit (Quit) 2022-04-01 15:59:06 bx !qotd 2022-04-01 15:59:06 anna [ruby] is just adorable 2022-04-01 15:59:06 anna - ~twee 2022-04-01 15:59:21 m455 yeah definitely! pandoc's default, which i use, creates an h1 that is the same as the yaml title, so it makes a <title> and <h1> from the same yaml `title:` item, which was why i did it. i just dont feel like configuring pandoc templates to not to lol 2022-04-01 16:02:57 --> asm (asm@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-01 16:04:23 palmdrop what was the command for using that markov-chain bot? talkas? 2022-04-01 16:04:27 bx !talklike 2022-04-01 16:04:29 pinhook and try pulling the membrane from moving with force feeding appartus 2022-04-01 16:04:41 bx ...that sounds like a bad idea 2022-04-01 16:04:42 nuve jmjl: this is what was said to me when i asked the same question a couple of years ago, maybe things changed since then? 2022-04-01 16:04:46 palmdrop force feeding appartus 2022-04-01 16:04:49 pawky !fuse bx m455 2022-04-01 16:04:55 pinhook elly gave me the game for the new data ? 2022-04-01 16:04:58 palmdrop !talklike 2022-04-01 16:04:58 pinhook you are having fun, don't think it works so well 2022-04-01 16:05:04 palmdrop hmm 2022-04-01 16:05:21 pawky !fuse pawky palmdrop 2022-04-01 16:05:21 pinhook I ate way too much slap haha 2022-04-01 16:05:27 pawky lol 2022-04-01 16:06:33 m455 hahah 2022-04-01 16:06:39 m455 eating way too much slap lmao 2022-04-01 16:06:42 m455 that slaps 2022-04-01 16:07:19 pawky don't slap that which you won't eat 2022-04-01 16:07:20 palmdrop that happens 2022-04-01 16:07:32 palmdrop !fuse bx elly 2022-04-01 16:07:35 pinhook that's not really vibe with the sabres! 2022-04-01 16:08:01 pawky well, maybe #bots by now, there's been quite a few commands by now 2022-04-01 16:12:49 bx talklike gets allot of good lines 2022-04-01 16:15:04 palmdrop !talklike vilmibm 2022-04-01 16:15:09 pinhook barely staying on top of the way to vent about awful technology 2022-04-01 16:15:20 palmdrop nice 2022-04-01 16:17:00 bx !talklike sedbot 2022-04-01 16:17:00 pinhook <insom> he's been a long time 2022-04-01 16:17:33 palmdrop !talklike pinhook 2022-04-01 16:17:34 pinhook pinhook gives exactly 30 fucks 2022-04-01 16:17:44 palmdrop haha wow 2022-04-01 16:17:45 bx !fucksgiven pinhook 2022-04-01 16:17:46 pinhook pinhook gives exactly 898 fucks 2022-04-01 16:17:48 flowercorpse wow 2022-04-01 16:17:53 palmdrop !talklike pinhook 2022-04-01 16:17:53 bx !fucksgiven bx 2022-04-01 16:17:54 pinhook this blog has some good films :P. heh. 2022-04-01 16:17:54 pinhook bx gives exactly 326 fucks 2022-04-01 16:18:02 flowercorpse !fucksgiven 2022-04-01 16:18:02 pinhook flowercorpse gives exactly 0 fucks 2022-04-01 16:18:11 palmdrop !fucksgiven 2022-04-01 16:18:11 pinhook palmdrop gives exactly 2 fucks 2022-04-01 16:18:16 dzwdz !fucksgiven 2022-04-01 16:18:16 pinhook dzwdz gives exactly 2020 fucks 2022-04-01 16:18:22 flowercorpse wow 2022-04-01 16:18:23 dzwdz hey nice 2022-04-01 16:18:34 dzwdz !fucksgiven m455 2022-04-01 16:18:34 pinhook m455 gives exactly 2104 fucks 2022-04-01 16:18:44 elly hmmm 2022-04-01 16:18:48 elly who is the least profane townie 2022-04-01 16:18:48 bx damm im still outpaced 2022-04-01 16:18:50 dzwdz beware 2022-04-01 16:19:01 bx elly: thers are page with gur leaderboard 2022-04-01 16:19:05 elly oh, where? 2022-04-01 16:19:08 dzwdz there's plenty who haven't said a single fuck 2022-04-01 16:19:13 dzwdz http://tilde.town/~archangelic/fucksgiven.html 2022-04-01 16:19:17 elly yeah, but it's all about the ratio 2022-04-01 16:19:20 elly lines posted to profanities 2022-04-01 16:19:32 dzwdz wait this might actually count nico's fricks as mine 2022-04-01 16:19:36 dzwdz !fucksgiven 2022-04-01 16:19:36 pinhook dzwdz gives exactly 2020 fucks 2022-04-01 16:19:38 bx damm dz beat me to it 2022-04-01 16:19:47 elly I have 11 apparently 2022-04-01 16:19:50 dzwdz hm, it very probably does 2022-04-01 16:19:56 dzwdz so my stat is inflated 2022-04-01 16:20:29 bx I didnt expect so many people to be this low down 2022-04-01 16:20:31 dzwdz elly: 2 of them were in links 2022-04-01 16:20:37 elly how does one tell? 2022-04-01 16:20:38 dzwdz your first real fuck was about being a C programmer 2022-04-01 16:20:40 dzwdz which 2022-04-01 16:20:42 dzwdz lol 2022-04-01 16:20:49 dzwdz elly: grepping the log 2022-04-01 16:20:52 bx katie and lutze are both on 1 2022-04-01 16:20:56 elly whereabouts is the log? 2022-04-01 16:21:14 dzwdz ~archangelic/irc/log 2022-04-01 16:21:32 dzwdz your first fuck was in 2022 2022-04-01 16:21:34 elly haha, I see 2022-04-01 16:22:02 bx I think i probs said fuck a few times within gur first weeek here 2022-04-01 16:22:05 palmdrop have to go, cya 2022-04-01 16:22:11 bx laterz 2022-04-01 16:22:12 dzwdz cya 2022-04-01 16:22:15 <-- palmdrop (palmdrop@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-04-01 16:22:34 elly I try to be very sparing with profanity and it looks like I am succeeding 2022-04-01 16:22:49 dzwdz and i'm polish 2022-04-01 16:22:55 dzwdz and immature 2022-04-01 16:23:20 bx i just like using curse words for emphasis 2022-04-01 16:23:58 bx and also think that restricting them is dumb (long as youre not directing it at seomone else) 2022-04-01 16:24:08 elly I do that too, but they have more meaning if you are sparing with them, ime 2022-04-01 16:24:17 dzwdz yup 2022-04-01 16:24:23 elly one of the folks on my team heard me swear for the first time at work a couple weeks ago and it stopped the team meeting for a second :P 2022-04-01 16:24:36 dzwdz damn, what made you swear there? 2022-04-01 16:24:38 bx λol 2022-04-01 16:25:09 dzwdz idea: i could make a swear jar page 2022-04-01 16:25:10 elly the privacy team raised a very correct objection to something we'd designed and were about to start implementing, and fixing it would/will require a major redesign and quite possibly a lot more work 2022-04-01 16:25:20 elly and I learned about it in that meeting 2022-04-01 16:25:33 dzwdz weekly ranking of people who usually swear but have sworn the least in that week 2022-04-01 16:25:55 dzwdz elly: mind sharing more details? 2022-04-01 16:26:41 bx im genuinly surprised a privacy team exists 2022-04-01 16:26:49 dzwdz google isn't /that/ bad 2022-04-01 16:26:53 bx eeeehhhhh 2022-04-01 16:27:20 elly I am not going to share any other details about it, both because it is boring and because it has to do with a feature that has not been publicized anywhere yet 2022-04-01 16:27:29 dzwdz i'm considering making a bot that'll insult me every time i swear 2022-04-01 16:27:29 elly once the feature launches if I remember I can describe the problem 2022-04-01 16:27:59 elly and we absolutely have a privacy team! my team works with them a LOT since we handle quite a bit of user data in the browser 2022-04-01 16:28:47 <-- lown (lown@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-04-01 16:28:58 elly having a separate privacy team is by design, rather than having my team make the decisions about privacy, since the privacy team has very different incentives 2022-04-01 16:29:22 elly i.e., they don't care if my feature ships or not and they don't report to me so I can't pressure them to compromise on stuff 2022-04-01 16:29:37 bx yeah that actualy seems like a reasonable and good concept (hence gur surprise) 2022-04-01 16:30:21 elly well 2022-04-01 16:30:40 elly both our leadership and our ICs, by and large, are smart people who want to do the right thing 2022-04-01 16:30:41 dzwdz bx's just out here casually insulting your employeer lmao 2022-04-01 16:30:47 elly I mean, you can if you want 2022-04-01 16:30:52 elly google does a lot of bad things 2022-04-01 16:31:06 * bx feels gur need to clarify that it shots at google and not elly 2022-04-01 16:31:18 elly we deserve to be called out whenever we don't live up to the responsibility involved in being one of the world's largest tech companies 2022-04-01 16:31:20 dzwdz finally fixed the "bug" which allowed you to watch age-restricted videos without logging in :( 2022-04-01 16:31:32 * bx doesn't think working for a bad company makes someone a bad person 2022-04-01 16:31:37 elly nor do I 2022-04-01 16:31:47 elly I am extremely personally familiar with the idea of needing to work to live 2022-04-01 16:31:58 elly in fact, I am specifically tied to google by my work visa 2022-04-01 16:32:05 dzwdz 2022 and android still has a 16 character password limit because some google engineer couldn't remember a longer one 2022-04-01 16:32:12 dzwdz ugh 2022-04-01 16:32:48 dzwdz work visas seem so suspectible to abuse 2022-04-01 16:33:01 dzwdz like, you can't even pretend that if your workplace mistreats you, you can just switch jobs 2022-04-01 16:33:01 bx elly: I was also thinking from gur standpoint of that like you said, most people do want to do gur right thing 2022-04-01 16:33:13 elly but the folks who run chrome, ime, are generally trying very hard to do The Right Thing in a way that also makes it worthwhile for Google to continue paying for us to develop chromium & chrome 2022-04-01 16:33:37 dzwdz bx: what good are people wanting to do the right thing when they have shareholders to make profits for 2022-04-01 16:33:46 elly dzwdz: well, in canada if that happens you can theoretically go to the government about it and have them de-restrict your work visa, or get a new employer that will take on your work visa 2022-04-01 16:34:01 elly whether that's possible or not varies by country though and it certainly wouldn't be fun 2022-04-01 16:34:48 bx dzwdz: not much, i meant most are going to act as rightfly at an individual level as they can working for such 2022-04-01 16:34:51 elly in re: "what good are people wanting to do the right thing": ime it counts for a lot, since like... regardless of your company's profit motive if you are in any sort of creative or managerial role you generally have a lot of latitude to do stuff or not do stuff 2022-04-01 16:34:52 bx a company 2022-04-01 16:35:14 elly like, if I was working at a super evil company and came up with a profitable but evil idea that they would certainly execute, I could just not share it 2022-04-01 16:35:26 elly or if I came up with a profitable but *good* idea I could be like, hey, let's do this 2022-04-01 16:35:40 bx True, but they can also turn a good one into an evil one 2022-04-01 16:35:44 elly maybe! 2022-04-01 16:36:07 bx Google's search engine was such a good thing at first, but they changed it so it could be used for bad things 2022-04-01 16:36:19 elly but also, regardless of what your company wants, most people value doing the right thing, whatever that happens to mean to them, and ime appeals to "this is the right thing" are sometimes successful 2022-04-01 16:36:26 elly even when there's not much money in it 2022-04-01 16:36:32 bx >sometimes 2022-04-01 16:36:38 elly yeah 2022-04-01 16:37:23 elly more often than never, less often than always :P 2022-04-01 16:38:56 dzwdz wasn't there this thing about rss support being re-added to chrome? 2022-04-01 16:39:11 elly https://www.theverge.com/2021/5/20/22445284/google-rss-chrome-android-feature-test 2022-04-01 16:39:43 dzwdz o 2022-04-01 16:41:08 bx brrrb 2022-04-01 16:41:53 elly talk I'm watching today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY2FqpDCBGs "Back to Basics: Algorithmic Complexity" from CppCon 2021 2022-04-01 16:41:53 pinhook ["Back to Basics: Algorithmic Complexity - Amir Kirsh & Adam Segoli Schubert - CppCon 2021 - YouTube"] 2022-04-01 16:48:27 jmjl I think some of the new ~verse servers that have been recently(2/4yrs) haven't got the block added to the conf files 2022-04-01 16:48:40 dzwdz ? 2022-04-01 16:49:39 jmjl because I am joined to '#town' on a test account that's connected to the 'hub.tilde.chat'? 2022-04-01 16:49:42 jmjl Strange 2022-04-01 16:56:21 nihilazo \o 2022-04-01 16:56:25 dzwdz \o 2022-04-01 16:56:42 noa o/ 2022-04-01 16:59:07 nihilazo how's town today? 2022-04-01 16:59:18 jmjl good 2022-04-01 16:59:23 elly good! no meetings today :) 2022-04-01 16:59:35 Apreche 🎉Friday Town🎉 2022-04-01 16:59:35 demoji <Apreche> :party_popper:Friday Town:party_popper: 2022-04-01 17:00:25 noa been celebrating tweemas today :) 2022-04-01 17:05:14 nihilazo happy tweemas! 2022-04-01 17:08:37 dzwdz holy shit it's bandcamp friday 2022-04-01 17:08:40 dzwdz aa what did i want to buy 2022-04-01 17:12:21 noa dzwdz: https://beyondthedarkness.bandcamp.com/album/bedtime-for-sleepyheads 2022-04-01 17:12:32 noa !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F43rOGpuNvA 2022-04-01 17:12:32 elly ooh, I forgot about Bandcamp Friday 2022-04-01 17:12:32 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to 757 - 100 Gecs [LIVE AT TERMINAL 5 NYC] 2022-04-01 17:13:07 dzwdz industrial vocaloid? huh 2022-04-01 17:13:20 noa right 2022-04-01 17:13:57 elly Seeming album: acquired 2022-04-01 17:14:07 noa seeming? 2022-04-01 17:14:26 noa oh yeah i can justify spending money on music because birthday 2022-04-01 17:14:26 elly https://seeming.bandcamp.com/ these folks 2022-04-01 17:14:39 elly followon (?) band from thoushaltnot 2022-04-01 17:15:07 dzwdz huh, thanks for the rec 2022-04-01 17:15:31 dzwdz i was going to finally pick up My sputnik sweetheart and the new weatherglow collab 2022-04-01 17:15:40 extratone I am surviving on The Global Day of Lies. 2022-04-01 17:15:50 dzwdz speaking of extratone 2022-04-01 17:16:08 dzwdz i was going through my bandcamp wishlist and i've just opened https://nurse3d.bandcamp.com/album/fuck-toy 2022-04-01 17:16:08 pinhook dzwdz: new fuck(s) detected: fuck-toy 2022-04-01 17:16:12 noa wow seeming look edgy 2022-04-01 17:16:13 dzwdz an extratone album 2022-04-01 17:16:31 elly "edgy" is not an accurate description 2022-04-01 17:16:36 dzwdz has elly still not grown out of her emo phase? :p 2022-04-01 17:16:49 noa fuck-toy? do we get announcements for new fucks 2022-04-01 17:16:51 noa fucknipple 2022-04-01 17:16:51 pinhook noa: new fuck(s) detected: fucknipple 2022-04-01 17:16:55 noa nice 2022-04-01 17:16:55 nihilazo omg 2022-04-01 17:16:56 elly personal development is not a linear progression from one stage to another :P 2022-04-01 17:17:01 dzwdz \j 2022-04-01 17:17:03 noa fuckrabbit 2022-04-01 17:17:03 pinhook noa: new fuck(s) detected: fuckrabbit 2022-04-01 17:17:06 extratone öoo this is interesting. 2022-04-01 17:17:07 noa excellent 2022-04-01 17:17:12 nihilazo hyperfuck 2022-04-01 17:17:12 pinhook nihilazo: new fuck(s) detected: hyperfuck 2022-04-01 17:17:16 extratone fuckfoam 2022-04-01 17:17:16 pinhook extratone: new fuck(s) detected: fuckfoam 2022-04-01 17:17:18 dzwdz like it'd be hypocritical for me to make fun of that lol 2022-04-01 17:17:25 nihilazo fuckboiii 2022-04-01 17:17:25 pinhook nihilazo: new fuck(s) detected: fuckboiii 2022-04-01 17:17:29 dzwdz fuckme 2022-04-01 17:17:29 pinhook dzwdz: new fuck(s) detected: fuckme 2022-04-01 17:17:45 noa succandfucc 2022-04-01 17:17:45 pinhook noa: new fuck(s) detected: succandfucc 2022-04-01 17:17:53 m455 fuckingshitfuck 2022-04-01 17:17:53 pinhook m455: new fuck(s) detected: fuckingshitfuck 2022-04-01 17:17:54 dzwdz fuccenberg 2022-04-01 17:17:54 pinhook dzwdz: new fuck(s) detected: fuccenberg 2022-04-01 17:17:59 extratone it just occured to me that there must be a file somewhere on town that's a list of all these fucks 2022-04-01 17:18:07 noa theres a list somewhere 2022-04-01 17:18:11 noa with fuckstats 2022-04-01 17:18:11 pinhook noa: new fuck(s) detected: fuckstats 2022-04-01 17:18:12 m455 !pluckafuck 2022-04-01 17:18:17 noa fucklist of fuckstats 2022-04-01 17:18:17 pinhook noa: new fuck(s) detected: fucklist 2022-04-01 17:18:17 m455 oh yeah ruth is dead 2022-04-01 17:18:23 noa nooo :( 2022-04-01 17:18:25 m455 i actually source that file in ruth's source code 2022-04-01 17:18:30 elly https://seeming.bandcamp.com/track/articles-of-secession-with-i-p-l-f this is one of my favorite Seeming songs 2022-04-01 17:18:36 --> ruth (m455@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-01 17:18:44 m455 ruth fails at utf-16 shit 2022-04-01 17:19:02 dzwdz "growing out of your emo phase" is just a nice way to say "becoming boring" 2022-04-01 17:19:19 noa rah lena raine doesn't ship to uk :/ 2022-04-01 17:19:35 noa wanted celeste cassette 2022-04-01 17:19:41 dzwdz oh 2022-04-01 17:19:47 dzwdz that reminds me of something, brb 2022-04-01 17:21:00 flowercorpse !sotd https://kalimalone.bandcamp.com/album/organ-dirges-2016-2017 2022-04-01 17:21:39 extratone I found it! https://tilde.town/~archangelic/unique_fucks.txt 2022-04-01 17:22:40 flowercorpse aww there's ascii art in it 2022-04-01 17:22:49 dzwdz i think that's m455's doing 2022-04-01 17:22:56 dzwdz m455 FUCKS 2022-04-01 17:23:14 dzwdz he's been the top tilde.town fucker for a while now 2022-04-01 17:23:46 noa naughty m455 2022-04-01 17:23:51 noa townfucker 2022-04-01 17:23:51 pinhook noa: new fuck(s) detected: townfucker 2022-04-01 17:24:15 nihilazo is it only things starting with fuck or can I use fuck inside something 2022-04-01 17:24:24 nihilazo like itshiptofuckbees 2022-04-01 17:24:24 pinhook nihilazo: new fuck(s) detected: itshiptofuckbees 2022-04-01 17:24:29 nihilazo o that works 2022-04-01 17:24:33 dzwdz :| 2022-04-01 17:24:44 flowercorpse why would you say that ._. 2022-04-01 17:24:45 nihilazo idk why that came to mind. I just like these old shit memes 2022-04-01 17:25:11 noa nihilazo: there's a regex, i can't remember what it is 2022-04-01 17:25:19 nihilazo it's a shitty vinesauce meme flowercorpse 2022-04-01 17:25:29 noa found it 2022-04-01 17:25:30 dzwdz /fuc[ck]/ iirc 2022-04-01 17:25:34 noa it's (#?[\w-]*f+u+(cc|c+k|k|q)+[\w-]*) 2022-04-01 17:26:00 noa okay going for dinner see you around x 2022-04-01 17:26:10 nihilazo cya 2022-04-01 17:26:55 dzwdz yo quick question 2022-04-01 17:26:59 dzwdz what's the english word for 1.5 2022-04-01 17:27:13 elly "one and a half"? 2022-04-01 17:27:17 dzwdz is there no fancy short one 2022-04-01 17:27:18 nihilazo yeah "one and a half" 2022-04-01 17:27:21 nihilazo there's no fancy word 2022-04-01 17:27:21 dzwdz booring 2022-04-01 17:27:23 elly there is no fancy short one, no 2022-04-01 17:29:01 flowercorpse use the german one 2022-04-01 17:29:10 benharri eineinhalb 2022-04-01 17:29:27 dzwdz eineinhalb? 2022-04-01 17:29:36 dzwdz like, that's better than the english one but still bad 2022-04-01 17:29:36 flowercorpse they use schadenfreude in english after all 2022-04-01 17:29:42 dzwdz półtorej ftw 2022-04-01 17:31:36 flowercorpse apparently there is a prefix for it though 2022-04-01 17:31:51 flowercorpse sesqui- 2022-04-01 17:32:48 dzwdz oo, that's cool 2022-04-01 17:41:27 dzwdz bandcamp has just decided that it's only going to tax only one of the albums i'm buying 2022-04-01 17:43:17 extratone essential data. https://ttm.sh/iV-.json%0A 2022-04-01 17:44:58 dzwdz ahh, it's a nice feeling to rm a pirated album and replace it with a copy from bandcamp 2022-04-01 17:46:19 flowercorpse dzwdz: if I did that on a regular basis I'd be homeless 2022-04-01 17:46:37 dzwdz pf, do you know how much music i've pirated 2022-04-01 17:46:58 dzwdz 101G /hdd/Music/ 2022-04-01 17:47:10 flowercorpse nice 2022-04-01 17:55:33 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-01 18:15:22 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-01 18:15:22 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-01 18:15:22 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-01 18:15:22 -- Channel #tildetown: 123 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 120 normals) 2022-04-01 18:15:24 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-01 18:15:29 extratone I forgot I made this. https://ttm.sh/ixQ.png 2022-04-01 18:26:49 insom aww yeah, hexchat is green, someone mentioned me in #tildetown! 2022-04-01 18:26:53 insom oh it was pinhook 2022-04-01 18:26:59 insom what a rollercoaster of emotion :D 2022-04-01 18:31:06 bx just read back didnt know pinhook called new fucks types like that 2022-04-01 18:31:08 bx fucksicle 2022-04-01 18:31:08 pinhook bx: new fuck(s) detected: fucksicle 2022-04-01 18:31:12 bx \o/ 2022-04-01 18:31:36 dzwdz i think the list is broken, actually 2022-04-01 18:31:40 bx boo 2022-04-01 18:31:47 dzwdz it might be picking up all fucks as new 2022-04-01 18:31:51 bx fuck 2022-04-01 18:31:53 bx nope 2022-04-01 18:32:18 extratone !sotd https://youtu.be/VrPVSz3bBq4 2022-04-01 18:32:18 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to CARIBOU - You Can Do It (Official Video) 2022-04-01 18:32:28 extratone if you like dog, you must watch the video. 2022-04-01 18:32:52 dzwdz what's dog 2022-04-01 18:34:42 bx 4 legged thing 2022-04-01 18:35:12 bx runs fast, looks kinda like a small wolf 2022-04-01 18:35:33 bx extratone: i aprove of this mv 2022-04-01 18:35:46 bx also it sounds theyre saying "giga nugget" 2022-04-01 18:36:01 dzwdz you've just reminded me of the wolfdog alucard fanfic 2022-04-01 18:36:22 bx wha? 2022-04-01 18:36:31 bx so he turns into a wolfdog or has one ? 2022-04-01 18:37:08 flowercorpse extratone: also in the genre of repeating words: https://fakeestates.bandcamp.com/album/a-mechanical-joey 2022-04-01 18:37:28 flowercorpse although this one is less cute and more headache fuel 2022-04-01 18:37:35 bx I should just make my lyrics repeating words 2022-04-01 18:38:32 bx " I was trying out a new edible yesterday and got too high. I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that I did not listen to this yesterday. That would have led to the total collapse of my reality instead of the subtle erosion I am used to. Favorite track: SIDE A." 2022-04-01 18:38:45 bx ^ Someone who got this album 2022-04-01 18:38:58 flowercorpse bx: you make music? 2022-04-01 18:39:05 bx i appempt to 2022-04-01 18:39:29 flowercorpse then yes 2022-04-01 18:39:36 bx i havent realeased anything but i have lyrics written down here and there and make sounds with orca 2022-04-01 18:39:43 bx ...which i dont record 2022-04-01 18:39:51 bx *which i should record 2022-04-01 18:40:27 bx I have been off of orca for a while though cause of colleg, last time i made a machine it was august 2022-04-01 18:40:39 extratone ty flowercorpse 2022-04-01 18:41:01 bx flowercorpse: do you make music? 2022-04-01 18:42:45 flowercorpse bx: I improvise a lot but generally don't record or make music 2022-04-01 18:42:52 flowercorpse I used to be in a band (not a good one) 2022-04-01 18:43:06 bx Oo, what music did you band do ? 2022-04-01 18:43:08 bx *kin of 2022-04-01 18:43:13 bx *kind of 2022-04-01 18:43:20 bx (is kind derived from kin?) 2022-04-01 18:43:23 flowercorpse loud gitar music 2022-04-01 18:44:21 bx Nice! that's a good kind of music 2022-04-01 18:44:28 bx and it looks cathartic/fun to make 2022-04-01 18:44:46 flowercorpse Ælfric's rendition of "the Book of Genesis" into Old English came out gecyndboc. The prefix disappeared 1150-1250. No exact cognates beyond English, but it corresponds to adjective endings such as Goth -kunds, Old High German -kund. Also in English as a suffix (mankind, etc., also compare godcund "divine"). Other earlier, now obsolete, senses 2022-04-01 18:44:49 flowercorpse included "character, quality derived from birth" and "manner or way natural or proper to anyone." 2022-04-01 18:44:50 flowercorpse Phrase a kind of (1590s) indicating something like or similar to something else led to the colloquial extension as adverb (1804) in phrases such as kind of stupid "a kind of stupid (person), (one) not far from stupidity." However "good usage" once condemned as inaccurate the use as an adjective as in our kind of people, some kind of joke. All kinds 2022-04-01 18:44:53 flowercorpse is Old English alles cynnes, in Middle English sometimes contracted to alkins. 2022-04-01 18:44:54 flowercorpse kind (adj.) 2022-04-01 18:44:57 flowercorpse "friendly, deliberately doing good to others," Middle English kinde, from Old English (ge)cynde "natural, native, innate," originally "with the feeling of relatives for each other," from Proto-Germanic *kundi- "natural, native," from *kunjam "family" (see kin), with collective or generalizing prefix *ga- and abstract suffix *-iz. The word rarely 2022-04-01 18:44:58 flowercorpse appeared in Old English without the prefix, but Old English also had it as a word-forming element -cund "born of, of a particular nature" (see kind (n.)). Sense development probably is from "with natural feelings," to "well-disposed" (c. 1300), "benign, compassionate, loving, full of tenderness" (c. 1300). 2022-04-01 18:45:00 flowercorpse Entries linking to kind 2022-04-01 18:45:02 flowercorpse kin (n.) 2022-04-01 18:45:05 flowercorpse c. 1200, from Old English cynn "family; race; kind, sort, rank; nature" (also "gender, sex," a sense obsolete since Middle English), from Proto-Germanic *kunja- "family" (source also of Old Frisian kenn, Old Saxon kunni "kin, kind, race, tribe," Old Norse kyn, Old High German chunni "kin, race;" Danish kjön, Swedish kön, Middle Dutch, Dutch kunne 2022-04-01 18:45:06 flowercorpse "sex, gender;" Gothic kuni "family, race," Old Norse kundr "son," German Kind "child"), from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups. 2022-04-01 18:45:08 flowercorpse In the Teutonic word, as in Latin genus and Greek [genos], three main senses appear, (1) race or stock, (2) class or kind, (3) gender or sex .... [OED] 2022-04-01 18:45:10 flowercorpse Related to both words kind and to child. From 1590s as an adjective, from the noun and as a shortening of akin. Legal next of kin (1540s) does not include the widow, "she being specifically provided for by the law as widow" [Century Dictionary], and must be a blood relation of the deceased. 2022-04-01 18:45:12 flowercorpse *gene- 2022-04-01 18:45:14 flowercorpse *genə-, also *gen-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups. 2022-04-01 18:45:17 flowercorpse It forms all or part of: Antigone; autogenous; benign; cognate; congener; congenial; congenital; connate; cosmogony; cryogenic; degenerate; engender; engine; epigone; eugenics; -gen; gendarme; gender; gene; genealogy; general; generate; generation; generic; generous; genesis; -genesis; genial; -genic; genital; genitive; genius; genocide; genotype; 2022-04-01 18:45:18 flowercorpse genre; gens; gent; genteel; gentile; gentle; gentry; genuine; genus; -geny; germ; german (adj.) "of the same parents or grandparents;" germane; germinal; germinate; germination; gingerly; gonad; gono-; gonorrhea; heterogeneous; homogeneous; homogenize; homogenous; impregnate; indigenous; ingenious; ingenuous; innate; jaunty; kermes; kin; 2022-04-01 18:45:21 flowercorpse kindergarten; kindred; king; kind (n.) "class, sort, variety;" kind (adj.) "friendly, deliberately doing good to others;" Kriss Kringle; malign; miscegenation; nada; naive; nascent; natal; Natalie; nation; native; nature; nee; neonate; Noel; oncogene; ontogeny; photogenic; phylogeny; pregnant (adj.1) "with child;" primogenitor; primogeniture; 2022-04-01 18:45:23 flowercorpse progenitor; progeny; puisne; puny; renaissance; theogony; wunderkind. 2022-04-01 18:45:25 flowercorpse It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit janati "begets, bears," janah "offspring, child, person," janman- "birth, origin," jatah "born;" Avestan zizanenti "they bear;" Greek gignesthai "to become, happen," genos "race, kind," gonos "birth, offspring, stock;" Latin gignere "to beget," gnasci "to be born," 2022-04-01 18:45:26 flowercorpse genus (genitive generis) "race, stock, kind; family, birth, descent, origin," genius "procreative divinity, inborn tutelary spirit, innate quality," ingenium "inborn character," possibly germen "shoot, bud, embryo, germ;" Lithuanian gentis "kinsmen;" Gothic kuni "race;" Old English cennan "beget, create," gecynd "kind, nature, race;" Old High 2022-04-01 18:45:28 flowercorpse German kind "child;" Old Irish ro-genar "I was born;" Welsh geni "to be born;" Armenian cnanim "I bear, I am born." 2022-04-01 18:45:30 flowercorpse mankind 2022-04-01 18:45:32 flowercorpse bairn 2022-04-01 18:45:33 bx is, this a thesaurs dumb 2022-04-01 18:45:35 flowercorpse humankind 2022-04-01 18:45:36 bx *dump 2022-04-01 18:45:37 flowercorpse kinda 2022-04-01 18:45:38 flowercorpse kindle 2022-04-01 18:45:40 flowercorpse one-of-a-kind 2022-04-01 18:45:42 flowercorpse womankind 2022-04-01 18:45:44 flowercorpse wunderkind 2022-04-01 18:45:46 flowercorpse benign 2022-04-01 18:45:48 flowercorpse kind-hearted 2022-04-01 18:45:50 flowercorpse kindly 2022-04-01 18:45:52 flowercorpse kindly 2022-04-01 18:45:54 flowercorpse kindness 2022-04-01 18:45:56 flowercorpse unkind 2022-04-01 18:45:58 flowercorpse See all related words (16) > 2022-04-01 18:46:01 flowercorpse Others are reading 2022-04-01 18:46:03 flowercorpse Share kind 2022-04-01 18:46:04 bx ty, but this is too much text for me to read 2022-04-01 18:46:04 flowercorpse ‘cite’ 2022-04-01 18:46:06 flowercorpse Advertisement 2022-04-01 18:46:08 flowercorpse Advertisement 2022-04-01 18:46:11 flowercorpse oh shit 2022-04-01 18:46:12 flowercorpse copied the wrong side of the webpage 2022-04-01 18:46:14 flowercorpse so sorry :( 2022-04-01 18:46:16 flowercorpse "class, sort, variety," from Old English gecynd "kind, nature, race," related to cynn "family" (see kin), 2022-04-01 18:46:18 flowercorpse this is what I meant :( 2022-04-01 18:46:20 flowercorpse it does come from kin 2022-04-01 18:46:22 bx λmao, it's cool 2022-04-01 18:46:25 flowercorpse no don't read it, it was accidental 2022-04-01 18:46:29 bx \O/ so i was right 2022-04-01 18:46:38 dzwdz what if i do 2022-04-01 18:46:45 bx "Advertiseemnt" was funny 2022-04-01 18:47:00 flowercorpse twice lol 2022-04-01 18:47:01 dzwdz can't spell advertisement without semen either 2022-04-01 18:47:13 bx ... 2022-04-01 18:47:20 bx youre on a roll with these today 2022-04-01 18:47:23 flowercorpse dzwdz: you could make a bot around that 2022-04-01 18:47:29 dzwdz terrible idea 2022-04-01 18:47:33 bx if cement had an s 2022-04-01 18:47:40 dzwdz sement 2022-04-01 18:47:41 bx dzwdz: i dissagree 2022-04-01 18:48:03 bx or if it doesnt call them out have it silently collect gur words 2022-04-01 18:48:08 bx and poop them out on command 2022-04-01 18:52:20 bx Does anyone else ever get gur impulse to start making an animal crossing like and then realise how ridiculously long that take to make 2022-04-01 18:52:31 flowercorpse is napkin related to kin though 2022-04-01 18:52:56 bx I think not 2022-04-01 18:54:50 flowercorpse no, but it's from nape (as in latin mappa) + kin (middle english diminutive like the german -chen) 2022-04-01 18:55:04 dzwdz is peer someone who pees? 2022-04-01 18:55:07 dzwdz s/is/is a 2022-04-01 18:55:08 sedbot <dzwdz> is a peer someone who pees? 2022-04-01 18:55:13 bx flowercorpse: That's cool 2022-04-01 18:55:44 bx dzwdz: it kinda is ig 2022-04-01 18:55:53 bx its a homonym 2022-04-01 19:02:54 flowercorpse my country is holding a referendum 2022-04-01 19:03:03 bx What for? 2022-04-01 19:03:18 flowercorpse """child protection""" 2022-04-01 19:03:26 bx oh god 2022-04-01 19:03:34 flowercorpse one of the questions for instance is: 2022-04-01 19:03:34 dzwdz dude fuck them kids 2022-04-01 19:03:41 dzwdz the last thing they deserve is protection 2022-04-01 19:04:13 flowercorpse "Do you support popularising sex-change operations for underage children?" 2022-04-01 19:04:18 bx i really do hate when people dont realise that gur politicians suggesting restrictions in gur name of gur children are almost always trying to manipulate people 2022-04-01 19:04:39 dzwdz it's always either children or terrorism 2022-04-01 19:04:54 bx flowercorpse: is that a wierd translation or is it just sneaklily worded? 2022-04-01 19:05:10 flowercorpse I mean I tried to translate it word for word 2022-04-01 19:05:56 flowercorpse calling it a referendum is dishonest though 2022-04-01 19:06:19 bx if so, it seems pretty clear they said "popularising" instead of something like "providing better access to" 2022-04-01 19:06:31 bx to intentionally get certain people to vote no 2022-04-01 19:06:37 bx flowercorpse: is it rigged? 2022-04-01 19:07:18 flowercorpse that's the point basically, they word it in a way where everyone votes no and then point to the results saying "we've asked the people" 2022-04-01 19:07:38 dzwdz bx: fuck, friends in low places is so good 2022-04-01 19:07:42 dzwdz it's got me snapping my damn fingers 2022-04-01 19:07:43 dzwdz i never do that 2022-04-01 19:07:48 bx dzwdz: IKR 2022-04-01 19:07:59 dzwdz and it's a good song even outside of the context of the show 2022-04-01 19:08:04 dzwdz lyrically too 2022-04-01 19:08:08 extratone thank god politicians are there to stand in the way or folks would just be hot swapping sexes all over the place! 2022-04-01 19:08:10 bx bUT I MADE NEW FRIENDS HERE UNDEREGRUUUND 2022-04-01 19:08:25 bx flowercorpse: man that sucks 2022-04-01 19:10:16 flowercorpse extratone: I know right, they're protecting the children from the very real not at all made up threat of some guy telling them about sex-change operations on a national scale 2022-04-01 19:11:11 extratone One Stop Hot Swap Shop 2022-04-01 19:12:05 flowercorpse great album title 2022-04-01 19:25:43 zyloh hello town 2022-04-01 19:25:46 bx hi 2022-04-01 19:25:47 dzwdz \o 2022-04-01 19:26:24 zyloh what are you up to? 2022-04-01 19:26:34 dzwdz chess 2022-04-01 19:26:57 zyloh o that sounds fun 2022-04-01 19:31:36 bx im gonna log off and sleep 2022-04-01 19:31:39 bx laters gaters 2022-04-01 19:31:44 dzwdz \o 2022-04-01 19:31:55 zyloh have a nice sleep! 2022-04-01 19:38:42 flowercorpse hi zyloh 2022-04-01 19:38:48 zyloh helloo 2022-04-01 19:40:43 flowercorpse your name is from zylohphone? 2022-04-01 19:40:45 trashski !tarot 2022-04-01 19:40:45 rufus[awkbot] The Five of Pentacles - need, poverty, insecurity 2022-04-01 19:41:28 <-- asm (asm@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-04-01 19:41:35 zyloh pretty much flowercorpse 2022-04-01 19:42:11 zyloh i like xylophones but i think zylophone looks a bit better spelling-wise 2022-04-01 19:43:42 zyloh how about you? any stories behind your name? 2022-04-01 19:44:38 flowercorpse I agree, pronounciation-wise I wouldn't say ksilohphone 2022-04-01 19:44:53 zyloh yea it is a strange word 2022-04-01 19:45:08 dzwdz xylophone looks better precisely because it looks off 2022-04-01 19:45:10 dzwdz it has personality 2022-04-01 19:45:24 zyloh i mean yea 2022-04-01 19:45:31 flowercorpse it's the name of a song from this album https://youtu.be/UO1p16ih7rs 2022-04-01 19:45:32 pinhook ["Yosuke Yamashita Trio, Gerald Oshita - Arashi (嵐) (1977) FULL ALBUM - YouTube"] 2022-04-01 19:45:33 zyloh i managed to corporatise xylophone 2022-04-01 19:46:48 zyloh that's jazzy 2022-04-01 19:48:33 zyloh i really like that song so far, manages to get my blood pumping in a way i'm very much not used to 2022-04-01 19:58:21 flowercorpse it's similar to cecil taylor 2022-04-01 20:00:38 zyloh oh i have some listening to do it seems 2022-04-01 20:04:51 nihilazo considering just buying an ipod because I want to replace my mp3 player and I have two people saying that they are good ones to get 2022-04-01 20:07:23 nihilazo but I don't want to make any hasty decisions or anything like that, and there are probably better things to spend my money on, and I *can* use my DS it's just a bit of a pain 2022-04-01 20:07:40 nihilazo (OK, a reasonable amount of a pain) 2022-04-01 20:08:17 agafnd i know the old ipod modding scene is pretty extant 2022-04-01 20:09:35 pawky fancy-fuckq-ues those ipods 2022-04-01 20:09:35 pinhook pawky: new fuck(s) detected: fancy-fuckq-ues 2022-04-01 20:10:19 nihilazo yeah there's a lot of people modding old ipods 2022-04-01 20:10:30 nihilazo I can get one on gumtree for £45 plus £30 for an iflash 2022-04-01 20:10:42 nihilazo £75 for new mp3 player 2022-04-01 20:10:51 nihilazo I don't think I have £75 spare 2022-04-01 20:17:35 nihilazo and £75 is considerable money for a second-hand device that only does one thing 2022-04-01 21:05:07 Apreche I might have some iPod lying around somewhere. 2022-04-01 21:05:22 Apreche RIP my original iPod mini though T_T 2022-04-01 21:11:30 --> machine_cat (machine_cat@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-01 21:17:26 nihilazo :( 2022-04-01 21:19:43 flowercorpse https://youtu.be/5OA8HFUNfIk 2022-04-01 21:19:44 pinhook ["Gagaku - YouTube"] 2022-04-01 21:19:52 flowercorpse I'm obsessed with this 2022-04-01 21:20:19 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-02 17:03:27 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-02 17:03:27 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-02 17:03:27 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-02 17:03:27 -- Channel #tildetown: 124 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 121 normals) 2022-04-02 17:03:29 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-02 17:08:17 juspib bruh it shouldn't look like this now https://chuj.watykan.tk/i/aprilwinter.jpg 2022-04-02 17:08:40 dzwdz juspib: yeah right? 2022-04-02 17:09:06 bx oh wow it looks like real deal winter 2022-04-02 17:12:14 tomasino i misread that link and was expecting a picture of ariel winter 2022-04-02 17:13:16 猫 weather do be crazy 2022-04-02 17:22:54 bx ^ 2022-04-02 17:23:12 * bx goes to get off his pc 2022-04-02 17:23:16 steeph Weather here was like: You, ground, be white! No, melt this stuff! No, that's too warm! More snow and wind! 2022-04-02 17:23:41 steeph Or "April" in short. 2022-04-02 17:24:11 dzwdz wait update 2022-04-02 17:24:20 dzwdz dustin is using 300% CPU 2022-04-02 17:24:22 dzwdz lmao 2022-04-02 17:25:16 steeph Python is cool. So that's OK, right? 2022-04-02 17:25:35 --> jaiden (jaiden@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-02 17:25:52 jaiden hello, havent logged in here in quite a bit lol 2022-04-02 17:25:58 dzwdz wait are you that furry 2022-04-02 17:26:02 jaiden yea 2022-04-02 17:26:04 dzwdz terrible first message lmao 2022-04-02 17:26:04 steeph Hi! 2022-04-02 17:26:07 dzwdz but \o/ i missed you 2022-04-02 17:26:07 jaiden hihi 2022-04-02 17:26:12 jaiden aw 2022-04-02 17:26:25 dzwdz it's a shame you only came by once, you seem cool 2022-04-02 17:26:44 jaiden i just transferred my ssh keys from windows to my ubuntu VM 2022-04-02 17:27:03 jaiden ty! 2022-04-02 17:27:59 jaiden but yea i kinda just came here last year and never rlly interacted here 2022-04-02 17:33:50 <-- jaiden (jaiden@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-04-02 17:33:55 dzwdz it's a shame you came by while i'm busy 2022-04-02 17:54:25 flowercorpse Sorry to talk about politics again but... There was a government programme some time ago that handed out these emergency bracelets to elderly people that they could use to call someone if something happened. Now they are calling them using these bracelets telling them to go and vote for them tomorrow. They can't even hang up because the device is 2022-04-02 17:54:27 flowercorpse for making calls not receiving them 2022-04-02 17:57:34 flowercorpse every time you think they've hit rock bottom, they are going to prove you wrong 2022-04-02 17:58:12 nihilazo o shit 2022-04-02 17:58:16 nihilazo what the hell 2022-04-02 17:59:16 steeph What country is this? 2022-04-02 17:59:37 flowercorpse Hungary 2022-04-02 17:59:59 steeph Damn 2022-04-02 18:01:24 extratone oh my god how Americans would freak out lol 2022-04-02 18:02:46 steeph I'm guessting Hungarians are probably freaking out the same way. 2022-04-02 18:03:19 flowercorpse this is also illegal, but that doesn't really matter as long as they get elected, in a few months if it goes to court, they'll just pay a small fine and that's it, over and done 2022-04-02 18:04:03 dzwdz oh hey, which admin killed all the runaway processes 2022-04-02 18:04:15 --> thearlman (thearlman@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-02 18:04:15 dzwdz i was writing a script to monitor them and y'all ruined my testing :p 2022-04-02 18:06:03 thearlman hey there! back after a hiatus. wondering if anyone knows how to replant a seed after your plant has died in botany? 2022-04-02 18:08:30 adminbot ***** PSA: Terminated some processes with high sustained cpu usage. Load looks like it is returning to normal. 2022-04-02 18:08:59 <-- marea (marea@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-04-02 18:09:09 dzwdz who has spoken 2022-04-02 18:09:19 * archangelic wiggles 2022-04-02 18:09:33 dzwdz i was just working on a script for monitoring when processes go wild 2022-04-02 18:09:41 dzwdz you've ruined my testing lol 2022-04-02 18:10:27 dzwdz but thanks for fixing this 2022-04-02 18:10:50 @archangelic I have visibility on DO's end for that and am considering having it alert me ahead of time instead of there being multiple days of high cpu. I appreciate your initiative though, lol. 2022-04-02 18:11:17 dzwdz this would detect them in the span of couple minutes 2022-04-02 18:11:43 nihilazo thinking about installing riscos on a pi 2022-04-02 18:11:43 dzwdz i wrote a lil bbj post about that, we could even have the processes automatically killed or something 2022-04-02 18:11:45 nihilazo just to mess with 2022-04-02 18:11:48 nihilazo it seems like an interesting os 2022-04-02 18:11:58 nihilazo and something fundementally different to everything else 2022-04-02 18:12:43 dzwdz the screenshot on wikipedia is so confusing 2022-04-02 18:12:45 dzwdz with that paint program 2022-04-02 18:12:53 dzwdz at first i thought that drawing was part of the ui 2022-04-02 18:14:26 @archangelic I'm not worried so much about individual processes over the span of a few minutes. I'm personally concerned only if our overall cpu usage is high over ~1 hour or so. I know there are a lot of services and cron jobs that can spike cpu usage. 2022-04-02 18:14:53 dzwdz if a single process is at 100% cpu for half an hour it's very probably in an infinite loop 2022-04-02 18:15:17 dzwdz an automated solution would get us to stop ignoring it 2022-04-02 18:15:59 dzwdz currently people don't even know that their processes are buggy 2022-04-02 18:16:07 dzwdz s/processes/programs 2022-04-02 18:16:08 sedbot <dzwdz> currently people don't even know that their programs are buggy 2022-04-02 18:16:20 steeph nihilazo: I had the same idea yesterday. But nothing to do with it atm 2022-04-02 18:16:44 nihilazo I have nothing to do with risc OS, doesn't mean I don't still want to play with it 2022-04-02 18:16:58 steeph Will you blog about it? 2022-04-02 18:17:49 steeph I have too many ideas to go through with a significant percentage of them. So I'd need a goal to actually do it. 2022-04-02 18:18:24 @archangelic dzwdz: I definitely think a utility to list out processes with high sustained cpu usage would be useful. 2022-04-02 18:18:33 steeph Oh, actually I'd have a use case. But it's not important enough I think. 2022-04-02 18:21:00 extratone always thought someone should make a version of top/htop called "stop" 2022-04-02 18:22:50 @archangelic the ethos of the town has always been to be more hobbyist programming and sometimes that means that processes get stuck. I don't want to be in the habit of treating them like bad actors by automatically killing process, or shaming users for this kind of stuff. I'm only kinda speaking as an admin here, but I'm mostly speaking as a trash programmer who just wants users to be mostly left alone. -shrug- 2022-04-02 18:24:03 @archangelic As an admin, I definitely do need to keep an eye on the cpu usage better, that is not in question. 2022-04-02 18:24:25 extratone feel free to shame me. in fact, please shame me. 2022-04-02 18:25:05 @archangelic >.> 2022-04-02 18:25:08 @archangelic <.< 2022-04-02 18:32:22 extratone fuckcuts 2022-04-02 18:32:22 pinhook extratone: new fuck(s) detected: fuckcuts 2022-04-02 18:32:36 extratone I made a siri shortcut for the fucks listener. https://tilde.town/~extratone/shortcuts/fucks 2022-04-02 18:34:46 nihilazo nice 2022-04-02 18:35:23 @archangelic amazing! 2022-04-02 18:42:11 @archangelic I love that me procrastinating at work while learning regex has led to a fuck-ecosystem 2022-04-02 18:42:11 pinhook archangelic: new fuck(s) detected: fuck-ecosystem 2022-04-02 18:43:12 nihilazo !pluckafuck 2022-04-02 18:43:12 ruth fucks-capaciter 2022-04-02 18:43:16 <-- thearlman (thearlman@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-04-02 18:43:18 nihilazo ayy ruth is back 2022-04-02 18:47:00 lupo ,w Fuckingen,DE 2022-04-02 18:47:00 pinhook lupo: new fuck(s) detected: Fuckingen 2022-04-02 18:48:36 extratone archangelic, I consider the listener a true technical masterpiece. running that shortcut illustrates *just how many fucks* you've accumulated lol 2022-04-02 18:49:30 @archangelic the pinhook listener? 2022-04-02 18:50:21 extratone yes the fuckbot 2022-04-02 18:50:21 pinhook extratone: new fuck(s) detected: fuckbot 2022-04-02 18:51:29 dzwdz archangelic: but currently people don't even know if their processes get stuck in infinite loops 2022-04-02 18:51:35 dzwdz so they don't have an opportunity to fix them 2022-04-02 18:51:41 dzwdz > fuck-ecosystem 2022-04-02 18:51:44 dzwdz fuck-economy when 2022-04-02 18:51:44 pinhook dzwdz: new fuck(s) detected: fuck-economy 2022-04-02 18:51:55 dzwdz !fucksgiven 2022-04-02 18:51:55 pinhook dzwdz gives exactly 2039 fucks 2022-04-02 18:52:24 dzwdz yo this could actually be fun 2022-04-02 18:52:36 dzwdz you'd gain points for swearing, and you'd gain another kind of points for not swearing 2022-04-02 18:52:45 nihilazo !fucksgiven 2022-04-02 18:52:45 pinhook nihilazo gives exactly 288 fucks 2022-04-02 18:52:49 dzwdz i'd have an incentive not to swear for once 2022-04-02 18:52:50 @archangelic ah, yeah, the pinhook listener isn't actually what adds it to the unique_fucks.txt! It's actually my log parsing stuff in ~archangelic/bin/getfucked.py that does all that and makes https://tilde.town/~archangelic/fucksgiven.html 2022-04-02 18:53:02 dzwdz quick question 2022-04-02 18:53:13 dzwdz are fucks counted based on the nick or on the ident? 2022-04-02 18:53:31 dzwdz because nico is using a bouncer hosted on my account 2022-04-02 18:53:37 dzwdz and i think i'm stealing all his fucks 2022-04-02 18:54:59 nihilazo !fucksgiven 2022-04-02 18:54:59 pinhook nihilazo gives exactly 288 fucks 2022-04-02 18:55:03 nihilazo hmm 2022-04-02 18:55:03 @archangelic dzwdz: I see what you are saying re: runaway processes. It's a known quantity with botany, and we do usually privately message owners when we see processes runaway like that. 2022-04-02 18:55:04 nihilazo fuck 2022-04-02 18:55:06 nihilazo !fucksgiven 2022-04-02 18:55:06 pinhook nihilazo gives exactly 288 fucks 2022-04-02 18:55:14 nihilazo yeah you might be stealing my fucks 2022-04-02 18:55:23 dzwdz it doesn't update immediately though 2022-04-02 18:55:26 @archangelic the log only logs idents 2022-04-02 18:56:02 dzwdz like generally speaking i think nico being logged as me is a feature 2022-04-02 18:56:19 dzwdz because it muddies up the data 2022-04-02 18:56:34 @archangelic that was a decision i made as to allow people to change nicks for jokes and it still get logged as them. 2022-04-02 18:56:45 dzwdz i'm not a fan of the log because it makes me more anxious about talking about any sensitive stuff 2022-04-02 18:57:05 dzwdz but now my stuff is mixed with nico's 2022-04-02 18:57:08 @archangelic the log only logs main, and *shouldn't* be accessible outside of town. 2022-04-02 18:57:32 dzwdz you're saying that as if we didn't let in a guy who was running "mIRC n***** edition" 2022-04-02 18:57:35 dzwdz bad apples slip in 2022-04-02 18:57:55 @archangelic I see, sharing a user for a bouncer is definitely an edge case that I'm not sure how to get around. 2022-04-02 18:58:01 dzwdz haha don't fix it 2022-04-02 18:58:15 dzwdz as i've said, this is a feature 2022-04-02 18:58:21 dzwdz actually 2022-04-02 18:58:23 dzwdz nihilazo: do you mind? 2022-04-02 18:58:26 dzwdz i've never actually asked you 2022-04-02 18:58:36 @archangelic I'm not sure what you mean with your bad apples comment 2022-04-02 18:58:42 dzwdz trolls can slip in 2022-04-02 18:58:54 @archangelic I got that much 2022-04-02 18:59:10 dzwdz we had a guy who was running a irc spambot with fucking racial slurs in its name 2022-04-02 18:59:32 dzwdz while they probably didn't care about leaking data 2022-04-02 18:59:47 dzwdz some time ago there was a /g/ thread where some guy dumped the entire yesterweb discord 2022-04-02 19:00:03 dzwdz where people were confessing e.g. to getting raped 2022-04-02 19:00:19 dzwdz with profiles linking to their personal sites 2022-04-02 19:00:29 dzwdz here the link isn't that strong, but the logs still link to ~dzwdz and only dzwdz 2022-04-02 19:00:45 nihilazo dzwdz: do I mind what? 2022-04-02 19:00:49 dzwdz i don't talk about nearly as sensitive stuff, but it's still unsettling 2022-04-02 19:00:54 dzwdz nihilazo: getting logged as me 2022-04-02 19:00:56 nihilazo sorry I'm a bit out of context, I'm doing other stuff rn 2022-04-02 19:01:01 nihilazo nah it's fine by me 2022-04-02 19:02:04 dzwdz tl;dr 2022-04-02 19:02:26 @archangelic I get the concern over the log, which is why wallflower only logs this channel. highly recommend making private channels if you need to. 2022-04-02 19:02:49 dzwdz people usually won't bother joining another channel 2022-04-02 19:03:01 dzwdz also i didn't end up sending that tldr lol 2022-04-02 19:03:22 dzwdz if i went "yo this is getting a bit too spicy for my paranoid ass let's /join #fghkjdxgfhgkl" 2022-04-02 19:03:29 dzwdz the conversation would most likely just stop 2022-04-02 19:03:58 @archangelic that hasn't been my personal experience, but I get that. 2022-04-02 19:05:16 dzwdz this is especially true when talking about climate change or other stuff like that 2022-04-02 19:05:58 dzwdz if the topic naturally comes up i'm not going to divert people to other channels just so i don't leave logs of talking about blowing up pipelines :p 2022-04-02 19:07:24 dzwdz s/of talking/ 2022-04-02 19:07:24 sedbot <dzwdz> if the topic naturally comes up i'm not going to divert people to other channels just so i don't leave logs about blowing up pipelines :p 2022-04-02 19:07:45 dzwdz i just kinda feel like the bot limits conversation just by being here 2022-04-02 19:07:52 dzwdz but there's also a lot of value in having logs so 2022-04-02 19:08:54 @archangelic Yeah, tbh, I've never really second-guessed it. There was a log when I got here, and when that bot stopped working, I made wallflower to pick up the mantle 2022-04-02 19:09:16 dzwdz i wouldn't get rid of the bot though 2022-04-02 19:09:23 dzwdz i think i'm the only person on here paranoid enough to worry about that 2022-04-02 19:09:47 @archangelic you're by far not. I make private chats quite often lol 2022-04-02 19:09:48 dzwdz but the bouncer is taking care of that for now so 2022-04-02 19:10:05 dzwdz (also no this wasn't the purpose of the bouncer, i've only realized this later) 2022-04-02 19:10:21 dzwdz setting up private chats with people on irc is a pain 2022-04-02 19:10:33 dzwdz it'd be cool if you could just /msg person1+person2 2022-04-02 19:10:33 juspib being paranoid is good 2022-04-02 19:11:08 juspib you're being listened to at all times, seeing an explicit listener bot just reminds you of that 2022-04-02 19:11:28 dzwdz it's not the same 2022-04-02 19:11:40 dzwdz i wonder if you could somehow make it so people can only read the log from since they've joined 2022-04-02 19:12:22 dzwdz does ~town even store the signup dates anywhere? 2022-04-02 19:12:53 @archangelic yeah, the admin panel we use to vet signups keeps that. 2022-04-02 19:13:49 juspib can't one just check when a user directory was created? 2022-04-02 19:15:00 dzwdz actually i don't they keep the creation date 2022-04-02 19:15:12 dzwdz only the last modified date 2022-04-02 19:15:21 dzwdz i might be wrong though 2022-04-02 19:15:37 juspib you're probably right 2022-04-02 19:16:07 extratone archangelic, OH. you already did what I was trying to do! lol 2022-04-02 19:16:27 juspib i don't know anything about unix dir/file properties other than chmod stuff 2022-04-02 19:30:23 piusbird it's saturday I'm live once again at https://twitch.tv/piusbird 2022-04-02 19:31:27 nihilazo I want to work on my silly dots and boxes project but I don't feel up to it mentally. I'm also feeling like a list of lines is maybe not the best way to represent a dots and boxes grid 2022-04-02 19:33:41 nihilazo because now I'm writing operations that deal with squares, and they're a bit messy feeling 2022-04-02 19:34:12 nihilazo https://tildegit.org/nihilazo/dotsandboxes/src/branch/main/main.rkt#L50 2022-04-02 19:34:13 nihilazo like this 2022-04-02 19:34:21 dzwdz .sandboxes 2022-04-02 19:34:47 dzwdz i might try to write my own impl 2022-04-02 19:35:51 nihilazo of what? dots and boxes? 2022-04-02 19:36:05 nihilazo it'd probably be cleaner than mine 2022-04-02 19:55:30 dzwdz i'll try 2022-04-02 19:55:44 dzwdz it's a nice excuse to work on my board game framework again 2022-04-02 20:00:53 nihilazo o cool 2022-04-02 20:33:53 asm happy hacking, #tildetown 2022-04-02 20:37:19 opfez okay i made a channel #array for talking about apl/j/k 2022-04-02 20:37:33 opfez because i've become obsessed and don't want to flood this chat with my discoveries 2022-04-02 20:38:59 elly might be good blog post material :) 2022-04-02 20:39:37 opfez true that, just thought if anyone is interested in learning/discussing they could join that 2022-04-02 20:39:50 opfez i'll write a blog post eventually though, thanks for the thought ^^ 2022-04-02 20:44:31 bx that sounds like itd be a good block post 2022-04-02 20:50:51 asm ^ 2022-04-02 20:57:55 elly https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9225.html aha 2022-04-02 20:59:39 opfez >only to see it go [KABOOM] 40 seconds after takeoff 2022-04-02 20:59:40 opfez nice one 2022-04-02 21:00:57 bx if anyone wants to see where efn is at so far https://git.tilde.town/bx/efn 2022-04-02 21:01:05 bx (also in ~bx/efn) 2022-04-02 21:07:15 opfez nicee 2022-04-02 21:07:22 opfez damn it's getting big already 2022-04-02 21:07:27 dzwdz that's what she said 2022-04-02 21:07:41 bx opfez: most of those files are tiny lmao 2022-04-02 21:07:58 bx ill probs merge some of them down 2022-04-02 21:08:55 bx next feature is gonna be copy and paste 2022-04-02 21:09:00 bx so i can merge down files 2022-04-02 21:09:46 opfez oooh commands.c is so elegant 2022-04-02 21:10:24 dzwdz oo 2022-04-02 21:10:37 dzwdz wait how does that work 2022-04-02 21:10:48 dzwdz aaaaaaa ok 2022-04-02 21:11:33 opfez bx: many small files are probably easier to work with without a proper editor tbh 2022-04-02 21:11:42 dzwdz yeah that was the idea 2022-04-02 21:11:42 bx THEY VERY MUCH ARE 2022-04-02 21:11:50 dzwdz ^^ 2022-04-02 21:11:51 bx (efn has no scroll) 2022-04-02 21:11:55 opfez ah 2022-04-02 21:12:39 bx thanks, tho im not sure what to do when commands get longer than a single letter 2022-04-02 21:12:56 opfez they never will!! 2022-04-02 21:13:04 dzwdz is this a threat 2022-04-02 21:13:08 opfez YES 2022-04-02 21:13:12 dzwdz oh god 2022-04-02 21:13:17 bx Ig theyre staying at one letter then 2022-04-02 21:13:28 bx if i fill them all in that just means linemode is complete 2022-04-02 21:13:32 dzwdz opfez had fucking enough 2022-04-02 21:13:44 opfez i HATE dealing with strings 2022-04-02 21:14:01 bx mood 2022-04-02 21:14:03 opfez SCREW parsing 2022-04-02 21:14:29 dzwdz hey sh(1) magicians 2022-04-02 21:14:34 dzwdz i have a string /which/looks/like_this/ 2022-04-02 21:14:37 dzwdz i want to extract the looks part 2022-04-02 21:15:37 dzwdz ok i found cut, thanks 2022-04-02 21:17:26 opfez awk also works 2022-04-02 21:17:27 opfez echo '/which/looks/like_this/' | awk -F/ '{ print $3 }' 2022-04-02 21:23:33 dzwdz i'm about to go to sleep 2022-04-02 21:23:35 dzwdz but before i go 2022-04-02 21:23:49 dzwdz `ssh -L localhost:4204:localhost:4204 tilde.town` and open http://localhost:4204/ 2022-04-02 21:24:06 dzwdz check this out 2022-04-02 21:24:55 elly git! 2022-04-02 21:25:07 dzwdz git indeed 2022-04-02 21:25:14 dzwdz it just takes the repos from ~/public_git/ 2022-04-02 21:25:27 dzwdz without all the gitea bullshit 2022-04-02 21:25:43 elly is gitea bad? I've never used it 2022-04-02 21:25:51 dzwdz it's a github/gitlab clone 2022-04-02 21:25:54 dzwdz requires a separate account 2022-04-02 21:25:57 * bx likes what he's used of gitea 2022-04-02 21:26:02 dzwdz which is cool if it's what you want 2022-04-02 21:26:05 bx though this seems more direct 2022-04-02 21:26:09 dzwdz but it requires a separate account 2022-04-02 21:26:19 dzwdz and i can't just ln -s my_repo ~/public_git/ 2022-04-02 21:26:34 dzwdz you need to open your web browser for that and ughhh 2022-04-02 21:26:51 dzwdz who wants to bother with that 2022-04-02 21:27:14 dzwdz i'm actually just going to leave this up for the time being 2022-04-02 21:27:25 dzwdz nvm just broke it 2022-04-02 21:28:22 dzwdz noa: a temporary cgit instance is up at localhost:4204 2022-04-02 21:31:01 rufus[awkbot] The Two of Pentacles - balancing decisions, priorities, adapting to change 2022-04-02 21:31:01 trashski !tarot 2022-04-02 21:32:46 bx damm i supposed to be in bed but instaed im writing copy paste routines 2022-04-02 21:34:43 asm I want to start blogging again, but I don't know what I can write about 2022-04-02 21:36:44 bx ok i got copt paste working, gn town 2022-04-02 21:36:48 asm gn 2022-04-02 21:37:44 dzwdz nighty 2022-04-02 22:16:31 asm woo debian upgrade failed and my mail server is borked lol 2022-04-02 22:43:08 * asm listens to the crickets 2022-04-02 22:58:00 * asm waves bye 2022-04-02 23:00:30 <-- asm (asm@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-04-02 23:11:31 pawky 21:26 <dzwdz> you need to open your web browser for that and ughhh 2022-04-02 23:11:33 pawky not if you REALLY don't want to ;P 2022-04-02 23:11:39 pawky e.g. https://github.com/bashup/gitea-cli 2022-04-02 23:13:08 pawky I wonder if git will eventually have remote repo management as part of it, to help consolidate all the different hosts under a single git 2022-04-02 23:13:29 pawky also you can always just publish the "raw repo" VERY easily 2022-04-02 23:16:06 pawky you can git clone from filesystem, ssh, or "dumb http" really easily, all you need to do is have the raw repo separate from the working repo, and enable the sample on-push hook to update the references and stuff on push, and boom 2022-04-02 23:16:59 pawky (it's usually recommended to download via https, and upload via ssh, from what I've heard, can be done with a very small tidbit in git config) 2022-04-03 01:07:23 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-03 01:13:07 --> malvarma (malvarma@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-03 01:23:49 flowercorpse hi malvarma 2022-04-03 01:26:35 malvarma flowercorpse: long time no see, how are you 2022-04-03 01:31:47 flowercorpse I'm okay, elections tomorrow 2022-04-03 01:31:52 flowercorpse what about you malvarma? 2022-04-03 01:32:12 darkwitchclaire !water 2022-04-03 01:32:12 * pinhook waters darkwitchclaire's godly mature agave 2022-04-03 01:36:35 malvarma flowercorpse: oh elections... is that exciting? or worrisome? 2022-04-03 01:37:20 flowercorpse both, it's the first time in 12 years that the opposition has a slight chance 2022-04-03 01:38:02 malvarma i will cross my fingers for you! 2022-04-03 01:38:45 flowercorpse thanks <3 2022-04-03 01:39:10 flowercorpse how are you though? 2022-04-03 01:39:41 malvarma i'm not sure. i feel a bit disconnected from my own feelings at the moment 2022-04-03 01:40:14 malvarma but i think ok 2022-04-03 01:40:50 flowercorpse I'm glad to see you back 2022-04-03 01:42:20 malvarma thanks im glad you're here too. so what have you been up to lately? 2022-04-03 01:45:12 flowercorpse it's spring break for me, so just writing courseworks and trying to catch op on lectures that I missed because I was writing courseworks for the past few months straigh 2022-04-03 01:48:53 malvarma courseworks? sounds like a lot of work 2022-04-03 01:49:10 malvarma also, it sounds like "curse words". Do you say a lot of curse words doing coursework? 2022-04-03 01:50:15 flowercorpse out loud? not very much. in my head? constantly 2022-04-03 01:52:30 malvarma ahaha 2022-04-03 01:53:07 malvarma i think, when i was in school, there was less work for me to do then there is now 2022-04-03 01:53:38 malvarma but i felt way more exhausted by school, because i actually cared about doing a good job. at my current job, i just do the bare minimum 2022-04-03 01:53:54 flowercorpse what did you study? 2022-04-03 01:54:12 malvarma now that my job is remote, i dont even bother doing anything for the first few hours of the day 2022-04-03 01:54:22 malvarma (still get the same amount done though) 2022-04-03 01:54:36 malvarma I studied "communications" which is a BS major 2022-04-03 01:54:54 malvarma Not BS as in "Bachelor of science". I mean BS as in bullshit 2022-04-03 01:55:16 flowercorpse ahahha 2022-04-03 01:55:41 flowercorpse I guess it has that reputation a bit 2022-04-03 01:55:58 flowercorpse but it seems interesting 2022-04-03 01:56:19 malvarma i am licky though, it did get me a job 2022-04-03 01:56:22 malvarma lucky* 2022-04-03 01:58:06 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-03 17:07:30 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-03 17:07:30 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-03 17:07:30 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-03 17:07:30 -- Channel #tildetown: 123 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 120 normals) 2022-04-03 17:07:32 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-03 17:07:38 extratone good afternoon, normals. 2022-04-03 17:07:42 malvarma ah sorry 2022-04-03 17:07:43 zyloh hello extratone 2022-04-03 17:07:55 malvarma good day, abnorm 2022-04-03 17:08:45 malvarma huh, i wonder if donald knuth was aware he inadvertedly created a dadaist visual poem 2022-04-03 17:09:20 dzwdz josh: i've been more succeding at getting a grip on my life lately 2022-04-03 17:10:06 dzwdz so that's nice 2022-04-03 17:10:17 josh that's good! 2022-04-03 17:10:18 dzwdz i'm close to my all time best ranking on lichess 2022-04-03 17:11:01 nihilazo nice 2022-04-03 17:11:33 dzwdz also fun fact, your tor bridges are close to sustained 1mbps 2022-04-03 17:12:57 dzwdz i might try writing a terminal multiplexer 2022-04-03 17:13:27 @natalia https://linguistics.stackexchange.com/questions/3250/how-are-line-breaks-handled-in-bidirectional-messages-containing-both-english-an 2022-04-03 17:14:22 extratone I have some youtube videos to share but let me start off with a *big* loudness warning. https://ttm.sh/tW6 2022-04-03 17:15:17 elly natalia: D: 2022-04-03 17:15:43 dzwdz does anyone here know if there have been any efforts towards making a better terminal? 2022-04-03 17:15:47 @natalia using some sort of generic satisfiability (smt?) solver almost seems like it would be fun 2022-04-03 17:15:59 @natalia dzwdz: i'd be interested 2022-04-03 17:16:10 dzwdz something where you wouldn't need to implement your own wrapping/scrolling/whatever 2022-04-03 17:16:30 @natalia imo a "better terminal" would be a gui framework with the more line-feed style and then it would have a traditional monospace vt fallback for people that still want to use the old system for whatever reason 2022-04-03 17:16:51 @natalia i really appreciate how knuth's paper has a strong focus on the *data model* used first though 2022-04-03 17:16:53 malvarma bracing for the inevitable "myths programmers believe about bilingual messages" and hundreds of hacker news goblins saying it's too hard to accomodate all these edge cases, and hebrew speakers should just write from right to left 2022-04-03 17:17:24 zyloh extratone: i have no idea what i'm watching but i love camels and dromedaries 2022-04-03 17:17:39 extratone I love clipping. 2022-04-03 17:17:45 dzwdz the band? 2022-04-03 17:17:58 extratone no, the phenomenon. 2022-04-03 17:18:01 malvarma square wave distortion? 2022-04-03 17:18:08 extratone yes! 2022-04-03 17:18:21 extratone the thing that happens when an audio signal goes beyond the rails. 2022-04-03 17:18:27 malvarma it has its place 2022-04-03 17:18:33 extratone in my heart. 2022-04-03 17:18:45 dzwdz should i create a new channel for talking about better terminals? 2022-04-03 17:18:48 dzwdz we could brainstorm something 2022-04-03 17:19:07 malvarma hot take: metalica's st anger wasn't clipped enough. and the snare needed to ring more. 2022-04-03 17:19:40 malvarma and the lyric "my lifestyle determines my deathstyle" should have been the only lyric, just repeated over and over 2022-04-03 17:19:49 extratone is anything a hot take when dad rock is the subject? 2022-04-03 17:20:00 extratone icey. 2022-04-03 17:20:37 malvarma hey now, it's not just dad rock. it's divorced, bitter "karen too my kids" dad rock 2022-04-03 17:20:48 malvarma it's "behind on child support" dad rock 2022-04-03 17:21:01 dzwdz lmao 2022-04-03 17:21:02 --> timchi (timchi@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-03 17:21:05 dzwdz also that sounds like a band name 2022-04-03 17:21:33 * dzwdz just lost the game 2022-04-03 17:21:43 dzwdz i'm bad at this 2022-04-03 17:21:56 josh dammit dzwdz 2022-04-03 17:22:08 josh now i lost 2022-04-03 17:22:13 zyloh ah fuck i can't believe you've done this 2022-04-03 17:22:28 darkwitchclaire !water 2022-04-03 17:22:28 * pinhook waters darkwitchclaire's godly mature agave 2022-04-03 17:22:41 dzwdz this was an accident 2022-04-03 17:22:55 dzwdz but trying to make people lose the game on purpose backfires 2022-04-03 17:23:10 dzwdz i have a the game image in my downloads and now i constantly lose it when i look at it 2022-04-03 17:23:15 dzwdz lose it as in lose the game 2022-04-03 17:23:18 dzwdz not lose it lose it 2022-04-03 17:23:54 malvarma I propose that we are all playing a different game: We all win when everyone stops playing. But you lose if you stop playing before anyone else. 2022-04-03 17:23:55 zyloh it would be funny if you constantly misplaced it so you could lose the game wrong 2022-04-03 17:24:05 dzwdz ? 2022-04-03 17:24:37 @natalia hmm i am honestly not sure how you would even model justifying bidirectional text 2022-04-03 17:24:42 @natalia wonder how latex's babel does it 2022-04-03 17:25:01 malvarma i think the issue is that writing systems didn't account for this either 2022-04-03 17:25:23 dzwdz we're computer ENGINEERS 2022-04-03 17:25:26 dzwdz we're supposed to solve problems 2022-04-03 17:25:59 @natalia malvarma: it seems there is a preference for one of the options in that SE i posted--it's just the most complex one lol 2022-04-03 17:26:17 dzwdz oh by the way, natalia: has there been any admin talk about public_git yet? 2022-04-03 17:26:29 @natalia no 2022-04-03 17:26:49 dzwdz aight 2022-04-03 17:27:21 malvarma though it is complex, i think it's important enough that software not try to cut corners 2022-04-03 17:27:33 @natalia i.e. if there's a line break in RTL text in the middle of LTR text, what *would* be rightmost is still displayed on the first line, and then the rest is displayed later 2022-04-03 17:27:39 @natalia https://i.stack.imgur.com/9jd5a.png 2022-04-03 17:27:51 @natalia which means you can't just Pretend It's A Reversed LTR Block TM 2022-04-03 17:28:45 zyloh text rendering seems like a really intimidating thing to get into 2022-04-03 17:28:59 elly it is pretty difficult to get right 2022-04-03 17:29:10 @natalia i am wondering if you could sort of model a more complex range of problems (including others mentioned in the paper) as like an "alternative" system 2022-04-03 17:29:15 elly and it is one of those problems where a lot of the subproblems, like text shaping for individual letters, is also hard to get right 2022-04-03 17:29:30 @natalia unbroken class order OR broken (here the text would have to go this way instead, here that way, etc) 2022-04-03 17:29:39 @natalia i'm not sure how you'd efficiently work with that though 2022-04-03 17:29:57 elly humans have been writing for many millenia and trying to codify all the ways people have thought about it with good fidelity is an open problem 2022-04-03 17:30:02 elly like... naming, or time 2022-04-03 17:31:10 zyloh yeah it's interesting all the different ways people have come up with to measure and talk about stuff like that 2022-04-03 17:31:16 malvarma this would all be solved if we just switched to malvarmic standard time 2022-04-03 17:31:22 malvarma rule one is, im never late to anything. 2022-04-03 17:31:31 elly haha 2022-04-03 17:31:47 dzwdz the first rule is that we don't talk about time 2022-04-03 17:31:51 extratone I'm jealous you have your own adjective, malvarma 2022-04-03 17:32:17 extratone a good one, too. 2022-04-03 17:32:20 malvarma extratonic ? 2022-04-03 17:32:22 zyloh extratonic is pretty cool 2022-04-03 17:32:25 malvarma or extratonal 2022-04-03 17:32:25 extratone extratonal. 2022-04-03 17:32:41 timchi time is always a nightmare to deal with 2022-04-03 17:33:03 extratone yeah, but I go buy my birthname and Davidic is a theological term. 2022-04-03 17:33:18 malvarma programmers should design everything to accomodate Pirahã language, and that cultures peculiar notion of time, number, colors, and kinship terms 2022-04-03 17:33:24 extratone and I have too much to say about being associated with the Biblical david. 2022-04-03 17:33:26 dzwdz so, you're saying it is a real adjective? 2022-04-03 17:33:39 zyloh davidian? 2022-04-03 17:33:40 malvarma anything is a real adjective if you use it as such 2022-04-03 17:33:48 extratone ^ 2022-04-03 17:34:10 malvarma watch: cheugy 2022-04-03 17:34:24 josh my name is a verb, so take taht 2022-04-03 17:34:43 malvarma you really joshed that one up, didn't ya? 2022-04-03 17:34:51 josh :( 2022-04-03 17:34:56 malvarma just joshin ya 2022-04-03 17:35:00 josh that's not the usual usage... 2022-04-03 17:35:03 josh there you go lol 2022-04-03 17:35:21 malvarma malvarma can also be an infix 2022-04-03 17:35:50 zyloh abso-malvarma-lutely 2022-04-03 17:36:13 josh jo-malv-zyloh-arma-sh 2022-04-03 17:36:49 josh malv-malv-malv-malvarma-arma-arma-arma 2022-04-03 17:36:54 zyloh new nesting syntax discovered 2022-04-03 17:37:05 josh (malv . arma) 2022-04-03 17:37:26 zyloh int main malv int, int arma; 2022-04-03 17:37:57 malvarma jómalvzylohärmãsh 2022-04-03 17:38:14 josh damn i wish that was my name 2022-04-03 17:38:20 zyloh beautiful 2022-04-03 17:38:32 malvarma N Nnnn n nnn Nn nn 3000 nn. http://tilde.town/~equa/2022/n.png 2022-04-03 17:38:55 dzwdz waterboarding transcript 2022-04-03 17:39:02 josh jesus christ 2022-04-03 17:39:16 extratone brb 2022-04-03 17:39:20 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-03 17:49:57 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-03 17:49:57 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-03 17:49:57 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-03 17:49:57 -- Channel #tildetown: 123 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 120 normals) 2022-04-03 17:49:59 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-03 17:50:04 default_ o/ 2022-04-03 17:50:46 bx what's everyone up to ? 2022-04-03 17:51:34 timchi I'm digitzing recipes, taking the day off work lol 2022-04-03 17:51:44 malvarma im working on a paper doll program in vanillajs 2022-04-03 17:51:49 zyloh i'm slightly writing a pl grammar and mostly procrastinating 2022-04-03 17:52:05 dzwdz https://mitxela.com/projects/usb_red_button 2022-04-03 17:52:13 dzwdz bx: i was working on a sotd site 2022-04-03 17:52:25 bx timchi: are you retyping or taking photos? 2022-04-03 17:52:25 default_ i'm getting annoyed at dwm and rethinking making a new xmonad config 2022-04-03 17:52:32 bx malvarma: whats a paperdoll? 2022-04-03 17:52:32 juspib \o 2022-04-03 17:52:42 bx zyloh: pl grammar is fun 2022-04-03 17:52:51 dzwdz default_: what are you getting annoyed at? 2022-04-03 17:53:01 timchi scraping all the hellofresh meals I've mde, plus retyping a bunch of my own stuff too. 2022-04-03 17:53:07 timchi Stuffing it all into Mealie 2022-04-03 17:53:55 extratone I'm complaining about Obsidian, as always. 2022-04-03 17:54:10 bx dzwdz: this looks cool, sotd site sounds fun 2022-04-03 17:54:16 timchi what's the complaint? 2022-04-03 17:54:19 default_ dzwdz: oh, literally everything. but on a nice note i'm planning to take a look at assembly again over the next few days 2022-04-03 17:54:20 dzwdz speaking of cool 2022-04-03 17:54:22 dzwdz https://mitxela.com/shop/clock 2022-04-03 17:54:22 zyloh oh i love obsidian 2022-04-03 17:54:39 dzwdz also here's a screenshot of the site https://ttm.sh/i-_.png 2022-04-03 17:54:39 malvarma bx https://mostlypaperdolls.blogspot.com/2012/07/world-of-barbie-paper-dolls-1971.html 2022-04-03 17:54:48 default_ mixtela is awesome 2022-04-03 17:55:01 malvarma like a dress up game 2022-04-03 17:56:34 bx malvarma: oo intresting 2022-04-03 17:57:14 bx this gur first time im seeing a mixtela thing 2022-04-03 17:59:00 zyloh what is gur? 2022-04-03 17:59:16 dzwdz we should have a rot13 bot 2022-04-03 17:59:47 bx dzwdz: that's on my bot feature list 2022-04-03 17:59:51 extratone zyloh, this is long and seems unrelated but it’s a live draft. https://ttm.sh/tWV 2022-04-03 17:59:55 bx zyloh: gur = the 2022-04-03 18:00:04 zyloh ah i see 2022-04-03 18:00:20 extratone my complaint about Obsidian is that it's redundant, basically. 2022-04-03 18:00:30 malvarma im drawing a line graph and making a projection that in 10 years, bx will be totally incomprehensible 2022-04-03 18:00:31 zyloh o interesting 2022-04-03 18:00:38 extratone it's not the actual software, but the level of hype around it. 2022-04-03 18:00:47 dzwdz malvarma: s/1/ 2022-04-03 18:00:48 sedbot <malvarma> im drawing a line graph and making a projection that in 0 years, bx will be totally incomprehensible 2022-04-03 18:00:59 dzwdz \j 2022-04-03 18:01:07 extratone or... not even the hype, itself, but the fact that it's as if everyone forgot about other applications that are capable of doing the same thing. 2022-04-03 18:01:15 bx malvarma: it's possible 2022-04-03 18:02:05 zyloh that's really interesting extratone 2022-04-03 18:02:16 bx im not really sure what changes i want to make next tho, maybe swapping words out for those from other langs? 2022-04-03 18:02:39 extratone I'm glad you think so! :) 2022-04-03 18:02:54 extratone there are very few people on Earth who would, I think lol 2022-04-03 18:03:02 zyloh i kinda stumbled into obsidian because i kept looking for a md editor that did a bit more than just being a notepad with rendering 2022-04-03 18:03:14 malvarma i use zim. :/ 2022-04-03 18:03:16 malvarma like a lot 2022-04-03 18:03:39 zyloh and i guess once i found it i just kinda settled and found it to be perfect for my needs, not really thinking to continue the search 2022-04-03 18:04:50 extratone well you are not the person I'm complaining about, then. all that matters is what works best for you, ultimately. 2022-04-03 18:05:09 malvarma extratone: i think the "reinvented the wheel because we forgot about wheels" happens way more in software than people are willing to admit 2022-04-03 18:05:15 extratone the gist of the piece is that obsidian worries the heck out of me. 2022-04-03 18:05:26 extratone malvarma, ESPECIALLY in the Apple Garden. 2022-04-03 18:05:26 * malvarma coughs.... *slack* 2022-04-03 18:06:14 malvarma i thought obsidian was multiplatform. is it especially big in mac circles? 2022-04-03 18:06:18 bx what's obsidian? 2022-04-03 18:06:34 malvarma its like a personal wiki / notebook thing 2022-04-03 18:06:36 extratone I still identify as a Windows user first even though I haven't actually worked on my pcs in almost two years, but the contrast between dev attention to the platforms makes macOS/iOS development look absolutely gluttonous and truly insane. 2022-04-03 18:06:57 --> darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-03 18:06:59 extratone Obsidian is a markdown-based notetaking application built on electron. 2022-04-03 18:07:15 malvarma oh that explains the multiplatform part 2022-04-03 18:07:18 malvarma yuk 2022-04-03 18:07:50 zyloh oh drafts looks so nice 2022-04-03 18:07:54 extratone yeah. it makes me nervous as hell. also, every time I try it, I break it in less than an hour lol. 2022-04-03 18:08:24 malvarma https://zim-wiki.org/ my dumb plaintext wiki thing of choice 2022-04-03 18:08:36 malvarma i think its based on something for vim, but it's a gui version 2022-04-03 18:08:43 extratone drafts is a lot of things to a lot of people, zyloh, but primarily at issue is that it's tough as hell. 2022-04-03 18:09:08 extratone ...but I'll bet malvarma's zim wiki is tougher lol 2022-04-03 18:09:29 malvarma no no its like stupid. its like using a wordprocessor but stupider 2022-04-03 18:10:00 malvarma if you can make a forum post, you could use zim 2022-04-03 18:10:04 bx extratone / malvarma: ew electron 2022-04-03 18:10:17 malvarma how to people find out about software and tools? 2022-04-03 18:10:42 extratone I feel like I'm doing the same thing with drafts that I'm beefing with others about obsidian except that I've been using Drafts for my entire adult life and then some. 2022-04-03 18:11:14 extratone and Obsidian (in its current form - which is way different from how it started, btw) is an infant. 2022-04-03 18:12:15 extratone and now... I will stop talking about it in the chat lol. that's enough for today I think lol 2022-04-03 18:13:02 malvarma i will exploit this silence to show off my dumb zim notebooks 2022-04-03 18:13:39 malvarma https://ttm.sh/i-C.png 2022-04-03 18:13:46 default_ ah draftsis ios only 2022-04-03 18:13:53 @natalia woah looks cool 2022-04-03 18:13:55 malvarma remember when i made the joke about sign value notation? looked it up in my zim notebook. 2022-04-03 18:14:13 malvarma second brain. literally living the doug englebart "augmenting human inteligence" dream over here 2022-04-03 18:14:17 malvarma except without the chording keyboard 2022-04-03 18:14:21 extratone drafts is on the mac too 2022-04-03 18:14:29 default_ yes yes zim is exactly what i'm looking for 2022-04-03 18:14:34 malvarma and thats just my conlang notebook. ive got dozens of em 2022-04-03 18:14:35 zyloh zim looks lovely 2022-04-03 18:14:44 extratone indeed. 2022-04-03 18:14:56 malvarma it doesnt save in markdown, but the pages are a plain text format, looks like wikicode 2022-04-03 18:15:03 default_ extratone: (i don't use macOS enough to remember it exists (as a seperate thing)) 2022-04-03 18:15:07 malvarma lots of helpful plugins too 2022-04-03 18:15:41 josh i need to get my personal wiki / org mode up and running 2022-04-03 18:15:54 josh kinda hard to know what to do with it though 2022-04-03 18:15:55 zyloh does zim have like math rendering support? 2022-04-03 18:16:03 malvarma yeah theres a plugin for that 2022-04-03 18:16:10 malvarma i think its a latex plugin 2022-04-03 18:16:29 zyloh o i really gotta try out zim now 2022-04-03 18:16:33 malvarma there are some things i wish it did better, like tables 2022-04-03 18:17:27 malvarma the other downside is it's not cloud based. i personally like that, but that doesnt work for everyone 2022-04-03 18:17:48 zyloh but if it stores in plain text i can probably use git? 2022-04-03 18:18:20 malvarma also when you paste in images or attach files, it will put everything in the same folder. but if you just link to stuff it doesnt necessarily do that. just something to keep in mind 2022-04-03 18:18:25 josh git is what i'm going to do for org stuff 2022-04-03 18:18:40 malvarma never used git for something like that. josh tell me more 2022-04-03 18:18:46 malvarma youre going to sync everything? 2022-04-03 18:18:49 josh just like 2022-04-03 18:18:50 josh yeah 2022-04-03 18:19:07 josh have a ~/org folder with all my org files and it's a git repo 2022-04-03 18:19:41 extratone default_, that's reasonable lol 2022-04-03 18:19:47 malvarma thats a good idea 2022-04-03 18:19:55 malvarma i should do that for me someday 2022-04-03 18:20:19 josh you get versioning for free that way, too 2022-04-03 18:20:45 malvarma true, though i dont think id use versioning. perhaps i could get away just with using rclone and syncing to a file server 2022-04-03 18:20:54 josh yeah that would work for sure 2022-04-03 18:21:06 josh i need to set up some VMs 2022-04-03 18:21:07 timchi rclone and syncthing is what I use for everything, it works well 2022-04-03 18:21:09 malvarma ah see, now im going down the path of "what if you made a complex home network... just reinvented the internet in your home" 2022-04-03 18:21:20 timchi even had to use a restore and it worked lol 2022-04-03 18:21:25 josh this is why the cloud is a thing lol 2022-04-03 18:21:37 bx malvarma: that'd be a lan party? 2022-04-03 18:21:46 josh although i guess it depends on your paranoia level 2022-04-03 18:22:18 timchi I encrypt my backups to the cloud, so it's about as safe as you're going to get 2022-04-03 18:22:28 malvarma one day i would love to have a lan party. step one, find IRL friends who aren't technophobes 2022-04-03 18:22:41 josh i had a lan party one time at a con 2022-04-03 18:22:56 josh they had a bunch of machines set up playing Unreal Tournament 2022-04-03 18:22:58 josh was fun 2022-04-03 18:23:01 nihilazo hmmm 2022-04-03 18:23:02 malvarma timchi: i use backblaze with rclone and it's a nice time 2022-04-03 18:23:19 nihilazo I want my drawing function to fill in boxes when a player claims them 2022-04-03 18:23:24 nihilazo but it is being weird 2022-04-03 18:23:28 timchi I have the pixel-pass, so that's what I use my 'free' 200gb on google drive 2022-04-03 18:24:36 bx malvarma: just tell them its magic and cover gur cables 2022-04-03 18:26:17 josh why are you friends technophobes 2022-04-03 18:26:20 josh better question 2022-04-03 18:26:28 default_ (ugh if i ever leave for more than two days i know something mostly important will dissapear, but not important enough to notice for a few days) 2022-04-03 18:26:30 josh why are they such techophobes that LAN PARTIES are scary 2022-04-03 18:26:37 malvarma ooh good use of google drive. if things are encrypted locally, and you're getting it for 'free', then there is no downside 2022-04-03 18:26:42 default_ (also i need to get masto working for random comments like that) 2022-04-03 18:27:22 josh irc is like masto but better 2022-04-03 18:27:41 bx idk, they serve diff functions imo 2022-04-03 18:27:46 default_ ah but you lot (y'all?) use it for real time chatting 2022-04-03 18:27:52 malvarma josh: well my one friend doesnt know how to use computers, outside of very basic things. i do have two friends who like video games, but not computery things 2022-04-03 18:28:19 malvarma and all of them im trying to spend less time with, since they are all losing their minds, and im trying to deal, but its exhausting 2022-04-03 18:28:20 bx liking video games is enough to like a lan party 2022-04-03 18:28:24 nihilazo ^ 2022-04-03 18:28:31 bx malvarma: oh 2022-04-03 18:28:37 nihilazo oh, yeah 2022-04-03 18:28:40 bx rip 2022-04-03 18:29:15 malvarma then there's the issue where i dont really like most video games that you'd use at a lan party 2022-04-03 18:29:43 malvarma 3d games make me carsick. does this happen to anyone else? 2022-04-03 18:30:24 bx only with certain games in certain lighting conditions 2022-04-03 18:30:26 josh depends heavily on the FOV and stuff 2022-04-03 18:30:32 bx mainly if theyre played on bigger displays 2022-04-03 18:30:32 default_ oh that sounds bad 2022-04-03 18:30:44 malvarma i cant even play chex quest anymore. rip 2022-04-03 18:30:53 bx Nooo 2022-04-03 18:31:24 bx i remember something about gur way gears of war did gur camera and sway that just gave me a headache 2022-04-03 18:31:56 malvarma eugh, or those found footage style horror movies with excessive "shaky cam" 2022-04-03 18:32:04 malvarma they make me nauseous too 2022-04-03 18:32:22 malvarma fuck VHS, that was not scary, not funny, not worth the headache and vomiting 2022-04-03 18:33:38 bx is vhs a found footage film? 2022-04-03 18:33:45 bx cause i like vhs as a format 2022-04-03 18:34:15 nihilazo hmm, why is just filling in claimed squares difficult 2022-04-03 18:34:21 nihilazo or more difficult than it should be 2022-04-03 18:34:22 malvarma yeah its a found footage horror movie, and it's so stupid, but not stupid enough for me to like it 2022-04-03 18:34:55 --> dozens (dozens@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-03 18:34:58 nihilazo \o 2022-04-03 18:35:10 bx yo dozens 2022-04-03 18:35:25 zyloh hiya 2022-04-03 18:35:26 malvarma yo x12 2022-04-03 18:35:27 default_ o 2022-04-03 18:35:29 default_ / 2022-04-03 18:35:34 dozens hey town 2022-04-03 18:35:39 josh hi 12s 2022-04-03 18:35:45 dozens my weechat did a funny thing and froze up 2022-04-03 18:35:47 bx malvarma: ah i see, i havent really watched anything from gur found footage genre, but i kinda like gur idea of it 2022-04-03 18:35:51 dozens had to kill it 2022-04-03 18:35:57 bx :O 2022-04-03 18:36:17 bx could you not have tried splashing it with cold water \j? 2022-04-03 18:38:42 malvarma bx in my experience, the genre seems to attract some very overconfident directors, since the budgets can be so low 2022-04-03 18:38:54 malvarma that can sometimes be funny, but often it just results in something pretentious 2022-04-03 18:42:18 malvarma i think "lets make a found footage film using our friends as unpaid actors" is the horror movie version of "lets start a podcast where we all sit around a table and spout our opinions about current events" 2022-04-03 18:43:35 bx I mean that could be fun 2022-04-03 18:43:44 bx but i see what you mean 2022-04-03 18:44:03 malvarma right, it could be fun. and its so easy to get started. thats why so many people do it 2022-04-03 18:44:15 bx a couple years ago a friend of mine said "Lets start a podcast" was gur 2019 ver of "lets start a band" 2022-04-03 18:44:36 malvarma pretty much! 2022-04-03 18:47:39 default_ is the problem just overconfident directors sharing their work publicly? 2022-04-03 18:47:56 default_ instead of it being kept to their friend group 2022-04-03 18:48:06 malvarma not necessarily, because sometimes the movie is so bad, that i end up liking it 2022-04-03 18:48:21 default_ (i think that's the point?) 2022-04-03 18:48:26 malvarma i think the problem is people trying to hard 2022-04-03 18:49:36 malvarma if it were up to me, the movie industry would be set up around getting more people to make more bad movies 2022-04-03 18:50:01 default_ spaceballs 2022-04-03 18:50:12 malvarma ah, thats...arguably good 2022-04-03 18:50:22 default_ ok ok 2022-04-03 18:50:24 default_ properly bad 2022-04-03 18:50:25 * bx did not like spaceballs 2022-04-03 18:50:29 default_ bad director, bad story 2022-04-03 18:50:43 bx though i agree with malvarmas goals for gur film industry 2022-04-03 18:51:12 malvarma im thinking they just need to give movie projects less time, less money, and more pressure 2022-04-03 18:51:19 malvarma with less predictability 2022-04-03 18:52:35 bx more first time actors as well 2022-04-03 18:52:40 malvarma imagine the kind of movies we could get out of james cameron, if he only had had 2000 dollars to work with, and at the last second, we told him to re-edit the film to be a love story, instead of a war film 2022-04-03 18:52:54 dzwdz holy shit 2022-04-03 18:52:54 bx like give them a couple basic classes and send em off 2022-04-03 18:53:11 bx malvarma: i'd watch that 2022-04-03 18:53:13 malvarma yes, more first time actors for sure. but also, more of the same actors 2022-04-03 18:53:27 dzwdz as in, a single actor in multiple roles? 2022-04-03 18:53:28 malvarma id personally like to see every movie staring keke palmer 2022-04-03 18:53:49 dzwdz have the same actor playing two characters and have one wearing a fake mustache 2022-04-03 18:53:51 dzwdz make them twins 2022-04-03 18:53:52 zyloh mandate one person who has to show up in at least two roles in every film 2022-04-03 18:54:01 malvarma not necessarily keke palmer playing every role. but keke palmer showing up in every movie. sometimes as the star. sometimes as just a side character 2022-04-03 18:54:09 bx who killed capain alex kinda fits this description, though all gur people in it seem to be doing it for fun 2022-04-03 18:54:20 dzwdz wait is that that one movie 2022-04-03 18:54:23 malvarma right... we cant have fun 2022-04-03 18:54:40 bx but fun is so good 2022-04-03 18:54:49 opfez fun is good i agree 2022-04-03 18:54:53 malvarma but actually who killed captain alex is a great example of the kind of movie i think we need more of 2022-04-03 18:54:53 bx dzwdz: wym? 2022-04-03 18:55:03 dzwdz i think it is 2022-04-03 18:55:05 dzwdz what a great movie 2022-04-03 18:55:15 bx malvarma: same, it has gur best budget to quality ratio 2022-04-03 18:55:27 malvarma i think it was literally made for 200 dollars, no? 2022-04-03 18:55:36 bx maybe less? 2022-04-03 18:55:47 malvarma best 200 dollars ever spend in the history of humanity 2022-04-03 18:55:49 dzwdz i think it was less 2022-04-03 18:55:51 malvarma ever spent* 2022-04-03 18:56:03 bx also his pc seemed like it was salvaged 2022-04-03 18:56:08 bx which is just dope 2022-04-03 18:56:09 dzwdz > ERROR :"Oops, HTTP request received? This is IRC!" 2022-04-03 18:56:09 malvarma best ROI in history of economics 2022-04-03 18:56:11 dzwdz lol 2022-04-03 18:56:28 dzwdz shoutouts to whoever implemented this 2022-04-03 18:56:36 elly it's required to prevent cross-protocol spam attacks 2022-04-03 18:56:43 dzwdz i mean the message 2022-04-03 18:56:45 dzwdz Oops 2022-04-03 18:56:50 dzwdz This is IRC! 2022-04-03 18:57:01 bx elly: oooo, that's a clever idea 2022-04-03 18:57:07 dzwdz instead of just closing the connection 2022-04-03 18:57:22 bx we gotta keep gur clients informed 2022-04-03 18:58:14 elly I think sending the message is also important to prevent browsers retrying 2022-04-03 18:58:21 dzwdz i think browsers should automatically switch to irc when they receive that 2022-04-03 18:58:27 bx Lol 2022-04-03 18:58:39 dzwdz that hidden <img> tag that someone was using to try and break your server? now it's a hidden irc client 2022-04-03 18:58:45 dzwdz an easter egg for the eagle eyed 2022-04-03 18:58:52 bx elly, if you tried to fuse your irc client into chrome as an easter egg would people object? 2022-04-03 18:58:53 zyloh haha 2022-04-03 18:59:14 elly they 100% would 2022-04-03 18:59:17 elly unfortunately 2022-04-03 18:59:20 bx Booooo 2022-04-03 19:00:08 dzwdz i think i'll start connecting to random ircs that i found on shodan 2022-04-03 19:00:28 bx Tell them "this is irc" 2022-04-03 19:01:09 dzwdz > irc.bondage.international 2022-04-03 19:01:11 dzwdz huh 2022-04-03 19:01:32 * bx read that as bandage at first 2022-04-03 19:02:08 bx also, shodan finds irc servers too? 2022-04-03 19:02:25 dzwdz oh i think that's just part of pissnet 2022-04-03 19:02:30 dzwdz and yes 2022-04-03 19:02:40 bx >pissnet 2022-04-03 19:02:45 bx what 2022-04-03 19:02:48 dzwdz you haven't heard of it? 2022-04-03 19:02:50 bx no 2022-04-03 19:03:38 malvarma there was a pretty active pissnet subreddit on the freenode reddit clone, for like, the 2 days it existed (before being taken over by bots) 2022-04-03 19:03:47 dzwdz lel 2022-04-03 19:03:57 malvarma i might have created some fake accounts and posted nasty things there 2022-04-03 19:04:15 bx if i search pissnet on ddg, half gur results seem to be porn sites 2022-04-03 19:04:36 malvarma only half? seems low 2022-04-03 19:04:39 dzwdz http://impeerialfamily.com/ 2022-04-03 19:04:44 dzwdz is anyone here actually on pissnet? 2022-04-03 19:05:00 bx and on github repo 2022-04-03 19:05:03 bx *one 2022-04-03 19:05:19 bx what *is* pissnet? 2022-04-03 19:05:32 malvarma pissnet is IRC 2022-04-03 19:05:41 malvarma pissnet is freedome 2022-04-03 19:06:24 bx -confuse- 2022-04-03 19:06:25 zyloh does the name pissnet have any relation to the name weechat 2022-04-03 19:06:29 zyloh ? 2022-04-03 19:06:36 dzwdz no 2022-04-03 19:06:45 zyloh that's boring 2022-04-03 19:06:45 malvarma oh it was a joke when they were shutting down freenode 2022-04-03 19:07:19 dzwdz any cool channels on there? 2022-04-03 19:07:43 malvarma i bet the entire population of south korea is so sad they can't read about the antics of king andrew lee in their local tabloids 2022-04-03 19:08:31 bx what 2022-04-03 19:08:33 bx brb 2022-04-03 19:08:41 dzwdz should i connect to this random ircd from town or from my own ip? 2022-04-03 19:10:41 malvarma my vote is from several layers of VPNs 2022-04-03 19:11:18 dzwdz there are 3 people and 1 channel 2022-04-03 19:11:21 dzwdz but the channel is hidden from the list 2022-04-03 19:11:37 malvarma is this "the deep web" ? 2022-04-03 19:11:41 dzwdz do y'all want to start just like, using that server 2022-04-03 19:11:42 dzwdz lmao 2022-04-03 19:12:00 malvarma probably discussing organ theft 2022-04-03 19:18:11 zyloh gonna go sleep, good night town 2022-04-03 19:18:17 malvarma o/ 2022-04-03 19:18:30 dzwdz \o 2022-04-03 19:18:37 dzwdz oh haha there's a pissnet node under .edu.pl 2022-04-03 19:28:38 nihilazo TIL that I like building guis 2022-04-03 19:28:41 nihilazo at least, in racket 2022-04-03 19:28:52 nihilazo built a little tool for reviewing dots and boxes games 2022-04-03 19:29:10 malvarma \o/ 2022-04-03 19:29:24 bx back 2022-04-03 19:29:37 bx nihilazo: building guis can infact be very fun 2022-04-03 19:29:43 malvarma guis are cool actually (sorry nerds) 2022-04-03 19:32:17 nihilazo https://tiny.tilde.website/web/@nihilazo/108069802992022759 2022-04-03 19:32:19 nihilazo I like using guis 2022-04-03 19:32:27 nihilazo thought I hated making guis 2022-04-03 19:32:32 nihilazo turns out making guis in racket is fun 2022-04-03 19:32:35 nihilazo it's almost declarative 2022-04-03 19:32:52 nihilazo bonus for having actually good docs 2022-04-03 19:33:01 nihilazo https://tildegit.org/nihilazo/dotsandboxes/src/branch/main/gui.rkt 2022-04-03 19:33:24 bx good docs are half of something being good mo 2022-04-03 19:33:26 bx *imo 2022-04-03 19:33:28 malvarma i remember playing that game on graph paper a long time ago. thats a good game! 2022-04-03 19:33:47 nihilazo it's a game I like and decided would be fun to mess around with computing with 2022-04-03 19:34:37 malvarma i actually went looking for similar sorts of simple games to program the other day. went reading through "101 basic games" for ideas, as well as some ancient public domain game books on archive.org 2022-04-03 19:34:50 dzwdz paper soccer! 2022-04-03 19:35:04 malvarma didnt find anything that appealed to me, but i learned that that damn sliding puzzle game was invented in upstate new york 2022-04-03 19:35:20 dzwdz it's weird to think that it was invented 2022-04-03 19:35:46 malvarma so i had to update my "list of significant american contributions to world culture". now it just says "jazz, jeans, sliding block puzzle" 2022-04-03 19:36:55 flowercorpse election update: were doomed 2022-04-03 19:37:09 malvarma sorry flowercorpse 2022-04-03 19:37:55 malvarma are you ok 2022-04-03 19:37:58 bx ^ 2022-04-03 19:38:26 flowercorpse I mean 2022-04-03 19:38:48 flowercorpse we already knew it was going to be cheated 2022-04-03 19:39:22 flowercorpse it won't end now, but it will end. 2022-04-03 19:39:37 flowercorpse the economy is going to crash in a few months 2022-04-03 19:40:34 malvarma im sure its not fun waiting for the economy to crash 2022-04-03 19:40:51 bx yea that sounds extremely stressful 2022-04-03 19:40:58 bx and kinda demoralising 2022-04-03 19:41:24 flowercorpse I mean the system will fall with it 2022-04-03 19:41:26 malvarma i have similar fears for my own country, but i do remind myself the same thing, that nothing lasts forever 2022-04-03 19:41:26 flowercorpse so it's okay 2022-04-03 19:43:38 malvarma whenever i feel like giving up hope, i also remind myself that hope is unnecessary, and sometimes i just need to simultaneously do the right thing, while acknowledging that it's probably pointless. embrace the absurdity 2022-04-03 19:45:11 bx huh, that's an angle on it i havent seen before 2022-04-03 19:45:37 flowercorpse well, to be honest I'd already given up hope on having a democratic transfer of power years ago 2022-04-03 19:45:58 pawky I'm still scrolled way up in backlog (I keep finding interesting stuff people've said, so don't wanna flat out ignore it), but "18:10 <malvarma> how to people find out about software and tools?" this is the place the "awesome-lists" shine at, but also if a thing is good enough, you'll probably also hear other people blog or talk about it eventually 2022-04-03 19:46:07 malvarma well i figure most things are our of our control, and life is pretty pointless, so i might as well treat it as my own personal performance art 2022-04-03 19:46:34 malvarma pawky: i need to check out awesome-lists, thank you 2022-04-03 19:47:14 nihilazo this dots and boxes project is like...I need to stop myself from keeping working on it 2022-04-03 19:47:20 nihilazo because hacking on it makes me very happy 2022-04-03 19:47:22 nihilazo and that's great 2022-04-03 19:47:22 dzwdz no dude 2022-04-03 19:47:29 nihilazo yeah I need to sleep tonight tho lol 2022-04-03 19:47:30 malvarma flowercorpse: i hope you are safe, and if things dont become safe, i hope you get out. stay strong! 2022-04-03 19:47:30 dzwdz yeah that's why you should keep on oging 2022-04-03 19:47:34 dzwdz fuck sleep 2022-04-03 19:47:36 dzwdz dude you're british 2022-04-03 19:47:42 dzwdz you start school at a reasonable hour 2022-04-03 19:47:44 dzwdz you have time 2022-04-03 19:47:50 nihilazo well actually I only have afternoon class 2022-04-03 19:47:57 nihilazo but still I want to sleep at a reasonable time 2022-04-03 19:48:03 bx ...we don't you just start it at a less reasonable time 2022-04-03 19:49:14 flowercorpse malvarma: thankfully I already emigrated 2022-04-03 19:49:26 flowercorpse If I didn't already I would now 2022-04-03 19:49:28 nihilazo bx: ? 2022-04-03 19:49:37 dzwdz nihilazo: when do you begin classes 2022-04-03 19:49:47 malvarma ah well that's a relief. but i can imagine that's also a bit heartbreaking, flowercorpse 2022-04-03 19:50:04 malvarma especially if you miss home, and the people there 2022-04-03 19:50:18 bx nihilazo: dzwdz says his classes begin at 7 something, i told him here its 8:45 at earliest 2022-04-03 19:50:24 nihilazo o 2022-04-03 19:50:34 dzwdz y'all have it good 2022-04-03 19:50:36 bx (which is still unreasonable imo) 2022-04-03 19:50:39 nihilazo I'm lucky because I have mostly an afternoon timetable 2022-04-03 19:50:48 dzwdz and your finals aren't so unreasonable either 2022-04-03 19:50:50 nihilazo so my earliest class I have to leave for at 9:30 2022-04-03 19:50:58 nihilazo but that's pure luc;k 2022-04-03 19:51:18 bx my earliest rn is 9am, in hs it was 8:45 2022-04-03 19:51:56 bx dzwdz: i still dont understand how or why passing polish literature dictates emigration 2022-04-03 19:52:00 nihilazo mine was 8:45 every day in hs 2022-04-03 19:52:15 bx yea, same, it was terrible 2022-04-03 19:52:44 dzwdz no knowledge of polish literature -> won't pass the finals from polish -> all other finals are automatically failed -> don't have any documents that show i've finished hs -> won't be able to find a job abroads 2022-04-03 19:52:52 bx idk why anyone thinks making teenagers be awake and working at that hour is a good idea 2022-04-03 19:52:59 flowercorpse malvarma: a bit heartbreaking, but you get slowly desensitised, they've been in power for the last 12 years which is basically half my life, you don't even notice anymore, they already bought votes in the last two elections so it's not really a surprise 2022-04-03 19:53:15 bx dzwdz: WAIT YOU FAIL EVERYTHING ELSE IF YOU FAIL POLISH 2022-04-03 19:53:17 bx WTF 2022-04-03 19:53:25 dzwdz at this point i just believe that school's primary purpose is to make us miserable 2022-04-03 19:53:30 dzwdz the people in power know how bad school is 2022-04-03 19:53:36 dzwdz yet all the changes just make it worse and worse 2022-04-03 19:54:09 bx Yea it felt like a wierd prison when i was in hs 2022-04-03 19:54:28 bx it was a place i supremely did not want to be 2022-04-03 19:54:37 dzwdz your two options are believing that our politicans are just that dumb 2022-04-03 19:54:40 malvarma flowercorpse: understandable. and i know that home is wherever you find it 2022-04-03 19:54:40 dzwdz or that this has a purpose 2022-04-03 19:55:22 flowercorpse malvarma: there's always new lows, like: burning the mail-ballots of opposition voters, calling up elderly people on their emergency medical devices to vote, to name a few recent things 2022-04-03 19:56:26 bx dzwdz: ill take gur second with a few sprinklings of gur first 2022-04-03 19:56:44 dzwdz thinking that politicans are dumb is so naive 2022-04-03 19:57:11 bx i meant dumb as in not understanding what's good for gur people 2022-04-03 19:57:23 dzwdz "oh our politicans are so fucking dumb" and then they rig the election because they're anything but 2022-04-03 19:57:30 dzwdz why do you think they don't understand? 2022-04-03 19:57:37 flowercorpse even more recent news, the burning of mail ballots will not even get investigated, because the national election office says it happend outside the country's borders thus it does not concern them 2022-04-03 19:57:41 dzwdz understanding doesn't stop you from being a bitch 2022-04-03 19:57:43 bx probs cause they dont want to 2022-04-03 19:58:15 bx dzwdz: ok, good point 2022-04-03 19:59:16 malvarma dzwdz: in regards to school, it could be that the politicians have dumb constituents 2022-04-03 20:00:43 malvarma i know plenty of people who support stupid education policies, because they don't know how kids learn, or don't want them to learn 2022-04-03 20:03:10 dzwdz > partying, art, music, property damage and other joyous activities 2022-04-03 20:04:29 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-03 22:34:26 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-03 22:34:26 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-03 22:34:26 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-03 22:34:26 -- Channel #tildetown: 124 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 121 normals) 2022-04-03 22:34:28 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-03 22:43:13 pawky nihilazo: imho as long as it's decently parsable, I don't think it matters much, like, if you could write a little script to e.g. import it into python or something, in about an hour or two 2022-04-03 23:02:11 --> noracodes (noracodes@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-03 23:04:18 noracodes hewwo :3 2022-04-03 23:09:25 <-- noracodes (noracodes@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-04-03 23:09:28 --> noracodes (noracodes@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-03 23:09:34 <-- noracodes (noracodes@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-04-03 23:09:37 --> noracodes (noracodes@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-03 23:10:30 <-- noracodes (noracodes@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-04-03 23:24:33 --> noracodes (noracodes@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-03 23:30:30 extratone !!! https://ttm.sh/tBE 2022-04-03 23:30:32 tracer !!!! 2022-04-03 23:30:38 extratone lol 2022-04-03 23:30:45 noracodes it's so goddamn broken 2022-04-03 23:30:54 extratone ? 2022-04-03 23:36:56 noracodes masto 3.5 is borke 2022-04-03 23:38:17 noracodes for example: a bug where if you search Accounts: @domain.tld, which previously would show you all the accounts @domain.tld that your instance knows of, instead searches for null@domain.tld. 2022-04-03 23:38:46 timchi It feel like mastodon is so much less active sadly 2022-04-03 23:38:58 noracodes like, development? or the fediverse itself? 2022-04-03 23:39:25 timchi fediverse itself 2022-04-03 23:39:44 timchi maybe it's just where I was, or all the people I followed dropped off 2022-04-03 23:39:54 noracodes what instance are you on? 2022-04-03 23:40:05 noracodes from my POV on cybre.space and plural.cafe things are pretty peppy 2022-04-03 23:40:31 tomasino we're on v3.5.0rc3+glitch on tilde.zone. search working fine 2022-04-03 23:40:39 timchi the 'main' instance. I hadn't really explored much others to be fair 2022-04-03 23:41:05 agafnd yeah don't use mastodon.social 2022-04-03 23:43:59 extratone huh. I guess I don't actually log in to Tootsuite enough. 2022-04-03 23:44:01 extratone if you’re ever looking for accounts to follow, I published my whole exported list (~700 accounts at the time) and would vouch any day for my timeline. https://ttm.sh/tBQ 2022-04-03 23:44:08 timchi cybre.space looks interesting 2022-04-03 23:44:18 noracodes c.s is neat 2022-04-03 23:44:26 extratone in theory, you could import that file directly into Tootsuite but I haven't gotten anybody to try it yet. 2022-04-03 23:45:29 timchi anyone want to invite me? 2022-04-03 23:46:37 timchi or am I able to connect with my existing account, it's been forever since I've used this all haha 2022-04-03 23:50:40 extratone since registrations are closed, you'll need an invite. but you can view any content there from any server that federates with it. 2022-04-03 23:51:07 extratone also, at least from my perspective, Mastodon continues to grow in activity and great folks. 2022-04-03 23:51:26 extratone literally every time I look at my timeline I see something great and it's been that way since 2017 lol 2022-04-03 23:54:39 timchi it's more of me not being active, and all but 3 of the people I followed dropping off, I'm sure if I kept up with it and kept curating the people, I'd see a lot more activity 2022-04-04 00:02:38 extratone I don't think you have to actively do so. I've followed 700+ folks pretty casually. as in, I don't think I've ever had to go searching, if that makes sense. 2022-04-04 00:14:53 noa i recently rejoined fedi having had a few year hiatus, seems pretty good to me still 2022-04-04 00:38:18 ulhar hello! 2022-04-04 00:47:34 extratone howdy ulhar 2022-04-04 00:47:48 ulhar sup 2022-04-04 00:51:55 ulhar i spent a fair portion of my day working on a minecraft resource pack that replaces exactly one texture 2022-04-04 00:52:05 ulhar (tabby cat) 2022-04-04 00:52:09 ulhar so that was fun 2022-04-04 00:54:42 extratone lol beautiful. 2022-04-04 01:02:29 <-- darkwitchclaire (darkwitchclaire@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-04-04 01:43:06 --> utsuho (utsuho@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-04 01:43:44 <-- utsuho (utsuho@localhost) has quit (Quit: forgot to run in screen) 2022-04-04 01:44:00 --> utsuho (utsuho@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-04 01:55:20 <-- utsuho (utsuho@localhost) has quit (Quit: gonna switch to irssi) 2022-04-04 01:57:24 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-04 02:45:17 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-04 02:45:17 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-04 02:45:17 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-04 02:45:17 -- Channel #tildetown: 125 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 122 normals) 2022-04-04 02:45:19 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-04 02:48:40 @vilmibm hi y'all, sorry for my absence. went from stress of wrapping up job -> very depleting family visit -> sudden cat health emergency 2022-04-04 02:49:06 @vilmibm (cat is doing ok now after emergency vet trip and family left for home today) 2022-04-04 02:49:13 @vilmibm (job is over) 2022-04-04 02:49:15 elly hello hello! 2022-04-04 02:49:17 elly welcome back vil 2022-04-04 02:49:21 @vilmibm thanks! 2022-04-04 02:49:59 @vilmibm tomorrow is nightmare doing taxes day but at least that should be over pretty quick 2022-04-04 02:51:20 @vilmibm how are you elly? 2022-04-04 02:51:34 elly really good! basically vibing :) 2022-04-04 02:51:42 @vilmibm excellent 2022-04-04 02:51:47 elly sunday evening after a great weekend, and soon bed before a workday tomorrow 2022-04-04 02:51:58 @vilmibm what'd you get up to? 2022-04-04 02:54:16 elly tabletop, plenty of creative/introvert time, some life maintenance like getting through my personal email inbox 2022-04-04 02:54:28 benharri new job or retiring? 2022-04-04 02:54:37 benharri best wishes to unix! 2022-04-04 02:55:59 extratone that sounds awful vilmibm I'm sorry. 2022-04-04 02:56:24 @vilmibm elly: sounds awesome 2022-04-04 02:56:26 @vilmibm benharri: retirement 2022-04-04 02:56:33 @vilmibm extratone: it's ok, in the wider view my life is great 2022-04-04 02:56:38 benharri hell yeah, good on ya 2022-04-04 02:56:40 @vilmibm just an intense four days 2022-04-04 02:56:59 benharri sounds like it, take some time and rest up <3 2022-04-04 02:57:03 @vilmibm _technically_ i am on a leave of absence 2022-04-04 02:57:06 @vilmibm for three months 2022-04-04 02:57:15 @vilmibm bc my boss wanted to do something nice for me and this way i get benefits 2022-04-04 02:57:22 @vilmibm no expectation of my return though 2022-04-04 02:58:38 elly your boss is presumably hoping that in 3 months you'll be like "you know what, I'll try giving this another go" 2022-04-04 02:59:27 benharri sounds like they need you more than you need them 2022-04-04 03:00:07 elly hiring good engineers is very hard, I would certainly be willing to bet 3 months of salary & benefits to try to keep one 2022-04-04 03:00:16 @vilmibm elly: he is pretty transparently ok with me not coming back -- i was very clear that there was only a 20% chance of me doing so. 2022-04-04 03:00:19 elly yep 2022-04-04 03:00:25 elly totally worth imo :P 2022-04-04 03:00:36 @vilmibm he even offered me a free few paychecks when i get back 2022-04-04 03:00:40 elly nice 2022-04-04 03:01:58 @vilmibm overall...i feel very spoiled 2022-04-04 03:02:09 @vilmibm gonna play a game with some friends, bbl~ 2022-04-04 03:04:03 benharri hell yeah 2022-04-04 03:04:13 benharri i got my 4% less-than-inflation annual raise last week 2022-04-04 03:04:24 benharri plus some shares in the newly-public company that i can't sell for 2yrs 2022-04-04 03:17:21 @natalia hi 2022-04-04 03:18:36 benharri hi! 2022-04-04 03:59:22 extratone I've been had... https://ttm.sh/bDh.png 2022-04-04 04:18:52 @natalia sigbovik paper idea that'll be outdated by next year: "introducing printf4j" 2022-04-04 05:01:16 dzwdz morning 2022-04-04 05:06:44 dzwdz i woke up, wasn't tired, it was bright outside 2022-04-04 05:07:00 dzwdz i assumed that i woke up at 11 again and got worried that i slept past half my classes 2022-04-04 05:07:12 dzwdz i looked at my phone and it wasn't even 7 2022-04-04 05:20:52 juspib many years ago it was right to say "fidesz voters have blood on their hands", now they are actually encouraging genocide 2022-04-04 05:22:36 dzwdz uh 2022-04-04 05:22:44 dzwdz i'm a bit ootl, what the fuck is happening over there 2022-04-04 05:22:52 dzwdz what genocide 2022-04-04 05:24:37 juspib russia is commiting genocide in ukraine, and since they began doing it, hungarian FA has moved further from europe and closer to moscow 2022-04-04 05:24:47 dzwdz oh ok 2022-04-04 05:31:17 @vilmibm natalia: lol 2022-04-04 05:31:29 dzwdz \o vil 2022-04-04 05:31:35 @vilmibm hi 2022-04-04 05:32:39 dzwdz so is this your first day of peace after leaving? 2022-04-04 05:33:47 dzwdz oh taxes tommorow 2022-04-04 05:33:58 dzwdz i've read the backlog but somehow skipped over that 2022-04-04 05:41:12 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-04 05:42:23 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-04 05:42:23 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-04 05:42:23 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-04 05:42:23 -- Channel #tildetown: 125 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 122 normals) 2022-04-04 05:42:25 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-04 06:19:28 extratone https://ttm.sh/tBu 2022-04-04 06:49:57 <-- nuve (nuve@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-04-04 06:50:21 --> nuve (nuve@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-04 06:59:35 extratone password managers... go. 2022-04-04 07:23:54 nihilazo like, recommended ones? 2022-04-04 07:23:56 nihilazo keepassxc 2022-04-04 07:26:46 nihilazo previously I used gopass but I would only recommend it if you use pretty much exclusively a desktop PC and you're the kind of unix nerd who likes writing shell scripts to implement basic functions of programs that should already have them 2022-04-04 07:26:59 nihilazo keepassxc kinda just works and that's what I like about it 2022-04-04 07:38:20 dzwdz for a program that holds all my passwords keepassxc is enormous 2022-04-04 07:40:28 extratone I'll look into it! 2022-04-04 07:59:32 nihilazo I feel so tired this morning 2022-04-04 08:14:45 <-- steeph (steeph@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-04-04 08:17:40 lampin ive been meaning to switch to bitwarden 2022-04-04 08:18:15 lampin its open source and you can self host, both big +1s for me 2022-04-04 08:23:12 agafnd i just use password-store aka pass 2022-04-04 08:23:55 agafnd i guess it there are plugins for web browser and what not but i just use the cli 2022-04-04 08:34:36 login the more "integrated" it is, the more sus it is, right? 2022-04-04 08:36:55 dzwdz i was thinking about making my own selfhostable thing with 2fa for each password retrieval 2022-04-04 08:37:07 dzwdz so you could use it safely even on untrusted computers 2022-04-04 08:37:09 default_ morning 2022-04-04 08:37:57 dzwdz \o 2022-04-04 08:37:59 dzwdz how are you 2022-04-04 08:38:15 default_ mostly good, have a lot to do 2022-04-04 08:38:23 default_ going to do very little of it 2022-04-04 08:38:32 dzwdz but you are going to do some 2022-04-04 08:38:35 dzwdz which is better than none 2022-04-04 08:38:38 default_ hopefully 2022-04-04 08:39:54 default_ i've just come back from a little time away from computers (which i hated), but i can now do things without wanting to throw my pc out the window 2022-04-04 08:40:03 default_ that makes no sense 2022-04-04 08:40:26 dzwdz speaking of no sense 2022-04-04 08:40:50 dzwdz i have this computer that posts, everything in the bios works just fine 2022-04-04 08:41:04 dzwdz but it doesn't boot from anything 2022-04-04 08:48:50 default_ that's ... weird? i really have no idea how you'd even begin to debug a motherboard 2022-04-04 09:02:00 dzwdz oh also the bios password doesn't work 2022-04-04 09:02:12 dzwdz and the password reset jumper doesn't work either 2022-04-04 09:11:02 default_ just realised what ! does in duckduckgo 2022-04-04 09:11:10 default_ so much time can now be saved 2022-04-04 09:14:27 nihilazo it's so useful 2022-04-04 09:15:43 default_ oh wow you can search docs 2022-04-04 09:16:20 default_ that is very very cool 2022-04-04 09:19:48 nihilazo I could do the smart thing rn and rewrite some of my program so I can have dots and boxes grids of any size and store that along with the game info 2022-04-04 09:20:00 nihilazo or I could just keep the current GRID-WIDTH and GRID-HEIGHT constants 2022-04-04 09:20:05 nihilazo hmm 2022-04-04 09:20:13 default_ what're you writing? 2022-04-04 09:21:23 nihilazo a bad AI dots and boxes tournament engine 2022-04-04 09:28:43 nihilazo it would be good to have multiple board sizes supported and let games set the board size 2022-04-04 09:28:49 nihilazo but it would require ~refactoring~ 2022-04-04 09:32:59 default_ [shudders] 2022-04-04 09:33:03 default_ i'd say do it 2022-04-04 09:45:30 nihilazo hmm 2022-04-04 09:45:33 nihilazo doing it is a good id 2022-04-04 09:45:37 nihilazo s/id/idea/ 2022-04-04 09:45:37 sedbot <nihilazo> doing it is a good idea 2022-04-04 09:45:56 nihilazo in fact, the grid itself should probably contain info on like, what its dimentions are 2022-04-04 10:48:22 extratone holy crap... all these years, I had no idea it was so easy to create a redirect with html. 2022-04-04 10:49:08 default_ how? 2022-04-04 10:49:23 dzwdz <meta something 2022-04-04 10:49:35 default_ o 2022-04-04 10:50:14 noa o/ 2022-04-04 10:51:24 extratone https://ttm.sh/bDe.txt 2022-04-04 10:51:52 dzwdz \o 2022-04-04 10:52:00 extratone \o/ 2022-04-04 10:52:33 noa how are we all 2022-04-04 10:53:26 noa also extratone what's your significant contribution 2022-04-04 10:54:18 extratone what do you mean? 2022-04-04 10:55:03 noa i followed the redirect link 2022-04-04 10:55:53 extratone oh! well, I don't know yet! pick a timeslot and we'll find out ;) 2022-04-04 10:58:38 bx morning town 2022-04-04 10:59:48 noa why not 2022-04-04 10:59:52 noa oh wow you have long days 2022-04-04 10:59:53 noa hey bx 2022-04-04 11:00:00 bx hi noa 2022-04-04 11:00:03 bx how goes? 2022-04-04 11:01:18 extratone yeah tbh that's more or less a test thing. I'm out of adderall until the 14th so... 2022-04-04 11:01:33 extratone I can't figure out how to change that range yet lol 2022-04-04 11:04:08 extratone oh. I was reminded of this last night. https://bilge.world/y2k 2022-04-04 11:19:25 noa bx: i am exhausted, im working not fun hours 2022-04-04 11:19:27 noa but money so 2022-04-04 11:21:58 bx ah, that doesnt sound fun at all 2022-04-04 11:22:20 bx i think my covid samptoms are finally kinda clearing up 2022-04-04 11:23:26 dzwdz nice 2022-04-04 11:27:38 noa excellent 2022-04-04 11:31:03 bx https://ttm.sh/bDi.gif <-- nice pico8 tweetcart 2022-04-04 11:32:49 dzwdz i might try making a basic linux "antivirus" 2022-04-04 11:33:49 bx What would that look like? 2022-04-04 11:36:46 dzwdz scan the PATH/running processes for sus stuff 2022-04-04 11:37:27 dzwdz btw, has anyone here ever used fedora silverblue? it looks interesting 2022-04-04 11:38:58 bx is it a diff distro? 2022-04-04 11:40:36 elly morning :) 2022-04-04 11:41:36 bx mornin 2022-04-04 11:41:40 noa yeah no idea from the website what this is 2022-04-04 11:41:42 bx !timefor elly 2022-04-04 11:41:43 noa o/ elly 2022-04-04 11:42:07 elly it's 0440 here 2022-04-04 11:42:11 bx :O 2022-04-04 11:42:17 elly I don't know if !timefor works for me or not 2022-04-04 11:42:26 bx i thought it was gonna be 0600 2022-04-04 11:43:02 elly nah, I've been getting up earlier lately so I have some more alone time to program 2022-04-04 11:43:23 bx nice 2022-04-04 11:44:22 dzwdz bx, noa: basically the idea is that it runs on an immutable Filesystem 2022-04-04 11:44:37 dzwdz i'm not sure why my phone decided to uppercase that 2022-04-04 11:44:43 bx intresting 2022-04-04 11:44:47 dzwdz capitalise, rather 2022-04-04 11:45:31 dzwdz also now that i don't depend on any gpu-heavy software i might give qubes another shot as a daily driver 2022-04-04 11:46:37 bx what did u depend on before thatw was gpu heavy? 2022-04-04 11:47:00 dzwdz krita 2022-04-04 11:47:09 noa emacs 2022-04-04 11:47:12 dzwdz this isn't something that I'll get to 2022-04-04 11:47:19 dzwdz no, a 2022-04-04 11:49:06 bx what do u use instead of krita? 2022-04-04 11:49:09 bx paper? 2022-04-04 11:52:20 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-08 17:20:09 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-08 17:20:09 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-08 17:20:09 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-08 17:20:10 -- Channel #tildetown: 132 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 129 normals) 2022-04-08 17:20:11 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-08 17:20:41 dzwdz let's say: that i can run a program using some mechanism that only gives it access to files under a path, and it won't be able to access anything else 2022-04-08 17:20:53 dzwdz so that'd be proving something about an operating system 2022-04-08 17:21:20 elly I don't know how one would go about articulating that proof at all to be honest - you would need a pretty clear definition of "access" 2022-04-08 17:21:26 dzwdz could meltdown have been prevented by a formal spec? 2022-04-08 17:21:39 elly maybe? it depends on the specification and what it specifies 2022-04-08 17:22:06 dzwdz elly: you could probably frame it as 2022-04-08 17:22:37 dzwdz in this environment, that program should never be able to cause this instruction in this address space to be executed 2022-04-08 17:22:54 dzwdz the address space would be of the filesystem driver, the instruction would be in an if which checks if the read starts with the path 2022-04-08 17:23:31 elly so it's okay if the program causes that instruction to be executed in another address space? 2022-04-08 17:23:42 elly like over IPC or somesuch 2022-04-08 17:24:22 dzwdz i was assuming that the driver would have exclusive rights to read those files 2022-04-08 17:24:25 dzwdz but that's a bad assumption 2022-04-08 17:24:39 dzwdz so the os would have a barrier where it communicates with hardware 2022-04-08 17:25:04 dzwdz maybe you could try proving that it never crosses that barrier in a certain way 2022-04-08 17:25:24 dzwdz it never send a read instruction to the drive with this offset 2022-04-08 17:25:50 elly "the OS never emits these bytes over this I/O port" (or whatever) is something that you could endeavor to prove 2022-04-08 17:26:07 elly but other programs on your system may still read that file, right? 2022-04-08 17:26:13 elly so it's not "the OS" that never does it 2022-04-08 17:26:23 elly or perhaps I do not understand this example, I am not sure 2022-04-08 17:26:48 dzwdz no matter what the program is, it can't cause those bytes to be emitted over that I/O port 2022-04-08 17:27:08 dzwdz if it's run in this specific environment where the functions to cut off its access have been run 2022-04-08 17:27:14 dzwdz have been ran? 2022-04-08 17:27:16 elly what does it mean for the program to "cause" bytes to be emitted? 2022-04-08 17:27:23 dzwdz no matter what the program is 2022-04-08 17:27:26 dzwdz the bytes are never emitted 2022-04-08 17:27:40 elly like, if the program communicates (somehow) with some other program running on the system, is that other program also in scope? 2022-04-08 17:27:53 dzwdz wdym? 2022-04-08 17:28:00 dzwdz maybe i'll try to be more exact 2022-04-08 17:28:00 elly hm, let me construct a toy example 2022-04-08 17:28:05 dzwdz who's first 2022-04-08 17:28:08 elly both 2022-04-08 17:28:50 dzwdz cut_off_my_access(); memcpy(base_addr, program, sizeof(program)); goto base_addr; 2022-04-08 17:29:16 dzwdz and then no matter what `program` is, those bytes won't be emitted over the I/O port 2022-04-08 17:29:42 dzwdz it doesn't matter if the program communicates with other, more privileged programs - it needs that to function - as long as it doesn't manage to read that secret data 2022-04-08 17:29:47 dzwdz which is what we're testing 2022-04-08 17:30:38 elly ~elly/t/sandbox-example.txt is what I'm talking about 2022-04-08 17:31:08 dzwdz yes, it did 2022-04-08 17:31:38 dzwdz because the system would have to emit those bytes over the I/O port 2022-04-08 17:32:02 elly so a proof that program1's sandbox actually prevents access to /home/secret also requires a proof that any other program running on the system will *also* not access /home/secret? 2022-04-08 17:32:44 dzwdz in this scenario, you can easily read /home/secret by doing what program 1 is doing 2022-04-08 17:32:48 elly right 2022-04-08 17:33:04 dzwdz which is a pretty clear system misconfiguration resulting in a security issue 2022-04-08 17:33:07 elly right 2022-04-08 17:33:08 dzwdz which is something that we don't want 2022-04-08 17:33:11 dzwdz so yes 2022-04-08 17:33:38 dzwdz but also remember, i was talking about testing just the operating system 2022-04-08 17:33:49 elly hm? 2022-04-08 17:33:51 dzwdz there's no reason why a bare install of an os would have something like program 2 2022-04-08 17:34:01 dzwdz could an user put it there and fuck up the security of their system? sure 2022-04-08 17:34:16 elly I have updated my example 2022-04-08 17:34:39 dzwdz again, we're just testing the operating system 2022-04-08 17:34:45 elly well, no 2022-04-08 17:35:02 elly you said that: 2022-04-08 17:35:03 elly 10:29 < dzwdz> and then no matter what `program` is, those bytes won't be emitted over the I/O port 2022-04-08 17:35:05 dzwdz not testing if the user is unable to fuck up the security of their system 2022-04-08 17:35:31 dzwdz 19:20 <dzwdz> let's say: that i can run a program using some mechanism that only gives it access to files under a path, and it won't be able to access anything else 2022-04-08 17:35:33 dzwdz 19:20 <dzwdz> so that'd be proving something about an operating system 2022-04-08 17:35:40 dzwdz here i meant testing something like my kernel 2022-04-08 17:35:43 dzwdz testing the raw mechanisms 2022-04-08 17:35:58 dzwdz not testing a configuration of the entire system including an user messing with the filesystem 2022-04-08 17:36:11 dzwdz including touching the /home/secret for some reason 2022-04-08 17:36:27 dzwdz i don't understand how this prevents testing a sandboxing feature 2022-04-08 17:36:33 elly it doesn't prevent *testing* 2022-04-08 17:36:36 elly it prevents *proof* 2022-04-08 17:36:40 dzwdz no it doesn't? 2022-04-08 17:36:45 dzwdz unless i'm misunderstanding 2022-04-08 17:36:51 elly you are 2022-04-08 17:36:55 dzwdz if, instead of being a dumb user, this was a feature of the system 2022-04-08 17:36:58 dzwdz this would fail the proof 2022-04-08 17:36:59 dzwdz and rightfully so 2022-04-08 17:37:17 dzwdz `program` would be able to access /home/secret by touching /home/program1 2022-04-08 17:37:26 elly right, and my contention is that you can't produce useful systems where properties like you want can be proven 2022-04-08 17:37:27 dzwdz why wouldn't this fail the proof? 2022-04-08 17:37:35 elly it would! you can't construct the proof 2022-04-08 17:37:40 dzwdz why? 2022-04-08 17:37:48 dzwdz i've already said, this proof is for launching the program in a specific environment 2022-04-08 17:38:00 dzwdz an environment without the user 2022-04-08 17:38:01 elly and that specific environment involves no other running programs and so on, right 2022-04-08 17:38:08 dzwdz there can be other programs running 2022-04-08 17:38:11 dzwdz it can involve the base install 2022-04-08 17:38:33 dzwdz but i'm not going to prove that it won't be able to read the file without help from more privileged entities (here, the user) because it's obviously false 2022-04-08 17:38:55 elly indeed 2022-04-08 17:38:57 dzwdz if we let the user, who's privileged to read /home/secret, cooperate with the program, obviously the program will be able to bypass the sandboxing mechanisms 2022-04-08 17:39:04 dzwdz but this is not what the proof is about 2022-04-08 17:39:14 dzwdz the proof is about the fundamental mechanisms being solid 2022-04-08 17:39:31 dzwdz you can't prove that RSA is secure if i start sending my private key to people 2022-04-08 17:39:34 dzwdz wait no bad example 2022-04-08 17:39:36 dzwdz lmao 2022-04-08 17:39:50 elly I think that you and I have sufficiently different perspectives here that this discussion isn't really going anywhere 2022-04-08 17:39:53 elly I'm going to do my job 2022-04-08 17:39:56 elly see you :) 2022-04-08 17:39:59 dzwdz alright then, bye 2022-04-08 17:40:24 dzwdz i still think it'd be productive for me to learn your perspective 2022-04-08 17:40:41 nihilazo OK making fonts is harder than I thought lol 2022-04-08 17:40:50 nihilazo I'd need to learn actual typography 2022-04-08 17:40:58 dzwdz one of us has a flaw in our thinking, and it's very probably me 2022-04-08 17:41:20 elly I don't know how to explain my perspective well, is the problem 2022-04-08 17:41:44 dzwdz could we continue this discussion later, then? 2022-04-08 17:41:47 elly sure 2022-04-08 17:41:49 dzwdz also how about one last try 2022-04-08 17:41:59 dzwdz i'm not going to continue afterwards 2022-04-08 17:42:13 bx gonna go home 2022-04-08 17:42:13 elly I have learned a bunch about proofs-about-programs in university but it was always one of my weakest subjects and so I am not very well equipped to explain it 2022-04-08 17:42:17 elly good luck bx 2022-04-08 17:42:23 bx its a 5 hr drive see yall in 5 hours 2022-04-08 17:42:28 dzwdz and i haven't had a chance to learn 2022-04-08 17:42:34 elly right 2022-04-08 17:42:51 elly those two perspectives together don't really lend themselves to a good discussion though :P 2022-04-08 17:42:54 elly let me see though 2022-04-08 17:43:03 dzwdz obviously being forced to learn about a fuckton of garbage polish literature is more productive 2022-04-08 17:44:23 dzwdz you could expand on why i can't construct the proof 2022-04-08 17:45:13 dzwdz you're just stating that as a fact, and i'm probably missing the reason why that is 2022-04-08 17:45:52 nihilazo sending my laptop into the void. Wish me luck 2022-04-08 17:45:58 elly yeah, I'm trying to think about how to explain it better 2022-04-08 17:46:13 nihilazo going to try and use exclusively my laptop for a while, just because. But I'd like a distro with more packages than suse 2022-04-08 17:47:20 dzwdz fyi i'm treating that proof kinda like a test 2022-04-08 17:47:46 dzwdz it doesn't prove 100% that the behavior is impossible - you'd have to have separate proofs for when the data is in the cache etc 2022-04-08 17:48:08 elly in general, to prove properties about systems, you prove that the property holds in the initial state of the system, and then that every state transition of the system preserves that property 2022-04-08 17:48:16 elly let me make a little example maybe 2022-04-08 17:48:27 dzwdz well that sentence seems understandable 2022-04-08 17:48:35 dzwdz and pretty obvious 2022-04-08 17:48:40 elly actually, no, I won't make an example 2022-04-08 17:49:05 elly anyway, that is the general form, and you choose an appropriate definition of "the system" and then analyze all the possible state transitions to do the proof 2022-04-08 17:49:23 dzwdz oh wait a sec 2022-04-08 17:49:39 dzwdz if i didn't constrain `program`, then i could run programs with unproveable behavior, right? 2022-04-08 17:50:06 dzwdz like, idk, generating bytes from a csprng and then running them 2022-04-08 17:50:10 elly well, you could exclude those other programs from the system you wish to prove about 2022-04-08 17:50:18 dzwdz that's what i was going towards 2022-04-08 17:50:21 elly but you might then find that the proof doesn't actually tell you what you wanted to know 2022-04-08 17:50:44 dzwdz so was this the argument? 2022-04-08 17:50:47 elly eg: it might tell you that some part of the system taken in isolation has the behavior you want, but the system as a whole still does not end up having it 2022-04-08 17:51:24 elly the argument I was making is essentially that producing proofs about the behavior of whole, real systems is generally infeasible 2022-04-08 17:51:27 dzwdz what if, instead of the input being bytes that'd be run 2022-04-08 17:51:33 dzwdz it'd be a list of syscalls to be made? 2022-04-08 17:51:51 dzwdz the assumptions would be that the system is deterministic 2022-04-08 17:51:52 extratone been gone a week and I see dzwdz and elly are still having a smart folks' argument. 2022-04-08 17:51:55 elly partly because there are parts that aren't amenable to proof (hardware) and partly because there are generally components for which the proofs you want actually don't hold 2022-04-08 17:52:10 elly and you therefore have to exclude those components 2022-04-08 17:52:27 dzwdz as i've said i would 2022-04-08 17:52:37 elly which you can do - like you did above - but it means that the proof you produce has less and less relation to the system as it actually exists, which reduces its value 2022-04-08 17:53:04 dzwdz while we can't break the laws of physics, we can make our software work perfectly assuming that there are no cosmic rays etc 2022-04-08 17:53:11 elly I disagree 2022-04-08 17:53:22 dzwdz even if we make the assumption at the hardware level 2022-04-08 17:53:58 elly the idea that software can be made to work perfectly presupposes a unified and extremely thorough definition of what it is supposed to do, and for even simple programs the difficulty of producing that specification exceeds that of producing the code... and it is hard to tell if the specification is then correct or not 2022-04-08 17:54:08 dzwdz we could still prevent major vulns - they are never caused by gaps in the understanding of physics, but by our code being buggy 2022-04-08 17:54:16 elly absolutely 2022-04-08 17:54:23 dzwdz in my example i was just testing a single specific property 2022-04-08 17:54:31 elly we can and should (and the state of the art has advanced a lot in that regard) 2022-04-08 17:54:39 elly but that isn't a proof in the sense that CS people talk about it 2022-04-08 17:54:40 dzwdz that in some environment, a program which uses some sandboxing mechanism can never escape it 2022-04-08 17:54:55 elly "escape it" is very hard to precisely define 2022-04-08 17:55:00 dzwdz we already did 2022-04-08 17:55:07 dzwdz the I/O port and all that 2022-04-08 17:55:19 elly does the program writing to /home/program1 escape the sandbox? 2022-04-08 17:55:24 elly "it depends on what else is on the system" 2022-04-08 17:55:25 dzwdz yes 2022-04-08 17:55:39 dzwdz maybe i'll reexplain my viewpoint 2022-04-08 17:55:44 dzwdz we can't prevent faulty circuitry 2022-04-08 17:55:51 dzwdz so we assume that it works exactly as designed 2022-04-08 17:55:56 elly indeed 2022-04-08 17:56:07 dzwdz we can't prevent the user from misconfiguring their system in a way which'd let the program circumvent the sandbox 2022-04-08 17:56:21 dzwdz so we assume a default configuration 2022-04-08 17:57:16 elly so the thing being proven is: "in a system which is in the initial state, a program that is in this sandbox can't do this operation" 2022-04-08 17:57:33 elly right? 2022-04-08 17:57:39 dzwdz or cause a state transition which will let it do this operation 2022-04-08 17:57:43 dzwdz the program executes 2022-04-08 17:57:44 dzwdz but there's no user 2022-04-08 17:58:09 dzwdz should i use a shit metaphor to explain this? 2022-04-08 17:58:15 elly that is itself an interesting (and challenging) thing to prove but it has relatively little relation to the system as it would actually be used, right? 2022-04-08 17:58:19 dzwdz nope! 2022-04-08 17:58:24 elly so the security proof you get as a result has relatively little value 2022-04-08 17:58:25 dzwdz look 2022-04-08 17:58:36 dzwdz for example 2022-04-08 17:59:42 dzwdz let's assume that it has suddenly been proven that RSA-encrypted messages can't be decrypted any faster than by brute forcing the key 2022-04-08 17:59:59 dzwdz it'd be a super useful proof 2022-04-08 18:00:03 elly it would 2022-04-08 18:00:11 elly in fact, a profound result in number theory 2022-04-08 18:00:12 dzwdz but wait 2022-04-08 18:00:20 dzwdz what if the user reveals their private key? 2022-04-08 18:00:32 dzwdz this is roughly what i see with the examples of yours 2022-04-08 18:00:39 dzwdz s/what/how 2022-04-08 18:00:40 sedbot <dzwdz> this is roughly how i see with the examples of yours 2022-04-08 18:00:49 dzwdz i'm proving that the system itself is solid 2022-04-08 18:01:07 dzwdz but it's impossible to prove that the user won't manage to mess up 2022-04-08 18:01:11 dzwdz because the user can always mess up 2022-04-08 18:01:34 dzwdz just like you couldn't make that RSA proof if you assumed that the user can leak their private key 2022-04-08 18:02:36 elly such a proof for RSA would read "an attacker who doesn't know p or q cannot recover m faster than 2**{whatever} operations", so yeah 2022-04-08 18:02:52 dzwdz here it's different 2022-04-08 18:03:31 dzwdz but we're still assuming that the user hadn't misconfigured their system, because that's something we can't prevent 2022-04-08 18:03:34 elly but, the building blocks of RSA are mathematics that, as you said, do not have users 2022-04-08 18:04:01 extratone if I haven’t already overdone it as far as promoting Drafts in this chat... there’s a promotion going on this month where you get a year’s subscription for $4.99 https://docs.getdrafts.com/offers/ 2022-04-08 18:04:13 dzwdz currently, even if your system is perfectly configured and thought out 2022-04-08 18:04:27 elly I think that every single person here who is interested in installing a proprietary, macos-only text editor already has one, extratone 2022-04-08 18:04:45 dzwdz you can't know if there aren't any bugs in the kernel which would let programs elevate their permissions above what you've configured 2022-04-08 18:04:51 extratone ah. 2022-04-08 18:04:55 dzwdz this would let you do that 2022-04-08 18:05:10 dzwdz this is the same as a formal proof of a cpu 2022-04-08 18:05:17 dzwdz maybe 2022-04-08 18:05:26 elly dzwdz: I don't think that is feasible for practical systems, but I would be eager to be shown a counterexample 2022-04-08 18:05:28 dzwdz or, of its mmu 2022-04-08 18:05:43 dzwdz oh actually 2022-04-08 18:06:04 dzwdz do you think the same logic applies to a formal proof of the mmu? 2022-04-08 18:07:17 dzwdz to me this basically seems like the same problem 2022-04-08 18:07:35 elly I do, yeah, and an MMU does a LOT less than an OS kernel 2022-04-08 18:08:06 dzwdz duh, that's why i brought it up 2022-04-08 18:08:15 elly please do not speak to me that way 2022-04-08 18:08:20 elly it does not feel good 2022-04-08 18:08:32 dzwdz sorry, this wasn't meant to be mean 2022-04-08 18:08:39 elly "duh" comes across as mean 2022-04-08 18:09:17 elly in any case I do not think that we will reconcile our perspectives today - as I understand it yours is "this seems like it should be possible" and mine is "it has not yet been achieved" and perhaps those are both just true 2022-04-08 18:09:44 elly but I do have performance reviews to write for the folks on my team and those are proveably due by Monday, so it's time for that :P 2022-04-08 18:10:22 * vilmibm wave 2022-04-08 18:10:27 dzwdz the mmu remark kinda came off as condescending so that's why i've said the duh 2022-04-08 18:10:39 dzwdz i'm not blaming you 2022-04-08 18:10:43 elly hi vilmibm :) 2022-04-08 18:10:58 dzwdz it's a cultural/language/whatever barrier 2022-04-08 18:11:24 elly dzwdz: I think that in general we should each do the other the courtesy of assuming that information being restated is for clarity and not because we think the other is ignorant 2022-04-08 18:11:27 @vilmibm in my experience, "duh" is only a word that makes people feel bad/attacked 2022-04-08 18:11:33 dzwdz sure 2022-04-08 18:11:36 @vilmibm and is worth excising from a vocabulary 2022-04-08 18:11:46 elly how's your day vilmibm? 2022-04-08 18:11:48 @vilmibm i tend to say "sure, i understand that, (and|but)" 2022-04-08 18:12:03 @vilmibm well it's not great! but in the larger context of a shitty week it's ok 2022-04-08 18:12:03 elly dzwdz for what it's worth I very much enjoy discussing things with you 2022-04-08 18:12:07 elly vilmibm: oh yes? 2022-04-08 18:12:14 dzwdz elly's a lot more professional than me and it shows :p 2022-04-08 18:12:18 dzwdz like 2022-04-08 18:12:27 @vilmibm i'm quite sick with something that apparently isn't covid but might as well be 2022-04-08 18:12:30 dzwdz you're NOT the kind of people i hang out with 2022-04-08 18:12:38 dzwdz ow :( 2022-04-08 18:12:41 @vilmibm the heat went out and the temp went back to below freezing so i am very cold 2022-04-08 18:12:43 @vilmibm BUT 2022-04-08 18:12:47 dzwdz have you already had covid? 2022-04-08 18:12:59 @vilmibm this means that the broken radiator in my bedroom didn't wake me up between 4am-8am as usual with extremely loud, room shaking booms 2022-04-08 18:13:04 elly oh no 2022-04-08 18:13:09 elly good luck 2022-04-08 18:13:10 dzwdz brb, ill finish stuff and go back to ircing from an actual keyboard 2022-04-08 18:13:21 elly dzwdz: this is just my personality I'm afraid :P I am an old person 2022-04-08 18:13:31 @vilmibm to my knowledge i have never had covid 2022-04-08 18:13:55 elly I 2022-04-08 18:14:07 elly er, I would like to thank my past self for making these performance reviews an exercise in copy-paste 2022-04-08 18:14:20 elly by having pre-written them a couple of weeks ago 2022-04-08 18:14:22 elly thanks, past elly 2022-04-08 18:14:45 @vilmibm another bit of happiness today is that my desktop, which i was about to scrap for perceived hardware failure, has apparently been fully locking up every few hours because of something in gnome3????? 2022-04-08 18:14:58 @vilmibm as a hail mary that seemed utterly illogical, i switched to XFCE and left it on 2022-04-08 18:15:01 elly oh, so it is actually software and not hardware? 2022-04-08 18:15:02 elly woah 2022-04-08 18:15:13 @vilmibm ...and no freeze up in over 48 hours. i only got 3-12 hours of uptime previously 2022-04-08 18:15:16 @vilmibm i feel very gaslit 2022-04-08 18:15:23 elly that's lucky! 2022-04-08 18:15:29 dzwdz back on an actual keyboard 2022-04-08 18:15:33 elly I mean, that sucks, but also you don't have to get rid of any hardware 2022-04-08 18:15:33 dzwdz to finish what i was saying 2022-04-08 18:15:42 @vilmibm it's exciting, really want to have my fileserver working. 2022-04-08 18:15:49 dzwdz i tend to often assume the mean interpretation of things 2022-04-08 18:16:24 dzwdz and i have been interpreting a lot of your "professionalism" (for a lack of a better word) as being mildly condescending 2022-04-08 18:16:43 elly one of my coworkers said to me a couple of years ago: "you're so consistently nice that I think it comes across as astronomically sarcastic and it took me months to realize you mean it" 2022-04-08 18:16:44 dzwdz again, not blaming you, not telling you to change, i just feel like it's worth pointing that out 2022-04-08 18:17:03 dzwdz it's even harder on the internet where you don't have as many things to judge people's attitude by 2022-04-08 18:17:05 elly highly understandable 2022-04-08 18:17:10 dzwdz also for the record 2022-04-08 18:17:14 dzwdz i DO enjoy talking to you 2022-04-08 18:17:32 elly I hope you end up at a great university and can take up hours of some professor's time :P 2022-04-08 18:17:34 dzwdz and it's a shame we mostly argue^Wtalk about technical stuff because i think you're an interesting person outside of that 2022-04-08 18:17:42 elly I had some REALLY great conversations with my professors 2022-04-08 18:18:28 dzwdz also re <elly> dzwdz: this is just my personality I'm afraid :P I am an old person 2022-04-08 18:18:30 dzwdz the old person part 2022-04-08 18:18:32 dzwdz lol no 2022-04-08 18:18:59 dzwdz i talk to plenty of people way older than you 2022-04-08 18:19:05 elly old in the heart, perhaps 2022-04-08 18:19:12 elly or not (https://elly.town/m/prose/youth.txt) 2022-04-08 18:19:22 @vilmibm sometimes i feel 21 and sometimes i feel 60 2022-04-08 18:19:26 dzwdz still, irl and irc is different 2022-04-08 18:19:34 dzwdz despite only differing in one letter 2022-04-08 18:19:39 dzwdz sometimes i feel 6 sometimes i feel 7 2022-04-08 18:19:48 @vilmibm i guess i don't know what it feels like to be 33 2022-04-08 18:20:03 elly I am going to be 33 in less than a month, I will let you know I guess 2022-04-08 18:20:05 @vilmibm since i'm figuring it out LITERALLY RIGHT NOW 2022-04-08 18:20:13 dzwdz 33 isn't even old 2022-04-08 18:20:18 elly honestly my life has been on a steady upward trajectory since about 30 2022-04-08 18:20:22 @vilmibm tell that to the 18 yos in my game design class 2022-04-08 18:20:24 elly I am very pleased with it 2022-04-08 18:20:25 elly vilmibm: haha, yes 2022-04-08 18:20:31 dzwdz look i thought it was old 2022-04-08 18:20:33 @vilmibm yeah i'm enjoying my 30s more than my 20s 2022-04-08 18:20:41 elly my team has two interns coming this summer, and they are, as far as I known, born in 2003/2004 2022-04-08 18:20:47 elly literally born after 9/11 2022-04-08 18:20:48 @vilmibm woooooof 2022-04-08 18:20:48 dzwdz but it didn't even take me till 18 to realize that it isn't 2022-04-08 18:20:50 elly and I'm like: wow 2022-04-08 18:20:51 @vilmibm oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooof 2022-04-08 18:20:52 dzwdz WHAT 2022-04-08 18:20:54 dzwdz WHAT 2022-04-08 18:20:59 dzwdz google interns? born in 2004? 2022-04-08 18:21:01 dzwdz how? 2022-04-08 18:21:02 elly sure 2022-04-08 18:21:06 elly they're college students 2022-04-08 18:21:09 dzwdz i'm still stuck doing absolute fucking bullshit in my school 2022-04-08 18:21:15 dzwdz and they're just interning at google? 2022-04-08 18:21:18 dzwdz wow fuck this 2022-04-08 18:21:20 elly part of a program called "engineering practicum" where we take relatively young college students as interns 2022-04-08 18:21:30 @vilmibm dzwdz: if it makes you feel better i was extremely rejected by google for internships 2022-04-08 18:21:32 @vilmibm and then also for jobs 2022-04-08 18:21:41 dzwdz the "this" wasn't towards the students 2022-04-08 18:21:46 elly vilmibm: I experienced the perspective shift of realizing that something that is a major psychic landmark for me is part of "history" for someone else 2022-04-08 18:21:50 dzwdz it was towards the awful school system here 2022-04-08 18:22:04 dzwdz major psychic landmark? 2022-04-08 18:22:08 elly yeah, 9/11 2022-04-08 18:22:11 dzwdz oh 2022-04-08 18:22:17 elly for a lot of americans around my age it's a defining life event 2022-04-08 18:22:27 @vilmibm elly: yeah it's a weird thing to experience 2022-04-08 18:22:32 elly I talked to my parents about this feeling and my dad said "like the berlin wall going down" 2022-04-08 18:22:36 @vilmibm i was in the makerspace at the uni where i took game design stuff 2022-04-08 18:22:37 elly which I guess is the same boat for him 2022-04-08 18:22:45 @vilmibm and an 18 yo freshman was talking about how "dick cheney doesn't seem that bad" 2022-04-08 18:22:49 elly holy moly 2022-04-08 18:22:50 @vilmibm and was making a fan zine and t-shirt about him 2022-04-08 18:22:54 @vilmibm and i bit my lip SO HARD 2022-04-08 18:22:57 dzwdz the berlin wall doesn't feel nearly the weight of 9/11 2022-04-08 18:23:15 @vilmibm i look younger than my age so i don't think anyone at the table expected that i was full of lived experience about dick cheney 2022-04-08 18:23:27 elly dzwdz: for my parents, it felt like the end of the cold war and a real step back from the idea that they could all basically die in a nuclear war with no warning 2022-04-08 18:23:30 @vilmibm "he just worked really hard during 9/11 you know? i think it's unfair, people only hate him bc he is a republican" 2022-04-08 18:23:37 @vilmibm like child, no, there are more reasons than that 2022-04-08 18:23:44 elly vilmibm: wow, that's a bad take 2022-04-08 18:23:46 @vilmibm yes 2022-04-08 18:23:47 dzwdz should i look him up or is it not worth bothering? 2022-04-08 18:23:50 @vilmibm rotten egg take 2022-04-08 18:23:54 elly I wouldn't bother 2022-04-08 18:24:01 @vilmibm dzwdz: eh depends on how much you care about recent american history 2022-04-08 18:24:04 dzwdz something that schools should teach early on and often: 2022-04-08 18:24:04 elly he was the architect of the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions after 9/11 2022-04-08 18:24:08 dzwdz you don't have to care about everything 2022-04-08 18:24:11 elly and did a bunch of other bad stuff besides 2022-04-08 18:24:17 elly but that's basically all you need to know 2022-04-08 18:24:19 dzwdz live's so much better after realizing that i can just not have an opinion 2022-04-08 18:24:22 dzwdz oh yikes 2022-04-08 18:24:23 @vilmibm tl;dr: corrupt defense industry person with a personal vendetta against Iraq 2022-04-08 18:24:38 elly and yes! not having an opinion is AMAZING 2022-04-08 18:24:41 @vilmibm YES 2022-04-08 18:24:43 @vilmibm it's great 2022-04-08 18:24:51 @vilmibm things happened and it literally doesn't matter if i have a take or not 2022-04-08 18:25:03 elly people are like "what do you think of this thing??" and I just hit them with the "I haven't thought about it or read about it enough to have an informed opinion" 2022-04-08 18:25:06 elly boom 2022-04-08 18:25:09 @vilmibm yes 2022-04-08 18:25:12 dzwdz it probably wasn't as important teaching that to people before the internet? 2022-04-08 18:25:13 @vilmibm it's v healthy 2022-04-08 18:25:15 dzwdz s/?/ 2022-04-08 18:25:15 sedbot <dzwdz> it probably wasn't as important teaching that to people before the internet 2022-04-08 18:25:27 elly dzwdz: I think so, yeah 2022-04-08 18:25:32 dzwdz but now? shiiiit, it's super important 2022-04-08 18:25:39 elly the internet definitely elevated "have an opinion about things and say it!" in importance 2022-04-08 18:25:52 dzwdz also elly: saying that doesn't mean that you won't care about having an opinion later 2022-04-08 18:25:57 elly indeed 2022-04-08 18:26:10 elly I try not to tell people I don't care about things they're trying to discuss with me 2022-04-08 18:26:15 @vilmibm yes, exactly 2022-04-08 18:26:16 dzwdz it's half past 8 and i still haven't done shit! 2022-04-08 18:26:25 dzwdz that's not what i meant 2022-04-08 18:26:28 elly and instead I'm just like "oh I didn't put in the work yet" 2022-04-08 18:26:29 dzwdz i meant that i was able to say that 2022-04-08 18:26:51 dzwdz but i wasn't able not to start trying to form an opinion later 2022-04-08 18:26:54 elly yeah 2022-04-08 18:27:06 @vilmibm sinus infection making me dizzy and typing tragically difficult, gonna go play civ in slow motion under a warm blanket 2022-04-08 18:27:12 elly good luck vil 2022-04-08 18:27:20 dzwdz glhf 2022-04-08 18:27:21 default_ enjoy the civ? 2022-04-08 18:27:23 default_ maybe 2022-04-08 18:27:57 elly heh, me on days when I have code to write at work: <50 lines of posting 2022-04-08 18:28:02 elly me on days when I have paperwork to do: infinite posts 2022-04-08 18:28:10 dzwdz irc is addictive 2022-04-08 18:28:11 @archangelic oh man, all I want to do, is be able to play civ at the lowest difficulty, and somehow teleport 10 hours into the future. 2022-04-08 18:29:00 elly dzwdz: and also allows me to avoid doing this tedious task 2022-04-08 18:29:07 elly or, well, to do it slowly 2022-04-08 18:29:27 dzwdz irc prevents me from fun and fulfilling tasks 2022-04-08 18:29:31 dzwdz by being fun and low effort 2022-04-08 18:29:46 dzwdz i quit games for that reason 2022-04-08 18:29:56 dzwdz irc's tougher 2022-04-08 18:30:42 elly it is 2022-04-08 18:31:36 elly I have code to write later today but the code itself is kinda dull (metrics gathering) 2022-04-08 18:31:45 default_ oh yeah i can't quit irc (metaphorically) 2022-04-08 18:31:55 default_ i've tried to leave town but i keep coming back 2022-04-08 18:32:10 default_ wonder if having town allowed my friendships to crumble into dust 2022-04-08 18:32:25 default_ or if loosing friends made me spend more time here. or both. 2022-04-08 18:32:33 dzwdz i mean, aren't we friends? 2022-04-08 18:32:46 elly ya, you can be friends over IRC 2022-04-08 18:32:54 elly when I was younger ALL my friends were people I knew on IRC 2022-04-08 18:32:56 default_ kind of? but i mean friends i actually see in person. 2022-04-08 18:33:03 default_ which i had, i swear! 2022-04-08 18:33:06 elly especially as a young kid I was basically raised by IRC 2022-04-08 18:33:24 default_ ok that makes me feel less bad 2022-04-08 18:33:37 @archangelic I'm sad I didn't discover IRC until 2008 or so 2022-04-08 18:33:56 --> brendo (brendantcc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-08 18:34:04 default_ (on a nicer note i made a vim colorscheme 2022-04-08 18:34:07 default_ hi brendo! 2022-04-08 18:34:13 elly default_: I literally got on IRC at age 8 and from age 8 until like... 14, virtually all my social contact was over IRC 2022-04-08 18:34:25 dzwdz not irc but mood 2022-04-08 18:34:36 elly how to have weird social skills as a teen 2022-04-08 18:35:13 default_ i just remember racking up a massive phone bill from calling my friends to play skyblock. those were the days 2022-04-08 18:35:19 dzwdz using the internet to socialize was mostly a result of lacking social skills, not the other way around 2022-04-08 18:35:22 dzwdz i'm improving though 2022-04-08 18:35:30 default_ then we found skype. which was a lot better. 2022-04-08 18:35:39 <-- brendo_ (brendantcc@localhost) has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) 2022-04-08 18:35:49 default_ i mean, online social skills are better than no social skills 2022-04-08 18:35:58 elly they are partly different skill sets 2022-04-08 18:36:03 elly but there is a good amount of overlap 2022-04-08 18:36:35 elly IRC taught me how to communicate my ideas and feelings well, how to empathize with people different from me, and how to deal with people being hostile 2022-04-08 18:36:55 elly but not really how to do nonverbal communication or how to navigate groups 2022-04-08 18:38:12 elly or how to speak in front of an audience, I guess 2022-04-08 18:43:59 <-- brendo (brendantcc@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-04-08 18:44:10 --> brendo (brendantcc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-08 18:54:14 <-- brendo (brendantcc@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-04-08 18:54:25 --> brendo (brendantcc@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-08 18:55:08 elly channelling my full Manager Energies at work: "focus less on proving that your way is right and more on aligning with other people's goals" 2022-04-08 18:55:19 elly (feedback I'm giving to one of my folks) 2022-04-08 18:59:47 nihilazo sigbovik in an hour 2022-04-08 18:59:49 nihilazo excited 2022-04-08 18:59:52 elly yay! 2022-04-08 18:59:54 nihilazo altho idk where it's being streamed, if anywhere 2022-04-08 19:00:09 nihilazo last year's was streamed 2022-04-08 19:00:30 nihilazo this year it's being held in person so idk if they're doing a stream as well or what 2022-04-08 19:01:34 elly let's see 2022-04-08 19:01:47 nihilazo can't see a stream link on the site :( 2022-04-08 19:01:57 elly I have just asked some folks who ought to know 2022-04-08 19:02:03 nihilazo o, awesome, thanks 2022-04-08 19:04:13 elly nihilazo: https://twitter.com/sigbovik/status/1512441303375699979 2022-04-08 19:05:03 nihilazo thanks 2022-04-08 19:05:24 extratone The Association for Computational Heresy sounds like My Kind of Org. 2022-04-08 19:06:03 elly :) 2022-04-08 19:06:04 nihilazo sigbovik is super good 2022-04-08 19:06:27 nihilazo even tho I am not enough of a comp sci person to understand half the papers lol 2022-04-08 19:09:05 nihilazo I want to submit some sigbovik philosophy at some point, maybe next year. Because it is a "multidisciplinary conference", it deserves more papers outside comp sci and sigbovik meta work 2022-04-08 19:09:13 nihilazo altho idk if they would be accepted 2022-04-08 19:21:47 default_ :o 2022-04-08 19:21:51 default_ bat just flew past 2022-04-08 19:22:07 default_ made the cute super-high-pitch clicking sounds 2022-04-08 19:25:29 extratone I just discovered dougscripts.com 2022-04-08 19:25:38 extratone for those applescript enthusiasts among you. 2022-04-08 19:25:45 default_ :crickets: 2022-04-08 19:26:11 default_ oh wow that site looks cool though 2022-04-08 19:26:44 default_ i wonder if anyone's made an applescript interpreter for linux 2022-04-08 19:28:58 extratone tbh I doubt it. 2022-04-08 19:55:27 nihilazo applescript is interesting 2022-04-08 19:55:30 nihilazo I like that it exists 2022-04-08 19:55:44 nihilazo every system should have some kind of user-accessible scripting 2022-04-08 19:56:46 nihilazo doesn't the mac also have a visual scripting thing too? 2022-04-08 19:59:34 extratone automator, yes. it's actually incredible, especially compared to siri shortcuts. 2022-04-08 19:59:54 noa1 i like visual scripting 2022-04-08 19:59:56 noa1 when it's good 2022-04-08 20:00:05 extratone fast, intuitive, and very refined. so naturally, it's put on the garbage heap. 2022-04-08 20:01:46 extratone even has a cute icon. https://ttm.sh/bFP.png 2022-04-08 20:01:54 nihilazo o sigbovik is in another hour and a half 2022-04-08 20:02:02 nihilazo I guess I'm going to sleep late today! 2022-04-08 20:02:08 default_ that logo 2022-04-08 20:02:11 default_ is amazing 2022-04-08 20:02:16 nihilazo very nice icon 2022-04-08 20:02:21 default_ they just don't make them like that anymore 2022-04-08 20:02:32 nihilazo I wish apple weren't apple 2022-04-08 20:02:36 extratone ^ 2022-04-08 20:02:39 nihilazo like, I'd probably be running macos if it wasn't for the mac 2022-04-08 20:02:52 nihilazo and hackintoshing is a pain and also getting harder with their move to M1 2022-04-08 20:03:09 default_ if only we were in the alternate universe where apple products are open source 2022-04-08 20:03:25 extratone I feel the same way, basically. I don't think I'll ever spend my own money on a mac. 2022-04-08 20:03:29 default_ (andless wanted: and linux was run by a megacoporation) 2022-04-08 20:03:54 default_ actually ignore me 2022-04-08 20:04:00 default_ that's what makes apple products work 2022-04-08 20:04:03 extratone yeah if apple's platforms were open source, they'd literally only be improved. 2022-04-08 20:04:22 extratone but what do I know. 2022-04-08 20:04:46 default_ mmm i don't know. it's a good thing to have decisions made solidly and with no alternatives 2022-04-08 20:06:29 nihilazo part of what makes apple stuff work is that they have a platform 2022-04-08 20:06:44 nihilazo like, the problem with desktop linux (to me) is that it is a mess of slightly related systems rather than actually one platform 2022-04-08 20:06:47 nihilazo the mac is a platform 2022-04-08 20:06:53 nihilazo sadly it's a very expensive one that's a pain to repair 2022-04-08 20:07:22 nihilazo I want to live in the alternate universe where apple bought be instead of nextstep and followed in the line of making more nerd-friendly stuff 2022-04-08 20:08:40 nihilazo imagine a mac but with all replacable parts like a framework. Would be a really cool machine 2022-04-08 20:08:56 noa1 and theyre slowly going the wrong way 2022-04-08 20:08:59 nihilazo yeah 2022-04-08 20:09:15 default_ i guess what you'd have to do is make a very exclusive memebers-only open source project 2022-04-08 20:09:29 nihilazo all tech is getting worse overall, I think 2022-04-08 20:09:33 default_ ^ 2022-04-08 20:09:50 nihilazo we've reached the point where tech-is-better-when-the-number-goes-up thinking has lead to things actually getting worse 2022-04-08 20:10:26 nihilazo I'm not gonna say "tech peaked in the 90s" but there are certainly things that we used to do a lot better that has all basically disappeared from the mainstream (largely due to the wanting to extract maximal profits) 2022-04-08 20:10:50 extratone as far as I'm concerned, tech peaked in 1986 with the COMPAQ Portable. 2022-04-08 20:13:08 noa1 https://srv.tt-rss.org/oldforum/viewtopic.php@t=2167.html 2022-04-08 20:13:13 noa1 man tt-rss community is toxic 2022-04-08 20:13:51 pawky lol, SO long discussion about unprovability of OSs and stuff, nice chat, dzwdz and elly 2022-04-08 20:14:39 elly dzwdz and I both really like posting, is the thing 2022-04-08 20:15:09 nihilazo noa1: reading that forum thread brings back memories of the worst of responses I've got to feature requests or questions on any open source project 2022-04-08 20:15:38 noa1 nihilazo: honestly that one poster made me uncomfortable using the software 2022-04-08 20:15:38 nihilazo like, I asked koreader about a way to hide the clock (because I don't like having clocks when I'm reading before I sleep as i find looking at clocks in the evening can make my sleep cycle worse) 2022-04-08 20:16:00 nihilazo and the response I got was "should we add one to hide battery level too because you get anxiety seeing the battery level??" or some shit 2022-04-08 20:16:22 nihilazo I still use koreader, because it rules. But still, people can be assholes 2022-04-08 20:18:38 noa1 yeah 2022-04-08 20:19:43 dzwdz what, should we add more sensible features? 2022-04-08 20:20:42 elly that is a pretty unhelpful reply from that developer for sure 2022-04-08 20:20:51 elly deciding what features/config options to add or not add is hard 2022-04-08 20:21:48 nihilazo idk if that was a developer response or just some rando 2022-04-08 20:21:55 nihilazo but it didn't end up getting added either way 2022-04-08 20:22:09 elly oh, I interpreted it as being a developer response 2022-04-08 20:22:11 elly I too have no idea 2022-04-08 20:22:27 elly random people chiming in that they don't think a feature should be added is even worse I think :P 2022-04-08 20:23:59 nihilazo yeah 2022-04-08 20:27:22 elly one of the best parts of open source software is the ability to make local customizations like that even if they don't make any sense to upstream 2022-04-08 20:28:12 nihilazo for sure, altho I don't know enough to spin my own modified koreader 2022-04-08 20:28:23 nihilazo I think it's mostly written in lua though, which would be easyish to edit 2022-04-08 20:29:19 extratone brb overheating... the phone. 2022-04-08 20:29:21 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-08 20:32:29 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-08 20:32:29 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-08 20:32:29 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-08 20:32:29 -- Channel #tildetown: 132 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 129 normals) 2022-04-08 20:32:31 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-08 20:34:20 nihilazo what happened with pale moon? 2022-04-08 20:38:29 pawky drama 2022-04-08 20:45:03 nihilazo o 2022-04-08 20:45:05 nihilazo rip I guess 2022-04-08 20:45:14 nihilazo I used pale moon for a while, seemed decent 2022-04-08 20:45:30 nihilazo but then I moved back to firefox because pale moon had some serious problems and I can't remember what they were 2022-04-08 20:46:16 pawky I only learned because I gave it another try, and the addons were down, and then I found the forum page, nihilazo: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=28044&sid=81d171d91eebaee588a0855b288a026f 2022-04-08 20:46:56 pawky basically one core dev got fed up, and threw a tantrum, and wiped some things, such as the addon site 2022-04-08 20:47:02 nihilazo o shot 2022-04-08 20:47:04 nihilazo s/shot/shit 2022-04-08 20:47:05 sedbot <nihilazo> o shit 2022-04-08 20:47:28 pawky the addons were there, but when I tried it, it was like BARE directory listing 2022-04-08 20:47:46 noa1 yeah, moon child and this other guy whose name i forget basically were much more dfl than bdfl 2022-04-08 20:47:48 pawky it's fixed now though, I think 2022-04-08 20:47:59 pawky Tobin 2022-04-08 20:48:46 pawky well, moonchild is soorta bdfl, TOO benevolent, letting the other person push their bad decisions into the project for too long, despite not really agreeing with it 2022-04-08 20:49:00 elly that sucks 2022-04-08 20:49:32 pawky "This cooperation was never very smooth because Tobin had a history with SeaMonkey and past experiences/traumas from there (and the resistance to change in the SM council) made him very forceful at regular occasions that required a lot of extra effort to curb, which I simply not always had the will or energy to do. The resulting development of Pale 2022-04-08 20:49:34 pawky Moon was as much a compromise to his wishes as it was what I saw Pale Moon becoming. As a result, a number of less favourable decisions were made that were received by users with mixed results." 2022-04-08 20:50:03 pawky which are now slowly being reverted 2022-04-08 20:51:39 elly yea 2022-04-08 20:51:47 elly running an open source project community is *hard* 2022-04-08 20:51:56 pawky I do honestly sorta feel for moonchild though, "In general, Tobin has been at the forefront of user interactions a lot, which I very regularly had to temper but apparently was unable to do properly (one of my apologies here for that) because, honestly, I'm just one person and can't really do everything, especially if part of it is having to direct 2022-04-08 20:51:58 pawky other members of my small team into behaving better.", having to develop a browser AND moderate own team AND probably work a "real job" too (since I really doubt there's enough donations) 2022-04-08 20:52:48 pawky sure it could have been handled better, but I'm actually quite impressed that pale moon still survives to this day, at least somewhat 2022-04-08 20:53:49 elly yeah 2022-04-08 20:54:14 elly maintaining a browser is really difficult even with a pretty big deal 2022-04-08 20:54:17 elly er pretty big team 2022-04-08 20:54:21 elly let alone with just volunteers 2022-04-08 20:54:33 nihilazo I hope netsurf succeeds 2022-04-08 20:54:41 nihilazo I'd be using it if it wasn't for a few sites I need that aren't compatible yet 2022-04-08 20:54:46 nihilazo because they rely on js 2022-04-08 20:54:50 pawky it did start to have strong resource drain or lag at barely like 10-ish tabs, or fewer, with like, 2 or 3 extentions, which compared to post-quantum firefox and chrome is kinda laughable, but it still works alright, other than that 2022-04-08 20:55:13 elly they forked it off old firefox, right? 2022-04-08 20:55:19 elly presumably before a lot of the more recent performance work 2022-04-08 20:55:29 pawky pale moon, yes 2022-04-08 20:55:36 pawky they still support the awesome old extentions 2022-04-08 20:56:09 pawky back in the day when extentions could DO powerful stuff, like an entire IRC client, or mail client, instead of being glorified web pages 2022-04-08 20:56:43 * pawky grumbles at webextentions 2022-04-08 20:56:53 * pawky grumbles at firefox removing rss feed support 2022-04-08 20:57:11 * pawky shakes fist at the death of chatzilla, and firessh, and fireftp 2022-04-08 20:57:23 pawky and probably some other stuff, idk 2022-04-08 20:57:27 noa1 rah i dont like the modern web but i dont think the internet suites were better 2022-04-08 20:57:30 noa1 really 2022-04-08 20:57:39 pawky imho they were 2022-04-08 20:57:53 pawky messy? sure, better as standalone programs? definitely 2022-04-08 20:58:11 pawky but still better than the current lock-in of few features, and bloat 2022-04-08 20:58:59 * pawky wonders if it'd be possible to orchestrate it so that "web apps" and "web documents" could become separate standards, and maybe even separate programs 2022-04-08 20:59:48 pawky also, netsurf's a cool attempt, but there's so much broken 2022-04-08 21:00:09 pawky e.g. https://john-doe.neocities.org/ 2022-04-08 21:00:18 pawky it uses plain css for tabs 2022-04-08 21:00:24 pawky the features it uses are ancient 2022-04-08 21:01:13 pawky even in friggen netscape navigator from 2008, it doesn't work (not sure why, I worked to fix it sometime, but forgot all about it), but it still renders fine 2022-04-08 21:01:34 pawky netsurf jumbles it all up for some reason 2022-04-08 21:01:36 noa1 personally i don't really endorse the use of plain css for that stuff 2022-04-08 21:01:46 noa1 like, on that site that could basically be separate pages 2022-04-08 21:01:59 noa1 or, use javascript. it's there and that's kind of what it's for 2022-04-08 21:02:06 pawky in the given examples, sure, sorta 2022-04-08 21:02:10 pawky @pages 2022-04-08 21:02:18 noa1 overloading css is no better than using javascript 2022-04-08 21:02:23 pawky it's not overloading 2022-04-08 21:02:30 pawky it's not even exploiting anything 2022-04-08 21:02:52 pawky it's just doing "hide anything that's not in focus" 2022-04-08 21:03:20 noa1 yes, i would rather css didn't have that functionality, really 2022-04-08 21:03:20 pawky and without that trick, all the "tabs" are just appended to each other 2022-04-08 21:03:33 pawky which is a nice fallback 2022-04-08 21:03:47 nihilazo or you could use multiple pages 2022-04-08 21:03:55 pawky which take time to load 2022-04-08 21:03:55 nihilazo which is the simple, obvious, compatible solution 2022-04-08 21:04:03 noa1 ^ 2022-04-08 21:04:12 noa1 simple pages barely take any time to load 2022-04-08 21:04:15 nihilazo takes less time to load than a weirdo stylesheet 2022-04-08 21:04:19 nihilazo and also, your homepage loads quicker 2022-04-08 21:04:21 nihilazo only load what you use 2022-04-08 21:04:29 pawky this css tabbing stuff is great for SMALL pages, like if your entire website is only your portfolio, and some links, and "about me" and pretty much it 2022-04-08 21:04:29 nihilazo rather than the whole site in one file 2022-04-08 21:04:31 noa1 today we don't need to worry about speed really for websites that small 2022-04-08 21:04:43 pawky that DOES load quicker actually, nihilazo 2022-04-08 21:04:51 pawky the entire stylesheed is like 5 lines of css 2022-04-08 21:05:01 pawky or 10 2022-04-08 21:05:09 noa1 i literally have the stylesheet open now 2022-04-08 21:05:21 noa1 i know it's not all for your tabbing 2022-04-08 21:05:26 noa1 but it's not ten lines 2022-04-08 21:05:40 noa1 i generally don't agree with much of css though so 2022-04-08 21:06:05 pawky it's like 18lines, when formatted readably 2022-04-08 21:06:09 pawky lol 2022-04-08 21:06:45 noa1 are we both looking at https://john-doe.neocities.org/style.css ? 2022-04-08 21:06:49 pawky (excluding all the rest of the styling, which is up to you, and probably as simple as a background and front color, and maybe font selection) 2022-04-08 21:07:28 pawky yes 2022-04-08 21:08:17 elly ftr, unless your web server supports at least HTTP2, fetching a single big file (a whole page as one document) is always gonna be faster than fetching multiple smaller files, because network latency is the dominant factor in most page loads 2022-04-08 21:08:25 pawky you don't need pretty much any of it, other than the tabs section, the rest is PERSONAL preference, like you don't need the lightbox, and responsive video embeds, and different printing styles, and a slideshow, and image grid, and whatnot nonsense 2022-04-08 21:08:26 elly if it supports HTTP2 and you use server push, it's a wash 2022-04-08 21:08:55 pawky ^ if you're using http2 you'd probably be best off using like, PWAs anyway 2022-04-08 21:09:03 noa1 im entirely excluding page load as an issue anyway 2022-04-08 21:09:08 pawky cache the content, and whatnot 2022-04-08 21:09:13 elly I wouldn't make a PWA for my homepage or anything but you could do that :P 2022-04-08 21:09:16 noa1 this whole thing is personal preference and my distaste for features in css and javascript 2022-04-08 21:09:39 elly but, for modern browsers it is ~always network latency over anything else, unless your page does something really egregious with javascript or huuuuge resources 2022-04-08 21:09:40 noa1 i almost entirely use 2g to connect, and have no issue with most text heavy sites 2022-04-08 21:09:45 default_ ok night town 2022-04-08 21:09:50 noa1 byeoo 2022-04-08 21:09:58 nihilazo bye 2022-04-08 21:10:06 nihilazo even if a solution like using css for tabs is faster, I prefer the solution that is simplest 2022-04-08 21:10:08 pawky why not elly? I don't mean you need a SPA or something, just a simple service worker to cache all the resources, so everything is cached and updated, and available offline too ;) 2022-04-08 21:10:10 nihilazo both technically and conceptually 2022-04-08 21:10:19 nihilazo and just using multiple pages is that 2022-04-08 21:10:28 * pawky has never made a PWA in their life 2022-04-08 21:10:35 nihilazo it works on any browser, with any feature set, it's simple, very easy to make and maintain 2022-04-08 21:10:41 nihilazo less likely to break 2022-04-08 21:11:12 pawky of course 2022-04-08 21:11:19 elly pawky: you can certainly do it, I just wouldn't consider it a good use of your time 2022-04-08 21:11:34 elly the incremental value over letting the browser do the caching for you is pretty small if you have no logic 2022-04-08 21:11:59 nihilazo my personal site is deliberately maximally simple and it works great, the most it has is some css to do rainbow colored links. Which is a simple progressive enhancement, without it everything still works perfectly 2022-04-08 21:12:28 nihilazo not even progressive enhancement, just a random addition 2022-04-08 21:13:12 nihilazo I prefer that over a solution that is using fancy web features and therefore being more of a pain to work with, as somebody who has used a bunch of different SSGs and CMSs and stuff 2022-04-08 21:13:19 noa1 if you're just using a pwa for caching, reckon you should just get better browser caching 2022-04-08 21:14:01 noa1 yeah what elly said i just wasnt paying attention 2022-04-08 21:16:10 elly ship your website as a webbundle :D 2022-04-08 21:16:19 elly go completely full circle and have it as a downloadable local thing 2022-04-08 21:16:55 noa1 yeah my website is a gtk app that you curl and pipe into tcc 2022-04-08 21:17:02 nihilazo basid 2022-04-08 21:17:04 nihilazo s/basid/based/ 2022-04-08 21:17:05 sedbot <nihilazo> based 2022-04-08 21:17:20 extratone based. 2022-04-08 21:17:25 elly that would be so art 2022-04-08 21:17:28 noa1 sounds like one of those google talent scout things 2022-04-08 21:17:42 elly your website's root page is just the source of a C program that you compile and run to view the website 2022-04-08 21:17:45 nihilazo my website is a shell script that opens a gemini client to view my gemini capsule 2022-04-08 21:17:47 nihilazo lol 2022-04-08 21:17:48 elly all terminal menu interface 2022-04-08 21:17:52 elly ANSI colors present 2022-04-08 21:18:03 noa1 it'd have to be obfuscated, if it was mostly text 2022-04-08 21:18:04 elly "Internet Explorer 5 compatible" in the footer 2022-04-08 21:18:15 noa1 strings encoded byte by byte 2022-04-08 21:19:35 noa1 to be honest 2022-04-08 21:19:44 noa1 that's basically the situation when people have their cv.pdf 2022-04-08 21:20:08 noa1 except that browsers have a built in compiler now 2022-04-08 21:20:22 noa1 elly can you get bash built into chromium 2022-04-08 21:20:28 nihilazo we should ditch the web and just serve up postscript files 2022-04-08 21:20:35 elly noa1: I would rather not tbh :P 2022-04-08 21:20:36 nihilazo people should have http postscript viewers 2022-04-08 21:20:42 nihilazo who needs html 2022-04-08 21:20:51 noa1 htpp 2022-04-08 21:20:56 nihilazo yes 2022-04-08 21:20:59 nihilazo no, hptp 2022-04-08 21:21:03 nihilazo hyperpostscript transfer protocol 2022-04-08 21:21:08 noa1 but then no pp 2022-04-08 21:21:15 nihilazo true 2022-04-08 21:21:17 nihilazo that sounds like a sigbovik 2022-04-08 21:21:32 nihilazo maybe just bc I'm waiting for sigbovik rn 2022-04-08 21:21:46 pawky imagine a website 2022-04-08 21:21:48 pawky that's also a pdf 2022-04-08 21:21:50 pawky and ALSO an executable program 2022-04-08 21:21:52 pawky and ALSO a zip file 2022-04-08 21:21:57 elly PoC||GTFO vibes 2022-04-08 21:22:07 pawky pretty sure someone on some sigbovik did pretty much that sort of polyglot file 2022-04-08 21:22:26 pawky like 4 or 5 different files in one 2022-04-08 21:22:31 @natalia sigbovik hypes! 2022-04-08 21:22:49 elly https://pocorgtfo.hacke.rs/ 2022-04-08 21:22:50 nihilazo sigbovik hype! 2022-04-08 21:22:58 elly poc||gtfo's gimmick is that their PDFs are also other filetypes 2022-04-08 21:23:07 noa1 poc||gtfo acronym confuses me every time 2022-04-08 21:23:21 noa1 hows your sigbovik thing going natalia 2022-04-08 21:24:01 @natalia poc||gtfo is great 2022-04-08 21:24:07 @natalia noa1: it got accepted i think 2022-04-08 21:24:15 @natalia i never got a message but 1) they have no standards 2) i just saw they have a public github 2022-04-08 21:24:21 noa1 nice one, congrats !! 2022-04-08 21:24:24 nihilazo pawky: tom7 did a research paper that was also an x86 executable that played never gonna give you up 2022-04-08 21:24:29 nihilazo for sigbovik 2022-04-08 21:24:47 pawky https://github.com/ansemjo/truepolyglot is inspired by that apprently 2022-04-08 21:25:36 pawky lmaohttps://troopers.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/TR11_Wolf_OMG_PDF.pdf 2022-04-08 21:25:43 pawky s/o/& & 2022-04-08 21:25:43 sedbot <pawky> lmao ohttps://troopers.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/TR11_Wolf_OMG_PDF.pdf 2022-04-08 21:25:48 pawky frick 2022-04-08 21:25:59 pawky couldn't even spell the sed properly 2022-04-08 21:27:38 pawky I also stumbled upon https://lab6.com/ at some point, I think via gemini, they have a "PDF/MP3/TXT polyglot" and a "Gemini-PDF polyglot" and stuff 2022-04-08 21:31:19 dzwdz !sotd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiinAVjPyRs 2022-04-08 21:31:20 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Jamal - Peron [Official Music Video] 2022-04-08 21:31:53 extratone https://ttm.sh/tIA 2022-04-08 21:33:45 pawky very eccentric, but not that cool, imho 2022-04-08 21:38:29 noa1 the mouse car? 2022-04-08 21:38:40 noa1 what if i told you it is usb enabled 2022-04-08 21:45:46 extratone Top Ten Largest Peripherals 2022-04-08 21:55:46 extratone how much cash should I expect someone to ask for to teach me how to read API documentation in a practical way. 2022-04-08 22:02:38 pawky depends who, I guess 2022-04-08 22:02:45 <-- noa1 (noa@localhost) has quit (connection closed) 2022-04-08 22:03:06 pawky it's possible they'd drag it out into a 3-part course over 4 months or something ;P 2022-04-08 22:03:22 Apreche extratone: a friendly person might do it for free, up to a point. 2022-04-08 22:04:01 extratone maybe I should just take a course. 2022-04-08 22:04:14 Apreche what kind of API are you looking at? HTTP? 2022-04-08 22:07:05 extratone I think so? https://developers.snap.as/docs/api 2022-04-08 22:07:33 elly https://www.openssh.com/releasenotes.html post-quantum key exchange by default in openssh 9 :D 2022-04-08 22:07:40 extratone I've successfully used this API to get an auth token but I can't figure out how to format more complex requests into a single url. 2022-04-08 22:18:09 pawky the coolest addition to openssh imho, is the ability to sign messages 2022-04-08 22:19:00 pawky ssh-keygen -Y sign [-O option] -f key_file -n namespace file ... 2022-04-08 22:19:02 pawky ssh-keygen -Y verify [-O option] -f allowed_signers_file -I signer_identity -n namespace -s signature_file [-r revocation_file] 2022-04-08 22:19:14 @vilmibm huh 2022-04-08 22:19:16 @vilmibm neat 2022-04-08 22:19:31 elly yeah, it is quite useful 2022-04-08 22:19:43 elly eg, one of the account recovery options on sourcehut is "sign a challenge with an ssh key attached to the account" 2022-04-08 22:20:48 pawky still need something else to encrypt stuff to a person though 2022-04-08 22:21:00 elly ya 2022-04-08 22:21:01 pawky but it's still real nice, especially for multi-user systems 2022-04-08 22:21:04 --> noa1 (noa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-08 22:21:07 elly age is great for that 2022-04-08 22:21:19 magical i really wish someone would add long options to ssh-keygen instead of just the single-character ones 2022-04-08 22:21:24 pawky age can also use ssh keys (though encourages not to) 2022-04-08 22:21:34 elly ya, but it can't do signing afaik 2022-04-08 22:21:46 magical looks like -Y sign and -Y verify are sort of a halfway compromise in that direction 2022-04-08 22:22:10 pawky looks like age is encryption only, yes 2022-04-08 22:22:23 pawky inb4 ssh is the new gpg 2022-04-08 22:23:07 magical they must be running out of letters 2022-04-08 22:36:32 pawky nah 2022-04-08 22:36:41 pawky they'll just use a different program ;P 2022-04-08 22:36:54 pawky ssh -Y != ssh-keygen -Y, etc 2022-04-08 22:37:07 pawky next they'll just use ssh-keyscan or something 2022-04-08 22:37:18 magical :( 2022-04-08 22:39:39 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-08 22:46:27 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-08 22:46:27 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-08 22:46:27 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-08 22:46:27 -- Channel #tildetown: 132 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 129 normals) 2022-04-08 22:46:29 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-08 22:46:34 extratone overheated the phone again. 2022-04-08 22:47:45 magical welcome back 2022-04-08 22:47:56 magical <Apreche> extratone: Yeah, that's an HTTP API. The curle xamples they give on the right are basically complete. Seems like you put the authorization token into a header on every request. 2022-04-08 22:54:31 * pawky wonders how tf does one overheat a phone 2022-04-08 22:54:53 pawky unless it's one of those explody-phones that you didn't send back 2022-04-08 22:55:00 猫 !water kittyshippercavegirl 2022-04-08 22:55:00 * pinhook waters kittyshippercavegirl's singing young daffodil 2022-04-08 22:55:02 猫 !tarot 2022-04-08 22:55:02 rufus[awkbot] The Page of Swords (Reversed) - deception, manipulation, all talk 2022-04-08 22:55:08 猫 thanks tarot 2022-04-08 22:55:17 pawky you're all talk, no water 2022-04-08 22:58:05 @natalia sigbovik proceedings are out! 2022-04-08 22:58:48 extratone ah okay thank you magical. 2022-04-08 22:59:16 extratone pawky, imagine using a cellular phone as your primary work computer. 2022-04-08 22:59:29 extratone !water 2022-04-08 22:59:29 * pinhook waters extratone's seedling 2022-04-08 22:59:36 pawky eh, and so? 2022-04-08 23:00:17 pawky I've not had one capable of hdmi output, but so far no matter what I've done, none of my phones have gotten too hot, be it rendering an audio visualization, or playing 3d games, or whatever 2022-04-08 23:00:57 extratone well, I was downloading large video files (my own youtube videos lol) via a shell emulator on iOS over 5G. 2022-04-08 23:01:34 pawky oh 5g, lol 2022-04-08 23:01:41 pawky I guess good thing I don't have 5g then 2022-04-08 23:03:00 extratone lol yeah. it's absurd. I've overheated my dear phone many times, though, up to the point of it displaying the "you can't do anything until the device cools down" screen. 2022-04-08 23:03:13 pawky lmao 2022-04-08 23:04:01 pawky the only time I've gotten any warning was when I've forgotten my phone screen-up in direct sunlight, and it detecting "hey, hey, plz help, battery hot" and even then it doesn't actually inhibit usage, it just complains about temperature 2022-04-08 23:04:32 extratone https://ttm.sh/iO8.png 2022-04-08 23:05:02 extratone (I wasn't supposed to be able to capture that screenshot, apparently.) 2022-04-08 23:05:17 pawky lol 2022-04-08 23:05:30 pawky break the mold, screenshot forbidden screens! 2022-04-08 23:05:44 pawky how'd you do it if you weren't supposed to? 2022-04-08 23:05:45 extratone hax0r 2022-04-08 23:06:03 pawky also that's kinda stupid apple being apple 2022-04-08 23:06:11 extratone I used the hardware keyboard shortcut instead of the on-device button combos, which I suspect they forgot to inhibit. 2022-04-08 23:06:54 pawky logically it makes sense to limit activity, so less heat is generated and it can cool easier, but like... you could just limit the cpu and gpu speed for a bit... 2022-04-08 23:07:14 pawky and have an overhead notification 2022-04-08 23:07:39 extratone first they limit brightness. 2022-04-08 23:08:15 pawky huh, that's weird 2022-04-08 23:09:02 pawky I'm not aware of screen contributing ANY considerable heat to anything, unless it's a psychological play to try to get you to go to shade 2022-04-08 23:09:45 extratone I wouldn't be surprised. 2022-04-08 23:10:09 extratone I had the documentation on hand a few weeks ago but now I can't find it. 2022-04-08 23:12:08 pawky what sorta documentation? 2022-04-08 23:12:38 pawky apparently it's a thing for "4th generation and later" of iphone/pad/pod touch 2022-04-08 23:12:48 pawky https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201678 2022-04-08 23:14:20 pawky "use between 0º and 35º C (32º to 95º F)" well, the upper end is hot but...it's not even actually hotter than "generic human body temperature" 2022-04-08 23:16:12 extratone I was actually looking for a description of each of the four temperature "states" they're hilariously titled. Nominal and Serious are the first two. 2022-04-08 23:23:37 pawky https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/#/dev308429d42 2022-04-08 23:23:49 pawky found thanks to https://github.com/warpling/Thermometer 2022-04-08 23:24:07 pawky nominal fair serious critical 2022-04-08 23:24:34 extratone thank you! 2022-04-08 23:27:48 pawky kinda related, but for the coldness, ancient, from 2012, but still fun: https://www.itbusiness.ca/news/sub-zero-smartphones-which-devices-can-bear-the-cold-infographic/16913 2022-04-08 23:27:57 pawky there's also one from like pcmagazine or something 2022-04-08 23:29:22 pawky iphone dies real early, and there's so many nokias they're all over the scale 2022-04-08 23:33:58 pawky btw if anyone here has used both android 12, and something earlier, I'm kinda wondering about people's opinions, and whether I should upgrade or not from 11 (same phone, but pushing out the update to 12, gradually, I'm gonna need to re-flash the phone anyway) 2022-04-08 23:34:13 * pawky off, but if you've got opinions, yell into the void 2022-04-08 23:34:30 pawky I'll check back at some point ;] 2022-04-08 23:53:11 extratone here's the image from that article if anyone cares. https://ttm.sh/bF1.jpg 2022-04-08 23:53:18 --> noa_ (noa@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-08 23:53:23 noa_ pew pew pew 2022-04-08 23:53:28 noa1 wow 2022-04-08 23:53:37 noa there's so many of me 2022-04-08 23:53:44 noa1 i am everywhere 2022-04-08 23:56:27 extratone what 2 heck. 2022-04-08 23:57:05 noa1 hehehe 2022-04-09 00:00:15 extratone join me in building a smartphone designed primarily to operate in extreme temperatures above all other considerations 2022-04-09 00:01:04 noa_ but im in britain 2022-04-09 00:01:25 extratone oh I wouldn't participate if there was anything rational about it. 2022-04-09 00:01:39 extratone rational thinking does not sell handsets. 2022-04-09 00:03:09 noa_ handsets sell themselves 2022-04-09 00:05:32 <-- noa1 (noa@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.3) 2022-04-09 00:05:41 extratone how many noas are there 2022-04-09 00:06:45 <-- noa (noa@localhost) has quit (Quit: leaving) 2022-04-09 00:06:50 noa_ less of us now 2022-04-09 00:06:51 -- noa_ is now known as noa 2022-04-09 00:07:01 noa ahahaha 2022-04-09 00:07:02 noa i am the one 2022-04-09 00:08:14 noa basically the situation was that i connected to irc via irssi in a screen on the town 2022-04-09 00:08:32 noa but then i got weechat relay set up, which was alright, but really just a holdover solution 2022-04-09 00:08:54 noa this noa is connected via quassel, which is really great 2022-04-09 00:11:11 extratone I'll have to look that up. 2022-04-09 00:14:27 noa think irccloud or something. it's a client-server architecture for irc 2022-04-09 00:15:04 noa it's also got a localhost client/server bundle, which is lightweight enough that it's the default client on lubuntu 2022-04-09 00:15:48 extratone I know enough to know that's impressive. 2022-04-09 00:16:17 extratone lubuntu was a fav during the year I had only a 10 year old laptop stolen from a hospital as my main computer. 2022-04-09 00:18:48 noa i really like lubuntu 2022-04-09 00:18:56 noa they're kind of moving away from being super duper lightweight now 2022-04-09 00:19:01 noa apparently 2022-04-09 00:19:14 noa it seems all theyve done since announcing that is update their ui 2022-04-09 00:19:35 @natalia http://www.sigbovik.org/2022/proceedings.pdf my paper is out in this 2022-04-09 00:19:43 @natalia idr who wanted me to ping them when it was done. dzwdz maybe? 2022-04-09 00:19:55 noa pretty sure dzwdz did want that 2022-04-09 00:26:38 extratone that's a nice big ole pdf 2022-04-09 01:09:10 extratone brb gotta crash my phone. 2022-04-09 01:09:11 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-09 01:10:51 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-09 01:10:51 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-09 01:10:51 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-09 01:10:51 -- Channel #tildetown: 131 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 128 normals) 2022-04-09 01:10:53 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-09 01:11:38 extratone lol. https://ttm.sh/tIZ 2022-04-09 01:13:47 extratone here's an unpaywalled version. https://tilde.town/~extratone/misc/weird.html 2022-04-09 01:18:48 extratone brb on the real machine. 2022-04-09 01:18:50 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-09 01:23:04 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-09 01:23:04 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-09 01:23:04 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-09 01:23:04 -- Channel #tildetown: 131 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 128 normals) 2022-04-09 01:23:06 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-09 01:38:50 extratone what are the cool new homebrew casks to download. 2022-04-09 01:42:20 extratone is there a way to tell macOS I don't want to download ANY iCloud Drive files locally? 2022-04-09 01:53:45 login No single checkbox, I think 2022-04-09 02:01:07 Apreche On iOS I know how, but I don't have any MacOS devices. 2022-04-09 02:03:53 extratone there's "Remove Downloads" in the context menu but boy I wish I could prevent them in the first place lol 2022-04-09 02:37:13 extratone THIS is what I'm trying to stop. https://ttm.sh/bFm.11.png 2022-04-09 02:39:58 extratone killall bird at least interrupts the process but... 2022-04-09 02:59:10 trashski never figured that one out, in the end i turned off icloud completely because during high sierra it was randomly annihilating my battery life 2022-04-09 03:00:39 trashski annoyingly enough it wiped out my books library when i did that even though all my books are local files so i had to readd those 2022-04-09 03:03:06 extratone I guess I'm expecting too much... sorry to hear that, though. 2022-04-09 03:06:11 @natalia bd 2022-04-09 03:28:06 @natalia oops 2022-04-09 03:43:11 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-09 04:21:06 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-09 04:21:06 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-09 04:21:06 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-09 04:21:06 -- Channel #tildetown: 131 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 128 normals) 2022-04-09 04:21:08 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-09 05:56:28 cymen Good morning, townies! 2022-04-09 05:58:04 extratone good morning cymen! I'll brb. 2022-04-09 05:58:06 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-09 06:00:55 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-09 06:00:55 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-09 06:00:55 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-09 06:00:55 -- Channel #tildetown: 131 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 128 normals) 2022-04-09 06:00:57 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-09 06:03:00 cymen !water 2022-04-09 06:03:00 * pinhook waters cymen's common mature cactus 2022-04-09 06:03:02 cymen !tarot 2022-04-09 06:03:02 rufus[awkbot] The Knight of Pentacles (Reversed) - laziness, obsessiveness, work without reward 2022-04-09 06:03:14 cymen Well, that sounds unpleasant. 2022-04-09 06:03:32 extratone indeed... 2022-04-09 06:03:35 extratone !tarot 2022-04-09 06:03:35 rufus[awkbot] The Two of Cups (Reversed) - imbalance, broken communication, tension 2022-04-09 06:03:50 extratone tarot has been quite cruel recently 2022-04-09 06:05:36 cymen I like to think of it as a warning. :) 2022-04-09 06:06:00 cymen I actually might be pretty fitting for what I have planned for today. x) 2022-04-09 06:08:34 extratone well that's ominous lol 2022-04-09 06:10:57 extratone ... https://ttm.sh/btS.02.png 2022-04-09 06:12:43 cymen hm....are you sure the hardware is still alright on that machine? 2022-04-09 06:12:50 cymen seems lik a lot of weird errors 2022-04-09 06:13:26 cymen It wasn't intended to be that ominous. I just signed up for a beekeeping talk of 3 hours where I might not learn a lot of new things. :) 2022-04-09 06:25:28 extratone respect. the hardware is okay, but old, and well-worn. it's the very oldest machine to support the newest version of macos. 2022-04-09 06:25:52 extratone I was complaining about it earlier - basically I'm in a fight with iCloud Drive trying to prevent it from downloading files locally. 2022-04-09 06:27:38 extratone apparently the only method of doing so is to ... let it download them and then remove them. 2022-04-09 06:28:59 extratone separately... what. https://ttm.sh/tI5 2022-04-09 06:33:10 --> lupo1 (lupo@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-09 06:35:23 <-- lupo1 (lupo@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) 2022-04-09 06:45:31 extratone https://ttm.sh/btA.MP4 2022-04-09 06:48:34 cymen yodeling is awesome 2022-04-09 06:49:52 cymen hm...that's actually not too bad :) 2022-04-09 06:50:52 extratone it's spectacular, for sure. 2022-04-09 07:21:58 pawky extratone: just turn off the iDrive, and when you need it, turn it back on ;) 2022-04-09 07:22:22 extratone I wish. that confuses the living hell out of everything though. 2022-04-09 07:22:30 pawky https://osxdaily.com/2020/05/13/how-disable-icloud-drive-mac/ 2022-04-09 07:22:55 pawky what could it possibly confuse? 2022-04-09 07:23:28 extratone what I'm going for: an *index* of all iCloud Drive files present locally, but not actually downloaded until commanded. (but I'm dreaming.) 2022-04-09 07:23:41 extratone namely, this machine, which I share. 2022-04-09 07:24:17 extratone maybe if I had a one of dem big boy M1 macs. 2022-04-09 07:25:52 pawky it seems that you either turn off the sync, entirely, turn off the Desktop and Documents sync, or suffer the badly designed system ;P 2022-04-09 07:26:36 pawky (hm, apparently other things are also turn-offable not JUST desktop sync) 2022-04-09 07:27:24 pawky https://appletoolbox.com/how-to-stop-icloud-syncing-desktop-folders/#How-To_Stop_iCloud_From_Automatically_Saving_Files 2022-04-09 07:27:26 pawky you can also just litter the whole filesystem with .nosync empty files apparently 2022-04-09 07:28:23 pawky not empty I guess, as would be expected, seems every filename individually 2022-04-09 07:32:19 extratone oh jesus... well I appreciate that because that's one I haven't come across! 2022-04-09 08:02:45 extratone brb 2022-04-09 08:02:47 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-09 08:14:50 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-09 08:14:50 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-09 08:14:50 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-09 08:14:50 -- Channel #tildetown: 131 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 128 normals) 2022-04-09 08:14:52 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-09 08:31:00 cymen this all sounds very painful 2022-04-09 08:31:10 cymen can't you just turn off icloud in general? 2022-04-09 08:31:26 cymen (I am clueless regarding Apple products, even though I now have one.) 2022-04-09 08:38:21 extratone if I didn't use iCloud Drive extensively, yes lol 2022-04-09 08:39:11 cymen And it doesn't have a web interface like gdrive or some other way to get to the data? 2022-04-09 08:39:45 cymen Also, I am confused by your scenario now. You want to use it but also turn it off? :) 2022-04-09 08:39:57 extratone it does, actually! icloud dot com has come a remarkably long way. if I was being rational, it'd make more sense to use that only on the mac given how little I actually use the machine. 2022-04-09 08:40:29 extratone that's the thing! I don't want to turn it off! I want a local index of the remote files. 2022-04-09 08:40:42 cymen For searching? 2022-04-09 08:41:15 extratone for interacting with, generally. from the native file manager. 2022-04-09 08:41:38 cymen So, you want kind of shadow files without the real content? 2022-04-09 08:41:38 extratone in my mind, that's how it should work. but that doesn't actually mean anything hehe. 2022-04-09 08:42:00 extratone yes! like an index! lol 2022-04-09 08:42:37 extratone but it's not going to happen, clearly, which is fine. 2022-04-09 08:43:05 extratone I just wonder if/why anyone would want anything else from the service. 2022-04-09 08:44:43 cymen ? 2022-04-09 08:44:54 cymen Wouldn't you normally just want to sync your files? :D 2022-04-09 08:45:45 extratone not really. there's not much use for iCloud Drive beyond saving local space, really. content *is* shareable but it's very clunky. 2022-04-09 08:46:46 extratone and syncing between devices, yes. 2022-04-09 08:47:14 extratone dare I say it, OneDrive at least obeys when you tell it not down download content locally. 2022-04-09 08:47:30 extratone wow... I don't know what happened in that message lol 2022-04-09 08:48:16 extratone honestly all these considerations could probably be lumped in with my other `using iPhone as main computer` fringe obstacle 2022-04-09 08:48:17 extratone s 2022-04-09 08:49:06 extratone though there are 1TB handsets now which... is bonkers. 2022-04-09 08:53:38 extratone an email to notify me I have received an email. https://ttm.sh/btC.png 2022-04-09 09:18:49 jmjl but why do you need to recive an email when you recive another email? 2022-04-09 09:26:29 noa o/ 2022-04-09 09:26:59 flowercorpse !sotd https://youtu.be/yOQV8z9otxI 2022-04-09 09:26:59 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Japan - Nightporter (Oil On Canvas - Live version) 2022-04-09 09:27:02 flowercorpse hi town 2022-04-09 09:28:24 default_ hi flowercorpse! 2022-04-09 09:28:27 default_ (also hi town) 2022-04-09 09:28:34 flowercorpse hi default! 2022-04-09 09:33:42 agafnd jmjl: i assume because they don't check the relevant account much 2022-04-09 09:33:57 agafnd which is perfectly understandable for protonmail since it doesn't support smtp 2022-04-09 09:36:00 default_ so you get an email on another account when you get an email 2022-04-09 09:36:08 default_ what if you linked two protonmail accounts together? 2022-04-09 09:37:17 noa hahaha 2022-04-09 09:41:36 default_ oh man 500kbps internet. what a time to be alive 2022-04-09 10:09:09 dzwdz > <agafnd> which is perfectly understandable for protonmail since it doesn't support smtp 2022-04-09 10:09:18 dzwdz it does, it's just a paid feature 2022-04-09 10:14:32 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-09 10:15:18 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-09 10:15:18 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-09 10:15:18 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-09 10:15:18 -- Channel #tildetown: 131 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 128 normals) 2022-04-09 10:15:20 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-09 10:26:11 -- irc: disconnected from server 2022-04-09 10:40:50 --> extratone (extratone@localhost) has joined #tildetown 2022-04-09 10:40:50 -- Topic for #tildetown is "hello ^_^ etiquette: https://tilde.town/wiki/etiquette.html | use !admins to send admins a message | join #community to discuss issues concerning the tilde.town community" 2022-04-09 10:40:50 -- Topic set by vilmibm (vilmibm@localhost) on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:12:34 2022-04-09 10:40:50 -- Channel #tildetown: 131 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 128 normals) 2022-04-09 10:40:52 -- Channel created on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:17:22 2022-04-09 10:40:53 extratone well that was odd. 2022-04-09 10:41:07 dzwdz ? 2022-04-09 10:42:47 extratone oh just another iPhone memory maxout I suspect. phone started acting *very* strange but a RAM reset seems to have fixed it. 2022-04-09 10:47:11 noa sounds like this iphone only thing goes great 2022-04-09 10:47:18 dzwdz yeah 2022-04-09 10:48:04 dzwdz !sotd https://sw33tpill.bandcamp.com/track/blood Sweet Pill - Blood 2022-04-09 10:48:04 sotdbot Done! Your song of the day has been updated to Sweet Pill - Blood 2022-04-09 10:48:39 extratone oh absolutely. 2022-04-09 10:49:03 extratone very reasonable decision, ditching a desktop-class pc for a cellular phone. 2022-04-09 10:49:16 dzwdz wait 2022-04-09 10:49:24 dzwdz oh you're using a bt keyboard, right? 2022-04-09 10:50:55 extratone I am. 2022-04-09 10:51:45 extratone https://ttm.sh/bta.jpeg 2022-04-09 10:52:10 extratone (without the gargantuan television.) 2022-04-09 10:52:21 noa i like the label 2022-04-09 10:53:14 noa in case you forget you're at home 2022-04-09 10:53:37 extratone I have tried to explain to my 71 year old mother why exactly it's so hilarious... 2022-04-09 10:54:00 extratone the character spacing... the faux distressed texture... 2022-04-09 10:54:42 extratone you can just spot the "THIS IS MY HAPPY PLACE" pillow too. 2022-04-09 10:55:32 extratone and keen eyes will spot my puppy, just staring at [doughnut] 2022-04-09 11:00:17 extratone https://ttm.sh/btM.png 2022-04-09 11:05:44 dzwdz ughhhh 2022-04-09 11:05:55 dzwdz so i've found a seemingly interesting article about rand() calling malloc() 2022-04-09 11:06:06 dzwdz it's filled with gigantic scrolling images for 0 reason 2022-04-09 11:09:19 extratone hate that. (alo do that, sorry.) 2022-04-09 11:09:41 dzwdz why? is it a SEO thing or something? 2022-04-09 11:10:23 dzwdz like i don't see why anyone would want to have to scroll past a full page image of an owl (???) just to read an article about memory management 2022-04-09 11:11:27 default_ what 2022-04-09 11:11:47 dzwdz https://www.thingsquare.com/blog/articles/rand-may-call-malloc/ 2022-04-09 11:11:52 dzwdz the 3rd article on lobste.rs is this garbage 2022-04-09 11:12:33 dzwdz you have to scroll past 2 fullscreen images and a paragraph of nothing to get to an actual introduction 2022-04-09 11:12:33 default_ i don't see any images (but that's just my internet, will take a minute or two to load in) 2022-04-09 11:14:52 dzwdz basically everything up to the first code snippet is unnecessary 2022-04-09 11:14:55 dzwdz and it's 2/3 of the article 2022-04-09 11:15:24 default_ oh yeah that giant image of some guy's thumb with an ic on 2022-04-09 11:15:27 extratone well, here you go. https://tilde.town/~extratone/misc/rand.html 2022-04-09 11:15:29 default_ that's annoying 2022-04-09 11:15:33 default_ why does it parralax 2022-04-09 11:15:36 dzwdz and the owl for some reason? 2022-04-09 11:15:40 dzwdz taking up an entire fucking page? 2022-04-09 11:15:45 default_ i see no owl 2022-04-09 11:15:51 default_ OH 2022-04-09 11:15:53 dzwdz extratone: now this is much better 2022-04-09 11:15:56 default_ just put it in fullscreen 2022-04-09 11:16:15 dzwdz i have no idea why they put each sentence in a separate paragraph, though 2022-04-09 11:16:52 extratone Because Medium 2022-04-09 11:17:01 extratone ew . 2022-04-09 11:17:34 extratone hilariously, whatcms says it's running on GH Pages. so they must've put real effort into getting that god damned effect working. 2022-04-09 11:18:32 extratone I was 99% certain it was going to say wordpress lol 2022-04-09 11:18:43 dzwdz https://tilde.town/~dzwdz/tmp/rand.html 2022-04-09 11:18:54 dzwdz i got rid of all paragraphs up to the code snippet 2022-04-09 11:18:58 dzwdz lost 0 information 2022-04-09 11:19:01 dzwdz and now it's barely a page 2022-04-09 11:19:23 dzwdz why would you ever prefer that other version over this 2022-04-09 11:19:24 extratone you should email it to them 2022-04-09 11:26:41 dzwdz i have to say though 2022-04-09 11:26:47 dzwdz this makes me feel less bad about my own writing skills 2022-04-09 11:30:59 dzwdz https://tilde.town/~dzwdz/tmp/rand.html 2022-04-09 11:31:03 dzwdz motherfuckingarticle moment 2022-04-09 11:31:03 pinhook dzwdz: new fuck(s) detected: motherfuckingarticle 2022-04-09 11:33:24 dzwdz so seriously, what is the reason for all this garbage 2022-04-09 11:33:26 dzwdz SEO? 2022-04-09 11:45:16 dzwdz a full load takes 4s D: 2022-04-09 12:23:12 flowercorpse I love hearing about Elon Musk every day. It was one of my childhood dreams to hear about Elon Musk every day. 2022-04-09 12:33:20 extratone I suffer with you, flowercorpse. some two dozen tesla chargers were just installed in the local grocery store parking lot. I do not recognize anything about the world.