tarot index | ||||
major arcana |
wands |
pentacles |
cups |
swords |
0 ~ the fool |
22 ~ ace of wands |
36 ~ ace of pentacles |
50 ~ ace of cups |
64 ~ ace of swords |
this beta tool uses the same random.org methodology to generate the truly random numbers, automatically matches the number generated to
its tarot card, and displays the generated cards in a list! each one is linked to its info page, although I haven't
filled out the info pages yet - the only ones with any information are The Fool and The Magician as of Nov 2022.
concentrate on your question, take three calming breaths, and click here to draw five cards.
use the random number generators! the default range is 0-77, but if you want to draw reversals, set the minimum to -78. more info on that can be found here.
try biddy tarot! that's what I always used while learning. in the meantime, i'll be making my own pages on the meanings of the cards and how i personally understand them. if you click on one of the numbers in the tarot index table, it may lead to more information! (when i put them in...)
as far as i know, all other tarot services on the internet use pseudorandom number generation in order to draw their cards. this is ineffective from a divination standpoint; the closer to true randomness one can get, the more likely it is that your reading is authentically influenced by the energies that you're trying to connect to. if you press a button or click on some fancy digital card on other tarot websites, pseudorandom number generation means that you or anyone else who clicked that same button at the same time would get the same result. (this is simplified but still) by using random number generators from random.org, you're getting random numbers generated from atmospheric noise, which is much closer to true random. basically i wanted a digital divination system i could actually trust, and this is it!
i love reading for people! if you're a townie just message me via internal mail. if you don't have an account on tilde.town i can't help you at the moment unfortunately, but stay tuned!