Romanization ↓
i a ä e o õ u | s f l m n p t x r ŕ ` ´ |
i a æ e ɔ o u | s f l m n p t k h ɾ ʃ* ʒ* | ɛ**
IPA Sound ↑
* - '`' and '´' don't count as a consonant, doesn't go in
syllables and doesn't change the syllable count
** - 'ɛ' is an optional sound to pronounce before a word
staring with CCV
When two of the same consonant are together:
Romanization ↓
[1] ss ff ll mm nn pp tt xx rr ŕŕ
[2] s· f· l· m· n· p· t· x· r· ŕ·
z v l' m' n' b d g ħ ɻ
IPA sound ↑
Romanization [2] preferred over [1], but both can be
used interchangeably on the same text.
/'/ = long sounds (small pause before vowel)
x·al·õnnäte → /gal'on'æte/
In most words you stress the second last syllable
Except in words with 5 (or multiple of 5) syllables,
which you stress the third last.
fli to a na -> fli to A na
a i ka le ni -> a i KA le ni
Verbs and 'syntax words' start with V
Substantives (+ 'Adjectives') start with CV or CCV
Syllables can mean different things depending if being
used in a substantive, adjective or verb
Max recommended basic syllables in a single word = 7