title: NSIA – Defense link: https://www.nsia.no/rss?lcid=1033&type=5 description: Investigations and reports language: en errorsto: lucidiot@brainshit.fr title: Report on military incident with soldiers exposed to hypothermia at Råholt bad, Eidsvoll municipality 21 January 2023 link: https://www.nsia.no/Defence/Published-reports/2024-01 description: The incident occurred during an exercise that involved "assault course", including staying in a cold plunge pool. As a result of sitting for too long in the cold plunge pool three conscript soldiers were exposed to varying degrees of hypothermia. The NSIA considers the incident s... last-modified: 2024-05-15T07:30:55Z title: Investigation of a serious aviation incident at Høgelifjell in Notodden link: https://www.nsia.no/Defence/Investigations/24-56 description: On Thursday 4 January 2024 at 19:30 a Bell 412 helicopter came in contact with two trees during landing at Høgelifjell east of Notodden. Both the helicopter's main rotors and tail rotor were damaged. No one was injured in the incident. last-modified: 2024-01-17T09:33:06Z title: Investigation of a serious military incident at Rena military training area, Åmot municipality link: https://www.nsia.no/Defence/Investigations/23-1129 description: On 5 December 2023 a soldier was injured while throwing a hand grenade with spontaneous smoke. The Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority (NSIA) has launched a safety investigation into the incident. last-modified: 2024-01-08T08:18:57Z title: Report on run-off-the-road accident with a military vehicle on E10 at Taraldsvika in Tjeldsund county on 29 March 2022 link: https://www.nsia.no/Defence/Published-reports/2023-03 description: The run-off-the-road accident occurred when a convoy of vehicles was travelling from Andøya to Bogen following the exercise Cold Response 2022. The accident occurred as a consequence of the combination of a light utility vehicle towing a trailer-mounted generator, deceleration, s... last-modified: 2023-03-29T11:28:30Z title: Report on incident with HNoMS Thor Heyerdahl with loss of power supply and propulsion on 6 August 2022 at Haakonsvern link: https://www.nsia.no/Defence/Published-reports/2023-02 description: On 6 August 2022, HNoMS Thor Heyerdahl docked at Haakonsvern's main quay to carry out planned maintenance. A hawser entered the frigate’s bow thruster and triggered a series of events that resulted in the vessel losing both propulsion and power for a while. The report is now re... last-modified: 2023-03-17T07:47:39Z title: Report on engine fire in military vehicle, M113A2, at Setermoen in Bardu municipality on 28 January 2022 link: https://www.nsia.no/Defence/Published-reports/2023-01 description: The fire started in one of the Armed Forces’ M113A2 armoured personnel carriers that was taking part in a skidpan driving exercise. No one was injured in the incident. The investigation has shown that the Armed Forces have recorded at least 22 similar fires in the same type of v... last-modified: 2023-01-05T12:21:23Z title: Report on run-off-the-road accident with a military vehicle on fv. 454 at Drivenesvannet in Agder county link: https://www.nsia.no/Defence/Published-reports/2022-02 description: The run-off-the-road accident happened when the driver lost control of the light utility vehicle as it was entering a left-hand curve on the Fv 454 road. The driver and passenger sustained minor injuries. The investigation has shown that the accident was a result of interaction... last-modified: 2022-11-03T08:09:12Z title: Report on shooting accident at Mågerø military area on 30 November 2021 link: https://www.nsia.no/Defence/Published-reports/2022-01 description: The shooting accident at Mågerø on 30 November 2021 occurred as a result of live ammunition being fired during a two-sided exercise with personnel from several units, also from the Swedish Armed Forces. The exercise was to be carried out with blanks or with an empty weapon. The s... last-modified: 2022-08-15T07:18:43Z title: Report on serious aviation incident involving a C-130J Hercules transport aircraft on 11 March 2020, near Mosken in Værøy municipality, Nordland county link: https://www.nsia.no/Defence/Published-reports/2021-02 description: At 20:26 on 11 March 2020, a C-130J Hercules transport aircraft with eight people on board nearly crashed into the rocky island Mosken in Værøy municipality in Lofoten. A last-minute evasive manoeuvre prevented a collision, and the aircraft cleared the terrain by 144 ft (44 metre... last-modified: 2021-04-19T07:58:55Z title: Report on road traffic accident with military vehicle on county road 6408 Uthaugsveien by Ørland Main Air Station 4 February 2020 link: https://www.nsia.no/Defence/Published-reports/2021-01 description: A military armored vehicle of the type Iveco LMV was on patrol on an icy public road near Ørland Air Base on 4 February 2020. As a result of sudden braking from a speed of approx. 35–40 km/h, the 7 tonne car lost its road grip and spun around. The car ended up in the ditch, where... last-modified: 2021-03-26T09:01:28Z