Static Site! including making internet web pages

could there exist a slim jim large enough for a whale to snap into

pikmin can be red
pikmin can be blue

could there exist a slim jim large enough for a whale to snap into

could there exist a slim jim large enough for a whale to snap into


pikmin can be friends with you!

could there exist a slim jim large enough for a whale to snap into

could there exist a slim jim large enough for a whale to snap into

could there exist a slim jim large enough for a whale to snap into

pikmin if there is slim jim whale

could there exist a slim jim large enough for a whale to snap into
pikmin will be w a t c h i n g y o u

we love our/html

three blue pikmin stare at you 8===> NOTDZWDZ WUZ HIER oh yeah lol  *{display:block}

