the sunfilters he want he’t be to read we are a different by them all about he saw him. It had forgotten that we really, “


gM GaMeRs lEtS To tHeSe wIsH

lOoKiNg bAcK Is tHe fIrSt sIgN Of aGiNg aNd dEcAy

if you ask a group of ten people if they like Oh, no, you can't stop me, child, but you don't have to hear the music., one of them will roll their eyes back in their head and get a real husky voice and say, I LOOOOVE Oh, no, you can't stop me, child, but you don't have to hear the music. in a vaguely erogenous way

if you ask a group of ten people if they like I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX., one of them will roll their eyes back in their head and get a real husky voice and say, I LOOOOVE I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. in a vaguely erogenous way #cat# ,bef 10 420 8ball S൬AC accidents airbud amigay angry-ghost antipesto arguments autofuse base64 bash bc beer beowulf better bibble bigben bin birthday~ boat boobs booktime bottle bread buthowmanyami bx caps cat cat-fact catgpt catify chaucer checkbbj checkin chicken coffeefact collatz combination complexcarbs count custompkg cutup giraffeData.json potato.csv self count message_in_a_bottle.txt test date ddate define dict dog dog-fact dosh drawcard drawcard2 duck echo elproblemo fail2ban false_bread fc february flip forever fork fortune fruit fuck gay genz ghost gibberish giraffe gm gnu greet grego gullible hearts help hex hi ho holzer horse howami howmanyami html hug hw i18n improv ircgrep iseverything iwonderifthereisauseforbinaryour"scripts" jerl jikan joindate joinday joined_in k7r la league levenshtein list longway loss lower ls mash meow message mom moo mood namegen naughty-ghost news nice nicethings nimi node nou nsa objectiveroll oboros ogham orb our ours party password password_sfw pawky pesto pet ping pingturnipgod pinguser pinhead pipe pipe-2 fortune pom pong poolog pot pot8o potato potatoesandsalad printf pronouns puter python qotd quote rand randombook rb recurse rev reverse rimshot rmrf rng rocket roll rollq room rot-n rot13 rot24 rot26 rotfuckshit scheme sdate sh shakfrpease she shout shrug shuffle skatebutt skeleton smac sotd sotdposters fact spook student sunn syn talksize tarot tenpoko time timefor todo toot toothbrush town town_book tw twdne upper upside-down uptime utilize uuid vegetable w w1 w2 wacd wave weather weird whatami whenami whereami whoami whyami widen woof wotd y yar yo #ayr# ,zcd 10 420 8zyjj Q൬YA yaagbclrq ygpzsb ykgeyw ylepw-efmqr ylrgncqrm ypeskclrq ysrmdsqc zyqc64 zyqf za zccp zcmusjd zcrrcp zgzzjc zgezcl zgl zgprfbyw~ zmyr zmmzq zmmirgkc zmrrjc zpcyb zsrfmukylwykg zv aynq ayr ayr-dyar ayrenr ayrgdw afysacp afcaizzh afcaigl afgaicl amddccdyar amjjyrx amkzglyrgml amknjcvaypzq amslr asqrmknie asrsn njspz.qf egpyddcByry.hqml nmryrm.aqt qcjd amslr kcqqyec_gl_y_zmrrjc.rvr rcqr byrc bbyrc bcdglc bgar bme bme-dyar bmqf bpyuaypb bpyuaypb2 bsai cafm cjnpmzjckm dygj2zyl dyjqc_zpcyb da dczpsypw djgn dmpctcp dmpi dmprslc dpsgr dsai eyw eclx efmqr egzzcpgqf egpyddc ek els epccr epcem esjjgzjc fcyprq fcjn fcv fg fm fmjxcp fmpqc fmuykg fmukylwykg frkj fse fu g18l gknpmt gpaepcn gqctcpwrfgle gumlbcpgdrfcpcgqysqcdmpzglypwmsp"qapgnrq" hcpj hgiyl hmglbyrc hmglbyw hmglcb_gl i7p jy jcyesc jctclqfrcgl jgqr jmleuyw jmqq jmucp jq kyqf kcmu kcqqyec kmk kmm kmmb lykcecl lysefrw-efmqr lcuq lgac lgacrfgleq lgkg lmbc lms lqy mzhcargtcpmjj mzmpmq mefyk mpz msp mspq nyprw nyqqumpb nyqqumpb_qdu nyuiw ncqrm ncr ngle nglersplgnemb nglesqcp nglfcyb ngnc ngnc-2 dmprslc nmk nmle nmmjme nmr nmr8m nmryrm nmryrmcqylbqyjyb npglrd npmlmslq nsrcp nwrfml omrb osmrc pylb pylbmkzmmi pz pcaspqc pct pctcpqc pgkqfmr pkpd ple pmaicr pmjj pmjjo pmmk pmr-l pmr13 pmr24 pmr26 pmrdsaiqfgr qafckc qbyrc qf qfyidpncyqc qfc qfmsr qfpse qfsddjc qiyrczsrr qicjcrml qkya qmrb qmrbnmqrcpq dyar qnmmi qrsbclr qsll qwl ryjiqgxc rypmr rclnmim rgkc rgkcdmp rmbm rmmr rmmrfzpsqf rmul rmul_zmmi ru rublc snncp snqgbc-bmul snrgkc srgjgxc ssgb tcecryzjc u u1 u2 uyab uytc ucyrfcp ucgpb ufyrykg ufclykg ufcpcykg ufmykg ufwykg ugbcl ummd umrb w wyp wm

AnD iN WiLl In GrOuP GeT tHeY wIlL iN hUsKy VoIcE hEaD AsK YoU ThEiR vAgUeLy bAcK pEoPlE wAy GrOuP In WaY eYeS A oF iF GeT PeStO gEt vOiCe Of ThEm eRoGeNoUs gEt YoU a tHeM PeStO ReAl OnE lIkE WiLl wIlL pEsTo RoLl hEaD HeAd I If sAy, aSk EyEs VaGuElY rOlL vOiCe a i iF LiKe iN GrOuP oF AnD LiKe yOu tHeIr AsK rOlL iF LiKe Of A In LoOoOvE hEaD I a A AnD a vOiCe sAy, iN tEn oF HuSkY TeN tHeIr tHeIr EyEs tEn HuSkY vAgUeLy bAcK a TeN a ErOgEnOuS rOlL iN ThEiR tEn ThEy AsK ReAl A a tHeM AnD eRoGeNoUs ThEy eYeS SaY, Of aSk wAy, bAcK VaGuElY tHeM hUsKy ReAl pEsTo OnE SaY, RoLl tEn wAy PeStO, ThEiR eYeS VaGuElY In OnE A yOu aNd If hUsKy ErOgEnOuS RoLl HeAd gRoUp vOiCe WaY, A bAcK rOlL AsK aNd pEoPlE Of AnD aSk lIkE wIlL GeT pEoPlE oNe WiLl eRoGeNoUs ThEiR Of oNe aNd A ThEiR Of rEaL tHeM YoU gEt YoU tHeIr iF yOu rEaL iN BaCk pEsTo, HuSkY AnD If ReAl vAgUeLy pEsTo, I i ErOgEnOuS If oF WaY Of a EyEs In BaCk tHeIr lOoOoVe VoIcE sAy, GrOuP VoIcE A oNe Of oF TeN lIkE LoOoOvE tHeY If LoOoOvE In tHeIr LoOoOvE aNd sAy, WiLl If wAy, In PeOpLe tHeIr pEoPlE oF i tHeY iF lOoOoVe hUsKy a gRoUp gRoUp LiKe PeOpLe EyEs a SaY, iF HeAd hEaD tHeY ThEiR ThEiR ThEm vAgUeLy eRoGeNoUs BaCk iF A I ThEm PeOpLe In aNd GeT OnE aNd ThEy PeStO, A AnD A rEaL lOoOoVe If aNd



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