1  2  3  4 

1  _  _  _  _

2  _  _  _  _

3  _  _  _  _

4  _  _  _  _

1)  period extending from dec. 24 to jan. 6
2)  a collection of things (goods or works of art etc.) for public display
3)  one of a pair of long straps (usually connected to the bit or the headpiece) used to control a horse
4)  on one occasion

1)  roman emperor notorious for his monstrous vice and fantastic luxury (was said to have started a fire that destroyed much of rome in 64) but the roman empire remained prosperous during his rule (37-68)
2)  domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age; ; ; - bible
3)  a long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds
4)  lacking companions or companionship

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