back to topabout
i am one of those people who for some reason have an interest in plane crashes. i have watched hours of Air Crash Investigation episodes, and i recently discovered the existence of the BEA-TT, the French equivalent of the NTSB for everything except aviation and marine. Aviation accidents are handled by the BEA and marine accidents by the BEAmer. i subscribed to the BEA-TT's RSS feed and read through every single of their reports.
i recently tried to find RSS feeds for other countries, just so i could have a whole accident reports folder in my news reader. i ran into two types of issues:
- some agencies provide feeds for all of their news, not just the published reports;
- some agencies do not have RSS feeds at all.
but hey, i can still browse webpages to find the reports—what if i parsed those pages?
this is the whole goal of this project; to centralize accident reports into manageable RSS feeds and maybe more formats later on.
you can get all the feeds at once:
back to topofficial feeds
those feeds are provided by the agencies themselves.
Bureau d'Enquêtes sur les Accidents de Transport Terrestre
Rail Accident Investigation Branch
Air Accident Investigation Branch
Marine Accident Investigation Branch
Norway Safety Investigation Authority
Previously known as
Accident Investigation Board Norway. They switched domain names recently; when contacted about broken RSS feeds, they stated their intent to restore the feeds and now do so perfectly, while also reacting quickly to bug reports. This is rare enough to deserve some praise!
Region |
Norway |
Types |
Road, rail, marine, aviation, military |
Frequency |
40 reports/year |
Website | |
Feeds |
English, All |
English, Aviation |
English, Marine |
English, Military |
English, Rail |
English, Road |
Norwegian, All |
Norwegian, Aviation |
Norwegian, Marine |
Norwegian, Military |
Norwegian, Rail |
Norwegian, Road |
Railway Accident Investigation Unit
Aircraft Accident Investigation Unit
Maritime Accident Investigation Branch
Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping Inspection and Investigation Division
Region |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Types |
Marine |
Frequency |
0-4 reports/year |
Website | |
Language |
English |
Feed |
Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza del Volo
Region |
Italia |
Types |
Aviation |
Frequency |
10-20 reports/year |
Website | |
Language |
Italian |
Feed |
back to topcustom feeds
those feeds are built using the tools provided in the git repo.
if you encounter issues, feel free to reach out to me.
National Transport Safety Board
Region |
United States |
Types |
Road, rail, aviation, marine, pipeline |
Frequency |
100 reports/year |
Website | |
Language |
English |
Feed |
Transportation Safety Board
Official feeds exist
in English and
in French, but changes introduced at the end of July 2024 have made those feeds useless when it comes to checking for investigation reports rather than statistics or other unrelated data, so I made my own feeds.
Region |
Canada |
Types |
Rail, aviation, marine, pipeline |
Website | |
Feeds |
English, Aviation |
English, Marine |
English, Pipeline |
English, Rail |
French, Aviation |
French, Marine |
French, Pipeline |
French, Rail |
Australian Transport Safety Bureau
Region |
Australia |
Types |
Rail, aviation, marine |
Frequency |
100 reports/year |
Website | |
Language |
English |
Feed |
Transport Accident Investigation Commission
Region |
New Zealand |
Types |
Rail, aviation, marine |
Frequency |
10-20 reports/year |
Website | |
Language |
English |
Feed |
Bureau d'Enquêtes et Analyses
The BEA used to provide its own official RSS feed, but decided to remove it to make their site "simpler"; I made it a point to make my own feed with as much data as I could get from their site.
Region |
France |
Types |
Aviation |
Frequency |
100 reports/year |
Website | |
Language |
French |
Feed |
Bureau d'Enquêtes et Analyses sur les Risques Industriels
Japan Transport Safety Board
Region |
Japan |
Types |
Rail, aviation, marine |
Frequency |
100+ japanese reports/year, 30-40 english reports/year |
Website | |
Feeds |
English, Aviation |
English, Marine |
English, Rail |
Japanese, Aviation |
Japanese, Marine |
Japanese, Rail |
Accident Investigation Board Denmark
Region |
Denmark |
Types |
Rail, aviation |
Frequency |
10-20 reports/year |
Website | |
Feeds |
Danish, English, Aviation |
Danish, English, Rail |
Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board
Region |
Denmark |
Types |
Marine |
Frequency |
1-5 reports/year |
Website | |
Language |
Danish, English |
Feed |
Bundesstelle für Flugunfalluntersuchnung
Air Accidents Investigation Institute
Region |
Czech Republic |
Types |
Aviation |
Frequency |
10-20 czech reports/year; <1 english report/year |
Website | |
Feeds |
Washington Metrorail Safety Commission
Region |
Washington, United States |
Types |
Rail |
Frequency |
20 reports/year |
Website | |
Language |
English |
Feed |
Swedish Accident Investigation Authority
Region |
Sweden |
Types |
Road, rail, aviation, marine, military |
Frequency |
30 reports/year |
Website | |
License |
CC BY 2.5 Sweden |
Feeds |
English, Air |
English, All |
English, Marine |
English, Military |
English, Other |
English, Rail |
Swedish, Air |
Swedish, All |
Swedish, Marine |
Swedish, Military |
Swedish, Other |
Swedish, Rail |
Transport Safety Investigation Bureau
Taiwan Transportation Safety Board
Region |
Taiwan |
Types |
Road, rail, aviation, marine |
Frequency |
10 reports/year |
Website | |
Feeds |
English, Aviation |
English, Road |
Traditional Chinese, Aviation |
Traditional Chinese, Marine |
Traditional Chinese, Rail |
Traditional Chinese, Road |
SKYbrary is a project from Eurocontrol
that aims to regroup a lot of aviation safety data, including accident reports.
Although it is not an investigation agency by itself, it is included due to it providing
well-written summaries of accident reports in English.
Directorate of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation
Isle of Man Ship Registry
Zanzibar Maritime Authority
Safety Investigation Authority
Rail Accident Investigation Unit
Region |
Ireland |
Types |
Rail |
Frequency |
0-3 reports/year |
Website | |
Language |
English |
Feed |
Organisme d'Enquête sur les Accidents et Incidents Ferroviaires
Air Accident Investigation Authority
Autoridad de Aviación Civil
Aircraft Accident Investigation Board
Air Accident Investigation Unit
Marine Casualty Investigation Board
Air Accidents Investigation Board