~ezri's page

$ finger ezri@tilde.town


Name: Ezri Zhu                          Location: NYC
www: https://ezri.pet                   email: me@ezri.pet
fedi: @ezri@sleepless.cafe              matrix: @ezri:envs.net
Network: EzriCloud                      ASN: 206628
nic-hdl(RIPE): EZRI-RIPE                nic-hdl(ARIN): ZHUEZ-ARIN

Steam Status
Status: Offline
Last logoff: 2024-07-16 00:49:28 EDT

Discord Status
Web: idle
Custom Status: Kyaaaaa!
Last Update: 21:43:01 EDT

Workstation Status
Logged in on 2024-07-26 15:54 EDT, attached to window pubnix
Logged in on 2024-07-26 15:54 EDT, attached to window hs
Active command: vim
Current .plan:
W = Working, X = Done, D = Deferred, B = Blocked, C = Cancelled
- [ ] try: merge try/hs into try/main via 2 PRs
    - [@] write proper stdstream tests
    - [D] address the rest
- [W] try: component test
    - [X] modify try/try-timed to add cmd id & name
    - [X] run component tests
    - [@] run some microbenchmarks
    - [ ] analyze results
- [X] try: look into the rename issue
- [ ] peer: EE OPs + HR Followup
- [W] peer: write peering_exporter
    - [X] vis stats
    - [X] as set
    - [X] communities
    - [X] status code
    - [X] does some logic to reduce export size
    - [X] label the prefixes
    - [X] deploy exporter to stag
    - [X] grafana dashboard
    - [X] alignment
    - [X] add second set of v6 routes
    - [X] compare result for as path filtering
    - [@] prefix labeling, (v6, enabled)
    - [@] upstream labeling (from db)
    - [ ] grafana alerts
    - [ ] write back to RIPE (rrc status consistency, location v. city)
- [X] peer: vtrtelaivi v6 investigation
- [X] peer: grnet v6 transit
    - [X] email draft
    - [X] email send
- [@] peer: CAIDA AS Relationships
- [@] peer: CAIDA AS Ranking
- [ ] peer: peeringmon_controller
    - [D]: automatic prefix delegation
    - [B]: get v4 assignment
    - [ ]: init repo & code push
- [X] peer: main machine user pass set
- [W] peer: deploy mon stag to prod
    - [ ] ansible
- [B] peer: overhead tests
    - [W] deploy stag mux
    - [ ] vpn experiments
    - [ ] docker nat experiments
- [B] peer: deploy ix1
- [B] blue: fix mesh staging
- [D] blue: provision dev0thtp
- [D] ezri: k8s migration & writing
- [D] bns: rewrite bns.sh & cdn
- [D] eve: work on it
- [D] ezri: health data ingester
- [D] try-rs: opt dl
- [D] ezri: ide0 move
- [D] ezri: nixos migration & writing
- [D] try: usecases (ai wrapper)
- [D] bns: he2 arista transceivers & install
Last Update: 21:56:01 EDT

EzriCloud Status
EzriCloud: All Systems Operational

Have a nice day~