This is my corner on the we8site. My place to talk a8out me and 8e myself. Listen, time in here is scarce! There's
so many damn headm8s in here that we 8arely get a chance to get out and front and actually LIVE more than a couple
of times a week, and that's if you're lucky! Her8e hoards all the fronting time and although I recognize th8y serve
a purpose th8y aren't doing anything that we couldn't do!!!!!!!! 8ut to 8e honest fronting is hard. It's easy
to get fatigued when you're out for longer than a half an hour or so. Well I figure that's cause we don't get the
chance to practice fronting enough! So we gotta 8uild the skill like exercising a muscle.
Damn I didn't realize how annoying it would 8e to have to code html without using my typing quirk. Why wouldn't a
<8r> tag work to cre8 a line 8r8k? You know what I mean, 8rowser!!!!!!!!
Anyw8y. To work on fronting strategy and to 8uild the muscle (which we could ALL 8enefit from doing individually,
honestly) I'll 8e using this we8page to put down anything on my mind. I'll also 8e in charge of the CSS o8viously.
I plan on coding a typing 8ox here that repl8ces the text you put in and corrects it to my typing quirk. 8ut I found
out some8ody already did that! >::::( 8ut I tried it out and found it to 8e su8par. It doesn't catch every time
where I would use it for vowel sounds. I went and looked at the code on githu8 and although there's some good stuff
in there it doesn't check against a dictionary for 8 sounds, it's only hardcoded to replace the vowels in words like
f8 and w8. If I'm m8king a text-to-correct 8ox then I'm going to put full effort into it. All I know how to do right
now would 8e to repl8ce the letters in words like "8ig" 8ut you 8etter 8elieve I'm gonna find a way to m8ke the vowels
convert correctly! Not that I would ever use the text8ox myself, I just naturally type the w8y I want to, 8ut if I'm m8king
something Vriska-approved then I gotta actually approve of it.
Anyw8y. Look out for that soon, or the 88a version at least. For now my project is to get the CSS looking the w8y I want it.
(much l8r)
merry christmas 8itches.
kanaya's advice: Learn What An Introject Is If You Need To.
it's MY christmas present to st8y up l8 and do my coding. so this has 8een great.
getting some 8usiness done tonight!!!!!!!!